#cyprus passport
If anyone tells you Cyprus is a democratic republic, please laugh in their face.
It's a fucking Junta-esque oligarchy.
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travelturkeyandmore · 7 months
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siliconpalms · 9 months
Top 2024 Investment Programs: Experts Recommend the Best Second Passports for Offshore Investment
In today’s globalized world, the concept of investing offshore and obtaining a second passport has become increasingly popular among savvy investors. As we step into 2024, certain investment programs have risen to the top, highly recommended by experts for those seeking to diversify their portfolios while gaining the flexibility and benefits of a second citizenship. Here are the top investment…
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zorlus · 1 year
Things To Keep In Mind When Traveling
The following article provides you with many helpful hints and tips to have an enjoyable trip, whether you’re taking the kids to Disneyland, going on a cruise with your partner, or sealing up a business deal with your colleagues. And it doesn’t matter if you’re driving, flying or cruising, these tips will help get you there more enjoyably than ever. Be sure to have a good, clear, color photo of…
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Not for the tired, poor and huddled masses
This, just in, in my inbox:
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'This launch will be available for the UK, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands , Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, Singapore and Japan only.'
I am not sure if I understood well... spare the US, that will have its own dedicated launch (and it is normal), we're not to buy her gin? Our money is no good?
Listen up, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, the Eastern Bloc, listen up India, South Korea, Brazil and Hong Kong and basically all the other laissés pour compte:
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Perhaps I am wrong, albeit I think I am not, hence the 'selected countries' disclaimer.
I am suddenly not interested at all to taste it. My support for The Arts is apparently not welcome. My passport does not make me good enough for her ambrosia.
What a shame, really. And what poor choice of words for a 'worldwide launch' that stops at the richest. Now, I know it is complicated to ensure delivery all around the world - I am not an idiot. However, the sugary commercial parlance would have dealt more delicately with this 'limited release' situation. She chose to be almost rude? I shall happily stick to my Tanqueray. Exceptional. Eternal. Readily available. Worldwide.
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iinsertblognamee · 1 year
hello new york
summary ― sam gets signed to play for the western new york flash team
pairing ― sam kerr x reader
warning/s ― fluff, mentions of injury
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Not even two days after arriving back home from Cyprus did your world completely flip. 
Sam had been offered a sport in the Western New York Flash team playing in the National’s Women Soccer League. It was a big deal and you knew she had to take it - even if it meant leaving the country for the first time without you. 
Logically you both knew you would be able to come over and visit, as well as play in the Asian World Cup in a few months. But this was different to last time, this wasn’t just on the other side of the country, it was the other side of the world. 
Bags were packed within the week and after the win against Brazil in Brisbane when it was time to fly home, you went one way and Sam went another. 
You never got used to Sam not being around, but you got the hang of long-distance fast enough. You both had block-out times every day where you would both be contactable. You had all her games in the calendar, ready to watch them regardless of the time over here. 
It felt a lot longer than a month before you saw each other again. It was hard seeing each other for the first time and not being able to hide away, training for the Women’s World Cup taking over. Thankfully you were given the nights in your shared hotel to make up for lost time. 
The games were rough, your ankle playing up in the second game causing you to sub off halfway through the game. You watched on the sideline as your team won 3 - 1 to Jordan. Turns out your ankle was now placed as a stress fracture, being benched for the rest of the World Cup. It sucked, sitting there watching the girls go out and play but you knew (from last time) not to push yourself and let it heal properly. 
After many talks with your physio, you were given the all-clear for air travel, deciding to use your break to head back over to New York with Sam. Tickets were booked (although you had to change Sam’s booking so that you two could be together on the flight over, which she didn’t know about) the excitement of your plan helped you through the annoyance of not being able to play. 
The World Cup ended as fast as it came, the team saying their goodbyes as they all started making their way to wherever they were heading. It had taken Sam three seconds to realise what exactly she was looking at when you handed her the tickets and passports. Her arms wrapped around you as she spun you around. 
“You’re coming with me? To New York?” you nodded your head in response, laughter leaving both your lips and she brought you in for a kiss. 
“God, I love you so so much”. 
After a meeting with your physio, Sam asked every question under the sun to ensure it was okay for you to come and all the information she would need over there, you were off. You held Sam’s hand through lift off, taking her mind off the flight by telling her stories she had missed while being away. 
The flight was hard on your body, the pressure of the plane as well as not being able to move around and use it caused your ankle to swell up. Sam massaged it as best as she could, asking for ice to create an ice pack for you and when you cried, she brought your head into her neck, rubbing your back trying to soothe you in any way possible. 
You managed to pass out during the 7th and 8th hour on the flight, your armrest between you and Sam up, so you could lay on her without either of you being stabbed. Sam continued to watch your face, looking for any sign of discomfort as she played with your hair. The lady who was sitting in the aisle seat kept looking over at the pair of you, Sam waited for the comments to start, she didn’t care what this lady had to say. Her girlfriend was in pain. 
“You two make a lovely couple” 
Sam almost missed it the way she whispered it, being mindful of you asleep in her lap. Sam looked up at the lady to see a small smile on her face. 
“Thank you” 
She throws her hand in the air to say no need to thank me before adding “You two remind me of me and my husband, back when we were young” 
Sam smiles in response, looking back down to you, pushing the hair that had fallen off your forehead. A few seconds pass, Sam thinking the lady was uninterested anymore, as she looked back up. 
“Is she the one?” a small glint in the lady’s eye causing Sam to let out a small laugh, nodding her head. 
“Yeah, she’s the one”.
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
A recent study (sorry, some stuff I can only find in Hebrew, this is one of those articles) shows 83% of Israeli kids are experiencing psychological distress since Oct 7. Among the kids of the south, (the area which was hit the worst, and where even communities that were not massacred by Hamas, were evacuated following this massive invasion), the percentage is even higher, 93%. An important note is that the study sampled both Jewish and Arab kids based on the size of these populations (Arabs make up 21% of Israeli citizens).
The IDF published aerial footage of Hamas stealing humanitarian aid from regular Gazans, and beating them up. If there's a blog that claims to be sharing pro-Palestinian info, but doesn't share this kind of news, they're not really pro-Palestinian, they're just exploiting Palestinians as an excuse to be anti-Israel.
The leader of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, is believed to have escaped from the northern Gaza City to the south, to Khan Younis, in a medical convoy. Just take in the cynical use of medical and humanitarian protections, to do anything which would prolong the fighting, no matter how many Palestinian lives it would cost. I'm trying hard to remember any other (real) liberation movement that was directly responsible for the deaths of so many of the people it seeked to liberate...
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Five Israeli soldiers were pronounced dead yesterday, four were killed in Gaza, while one was badly wounded on Oct 7, and after over two months in hospital, passed away. The number of Israeli soldiers killed in the fighting in Gaza so far is 97. Up until number, the bloodiest battle Israel has had to wage in Gaza since withdrawing from it, was operation Protective Edge in 2014, with 70 Israeli soldiers killed.
The Palestinian Authority's Prime Minister said, when discussing plans for Gaza after the end of the war, that Hamas is an integral part of the Palestinian mosaic, and that dismantling Hamas is unacceptable to the Palestinian Authority.
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Yesterday, an American base in Iraq was attacked by Hezbollah forces. You absolutely should ask yourself why the terrorist organization calling itself the "defender of Lebanon" has units in Iraq, and how is attacking American forces there helping Lebanon. Just a side note, Iran funds Hezbollah.
Also yesterday, the Yemenite terrorist group known as the Houthis announced that instead of going after Israeli ships only, they will target any ship that is headed for Israel through one of the most important naval routes in the world, and which is Israel's only connection to the far east. Essentially, it means they're placing Israel under a naval blockade. I'm looking forward to people condemning Yemen for occupying Israel. Just a side note, Iran funds the Houthis.
Today, it was published that in Cyprus, two Iranian political refugees, who entered the country with a fake passport, were arrested for collecting intel to carry out a terrorist attack against Israelis there. Just a side note, these refugees were in touch with Iran's political militarized force, IRGC. Stop me when you notice a theme here...
On the first even of Hanukkah, 138 hanukkiot were lit at the Kotel (the Western wall), one for each hostage. Since then, two of the hostages have been confirmed as murdered.
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Following the Congress hearing where three presidents of prestigious universities couldn't explicitly say that a call for the genocide of the Jewish people constitutes bullying and harassment, UPenn's president resigned. That's good, but I wanna point out that, as their answers were obviously coordinated, down to repeating the exact same terms, there is no difference between UPenn's president and the ones of Harvard and MIT. They all need to go home. And the universities still have the burden of proof that this will be more than a cosmetic change in leadership.
I watched a TV interview with two married Israeli Harvard professors, who recounted how they went out and celebrated when Claudine Gay was elected as their university's president, and now they've chosen to leave Harvard and the US, to return to Israel, because the campus has become an environment that's just too toxic. I think if the amount of Jews who are moving to Israel, while the country is in a state of war, isn't a wake up call for the west, then nothing will be.
On the left is 25 years old Gal Eizenkott, the son of Israel's former Chief of Staff, and current minister, who is a part of the war cabinet, Gadi Eizenkott. I wrote about Gal in previous daily updates. Something I can add is that his father happened to be in an IDF command center, when they got the news of the incident in which Gal was killed. It took several minutes for the info to arrive at the command center, that one of those soldiers injured mortally was Gadi's son.
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On the right is 19 years old Maor Cohen Eizenkott. Maor is Gal's cousin, and was a soccer player. He was killed a day after Gal, when an explosive device planted in a Gaza mosque blew up. Maor was buried today. May his memory be a blessing.
This is 53 years old Eitan Levi.
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He was a taxi driver, who on Oct 7 took a lady to one of the kibbutzim on the border of Gaza. On his way back, he called his sister, telling her about the rocket barrages into Israel, and that he was scared. She stayed with him on the line as he was driving back from the south of Israel, but then he was stopped, his sister heard Arabic, shouts of "Allahu Akbar" and shots. Later, his phone was detected in Gaza, and he was considered kidnapped. Then Hamas released a video of its terrorists abusing a body. It was beyond recognition, but based on some accessories, the army finally determined it was Eitan, that he had been murdered on Oct 7, and it was his body that was kidnapped to Gaza. His sister watched the vid, but as the body is unrecognizable, she said in an interview, "He's the only family I have in this world. We don't even have a body to sit Shiva for. Until such time, I'm going to keep hoping he's alive, kidnapped and just injured."
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Two seperate men are having issues with getting passports for the babies they purchased? Nothing sounds suspicious about that.
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How Facebook's Real Names policy helps Cambodia's thin-skinned dictator terrorize dissenters
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A common refrain from Facebook apologists and anti-anonymity activists is that its “Real Names Policy” promoted “civility” by making users “accountable” for their words. In this conception, snuffing out anonymous speech is key to protecting “the vulnerable” from trolls and other bad actors.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
But while some trolls hide behind anonymity, others are only too happy to sign their vitriol. Donald Trump didn’t need an anonymous account. Tucker Carlson is right there in the chyron. Nick Fuentes isn’t hiding behind a pseudonym — he’s proud to be associated with Holocaust denial.
Despite the moral panic about “cancel culture,” the powerful can say outrageous and disgusting things without any meaningful consequence. But when it comes to speaking truth to power, anonymity protects the vulnerable from retaliation.
Nowhere will you find a better case-study of this phenomenon than in Cambodia, a basket-case, one-party dictatorship that has been ruled over by the corrupt, authoritarian dictator Hun Sen, a former general, since 1985.
Hun Sen’s corruption and authoritarianism chafed at the Cambodian people, but his repressive statecraft allowed him to keep a tight grip on the reins of power. But all that nearly came to a halt in 2013, when an opposition movement, organized on Facebook, came within a whisker of defeating him during what should have been a sham election.
Other dictators would have used that moment to block Facebook, but not Hun Sen. After squeaking out a narrow victory, he decided to take control of Facebook in Cambodia and co-opt it as a tool of oppression. To do this, Hun Sen would weaponize the Real Names policy.
Because he was dictator, Hun Sen already knew the real names of every person in Cambodia, which meant that he could tell when a Cambodian poster used a pseudonym. Armed with this knowledge, Hun Sen forced Facebook to order Cambodians to post under their real names (which made them liable to arrest and torture) or fall silent.
Hun Sen then spent public funds to hire a bleating army of astroturf supporters from Filipino clickfarms who would “like” his posts and shout down Cambodians — especially exiled Cambodians speaking from abroad — who dared to criticize him:
All of this created cover for the “Khmer Riche”: politically connected insiders and Hun Sen’s relatives, who looted the country, hired Pricewaterhousecooper to help them offshore their money through Cypriot banks, and procured glden passports from Cyprus to let them trip through the EU on luxury spending-sprees:
Earlier this month, Hun Sen took an “official visit” to the Maldives, which was commemorated by an official Facebook post that included a gallery of Hun Sen relaxing in a seaside luxury resort:
As Mech Dara1 wrote for Vod, the post racked up thousands of “fawning comments,” along with a single, brave remark from “Ver To” (a pseudonymous account): “Yes, our beaches are the most beautiful, but our leaders are the dirtiest in the world, aren’t they?”
Within hours, Hun Sen had vowed to use Facebook to hunt down and punish the person behind “Ver To,” writing “This is a wicked man’s words. Please, police, find it immediately. Where is it?”
In an expanded version of Daral’s article on Global Voices, we see Hun Sen’s Interior Ministry swing into action to punish this mild act of dissent, with ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak saying:
> This is not freedom of expression — this is insulting the leader of the country. … Even for me, we cannot accept this.
> People who live abroad can say anything, but in Cambodia they cannot.
> Even though the prison is crowded, there is enough space to hold these people.
Hun Sen knows that Facebook will help him hunt down this dissenter and jail them in one of his “crowded prisoners,” because Facebook’s Real Names policy dictates that this will happen.
The Real Names policy might as well be called “The Zuckerberg Doctrine.” It originates with Mark Zuckerberg’s oft-stated belief that people who present a different facet of their personality to different people are “two-faced.” This is an abysmal, idiotic belief, one that requires that we related to our bosses the same way we relate to our lovers, and also to our grandparents. But on the plus side, outlawing anonymity and pseudonymity makes it a lot easier to assemble nonconsensual surveillance dossiers on our activities, social graph and beliefs, and then sell access to those dossiers to advertisers:
Lots of companies have tried for their own Real Names policy. Famously, it was a feature of Google Plus, Alphabet’s failed Facebook competitor. More recently, Twitter’s new owner has made moves to link Twitter accounts to identities by hiding posts that aren’t from “Twitter Blue” accounts, and then insisting that these accounts must be verified with a phone number.
The powerful can abuse the powerless and get away with it, in large part because the powerless can’t speak back without risking retaliation. Sexual abuse was a feature of many industries and large companies for decades, but it too anonymity to create the #MeToo movement. There, anonymity is a force for accountability — not a way to avoid it.
Image: Hun Sen/Facebook (modified) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=765259764955813&set=pcb.765259798289143&type=3&theater
Fair use: https://www.eff.org/issues/intellectual-property
[Image ID: Cambodian dictator Hun Sen's Facebook photo of himself swimming in the blue Maldives sea. Superimposed over him in white sans-serif lettering on red rectangular backgrounds is a quote from a Cambodian Facebook user: 'Yes, our beaches are the most beautiful, but our leaders are the dirtiest in the world, aren’t they?']
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clueingforbeggs · 5 months
Rylan, about Cyprus's entrant: She forgot her passport. Her mum had to bring it to the Copenhagen border.
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sevenoctober7 · 1 month
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(A message I received on WhatsApp, and I have no way of verifying its truth or falsity, and I will quote it here in text): “I am Captain Eliyahu Nadav, an officer in the Israeli army. I fled from Israel on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, and requested political asylum in one of the Arab countries. Which has no relations with Israel, and I will explain the reason for my escape. My name is / Eliyahu Yitzhak Naddaf, born in the city of Haifa in 1986. I have a Moroccan Jewish father named Yitzhak Naddaf, who worked as a university teacher at the University of Haifa, Geography Branch, and my mother’s name is Rachel Lieberman, a Jew of Hungarian origins who works as a head nurse in B'nai Tyson Hospital in Haifa. I have one sister named Amy. She is married to an Australian and lives with him in Australia. She joined the Military College in 2004 and graduated in 2006 with the rank of second lieutenant, unmarried, after the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023. I used to work as an officer in the military equipment stores and he was The attack carried out by Hamas constituted an unprecedented thunderbolt in all of Israel’s wars since the 1946 war, the war of liberation, and as we studied it in the military academy, the 1956 war, the 1967 war, the 1973 war, the Lebanon war, 1982, and the Hezbollah war in 2006, but the attack carried out by Hamas was Something beyond all intelligence calculations. And the security and army, yes, and with all sincerity and honesty, the October 7, 2023 operation was beyond all calculations, and the political, security and army leaders did not recover from the horror of the operation until three days later, and we were informed that the decision had been made to completely wipe out Gaza without any mercy or considerations, and it was opened to Israel. All weapons and equipment depots in America, Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Poland, and all American bases were established in Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Morocco, the Emirates, and the British bases in Cyprus, Gibraltar, and Kuwait are at Israel’s disposal. Every three hours, a plane loaded with weapons and equipment arrives from America, and two planes arrive every day from France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and Finland, and they arrive every three days. A ship arrived from America, and every week a ship arrived from France, Germany, Britain, Sweden, and Belgium. It was endowed with unprecedented support globally, even in World War II, for any country. We used military equipment of missiles, bombs, and missiles, according to the records of the warehouses in which I worked. It contains more than 139,000 tons of military equipment, including 19,000 tons of bombs that weigh 995 kilograms of high explosives. This is a fact, and the instructions of the political leadership of the army were: Do not leave anything in Gaza, neither people nor stones. And here my strength collapsed, and in a month. In June, I decided to flee from Israel, but how, as I am an army officer and do not have a passport. On June 14, I informed a number of equipment officers that we would go to Morocco, specifically to the city of Tangier, to supervise the shipment of American and French equipment located in the equipment center. The Americans were in the city of Tangier to be shipped to Israel. In fact, we were provided with Moroccan passports. We were nine officers under the command of Colonel Yossi Harvey. We arrived in Morocco on an American cargo plane to an air base near Casablanca at night. We were transported by Moroccan intelligence to a villa on the sea. We spent the night there, and the next morning we were transported on a private Moroccan plane to the Tangier base.
The base was run by American and Moroccan officers, and here I decided to escape, and I actually claimed that I was sick and went to the hospital, and from there I fled with my Moroccan passport to an Arab country and was detained. I had a travel ticket in the name of Al-Maghrabi and arrived in the Arab country. Immediately after my arrival, I asked to meet a security official and was placed in a room at the airport. Half an hour later, the security official arrived and I told him who I was and showed him my military card. He understood and asked me to wait and went. After three hours, I was taken to a private building, and after an interrogation that lasted more than five hours, I was granted political asylum and given a special card with an Arabic name from the security apparatus that investigated me. Here I say what we did in Gaza, what Hitler did not do in the Jewish Holocausts. We are criminals. He killed him. This is a fact. "
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amin13864 · 1 month
I am Captain Eliyahu Nadav, an officer in the Israeli army. I fled Israel on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, and requested political asylum in an Arab country that has no relations with Israel. After the attack carried out by Hamas on October 7, 2023, I was working as an officer in the military equipment warehouses. The attack carried out by Hamas was an unprecedented thunderbolt in all of Israel's wars since the 1946 war, the War of Liberation, as we studied in the military college. But the attack carried out by Hamas was something outside all intelligence calculations. And the security and the army, yes, and in all honesty and integrity, the October 7, 2023 operation was beyond all calculations, and the political, security and military leaders did not recover from the horror of the operation until three days later, and we were informed that the decision was made to wipe out Gaza completely without any mercy or considerations.
And all the weapons and equipment warehouses were opened to Israel in America, Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Poland.
And all the American bases in Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco and the Emirates, and the British bases in Cyprus, Gibraltar and Kuwait were placed at Israel’s disposal.
And every three hours, a plane loaded with weapons and equipment arrived from America, and two planes arrived every day from France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Finland.
And every three days, a ship arrived from America, and every week, a ship arrived from France, Germany, Britain, Sweden and Belgium.
It was an unprecedented global support, even in World War II, for any country.
We used Military equipment of missiles, bombs and shells according to the records of the warehouses where I worked exceeded 139 thousand tons of military equipment, including 19 thousand tons of bombs weighing 995 kilograms of highly explosives. This is a fact. The instructions of the political leadership of the army were not to leave anything in Gaza, neither people nor stones. Here my strength collapsed and in June I decided to flee Israel, but how, as I am an officer in the army and do not have a passport? On June 14, I was informed with a number of equipment officers that we would go to Morocco, specifically to the city of Tangier, to supervise the shipment of American and French equipment located in the American equipment center in the city of Tangier to ship it to Israel. We were actually provided with Moroccan passports and we were nine officers under the command of Colonel Yossi Harvey. We arrived in Morocco on board an American cargo plane to an air base near Casablanca at night and were transported by Moroccan intelligence to a villa on the sea and spent the night there. The next morning we were transported. On a private Moroccan plane to Tangier base. The base was run by American and Moroccan officers. Here I decided to escape and I actually did. I claimed that I was sick and went to the hospital. From there I escaped with my Moroccan passport to an Arab country and booked a ticket in the name of the Moroccan. I arrived in the Arab country and immediately upon my arrival asked to meet a security official. I was put in a room at the airport. Half an hour later, the security official arrived and I told him who I was and showed him my military card. He understood and asked me to wait and left. After three hours, I was taken to a private building. After an investigation that lasted more than five hours, I was granted political asylum. I was given a special card with an Arab name from the security apparatus that investigated me. Here I say, what we did in Gaza is what Hitler did not do in the Holocaust. We are criminals who killed him. This is the truth.
انا النقيب الياهو نداف الضابط في الجيش الاسرائيلي
هربت من اسرائيل يوم الاربعاء المصادف 10 تموز 2024 وطلبت اللجوء السياسي في احدى الدول العربية و التي لا علاقات لها مع إسرائيل
بعد الهجوم الذي نفذته حركة حماس في 7 اكتوبر 2023 انا كنت اعمل ضابط في مخازن العتاد الحربي
وكان الهجوم الذي قامت به حماس شكل صاعقة لا سابق لها في كافة حروب اسرائيل منذ حرب عام 1946 حرب التحرير وكما درسناها في الكلية العسكرية
لكن عملية الهجوم الذي نفذته حماس كان شيء خارج كل الحسابات الاستخباراتية. و الامنية و الجيش نعم و بكل صدق وامانة عملية 7 اكتوبر 2023 كانت خارج جميع الحسابات و لم يفق من هول العملية القادة السياسيون و الامنيون و الجيش الا بعد ثلاثة ايام وابلغنا ان القرار اتخذ على مسح غزة بالكامل دون اي رحمة او اعتبارات
و فتحت امام اسرائيل كافة مستودعات السلاح و العتاد في كل من امريكا و بريطانيا المانيا و فرنسا و بلجيكا و هولاندا و السويد او البرتغال و ايطاليا و فيلندا و بلغاريا و رومانيا و المجر و بولندا
و وضعت كافة القواعد الامريكية في كل من قطر و البحرين و الكويت و الاردن و المغرب و الامارات و القواعد البريطانية في قبرص و جبل طارق و الكويت تحت تصرف اسرائيل
وكانت كل ثلاث ساعات تصل طائرة محمل بالسلاح و العتاد من امريكا و طائرتين كل يوم تصل من فرنسا و بريطانيا و المانيا و ايطاليا و السويد و فيلندا
و تصل كل ثلاثة ايام باخرة من امريكا و كل اسبوع تصل باخرة من كل من فرنسا و المانيا و بريطانيا و السويد و بلجيكا
كانت هبت من الدعم غير المسبوق عالميا حتى في الحرب العالمية الثانية لاي دولة
لقد استخدمنا عتاد حربي من صواريخ و قنابل و قذائف حسب سجلات المستودعات التي كنت اعمل بها تجاوزة 139 الف طن من العتاد الحربي وكان من بينها 19 الف طن من قنابل التي تزن الواحدة 995
كيلو غرام من المتفجرات الشديدة الانفجار هذه حقيقة و كانت تعليمات القيادة السياسية للجيش لا تبقوا على شيء في غزة لا بشر ولا حجر
وهنا انهارت قواي و في شهر حزيران قررت ان اهرب من اسرائيل لكن كيف و انا ضابط في الجيش و لا جواز سفر عندي و في يوم 14 حزيران بلغت مع عدد من ضباط التجهيز اننا سوف نذهب الى المغرب
و بالتحديد الى مدينة طنجة للاشراف على شحن العتاد الامريكي و الفرنسي الموجود في مركز العتاد الامريكي في مدينة طنجة لشحنها الى اسرائيل و فعلا تم تزويدنا بجوازات سفر
مغربية و كنا تسعة ضباط تحت امرة العقيد يوسي هارفي و وصلنا الى المغرب على متن طائرة شحن امريكية الى قاعدة جوية قرب الدار البيضاء
ليلا و نقلنا من قبل المخابرات المغربية الى فيلا على البحر و بتنا ليلتنا هنالك و في صباح اليوم التالي نقلنا على متن طائرة مغربية خاصة الى قاعدة طنجا وكانت القاعدة تدار من قبل ضباط امريكان و مغاربة
وهنا قررت ان اهرب و فعلا وادعيت اني مريض و ذهبت الى المستشفى و من هنالك هربت بجواز سفري المغربي الى بلد عربي وحجزت تذكرت سفر باسم المغربي
و وصلت الى البلد العربي و طلبت فور وصولى ان التقي بمسؤول امني و وضعت في غرفة في المطار و بيعد نصف ساعة وصل المسؤول الامني و اخبرته من اكون و اطلعته على بطاقتي العسكرية الخاصه
بي و تفهم و طلب مني الانتظار و ذهب و بعد ثلاث ساعات تم اخذي الى مبني خاص و بعد تحقيق استمر اكثر من خمسة ساعات منحت حق اللجوء السياسي
واعطيت بطاقة خاصة باسم عربي من الجهاز الامني الذي حقق معي
وهنا اقول ما فعلناه في غزة ما لم يفعله هتلر في محارق اليهود نحن مجرمون قتله هذه حقيقة
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radykalny-feminizm · 2 months
No one has been rlly paying attention to Azeri-Turk violence Artsakh Armenians have recently faced this September. Like thousands had to flee in exodus bc the enemy troops r v violently indoctrinated to hate Armenians, even if they r civilians. An example that is haunting is that an Azeri youtuber killed an older (?) Armenian civilian n he was celebrated for it. Armenians with an Armenian Passport r not even allowed in Azerbaijan without "special embassy clearance". I remember a few yrs back, the Azeri government even hired Syrian mercenaries to kill Armenians. Turkey has been doing similar things in Cyprus, although I suppose you could argue it's more "islamization of the culture" agenda than full out slaughter of the population.
The tragic experiences of Armenians throughout history are something that still receives too little attention, and I really wonder why. Perhaps the political climate of recent decades has made it less trendy to really care about the terrible fate of fair-skinned Christians than that of dark-skinned muslims. Just look at the disproportion between the number of random, ordinary people who support Palestine versus the number of people speaking about Armenians. It's probably another controversial opinion for which I’ll receive criticism, but I don’t care.
I remember working with an Azerbaijani muslim man who openly called for the killing of Armenians and shared Grey Wolves slogans on his social media. At the same time, he claimed that the Armenian genocide was fake news 🤡 It was disgusting. No one reacted accordingly when I reported his behavior to our employer, and it was a large international corporation that put a lot of emphasis on diversity and tolerance.
I'll leave the conclusions to you all.
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zorlus · 1 year
Get Helpful Tips About North Cyprus Travel That Are Simple To Understand
Kyrenia Travel can be stressful rather than relaxing. Vacations can become a hassle if you do not do your homework. Use the tips here to have the best North Cyprus Travel experience. Always keep important information on hand when you Kyrenia Travel abroad. Keep copies of your North Cyprus Travel documents with you, and make sure that you always have all the contact info for the US embassy that is…
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abyrondeans · 1 year
Kidnapping Threat and How It Was Handled
I contacted the High Commission in Nicosia about a crystal clear kidnapping threat, and was told they don't deal with that. I did skim the document they referred me to about kidnapping, and I'm almost 100% certain a threat of kidnapping isn't in it, just the use of or threat of force at the time of the kidnapping itself. That would mean there's a specific threat, like a gun in the person's face, as opposed to a more vague threat of force (or being drugged, which they say is typical in Cyprus) and in the future. The crystal clarity that someone is trying to kidnap you isn't on the list, so they send an email saying what they do cover, which includes being hospitalised or imprisoned and so on.
I didn't go through the document using my slow mind for two hours, and then do a traditional bow, sharpen my traditional Asian knife, and then do martial arts in really precise way up to Asian standards, so I might be wrong. Maybe broad threats of kidnapping are in there, but I think not. I think it's clear, and it connects to Taylor's album Folklore: there's a Taylor's version and a folk version of things, and then there's an official version, is essentially what's going on. And the two don't have much to do with each other, in my humble opinion. So maybe I am a folk legend; it doesn't seem like it would take much to be one, while officially being nobody, and having my Twitter account disappear, for example, if people start reading it, which I document did happen in my archive on byrondeans.com.
My response was
"Dear [named redacted].,
I understand: it’s a joke.  Kidnapping threats aren't on the list, just actual kidnapping with the immediate threat of force at the time of the kidnapping, no matter how crystal clear the future threat of kidnapping.  I’m laughing.  I’m glad the government has a sense of humour.
Yours sincerely,
Byron Deans"
In my archive, I also mention my British passport I was anticipating would be reliable for getting me out of a war zone, which is something that's happening right now.
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catdotjpeg · 3 months
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Lebanese product designer Tara Tabet does not want to see her country pulled into a full-scale war with Israel, but like many of her compatriots is bracing for possible conflict after new threats by armed group Hezbollah against both Israel and Cyprus. Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah surprised many on Wednesday when he said Cyprus - the EU member state closest to Lebanon - could be drawn into the group's conflict with Israel, raging in parallel with the Gaza war. Cyprus has denied taking sides in any war. The warning by Nasrallah, who also threatened Israel with widespread precision strikes, left many Lebanese resigned to preparing for a possible escalation. "Of course we don't want to go into a war with them - but if that's in solidarity with the people in Gaza, then so be it," Tabet, 32, told Reuters in Beirut on Thursday. Asked if the threat to Cyprus had worried her, Tabet said it could derail her plans for a civil marriage. In Lebanon, personal status laws are governed by the courts of each religion - pushing many couples from different religious backgrounds to travel 40 minutes by plane to Cyprus to be married in court. She said it was "stressful" to live with so much uncertainty, but that she had been trying to carry on "as if there's nothing - all of Beirut is like that".
Sami Masri, a 38-year-old businessman from the south who runs a coffeeshop in Beirut, said Israeli strikes had kept him from taking his family to the rolling hills of southern Lebanon for weekends, as they usually did in summer.
"You're not happy because, you don't know, at any point - we have our passports ready, we have a suitcase ready, we have some food stocks ready," he told Reuters. Already, some 90,000 Lebanese have fled their homes in the south. Some left Lebanon, others are staying with relatives and the most vulnerable are in collective shelters, including in the port city of Sidon. Bana Baalbaki, a Sidon resident who spoke to Reuters in the city's market quarter, put on a brave face. "No, I am not afraid because we are not better than the people of Gaza, nor the people of the south who were displaced," she told Reuters. But others - like shopkeeper Qassem Qarram - were more worried. "Of course everyone is afraid, and those who tell you they are not afraid will be lying to themselves," he said.
-- "Weary Lebanese brace for war after new Hezbollah threats" by Emilie Madi, Aziz Taher, Hassan Hankir, and Maya Gebeily for Reuters, 20 Jun 2024 12:42pm EDT
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