#cyrus trailer park boys
unhingedthirst · 6 months
“It’s my thigh or nothing, I’m not helping you get off.” For Cyrus × Fem!Reader
I was promised a kidney for this but honestly the fact that you love and support my work will always be more than enough!
Edit- I wrote this right when it was requested but intended to finish it at some point- I didn’t so have this first part of an unfinished fic :3
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Living in Sunnyvale and having a situationship with Cyrus came with its own set of difficulties. You didn’t know exactly what you guys were but you know that living next to his sworn enemy was the catalyst for a lot of rough angry sex. Not that you were complaining. Julian, bubbles and Ricky pestered you often about your involvement with Cyrus. You were all sitting around in Julian’s trailer smoking dope laughing about something dumb Ricky said. You all sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments and than Ricky turned to you “why are you dating that fucking dick Cyrus anyway?” It seemingly came out of nowhere but you looked around your friends and they just waited for your response with eager eyes. You sighed “one we aren’t dating..we just hang out.” You say sheepishly and Julian scoffs at you “I can’t believe you bang that creep” you roll your eyes at the man; their disgust used to bother you a lot more but now it was just par for the course. “You guys are just mad that you aren’t banging me” you say confidently and the men collectively groan. You didn’t even know if that statement was true but by how jealous they all acted it be seemed like the logical answer. Bubbles finally spoke after awhile of just listening “you’re a pretty lady and all” he sqawks out and you smile softly with pride “but we care about you. He’s not a good guy!” Bubbles explains and you pat his knee lovingly. A deep blush forms on his cheeks and than Julian speaks again “he can’t even protect you he’s a fucking pussy” Ricky nods. You huff a frustrated breathe and than quickly duck and cover when Ricky pulls out his gun and starts waving it around “he can’t even shoot anything! He’s a dumb idiot coward! He can’t protect you from shit!” Ricky yelled and you got up to leave as Julian and bubbles start scolding him. You yell a goodbye and leave the rest of your dope as a sign of good faith. What they didn’t understand is how sweet Cyrus is with you; fingers in your hair and lips pressed to your neck. Every time you saw him he’d pull you into his lap and say “tell me about your day baby.” It felt so intimate. There was definitely feelings involved on both sides but you weren’t about to be the dumb girl that tries to tie a guy like Cyrus down. He was also so amazing in bed; when you guys were alone and he starts touching you, you lose all brain function. you found your way once again in Cyrus’s car; you’d called him the second you left Julian’s trailer. He was quick to pick you up; eager to get laid probably. As he pulls in front of your trailer the boys are sitting around the shit mobile now drinking. You close your eyes and take a deep breathe bracing for the annoyance you are about to endure. Cyrus makes eye contact with Ricky as he goes in and kisses you hello. Before you could commend Ricky for keeping his cool Cyrus yells out “Fuck off Ricky. I’ve got work to do” and points to you. You shove him with your elbow as you bury your face in your hands. Ricky loses it throwing a beer bottle and screaming at your non boyfriend’s red corvette as he speeds out. Cyrus has always been a tough nut to crack, if felt like he was constantly on a losing streak but with you it felt like he was winning. It started out as just fucking someone hot that he was pretty sure Julian and Ricky were interested in but now it turned into another person accepting him as he was even if it meant you being okay with him keeping you at arms length. You hadn’t discovered how much of a loser he was yet and he was eager to keep it that way.
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5u9ar · 1 year
Continuation of a fic that really inspired me.
Cyrus winced, his altercation with Julian cut short by a sudden searing pain tearin into his biced. Cyrus immediately was thrown him into shock. He knew this feeling all too well, being shot, it's not something you can forget.
He staggered back to the corvette, still playing music triumphantly. Cyrus dropped into the driver's seat, nearly collapsing under his own weight, despite not being that large of a man. Pain was radiating out in burning waves from the bleeding hole in his arm, being intensified by his poor attempts at driving.
The pain was unbearable, having to stop driving just to vomit, his mind was swirling. Panic, pain, shame were just some of the emotions spanning through his mind, he couldn't control the downward spiral.
Cyrus knew he was in a bad way, he knew if untreated, infection in a wound that deep would likely be life threatening. Despite being a reckless asshole, he didn't want to die, not now not fifty years later. The thought of his own mortality as too much, the main fear in his life was death. And now, it was potentially just around the corner.
'Oh, god... I need help. Fuck me.'
He couldn't think straight, and with his fear of death swelling in the back of his pain filled mind, Cyrus just wanted something, someone to distract him and fix things. He knew he couldn't do this alone.
Time skip
By some divine power, Cyrus made it to the ER. After a barrage of uncomfortable procedures, tests came the questions.
"What happened to you? How were you shot? Were you alone? Is anyone else injured?"
He made up the excuse of an accidental shooting during target practice, blaming himself for the occupation. Taking the blame for another man took a major bite out of his ego but God, he wasn't doing more time.
He sat alone in a cold sterile room only the sound of the machines he was hooked up to to keep him company. The medication he was on took most of the pain and kept him feeling like he was on clouds, his mind floating from thought to thought unable to stay in one place at once.
Except one thought.
'Damn, it's so fucking quiet. I can't stand it, I'm sick of sittin' alone in this bed...'
In his mind he thought about his friends, or the closest people he could consider friends. Thinking about Dennis, Sam and Terry one name stood alone.
Cyrus and Abigail had grown close since first meeting, her sultry voice always ringing through his head like he had tinnitus. It wasn't like him to admit anything emotional, bur he needed her now.
He eventually asked the nurse to make a call on his behalf. A fair bit of time had passed and after a begrudgingly long wait came a knock on the door.
"It's uh, it's open."
Cyrus sat up wincing slightly while calling out, the strain causing a burning pain to reoccur.
"Cyrus man, hey. God, are you alright? You look like hell."
Abigail cautiously opened the door not certain of what his condition was. Relief washed over her realizing he was alive and relatively healthy. Still, her worry wasn't completely subsided seeing his bandaged arm and shoulder. As selfish as it was, seeing his messy hair and bare toned chest was a treat to her.
"Damn, I know I look like shit, Abby. I feel like it too but it's uh, god to see ya. Can't get sick of seeing you Heh, you're a sight for sore eyes."
Abigail chuckled at his flirtatious remark. The two of them had a bit of a close relationship, not officially together or hooking up, but it's easy to think they are. Even in a hospital bed he still would hit on her and who could blame him. Abigail was a real beauty, gorgeous green eyes and a flirtatious coy smile, her large chest and hips always drove him mad. Though he's never explicitly said it, he's had the thought of asking her to be his babe.
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dailycyrustpb · 8 months
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Uhh from season 8 and I think it's the last episodehhh
Feb, 3rd - 2024
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tpb-i-love-mr-lahey · 2 years
istg some people have a cyrus complex
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gravecats · 1 year
Fuck it. Trailer Park Boys as tweets/text posts part one of ???
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ande-bam · 2 years
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An old Trailer Park Boys study i never finished
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scarecrussy · 1 year
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dungeon-vault · 2 months
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optimal-breakfast-49 · 3 months
Saw this and thought you might like it lol. Your boy is looking HOT 😁
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Ooof yes jp in gracie's choice 🥵🥵🥵
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ivebeendaydreaming · 2 years
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rum053rum · 2 years
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doodle / heart and thumbs up meme
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5u9ar · 1 year
Why do I feel like cyrus wears extremely good cologne? Like this man smells so good, honestly, it might be the only good thing about him(I'm joking, his dick is pretty nice too)
I bet his colonge is something smokey with leather notes and spice, and naturally a slight gasoline scent from being in the corvette all the time.
Personally I think he'd smell so hot
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dailycyrustpb · 8 months
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Cyrus doing some golfing and also, holding a check. Can't remember exactly where this photo is from but I believe it's from bernard robichauds Facebook !
Feb, 1rst - 2024
[Missed days: 5 days. 5/5]
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kenneier · 9 months
“Commander gave me that when I was in the UNSC Marine Corps. Seen a lot of action. .50 Magnum, safety always off. Told me he was proud of me once. Fucking prick.”
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soupy-sez · 1 year
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Trailer Park Boys, S05E10
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