#d todd christofferson
"too diverse"????
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You can add strength to your chain.
D. Todd Christofferson
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Sunday Afternoon Session
Conducting: Quentin L Cook
Come Rejoice
D Todd Christofferson
A limiting trait is not being valiant in your testimony
Wholehearted devotion is what we should strive for
To make it to and stay in the Celestial Kingdom we must have a firm testimony of Jesus Christ and act on that testimony
Being Valiant in your testimony of Christ
Includes nurturing and strengthening that testimony
Heading His messengers
Encouraging others by word and example
We will not let anything keep us from being together forever
Do the things Jesus shall teach and command you
Taylor G Godoy
God hears our prayers and answers them in a personalized way
Mosiah 5:12
This life by its nature brings about experiences
Call Him, don’t fall
Just because you aren’t answered immediately doesn’t mean your call wasn’t answered at all
Confidence in the Lord’s answers requires accepting that they are not always what would expect in our minds for them to be.
The Lord is the first option for help
Call Don’t Fall (pray)
After prayer do all you can to obtain the answers you pray for
Humbly accept His answers
Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling
Gary E Stevenson
Where is the foundation of your bridge?
The two towers are love the Lord thy God and love your neighbor as thyself – these are the towers that the bridge of the gospel is supported by
Loving the Lord leads to eternal Happiness
Bridges our heavenly upward gaze to our heavenly outward gaze
Love of the Lord is not complete if we do not love our neighbors
Loving your neighbors includes Christlike deeps of love and service
How are you building your tower of love?
“did God call on you specifically, or were you simply the one who listened?”
These towers need to function together in balance, equal devotion, and harmony
God loves everyone and so should we; we seek out those in need and serve them regardless of race, wealth, gender identity, sexual orientation, or anything else
God commanded us to love one another. Leave judgement up to Him
How do we build our own bridge of faith and devotion?
Early drafts become polished blueprints
Mathias Held
Consequences are a part of agency
Repentance is where growth happens
Seek to learn and accept support from the Lord
In the darkness of night we can turn on our lights
We can still choose how to respond to things out of our control
We are agents not objects.
Opposites don’t exist apart from each other, they can complement each other.
Where there is sunshine, shadows must be there too. Floods brings destruction but they bring life as well
Our difficulties do not define us – it is our attitudes and choices that define us much better than our situations
How Firm a Foundation
Niel L Anderson
It is breathtaking to see the works of God
Discipline your faith, what does that mean to you?
Eleazer Cearcy – sealing story – this is why listen to promptings
Angels have charge over us
Through the power of the Holy Ghost we are filled with strength and peace and joy and unspeakable hope.
Many different ways to see the face of Christ and no better place than in His holy house
Mark L Pace
Transform our homes into sanctuaries of faith
The scriptures are here to help us draw closer to Him
How can you avoid personal apostasy?
We are responsible for our own personal spiritual growth
The most important copy of the book of Mormon is the one you read
Heavenly Father wants you to know yourself – but you must put in the effort
Russell M Nelson
Called to apostles 40 years ago!
Six temples when he was born
Ponder what the Lord’s promise means for you personally
The priesthood was restored prior to the church – to ensure that the church could be organized with the correct authority
The priesthood keys are the only way we get the essential ordinances and covenants, the only way we can have blessings the way we do – we can extend all the blessings promised to/by Abraham to all God’s children
D&C 110
The gathering of Israel is evidence God loves all of His children everywhere
The gospel of Abraham is further evidence that God loves all of His children everywhere
The sealing power is supreme evidence that God loves all of His children everywhere and wants them to return to Him
Study Kirtland temple dedicatory prayer in D&C 109
Regular temple worship will enhance how you see yourself
The temple empowers us to take on the challenges of life
You do not have to face life alone
What courage does it give you to know that angels really will help you?
No combination of wickedness will prevail over those who worship in the house of the Lord
Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than attending the temple as regularly as you can, nothing will protect you more, nothing will bolster your testimony of Christ and His atonement, or recognize the significance of His plan, nothing will soothe your spirit more, nothing will open the blessings of Heavens more
15 temples:
Uturoa, French Polynesia
Chihuahua, Mexico
Florianopolis, Brazil
Rosario, Argentina
Edinburgh, Scotland
Brisbane, Australia South Area
Victoria, British Colombia
Yuma, Arizona
Houston, Texas South Area
Des Moines, Iowa
Cincinnati, Ohio
Honolulu Hawaii
West Jordan Utah
Lehi Utah
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Now Let Us Rejoice
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
Hey, I don't want to be a bother, but I'm not sure who else to speak to about this.
I haven't got my patriarchal blessing, and I want one. But I'm queer and pro masturbation as, being aroace, I can't exactly get past god's marriage paywall for that sort of thing (not to mention the idea that only other people, specifically men, are allowed to touch my body is super ick to me)
There are a lot of things I struggle to keep up with in the church because it leaves me feeling bad about myself, such as prayer, scriptures, and listening to the lessons.
But does that mean I'll never be "worthy" to get my blessing?
I don't want to lie, because even if I feel I'm in the right, it would still leave me feeling vile.
I'm also worried that the blessing will tell me I'm to get married and have children or something, or go on a mission.
It's something that's bothered me for years, as well the fact that I may never be allowed in the temple again. Would appreciate some insight from a fellow queer Mormon.
Masturbation and being queer do not disqualify a person from getting a patriarchal blessing.
When you are ready, contact the ward clerk to setup an appointment with your bishop. Your bishop will ask a few questions, as I recall they're basically the same as the questions for a temple recommend.
From what you wrote, I suppose there's 2 questions that you're worried about. One would be if you're striving to keep the Law of Chastity. If you read the Church's website on chastity or the For the Strength of Youth, masturbation is entirely absent. You can answer that you live the law of chastity even if you masturbate (if masturbation disqualified people from the temple or callings, we wouldn't have many people who would qualify)
The other question you may be worried about asks if you support or promote any teachings, practices, or doctrine contrary to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Elder D. Todd Christofferson gave this response when asked if a person can support gay marriage and still be worthy of a temple recommend: "We have individual members in the church with a variety of different opinions, beliefs and positions on these issues and other issues…In our view, it doesn't really become a problem unless someone is out attacking the church and its leaders — if that's a deliberate and persistent effort and trying to get others to follow them, trying to draw others away, trying to pull people, if you will, out of the church or away from its teachings and doctrines."
In other words, as long as you aren't attacking the church, you're okay with supporting gay marriage and having other beliefs that differ from the LDS Church.
In addition to declaring your tribe, most patriarchal blessings include these things: Serving a Mission, Education, Marriage, Children, the First Resurrection. It's easy to see that most people in the LDS Church live a life that follows a path similar to this.
I've spoken with a patriarch who says he gets an impression and then has to turn that into words. For example, he gets the impression you'll find someone and get married, he may say this as "one day a young man will take you to the temple where you'll be sealed for eternity." It doesn't necessarily mean the patriarch specifically saw that you will marry a man in the temple, but he's using words that would describe what commonly happens in the church for people who get married. I've heard that some patriarchs intentionally try not to use gendered words, will simply say something like "you'll have the opportunity to marry in the temple," or something similar.
Another thing to keep in mind is a patriarchal blessing isn't a list of things that will happen, it's more like here's a list of possibilities, here's the potential ahead for you. There's many single people who have a blessing that says they'd get married, and just because it didn't happen for them doesn't mean they were unworthy or there's anything wrong with them.
When someone has met with the bishop and then made an appointment to get a patriarchal blessing, when they show up there's usually a chance to chat with the patriarch. If you're feeling brave (I wasn't brave enough to do this), you could mention that you're a little concerned because you're queer and worried what might be said about marriage and children, that you don't think that fits with how you understand how God created you.
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demoisverysexy · 8 months
D. Todd Christofferson
Hhh. This one I wasnt a fan of. While not as outwardly dismissive as Godoy's talk, this one had some issues I would like to talk about.
To begin, I appreciate that he attempts to generalize the sealing power beyond temple marriage and family sealing. I think this is something that we should focus on more. Problem is, he almost immediately undercuts this by focusing on family sealing, marriage, etc. He specifically calls family sealings the "ultimate blessing if the gospel," and while in a sense I agree, I feel that this framing leaves out huge swathes of people: those who live in families with abuse, those who have experienced divorce, those who cannot find a loving partner to have a family with, those for whom a nuclear family would be a curse rather than a blessing, and those who would be best in family structures the church disapproves of.
He even recognizes this in the talk! Repeatedly, Christofferson applies asterisks to the idea that nuclear families and heteronormative families are the center of the gospel, attempting to console those who cannot fit in this mold. But it wont do. This privileging of nuclear families hurts more than it helps, and turns a doctrine that has the potential to provide great comfort and joy to families and relationships of all shapes, sizes, and configurations, into a blunt instrument. In a sense, we have taken the words of Christ and used them as a weapon rather than as a healing balm.
Lets look at this in a different way. We can keep the idea of the sealing power, binding together families. But lets expand it. Joseph smith has gone on the record as stating that "the same sociality that exists here will be had in the world to come." I think we are better off reading the sealing power as the power to connect the whole of the human family together. Limiting exaltation to merely the nuclear family, I think, misses the scale and grandeur of God's plan for us. God does not want to save individual families. Indeed, there is no such thing. He wants to save the entire human family. After all, As Christofferson himself put it, "no-one can be exalted alone."
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miss-nerd-alert · 8 months
“God’s pattern for families begins again with you.”
— D. Todd Christofferson
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stillebesat · 4 months
Unity does not require sameness, but it does require harmony. We can have our hearts knit together in love, be one in faith and doctrine, and still cheer for different teams, disagree on various political issues, debate about goals and the right way to achieve them, and many other such things. -D. Todd Christofferson
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thecaptainbriarrose · 2 years
“You do belong!”
-D. Todd Christofferson
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teressamdraher · 2 years
A sense of belonging is important to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
D. Todd Christofferson
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educateothers · 2 years
D Todd Christofferson | The Doctrine of Belonging | October 2022 General...
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picturemylifejay · 2 years
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恩典是「來自神的幫助和天賜的力量,讓現在有著各種缺陷和限制的我們得以成長進步,成為超升的人。」—迪特·鄔希鐸會長 Grace is “the divine assistance and endowment of strength by which we grow from the flawed and limited beings we are now into exalted beings.”—President Dieter F. Uchtdorf 事實上,恩典是一項恩賜。你不需要贏得恩賜,你只需要選擇接受它。—倫兆勳,總會男青年會長 The truth is, grace is a gift. You don’t have to earn a gift. You simply need to choose to receive it.—Steven J. Lund, Young Men General President 我們不需要先達到某種最低程度的能力或良善,才能獲得神的幫助——也就是說我們可以每天時時刻刻獲得神的協助,不論我們是在服從的道路上的哪一點。—陶德·克理斯多長老 We do not need to achieve some minimum level of capacity or goodness before God will help—divine aid can be ours every hour of every day, no matter where we are in the path of obedience.—Elder D. Todd Christofferson 一起來接受神的恩典:https://bit.ly/3IM2j4E 原文出處:https://bit.ly/3PHEKwp https://www.instagram.com/p/CgLltC_Pd9PULgpiVN-V8Tp9KIcOOvoQ4hsw_w0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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September 30, 2023 Saturday Morning Session
How Wondrous and Great
How Firm a Foundation
Conducting: President Eyring
Elder David A Bednar
The Stalwart souls who travelled with the last wagons
They of the last wagon pressed forward
Captain Moroni – if more were like him the devil would never have power Alma 48:17
Walk in the path of your duty and press forward
Samuel the Lamanite: most walk clearly
Quiet members who often go unrecognized with their sustaining influence
Reverence the sanctity and importance of Life in God’s plan
Heavenly Father loves those who minister to children with love and unending kindness
Sister Amy A. Wright 1st Counselor Primary
Parable of the ten virgins Matt 25:1-13
Spiritual preparedness and discipleship
Cancer – “everything is going to be okay
At one point it will be too late to put more oil in your lamps – every drop matters now – but remember that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ we will all be ok.
That is the greatest power on earth
Here is your reminder that the Atonement of Jesus Christ covers so many more things than just repentance or helping with forgiveness – it is also there to help us gather strength when filled with pain or sorrow, help us know that we are not alone even in the darkness of our mental health.
Gather and focus light
God with infinite knowledge, love, and glory
We cannot share our oil but we can share His light
We need more holy and revelatory experiences
He is the reason why there is never an end to our story
Eternal Life is Eternal Joy
Look to Jesus Christ and Live – like the story about the people of moses looking to the snake on a staff
I Feel My Savior’s Love
Elder Robert M. Daines, 70
Face blindness from being shot
How do you suffer from spiritual faceblindness?
Do you see Heavenly Fathers love and mercy, or a thicket of rules and thorns?
Spiritual faceblindness = seeing the rules but not recognizing God’s love
Can you sometimes only lipsync and not sing the song of redeeming love?
Does this activity/lesson help people see Jesus?
Also are we being inclusive in how we are presenting the activity/lesson?
Pray and study to see who He is and what He loves
God is completely devoted to His children in every age and nation
They are not rules to earn His love – He already loves you perfectly!
We worship our Father and not a formula
Covenants are the shape of God’s embrace
Elder Carlos A. Godoy, Presidency of the 70
Got in the wrong taxi
Heavenly Father does not do coincidences.
Omar ended up returning, being baptized and baptizing his wife and children, and then were able to be sealed a year later
Felt it was about time to go back to church for the sake of their children
Anything broken can be mended with Jesus Christ
The decision of one will impact whole generations
Not just from someone choosing to leave – also because of what caused them to leave
We should always be asking where will this lead?
Decisions, impact on self and future generations etc.
Shouldn’t we be more valiant and less lukewarm
High on the Mountain Top
D Todd Christofferson
What is the purpose of this gathering?
Protection of the covenant people
A defense and refuge from the storm
He holds the keys to administer in all authority
Keeping a proper and faithful record
Eternal families by the sealing powe
Baptisms and sealings for the dead
Add strength to your chain
Ian S. Ardern 70
Love your neighbor, refugees?
“lets all talk about Africa” – ahhh Uganda
Give to humanitarian efforts – Partners in Health (Green brothers approved donation website)
Compassion is an attribute of Christ, it demonstrates love to others and knows no boundaries
God will guide you in compassionate acts of discipleship
True compassion is more than merely flinging a coin to a beggar, it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs reconstructuring- MLK
Compassion does not require us to know them, it only requires us to love them.
Faith in Every Footstep
President Dallin H. Oaks
Fullness of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ
Heavenly Father loves all His children so much, that He wants us all to live in a kingdom of glory forever.
In our Fathers house is many mansions
Your divine potential has everything to do with God’s love for you, and nothing to do with which glory you might possibly obtain later in life – this is something to be between you and God
You will be where you are comfortable
Do not just go through the motions and make “deposits”  - less of a checklist
He will force no one into a sealing relationship against his or her own will
TW - Plan of Salvation, Family Proclamation
Come Listen to a Prophets Voice
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demigodofhoolemere · 3 years
In acknowledging that God love us perfectly, we each might ask, "How well do I love God? Can He rely on my love as I rely on His?"
D. Todd Christofferson
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That story about John and Mary did not go where I thought it would, and I am pleasantly surprised. Also, points for quoting J. Golden Kimball in a conference talk.
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mormonmonastery · 5 years
Being out of line with the world about “dress, entertainment, and moral purity” feels pretty limp and shallow to me. When are we gonna get fired up about being out of line with the world and in line with Jesus about wealth inequality, about the persecution and oppression of marginalized groups in society, about mass incarceration and integrating former convicts back into society, about the need to help those who suffer from homelessness and hunger? Call me when we want to stand up against the world on those issues instead of sleeve length and swear words.
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karlyanalora · 3 years
"It should be remembered that not every statement made by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes doctrine. it is commonly understood in the Church that a statement made by one leader on a single occasion often represents a personal, though well-considered, opinion, not meant to be official or binding for the whole Church."-D. Todd Christofferson
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