#d/o not r/eblog
beholdingslut · 3 years
if i could lock my tumblr account to show you all a screenshot of the email i just got for my writing test for this job i would
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sairenji · 7 years
Where I’ve been. 
Alright, I’l try to not ramble too much in this post. There will be a tldr at the end but I wanna give details on how my life has been for the past month or so. I ive in Puerto Rico, and if you don’t live under a rock, you know that Hurricane Irma hit the North East part of PR at the beginning of September 2017, now it didn’t do much damage but there was. Specially affecting neighboring islands, but I’ll focus on PR’s situation only since I’ll be sharing my experience. I live in the South West of PR so, Irma didn’t do much where I live, just a bit of wind and rain, all was good. 
Two weeks later, Hurricane Marie hit PR causing massive damage. Thousands of people homeless, to my knowledge there were 15 dead on the day and the the death toll raised to 45. Puerto Rico has around 3.4 million people in which most of them have no electricity or water. Those who do have electricity were via generators. 
How have I been? Well, I am safe and so is my family. That’s what matters the most. My home is still there but is in no living conditions therefore I am forced to stay with my mother and stepfather. We had no water for the first 2 weeks of the hurricane, we do now and it’s a relief. It’s been a month since the hurricane and we still have no electricity. Communication for the first 3 weeks were nonexistent. My boyfriend lives in Tennessee and he knew nothing about me or his family back in PR for the first 2 weeks. Communication started to work but only in select areas and only for one phone company, Claro, which is what I have. I was able to get a hold of my boyfriend and let him know were were ok as well I made sure that his family was also fine, since they have a different phone company that was not in service. 
The struggle was real, it was hot, humid, mosquitoes were killing me. We made queues of over 2 and a half hours in two occasions just to get gasoline for our cars and in some gas stations they would only give you $10 - $20 dollars worth of gas per person. Queue out on the sun to be able to get money withdraw from one of the very few working ATMs 2 weeks after the catastrophic event and even so, banks weren’t letting people withdraw the amount they wanted. Some banks would only let you withdraw from $50 to maybe $100 dollars...only that small amount after spending probably 2 hours on a line, tired out in the sun. Same story goes for people trying to get ice bags...just 1 small ice bag per person. Even people at stores began taking advantage of the situation and raising their prices on their products, which btw, it is illegal to do. DACO did take action and fined those people for taking advantage of those in need in such of emergency.
Some hospital’s generators have collapsed because of how many hours and days they’ve been running, so it’s been a problem for people that need heavy medical aid. 
It has slowly started to move at a normal pace, gasoline is now more available, since there was mainly a distribution problem, lots of fast foods and stores are working in generators, but as always, lines are still pretty long of hungry people and others trying to buy things that they need. Getting drinking water in grocery stores has been a struggle for a lot of people, luckily, my family did stock up on lots of drinking water. Some areas have recently started getting electricity, specially areas where there’s a hospital near by since that is a priority. 
There’s still a lot of people in shelters, still thousands with no water or electricity and who knows when things will go back to normal for real. Communication is a lot better but still pretty bad. No phones, no internet, no tv and lots of people with families outside of PR that are worried sick, mine included but after 2 weeks, on the day that I was able to get just 1 bar of signal, me and my mother called all our relatives that live outside of PR just to let them know we were ok. 
It is worse that I’m actually making it out to be or what the news say. But we are going day by day getting better. Post offices recently started working too in some areas only. It’s also been very dangerous at night since it’s so dark as well, the first few weeks we weren’t allowed to be outside of our houses at night for safety.  
How am I writing this you ask? Well, after a long week of trying, my boyfriend was finally able to get me a plane ticket to fly out to Tennessee since 1. airports were closed and recently opened. 2. Flights were getting canceled since airports weren’t operating normally to let people leave the island cuz aid was their priority, which is understandable. 
I am now in Tennessee for 2 weeks, to rest and such. Part of me feels guilty for leaving my family behind in this situation but my mother actually pushed me to leave since I also have some business here. I hope that when I go back to PR, things are a bit better? I sure hope so. 
I missed talking to my friends, lots were dead worried about me and I did take the time since I arrive in Tennessee to fill them in with more details. Regarding my blog, I’ll still be on hiatus for a bit, since I want to enjoy my time with my boyfriend while I’m here, I’m recovering since this whole experience has been physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting for me. 
Thank you those who have sent me positive messages, they have meant a lot. I know that there are others back in PR in much worse conditions than me, so if you would like to help, google “donate to puerto rico” and you’ll get a lot of results of different charity pages where you can donate if you wish to. 
TLDR; Hurricane Maria fucked up Puerto Rico and I’ve been MIA and I’m now in Tennessee for about 2 weeks. I’ll be back eventually for reals. 
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sanjismuskyarmpits · 3 years
I hate that people think unapologetically using my disability as a cudgel to attack me is acceptable or excusable behaviour or something that can be justified or looked past! It’s not! It’s utterly fucking vile and I wish I never had to see or hear from any of them ever again!
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
ok so apparently the whabooski/yourredscars person has a habit of tracing art and stealing other people's designs :( sorry i reblogged from them, hopefully they dont do that kinda thing anymore but yeah i don't support that kind of thing unless you have permission and credit 👍
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mythicalcoolkid · 3 years
"What are you?" they ask
"A bad child," I whisper
And they rejoice
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judyjudkins · 4 years
Tbh at this point we’re pretty certain I had covid and am a long hauler. Several of moms friends who had it are reporting the exact same symptoms I’m having, and we already know the first two or three tests I took were administered incorrectly, and all the others were taken several months into being sick.
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pepprs · 4 years
ok the first room for my project is DONE!!!! this is my br*ghton dorm room.... everything is like slightly out of proportion which is weird but uh. it’s something 🥺 everything underneath the flaps is like. the room as it was when i was there / it was mine and the bare version is like what it’s like now cuz of covid!
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eyecide · 4 years
Don’t r.eblog this but I hate having an episode late into the night at then waking up and the feeling is still lingering, like man go AWAY it’s over now
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arceusbeta · 5 years
google search how to stop craving the approval and love of people i don’t actually like in any way
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echothelover · 5 years
Not gonna lie I HATE the discourse of people saying "oh you can't say you're mostly attracted to nonbinary people or else your fetishizing them because not every nonbinary person looks the same"
NOT EVERY MAN OR WOMAN LOOKS THE SAME EITHER BUT I DON'T SEE Y'ALL CLAIMING PEOPLE CAN'T BE EXCLUSIVELY ATTRACTED TO ONE BINARY GENDER. Like. Yall realize how stupid your logic sounds if you apply it to men or women, right?
People! Can! Find! Nonbinary! People! Hot! Without! Fetishizing! Them!
Like as a nonbinary person it makes me dysphoric as hell to see yall lumping nonbinary people in with binary genders based on our body types or presentation and using that to say that people aren't actually attracted to nonbinary people at all.
Dont get me wrong, chasers are absolutely disgusting. But theres a big difference between someone fetishizing a person based solely on their transition and someone who genuinely loves nonbinary people.
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man i accept that some of my friends have reasons to be friends with y/oon or to just follow them in general but like... what a trainwreck.
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pyshcic · 6 years
a.c. , 𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 ––– eyes !
everyday ,    alice’s natural born eye color was brown, but this was adjusted after her rebirth as a vampire –– the brown hue remained as a base color, but it has an overwhelming golden sheen atop it, now. see below.
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visions ,      alice’s eyes go milky when she’s having a vision, but the intensity of the change is dependent on the focus she’s putting to the vision. the image on the left below is more accurate to a vision she’s giving passing interest towards. the image on the right would be due to various reasons :  that she’s looking for something, that she’s focusing on a vision to further contextualize it, that she’s being overwhelmed by a cluster of visions at the same time. typically, the cloudier her eyes, the more intense the vision, and the less focus she’s able to extend to her surroundings. humans typically take no notice of the change –– it appears much more subtle to an untrained eye, and typically only other vampires are attuned to noticing it. some other supernatural creatures, those with heightened senses, may also be able to spot the change. 
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thirst ,     following the above concept, the change of alice’s eye color when it comes to thirst wouldn’t actually be like ... that perceptible to an unsuspecting human. i think it’s another subtle change, especially for vampires with enormous self control. that said, i would say when it gets down to it, if she’s starving, her eyes get intense. it’s hard to describe the visual effect, but they’re sharper. more alert (depending on just how long she’s been without blood – there would come a point where starvation dulls senses, she’s typically always been able to avoid that & other subsequent consequences). they do get a little darker. 
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moxiemallahans · 5 years
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inalienablerights · 6 years
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kara’s instagram feat. @vspertilian
(plus some bonus baby kal el)
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mythicalcoolkid · 4 years
General “is this normal” questions because every day I learn something else about me isn’t the norm: is it normal for a parent to get annoyed because you hug them too much, and do most people feel like a younger kid when they’re panicking?
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judyjudkins · 4 years
surreal seeing tumblr talking about my stepdads cousin
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