inobedientia · 7 months
Being happy cause Mylène Farmer released a remix.
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black-arcana · 7 months
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Exit Eden ➢ Désenchantée [☆]
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"Orion and the Dark" is about writing. It’s like "Adaptation." 2.0 This Time For All Audiences, whoah.
I mean, of course it is an allegory of writing. Kaufman makes movies about making movies, Kaufman writes about writing, and that is all that Kaufman does. Even "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is about creativity. Y’all think it’s a love story? Sure, on the surface it is. But ju-ust below the surface it is an allegory too. It's about letting go of unwritten ideas, whether because you're not ready or not equipped to write them and give them justice or they're just too out-there for the Current You; it's about killing your darlings — and about putting them to sleep, as well. About how these ideas fade from your life and your memory, and how soul-crushing it is when they do, and yet keeping them in your memory is soul-crushing, too, because their presence is unhealthy right now, it's a torment, it impedes you from moving on and paralyzes your creative progress and your growth as a writer and a human being.
Anyway, “Orion and the Dark” is about writing. Nope, it's not about generalized anxiety, it's not about overcoming your existential fears. At its core, “Orion and the Dark” is about one specific fear: losing your integrity and authenticity as a person and as a writer via stepping out into the spotlight.
Truly writing 'for yourself' means writing for an audience of one. The ruthless beast that is capitalism, and the devaluing and self-hatred it brings upon each of us, is what pushes so many people into asking the heartbreaking question: "what even is the pOinT of creatiViTy without an audiEnCe?!" I.e. in the context of the movie "what is the point of the Dark?!" The not-straightforward answer is in this movie. The very-very personal and exasperated — and straightforward — answer is: Creativity itself. Keeping one’s mind sharp. Learning a language. Processing trauma. Celebrating a memory. Savoring a memory. Cementing a memory. Honoring a friend’s memory. Fighting back the tide of existential dread. Making peace with yourself, your past, or your future. Debating a moral dilemma with yourself. Comforting your inner child. Soothing your inner teenager. Bleaching your brain. Introspection. Self-compassion. Self-actualization. Building a structural-support frame around yourself to brace against a crippling fear; for instance, the fear of death, or the fear of losing a loved one — by creating stories or worlds where we could be together forever and nobody gets sick or dies, because we can do magic there.
Dark has many quirky, industrious, and unique companions. They are his companions. They do not belong with the Light, they are distorted in the light. Fear of the Dark (in the movie, super cleverly ‘the Fear that Dark Experiences’ and not only ‘the fear that Orion experiences as a stand-in for The Author’) is: ‘Am I truly a writer if my voice will never be heard and my word will never be read?’ (psst, spoilers: yes) but also ‘Will I be able to retain my true self, the love I hold for my creativity, and the internal benefits I reap from my creativity if/when I share the result of my creativity with others?’ and ‘Will I burn to cinders / fade into nothing / lose the drive to create when/if my creativity is rejected or misunderstood?’ and ‘If I am misunderstood, will this misunderstanding inflict lasting harm? Will the responsibility of doing this harm be my burden to bear? And just how guilty will I feel for what I did?’
The unending tug-o-war between creativity for the sake of creativity, for the sake of you — and the desire to have your voice heard. The inner conflict between your yearning for an audience — and hating your yearning for an audience (or even hating the audience itself/the audience that you get, but welp, that's often projection, albeit no-o-ot always). The conflict between looking for a genuine connection with other like-minded humans — and the desire to be admired, borne long ago in a sandbox on a playground. Between striving to keep your integrity and self-respect, to stay true to yourself — and the learned urge to please, conform and placate, because you want to fit in and/or because you can see that popularity often equals conformity and that you may never get your voice heard in any capacity if you don't conform.
Sometimes it feels like the healthy balance between the two can’t ever be achieved, that they can never overlap, should not; that it should be either one or the other.  
Btw you know who else expressed this inner fight super well while also hiding the subtext under a whole pile of distracting text? Aside from that old narc Bulgakov in “The Master and Margarita” who did the long format. Bo Burnham in his exquisite and poignant and heart-wrenching Kanye Rant. 🙏 🌯
The truth is frighteningly simple, and the truth is frighteningly hard to remember, and the truth is simply hard to stay true to, because the glimmer of the spotlight somewhere far ahead is too blinding, and its veneer is too distracting and enticing. The truth is: separate your damn laundry the purpose of writing should be Writing. That's it. Creativity is about creativity. Writing should be in the moment. Writing should not take into account anyone else other than the writer themself. The purpose of writing is the writing; this process should be free of any and all outside influences. Night and Day, Dark and Light should remain apart at all times. Writing is not about/for sharing that writing. Not about obtaining the strangers' praise for that writing. Not about placating and pleasing an ephemeral 'reader'. Not about the junkie rush to obtain some dopamine hits through getting patted on the head by strangers via pleasing them 'correctly'. None of these things should matter, and it's tragic that they do matter so much and to so many, and it's tragic that they have taken over so many minds so fully and so quickly, replacing and pushing out the bliss of the Simple Truth. Well... Capitalism is tragic. Every aspect and consequence of it, direct or indirect. At times, capitalism and its reach and scope feel like a void of hopelessness.
Even before consciously realizing the metaphor, I was bawling my eyes out when Orion was fighting to save the Dark, when he was grieving the Dark. This is one of my biggest fears too: losing my authentic self by succumbing to the enticing brightness of daylight. In the fight against this fear, I was doing, and continue doing, all of the irrational and oftentimes harmful things Orion does, and more: hole up, bristle up and snarl, push away, erect defenses, withdraw, and even fawn, etc. Mostly withdraw.
Only when we embrace the essence, the joy of sheer creativity — embrace the Dark, make the Dark our friend — when we discard everything superficial, when we forgive ourselves for our weaknesses and learn self-compassion, only then can we remember why we're writing, why we started writing, what we write for, and only then can we create unimpeded. The struggle itself towards the heights There's so much peace in the Dark. Truth is, this balance can rarely be achieved in reality; life is not a story, and humans are infinitely flawed. Truth is, the fight remains a constant fight, with good and bad moments, with losses and wins, and the fight persists for decades, throughout our lives. But that's why fairy tales exist, right? Why children's stories exist. In them, there's magic and blasters and time machines and everything is simple and everything is always resolved.
I love every manifestation of Kaufman’s creative mind and I loved this movie. The script is based on a picture book of the same name that is a thing on its own.
P.S. In light of the above, might I also suggest "Why You Should Read Children's Books, Even Though You Are So Old and Wise" by Katherine Rundell.
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vastwinterskies · 7 months
FRIGATE FRIGGIN FRIDAY, anyone got music recommendations? I'm happy to try almost any genre, what are your faves of the week/year so far?
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leloupdebout · 7 months
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worldmusicandcinema · 2 years
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Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée
(Timeless 2013 Live)
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fidjiefidjie · 2 years
Bonne matinée 🆕️✊️💟
Suzane 🎶 Génération désenchantée
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Je pensais que j’étais si bien, si tranquille, que j’avais surmonté ce que j’ai ressenti pour toi il y 3 ans déjà là, mais non, après t’avoir vu, tenu dans mes bras, et embrassé par dernière fois, j’m’suis rendu compte de que tous les sentiments que j’avais pour toi continuaient à brûler comme jamais, mais aussi j’au dû commencer à.
Du coup, c’était pas la tromperie qui m’a déçu, c’était moi là qui t’a permis de rentrer dans ma vie et t’a laissé de faire avec elle ce que tu voulais, comme toujours.
J’ai cœur brisé, à cause de toi, tu m’a laissé à nouveau avec le cœur en pièces, et le pire de tout, c’est pas ta faute, mais avec cette fois, tu m’as tellement tué!
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kimludcom · 2 years
Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée (Live from Avant que l'ombre... à Bercy) - HD
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rastronomicals · 2 years
5:19 PM EST January 7, 2023:
Mylène Farmer - “Désenchantée (Single Version)” From the album Plus grandir - Best Of 1986 / 1996
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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some1willrememberus · 2 years
Suzane - Génération Désenchantée (Clip officiel)
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Kind of random but I love associating things, events, people, etc with songs and I was wondering what song you (and other anons) would associate with Marine and Gabby? The question crossed my mind as I was listening to _jun perseides by Pomme (yes that is a weird ass song title but it's because it's a concept album) and it really reminded me of them
Always hard to find songs on the spot but Willannès have an easy going vibe to them so I'm going for This One from Vance Joy.
I like Pomme and her universe, I even saw her live💚.
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black-arcana · 7 months
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Exit Eden ➢ Désenchantée [☆]
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flowerandthesongstress · 10 months
“Oh God no, I never hope. Hope is pouting in advance. Hope is faith's richer, bitchier sister. Hope is the deformed, attic-bound incest monster offspring of entitlement and fear. My life results tripled the year I gave up hope and every game on my phone that had anything to do with farming.”
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princesadulcinea · 18 days
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Mwa à trois ans, en train de comprendre où j'ai mis les pattes et de quoi la suite va être faite
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inthecarpets · 23 days
Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée - Live à Bercy 1996
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