#daa kader
bumblewarden · 1 year
i already ran a poll on everybody's favorite origin a while back, but it got me curious:
i promise i'm not gonna do this for every rank, but so many people listed their close seconds, i have to wonder how different the results will look
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wyvernscales · 1 year
Here are my ideas for Syl’vhenan Andras and Kirta Kader right now:
Syl’vhenan was born sometime during the tail end of the Third Blight in the Dales around where Emprise du Lion is now
Grew up listening to tales of how the Orlesians betrayed the the Elves after the Second Blight.
And about the Emerald Knight they descended from, ‘Andras’
When the Third Blight ended, they got caught breaking into an abandoned villa and got conscripted by Senior Warden Valeska; who wanted more Wardens to guard a nearby Deep Roads entrance
A spirit took pity on them and became them, like Divine Justinia/Sofia Dryden or something. I don’t know the details here.
The Wardens just ended a Blight, so they’re not going to be picky about their weird dead guy who’s still cool with Wardening
Now that they’re a Warden however, they get to requisition Orlesian jewels and get away with it
They keep rotting tho, so eventually they’re just bones. They continue to accessorize with Orlesian jewelry
Eventually, they become a caretaker for Valeska’s Watch and just remain there for several Ages
Several Ages meaning six
The Fourth Blight was so far away that Syl’vhenan got to avoid it, and who’s really going to tell the ancient glowing skeleton demon thing what to do anyway
We all know what happened with the Fifth Blight
Technically being the most Senior Warden… well… ever, they’re the one who gets asked to go to Amaranthine, (since Alaric is too busy being the Chancellor of Ferelden to bother)
But being a fucking skeleton, they can’t just openly rule the Arling, so someone else has to be the public image
Enter Kirta Kader. They’re a relatively new Warden, but they have the best relationship with the incredibly Grumpy and Objectively Terrifying skeleton.
Being a dwarf, Kirta’s not particularly intimidated by Syl
Syl’vhenan has spent the last six hundred years losing everyone they’ve gotten close to—and quickly—so they’re gonna avoid Kirta
They go to Amaranthine and absolutely fuck shit up
Velanna and Syl get along fairly well given the circumstances
Justice isn’t a particularly big fan of Syl, but they’re experiences are similar, so they chat
Kirta somehow manages to weasel their way into Syl’vhenan’s heart- well, rib cage really
Gen Z and Boomer
Dad and the cat he didn’t want type beat
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0dracoagec · 2 years
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Astyth Kader
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dilperisanimmmm · 1 year
Uygun küfrü bulamıyorum ki söyleyeyim. Bizim ailenin yine şerefsizliği tutmuş. Oruspu çocuğu aile. Nefret ediyrium bunlardan. Ercan her gece.. ah pardoooooooon artık gece de gelmiyor sabah geliyor neyse eve çok geç gelip mal hini oluşundan nefret ediyorum bokum bo,um hareketler konuşmalar. Küfür kullanan biri değilim ama şimdi aklımdan geçeni dillendirmek istiyorum ama bu sefer aklıma küfür gelmiyor. Ne denir mesela pic olmaz ororpu olmaz uygun degil ne denlir bunlar dışında manyak salak gerizekali biliyorum bunlar da denmez zaten. Yarak kafalı? Nasıl? harikaa hatika. O da bir keresinde bana sik kafalı demişti. Ben de bunu demekten gocunmam. Yine rahatlayamadım ama neyse küfür buluruz ileriki zamanlarda. Bugünkü sorun şuuuu; yine mal mal konusuyor anneme biseyler diyor sonra annemi öpüyor hani bok yemiş ya annem de kahroluyor ya o da farkında ya öööyle geveliyor saçma sapan. Sonra irfanı görüyor yine masum soruyu soruyor iye bu çalışmıyor diyor. İrfanı uyandırıyor git kahveye. İrfan da bak hakli olmasa dersim ama çok haklı olarak diyro ki be kahveye gitmiyorum çok haklı olarak. Ki daha önce günlük 500 verse kafamı koyarsanız da gitmem demisligi var. Yani sorun parayı az verm3si değil. Çocuk gitmek istemiyor. Para da 150 bile yok 100 küsür bişwyler. Neyse ercan sabahın 7si çocuğu kaldırıyor kalk git kahveye. O da diyro ki ben. kahveye gigmiyirum. Diyor ben kalk desem sen kalmak zoeundasınnnn! Kalacaksın günde 10 lira verse de gideceksin. İrfan bisey daha dese Ercan bey vuracak ona rağmen onun o sert bakışlarına rağmen İrfan diyor ben gitmiyorum. Ercan da diyor gigmiyorsu hee dur sa a isbukdum. Sanayide haftalık 1 tl. Çalışacaksın irfa sss etmiyor. Kahve olmasin da ne oluyorsa olsun. Aradaki arıyor abe benim hi tane kardeşim var bilmem ne bilmem ne velhasıl irfanı götürecek ise haftalık 1 tl. Diyor 6 ay sonra kendi dükkanını açsın annem diyor beş yun sonra evde değiliz lanet findiklara gidec3z yok diyor o gelmesin sanayide çalışsın 6 ay bi dükkan açsın. Annem diuro okulu var ellerini birbirine vuruyor kkul makul yok bitti. Sonra ye,inler edip ben gondermiyrij okula diyor. İrfanı da okula vilirsa ilk lise yılı olacak çocuk hevesli falan. Ne gerek var böyle seyelre demesine. İşte kafaları böyle hoş olduğu zamanlarda beyinleri yerinde olmadığı zamanlarda böyle birdenbire kattılar alıyorlar. Bütün hayatımız onların bir kelimesine bağlı.,nefret ediirium bunlardan nefret. Resmen çocuk calsim8yor diy3 yaptığına bak. Ayrica daha 13 gasinda yani a15 bile olmamış. Ama yok onlar zamanında babalar yok diye çalışmış ya irfandan çalışacak. Neymiş el bebek gül bebek büyümüşsün ! Saçma salak. Niye hayvan kelimesini küfürü olarak kullanıyoruz hangi hayvan böyle yapmış ki. Pic desen o da değil. Pic de küfür değil aslında pxi olan çocuğu sucu ne ki. Keza orospu çocuğu da öyle çocuğun suçu ne anne orospulukta yapmış. Keyfi yapıyorsa anne de diyeceğim yok ama mecburi yapıyorsa annenin de suçu yok. Neyse bunlardan nefret ediyrihm. Bu 3vdeyk3n HİÇ BIR BOK yapılamaz. Bir kitap okuywmwzsin film izleyem3zsin kendini bi şekilde geliştirmek istesen ı ııı. Olmaz ki. Yapamazsın. Ödev desen ders desen? Ahahhaha bok bok bokkk bok yaparsın asssla yapamazsın asla. Ha is yapabilirsin ama hem de 24 saat. Hix kimse 24 saat niye is yapiyrisu demeeez. Anshshshhs zaten niye desin kii ahshshhaha demez demez. Ama kitap okkuyamqzsin kafa gider deli eder omumaaaa okuma. Ödev mi onu da yapma Ödev senin neyine ders çalışmak senin neyine??? Hci boş ver gitsin. Günün birinde yine dişinizi oldukları hri vakit okula gitme diyip okulunu siktir edecekler zaten. Nefret ediyrium. Başka daa diyecek n3 keljm3 n3 küfür diyebiliyorum. Artık ne oluyorsa odlu ne yapıyorsak yapalım kafasına girdim. Gidelim hır ay bokum findiklara bok bok insanlara köpeklik yapalım eve geldi gel3m3z perişan halsiz bok bok hkk hok bik bok bir halde de okula gidelim. Aynen öyle yapalım. Elden ne gelir. KADERE BIYU EĞMEKTEN BAŞKA? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHSH TABIII KII HIC BIR ŞEY.
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dalishious · 7 years
Everyone always forgets about the Warden origins for Awakening, if you choose to make a new hero. If you’ve never done it I seriously recommend it--There’s some special content. It’s quite fun, actually.
Seriously. Go play as Andras, Caron or Kader sometime. Best bonus: You get to make up whatever damn backstory you want for them, too.
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kimimeagan · 6 years
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Nika Kader as Ellie Kendrick
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dickyariefa · 6 years
Sistem, Dinamisasi dan Tradisi dalam Suatu Kaderisasi
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Sistem merupakan kumpulan dari suatu komponen yang memiliki suatu hubungan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Dilihat dari istilahnya sistem memiliki tiga unsur penting yaitu:
1. Harus memiliki suatu komponen/elemen
2. Harus memiliki hubungan antar suatu elemen
3. Memiliki suatu tujuan tertentu
Tiap individu yang masuk dalam suatu sistem memiliki beberapa kemungkinan yang akan timbul. Pertama, dia masuk dalam suatu sistem dan berjalan mengikuti pola suatu sistem atau dapat dikatan dia dapat berdaptasi secara maksimal. Tipe ini dinilai dapat berkembang bersama sistem. Kedua, dia masuk dalam sistem tetapi tidak mau berjalan mengikuti pola suatu sistem atau hanya mau dinilai “ada” dan tidak mau berkembang dalam pola sistem yang ada (bisa jadi kurang pemahaman atau minimnya wadah). Ketiga, dia tidak mau masuk dalam sistem tersebut dan enggan berjalan mengikuti pola sistem, yang terakhir ini dapat dikatakan dia menolak keberadaan nya di lingkungan tersebut.
Untuk tipe pertama hanya perlu diarahkan saja untuk menjadikannya tumbuh dan berkembang, sedangkan tipe kedua harus diberikan suatu pemahaman dan wadah kreasi yang menimbulkan minat dia untuk berjalan dalam suatu sistem tersebut. Tapi untuk tipe ketiga adalah kondisi yang sulit dikarenakan hati nya sudah menolak keberdaannya di lingkungan tersebut, dan solusi terbaik adalah membiarkan dia menyelesaikan urusan nurani nya terlebih dahulu.
Pentingnya mengetahui suatu komponen sistem sangat penting dalam mengetahui dinamika perubahan suatu lingkungan, karena dengan mengetahui suatu sistem anda akan mengetahui mana wilayah mana yang sebaiknya anda masuki atau hindari.
Dinamisasi vs Tradisi
Dinamisasi merupakan kondisi penyelarasan dimana individu/kelompok memiliki suatu kebutuhan akan perubahan nilai/sikap tertentu untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan kondisi lingkungan kekinian. Tak ayal kata selalu kita dengar kata-kata tersebut di setiap forum ataupun seminar publik. Sedangkan tradisi merupakan sikap/nilai yang sudah tertanam atau turun menurun dalam suatu lingkungan masyarakat yang mengandung karakter atau biasa saya nyatakan pembeda antara lingkungan tersebut dengan lingkungan lainnya. Jika kita memiliki pembeda maka kita akan memiliki “harga jual” di mata masyarakat, sebaliknya jika kita tidak mempunyai pembeda maka nilai kita di masyarakat cenderung akan biasa-biasa saja. Dua hal ini merupakan inti dari berjalan dan berkembang nya suatu sistem. Tapi dalam implementasinya kedua hal ini sangat bertolak belakang jika tidak diolah secara seimbang.
Jika kita terlalu mengedepankan suatu tradisi maka kita akan menghasilkan generasi yang berkarakter tapi tidak mempunyai suatu skill untuk beradaptasi dengan dinamisasi global. Sedangkan jika terlalu mengedepankan suatu dinamisasi maka kita akan menghasilkan generasi yang mempunyai skill untuk berkembang di kondisi dinamisasi masyarakat tetapi lack of value and character. Dua kondisi tersebut sangat tidak ideal jika dilaksanakan dengan tidak seimbang. Kita memerlukan generasi yang berkarakter namun juga mempunyai skill untuk menghadapi dinamisasi global. Itulah homework bagi pengader dalam suatu sistem di generasi saat ini. Value and character dapat diterapkan dalam kegiatan kaderisasi dan dinamisasi dapat diterapkan dalam suatu kegiatan pelatihan. Kedua hal tersebut harus diolah menjadi suatu sistem pendidikan yang sesuai untuk calon kader penerus.
6 Februari 2019
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bumblewarden · 1 year
And here's a special something for my fellow dwarf likers in the crowd
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wyvernscales · 1 year
Syl’vhenan just ends up the unofficial dad of Vigil’s Keep.
Kirta is a bit of a leash child. They are young and don’t really know how to be the public face for an arling in a country they’ve never been to before. They’re out of their depth and need guidance. But what Kirta finds important isn’t what Syl does.
Kirta: “Do you know if taupe is in this season?”
Syl: “Do I look like the expert on human fashion?”
Kirta: “Given all that human jewelry? Yes.”
Syl: *dad grumbles*
Velanna and Syl bond over Dalish lore. Sometimes Syl comes off as a “back in my day” boomer, but they generally mean well. At first, Syl is absolutely bewildered by the way her Clan does things, but its literally just because things changed over six ages. Velanna values this knowledge immensely, and many of the stories she records are from Syl.
Syl: “Why don't your aravels fly?”
Velanna: “Why would they fly? Did yours fly?"
Syl: "Everyone's did"
Justice is new to the whole “possession” thing. The jury’s out on what exactly Syl is, but they’re a corpse who’s been in the waking world for centuries. Syl definitely ends up doling out the most advice on existing to him. Which isn’t to say they’re best friends. Justice isn’t particularly fond of the “bones decorated in stolen jewelry” thing.
Justice: “Stealing is wrong”
Syl: “So is going back on your word. So is mass slaughter. So was the Exalted March of the Dales.”
Justice: “I’m afraid I do not know of the events you describe”
Syl: “Then perhaps you should hold your condemnation”
Sigrun is the perky dead girl to Syl’s gloomy dead guy. They’ve also been a Warden since forever and know a lot about the darkspawn. Sigrun also seems like the type to carry snacks, so you know Syl is reaching their hand back to grab some.
Sig: “All this time, and I’ve still never gotten used to the stench of the Spawn. Do you think if we catapulted some soap into their camp they’d use it?”
Syl: “No, they wouldn’t”
Sig: “Wait, did you actually try that?”
Syl: “In the Black Age. It didn’t work. Bring a satchet of aromatic herbs with you next time”
Oghren has absolutely been on the wrong side of Syl'vhenan's petrify spell before. Several times in fact. They also watch the Glavonaks build up the walls of Vigil's Keep while complaining about the 80 Gold price tag together.
Both: *standing with their hands on their hips watching the construction crew work*
Nathaniel’s image of his father was recently demolished and he threw his life at the feet of the Warden-Commander. He is in desperate need or purpose, advice, and guidance. Syl can often be found helping the groundskeeper, and Nathaniel pitches in too sometimes.
*Nathaniel clumsily swinging a scythe at some tall grass in the Keep*
Syl: “That is the worst attempt at weeding I have seen in six ages”
Anders is fascinated with Syl because they’re an absolute mystery. Syl ends up giving him magic advice a lot. Syl was so against Anders keeping Sir Pounce-a-Lot, but ended up taking the cat when he left for Kirkwall.
Anders: “What type of spirit are you? Justice is, well, Justice, but you go by a name. You must be a spirit of something.”
Syl: “Must I?”
Anders: “Aren’t you a spirit who possessed a corpse?”
Syl: “I am simply Syl’vhenan Andras”
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wyvernscales · 2 years
Worldstate: My Valley, My Shadow
In its simplest form, this worldstate is about making terrible decisions for Thedas and seeing what happens. It is cruel and unjust. Upon a more thorough examination however, all of these characters have complicated relationships with power and faith.
basic overview alignment chart symbols
Chancellor of Ferelden Alaric Theodemir Amell
Class: Mage | Blood Mage DAA: n/a Favorite Weapon: Maric’s Blade Orientation: heterosexual, cis man intj: the architect Alignment: Lawful Evil Romance: Morrigan Birth Year: 9:00 (Blight 27, Mage Rebellion 37, Inquisition 41)
On being a blood mage and Chancellor
Blight magic
Backstory and Lorelei
His role in the Circle
Alaric and Jowan
Why he hasn’t been found out yet
Senior Warden Syl’vhenan Andras
Class: Mage | Keeper Favorite Weapon: Orientation: asexual, non binary intp: the logician Alignment: True Neutral Romance: n/a Birth Year: some time in the black age
Early ideas
Funny interaction with noble
Relationship and banter with companions
Why bring him to Veilguard?
Arl Kirta Deka Kader
Class: Archer Rogue Favorite Weapon: Orientation: bisexual, non binary enfj: the protagonist Alignment: Chaotic Good Romance: Sigrun Birth Year:
Early ideas
Banter with Syl’vhenan
Viscount Nikolas Kay Hawke-Amell
Class: Warrior | Berserker/Reaver Favorite Weapon: Orientation: heterosexual, cis man entp: the debater Alignment: Chaotic Evil Romance: Meredith (former) Personality: Aggressive Birth Year: 9:06 (Blight 24, Mage Rebellion 31, Inquisition 34)
Villain origin story
Inquisitor Rhiannon (Rynn) Shea Cadash
2H rogue | specialization: Artificer Favorite Weapon: Orientation: Pansexual, polyamorous, genderfluid (she/they/he) estp: the entrepreneur Alignment: Neutral Evil Romance: Iron Bull (formerly) Birth Year: 9:04 (Blight 26, Mage Rebellion 33, Inquisition 36)
Short Bio
How do my dwarves differ?
Early life and faith
The nightmare’s taunts
Lorelei Surana
Class: Mage | Tranquil Favorite Weapon: n/a Orientation: biromantic asexual, cis woman infj: the advocate Alignment: Lawful Good Romance: n/a Birth Year: 9:14 (Blight 16, Mage Rebellion 23, Inquisition 26)
Lorelei and Alaric
Post-Tranquillity Hair
Lorelei and Jowan--Early life 
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