dusuessekartoffel · 3 years
The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Dabeed and Mabeeo
for @gedankenspaziergang
Dramatis Personae
The Montabees
Mabeeo, a drone bee
Beenas, his best friend
Beenna, Beenas’ girlfriend
Beea, Beenna’s best friend
The Cabeelets
Dabeed, the most beautiful drone bee Mabeeo has ever seen
Abee, his best friend
Beelos, his other best friend
Kibee, Beelos’ girlfriend
Beemantha, Kibee’s best friend
Abeera, Kibee’s other best friend
Two beehives, both alike in dignity,
In fair Moabeet, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil honey makes civil wings unclean.
From forth the fatal stings of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their queen bees’ strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love,
And the continuance of their queen bees’ rage,
Which but their drone bees’ end naught could remove,
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our page;
The which, if you with patient eyes attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
[read the rest on ao3]
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wodrueckts · 3 years
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this is brought to you by the same, uh... circumstances (let’s just say it’s a complex situation with a lot of lore) that brought you @dusuessekartoffel ‘s amazing dabeenzi fic. 
please don’t judge me for what is depicted here, there are reasons for everything but i can’t get into them right now
i made this a while ago and never intended to post this publically but the druck tag is kind of tense right now so i thought something silly like this would be fun and it makes a nice companion piece to the aforementioned fic
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dusuessekartoffel · 3 years
Write dabeenzi AU.
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I am!! But it's not for Christmas 😌
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dusuessekartoffel · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Aww, thank you 🥰
More or less in order of how much I like them:
Pull Me Tight And Close Your Eyes: It felt weirdly therapeutic to write this story, maybe that's why I like it so much. Also, I feel like it is one of the best ones in terms of quality. (Ironically, this one has my least favourite title though.)
Colour and Light: Again, I like this one because I think it's actually good, it's one of the only ones I reread every now and the. Also, it's the story that got me back into writing more regularly and also I think the story that got me back into the fandom, so it has a special place in my heart.
Open Your Eyes: This was just fun to write and also it's the fic that had the most reader interaction (because it's a multiple chapter fic that I almost managed to update regularly) so that was really fun!
Can't Help Falling In Love: I mostly like this one because it was so different from everything else I've written. I would never do it again because it was lowkey stressful and pretty hard to write but it was also a lot of fun!
The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Dabeeo and Mabeed: This has Dabeenzi in it, so it automatically wins.
Also, honorable mention: Give Me A Sign. It's not really one of my favourite fics because I think I've written better fics (only speaking of my parts here, of course, but I won't tell you which they are). But I love writing with other people, it's just that planning the story and reading my co-writers' parts is more fun than writing myself, whoops.
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dusuessekartoffel · 3 years
Druck Fanfiction Masterpost
Old Gen
Colour and Light
In a world where you see the world in black and white until you meet your soulmate, assigned to you by the government, Matteo and his friends are among the few who fight against the system. Matteo doesn’t mind, really. He doesn’t mind much, in general. Until he meets David, mysterious resistance fighter and the most interesting guy he’s ever met. And maybe, just maybe, Matteo wishes that soulmates were real and that David was his.
Or; Davenzi soulmate AU turned slightly dark and dystopian but really it’s just lots of fluff.
Look Up to the Skies and See, You’re Everything to Me
Sara had her life all planned out. Wait for Matteo to defeat the Humdrum, eventually marry him and lead a normal, boring life away from all the excitement of her teenage years. But life has other plans. They involve a lot less Matteo and a lot more Leonie.
One-shot taking place in the Open Your Eyes universe from Sara's point of view.
Coffee of the Day
David just wants to drink his morning coffee in peace. But there’s the cute boy that just so happens to frequent the same coffee shop as David and really, the abominations of coffee he orders every morning would drive anyone insane. Right?
Or; The five times David is disgusted by Matteo’s coffee order and the one time he isn’t.
The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Dabeed and Mabeeo
Mabeeo has never seen a bee as beautiful as Dabeed so how could he help falling in love with him, even if their beehives are in a rivalry and it will inevitably end in disaster?
Or; The Dabeenzi Romeo & Juliet AU you didn't know you needed in your life.
the best parts of ourselves
My contribution to the Druck Character Appreciation Weeks on Tumblr. It's just a collection of short one-shots about these beautiful characters.
Multi-chapter fics:
Open Your Eyes (complete)
All Matteo Florenzi wants is to get through his last year at Watford. Get done with school, defeat the Insidious Humdrum and retire from being the Chosen One forever. And best of all: never have to see David Schreibner, his evil vampire roommate and nemesis, again. Except life doesn’t always do what you want it to. So maybe he’s not ready to defeat the Humdrum. And maybe he’s not okay with leaving the World of Mages behind forever. And maybe he doesn’t really want to get rid of David, after all.
Or; The Carry On AU nobody asked for, which means enemies to lovers, some pining and a whole lot of magic.
Give Me A Sign (in progress), with @gedankenspaziergang, @wodrueckts
David, Leonie and Matteo all don’t really want to be participating in the new season of Love is Blind but somehow, they’ve managed to end up here and need to pretend to be looking for true love. Will they still be pretending in the end?
Or; The Love Is Blind AU you didn't need but got anyway.
New Gen
Puzzle Pieces
Fatou could think of a long list of nicer things to do than help Ismail solve his newest "case" but unfortunately she's bad at saying no, especially if it involves Kieu My. At least she has Maike on her side.
Druck Advent Calendar 2020 Day 23
Multi-chapter fics:
Show Me The Stars (in progress)
Sometimes, Fatou's mouth is faster than her brain and she says things without considering them first. Like when she tells her family that she has a girlfriend when, really, she doesn't at all. So now she needs to find a fake girlfriend as soon as possible and she's all out of options. Except maybe model physics student and ice queen Kieu My. But surely, she would never agree to this?
Or; Kieutou Fake Dating AU where you decide what happens next for me.
Can’t Help Falling In Love (complete)
The Cashqueens are all single and it’s a beautiful day to find some romance.
Or; The crackship choose your own path story I'm sure you’ve always wanted to read.
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wodrueckts · 2 years
What do you call a bee who speaks too softly? A mumble-bee!
Happy Friday! This is a lovely addition to Dabeenzi AU 🐝
Mumble-bee! 💛🖤💛
Matteo was always meant to be a mumble-bee
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