#dacre grow the billy mullet out
aangsglider · 2 years
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Love On-Set (Pt. 01 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Word count: 3K
Next part (02) ->
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
First Sight
The minivan stops right before entering the set as the driver speaks with one of the security guards. A huge structure was built around the area, and if it wasn't for the strong lights, you'd be in complete darkness. It's late at night, but yet, there are some journalists and a lot of cameras. They immediately surround the car, trying to see who's inside.
“Vicki, do you think I should go out and talk to them?” You decide to ask her first, because you're not as known as the other actors, and you're not sure if they'd want to talk to you.
“Sure. But don't take long.” She nods, touching the drive's shoulder and telling him to wait.
Taking a deep breath, you push the door open, a smile on your face as the cameras quickly find you. Running a hand through your hair, to make sure it's not messed up, you take in all the microphones and smartphones pointed at your face.
“(Y/N), could you answer some questions?” A short, dark-haired guy asks, a camera flashing.
“It depends on the question, but I'll try my best.” This seems to please them, and you wonder if the others couldn't afford a few minutes.
“Your posted on your Instagram account that you were a Stranger Things fan from season one.” A woman asks. “How was the transition from being a fan to acting on the show?”
“It was fantastic.” The first season of the show was still driving people crazy when you got the call for an audition for the role of Amy Whitehall, for seasons two and three. Vicky, you have no idea how, got in touch with some friends when she heard they were searching of someone with physical traits similar to yours. Thankfully, the audition went well and you got the job. “It's an honor to be part of this masterpiece. The only bad part is that now I have some spoilers.”
“Your character's scene by the end of season two had any interaction with Billy Hargrove, Hawking's bad boy. Does that mean she'll be in any kind of relationship with him?”
For that, you have to think, careful not to say anything that will expose the plot.
People are very interested in Billy, not sure exactly where the character will go from now on, after his introduction on season two. He stole many hearts, for love or hate, dividing opinions. And your character had a short appearance by very end of the last episode, shown in an interaction with him. On her way to the ball, to help Nancy, Billy almost runs her over with his car, after dropping his sister. They had a small dialogue, him asking her to get out of the way and her telling him to look where he was going. Then a pause, a little bit of tension, and that was it.
“I'm not allowed to answer that, but Amy's scene was just an introduction. Her character will be around throughout season three.” Offering another smile, you turn around, giving attention to someone else.
“What will be a new threat? The season finale raised a lot of questions about–”
“Excuse me, excuse me.” Vicky pokes her head out, a hand raised. “I'm sorry, but we have to get going.”
“Aright.” You mumble. “Thank you, guys. Bye.” Politely, you wave at the reporters before going back into the van.
You're soon moving again, leaving the entrance behind and driving in darkness for some minutes before more lights come into your sight until they're all around you. The set was built around a piece of the road, where you already shot earlier this week.
“C'mon, (Y/N). Hair and make-up." Vicky urgers, stepping out of the van with you.
You easily find your way around the set, chatting with people as they do your hair and put the makeup on. There will be a tiny cut above your left eyebrow, and Ron, the guy who always take care of the fake wounds around here, takes only fifteen minutes to get it done. Once you're ready, Vicky guides you to the filming area, and you sit on your chair a few feet away, under one of the many huge tents scattered around the place.
“Hi.” Someone says, and you abruptly look up from your phone, finding your co-star. The only co-star of the day, Dacre. He's already full Billy, with the mullet wig and the leather jacket. “I didn't mean to startle you. Just thought I'd come to say hello before the scene.”
You haven't properly spoken to Dacre. The single scene you made was quick, one of the last, and the set was a mess. So you didn't have the chance to talk, and ever since, you haven't crossed paths with him. But today's scene is all about your characters. Amy's first appearance on season three will have her running from something in the woods, the Mind Flayer, and she crashes her car on Billy's, while he's on the way to meet Mrs. Wheeler. That's it for today, their first meeting.
“Hi.” Smiling back, you shake his hand. “I'm (Y/N).” You decide to remind him.
“I know.” He simply says. “Do you want to go over the lines before the real thing?”
He has such a nice voice, it's impressive. You've watched some of his movies, and he's really good. It's not like you haven't acted before, but nothing so important or famous as Stranger Things. You can't help but be a little nervous. “Sure.” Blocking your phone, you stand up, leaving it on your seat.
“Alright. Let's–”
“(Y/N)! Dacre! It's time, c'mon!” The director calls, cutting you off.
“Guess we'll go straight to the real thing,” Dacre says as you start making your way to where the cars are positioned.
Billy's Camaro and Amy's light green Toyota are placed a few inches apart, the front part already wrecked and a light smoke coming off from under the hood.
“The mechanism will push the cars on each other and the rest you already know.” Your stylist comes to check on you one last time, making sure everything is perfect. When she steps away, you get inside the car.
A few days ago you shot Amy's way over here, driving insanely fast, running from the shadows creeping. Most of the scenes where Amy will be alone were already made since there weren't many. She will be around the others a lot, as the events are unrevealed.
Once you're in the car, you take your time to get into character, ignoring the orders being yelled outside. The lights are turned off, and the road before you is almost completely dark.
“Let's get it started, everyone!” The director shouts. “Action!”
At his command, the car jerks forward.
Letting your head fall on the wheel, you breathe fast, wide eyes acknowledging what just happened, the crash, the smoke, the other car that collided with yours. Looking over your shoulder, you imagine, you picture it coming, moving through the threes, growing closer.
“What the hell!” The voice yells as you try to make your car start again, uselessly. “You could've killed me!”
“Damn it.” Cursing under your breath, overcome by terror, you step out of the car, running around it and into the other one, which is still working, opening the passenger door and rushing inside.
“What do you think you're doing? Get the hell out of my car!” Dacre shouts at your face, in Billy's voice, a little deeper.
“There's something in the woods!” You yell, looking through the rear windshield. “It's coming!”
“Are you crazy or something?! You almost wrecked my car!” As he speaks, you imagine it once again, the tentacles coming from the sky, taking over the road behind you.
Then you grab his arm, squeezing the muscle underneath the jacket. He's in the middle of a sentence when he looks back too, immediately going silent as he's eyes meet the same inexistent thing you're seeing.
“What the–”
“Drive!” You burst out, and the car starts moving.
“Cut!” The director's voice reaches both of you and Dacre hits the brakes.
Relaxing, you let go of his arm.
“That was great, but I want another take. Ryan, turn those lights down.”
The scene is repeated three more times, with different lighting until they finally decide it's perfect. Then the whole set starts moving to the next scene, which is the sequence to what just played out. It'll be shot in a street Northeast from the road, and since it'll play out from the Camaro, you're told to stay in the car as Dacre drives there, following the other cars.
“You did well back there,” Dacre says as you move, taking a different turn from the other cars to reach your mark. The street has a few small houses on one side, which will have their lights on and some people moving inside and on their balconies, and tall threes on the other.
“You too. Hope I didn't hurt your arm, but Amy was terrified.” Shrugging your shoulders, you smile to hear his giggle.
“I noticed.” He says. “But my arm will survive.”
Looking his way, you're able to have a good look at him now. It's a little dark, but you can take in his features. Dacre makes the mullet look good, which is impressive since you absolutely hate the hairstyle. But not on him. Clearing your throat, you look away. “Make sure it will. You'll need it.”
Dacre stops by the mark, everyone apparently already on their positions. “Things are about to get tense for Billy and Amy now.”
“First fight.” You say, taking a look at your outfit to make sure nothing is out of place. “Enemies to lovers is quite a good arch.”
“I like it too.”
“(Y/N). Dacre. Are you ready?” The director asks and both of you give him a thumbs up, hands off the window. The crew with the microphones and cameras are already positioned, ready for the scene. “Alright then. Ready... Action!”
Dacre moves the car forward, just enough to fake it as he hits the breaks. “What was that?” Billy asks, annoyed for some reason Amy wouldn't know.
“I don't know.” With a hand on your hair, shaking a little, you breathe fast, terrified. “Just take me home.”
“Now I gotta drive you home too?”
“Screw you.” The sudden outburst and the disgust in his voice makes you bolt out of the car, keeping in mind not to look at the cameras following you.
“Are you going to walk?” Billy yells, but you don't look back, walking fast, crossing your arms. “Wait.”
“Screw. You.”
“Don't be an idiot.” You roll your eyes when you notice he's coming closer. Dacre grabs your arm, forcing you to turn around. “Are you really going to walk home with that... Thing out there?”
You're confused at his change of moods, pushing your arm away. “Does it look like I have a choice? You just saw that–” You gesture at the threes on the other side of the road. “–and you still couldn't bring yourself to drive a lady home. You're such a gentleman.” Raising your voice, you put the same tone of disgust in your voice that you heard in his. The cameras move a little closer, and you know why. That's when the tension starts, when Amy stands up to Billy. Stepping forward, lifting your head to try and look him in the eye, you put a single finger in his chest. “You're far worse than what people say you are.” You don't get why his eyes make you nervous. Maybe this whole thing is more than you're used to, too big of a production for you after a few years away from the cameras. As much as Dacre's face being so close makes you feel funny, you gotta keep it cool, don't let it show. You're scared, terrified of a monster in the woods.
“Cut the bullshit and let's go.” He takes your arm again, but you refuse to follow him, standing your ground.
“Let go!” You struggle a bit on his grip, noticing how you actually need to act as if it's tighter than it really is. When he turns to face you again, as you struggle, his face comes close again, his eyes filled with Billy's annoyance.
“Get your butt–” Exactly in time, a crack reaches your ears, and both you and Dacre look at the woods with wide eyes, your breaths caught in your throats, unsure of what made that noise, but not excited to find out. “Let's get out of here.”
“Yeah.” You mumble, heading back into the car.
“And cut!” The director yells as soon as you close the door shut. “That was good, but I want another take. I want the same tension you both built on season 2, only now it's stronger, you're face to face. And Dacre, work this out because people need to be convinced Billy likes someone for something else than just fool around.”
You both nod, repeating the same thumbs-up gesture. Taking a deep breath you wait for the sign and starts moving, doing pretty much the same until you're both out of the car, but this time, when Dacre pulls your arm, you act as if the pull was stronger then it actually was, letting yourself collide against his chest before stepping away. “Are you really going to walk home with that... Thing out there?”
“Does it look like I have a choice? You just saw that and you still couldn't bring yourself to drive a lady home. You're such a gentleman.” Instead of just putting a finger on his chest, you push him away with both hands, not keeping the normal distance as doing so, and letting your eyes fall on his unbuttoned shirt for a couple of seconds before raising your them again. You feel the heat on your cheeks, and you know you're blushing. Checking him out was not the intention.
Dacre's eyes meet yours, and for a second they soften before the usual annoyance comes back. You wonder if he's trying to say something, give you a hint about something he wants to do, but you have no idea what it might be. “Cut the bullshit and let's go, princess.” The weight on the last word is different, lower, meant as in insult, an irony.
“Let go!” You whisper-yell, trying to pull away, but you stop when Dacre holds the other arm, trying to drag you to the car. His stare is intense, and the cameras move a little, coming closer, and you know they're focusing on your faces. “Let go.” You repeat, much lower this time, trying to put some distance between you and him, since your bodies are way too close already.
“Get your butt–” The crack again, the stare at the woods, and the sudden change of moods. Run now, fight later. “Let's get the hell out of here.”
Nodding in agreement, you give your arms one last push, and Drace's eyes come back to you as if remembering he was still holding you, finally releasing his grip. You both run to the car and the scene is over.
Despite saying it was perfect, the director wanted two more takes. He wants proximity, touching, anger mixed with a sudden, recently discovered passion from an unexpected connection at first sight. You're happy to hear that you did achieve that, not sure if it came from your skills or the funny feeling you had in your stomach through the scene. It's weird to have someone you basically just met so close, only inches away.
When it's all done, you take off the outfit and put your clothes back on after washing the make-up away. Then you wait for Vicky, leaning against the minivan, scrolling through your Instagram feed.
“Hi again.” You see Dacre approaching through the corner of your eyes, raising your head to look at him. “Have you checked in at the hotel yet?”
“Yes, just before coming here.” All the actors are staying at the same hotel, just so it's easier to gather everyone around when needed, and be sure of the time it gets for them to get on set.
“I came in my car. I can give you a ride there if you like.” As he speaks, you see Vicky coming, talking with the director. Which you still don't know the name yet.
“I came with Vicky, my agent.” Gesturing at her, you feel embarrassed to decline, and you hope Vicky will say something to help you out as she usually does. “Right, Vi?”
“Oh, no.” Waving her hand in a fast motion, she puts a lock of her blond hair behind her ear. “Remember what I told you? Make connections, friends. Don't stick with me during the whole production.” She reaches out her hand and Dacre politely shakes it. “I'm Victoria Klein. (Y/N)'s agent and her mother's oldest friend.”
“Dacre Montgomery.” He simply says.
“You may take her to the hotel. I have some things to do and she needs to rest. Long day tomorrow.”
You just watch as Vicky sets you up as if you're not even there to make your own call. But you're too shy to say anything else, to still refuse Dacre's kindness. “Ok then. See you, Vicky.”
“Have a good night.” She says after giving you a quick hug.
Silently, you follow Dacre through the set to the parking lot. His car is among several different trucks, some of them already leaving. “Nice car.” You tell him as you get into the passenger seat.
“It's rented.” Dacre turns the ignition and the car comes to life. “I can't be without a car. What if I need to go somewhere?”
“Fair enough.”
He drives through the huge set and you fall into a comfortable silence, not sure of that to say. It would help if you could see some kind of landscape or anything at all through the window. Then you wouldn't look like an idiot with eyes glued at nothing but darkness.
“Did you stop to speak to the journalists?” Dacre asks when you reach the exit, waving at one of the guards.
“Yes. You?”
“Yeah. What did they ask?”
“Spoilers.” Shrugging your shoulders, you give him a glance, and he does the same. “About Amy's and Billy's relationship. What can be expected after their meeting in the season finale.”
A low giggle escapes his lips. “Wait until they know.”
“But they will have to wait until next year.”
“You did well back there. You actually blushed. How did you do that?” He stops at the red light, and you feel when he looks at you. Running a hand through your hair, you meet his eyes.
You weren't trying to blush. You just did. “I'm a very good actress.” Giving him a sassy smirk, you see when his lips break into a smile. It's different from Billy's smile, he doesn't act like he's trying to hide some unknown meaning behind it.
“You sure are.” The red light turns green and you start moving again. “Uhm... There will be a kissing scene, you know.” Oh. The kissing scene. You read through it, of course, you just didn't give much thought about it. “Have you ever done a kissing scene?”
“No.” The answer is quick, you don't have to think much. “In my long list of three movies, in two of them my character didn't have any romantic interests and in the other one it was platonic.” Dacre had done it, you remember from some movie, not sure which one. Your mother insisted on watching some of his movies, just so you'd ‘get to know your co-star skills’ before actually having to work with him. But it's different. It's completely different watching a character on screen and then meeting the person behind it.
“Oh, ok. I hope I won't make you feel uncomfortable.”
“Don't worry about that.” You're a professional, and that's your job. It's just a kiss anyways, and the scene won't be shot any time soon. You'll have time to get used to the idea.
“I just think that since our characters arch is connected from now on, it would be good to get to know each other. It helps a lot when the co-stars are somehow friends.”
“Of course.” He has way more experience in this than you, so whatever he says, you agree.
When you get to the hotel, Dacre leaves his car on the underground parking lot, and, despite having his room key, he insists on accompanying you to the reception to get your card. Once you're in the elevator, you rest your back against the mirror, watching the numbers as they light up.
“We should exchange numbers,” Dacre says, turning to look at you. “In case some of us need to go through the lines or work on something.” He shrugs his shoulders, the light fabric of his white shirt moving. “It's a thing among us. You'll be invited to a lot of parties like that.”
“Sure.” Taking your phone off your pocket you unlock it and hand it over to him as he does the same. Quickly, you type your number and save if on his contacts list.
“That's my stop.” He says when you reach the 14th floor. “See you tomorrow.”
“Good night.” You mumble, waving at him as the elevator door closes again.
The first thing you do when you get to your room is kick off your shoes, already undressing to hit the shower before throwing yourself on bed. It's very late and you won't have many hours of sleep. You're halfway to the bathroom when you take your phone to put on some music. But you don't recognize the object in your hand. After a moment of confusion, you realize it's Dacre's phone.
“What now?” Stopping on your tracks, you start making the way back and gathering the clothes you left on the floor, putting them on again. Since you don't know the number of his room and knocking from door to door is ridiculous, you decide to call reception and just ask. But on your way to the landline they have near the couch, Dacre's phone starts ringing. You were wondering who would it be when you read your own name on the screen.
“Oh, hi.” You're quick to pick up. “I guess you have my phone.”
“Yeah, I got lucky it didn't lock, or else I'd have to call reception asking for your room.” His voice gets a lot darker through the phone. “Would you tell me which one is it? I'm already heading to your floor.”
“1703.” Already making your way to the door, you hear the soft beep of the elevator's doors opening.
“I'm almost there.” He's still speaking when he turns the corner, getting into your sight. You hang up, a shy smile on your face. “Sorry about that.” He hands you over your phone and you give him back his.
“It's alright. We're both tired.” You expect him to just say good night and leave, but he doesn't, shifting his weight from one leg to another.
“Have you met the others yet? Natalia, Joe, Millie...?”
“No, not yet.” You've heard they are very close, and you're the new girl in set. Saying you're nervous doesn't get anywhere close.
“I'm your only friend so far then.” Dacre states. “I'll break the ice with the others, don't worry.” He smiles again, and now, under the bright lights of the hotel hall, you can see his face perfectly. His blue eyes, a lot kinder then they were earlier today when he was Billy.
“Thanks. Guess I'll see you tomorrow then... Pool scenes.”
“Pool scenes.” He repeats. “I'll leave you to sleep now. Good night, (Y/N). Again.”
“Good night, Dacre.” Standing by the door, you watch as the walks away, towards the elevators.
You're about to head inside when, just before he turns around the corner, Dacre gives you one last look, a smile coming to his lips when his eyes meet yours.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @skykittysstuff
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omniishambles · 2 years
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MEDIA: Stranger Things. FACECLAIM: Dacre Montgomery. AGE:17-19. GENDER: Male. OCCUPATION: Lifeguard at Hawkins Pool (Summer Job). SPECIES: Human. SEXUALITY: Bisexual. NATIONALITY: American. EYE COLOUR: Blue. HAIR: Dirty blonde mullet, curly. HEIGHT: 5″10. SCARS: A small scar on his right eyebrow gained through fighting. Multiple scars left after the Mind Flayer. LANGUAGES: English. ZODIAC: Taurus, April 29th. NOTABLE RELATIONSHIPS
Max Mayfield, step sister.
I don’t interpret Billy as racist nor do I write him as such. He IS aggressive and violent. But he’s also a teenager with trauma and I will explore both sides of his character, the hard and the soft, the dark and the light. He is human and flawed and all aspects deserve to be acknowledged. If you disagree with all of the above, you’re free to peacefully move on.
Template for Billy’s icons created by @imprvdente​!
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TW: Abuse, parental neglect.
Born in California, Billy didn’t have the happiest home life. Though his relationship with his Mother was good, Billy’s Father was abusive, presenting a personality to the world of a loving family man while consistently doling out violence behind closed doors. Any step out of line earned him a cascade of verbal abuse and often physical aggression; a hard slap, arms gripped so tight that fingermarks remained behind for hours, but only ever in places that could be hidden from view. Sometimes the belt. 
Billy’s Mother faced the same level of control and punishment, finally leaving her husband, but also leaving 10 year old Billy behind.
Alone with his Father’s insistence on toughness and respect, Billy began to lash out and emulate this behaviour, turning into a school bully. When his Father eventually remarried, Billy was bitter, bitter still at his Mother’s abandoment but also that his step mom and step sister were waltzing into his life, completely unaware of Neil Hargrove’s true nature. They became aware soon enough.
When Billy was 17, the decision was made to leave California and its sunny beaches behind for tiny, landlocked Hawkins. He had no choice in the matter.
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Series 2 Arriving in Hawkins from California, Billy is significantly unimpressed with his surroundings. He spends his time working out, partying and begrudgingly acting as a guardian for his younger step sister, Maxine.
Series 3 After crashing his car on the way to an illicit rendezvous, Billy becomes ensnared by the Mind Flayer. The creature uses him to gather warm bodies in order for it to grow a physical form outside of its home dimension, giving him enhanced strength and durability to carry out its work.
Survival AU Though Badly injured after trying to stop the Mind Flayer from taking Eleven, Billy was saved. He spent a number of weeks in Hospital recovering from his wounds while the government arranged a cover story about a fire at the Starcourt Mall. Scarred mentally and emotionally by the possession, Billy is struggling with going back to a ‘normal life’.
Upside Down AU After the events of Star Court, Billy was not killed by the Mind Flayer but tossed into the Upside Down, where he’s been trapped ever since.
Hunger Games AU Billy is a District 4 tribute, volunteering for the games at just 16 years old. 
Percy Jackson AU Son of Poseidon. Billy has had an affinity for water since he can remember. But during the turmoil of his Mother leaving his life and his dad becoming more and more abusive, Billy’s anger put him in serious danger. With the protection of a satyr who scouted him out one summer day, watching him on the waves, Billy made it to Camp Half Blood in one piece. Age 14.
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strangerfictions · 5 years
Fanfiction and Fun
Request: Can you do a Dacre Montgomery imagine where he comes to bed, finding you reading Billy fanfiction. You try to hide it at first, but he sees it. He then starts whispering into your ear using his Billy voice, trying to turn the reader on, starting to make out and the story continues on.
Summary: Dacre is away filming and so you turn to tumblr for some comfort. Dacre now comes home and finds you reading Billy Hargrove smut and fun ensues. 
Warnings: major smut guys! 
Words: 1450
A/N: So, I actually was working on something VERY similar to this before I started the Christmas requests. I love this idea SO MUCH !!! When I read this request from @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland I was so excited to get writing! Idk why I took this so long but sorry it did! Hope you enjoy it ! 
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You had met Dacre through mutual friends and over a few months you both fell hard for each other. After a year of dating you had both decided it would be good to move in together. After searching for what seemed like years you found a cute two-bedroom apartment that had a balcony leading out from the master bedroom.
You loved moving it meant you could go shopping for new furniture and that’s exactly what you both did as soon as you got the keys. You’ve been living with Dacre now for about six months and the apartment is finally starting to look good.
Dacre had been away all week for filming and so you decided to put some finishing touches to the office/guest bedroom. By the time you were finished you were exhausted and just wanted to curl up with Dacre and watch Netflix. But that wasn’t a possibility considering he was half away around the other side of the world filming something. You always had a coping mechanism for days like this and tonight would be no different.
You started your nightly routine a little earlier so you could get into bed as soon as possible. You got into the shower enjoying the warmth as you washed your hair. Once you were finished and dry you got into some pyjamas which consisted of panties and one of Dacres shirts. You then got into bed phone in hand. You opened up tumblr and typed in your go to search “Billy Hargrove fanfiction”. You had the Stranger Things wardrobe department to blame for this. If they hadn’t made Dacre look so good with a mullet you wouldn’t have to read fanfiction based of a fictional character played by your boyfriend. You have never told Dacre that you loved him as Billy Hargrove and that in a weird way you were turned on by it. That was your dark fantasy for now.
You had been scrolling through tumblr for hours. You were now laying on your side with your back to the door as you continued to read through a particularly dirty Billy Hargrove fanfiction. You were so engrossed in the words that you didn’t hear your boyfriend sneaking in the door behind you.
“What are you reading?” You jump with fright as you cling to your phone for dear life. You turn around to find Dacre smiling smugly at you. You wondered how much he had seen. From the grin on his face you knew he had seen enough.
“What are you doing here?” You ask as you sit up in bed trying to change the subject.
“Well my plan was to surprise you by coming home early but you apparently had other plans for tonight” Dacre places his suitcase near the door and walks towards the wardrobe taking out some pyjamas.
“I had no plans for tonight actually! I was just reading…” You can feel the heat rise in your cheeks as you bring up the fanfiction.
“I saw actually I read…Really Billy Hargrove fanfiction?! Why not the guy your actually dating?” Dacre continues clearly affected by the fact that you weren’t reading fanfiction on him.
“Well technically it is your fanfiction just you with a mullet and some really tight jeans that make your ass look amazing!” You get out of bed and walk over to wear Dacre was slamming drawers closed looking for something unimportant.
“They did make my ass look pretty good!” Dacre smiles up at you as he sits onto the bed. You both laugh at how ridiculous this all was.
“I’m sorry baby I just really missed you and I loved you as Billy you were so hot with a mullet!” You stand in between his legs as you place a kiss on his forehead.
“Mhmm well looks like someone is getting all hot and bothered thinking about it” Dacre pulls you towards him and runs his finger over the wet spot on your panties. You couldn’t help but moan as you felt Dacre’s finger graze over your clit.
“That’s it princess I want to hear you moan for me !” The minute you heard Dacre call you princess you knew he had slipped into character something you saw him do so often but this time you were incredibly turned on by this change.
“Baby I need you” You whisper in Dacres ear as you stand over him catching a glimpse of his growing bulge in his jeans.
“Patience baby! I want you to get off on my thigh first since you seem to want it so badly!” You look at Dacre in surprise you then realise he had seen the important parts of the fanfiction. Thigh riding was something you really wanted to try but you were too nervous to bring it up with Dacre.
“You didn’t think I had seen that much did you? Don’t worry I saw plenty to keep you occupied for the night. “As much as I love the red panties, I think you look better with them on the ground. Don’t you agree?” You nod as he says this. You can feel his finger hook the hem and he pulls the red lacy panties down to your ankles. You place your hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you step out of them.
“Much better. I want you straddling my thigh Princess…now!” You were surprised by how forward your boyfriend was being but you it was having an effect on you especially between your legs. You can feel Dacres eyes on you as you hover over his thigh.
“Now!” Your boyfriend grabs you by your shirt and pulls you down onto his thigh gently. The sudden feeling of the material on your clit make you gasp. Your hips begin to grind gently against his thigh. Your eyes close as you feel the pleasure begin to build in the pit of your stomach. Your moans begin to get louder and louder as the pleasure gets too much for you. You open your eyes to see Dacre smiling smugly at you.
“Someone liked that a lot!” Dacre laughed as you stood up from his leg. You looked down to where Dacre was looking. His jeans had a huge wet patch from where you had been sitting.
“Shit sorry I’ll clea...” You start to laugh out of embarrassment but Dacre then stands up and begins to kiss you to shut you up.
“I don’t care about my jeans princess! They are coming off right now anyways” Dacre began to kiss along your jaw and down your neck as your hands go straight to his jeans. You begin to unbutton them and unzip them as Dacre gently leaves marks on your neck.
“Now people will know your mine!” You were about to get down on your knees when Dacre stopped you.
“No way tonight is about you now get on the bed ass in the air!” You follow Dacre’s instructions and within seconds you hear his jeans hit the floor with a soft thud. You turn around to look at him as he pulls a condom onto his cock. He wraps his hand around his hard cock pumping it a few times before rubbing it against your opening causing you to let out a soft moan. Without warning Dacre pushes into you slowly allowing you to get adjusted to his size.  You cant help but moan loudly as you feel the pleasure slowly build.
“Dacre please…faster baby” Dacre’s pace begins to get faster as you both moan from the pleasure.
“Fuck baby you’re so tight for me!” Dacre’s hand comes down and comes in contact with your ass. The slap echoing through the room as you moan. You can tell Dacre is close because his pace was getting sloppy.
“Dacre…I’m so close”
“Me too baby…are you going to come with me?” You nod your head as you both feel the pleasure take over you both. You both come together both collapsing on the bed in a sweaty mess.
“Fuck baby we need to do that again” Dacre pulls you into him and kisses your forehead as you both catch your breath.
“You should catch me reading more often babe” You both laugh at how ridiculous the night ended up being.
“Well now I know what really gets you going and so do my jeans” You feel your cheeks begin to burn as you hide your face in Dacre’s chest. You were about to say something when you heard a small snore come from your boyfriend who was passed out underneath you. You place your head back on his chest and fall asleep. 
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@an-antisocial-writer​ @charmed-asylum​ @takemebillyhargrove​ @technolilly​ @multifandomgirl16​ @dreamin-of-dacre @1998–js
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clarajane22 · 5 years
AU where Billy is Steve’s new cute neighborhood who is a total plant nerd. Billy loves so many different kinds of plants and when Steve wants to properly introduce himself, he brings Billy a cool looking plant and gives him a charming smile when he sees him.
Be warned I don’t know much amount plants except what I learned in my seven weeks of bio 102 focusing on plant evolution last quarter, so things may sound stupid in this lol
Since this is an AU I went with them being a lil older and Billy looking more like Dacre, so without the mullet and with the facial hair Dacre has rn. That’s just what I was feelin oops
Steve was in heaven. Or hell, depending on how you looked at it. For the last week since his new neighbor moved in, all Steve has done is stand by the window in his kitchen and watch as said neighbor tended to his garden. He knew that was creepy, but at the same time, could you really blame him when his neighbor looked like that?
He was just about the most attractive person Steve Harrington had ever seen in his entire life. He had golden skin and dirty blond hair just long enough so Steve could tell it had a natural curl. His muscles made Steve cross his legs every time he thought about them. He had a jawline that could cut, and facial hair that perfectly framed it. Steve both loved and hated to stare at him. 
Especially since Steve still hadn’t even learned his name. It had been a week. Steve needed to introduce himself. He needed to be a good neighbor. He didn’t just want to know what this man’s voice sounded like, or what color his eyes were. 
All Steve ever saw his neighbor do was garden, and boy did that work pay off. Steve had never seen a yard look more beautiful. It was covered in every type of gorgeous flower imagined, and Steve could see from his backyard the vegetable garden the man had behind his house, and the roses lining the side. He even had berries and fruit trees in the back. Somehow, even with all the plants, it didn’t feel crowded. Steve had never seen a weed anywhere near the yard. It was the most honestly breathtaking. 
Steve decided he knew exactly what he needed to do. He went to the shop he bought the few plants he had at, and picked one of his favorites. He then brought the little plant in its brown pot home, and walked over to his neighbor/s yard, where the man was deadheading the flowers near his front porch. 
Steve coughed to get his attention, doing his best to put on his most charming smile as the man turned around. 
He was a little caught off guard when he was met with stunning blue eyes and a confused, but beautiful smile. “Hey. Can I help you?” Steve swallowed and brought his flattering smile back. 
“Yeah, I’m Steve. Steve Harrington, your neighbor? I wanted to introduce myself and give you this.” Steve held up the little plant. 
The other man’s eyes flickered down to the pot and he chuckled. “A cactus?” 
Suddenly feeling self-conscious, Steve scratched the back of his neck. “Uh, yeah. Everything else you have takes so much work, I thought it would be nice to have something easy? They’re my favorite, I have a few in my house.” Steve game a small smile. 
His neighbor grinned and reached for the cactus, fingertips rubbing against Steve’s. “That’s very kind of you, Steve. I’m Billy Hargrove. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Steve felt his knees grow weak at the look Billy gave him. Being neighbors with this guy was either going to be really really fun, or an absolute nightmare depending on where things go from here. Steve was ready to find out which it was going to be. 
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gossipnetwork-blog · 7 years
Stranger Things 2 Fashion Secrets Revealed: How They Recreated the Best (and Worst) of 1984's Style
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/stranger-things-2-fashion-secrets-revealed-how-they-recreated-the-best-and-worst-of-1984s-style/
Stranger Things 2 Fashion Secrets Revealed: How They Recreated the Best (and Worst) of 1984's Style
Warning, spoilers for Stranger Things season two ahead. If you choose to continue reading and then complain about spoilers, you will be sent to the Upside Down!
Grab your teasing comb and pliers to zip up those jeans, because we’re officially back in 1984. Stranger Things’ second season, which is now available to stream, takes place in 1984, a year costume designer Kim Wilcox knows quite well.
“I was in high school in 1984. So it’s a  time…that you remember pretty well,” Wilcox, who joined the Netflix hit ahead of its second season. “It was a year that there was a slew of amazing movies, so I spent my summer in movie houses.”
However, when looking into how the citizens of Hawkins, Indiana, would dress in 1984, Wilcox noted you couldn’t fully trust the movies (Think The Outsiders, Ghostbusters, etc.). “When you see those movies, a lot of the time it’s very elevated or polished, and that’s not Hawkins,” she explained. 
So how did Wilcox and her team go about putting together all of the characters’ season two looks? And who were the inspirations behind Billy (Dacre Montgomery), the new bad boy with a mullet, and the new Pittsburgh punks? The costume designer spilled all of season two’s fashion secrets to us: 
A New Eleven
Before her punk makeover, Wilcox and Millie Bobby Brown had a lot of conversations about “where the clothes would come from for her character and whether or not they might fit.”
They figured it was mostly Hopper doing what he could to grab clothes after taking Eleven in. “Maybe he went to the next county over to the thrift store and grabbed whatever he could find, maybe he had this stuff in boxes in the cabin.” One piece that likely came right from his childhood wardrobe? The plaid shirt Eleven wears a lot in the cabin scenes.
“We wanted to sort of find her starting to relax and becoming more like a regular little girl as she is in this more loving relationship with Hopper,” Wilcox said. “And that informs how she’s dressed for the season.” (Check back with us on Monday for insight into her punk makeover in episode seven.)
Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman
Another character who goes through a major change that is expressed through her wardrobe is Nancy, who is struggling to cope with her guilt over Barb’s death.
“She’s evolving, she’s becoming a woman. In the first couple of episodes, she’s trying to be normal, but it’s not normal for her…there’s just a lot that she goes through this season that we wanted to make sure that she grew,” Wilcox explained. “We wanted to take her out of the prim and proper plaid cardigan and skirt set, and start working her into jeans…It’s really fun to see her grow and for that journey to be reflected in the costumes as well.”
Netflix, Nancy Moran/Sygma via Getty Images
Bad Boy Billy
Wilcox said she worked closely with Montgomery, who was “a dream to work with,” and TK, the hair designer, to achieve Billy’s memorable look, which she revealed was a bit of an homage to Rob Lowe. “I was looking to The Outsiders for him, And also, a little bit of the Boss, Bruce Springsteen.”
When he comes to Hawkins, Billy is “bringing all of this raw masculinity that we really hadn’t seen before,” Wilcox said. “There’s a little bit of a dangerous edge to him and his jeans fit just so. He wears serious biker boots. He’s got an earring. He’s kind of a bad boy and we haven’t seen this kind of a bad boy before in Hawkins. We haven’t seen this kind of flavor and it was really fun to find him with Dacre.”
Cool to the Max
Hawkins’ other transplant definitely came in with more of a West Coast vibe.
“I was thinking about she grew up in a beach town and she loves to skateboard, so we wanted to incorporate some of the brands that I remember being very important to that particular crowd,” explained. ” She wears Vans a lot, we wanted to riff off some of the Ocean Pacific and Hang Ten wear that was the thing. We created some looks for her…to make her this other vibe in this slightly brighter color palette. She’s the new breath of fresh air in Hawkins.”
The Beginning of Firsts
Calling the experience of working on the finale’s middle school dance sequence as “magical,” Wilcox also hinted that each of the boys’ distinctive looks could be clues as to who they “might be becoming” in future seasons.  
“It’s a bunch of kids who are just on the cusp of becoming adults, it’s their first time at a lot of these things,” she said. “There’s a little bit of awkwardness, but it was really fun to see where each boy’s personality might take us in the fitting, see what was right for them.”
Finding Inspiration
The show as a whole is an homage to the films the Duffer brothers loved growing up, and the clothes are a large part in nailing the authenticity. TH said they looked at films such as Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and The Outsiders for inspiration, and also spent time researching old collections of Tiger Beat and Cosmopolitan magazines, as well as old Sears and J.C. Penney’s catalogs.
But the biggest inspiration? Real kids.
“We found middle school and high school yearbooks, so we could really get a sense of who these kids are in the middle of the country, to see what are they really wearing.”
Growing Pains
Seeing as the majority of the young cast had yet to hit their growth spurts, keeping their clothes consistent throughout filming was a major priority for Wilcox and her team.
“It’s crazy,” she said. “We had one kid we could not keep in shoes, like every three weeks he grew a half-size.” Her solution was to find heritage brands that makes the same product in multiple sizes. “We’d buy five of them so that when somebody grew we’d have something.”
What’s Old Is New Again
While they were both born in the ‘90s, Wilcox said Natalia Dyer and Joe Keery are the cast members who have the “most fun” with their wardrobe.
“They play these characters who are going from high schoolers last year, but they’ve been through this drama, and they’ve had to grow up a bit faster than high schoolers have to grow up and they are becoming adults. There are changes in how they look this year that help us with this journey.”
Wilcox particularly highlighted the duo’s high-waisted jeans and jackets, both which are ironically both very current fashion trends.
More Colors
Season one’s color palette was similar to that of late ’70s films, which inspired the Duffer brothers, so a lot of “rust and  tans and baby blues” were used. For the new season, Wilcox wanted to bring in colors you see in the movies and music of 1984, making the overall palette “almost a little bit happier, a little more pastels.” 
Punk Invasion
The season began in Pittsburgh, where we meet Eight (Linnea Berthelsen) and her band of misfit bandits. Long gone are the safe small town looks, replaced with mohawks, black clothing and even blacker eyeliner.
“When we knew that this gang was coming, we started to look into the punk scene in the late 1970s and the early 1980s,” Wilcox said, referencing Siouxsie Sioux and Sid and Nancy as points of inspiration. 
 Establishing the gang’s look was “really fun” for Wilcox, as the punk look was “something we hadn’t seem before in the world of Stranger Things. It was fun to branch out of our Hawkins world and out of our color palette.”
Stranger Things season two is now available to stream on Netflix.
Check back all throughout the weekend and on Monday for even more exclusive scoop on Stranger Things season two, straight from the cast and crew.
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