#dad!izuku midoriya
doumadono · 8 months
HIII before this I just wanted to say that I really love your blog!! Your writing style is so organized and satisfying 🫶🏻
I was wondering if you could do Izuku as a parent to a rebellious girl. His daughter wasn't even rebellious in the first place, she used to be so sweet and so thankful for the gifts Izuku would give her. You could say that she was a daddy's girl because of how much she clung to him in her youth, but after her mother (Y/N) passed from a villain attack that could have been AVOIDED and the heroes were too late; she lost faith in the heroes especially Izuku. She also had some realization that Izuku was barely home and without her mother, the house felt so empty. Izuku's gifts were an apology and she started to receive more of them after her mother's passing. In time, her resentment for Izuku grew and she stopped interacting with him altogether even if Izuku made more effort for his daughter (whether it would be being home more often, cooking her delicious food like her mother did, buying more gifts, etc.) it meant nothing to her. She started getting in fights, turning her back against the hero society, going home late despite Izuku's protests and ignoring him completely as if she never knew him.
How would Izuku deal and react to this behavior? More importantly, how would he deal with the grief alone?
This is based of a true story because my older sister used to be like this back then, except our parent didn't make an effort to reach out. I wanted to see what would my favorite character do if his own daughter would be like this and he actually tried to make an effort. 😅
Rebuilding bonds - dad!Izuku & Y/N's daughter
Warnings: aged-up Izuku (+25yo)
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Izuku Midoriya had always been a devoted father. He cherished every moment with his daughter, watching her grow into a sweet and thankful child. She used to be a daddy's girl, clinging to him with a warmth that filled their home. But that all changed after the tragic day when her mother, Y/N, fell victim to a villain attack that could have been avoided. The heroes arrived too late, and in that moment, something within their daughter snapped.
The once adoring child began to resent not just the heroes but also her own father. Izuku felt the weight of her growing anger and disappointment, and it tore at his heart. He tried to compensate for her mother's absence by showering her with gifts, seeing them as apologies for his perceived failures. The house felt emptier without Y/N, and the gifts served as a poor substitute for her love and warmth.
Despite Izuku's attempts to bridge the growing gap between them, his daughter's resentment festered. He spent more time at home, cooked her the same delicious food her mother used to make, and continued to buy gifts. Yet, nothing he did seemed to reach her.
One evening, as he prepared dinner, he couldn't help but feel a knot in his chest. The sweet aroma of Y/N's signature dish filled the air. He glanced at the clock; his daughter was late again. Frustration and worry clawed at him, but he waited patiently.
When she finally walked through the door, it was clear that she had been in yet another fight. Her face was marked with fresh bruises, and she refused to meet her father's eyes. Izuku sighed and set the table, laying out the meal he had painstakingly prepared.
"Sit down, sweetheart," he said, his voice gentle but tinged with sadness.
She obeyed but remained silent, pushing her food around the plate. It was as though she were a stranger in her own home. Izuku couldn't bear it any longer. He put down his own fork and looked at her with a mixture of sorrow and determination.
"I miss your mother too," he began, his voice shaky. "But pushing me away won't bring her back. I love you, and I'll always be here for you, no matter how angry or distant you become. I want to help you, but I can't do that if you shut me out."
His daughter's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and for the first time in a long while, she met his gaze. "I just don't understand, Dad," she whispered. "Why didn't the heroes save Mom? Why weren't they there in time?"
Izuku sighed deeply, his heart heavy with the truth he had been wrestling with. "I ask myself that question every day," he admitted. "I wish I had the answers, but I don't. All I can do is honor her memory by being the best father I can be and doing my part to make the world safer."
And then, without warning, it happened. She suddenly pushed her untouched plate of food away and shot up from her chair, her eyes brimming with tears and anger. The dam that held back her pent-up emotions finally broke, and the floodgates opened.
"I hate this! I hate you, and I hate everything you represent! You say you love me, but you're never here when I need you the most! You couldn't even save Mom!"
Izuku watched in stunned silence as his daughter's anguish poured out. Her anger and grief were like a storm, and he was the one in its path. He had expected this moment, had known that she needed to let it all out, but he had never been prepared for the intensity of her emotions.
She continued to scream and cry, her words a torrent of pain and frustration. She accused him of being a failure as a hero, of not living up to the ideals he had always held dear. She blamed him for her mother's death and for the emptiness that had consumed their home.
Izuku didn't interrupt or try to defend himself. He let her words wash over him, absorbing every bit of her pain. He knew that she needed this release, that it was the only way for her to begin healing. His heart ached as he watched her crumble before him, but he knew that this was a necessary part of their journey.
The room was heavy with the echoes of her screams, and as her sobs began to subside, Izuku approached her cautiously. Gently, he pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close as she cried in his arms.
"Dad, I…" she choked on her words, her voice quivering.
Izuku held her even tighter, his own eyes glistening with tears. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here. You can say anything you need to. I want to understand."
Her tears soaked into his shoulder as she found her voice again. "I just don't know what to do. Everything feels so wrong. Mom is gone, and you're…you're never around… You pay more attention to being a hero than you pay to me…"
He sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I miss her too, more than words can say. And I'm so sorry, I wish I could have been there when you needed me."
"Why couldn't you save her, Dad?" she asked yet again, her voice filled with desperation.
"If only I knew, sweetie," Izuku whispered, his voice filled with regret and longing.
She sniffled and buried her face in his chest. "I don't want to hate you, but I don't know how not to."
He held her close, his voice soft and comforting. "I love you more than anything in the world, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
They stood in silence for a while, the weight of their emotions heavy in the air. Izuku knew that this was just the beginning, but it was a crucial step in their journey towards healing.
His daughter finally looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy. "I don't know if I can forgive you, but I'm willing to try."
Izuku nodded, tears still glistening in his eyes. "That's all I can ask for, sweetheart. We'll take it one step at a time, together."
The storm had passed, and the air in the room felt lighter. It was the beginning of a long process of healing and rebuilding their relationship, but they had taken the first step together. Izuku knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to be the father she needed and to help her find her way back to the light, even in the darkest of times.
The truth was, the grief settled heavily on Izuku's shoulders right after his wife's death. He found himself grappling with the loss of the love of his life, the mother of his child. The pain was relentless, and he often felt overwhelmed by sorrow. He had lost not only his wife but also his closest confidante, the person who had always been there to support him.
In the days following her death, Izuku withdrew into himself. He was a hero, but he was also a grieving husband and father. He would sit in the darkened living room, lost in memories of Y/N. Their laughter, their shared dreams, and the simple moments they had enjoyed together haunted him. He would often reach for the family photo album, flipping through the pages with tears streaming down his face.
However, he knew he couldn't allow his grief to consume him entirely. He had a daughter who needed him, a daughter who was struggling just as much, if not more, with the loss of her mother.
Over time, their conversations became more open, and the walls between them began to crumble. Izuku continued to work as a hero, but he also became a hero in his daughter's life. He attended her fights, not to scold but to offer guidance and support. He listened to her grievances about hero society and tried to help her understand the complexities of their world.
He also tried to create new routines and traditions that would help them both heal. They visited Y/N's favorite places together, shared stories about her, and kept her memory alive in their hearts. Izuku worked hard to make her feel less alone in her grief.
Their journey was far from easy, and the grief of losing Y/N still loomed over them both. But they faced it together, healing slowly, one step at a time. Izuku remained a devoted father, determined to rebuild the bond with his daughter and show her that heroes, even with their flaws, could still make a difference in the world.
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beybuniki · 2 months
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they should go on a fishing trip pt.1
#DONT COMMENT ON THE BACKGROUND I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW#anyway this is day 1. they take a bus. the bakugo household has fishing gear so ´deku is wearing bakugo's onesoe (?) and bakugo is wearing#his dad's. and notices he has grown :')#anyway they take a BUS and don't feel like doing this at all it's awkward for so many reason#also trying to relax after everything is neurologically just really hard they might be hyperivgilant dik#and there's so much they never got to unpack bnut they have to and they have to start somewhere and with someone#deku makes that flower crown while bakugo preps everything and they both look at it and are thrown back into their childhood 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️#and at first they just sit and wait for the bavarian fish to bite (rody should make a cameo tbh) but then bakugo breaks the iceeee.#and he starts with their moms because their moms have been such a stubbron connection between these two :')#and deku answers with the usual 'good :) how's your mom :)?' and to everyone's surprise he actually opens up#and tells deku about his mom's insomnia because she watched her son die (that shit was live streamed tpo 10 bnha tweets btw)#idk i love to think of their moms being a very easy subject to connect through i think it's easier for them that way to be more vulnerablei#and then some fish biteeeeeeeeeeee#but like 3 small ones so they have to gather berries and mushrooms and make stew (dw there's an aldi this is bavaria after all)#but yeah day 1 is a bit weird like it's just them in the woods with no distractions#which is so different from whatever went on during their 1st year of high school#don't read this i will throw up i just need this somewhere this is my public scrapbook#bnha#deku#midoriya izuku#bakugo katsuki#the flower crown on their knees makes this a bit homosexual but fishing is always homosexual im not fighting against that#au:#fishing
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varchaiiart · 4 months
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u can take the boy out of fandom but you cant take the fandom out the boy!! (katsuki is probably there too but in a disguise)
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moonlunee · 3 months
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shhh, he's having the most fatherly dreams
( I lost the original post where this is based on ㅜㅜ )
DO NOT tag this as a ship
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24bughours · 3 months
Mini comic because i like this idea
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Once Toshi retired and no longer had to pretend he's invincible, he began to warm up to the idea of using mobility aids. He mentioned it in passing to Midoriya and, with Bakugo's reluctant help, his protege latched on to the idea until they could make it a reality.
Aka. me giving All Might a mobility aid that has additional self defense features because its epic and he's epic and i need more dadmight that includes Bakugo
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gglitch1dd · 6 months
I know it wasn't the main focus of your Angry Dilf series
But please can we have a one-shot where Izuku and the reader finally have a daughter (I'm a sucker for a daddy-daughter fic).
The doctors thought I was a boy right up until I was born!
It was quite a happy surprise because secretly I think my dad wanted a girl all along 😅 (fyi im an only child)
Idk it could be a cute idea but it's up to you if you want to
Ohhhh... That's cute! I'd think they'd totally have a daughter as their finally child. Last one to wrap up the batch.
The Girl
Dilf Midoriya Izuku x Wifey Reader
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Warning: Parenthood, pregnancy, babies, boy mom Y/N, brief birth scene there.
Now THIS baby, this baby was vasectomy baby. You called them vasectomy baby because by NO MEANS did you think you'd have them. You and your husband had dusted your hands and called it an end to the Midoriya plantation.
However, you just had to have that last dip in the risky pool and there you found yourself standing in the bathroom, in smack disbelief at the two lined pregnancy stick in your hand. Five boys and now no doubt another on the way.
You weren't sure how your husband was going to react considering you had both talked about it and decided that you would be done. So that's how you ended up waiting for him to get home to break the news. You did it with all the boys that just so happened to be present when you had broken the news.
Your large husband turned to look at you as he paused whatever he was reading on his phone to look at you. The sides of his green head of hair were starting to go grey, giving him a devilishly attractive look that you couldn't help but adore. "Yah?" He asked so calm and unsuspecting of your bombshell of news.
You didn't say anything more as you placed down the pregnancy stick before him. His eyes followed you before landing on the stick. His eyes widened comedically before turning to you. He blinked once. Twice. Three times. Before turning to look back at the stick. He put down his phone before turning to look at you fully.
He pointed to the stick with a large finger. "Is this..."
"And you're..."
"Huh." He let out nonchalantly as he took a moment to digest the news.
Walking into the room was your oldest, Toshinori. The green haired fifteen year old boy walked in, dressed in his UA first year uniform. He took an apple from the fruit bowl before his eyes caught on the stick. The apple dropped from his hand as he looked to you with the same round green eyes that his father had. "No!" You persed your lips and nodded your head. Toshinori's jaw dropped before pointing to you and looking to his father. "Is this..."
Midoriya nodded with an amused chuckle. "Boy number 6." Your husband titled.
You gave him a pointed look, putting your hands on your hips. "Izuku!"
"What?" He chuckled putting his hands up. "Honey..." He let out a sigh as he moved to carefully pull you into his arms. "I'm grateful for everything you give me. This is just a surprise, nothing more and nothing less." He told you honestly, moving to hold your hand and bring your hand up so that he could kiss your knuckles. You couldn't help but melt in his arms, always being so swayed by him.
"YASS!" Toshinori cheered, taking the both of you by surprise. "We can form a volleyball team!" He raced out of the kitchen heading upstairs. "ASAHI! GUESS WHAT DAD DID TO MOM AGAIN!"
Your husband's jaw dropped as you let out a loud laugh.
Having had so many boys, the both of you had kind of just assumed it would be a boy just like the other five. It was predictable at this rate. Even your friends had accepted it as a new boy to add to the Midoriya army.
You didn't mind. You were a boy mom. It was kind of what you did and after the second boy, you understood completely how they worked, all being little copies of their father and all running off of chaos, affection, and obssession over something whether it be quirks, heroes, a sport, there was something they would cling to and hold till their grave.
So as your stomach grew and the baby inside you was also seemingly a boy from the ultrasounds, there was nothing to suggest otherwise. Considering you had had your youngest Kota just a little under two years prior, Midoriya had easily redone the nursary and everything was ready for Midoriya sprout Number 6.
However, leaving you both surprised was when you gave birth.
"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Midoriya. It's a girl." The doctor had said as they started cleaning up your little crying baby, bringing her over to you.
You and your standing by husband had both froze. You looked up to Midoriya as he had once again, his eyes widened so wide you were sure he had never looked so shocked. "It's a what!?" He asked.
At this point the labour and delivery nurses were all giggling, having had seen this all before and seeing you often too. You couldn't even get a word in as your girl was placed on your chest.
She was crying, her eyes squeezed shut as she had lungs big enough to wake up the dead. She had a healthy head of green curls like all your boys.
A girl.
A little baby girl.
You quickly shushed her as you brought a hand to her back, holding her gently. "Aww sweetheart, it's okay." You felt tears in your eyes as you smiled, a burst of happiness that made everything else in the room fade away other than your little girl.
It took a minute or two before your husband could finally hold her. She was smaller than her brothers were, sitting in his large hands weighing so light he feared he would drop her, despite having held a newborn plenty of times before.
You saw it.
You could see the moment that your husband switched over from a boy dad to a girl dad.
His eyes softened as he shushed her sweetly. Her little knitted hat sat on her head as she was put against his chest, wrapped up sweetly like a gift from the heavens. Your husband was a crier. It was what he did, but you had never seen him sob so hard since Toshinori's birth. And here he was. A grown man, crying as much tears as the baby.
Once you three had your time together, you soon allowed in the boys followed by your mother-in-law.
"MOM!" Your boys streamed in fast and quickly as if they had been seperated from you for months. They headed towards you quickly as your husband stayed by your side, the biggest smile on his face as he looked down at you and your daughter proudly.
You chuckled as you turned to the boys. "Shhh! Sprouts, you've gotta keep quite. Your sister is sleeping." You told them as you looked down at the little girl, so exhausted from spending the last few hours inducing you into labour to get here.
The boys jaws dropped as they looked to their sister. Instantly you were surrounded on all sides, all of them peering down to look at their little sister. So small and tiny.
You looked to your eldest. Toshinori had a wobbly smile on his face, and then you saw the tears. He quickly wiped his eyes, trying to stop them from falling on the baby. He leaned down and kissed your head. "Are you okay mom?"
You smiled at your boy. He always thought about you, no matter what. You nodded as you put a hand to his shoulder. "I am, thank you baby."
When you turned to your mother in law, Inko was bawling her eyes out as she hugged her son. "A girl!?" She asked softly.
It only made your husband laugh as he nodded, so much taller than her now. He nodded. "Yes, Okaasan. A girl."
Inko shuffled over to you, tired of her son for a second as she kissed your forehead before looking down at the little girl. She awed at the sweet little girl. "How precious." She whispered. "You did such a good job, Y/N. What are you guys gonna call her?"
You looked to your husband, honestly having not entertained the idea of girl names in over a decade. Your husband however seemed like he had been waiting for this question all his life. He put a hand on his mother's shoulder and said a single name.
[Needless to say, that girl is never getting a boyfriend and she's gonna be more protected than the president.]
[Izuku Masterlist]
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nottspocket · 17 days
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More of Mapo bcs my cat was being a brat and I like projecting
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thirstyallmightfan · 1 month
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Like father, like son ☕
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ohnogizm0 · 7 days
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setting toshi's recovery back by a month with the shenanigans BUT-!! it's his birthday!! happy birthday no.1 hero dad 🎊💛
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cryptids-and-muses · 8 months
A hilarious au idea involving Sir Nighteye
In this au, all might having a sidekick was never public knowledge, this was to maintain his image as the sole pillar of peace, and because nighteye works best in the shadows anyway.
Jump cut to 12 year old izuku meeting nighteye because reasons, I’m thinking nighteye saves him from a villain, and of course izuku BEGS him to sign his hero notebook. Here’s a hero he doesn’t recognize!! It’s so exciting!! Nighteye, upon seeing this journal, recognizes not only this kid’s talent but also how much in depth and possibly sensitive info he knows, and is like “….maybe we should keep an eye on him.”
After a bit of scoping him out, and a LOT of discussion with inko, nighteye essentially offers izuku a work study position as an analyst. The kid shows a lot of promise in that field, even if he seems dead set on being a field hero. And because nighteye’s operation is top secret, no one but izuku and inko know his after school job is at a hero agency.
Here’s where the fun starts.
Because this would not change how things play out with all might at all, he’s still offered one for all.
Izuku asks who knows about the quirk and yagi, who isn’t on speaking terms with his former sidekick who the public don’t even know he had, does not tell izuku nighteye knows about the quirk. Or even that he used to work with nighteye. Why would he? So izuku keeps this secret from nighteye and asks for reduced hours at work so he can train for UA, leaving out who he’s training with.
Meanwhile, izuku of course wants to tell all might he works with another hero, nighteye’s operation is Top Fucking Secret and izuku promised to maintain that. So at most All Might knows izuku part times at an underground hero agency, but izuku won’t tell him which one. All might finds this more amusing then anything else and respects his student’s privacy.
Nighteye still wants Mirio to be all might’s sucessor and is ENRAGED to find out he gave it to some random child he hadn’t even known a day. Refusing to listen any more.
So neither of these two idiots realize they’re mentoring the same kid.
Cue the entrance exam and izuku having to explain to nighteye that he “suddenly” manifested his quirk and nighteye is like “…..wait a minute”
I’m calling this au My Hero Custody Battle
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maripolifan · 3 months
If MHA was just a little sillier...
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The biggest question left in the series unanswered (so far)... 
Who is Hisashi Midoriya? Who IS Izuku's father????
Ik I'm playing Russian roulette rn with how things are going in the manga lmao
Endeavor is here because Izuku being his secret love child is an actually funny theory (to me)
All Might is here because he's def hitting that
AFO thinks he's the top dog, but he is, at most, a clown
Mystery guy. Ignore him. Maybe he got lost on his way to the restroom?
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fruitycaake · 10 months
*Izuku gaining the quirks of the past users of OFA*
In the Vestige Void:
Banjo: Hey! How come he gets all the cool shit?
Yoichi: I don’t fucking know? He was quirkless so-
Yagi’s vestige: *making hand movements indicating to himself*
Nana: Toshi was quirkless when I passed on OFA. How come he didn’t get our quirks like Ninth?
Hikage: Probably because he’s All For One’s son, just a thought.
En: That you know of.
Yoichi: Fuck you all. Third, put up the GODDAMN CONSPIRACY BOARD-
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beybuniki · 5 months
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checking in on everyone
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varchaiiart · 4 months
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he WILL throw his dad at you, dont test him
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@supnerds @aobawilliams
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gglitch1dd · 3 months
There's just something about a tiny green haired baby being carried around the house by the most powerful man in all of Japan. A little bit of Dad!Zuku with his sons but they're still babies pls??
FINALLY! PEOPLE SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE! Izuku as a father is the sexiest thing that man could do. I changed this a bit so that its new dad Izuku with his wifey and Toshinori. Personally, there's nothing more attractive than a man who's sure in his identity and in his family.
This prompt is based off of the song, "Dear Theodosia", "Your Forever- Reprise" and the following TikTok video:
I'm so Blessed
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You opened your eyes at the sounds of crying. Your newborn son was crying as he lay in the cot beside your bed. Your eyes opened, the parental instincts kicking in. The large warm hands that were wrapped around you shifted as your husband woke up as well from the nap you were both taking while your son had slept as well.
A soft kiss came to the side of your head making you smile. "I'll get him." He assured you, his voice deep and laced with sleep. You hummed in gratitude as you stayed warm and snuggled up in bed as your husband got up from where he was behind you.
You watched with half lidded eyes as Izuku walked over to the cot right next to your side of the bed. He carefully reached his large hands into the cot, undoing the swaddle that your son was in. Izuku chuckled. "Big stretch." He said amusedly, watching as Toshinori's arms moved up and he kicked his feet briefly. Izuku picked him up mid stretch making the baby whine. He carried Toshinori in one arm, easily unbothered by the few month old baby.
It wasn't too long ago that when your son was born he was light enough to fit in Izuku's hand and be carried by that alone. Your husband used to be so careful with him, and still was. You shifted as Izuku resumed his place next to you, laying back in bed as he held your son. The little boy let out soft cries as his eyes were closed.
Your husband let out soft shushes as he held Toshinori against his chest for a second. "It's alright, buddy. It's okay." Carefully, Izuku lifted up Toshinori to sniff him. He shook his head, noticing that his diaper was fine. He also couldn't be tired considering he just woke up from a nap.
You sat yourself up. "Hand him to me." You motioned to Izuku.
He carefully handed over the small baby to you. You smiled down at your only son with your husband with an adoring look. "Toshi, don't cry." You said softly as you moved to pull down one side of your oversized shirt that was Izuku's. You carefully guided the little one to latch onto your breast, having gotten used to the action by now. At the action, Toshinori quietened down as he got his needs met. You chuckled. "You were just hungry, weren't you?" You asked softly.
You carefully moved him up and down slowly in your arms as you held him, A soft hum left your throat as you looked down at Toshinori. He had easily become your entire world with Izuku, the both of you gravitating around this new life you created. He was small and tiny and needed you so much.
You couldn't dream of a life without him.
Izuku carefully moved you to lean against him. He watched the both of you with warm green eyes. It was his new favourite thing to do ever since becoming a father. Just watching you bond with your son was something he loved. The way Toshinori just had a way of looking up at the both of you with so much warm child unconditional love. It made his heart ache.
"He's up early." You said softly.
Izuku nodded with a hum. Toshinori had only slept for a little over an hour when normally he would take two or three hour naps at a time. "He wanted a mid-nap snack." Izuku shrugged, making you giggle at his explanation.
Your husband was right however, because not long after, your son seemed full and was idly just enjoying his time in your arms. He flexed his soft chubby hands as he stared up at you and your husband.
Izuku carefully moved to take his son out of your arms. He smiled a broad one on his freckled face. Emerald eyes that held nothing but love and devotion stared right back at Toshinori. He held Toshinori in his arms, moving to set him down to lay there. "You are my son." He let out quitely, almost in awe that it was a fact. Toshinori let out a coo as he stared up at his father with a small smile of his own. Izuku chuckled as he nodded his head. "Yes you are. You are my son. You are smart, you are kind, you are handsome."
You moved to snuggle up to your husband side, not saying anything as he spoke down to his only son in his arms. You couldn't help but stare at him with warm eyes, finding him speaking over your child such an attractive thing.
"You are the son of Midoriya Izuku and Midoriya Y/N. And I promise you Toshinori, I'm gonna do everything for you. My father was never around but, I swear I'll be here for you. I'll bleed and fight for you just so that I can pass on a better world for you. But I can tell," Izuku let out a soft scoff. "You won't need it. You're going to be just alright." He assured the little baby that stared up at his father with wide eyes that seemed so entranced with Izuku's very being. Izuku chuckled with tears in his eyes.
You watched your husband with warm eyes. He had never looked more attractive than he did right now. He was shirtless, his large figure of soft thick muscles were relaxed as he held a baby that was smaller than his forearm in his embrace. He was so big and strong and yet when he looked at this little boy in his arms, he seemed almost so soft and gentle. His soft curly hair was still in a mess from the nap but it suited him so dearly.
"I'm so blessed." At the sound of his voice, you turned to look at him. He turned to look at you with tears brimming his eyes. "To think..." He let out in soft disbelief. "To think I'd be here right now. Married to the most beautiful woman in the world who even gave me a son and takes such good care of him. I have everything I could ever want right here." He leaned over to put his forehead against yours making your smile broaden. "Thank you." He whispered.
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