cubffections · 6 months
yawwwnnn . guud mornie :[
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notfreetoday · 2 years
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There, I fixed it for you.
Team's Dad calls him "Luk Kwai", literally, child buffalo. Buffalo is used as an insult to imply someone is stupid, because Water Buffalo are used to plough the fields, but farmers need to point them in the right direction and tell them what to do.
Imagine going to your more-than-a-friend-but-not-quite-a-boyfriend's house, and having his father ask you "so how's my idiot son?". Explains why Win's choking on water.
It's also a reference to last week's episode, which @thebroccolination and I talked about here.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
How do u think the sullys would react to spider getting permanently transferred to a Navi body?
I think it would be Complicated™
cause like, all of the disdain and neglect that was held against him truly stemmed from his human body, but now those feelings are deep rooted within their dynamics.
Jake is happy for him, and I feel like he would get too friendly, trying to teach spider his to get used to his Na'vi body as if A. spider didn't have a perfectly amazing family to do so already and B. Jake wasn't a neglectful dad for 16 years. I do think that seeing the boy who was such a a small and insignificant shadow in his memories is now physically and emotionally his equal (turns out being loved and supported grows confidence) and it's really jarring. especially cause spider is not afraid to tell him to fuck himself anymore.
neytiri is also happy for him, less so then Jake, and now she is faced with the reality that he and Jake are one in the same. they were both human, both dreamwalkers, and now both Na'vi. she can no longer hold such disdain of him. I think she would encourage him to become metkayina, support his journey of becoming Na'vi, from a distance.
the kids are just happy their brother is like him, that they get to play and rough house with him, that he's happy. Kiri is proud of her brother, he has out so much effort to it connecting with his Mother, and now he can bond with her, can connect with her and his ancestors and theif memories. Luks likes that spider looks like her, and Lo'ak is happy for him, he knows of his brother sadness and is glad he doesn't have to suffer it.
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recentadultburnout · 2 years
Me rating what each character in NLMG is used as I and you.
You can read about Thai's pronouns more here.
With his parents.
Call himself Nueng (with an occasional Phom-ผม), his mom Mae-แม่, and his dad Pa-ป๊า. His parents used the same words, calling him Nueng (with some luk-ลูก (son or child) added in) and themselves Mae and Pa.
My rating:Cute 5/5
With Chanon
Call himself Phom. Call Chanon Lung-ลุง (Uncle) Non. Chanon calls him Khun Nhu-คุณหนู (or Khun-คุณ Nueng) and himself Phom.
My rating:Normal enough 2/5
With Ben
Both used Gu-Mueng.
My rating: Very typical of them. 2/5
With Palm
Gu-Mueng exclusively (for now). Palm calls himself Phom exclusively (for now) and calls Nuengdiao Khun Nhu and Khun Nueng.
My rating: 5/5 :)
With Kit
Call himself Phom. Call Kit Ah-อา (Uncle) Kit. Kit calls him Nueng, and he calls himself Ah.
My rating: Kit is creepy. 1/5
With Maggie
Initially, Nuengdiao used Phom for "I," but changed to Rao-เรา when Maggie used Rao as an "I." Maggie calls him Nai.
My rating: They are polite 3/5
With Chopper
Both used Gu-Mueng.
My rating: They have a little more of a casual feel than I expected.4/5
With his dad
Call himself Phom. Call his dad Por-พ่อ. His dad called himself Por and Palm Palm in front of Thanya but used Gu-Mueng when alone.
My rating: Chanon only used polite words for the sake of his boss, a bad dad. 1/5
With Chopper
Both don't used anything to address themselves or each other until they confirm that Gu-Mueng is okay. When they met at Nueng's house, Palm used Phom at first, but Chopper insisted that they use Gu-Mueng still.
My rating: cute, both of them 5/5
With Thanya
Call himself Phom. Call her Khun Thanya. She calls herself Chan-ฉัน and Palm Tur-เธอ.
My rating: It's quite normal, but I also quite like how Thanya says everything, so 4/5.
With Ben
Both used Gu-Mueng.
My rating: I love how they both barely conceal their dislike for each other. Their Gu-Mueng are edging into enemies' areas instead of having a close, casual feel. 4/5
With Chanon
Call herself Chan. Call him Chanon or Tur. He calls himself Phom. Call her Khun Thanya.
My rating: Normal 3/5
With Kit
Call herself Phi-พี่. Call him Kit. Kit calls himself Phom. Call her Phi.
My rate:A normal choice. I like how they say it. 4/5
With his dad
Call himself Phom. Call his dad Por. His dad used Gu-Mueng.
My rating: Terrible Dad 1/5
With Ben
My rating: Normal 3/5
Right now, (to me) it seems like Chopper is waiting for others (Palm, Ben) to start using Gu-Mueng with him before using it himself, and that is quite endearing, tbh.
I feel like a lot of people use "Man-มัน" as a third-person pronoun in this. Not weird, but it seems like it uses a bit more than the usual amount in a show. It might just be me, though.
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yerekanescio · 3 months
My AA OCs in a nutshell:
Ray Deare - He’s judt me. Gay as hell clumsy fellow. The bitch that pulls by being autistic
Taz Duval - Haunted by the narrative, literally (ghosts), and by his own mind
Fairy Mahnger - I haven’t posted about her on tumblr yet but she’s just crazy. you ever get neglected so hard you start doing the verbal equivalent of pulling down fire alarms in random public places
Hayte Mahnger - haven’t posted about him either but he’s Fairy’s bitchass dad
Lukyan Kupidon - Sweetheart OMORI.
[Bonus: Taz + the Mahngers are all part of the same story. Ray is his own thing, and Luk is for an AU but I also plan to add him to other stuff for fun bc i love him]
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urwendii · 1 year
OC game
tagged by @crysdrawsthings THANK YOU you just made my evening with this omg !!! I have a LOT of bg OCs but these ones are the one with actual fleshed out stories:
under the cut because i wrote a lot as usual
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Favorite OC | Dumbest (Affectionate) OC | OC I would be best friends with:
-> [Original Story] LUKAN. L U K A N. listen sorry, Aryn knows why, we talk abt him a lot. Luk, he's just the best, he's that dumb part of me that likes to tinker with everything and gets electrocuted because why checking if the power is still on when you can solder that component right away? he's a Prince in a fantasy world, but he has ADHD with the Hyper streak at 200%, he loves to make things but most of his inventions would end up blowing up at some point, he's totally clueless about some social situations, he is helplessly in love with Cyra but goes about it in the utterly wrong way and def has a kink in getting rejected / sassed away.
He's the type to get distracted mid-battle because Would you look at this great invention in the enemy's new catapult system!! while his poor soldiers are holding on for dear life trying to defend their Prince.
he's meme material but he's the very best and has his moments.
Newest OC:
-> [Tolkien] AMARËA !!!!! i love Amarëa she's my new Maia blorbo and I love her. Bit spoilerish but I think by now everyone interested in reading All The Fire Bright have read the Reveal so... She's Arien's daughter (andmairon's). Sung into being, and just about as annoying as a child of these two can be. Jk. she's a child. Children are of course delightful :) She however has the annoying tendency to revert to her spirit form - a ball of fire when upset. children amiright...Ossë is her favourite uncle but no one is surprised. She had a child crush on Finrod before the exile of the Noldor. I like irony as you can see. Thats a difficult conversation she will have with her dad later :)
Oldest OC:
-> [SWTOR] That would be Althia I think. She was my 1st Marauder with a terrible past (like most of my OCs ngl), young babey Jedi who got kidnapped by a Sith and raised in the academy on Korriban and ended up being the Emperor's Wrath (while still being light side because take that!)
Now I miss swtor...
Meanest OC
-> [Tolkien] I don't really have mean OCs as per say, just really sassy ones but maybe the rudest would be Aramírë, one of Aulë's Maiar. She's featured in PYL as one of the few Maiar joining Ossë in trying to bring Mairon back before he does something stupid (again). She's bold and confident and doesn't take shit from wannabe-emo-dark-lord sulking away on Númenor.
-> [SWTOR] edit: Actually my meanest OC would be Marha. She was my Jedi Knight. Jedi with a complicated relation with the Republic, was Fallen at some point, ends up as the Alliance Commander against Zakuul. Aurea's Twin sister although they grew up separately when Marha and her mother fled the invasion of their native planet by Zakuul. (Altathea - a planet of the largest community of Miraluka in this region of the galaxy.) Hates the Emperor with her whole being. Mostly a neutral Jedi, have seen too much war to be unaffected and doesn't hesitate to make the tough calls. Definitely has a cold demeanor but captivity + possession + forced leadership after second captivity by your first jailor's son will do that to you.
Softest OC:
-> [SWTOR] Aurea. my Miraluka babe, part of Zakuul's Force army and Thexan's betrothed (well before Arcann rudely nuks him) She's the softest, and goes through SO MUCH emotional horrors. She's gorgeous though and a skilled Force healer. Has an unbreakable tight bond with her Scion teammate, Elhaan. Might end up in an ot3 with him and Thexan at some point.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC | Smartest OC:
-> [Original Story] Cyra. Lukan's L.I. My autistic child <3. About the smartest person in the room at all time. She loves books more than she loves people, hates wearing shoes and loud noises, emotions are ...complicated and there are so many of them to try to guess in others. She's of dragon kin and wears some recognisable features as such. Will bite you with poisonous fangs if you try to kiss her. Princess of The Old Times(tm), has a huge memory and will weaponise it against you. Cursed. Secretly lonely.
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anicomicgeek · 2 years
Kevin Conroy and Jason David Frank
 I don’t look it, but I’m 37, soon to be 38, years old.  I’m a child of the 1990s and I’m a geek.  I grew up with the DCAU and Power Rangers – and the past couple of weeks, reality took a baseball bat to my childhood’s balls. First with the death of Kevin Conroy, then the death of Jason David Frank.
 Batman and Tommy Oliver are dead: By cancer and possibly suicide respectively.
 I didn’t even get the chance to meet either one – but it still hurts knowing they’re gone.  It’s taken a bit of time to compose my thoughts on these events, so I feel like I should share them.
 Everyone who’s known me for a long time knows I’m a massive DC fan. But Conroy, believe it or not, wasn’t really my first Batman.  Believe it or not, thanks to reruns, that’s Adam West.  I remember wanting a Batman action figure from the toyline based on the first Keaton Batman movie due to it color scheme matching the suit West wore (and the comics) and despite him not being in the film, being happy that Robin got a figure in the Batman Returns toyline. Speaking of the latter film, that’s where Batman: TAS comes in, since it was a tie-in for Returns.
 Like a lot of people my age, I watched Batman: TAS.  I wish I could say that even as a kid, I knew how special it’d be when I first saw it – but while I did like the show, my first impressions, due to familiarity with the West show and the Keaton films were “Why do Alfred and Commissioner Gordon look like this?” (unaware that’s how they looked in the comics) and “This doesn’t sound like what I was expecting.”  Of course, that went away after watching the show a bit more and the DCAU grew.
 Like most kids, I also grew up with Power Rangers, though thanks to the local channel airing the show in the morning, I missed out early on until they shifted it to the afternoon some months later, so I missed out on quite a bit, including Tommy’s introduction and wouldn’t learn his origin until reruns.  Still, he was part of the team when I really got into the series and I was saddened the first time Tommy left (imagine what’d happened if they’d actually had Tommy die like his first Sentai counterpart Burai), and then again during season 2 before the mysterious White Ranger kids were waiting all season for turned out to be him.  Unlike his costars, he lasted until midway through Turbo, but I kept up with the series until the end of In Space, leaving only with the start of Lost Galaxy.  In fact, the Wild Force episode “Forever Red” was the only time I made an effort to watch the show – and it was due to him, Jason, TJ, and Andros.
 Back to Batman, I didn’t really tune out of the DCAU, though I did most of Batman Beyond after season 1 and The Zeta Project and Static Shock, but that was due to wanting to sleep in as opposed to waking up in the morning.  Still, I did see most of the crossover episodes of Static Shock and I did tune in for Justice League.  In fact, my favorite DCAU show was JL due to seeing multiple heroes appearing, even after stupid mandates affected Batman’s supporting cast and villains’ appearances on the show (look up the term “Bat-Embargo if you’re interested in stupidity).  After the JLU finale “Destroyer”, that seemed to be it for Conroy as Batman himself; he appeared in the first episode of season 4 of 2004’s The Batman cartoon as Dick Grayson’s dad.
 Then came the animated film Batman: Gotham Knight, a tie in to The Dark Knight – supposedly set between Batman Begins and TDK.  Supposedly being set in that universe, Batman wasn’t voiced by Christian Bale like one would expect – but by Conroy.  Then came the Superman/Batman films, Justice League: Doom, the Arkham games, the Injustice games, the Killing Joke adaptation, Infinite Crisis, Justice League Action, LEGO DC Super Villains, Scooby-Doo and Guess Who, even the recent MultiVersus, all featuring Conroy as Bruce Wayne, along with a number of his DCAU co-stars (though it varied based on what we’re talking about) in tow including Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker himself) as the Joker, Tim Daly or George Newbern as Superman, Susan Eisenberg as Wonder Woman, Ed Asner as Granny Goodness, Clancy Brown as Lex Luthor, and Michael Ironside as Darkseid. Hell, even the DCAU itself did get revisited with a mobile VR game and two sequel films, Batman and Harley Quinn and Justice League Vs. the Fatal Five.  While I liked a lot of the other DC productions, a lot of the times, the DCAU, Arkham, and Injustice casts were the voices I heard.
 While I didn’t actively tune into Power Rangers anymore, I did occasionally watch it if it came on the TV and didn’t feel like changing channels.  That said, I did go out to see the remake movie in 2017, which featured Frank and Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly) in a cameo at the end.  The post-credits stinger even set up an appearance for Tommy in a sequel – one that, due to the film’s performance, would never come.  Even for all of the film’s issues (including the recurring problems of Power Rangers films barely featuring scenes of the heroes in costume), I liked it.
 One of my hobbies is fanfiction (fan-written stories) and another is fancasting (hypothetically “casting” actors in roles).  A fanfic idea I’d been kicking around, but never actually gotten around to writing, was something called “Multiversal War”, where different things I’d like would meet each other to stop threats from each other’s universe – ad as you can imagine, a lot of my “casting choices” for DC characters were DCAU voice actors, including, yes, Conroy as Batman.  Even had Frank “as” Tommy and the Emissary, a character from the Transformers: Prime Wars web series.
 Granted, a lot of deaths of other actors also affected my “choices”, but truth be told, Conroy’s passing is what made me tempted to just give up ever writing Multiversal War.  I could respond to the passing and retiring of others by sliding someone else in the role, but even trying it with Batman, maybe it’s due to me being the Spectrum, it didn’t feel “right”; it felt off.  Every time I think I got something workable, it didn’t feel right.
 Granted, I could work around the passing of Frank as well (just replace the Emissary with Spike Witwicky for Fortress Maximus as it was with the earlier Headmasters stuff and write out Tommy), I still grew up with Power Rangers for a long time and Tommy was still my favorite Ranger.
 There’s a lot of actors I thought whose passing we’d talk long before Conroy and Frank, including Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime from the original Transformers cartoon, the live-action movies and even some recent stuff), Peter Weller (the original RoboCop), Patrick Stewart, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger, but as of November 10 and 20 respectively, that’s no longer a thing.  There’s been speculation that Conroy was sick for years, but given it was years of speculation, I didn’t put much thought into it recently anymore than I did then.  And, as someone who suffers from depression myself, it’s still hard to accept that even famous people can also suffer from it and as I generally don’t keep up with actors’ daily lives, I didn’t know Frank lost a stepdaughter nor that he was going through a divorce.
 So, like a lot of people, their deaths took me by surprise and I was in a state of shock after reading about them when I woke up.
 So, how do I feel after writing all of this?
 Still hurting (after all two of my childhood heroes died), but feeling a little better writing it and sharing my thoughts.  Hopefully, this helps me and hopefully, I didn’t ramble too much.
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dragontatoes · 1 year
every college science class I've taken: I get that science isn't everyone's favorite subject but I want everyone in here to succeed. We're going to review in class before midterms and the final and you can work together while you take it. canvas messed up the due dates so you can just turn in anything from the first four weeks before the midterm and the rest before the final. textbook readings are optional extra credit. also I'm rounding up on the homework grades. good luk i love you all
every college math class I've taken: You're going to have to download and upload the homework and quizzes to like three different apps to turn it in, the time you take to do that counts in your time limit. the unit 3 homework is due before the unit 1 quiz. don't ask. this textbook is REQUIRED and it WILL NOT teach you anything. if you don't understand what the inverse of cosine is by now I will call your dad and tell him you're a stupid baby. what do you mean you hate this class
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mattanaministry · 21 days
Mattana Ministry
Welcomes You To:
Weekly Bible Study: 3 September 2024
Theme: Bible BasicsExplained/Ten Commandments (5)
Scripture: Ex. 29:15-17;
Col. 3:9; Luk. 12:15 & Rom. 7:14-15
Don’t Steal, Don't Lie, Don't Covet
Hello Through the Word. Back in Exodus 20 today, as we reach the last of the Ten Commandments. We left off at conviction. The Ten Commandments are good, but they don't always make us feel good. If we take them to heart, they make us feel guilty. As Paul puts it:
"We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do" (Romans 7:14-15).
So what do we do?
Before we answer that, let's pick up where we left off in the Ten Commandments. So far: no other gods, no idols, don't misuse God's name, keep the Sabbath, honor mom and dad, no murder, and no adultery. Seven down, three to go.
Number 8 in verse 15:
“You shall not steal" (Exodus 20:15).
If it's not ours, don't take it. Respect of property is essential to society.
Commandment number 9:
“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor” (Exodus 20:16).
Don't lie. The words here specifically refer to telling lies against someone to convict them in court, slander them in public, or gossip about them in private. No false testimony.
Now we could argue here about whether every lie is a sin. Is acting a lie? There's a clear difference between imagination and deception. But what if a lie is for safety—like the Jewish midwives who lied to Pharaoh, or Dietrich Bonhoeffer lying to the Nazis? Those are valid cases, and this commandment does not address every form of untruth. But Colossians balances us out:
"Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old self" (Colossians 3:9).
In Christ, we are made new, and the new us is truthful.
Would we trust someone who takes a stand to defend little white lies. And trust is valuable. Just saying.
Good point. Commandment 10:
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor” (Exodus 20:17).
That is nine and ten for Catholics. Do not covet. This one applies directly to the heart. It is not enforceable in human courts. There’s no thought police. But God's jurisdiction extends to our minds, our hearts, and our desires, and we will be held accountable.
The Hebrew word for covet here means just that: desire. And desire itself is not a sin. It's the direction of that desire that makes it wrong. The same word is used in Genesis 2 to describe the good and desirable trees that God made, and again in Genesis 3 to describe Eve's sin as she desired the forbidden fruit.
The first step of sin is setting our desires in the wrong direction. Desiring our neighbor's house becomes envy. Desiring our neighbor's stuff becomes stealing. Desiring our neighbor's spouse becomes adultery.
Jesus reminds us to:
"Be on (our) guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of their possessions" (Luke 12:15 ESV).
Life is more than stuff. So store up our treasures and redirect your desires heavenward.
That's all Ten Commandments. We'll see how the Israelites respond next time.
Please feel free to leave a review of this message.
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abcd124 · 27 days
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This is Emma my main character.
She is 28 and her birthday is on June 8th and she is a handful, she likes to dress up pretty and dress up fancy sometimes (All the time). Emma runs a circus and she is the Ring master and the magician and she is a lesbian and she has a girlfriend her name is Autumn and they met each other when they were 20 and 21. Emma has major issues with her past and she doesn’t like being told her past over and over again. When Emma was 15-18 she was a murder and she killed people and ate them after. It started out by killing her Ex boyfriend who had used her and her body and left her for her so called best friend. Emma was so divisive about it and her true friends were sorry for her and one of them named Ash said they should do something to him making him feel how she felt and Emma had an idea and so did Luk (Another one of her true friends) they wanted to kill him so bad and so did Ash and Robin and Scarlet (two more of Emma’s true friends) so they had to do what they wanted to do to him. As all five of them killed Emma’s Ex boyfriend and her crapy best friend they soon kill others and that lead them to eat them but one of the victims started a fire where they killed and Ash and Scarlet want to Jail and Robin was send to a mental hospital because he was the one eating all of their victims and Luk never made it But Emma was alive but she didn’t go to jail because everyone thought it was just the four of them and no one knew until they did and Emma want to jail for 6 months and her mom bailed her out because she was too kind to let her daughter go to jail but her dad was still mad at her, so Emma got out of jail and she was always reminded that she was a killer and she moved away from her town (Because her dad was pissed at her so much and he was planning on kicking her out and he thought she was going to live with her mom. Her parents are divorced btw) and she was looking for a job so she want to a circus and she was feeling better until she got to be the ring master and she was very happy and when Autumn asked her to be with her she couldn’t get enough of her new life so she said yes. As time went on Emma made new friends and she called them her family but she still visited her other friends (Ash, Scarlet, Robin, And Luk’s grave).
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clownaddict · 2 months
Luk Kar Chimaeros after having to become a Freeblade because his dad started a heretical uprising, his mom turned out to be a witch and his entire household turned traitor and now there is an Inquisitor coming to the planet:
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the-scraped-shapes · 10 months
THE SCRAPED SHAPES Part 30: A new day!
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It's a new day in the land of Eika with a new adventure in sight. Owkward and Barty have left Owkward's dad's weapon shop with a new item and are meeting their other party members (Buddha the monk, Luk the cleric, and Murder the rogue) soon.
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peacedtogether · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Muk Luks Pitch Soprano Wedge Sandals women’s Sz 8 Black.
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Get In The Mood With Lukx
Get In The Mood With Lukx
Lucas who goes by the stage name Luks is a Hip-Hop/Pop artist based in Belgium. Lukx was raised by a dad who was a music producer, and this spiked young Lukx interest in music. He draws inspiration from his surroundings. In an interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh, and he shed more light on hs brand new chilled house melodic release ‘Mood’. Lukx’s project is the result of a father and son…
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Sunny days--Luke&Lily oneshot
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Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
a/n: just some fluff with Luke and his lil flowers
donate to my ko-fi here :)
Word count: 1.3k
Luke & Lily Masterlist
Enjoy! :)
• • • •
Luke had been promising you and the girls a day at the beach and while he was in his small studio playing around with his guitar and ukulele, Lily and Posy became restless. You had to constantly remind them that while dada’s door is closed they can’t go inside unless he says so. His soft voice croons beneath the doorway while Lily and Posy are playing silently outside of it. 
“Girls, come away from the door,” you remind them sternly. 
“But he’s taking forever!” Lily pouts rising from her cross-legged position. Posy mimics her sister, a little more wobbly standing up as she’s still getting the hang of walking after turning one last month. 
“I know, sweetheart,” you brush your fingers against her forehead then cup her cheek. “But what does dada do in there?”
“Work,” she responds sullenly. 
“He’ll play with you when he’s finished up, okay? Why don’t you go see what Piggy’s doing?”
Lily sighs, small shoulders slumping forward and grabs Posy’s hand. Posy beams up at you, stomping her feet on the floor as her big sister leads her to their playroom. Making sure they’re playing--some musical toys turn on--you open Luke’s studio door quietly and sneak inside. 
Luke transitions his singing to a melodic hum as he continues to strum his guitar, he gives you a smile when you enter. 
“Hi lovie, are the girls down for a nap? Gonna give me some inspiration?” he smirks, eyes motioning to the couch. Your cheeks warm at the memory of breaking in said couch.
“No, the girls are missing you a little extra,” you give him a look, “you’ve been working all day and they really want to go to the beach.”
Luke stops playing then sets his guitar on the floor holding his hands out for you. You take them and let out a soft squeal as he pulls you onto his lap. 
“I’m sorry, I’ve had this tune in my head I’ve been trying to figure out. Tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach,” he promises with a kiss to your shoulder. 
“You better--”
You’re caught off by quiet giggling on the other side of the door. You and Luke both turn and see two pairs of little fingers wiggling underneath the door. Lily and Posy are begging to come in, their fingers moving under the crack. 
“You girls can come in!” Luke calls with a laugh. 
Lily opens the door and your two girls charge the couch and climb up next to you and Luke.
“Are you done, dada?” Lily asks curling into the circle of his arm. Posy is on his other side playing with his yellow shirt. 
“Yeah I am, sorry I was working so long my sweet,” he apologizes by kissing the top of her head. “What do you say about us all going to the beach tomorrow?”
You and Luke were awoken by Lily and Posy climbing on top of you. After some morning cuddles, the four of you meandered down to the kitchen for breakfast. Luke gave you a kiss before lifting both girls in his arms to get them changed while you packed a cooler of snacks and other treats. 
Luke and Lily are singing together upstairs and you can’t help but smile at how sweet their voices are together. Posy tries to sing along as well but her sounds are more of an excited scream. 
When you’re all packed and head upstairs to get changed, Luke and the girls are in matching yellow outfits, a little yellow clip is in Posy’s hair to keep her curls from her eyes. 
“We’re ready mama!” Lily exclaims running to you, her eyes sparkling. 
“I see that! I need to go get dressed first. Should I wear something yellow, too?” 
Once you’re all settled and everything is in the car, Luke turns on The Greatest Showman playlist, it’s currently Lily’s favorite movie. She’s singing along to ‘A Million Dreams’ with Posy who is kicking her legs in her seat. Luke grabs your hand smiling at you while your two girls continue to sing. 
You lay out a large blanket in the sand with an umbrella that Luke needs to wiggle into the sand. You brought books and toys for Lily and Posy to stay occupied. 
“Go!” Posy points to the ocean waves. 
“We’ll go in soon, honey,” you tell her and pull out the sunscreen.
Luke applies it to Lily while you apply it to Posy, making sure to get her cheeks and tops of her ears. You place her hat on top of her head then give her a set of toy keys to play with while you remove your shorts and tank top. Luke lets out a low whistle and you roll your eyes at him, but the butterflies in your tummy don’t go ignored. You both help each other rub the lotion onto your skin. Luke makes sure to kiss your neck.
“Ready girls?” Luke asks and Posy lifts her arms up to him. He lifts her easily into his arms and Lily grabs hold of your hand.
It’s an unspoken agreement to not wade too far in the water, Luke sits on the edge of the sand and has Posy stand in between his legs. Lily is splashing with you and Posy watches with an intensity in her eyes. 
“Go!” she points to you and Lily trying to walk away from Luke.
“No, no, bug, you stay here with daddy,” Luke places his hand on her chest and belly keeping her from going further into the water. 
“We can go a little deeper, Pose is adventurous,” you smile at your baby girl who still has a look of determination on her little face. 
“Yeah! Come on dada!” Lily waves her hand then moves a little deeper. Posy struggles some more wanting to join her sister and mama in the water.
Luke sighs in defeat, in a houseful of women he will always be outnumbered. He stands up with Posy in his arms again and goes deeper with you and Lily who is holding onto your hand tightly. She’s starting to become a bit more brave herself, but she’s still your shy girl and that won’t ever change. 
Posy kicks her feet in the water that stops a little below Luke’s waist, she stretches forward and Luke braces her so she can splash her hands in the water. She squeals in happiness at the coolness of it. 
“We’ve got a little fish, babe,” Luke chuckles, Posy’s arms and legs flailing. The water splashes on his face but he’s adamant on keeping his baby safe in his hold. 
After ten more minutes of being in the water, you all head back to the blanket for a snack and to sit in the shade. It wasn’t too hot out but you don’t want your girls to get sunburnt. The rest of the morning and early afternoon is spent lounging on the blanket with Luke and Posy venturing to the water multiple times. He holds her hands as she stomps in the sand, he lifts her up occasionally to jump over the waves and she’s having a great time.
Meanwhile, you and Lily are reading books, well, she’s pretending to read the stories to you. She’s creating them in her head but moves her fingers over the words on the pages. It’s a wonderful day at the beach until the wind picks up a little and you smell rain. Luke helps you pack up and you finish unpacking at home just as the rain starts. 
“Fro’! Fro’!” Posy shouts from Luke’s arms after he changed the girls from their beach clothes into their comfy clothes. Lily had bunny in her hands while Posy had her little elephant.
“You want to watch Frozen, love bug?” Luke asks, already  turning on Disney+ to select the movie. 
You join them on the couch and just as Hans and Anna finish singing ‘Love is an Open Door’ both Lily and Posy are fast asleep curled up under their blankets. Your eyes start to drift shut when Luke’s fingers start to play in your hair. Luke sneaks a photo of all his girls, even Petunia shows up off to the corner and he’s never been happier. The song that’s been jumbled in his head finally makes sense.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​ @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce​ @fairyintheglass​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​​ @spicycal​​ @mysticalhood​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @wastedheartcth​​ @atlcalm​​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @calumance​​ @babylon-corgis​​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​​ @lanternlover2​​ @istaywithmyjonas​​ @calteahood​​ @sarcastically-defensive17​​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @frontmanash​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @mantlereid​​ @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @addietagglikesbands​​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​​ @mayve-hems​​ @morguelth @haikucal​​ @thatscooibaby​​ @meghanrose05​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @dinosaursandsocks​​ @cassie-sos​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @burstintocolor​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @lovelybonesetc​​ @karajaynetoday​​
Luke and Lily taglist: @harrysfavslut​
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everythinghughes · 3 years
Hi! can u do prompt 37 for Luke Hughes?
yes i can!! thank you for requesting <3
prompt list (you don't have to use it when requesting)
pairing: luke hughes x fem!reader
word count: 1.15K
summary: things between you and luke get a little… hot and heavy at a umich party.
warnings: underage drinking, swearing, dirty comments, pda and making out
prompts: “my lipgloss is all over your lips”
note: i am living for the luke requests KEEP THEM COMING!! i love writing about my baby luke and writing requests is SO fun so please keep requesting!!
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you had been invited to the party that the umich hockey team was throwing and insisted that your best friend jenna come with you. she obviously said yes.
her reasoning? who in their right mind would deny a good time and free drinks.
and also kent johnson
“jenna?! where’s my cherry lipgloss?!”
“it’s in the bathroom next to the sink!”
you walk into the bathroom and swipe some lipgloss on your lips before putting the tube in your purse “thanks babe!”
“you ready to go?” she asks, smoothing out her dress in the mirror.
“let’s go!” you cheer as you make your way out of your shared dorm.
the party is wild, people are everywhere and you could hear the music blaring before you even walked into the house. how the party hadn’t been shut down was beyond you.
walking in, jenna immediately insisted on going to find the hockey team.
“you just want to see johnson, be honest.”
“shut up y/n!” she said, a hue of red covering her cheeks. her crush on the sophomore was adorable.
you roll your eyes but nonetheless follow her through the crowd. the players are easy to locate since owen power’s head was visible to you over the sea of people.
jesus christ that fucker is tall.
“y/n!” you hear a voice yell. you look past jenna to see kent johnson waving you guys over.
you pull a very willing jenna over to the boys and hug all of them in greeting.
“boys! this is my best friend jenna.”
they collectively say hi in their own way but you only notice kent’s greeting. “what’s up, i’m kent.” he waves, giving her a small smile.
oh fuck yes.
you smirk letting your eyes flit in-between them “anyways jen, this is pow pow, kenny, matty, bren bren, tommy and dukes.” they all groan at the nickname you’ve given them and jenna giggles.
kent sighs “it’s actually owen, me aka kent, matty, brendan, thomas, and dylan.”
you pout “you’re no fun kenny! my nicknames are way better”
“how luke deals with you i’ll never know.” he sighs making you gasp dramatically.
“that’s mean! pow pow did you hear what he just said to me?!” you ask the defence man
owen hits kent on the back of the head “apologize to y/n, kent.”
kent grumbles something that sounds a lot like “yes dad” before looking at you “sorry y/n.”
“it’s alright kenny. i know you love me all the same.” he rolls his eyes at you but chuckles nonetheless.
“y/n/n let’s go get drinks!” jenna yells before dragging you into the kitchen.
“you good?” you ask, amused.
she lets out a frustrated groan “how do you talk to kent so easily?!”
“well i don’t have a crush on kent and he’s like a brother so it’s pretty simple.”
“well how did you talk to luke before you guys started dating?”
“it was awkward at first, i got flustered and never really knew what to say but eventually conversation just started to flow naturally between us.”
she nods and the two of you start to make your way back out into the party. a hand catches your arm as you try to follow jenna back to the boys. your body's turned and your engulfed in the arms of your boyfriend.
“when did you get here?” luke asks, leaning down to speak in your ear.
“maybe ten minutes ago. i was with the boys, where were you?”
“in the bathroom, had to take a leak.”
you scrunch your nose up at how forward he is about his business but he just kisses your cheek and wraps an arm around your waist before fully making it back to the boys. he sits down on the couch before tucking you into his side and throwing your legs over his lap.
“y/n?” you hear luke say in your ear.
“why is kent dancing with jenna?”
your head snaps up at those words and your eyes search the dance floor until they land on jenna and kent who are dancing— very closely might i add —together. a grin makes its way onto your face “they like each other.” you say simply.
luke hums before tucking your head under his chin again.
it’s then a very intoxicated brendan flops onto the couch and lays his head on your legs “hi hi y/n/n!”
had he been this drunk five minutes ago?
you laugh “hi bren bren, whatcha doing?”
“m’nothing much.” he sighs as you smooth his hair down with your hand. “hughesy?” brendan calls as he nuzzles his head into your hand
“yeah briss?” luke says, an amused smile playing on his lips.
“can i date your girlfriend? just for tonight?”
luke’s smile drops in an instant and he’s already pushing poor brendan off of him and onto the floor
brendan giggles “i tricked you hughesy! i was just fucking with you but je-ez you get jealous easily.”
luke huffs as brendan stumbles away giggling as he mutters “little fucker.”
you roll your eyes at your boyfriend’s jealousy, cupping his cheek and turning it so he looks at you “really lukey?”
he gives you an innocent look “what?”
“did you really have to push him?”
“well you’re my girlfriend!” he whines as your trace his jaw with your finger.
you roll your eyes again and lean up to lightly peck his lips but he chases after the feeling of your lips on his. “and i’m sure he’s well aware of that.”
luke hums “i’m sure he is” and then his lips are back on yours.
oh no, we’re in public. oh god.
even with this worry you can’t bring yourself to pull away from luke. his kisses were addicting and the way his mouth moulded against yours was enough to make your head go blank. his hands gripped your waist and he hauled you into his lap. straddling him, your hands slid into his hair, running your hands through it as luke’s tongue slid into your mouth.
the burning and lack of air in your lungs was what made you pull away from him. panting, your breaths mingled as you both attempted to catch your breath. then you caught sight of something on luke’s mouth.
“oh my god!” you giggled as you realized what it was.
he furrowed his eyebrows “what?”
“my lipgloss is all over your lips.” you say to him.
luke rubbed his lips together, feeling the stickiness of your gloss on his lips. he grinned at the familiar taste.
“i like it it tastes like cherry.” was all he said before he re-connected your lips.
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