#dad!sam holland and y/n
alltoowelltom · 2 years
hey i’ve got a request for tom holland x reader:)
so tom and reader have been secretly dating for a long time, only haz, tuwaine and harry know because tom lives with them and y/n has been coming around to see him. one night tom invited y/n to come round and stay the night, forgetting the rest of his family are visiting the next day and he introduces them for the first time? thank you!! <3
Girlfriend (t.h)
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snkjskjhsjskh this was so cute i had to write immediately <3 thank u for the request, hope you enjoy!
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
It wasn't always supposed to be a secret, honestly. At first you and Tom just agreed to keep things quiet from friends and family to avoid so many opinions while you got to know each other.
Tom of course couldn't keep himself totally quiet and found himself spilling to the boys one quiet night in, too happy in his new relationship he felt he'd burst if he didn't tell someone.
You followed his lead, telling your best friends but making them swear to keep it quiet. And then, keeping it a secret became almost fun. There was something so exhilarating about sneaking around, staying at each other's places and spending nights feeling like there was no one else in the world.
Naturally Tom introduced you to his close friends so you could spend the night at their place, and you found yourself really growing close to them, div behavior and all.
So here you were, basking in the early morning sun in Tom's bed as he snored quietly next to you. Downstairs you could hear a faint clatter of the boys going about their morning, preparing breakfast and making their teas.
Snuggling closer to Tom, you press yourself into his back and snake an arm around his waist, pushing one of your knees between his gently. He hums quietly, his hand slowly moving to hold yours over his chest. You press tiny kisses into the back of his neck, pushing yourself up on one elbow to reach over to his cheek. He chuckles, turning over to face you and opens his eyes slowly.
"Morning," you whisper cheekily.
He brings his hand up to your face, tracing the edge of your features gently.
"Morning, m'love" he rasps.
You poke his side as his eyes flutter closed again.
"Tommy," you whisper. "Don't go back to sleep."
"M'not" he mutters, as he promptly goes back to sleep.
You drag your finger up over his bicep, trailing up his neck and tracing the wonky line of his nose broken too many times. He scrunches up his face, tongue poking out to lick your finger as it passes over his lips.
"Ew, Tom!" you shriek. "That's so gross!"
"Wha- you'll make out with me for hours and you'll put my- but that's gross?" he says disbelievingly. "You're mental, love."
You roll your eyes and he reaches out in apology, opening his eyes and pulling you into his chest.
"What are your plans for the day?" he asks, changing the topic smoothly.
You shrug, snuggling into his warmth.
"Not much. Thought I might go shopping later if the weather doesn't get too hot."
He nods.
"I assume I won't convince you into joining me and the lads for a round of golf?" he says teasingly as you shake your head playfully.
"I would rather chop off my own-" your playful jab at golf is cut off by the slam of the front door and a chorus of voices and stomping of feet in the foyer. Both you and Tom frown, trying to figure out who it is.
It's when Harry says loudly up the stairs "Mum! Dad! Paddy! and who's that getting out the car...oh Sam! Forgot you were coming this morning!" that you and Tom snap into action.
"Oh, bollocks!" Tom hisses. "I clean forgot my family was coming over this morning!" he jumps out of bed, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and hunting around for a T-shirt.
"Your- what?" you shriek. "Your family? I haven't met your family!"
"Is Tom awake yet? Is he here?" the faint voice of Nikki echoes down the hallway.
"Erm, I think you're about to meet them darling," Tom says worriedly.
"Here, put some pants on." he chucks a pair of pyjama shorts at you, followed quickly by an abandoned T-shirt of his.
You slip into the clothes hurriedly.
"Are you sure you can't just chuck me out the window or something?" you ask. "It's not too far a drop and I bounce back easily."
"Hmm," says Tom. "Hard pass. You'll be fine, really. They'll love you."
You sigh, rootling through your overnight bag to find a hairbrush.
"Are you sure it's not- it's not too soon?" you ask. Tom pauses, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He pats the spot next to him, gesturing for you to sit.
"It's very rushed, but I think it's a good time for you to meet them," he says seriously. "I've been thinking about introducing you anyway. My family is important to me and so are you. I think we're ready to take this next step?" he trails off, searching for a reaction from you.
Your heart swells at his words and you nod. "I think so too."
He holds out his hand for you to take.
You nod.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
"Morning, darling." says Nikki as Tom enters the kitchen. She stands up to hug him, but stops short when she sees you hovering behind him, your hand still firmly grasped in his.
"Oh!" she says. "Hello."
"Hi." you say quietly, suddenly intimidated by Tom's whole family peering at you from their places around the kitchen.
"Mum, Dad, idiots," Tom starts. "I want you to meet Y/N."
"Hi, Y/N." says Paddy monotonously, not looking up from his phone.
"My girlfriend." Tom adds proudly.
You blush, enjoying the way he said that. You hadn't formally discussed a label for your relationship yet and it sounded really nice coming from his lips.
"Your girlfriend?" repeats Dom.
"Oh, hello darling!" gushes Nikki, sweeping you into a hug. "I'm Nikki, it's so nice to meet you!"
"Hi, Nikki," you say as you hug her back. "I'm so sorry, I usually don't wear my pajamas to meet new people, promise."
Nikki laughs, taking you by the arm and leading you over to the couch. You both sit down and she hands you a cup of tea.
"Right," she leans in like she means business. "Which embarrassing story from Tom's childhood do you want to hear first?"
All three of Tom's brothers follow you into the lounge, situating themselves on the furniture and the floor, always eager for an opportunity to roast their eldest brother.
Tom rolls his eyes, leaning over the back of the couch and putting his mouth right next to your ear.
"I think this is going well, girlfriend."
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
tysm for reading! reblogs, comments and feedback is appreciated <3
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alyswritings · 1 year
Tom holland x sister where she has been having a bad day and tessa keeps jumping at her to say hi and the toddler slaps Tessa. And ofc Tom goes mad as she can’t just hit the dog then she runs up the stairs thinking tessa will hate her but then Tom comes up with Tessa and tes gives her kisses??xx
Y/N gets home from the store with Nikki and Dom and Nikki takes care of her while Dom brings the groceries in. Nikki helps Y/N take her coat off and takes her shoes off before letting the girl go off on her own and Nikki goes to put groceries up.
Y/N trudges to the living room, sitting at the coffee table where her coloring book was left before her parents had made her go to the store with them. She doesn't know why, but she isn't in a good mood today and has been sulking most of the day. Nikki tried to cheer her up, but nothing seemed to work.
"Hey, love." She turns at her oldest brother's voice as he walks in from the backyard with Tessa.
"Hi." She mumbles, turning back to her coloring book. Tessa comes over and puts her paw on Y/N's arm, but she shakes it off.
"You okay?" Tom asks, sitting on the couch, watching the four year old lean away from Tessa's touch.
"Mm-hmm." Y/N hums, not looking away from her coloring book.
"You sure? You're usually running around." Tom softly chuckles.
"I'm okay." Y/N says.
"All right." Tom mumbles. He kisses her on the back of the head before getting up. "C'mon, Tess." He calls, getting the dog to follow. He only calls her since he keeps noticing Y/N brush her off, obviously not in the mood for the dog -- or anybody, really.
After getting a drink of water, Tessa returns to the living room where Y/N is trying to put a movie in, but is just out of reach with the DVD player. She grumbles under her breath, getting on her toes, hating that it's so high.
Tessa puts her paw up, it resting on Y/N's side.
"No, Tessa." Y/N removes the dog's paw from her. Tessa gets on her hind legs for a few moments, both paws resting against Y/N. The girl moves away from the dog.
Tessa jumps again, but stands on all fours before putting a paw on Y/N's arm.
"Stop it!" Y/N snaps, slapping Tessa on the head. Tessa whines, backing away a little.
"Y/N!" She flinches a little at the loud voice, looking up to see Tom storming in. He puts his drink down and snatches the DVD out of his sister's hands, putting it down. "What are you doing? You know you don't hit the dog!"
"I-- she wouldn't listen." Y/N pouts, stomping her foot on the floor.
"So you come get one of us. You never hit the dog, Y/N. You know better than that." Tom says while petting Tessa.
"I'm sorry." Y/N sniffles, running out and up the stairs.
"Wh-- wait, Y/N." Tom calls, feeling bad for making her cry. He sighs, scratching his head. He kneels next to Tessa, petting her. "I'm sorry, Tess. You okay?" Tessa leans into his affection.
After a little bit, Tom goes up to Y/N's room and gently knocks on the door, letting himself in.
"Y/N/N?" He softly calls. The young girl is hugging one of her stuffed animals and crying into it. "Love, hey." He walks over, kneeling next to the bed and he rubs her back.
"I'm sorry. She kept jumping and I didn't want her to and I hit her. I didn't mean to make her hate me." Y/N sobs.
"Hey, hey, hey. She doesn't hate you." Tom tells her.
"She doesn't?" Y/N hiccups.
"No. No, doggies are very forgiving. I'm sure she knows you didn't mean it. But you know better than to hit her. We've told you to never hit any animal unless it's hurting you. Was she hurting you?"
"No. I'm sorry." Y/N frowns, looking down.
"What made you hit her?"
"I don't know. I don't feel good." Y/N says.
"What? Are you sick?" Tom asks, feeling her face.
"No. I just... am not happy." Y/N says.
"Oh. Do you feel sad?" He asks and she shakes her head. "Angry?" She shakes her head. "Scared? Upset?" She shakes her head again. "You just feel bleh?" He asks and Y/N nods. "I'm sorry, love. We all have those kind of days."
"You do?" Y/N asks.
"Of course. Me, Harry, Paddy, Sam, mum and dad." Tom lists. "We all have days where we don't feel up to much and just aren't in a good mood. Is that why you snapped?"
"I guess." Y/N says.
"Okay, well, next time you feel the need to hit, just scream or hit a pillow or something else soft. Cause if you hit something hard, you could hurt your hand. If you really need to hit something living, then come hit me and I'll get it. Though it's best to talk things out and not hit so just make it a second option, maybe?"
"Okay." Y/N nods. "Are you sure Tessa won't hate me?" She asks, fear in her eyes. "I don't want her to hate me."
Before Tom can answer, they look over as Tessa comes into the room. She jumps on the bed and goes to Y/N, sitting next to her.
"Go on. Pet her. She's waiting for you to make the first move" Tom says.
Y/N carefully reaches out and gently pets Tessa. The dog moves closer, licking the toddler's face making her giggle. Tom softly smiles at the bright smile on her face.
"How about the three of us go in my room and watch some movies? Hm? Cuddles always help on bleh days. And Tessa and I both happen to be amazing at cuddling." Tom says.
Y/N smiles a little and nods while hugging Tessa with one arm.
"All right." Tom smiles, picking his sister up. "C'mon, Tess." He calls, making kissy noises so the dog follows them to his room.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @itsmaneskinbitch @mrvlxgrl
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
could you make a blurb of Tom holland x reader when they have a daughter and she hears someone call him ‘Tom’ so she copies
Never done a blurb before so hope you all enjoy this!
‘Tom’ || Tom Holland
Toms friends were over today, he invited them to come and chill by the pool on the hot day. Music played in the background as you all sat around and in the pool, talking and having laughs. Yours and Toms daughter, Darcy, was swimming with the help of her uncles, Harry and Sam.
She had her arm bands on, helping her to stay afloat. The young Holland was only 2 years old, she could just about talk. You decided to dip your feet into the pool, the cool water hitting your legs. You watch your beautiful daughter splash and laugh as the boys messed around in the pool.
Harrison then ran and jumped into the pool, making a big splash of water go all over you and Darcy. “Harrison!” You squeal as all the water flew into your drink. He came up from being under the water and just smirked laughing at the splashes of water on your body.
“uwcle Hawrrison, you splash” Darcy wines rubbing her eyes as the water had splashed all over her. “Sorry little one” He chuckled at the cute girl pulling her close to him, so she’s resting on his hip. He moved her hair from her face, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Yo Tom! Jump in!” Harrison called his best friend, who sat down next to you placing a small kiss on your lips.
Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “In a little while” Tom took a sip from his beer using his free hand.
“Come on Tom, you haven’t even gotten in for ages” Harrison said splashing him to try get him to come inside the pool. Darcy copying his actions and splashing you both, giggling when Tom kicked the water up at the pair.
Darcy was then next to speak, “Tom come play” She made grabby hands wanting her father to come in the pool with her. Everyone was silent for a minute realising that she had called him ‘Tom’ and not ‘daddy’ like she usually did or ‘dada’.
Harrison chuckled a little as he saw Toms face. “What did you call me?” He chuckled a little as the girl wiggled out of Harrison’s hold to swim to her mum and dad.
“Tom” She smiled.
“No, no. Baby, it’s daddy. Not Tom” He said as everyone started to laugh even you.
“Come, pwease Tom” she held onto his legs trying to pull him in. Then she turned to you, “Mummy I want him in” she said. Everyone knew Darcy was a daddy’s little girl.
“So you can call her mummy not y/n and you call me Tom?” Tom placed his beer down with a pout.
“Go on Tom, play with her” You smirk teasing him a little. “Yeah Tom” Harry smirked as well.
Tom slowly pulled himself into the pool, bring his daughter close to him. “Yay! Can we plwy now” She asked him, Tom still not liking her saying his name.
“First you have to say my name, my name you usually call me” He held onto her close.
“Tom” She smiled making him pout even more and a whine left his mouth.
“Noo. Darcy, love. It’s daddy, not Tom. Just daddy or dada, anything else but Tom” He pleaded waiting for her to say his usual name. That’s when Harrison whispered something into her ear, making her giggle.
“Thomas?” She questioned with a giggle.
Everyone started to laugh at the little girl and her father. Tom however pouted. “Harrison!” He whined.
The little girl tried to swim to her uncle Haz, Tom held onto her tickling her sides making the girl giggle. He loved her laugh. “Stop. T-thomas” She screamed as he continued.
“Stop calling me that and i’ll stop. Call me ‘daddy’ or ‘dad’ anything” He kept ticking her sides and stoped a little waiting for her to say a name.
“Daddy, stop” She smiled and he smiled back liking this name better, his actual name. He let go of the girl as she tried to swim over to Harrison. He held onto her arm pulling her closer.
“Tom” She began to giggle again, Tom swimming over to them. Harrison held onto the girl swimming away from Tom, laughs fell out of all there mouths.
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mxssingmemories · 3 months
marvel masterlist
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you found out some news about yourself, and get worked up about telling tom. eventually, you blurt it out, and tom does what knows is best-support you. tom holland x platonic!reader.
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Tom’s One Red Flag - Tom Holland X Reader
Warning: Angst, cursing, Tom’s dad
Summary: Tom’s GF!Reader only ever saw one red flag when it comes to Tom. His dad (using Tom’s fame for his own agenda without offering real support). Will they be able to keep pushing through when this glowing red flag begins waving between them?
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“Tom please don’t turn this into an argument” I sigh, already starting to regret bringing up my concern. “Don’t make this an argument. Bloody hell y/n then why would you say that?” Tom argues, standing up from the table. “Because I’m worried about you Tom” I whisper. “Worried about me? That’s why you insult my family?!” He shakes his head. I frown, maybe I went about this all wrong.
-Several months before-
“Darling, can we move our date night to Friday?” Tom asks, peeking his head around the doorframe. I look up from my computer and nod with a soft smile, “sure”. “You’re the best love” he kisses my cheek and closes the door as he shouts something down the hall. Normally, I’d be bummed he was postponing our date night by a few days but given his family is over I presume it has to do with them so I’m not mad. Between his filming and my job, we don’t get to spend much time with our families meaning we have to maximize it as much as we can. In fact, I should stop working and go visit.
“Okay perfect, when can you come by to record?” Dominic, Tom’s dad asks. I reach into the cupboard to grab a mug but can’t reach the one I want even on my tiptoes. I grunt and wiggle my fingers aimlessly in the air under the mug as someone laughs softly. I lower myself until I’m standing on the bottoms of my feet again and turn around. Harry smirks and shakes his head, “need some help?”. I sigh and nod. He laughs as he steps forward to grab it for me. “Hey Baz, what’re they talking about?” I ask, my attention turning to my boyfriend and his dad in our living room.
“Oh… our father wants Tom to record some audio for him for his new podcast and book” Harry says, setting the mug down. I scrunch my nose, “a book and podcast?” “Yeah, that’s what I hear. It is actually kind of about Tom I think. We’re you wanting tea?” Baz asks, already starting the water. I nod absentmindedly and bite my lip to control my facial reactions as I think to myself.
The whole Holland family is great and Tom is absolutely fantastic but I can’t help but get the sense his dad is using Tom’s fame for himself. It makes me uncomfortable but I don’t know how to bring it up to Tom, they are so close. I also don’t want to talk it over with his brothers and start issues either. “You okay there?” Someone says as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin around and see Sam staring at me concerned. “Oh hi, yes sorry. Just spacing off” I mumble, a fake smile pasted onto my face. “This should help” Harry says, handing me my mug, this time full of tea. I smile and thank him before heading to the living room.
Tom and his brothers are laughing as Paddy shakes his head in embarrassment. “I thought it was great” I encourage and Nikki gives me a kind smile. Paddy thanks me and just as Sam is about to say something else, Dom cuts in. “Right, well let’s get back to the important topic of when you can record”. I turn to face him, unsure who he is talking to given we were discussing Paddy’s latest TV Ad he was acting in. Tom nods, “like I said, y/n and I will go out Friday instead so your recording is done on time”. That’s why he moved our date?
“Wait, what?” I ask before I can even stop myself. “Love” Tom says, grabbing my hand softly, “I came into the home office to ask you”. I nod, “no, I realize that. I just didn’t realize it was so you could record some audio for your dad”. Dom nods, “ahh yes, well y/n see it is very important. Tom is the center of this and therefore getting his audio is crucial. The readers, or listeners if you will, will want to hear from him too”. I purse my lips to not roll my eyes at him attempting to mansplain this to me. Tom is staring at me confused so I force a tight nod and excuse myself.
“Y/n/n that was sort of rude” Tom says, coming over to dry off a dish after saying goodbye to his family. “What? I already said my goodbyes” I argue, scrubbing another plate from dinner. “You hardly spoke at all during dinner and before that you reacted funny when we were talking about my recording session with my father” he sighs, grabbing the next plate. “Tom, you didn’t tell me why you needed to move the date. I thought it was for family stuff” I explain.
“It is love, I’m going to be with my dad” he says, turning to face me. I sigh and set the last plate down before washing my hands. “Tom” I say, turning to face him as I dry my hands, “he is using you to sell this podcast and book”. Tom’s eyes go wide, “no he’s not. Plus it isn’t a podcast and book, it is just an audio recording for the same book”. I sigh, well at least it is only one thing. For now… Dom always seems to find something else to use Tom for.
“Tom” I sigh, setting down the dish towel. “Love, I appreciate the concern, but it isn’t needed” Tom says, kissing my cheek as he steps to the side. “I’m going to make the bed and then take a quick shower. I have to shoot some photos with Baz tomorrow for the book” he adds, walking towards our bedroom. Of course he does.
-December 2021-
“Hey babe, what time are your parents landing?” I ask, running my hand down my gown for this evening as I get my preparations completed. “Oh, they’re not” Tom says, sighing as he enters the room. “Why not? They always come to your premieres” I tell him, stunned. “Yeah, but you know mum and her flight anxiety, she won’t fly without my dad” he says, shrugging but I can tell it’s bothering him.
“Tommy, this is a big event! It is even closer to them this time than normal. Why isn’t your dad coming?” I ask, trying to not roll my eyes as I think about the man responsible for Tom’s disappointment. He’s honestly always been a bit of a red flag when it comes to being with Tom. Honestly, Dom is probably Tom’s only red flag. But Tom doesn’t see it; which only makes it worse. And anytime I try to bring it up, I become the bad guy. But tonight is a HUGE deal for Tom.
“He said he has to do some stuff with the book” he says, setting his phone down and laying on the bed. I sigh, “really? The book is about you and he wants you to do the audio for the audiobook but he can’t even come tonight to support you?!”. I throw my arms out to the side in exacerbation. “I know how you feel about this book thing darling but I’m fine, really, as long as I’ve got you” he whispers, eyes closed but I can tell he’s upset.
I sigh and crawl onto the bed and lay down with my head on his chest and fingers in his hair. I know tonight’s not the night to press him about this, I want him to have a good time. This shouldn’t even be something he has to worry about. I know Nikki has bad travel anxiety so I understand her excuse but Dom’s is inexcusable. Tom had worked himself sick for this movie and Dom won’t even show up for the premiere despite Tom and I paying for it all for them. “I’m always going to be here for you handsome” I assure him. If only the same thing could be said about his dad.
-June 1, 2022-
I smile to myself as I scroll through Instagram and read all of the posts from friends, family, and fans about Tom’s birthday. Tom’s asleep on my chest and I’m about to fall asleep myself but wanted to read more of the sweet posts I may have missed earlier today while we were out celebrating his 26th birthday. I rewatch Nikki’s post and giggle as if watching it for the first time again.
My precious boyfriend was the freaking cutest baby. I smile down at him and brush his hair off his face. Although, I’ve got to say, he’s still pretty cute now too. I shake my head and turn back to my phone prepared to lock it for the night when realization hits me. I didn’t see Dom post today.
I shift slightly as to not wake Tom but still being in desperate need of my other hand to type. I glare at my phone as I angrily type in Dom’s username. Certainly I must’ve missed his post about Tom’s birthday, right? I mean I don’t care for the guy but he wouldn’t miss his birthday… right?
I smile softly upon seeing the most recent post on his is a photo of him and Tom. He must’ve posted after all! My smile is quickly replaced by and audible gasp as my jaw drops upon reading the caption. “Darling?” Tom whispers, tilting his head in an adorable manner to look at me. I sigh, upset to have woken him. “What’s wrong?” he asks, rubbing his eyes. “Your dad didn’t post about your birthday” I say, but it comes out kind of like a question. “He did” Tom argues. “Tom that doesn’t count, he barely said anything and it was more book promotion” I say, livid that it is so clear but still being ignored by Tom as if I’m crazy. “Don’t make a big deal out of it, I’m good” he shrugs, laying back down to rest again.
I sigh as I consider what he said and decide to read it again. It starts fine with “ It being June 1st” but goes to crap right after. “ the day #Eclipsed began (26 yrs ago)” Are you joking me?! That’s what was important about today and this day 26 years ago?! Not the fact that your son Tom was born?!
I grind my teeth but push on. “Here’s a timely clip of the forthcoming audio book ‘Tom is the business’ “ Tom is the business? Seriously Dom?! Tom is your bloody son you ass! And he’s a great son at that! Oh but look how nice, he ended it with “Happy birthday Tom”, sure Dom that’s how parents post about their children on their birthday; not. Oh and of course, he needed to add #tomholland & #tomhollandbirthday to the end in order to get more attention on the post. I need to talk to Tom about this again, not tonight on what few minutes remain of his birthday, but soon.
-June 19, 2022-
“Are you sure he liked them?” Tom asks, biting his nail. I sigh and softly pull his hand down from his mouth, “Tom, I’m sure your dad loved his Father’s Day gifts” I assure him. “But he hasn’t said anything” he adds, starting to pace. “Tom babe, maybe he’s busy with Paddy” I say knowing Sam’s away for work and Tom and Harry are here in New York for Tom’s TV show.
“He’s not, he just posted to Instagram” Tom frowns. He what? No, y/n breathe, it could be a Father’s Day post about all his sons. It probably isn’t, but it could be. I quickly grab my phone at the same time as I stand to stop Tom from pacing. “One sec” I say, placing my hand on his shoulder and blocking his path. Tom lowers his head until it’s resting on my shoulder. I kiss the back of his head and open Instagram, anger rising as I see Dom’s post at the top of my feed.
It’s not about Father’s Day (other than “not only is it Father’s Day”). Instead, as to be expected, Tom is tagged and referenced in it for promotion. He can’t send a simple thank you text to Tom or addressing Tom’s texts at all so Tom doesn’t have his guilt eating away at him for not being able to be there (even though he apologized a million times and offered to celebrate virtually from NY) or being worried his excessive amount of expensive and extravagant gifts for Dom weren’t enough. But he has time to post on social media and not even mentioning that Tom made him able to celebrate Father’s Day in the first place, nor any mention of him at all except for promotional means; nor did he mention his other sons!
I toss my phone behind me onto the bed, hopefully anyways, but I don’t care. I softly pull Tom’s face back to look him in the eyes. His eyes are red and puffy which breaks my heart even more. “Baby, you don’t have to be upset. Clearly he’s not upset, he could post about his damn book” I say and Tom shakes his head, “don’t, it’s not about that”. “Tom, he didn’t mention you boys at all” I sigh. “I don’t care” he argues, but it’s clear he’s lying. “I just want to know if he liked the presents” he sighs. I decide not to press the issue.
“ I’m sure he loved the gifts, maybe after your shoot today we can try and FaceTime him hmm?” I ask, knowing I’ll need to call Nikki instead if I actually want Tom to be able to speak with him. Not that I want Tom to but it’s his dad and I know it would make Tom feel better and that’s all I’m worried about presently. Tom nods and hugs me as more tears fall. Why can Dom not just show Tom love instead of using him?
-5 minutes before argument-
“Tom can you grab the empty popcorn bowl from last night please?” I ask as I load the dishwasher. “Of course love” Tom says, walking to the living room. “Oh, by the way can we push back date night?” He asks, handing me the bowl. I frown but nod, “sure, why?”. “My father wants to-“ he begins but I don’t even hear the rest as my anger takes over.
“Seriously Tom?!” I groan, locking the dishwasher and facing him. His eyes go wide, “what?”. “You keep postponing dates because you are working on the stupid book” I say and my voice gets higher as I recall the last six date nights he’s postponed; half of which ended up fully canceled due to schedule changes with recording. “It’s not a stupid book” he glares, “plus, it’s about me”. “Yeah because he doesn’t have anything else to write about that’s decent and this way he can use you” I defend and lower my voice, “Tom he’s not being a father, he’s manipulating you into promoting his book”.
Tom crosses his arms over his chest as he stares at me. “Tom, say something. I’ve been trying to discuss this with you for months” I sigh. “This isn’t a discussion y/n this is stupid” he yells. I take a step back, he never yells at me. “Tom please don’t turn this into an argument” I sigh, already starting to regret bringing up my concern. “Don’t make this an argument. Bloody hell y/n then why would you say that?” Tom argues, standing up from the table. “Because I’m worried about you Tom” I whisper. “Worried about me? That’s why you insult my family?!” He shakes his head. I frown, maybe I went about this all wrong.
I shake my head in response to my self doubt. I didn’t handle this wrong. He did. Each time I tried to talk about it he shut me down. “I’m not insulting your family Tom. I love Nikki and your brothers, and your grand-“ I begin, but he cuts me off. “But not my dad” he says, glaring at me.
I sigh, “it’s not that I hate him exactly Tom. I mean he might not realize what he’s doing. After all you don’t”. Tom rolls his eyes at me, “oh piss off y/n. You couldn’t care less. You’re just mad I’m choosing this over date night. Can you blame me though? You’re not exactly enjoyable to be around with all this nagging”. My sight gets blurry as my eyes instantly fill with tears. “Y/n, love, I-“ Tom begins, grabbing my hand. I shake my head, pulling my hand from his and I stumble as I back away.
“Love please, I didn’t mean that” Tom says, his voice cracking at the end. “Go to Hell Tom. All I tried to do was protect you from getting hurt over and over” I say, blindly walking to our shared bedroom. “I know. I know, and I’m truly sorry I” he begins as I grab my suitcase. “W-where are you going?” He asks in a near whisper.
“I’m not going to keep doing this anymore Tom. It’s been months of me watching you be hurt by him and me being the bad guy for mentioning it. This was the final straw. It’s always going to be him. I know he’s your dad and I was never asking you to choose. I just wanted you to try to see what I was saying but instead you insult me to defend him” I say, tears pouring down my face as I shove a crumpled mess of clothes into my bag.
“Please, we can work this out. We’ve been together for years, it doesn’t have to end like this. I’ll make it up to you” he pleads as I zip my bag. I wipe my face and turn to him, almost breaking down at the site of his tear soaked face staring back at me. “Tom there shouldn’t be anything to work out. I won’t have you keep postponing only to cancel completely when things change with him. I won’t sit by while he uses you and not say anything. I won’t, I- I can’t Tom; it physically hurts” I whimper, setting my bag on the ground and pulling up the handle. “You know, I always said he seemed to be your one red flag Tom. I just never realized how right I was” I sigh, stepping around him and out of the room.
Tag list: @justapurrcat | if you want to be added to my taglist please lmk💕
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
My beloved
Pairing - Tom Holland x reader
Summary - You and Tom getting married. What happens at your wedding, day and night.
Warnings - Smut 18+ (Praise kink, sex, unprotected but the reader is on birth control)
A/N - Requested by Anonymous, I hope you like it! Thank you to all the love and support on previous posts! Please requested because they are open, see my navigation post for more details!
word count - 1.8k
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Roses bloom as the sun set shines on the little island in Greece, you curled up into Tom’s chest. You knew you should really be sleeping separately but you can’t resist the temptation.
Barely opening your eyes, you shift in your slumber sending Tom body to wake up a bit. “Good morning, My love,” he mumbles, eyes still closed as he brings you closer. You are a wake but only a tiny bit, not really knowing what was going on but enough to hear.
“Good morning, Tommy,” Tom puts the cover higher over you back, which your grateful for knowing he always knew when you shiver. You fall asleep again, last thing you felt was Tom’s lips against your forehead.
Tom wakes up first this time, more refresh than waking up in ungodly hours of the morning. Looking over to see the time is 10am, “Shit,” He whispers, he turns to head to his sleeping Angel.
“Baby, you need to wake up,” Tom gently, whispers tapping you. You shift the other way, “why, so early?” You mumble, tired. “You booked our ceremony to be early, remember?” He chuckles, “But in all honesty we need to get ready.”
“Yeah,” you turn to face him again, Tom planting sweet kisses to your skin. You giggle as he peppers them all over you, “Al- Alright, Alright I’m up, I’m up, just pls stop,” you giggle harder, you stand up making your way to the bathroom.
Tom just watching your beautiful ass walk to the bathroom. When your out with your body cleaned and teeth brush, Tom goes get ready himself. You throw on some clothes, ready to go to breakfast.
Now waiting for Tom, you sit on your phone looking at the send messages.
Your mum: you up? It’s the big day, my y/n/n is getting married
You: Yh, Tom and me just heading down for breakfast
Your friend: can’t wait to send you off with your beloved today, better come for break 😏
You: your too cheeky even for me sometimes and I am I’m waiting for My beloved 😎
Your friend: ofc bestie
You roll your eyes, laughing seeing Tom ready to go. You head out the hotel room down to breakfast.
“You look stunning, Dear!” Yours and Tom mum says, smiling. “Thanks, I feel it too!” You nod. “I just know that Tom is so lucky, you make the perfect couple.” Nikki smiles, “Thank, Nikki means a lot.” You hug her, then your mum.
Siblings will be siblings, your little sister trying to trip you up for no reason in your wedding gown. “Yh, really funny rug rat,” you laugh as you look like your going to chase her. She runs away, going down the hall to Tom. You shook your head, your little brother being by his side too. Your friend laughs at you, “what are you looking at?” You tease, “my beautiful, bestie!” She smirks running back to the room.
Tom ties his tie up completely his tux suit, looking real handsome in the mirror. His brothers smiling at how happy they are for him, and of course you too! They see your sister come flying in the room, as your brother giggles hugging her. She makes grabby hands to Tom thou.
“Little rug rat, what have you been up to?” Tom asks, as he lifts her up. She giggles more, “Nothing, you gonna marry sister,” She nods to him. “Yes, Y/N pretty isn’t she? Just like your so adorable pumpkin.”
“Yh, Tommy,” your sister gets down to play chase your brother. “You look good man,” Harry says, sam and paddy agreeing. “Thanks, You look all good too maybe even for once better than me.” Tom teases, Sam and paddy laugh.
Tom dad walks in congratulating him, like his brothers. Tom nods, as your brother wants attention from him. “Hey, little man. You good?” He asks, “Yh, your good too.” He giggles, coping his soon to be uncles. “Let’s, go to my wedding with your sister,” Tom chuckles, taking his hand going outside.
You walking down the isle graceful as a princess to your Prince. Your maids, one of them being your friend lifting up your dress so you don’t trip up on it. Your dad let’s go of your arm for you to stand next to Tom.
Tom takes your hands into his, the priest begins to say his speech.
Tom and you exchange vows to one another.
“The day I met you, I always knew that I wanted you to be mine. Your so beautiful in the way no one can describe, your talents are amazing. I know that I have so many good adventures with you and over time even more.” Tom speaks, with confidence in his words.
“Your like a good poem that is calming, always knows how to take care of me. Your handsome and how you balance different things with life, your personality is great. I couldn’t ask for anything better than I got with you because what we have is incredible.” You smile, talking proudly of Tom.
You exchange rings, feeling his fingers take yours is heavenly. Trying not to cry right there and then.
“Do you Thomas Stanley Holland take (your full name) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love hold and live with her in sickness and health.”
“I do,” Tom smiles
“Do you (your full name) take Thomas Stanley Holland to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love hold and live with him in sickness and health.”
“I do,” you smile
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride,” The priest and everyone claps as Tom takes you into his arms.
He gives you a sweet kiss on the lips, everyone watching how adorable you are together.
The after party was quite something, fun and laughter all around. Everyone coming who didn’t make it for the ceremony congratulating you has been lovely.
“May I take this dance with you, my beautiful wife,” You turn around taking Tom’s hand.
“You may, my husband,” giggling as you go into the middle of the dance floor.
You and Tom slow dancing to really beautiful song, Everyone stops to watch you have your moment. Tom twirling you around like your an actual princess, makes you laugh.
After Everyone claps, you and Tom going to get get changed and then food.
“You eating cake? Before your sandwich,” you question Tom as you eat your own food. Tom got caught red handed, “Yh, don’t tell my mother,” Tom jokes. you shake your head, “your unbelievable,”
Tom puts his plate down, takes your plate down too. He cups your cheek, “your the real unbelievable one Darling, your so beautiful wowing everyone of your beauty!” Tom kisses your lips passionately, “I love you so much, Mrs.Holland.”
“You are charming,” you giggle, kissing him back. “Mmm, I love you so much too, Mr.Holland,” you giggle, picking up your plate again.
“Even graceful when you eat,” Tom flirts, you push him back a bit and he chuckles more.
“Have fun, with your beloved,” your friend winks at you, laughing. “Yh, I will.” You smirk back.
You say your last goodbyes to your family as you go up to your hotel room for the night. Tom taking your hand to walk to your room, when everyone was out of sight. You did not except Tom to lift you up bridal style, carrying you.
“Oh, fuck Tom you could of warned me,” you giggle, loving the feel of his hands. “Yh but what’s the fun in that?” He smirks, kissing your forehead.
He opens the door with his key card with you still in his arms, “Impressive,” you remark, giggling. “Well when you play Nathan Drake you get use to doing shit like that,” he placed you down gently.
“Can you help me get my dress off?” You ask, stroking his arm. “Gladly, love” you stand up for Tom to unzip you.
Your breath hitches as you can feel his hands unzip you. You turn around to let your dress drop, Tom smirking at the sight of you.
“Beautiful as always,” he whispers, attacking your neck and lips. You let out a moan, “Tommy, I can’t wait anymore.”
“Me neither, love. You looked so gorgeous I can’t contain myself,” you smile, as his hands roam against your body.
Tom getting undressed, as you take the rest of your clothes off. You straddle him on the bed, “Has your cock been Hard for me Tommy?” You smirk, as you press your hips against him.
“Fuck, yes Darling.” He groans, flipping you around. You gasp, “Don’t think in your in control princess!” He kisses your neck, sending butterflies to your stomach.
“Mmm, what was that. Sweetheart?”
“Your fingers, fuck and your cock!” You moan out, “beg baby, let me hear you.” Tom grinds himself on you, loving seeing you so desperate for his touch.
“Your cock Tommy, want it in my pretty Pussy,” you begged, kissing his lips. “Good girl,” He puts in the tip, slowly pushing it in your wet, hot core. “Yes, pls move Tommy.” You roll your eyes back as the pleasure of his cock inside you takes over.
“Fuck, Baby your so gorgeous with taking my cock!” Tom praises, moving his hips faster and so deep into your hips. You can feel like Dick throbbing inside you as he moves in and out, pushing really fucking hard.
“Tommy, feels so fucking good,” you whine, gripping hold of his curly locks. “You feel so good too, Darling.” He grunts, as he fucks you harder. “What me too fuck your behind baby girl?” Tom questions, kissing you. “Fuck yes,” You nod, quickly.
Tom flips you around with his strong, muscular arms, your now on your stomach. He brings you closer to his hips, as his cock slips into your hole again. “Fuck me faster Tommy,” you moan, unholy sounds coming out of your mouth.
“Yes, Baby you like that?” Tom grunts as he fucks you even faster, slapping your ass with his Large, sexy hands. “Fuck, yes I fucking love it!” You scream, “Tommy, my pussy clenching around you!!” Tom moans at your sounds, “Feels, Feels so Fucking Good,” you shout.
Tom grips on your waist as he fucks your deeper, with his long, Hard cock. “Fuck, are you close Sweetheart?” He softly, asked. “Yes, so close,” you moan. “Cum for me, Darling,” you let out a scream of his name as you release your high into pure pleasure.
“So fucking, beautiful My love,” Tom Moans out, as he came into you. “You wasn’t to bad yourself,” you giggle turning around, you pulled him in for a hug. “Let’s get you cleaned,” Tom lifts you up to go to the bathroom. You smile as he is always so caring after sex.
Your in the bath together, just relaxed and calm as you talk to each other.
“Was it a good day?” Tom asked, kissing you smiling. “Yes, it was!” You smile, kissing him back.
“Love you so much, Darling,” Tom snuggled his head in between your shoulder.
“Love you so much too, Tommy,” you stroke his curly, brown locks.
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Holland brothers x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N is 4/5 years old and doesn't like it when there is a lot of people, but sadly is on the red carpet with her family.
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You are in you older brother Harry's arms propped up on his hip. You and your family are on the red carpet. You don't like all the noise or all the people, so you hide your face in Harry's neck. Everyone but Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob leave the carpet and go sit on some chairs next to the wall. "Hey darling, you okay?" Harry asks you. "I don't like the noise." You answer. "Y/N/N I'm going to use the bathroom so sit with Paddy, okay." Harry says. "Okay." You go and sit with Paddy. "Paddy?" You say. "Yes Y/N/N?" Paddy answers. "Can I sit on your lap?" You ask. "Sure come on." Paddy says putting you on top of his lap.
A little later fans come over. "Hi Paddy we are really big fans can we have an autograph?" The fans say. "Uh. . . sure!" Paddy says grabbing a pin out of his backpack. You hide your face in Paddy's neck. Paddy notices and tries to get the autographs done quickly, but more and more people keep coming over. Tears start to fill your eyes because the noise keeps getting louder and louder. You start to sniffle.
Sam walks over and sees you crying. "Hey everyone . . . .uh we are going to take a break for a moment." Sam says getting Paddy to pick you up and walk with Sam to the resting area. Luckily Harry was coming out of the bathroom and caught up with ya'll. "Hey, whats wrong?" Harry asks. "Look at Y/N." Paddy says. Harry sees you crying. "I'ma be right back." Harry says leaving without letting anyone say anything.
You get to the resting room and Paddy sits you down on a chair. "Hey Y/N/N you okay? Sam says. "It's to loud." you answer. Sam opens his arms for a hug. You lean in and start crying louder. A few moments later you here footsteps. Sam looks over his shoulder and sees Tom and Harry rushing over. "Hey Y/N/N you alright?" Tom says as he crouches down beside you. You go in and hug him still crying. Tom shoots a glance to his brother when Sam says "It's to loud for her."
"Y/N do you want to go home?" Tom says. You nod your head. Tom picks you up and says. "Okay. Let's go get mum and dad." You and your brothers leave the resting room to go get your parents. Tom pushes his way through the crowd. He spots mum and dad and goes to get them. Harry explains what happened. Then ya'll leave.
(I hoped you enjoyed. )
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sweetpeterparker · 2 years
tom holland - fics recommendation ✯
the (y/n) lively-reynolds (series) (@liberty-barnes )
→tom holland x famous!reader this is so amazing and funny PLS-
instead of you (series) (@wazzupmrstark )
→tom holland x reader (sam's best friend) (i need updates i need to know what's gonna happen)
bound to you series (@vendettaparker )
→tom holland x reader (royal AU) this is so so good (be ready to get mad at tom though)could talk about it for hours and make lots of parallels with taylor swift songs
miss americana & the heartbreak prince (series) @alltoowelltom
→tom holland x famous!reader/ fake dating/ a lot of taylor swift references... SO GOOD
slow dancing (@saturnpeter )
→tom holland x reader i'm a sucker for a slow dance, this is so cute
painted picture (@tom-holland-parker )
→single dad!tom holland x reader love the single parent trope and his daughter is the cutest ever
the worst best man (@takenbyheartstrings )
→tom holland x reader. reader and tom' s wedding, harrison being the best best man ever
the lakes (where all the poets went do die) (@indouloureux )
→tom holland x reader inspired by the lakes (ts), so good!!
getaway car (@alltoowelltom )
→tom holland x reader THIS! THIS IS ALL I NEED
cold hands, soft love (@togrowoldinv )
→tom holland x reader this feels personal as my hands are always cold
between the lines (@userholland )
→frat!tom holland x reader tw: mentions of divorce, trust issues
people i don't like part one (@totheblood )
→frat!tom holland x reader (college!au, richkid!au)
painful back, fairy fingers (@thollandsdarling )
→tom holland x reader dedicate this one to my constant need of a back massage
shaking (@spideysbae )
→tom holland x reader tw: blood, mentions of anxiety, somehow hurt/comfort
sun kissed (@mirrorwxlls -can't tag them for some reason?)
→tom holland x reader kinda of childhood friends to lovers
lucky i can't say no (@t-lostinworlds )
→tom holland x reader in the history of finding a cat and tom warming up to him SO CUTE ONE OF MY FAVS
secret (@whatevsholland )
→college!tom holland x reader. secret relationship, accidental revelation, "enemies" to lovers
traditions with a twist (@wazzupmrstark )
→tom holland x reader christmas au! meeting tom's parents, gingerbread house contest
he dies in the end (@allfandomxreader )
→tom holland x reader angst with no fluff, hurt/no comfort, what the title says
cabin confessions (@t-lostinworlds )
→tom holland x reader halloween themed, enemies to lovers, forced proximity? SO GREAT
(if you are not comfortable being tagged here, please message me so i can edit this<3)
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To Raise Children: Chapter 30
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Chris Evans X Daughter!Reader, Grandpa!Chris Evans X Flynn and Felix Evans (OCs) Tom Holland X Single-Mom!Reader (Slow Burn)
Series Masterlist
OC List
Series Summary: It's been 4 years, your sons are starting kindergarten, you're starting junior year of college, a lot has changed.
Chapter Summary: Tom talks to him mom about you and the boys
Series Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 20, Tom is 29), absent father, mentions teen pregnancy, mentions abortion, if you see anymore please let me know politely.
Chapter Warnings:
Sequel to "It Takes A village"
A/n: It's been months I know. But hopefully the next chapter should come out sooner can't promise it.
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Tom walks into his parents home. He kicks off his shoes before walking into the living room where his mom was sitting.
"Hey mum." He smiles at her.
"Tom dear! I didn't hear you come in." She sits up. "How are you?"
"Im good. Are Sam and Harry still coming for dinner too?" He says sitting next to her.
"Yes they are. They're gonna be a little later. How is Y/n?" Nikki asks smiling.
"She's good she's visiting family right now so I haven't talk to her yet. I hate the time differences." He says leaning back on the couch. "Mom I love her. She's just amazing, mum. She's kind, she's funny, she's so beautiful. She's an amazing mum too! I love her sons too, they're so much like her! Flynn he read to me! He's not even in first grade yet he's so smart, and Felix he is great at drawing! He drew spiderman and it was so good! I have a photo of it on my phone" Nikki has an amused smile on her face as she listens to him. She can't wait to meet you or the twins.
"You really love them don't you?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?" He laughs.
"Your eyes lit up when I asked about her. You're also bragging about those boys, it's sweet. I can't wait to meet them they must be very special."
"They are mum. I've never felt this way before about a woman. I think she's the one." He looks at her with a giddy grin.
"Im happy for you dear, I can't wait to meet her. And her sons, I've always wanted grandkids. You've been taking a while too." Nikki chuckles
"You have four kids Im not the only one who can give you grandkids."
"You are the oldest though you've had the most time."
"But seriously when will I get to meet them." She smiles.
"I don't know I want to fly them here maybe as a Christmas gift but she still wants to keep me separate from the twins so maybe next summer if I don't have any projects."
"Okay, me and your dad really are happy for you."
"Thank you mum." He smiles looking down at his phone when he heard it ding. It was you, you sent him a photo of the twins and Amelia at brunch. He replies before showing the photo to his mom. "This one is Flynn you can tell cause his eyebrows are thicker than Felix's and Felix has bigger ears. The little girl is their sister, Amelia."
"Awe." She smiles looking at the photo. "They're so precious."
You were finally home. You sat the bags on the floor as the boys ran past you to the backyard. You sigh and go to the couch flopping down on it. You look towards the window the boys are playing on their playset. You pull your phone out texting your dad letting him know you got home safely before doing the same to Tom. Tom responds almost immediately says that's good. It's about 7pm here so it's about midnight there in London. You're not surprised hes aware hes been staying up late to talk to you since you became official. He calls you right as you start writing a response.
"How was the flight? Were the boys better this time?"
"It was alright, yeah they were great this time. Luckily this time we didn't wake up early and we got dinner right before the flight so they weren't cranky."
"That's good."
"How was dinner with your parents?" You ask looking out the window.
"That's good." You say.
"Where's the boys?"
"The backyard playing. I don't know how but they have so much energy." You say taking a deep breath.
"Is it dark over there yet?"
"No they have maybe an hour or so." You says standing up and going to the back door. You could barely see them through the window of their playset.
"So you have time to talk!" Tom says you can't see it but he's grinning.
"Isn't it late for you? You should get to bed."
"No I wanted to talk to you about something actually." He says, "so you know how I told you I'm going to take a break from taking roles for a little while? Well I was thinking maybe I could get an apartment close to you. I've been thinking about applying for duel citizen ship anyway with how much I'm in America anyway."
"Really? You want to move out here?" You whispers looking outside to make sure the twins weren't listening.
"Yeah. It probably won't be till after Christmas though. But I do still want to come down for the boy's birthday."
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"It would be nice having you close. And my dad will be back and able to babysit by then." You mention absentmindedly. "I'd like it but it's up to you."
"Uh I should go I need to get the boys asleep but I can call you back after?" You say.
"Yeah sure. Bye darling."
Taglist: @fic-for-readers @denisemarieangelina @thevelvetseries @kaitieskidmore1 @ellerosie2332 @tahniemarie @runawayolives @marajillana @buckybarnez @positivelyholland @firehoseevan @coldmuffinpartycloud @beautifulrose0809 @believinghurts @laura-naruto-fan1998 @shadow-dixon @claaaaaaire-blog @mrs-brekker15 @h-j-s-03 @moniffazictress11 @buxkybarnez @ducks118 @kalopsia-flaneur @silverrmist @some-lovely-day @peterparkerbae @Olivia197810 @gengen64 @Bellagaseta20 @hollzo-03 @bubb1eana1ee @cmalas @jamie0515 @mpamphsss @bucketbarnes12 @lyraficrecs @hunni-bunny @lyrarodriguez @snigdha-14 @cedricdiggorysimpp @Multifandom_Boss_Bitch @sea040561 @queensgirl718
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harryslilfairy · 2 years
protective tom | holland!sister
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description - TRIGGER WARNING! MENTION OF ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. tom’s sister was in an abusive relationship with with her ex boyfriend. because of this, when she introduces her new boyfriend to her family, her brothers get very protective.
‘i’m a little nervous babe, not gonna lie. but we’re gonna be fine, right?’ y/n’s boyfriend, dave, said as he squeezed her hand, eyes focused on the road as they drove to her family’s house.
‘of course babe, my family is gonna be protective, especially my brothers, but they will love you i promise. as the holland family saw the couple park their car, they went outside to greet them.
tom didn’t know how to feel, he knew that dave was a completely different person, and that he deserved a fair chance, but he just couldn’t help but feel extremely protective over his little sister.
he saw dave get out of the car and quickly running to open the door for y/n, taking her hand and kissing it. tom smiled to himself, sensing a big difference in the way his little sister was treated then and how she is treated now.
y/n smiled towards her family and ran to hug her parents, ‘hi sweetheart! we’ve missed you.’ her mother kissed her head. ‘hi my love, how are you?’ dom smiled, happy to see his daughter glowing and enjoying her life.
‘hi, i’ve missed you guys too. oh and mom, dad, this is my boyfriend dave.’ y/n introduced, kissing her boyfriend’s cheek. ‘hello, mr. and mrs. holland, it’s a pleasure to meet you.’ nikki pulled dave into a hug, her arms resting snuggly around his shoulders.
‘hi darling, it’s so nice to meet you.’ dave handed nikki a bouquet of flowers, ‘uhh these are for you mrs. holland’ nikki cooed at the sweet gesture, ‘oh thank you sweetheart, you’re such a gentleman.’
dom extended his hand to y/n’s boyfriend, a welcoming grin on his face. ‘hello son, it’s great to meet you. please, call us nikki and dom, you’re dating our daughter, so you’re part of the family now.’
‘oh yeah, of course, thanks mr. holla-, dom.’ dom chuckled, already gaining a liking towards the young man. y/n eventually turned towards her brothers, who all hugged her tightly in a big group hug.
after the hug, dave was greeted by harry, sam, paddy and lastly tom. they all did their best to be polite and welcoming, of course, even though they still had their doubts.
everyone walked into the house and sat on the dining table, as dave offered to help nikki and dom get the food to serve everyone. eventually everyone was sat down at the table, chatting with each other, mostly getting to know y/n’s boyfriend.
however, tom was a bit zoned out, overthinking everything, and he ended up letting it all out on dave. ‘alright, dave what are your intentions with my sister? because if you hurt her like her ex did you are done for-‘
‘tom!’ y/n interrupted, ‘stop being mean, dave hasn’t done anything wrong, he’s been nothing but a sweetheart.’ dave squeezed her hand comfortingly under the table.
tom was still visibly frustrated, ‘and how do i know this isn’t all a façade, how do i know he isn’t gonna treat you like shit?’ since things had escalated pretty quickly, nikki decided to put a stop to it.
‘thomas! stop it, simply stop it. i suggest you take a moment to cool down and reconsider the way you’re treating dave right now.’ tom respected his mother immensely, and left to table to go get some air in the garden. maybe he truly was being a prick.
‘dave we’re very sorry about tom, he’s just been extra protective since y/n’s last relationship.’ harry reassured, not wanting the boy to feel unwanted or unwelcome in the household.
‘it’s okay seriously, i truly love y/n and i just want to make her happy.’ the family continued to chat, but were interrupted again as tom came back inside. ‘i’d like to talk to dave, alone.’
y/n stood up, heading towards her brother. ‘tom please don’t be mean, he really wants to impress you, he wants you guys to like him. if you don’t he’ll be devastated, please, he’s been stressing about this the whole week.’
‘y/n i promise i won’t be mean, i thought about how i acted and i just want to apologize.’ he whispered, hugging his sister close to his chest and rubbing her back. dave and tom walked outside, sitting on two chairs next to the barbecue outside.
‘so dave, i just want to say, that i am very sorry. since y/n’s previous relationship i’ve just been very afraid of any man coming into her life. however, today since you arrived and during the conversation at dinner, you’ve proved that you truly love and will take care of her. i’m really happy that she’s finally looking to settle down with someone who treats her well and not some asshole. you’re good for her.’
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mrs-hollandstan · 3 years
More Than Perfect || Sam Holland
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Warnings: mentions of nudity, mentions of childbirth and the complications afterwards, self-doubt, language?, babiessss, Sam just being a supportive cutie
Word Count: 1,720
Author’s Note: Hopefully you guys enjoy a little bit of dad!Sam. Lemme know :) Also, huge credit to @/marsbudge on Instagram for the picture on the right. She’s amazing in expressing her beauty and is the whole reason I created this piece. Moms/ women in general are fucking superheroes. 
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There was nothing like having a baby. You were told that once you had a little one, your life would change and you would never understand the absolute love you have for this tiny human you'd made. When you and Sam got pregnant with your daughter, he was infatuated with your naked body. The tummy and the thick thighs and the ever growing breasts. Not that you yourself particularly minded being nude around your fiancè or just in general, especially when it just so happened that in the worst weeks of your pregnancy you'd be in the middle of summer. 
When your belly popped towards the bottom, blossoming up the further you got in your pregnancy, Sam lost his mind. He loved the bump and when his hands wandered, it's often where they ended up. More than anything, Sam appreciated the changes your body went through, especially the stretch marks around your thighs, hips, and belly. The boy was obsessed. That's why his Instagram blew up with pictures of your belly, pictures from the baby shower, of the nursery, of her closet, her name board above the crib, and eventually her when she arrived in the beginning of August. 
Virginia Elizabeth was what you named her and Sam, just as much as when she was in your belly, was obsessed with her. She was constantly in his arms and he admired each one of her little features on the daily, dressing her, feeding her (if you couldn't of course), changing her, rocking her to sleep. He was an all around great father. 
Especially because of the pain and exhaustion he inevitably and guiltily felt he inflicted on you. Your bump remained for a few weeks, but what it left, Sam saw, made you slightly depressed. Your feet were still swollen, your breasts were huge but your belly was starting to sag, and the bleeding was ridiculous. You slept most of the time because of the constant milk production and late nights, but Sam didn't mind taking Virginia out into the living room and kitchen, especially if his brothers were over to see their baby girl. 
However, after about a month you'd gotten somewhat used to being a mom and feeding her late at night with Sam right there at your side, giddy smile on his face the entire time at the look of his girls. He loved introducing you as his girls and going to see family and friends with your bubbly little girl in his arms. But something that seemed to remain after all of it was the nudity in your house. 
Sam found that most times he came to find you napping, you were nude beneath the blanket. Not that he minded. Easy access to the skin of your back and belly and thighs. He actually loved the sight and hoped that when he went back to culinary school and eventually went to work as a chef in one of your local restaurants, you'd still be like that, something to look forward to when he climbed into bed with you. 
With a day off from work but not from school, Sam was off in the afternoon and back before the sun started to set, walking up the stoop with a smile on his face. Even a few hours spent away from his girls was torturous. Shouldering the door open, he drops his bag just inside, kicking his shoes off just beside it, 
"Babe?" He calls. There's no reply, a frown covering Sam's face as he walks towards the nursery. He pauses in the doorway of your bedroom when he sees you, smiling to himself. You stand just before your bed, nude with your little girl, only clad in a diaper, in your arms. Your eyes are closed as you sway from side to side, the little one whimpering softly. Walking into the room, Sam stands with his hands on his hips, 
"Look at you two." He says softly. You open your eyes slowly, glancing at him. His smile is so wide you don't know how it fits on his face. He takes a deep, breathless like breath, looking you over, "You two are so perfect." He mumbles before he walks forward again, coming to stand behind you. His hands rest over your hips, lips pressed to your temple, 
"You smell like biscuits." You murmur softly, not faltering in the swaying, even as you lean back against his chest. He chuckles softly, 
"Orange cardamom biscuits. They'd go good with your tea, I'll have to make them sometime for you." He explains softly. You nod, lips pressing against Virginia's cheek. Her little face is turned up towards the ceiling, mouth hanging open as she fights sleep. You sigh, 
"I uhh, I took a shower, put her in that little bouncy thing just outside the shower and she got fussy cause it was hot in the bathroom. So I took her out of her onesie and was holding her and I just... her skin on mine felt amazing. Like yours does. And I miss her. I miss..." Sam can see the tears in your eyes now, "I miss my baby bump and being in the hospital smelling that newborn smell and all that." You tell him. He nods, 
"Its the postpartum peach. You know it'll pass and you'll have so much fun with her when she's older. Plus... the older she gets, the closer we are to havin another one. More of that newborn smell." He reasons. The look you throw him over your shoulder makes him swallow, 
"Alright... yeah, still traumatized from her birth, got it but... you don't have to be so upset. She's still little and perfect... both my girls are, and for the next... what, year, that won't change. She'll get nice and chunky and when she changes, we'll so be ready for it. She'll get giggly and fun and you'll love it. I know you will babe." He reassures. You nod, 
"I know I just can't help it. It feels like someone else is controlling my life, my emotions. I'm sorry." 
"You don't have to apologize Y/N. Your body, your mind are going through a lot of changes. You're maturing and all that. I'm not upset about it. The crying, from you or her doesn't bother me. At least there's some need for me." He half jokes. You smile, looking down at your baby girl. He sighs, 
"I'm really likin this naked thing with you though." He mutters, kissing your shoulder as he molds your hips in his hands. You hum, 
"Sometimes I'm just too lazy to get dressed, other times it's just too hot." You reason. Sam nods, 
"I like it." 
"Oh yeah?" He nods when you glance up at him, "Maybe you should join the party then. I wanna stare at her and she likes daddy's chest." He doesn't even need you to finish the before he's stripping from the grease and oil stained shirt and pants, leaving them in a pile on the floor as you sit at the edge of the bed. You scoot to your side, letting Sam lay down before you before you lay Virginia over his chest. He mumbles incoherently down at her, kissing the top of her head as he strokes down her back. He purrs which makes her whimper, the motion further lulling her to sleep. He glances over at you when you prop your head up on your hand, 
"You're a great father Sam. You've always been an awkward little bean but... when it comes to V, you do amazing." He chuckles softly, 
"Thanks Y/N/N. You two... mean the world." He admits, rubbing up and down your baby's back softly. You sigh, brushing his unruly curls aside, 
"I'm just glad that I don't have to cook. The food you make is excellent and you like doing it and baby loves it too." He laughs again, 
"And that's all that matters is making you both happy." He murmurs. There's a silence that permeates between you for a moment before you stand, finding the thin robe you wear all the time if it genuinely is too hot to wear anything else, 
"What was this... thing you were saying about orange cardamom biscuits?" You ask with a cock of your eyebrow. He smiles wide, tip of his tongue caught between his teeth, 
"I'm starting to think ALL you use me for is food." 
"I feed your little girl from my own body like eight times a day. The LEAST you could do is make bomb fucking food Holland." He hums after a moment, eyes averted from yours and to the little girl laid across his chest. He glances back up, 
"Can we just... have a little longer of this moment? Just a pretty little family before I'm whisked away to slave over a stove." He jokes. After a moment of staring at each other, you sigh, trying to fight your smile before you near the bed again, sitting at his side, 
"Fine Samuel. But only because you're pretty." You lean in to kiss his nose, kissing your baby girl's head just below his chin, "And you too little miss. I just hope you at least get something from me for all the pain and suffering I went through getting you here." Sam reaches up to tuck hair behind your ear, 
"You're a great mumma already. I have no doubt that she'll be witty and perfectly perfect. With a mum like you she'll always know she can never disappoint us with whatever decision or life choice she makes. You'll make sure of it and that's what matters. Raising a decent fucking human being." He says with such passion in his eyes you think you'll faint. You stare at him for another moment before sighing, 
"I love you more than anything on this earth Samuel Holland. Our little family is just perfect right now." You tell him. Leaning up to kiss you, he sighs, 
"Love my girls in all of their beautiful nudity. Love skin to skin." He murmurs. You lay your head against his shoulder, watching your girl sleep. Of course pregnancy and motherhood was difficult, but your fiancè made it so much better and your baby girl was everything and more for the both of you.
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
hey, pumpkin
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a sneaky little bartender!tom gif never hurt anyone
"Do they sell turkeys at Tesco?" you ask Tom, looking up from your phone.
Tom snorts, before realizing you're serious.
"What do you want a turkey for, love?" He asks, turning away from the golf match on the TV and placing a hand on your ankle where your feet rest in his lap.
"For Thanksgiving, obviously."
Tom sighs, leaning forward and knocking his head lightly on your bent knees dramatically.
"We talked about this, Y/N. We're in England, we don't do Thanksgiving here."
"No, we agreed not to do Fourth of July,' you remind him. "We never talked about Thanksgiving."
Tom turns back to the TV, thinking the conversation is over. It isn’t.
"This year is Miles' first Thanksgiving," you continue. "I know that you guys don't celebrate it, but it's important to me that he gets to experience it too. Plus, I already invited your family and they agreed."
You're interrupted by a whine that turns into a cry from the baby monitor on the coffee table.
"I'll get him, you stay there." says Tom, pushing you gently back onto the couch when you move to stand. You smile gratefully at him, and as he gets to the doorway he stops, sensing you pouting from behind him.
Although Tom had agreed to hosting a Thanksgiving celebration, that didn't stop him from acting about the same age as your baby during preparations. As you shopped for the food for the meal Tom followed you around, dragging his feet and whispering playful jokes to Miles who was safely strapped to his chest in the baby carrier. His only redeeming action was how he stole the shopping trolley from you as soon as you turned to grab something from a shelf, insisting that he and Miles could manage pushing it for you.
"Alright, alright," he sighs, turning around. "We can do Thanksgiving if you want. But I can't promise I'll love it."
"Are you turning our son against me?" you ask, hearing Tom whisper another joke to your baby. Miles grinned, babbling in joy at his dad's attention.
"Dude, stop it!" you say, gently poking one finger on each of Miles' chubby cheeks. "Stop agreeing with your dork of a dad, you don't even understand him yet!"
Miles only giggled harder, trying to put his tiny mouth around the tip of your finger.
He was even less help while you cooked the meal. He insisted on making Yorkshire puddings to go with the turkey, despite you explaining they did not go.
"Of course I'm not turning him against you," Tom says, rolling his eyes as if you've accused him of some terrible crime. "I'm simply trying to turn him against superficial American traditions and keep him the good English lad he is."
He sauntered into the kitchen as you were sorting out the turkey's stuffing.
"Hi," you say, watching as he opened the pantry and rifled through.
"Where's the bloody- ah, here they are." He keeps his back to you on the other side of the kitchen, getting a large plate out of the cupboard.
"Tom, what are you doing?" you ask, hearing the crackle of plastic wrap while he struggled with the packaging.
He doesn't answer verbally, picking up his plate and turning around, presenting it with a flourish.
You frown.
"Cookies? What are you doing with cookies?"
Tom rolls his eyes, placing the plate on the centre of the large dining table.
"They're not cookies, they're Jaffa Cakes." He says proudly.
You swat him out of the kitchen.
"Go look after your son and quit messing with my meal."
"He's playing building bricks with Baz." Tom laughs, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head before dodging your playful swats and heading back to the living room.
Sam and Paddy come into the kitchen as Tom leaves, raising their eyebrows and hoping to hear a quick roast of their eldest brother.
"Fuckin' Tom," Sam laughs. "Do you want some actual help from some real Holland men?"
"This looks wonderful Y/N," Nikki says as everyone settles around the table, Miles in his high chair between you and Tom. He's the real star of the show, sitting sweetly in his babygrow patterned with tiny pumpkins that was technically Halloween themed, but still festive and seasonally relevant.
You laugh, putting them to work on cutting vegetables for you.
"Yeah, the Jaffa Cake plate is a nice touch," says Harry, snickering at Tom.
"Mm, and the Yorkshire pud is very appropriate," Sam adds, reaching across to flick his eldest brother in the head.
"Boys," Dom scolds. "Shut it. Now Y/N, you lead us Brits in how we go about this."
"And quickly, because I'm very intrigued by this cornbread thingie." says Paddy.
"Well-" you begin, sighing when Tom hops up from his seat. "Oh God," you say. "What now?"
Tom heads into the kitchen, and you hear the clatter of mugs and the click of the kettle.
"Does anyone fancy a tea with their Thanksgiving dinner?" he asks innocently.
"Tom!" you all but shriek, bringing a hand to your head. "Are you intent on ruining this?!"
Tom blinks at your reaction. He'd thought he was being quite funny actually. So why did you seem so agitated?
"Tom, baby, can I speak to you in the other room quickly?" you say through gritted teeth.
You put a hand on his back, pushing him into the large walk in pantry and closing the door as Harry and Sam lean over your vacant seats, trying to tempt Miles with a roast potato who only laughs and smacks his tiny hands against his high chair tray in glee.
"What's going on, darling?" Tom asks in the dim privacy of the pantry, surrounded by containers of cereal and oats.
"Why are you doing this?" you ask, leaning against a shelf.
"I'm just offering teas around," he says pleasantly. "Why, did you want a coffee instead?"
You roll your eyes.
"You're determined to ruin Thanksgiving. I know you don't really do all the American traditions, but it's really important to me that Miles gets the same holiday experience that I did when I was little," you explain. Tom's face falls as you continue, sensing how much he’d hurt you with his joking around.
"And I love living here with you and Miles and having your family around, but I miss mine, especially around this time of year." you continue. "We agreed we'd go 50/50 on your holidays and traditions vs. mine, so can you please try not to overshadow mine?"
Tom nods quietly, guilt swallowing his features as he listens. He really hadn't meant to upset you, he'd thought the competition of Thanksgiving vs. No Thanksgiving was all in good spirits but apparently he still had to work on sensing when a joke had gone too far.
"I'm really sorry, darling." he says, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You lean into him, hugging his waist and burying your face into his shirt. "I guess I take for granted sometimes how lucky I am to have you and Miles in our little family that I don't think about how much you miss your own family back in the states."
You squeeze his waist one last time before taking a deep breath and pulling back from the hug.
"Right," he says, taking your hand in his. "We'd better get back out there before the troops start a mutiny."
You giggle, leaning into his side and basking in the sound of your toddler giggling at the table surrounded by his uncles and grandparents.
"Oh and hey," Tom whispers as you both make your way through the kitchen back to the dining room, still leaning into each other. "I bet we can scrounge up a babysitter from this lot after dinner so we can fulfill another Thanksgiving tradition of a long nap after eating, yeah?"
thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging as it really helps a writer out <3
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alyswritings · 2 years
hi! do you think you could write one where toms daughter is introducing her preschool boyfriend to her dad and family. and tom gets all protective and sad that his baby is growing up?
The Holland family are at Y/N's preschool, them having put on a play.
"So we really have to sit around for, like, an hour and watch a bunch of three and four year olds do a play? They don't even know what lines are." Harry complains.
"Harry, quit it." Nikki chides.
"Look, Y/N wanted all of you to be here. Plus, the play is only half an hour. And it'll be adorable." Tom assures.
"A bunch of children who aren't super excellent at following directions?" Paddy asks.
"Hey, Y/N's pretty good at that." Tom defends. "Besides, won't Y/N's adorable, ecstatic face be worth it?"
"Of course it will, honey." Nikki says.
"Whatever." Paddy mutters, earning a small smack in the arm from his mother. "Yeah, yeah, she's adorable."
"Yeah, yeah, we all know you love her." Tom says, flicking his youngest brother's head.
- - -
After the play, all the kids are allowed to go to their family. Y/N spots her father, a grin covering her face, and she rushes over to him.
"Daddy!" She squeals.
"Ahh, my little baby!" Tom grins, picking her up when she's close enough. "You did wonderful, love. You were so cute up there." He tells her, kissing her cheek a few times making her giggle.
"Tank you." Y/N giggles out.
After getting compliments from the rest of her family, one of Y/N's schoolmates walk over.
"Who is this?" Nikki asks.
"Tis is Gabe." Y/N states. She wiggles in her father's grip until he puts her down. "He my boyfiend." She states.
The twins and Paddy immediately look at Tom to find the oldest's eyes practically bulging out of their sockets.
"Wh-what?" Tom awkwardly chuckles. "You... you mean friend that's a boy, right?"
"No. Boyfiend." Y/N says, clasping her hand around Gabe's.
"I thought we agreed no boyfriends until you were thirty." Tom frowns.
"Nuh-unh." Y/N shakes her head.
Nikki sends an amusing smile to her three sons that are trying to contain their laughter and then to Tom who is glancing between Y/N, Gabe, and their connected hands.
"Can I go see Emmy?" Y/N asks her dad.
"Emmy as in Emily?" Tom asks and Y/N nods. "Sure, darling, go ahead." He tells her. Y/N immediately drags Gabe off over to Emily.
"What the hell?" Tom whispers to his family. "She isn't supposed to be dating. She's supposed to be-- be playing with dolls and coloring, not talking to boys."
"Aww... is Tommy upset his baby isn't a baby?" Sam mocks, pinching his older brother's cheek.
"Shut up." Tom swats Sam's hand away making the three younger brothers laugh.
"Hey, it's pretty easy now. Wait until she's a teenager." Nikki smiles.
Tom lets out a dreadful groan, his brothers' laughs getting louder.
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
Tom Holland x Holland reader. The reader is like four years old and is really clingy to Tom when he gets back from filming. Even maybe when he’s with his friends too, she’s shy and just misses him?
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Missing Tom || Holland sister
Summary: The reader is the holland’s brothers sister, who is four years old and when Tom is away from filming she misses her big brother a lot. Eventually he comes back home and the reader is very clingy towards him as she missed him.
“Where’s y/n?” Sam asked as he set her plate on the table. The brother hadn’t seen his sister all day and he was getting worried. She was only a toddler after all, she couldn’t be doing much.
“Haven’t seen her all day” Paddy shrugged not looking up once’s from his phone making his older brother scoff. Sam then walked up the stairs going into his sisters open bedroom door not finding her anywhere.
“Y/n?-Bro have you seen Y/n” He asked Harry who walked out his own room. ‘No’ Harry said giving his brother a look. That’s when they heard a little sniffle coming from Toms room. Slowly opening the door a little y/n laid on her brothers bed crying into Toms pillow with Tessa cuddling her.
“y/n/n, hey, hey what’s wrong?” Sam asked crouching down to the crying toddler, who sobbed loudly.
“T-t-Tommy” she cried not being able to breathe properly.
“Shhhh, calm down. Come on breathe with me” He wiped her tears trying to get her breath back. Eventually she calmed down, leaving with just little sniffles.
“I-I want Tommy” She said voice quiet as she cuddled into Tessa more.
“I know darling, Tom will be back soon. He’s at work remember” Sam spoke opening his arms for the little girl to crawl into. He stroked her hair kissing her head. It was sad seeing his little sister like this, she really loved Tom and missed him. All of them did but it was wore for her as she’s still young and doesn’t understand properly.
“You want me to call mum?” Harry asked from the door, hoping Nikki could come home and help the little girl. But she shook her head…all she needs is Tom.
“Wanna eat some food?” Sam asked, she shook her head, no. “Come on you gotta eat, then maybe we will call Tommy” He suggested making her instantly nod.
However later that day when Sam tried to call Tom he said he couldn’t answer. Making y/n get mad and start to cry again. She cried and cried in her mothers arms until she was too tired and ended up falling asleep. This sadly happened a lot so they were used to it.
The next day y/n stayed in Toms bed where she had slept not wanting to move at all. Little did she know Tom was going to return home that day.
“Baby, wanna go on a walk with Tessa?” Nikki asked her only daughter, hoping it will make her feel better.
“No” She simply said still facing the wall.
“Okay, me and dad are gonna go. Sam, Paddy and Harry are here if you need anything” She kissed her head leaving the room with the door a little bit open.
“shhh she’ll hear you” Harry whispered to his older brother as they slowly walked towards his room. “Wait why is she in my room?” Tom asked confused.
“Just go in, don’t be loud” Harry said leaving them both alone.
Tom slowly closed his door, setting his suitcase on the side. Climbing into his unmade bed, going under the covers and wrapping his arms around the small body of his little sister. He kissed her head not knowing if she was sleeping or not.
“Go away” She cried pushing his arms off her thinking it was Harry or Sam or even Paddy.
“Hey, hey now that’s not the way you great your favourite brother you haven’t seen in two months” Tom joked but also was concerned to why she was crying.
As soon as he spoke she turned around snapping her head to her brother she had missed. And throwing herself at him, crying into his neck.
“Why you crying, sweetheart” He rubbed her back.
“Tommy” She sobbed her tears falling on his neck as she pulled away to look at Tom. “I missed you” She said.
“Aww darling, I missed you too” He smiled at the cute 4 year old. Tessa even jumping into him excited. “And you too Tessa” he laughed stroking her.
“Yeah man, I missed you guys” Tom said to his friends as he took a sip of his beer in his hands, still holding onto y/n who cuddled into his lap. Him and his friends were sitting in his living room catching up.
“I gotta go toilet” Tom said placing his van on the side, moving his sister off his lap.
“Noooo!” y/n whined missing being close to her brother.
“I’ll be back im just going bathroom” He reassured her.
“Take me with you” She said standing up.
“I’m not taking you with me silly, i’ll be a minute” He said going to walk away, hearing her drop on the floor crying.
“Someone been missing Tom” Harrison laughed, standing up to pick the girl up. “It’s fine mate I got her” he told Tom as she cried for him to come back.
“Shhh, it’s okay. He’s just going toilet” Tuwaine told her as she shyly hid her face from his friends.
And as Tom said he came a minute later, now carrying y/n’s favourite blanket and her teddy bear Tom brought her when she turned four. When she saw Tom she ran over to him crawling straight into his lap as he gave her the teddy and wrapped her blanket around her.
“She missed you a lot” Harry said.
“Yeah she pulled a big fit last night as you couldn’t call” Sam butted in making the little girl glare at him.
“Shut up” She said rudely.
“Hey we don’t tell people to shut up” Nikki said walking into the room. “Wanna go upstairs, you have to go bed in an hour” She smiled at her child.
“No, please let me stay with Tommy” she said moving into him more.
“I’ll take her up soon, promise” Tom smiled at his mum as she nodded, looking at her oldest and youngest children in awww’s.
“We’re gonna go now anyways” Toms friends say as he gets up to say goodbye, still carrying his sister.
Once they had left he was tired, he was still jet lagged from his morning and just needed a peaceful sleep.
“Wanna go sleep now?” He asked y/n kissing her cheek.
“Yes, your bed?”
“Yeah, you really did miss me, huh?” He walked up the stairs.
“Don’t want you to go” She sadly said as he laid her down in the bed.
“I’m just turning off the light, sweetheart” He turned off the light, pulling y/n close to him.
“Goodnight Tommy, Love you” she smiled cuddling into Tom.
“Goodnight darling, love you too” He kissed her head falling into a deep sleep.
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mxssingmemories · 11 months
julian's masterlist !
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Chris Evans
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ It'll Be Okay
You just started a new job and have started getting bad migraines. Chris just wants to be there for his daughter.
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. It's a big decision, but she knows she's got Chris and Sebastian in her corner.
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Sebastian Stan
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. it's a big decision, but she knows she's got Sebastian and Chris in her corner.
❁ Back to School
It's back to school time for Y/N, how much chaos can this possibly cause in the Stan household?
❁ Paparazzi Sucks
On a father-daughter date, paparazzi do their best to ruin it. Sebastian doesn't let it get to you too much, though; lots of fluff &lt;3
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Tom Holland
❁ Best Friend Ever
You found out some news about yourself and you really want to tell your best friend Tom. You're really worried about how he'll react, but he comes through like the amazing person he is.
❁ Not A Girl
Y/N is trans male, and after a fight with his mom, he goes straight to the person who knows him the best-Tom. They've been best friends for years, and Tom's happy to help his favorite person however he can.
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Tony Stark
❁ Burgers
You're sick, and you scare the shit out of your dad. Fluff and burgers ensue.
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Jensen Ackles
❁ Go Fish, Bitch
When Jensen gets bored, he tends to cause chaos. Today, he brings Y/N into the chaos, and she loves it. In which a card game commences, and Jensen loses by a long shot.
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Harry Styles
❁ That Just Happened
You've known Harry since you've been in high school-little does he know that you see him as a father figure. After a really rough day, you accidentally call him dad. Love ensues.
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I Write For:
M A R V E L:
>Tony Stark
>Bruce Banner
>Black Widow
>Pepper Potts
>Steve Rogers
>Peter Parker
>Tom Holland
>Chris Evans
>Sebastian Stan
>Chris Hemsworth
>Anthony Mackie
S U P E R N A T U R A L:
>Dean Winchester
>Sam Winchester
>Jensen Ackles
>Jared Padalecki
>Misha Collins
M A R A U D E R S:
>James Potter
>Lily Evans
>Sirius Black
>Remus Lupin
>Peter Pettigrew
>Jake Peralta
>Ray Holt
>Terry Jeffords
***I am only on the first season!! I'm not familar with the characters, but I'm really loving the idea of writing for some of em :)
>Spencer Reid
>Aaron Hotchner
>Derek Morgan
Please keep in mind that I am currently only writing platonic fics! I'm writing teen!reader, daughter!reader, best friend!reader, or sister!reader. I am comfortable writing pretty much anything, so please feel free to send in a request.
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Request Status: Open!
major thank you to @aadapaadakaunpaada who helped me figure this whole thing out :)
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
#TheAdventuresofDatingHarry (Harry Holland x Reader SMAU)
Summary: Harry Holland x GF!Reader SMAU
Warnings: under the ⛔️ section there is mentions of eating disorders and recovery. It is NOT to romanticize it but address it happens to anyone. Please avoid continuation of smau fic below ⛔️ line unless you’re comfortable with it.
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liked by tomholland2013, samholland1999, zendaya, and 576, 984 others
yourusername: most people have to worry about their SO coming home with a stray dog/cat. Me? Evidently, I have worry about them coming home with a… hedgehog?😂 #TheAdventuresofDatingHarry
view all 359, 201 comments
samholland1999: lmao Baz, your poor girlfriend 😂
paddyholland2004: he is her problem now 😉
harryholland64: problem?!👀
harryholland64: Is this hashtag becoming a thing?
yourusername: why yes, it is
harryholland64: I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing
yourusername: I guess we’ll see 😂
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liked by harryholland64, nikkihollandphotography, hazosterfield, and 987, 235 others
yourusername: Woke up to Harry sending me this photo and then a few minutes later he shows up at my door with a hand picked bouquet 🌻 💛 #TheAdventuresofDatingHarry
view all 672, 218 comments
harryholland64: I saw them and know they’re you’re favorite so I had to get that 🥰
yourusername: I freaking love you Baz 😭💛
harryholland64: Even though I brought home a hedgehog? 🦔😂
yourusername: I love you and your spontaneity, even if it drives me crazy sometimes 😂💛
nikkihollandphotography: those are so pretty
zendaya: Couple Goals, love you both
samholland1999: simp
harryholland64: shut up Sam🙄
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liked by harryholland64, tomholland2013, dommoholland, and 578, 204 others
yourusername: Today’s episode of #TheAdventuresofDatingHarry features the cutest dog stealing your boyfriend. They’re lucky they’re both cute because otherwise I’d be mad I’m not the one getting cuddles🥺
view all 520, 382 comments
harryholland64: darling, you know I’ve always got enough cuddles for you too 😘
yourusername: oh! This is awkward, I meant I wanted cuddles from Tessa 🤭
harryholland64: 😩 can’t I cuddle both my girls?
yourusername: only if I can cuddle Tessa at the same time 💁‍♀️
harryholland64: Deal 🤝 “Tessa!!”
dommoholland: she really is the cutest dog but I’m not sure I like you two stealing her
harryholland64: sorry dad too late, she’s ours now lol
nikkihollandphotography: Baz you’re going to make your father cry. You know if you don’t bring her back after watching her today he will lose his mind over that 😂
harryholland64: you want me to try and separate Y/N and Tessa? 😳 I swear that dog loves her more than she does the whole Holland family 😂
dommoholland: I’m pretending you did not say that☹️
nikkihollandphotography: maybe you two can get your own dog 💙
yourusername: 👀👀👀
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liked by harryholland64, zendaya, nikkihollandphotography, and 872, 329 others
yourusername: Latest update for #TheAdventuresofDatingHarry 😍 Scroll for baby Baz photos 😭🥹😘
Thank you @/nikkihollandphotography for sharing these 🥰 I love them sm 🥹 (they help the angst I have after realizing I may need to be jealous about how much attention he gives to his Nikon🥲)
view all 621, 343 comments
samholland1999: if it helps, after you two met his camera was mostly pointed at you so there’s that 😂
yourusername: stoooppp 🥹
harryholland64: thanks for calling me out like that mate that sounds creepy 🥸
yourusername: noooo, it’s sweet 🥹 plus I love the candid ones you took of me the other day ☺️ it was uplifting seeing myself from that perspective 😭
harryholland64: my love, I was planning on compiling them for a recovery anniversary gift next month but this family sucks at secrets so🤦‍♂️
yourusername: Baz, you don’t need to get me a gift for that 😭
harryholland64: too late love 💘
yourusername: #TheAdventuresofDatingHarry is the best life event 😭 Ilysm🥹
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liked by harryholland64, samholland1999, tomholland2013, and 943, 105 others
yourusername: Today marks a huge milestone for me.
Trigger warning for the message below as it deals with body image struggles and eating disorders, please only read if in the right mindset and situation for it. 💓
Over 10 years ago I decided I wanted to recover from my body dysmorphia and address my eating disorder. It wasn’t an easy task and I fell often but on this day 10 years ago was the last true slip up. 10 years ago today I stopped actively participating in trying to meet what I felt were society’s expectations of me. Healing isn’t linear and there are still times I struggle with a healthy self image but over the last 10 years I have been able to correct myself each time and address the negative thoughts in a positive and healthy manner and form positive ones about myself. I didn’t think that would be possible 10 year ago.
To those who’ve been there or still are, please know it doesn’t what you look like, what you think you look like, what size you are, what size you want to/“should” be, or any other expectations; you are BEAUTIFUL and worthy of love. It took me a long time to realize that and that might be the same for you, but I promise you’ll get there. If you slip, don’t get angry at yourself please. Just dust yourself off and go again, it’ll get easier. ❤️‍🩹
These photographs are by none other than @/harryholland64 aka the most considerate & supportive boyfriend. I am in love with them not just because they’re so good, because it’s from him, nor because he’s so sweet. Those are all true, but I love them because I can see how much happier and more confident I am in myself and I never knew that would be possible. It also proves that how you perceive yourself on your bad days aren’t accurate. Some of these were taken on days where I was struggling a bit and I didn’t know they were being taken. Had I known in the moment when some were being taken, I probably would’ve been mortified at the time because of how I felt about myself. However, once I’m able to address the thoughts I’m struggling with and pull myself back up, I feel better about myself and when I do I can truly appreciate seeing them.
These are only a handful of them but he framed all of them and put them up on my walls in my closet by my mirror for my bad days to remind me how he sees me and the thoughtfulness and support from him is immeasurably heartwarming. Baz, my precious baby boy, I love you more than anything in this world and I’m so blessed to be able to have the co-leading role in #TheAdventuresofDatingHarry 💘
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harryholland64: Y/n/n I am so incredibly proud of you and how far you’ve come. Eating disorders are not easy to heal from but you have and I love watching you love yourself and see yourself as beautiful because you’re stunning and deserve the world 😘 I’ll be there every day to lift you up if any struggles come 🥰
tomholland2013: congrats! You’re so strong ❤️
hazosterfield: Ace darling x
samholland1999: Wow, 10 years is impressive! 🥂
nikkihollandphotography: Harry, this is very sweet honey. 💙 Y/n, I’m proud of you, your bravery, and willingness to share your story to help others. Congratulations on a decade of self love, here’s to many more 💙💙
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