lowkeyremi · 7 months
Haikyuu men as fathers pt. 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Ft. Ushijima, Kita, Kyotani and Asahi
Note: The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18. Bringing this series back for someone who requested Kita :3 @warriordemigosworld
content: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, certain styles of parenting, etc
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
When you arrive home you're met with the sight of both your husband and your baby girl knocked out on the couch. Her little head is resting upon his chest, her small hand curled up in a fist too.
You can see the drool on his shirt from her little lips. She's just so tiny and he's so big. Whenever you'd post them on your social media the first thing people comment on is the size difference. They always talk about how soft and gentle he is with his baby girl for such a big man.
Wakatoshi seems to notice your staring because his olive eyes open looking around for a second before they meet yours.
"Looks like you two had a good time." A smirk graces your lips. He chuckles quietly, rubbing her back when she starts to stir awake.
"She wanted to play animals so I dressed up as a tiger for her. She insisted that she should paint my face to make me look the part." Oh. So that's why his face is orange with smears of black on it.
"I'm guessing she was a baby tiger?" Your little girl's face was also colored in orange and black face paint.
"Precisely." Wakatoshi watches as you pull out your phone and snap a few pics.
"I'm sure Grandma and Papa would want to see what you two were up to today." He nods, a small smile gracing his face.
Wakatoshi is the kind of parent to let his child experience little moments that make them happy
He doesn't limit their imagination as his mother tried too when he was younger because of his left-handedness
He doesn't enjoy singing but he will hum his baby to sleep
When his baby was little he would always have her sleep on his chest which is why she's so used to it (i love his chest....)
all in all ushi is such a good dad
Kita Shinsuke
You were watching as Shinsuke and your little boy were out in the rice fields. There were two cold glasses of water waiting for them when they came back.
They had matching hats and overalls; the whole thing. Shinsuke insisted his six year old should be interested in little boy stuff like playing and discovering the world, but your little boy wanted to help his daddy out in the fields.
So of course, Shinsuke would show him how to do basic things around the rice fields. He made his son a mini bag of rice to carry since the normal bags are way too heavy for a six year old.
Little giggles escape your lips watching the two of them haul the bags of rice toward his truck.
"Are you helping daddy out?" You ask recording him.
"Yep! I'm almost as strong as daddy is!" To prove his point he flexes his little muscles.
"Oh wow!! You are super strong." Shinsuke chuckles too. He's sweating up a storm, wiping his forehead every few minutes.
"Do my two favorite boys want to come take a water break?" Your husband is grateful for your observation skills, he could use some water.
Your son looks to his father waiting to see what he says. The little boy admires his father with his life.
"Yeah let's get some water, bud." Shinsuke scoops up his son causing the little boy much joy.
Kita is very stern with his kids, he likes order (which is why they have so much respect for him)
Almost never breaks the rules like if there's not supposed to be any sweets before bed he'll listen to the rules even if his kids beg and beg
He teaches them to be honest hard working children (just like how he was when he used to help his grandma clean)
There are fun days too, he'll take them to amusement parks and such.. only for good behavior though
lmaoo I think he looks a little scary to other kids, so when he's chaperoning at field trips and stuff none of the kids (even the most mischievous ones) dare to act up
he's always taking his kiddos to onigiri miya because they always talk about how much they "love their uncle samu's food!!"
if they show any interest in volleyball he takes them to see the red falcons (aran) or the black jackals (atsumu) they always think it's the coolest thing ever
Kyotani Kentaro
The screaming match going on downstairs didn't concern you in the slightest.
Your husband and your daughters do this at least once a day, which is why you're still laying in bed minding your own business.
"IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR PROJECT YOU'LL FAIL!" Kentaro yelled at his ten year old daughter. She was; in your opinion a carbon copy of her father.
"I DON'T WANT TO!!! IT'S BORING-UHHHHHH." She drags out the last syllable, causing a giggle to leave your lips.
"WELL LET'S GO SEE WHAT YOUR MOM HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT." You pretend to sleep as the three of them stomp up the stairs to see what you have to say.
"[name], your child won't-" when he notices that you're "sleeping" he shushes his children and walks them out of the room.
You hear a mumbled, "Will you do it if I help you?"
The older daughter of yours agrees with her father's suggestion. The younger one has no clue what's going on but she wants to be included too. So, she also hums in agreement.
He communicates his love through snarky comments and eye rolls
Doesn't find them annoying, just could use a break sometimes
He thought being a dad would be a piece of cake.. imagine his surprise when he changes his first poopy diaper
Scary dog privileges still apply; no one dares to look at his kids wrong, much less try to hurt them
He girls think it's funny that he's "bald"
Will NEVER admit it but he is a girl dad
Azumane Asahi
"I think I'm gonna be sick, babe, what if we don't find him?" Asahi asks tugging in your shirt sleeve. This isn't your best parenting moment; your little boy is lost somewhere inside this huge Costco. Your son who's eight insisted he'd go grocery shopping with you even though he was probably gonna complain after ten minutes about his legs hurting.
Of course your husband wanted to tag along. He enjoys family bonding and he saw this grocery trip as an opportunity to execute it. The two of you had gotten so caught up in conversation that you didn't even realize your son went missing for maybe four or five minutes? You hope it was only that long.
"Ren! Where are you honey?!" You yell out, not too loud so it's not fairly obvious of your failure as a parent but loud enough that he could hear you and follow the sound of your voice.
To make matters worse he has his nintendo switch that his eyes are probably glued to.
"Oh baby, what.. what if someone takes him?" Asahi's voice sounds horrified. Little seeds of insecurity make their way into your brain, but you must keep strong because your husband is absolutely losing his shit.
"Management on aisle twenty-seven, we have a child climbing the racks." You two give each other a knowing look. That sounds 100% like something your son would do.
"You stay here with the basket, I'll go get him." Asahi says leaving no room for argument when he runs off to get his child.
Within a few minutes he returns with Ren. Asahi's confused by the way you giggle, but you find it cute how his man bun was undone, most likely from running fast.
"Man, I haven't ran that fast since high scho-"
"Dad you need to work out more!!" Naive little Ren says, causing his father to sigh loudly with a cheeky smile.
"And you," you say pointing to the little boy in question, "need to stay where mom and dad can see you. Are we clear?"
He nods in a respectful manner.
"Now let's finish shopping.. as a family."
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Ushijima does nothing halfway. Especially when it comes to his daughter.
It’s very adorable to see, there’s nothing quite like her asking him for anything and everything, and him doing it.
For her third birthday, she wanted a pony. When he couldn’t find one, he and Romero dressed up in a pony costume.
When she asks for candy, he gets her two of whatever she likes- one when she eats all her dinner, and one because ‘mommy doesn’t need to know.’
When she comes barreling into your bedroom while you two snuggle, wailing and desperately trying to dry her eyes while you both scramble from the bed to calm her down. He’s quick to reach for the baseball bat next to his bed to ward off any “monsters.”
“What’s wrong, baby?” You soothe, opening your arms for her to leap into. She does, and you hoist her up and onto your hip, her face burying into your neck.
“Jock’s gone!” She sobs, and immediately, you and Wakatoshi tense up.
Jacques, the handmade giraffe Uncle Satori had sent all the way from Paris for Reina’s second birthday had immediately made its presence known in everyday life. Everywhere Reina went, Jacques was close behind or enclosed in her tiny hand: play dates, dinners out or at the table, sitting on the toilet at bath time…
In her arms every time she was going to sleep.
“Oh sweetheart,” you croon. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”
“I…I…” she lets out a sniffle and wipes her nose with the back of her hand. “I forgot to…”
“We’ll find him,” Wakatoshi assures, and Reina’s eyes light up at her favorite hero.
You gnaw at your lip before looking at the time, “baby, don’t you think we should maybe just try tomorrow?”
“She needs it tonight,” he says simply, planting a kiss to your head before stalking out of the room. “He’s got to be in the house somewhere. Probably just playing hide and seek.”
What a damned game he was playing.
Surely enough, everywhere Jacques would be, or was suspected to be was exactly where he wasn’t; he wasn’t in the bathroom, or in the chair next to hers at the dinner table. He wasn’t in the playroom, nor under her bed, everywhere that Jacques could be, he certainly was not.
“Doya think he ran ‘way, daddy?” Reina wails, fingers clasping onto your pajama pants. A soothing hand cards through her locks, and despite Wakatoshi having the patience of a Saint, you could see it in his eyes it was slowly slipping away.
“It would make more sense than him just not being here,” he mumbles, and you offer him a sympathetic look for his efforts. “Okay, Reina,” he sighs, crouching down to be eye level with her; exhaustion paints his face and his hair sticks up wildly with his anxious carding, “when was the last time you had Jacques?”
She sniffles and wipes her nose on your sweat pants, “I told him to stay and watch the washin’ machine, ‘n come get mommy when it was done, and he never did!”
Wakatoshi blanches and his jaw slacks. You cover your mouth to hide the laughter that desperately wants to bubble out. Reina’s bottom lip wobbles as she unknowingly just took three years off of her fathers life.
“…the last time you had him was in the laundry room?”
“So… he’s in the laundry room?”
She nods again. Big brown eyes flick up to you, and he sinks his teeth into his lip to stop himself from laughing in a similar vain as you. “Okay,” he says, standing up and scrubbing his face with his large hands. “In hindsight, that should’ve been my first question.”
“Huh?” Reina asks, eyes flying up to you when you finally let a few cackles out, watching as your mammoth of a husband shuffles down the hallway to the laundry room. The light flicks on, then off, and when he emerges, there’s Jacques, dangling from his beefy hand.
“Found him,” he says blankly. Reina gasps and quickly runs over to her father, eagerly clutching the giraffe to her chest.
“You didn’t run ‘way!” She squeals, rocking the plush back and forth before planting a kiss to its head, chirping a sweet little “thank you, daddy!” before shuffling back off to bed, like the last three hours of struggle didn’t just happen.
Wakatoshi looks at you with exhausted eyes, but the minute they lock with yours, he’s unable to fight the wide smile that starts to spread over his face, causing the both of you to break out in loud laughter and snickers. You quickly make your way back into his arms, your head thunking against his chest while it rumbles with his laughter.
“I cannot believe that little snot just outplayed us so hard.”
“You’d think this is our first day,” you snort. Your head turns up to look at him, and you give him a kiss on the base of his jaw as a reward. “You’re so good to her.”
“I almost have to be,” he sighs sleepily. His olive eyes glaze over your face, “there is no way you’d be able to handle her antics on your own.”
“Hey. Just because she likes you more than me does not mean I can’t handle her on my own.”
He offers you a small snort and reaches up to gently stroke the corners of your smiling eyes, “I do suppose so; her ability to give me grey hairs certainly does come from you.”
“Exactly,” you chuckle. Lovingly, despite his slander, you nose at his jawline for him to lean down for a kiss which he happily complies in, his hands gentle on your cheek in the middle of the hallway. You giggle against his lips and nuzzle your nose against his, “I want another one…”
“A kiss?”
“No, a baby.”
Immediately he pulls back, face dropped in a deadpanned expression to contrast your excited one. “Clearly we need to get you to sleep, you’re talking nonsense.”
“Come on,” he grunts, hoisting you up and over his shoulder, ignoring your laughter and the banging of your fists against his back. “Bed time. Before the both of you give me an aneurysm.”
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natriae · 1 year
you've only seen wakatoshi smile twice...like actually smile.
the first time was the night the two of you got married. He face remained stoic the whole time but the minute you asked him to help you out of your dress a large grin broke out on his face.
Giggling you ask, "toshi what's got you so happy right now?" mirroring his large smile. He looks to the floor and then your matching wedding bands.
"this is all I've ever wanted."
The second time was when you gave birth to a baby girl. When he craddled her in his arms two tears rolled down his cheeks as he gave the softest smile to your baby girl, his baby girl, the baby girl he would protect and cherish for the rest of his life.
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northescere · 2 months
as much as i love tendou with abandonment issues due to not having friends before and being terrified of them leaving him i believe we need to give more attention to wakatoshi with abandonment issues. i can't see his mother as the loving type. his father was probably his only pillar of emotional support and comfort growing up and when he moved to america, wakatoshi had all of that ripped away from him, thus the fear of the people he loves leaving him behind. i can imagine wakatoshi in tears grabbing tendou by the wrist as he's boarding the plane to paris, saying in a voice too broken for the man he appears to be that he doesn't want tendou to leave him.
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bumbledi · 1 year
♡Daddy’s sunshine♡
time skip! Ushijima Wakatoshi and his daughter
Genre: fluff
Summary: Wakatoshi and parenthood
Note: Thank you so much for all the likes! I’m just here to give my boy Wakatoshi the recognition he deserves. I apologize if there’s any misspellings!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Little Megumi is about to turn 5 months and she changes everyday…
She’s now teething and she’s definitely more active, she giggles a lot and she is learning how to roll over her tummy and so.
You came back to work a couple of weeks ago, you are mostly working from home but sometimes you drop by the office at special times. And Wakatoshi is currently taking the season off, it’s easier for you to work mostly from home and he being at home helping with Megumi.
“Time for me to go” you said entering the kitchen with your bag in hand
“Don’t forget your bento…” your husband said while washing the dishes
“When did I get myself a trophy husband?” You said hugging your husband from the back and kissing his shoulder
“I thought I’ve always been one…” he said, making you laugh.
“I’ll come back around 4 or 5 pm” you said grabbing the the lunch bag with the bento your husband prepared for you.
“Have a good day, darling”
“You too…”
Once you turned around, you saw little Megumi on her high chair biting on her teething toy and Mochi was watching her while sitting on the counter next to her.
“See you later, my baby” you get closer to her and she immediately hold up her free hand, trying to touch you, only for you to kiss her chubby hand “mommy loves you” after that, you kissed her cheek multiple times and after petting Mochi too, you walked to the front door. “I’ll be out now”
“Take care!”
You put on your shoes and walked out the door.
After that, it was only Wakatoshi and Megumi (and Mochi of course).
You move he is done with the dishes, he starts making himself a protein shake so he can drink before his run.
“Once I’m done with his, we’ll go for our run, Megumi-chan…”
Since Megumi was 1 month old Wakatoshi started to take morning runs with her, he puts her in her stroller and go out for around an hour.
After a quick nappy change, getting her into some warmer clothes and making sure he had packed a change of clothes, her pacifier, a toy and anything that her daughter might need, they were ready to head out.
He would place a cover over the stroller to protect Megumi from the cold morning breeze, specially since the weather is getting a little cold and he likes to take very early runs because is less likely to be approach or recognize.
It felt so good to have even an hour to do something that he enjoyed back into his life. The last couple of months have been so intense, he would have never imagine something that is not an intense training session would be as exhausting as taking care of his daughter.
But it was all worth it, she was growing strong and healthy and only with the slightest glare at her, his days would get instantly better. She has some big lashes that he would stare at for hours and some chubby cheeks and hands he would kiss without getting tired. He never thought someone would be as close as perfect as you are but looking at his daughter made his heart beat with joy.
Like in this moment, he was simply starting at her while she slept soundly. He paid the combini onigiris he got for you and headed back home.
As he was almost getting home, Megumi started to get fuzzy, it was almost time to eat.
“we’re here Megumi-chan… hold on”
He hurried to get into the apartment and as soon as he was in, he started to prepare her bottle.
“You don’t need a nappy change too, right?”
As soon as he realized she didn’t, he check if the bottle was right and started feeding her while sitting on the couch.
“Thanks for eating so good…”
One she was done, he burped her and proceeded to rock her so she could take her first nap.
She would hold her hand up so she could touch her daddy’s face until her little eyes were closed.
Wakatoshi would place her on her automatic rocker and literally run to take a quick shower. He knew leaving the baby alone wasn’t the best option but he tried his best even without someone there to help.
Thank god, Megumi was sleeping peacefully when he came back and that gave him extra time to do some chores. Feed and play with Mochi, check some emails and even watch some volleyball matches’ recordings.
Once his little girl started to wake up, she demanded attention.
“Yes, yes, I’m here, baby…”
He took her out of her sit and she immediately stopped. She loves being with her dad.
“You good? What about some tummy time now?”
He place her face-up on her mat, and she immediately started to try to roll over.
“There you go, use your legs Megumi… Like we practiced” and as if she understood his words, she rolled over. “That’s it! Nice job Megumi-chan!” Seeing his daughter’s achievements was the best thing he has ever experienced, it made him feel as good as winning a match.
He saw how Mochi started approaching her and rubbing her head against Megumi’s. She loves the little human too.
The whole morning was filled with strength exercises for Megumi and a couple of nappy changes, until it was time for her second nap. Until then Wakatoshi stud-up and ate his lunch, some tonkatsu that was left and rice was enough.
Megumi was still sleeping so he decided to start preparing the dinner. He thought something easy and common will be fine. He prepared some miso soup, grilled fish with salad on the side and obviously some rice.
The was getting the rice cooker ready when he started to hear some fuss that turned into crying.
He looked over to the living room that was right in front of him and so his girl waking up, a little earlier than usual, maybe she needs another nappy change.
He hurried with the rice, washed his hands and rushed to pick up Megumi. And indeed, she needed to be changed.
“Just in time, baby. Mommy will be here soon and we ran out of nattō for her” without wasting any more time, he put her on her carrier, put a hat on her head, he doesn’t want to risk it and have her face all over the internet. Once they were ready, he walked to the closest konbini. Thankfully nobody approached him but he definitely got recognized by the cashier.
They came back quickly, he left the nattō on the counter and then left Megumi sitting on her mat again this time he laid down next to her and she immediately giggled and approached his face to hug it and gave him what looked like kisses, making her dad laugh. Not long after, the sound of the front door caught his attention.
“I’m home!” You sang while taking off your shoes.
“Welcome home!”
You walked into your house and found your husband laying on the floor with your baby smooching his face.
“What’s going on here?” You said giggling.
“Bonding time…” he answered.
Just by hearing your voice, Megumi started to coo and tried to reach her hands so you could pick her up.
“Megumi-Chan, Megumi-Chan!” You left your stuff on the counter and hurried to pick your daughter up “how are you, my love?” You kissed her head and hugged her “did you have fun with daddy?” She reached to touch your face and smiled “I can tell!” You kissed her again “I missed you so much…” you hugged her again.
“And me?” You heard your husband
“How could I not?” You approached him and held his face with one hand so you could kiss him “you worked hard, my love” he gave you a warm smile. Not late after, you felt something walking between your legs. “Hello, Mochi! Did you miss mommy too?” She meowed, making you laugh.
“You hungry? I fixed you some dinner”
“For real?” He nodded “thanks, my love!”
You three, walked to the kitchen and continued talking about the day.
And Wakatoshi could only look closely to you, holding his daughter while talking to her and explaining what was in the pots.
That a perfect sight… He couldn’t ask for anything better.
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dokifluffs · 2 years
Reaction to Their Kid(s) Reacting to Their Cardboard Cutout | Ushijima, Sakusa
Pairings: Ushijima X Reader (female), Sakusa X no one, he’s a dilf 
Genre: domestic fluff tehe ehe
Author’s Note: dilf sakusa barkbark get fed
Hinata, Bokuto // Kageyama, Atsumu 
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gif from @rivaillerose​
The whole country buzzed as the world began to watch Japan as there was only less than a week until the olympics that had been pushed back a whole year, was finally happening
Energy, pressure, excitement was picking up in everyone, especially the Japan Volleyball team, all for everyone except your husband - or at least that’s what it seemed like to you
He was always calm and composed, his face stoic but you knew inside he did feel something - he wasn’t just a statue people assumed him to be
Team practices had surrpisng;y been the same, although you did think that they would be extended or longer since it was the olympics after all
But no
Today was Sunday, a rare rest day before your husband would be off at the games, playing multiple until there were only 2 teams left, where only one team would prove to be the best in the world
The two of your guys’ hands were being held by your three year old son as he ran and would jump while you two would swing him occasionally
But everything about today felt so nice - Sundays were just so nice, like nothing could go wrong when you got to be with your small family
The cafe door chimed as the two of you walked in, finding it surprisingly empty
“Welcome~” the baristas welcomed the three of you as your son bounced around your side, holding your hand
“Good morning,” the two of you greeted as you two stood, looking at the menu, reading through the options to see what would be good
“Papa, I wanna see,” your son whined, his cheeks puffy and lips pouty as he tugged on his dad’s fingers
“Alright,” he lips pulled into a light smile as he lifted his son, holding him against his side
The little boy was curious as he peered over, holding onto his dad’s shirt as he looked behind the glass, eyes gluing themselves into the sweet pastries and cake pops that were assorted beautifully for display
He pointed, eyes wide but staying silent as he just looked, wanting the sweets but it was far too early for such sweetness
You and Toshi had ordered your guys’ breakfasts before finding a comfortable booth deeper inside the cafe
It was so nice with their false floral decorum strung up and wrapped around the wooden beams, giving it a nice natural aesthetic although the location was in the midst of the city
There were also even cardboard cutouts of the Japan volleyball team, through only a few, and Wakatoshi stood in the dining area, “smiling”
Yet the cafe was surprisingly empty, except for the baristas so it didn’t take long at all for the food to come out after a short wait, with the porridges and egg sandwiches and hot coffees and juice for S/N
The three of you got to eating, taking your sweet time to simply enjoy each other’s company’s after quite a long time
Occasionally, your son would stare at either you or Toshi, silently signaling how he wanted a bite of your guys’s food even though it was the same as his but but two would take turns, feeding him a bite to satisfy him
When the food was done and the table was cleared, aside from the coffee, you two talked about errands to go, maybe a walk around to just really feel like life was as simple as possible
You really missed your husband despite him being right there, right here in front of you but you could feel yourself slowly healing, filling back up the longer his olive green eyes looked into your own, witnessing his pupils dilate whenever you spoke or when you reached your hand and intertwined your fingers with his before he covered both of your guys’ hand with his other one
He really had you falling in love with him all over again
And then there was the human embodiment of your guys’ love
Your son scooted himself safely off the short chair and walked over to the cardboard cutout of your husband and stood at his legs, his small head leaned back to look all the way up the board
“Papa, you’re here too.” The little boy turned around and pointed up as the son smiled a little before turning back
“Indeed.” Your husband smiled as his hands squeezed around yours, his touch so warm as it had always been
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gif from @rivaillerose​
“Ready for this, baby?” He looked down to his daughter who followed him, smiling and looking up to him with grabby hands
“Atta girl,” he smiled through his mask as he pulled it down and knelt before the walker
He applied sunscreen to her precious face, maybe putting a little too much over her chubby cheeks but better to be safe than sorry
Plus he just couldn’t get used to how puffy and soft they were
“You got little mocha cheeks, moch,” he scrunched his nose as he playfully pinched her cheeks, wanting to bite them out of how cute they were to which she just smiled at the comments
But there was also a subtle brush of pride in him that surfaced knowing that this was his baby
This adorable little girl that had dark, curly/ wavy hair like him was his baby
He carefully put on her sun hat, making sure it didn’t pull on her hair or hurt her head in any way
And finally, put on her own little mask that he handmade after painstakingly pricking himself with the needle but watched and learned how to make face masks for kids
It was secure enough that she wouldn’t breathe in anything harmful to her but loose enough so she could breathe easily
He slid the door onto the backyard open, his body hunched toward the ground as his daughter held his hand as he led her out the door and onto the patio
on the other hand, held his cardboard cutout at an arms distance away, along with a bottle of disinfectant spray, walking to lay it onto the grass, which he covered a plot of it with a tarp
He laid himself down in the sun as his daughter stood behind him, a few feet away
The edges of his rubber gloves slapped his wrists as he shook the disinfectant spray can
He sprayed the cardboard cutout with the disinfectant before letting it lay in the sun for a bit, even wondering why he had listened to bokuto and atsumu on taking it home, especially with the pandemic
He sighed knowing there was absolutely no use for it
And then he felt the familiar feel of his daughter hold onto his leg and she shyly got closer
Kiyoomi looked down as a gentle breeze blew through, making the grass in the yard move in a wave as his little girl’s hair was all in her face, her hat no longer on her head and on the floor on the patio
He removed his gloves as he squatted down to clear the hair from her face
“There you go,” he smiled a bit as she rest her dainty hands on his leg, staring at the cardboard cutout of her dad
“Papa,” she spoke quietly, her voice kind of muffled through the fabric of the mask as she pointed, squatting down beside kiyoomi before looking back up to him, squinting cause of the bright sun
“Why’d you take off your hat, germ?” He scoffed lightly as he raised his hand above her head, providing shade for her face from the sun
Still in her squatting position, she waddled closely and tested the waters, extending her finger to the cardboard cutout of kiyoomi and looked back
“Mmhm, that’s me..” he  dodged before his eyes fell back on the thing… there really was no use for it.. sigh
She patted her hand on her dad’s cardboard cheek, mesmerized by it
Kiyoomi watched as she tilted her head back and forth as another breeze blew by, making her short hair dance in the wind
But also thankfully, the disinfectant spray had dried so it was perfectly safe for her to touch
The two of them stayed squatted in the grass, feeling the summer sun’s warmth and breeze come and go
But she had been looking at his cardboard face a little too long
“Hey, butterfly.” He gently tapped onto her back, getting her to turn around and lose her balance, making her sit on the grass
“Is that papa?”
She processed what he had asked and looked back to it then back to him and nodded
“Who am I then?” He pointed to himself, pulling down his mask
“Papa.” She said, standing herself up and walking over to him, standing in between his squatted legs as she held onto his shirt
He brushed off the dust and grass off her bottom
“Who’s the better papa, then?”
“You!” She jumped, making a smile spread across his lips as he pulled her in to hug her, pressing a kith to her chubby mochi cheeks
“Hm, what a smart little butterfly,” he hummed before lifting her up into his arms to bring her inside
“Let’s change and eat some lunch.” He walked back in, leaving his cardboard cutout outside
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
GOD the conversation where ushijima was telling the other third-years about his dad and how he used to play volleyball, and then tendou goes "so you basically want to be like your dad, right?" and ushijima thinks about how happy his dad was talking about the ace and went "i just wanted to be like that"
he didn't want to become like his dad, he wanted to become like the person his dad ADMIRED
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misstooru · 1 year
OMG!!! look! look! look what I found in instagram!!! this is just so adorable like imagine haikyuu men as girl dads!
POV: haikyuu men came home from work / training / business trip and their little girls came rushing to welcome them 🥺
POV: a day in a life of haikyuu men as dad
tbh ushijima, iwaizumi, meian, bokuto, kita, kenjirou, and daichi gives so much girl dads energy for me! especially iwaizumi with 3 girls cutiiieeee! 🥺💗😭
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natashawritesstuff · 2 years
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“Dad?” Keina, your youngest daughter yells from the living room.
“Yes?” Ushijima responds, in a normal volume as he was a mere few meters away from her. 
“Oh, I didn't know you were there.”
“I highly doubt that,” he mutters.
“Anyways, why did Bokuto-san call asking if we did our interview yet? What’s he talking about?”
He pauses for a few seconds before cursing under his breath. “They’re interviewing the Olympic teams from the winning years. Something about what it takes to be an athlete, the ups and downs of the commitment, they wanted the families to be interviewed too.”
“Why didn’t I know?” 
“Because I never planned on doing it, I already replied I wasn’t interested.”
“Dad?” Airi, the oldest, says as she’s looking out the window. “There’s a camera crew on our lawn.”
Keina slowly turns back to her father with curious eyes, “Dad, are you sure you replied no?”
“Not so much, no.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Wakatoshi, we’re the Ushijima’s.”
“Thank you so much for giving this interview,” Sato, the cameraman, says. 
“Yeah, of course,” you say excitedly and turn to your husband waiting for his enthusiasm but getting a deadpan face in return.
“Please, the cameras.”
“Why would I care about the camera’s?”
“Guys we’re actually still rolling.”
“I’m talking to my wife,” Ushijima tells him and then returns his attention back to you and you sigh.
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“I’m Airi, I’m sixteen.”
“I’m Keina, I’m fifteen.”
“What was it like growing up with an Olympic volleyball player as a dad?”
“Umm…” Keina hums and turns to her sister for an answer. 
“He was never really strict with us about playing volleyball,” Airi says.
“It was always just kind of written in the stars,” Keina chimes in. 
“Right,” Airi agrees, “that being said he taught us how to pass before we learned how to read.”
The cameraman laughs and the girls don’t. 
“She’s serious,” Keina confirms. 
“Yeah,” they say in unison.
“Uh….moving on.”
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“Ushijima-san, did you find it hard raising kids while balancing your career?”
“Yes, mostly because I wasn’t good at it.”
“What advice would you give younger players trying to balance?”
“Don’t balance. Just pick your family.”
“Sir, if you could just give me something,” he pleads.
“I’m giving you the interview.”
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“Are you two friends with the other legacy kids?”
The two answer simultaneously and Airi scoffs, saying, “she is not me.”
“Kyoudo, he’s Bokuto-san's son, I love him. We used to practice together when we were younger. He’s such a little crybaby though-”
“Keina,” Ushijima says from behind the camera.
“No she’s right, literally he used to whine every time Keina beat him. Which was often. I mean I would be crying too, he’s two years older than her.”
“Airi,” you hiss.
“Um, what about other players' kids? Are you friends?”
“I mean Iwaizumi-san’s daughter, Emiko loves me….she’s also like one and I babysit her, so that doesn’t really count,” Keina realizes, voice trailing off. 
“Yeah all of dad’s teammates waited until they were like thirty, and we were both accidents so,” Airi explains.
“Oh my god,” you whisper. 
“The only one who has a kid not under the age of ten besides Bokuto-san is Atsumu-san.” Keina says, “And that Miya is just….”
“A dick.” 
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“What positions do you play?”
“I’m a setter,” Airi answers. 
“I play opposite.”
“How did growing up together mold you as players?”
“I think it made us well-rounded. Right?”
“Yeah,” Keina agrees. 
“I mean not only were we raised by one of the greatest players, but we also had access to each other and always pushed the other to grow.”
“And no matter if we win or lose, I always knew my little sister was on my team. At least back then,” Airi confesses, voice nearly cracking. 
“...yeah,” Keina agrees, eyes almost watering.
“Speaking of teams, you two actually play for different one’s right? Keina’s playing for the team that beat yours in the tournament last year?” Sato asks.
The girls share a look before Airi asks, “sir, have you ever played volleyball?”
“I thought so,” she says with a smile.
“I’m….I’m gonna cut.”
“Yeah, you do that.”
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“How long have you been together?” Sato tiredly asks. 
“Since we were seventeen,” Ushijima answers quickly.
“Yeah, that.”
“When did you get married?”
“Twenty-four,” he answers again.
“Where’d you meet?”
“In high school. I quite literally ran into him.”
“And then we had a project together,” he remembers. 
“And the rest is history,” you say, lovingly looking into his eyes and a small smile grazes his face.
“I love you,” he whispers. 
“I love you.”
Sato clears his throat and you embarrassed, turn back to the camera. 
“We’re not going to lie and say it’s not hard, because it is, extremely, but…”
“It’s worth it,” Ushijima says, still looking into your eyes. 
He cuts the camera and you and your husband each stand up to say your goodbyes.
“It was a pleasure to meet you and your family.”
“You as well,” you say with a smile.
“And your daughters are….” he begins to say as his eyes drift off to see Airi staring daggers at him from across the room and Keina trying to get her to stop but proving to be unsuccessful. “They’re..”
“You don’t need to finish that,” you tell him.
“Anyways I just want to thank you all for your time.”
Ushijima asks bluntly, “you’re not using the interview, are you?”
“Absolutely not.”
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want more? read Team out on ao3/wattpad
Shiratorizawa Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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t-u-i-t-c · 27 days
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Tokusatsu Back To School Challenge
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sinkat-arts · 4 months
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Commission for ninjaspaz on AO3 of a scene from their super sweet and heartwarming fic, Summer's Gift.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
head empty, only dad thoughts again.
very original, I know
he just would look so good with a tiny baby resting against his broad chest for tummy time, his thick fingers gently running up and down her delicate spine while his eyes nonchalantly watches whatever channel flicked onto TV. She’s knocked out, she’s fast asleep, and when you ask him if he wants to put her into the crib so he can go about his day, he gives you an incredulous look, like how dare you even suggest he move and risk waking his little angel.
when he’s extra cozy, he buries his nose against her soft head and takes long, gentle inhales of her unique, newborn musk; it calms him down to know she’s warm, she’s safe, she’s his, and the smell of her is all apart of that.
(his friends ask him all the time how his “baby-huffing-addiction” is going, but he shrugs them off with a chuckle and a ‘you just don’t understand it.’)
to be honest, you really don’t know if you understand it either. but you don’t care to question it, because just judging by how happy he looks to be in contact with his infant is plenty to smother any judgment that may brew.
atsumu, ushijima, kenma, iwaizumi, sugawara
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noonajoe · 1 year
Your kid hurt himself (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)
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Synopsis: Ushijima and Y/N have an 8-year-old son who's scratching and punching himself because of his frustration. You can't stop your son and called your husband because you're scared to look at your son.
Characters: Dad!Ushijima Wakatoshi x Mom!Reader
TW: Self-harm, angst, fluff, comfort, family fluff, Ushijima is a great dad
Word Count: 750
©noonajoe (Published on 2 April 2023 - 23:15 Bangkok Time) this story is not going to be sold, modified, or translated in any manner.
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“Yes, honey, what’s wrong?” Toshi asked.
“Takio, he’s..” you’re trembling staring behind Takio’s room door.
“What’s happening? I heard Kio’’s screaming in your background sound” he stood up from his seat, and quickly sign his driver to prepare his car for him.
“He… he hurt himself Toshi…, like I did when I was little, I don’t know now how to make him stop. He unintentionally scratched my arm when I tried to stop him…” you sat on the table, searching for a medkit to wrap the scratch. 
“I’m in the car right now. Is the scratch bad? Do you need an ambulance?”
“No, I’m okay but mentally not because I can’t stop him, Toshi…” 
“Okay, wait, I’m on my way home, 15 minutes, wait for me, okay honey?”
“Y-yes, thank you, Toshi” you closed his call.
He arrives, quickly enters the entrance door, and found you treating your hand
“Toshi” you look at him.
He quickly grabs your hand, and takes a good look at your wounds, “let me see”
“Okay, it looks not serious, thankfully” he sighed, glad that his wife was okay.
“Is he in his room?”
You nodded
“Okay, don’t stress yourself, let me take care of him” he patted your head.
He enters the room and looks at Takio. His son’s hair is messy, his dark eyebags are visible, and his eyes are swollen because of screaming and crying.
“Takio,” he said, with a firm tone.
“D-dad..” Takio was startled, staring at his father walking towards him.
Your kid is pretty scared of Toshi because of his cold gaze 
“I’m sorry dad, I-I think I hurt mom a little bit back then, I-I’ll apologize to mommy later”
He just stares at him and takes a deep sigh. He sits on your son’s bed, straightly staring at his son who’s sitting on a chair.
“Mom is fine. But I’m not here to talk about that. Why did you hurt yourself?”
The moment he heard that his tear slowly began to flow.
“If Kio had something in mind, or even disappointed Kio, just cry it out. Did I and mom ever angry when you cried? No, right? We never taught you to hurt yourself”
“I don’t know dad, I’m so dumb at school. Mrs. X always said that I will never be as successful as you or mom”
Toshi’s eyes widen, and with his flat expression, he tried to calm himself down. 
“Okay, so, Mrs. X told you that?”
“Yes, dad…”
“How long had she been saying that?”
“Uh… I don’t remember when… But she always said that when I finish my volleyball extracurricular, I and other teammates somehow met her by coincidence when we want to go home. When we got to the school’s entrance gate, she always mock me with those words…. I was embarrassed because my teammates heard that out loud”
“Okay, so, all of your teammates heard what Mrs. X said?”
“Yes, dad…”
“Okay, tomorrow, I want you to give me the list of all of your teammates as an evidence, I will report this to the principal”
“No! Dad, but, she’s going to bully me more…”
“Then I will take this case to the law firm as an irresponsible action from a school. She hurt my son, it’s a serious matter.“
“... O-okay dad”
“Okay, do you need some psychological therapy for this matter? Your mom and I maybe not a people that can solve some of your mental needs, especially if you’re hurting yourself. I can sign up at the nearest hospital if you want. As long as Takio feels better, we will always support Takio’s needs no matter what”
“I think, I will tone down my overthinking, Dad. I’ll try to fix this self-hurt by myself first… But thank you for offering, dad”
He stared at your 8-year-old kid, and can’t imagine if his self-hurt got worsened. He pulls his son’s chair closer so he can see him closer, “From now on, tell me and your mom if you experiencing bad things, okay? And don’t hurt yourself. I may be not as lovely and feely as your mom but we love you so much and it hurts us so much if you hurt yourself like this.” he grabbed your son’s hand.
“Okay, dad… I’m sorry for hurting myself…and I will always love you both…”
“Well, why don’t we go outside and see mommy? She’s extremely worried about you, Kio”
“Okay, dad”
The night ended with you hugging your son tightly, giving him multiple words of comfort. You’re glad your husband can help your son through his hardship.
While you're hugging your son until he's asleep, Toshi looked at you and comforts you by saying "he's going to be okay"
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natriae · 1 year
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bonus #3
1.8 words
angst to comfort
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eight years after the end of another chance
Walking out of the small Japanese home that rested on the far side of Miyagi was a tall young man with long, straight olive hair. He had it cut in a slight mullet shape, but his mom insisted he got it so it wasn't completely a mullet. She called it a fancy mullet. His hair stuck up in several different directions while his purple and white uniform hugged his lanky body. Behind him ran out a four year old girl in a similar purple uniform, but with a small patch that read the kanji of 'Shiratorizawa pre-k" she had just kissed her parents goodbye and attempted to catch up to her older brother. However, before she could fall onto the sidewalk the taller man reached down and grabbed her just as she tripped over her own shoes.
"You need to be careful," Isa scolded the little girl. His voice now deep and gruff like his father's making it very easy for people to mistake him as Sakura's dad over the phone. He moved the little girl so she rested on his hip as he continued to walk the two of them to school. Her arms wrapped around the neck of her knight as she leaned her head down on his shoulder. Isamu was far too used to the neighborhood moms watching him be a caring brother and walk his sister to and from school, and had he been a normal teenage boy he probably would have tried to play with their hearts more and have his own personal MILF, but he had no interest.
School was over and he repeated the same routine making sure to buy his sister a small snack from the convenience store. She had chased him down the hill, tripping, but not falling flat on her face because her big brother was there to catch her. Most of these days he felt that taking care of Sakura was the only thing he was good at. His whole life he had felt like a bit of a disappointment even though his parents spent every second of their lives making sure that he felt like the most important person in the world. He just didn't quite understand. He had so many secrets he's been hiding from them. Would they treat him the same if he told them?
"Ani! I found your favorite!" Sakura shouted, trying to shove the drink in his hand. Had he been paying attention earlier he would have noticed the little girl trying to climb up the freezer shelves to grab the drink. The glass door swinging back, hitting her bum and knocking her back down. Isa giggled at the little girl thinking about how she's a mini you. Grabbing the drink from her he paid for their snacks and continued heading home. His heart calmed down as he held his sister's hand. She loved everything and anyone no matter what. At least if he didn't have his parent's love anymore he'd have hers.
"Tadima," the two children shouted as they walked into the house. Their parents, per usual, were wrapped up in each other's arms on the couch. Isa had dismissed them and walked into his room while the little ball of sunshine ran and jumped into both of her parents wanting to cuddle too.
" Sakura baby was Isa-nii being odd while you walked home today?" you questioned the small girl as you brushed some of her olive hair out of her face.
"ani is always weird," She responded while leaving a kiss on her papa's forehead. Since Wakatoshi has been retired she makes sure to leave a kiss somewhere on his face because she was told that only old people retire. She's worried that her daddy is getting old and won't be with her anymore even though you tell her time and time again that her papa is only 37 and her grandpa is close to probably 70. You continued to pet her hair as she began to fall asleep for her afternoon nap on her dad's chest. You glanced at Wakatoshi then Isa's bedroom door a few times until he finally got the hint. No matter how long the two of you have been parents it will always take a moment for his brain to load the data you're supplying him.
Once Wakatoshi put Sakura down he came out to see you knocking on Isa's door. From behind the sliding door you heard a small 'come in' from your more than normally grumpy son. His room was minimalist, but he still had it decorated with volleyball accessories. His prize possession being his dad's Olympic gold medal. He wanted it framed so that it would push him to work hard for his dreams just like his dad. Sliding the door just enough to pop your head in, you faced the young man sitting on his bed and asked, "can your dad and I come in."
The young man nodded his head as he remained reading some random manga about volleyball. 'Haikyuu' who would name a manga 'volleyball'? silly is all you thought. Walking in you took a seat on his bed and leaned your head on his shoulder. While Wakatoshi took a seat at his desk. You could tell he was uncomfortable by the situation. You would have been too. Both of his parents just slowly came into his room. They even knocked on his door and waited. If this was a normal day you would have knocked and then busted right in. Isa looked up at his father trying to piece together the situation as much as possible. But it was a lost cause because his dad seemed just as nervous as he was. Deciding to break the ice Isamu was the first to speak up, "what do you guys want?" He scrunched his eyebrows, turning his head to look at his mom. Clearly his dad didn't quite know what he was searching for.
"Okay, rude, but I'll let it slide. Your dad and I are worried about you,"
"dad seems confused,"
"oookay, I'm worried about you, but I promise you your dad is too, but I don't think he realizes we're talking about it right now," Your wakatoshi wasn't dumb per se but clearly the little man in his brain would shred any information label 'family problem'. It didn't matter how much he talked it through with his therapist; it was a defense mechanism.
Isa sat up a bit making you lift your head off his shoulder. He set his book down and attempted to read your mind. He saw your shoulders fall and your eyes glance over at his father. You were sad it wasn't hard to tell and it hurt him too. The last thing he ever wants is to see his mom sad "Isa baby, I'm just…," you took a deep breath in and continued, "I'm trying to understand or find out why you've been so distant lately. You haven't been looking happy lately…like more than normal." He watched as you fiddled with your fingers and your eyes scanned his whole face. This was really hurting you and he felt the tears prick at his eyes and the lump build up in his throat. He glanced quickly over at his father and tried to hold in the tears. Not once has he ever seen his father cry (he was not in the room when wakatoshi held sakura for the first time) and he wanted to be just like him.
Wakatoshi watched his son in pain and the moment he saw the twitch in his eye and the tremble in his lip when he glanced over at him he knew he needed to hold him. Standing up Wakatoshi saw you glance over your shoulder to see him immediately sitting on the other side of Isa and holding him close.
It's been so many years of the two of them finally being together, so many years of Isa calling him dad and playing with him, but not once have you seen the two embrace each other as they are right now. Isa may be 18, but right now he's just the 10 year old little boy looking for his father. Your heart cracked a little when you heard the first sob exit Isa's mouth. His arms were now wrapped around Wakatoshi's torso as he cried into his chest.
Noticing the tears build up into your eyes Wakatoshi brought one of his arms out to bring you into the hug as well. Wakatoshi brought his hand up to Isa's hair and began massaging his scalp while leaving feather light kisses on his head. For a few minutes the three of you sat there holding each other while Isa let all his tears out.
Pulling back from his father Isa whispered a few words though gasps and coughs. Not being able to hear him, you whisper a small 'what was that honey' as you handed him a tissue. After blowing his nose and taking a deep breath Isa looked to the floor and let out, "I think I like boys." His tears started falling again and a small whimper was let out after his confession. Looking down you noticed his hands were shaking while holding the wet, snotty tissue. Not caring about the germs you immediately leaned in closer and wrapped your hand in his leaving a kiss on his cheek. "Do you hate me now?" your little boy asked. How could he ever think that? Brushing some of his hair out of his face you smiled the best you could and brought his head into your hands.
"baby I will love you no matter what, okay?" You said through your own small tears. He brought your hands down and held them in his as he turned slowly to his dad.
"What about you?" he asked through voice cracks and a stuffy nose.
"I have a lot of gay friends," is all Wakatoshi said, shrugging his shoulders. Isa let out a laugh as you scolded Wakatoshi for his inappropriate comment. Isa wiped some more of his tears while his parents had an eye battle over his head.
"aw shit my contact fell out," Isa broke the silence. Glancing down you couldn't help but giggle a bit seeing his contact now in the palm of his hand. He got up to go change into his glasses when his father decided he must now list all his gay friends.
"Hinata, Kageyama, your uncle Tendou-"
"Tendou's gay?" you asked, completely unaware of this basic fact you should know about your friend.
"yeah he tried palming me once to get me hard… it didn't work,"
From the bathroom you could hear Isa sing himself 'Lalala' after hearing his dad's even more inappropriate comment.
Whispering into your husband ear you asked him a serious question, "you said you didn't do anything with anyone else while we were broken up,"
"I didn't technically. I never got hard." Wakatoshi responded in full volume.
If your son's singing could get any louder he somehow managed to do it.
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tags: @mineta-phobic @rukia-uchiha-98 @ssc7514 @megumuro
i know i said only three bonus but i might just randomly update with bonuses
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klwl-truck · 1 year
Does anybody think about what it must have been like for Ushijima after his father left. His mother was ADAMANT about forcing out his left handedness, but of course his father (being the perfect loving dad he is) got her not to do it. He had someone in his corner. Now imagine, the only figure in your life that has fought for you, leaving. The only person that wanted the best for your happiness. just. leaving. He had to live with just his mother for YEARS until he moved out, and we’re not even sure if he saw his dad during that entire time. This hurts man.
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aquamata · 3 months
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No one talks about this panel of iwaizumi enough
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