kpopandmusicpassion · 2 years
Mark and I will come get you after your last class. We have to introduce you both to the pack. If you both are interested in perhaps joining later?" Taeyong said unsure.
"You would really be willing to let a human like me in your pack? Are you sure your other pack mates wouldn't be angry?" She asked, skeptical.
"They will love you. Some may be rude at first but trust us they will love you." The blonde Alpha finally spoke from his spot by Jaehyun.
She looks at Shotaro seeing the hopeful look in his eyes. She agreed.
* * * End of the School Day * * *
Taeyong and Mark came as promised with Sungchan and Haechan behind them. Haechan ran to Shotaro hugging and scenting him. Shotaro was a shocked blushing mess. Via chuckled as Sungchan pulled Haechan off Shotaro only for the Omega to cling to the clouded leopard's arm.
Mark and Taeyong each took one of her hands not being pushed away they smiled looping their arms in hers. It only took about 20 minutes to get to the Pack house or mansion more like it.
"Why do I smell- V? Taro? Is that you?" A puppy like Chinese Alpha asked in surprise.
"Yukhei!" The siblings ran to the Alpha hugging him.
"You guys know Lucas?" The four who brought the siblings home asked trying to hide their jealousy.
"I told you I had a human friend and a leopard friend. These are two I'm always talking about. It's so good to see my little sister and brother." Lucas grinned.
I still can't believe you didn't let Mom and Dad sign the adoption papers. You know the offer is always open right?" Shotaro asked as the Alpha scented the two like he used too. Several growls were heard.
Sungchan grabbed Shotaro from Lucas as Via was taken by Yuta.
"What are you guys doing?" The rest of the pack entered the sitting room.
"Oh, hey Taro. Hey Via." A few of the Omegas and Betas greeted them.
"Hey guys. Will you please tell Yuta and Sungchan to let go of us? Yukhei is an old friend and like our brother. He was just scenting us like he used to." Via explained.
"Are either of them courting you?" YangYang asked.
"The Dreamies are interested in Taro and Jaehyun and the others asked me on a date."
"THEY WHAT?!?!" The others shouted not believing their head Alphas and Lunas would have asked her out. They usually only had flings or very brief girlfriends and none were ever humans. Though the ones who have spoken with her know she isn't like all the other humans that they hate so much. Her and Shotaro would make good editions to the pack.
Yuta started scenting her and nipped her neck softly causing her to jerk looking behind her in surprise. "Ours."
She looked at Taeyong and his other mates who were just as surprised as she was at Yuta's possessive of her.
"Why are you wasting your time on some human slut?" An Alpha sneered in disgust. Her scent soured a little when they heard a terrifying growl.
Don't you EVER and I mean EVER talk to my big sister like that or I'll make sure you won't have pups ever." Shotaro snarled angrily. Yuta grip loosened so Via made her way to Shotaro pulling him into a hug as he scented her hugging her tightly.
"It's okay, baby. He's just had a bad experience with humans. That's why he's being nasty. It's not his fault humans are so awful to hybrids. Everything's okay. You know I've been called worst. Thank you for looking out for me though. Love you my baby." She gave him an Eskimo kiss to calm him down. The rude Alpha (Kun) was watching jaw dropped. The clouded leopard called the girl his sister and stood up for her while she calmed him down and treated him as a brother while making an excuse for his own bad behavior.
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starlightkun · 1 year
What plans do you have for ayakashi series as of now? and for your next stories that you will write in general.
right now i need to go back and swap out yukhei for sungchan in all the published ayakashi materials. then i'd really like to write yuta's route, i have about 4k or so done in addition to my rough outline. if i end up writing that, then i'd have to reevaluate from there to see what course the series will take!
as for my next stories, i'm trying to finish up strawberry sunday, my fairy!jungwoo wip. we're sitting at 16.5k with about 5 or 6 scenes left? still a good chunk remaining, probs 10k more. i also have two more active wips, a single dad!kun e2l that is going to be an absolute behemoth if all goes according to plan, and a hockey player!sungchan college au fic that i've kinda lost the plot on and need to get back on track at some point lmao
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saturnznct · 4 years
stretch - wong yukhei
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nct masterlist
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You were sitting on the floor in front of your mirror when Lucas enters the room, exhaustion clear on his face.
When he was tired, he was clingy, preferring to be latched onto you, usually in the form of a cuddle.
You were sitting crosslegged on the carpet of your bedroom, Lucas’ massive white t-shirt framing your body. It was rolled up, resting the top of on your eight-month bump, which you were coating with some sort of special moisturiser.
‘Hey, beautiful,’ Lucas grins cheekily, just like he always did whenever he flirted with you.
‘Hi,’ you rasp.
‘Why’re you on the floor?’
‘Putting my cream on,’ you respond.
Yukhei plops himself down on the ground behind you, wrapping his legs around your frame so that you were sitting in between his legs, skin of his naked leg brushing against the bare skin of yours.
‘How is my little angel in there?’
You were at the point in your pregnancy where you didn’t even want Yukhei to look at you.
You hated the way you looked, the red and angry stretch marks piling and piling up quicker than you can keep track of. The skin of your bump was also dry and itchy, and it was impossible to shave any part of your body.
Obviously, Yukhei was probably the most attractive man you had ever come across, and nowadays you often found yourself wondering why he was still even with you.
He could have any girl he wanted, but he had to deal with you, the heavily pregnant lump who whined and complained all day long.
So you hugely tensed up when he started kissing the back of your neck affectionately, hands wandering to your bump.
You could feel him grinning against your skin as he felt his daughter kicking hard, wriggling and turning around in your womb.
‘Hi Mei-xing,’ Lucas giggles, ‘daddy missed you today, yes he did, yes he did!’
You rolled back your head against Lucas’ shoulder, comfortably lying against his chest.
‘You look so pretty right now,’ he comments while he stares at you through the mirror, and you hum in acknowledgement.
‘I don’t know how you could even say that when I have all these marks.’
Yukhei sights deeply, trying to meet your eyes in the mirror.
‘I hate it when you say things like that. ‘Specially when you look so beautiful, carrying our first baby…’
‘It’s just… once she’s out… I’ll still look like this. I’ll still have these stretch marks everywhere, and what will you think of me then?’
‘I’ll still think that you were the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Nothing you could ever do would change my mind on that. Ever.’
‘I’m sorry,’ you mutter, ‘I’m just getting all hormonal and-‘
‘It’s okay, angel. I just don’t want to hear you talking down about yourself again. I can’t wait for our baby girl to arrive… you being the mother of my child is possibly the biggest honour of my life.’
’Thank you, Xuxi,’ you smile, ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too, Y/N. And Mei-xing. So so so so much.’
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okayoonoh · 5 years
a/n: after i this is posted, the first gen of kids scenario should be posted soon :) stay tuneddd
also, here’s the masterlist to all of my nct dad stuffs! i have several other parts out rn so go and check them out if you’d like!
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he has four kids, 3 boys and 1 girl. wong liwei is the oldest, then 5 years later, wong liqiang was born and 5 years after that, the twins wong lijie and wong lina were born.
(when lijie and lina were born, liwei was 10 and liqiang was 5)
WONG LIWEI: >> as a baby <<
pure and utter sunshine
so energetic
but so happy and giggly and ah
he was a tough baby
as weird as that sounds
like if an accident happens
for some reason
liwei just didn’t cry?
like if yukhei was tossing liwei in the air or something
and he threw him a little too hard
and liwei’s head it the ceiling
liwei just wouldn’t cry
he’ll like try to reach the spot that hurts, but he simple just won’t cry.
liwei was honestly a puppy
like he was filled with endless amounts of energy
he was indestructible
he didn’t bruise easily either
like he just was made of steel or something
liwei was a really fast baby
like the second he could pick up his head and do some “tummy time”
he was already trying to crawl
the second he mastered crawling
he was already trying to stand
the second he could stand
he was already trying to walk
the second he could walk
he was already running
liwei slowed down for NOBODY
not even mom or dad
thank god yukhei had long limbs and was also full of energy
but baby liwei could out energy the most energetic dad
liwei had pretty tan skin as a baby too
like he tanned easily
you and yukhei adored him
>> as a child <<
still literally the sun
gives haechan a run for his money with the title of full sun
is best friends with kun’s oldest, qian lei
liwei is kinda aloof and happy go lucky
but lei is super logical and such
they are polar opposites, but the do be vibing tho
lei often questions the choices of of liwei
like why did liwei just roll around on the grass in his white shirt?
why did liwei decide to decorate his bag with all of the stickers?
but liwei is honestly just living his best life
liwei is just trying to have the most fun as possible
he was still a handful
like you and yukhei didn’t want to go out with him a lot because he was just so much
liwei remained super handsome
all the girls had crushes on him
but he was just clueless to all of them lol
liwei loved all things superhero
and he loved music and playing music with lei
like liwei was honestly really good at music too
like naturally
he was naturally really good at rhythms and such
he joined all bands possible at his school to be a percussionist
like usually, there are like 3-5 percussionist who cover a whole bunch of different percussion instruments
but liwei had so much energy that he honestly was able to cover most of them on his own
liwei was born with SUPER DUPER thick hair
like you had to take him to cut it almost twice a month
his hair grew so quickly
on the days where everything was just too hectic
you would just give him some of your hair clips
liwei wouldn’t complain
when liwei learned he was gonna be an older brother he was HYPED at the idea
but when liqiang actually came out?
liwei didn’t care lol
he was like “that is my baby brother?”
liwei didn’t understand why liqiang couldn’t like run or dance
lol liwei probably went through a whole phase where he did not believe he could have been a baby before
for example (this is like a week or so after liqiang was born)
liwei: mom, why is liqiang so dumb?
you: liwei! don’t say that about your brother; he’s just a baby.
yukhei: yeah, you know, you were just like that before, liwei.
liwei: there is absolutely no way that i used to be like that. there’s no way i could have been that small
you: liwei, babies grow. do you honestly believe you’ve looked like this your whole life?
liwei: *nods with all confidence”
he simply just didn’t believe he was a baby lol
it took you and yukhei a lot of convincing him and when liqiang finally grew up, liwei agreed haha
once he warms up to it, he’s honestly a really good big brother
liwei is so helpful especially with all of his little siblings
he helps with the little things while you help them out with all of the other things
he was just a big ball of energy just trying to have the most fun
>> as a teen/adult <<
that’s it
that’s the post
he’s so good looking it’s insane
he’s honestly just yukhei with your eyes
he grew up to be tall just like his dad too
he somehow lost all of his energy
it’s crazy
as an adult, he’s one of the most chill and relaxed people in the group
even when situations get energetic, he’s just chill
all of his energy was used up when he was a child lol
like the “real” him is chill lmao
even he doesn’t know what happened
he just suddenly became chill
he’s not like constantly tired or anything like that
liwei is just chill
not like 4/20 chill
just one of those people you vibe well with lol
he and lei still remain best friends
his energy sometimes returns whenever he hangs out with her
as a model tho, he’s so successful
like noah seo and him do a lot of modeling gigs together
and like the world just adores their faces
they’re both just so handsome it’s insane lol
he’s a pretty responsible big brother
like he makes sure his siblings are always taken care of and makes sure that they always know where to go if they need anything
he’s the type of person to never text first tho lol
like obviously if one of his siblings is going though something, he’ll check on them
but if any of his siblings wanted to have a normal chat with him on just any given day,
they have to text him first
it’s funny because his siblings are still super energetic
but he’s just somehow remained so chill
he’s very loving to his family tho
he inherited his dad’s laugh
he’s so tall and just big
but he laughs in tiny
he knows that he’s handsome and when people point it out it doesn’t bug him in the slightest
he actually likes being called handsome lol
in terms of relationships, he’s okay in them
he’s always asking lei for advice
she’ll tell him as it is lol
but yeah
liwei was one of the craziest kids, but somehow something in his life changed and now he’s one of the chillest.
>> as a baby <<
also really happy and energetic
a super active baby
a lot like his older brother
music appealed to him way more than it did to liwei
he was able to grasp music so easily at an early age
like he responded so positively to music
he learned through music 
like legit
if you were not singing 
he wouldn’t learn
he inherited his dad’s huuuuge eyes
from an early age he had such a boyish charm
when liqiang smiled, he smiled
he wouldn’t just smile with his mouth
he would smile with his whole face
his little nose would scrunch up
his eyes would make adorable little cresents
his two teeth would show proudly
liqiang just had the sweetest and most endearing smile
he was a rather small baby
like when he was born, all yukhei had to do was cup both of his hands and liqiang could fit comfortably
it was a little scary at first with how small he was
but that didn’t stop little liqiang!
from the second he could open his eyes, he was already closing them with all of his smiles
he brought so much joy to you and yukhei
liwei was still a little confused why liqiang was like he was
liwei genuinely did not believe that babies were a thing lol
but when he warmed up to the idea, liwei was an alarmingly good brother
liwei didn’t understand volume control at all lol so he was just constantly yelling at liqiang
he thought that liqiang’s lack of response meant he couldn’t hear liwei (you had to explain to liwei that liqiang just has an inability to speak as a 4 month old)
that didn’t stop liwei in the slightest
he would keep trying to talk to his baby brother
until eventually, the first time liqiang ever responded to a vocal cue with a noise of his own was when liwei was talking to him
liwei was so proud that he did that lol
liwei may have been skeptical at first, but he quickly became an amazing brother
>> as a child <<
still super goofy and energetic
he is just a big puppy
like he’s so clumsy
but he’s just so full of love and happiness it’s just so cute
he’s not as loud as his older brother, but he matches up with the energy
he’s always trailing behind liwei
liwei makes sure liqiang is included and taken care of 
liqiang is still on the smaller side as a child
don’t worry, he was just a late bloomer
liqiang was really smart and talented at a lot of things
but all he wants to do is to make his older brother proud
he’s best friends with kun’s youngest daughter, qian fen
qian fen is mild mannered, kind, and caring
when liqiang is around fen, he’s so different
when he’s around his brother, he’s full of so much energy
but when he’s around fen, he becomes sweet and mild
they became best friends because their born the same year
fen always had a crush on him growing up
she thought he was so handsome lol
liqiang probably was just a big dummy and didn’t even realize it
both him and fen agree that food is the best thing ever and that’s how they relate to each other
liqiang learns how to bake with fen
when liwei learned how to use a phone, the first person he called was neither you or lucas
it was fen
it’s refreshing to see your energetic son calm down around his best friend
even tho yukhei was busy on tours and stuff, he did all he can to be with you guys as often as possible
yukhei loved taking his sons out for little play dates
that’s when the boys were the most energetic
when they were around yukhei
yukhei was definitely not the scary parent lol it had to be you
even if you didn’t have it in you to be the scary parent, there was no one who would do it for you guys
even if liqiang didn’t do anything wrong, he would say that he was equally at fault
he was a compassionate little bean
still was obsessed with music
he was really smart and can learn in any way
but if there is a song version to anything, he almost learns it instantly
>> as a teen/adult <<
business. man.
he ends up being the CEO of an entertainment company
(he’s not in competition with moon yoojin tho, dw)
(^if you wanna know more about her, you should read the other parts ;))
he’s not a bad CEO tho
like he doesn’t abuse his artists or anything
he’s really empathetic and he’s genuinely okay with his artists not being at the top
a lot of his stuff is like DPR’s 
like they produce high quality, beautiful music
with visuals that are insanely beautiful
so like
imagine DPR style things with boy groups
liqiang is a rather young CEO too
a lot of people think that he’s an idol himself lol
but he’s like “uhh, no, i’m the guy who’s gonna discuss your benefits and the budgets...”
when he’s serious, it’s lowkey kinda scary
like he works hard constantly
he’s always making sure his artists are okay and taken care of 
a lot of people sleep on his group because they’re not considered the most popular
but they really do be producing bops tho
when he’s working, he tends to be really really serious
but when he’s around fen, his puppy personality comes back
helps qian fen run her cafe
she was able to establish it herself, but she got in the mix with a bad landlord and stuff
so liqiang bought the whole building so she could stay there and do as she pleased
he works there from time to time with his best friend
he is happiest when he’s working in the cafe
fen’s restaurant starts to open up and open more locations
one of her locations is where liqiang sends some trainees that want to make some money
they work there part time lol
no one really realizes it 
like imagine
someone was a regular at that cafe
then all of a sudden, all of the waiters/baristas aren’t working there anymore and are replaced with a whole new bunch of young men
that someone looks on their phone and sees the waiters and baristas on their debut stage lolol
liqiang wants to help as many people as possible
his goal in life is to provide people an opportunity to express their voice and to become successful in anyway they can
he’s just such an empathetic and hard working guy
WONG LIJIE: >> as a baby <<
a weird chill for your family
you were not ready for twins
well, you were not ready for twins to be just like liwei and liqiang
but when lijie came out just so chill everyone was so confused lol
he definitely was yukhei’s baby tho because he definitely looked just like his dad
liwei and liqiang are both a mix of you and yukhei
but lijie????
he’s literally just yukhei
like there is NOTHING that resembles you in that child
(if you have a chill personality you can say that he inherited that from you lol)
imagine if you gave little baby yukhei a chill pill
that’s lijie
lijie was just like peace love and flowers as a baby
he had his dad’s big eyes
but they were droopy like 23/24 hours of the day
even if his twin sister would be pestering him
he wouldn’t really care
he only cried when things got real heckin bad
lijie is the older twin
and from an early age he already was making sure his sister was okay
like he was already doing subtle things to make sure she’s okay
like they would share a crib during nap time
and like all of the stuff animals would somehow end up with lina
lijie didn’t mind tho
he was a godsend to your chaotic yet beautiful life
he learned everything first tho
like he learned how to crawl first
he learned how to walk first
he learned how to speak first
lijie learned everything before lina
he was just so attentive to the youngest tho
lijie inherited yukhei’s sweet and caring soul
>> as a child <<
still chill
he’s so close with lina
like they’re your perfect example of twin siblings
they have the twin telepathy thing lmao
but he’s just so freaking chill like all the time
nothing phases him too much
like lina is so active and just like her brothers
but even when lina is like pushing all of his buttons
lijie just brushes it off lmao
he’s just vibing 24/7 at this point
lijie favorite thing to do is sleep
but he’s honestly the most talented at everything amongst all of your kids
when he puts his mind into something, he’s so talented
he just doesn’t really care tho lol
lijie is so lazy at times
but when things need to get done, he’ll get it done
he loves his brothers tho, you don’t need to worry about that
he may be lazy, but if his brothers want to hangout, he’ll go and hangout with them no questions asked
if his energetic brothers wanted to play soccer, he would either keep score or be the goalkeeper
lijie is definitely the most energetic when he with with his older brothers
even though he prefers to be lazy, he’ll do anything for his brothers
family is the biggest priority in his life
the most common thing he says is “i’m sleepy”
everytime he walks into a room
any room
any place
“i’m sleepy”
he’s best friends with jeno’s oldest, lee jungho 
they became best friends because they were born the same year and they’re the most calm in their generation
every single baby in their generation has crackhead energy
but lijie and jungho would just be vibing on the side
jungho is the oldest of the group and everyone thought he would be the one who leads the crackheads
but the crackhead group leads themselves lmao
lijie is still attentive and caring towards his twin sister
they really do have the twin telepathy tho
like when you would take the two of them to a doctors appointment
they would have conversations with each other without even talking
lijie and lina just knew exactly what the other one was saying
as the youngest in the family, they related to a lot of things together
>> as a teen/adult <<
he joins a boy group
his vibe is like hyungwon from monsta x
but he has his dad’s work ethic
(just a quick lucas fact if you didn’t know, but when he joined the agency with his legendary 3 pose audition, they originally were gonna make him just a model but lucas worked so hard in his dancing and rapping in order to join nct so he wouldn’t be “lonely”. lucas has such a good work ethic even tho he seems to just be a big ole goof most of the time lol)
he was scouted just like his dad was
and he was going to just be a model just like his dad
but with his dad’s advice, he worked hard to join a boy group
he starts out at a small entertainment company 
and he enjoys his time there
jungho is also in the group
they were honestly so happy that they were able to join a group together because that almost never happens amongst friends
but eventually something happens within that company and the group has to choose a different label
the fans were sad because lijie’s group was starting to get big
lijie didn’t really like to use his connections, but he also wants to make as many people happy as possible
by that time, his older brother liqiang’s entertainment company already took off and had a couple solo artists that was making the label known
lijie asked his brother if he could take in his group
liqiang accepted it immediately because there honestly was no bad side to any of this
under liqiang’s company, lijie’s group became hella big
like hella big
like winning at least one award at every single award show
lijie definitely was not the leader of the group
but he was the lead dancer alongside jungho
they’re like moonbin and rocky from astro
best dancing friends destined to dance together
lol they probably were thrown into a group full of crackheads too lol
it’s okay, they grew up dealing with them they know how to deal with their group lol
jungho and lijie always do vlives together and stuff
like it’s obvious to see that they are best friends
he still is so caring towards his little sister tho
they collab together and stuff but no matter how busy he is, he makes sure he goes to visit her at least like 2 times a month
WONG LINA: >> as a baby <<
yukhei’s actual princess
like he’s so happy to be the father of 3 boys
but he’s secretly wanted a girl for the longest time
and when he got a daughter?
he was over the moon
but she inherited the nature of her older brothers excluding lijie
so like
there were 4 suns in your life
yukhei, liwei, liqiang, and now lina
lina was a sweetheart with an endearing smile
she resembles you more than she resemble yukhei
but when she talked
she freaking yelled
especially if she was excited
while her brothers were running around the house
she would waddle over to them as fast as she can
and if she can’t keep up
she’ll just be super giggly but then suddenly she’ll plant both of her feet, take a deep breath
for no reason lol
just to let you know that she can yell
she had huge eyes and always wanted to watch someone 
lina loved to people watch from an early age
like the times where the energy wasn’t too high and it was only the twins in the house because the older boys were at school
she would just have her eyes on anyone in the house
the first game she ever learned was a staring contest game lol
yukhei insisted that she learned that game simply because she loved to stare at people lol
yukhei is a really good girl dad
like sometimes you can just tell with some guys
but yukhei is really gonna be a good girl dad
usually, dads who have all boys tend to not be good girl dads
but yukhei is 
he’s so caring and attentive to all of his kids, but he’s even more so with lina
when he heard that you were gonna have twins, he was honestly over the moon
regardless of how you reacted, yukhei couldn’t hide his true feelings and let you know just how happy he was
the second he heard that one of the babies is a girl, he teared up a bit
when the twins were born, there were literal heart eyes coming from his face
he was so gentle with them
he was even more gentle with his youngest baby
lina was a sweetheart who simply had a bit of a staring problem but it’s just because she finds everything so beautiful
>> as a child <<
like her older brothers
so energetic
she’s just in a forever state of excited
she adores yukhei
like he could literally just be cooking dinner for the family
and she’s just sitting and watching him thinking he’s saving the world
yukhei loves it tho
she’s taken care of so well by all of her older brothers
like you can just say “liwei, please get your sister ready for breakfast”
and liwei has the whole family ready before you’re even done cooking
liwei was 10 years old when the twins were born and he embraced the role as the oldest brother
he knew where everything for his baby sister was easily
liwei was also super proactive in making sure lijie still got as much attention as lina did
he knew that since lina is the youngest and the only girl, the attention would go to her even if it’s not intentional
liwei would make sure that lijie’s opinion was heard and all that good jazz
lina is another puppy in the family
she’s like a really sweet tiny dog
whenever she sees her brothers, she’s like actually over the moon
like if her brothers are picking up her and lijie from their elementary school
she’ll scream at the top of her lungs just because she’s so happy to see them
lina emphasizes happiness in people lives lol
she knows how to say “please be happy” in a ton of languages lol
she’s best friends with hendery’s youngest, wong zhangjing
do i have to explain why their best friends? yes? 
lol their so close just like their dads are close
except, lina’s personality can be a bit closer to hendery’s while zhangjing’s personality is closer to yukhei’s.
lina is closest with her twin, lijie
they really do have the twin telepathy
like if lina was chilling in her room and lijie was just taking a nap on the couch, without any form of communication, lina would go and get some water for lijie
they know each other better than anyone
growing up, they were known as the attractive twins lmao 
everyone had a crush on at least one of them
if someone had a crush on lijie, they would go to lina to try and get close to him
lina is a rather clever kid so she sees right through it lol
like lijie, family is top priority for lina
she seems that she’s so innocent and everything like that
but she lowkey is just as crackheaded as her siblings
>> as a teen/adult <<
she joins girl group
she’s the visual and dancer, just like lijie
when her group first debut, everyone thought that lina was just so pretty
they all thought that she was super innocent and would always maintain a princess image
that was quickly shut down with their first interview
lina is that member that a lot of people know about even if they don’t know the group
for example, jackson from got7, jay from day6, etc.
a lot of people have to know her even if they don’t know the group
with the first interview, everyone saw her big personality
she doesn’t even introduce her normally
lina would say something like, “hello! my name is lina and i’m the youngest of my family and i have 3 older brothers and i’m a twin and also i am lucas from nct’s daughter and...”
the leader of the group would have to cut her off lol
she has no boundaries whatsoever lol
lina doesn’t really have physical boundaries nor emotional
she’s honestly really good at fan service
she is also rather tall because she got those tall genes
but her personality is so little
like she definitely has a rbf 
like people who don’t know the group think that she’s like the scariest member and stuff like that
but she is actually like rays of happiness and love and ahh
lijie and her debuted the same year
both of them made it KNOWN that they are siblings lol
lina is in the same company that lijie is in so it makes lives and stuff easier
they also move to liqiang’s company together 
lina was so happy to work alongside her brothers 
when lina gets her instagram account, literally 90% of her pictures are pictures with her family
5% is food 5% is cute animals lol
oh and sometimes she posts about her group
she also models from time to time 
she has a really hard time doing serious concepts because she’s just happy all of the time
she’s the one who made the family group chat and she’s the one that make sure it remains active
like since liwei is always busy, she does her best to literally @ him
her brothers still spoil her
they never let her pay for anything ever
lina is honestly the female version of lucas
who resembles you a bit more
sorry this took so long to take!! life has been so hectic but now i don’t have school for a month for circumstances and now i have more time!
i hope you guys liked lucas’s family! he’s such a sweetheart and i definitely feel like his kids would all inherit the sweetheart trait as well
with this update, the first gen of kids is complete so i’ll go ahead and post a guide to the kids and their best friends and such!
requests are open!
- amy <3
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ssin-ent · 3 years
Past 2 am pt2
Part 1
[Warnings: smut, step dad lucas, slight daddy kink, praising, soft sex, implied cheating ]
A/N this ia the softest smut I've ever written
'Im not fucking you, I'm going to make love to you tonight"
He promised, taking you in his arms as he carried you to your bed.
Setting you down on the soft sheets, Lucas wasted no time already attachinghis lip to your neck.
His hot breath faning close your ear, hii lip latched onto your skin, kissing every inch, moving to kiss your jaw before moving downwards
He sucks over your collarbone, marking and licking there in a way that made your body arch. One of his hands roamed over your body, his huge palm caressing your curves, goosebumps appearing on your skin as his lips closed around your nipple.
Lucas was taking his sweet time on your breast, massaging the flesh and kissing everywhere his lips could touch. He removed your bottom before placing our legs over his shoulders, takingi place in between your parted legs.
Your breath was already unaven under his warm lips, Lucas' eyes never leaving yours as he kissed the inside of your thigh , he left a sweet trail of soft kisses that grazed your panties, purposely applying more pressure right over your clit before he gave the same treatment to your other thigh.
"I love you so much" he breathes almost to himself against your skin as you bury a hand in his hair.
You smile at him, watching him take off his shirt. Your eyes admire his broad shoulders and defined muscles, wondering how godly like he was as his hands went to fumble with his zipper and belt exposing more of his features to you.
You licked your lips as Lucas overed you again , breath fanning in your neck. He groaned, low, rutting his growing cock against you..
You whined at the friction, rubbing back agaisnt him as you throw your head back. Enjoying the feeling and intimacy of the moment.
" Daddy... " you breathed as his lips were on your neck again. You skeaked a hand between your bodies to palm him through his undewear.
He bucked his hips on your hand at touch, allowing you to feel how hard he was.
" I need you please" you said faintly
" But we have all the time in the world, sweetheart"
Your whine made him giggle, he gave you a small kiss in apology as he took your panties
His warm hand cupped your core, running a finger un and down your slit, coating his digit with your wetness
Parting your lips, he rubbed at your entrance teasing you so sweetly before you gripped his wrist to gete more of his fingers isinde you.
A couple of fingerr later after,Lucas was thrusting them deep, squelching sounds could be heard as your back arches in pleasure while his face was buried in between your breast, his forearm flexing.
Moaning his name, endless plead fell from your lips as you were so eager to feel him inside you.
"You really want my cock hmm" he chuckled, taking his fingers out before he took his underwear off.
His thick cock sprang free, hiting his stomach. He rubbed it slowly looking at your body before ligning his cock at your entrance.
He fucked you slow and deep, feeling every smack of his hips as his raged breath was next to your ear, his groans and moans making you clench tighly and claw at his back.
"I"m so happy to have you" Lucas said kissing the shell of your ear, it gave you buterflies as you smiled, scratching his hair lovingly.
Th moment was interupted by a small knock at your door
" Honey?" It was your mom.
" what's up with all this noise? Where's your dad?".
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koishua · 2 years
everyday i see hot men and women in their late twenties and i think to myself: no vera they're like ten years older than you, you're still technically a minor you SHOULDN'T—
22 notes · View notes
otptings · 3 years
Faded In My Last Song
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♤Idol: Lucas
♤Requested: Yes "Can I request for dad!Lucas but he was not aware that his gf was pregnant because they broke up. Angst and happy ending i guess? all up to you! Thank you!"
♤Word Count: 3.2+
♤Genre: Exes to Lovers, dad!Lucas,
♤Warnings: pregnancy, vomiting, injury (broken ankle), time skips, cussing
♤Synopsis: Even if they promise you eternity, sometimes it's all just lies. But despite your tragic ending with Lucas you still need him. And just maybe he needs you to.
♤A/n: I typically don't write about pregnancies so this is a fun request, everything that I mention about pregnancy and broken bones is from my specific experiences with it so if it is not correct I do apologize. Thank you for this requesting and I hope it's to your liking. If you enjoy this, please like, reblog, or donate to Ko-Fi. Requests are open for Enhypen, NCT, and SVT. Hope you enjoy, and thank you for reading.
Normally walking into your apartment is a peaceful affair, something to celebrate. Albeit being drenched in sweat because of work - choreographing is harder than it looks, especially when your students convince you to do the dance with them multiple times - accompanied with the thick layer of jackets you needed to withstand the cold winter air that only added to your relief when you were able to peel them off of your body in the safety of your apartment. Except this time it was eerily silent. Lucas should’ve been here by now, he told you he’d meet you back at your apartment after work.
You didn’t even have the time to glance around the apartment - you would’ve realized that Lucas had cleaned his stuff out while you were at work like a scumbag - before your phone rang, a song that Lucas had specifically set playing in your airpods. You quickly answered the phone, ignoring your intuition telling you that something was off.
“Hey Xuxi. Where are you? I thought you were gonna meet me at my apartment.”
“We need to talk.” Four dreadful words that incite fear into anyone they’re aimed towards.
“Okay… What’s wrong baby? Is everything okay?” Lucas took a deep breath.
“This isn’t working. I think we should break up. My feelings for you just aren’t the same.”
You wish that you could agree with Lucas. That you had also lost your feelings, and that you felt the same way. That you could laugh over his choice to do it over the phone, where he couldn’t wuss out at the sight of tears welling up in your eyes, or rethink his decision when your lip quivers at the sight of the relationship you thought would be your last crumbling in front of your eyes.
“It’s okay,” You took a deep breath to prevent your voice from wavering, “ I was actually thinking the same thing.”
Lucas’ sigh of relief shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to admit. I know I was distant recently.”
You assumed he was distant because of work, not because he was planning to break your heart into a million pieces.
“Can I ask you something? Please be honest with me?"
“Of course, I owe you that."
“Is there someone else?” His silence was the only answer you needed. You couldn't hide the hitch in your voice as you wiped away your first tear out of many, “I hope she makes you happy.”
“I’m so sorry. You deserve someone better than me.” If only Lucas knew that he was all that you wanted.
“Life changes. I just hope you're happy Lucas. It’s okay.”
It wouldn't be okay, and truthfully you wished that he was miserable.
“How the fuck did this happen?” You smiled weakly despite the shooting pain in your ankle. Thankfully your doc martens kept it from hanging at the awkward angle that it had developed after you hurt it.
“Well, I fell.” Ten’s look of bullshit was enough to cause you to sincerely laugh, one of your firsts since the breakup.
“If you don’t tell me what happened I’ll let you walk home.” You flinched, knowing all too well that was a real concern with him.
“I slipped while walking into the dance studio. I guess my shoe was tied so tightly I didn’t really feel any pain until I took it off when I got home.” Ten shook his head, as he opened his mouth to speak out against the accident - or your idiocy - the doctor walked in. Perfect timing.
“The results of your blood work and x-ray came back. Your ankle is a simple non displaced fracture, all you’ll need is to wear a boot for the next two months and you will need to come back in a month so that we can make sure the bone is healing properly.” Turning to Ten you stuck your tongue out, also feeling relief flood you at the realization that you wouldn’t need surgery. Being out of work was the last thing that you needed.
“Will this affect dancing? Will I be able to go back right away?”
“After it heals you can go back to dancing, but you should take it easy due to the baby.” Throwing your arms up you almost started to cheer at the great news, grateful that it wouldn’t interfere with you dancing when it healed. You burst out laughing at the last words of his sentence, knowing there was no way you were pregnant. You were on birth control.
“That’s funny doc.” The doctor’s smile dropped as he realized you hadn't known beforehand. “You’re joking right?” The doctor shook his head, turning the chart towards me so that I could say the positive sign.
“I’m sorry ma’am, I thought that you were already aware. I can recommend an OB/GYN or an abortion clinic if that’s the route you would like to go. I can have all of the paperwork ready after we get the boot on you.”
“Is the baby okay?” Ten always the voice of reason, asking the important questions while you were stuck on the feeling of panic washing over you. Pregnant? A baby?
Lucas’ baby.
“I cannot tell if the baby is healthy just from the bloodwork, you should schedule an OB/GYN visit as soon as possible. From the way that the fall happened however, the baby should be okay. You should always get a second opinion though.”
Lucas’ baby. Lucas didn’t even want you. Would he want this baby? Placing your hand over your stomach you felt tears pricking at your eyes, ignoring the doctor and Ten talking about various clinics and such that you should visit. You swore that you could feel an imaginary fluttering in your stomach, almost as if your baby was letting you know that they were there.
“You need to tell Lucas soon.” Rolling your eyes you ignored Sicheng, focusing on the chicken nuggets that Ten brought you after class when they were suddenly yanked from in front of you. Sicheng closed the container before holding them above his head, making sure that you couldn’t get them if you tried to grab them back.
“Give it back.” Tears unwillingly started to blur your vision, pout on your lips and whining evident in your voice. Sicheng didn’t waver since he and Ten practically moved in with you outside of practices to make sure that you were healthy due to the pregnancy since you were too scared to tell Lucas.
“You know you need to tell him bubs. He deserves to know.” Leaning back on the couch your hand instinctively went to your stomach, settling on the small bump that’s been steadily growing.
“I have six more months. Besides, he’s happy with his new girlfriend.” You couldn’t hide the bitterness that seeped into your voice.
“Bubs.” You started to whine again, sniffling at the stress of having to break group breaking news over the phone - ironic huh - and just wanting to eat the nuggets that you’d been thinking about all day. “If you don’t call him I won’t give your nuggets back.”
“I’m telling Ten you're abusing a pregnant lady.”
“Fine, just hand me my phone then.” Sicheng handed you your phone before placing your nuggets out of reach, knowing that you wouldn’t make it past him, watching you intently as you pressed Lucas’ contact and set the phone on speaker. It only took four rings before the phone was picked up, your eyebrows furrowing at the sound of a woman answering the line.
“Hello? Sicheng?” The unknown voice spoke first, and you frowned at the thought that she called Winwin by his real name. One look at Winwin and you knew that it wasn’t warranted by the frown also present on his face.
“It’s not Winwin, I’m just using his phone. Can I speak to Lucas?” A door slammed shut in the background, followed by her whispering into the phone.
“I’ll pass the message on to him. Who is this?”
“I’m Lucas’ ex. I’ll just tell him next time I’m at the studio.” Lucas’ voice could be heard in the background, his laugh recognizable from a mile away. The girl huffed into the phone, attitude evident in her voice.
“What do you want? Sorry if you want him back but he’s good over here love.” You glanced at Sicheng, who looked just as shocked. You don’t know who this girl was, but you already just wanted to smash her face in. Taking a deep breath you tried to remember why you were doing this.
“Can you please just give the phone to Lucas? It’s really urgent news.” The girl giggled into the speaker before hanging up abruptly, causing you to scrunch your face up. You only handed Sicheng his phone back, who still looked just as shocked.
“Can I please get my nuggets back?”
“Do you need me to get anything?” Lifting your head up you gave Hendery a weak smile and a thumbs up. Concern painted his face seeing you so pale on the floor, trash can in front of you slowly being filled with your vomit that you were intermittently expelling from your body because the baby decided that the food you had for lunch wasn’t good enough.
“Can you get Ten please?” Hendery nodded before quickly exiting the room, leaving you alone in the room. Closing your eyes you leaned against the mirror, the cold feeling pleasant on your back. Placing your hand on your belly you slowly rubbed it, trying to get rid of the extreme nausea. You’re only 5 months pregnant and morning sickness has been kicking your ass. It’s been easy to hide your growing stomach with your typical baggy shirts and leggings that you wore to work, and the symptoms are typically not bad as long as you drink plenty of water while choreographing. However you decided to feed your cravings and eat a delicious greasy burger which has led to you hanging onto the trash can all of practice.
The practice room door opened and relief flooded you at the thought of Ten holding a ginger ale and your nausea medicine.
“Ten thank you so much, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“That means so much. But I’m not Ten.” Your eyes shot open to see the one person you’ve been avidly avoiding standing in the practice room doorway.
“What are you doing here? I’m scheduled for this practice room until 6:30.” You stood up quickly, subtly using the mirror to help you stand, gritting your teeth at the feeling of your heart fluttering just at the sight of him.
“Ran into Hendery who said you were sick. Came to check on you.” You started to panic as Lucas closed the door behind him, subtly lessening the space between the two of you.
“I’m fine, just waiting on Ten. You can leave.” Lucas ignored your accelerated speech and continued to close to the distance between the two of you before he effectively had you pinned against the mirror, standing between your only means of escape. How you wished your body didn’t subconsciously react to him, fingers itching to grab him and pull him closer to you, heart beating out of your chest as heat rose to your cheeks and ears.
If he knew that he still had the same affect on you he didn’t let it be known, just planting his hands on either side of your head.
“I thought we were friends. Why are you avoiding me?” You close your eyes as if that would possibly stop him from reading your thoughts, he always seemed to be good at that during your relationship. Shaking your head you pressed yourself closer to the mirror, feeling him take a step closer. If he got any closer he would surely feel your bump.
“Hey I got your medi- oh.” Ten’s voice caused you to let out a sigh of relief, almost melting into a puddle as Lucas’ body retreated from you, the cool air seemingly hitting your face again. Opening your eyes you saw Ten and Hendery in the doorway of the practice room, Hendery avoiding your eyes while Ten only seemed to glare at Lucas. “What are you doing here Lucas?”
Ten’s natural way of talking was already on the abrasive side, but with his accusatory Ten anybody would feel a little nervous, especially with his catlike eyes boring into your soul.
“Nothing. I’ll see you guys later.” Lucas gave one last glance at you before quickly exiting the room, making sure to give Ten extra room in case he wanted to lash out, always being the more protective over you out of his friends.
“What was that about?” Ten disturbed the silence that settled over the room after Lucas had left as he watched you swallow the pills.
“Why didn’t she tell me?” Xiao could only watch awkwardly as Lucas sat against the wall holding his head in his hands. “Don’t I have a right to know?”
“She tried to tell you.” Sicheng walked closer to Lucas, placing a hand on his back. “I forced her to call you to tell her, your girlfriend answered it and refused to give the phone to you.” Lucas lifted his head up, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
“Girlfriend?” Sicheng furrowed his brows.
“Yea, a girl answered your phone claiming to be your girlfriend. When she said that she had an important message for you, your girlfriend hung up.”
“I’ve been single since the break up. There was never anyone else, I just used it as an excuse to have her hate me so she wouldn’t blame herself for it.” Ten’s mouth dropped open in an O shape, remembering all the nights when you cursed Lucas’ name over some hidden girlfriend. He always found it weird how they never saw a new girl hanging around.
“So who answered your phone? She was going to tell you over that call, but the girl that answered kinda discouraged her more than she already was.” Lucas shook his before standing up, grabbing his jacket and phone as he rushed out the dorm room.
“I gotta talk to her.”
Groaning you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. The pounding on the door started up again, reminding you why you had gotten abruptly woken up from your nap on the couch.
“I’m coming, I'm coming, wait.” You quickly walked over to the door, opening it only to close it quickly when you saw who was behind it.
“We need to talk, let me in.” Taking a deep breath you cracked the door open instead, making eye contact with a distressed looking Lucas.
“What brings you around here?”
“Is it true?”
“What are you talking about?” You furrowed your brows in fake confusion, hoping that your reaction was realistic enough for him to buy it.
“Are you pregnant? And is it mine?” You sighed, dropping the act before fully opening the door revealing your proud uncovered baby bump due to you falling asleep in only sweatpants and a sports bra. Nodding your head you stood aside, gesturing for Lucas to come inside. Closing the door behind the both of you, you walked to the couch waiting until he sat down beside you to continue.
“I’m sorry.” Tears started pricking on your eyes, fuck all those hormones. “I tried to tell you, I was just scared. You didn’t even want me, why would you want a baby that you didn’t ask for.” Lucas leaned further back on the couch, almost as if he was disgusted with you which only caused a few tears to actually fall.
“I know we broke up because of my shitty reasons, but that doesn’t mean that I would ever be mad at you for bringing my child into this world. I should be the one apologizing for making you feel as if you couldn’t tell me this.” Leaning forward Lucas cupped your cheep, wiping away the stray tears that fell.
“I promise I’ll be here for our baby and for you.” Nodding your head slowly Lucas smiled, and you knew that maybe everything would be okay after all.
“Lucas, if you drop my child I will drop you.” Lucas sheepishly smiled back at you, placing a giggling Bao back on her feet, a huge difference from him throwing your son up in the air.
You couldn’t help the smile that tugged at your lips despite trying to scold Lucas at the sight of Bao waddling over to you. “Hi baby.” Picking up Bao you placed a kiss on both of his cheeks, cooing at the sight of your baby boy  giggling around his pacifier.
It’s been a year since that fateful day of Lucas finding out that you were pregnant. One of the most terrifying days of your life led to one of your happiest endings. Only three months after the both of you had agreed to try coparenting Bao was born, a beautiful 8 lb bundle of joy that quickly took over the both of your lives. Despite Lucas’ hectic job he was there for you every step of the way, and even left mid shooting to be there for your delivery, making it just in time to hold your hand as you pushed.
It’s been 6 months since the both of you realized that your feelings hadn’t truly left and got back together, Bao helping that process a lot as you were forced to move in with him to make sure that the two of you could properly raise him together.
“Where’s my hugs and kisses? I only got threatened.” You laughed at Lucas’ childish pouting, realizing that you might have two baby boys instead of the one. Walking over to where he sat on the couch you placed a chaste kiss on his lips, being interrupted by Bao repeatedly grabbing at Lucas’ face. “How was work?”
You sat down beside Lucas, placing Bao on your lap and watching as he took your hoodie strings, dropping his pacifier in favor of chewing on them.
“It was pretty good, but I’m happy to be back with my boys.”
Right where you belonged.
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bleuxberri · 2 years
𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐯 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬.
「...how many kids they’ll have + birthdays」
how many kids they’ll have ♡ 127 | dream ♡
as dads/moms ♡ 127 | dream ♡
finding out ♡ 127 | dream ♡
telling your guys’ parents ♡ 127 | dream ♡
telling the members ♡ 127 | dream ♡
gender reveal ♡ 127 | dream ♡
cravings ♡ 127 | dream ♡
going in labor ♡ 127 | dream ♡
holding the baby ♡ 127 | dream ♡
baby’s first word ♡ 127 | dream ♡
teaching them to walk ♡ 127 | dream ♡
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a/n: this is only for entertainment purposes, do not come for me for writing this! | all gifs are from pintrest
*•.¸♡ navigaion. ♡¸.•*
*•.¸♡ series. ♡¸.•*
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‣ summary… how many kids they’ll have & their birthdays
↺ genre… fluff, dad au
♪ listen to… takeoff by wayv
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𝗾𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗸𝘂𝗻;
qian jiafei (钱家霏) »march 20«
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𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻 𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗶𝘆𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗸𝘂𝗹 – 𝘁𝗲𝗻;
kannika achara leechaiyapornkul (กรรณิ การ์อัครา ลี้ชัยพรกุล) »december 14«
nopadon prasong leechaiyapornkul (นภดลพร ะประสงค์ ลี้ชัยพรกุล) »december 24«
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𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗶𝗰��𝗲𝗻𝗴 – 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝘄𝗶𝗻;
dong meihui (董美惠) »november 16«
dong shuhuang (董蜀黄) »september 15«
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𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝘂𝗸𝗵𝗲𝗶 – 𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗮𝘀;
wong chiahao (黄嘉豪) »july 29«
wong mingbao (黄明宝) »june 10«
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𝘅𝗶𝗮𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝗷𝘂𝗻 – 𝘅𝗶𝗮𝗼𝗷𝘂𝗻;
xiao ronghui (肖荣辉) »october 1«
xiao yihua (肖怡化) »august 12«
xiao yiren (肖怡人) »november 18«
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𝗵𝘂𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗻𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗴 – 𝗵𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘆;
huang changmi (黃昌米) »april 19«
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𝗹𝗶𝘂 𝘆𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘆𝗮𝗻𝗴;
liu chenyong (刘陈永) »february 26«
liu yinxing (刘银星) »may 23«
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inctlife · 4 years
New Beginnings | WYK ~ Milo
genre: fluff
summary: in which lucas becomes a dad for the first time
age: Milo = newborn
warnings: pregnant!reader, labour, childbirth
“Y/N, you’re gonna have to let go, I need to get the snacks,” Lucas chuckled, running a hand through your hair, “cheese, right?”
You grabbed your nine-month-pregnant stomach, looking up at Lucas in shock.
“Yukhei,” you gasped, “the baby.”
“You alright?” he asked, turning his full attention to you, a serious look on his face, “what’s going on?”
“The baby’s coming,” you said, “my water just broke.”
“Your water?!” Lucas exclaimed, looking down to see– sure enough –a puddle of liquid on the floor, “oh my god.”
“Damn straight ‘oh my god’,” you whisper-yelled, “wha-what do I do? Yukhei, I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay, calm down,” he soothed, “are you having any contractions?”
“N-Not yet,” you panted.
“It’s gonna be okay, I’ll tell someone what just happened then we’ll go home and get the bag and then drive straight to the hospital, okay? Yeah?” Lucas said.
You nodded, grabbing your husband’s arm as he began to walk away, “I’ll come too! I don’t wanna be alone.”
Lucas smiled, kissing your head, “it’ll be okay. We’re prepared for this, yeah?”
You took a deep breath, waddling beside Lucas as he approached a store worker to explain the situation. Just as you felt an embarrassed blush arise, it was taken away by an extreme pain washing over your lower body.
You gripped onto Lucas’s arm, squeezing tightly as he smiled.
“Come on,” he said, “let’s go and have a baby!”
“Oh god,” you cried, as Lucas laughed slightly, holding you by the waist as he helped you out the shop and into your car.
“Shouldn’t we wait for the contractions to be timed right?” you panted, as another one came and went, “before leaving for the hospital.”
Lucas hummed, “well, your water’s broken and if left for too long that can cause infection to the baby. So no.”
You laughed, in shock as you looked at your boyfriend, “how do you know all this?”
He shrugged bashfully, “I’ve read a few books, I guess.”
You smiled, running a loving hand through his brown hair, “you’re the best, Yukhei, you know that, right?”
He smiled cheekily, “I’ve been told.”
You chuckled, before swallowing and gasping as another sensation came over your body, making you grip the seat and cry out in pain.
“It’s okay, we’re home now, which means we’ll be at the hospital soon. It’s gonna be okay,” Lucas soothed, “and hey, we’ll have waiting time! The doctors will help us.”
“Mrs. Wong you’re already 10cm! You’re ready to go straight away!” the nurse exclaimed.
“What?!” you exclaimed, “already?!”
“You seem to have dialated early,” the nurse nodded, “you’ve obviously been moving around a lot.”
“I mean I do but—” you cut yourself off with a groan, grabbing onto Yukhei’s hand, “I– I wa— ah! Shit! I need to push!”
“It’s okay, Y/N, lets just let this wave pass and then we’ll get you in the tub,” the nurse said, “will Yukhei be coming in with you?”
Lucas chuckled, “I don’t know if she—”
“Where the fuck else would he be?” you gasped, before the contraction finally passed.
The nurse smiled, “Yukhei, you can change into these and we’ll help Y/N into the pool.”
Lucas took the bathing shorts, kissing you multiple times before heading off to the bathroom, changing quickly and coming out to meet you.
You’d already got into the pool, your head thrown back at the comfort on your back after standing up for ages. Your hair was out of your face, your hands carressing your bump as you always done since you’d been in the third trimester.
Suddenly, you cried out, prompting Lucas to get in the pool behind you, kissing your shoulder softly and whispering comforting words into your ear as you tried to breath through the contraction.
“Ah, my back!” you screamed, as the nurse nodded.
“I think it’s time to start pushing now,” the midwife said.
“Me too,” you groaned, your face scrunched up in pain before you flung your hair back, resting it on Yukhei’s shoulder.
“I can already see the head, Y/N, I have a feeling they’re going to be very easy on you,” the midwife smiled.
“Oh joy,” you said sarcastically, pain ripping through your lower body.
“You’re so amazing, baby,” Yukhei muttered, “this is incredible.”
“Yukhei, if you reach down you could touch the head if you like,” the doctor said.
“Really?!” Lucas exclaimed.
“We do not have all day!” you yelled, grabbing his arm and squeezing to try and relieve your pain.
Yukhei chuckled, reaching down and feeling his baby’s head, laughing in both shock and happiness.
“Oh my god,” he breathed, his face buried in your shoulder, “that’s them. They’re really there.”
“Y/N, shall we start pushing?” the midwife said.
“God, yes!” you screamed, holding Yukhei tightly as you pushed and pushed.
“Almost there!” the midwife smiled.
“Better be!” you panted, Yukhei kissing across your shoulders.
“Come on, you can do it baby,” he breathed, “one last push.”
“I’m so tired,” you cried, lacing your hand with his.
“I know,” he sighed, “one last push, okay?”
“He’s right. If you do one last, strong push, they’ll be out!” the midwife exclaimed.
You took a deep breath, pushing again until the cries of a newborn baby filled the room. Your newborn baby.
“That’s them,” Lucas chuckled, kissing your cheek, “Y/N, you did it! I’m so proud of you baby.”
Your eyes filled with tears, hearing the sound of your own babies cries from across the room.
“Congratulations, Mr, Mrs. Wong,” the nurse smiled, “meet your son.”
She handed you a tiny baby, still naked and wrinkly, but totally clean, and so, totally yours.
“That’s your nose,” you teased, leaning into Yukhei’s strong chest as he chuckled.
“That’s our son,” he said, his voice sounding choked up.
You smiled, turning your head to see him wipe away a few tears.
“We’ll take his measurements now,” the nurse said, “Mr. Wong, after we’ve done them you could to skin to skin if you like.”
Lucas’s face lit up, “yes! Please.”
“And joy for you, Y/N, we have to deal with the after birth,” the midwife said, “lot less satisfying than the first round of pushes.”
You chuckled, watching as Yukhei got out the pool, drying himself off before positioning himself on the sofa, ready to hold his baby.
“Be careful with him,” you called, “he’s small and innocent.”
Yukhei laughed, before humming, “innocent. Manchu.”
“Manchu?” you repeated, “does that mean innocent?”
Yukhei hummed.
“I like it,” you smiled, “Manchu.”
“But he needs three names!”
“No he does not,” you laughed, “maybe an english one though?”
“Beginning with the same letter,” Lucas nodded, “that’d be smart.”
You chuckled, “Matthew?”
Lucas scrunched his face up, shaking his head, “M... M... Michael?”
“He sounds old,” you laughed, “Mark?”
“Mark Lee!” Lucas exclaimed, before quietening down as the nurse handed him a tiny baby, laying the sleeping boy on his dad’s chest.
You watched as Manchu snuggled into his dad’s heartbeat, a slight sigh leaving him.
“How’s Milo?” Lucas murmered.
“Milo,” you repeated, “sounds like something you’d name your son.”
Lucas chuckled gently, not taking his eyes off the baby, “Milo it is, then. Milo Wong.”
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jenoptimist · 4 years
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・・・・・・・・ ☆ 22:09 ☆ ・・・・ ・・・・
you’ve always heard people say that their first kiss was horrible. tales of too much saliva, unskilled tongues and bashing of teeth have left you fearing the first time you kiss someone. and so here you are, just shy of twenty and still haven’t been kissed.
even in the dark you can make out the features of your best friend yukhei–from his purposefully tousled dark butterscotch locks to the shape of his eyes and the curve of his lips.
“you’ve never kissed anyone, right?” he sounds closer than he actually is. at your hum of agreement he suggests, “well how about you kiss me?” there’s a nervousness in his voice that you are acutely aware of and you didn’t have to be staring at him to know that he’s fiddling with his fingers.
“okay.” you whisper, your heart practically beating out of your chest.
his large hands pat around you as he crawls his way over, positioning himself so that his face is only a few inches away from yours, his hands on resting on the ground just centimeters away from your hips. the bridge of time after time by cinder lauper blares from the outside of the closet as he places a hand gently on your cheek. as the chorus begins to play, his soft lips capture your own and you find yourself mimicking his movements.
when the door opens, yongqin and dejun’s voices somehow overpower the music as they shout their exclamations of disbelief. yukhei pulls away from you, panting slightly, the tips of his ears red as he stands up and offers his hand towards you. when you take it, allowing him to lead you through the large crowd, you try to will your heart to calm down.
when yukhei turns back to catch a glimpse of you, shy smile playing on his lips, you think that as far as first kisses go, you definitely had a winning experience.
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the-yunhoe · 5 years
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- just like your dad.
- reblog/like if you save
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
daddy jaehyun
the Jung’s in Switzerland / part 2
The first day in Switzerland wasn’t optimal. A snowstorm came up and you were unable to walk out. You all try to pass the time in the chalet. Jaehyun was talking to Lee Soo-man and you were silently nursing Sunoh. Miga got bored and she tapped with her little feets through the house until she found a “victim”. "Who are you?" With wide eyes she looked up at the man, who was looking deep in his phone. He looked up from the screen and smiled. "Yukhei." He said with a big grin. Since Jaehyun and he aren’t that close, Miga barely knew him. "Ju-hai?" She had a hard time pronouncing his name. "You can call me Xuxi too." He laughed and set his phone aside. "Xuxi? That sounds funny." She started to giggle and turned back and forth while she is standing in the same place. "What do you have in there?" He pointed to the bag she was carrying with her. "There are my things in there." She put the bag on the table and put the stuff out. "Should I draw something with you?" He asked, and Miga nods as she puts her things on the table. She packed out of the bag some books, papers, pens, and a few cookies she had secretly pocketed. Yukhei had to laugh, she was so professional but also totally cute. "Do you like painting?" Yukhei asked her while she pushed a paper and some pens over to him. “Mummy always paints with me, but since Sunoh's here, she doesn’t have that much time. " She begins to draw something and tells her situation to her new friend. "Yes, I know that well. I have a little brother too." Yukhei laughs and looks at the little girl. "Is your brother a baby too?" She didn’t look at him while she questioned him. "No, he is already an adult." Yukhei found the whole conversation super entertaining. "Is he so big like Daddy?" She begins to draw a sun and had to change her pen. "No, he is bigger." Explained Yukhei and continues drawing. "Daddy is the biggest person I know." For Miga, that's clear, because after all, her father was her hero. Yukhei laughed, but he didn’t want to tell her the truth, that he and Johnny were bigger than Jaehyun. Miga continued to draw, but the pen was already pretty blunt. "We have to throw away the pen." Miga shows Yukhei her pen which she puts aside. "Why? We can sharpen him." Lucas smiled and drew on. "Daddy says to Mummy that he can’t here in Switzerland sharpen his pen.” She told it as if it were totally normal, but Yukhei had to start laughing. He knew that Jaehyun didn’t mean what Miga thought. He just couldn’t stop, and Miga thought his laugh was so funny that she giggled too. But her eyes were still on him and she waited for further reactions, because she didn’t quite know what was so funny. At that moment, Mark and Taeyong came to them and sat down. "What's so funny?" Asked Mark as he sat next to Miga. She got hearts in her eyes when she saw that her crush was sitting next to her. Yukhei still had to laugh and wasn’t ready to talk when Jaehyun joined them. He looked pretty tense and annoyed and Yukhei knew it wasn’t the time to explain this funny situation.
As Jaehyun came to the table, Miga looked happily to her father. She picked up her drawing and showed it to him. "That looks really nice." He smiled and picked her up. He kissed her hair and sat on the chair, placing Miga on his lap. "Everything okay?" Taeyong realized something was wrong. "No. The restraining order has been declined." He sighed and stroked his daughter's head. He felt safe when she was with him. Miga had something incredibly reassuring for him when she just sat there and drew. "Are you going to tell Y/N?" Mark asked his friend and he looked worried now. "I don’t want to keep anything from her, but she's supposed to enjoy the holiday. Suji has brought a lot of problems and it's finally harmonious and peaceful again." Jaehyun looked at his daughter's drawing and thought about what he should do. He was in a really stupid situation. "I don’t like Suji, she was mean to Mummy." Suddenly Miga threw this on and Jaehyun looked down at her in surprise. "Say my sweetheart, do you know Suji?" Jaehyun thought that she had never really met her. "Yes, she said to Mummy that she is fat, that she is a housewife and only gets money from you Daddy and then Mummy cried." Miga went on drawing while Jaehyun remembered. You and Miga have met her since then in the company. He didn’t even know that Suji said such things. "I think I should talk to her. Can you take care of Miga again?" Jaehyun stood up and put Miga back on the chair. Mark, Taeyong and Yukhei nodded.
Before Jaehyun came into the room, he heard you singing a nursery rhyme. That's why he just opened the door cautiously and he saw you sitting at the bed where you are putting on Sunoh his romper. He stopped for a moment and watched you silently. It was so peaceful, and he wished he could see you every day like this. This picture had so much love and he wondered if he could give that to his children, what you give them. "You are so cute. I would like to eat you up." You start to tickle your son, because you love it when he starts to laugh. He always opens his mouth, his dimples appear which he had from Jaehyun, and he starts squealing. Jaehyun laughed and now you know that he was also in the room. You look to the side and lift your son. "Look, there's your daddy." You kiss your baby's cheek and he keeps laughing. Jaehyun sat down in bed and gave Sunoh also a kiss on the cheek. "I thought after Miga that we can’t do anything more perfect but look at this boy." You put him in your arms and stroke his tummy. "Y / N ... Miga has told me something." Jaehyun struggles to break that harmony, but he wanted to be honest. No obstacle should stand between you two anymore. "Did she divulge anything?" You laugh and finally look at your husband. But Jaehyun remained serious. "What happened back when you met Suji when you were pregnant?" Your smile vanished and it surprised you that Miga apparently still remembered it. "Jaehyun, I really don’t want that ..." It was uncomfortable for you to raise the topic again. Somehow, you were also embarrassed. "Please, I have to know everything. The restraining order has been rejected." Jaehyun put his hand on your knee and looked pleadingly at you. It didn’t surprise you that it was rejected. Your lawyer had already warned you, as there was no evidence. "Well, I was really done that day. I was very pregnant with the little sweetheart here ..." You stop and gently stroke your son's head. "And Miga was quite moody. I lost my temper and shouted at her. I was so sorry, but then Suji came to us and told me she was back in the company and that she wanted to produce your solo album. She said she want never to get pregnant, because the body would never look the same again, and because the sex isn’t good anymore. She said that I was a housewife who just lived on your money and that you will probably know what you are doing." You breathe deeply when you're done. It wasn’t easy to tell everything. "Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?" Jaehyun was stunned. He never thought that Suji had talked to you like that. "Jaehyun, we had so many problems at the time and Sunoh was also on the way, I just couldn’t ..." You sigh and stroke your finger over Sunoh's cheek. It was already so far away for you. So much has happened and now you had your baby. "I'm so sorry, I was a real asshole. I was a bad husband and dad." Jaehyun ran his fingers through his hair and rested his head in his palms. "I know you always want to be perfect, but we all make mistakes and it’s all good if we are learning from them." Jaehyun looked up at you and he couldn’t believe how composed you were. But the distance to Korea and the time as a family did you good. And Jaehyun could see that and realized even more, what has you missed away all the time. "It will not be easy with Suji." He sighed and looks to you. "I know that's why it's important that I can rely on you to 100%." You look at him seriously. There are still many lawyer talks coming up and you didn’t want to go through this alone. "I promise." He takes your free hand and put a gentle kiss on your lips. You close your eyes and enjoy his warmth. And in that moment, you knew that everything was going to be alright.
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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kayabred · 5 years
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I've never done this before I'm so nervous single dad!Lucas au
You've always loved kids a lot so working at a kindergarten was basically your dream job
So getting a job at the centre across town made you dance in the grocery store—where you'd received the message.
You haven't been working there for long but you knew nearly all the parents by name and we're friends with lots of them.
Your daily life had become somewhat of a routine already but you weren't bored at all ! Almost every aspect of your life was going great .
Except you love life . No matter how many blind dates your friends set you up on , nothing ever worked out .
Then one day , a new boy transferred to your kindergarten and immediately you were holding back uwus.
He had the cutest little pout and the prettiest smile , he was too adorable .
“Hey there , what's your name ?”
You grinned at the name choice as he continued building his Lego tower , a few of the girls helping him.
You watched over the kids and made sure none of them were stuffing crayons up their nose or accidentally making fires using the wooden building blocks—which happened once but that was a story for another day.
Then , as you were talking to another little boy named Jisung , you felt a tug on your pant leg .
“yes? Oh hello Zeus ,”you smiled , wondering if everything was alright . You hoped he was having a good first day .
“Miss --- , I like it here,” he grinned and you blinked before you returned it , the small boy already waddling off and giggling .
That was quite rare . Most of the kids needed a few days—maybe even a month or so!—before they were comfortable at the kindergarten. So Zeus saying that practically made your year !
Soon it was time for them to go home—which was either your favourite or least favourite time of day depending on how the session had gone . You were going to try and find Zeus' parents to tell them about how well he was adapting but you didn't realise how easy it would be to recognise his father.
The man was practically a giant , towering over the sea of parents and his face definitely stood out to you even more. He was stunning.
Your jaw dropped and your grip on Zeus' hand loosened enough for him to go running straight at the tall man who kneeled down with the brightest grin you've ever seen.
“Hey Zeus , how was your first day?”
He ruffled Zeus' hair , making him giggle .
You grinned , no longer quite as frozen and determined to tell his father about how good Zeus was.
“Excuse me , Sir?”
He stood up immediately with a concerned look on his face.
“Hello , is there a problem?”
“Oh no , not at all Sir , I just wanted to tell you about Zeus!” you clapped your hands together , your pounding heart not taking the parent's presence very well.
We will not have a parent crush. We will not have a parent crush. We will not have a parent-
“Oh sure , how was the little guy?” he carried Zeus at his hip , the boy like a koala .
Ah fuck , I'm screwed.
“He was great ! He even said that he liked it here ,”you smiled and looked at Zeus who was grinning at his dad.
“Dada , I like it here . Can we stay?”
You cocked a questioning eyebrow . His father looked at you with an apologetic smile.
“Sorry , we've been moving a lot since I divorced his mother”
I'm done for.
“Ah~” you nodded , a little conflicted on if you should offer an apology or shrug it off.
“Alright then , see you,” he smiled and turned around after the awkward silence . You nodded , biting your lip at your stupid reaction.
You done screwed up-
“Oh , my name's Lucas by the way” he stopped , looking over his shoulder and smiled .
“you can stop calling me sir ”
Just like that and you knew you were a goner.
Ahhh okay this is my first time writing this way oof this is real sucky but uwu Zeus
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supereumak · 4 years
September 25th 👀
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pm127s · 5 years
single dads club // beginning
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summary : “ guys, we should make a club! ”
“ aren't we a bit too old for clubs?”
“ who says we can't? we can even call it the single dads club !”
“ i swear everytime you open your mouth, something more stupider comes out.”
“hey, who pissed in your cereal today?”
you pretty much lived a normal life, but somehow you met a couple of men that open your eyes to a thing called parenthood.
pairing : single dad!nct u x reader
genre : tooth-rotting fluff
our first dad taeyong is coming soon !
a/n : co-written with @fluffberrypuff, also this will only include the boss lineup so taeil + ten will not be in this, apologies !!
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neomuni · 5 years
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soft taecas hours
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