#dad husker
a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
not a request, but Husk as a dad would totally do the whole “Boy have you lost your mind ‘cause I’ll help you find it!” thing from the office if someone was creeping on the reader
Dad!Husker would absolutely do something like that!! He's not letting his kid get creeped on by anyone!
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
Can we see Nuggies in the hat?
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For you and the other 3 people who asked uvu
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cloudparadise · 6 months
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Making biscuits 🍪🍪
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colourstreakgryffin · 7 months
oh no if an angel tried to decapitate Husk daughter who was hiding and Husk see's this and for a moment turned back into his overlord form temporarily and it made the chains Alastor have on him Crack a little. Imagine if Alastor noticed this too
Haha! That’s actually precious in the most tragic way possible! I actually already picture Husk pulling a Charlie and just changing form in that moment to commit Angel murder!
Husk- Daddy’s Little Girl
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The Battle for Hell is getting more and more messy throughout every second. Charlie’s getting apprehended by Adam, Alastor had been beaten in ages ago, Vaggie is struggling a bit with Lute, the Hotel crew are already getting surrounded by so many exterminators.
Husk is among the group of the fighting Sinners and whilst he is expertly fending off Angels to protect himself and his new friends, his mind is littered with how you, his seven year old daughter, are doing. If you’re still okay
He had hid you away in the Hotel before the invasion hit, in the deepest parts where both himself and Charlie suspected the Angels wouldn’t be able to find but sadly… both were wrong. Maybe thirty minutes into the intense battle, Husk’s cat-like ears flicked up at the sound of a terrified child scream echoing through the Hotel’s surfaces, something he could hear clearly and he didn’t hesitate to jump down from the rooftop of the Hotel, since he knew that scream is yours
His mighty big red black and white casino-patterned detailed feathery wings spread open and help drop him down after leaping off the rooftop’s edges, climbing downwards, down the many many feet as fast as he can. His wings beating up and down rather hard, allowing him to pick up even more speed. Angel Dust calls out for Husk in shock for his sudden disappearance but nobody tries to actually stop him
Since they all know he’s going to rescue his daughter
Husk rushes into the Hotel, his many weapons prepared to attack. Furious, his ears still flicking with the sound of your fearful whimpering and crying for help, his feet beating with every single step. He needs to find you, you’re in danger! In no time, the ex-Overlord stops his sprint with a hard skid around the corner of the main Hotel’s entrance hallway, needing to make it to you in time
His golden yellow eyes widening in both intense fear and overwhelming unfiltered fury, at the sight before him… he almost can’t believe what he is seeing
You, roughly pressed into the corner and being held up by your neck by a single bloodthirsty Exterminator as you sob out with tears streaming and cry out for Husk as loud as you can, the silent angel gripping it’s angelic spear in it’s free hand whilst the other shoves you up against the wall. In that moment, Husk’s hollow powerless soul radiated a powerful magical force, a wave of strength that rushes through his systems and somehow…
That moment of anger and fear for his babygirl, triggered something thought to be completely impossible. His Overlord Magic, the souls’ powers he collected and the strength to attack an Angel full on has crashed onto him like a big tsunami wave, changing his causal black suspender-supported black pants outfit to his past snazzy business-centred suit and slick-black hairstyle, in a single spiral of orange glowing magic. His wings’ patterns had sharpened up, the red colouring glows a bright orange and his golden yellow eyes also grow a lot more sharper
The soul collar around his neck, the invisible magical green chain tying him to the deal cracked, like a big rock hitting a glass window… but it didn’t break
Even Alastor senses this incredible feat and it makes his bleeding wound throb out, gritting his fangs harder whilst hiding off in the darkness of his Voodoo magic. His tight ownership of Husk’s soul just gotten weaker, the bonds around the feline avian demon loosened up immensely for such a insignificant sinner doing a impossible task; temporarily transform back into his Overlord form
Husk didn’t even bother using the weapons, he used his returning power. Dropping those casino and gambling-centred items for battle to take advantage of being able to tap back into the strength he had lost via his deal with Alastor. The weird magical flow coursing through his bloodstream that made him feel on top of Hell and in that moment, he summons a large claw attack from the ground which smoothly slices off the Exterminator’s arms, the disembodied limbs dropping to the floor with a liquidy squish
Before the merciless angel can possibly behead you, as it was already attempting to do so. Having striked at you with its tall sharp spear. The Exterminator had been forced to drop you rather hard, stepping back whilst Husk openly charges this Exterminator and uses even more of his gained-back Overlord magic to case the Exterminator’s mask-covered and halo plus horn-decorated head with a semi-transparent explosive energy-dosed dice-shaped sphere
Shoving the Exterminator off to the right with a rather agile kick, the pure force behind this shove had caused the Angel to stumble back into the nearby wall with a very hard thump as Husk picks you up quickly, feeling your arms wrap around his neck and face sobbing into his suit-lathered chest, little body shivering, cat-like ears and tail drooped down helplessly
Husk‘s murderous rage-glazed golden yellow eyes glare hatefully at the Angel, who’s barely moving at this point, clutched one of his hands together and that magical sphere half-suffocating the Exterminator quickly blows up, effectively killing your attacker with just two magical strikes. You didn’t look at what your father did since you were so afraid of almost dying again and shuddering in his arms
Husk just glared with heavy angered huffing at the body of the Angel he just killed with his returned Overlord power, almost shaking in his boiling protective rage, all for his precious daughter. Nobody touches you on his watch
The ex-Overlord didn’t even get a chance to check up on you, forcing himself to look away from his handywork, to calm down your fearful and pained sobbing and wailing, since the Hotel begun to shake. He didn’t even bother running on foot, he had used a teleporting power in his current Overlord form and transports both himself and you out in a single blink and soft pop of silvery magic
As soon as you’re both out of the Hotel in that quick flash of teleportation magic, Husk spreads his wings again and takes you up off the ground to dodge the big yellow magical energy beam that slices up the Hotel in a single clean strike. It’s menacing, it’s intense but he isn’t going to focus on that until he has you off in a more safe location. Clearly, he messed up and his first decision didn’t work in protecting you
Husk ensures both you and himself are away from the Hotel enough, his mighty feathery wings flapping in the air with strong sharp gusts of wind slicing out every beat up and down, holding himself and you above the ground
He is usually a lazy man, not preferring to fly but right now. He must put you and your safety above everything so he’ll keep you a few feet away from the crumbling apart Hotel and a few feet off the floor as long as he has to, to make sure no other Angel can get their hands on you
He takes those few seconds of nothing and of the brief safety to check on you, rubbing fingers over your pinned-back fearful ears. Tilting your little chin up with your glowing teary eyes looking up at him as your lips quiver and letting out shaky breathes
You haven’t seen your father in his Overlord form in so long… it’s almost surreal that he is right now. The same suit, the same streaked pushed-back hair, the different patterns on his wings. However, he is still your beloved parent
“Are you okay, Princess? Daddy’s sorry that he didn’t come sooner. Did that bad Angel hurt you?”
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chaoticace2005 · 6 months
Charlie: Hey Husk, Can you keep a secret?
Husk: Do you know anything about my life?
Charlie: …No I do not. Good point.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
Husk felt sick to his stomach, he felt like he failed as a father.
'He did fail'- is what he told himself because he couldn't even save his daughter, he barely managed to keep you alive.
You were sound asleep, Husk wasn't even sure how he was going to tell you about her passing. You would leave him, you had every right to leave him. Tensing, Husk didn't even look at the door to see who had entered the room.
"Congrats on being a dad." Angel Dust slipped into the room though the smile slipped from his once he took in Husk's sullen expression. "You ain't happy bout bein a dad? You were pretty excited when they were pregnant"
Husk adverted his gaze then looked down at the little lump in his hand. "You think I'd be happy with that, three kits and" he sucked in a breath of air. "And then one of em." His voice cracks.
Working his jaw, Angel Dust closed his eyes then shook his head taking the small bundle away from Husk, he was surprised from how warm the little kit was. Clearing out his throat, he let out a nervous laugh as he gently started to rub the kittens back.
"Ya know...back when I was alive. This happened before, so my ma taught me a trick." Keeping his gaze on the bundle in his palm he continued to rub the back gently until he felt something twitch and move in his palm.
Nose poking through the blanket, a small cry squeak out from the blanket.
"Am I good or what? Little one is right as rain." Angel Dust gave Husk a wink as the demon cat carefully cradled the kit against his chest.
Doing his best to collect his emotion's, Husk squeezed his eyes tightly shut feeling the tears fall keeping her close. "Thank you...Anthony"
"Nah you don't gotta thank me." Angel Dust shrugged his shoulders. "Hate to see ya sad....not to mention that cute little wife of yours...so what's the little cuties name?"
Clearing out his throat, Husk gave him a teary eyed smile. "Marylin....my little Marylin."
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k1tty-st4rz · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel As Things I've Heard/Said
Angel Dust: i would give this guy the most mind blowing head of his life
Vaggie: girl that is a satyr
Angel Dust: yeah, a satyr with a huge dick
Husk, drunk as hell: Yo, what the fuck is a mile
Sir Pentious: why do water and melted ice taste different?
Angel Dust: i fucked your dad lmao
Vaggie: my dad died.
Angel Dust: ... necroph1lia-
Adam: shut up you pre-pubescent pencil neck bottom bitch
Lute: sometimes i worry i don't have a real personality
Adam: cowabummer.
Charlie: i'm back in Hell!! :3
Nifty: CHIMICHANGA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Angel Dust: i wanna suck your dick, c'mere papi~
Husk: *backs away*
Lucifier: chat, i'm going to kill myself
Charlie: mama didn't raise a bitch Angel Dust: mama didn't raise anyone, she abandoned yo ass.
Sir Pentious: i need a snack, i can't learn without Oreos.
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fizziepopangel · 7 months
HuskerDust Headcanons (romantic)
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Husk says “I love you” first. It’s not a big romantic thing, but to Angel Dust it means the world.
Angel and Husk were both quite affectionate with each other. The two can often be found cuddling in one of their bedrooms. Angel loves being held, but his favorite way for them to cuddle is actually having Husk lay on top of him since he finds the pressure grounding, and he’s found that scratching the cat demon’s back between his wings or scratching behind his ears while he’s tired and comfortable results in purring.
Angel steals Husk's hat every now and again.... Sometimes he steals it solely for the purpose of putting it on Fat Nuggets to take cute pictures of him in it.... While the pictures are adorable, this has resulted in the little pig occasionally taking it upon himself to steal the hell cat's hat, resulting in the man chasing the little creature around the hotel like a madman.
Husk becomes the father figure Fat Nuggets never had and Angel absolutely goes crazy for the relationship between his pet pig and boyfriend.
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Although he doesn’t show it often, Husk does sometimes get overwhelmed, causing him to eventually break down in tears. During these episodes, Angel usually holds the grumpy drunk, rubbing his back and humming “Loser Baby” until he’s calmed down enough to talk, or until he’s fallen asleep.
Angel is a sucker for romance. He buys Husk flowers, makes big plans for their anniversary, makes long and mushy posts and posts cutesy pictures on his sinstagram, and goes all out for Husk’s birthday. Husk acts annoyed, but he secretly enjoys the little romantic gestures.
Despite not being the most romantic man, he does randomly grab Angel at random points while they’re together and begin dancing with the man, even humming or singing softly under his breath when Angel points out that there’s no music.
Charlie has so many candid photos of the couple being cute. She’s making a scrapbook for them for their anniversary
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After Husk showed him the song, Angel plays “A Sunday Kind of Love" whenever their anniversary lands on a Sunday and makes Husk breakfast in bed as it plays. He calls it their song. 
When Angel can, he does drag shows at one of his favorite clubs in downtown Pride. Husk goes to every one of Angel’s drag shows to watch him perform and despite his usual gruff demeanor, he cheers the loudest when his boyfriend is on stage.
After long, rough shoots in Valentino's studio, Angel usually comes back to the hotel exhausted and sore so he sits at the bar, sipping water and listening to Husk grumble about work until he falls asleep at the bar. Husk usually ends up carrying him to bed despite constantly grumbling about being "too old for this shit".
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In the event that they both wanted to get married, both of these men would try to make the perfect plan to propose to the other. 
In an attempt to be romantic, Husk would begrudgingly ask Alastor to help him make a nice Italian dinner and a cake to hide the ring in. He would be an anxious wreck through the whole dinner as Angel ate as he waited for dessert and the discovery of the ring within the cake.
Angel on the other hand would go the cheesier way of dressing Fat Nuggets up in a little tux and tying a ring around his neck with a bow and having him come up to Husk as the two had dessert with a sign that reads “Will you marry my daddy?”
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In true romantic comedy fashion, Angel’s proposal pig would get to Husk right as Angel nearly choked on the ring Husk put into the cake. Of course, they would both say yes.
Despite not being the romantic in their relationship, Husk is a bit of a groom-zilla. It’s not really that he cares about flowers or color schemes or any of it, he’d be happy as long as he’s with the man he loves and their an open bar so he lets Angel handle it all for the most part…. But he does think Angel deserves the best and he’d be damned if he didn’t make sure that man’s day didn’t go absolutely perfectly.
Niffty makes Angel’s wedding dress, and although he will deny it, Husk does cry when he sees Angel in it.
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Husk doesn't choose the first song they dance to, but he does request later in the night that the song Frank Sinatra’s “I Could Write a Book" be played so he can ask Angel to dance to that.
Husk recites his vows to Anthony, not Angel Dust.
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libraryraccoon · 7 months
I was wondering how a Dazai!Reader from BSD (preferably 15 year old Dazai) would interact with the HH crew
Btw, I love your stuff sm, have a lovely day if you see this!
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Info : I haven't watched BSD for a long time, so it's probably wrong/inaccurate, sorry. Reader have 15 years old.
Message fom Raccoon : What ? Dad!Lucifer ? Dad!Alastor ? Okay, take that Dad!Husk !
TW : Suicide (mentionned); SH (mentionned)
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General Headcanon
After all this years of trying, after all this attempts, you were finally dead !
And what do we do when we have achieved such a feat ? We drink until the morning !
As you drank, you recounted your feat of finally dying to the bartender, some sort of cat-bird demon.
He gave you a judgmental look when you told him you were 15 and died of suicide.
But you were used to it, people often judge you while you were alive and was trying every second to die.
After a few hours, you were drunk and followed the bartender back to his place, a small apartment in a quiet corner of Hell.
You shouldn't follow someone to their home, you know that, but for your defense, you were drunk and he was a cat. And you have a weakness for cats.
Two things making it impossible to refuse his invitation.
And, if anything ever went wrong, you always had your gun with you, which had appeared at the same time as you in Hell.
The bartender's name was Husk and he kind of adopted you ? You weren't even sure if one sinner could adopt another sinner.
Life was calm with Husk, and you somehow helped him with his work.
By that I mean you were stopping the powers of other demons with your power, so you used it to kick out all the assholes who attacked him from the bar.
You and Husk had this dynamic of "Father who will kill for his child & Child who will sacrifice themselves for their father."
And then, one day you had to move to the Hazbin Hotel because Husk find a work there.
Alastor was surprised to see that Husk now had a kid–he didn't think it was possible for an alcoholic like him to have a child.
And he learned that Husk had cut down on his drinking, so he could be a better father.
*very kindly and not at all suspiciously notes this fact in the back of his mind.*
The hotel was quite shocked to know that you were a child from a fucking mafia and that you had died of suicide at 15 years old. If Husk hadn't informed them about that, they never would have suspected it.
Your humor worries them more than anything else.
Charlie is worry every time you make jokes about suicide while your dad rolls his eyes at it.
Husk was used to your jokes after a few months of living together.
The hotel wasn't.
Charlie is like your older sister, optimistic and a little naive at times.
She always tries to make you see the bright side of things and to make you forget this idea of double death.
Spoiler : it doesn't work.
Lucifer sees you like one of his children.
He spoils you like he spoiled Charlie when she was just a child.
Husk often makes side eyes at him, accusing him of trying to steal his child.
And that was true.
Lucifer, Charlie, Husk and Angel Dust are the ones who are the most concerned about your mental health.
Alastor wanted to make you sign a contract "I become powerful and Alastor releases my father from his contract in exchange of stopping trying to kill myself."
You didn't sign it.
Alastor tried to use you to spy on Vox and the Vees because he was bored and wanted some entertainment.
It worked.
Alastor do radio shows with you sometimes, you two are called "The RadioDuo".
His audience LOVES you.
You gained Alastor some listeners btw.
You help Niffty with her work at the Hotel.
Even if Charlie said you didn't have to do it, you do it anyway.
Vaggie take all your guns because you apparently “didn’t need” them.
You managed to recover them with a little manipulation.
Angel Dust could see himself in you.
You reminded him of his little human self, Anthony, broken by the world and wanting to end it. A family running the Mafia and forcing him to join it.
You're a bit like him, but compared to him, who fought to survive, had a reason to survive, you had nothing, no reason to fight, and you gave up.
When Angel Dust isn't working, he usually stays with you and Husk.
He doesn't want to abandon you, leave you alone in such a rotten world. He wants you to be protected and to be the child you never could be.
He will never let anyone touch you, never.
Husk and Angel Dust are usually the ones who bandage you after SH, Angel Dust doesn't say anything as he does it, because he understands. Husk doesn't speak as well, but you can see that by doing so he's blaming himself, making you instantly regret it.
Don't try to kill yourself in front of them, please. They're already worried enough, don't add more.
Hotel Hazbin was, in a way, your family.
And you would kill everyone in this room before killing yourself before anything happened to them.
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alastors-echoes · 8 months
I absolutely LOVE how angel just pulls out popcorn because of the juicy drama and then to make it better husk immediately steals some and ANGEL LETS HIM
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n04hfiction · 5 months
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Girl Dad Huskerdust HCs
Content/Warnings (If applicable) : fem!implied reader, profanity, daughter!reader goes to the age ranges of a young toddler to a teenager, brief mentions of alcohol + profanity
Proofread? : ✅
A/n : I think it’s a serious problem that I have parental HCs for nearly every Hellaverse character. I need to be stopped. (Or don’t, I don’t care)
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Honestly, depending on your age, the “stricter” father definitely flip-flops here and there
For instance, when you are a young child, Angel is the “stricter” father, even if you don’t have the concept to understand what that entirely means, he’s the one who baby-proofs every thing while Husk kinda lets you run wild
But as you grow and get into your teen years, Angel becomes a lot more laid back, while Husk tends to be more picky about what he allows you to do
Mainly because Husk never imagined himself as a father, so in the beginning, he is sorta unsure, so for him, anything goes, but as you start to age he gets a grip and with that, comes strictness
When you are a younger child, Angel is 100% dressing you until you decide to do that on your own (part of him hopes you’ll let him dress you forever). He’s very protective of you when you’re a toddler/younger child, Hell isn’t always a safe place, everything even slightly unsafe or tempting is gated or baby-proofed
As you age, like I said, Ange is much more lenient. He’s ready to watch you rock the world! Wanna go out to a party? For sure! Be home by 2, go nuts! Have a crush? Great! Your old man will help ya out! Wanna get drunk as fuck? Fine, just do it in the house!
Honestly, Husk is a bit of a confusing father, to say the least. He’s lowkey freaked out by the idea of toddlers and younger children, so when you’re in your first few years he lets Angel take the lead, he kinda watched and observes his behaviors.
Which leads Husk to being more cautious of a parent as an adult (Learned from his hubby, that’s for sure). Even though him and Angel are far from over, he’s still very cautious about the idea of love, so he’s very sketchy about your relationships with boys (or girls! He doesn’t judge!)
When events like your first day of school, first boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, first heartbreak, homecoming, prom, etc - You may think Angel is the one to get emotional, but it’s actually Husk - Angel is just as excited as you are, getting you dolled up and whipping out his camera to take pictures, but deep down, Husk is honestly sad that his baby girl is growing up - Especially cause he was too tense in the beginning to really enjoy your younger years
Seriously though, Husk is happy you’re a bit older, he feels like he’s able to have more of a connection with you. He likes it when you come to the bar and just sit there and talk, even if you’re only drinking a juice box.
Husk still doesn’t know how to talk with a teenager all that well, but he’ll ask you how school is, and how you’re friends are, he wants to show that he takes a genuine interest in the other aspects of your life.
Angel on the other hand is very eager to walk with you through your teenage years, he’s the dad that all of your friends think is cool as fuck, but you think he’s crazy embarrassing. He’s the kind of dad to also be friends with your friends. He’ll come in your room during sleepovers and do your friends makeup, skincare, nails, ect
Despite the fact that Angel does pretty much let you run wild once you get older, he’s very strict on safety, in every aspect. - He doesn’t want you to get fucked over like he did, and he doesn’t want that to destroy you, he really does try his best to guide you on a different path, any path that isn’t the one he fell down
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 7 months
aghhh can’t stop thinking about husk making angel his drink before he went to talk to alastor
imagine he didn’t want angel coming to look for him for a drink bc of what he planned on talking to alastor about.
imagine husk DIDNT make the drink and angel notices his absence and goes to bother him for one, only to catch the tail end of the discussion and the threat to husk.
he has to brush off what he heard when husk comes back and he’s still shaking. angel knowing he can’t do jackshit and he doesn’t want to say anything to husk bc he doesn’t want him to have felt intruded on at a moment like that bc angel knows very well how vulnerable and embarrassing that feels.
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You did so good on the Dad Husk!!! 10/10!!
Would you wanna do another one, a little on the darker side, but Charlie finds out Husk’s daughter has a SH problem and tells him? Maybe he knew she used to have an issue with it but didn’t know she relapsed?
thank you soooo much!
i am hoping that i did this prompt justice. it was a bit difficult for me to write, but i made this more fluff and comfort. and figured it could give someone else some comfort like a warm hug.
WARNINGS: there is definite mentions of SH (self harm) in this.
this is also a psa before the fic, i am not a therapist nor a doctor or anyone knowledgeable really at all. i am not to take the place of a medical professional.
but if this fic resonates in any way, please know I love you, i care about you and please talk to a trusted friend, family member, professional etc if you or someone you know actively self harms.
the trevor project has resources available and counselors to talk too as well. there is also crisis text line too, either are there if you or someone you know is in crisis.
shit does get better and if it’s not better it’s not the end.
without further ado, the fic:
“Hey Husk?” Charlie approaches the bar slow, her voice going up an octave as she speaks. Husk knows she’s either going to ask for something impossible, it’s a really important thing to her or there’s some
bad news.
“What’s goin’ on, Princess?” Husk asks, fully facing Charlie and giving her his full attention.
“I-Well…” Charlie stutters. “I’m not sure how say this, but I’m concerned.”
“Just spit it out, however ya need to.” Husk directs.
“I saw, Y/N, and you know how they’ve been wearing long sleeves?” Charlie asks. Husk’s eyes widen, like he knows where this is going.
“No.” Husk says, looking at Charlie almost like he was pleading with her to tell him he was lying.
“Yes. I saw fresh marks because they had their sleeves rolled up and they didn’t know I was there.” Charlie says, tears prickling her eyes. “And I didn’t want to do anything and just got you because-“
“The last time they ran.” Husk finished for Charlie, sighing and putting a closed sign on the bar. “Where were they?”
“Upstairs, near the library.” Charlie points up the stairs.
“Okay.” Husk puts his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Thank you, Charlie.”
“Of course. Let me know if there’s anything that either of you need.” Charlie says standing there and watching as Husk nods and makes his way upstairs.
Husk looks near the library and doesn’t see Y/N. He sighs and then goes to their room, peaking in and seeing them asleep on the bed. He knew they were a deep sleeper so he quietly made his way over to the other side of the bed. He gently pulls up your sleeves and sees the fresh wounds on your arm. He closes his eyes and breathes, trying not to cry and wake you. He summons a first aid kit and treats the wounds on each arm and then wraps your arms in gauze. He cleans everything up and then sits back down, gently rubbing his claws through your hair. You slowly wake and see Husk there and smile, a bit confused.
“Sorry, I needed a nap.” You murmur, your voice scratchy.
“It’s all right, kid.” Husk smiles at you, the tears he’s been fighting back well up quickly. You look at him, concerned.
“Dad? What’s wrong?” You sit up quickly, your hand going to his face and swiping at one of the tears trailing down his face and then your eyes widen, seeing your arms bandaged. You piece everything together quickly. “How did you find out?”
“How did you expect me not to?” Husk asks, looking at you. Your own tears coming quickly.
“I’m sorry.” Is all you can say before sobs overtake your body. Husk pulls you into him, wrapping his arms and wings around you.
“You don’t have ta be sorry. I just need you to talk to me. You promised last time you would. I’m never too busy for ya.” Husk says, pulling you back to look you in the eyes.
“I know, but there was so much going on… And I didn’t want to be a burden.” You whisper.
“You are never. Never a burden Y/N. You hear me?” Husk says fiercely. You nod, crying harder. “I will always be here for you. I will always be in your corner. I’ve got ya, night, day and even in double death.” You nod again, burying your face in the crook of his neck and clutching him to you. He hugs you tightly and kisses the top of your head.
“We’ll get through this, you and me, but we ain’t on our own anymore. There are others who love you and care about you so much, okay?” Husk asks you.
“I know. I know Dad. It’s just… hard sometimes.” You whisper, not looking at him.
“I know it is, but that’s why we have people we care about that we can lean on, ya know. That’s rare here.” Husk murmurs, holding you to him. “Just relax, you’re all right and we can talk more in a bit.” He says as he can feel you relaxing against him again. “Getcha somethin’ to eat and some water and talk about a plan.”
You sigh and whisper , “Okay.”
“That’s my girl.”
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arriathedragon · 8 months
I would like to share the only screenshot i had the forethought to take during my binging of the newest Hazbin Hotel episodes:
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They just- He just-
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Lil guy.
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jay-wasstuff · 8 months
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The drama club boys
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infinititia · 8 months
Variety? Yeah Hazbin has variety in it's songs
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Love songs
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Pop trauma
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Religious songs, apparently?
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And uhh...whatever the fuck this is..
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Also angst, you will find a lot of that
Honestly I kinda forgot what I was doing
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