#dad vax'ildan
ravenquing · 1 month
thinking about Vax'ildan...
he cries a lot, like a lot a lot
his eye makeup is always a mess to the point he looks weird without mascara smudged around his eyes
he's also an absentminded nailbiter and gets into a lot of bother with Pike, Percy and Vex over it - he can't help it, sometimes he needs to chew on something and his nails just so happen to be there!
he's also a leg bouncer, can't sit still for over 5 minutes - he has to be moving, doing something even if its just sharpening his knives or silly coin tricks
he gets zoomies a lot, his sweet tooth and constant snacking on sugary treats probably don't help this, so he will just go running around in the woods with his Boots of Haste on
also he has the worst sweet tooth ever, he has a pouch of never ending sour gummy worms he's always eating and he loves devouring massive chocolate bars in seconds
he likes doing repetitive tasks like stacking objects or organising them into rows, baking lots of one thing, spinning around and reciting the five times table on a loop
he's ashamed of his ears and tends to hide them under his hair using bobby pins or under hooded cloaks, but he thinks Vex and Keyleth look great with their ears out on display
he's right handed but left footed - i headcanon he lost his right leg as a kid, so he learned to rely on his left leg over time
thinking about dyslexic and dyscalculiac Vax struggling in school, bullied by his peers and his teachers alike, to the point he starts skipping school
thinking about transgender Vax struggling with imposter syndrome, he looks in the mirror and sees a mixture of his father and the girl he's sure everyone else sees him as, and he wears a magic choker to mask how his voice sounds because naturally he sounds almost identical to Vex
i imagine he has many scars that he's ashamed of, but he could never be ashamed of his top surgey scars - whenever his dysphoria spikes, he gets alone and takes his tunic off so he can trace the scars and remind himself of how far he's come
thinking about Gilmore being the one to have made Vax's choker for him... hnnnn...
thinking about Vax and Gilmore getting together, always touching and kissing and trying to stay near to each other
its a rather asexual relationship still, i see Vax as sexually repulsed, but maybe on occasion they try it out - they stop if it gets too much for Vax, which happens most of the time, but they don't always need to stop some nights
thinking about Vax as a dad, he'd be so anxious and unsure of himself but he's a natural and easily bonds with the kid/s
he loves carrying them around, holding them close when he does things around the house - it helps that his baby turns into a koala when they're held
Vax learning new recipes to feed the baby with, Shaun helping him in the kitchen
oh gods, Vax and Shaun both love cooking so much, they're always making leftovers to hand out to friends and family
just... AHHHHH
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keefechambers · 1 year
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Vox Machina + parents
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ravendruid · 1 year
What if Syldor had died?
Vex mourned the loss of a father who wasn’t really a father but who had taken her in regardless. Yes, he had taken her away from Elaina, and she would never forgive him for that, but he had tried to give her – them – a better life, and for that, Vex was grateful. For the few years they lived in Syngorn, Vex knew not hunger nor cold. She had a roof over her head, warm clothes, and plenty of meals. She studied and learned about cultures and new languages and had the best tutors teaching her how to behave like a lady. But what she didn’t have, though, what she really wanted, was what Vex never got: a father who would read her stories before bed and who she could go to in the middle of the night when the wind howled louder at her window. A father who, one day, would proudly walk her down the aisle and give her away to a man who succeeded in the difficult task of earning her heart. Vex’ahlia gave up her search for a loving father at a young age. Instead, she sought his approval. But no matter how hard she tried, she never felt enough. So when Syldor passed, a sense of relief overcame her. She had long been exhausted from trying, and with his passing, she finally felt free of his scrutinizing look. Vex’ahlia was free to be who she wanted to be now. Yet, his voice still rang in her head, reminding her over and over that she wasn’t good enough. But then another man entered her life and showed her the world was more than black and white. He proved to her not only that she was enough but that she was more than enough. Vex’ahlia felt seen, cared and loved. She was finally free, at last. As for Vax? He was confused at first. Syldor’s parental example to him was only one of what he should not do. Who he should not become. Yet, grief hit him like a wave hitting a cliff on a stormy night. He did not mourn the loss of a father. He had long grieved that. When Syldor died, he took with him the remaining hope Vax had that his father would change one day. That he would love him and be proud of him. The only relief Vax felt upon hearing the news was knowing the pain would now end for his sister and that she would finally be free from their father’s judgment. Vax didn’t know what a father was supposed to be like until he met the man who welcomed him into his house like he was already part of the family. Korrin was everything Syldor could never even dream of being one day: he was kind and caring, he voiced his love and pride for his daughter louder than any other, and he loved so wholeheartedly and effortlessly. Vax lost count of the number of hugs, the words of encouragement and advice, the meals, and the warming smiles Korrin thew his way. If this was what a father was like, then he was sure now that Syldor had never been one. Vax doesn’t grieve him anymore, nor the idea of what he could have been, not when he has someone in his life who grabbed the role with both hands and refuses to let go.
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blorbologist · 1 year
Two for joy - Cut Content
[These short scenes were originally going to be included in the Two for joy timeskip, however after some change of plans they never really Fit anywhere well. So I’m tossing this one here, given it’s not quite worth a oneshot of its own to me. Enjoy!]
Vax’ildan is starting to get a bit of a tan from being in Zephrah.
There just isn’t much reason to cling to the shadows here, even if the mountaintop offers a massive one he can follow if it really mattered. But Keyleth’s usually in the sun - tending to duty, dispute or otherwise. Gilmore’s basking like a content lizard, taking to the vacation with great pleasure when not nursing the enchanting projects he brought with him. What kind of a boyfriend would he be if he skulked inside while his partners rivaled the sun for radiance outside? 
So, he’s pretty sure Vex will tease him for this when they next meet. Worse, if she catches the flaky remnants of his first sunburn in a decade on his ears. Which is extremely unfair - he doubts she’d heckle Percy for finally getting more color to his skin. 
There are other reasons to be out and about, too.
Vax is doing his best to show Hunin how to handle a dagger - his stance is so wrong, he really should have given Kynan more credit - when Keyleth swoops in. Not literally, in this case - though he has come to expect her darting in as a great golden eagle. Her usual form is just as splendid, as far as Vax is concerned.
“Two gnomes!” Keyleth exclaims, breathless. 
“I don’t follow?” Kyor offers from the sidelines, nursing a lightly bruised wrist. 
Vax’s eyes brighten. “One of them ours?”
“If you could call Scanlan anyone’s, sure!” Keyleth says, flicking her hair away from her face. The shorter cut means it won’t stay back behind her ear when she goes flitting about - it’s adorable. 
“Well - what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”
Now she turns into an eagle. 
“Class dismissed!” Vax says with a feigned salute. He laughs - maybe due to the sudden takeoff, maybe from how the twins sag against eachother in dramatic relief. 
They have no reason to complain - they’re not decked out in black leather. 
Keyleth’s eagle shoulders bunch as she brings them into a dive, and the savage wind is just perfect beneath the summer sky.
“How’s fatherhood treating you?”
Scanlan squints at Vax over his beer. “How hoppy is this? Does it even count as beer?” 
Vax takes a long, long draught of his, shrugging. “When in Zephrah. If you don’t like it, you can walk down the mountain -”
“Nooooo siree, no thank you.” Scanlan takes a gulp and makes a face at it. Drinks more all the same before wiping the foam away with his shirtsleeve. 
“How’s fatherhood treating you?” he tosses back. 
Vax pokes at his boots on the table - Scanlan does not remove them. “Actually? Pretty good - I don’t think either of them would call me a father. Or Shaun or Keyleth, for that matter. But we’ve moved past sir, and should be considered their legal guardians - moreso for their benefit than ours.”
“They’re, what? Fifteen, sixteen? You sure you’re getting your money’s worth?”
“Vex’s, not mine,” Vax points out. “And she’s yet to take the boots from me.”
Scanlan grins. “She will.”
“Oh, she will.” It’s easy to agree to that. A little less to force the next gulp down - took it a touch too fast. “We were just about that age, maybe younger, when we ran away from Syngorn. So, you know - just hoping history doesn’t repeat itself.”
The gnome’s grin broadens. “See, I get to skip all the teenage angst and turmoil - Kaylie’s a perfectly fine, grown woman.” He sobers. “Capable of calling me out for my bullshit, seeing through the rest of my bullshit, and critiquing my eating habits. Did I tell you she’s talking about putting me on a diet?”
“Several times.” Vax knows Kaylie, for her part, has been enjoying their stint in Zephrah greatly - an isolated audience with limited familiarity of common jigs and barroom songs, she’s become an overnight celebrity. If he drowns out Scanlan’s babble he can still hear her from here.
“- and of course I said yes, because she’s my daughter, and I love her, but Vax I don’t think you understand just what that much salad does to a man’s psyche-”
“We could go see Grog,” Vax says, unperturbed, a finger tracing the rim of his tankard. “It’d be a boys' weekend.” Taps a drop clinging there - it escapes at a leisurely pace. “Plus Pike. I hear she’s been giving baking a shot, lately. Makes a mean sponge cake.”
Scanlan pauses. Puts on his best thinking face. “So, like. A cheat day?”
“If you want it to be. There’s also cage matches.”
“If you fight, I’ll sneak you some magic - so long as you don’t snitch to Kaylie that I bailed on the veganism.”
They shake on it. Scanlan’s grip matches his, in the dark, half-drunk. “Deal!”
“You shit!” Vax cries, betrayed, when he hears the tell-tale hum of Scanlan’s magic around Grog, bearing down on him. “Oy, Scanlan, you bastard!” That last part comes a little shrill as he ducks into Grog’s space, under one arm and away. 
He’d love to take a moment to shoot the bard a fuck-you, but one of the privileges of being small is the ability to vanish in the crowd. 
And in this case choosing not to because he’s sitting with Pike, and Vax doesn’t quite feel like giving her the finger. That’d be more dangerous than the - oh SHIT ax -
Vax snitches on Scanlan.
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annemarieyeretzian · 1 year
look at these two nerds with mantles on hopelessly in love with each other
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(bonus: korrin telling keyleth “please take care of each other.” and adding “especially that one.” about vax,,, 👀)
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dyketrickfoot · 1 year
there's this very weird trend of people who have only seen tlovm calling him Vax'ildan and never vax
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venator-signum · 2 years
honestly fuck vax'ildan for leaving keyleth all alone i don't care if he's a high level rogue brought back by the motherfucking raven queen i will fight him
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drawsmaddy · 1 year
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[ID: A digital doodle of Vax'ildan from Critical Role. He looks dejected and written above him is the text "Hello and welcome to Vax's Personal Hell". Written around him there is "sister is DEAD" "tormented by visions" "girl he likes is being flirted with in front of him" "boy he likes almost died" " wanted dead or alive" "dad sucks unbelievably bad" and "got psychoanalysed by a Sphinx". End description.]
Three episodes into the new season and my poor guy is absolutely going through it
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glossolali · 2 years
GM Roundtable Redux
- Need multiple session zeroes!!
- Good idea to do character creation together so they can have interpersonal relationships
- Character session with each PC, then together is also a good idea
- The group needs to have a cohesive identity!
- "What kind of game do you wanna play? What inspires you? What are you excited about?"
- Give each PC the opening moment!
- Connection to world (goals, desires and enemies) is essential
- Asking PCs right before you start so they can give you a summary
- Making your own world is easier than sticking to a campaign book! says Matt
- Put an apostrophe on it! (Nirdal'poc.... vax'ildan... etc)
- Matt hates the idea of one person owning a world so he shared it with Brennan and Aabria :3 (lov u matty)
- Collabing on DMing and worldbuilding is amazing and exciting!! And sometimes you get a chroma spa and a casa bonita (LMAO)
- Irreverance is healing, profundity and absurdity go hand in hand
- "My job today is to come up with 30 fake wizards"
- It's a fun logic matrix / puzzle to figure out how all the different cities and societies fit together
- They called Matt 'Story Dad' 🥺
- Exandria started with one town, Stilben and it slowly and organically grew and grew until the world became Exandria
- Lore is disjointed in some classic fantasy and the logic breaks often, that was important for Matt to make sure it all fit in together
- New players don't know boundaries so you take wider swings and it's wonderful, and then you fall in line and then over time you go back to being your crazy young self
- Game MASTER creates a hierarchy but it's a reverse hierarchy, you're there to serve your players like a genie granting a wish or a cook making food for people
- Lucien was hot bc Taliesin made Molly hot (scREAMS) and Matt made him naked bc he just wanted to
- DM life hack: Othello token for HP points esp when battling a ton of mobs
- Theatre of the Mind is fun because anything is possible! Anything could be in there! Maps can limit the imagination
- Spacing out and talking to yourself as you develop lore or characters in the bathroom is a Totally Normal DM thing that happens often
- Bathroom Buddies (tm)
- Limited stories (like D20 etc.) without limiting characters? cleverly improvised rails where DM and player end up on the same rails to get the experiences they both want, story beats (brennan), modular lore and dont lock lore info behind dice rolls bc it halts the story, momentum always need to be going forward (matt), players who are good storytellers can get it and go for it if you cue them up for 3 act structure bc of prior knowledge from reading books and watching movies etc (aabria)
- What's your fave GM snack *insert angry Brennan monologue here* and also it's almonds
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ravenquing · 1 year
Okay, but imagine Vax becoming a paladin of The Everlight before The Chroma Conclave arrived.
After Whitestone, after being corrupted by Sylas (in Vax's eyes anyways), he seeks redemption under Pike's Goddess and Pike helps him as he starts his journey of recovery and self-discovery.
Then Vex dies and Vax does what Vax does best, he throws himself down on the proverbial sword and offers his own life in Vex's place.
The Raven Queen still wants to claim Vax as her new champion, I mean look at Vax he's a goddam cutiepie you can't blame RQ, but The Everlight already has some claim on him due to him being one of her followers now...
Deity Follower Custody Battle?
Does one mom get Vax one week and the other mom gets him the next week and so on?
Does he have mismatched wings? One with black feathers and one with white feathers?
Does Vax get to tell people he has 3 moms now????
I want that for him so much.
Like, I imagine he would have lots of conversations like this one;
"I suggest not stabbing me, my mothers would all be upset."
"Ha, gonna go cry to your Momma, Little Boy? Waaaa~"
"All three of them, actually. And since two are Gods and one is dead? I wouldn't recommend mocking me or them."
"Oh yeah? Whatever."
"Yeah, my birth mom was also a neighborhood mom before she died. You don't wanna piss her off."
"And what about the other two? Huh? Were they bakers and florists? Huh?"
"Oh no. My second Momma is The Goddess of Redemption and Justice! And my third Momma is The Goddess of Death!"
"Yeah right!-" *gets insta smoted by Sarenrae & RQ*
Like, I just think Vax should get all the love and support.
Just Sarenrae, RQ and Elaina cheering on their dumbass and overly self-sacrificing bisexual son.
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
fluffy HCs as requested bud <33
Vesper is absolutely spoiled by VM - they get better with it as time goes on [the Trickfoots have their own kids, and the rest have their responsibilities really settle in, and Vex and Percy learn that maybe spoiling a kid rotten isn't the best way to go] but this kid gets everything. Partially because she's the first baby and SO cute... partially because Vax just died and Vex is A Mess so they're all rallying to defeat this for her, for themselves, and it's very healing to make a lil baby smile and laugh.
Scanlan actually isn't the best at lullabies - the kids turn to Pike's huskier and softer voice at bedtime. Which Scanlan is Very Dramatic About, but he has the best songs for games and chores and good times and such. But Pike lulls them right to sleep, and also offers up sea shanties when they're working on chores as a family that require a rhythm.
Sorry, but you know Willhand'ildan absolutely fucking hates his name. He and Vax'ildan (Dan) bond over not really... knowing how to deal with being named after dead people, especially the same guy their parents feel guilty about not being able to save. So Dan and Wills actually end up being very close friends, and I HC they're fairly close friends too. I HC Dan as becoming a Druid in Zephrah, and if so he and Wills either send letters regularly or Wills works as a Tempest Blade there too (shhh hes FINE hes FINE he comes out COMPLETELY UNSCATHED SHHH).
Juniper's feelings are less complicated, because Scanlan had a lot more time to come to terms with his mother's death, and her name is a lot more common / namesake less well known so people don't immediately bug her about it. She feels really touched she has this connection to this woman only her dad knew.
Not v relevant but imagine an AU where Tary and Lawrence adopt a lil Fjord. (They both settle down in Port Damali, which is where Lawrence was living, and where Fjord grew up!) Consider Fjord with gay dads who absolutely trounce on standard ideas of masculinity from the word go, and also are prolific authors. Jester would get absolutely fucking starry-eyed when he tells her lmao
vesper being spoiled by a vm who feel guilty about vax and paranoid about this small fragile lil babbu and also who want to see her have more than they ever did... they overcorrect but it's so earnest and i love them oh my god
poor wilhand'ildan was fucked over for LIFE (sam and ashley are giggling as they ruin this fictional child's life it's hilarious) and i do think that would be SUCH a heavy burden, but the thought of vax'ildeux and wills being buddies........ that warms my heart sm. AND LIVING IN ZEPHRAH WITH AUNTIE KEEKS......... BLESSED
juniper <33 she has no idea how much drama her named caused LMAO
thank you so much for these,,,,,,, heart full of warm happiness <33 thank you
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littlebosslady7 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia Characters: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Shauna Rual, Vax'ildan Frederick de Rolo, Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie Von Musel de Rolo, Vesper Elaina de Rolo | Percy and Vex'ahlia's Child, Wolfe Kristoff de Rolo, Leona Pike de Rolo Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Mild Smut, Non-Explicit Sex, Fluff, Domestic Fluff Series: Part 20 of D's Critical Role Stories Summary: Percival was never one to hope after the loss of his family. He didn't expect to have a happy ending. That was until he married Vex'ahlia. In that year away from Vox Machina, Percy began to dream of their future together.
Clothes were strewn about their room. Slippers smacked against the carpeted floor. Trinket stirred awake, popping one eye as his mum and dad's slippers were kicked off near him.
The bear grumbled and squinted at Percival before he lumbered outside the room. Percy hummed in confusion.
"Vex, dear, does Trinket truly like me?"
"Really?" Vex frowned, crossing her arms at her bare chest, "That's your concern at this very moment."
He reminded, fingertips under her chin, "Well, he's important to you, so he's important to me."
Gods, how could she be annoyed with his sweet worry?
"He likes you a great deal." Vex assured in , "He is a bit displeased being awoken from his slumber when we're together."
"All right, good."
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rogue-bard · 1 year
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blorbologist · 1 year
i wanna know about kyssandra kith........also more mew 🥺🥺
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I used to be clinically neutral on all Cassandra ships. Cass and Kaylie, Cass and Desmond, Cass and Kynan, Cass too aroace for this shit.
And then I started writing Two for joy, and Kynan. Would not. Stop. Swooning. He has such a huge fucking crush on her it makes him stupid and gods forbid Percy notices (please notice it'll be funny as shit).
And then I remembered that, per Tal'Dorei reborn, Cass never has a spouse mentioned, and in Campaign 3 a spouse is never mentioned then either, and Kynan is still around.
And I decided Cass fucking deserves nice things, right?
Enter, this complete dork.
Both of them have been through absolute hell, and of similar sorts. Kynan's family and most people he knew are likely dead. Emon burned. I mean, his dad was a shitfuck, but he must have lost friends, too, other relatives, so much. He's trusted by both Percy and Vax, to the degree that he's made the head of the Riflemen. What this kid means, as far as Percy ending the cycle of vengeance ("I forgive you, but I cannot let you leave", Kynan allied with Ripley, Kynan played a part in killing Percy, and he's forgiven, too.) and Vax's legacy (Vax specifically requests he guard Cassandra... and then Vax dies) just... holds him up v gently.
Despite all he's been through, Kynan still fumbles, and can't handle his drink (makes sense with an alcoholic father), and just wants to try his best. He's young.
Cass shed her youth like a skin, wears maturity like armor. She lost almost everyone, too.
I think, with Kynan, they could catch up on those lost years. Be blushing, awkward teenagers. Walk around all moon-eyed. Try to sneak around without Percy noticing (Vex would spot them in an INSTANT tho). Kynan wasn't here for the Briarwoods. He doesn't know the Cassandra that she hates, he just knows a strong leader who gags at her brother's antics.
They're also both Rogue/Fighter multiclasses. Think of the POTENTIAL: sneaking around the castle together! Kynan explaining to her how Percy's guns work because gods forbid he talk about it. Cass showing him how to wield a rapier, that stance is revolting, keep your back straight.
It's bodyguard/royal romance!!! With rediscovery of childhood wonder!!! And overlapping trauma!!
Clears throat
The premise of the fic itself is that Cassandra keeps slipping her guard to go hide. Partially out of habit - she knows the secret passages well, it's how she initially survived the attack and got Percy out, and she could slip away when the Briarwoods became too much. Partially because she's just fucking overwhelmed, and rankled Vax thinks she needs a bodyguard, and after years around undead and a vampire and a necromancer and their few living lackeys, this much noise and life is too much. She needs alone time.
Kynan is also a rogue. He can find her, pretty easily, most of the time.
It eventually leads to them talking and being honest once Cass blows up at him for finding her somewhere she was sure he couldn't follow... and eventually it becomes a bit of a game of cat and mouse. And Kynan makes himself a little map to keep track. Maybe they start leaving little notes and gifts for eachother.
And then Cass is gone.
Kynan checks every secret spot, every stash, every nook, every cranny.
Vecna took her.
Vecna took her, and Vex'ahlia, her sister in law, shot her down with arrows (arrows in the snow, Percy running) and she died.
He's not her friend. He's not - no. He's her bodyguard. It was his job to protect her. Keep her safe.
He failed.
This is his fault.
(And Vax'ildan is dead, and Percival and Vex are expecting a whole ass kid, and Cass is in a depressive spiral, and what the fuck can he do about it?)
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void-lioness · 1 year
THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA EPISODE 10; Or alternate dimensions are a B**ch
I know it's odd to do this on the last few episodes of a season but here we are 🤦🏾‍♀️ So let's get started. Also it's gonna be lengthy, so I put it under a Read More.
• So we're picking up where we left off after episode 8, gotta love continuity.
• How does one up and move an entire country or city?
• How did Vex get her hair feather back, didn't she give it to Velora? Or maybe she has an extra?
• Vax'ildan, expert tracker.
• Ooh, cloaking, SMART.
• Hi Cassandra, good to see you again.
• How DARE the cloaking spell try to ruin Gilmore's complexion.
• Three weeks? Yeesh.
• Percy still not liking the IRL version of the Feyrealm.
• Keyleth's lil snort. Adorable.
• Gilmore's first name is Shaun? Okay.
• Ooh, locator spell, nice.
• Kima, ILY.
• Cass has eyes and ears in Westruun. Smart Lady.
• F**k Umbrasyl. IYKYK.
• Grog will be fiiiiiine, Vax.
• And he's not smaller, just leaner.
• He's gonna Zuko Redemption Arc The Herd. You got this, buddies!
• Welcome back Kaylie.
• Aren't the TSK considered a weapon? Drop them, you COWARD!
• "I'm not letting you out of my sight." Mhmmm.
• Pike. Pike, honey, no.
• Oh! Oh, s**t! HOLY S**T!
• Oh that's DEFINITELY cheating.
• Ooh, the gang's all heeere~!
• Sweet new gun, Percy.
• Badass Fight Scene, GO!
• Screw Kevdak, but yeah, that was badass.
• Ayy, The crazy plan worked! Let's go!
• "Hello, Buddies." "We gotta work on your landings." Aww.
• Aw, Percy was chanting too, how sweet. Vex, Vax, CHEER FOR THE MAN!
• Thunderlord Zanror.
• Keyleth, you adorable lightweight.
• Aw, dance with her Vax.
• Sing it Kaylie.
• Umbilical, Umbrasyl. Same difference.
• Percy, drink the ale, don't be chicken.
• "Traps, you say?" Your MI Fred Jones is showing, Perce.
• "Wait, we have to wake up at dawn?" Mood.
• I smell a set up. Oh no.
• Hi, dad!
So. That was episode 10. Grog got his muscles back and gained a vestige, Vox Machina RAGED, Kaylie and Scanlan are father and daughter and Umbrasyl is going to DIE. This episode ruled. Can't wait for the next one. See y'all there. 👋🏾
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OOOOO may I get protecting✊ with Vax and keyleth in any au of your choice
farmer's market au
As he has for the past few weeks, Vax slips out of the house early Saturday morning to head down to the park by the lake. Since it's barely six, all of the vendors are still setting up, laying out their wares on plastic table or the beds of trucks and trailers. The familiar scent of fresh baked cinnamon rolls meets his nose as well as coffee from the food truck parked on the road nearby.
After stopping to get a coffee and a cinnamon roll, Vax makes his way over to where the two tables belonging to Ashari Farms and Gardens usually set up. There he can see Keyleth, her dad, and a few other works setting out wooden baskets of fruit and vegetables as well as mason jars of honey and bundles of flowers.
Vax whistles softly and Keyleth turns are the familiar sound, grinning when she sees him walking over.
"Hi!" She greets as she sets down a basket of blueberries.
"Hi," he passes over the coffee and sets the cinnamon roll on the table, "coffee is for you, the roll is for both of us."
"Thank you!" Keyleth grins as she sips the coffee and he loves the way her eyes light up when she realizes he remembered her order. "Are you here to help?"
Vax shrugs, "I can be. What do you need?" Keyleth starts directing him and telling him what to grab and where to put it. He's so caught up in it that he doesn't notice Syldor approaching until Keyleth greets him with a smile.
"Good morning," Keyleth says, "how are you doing this morning?"
"Not well, thank you." At the sound of his father's voice, Vax freezes, his hackles rising as he sets down the crate he had been about to take out of the truck bed. "You see, my son has been sneaking out with out my permission and for some godforsaken reason he's here at your...booth."
Vax is about to step in, he doesn't want Keyleth to be talking to his father, but before he can, Keyleth says, "Oh! Vax has been working for us the past few weeks, he's truly a tremendous help, he's a very hard worker."
Vax turns in time to see Syldor's jaw clench, "How wonderful, the deadbeat finally got a job." Vax shrinks a little under Syldor's gaze, "Vax'ildan, I'll see you at home." Vax swallows thickly and nods.
And as Syldor marches off, Keyleth turns to Vax with a questioning look, "That's your dad? He's an asshole."
Vax chuckles, "He very much is. Vex and I are saving up to get the fuck out of his house when we turn eighteen."
"Get to work then," Keyleth shoves a branded apron against his chest. "These crates won't lift themselves."
With a smile, Vax puts the apron on and jumps back into the back of the truck.
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