generalobi · 3 years
Cody somehow travels back in time and becomes the loving, overprotective kickass Dad Obi-wan deserves. Queue him having to like, literally beat Mandalorians (and everyone else, frankly) back with a stick when Obi comes of age, and the ridiculous lengths Jango and others go to to either avoid him or win his approval as they try to court obi-wan
Cody would like to say he’d never expected something like this to happen. But that would be a lie. He’s not entirely sure what has happened, just that he was in his bunk one second and then there was a tugging sensation and he was here.
Here being a planet, presumably, in the quarters of a Jedi Master and Padawan. At least he thinks that’s who they are, based on attire. There hasn’t been any talking yet, just a lot of staring.
“So,” the tall one finally says, “Who are you?”
“Commander Cody of the 212th Attack Battalion,” Cody answers, “And you, General?”
He frowns, “General? I’m no General, and I wasn’t aware this planet had a standing military.”
“Or that they could teleport,” the little one mutters.
There’s something familiar about him, like Cody should know who he is.
And the both of them should definitely know who he is. At least vaguely. His face is easily recognisable, of course. He shares it with millions of others. If they don’t recognize him… either they’re not Jedi or he’s moved in more than place. Cody wishes he could say the first was the more plausible explanation.
He tries again anyway.
“I’m a soldier in the Grand Army of the Republic.”
“The Republic has no army, grand or otherwise.”
Shit, Cody thinks.
“Shit,” Cody says, “You are Jedi, yes?”
“Yes,” the little one says.
Alright, Cody thinks, he can work with this. Probably. Maybe. He’ll have to see. Why did he end up with the General who attracts the most weird Force bullshit? He supposes it could have been worse, he could’ve got Skywalker. Maybe he would’ve travelled in time and found himself amongst Sith instead of Jedi.
“I think,” the tall one says slowly, “That we are rather at a disadvantage here. You know and understand our affiliation but we do not understand yours.”
“He doesn’t even know our names, Master,” the little one mumbles, brow furrowed.
“Hush, Obi-Wan,” he says, waving a hand to silence his padawan.
Obi-Wan. Well that explains why he seems so familiar. The tall one must be Master Qui-Gon Jinn, his General’s old and very dead Master. He’d never talked about him much, never mind shown Cody a holo of him. He’s more rumpled than expected.
“It’s alright,” Cody assures him, “I’m confused too. I seem to be in the past. I am Marshall Commander Cody of the Grand Army of the Republic, from the year 979 ARR. I serve under High General Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan frowns, opening his mouth to speak again and finds himself silenced again. Cody has only known Master Jinn for a few minutes but he’s really starting to dislike him.
“You’re saying that my padawan leads an army for the Republic in the future?” Jinn scoffs, “And why should I believe you? It doesn’t take much to learn my padawan’s name, or mine for that matter. You are no doubt a trick.”
Cody rolls his eyes, “Obi-Wan Kenobi, born 966 ARR on the planet of Stewjon. Given to the Jedi at the age of three, placed in Clan Tooka where he made friends with Bant Eerin, Garen Muln, Reeft, Siri Tachi and Luminara Undali. He is allergic to hoi broth, three types of painkiller, most bugs and most ration bars. Very annoying. He prefers flimsi books over datapads and his favourite type of tea is in a red box. I would tell you creepy things that will come true, but a) I don’t know what year I’m in, b) I don’t know much history and c) I don’t know how that would affect my life in the future so…”
“Obi-Wan’s favourite tea comes in a blue box.”
Cody raises an eyebrow, “Why don’t you ask him?”
“It’s true,” Obi-Wan says, glancing nervously at his Master, “Your favourite tea is in the blue box, so I pretend it’s mine too. Sorry.”
“And the rest of that?” Jinn snaps, “All things you’ve never told me or lied about?”
Cody really doesn’t like this guy.
“Leave him be,” Cody says, “Regardless of whether or not you believe me, could you perhaps tell me where we are?”
“Fakir,” Obi-Wan says.
“Padawan!” Jinn scolds, glaring.
“What?” he shrugs, “It’s not like he’s presented a danger to us. And what’s he going to do with the name of the planet? If he was a spy, or a sleep agent or whatever you think he is then he already knows anyway. Besides, I believe him.”
“Because you are so ready to go to war again,” Jinn says, voice hard, “Was once not enough? Do you need to spill more blood to be satisfied? Command an army at the whim of the Senate? Subjugate planets and people to placate the darkness inside of you.”
“Master-” Obi-Wan’s small face pales, eyes unusually bright.
“Don’t talk to him like that,” Cody says, “Ever.”
“It’s okay,” Obi-Wan lays a hand on his arm, “It’s okay.”
It’s not. Cody would never let anyone talk to a child like that, and he’d definitely never let them speak to his General like that. But he and Obi-Wan are both reliant on this Qui-Gon Jinn. His General because the man is his guardian and Cody because he’s not leaving his General.
Well, there’s a new goal then. Get custody of his tiny General.
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yellowocaballero · 3 years
my DUDE i read all three of your sw fics and i am sobbing and wailing. all three deserve a seperate rec. the way you depicted fox and leia in owl creek has me SHAKING. traumatized rebel-princess and traumatized police-slave meet up and help each other by giving each other hope + helping them through a horrendously tough time? also your leia depiction could slap me and i would vote for her she deserves everything. i'm running out of characters so i can't sob over dadcody and his fricked up kid
Thank you!!!! Fun fact: I learned recently that Fox is also in charge of the prisons of Coruscant, and that his men are the guards of the prisons, who are very willing to kill prisoners. This raises a great deal of concerns and I deeply wish I had known this before so I could include it. I can't believe more people don't know about Fox and how gratuitously evil and corrupt he is.
Everybody loves Leia but I love the specific combo of 'mean + oblivious + pigheaded + empathetic + self-centered + kind'.
I sob over dad-cody and his fucked up kid every day of my life, I don't know why it got so engaging for me. What is it about it that makes me stare at it with a microscope? It's just unique and demented. I also unfortunately recently realized that Cody & Obi-Wan is slightly reminiscent of the Terminator & John Connor in T2 (one of my favorite movies) which raises a lot of concerns from me about myself.
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