#dae caught jae looking
writingsofwesteros · 1 month
When Daella went into labour, she only wanted her sisters in the room with her. Which left Aegon and Aemond in the waiting room, pacing like madmen. Alicent remained outside to comfort her sons, she knew since Helaena had given birth to twins before, and Nora being a grounding presence from Hera and Jae's birth that her youngest was in good hands. Besides, someone needed to make sure that Aemond didn't lash out at every living soul in sight. They left the twins with Rhaenyra and Daemon, who'd come over to the estate with Aegon the Younger and little Viserys. "I hate this," Aegon groaned beside Alicent as Aemond paced the room. "I know," Alicent sighed. "But she'll be well, my boys, your sister is as brave as any of you." "She's been in there for ages," Aemond mumbled. "How much longer-" "There they are," Gwayne came over to them, Cherub in hand. "Uncle," His nephews nodded his way, too caught up in their worry for their sister and their twin boys being brought into the world. "Hello sweet Cherub," Alicent picked up the toddler, who was rather happy since Gwayne had gone ahead and bought her a lollypop on the way. "Where's Aunty Daella? And the babies? Awe they stiw in her bewy?" Cherub asked as Alicent settled her on her lap. "She's having the baby now, sweet one." Alicent explained. "It just takes some time, is all." "Jae and Hewa awe getting baby bwothers?" Cherub asked. "That's right darling, twins, like Hera and Jae, but two boys instead of one boy and one girl." Alicent told her. "Uncle Aeg and Aemy look upset," Cherub whispered to her. "They're worried, sweetling." Alicent sighed. "Giving birth to babies is difficult."
Cherub slid off Alicent's lap and waddled over to Aegon who was now pacing, and Aemond was sitting talking to Gwayne. "Uncle Aeg?" Cherub tugged on his hand. "Yea pretty girl?" Aegon picked her up. "Aunty Dae will be owkay. When my Papa's upset I give him kisses." She kissed his cheek. "So I give you kiss cause Hewa and Jaw aren't here." Aegon softened. "Thank you, baby." He pressed a kiss to her temple, calming a little.
Another hour passed, and the doctor finally came out and said, "All is well, Mr and Mr Targaryen. Two healthy baby boys. And Daella is doing well. She was a real fighter in there." Everyone sighed in relief. "Can we see her?" Aemond asked anxiously, and the doctor nodded, leading them back in the birthing suite that was just cleaned up. There Daella laid, exhausted but blissfully happy, two little bundles on her chest. "Hi," She said softly as her brothers approached, fathers once more. Nora and Hel smiled and helped put the babies back into the incubators for Aegon and Aemond to look properly.
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"That one looks like you," Aegon whispered. "That one looks like you," Aemond replied as they looked down in awe- two sons, one that looked like an image of each of them.
THE CUTEST!!!!!!!!!!!
Cherub is so sweet ; just trying to calm everyone down like her mother would.
Aemond & Aegon would be so useless in the actual birthing room, bless them
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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years
When the Dead Come Knocking || Kang Wujin
Part Two
Part 1 part 3 part 4
Pairing: Wu-Jin X Reader
Genre: horror, gore, fluff
Warming: Death, violence, cursing, blood
Summary: Nam Chae-Young had an obsession with everything gore since she was a little girl, little did she know that one normal day at school would turn into the worst day of her life. Fighting to survive shouldn’t the that hard, right?
“I can’t see!” Chae yelps, she was pulled by someone and when her eyes focused again, she seen Dae-Su. “Here!” he called, pushing himself halfway through a classrooms door, where Wu-Jin stopped him from getting it.
“It’s brother- in- law and future gi-“ Chae- Young slaps Dae-Su hard. She knew the moment he figured out that she had a crush on Wu-Jin, her life would be over.
“Sorry!” Wu-Jin pulled them in. Min-Jae fell to the ground thanking God. “What happened to you?” Wu-Jin asks, Chae was too busy wiping her phone screen.
“Chae!” Chae looks to see On-Jo running to her, the two sisters embrace one another tightly.
“What’s happening?” On-Jo asks, examining her sister for bites. Chae huffs and pushes her hands off her,” I’m okay. Some crazy fucker blasted us with a fire hydrant! Can you believe that?” she explains annoyed. On-Jo bit her lip to suppress a giggle.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” On-Jo smiles, hugging her sister briefly.
Chae finally got to get a proper look at everyone who was in the room; Na-Yeon, Gyeong-Su, Joon-Yeong, I-Sak, On-Jo, Min-Jae, Dae-Su, Wu-Jin, Ji-Min and Hyo-Ryeong. How did this happen? One normal day turned into complete hell in the blind of an eye?
Two loud bangs on the window caught them by surprise. Gyeong-Su and Wu-Jin ran over to investigate.
“You scared me, fucker!” Gyeong-Su huffs, pulling in someone from the window, Chae turned around to see Su-Hyeok, who then pulled up Nam-Ra. How did so many students happen to find this one classroom?
Soon enough everyone was searching for a phone. After watching every struggle, Chae holds up her phone. “Seriously?” Cheong-San takes her phone and dials 911, then it died. “Great Chae, maybe if you didn’t spend your whole life on TikTok, you’d have battery left!” The two started arguing amongst themselves until Nam-Ra announced she found a phone.
“Try her birthday!” The phone belonged to their classmate. “What’s her birthday?” Cheong- San asked and they all fell silent. He sighed and looked to the door where he spotted her. He walks over and tries to use Face ID.
“Hold it closer. “Su-Hyeok suggests.
“I hate to break it to you, but that’s like using Face ID on a ghost,” Chae laughs,” Plus, you don’t need a passcode to use emergency services. “
“You wait this long to tell us this? You like seeing us suffer?” Dae- Su asks.
“Well one, I didn’t think y’all were that idiotic and two, everyone knows that.”
On-Jo took the phone and tried to call their father.
“Shouldn’t you be blocking the door?” Cheong-San slaps Gyeong-Su on the back of the head. Gyeong-Su flips him off and runs back to the door, but a Professor quickly runs in.
“Oh, thank God, are you kids okay?” he asks, barricading the door. “Come on, help,” he stacks chairs onto desks. The students were quick to help apart from Chae, she was worried about her other best friend.
Chae-Young could feel his presence behind her. Of course she knew who it was, he had this aura that made her wanna pull her hair out. Looking up, her eyes were met with Yoon Gwi-Nam, he pulled out a seat and sat down,” You’re smart,” he scratches his neck, not sure if this’ll work.
“Smarter than some,” replied Chae. “I need you to tutor me,” Gwi-Nam coughs, trying not to give a snide comment that’ll ruin his opportunity at ever getting a good enough grade to impress his parents.
“Why?” Chae puts her chopsticks down and squints her eyes suspecting him to do some sort of sick prank on her.
“Just do it, please,” that surprised Chae, Gwi-Nam never had manners. He was a bully so far he had done nothing extreme, but there was always a chance.
“Okay, “ Chae agrees,”but I want something in return,” Gwi- Nam rolls his eyes.
“No,” he gets up to leave,” You expected me to just do something for you without getting something in return? Fine, find someone else to tutor you. “Chae chuckles and goes back to her lunch. She knew absolutely nobody in the school would ever tutor Gwi-Nam, not even if they were offered billions of won
Gwi-Nam huffs and sits back down,” You’re good, Princess,” he smirks with a laugh.
“I heard your little bully friends were choosing their next victim,” her eyes fall over to where On-Jo sat,” my sister and her friends. I know you’re a coward,but tell him that they’re not worth his time. “ she raises her eyebrow looking at him waiting for an answer. “Deal?” She holds out her hand.
“Deal,” Gwi-Nam shakes her hand after a long, hard debate with himself,” I thought they were your friends too? You don’t have friends, huh?” he asks, watching her go back to eating.
“They are my friends, I just wanted alone time today. Plus, every friendship ends the same, once they see you’re no longer of their use, they throw you over the edge and I don’t intend to be thrown over the edge. “ she shrugs. “Call me Princess again and I’ll pull your teeth out.” She adds and gets up to clear her tray.
Chae and Gwi-Nam became the best of friends as the years went by, she was the only one who looked at him like he meant something. Chae stuck around long enough and actually got to know him. His father was always at work and verbally abusive, his mother only cared about his grades. She was a cold heartless bitch. Gwi-Nam was many things, but he was never a dick to Chae. He always made sure Myeonghwan didn’t target her. Gwi- Nam taught Chae how to fight and look after herself. He whined and bitched when he found out she was possibly a better fighter than he was. On-Jo obviously disapproved of her friendship with Gwi-Nam, but she knew trying to boss around her sister wouldn’t work.
They would do stupid shit together. Go to convenient stores late at night and go to the parks late to play around which ended up with them being chased out by the guards. Gwi-Nam cared for Chae deeply, he knew about her silly crush on Wu-Jin and pushed her around on it. He was a good person, but Chae distanced herself when the bullying around school got out of hand. When Jin-Su attempted to end his life, Chae had enough, she didn’t know about anything else the bullies did. But she had to distance herself.
“Hey, wanna go to the park tonight?” Gwi-Nam throws and arm over her shoulder.
Chae shakes her head,” Not feeling well,” she lies.
“Bullshit. Who’s giving you a hard time? Need me to beat them up-“
“I have my period, I want to be left alone. “ she takes his arm off her.
“Okay. Call me when you’re home,princess. “.
Gwi- Nam was a good friend her. She just wished he had listened when she said to get away from his bully friends. Deep down Chae was hurting, she just wished Gwi-Nam treated people how he treated her.
End of flashback
Chae-Young noticed blood on the Professors sleeve alongside some bite marks. She grabs On-Jo’s arm and pulls her back. “Sir… y- your arm,” Chae points.
“It’s fine it’s just a scratch,” he looks at the students around him.
“Don’t lie. Those are teeth marks,” Chae points to his sleeve.
“Leave. Please leave. “I-Sak points to the door. The professor scoffs and steps forward,” I’m fine. “
“Leave!” Chae snaps.
“Fuck you!” The professor shoots back,” I’m fine!” Again, a lie. On-Jo gets her school bag and whacks him in the head with it.
“Stupid bitch!” he charges for her, Chae stands between him but he fell to the ground and started twitching.
“Stand back!” Cheong-San pulled the girls back. The professor got up again, this time he was a zombie. He charged at Min-Jae and started biting her face.
“No!” Chae pulls him off her,” Y-You’re gonna be okay,” she sniffles, now panicking, cradling her best friend.
“I don’t wanna die. Please, I don’t wanna die,” Min-Jae cries. “Ah!” She screams and does the same thing the professor did. The sickening noise of bones cracking filled the classroom. Cheong- San held the reanimated version of the professor against a wall with a chair.
“No, Min-Jae!” Chae felt her heart shatter into pieces as Min- Jae’s body started twisting in inhumane ways, she jumps up and lunges at Chae. The two girls topple over a table. Chae winces as her back hits the ground hard.
“Chae!” I-Sak pulled On-Jo back. Min-Jae was torn off of Chae by Dae-Su. He could see the pocket knife jammed into her neck. Chae’s vision became blurry as she stood up, tears poured down her face. “I’m sorry,”’she sniffles, pulling her knife out again and jamming it into Min-Jae’s skull. She wished she didn’t have to do it, but she knew it wasn’t her best friend anymore.
Wu-Jin walks over and pulls Chae away, she clutched into him and sobbed. “We need to get out of here. “he whispers in her ear. Chae nodded and they all readied up. Chae fixes her backpack and takes On-Jo’s hand.
“Fuck, shit!” Chae hisses as she pushes zombies away forcefully as On-Jo was reaching to grab the hose to break the lock. On-Jo runs back and starts hitting the lock until it popped open. She grabs Chae by her cardigan and they all ran into the class.
“Ah, I’m so tired. “Gyeong-Su complains, taking a seat beside her and laying his head in her lap.
“You’re just lazy,” Na-Yeon interjects.
“He’s no-“
“I’m lazy? Me? Says the one who’s been sitting there doing nothing. “ he argues back.
“Both of you shut up!” Chae snaps, she was tired of hearing Na-Yeon complain all day as it was and now she’s stuck between them having a lovers tiff.
“I’m not one of them,” I-Sak says and walks to a mirror.
“What?” Chae stands up, causing Gyeong-Su to bump his head on the chair. He rubs his head and stands up too.” I’m not, On-Jo,” blood started coming from I-Sak’s nose, On-Jo ran and hugged her best friend rightly as tears fell from her eyes.
“I wouldn’t bite you, why would I bite you?” I- Sak was scared. “I- I’m not like them,” she cries.
“Maybe you hit your no-“ On-Jo yelped as I-Sak did exactly what Min-Jae did. I-Sak got back up and ran for On-Jo. Wu-Jin pulls Chae back and Cheong- San battled with a zombified I-Sak. Eventually she was flung from the window and On-Jo grabbed her hand.
“On-Jo, let go!” Both Cheong-San and Chae- Young ran over and grabbed her so she wouldn’t fall. On-Jo was too upset to speak. She gripped onto I-Sak until Cheong- San moved for a moment and grabbed a chair. He started hitting I-Sak until she fell to the courtyard below.
On-Jo walked away followed by Chae, who just wanted to comfort her sister. “I have nobody now. Nobody is alive that I like. “On-Jo cries. Chae felt a pang in her heart at her sisters words. They have been best friends since the womb, quite literally. “Y-you have me and dad,” Chae softly smiles.
“You’re just my sister,” On-Jo buried her head in her arms and cried silently.
“Screw you,” Chae mutters and walks to the under end of the classroom.
“I’m not going without her,” Chae looks down at the rope, then back to On-Jo, “I’ll bring her, go,” Cheong-San assures her, patting her back.
“If I fall, I’ll stab you,” Chae was terrified of heights. She jumps up and steadies herself before slowly climbing down. Wu-Jin and Dae-Su pulls her down.
“Oh god, I didn’t die,” she hugs Wu-Jin happily, grateful she didn’t die, and watches On-Jo step in. The student’s waited for what felt like an eternity for Cheong-San. But instead, corpses flung down. Chae covers her mouth in shock.
Did she just witness Cheong- San die?
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eunsjisoo · 4 years
the one i’ve been missing
☆drama: weightlifting fairy kim bok joo 
☆word count: 1.8k
☆genre: fluff and slight angst 
☆a/n: happy holidays @missyriver​!! (and sorry that this is so late). i hope you had a good year, and i hope you enjoy this short piece of holiday fluff (that is slightly angsty). this is lowkey inspired by the little mix song.
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Bok Chicken was bustling with festive energy, the sounds of laughter, bickering and music filling the air. Bok Joo couldn’t help but feel at home as she looked around the restaurant. She watched with a fond smile on her lips as her father and uncle bickered over the stove, arguing over who was better at cooking. She watched Seon Ok, Nan Hee and Tae Kwon huddled in the corner, chatting and laughing at Tae Kwon antics. Even Joon Hyung’s family was there, cooing over Jae Yi and Ah Young’s baby girl and admiring the trophies and photos of Bok Joo from her childhood. For the first time in months, she was back home with her family.
But there was one person missing, and try as she might to ignore it, Bok Joo couldn’t help but feel his absence. It had been at least 2 weeks since she had last seen him in person. Between their training and competition schedules, they barely got to see each other. When she was in Korea, he would be on the other side of the world competing in a competition, and vice versa. Sure, they spoke to each other on a daily basis, and even video called each other when they missed each other too much, but it wasn’t the same as actually being together. This had been the longest they’ve gone without seeing each other face to face and boy, did she miss him.
“Bok Joo-yah?”
Bok Joo shook herself out of her thoughts, looking up from her glass to see who had called her.
Nan Hee looked at her, with her usual happy virus smile on her face. “Are you ok? You’ve been quiet all night. It’s unlike you.”
Bok Joo pushed the brightest smile she could muster on her face, “Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be ok?”
Nan Hee smiled softly, knowing that Bok Joo was putting on a brave face, so she grabbed Bok Joo’s hand, “Ok, come join us then. Tae Kwon thinks he can beat Seon Ok in a drinking competition.”
“Why does he bother?” Bok Joo laughed, “She beats him at every challenge he makes.”
Nan Hee laughed along with her, as they walked over to the couple. “I don’t know, maybe he just wants to win against her once.”
“She should just let him win.” Bok Joo said, shaking her head with a smile on her face as she watched the couple line up their shot and beer glasses. 
“Seon Ok would never do that.” Nan Hee said, as she grabbed the soju and beer bottles from the fridge and placed it on the table. 
Tae Kwon looked up from pouring soju into the shot glasses, as the two women came to their table. “By the way, when is Jung Joon Hyung coming? He’s going to miss watching me beat Seon Ok.” 
“Yah!” Seon Ok and Nan Hee yelled in unison, both turning to look at Bok Joo. 
“It’s ok, girls.” Bok Joo pushed a smile onto her face, and turned to Tae Kwon, “His flight is delayed, so he probably won’t be here until tomorrow.” 
“Ah, sorry.” Tae Kwon rubbed his arm, after Seon Ok had hit him. “I’m sure he’ll be here as soon as he can be.”
“Yah, yah, yah, let’s just start this competition.” Seon Ok said, pushing her boyfriend towards the drinks.
“Ok! Let’s start.” Tae Kwon said, in his usual hyper tone. “Nan Hee, you count down.”
As Nan Hee counted down, Bok Joo couldn’t help but get caught up in the fun of watching the couple competing against each other. She cheered at the top of her lungs with Nan Hee as Seon Ok moved onto her 2nd drink, while Tae Kwon was still on his first drink. Her stomach hurt from laughing so hard when Seon Ok finished her last drink and started doing her victory dance around her boyfriend. Even though he had lost, Tae Kwon looked like he was having the time of his life, as he watched his girlfriend dance around him with a smug smile. 
Once Seon Ok had settled down, she wrapped her arm around Tae Kwon’s shoulder, and said, “Face it, you can’t beat any of us three at drinking.” 
“Ok, ok, I accept that. You three are the queens of drinking, and I will never get to your level.” Tae Kwon jokingly bows down to them. 
The three girls looked at each other with smug smiles. “Swag,” they chorused, making their signature arm movement as they said it. 
After a while of chatting with her friends, Bok Joo saw her dad wave her over. She excused herself and walked over to him. “Bok Joo-yah, can you go outside and get the present I left in the motorbike compartment?”
Bok Joo raised her eyebrows, “What present did you get?”
“It’s a surprise, please get it for me. I need to look after your uncle, otherwise he will burn everything.”
“I heard that. I’m a better cook than you, hyung.”
Bok Joo’s dad rolled his eyes, “According to who?”
“My girlfriend,” Dae Ho smiled, with a lovestruck expression on his face. Bok Joo shared a look with her dad, both cringing from her uncle’s expression. 
“I’m going now.” Bok Joo grabbed a jacket from the hook, and made her way to the front door. 
She stopped outside the door, pulling the jacket closer to her body. The snow crunched under her shoes, as she made her way to where the motorbike was parked. As she opened the compartment at the back of the bike, she felt arms around her waist, causing her to jump and elbow her attacker.
“Oof, yah, it’s just me.” Bok Joo whipped around to see Joon Hyung hunched over, clutching his stomach. 
She stared at him in shock. “Yah, you said you won’t be here until tomorrow.” 
Joon Hyung stood up slowly, as he recovered from the pain of being elbowed by his weightlifter wife,  a bright smile gracing his lips as he took in her appearance. 
“I wanted to surprise you.” Joon Hyung wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his chest. He nuzzled into her neck, taking a deep breath as he said, “I missed you.”
Bok Joo smiled, deciding to let go of her annoyance and bask in the moment of being with her husband. “Me too. But you should know better than to scare me like that.”
Joon Hyung pulled away slightly, to look at Bok Joo with a sheepish expression. “Sorry. I must have lost my mind because of the jet lag and hunger.”
Bok Joo giggled, shaking her head. “That’s ok. Let’s go inside and get you some food.”
Bok Joo pulled away from him, and grabbed his gloved hand. As she pulled him towards the door, he couldn’t help himself from saying, “I love you.”
“You should be glad that I love you, otherwise I would have killed you for surprising me like that.”
The two of them dusted the snow off of their jackets, and hung them on the hook, before entering the restaurant. As soon as everyone noticed Joon Hyung trailing behind Bok Joo, they all yelled out in surprise, and rushed to greet and hug him. Bok Joo stood next to him as he hugged each of his family and she couldn’t help but feel like her family was finally complete. A warm feeling settled in her stomach as she watched him carry his niece for the first time, her tiny body completely enveloped his long arms. He would be such a good father, she thought to herself, as she saw the adoration in his eyes when he looked at the child in his arms. Next were their friends, and she laughed as Tae Kwon teasingly punched Joon Hyung for not telling him about his surprise. But her laughter stopped as soon as her friends decided to tease her about how “devastated” she was that Joon Hyung wasn’t going to be there for Christmas.
“Yah, what are you saying? I wasn’t devastated.” Bok Joo defended herself, “I was just a bit sad.”
“But you’re happy now, right, Chubs?” Joon Hyung asked, with a teasing smile on his face.
Bok Joo glared at him, playfully, “no, not at all.”
Before he could make another comment, Bok Joo’s dad interrupted, “Ok everyone sit down, the food is ready.”
Everyone took their seat, and looked in awe at the food the Kim brothers were bringing out, and as soon as everything was set, they all dug into the food.The sounds of laughter and chopsticks hitting against plates filled the restaurant, as everyone caught up with each other, and reminisced about past memories. By the time the plates were cleared, everyone was blissfully full and some were even bordering on drunk. Bok Joo rested her head on Joon Hyung’s shoulder as Nan Hee interrogated Seok Ok and Tae Kwon about their relationship, which they had kept a secret from the rest of the group until a few months ago.
 “Did you know about their relationship, Joon Hyung?”
Bok Joo raised her head slightly to look at Joon Hyung, raising her eyebrow at him. He better not have known and kept it from her.
“I didn’t know, I swear.” 
Bok Joo narrowed her eyes, as she looked for any sign that he was lying. When she was satisfied, she put her head back on his shoulder, and wrapped her arm around his. Joon Hyung held her hand, interlocking their fingers, as Nan Hee turned back to their traitorous friends. Though it wasn’t like Joon Hyung and Bok Joo could hold it against them, since they also kept their relationship a secret. But considering the crap their friends gave them when they found out about their relationship, Bok Joo felt like she should tease Seon Ok and Tae Kwon just as much as they teased her. 
“I thought that we agreed that we won’t keep our relationships a secret from each other, especially after what you said when you found out about my relationship.” Bok Joo sighed dramatically, winking at Nan Hee discreetly, who wholeheartedly joined in on Bok Joo’s teasing. 
 Bok Joo laughed at Seon Ok’s exasperated expression, and she could feel Joon Hyung laugh along with her. He turned his head slightly, to whisper, “Should we make them buy us food like they did to us? Let’s drain Tae Kwon’s bank account.” 
Bok Joo giggled and nodded, “They deserve it.”
Bok Joo looked up, and she felt her heart swell as she locked eyes with Joon Hyung. How he could still make her swoon like a high schooler, after they had been together for years, was a mystery to her. But, boy did she love that feeling: the feeling of home. Because that was what he was to her. Her home. And now that she was home, she didn’t want to leave.
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Sleep Alone - Part One
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Pairing: Namjoon x Female Reader (ft. Hoseok and Seokjin)
Word Count: 3.9k
Rating: PG-13
Genres: SFW, Soulmate AU, Angst (Future Fluff)
Summary:  The timer on your wrist is ticking away until the moment you get to meet your soulmate. You often spend time daydreaming about your him. The time remaining on the timer has fluctuated throughout your life. Each big decision you or your soulmate makes can have an affect on the timer. A week before you finally get to meet, the timer gets extended by an additional forty years.
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, drug dealing, drug lording, meth labs, death, murder, blood, scary guys being scary dudes, someone gets arrested, but there is not smut lmao. 
A/N: Proud to be part of Bangtan Scenery’s April Showers Bring May Flowers Collab! This is the first part of this fic. Part two will be coming in May! I may also do a NSFW one shot later this year. I’m excited to continue working on my soulmate series (one for each member). They are all based on songs by Waterparks, check out Sleep Alone. 
Big shout out to @megahwn and @ho-baebae​ for beta reading and thank you to @lovely-literati​ for always being supportive. Love y’all! 💜
The street is deserted, only one parked car about a few feet away. He sneaks around the corner into the alleyway. Careful not to step on any debris or in any puddles, he slinks past the dumpster overflowing with garbage. He can barely make it out in the dark, but he’s found the door with the marking. 
He reaches into his back pocket for his lock picking kit, but when he begins to work on the door he finds it unlocked. He pauses, unsure if he should continue inside, but the overwhelming metallic scent of blood floods his nostrils.
He rushes into the building. The first room is large and dim. But he can see boxes, buckets, beakers, tubing, and trash everywhere. It’s a meth lab. The smell of ammonia starts to overtake the smell of the blood. Until he sees two bodies in the next room and one big puddle of blood between them. 
As he approaches cautiously he begins to recognize one of the people. Dae-hyun. He falls to his knees. The one person he was trying to protect from all this. Before the grief strikes him, there’s a crash from the other room. And footsteps. And then his chest is on the ground, the breath knocked out of him, a knee in his back. A booming voice.
“Kim Namjoon, you are under arrest for the murders of Jung Dae-hyun and Yoo Young-jae. You have the right to remain silent...” 
It’s the same dream you always have. Following the path of rose petals up the hill. The sun is setting and at the top you can see him: your soulmate. You’ve never been able to see his face. You always wake up just before you reach him. This time as you approach the hill, he’s nowhere to be seen.
The gentle thunder from the approaching storm wakes you from your sleep. An early morning thunderstorm, one of your favorite types of weather. The gray sky and light drizzle almost lull you back to sleep. But just as you’re dozing off you see it. Your timer. 
You have to do a double take. Forty-four years? Just last night your soulmate timer was counting down from four years. It’s not uncommon for it to change. 
Each decision you make could potentially affect the timer. You changed your mind about college three times before you settled on the one that only added two years to the timer. One day, your timer went from 5 years to 3 minutes, but then quickly returned to 5 years. You had just been watching TV, so you often wondered what decision your soulmate made that brought you so close together and why he would have changed his mind. 
But you couldn’t have done anything in your sleep last night to cause this... what did he do?
It’s the story of the year. Of all the exciting cities across the world, it has to be breaking in your hometown. The sexy new drug lord, Kim Namjoon, finally caught. It’s sick, but it makes for good news. Or whatever Buzzfeed is. They’re taking it as far as possible with their quizzes and bullshit articles. 
Are you compatible with Kim Namjoon?
10 reasons why Kim Namjoon is the sexiest drug lord of the century. 
Which paradise should you and Kim Namjoon escape to?
22 things to know about Kim Namjoon’s life before drugs. 
Kim Namjoon as exoctic birds.
It’s not something you would normally be interested in, but during your morning social media scroll, one article catches your eye. 
Could Kim Namjoon be your soulmate? Click here to see his timer. 
There’s something growing in the pit of your stomach. It really really couldn’t be. The fact that the story broke the same day your timer had 40 years added means nothing... Right?
You check the comments, refusing to give into click bait. 
Kim Min-seo
President Namjoon 2020
Steven Borden
Why do we care about this? He’s a murderer and drug dealer. 
Karen Smith
prayers for the family
Jae Lee
He can murder me any day of the week. 
Julie Ann
Can’t imagine having a half empty bed for 44 years. Thank god I got my mans already.
The feeling in your stomach radiates throughout your body. It can’t be. You give in and click on the article. A picture of Kim Namjoon. A close up of his wrist. It’s not exactly the same as yours, but it was taken two days ago. At 3pm. You do the math in your head. Then you do it again on a piece of paper. Then you plug it into Google, just to be sure. 
It’s him. 
So if any of you ladies or fellas out there have the matching timer, you can find him at the 48th Police Precinct before he’s transferred to a maximum security prison upstate. Click here to stay up to date on all things Kim Namjoon. 
A gif of Namjoon being escorted into the police station plays on a loop at the end of the article. He is beautiful isn’t he? He could be a murderer, a full on drug lord. But as it begins to fully sink in, you know there has to be more to the story. Your soulmate couldn’t really be a killer. 
There was no air conditioning on the bus to the police station. The warmth of late spring is making you sweat. You might think it was just your nerves, but the overwhelming smell of body odor confirms that everyone else is sweating too. 
Looking around the bus at the other passengers, it’s hard to imagine where they might be coming from or where they’re going. Most people are probably doing normal things, shopping, going to work, visiting friends. Is anyone else on their way to face their soulmate?
Some chattering from the front of the bus pulls you out of your head for a moment. Everyone on the bus begins looking out the windows on the opposite side. You crane your neck to try to see what everyone else is looking at. It’s a crowd of people, but that’s about all you can make out. 
“Stop #27: West 12th Street!” The bus driver announces over the intercom. The bus slows to a stop, your stop, right in front of the police station. 
Fiddling with the strap from your bag, you exit the bus slowly. Soon you’re able to get a good look at the crowd. It’s mostly young women, all crowded near the entrance of the police station. They’re holding signs, it must be a protest of some kind. 
As you get closer you can read some of the signs. 
The protest signs seem... inappropriate? Especially considering he was arrested for murder and not his alleged drug lord-ing. 
“Free Namjoon!” Shouts the girl wielding the “President Namjoon 2020” sign. 
“He’s too hot for prison!” The girl next to her screams.
“Ji-woo shut up! You’re invalidating the cause.” You don’t stay to hear Ji-woo’s rebuttal, instead opting to duck inside the police station before they engage you. 
It’s a bustling place. Lots of people in the waiting room. A woman with two small children is ahead of you in line trying to reason with the woman behind the counter. She’s trying to convince her that the $10,000 bond for her husband’s DUI is unreasonable. 
“Ma’am, the judge sets the bail amount. There are bail bonds services down the street. Next!” She motions for you to step up to the counter.
“How can I help you?” She asks, not making eye contact, but instead clacking away at her keyboard.
“I’m here... to see Kim Namjoon?” It comes out as a question, without looking up she responds.
“You can go join the group of your friends waiting outside. No one can see him. Next!” There is a grunt from the man behind you in line when you don’t move immediately. 
“I think...” You start quietly. “I’m his soulmate.” The woman stops typing to look up at you. You reluctantly pull back your sleeve and show her your timer, still ticking away. 
“I see.” She stands and disappears down a hall and out of sight. You fight the urge to look around the room, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone who might have heard you. The forty years on your timer don’t change and you’re not sure what this means. Maybe they still won’t let you see him, soulmate or not. 
After several minutes of awkwardly standing and waiting, she returns with a police officer. 
“Ma’am please come with me.” The officer motions toward a door that leads out of the waiting room and the woman returns to her keyboard. The officer meets you on the other side of the door. It’s quieter than you expected. A bulletin board of wanted flyers stares back at you. 
“He doesn’t want to see you, but he was willing to add you to his phone call list.” Your stomach drops. How could he not want to see you? He’s the one who’s been arrested, it’s you that shouldn’t be willing to see him.
The officer continues down the hall to a small conference room. There are two other people in it, another police officer and a man. The officer guides you in and then leaves. 
“Hi please have a seat and fill out this form.” It’s a fairly simple form. Name, address, phone, relationship to detainee....
“Who are you?” The man next to you asks. He’s looking at you trying to fill out the form. You don’t respond to him at first, because who is he? He looks like any other guy off the street. Well maybe not quite. He’s dressed in basic dark jeans and a graphic t-shirt, but he is very handsome.
“I’ve never seen you before, why are you here to see Namjoon?” He prompts you again. He must know Namjoon. But if he’s friends with Namjoon... Namjoon the potential drug lord and murderer... can he be trusted?
“I’m his soulmate.” The words still feel awkward falling out of your mouth. But you don’t have much choice but to trust him. He’s your only line into the life of Namjoon. The man tenses up, drops his head into his hands. He says nothing, the lights in the room flicker slightly.
After too much awkward silence, you push your completed form toward the officer across the table. He tells you that you may receive calls from the station or prison when Namjoon is able to call, but the only way for you to reach out to him is to send letters to the prison. You thank him for the information and pause, waiting to see if Namjoon’s friend will say anything. He doesn’t, so you get up and leave the room. 
You manage to get out of the police station and through the crowd of weird fan girls before the tears start flowing. What are you supposed to do now? Just wait around and hope he calls? 
“Hey! Hey!” You turn and see the man from the conference room running toward you. You quickly wipe the tears away and straighten your posture. He slows a bit before approaching you cautiously. 
“I’m really sorry. I don’t know... God. I don’t really know what’s going on to be honest. I just know that what they’re saying... what they’ve accused him of. It isn’t true.” Even though he’s a stranger. Even though you have no reason to trust him. You feel relieved. 
“Who are you?” You finally ask him. He smiles a little and stretches out his hand.
“I’m Jung Hoseok.”
Namjoon’s friend, Hoseok, walks with you down the street to a cafe. He buys you a drink and tells you about Namjoon, the English, Government, and Philosophy triple major. The boy set to start law school in the fall. His best friend for years now, the friend who helped him finally find his own soulmate connection. 
And now here you are. Namjoon’s soulmate, sitting across from Hoseok at a coffee shop. 
“So, you clearly don’t think he could have done this,” you mumble across the table, “so what do you think is going on?” Hoseok is quiet for a long moment. He’s looking down at the cup of coffee, stirring mindlessly.
“I think he’s being framed.” The air between you is heavy, the weight of the situation settling onto your shoulders. 
“Namjoon has- had this friend from his childhood,” Hoseok starts again, “he got mixed up into some bad things.”
“Dae-hyun?” You ask before taking another sip of your drink. Hoseok nods.
“I know Namjoon was trying to help him. He asked me to follow Dae-hyun a few times because he wouldn’t have recognized me.” Hoseok shakes his head a bit, as if he’s wiping away some memories.
“You followed him? That was so dangerous, why would you do that?” You question. 
“I owed him one.” A faint smile crosses Hoseok’s lips. 
“Well.... Did you learn anything?” Eager to hear more, eager to figure out how to fix this problem.
“Dae-hyun was dealing something, I’m not sure what. I guess meth, they found Joon in a meth lab didn’t they?” Hoseok takes a drink before continuing. “Dae-hyun was in a relationship with the other guy that was killed, Young-jae. I wasn’t sure, but Namjoon thought they were together. He said Dae-hyun would never do drugs much less sell them, so he assumed Dae-hyun must have been trying to help Young-jae get off drugs, get out of the drug ring.”
“Why did Namjoon do all this, why not go to the police?” You ask, your head beginning to hurt. Trying to connect the dots is taking its toll. 
“If he had reported it to the police they would have busted Dae-hyun and Young-jae.” Hoseok pauses. “I think Namjoon was trying to take down the whole drug ring.”
“By himself?” You laughed to yourself. The stupidity... the guts... your soulmate is something else, isn’t he?
“Namjoon is a genius, but even more than that he’s compassionate and caring. And he must have been close, because they framed him for murder, framed him for running the drug ring himself.” Hoseok was right. The real leader of the drug ring must have felt Namjoon was getting too close to exposing them. 
“Hoseok?” You tilt your head to the side, an idea brewing in your mind. “Do you think Namjoon may have left any evidence or clues for someone to find?”
“What are you thinking?” Hoseok raised his eyebrows. 
It wasn’t difficult for you to convince Hoseok to take you to Namjoon’s apartment. It’s proving to be much more difficult to convince him to cross the crime scene tape. 
“Hoseok this isn’t even where the alleged crime took place!” You shout, tugging your hands, trying to break Hoseok’s grip on you. 
“We have to be careful about this. If we get incriminated too there won’t be anyone left to help Namjoon.” You don’t want to admit it, but he’s right. 
“This is the closest I can be to him Hoseok, please let me go in.” Your shoulders droop and you stop fighting him. He doesn’t let you go though. He’s about to speak, but before he does, both of you hear footsteps running down the hallway. 
A tall man wearing a baby pink sweatshirt is running toward the two of you. Hoseok drops your wrists and puts his hands on his hips with a huff.
“Jin what are you doing here?” Hoseok greets his friend with a hand slap and a bro hug. 
“I don’t know exactly. My fiance sent me here to see if I could find anything helpful. She’s headed to Namjoon’s hometown to be with his family. They were close growing up.”
“Oh yeah... does that mean she was friends with Dae-hyun too?” Hoseok questions.
“Yeah she’s really upset about it.” Jin turns to you finally. “So who are you?” 
“She’s Joon’s soulmate.” Hoseok says before you can answer. 
“Bad timing, huh?” You laugh a bit to stave off the uncomfortable feeling. 
“Yeah, well. I know a thing or two about bad soulmate timing. I’m Seokjin.” You shake his hand. He laughs a bit, not bothering to tell you about his soulmate story. The focus is back on entering Namjoon’s apartment. 
Hoseok stands in front of the door, still wanting to weigh the options. Without hesitation Seokjin begins furiously tickling Hoseok’s underarms. Hoseok doubles over in laughter and then dead weights himself, sending both of them toppling to the ground. While both of them are laughing, you decide to reach for the door. 
The door is unlocked, so you swing it open. You step through the tape, trying not to break it. Silence breaks over the three of you. The boys scurry to their feet and enter the apartment behind you.
“Don’t leave your finger prints on anything.” Hoseok whispers. It takes a moment for it to set it in, but the more you look around the room it’s easier to see. 
Someone has been here. The place has been completely trashed. Drawers are open, couch cushions thrown about, pictures and decorations knocked down and smashed. You reach down and pick up a framed picture of Namjoon and his family. The glass falls out, so you remove the picture and slip it into your pocket. 
Before anyone can say anything, there’s a sound from the back of the apartment where the bedroom must be. It sounds like a drawer slamming and then someone curses. Someone else is in the apartment. 
The hair on the back of your neck stands up and you look back at Hoseok and Seokjin. They’re both frozen. Footsteps are coming from the hallway and a figure comes out of the shadows. Hoseok grabs your arm and pushes you back behind him. 
It’s a man, yet another person you don’t recognize. He’s wearing all black and a leather jacket. Hoseok seems to tense further upon seeing the man’s face. 
“What the hell are you doing here Min-jae?” Hoseok demands. The man stills upon seeing the three of you standing there. He puts his hands up and slowly continues walking toward you. 
“Probably the same thing you are. I just need some answers man.” Min-jae stops about ten feet away and puts his arms down. Hoseok turns to you. 
“Young-jae’s brother.” Hoseok mouths this information to you, trying to hide what he knows.
“I need to know what happened! Why would this guy kill my brother?” Min-jae shouts. He kicks a chair over in the kitchen while tears begin to fall down his face. 
“Listen, we came here to figure something out too.” Hoseok continues, cautiously approaching the man. “Namjoon didn’t do this. He loved Dae-hyun, he was trying to help them. Dae-hyun was on drugs, your brother was probably trying to help too, but just got caught up in the mess.” 
Hoseok was intentionally sharing the wrong information. He must have a reason to not trust Min-jae. Seokjin looks over at you and you shake your head once, so slightly as to not let Min-jae see. 
“Well good luck because I haven’t found anything.” Min-jae let out an exasperated sigh. 
“You’ve never been here before, so maybe we should give it a once over. We’ve all seen this place before.” Hoseok says, again, not the truth. You’ve never been here. You play along with Hoseok’s ruse. 
The four of you search the house for anything that might be helpful. It’s more difficult than you thought because you don’t know what you’re looking for. But you are learning about Namjoon. 
In the kitchen you learned that he seems to eat a lot of take away and instant ramen. In the bathroom you learned that he has a full skin care routine and that he uses cinnamon toothpaste. In the bedroom you learn that he probably misses the hamper when he’s in a hurry, and based on the polaroids taped to the wall, he enjoys traveling. Back in the living room, you learn that Namjoon is an avid reader. You’ve parked yourself in front of his book shelf, scanning each title carefully. 
“He’s always got a book with him.” Seokjin says as he comes out of the kitchen. He reaches past you to grab a book from the shelf. It’s leather-bound and has his name printed across the cover. 
Seokjin opens it and the two of you stand there, silently looking through the notes scrawled throughout the pages. Except, they aren’t notes. They’re song lyrics. 
Your phone begins loudly ringing in your pocket, causing both you and Seokjin to jump. You excuse yourself into the hallway. It’s an unknown number, your heart skips a beat. 
“Hello?” You answer quietly. 
“A detainee at the 48th Police Precinct is attempting to contact you, do you accept?” An automated voice is on the other line. This is it. Namjoon is calling. 
“I’m so sorry.” Kim Namjoon on the other end of the call, it sounds like he’s crying. “I never meant for any of this to happen.”
“Oh I know sweetheart.” You coo into the phone, it feels strangely natural to comfort him.
“Where are you?” He sniffles.
“I’m with Hoseok at your place.” You continue speaking in a hushed tone.
“Okay that’s good. Stay with him until this is over. You can’t trust anyone else.” The words send a chill down your spine, reiterating the seriousness of the situation. 
“Seokjin is here too.” Your voice is trembling now, your hands shaking. 
“Jin is safe.”
“A guy named Min-jae was here when we got here.”
“Son of a bitch.” Hoseok seemed to be suspicious of him and Namjoon’s reaction confirms that he is bad news. “Listen to me. Listen carefully.” Namjoon takes a deep breath.
“I can’t say much, I don’t know who is listening. There is a small flash drive taped to the back of the painting above my couch. Jin will know who to take it to. Get away from Min-jae as soon as you can, don’t let him see the flash drive.”
“Namjoon I-”
“You don’t have to do any of this, you can leave now and I won’t blame you-”
“No!” You almost shout it, probably getting the attention of the boys back inside the apartment. “No, I’m in this now. We’re in this together.” Namjoon takes a deep breath.
“Thank you. Please get yourself out of there.”
“I’ll see you soon, Namjoon.” You say firmly. It’s not an option. You will get him out. 
“See you soon.” He chuckles lightly before hanging up the phone. 
You take a moment, pressing your back against the wall. You try to catch your breath, but instead you cry. The tears silently roll down your face.
Back in the apartment, the three boys seem to be in the back of the apartment continuing their search. You tiptoe toward the couch and reach for the painting. It comes off the wall easily and you set it down silently on the couch cushion. 
It takes a minute to spot it. It is actually very small and painted to be the same color as the back of the painting. You carefully remove it and stick it in your front pocket. You put the painting back up and turn to go find Hoseok and get the hell out. 
Min-jae is there behind you, staring at you. 
“Find anything interesting?”
Thank you for reading! Part Two coming soon! Check out my Not Warriors Soulmate Series Masterlist! 
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Descendants of The Moon
Descendants of the Moon Masterlist
Tag list: @chastja  @multi-fan-trash @serpentityx @syublush @laadychat @whoissheff Dm me if you want to be on the tag list!
Word Count: 5,154
Key: Italics- things that happened in the drama but do not old any importance to the story line
Key: Bold- Dialogue said in the Drama
Getting Caught and Catching A Virus
Episode 10:
Captain Yoo doesn’t respond to Dae Young’s radio calls so they head to where they are, but by then Agus and his men have left. Shi Jin summarized what happened. Fatima is a girl that was going to get sold today and she managed to shoot Agus from behind, Mo Yeon was able to remove the bullet and they left but Captain Yoo doubted this would be the last time they would meet. The soldiers help the children to get into the truck and back to the field hospital to get treated.
Once they’re back, Mo Yeon helps the doctors test and treat the infected children. Doctor Sang and Nurse Ha were treating one kid while Mo Yeon looked at the X-rays. 
“I see signs of pneumonia,” she told Sang Hyun. 
“We’ll take it from here, go wash up,” Sang Hyun told Mo Yeon. she nodded and went to the water basin and started scrubbing her hands. She was so distracted she didn't notice Yoo Ji approaching her.
“Are the children vaccinated?” Yoo Ji asked, her eyes not focusing, but it was subtle. Mo Yeon didn't catch it. Mo Yeon was snapped back to reality when she turned to respond but was taken off guard by the strong smell of alcohol.
“Have you been drinking?” she squinted her eyes at her friend, who in return shrugged.
“A little” Yoo Ji responded, her words slurring together. 
“I won’t even ask where you got the booze but why are you drinking now?” Mo Yeon thought Yoo Ji was doing so well staying sober or at least not abusing her alcohol allowance.
“Gwang Nam is being an ass,” Yoo Ji muttered. 
“He seems pretty nice to me” Mo Yeon scrubbed her hands harder. 
“It's a facade, why do you have blood on your hands?” Yoo Ji slurred, but her gaze didn't falter from Mo Yeon’s hands. Mo Yeon sighed, she didn't know how to explain what happened in the last few hours to her friend.
“I’ll explain later when you’re sober” Mo Yeon chose the easy way out.
“So what happened with First Sergeant Lim?”
“He keeps digging information about the Kim Hoon Jae case” Yoo Ji picked at the loose hem of her shirt.
“He won’t let it go, and I have no idea how to distract him enough that he forgets about it” she huffed.
“You still have the nightmares?” Mo Yeon asked that case affected Yoo Ji the most out of all her work. What she had gone through, changed her so much, sometimes Mo Yeon can barely recognize her friend. Mo Yeon knows the kind of psychological damage that Yoo Ji endured because of her involvement, she recommended multiple psychiatrists to Yoo Ji but she never confirms nor denies whether she actually goes or not. Yoo Ji nodded.
“I think it's good to tell him about it, maybe actually help you feel lighter. Holding it in isn’t going to make anyone feel any better,” Mo Yeon tried to recommend. Mo Yeon wiped her hands on the cloth towel by the sink, Yoo Ji shook her head, her face was red from the alcohol. Mo Yeon’s eyes were drawn to behind Yoo Ji to the moving figure behind them. 
“Doctor Kang! The girl you brought with you says that she’s leaving. What should I do?” Nurse Choi’s concerned voice sounded out, her eyes drawn to the drunk girl beside Mo Yeon.
“Are you drunk?” she asked Yoo Ji with surprise, Yoo Ji smiled cheekily and gave her a smile.
“Shhh, don’t tell anybody” she hushed Nurse Choi. 
“Take her back to her room and I’ll handle the kid,” Mo Yeon told Min Ji and nodded at Yoo Ji who was dozing off. Min Ji nodded and guided Yoo Ji away from the Medi-Cube. 
“I can walk” Yoo Ji shrugged Min Ji’s hand. Halfway through they ran into a few soldiers. Min Ji bowed and excused themselves before Yoo Ji made a fool of herself. Gwang Nam was one of the soldiers they passed. He paused and looked back.
“Yoo Ji?” he asked with uncertainty. Yoo Ji looked drunk, her cheeks red, and her eyes were unfocused 
“That’s my name, don’t wear it out” she responded with a goofy chuckle. 
Gwang Nam told the soldiers to go ahead and he’ll see them inside. He came closer to the two girls. 
“Please don’t tell anyone, if someone knows she might get fired.” Min Ji excused.
“It’s ok, I’ll take her back, you can go back to the Medi-Cube” Gwang Nam smiled at the nurse who nodded and left.
“Aw, everyone is leaving me tonight” Yoo Ji huffed and pouted. 
“I haven’t, but you’re pushing me away” Gwang Nam took her shoulders and steadied her as she started swaying.
“And you’re driving me crazy” she responded. Gwang Nam looked at her hard, it was throwing him off how she can be so drunk that she can’t walk properly but can hold a conversation just fine.
“Why won’t you tell me anything about yourself or your work?” Gwang Nam tried again.
“Because it’s not as exciting as I want you to think” Yoo Ji pointed her finger at his nose, her eyes glistening and unfocused. 
“Besides, it’s not like you’re telling me anything either” Yoo Ji slurred. 
“This is a different situation” Gwang Nam refuted, “you’re a reporter, isn’t everything out for the public?” he continued.
“Indeed, but not my personal psychological problems, I’d like to keep those private” Yoo Ji responded rolling her eyes.
“Just what are you hiding?” Gwang Nam’s curiosity filled him but he couldn’t get more out of Yoo Ji because right after her head hit his shoulder and her soft breathing evened out. 
Gwang Nam sighed again, she’s proving to be more work as they get to know each other more. He looked at her face that seemed so peaceful. He wondered if something happened that made her so wary of everyone around her. He reached the bunker and laid her down. He covered her and left her to sleep for the rest of the night. He glanced at the empty whiskey bottle by her bed and put it in the trash, just in case someone decided to look for Yoo Ji in her room.
Gwang Nam made his way to the Medi Cube, at this point he’ll miss the meeting but he’ll talk with Captain Yoo about it later. Gwang Nam was going to find out what happened with Kim Hoon Jae that Yoo Ji is being more resistant to giving information. Well, more than she already is but he knows sometimes she does that to annoy him and remind him that he’s also withholding information about his job too.
He found both First Lieutenant Yoon and Doctor Kang stocking up the cabinets in the Medi-Cube. They were talking about Myung Ju’s trip to the village to treat the remaining kids. It looked like Mo Yeon was ready to leave but halted when she saw Gwang Nam coming to them.
“Power of unity” Gwang Nam saluted Myung Ju and she nodded at him. 
“Did you need something?” Doctor Kang asked.
“Uh yes, I was curious about something” Gwang Nam started, turning to Mo Yeon. Mo Yeon raised an eyebrow, she knew he was with Yoo Ji and was bugging her about the Kim Hoon Jae case. She stared at his face and tried to see if he had any ill intentions, she knows Yoo Ji won’t ever tell him about what happened when she was on that case, but that doesn’t mean Mo Yeon won’t tell him the basics. He needs to stop bringing it up and just accept it.
“Yoo Ji was involved in the serial killer case of Kim Hoon Jae, she won’t let me ask about it” he continued looking uncomfortable, “I wanted to know if it had affected her in any way”.
“Mun Yoo Ji was involved in that case?” Myung Ju’s surprised tone told Mo Yeon that she didn't know any of this either.
“It was a very complicated case, he was on the loose and had killed so many girls and the detectives had no idea how to find him, his killings were irregular, he didn't have a pattern or a connection to his victims” Mo Yeon started leaning against the shelf lightly. 
“But he was found because of his medical records, right? I heard about it on the news, it was very impressive” Myung Ju commented. 
“It was Yoo Ji that was able to tip the police of his location, she looked up his medical records and his file from the police department, she was able to find the exact bar he hung out at because he had Hodgkin's lymphoma-” Mo Yeon was cut off by Gwang Nam.
“And the bar he hung out at was the only one in the area that had two separate bars with virgin drinks, yeah, I know that part but was she ever involved in the arrest or came in contact with him?” Gwang Nam asked but Mo Yeon knew that he would come to realize that Yoo Ji is psychologically hurt from that case.
“I only know some of what happened, not everything but yes, she was involved in the arrest,” she answered.
“Wait, didn't Kim Hoon Jae break out of prison and kidnap someone” Myung Ju’s eyes widened as she started putting the pieces together. 
“Yoo Ji’s connection to the major media channels was able to leave her name out of the news, but yeah, she was the one that was kidnapped by him. He had her for two weeks, he psychologically and physically abused her,” Mo Yeon told them. Gwang Nam held his breath, he didn't know it was this serious.
“Her need for information is just something that helps ease her anxiety, because when she was with him, he seemed to know everything about her life, like he was there when it happened, and that broke her. Yoo Ji is not the kind to feel helpless often and this one really did a number” Mo Yeon informed them of the severity. Myung Ju and Gwang Nam made eye contact. With Gwang Nam’s line of work, he may never be able to tell her the entire truth. 
“But this need for information is destroying her from the inside out, it’s not healthy and she often has insomnia because her brain is going haywire with so much information, and the nightmares,” Mo Yeon told them. 
“I feel like a jerk now because of what I said” Myung Ju sighed. 
“You can’t take it back, Yoo Ji will know that I told you and will get pissed off” Mo Yeon informed her.
“She doesn’t want people to know because if they do they might change how they act around her, she doesn’t want to be tiptoed around or get any pity” Mo Yeon explained Yoo Ji’s thought process.
“She’ll know I told you tonight, and she’ll be pissed off. Don’t let it put you off though, it’s her way of testing you” Mo Yeon told Gwang Nam, she picked up her stuff and bid them good night. Gwang Nam sighed and leaned against the wall. Just as he thought things were getting easier.
“Regretting asking about it?” Myung Ju asked him.
“No, but I thought she was messing with me, I didn't think it was something this serious” his tired and defeated voice responded. 
“You should’ve known from the moment she kicked the crap out of the thugs at the hospital; she’s not normal, none of us are” Myung Ju finished off, and smiled at him sympathetically, she told him good night and left him alone.
-The Next Morning-
Dae Young and Myung Ju went to the village but they found it completely deserted, so they came back, Mo Yeon and Shi Jin were having a moment *the hair tying* and then the packages from Korea came. At this point in their morning/afternoon, Yoo Ji woke up with a hangover and drank coffee, and moved on with her day, a hangover was not stopping her from doing her usual routine. 
She heard the packages had arrived so she went to see if she got anything, she noticed a box with lots of hearts and the names of the Captain and his Deputy leader on it and knew that they were in deep shit. So she hung out near the corner of the room to watch the show.
“Sergeant First Class Seo, there's a package from someone named Shin Ji Young.” Mo Yeon radioed Dae Young, which made Yoo Ji choke on her laugh, Myung Ju should be coming any minute now.
“Where are you now?” his voice was serious yet panicked.
“In the kitchen” Mo Yeon responded. Almost five seconds later, Myung Ju came bursting through the door and grabbed the box from Mo Yeon’s hands.
“Oh! That surprised me.” Mo Yeon squeaked
 “I'm going to have to inspect this real quick.” Myung Ju glared at the box. Myung Ju read the messages written on the box, each sentence growing angrier.
“Does Dae Young have a younger sister?” Mo Yeon asked curiously.
“Dae Young is an only child!”
“That shouldn’t be my fault” Mo Yeon defended. Myung Ju huffed and ripped open the package and got out the envelope, it seemed like there was a picture in there because Mo Yeon got closer to Myung Ju to get a closer look and squinted her eyes.
“Omo, why is Shi Jin here?” Yoo Ji silently laughed, looking at those two jealous fools. 
“The day we met Shi Jin Oppa. We send our memories to you.” Mo Yeon read out loud.
“First Lieutenant Yoon, bring your gun.” Mo Yeon looked murderous, it made Yoo Ji crinkle her eyes more, just to stop herself from making any noise.
“It’s a misunderstanding” Shi Jin and Dae young came barreling in, probably ran all the way here from where they were.
Yoo Ji watched as they tried to explain the package but failed miserably and were digging themselves into bigger holes. Mo Yeon told Shi Jin to follow her leaving Myung Ju and Dae Young alone. As they left Yoo Ji noticed three people behind the wall and she went over and found Woo Geun, Cheol Ho, and Gwang Nam.
“What are you doing?” she murmured, hiding with them
“I was right. It was obvious it was a blind date.” Gwang Nam broke his stare off with Yoo Ji, well it wasn’t really a stare-off, she avoided his gaze.
“You’re talking about the first birthday party of Bravo Team's Sergeant Park's son? They both disappeared right after they gave their presents” Cheol Ho confirmed.
Woo Geun sighed in annoyance and brought out money to pay the bet that he had with Gwang Nam, Yoo Ji smirked, it seemed like Woo Geun was horrible at making winning bets.
“They said that a high school classmate's father had passed away.” Woo Geun scoffed
“It doesn't even make sense that the two of them would have the same classmate.” Gwang Nam told him, they didn't go to school together. Yoo Ji chuckled
“They couldn't even get their story straight with us either.” Cheol Ho smiled. 
“A room full of special forces agents and none of them can lie correctly” Yoo Ji mused, shaking her head. Yoo Ji turned and left them.
“Nurse Choi called Mo Yeon because of an Emergency in the Medi-cube, Yoo Ji made her way there, Sang Hyun and Nurse Ha followed her. Mo Yeon arrived before them.
“The narcotics are gone,” Nurse Choi Min Ji said.
“Who would’ve taken them?” Sang Hyun pondered.
“All the patients are here and nothing else is missing” Nurse Ha stated.
“Not everyone, someone has been missing” Mo Yeon sighed, getting out her radio.
“Has anyone seen Fatima lately?” 
“Come on we need to find Shi Jin” Yoo Ji informed Mo Yeon.
Once they found him, they made their way into town, the bar valentine ran might have information.
“How have you been?” Shi Jin greeted Val, Yoo Ji nodded in acknowledgment at the girl.
“You need something,” Val stated, getting straight to the point.
“Information. A red dress, a 15-year-old girl. She's stealing narcotics.” Shi Jin gave her the basic info. Val shook her head, already refusing his request.
“I keep telling you, we sell everything here except women and information” she reiterated.
“Val please, this is urgent and serious.” Yoo Ji pleaded for her to hear them out.
“You don’t have to, but there must be someone else who could” Shi Jin interrupted.
“Please, she’s only 15 years old,” Shi Jin asked again. Val cleared her throat and looked away, she sighed and rang someone up on her phone.
“Where is the black market for narcotics?”
As soon as they got the location, Yoo Ji paid Val the amount she wanted and they were set on their way. 
“How do we find it?” Mo Yeon asked once they reached the place, there were a bunch of buildings that looked run down and were on the verge of collapsing. They didn't wait long until they heard a girl scream. They ran over to the sound.
“Son of a bitch! were you lying to me this whole time?” Fatima asked angrily.
“No, Fatima you trusted me too much, now follow me before I beat you harder,” the boy said as he held Fatima by her hair.
“Stop! Don’t touch her” Yoo Ji shouted at the boy. 
“Is he a soldier?”  one of the boys asked, Yoo Ji sighed.
“Your uniform is always bringing us trouble” she Sighed as she looked at the boys pulling out their weapons.
“Don’t worry, we have more weapons than him,” the leader, Yoo Ji assumed, said.
“I hope you weren’t looking for us” he continued with a smirk on his face as all three of them put their hands up in surrender.
“More guns? Why are there guns every day? What kind of country is this?” Mo Yeon whined as she felt fear penetrate her, Yoo Ji chuckled.
“It's because you both ran in with no plan,” Shi Jin told her.
“If we came later, she might’ve been hurt more” Mo Yeon refuted. Yoo Ji is still making eye contact with the leader.
“Yes, good job because Fatima will be fine while we get shot at” Shi Jin’s sarcastic voice was lowered but Yoo Ji still heard him. 
“What are they saying?” one of the goons, asked.
“Who cares? Put your gun down if you don't want to die” the leader told the captain.
“What the hell are we going to do now?” Mo Yeon asked.
“Well, it isn't like there isn't a way” Shi Jin said as he evaluated the situation.
“Seven guns. Mun Yoo Ji takes the right side. I'll take the left side.” he joked, Yoo Ji nodded.
“Don't be scared,” he whispered to Mo Yeon. 
“I hope you were serious” Yoo Ji gritted her teeth readying herself to fight with speed she never used to beat the boys with machines that can kill her in twenty seconds.
“Let’s see if you're really made of what you say you are,” Shi Jin said to Yoo Ji with a chuckle.
“Okay, let’s make a deal” Shi Jin moved forward, with his hands still raised in surrender.
“I’ll drop my weapon and you let the girls go”
“What do you mean, you’re gonna drop your weapon and the girls get on their knees now” the boy refuted shaking his gun around. Yoo Ji noticed his loose grip, either from carelessness or from inexperience. Probably only shot it once or twice before today. She surveyed the other boys and found them to be pretty much the same.
“Huh, I thought I could fool him” he paused, “okay, no more jokes when I say now, you run back to the car and wait by the door,” he instructed Mo Yeon. 
“Five minutes should do it,” he evaluated once again.
“You’re overestimating my ability to move fast enough to avoid the guns Captain Yoo, make that 10” Yoo Ji added.
“If five minutes pass and we’re not out, just leave no matter what.” he continued, ignoring Yoo Ji’s comment.
“Oh god, Gwang Nam is going to kill me” Shi Jin glanced at Yoo Ji. 
“I’ll try to spare you by not getting injured,” Yoo Ji told him.
“What is that bastard saying? Shut up and drop your weapon” the leader said moving towards them and putting his hand to stabilize the gun in his other.
“Okay, okay” Shi Jin muttered. 
“I’ll drop it, do you like this spot?” Shi Jin asked with a small smile on his lips.
“I can’t use this gun anyway” Shi Jin continued, the boys can’t understand him still because he was speaking Korean but Yoo Ji understood. He’d had to write a lot of reports.
Yoo Ji realized that he was going to take the leader’s gun and use that instead, so she quickly picked a target and zeroed in on his actions. 
Shi Jin waited until the boy was lowered enough and slid his gun backward and jammed the boy’s hand upwards so he couldn't shoot him. 
“Now!” Mo Yeon sprung in action and so did Fatima. Yoo Ji quickly grabbed the boy’s hand towards one of the other boys so that he wouldn't shoot, and then kicked him in his stomach so he would double over. She quickly was able to get his gun.
“You think I’ll get arrested if I use the gun” Yoo Ji wondered out loud to Shi Jin.
“Yes!” he yelled back. She huffed and threw the gun far away from their reach. Shi Jin was able to grab another boy’s gun and twisted his elbow so he had no control of his hand and shot in the clutter of boys’ direction but didn’t hit anyone specific mostly to scare them and to make them back off. 
Yoo Ji yelped as she heard the gun go off and quickly punch another boy coming at her. She disabled another gun as another smaller boy came at her, the gun in her hand went slamming down on his shoes. He yelled in pain and she looked away and saw Shi Jin do the same.
“Aw man, now you're just stealing my moves,” she called out to him, but she was running out of breath, she breathed hard as a blond boy circled around her, his hands on his gun shaking. 
“Do you even know how to shoot that?” Yoo Ji asked him in English, taunting him. He clicked his safety off but didn't get a chance to press the trigger before Yoo Ji hit his knee cap to the side, breaking it. He fell to his knees and she kneed his nose, he dropped the gun and she kicked it toward the other pile of guns.
She held her breath, noticing a boy sneaking towards the direction Fatima ran to take cover in, her call of warning died in her throat as Shi Jin started shooting towards the boys’ shoes making his fall and stay down. She didn't think he was shot, just knocked out. He started walking backward towards Fatima, who didn't run with Mo Yeon to the car as Yoo Ji assumed. Yoo Ji breathed hard.
“Well this was a work out” she tried to slow down her breathing. She started making her way to them when she saw the boys getting up and starting to shoot again, she rolled her eyes and snuck up behind one of them and elbowed the back of his head, knocking him out. 
“Why don't you guys stay down” she growled. They pointed their guns between her, Shi Jin, and Fatima.
“Shouldn’t Mo Yeon do something to help us?” Yoo Ji shouted at the Captain.
“I told her to leave if we don’t come out” he yelled back as he ran out of bullets and took cover behind the old truck. He tried to reach for another gun but couldn't get it in time. 
“Now what?” Yoo Ji yelled as she kicked another boy away from her and grabbed his gun and pointed at him. Her question went unanswered as she heard a car come screeching towards them, she managed to roll out of the way. She glanced at the car to see it was the military car that they came in and Mo Yeon was driving it now. 
She suddenly backtracked the car almost crushing Shi Jin’s hand,
“Hurry, get in!” she told Shi Jin. Yoo Ji who was on the other side of the car from Shi Jin opened the door and jumped inside the front passenger seat while Shi Jin and Fatima got in the back. As they made their way back, Mo Yeon was grinning.
“Wow, awesome! This is totally exciting!” she said laughing. Yoo Ji looked back towards Shi Jin who looked at her disbelief. Yoo Ji and Shi Jin were heaving, trying to catch their breath from fighting a whole gang.
“I'm still excited! Did you become a soldier for this?” Mo Yeon asked the Captain.
“I fought off the enemy!” she yelled in glee. 
“You mean you ran over the enemy, we fought off the enemy” Yoo Ji responded with amusement in her voice.
“You almost ran me over too!” Shi Jin told her.
“I knew you would avoid it, it was all calculated” Mo Yeon replied with a grin on her face.
“With calculations like that, how did you make it through medical school?” he grunted in the back. Yoo Ji chuckled.
“She could save people but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t put them in hospitals” Yoo Ji replied jokingly, which Mo Yeon fake glared at her. The car started slowing down and came to a stop.
“What’s wrong with this car?” Mo Yeon asked in confusion.
“Why don’t you know? You beat it up too much, this woman now wrecked three cars” he said Yoo Ji laughed as she got out of the car.
“I'll try to get in contact with anyone nearby.” Shi Jin pulled out his walkie talkie.
“Big Boss transmitting. The location is roughly 15 km from the city towards the barracks. The car is down. If there is any soldier within the radius, contact me.” Captain Yoo said. A second later Dae Young’s voice responded.
“Wolf transmitting. Currently on landmine operation in the direction of Phantom Village.”
“What’s the matter? Why do you always get stuck on roads?” Dae Young’s voice cut through with a bit of an edge.
“No kidding” Shi Jin responded while looking at the car engine.
“I’ll send Sergeant Gong” Dae Young sighed. 
“They’re sending Cheol Ho to pick us up,” Shi Jin told the girls. Mo Yeon took Fatima a little farther to scold her while Yoo Ji stayed near the car
They were finally able to make it back to the base and Mo Yeon went to take a shower and Yoo Ji decided that she should do the same, her muscles will start to ache from her vigorous workout. As soon as Yoo Ji got out of the shower the lights went out. She sighed and felt her way back to her room.
-The Next Morning-
The Alpha team got the news that manager Jin got arrested for identity fraud by the Mohoru Police and then one of the patients told Shi Jin and Dae young that manager Jin has a fistful of diamonds. Shi Jin concluded that he was probably on the run from someone. 
*The Alpha team gets all suited up in all black and goes to save the manager but it's a black op so it’s not officially said that they rescued the man. While they are there Shi Jin faces off with Agus one more time. As he is the one that’s been haunting manager Jin down for the diamonds.* 
They came back with the man and he was put into the Medi-Cube. Shi Jin was interrogating him. When Manager Jin started coughing and calling for a doctor. It turns out he has internal bleeding from the diamonds. 
Yoo Ji sighed as she shook her head trying to shake away the dizziness. Damn it's happening more often now. She felt light-headed and couldn't focus. Gwang Nam came running towards her, he looked so shaken up.
“Doctor Kang and First Lieutenant Yoon” he stated but paused. 
“They’re in OR, what’s wrong?” Yoo Ji said, confused.
“Manager Jin has the M virus” Gwang Nam spilled out finally. Yoo Ji’s chair fell as she suddenly stood up.
“What?!” her voice rang through the room. 
“They are in isolation in the OR” Gwang Nam informed her. Yoo Ji’s dizziness was forgotten as she booked it towards the Medi-Cube, Gwang Nam following her. 
Once she arrived, she found Shi Jin and Dae Young glued to the doors separating the girls from the rest of them. She pushed through the doctors and stood in between the men.
“The U.S. base has a laboratory but I am not sure they will cooperate,” Myung Ju said.
“I'll take care of that,” Shi Jin said as he opened his phone.
“I'll go prepare the transportation,” Dae Young said as he ran out. 
“What’s going on?” Yoo Ji’s voice was strong but her eyes wavered, looking at both her friends.
“Manager Jin seems to have the M Virus, we both got contaminated by blood” Myung Ju responded. 
“We’ll be ok,” Mo Yoeon assured Yoo Ji. 
Yoo Ji started swaying slightly, the rush of adrenaline had left her body and all she felt now was exhaustion, days of not sleeping, and not getting any rest was taking its toll on her. Her swaying got more noticeable and Mo Yeon gasp alerted everyone that's wasn’t aware, as Yoo Ji almost hit the floor. Gwang Nam swooped in and supported Yoo Ji holding onto her waist. Shi Jin looked at Yoo Ji with complete shock. 
“What is wrong with her?” Gwang Nam asked.
“She needs an IV and dextrose solution, she needs rest” Mo Yeon instructed one of the nurses. This wasn’t the first time this happened, but it put everyone on edge, the circumstances were horrible.
“Overexertion and insomnia, she’ll be fine.” Mo Yeon explained, “we’ll be fine” Myung Ju looked at Mo Yeon with concern for Yoo Ji while she was also anxious about their own situation. Gwang Nam settled Yoo Ji on one of the beds.
Captain Yoo and Deputy Leader Seo came back, Gwang Nam saw both of them march to the OR. Gwang Nam peaked at the situation, Dae Young hugged Myung Ju tightly and wouldn’t let go. Gwang Nam figured that she’s probably the one that got it. He looked back at Yoo Ji, she was sleeping peacefully, but once she wakes up, he’ll have to tell her.
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dejayoonw · 5 years
part 32 | loser baby playlist drabble: ghost town taglist: @xxxanimangxxx @hannahdinse8 @scarredbytheworld @strapsforyoonie @sunrisemcp @chogiyeol-utopia
“time was thrown at the wind and all of my friends have been disaffected. now, i'm searching for trust in a city of rust a city of vampires. tonight elivs is dead and everyone's spread and love is a satire.”
- yn had tried to preoccupy herself with other things to avoid going to the graduation. she knew it would hurt too much to watch seokjin walk the stage knowing they weren't friends, but she'd underestimated the guilt she'd feel for not going. that's how she found herself panting in the doorway just in time to see him walk. she slipped out before the graduation ended but jin hadn't missed her entrance, he knew all hope wasn't lost for their friend.
that's why when jin saw yn waiting for the train, heidi in her arms, he wasted no time making his way over to her. unfortunately he wasn't the only one who had something to say to the girl who really only wanted to be left alone, before jin had the chance to speak jaesun was shoving yn's shoulder back, catching the attention of some of the students there to catch the train.
"Excited to go home and spend some quality time with all your loyal friends and family?" jae teased making his friends laugh like what he'd said was actually funny. jin rolled his eyes at how ammusing jaesun found himself to be.
"Just leave her alone Jae. You've graduated, what's the point in messing with her anymore?" jin's voice caught yn off guard, she hadn't noticed his presence yet and now that she had her heart was beating a lot quicker like it always did when she'd get near any of her friends since that day in the library.
"Damn Jinnie, it looks like she hates you more than she does me." jae teased looking between the two former friends curiously. he'd wondered what exactly happened between yn and her little group of friends but he'd never admit it. he knew it must have something to do with her finding out about her parents but the details of the situation he was clueless on.
"I don't care enough about you to waste my energy on hating you." yn said calmly to her bully, her words making jin's heart leap at the implication that she at least did still care about him. over the last few weeks yn had been alone for the most part besides her cat which gave her plenty of time to think and study and then think some more. she had decided that it was pretty likely that yoongi had been telling the truth when he said he didn't know, she believed jin regretted what he did, she believed jeongguk thought he was protecting her. the only thing she wasn't so sure of was whether she could forgive the later two or not, she didn't know if she could ever trust them again. looking at jin right now made it clear that she wouldn't know anything for sure until she spoke to her aunts. she needed the full story from someone who was actually there.
"I wanted to fuck with you one last time but this sad, lonely energy you've got is just bumming me out, it's not as fun when you're already miserable." yn wondered if jae ever actually heard the things that came out of his mouth. he had to be one of the stupidest guys she'd ever met. watching him walk off she never realized she'd miss his presence until she found herself standing alone with jin, hardly able to look him in the eyes.
"I know that I'm the last person you want to see, I just wanted tell you how sorry I am for everything,"
"You already did, Jin. Apologies mean nothing when you can't back it up." yn said bitterly. she had avoided speaking to anyone for this reason alone, she knew she'd lash out. but maybe this is what she needed.
"I know, I wish there was some way for me to make it up to you. I see you alone everyday and it breaks my heart because I know that if I had just told you from the moment you got here it could've been avoided." jin knew he was getting repetitive, it was hard not to. all these things he'd only been able to say over text and they just didn't feel as meaningful as saying it in person. "I know it's not my place but I do think you should talk to someone, like Jimin or Tae shit even Hoseok. They miss you so much and I just think everyone needs someone to talk to when shit gets rough."
"Look, I know you didn't mean for things to turn out the way they did, I appreciate the apology. Just, please don't tell me how to deal with my pain. I miss my friends like crazy but I physically can't talk to anyone right now without blowing up so until I learn to deal with my emotions better it's just in everyone's best interest if I stick to myself." jin hadn't even thought about it that way. he wondered how hard it must be to have that much power and not know how to control it sometimes.
"You're right, I'm sorry I overstepped." jin glanced back, hearing the train coming up in the distance. "I just, I wanted to say that I'm glad I met you. My parents always told me stories growing up about their friendship with yours and Jeongguk's parents. I never really had friends growing up so I think I always fantasized about meeting the two of you and us becoming friends like them. I'm sorry I ruined it. I'm sorry I ended up hurting you."
yn felt a little uneasy being back in her hometown. if she was honest, this place had only ever felt like home because of the jeon's, now she just felt empty. she wondered if jeongguk was home right now or if they'd all gone somewhere after they picked him up from the station. she missed that, having a family that seemed to care, but then she reminded herself that they'd lied to her her entire life. yn needed answers and she knew the only people she could get them from were her aunts, so as much as she wanted to avoid them all month she knew she couldn't.
"I'm home." yn called as she walked through the door heidi jumping out of her arms almost immediately to run to her room. "At least someone's happy to be here."
"I thought that was you, Dae, Yn's home!" the younger, and nicer of the two aunts words were jumbled as she pulled yn into a hug. "Just leave your bags here for now darling, I want to hear everything! First year is so exciting!"
"Let the girl breathe Jooyeon, we both know she's had quite the year." yn had to refrain from rolling her eyes at the dull sound of her aunt Daeyeon's voice. of the two she was the one yn had always butted heads with, yn could tell from a young age that her eldest aunt resented her.
"We agreed we were going to wait to talk about that." jooyeon said eyeing her sister, clearly not pleased with how cold she was already being towards their niece.
"Why dwell on pointless details? Let's just get straight to it. The girl clearly has questions that she'd like to ask us anyways. I'm sure the last thing she wants to do is talk about all the sex and partying she did." yn had to stop herself from gawking at her aunts accusations. daeyeon had always seen yn as this rowdy kid, always breaking rules and doing things worth judging, yn had a feeling it had something to do with her father.
"We can talk about all the wild nights spent studying and drinking coffee after nine pm when it's just the two of us Aunt Joo, I'd rather not make Aunt Daeyeon’s vein in her neck burst hearing about how scandalous the school uniforms have gotten." jooyeon tried her best not to laugh at the way yn tortured daeyeon, ever since they were kids she'd never met anyone that was able to effectively stand up to her older sister the way yn could. it made her love the young girl that much more seeing how angry she made daeyeon. the two sisters had never gotten along very well, jooyeon often being the victim to daeyeon's bullying as they grew up, but for yn's sake jooyeon pushed those feelings aside and moved in with the evil witch. she swore it was her punishment for all those prayers asking to make daeyeon's eighteenth birthday come sooner so jooyeon would finally be left alone with her favorite sister, yn's mom, siyeon.
"I suppose it can wait then." jooyeon smiled over at yn for a moment in hopes of calming her down. she could tell how nervous her niece was, she hated that they'd kept everything from her for so long. if it had been up to her she'd have told her the moment yn could understand. "We heard what happened in the school's library and Jeongguk's parents told us that he and Kim Seokjin told you what had happened to your mom and dad. We never wanted you to find out that way, I'm sorry that I didn't push to tell you sooner. If there's anything you're still confused about we'll answer any questions you have, I know that won't make up for it but I hope you'll be able to forgiving us for keeping it from you one day. I can only speak for myself but I never wanted you to be hurt this way."
"I had a lot of time to be angry and god, I was so angry, but I don't think anyone ever intended to hurt me. But I still feel like I can’t trust anyone. I feel like I've lost so many people because of this. I don't talk to Jeongguk because he was supposed to be my best friend, he knew everything and he chose not to tell me, he knew how much not knowing effected me and he kept it from me. I don't talk to Jin because of the part he played in all of it, I thought he was Jeongguk's voice of reason but I was wrong. I don't talk to the rest of my friends because I'm so scared I'm going to lose control again, I don't want to lash out at any of them because none of this is their fault. I broke up with Yoongi, I loved him, I still do, but he was Min Hayoon's nephew. Jeongguk said he knew all along but in all honesty I don't think he did, he said he didn't and I believe him. I just don't know what to do anymore, I miss my friends, I miss Yoongi, but I don't think I'm ready to let Jeongguk and Seokjin back in yet." it felt like a weight was being lifted off her shoulders the more yn let out. she never knew how good it could feel to actually talk about what was going on in her head.
"You're Siyeon," daeyeon's trembling voice caught both yn and jooyeon's attention. daeyeon had always seen yn's father in her niece. it was undeniable, that she was certainly kangmin’s child the moment you laid eyes on her. because of how yn resembled the man daeyeon blamed for her sisters death, she'd never given yn much of a chance. now hearing the way she spoke, watching her eyes well up with tears but never letting one slip out, daeyeon could see her sister in yn, and that broke her heart. "you're just like her. How have I never noticed before?"
"You've been too busy hating me because I look like him to notice. I'm not one or the other Aunt Dae, I'm me." yn said. it was the harsh truth, and maybe she shouldn't have been so blunt but it was everything she'd always wanted to say & had never been bold enough to.
"She might have Kangmin's looks and mischievous tendencies, but she’s got Siyeon's smile and bravery. I've been telling you for years." jooyeon said with sympathy in her eyes. she could see how much her sister was regretting all the years she'd rejected their niece.
"I'm so sorry for never noticing Yn, I've treated you so cruelly. I should've never let it get this way, I was supposed to be the adult here but I let my emotions get the best of me. I can't excuse it but maybe I can explain? You deserve to know the full story of how your parents died after all." yn had wished for this day to come for as long as she could remember, now that it was finally here she wondered if she'd be able to handle it. nodding for her aunt to continue yn braced herself, hoping it wouldn't be too much.
"At the time things were dark in the coven, the crime rate was higher than ever, witches had discovered that feeding on other witches would bring them more power. As you saw in the report that was how Min Hayoon got herself locked up. But to understand who she is we'd have to go back to before your parents graduated, she was in the same year as your parents, same faction as your father. They were friends at the time, when he was put into Astus he felt isolated from your mother and their friends, who you now know to be Jeongguk and Kim Seokjin's parents, who were all put into Fortis. When he met Hayoon he was already dating your mother in secret no one but that group knew about the relationship though I had my suspicions, I'll admit I was not fully on board with it but I always thought the stigma behind factions mixing was messed up.
Anyways, somewhere along the way Hayoon developed a crush on your dad, when she confessed he felt like he owed her an explanation as to why he didn't return her feelings and explained that he was in love with your mother. Hayoon was so jealous and disgusted that he was dating someone out of their faction that she exposed their relationship. The majority of the coven hated them for it but they were so powerful and two of the most popular witches of our generation that most turned a blind eye to it, which sent Hayoon off the deep end. She got power hungry, we think she hoped it would give her a chance with your dad since even at the end, when she’d been married and had a child, she still clearly loved your father. While she was in prison word got out that your parents had you. We dealt with backlash from the coven, even your grandparents cut ties with your parents, there were witches that attempted to kidnap you, some looking to kill some wanting to have a powerful daughter for themselves. After the second witch to come after you your mother and father called us to help them with keeping you safe, so the Jeon's, the Kim's, Jooyeon and myself all came together to help. You know Jeongguk's mother was expecting at the time so she suggested linking you to her unborn child, making it so that as long as Jeongguk was alive you would be too.
When word got out that Hayoon had escaped we hadn't expected her to come for you but she did. Your parents were living with us at the time so they weren't alone, but we were still outnumbered in power at the time. Hayoon had fed on so many witches before coming here and she wanted you as well. Jooyeon and I, to help your parents we gave them our powers, witches can willingly transfer their powers into any object temporarily or permanently, it was just supposed to be until they finally defeated Hayoon but when she killed them, our powers died with them. I've never regretted my decision.
For so long I resented your father because I felt like it was his fault Siyeon was in that mess in the first place. I realize that I can't blame him though, It was Siyeon's choice to marry him and have a child with him, she did it because she loved him and regardless of the outcome I think she'd always choose him because if I'm really honest with myself there wasn't another man or woman alive that would ever understand her the way he did. He died protecting the two of you, Hayoon gave him a choice to hand you over and run away with her or die and he chose to fight. You know how it ends, Hayoon was too strong for them but you, between the power you possessed just by being their child and the spell connecting you to Jeongguk, you managed to make it out alive.
Once the regent of our coven placed the law that no one was to ever speak of what happened we agreed, along with the Jeon's and the Kim's that we wouldn't tell our children what happened that day in fear of the three of you getting imprisoned for speaking of it, though it seems the Kim's changed their minds. We should've just told you, you deserved to know but at the time I thought it was the right thing to do, that and I couldn't bare to speak of that night. Regardless I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did, I'm sorry you've lost your friends and your boyfriend in all of this. I think Min Yoongi is one you can trust though, if he's anything like that father of his I wouldn't doubt he had anything but good intentions."
yn wasn't sure if she'd ever forgive jeongguk and jin, but she knew she needed to get the rest of her friends back. she couldn't continue to let her power control her. she couldn't survive in a world so cruel without friends to get her through it, she'd just have to try to control the dark parts of herself. and for the first time in her life she really felt like she stood a chance.
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liftedblise · 5 years
Kdramas to watch when Extraordinary You ends
Itazura Na Kiss-
Kotoko Aihara (Honoka Miki) isn't very intelligent and lacks ability in school. She is in class F, the least intelligent class in her grade. Despite this, she has been in love with the school's most handsome and most intelligent guy, Naoki Irie (Yuki Furukawa), ever since she saw him give a speech at the high school entrance ceremony.
In her third year of high school, she writes him a love letter but is rejected instantly. She is crushed to see her letter was not even looked at and decides to give up on the jerk who rejected her without even reading it. On the same day, Kotoko's house is hit by a shooting star and collapses. As it is being rebuilt, her dad gets a phone call from his longtime friend and is invited to stay with them. When she arrives, she is in shock to see that this is the house of Naoki Irie and his family. Although he shows a cold attitude, she realizes she can't help but love him. What will happen when fate takes over, and Kotoko's chance of winning Naoki's heart falls in her hands?
Personal Review: 12/10
If you secretly wanted Dan Oh to end up with Kyung, you will definitely love to see how our herione melts the icy exterior of the male lead
My Little Princess-
Lin Xing Chen has everything in life. She is rich, beautiful, and adored by all. She is also cursed with the fate that any man she likes will not like her back. She begins a difficult journey to win the heart of a rich heir. Standing in her way to a happily-ever-after is a sweet, compassionate but poor girl and a smart, multitalented but poor boy.
Personal review: 8/10
An innocent and soft story that is very similar to Extraordinary You, with a little extra cheese
Legend Of The Blue Sea-
The television series centers on the love story of Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho), the son of a rich businessman who becomes a clever con-man after his parents' divorce, and a mermaid named Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-hyun). Focusing on rebirth, fate, and unrequited love, their tale is juxtaposed with the parallel story of their Joseon era incarnations, town head Kim Dam-ryeong and the mermaid Se-hwa.
Personal review: 9/10
A little bit of magic and a whole lot of comedy. Our main herione carries this drama on her amazingly strong shoulder
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo-
Kim Bok-Joo (Lee Sung-Kyung) is a promising collegiate female weightlifter. Her father runs a small chicken restaurant and her uncle wants to become an actor. She has a bright personality and strong sense of justice. Kim Bok-Joo and her friends on the female weightlifting team are not popular with the guys and they don't have boyfriends. The weightlifting team and the rhythmic gymnastic team also don't get along at all.
Meanwhile, Jung Joon-Hyung (Nam Joo-Hyuk) is a collegiate swimmer plagued with numerous false start disqualifications. He is 21-years-old and has a free spirit. His uncle and aunt raised him along with his cousin Jung Jae-Yi (Lee Jae-Yoon).
One day on campus, Kim Bok-Joo bumps into Jung Joon-Hyung while he is riding his bicycle. Her face looks familiar to Jung Joon-Hyung. After he leaves, Kim Bok-Joo picks up a handkerchief left behind by Jung Joon-Hyung. The handkerchief is very important to him and he begins looking for it.
Personal review: 100/10
Not your usual herione of you average, but Bok Joo is someone that captures your heart immediately. Also the main couple has the best chemistry together
School 2017-
The plot follows a class of high school students attempting to overcome the stress of being ranked by their exam grades, and facing the difficulties of being a teenager in a high-pressure, corrupt system. Its central protagonist is Ra Eun-ho (Kim Se-jeong), a cheerful and kind-hearted 18-year-old who dreams of being a webtoon artist but is caught up in the search for a mysterious troublemaker in the school, known as 'Student X'. When she is accused of being Student X, her dream of going to university to study art is put at risk as she faces expulsion. Hyun Tae Woon (Kim Jung-hyun) is the son of the director of the school who enjoys his youth but hides deep scars. Song Dae Hwi (Jang Dong-yoon) is a bright student who's ranked 1st everytime but doesn't have enough money for his dream college
Personal review: 7/10
A cute coming g of age drama that's a lighthearted watch
W two worlds-
Cardiothoracic surgeon Oh Yeon Joo's father mysteriously went missing while writing the last chapter of his webtoon "W". Yeon Joo goes to his office and is shocked to see a scene of a bloodied Kang Cheol, the main character of W, on her father's monitor. While reading something left behind by her father, a hand from the monitor pulled her in. She found herself on the rooftop of a building, next to a man lying down in blood. She manages to save him and realizes that the person she saved was Kang Cheol. She later discovers she can only enter and leave the webtoon depending on Kang Cheol's feelings.
Personal review: 9/10
A different perspective of the webtoon world with the perspective of the author taken in. Also who doesnt love Lee Jong Suk
Cheese in the trap-
The drama focuses on the life and relationships of a group of university students, particularly the difficult relationship between Hong Seol (Kim Go-eun) and her sunbae, or her senior, Yoo Jung (Park Hae-jin).
Jung is the rich heir to Taerang Group and seemingly has a perfect life, but also displays psychopathic tendencies, which cause Seol to take time off school to get away from him. When she returns through a scholarship that was intended for Jung, he is unexpectedly nice to her and asks her on a date. They begin an awkward relationship which is further complicated by the arrival of Baek In-ho and his sister In-ha, childhood friends of Jung and her finding out he is wealthy.
Personal review: Actually never watched it because I dont like open endings but watch at your own risk :)
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lovingmybaealways · 4 years
1: My First Meeting with My Bae
First chapter of a story about my bae.  Contains fluff and romance but future chapters contain smut so read at your own risk!
Looking at my watch, I realized that I was late for my bestie’s birthday party.  I take out my cell and call her as I walked towards the club.
Ji Woo answers her phone and I could hear barely hear her with all the background noise as she asks “Honey, are you coming?”
“I'm just walking in, where are you?”
As I walked through the doors, the loud music drowns out her answer.  Since I couldn't hear her, I decide to hang up and try finding her on my own.  I weave through the crowd and circle the dance floor but at just under 150 cms, I couldn't see over anyone.  See a empty chair by the speakers, I decide to climb up to see whether I could spot her from there.
Just then, I lose my balance and start falling.  I shut my eyes and shriek, thinking I was going to hit the floor.  Instead, I hit a warm surface, and feel as if I am suspended in mid-air.  A tantalizing spicy and musky smell fills my nose, and I slowly open my eyes.  The first thing I see are warm brown eyes with a furrowed brow looking at me with concern.  As I keep staring at him, I see that he has multiple ear piercings, a well-defined jawline, platinum blonde hair and was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous!  My knight in shining armour lowers his head closer to me until we are almost nose to nose and asks  “Are you okay?”
Overwhelmed with how close his face was to me, and conscious of the fact that his lips were only inches from mine, I couldn’t respond.  I could only gaze into his eyes as I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks flush.  Suddenly I realize that I am cradled against his well-defined chest, and held princess-style by his muscular arms.
He frowns slightly as he looks down at me, starting to look concerned as I wasn’t answering. Again he asks “Are you okay?  Are you hurt anywhere?”
“I...I’m okay” I finally answer.  “You can put me down”
He smiles, and his eyes crinkles, making him look even more adorable.  He let me down slowly, allowing my body to slide down his on the way to the floor.  I could feel every inch of his hard body against mine and my face turns beet red with embarrassment and excitement. When my feet finally hit the ground, I unconsciously take a stop back.  I bow to him and say “Kamsamnida.  If you didn’t catch me, I would've gotten hurt.”
“Cheonmaneyo.  I saw you climb up the stool and was worried you might fall or get hurt so I came over just in case.”
“Well, thank you again.”   I smile and turn to walk away.
“Wait...” He grabs my hand and prevents me from leaving.
I turn around, surprised by his warm grip.  He didn’t let go, but actually moves both his hands to sandwich mine in-between his.  I look up at him questioningly.  
He gazes into my eyes and says “I should properly introduce myself.  My name is Dong Young-bae. I saw you as soon as you walked into the club and would like to get to know you better.  Can we be friends?”
Being from Canada, I hear these types of pick-up lines all the time and thought he was only wanting to score tonight.  I was really attracted to him and thought he was cute, but I wasn’t looking for a one-night stand.  So I just smile and say “Thank you again for saving me but I have to go find my friend now”.   I gently disentangle my hand and walked away.
Minutes later, I finally found Ji Woo and her friends in the corner.  “Happy Birthday Ji Woo.  I am so sorry I was late.  My flight was delayed so I only just dropped off my luggage at the hotel and headed straight here.”
“That’s okay.  I’m glad you are here now.  Let’s have fun tonight and I will help you look for a place to live tomorrow.  These are my friends Sung Ji Ah, Lo, Kim Dae and Park Hyun Jae.  This is Honey, my best friend who has just moved here from Canada.  So since everyone is here, let’s party!”
We order a couple rounds of drinks, toasted Ji Woo and hit the dance floor.  After about 6 songs or so, we head back to our table, out of breath.  A few minutes later, Dae screams and starts fanning herself with her hands.
“What’s wrong Dae?”
“OMG!!  Do you see who is here?  BB!!  And Young-Bae is looking this way!!”
All the other girls including Ji Woo started fixing their hair and make-up and were shaking in excitement.  I looked at them confusedly as I had no idea what was going on.  “Who?” I asked.
“Big Bang, the kings of K-Pop.  And they are all so damn gorgeous!" explained Ji Woo.
"Eek!! They are heading this way!!” shrieked Dae.
We all turn around to look at the 5 guys approaching us.  I was surprised to see that one of them was the same man who had saved me earlier. Though all the guys were handsome in different ways, the only one I could really see was Young-bae.  He was really gorgeous with that platinum hair, brown eyes, and full lips that were currently smiling.  I continued looking at the rest of him, and noticed a tattoo peeking out of the side of his oversized white tank that showed off his broad shoulders and muscular arms...and down to his tight pants which clearly outlined every part of him.  Remembering the feel of his body from earlier, I blush and looked down.
Moments later, a pair of boots enter my vision, and I heard his sexy deep voice say “Hi again.  I was wondering if my friends and I can join you guys tonight.”
“Of course you can.  We would be so honored” my friends exclaim since I didn't say anything.
I felt someone sit beside me.  I turn my head slightly and look up into the warm gaze of Young-bae. He smiles at me and waves to a server who immediately brings over several bottles of champagne.
Everyone introduces themselves, and I meet the rest of the band:  Ji-young,  Seung-hyun (T.O.P.), Seung-hyun (Seungri) and Daesung.
"So, do you two know each other?" Dae asks as she looks between me and Young-bae curiously.
"Yes and no" explains Young-bae. "Honey had a small accident when she got here and I helped her out, but I didn't catch her name. I was worried I may have offended her so I thought I should come by and explain myself."
"Ooooohhh" cooed my friends "that is so sweet..."
I could feel my face turning red and didn't know what to say to this.
Young-bae turns to me and says “Mianhaeyo.  I didn’t mean to come on too strong earlier and scare you.  From the minute I saw you, I thought you were someone special and I wanted the chance to get to know you better.  I want to be friends long-term”
“Yes Honey.  Please forgive Youngbae.  He's never had a girlfriend and he has never shown any interest in any girls before so you must be someone special.  Plus he doesn’t know how to act around someone he likes.  Give him a chance please!" begged his band mates.
I look up at Young-bae from under my lashes, blush and smile.  “Okay.”
Young-bae blushes and smiles back at me while our friends exploded into cheers.
We spend the next few hours drinking and dancing.  A slow song comes on, and Young-bae takes my hand and pulls me onto the dance floor.  He wraps his arms tightly around me and pulls me close to his body.  I place my left cheek on his chest and melt into him.  His arms tightens, and he rests his cheek on the top of my head.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly.
“Ummm.  This feels nice.” I say as I start rubbing my cheek against his chest, and running my hands up and down his back.  I had let my inhibitions loose as I was slightly drunk and jet lagged.
Young-bae leans back slightly and looks down at me.  He lifts my chin up so that I was looking up at him.  He asks "May I kiss you?"
I hesitate and then I slowly nod.
Young-bae lowers his head towards mine.  Nervously I watch his lips get closer and closer.  I feel his breath on me, and then his lips were on mine.  He kisses me softly, just light little brushes of his soft lips.  I moan, and his kiss becomes harder and more demanding.  I feel his tongue brush against my lips, asking for permission to enter, and then plunders its way in.   My tongue touches his and he moans and deepens the kiss even more.  He grabs my hips and pull them forward and up to meet his. I could feel a hard bulge against me, so I go up on my tip toes and press harder against him.  He nips at my lips and kisses me until I am breathless.  He pulls back a bit and rests his forehead on mine, breathing heavily.
Young-bae moves his lower body away so it was no longer touching me and explains “I need to calm down before we get off this dance floor otherwise everyone is going to know how excited I am.”
I blush and nod.  After a few minutes, we leave the dance floor and meet up with our friends at the table.  Young-bae is still holding my hand when we sit down, so I try to pull it away but his grip just tightens.  He interlaces our fingers together and leans over to whisper in my ear "Now that I've caught you, I'm never letting go." and then kisses me on the cheek.
"Ooooh. Way to go Young-bae!" yells Seungri.
Our friends are now all heckling us.  My face is bright red by now.  "Stop!! You're embarrassing her.  Show some respect to your Agassi" orders Young-bae as he pulls my head down to his shoulder and wraps his arms around me.
Ji Woo stands and pulls me up "We've got to go to the little girls room" and drags me off.
Once in the washroom, Ji Woo turns to me "So what's the scoop?  Didn't you say you just met?  This seems to be happening pretty fast.  You aren't usually like this!"
"Well, Young-bae is a little assertive." I say.  "I am really attracted to him - more so than anyone I've ever met.  I didn't expect things to progress this fast.  I thought I would get to know him first and see how things go, but he..."
"He what?" demands Ji Woo.  "Did he do something to hurt you already? If he did, I 'm going to kill him no matter who he thinks he is!"
"No!  He didn't do anything bad!  It's just..." my voice then lowers "he's already kissed me when we were dancing.  And it was amazing...I have never felt this way...it was like what you read in romance novels where you kiss and there are fireworks!"
Ji Woo looks at me as if I am crazy.  Maybe I am as I've never been the one to be excited about a guy - not even with my ex-boyfriends.  Ji Woo then sighs and says "As long as you are happy.  At least I can say that the relationship thing in Korea is a bit different than Canada.  Don't get me wrong, you still have one-night stands and the such, but he's already telling his friends to call you sister-in-law which means he is at least somewhat serious about you."
Ji Woo opens up her purse, and takes something out and thrusts it into your hand.  "Here.  You might need this later!"
I look at what she gave me and immediately hold it back out to her "Ji!! I don't need this.  You know I'm still a virgin!  Nothing is going to happen!"
Ji Woo pushes it back to me and tucks it into my purse.  "I'm not saying that it will happen tonight.  But considering how assertive he is, and how you are already looking at him with stars in your eyes, I am sure it will happen at some point.  It is better to have protection around just in case."
I don't say anything but leave the 2 foil packs in my purse.  We head back out to our table and find that the group is playing a drinking game.  As I sit back down beside Young-bae, he grabs my hand in his.
As I am not 100% familiar with the Asian style of games, I lost quite a bit though Young-bae was a gentleman and helped me drink some of the shots.  The more Young-bae drank, the more affectionate he got - often brushing back my hair from my face, stroking my hand, and giving me little kisses on my hand and cheek.
After another hour of drinking, we were all fairly drunk.  Ji Woo had already passed out on the couch. so we decide to head out.
I thought I would take Ji home but her friends said that they would take care of her since I just arrived in town, and my hotel was in the opposite direction.  So I saw them off in a cab.
As I turn around, I see Young-bae and his group of friends at another cab.  Ji-young' arm was over Young-bae's shoulder and was being helped to the car when Seungri hugs Young-bae from the back and put his hands in his pockets.  I smile at the obvious affection between the group and turn around to flag a cab.
Just as the cab stops, Young-bae jogs up to me.  I look up at him and say "Oh, I thought you were leaving with your friends."
"I was just making sure the cab driver got the address right since the guys are pretty drunk.  I was going to see you back to your hotel first."
You smile at Young-bae and say "It's okay. I can get back on my own.  You should go home as it's pretty late."
Young-bae grabs my hand, opens the car door and climbs in after me. "You're my girlfriend.   I have to look after you.  I can't let you go home by yourself this late as it isn't safe.  Don't worry, I will take you back to the hotel and then head home."
Chapter 2: First Night . . . First Round
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spacklefritz · 5 years
The Future is Bright - A He is Pyschometric Fic
A/N: Because after those last few episodes I know most of us need a little pick me up. Be prepared to get diabetes. It probably has a little angst in it..but not much, I think. I really hope tumblr doesn’t mess with the format.
Rating: K
Summary: An AU epilogue of sorts (Canon Compliant up to episode 12 maybe?) in which it’s moving day. Some slight sprinklings of Ji Soo x Sung Mo. 
It was a mess. It was chaos, honestly. Boxes holding various items were strewn across the floor, some were stacked on top of others. It was a safety hazard in the making and he was to say something about it, if he didn’t just have to dodge said boxes.
“Ah Hyung, you're back!” Lee Ann looked up mid-pause from eating his chicken. Seung Mo supposed the chicken delivery had come. He wasn’t able to hear it from the 2nd level though. That may pose a problem. He'd have to ask the electrician about it later.
“Yes, I’m here. It’s as if I didn’t leave.”
Lee Ahn laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners, and Seung Mo had a flashback of a young boy pulling on his parents hands, feet practically dancing in anticipation of something. And then again, another image of the same boy, running up to him, hugging tightly. Small hands that felt warm despite the chill of winter.
“Sorry, Hyung,  ahh..” he looked up, eyes darting around for an answer. “Ah! Ji Soo Noona asked me to help her with the boxes.”
“Oi,” Ji Soo slapped him on the back of his head with one of the paper plates. “Did we raise you to tell lies..ah,” she paused, “I did ask him about the case he was working on though.”
“See, I wasn’t avoiding-“
Seung Mo turned to woman in front of him, “You know you’re not supposed to be involved in any of the cases right now.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” she waved him off and handed him a plate of chicken and rolls. “But I was just asking. It’s not like I’m actively in the field..”
Seung Mo leveled a look at her. She tapped Ahn on his shoulder and mock-whispered. “Hey, he's getting better at that look don’t you think.”
Ahn, gave a shudder, playing his role well. “Scary.” He said rubbing his arms, pretending to ward off some imaginary cold when it was in the middle of summer. Seung Mo looked at them both, smiles tugging at the edges of their mouths. It was difficult to keep a straight face around them. He already felt the tell-tale twitch at the corner of his mouth.
He shook his head, and let out a soft chuckle. The smiles on their faces became wider and Seung Mo felt a familiar tug on his chest. He didn't know if he'd ever get used to it. This complete and utter lightness they brought to his life. The fact that he was allowed to feel this way was another thing he was trying to wrap his head around. He wasn’t quite sure if he’d ever be able to.
 “Appa,” Jae in turned to her father. “You know there’s an extra room for you right? Prosecutor Kang even said so.” They were nearing the house now. A spacious two-storey building that had enough rooms for a large family and plenty of yard space with cheerful, yellow flowers decorating the graden.
Her father smiled. It was a mix of wistfulness and peace that had Jae In frowning. It was a conversation they had many times and still his answer was the same.
“Jae In,” he said as he put the car in park. “You shouldn’t worry about me. You kids don’t need me underfoot.”
She wanted to argue with him but she was hitting a dead end every time. Lee Ahn had asked him, Officer Eun had asked him. Even Prosecutor Kang had asked him, but it was all to no avail. Her father was a brick wall that wouldn’t be moved. He was stubborn in his insistence to stick to his decision. What else could she say for him to change his mind? “Appa.” It was a complaint and a plea in one.
“Jae In.” He patted her hair and smoothed it backwards. “My pretty daughter, I won’t be going anywhere.” He took in a deep breath, “We..” He started. “We’re not separated anymore. I’ll still be here at anytime you need me.” It was said softly, but was no less powerful in its impact. All at once, a lump formed in her throat making it difficult to swallow. She remembered all the years she spent believing and doubting her father. She thought of all the times when she wished he was there, and how she nearly lost him. “Abeoji.”
Her father let out a shaky laugh and looked up in the sky.
“The sky is so vast don’t you think? Yet you and I, we’re standing under this same sky.” He looked at her again. “We’re not so far away are we?” He laughed again, the sound less heavy than what she heard from him recently. “Besides I’m just a couple of minutes away. Now why don’t we go inside?”
The day was coming to a close, but the night was still going strong. The boxes, while, not quite emptied, had found some semblance of structure and they’d mostly gotten all the important rooms sorted out.  They would have might have been able to finish unpacking everything that day because shortly after Jae In and her father arrived, Dae Bong and So Hyun followed. Then Jae In’s aunt came in, and afterwards Dr. Hong stopped by. No one had left and the day was inter-spread with the occasional laughter, beer and more food. Somehow, through it all, work on the house managed to be done.
Seung Mo wasn’t too sure how he felt about that many people in their house. But the people he cared about were happy and thriving. His gaze landed on Ji Soo. He took a second, almost glancing away before he remembered he didn’t have to hide, that there was nothing to protect them from because the true perpetrator could never harm them. He traced her features with his eyes. The curve of her smile, the lightness in her eyes. Just the entire way her body would radiate strength and purpose.  Ji Soo would always be committed to his memory.
“I’m glad.” A voice broke his train of thought and he looked up.
Jae-In’s father was staring at him. Sometime between after his release and now, Jae In’s father had become a constant in all their lives. That’s why he wanted him with them. It wasn’t only because of the guilt, although, that did play a major part. He had ruined the older man’s life, ruined Jae In’s life. And yet this man just told Seung Mo he was happy?
Some confusion must have shown on Seung Mo’s face because he then said, “The young boy Officer Lee and I saw, the kid we thought we might not be able to help. He’s doing well.”
It somehow managed to shift his entire thought process on its axis, while at the same time not. They were alright. They were happy. These were facts. It was what he had been telling himself. What he believed. Still doubts remained. The worry that somehow this was all a dream, that he was still running and hiding, that he was still trapped.
At times he wondered if he even deserved it? This stroke of seemingly good luck. But then he dismissed it. He dismissed them all. He didn’t have to convince himself that everything was good because, even if he still wished he said something to someone prior to the fire, he couldn’t help but think – he looked a Jae In who was smiling at something Lee Ahn did, and to Lee Ahn himself who was talking animatedly to Dae Bong – this was exactly what he wanted and the future, he thought as he looked at Ji Soo, her hand resting on the swell of her stomach, her eyes caught his and he felt his lips curve upwards.
The future is bright.
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namjhyun · 5 years
He is Psychometric Episode 1-8 Review
Let’s break it down because it’s driving me crazy. This is going to be lengthly, but just remember is an eight episodes worth character analysis and story review.
LEE AHN AND JAE-IN. Too precious for this world and they must be protected.
These two are clearly meant to be, right? And their feelings for each other have been really strong even when it was just a budding relationship as teens. They adore each other and have fun together, but I really worry about what will happen when they find out the sad and twisted fate that connects them. My hope is that they will have enough information by then to remain together and figure out the truth, like they have been doing so far, in order to find the real culprit of Ahn’s parents death and help Jae-in’s prove his innocence.
Another thing that worries me is about their storyline is that the show has spent a very short time with Ahn and his powers. If they want to solve this case, they really need to speed up and develop his powers because now that Sung-mo’s mystery creeper is actively interacting with them, things will only get more dangerous for everybody.
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SUNG MO. All the cases lead to him and the mysterious relationship he has with the man who has been following him around his entire life, and from whom Sung-mo’s mother was running away.
I have been thinking for a while that perhaps Sung-mo and his mother are the ones who started the fire that night in order to create a distraction and get away once they realize psychopath was in the building... but now I’m not so sure since the M.O. is repeated on other cases. And who stabbed those women?
Of all the things we know about this character, the key point to me was the dictionary scene between tiny Sung-mo and Mom on episode 8. I know there are fans who are arguing that perhaps Sung-mo is a sociopath, I have been against this theory since day one, and I think that scene proved it.
It wasn’t him trying to learn what feelings are, it was Mom the one who was teaching him to make sure he knew in order for him to be different to Mysterious Man. And I understand why Mom did this, she was clearly scared to death of this man, but Sung-mo could not be more different. I would argue he feels everything, deeply, and the fact he declares he wants to kill the man who terrorized his mother, him and now his close friends is proof of that. That is anger and fear at its finest.
I believe Sung-mo is really closed off due to a traumatic and abusive experience on his earlier years. I am not sure if Mysterious Man is a relative but on the most recent episode there was a heavy implication of father figures, whatever it was Ji-soo’s, Jae-in’s or Ahn’s... and next you see Sung-mo pondering about it.
I also believe he has actively being keeping people at arm’s length because he knows what Mysterious Man is capable of. As a way to protect them but now that the man is catching up with him, he has to involve Ji-soo, Ahn and Jae-in... because they are all connected one way or another; and it’s Sung-mo’s personal story the one that created this connection.
Edit: By the way, I believe Mom is well, alive and hiding. Perhaps they decided it was best to make Mysterious Man believe Mom died in the fire? But why is he looking for her? Or is he going after Sung-mo and Mom is collateral damage?
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JI SOO. Could her father be more obvious? He has been obstructing her investigation since day and now he keeps YSS Construction merchandise on his desk? Really? REALLY DAD? It’s like he’s yelling to the world he has a connection to the mob. I’m not sure if Ji-soo is suspecting Dad yet but Sung-mo sure is. We all know this show is going to end with Chief Eun either behind bars or dead, right?
Speaking of which, because y’all know I’m a die hard shipper of this couple, I love the relationship between Ji-soo and Sung-mo. I am really enjoying how the show is developing it, making them work really well together on a professional level and respect each other work ethics. They complement each other really well on this aspect, taking giant leaps when it comes to solve a case.
On a more personal level, Ji-soo is everything Sung-mo isn’t: a total open book. You can see everything she is feeling all the time, she wears her heart on her sleeve. I know Ahn thinks Sung-mo doesn’t have feelings for her, but I’m not sure he’s right. Sung-mo loves to tease Ji-soo, he cherish her and their friendship, which is why he has being pushing her away all this time.
Sung-mo’s lack of straightforward statement about, you know, EVERYTHING and Ji-soo’s own jealousy, plus all those years of feeling rejected, are leading her to believe that because he pays attention to Jae-in, he is in love with her. And he cares for Jae-in, sure, but in the same way he cares for Ah. In a  brotherly way, mixed with the feeling of responsibility because he knows her father has been in jail for something he didn't do and that’s actually related to him.
PROBLEM is Ji-soo doesn’t have all the information so she is jumping to conclusions, like he cherishes Jae-in more. Girl, calm down and concentrate on solving the case that everything will end up like you want. I promise.
As for the secondary characters:
Dae-bong doesn’t know the meaning of the word subtle but if So-hyun really feels uncomfortable and doesn’t want his advances, he really should cut it out.
Office Nam (Jae-in’s partner) is a former detective with lots of experience, I have the feeling he will become more important as the story progresses. He already caught on someone cutting the wire of the camera.
There. I said it. What do you guys think??
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johnnymundano · 5 years
The Age of Shadows (2016)
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Directed by Kim Jee-woon
Screenplay by Kim Jee-woon
Music by Mowg
Country: South Korea
Running Time: 140 minutes
Song Kang-ho as Lee Jung-chool
Gong Yoo as Kim Woo-jin
Han Ji-min as Yeon Gye-soon
Uhm Tae-goo as Hashimoto
Shin Sung-rok as Jo Hwe-ryung
Heo Sung-tae as Ha Il-soo
Lee Seol-goo as Oh Nam-won
Shingo Tsurumi as Higashi
Kim Dong-young as Ha Chul-joo
Jung Yoo-ahn as Hwang Ui-seo
Go Joon as Shim Sang-do
Seo Young-joo as Joo Dong-sung
Kwon Soo-hyun as Sun-gil
Lee Hwan as Park Dae-yi
Kwak Ja-hyung as Seo Jin-dol
Yoo Sang-jae as Hunter Park
Jo Young-gyu as Kim Hak-jin
Choi Yu-hwa as Kim Sa-hee
Han Soo-yeon as Mae-hyang
Nam Moon-chul as Kim Hwang-sub
Kim Soo-woong as Saito
Choi Jang-won as Noh Duk-soo
Heo Hyung-gyu as Jung Woo-sik
Baek In-kwon as Park Woong
Jung Do-won as Woo Ma-e
Lee Soo-kwang as Hideo
Hiromitsu Takeda as Takeda
Shin Sung-il as Park Ga
Kim Ui-gun as Heo Jung-goo
Foster Burden as Ludvik
Izo Oikawa as Umano
Kazuhiko Ikebe as Nakada
Lee Byung-hun as Jung Chae-san (cameo)
Park Hee-soon as Kim Jang-ok (cameo)
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The Age of Shadows is a handsomely mounted, lightly melodramatic South Korean period spy thriller, punctuated by superbly staged action set pieces. The Age of Shadows also has a chunky runtime, and is thus able to play the long game; its initial sparkily lightweight approach shifts around the midpoint into a murkier, weightier tone, building towards an emotionally rewarding finale. It’s good watching, is what I’m getting at. But you have to stick with it to get the full effect. The Age of Shadows manages to be both entertaining and also be about the upsetting business of terrorism, while successfully evading the bear trap of tastelessness. I say “terrorism” but it should always be acknowledged that the name for people using violence for political ends always depends which side you’re on; for a South Korean audience these terrorists would be Freedom Fighters.
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The Age of Shadows is set in Korea in the 1920s when it laboured under Japanese colonial rule (1910 – 1945). Over here in the UK there is a howling void in the heads of the hoi polloi like I, where the history of the East should be; we spend hours being taught about The Corn Laws but we only find out that Korea was once under Japanese rule by watching The Tiger (2015; awesome, watch it) or The Age of Shadows. Or it might just be me who is an idiot; either way don’t knock the educational content of movies about giant tigers or people in sharp threads planning to bomb an embassy. Anyway, after a few seconds research it looks like Japan, successfully eschewing military confrontation, slowly eroded Korea’s independence with some underhand shenanigans and a bunch of treaties from 1876 onward, tying the two closer and closer together, culminating in the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1910. This completed the annexation of Korea by Japan. Why would Korea sign such a thing, you may be understandably wondering. The ridiculous answer is they, or the then Korean regent Gojong, didn’t. Japan annexed Korea anyway. South Koreans have since dubbed this the Japanese Forced Occupation and The Dark Japanese Imperial Period. Korea was well miffed is the message I’m getting here. Hence the freedom fighters.
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Since The Age of Shadows is a South Korean movie it is understandably very much not on the side of the Japanese overseers. It is very much on the side of the Korean freedom fighters, who are all plucky, photogenic and brave. You could easily come away from The Age of Shadows believing that they are so awesome that, like The Punisher©®™, no innocents ever get caught in their bomb blasts or crossfire. It’s a measure of the movie’s subtlety that this isn’t true. It wants you to root for the freedom fighters so it does somewhat soft soap the collateral cost; but it can’t bring itself to lie, the bodies of the innocent are there if you watch closely. Innocent isn’t a term the movie extends to the Japanese, who are the bad guys here (and to be honest, Japan of the 1920’s, I’m thinking Korea has a point here).
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Surprisingly for an occupying force the Japanese are few in number. They seem to be operating on the Roman Empire model - where you go in, take a place over, and use the locals to police themselves; with the subjugating force occupying the upper echelons and running the martial apparatus. It’s a good model; you can cover a lot of ground with limited resources. But because you are outnumbered on the ground, you have to brutally dissuade any insurgents. Brutally, I stress. Hence all the Japanese characters are nasty pieces of work. There is a range of evil on offer though; the cartoony psychosis of number one goon Hashimoto (Uhm Tae-goo; cartoony, psychotic, good fun) or the quietly vile police chief Higashi (Shingo Tsurumi; supremely reptilian). Now, I wouldn’t take this as an indictment of the Japanese race as a whole, it’s more a reflection of the kinds of people who gravitate to the suppressive end of the police state. Basically, if they weren’t in uniform they’d be in prison. Every country has a rich crop of these sweethearts, not just Japan.
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That’s the backdrop against which the epic sweep of The Age of Shadows unfolds. It is a big movie; Korea vs Japan! Freedom versus vassalage! Authenticity vs Inauthenticity! Love vs Duty! But it is also simultaneously a small movie; it’s all about Lee Jung-chool (Song Kang-ho; fantastically sympathetic), a Korean and also a cop working under the Japanese. It’s about how he grows some self-respect, I guess. How he learns that everyone picks a side, even if they don’t realise it; so it’s best to make it a conscious decision. The Age of Shadows opens with a crucial confrontation between Lee Jung-chool and Kim Jang-ok (Park Hee-soon; athletically defiant), a resistance fighter and ex-classmate of lee Jung-chool. This is a  ferociously entertaining thrill of a night-time firefight with much rooftop running, and even a nifty bit of business with a severed toe; the kind of tossed off quirk Korean cinema does so well. Something is stirred within the laissez-faire breast of Lee Jung-chool, something which is positively agitated by his investigation into antique shop owner Kim Woo-jin (Gong Yoo; disarmingly pleasant), and a plot involving the transport of explosives by train. Kim-Woo Jin attempts to turn the copper, while Lee Jung Chool seeks to infiltrate the ambitious cell before their plans bear explosive fruit. But who is fooling who, and, ultimately, is someone fooling themselves?
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What follows is a cloak and dagger game of cat and mouse which reaches a climax mid-movie, with a tense and expertly staged train journey/traitor hunt with a hectically violent conclusion. After that the games being played extend beyond the cast to envelop the audience as the The Age of Shadows keeps its cards close to its chest, dealing out revelations at a steady pace throughout this darker, harder half of the movie. It’s discreetly smart film making, so high fives and bear hugs to Kim Jee-woon. But I think most credit is due for segueing so smoothly from the initial Boy’s Own escapades to the quite harrowing consequences of defiance. The Age of Shadows pulls its punches, no doubt, but it still admits the ugly cost of defiance to a quite remarkably unpleasant extent. Ultimately The Age of Shadows is a beautiful, finely acted, whip-smart movie which secretes within its enthralling entertainment a soupçon of brutal truth.
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Pick Me/나야 나 - Hwang Min Hyun
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In which Min Hyun reconsiders the concept of “love at first sight”.
“The moment I saw you
(Pick me Pick me Pick me)
My eyes were fixed on you
(Pick me Pick me Pick me)
Dazzling, Shining Shining
Please pick my heart, Pick me Pick me
(Pick me Pick me Pick me)” -  Pick Me/나야 나 (Wanna One ver.)
In celebration for Wanna One’s 1st Debut Anniversary, @ongsung an I have decided to release a series of oneshots daily, starting from today July 27th and ending on August 6th (August 7th in KST, and thus Wanna One’s anniversary).
I’ve chosen to write based on a selection of Wanna One songs, and she’ll be writing based on the individual teasers that were released for Energetic/Burn It Up. We will link each other’s stories below, so feel free to read hers after this one. See you tomorrow in our next installments :)
Hwang Min Hyun didn’t believe in things like “love at first sight”. How could you confidently identify someone with just one look, as the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with? If anything, infatuation at first sight would be a more accurate phrase.
While his friends would fall for a new girl every other day, Min Hyun would simply smile and shake his head at such antics. It couldn’t be love if their feelings were so easily swayed. Furthermore, it’s not like they were able to pursue a relationship. It was simple admiration from far away; it definitely wasn’t love.
Still, the concept of love was a foreign one to him. Sure he had a “girlfriend” in 9th grade, but the most talking they ever did was over texting. In person, it was an awkward hello if they passed by each other in the hallways. Since they weren’t in the same class, and because he had given under peer pressure to pursue the relationship, it ended naturally when they stopped talking. Sure they might have texted “I love you” to each other, but that didn’t necessarily mean it was true.
Since then, he hadn’t been in any other relationship. Not that he didn’t have any opportunities to, though. On several occasions, he had girls confess their feelings to him. Often times, he never really knew them, and although he felt bad, he declined their requests for a date. Perhaps if he was a bit more outgoing, and less shy, he would have given it a try; but he wasn’t and so he left it at that.
It was a Friday afternoon when Min Hyun stepped into the book store. It was like any other ordinary day, and he felt a sense of calm when he walked through the aisles, in a search for something new to read. When he came upon a book that caught his attention, he pulled it from the shelf and opened it to begin reading. He was so absorbed that he nearly didn’t notice the girl who had stopped by next to him, a bit further down the aisle, and was standing on her toes in an attempt to reach a book she wanted.
When he first saw her face, it felt like a bolt of lightening had struck him. Was this how his friends felt when they saw a girl they liked? He had never seen her before, and yet she drew him in like a moth to a flame; something about her glowed, shined even.
She was a good head shorter than him, even in her heeled booties. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders in waves, and he found the way she ran her hands through her hair, sweeping her side bangs back in frustration, endearing. Min Hyun finally realized that he was staring, but at that point, he found he couldn’t tear his eyes away. 
When she finally realized that she had drawn someone’s attention, she slowly looked over with a slight blush across her cheeks.
“Sorry, did I disturb you?”
It took him a moment to realize she was talking to him. 
“N..No, not at all! But I couldn’t help but notice you.”
She pursed her lips and then frowned.
“Are you trying to use a pick-up line on me right now?”
It was Min Hyun’s turn to blush, and he shook his head back and forth quickly. 
“No..! I meant...I couldn’t help but notice you needed some help. I would never use a pick-up line...I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable!”
A grin made it’s way upon her face, and Min Hyun felt a sense of relief that the misunderstanding was over. Strange how he craved her approval so much already. He didn’t even know her name yet.
“Naw, you’re good. Sorry I assumed; I’ve had some bad experiences with pick-up lines, and well, let’s just say they don’t work on me.”
He smiled back tentatively and stepped closer to her end of the aisle. He looked at the top shelf and scanned it before looking back at her.
“Which book do you need? I can get it for you.”
“Thank you so much! You have no idea how hard it is to be vertically challenged. It makes life so much harder,” she said before wrinkling her nose in distaste.
He chucked at her expression, finding it adorable.
“I suppose I don’t, and probably never will.”
“Are you showing off right now?”
“Just speaking the truth. So which one will it be?”
“After You, by Jojo Moyes.”
He found the book and slipped it out before handing the novel to her, pleasantly surprised.
“Nice choice. A bit intense at times, but definitely a great read.”
“You’ve read it before?”
Min Hyun nodded as she accepted the tome from him.
“You should let me know how you like it when you’re done.”
She arched an eyebrow at him, and he realized again that his words could have been misinterpreted. The blush was back on his face, and he scrambled to save himself.
“I mean, not like that! I’m not trying to ask you on a date or anything...I just wanted to know if you like it or not...yes, I’d have to see you again, but..!”
In the midst of his crisis, she started giggling and he grew silent, watching her battle her mirth despite his flustered state. Even if he hadn’t meant it originally, he somehow hoped that she would at least consider seeing him again. Once she had composed herself, she spoke up.
“How about this: we’ll meet back here next week and tell each other how we enjoyed our books. Same day, same time.”
She handed him a book she had in her arms, and he accepted it before reading the title and looking back up at her.  
“Tongue Fu?”
“It’s a favorite of mine; I read it before from the library and loved it so much I wanted my own copy...but I can get that the next time I come back. So, are you up for it?”
He nodded and she smiled in response. 
“All right then, see you next week!”
She turned to walk away, but before she could, Min Hyun’s voice stopped her.
“Wait, I don’t know your name yet!”
She smiled mischievously over her shoulder.
“If you keep our appointment next week, I’ll tell you.”
And then she disappeared around the corner before he could say anything else. He looked down again at the book she had handed him, and smiled, anticipation already building for next week.
Maybe there was some truth in “love at first sight”. Perhaps he ought to give it a chance.
A/N: The books I mentioned here have actually been recommended by Min Hyun! I personally enjoyed “After You” by Moyes very much, though it is definitely adult fiction. I do not suggest anyone under 18 reading it, unless you can be mature enough about it. I’m currently working through “Tongue Fu” by Horn and it’s a great self-help book. You can find the source of the recommendations here.
A/N: Lyric translation credited to colorcodedlyrics
nothingwithoutwannaone: Min Hyun I Ji Hoon I Jae Hwan I Guan Lin I Dae Hwi I Jin Young I Ji Sung I Woo Jin I Seong Wu I Sung Woon I Daniel
ongsung:  Min Hyun I Ji Hoon I Jae Hwan I Guan Lin I Dae Hwi I Jin Young I Ji Sung I Woo Jin I Seong Wu I Sung Woon I Daniel
Master List
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15001700tt · 4 years
Descendants of the Moon
Death by Redbull and Whiskey
Descendants of the Moon Masterlist
word count: 2,755
Tag list: @chastja  @multi-fan-trash @serpentityx @syublush
Dm me if you want to be on the tag list!
Key: Italics- things that happened in the drama but do not old any importance to the story line
Key: Bold- Dialogue said in the Drama
Episode 4:
“We have to move the bed” Mo Yeon informed him. The bodyguards told them another warning which Shi Jin ignored.
“From this moment forward, protecting the medical team and the patient is our first and foremost duty” Shi Jin informed the team.
“Team, line up in front of the guns,” he instructed, Dae Young and Gwang Nam moved speedily while Yoo Ji followed Gwang Nam’s tail. 
“From now on, I give you permission to shoot any threat that comes our way” Shi Jin commanded.
“You better know exactly what you’re doing” the bald bodyguard, who seemed like he was in charge.
“You do your job, the doctor will save this patient” Shi Jin assured him while lifting one corner of his mouth.
“We’re moving him now” Mo Yeon interrupted their conversation. She gripped the bed and started to push, Shi Jin moved, still pointing the gun at the bald man, they started to rotate their position, until Alpha team stood in between the guards and the medical team. 
Mo Yeon looked back to catch Yoo Ji’s eyes, Yoo Ji gave her an assuring head nod, that they’ll be fine. 
They were inside the operating room, and the tension outside didn't seem to evaporate but become tenser. Yoo Ji could hear Shi Jin’s superior yelling in the earpiece Gwang Nam had.
“You crazy bastards! Stop right now!” Colonel’s voice seemed to fall on deaf ears. Yoo Ji’s eyes flickered from between Shi Jin to the guard. 
“Why isn’t anyone answering me?” his voice sounded with anger, it was the last thing Seo Dae Young heard from the Colonel, he guessed he was making his way to the Medi-Cube to neutralize the situation. Dae Young glanced at Yoo Ji as she watched the men from behind Gwang Nam, Colonel will be furious if he finds out a civilian was put in danger because of the Alpha team not following orders.
“Because of you bastards we’ve been issued an FPCON CHARLIE, anyone that can hear me communicate with Captain Yoo Shi Jin that there will be consequences” Colonel’s voice came in one last time, Dae Young glanced at his friend but said nothing.
Yoo Ji listened as Shi Jin and the bodyguard conversed. She watched their moves like a hawk, her grip still tight on Gwang Nam’s sides. He didn't seem to mind, she was omitting warmth. Shi Jin said something lowkey sarcastic and she couldn't believe that he would do that, sure she would because it’s her but Shi Jin seems to be the type to joke around but when it comes to business he’s serious.
Chi Hoon unlatched the locked door and ran into the supply room. The men never broke eye contact. They heard a distant noise from outside, it seems that the Arab doctor had finally arrived, Yoo Ji felt her fingers relax a little. 
Thirty minutes after the doctor had arrived they finally brought out the patient, the Arab doctor immediately checked his vitals and his condition. 
“Seems like all of the surgical operations went well,” he said with distaste to Mo Yeon and Sang Hyun as if he wanted them to get in trouble. 
“It would’ve been better if I had the right chart” Mo Yeon quipped. 
“Well, the patient still needs to wake up to call the surgery a success.” he snapped back, Sang Hyun looked at Mo Yeon with disbelief, Chi Hoon gave out a sigh.
“I’d still be worried if I were you” he added giving them a stink eye. 
“If I just sat around and worried and did nothing, you would have a dead body now,”
“He could still die!” he bit back. 
It was decided that Song Sang Hyun and the Arab doctor would stay behind and wait for the President to wake up. A little boy that was getting treated from lead poisoning had entered the room without being noticed by the dazed doctors. He said something in his native language, immediately a guard seized him and pushed him back, it was then that Mo Yeon decided to go back from her food break.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. 
Her question went unanswered as the President had opened his eyes. The Arab doctor quickly went to check if he was responding to light and to his questions, the whole room felt like it released a collective sigh. Sang Hyun and Jae Ae went to get fresh air, they were relieved they weren’t going to die or get sued. To a doctor, getting sued is worse than death. They were with Chi Hoon and Min Ji and that’s how Yoo Ji found them, Sang Hyun laying his head on the table being dramatic while Ha Jae looked at him with disinterest. Chi Hoon and Min Ji just smiled at Yoo Ji.
Everything started settling down, Yoo Ji took this chance to finally chill out and get some writing done in the common room. She reflected on what happened in the last few days. Shi Jin got put under solitary confinement in the storage room, and Dae Young had to leave for Korea. Yoo Ji thought back on how unjust their superior is, she couldn't believe her own country’s leaders were willing to throw Mo Yeon under the bus like that. But then again diplomatic matters and the way they handle politics is way different from her dive-in approach. 
Mo Yeon looked in distress, even after the patient woke up, she really was put in such a tense situation. She looked desperate when she asked Yoo Ji if she knew where Dae Young was. Yoo Ji guessed she wanted to speak to Shi Jin. After a few minutes, she returned with puffy red eyes, she weakly smiled at Yoo Ji and went straight to her bunker. 
The whole base felt so much lighter once the VIP left, it was a weight on their shoulders they couldn’t shake off. 
“How are you feeling?” Gwang Nam examined Yoo Ji, flipping the chair so he would sit on it backward.
“I think I broke my fingers” she responded, flexing her fingers with a grimace, her hand had cramped up from gripping Gwang Nam’s clothes. 
“Better break your fingers than get shot in the head” he smiled. Their aura had changed after that tension in the Medi-Cube. She had admitted to herself that he was attractive already, (she would be lying if she didn't) but there was something more. She enjoyed his company, he was very quirky and fun to be around, he was also passionate about his job and friends. Yoo Ji did have some thoughts about what kind of man she would like and every time she imagined him, his image would cultivate to be Gwang Nam’s. This started right after she met him at the bar in Urk. he was kind, observant and loyal. 
“I didn't know you spoke Arabic” he stated, leaning forward against the chair. Yoo Ji’s breath caught before she cleared her throat and responded.
“It was faster to learn a language than try to guess what they’re saying” she explained, trying to avoid his gaze.
A part of her felt flattered and almost giddy that he was paying so much attention to her but the bigger and much more logical part of her told her that she didn't want him to figure her out. He was slowly finding out more about her while she got no new information on him other than what she already knows. And he never confirmed all her suspicions, intentionally or not. She felt that it was unfair, so she started pulling up her walls. He can’t find out everything about her while she's still fishing for information about him.
Gwang Nam could tell she got lost in her thoughts, but when she came back, she had a look on her face that made him uneasy. She wouldn’t meet his eyes anymore, he didn't think it was from embarrassment. 
“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been really spacey lately” he asked her in concern.
“Oh! uh yeah! I am fine, I just remembered Mo Yeon needed to speak to me” she excused, it was a lie, a bad one too. Gwang Nam wanted to protest but she hurriedly assembled her notebook and laptop and hurried towards the rooms. Gwang Nam said there for a couple more minutes, he expected Yoo Ji to be a better liar, and she is, which baffled him. She didn't even go through with her lie, she went the opposite way of Mo Yeon’s room. 
Woo Geun and Cheol Ho walked into the common room to get a snack.
“Why are you sitting alone?” Woo Geun asked the pensive man sitting down. 
“I think… I just made Yoo Ji blush” he paused before looking at his friend with a spark in his eyes. 
“No way!” Cheol Ho wheezed. 
The next day, she sat down in the same place and started writing again, when the boys came in with a commotion.
“What’s going on?”
“They’re releasing Captain Yoo,” 
“Why?” she questioned. Deliberately avoiding eye contact with Gwang Nam, he watched her as she squirmed under his gaze. He didn't know if he could get used to a shy Yoo Ji.
“They’re claiming that the surgery never happened, they’re deleting any evidence of it” Gwang Nam answered.
“Which means that he can’t be punished over something he didn't do”  Kibum gleamed. Yoo Ji smiled at the younger boy’s excitement. 
“Aw, man! That means I can’t post the article I wrote yesterday” she groaned, peeking at their reactions. It was hilarious, she had figured that the two leaders and Cheol Ho, Woo Geun and Gwang Nam were in the special forces, and that means that they can’t be exposed to the public.
“You did what?” Woo Geun asked; if Yoo Ji was anyone other than herself, she would’ve been intimidated by him. Even then she felt a small pang of fear, she swallowed it.
“I am kidding, of course, I didn’t” she rolled her eyes as she saw the boys sigh in relief. 
“They won’t know its true if I say it's fiction” she winked. Gwang Nam fake glared at her, which made her blush. She was scolding herself in her head when Kibum caught her attention. 
“I plan to make him a celebratory dinner, want to help?” he excitedly asked Yoo Ji. she nodded and cleaned up her stuff, she’ll do anything to get her mind off of the tall man behind her and the horrible thoughts that soon accompany them. 
A few hours later and instead of dinner, they prepared a feast. Shi Jin was lead to the dining room and sat down on the chair. 
“What is this?” Shi Jin stared at the food in disbelief. 
“It’s to celebrate your release” Ki Bum beamed. 
“None of you stopped this? Huh?” 
“You spent two days in prison” Kibum continued trying to explain himself. Yoo Ji had to hold herself from bursting out in laughter, she did let out a small snort. Shi Jin looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
“You think this is funny?” 
“Hilarious” she responded cheekily. 
“She helped him” Woo Geun informed Shi Jin
“Tattletale” Yoo Ji fake hissed. Woo Geun shook his head and brought out a protein snack.
“You two were just saved by Sergeant Choi right now:” Shi Jin fake scolded. 
Shi Jin broke his serious facade and let an easy smile grace his face as he spoke to his team, congratulating them for doing a good job at being collected when things were going crazy. He told them to enjoy their meal, the soldiers started cheering, making Yoo Ji smile at their rowdiness. 
Mo Yeon’s loud steps were heard as she hurried over to the dining room to stop right in the middle and catch all 15 soldiers and Yoo Ji’s attention. She froze and looked like a deer caught in the headlights. It was hilarious.
She turned around and went to walk back, Shi Jin stopped asking her where she was going when she just arrived.
“Aren’t you here to see me?” he examined her facial expressions. 
“Later! Enjoy your meal” she squeaked, trying to make her not-so-swift exit.
“No, we can talk now” he made his way towards her and led her outside, she glanced back and noticed Yoo Ji grinning at her and 14 soldiers looking at her with smiles on her face. Yoo Ji thought she should make her exit now since she didn't have anything to distract her from the soldier staring straight at her soul. 
They go to the city and he gets the call about his friend’s death and then they go back to the base and its the next morning when Mo Yeon asks about Shi Jin about it and goes to look for him at the main base and they get into a fight.
Yoo Ji knew that the soldiers start their morning run around 4:30 in the morning and end at 6:00 so she planned to use that time to get some writing and some articles edited. She made her favorite drink, coffee with chocolate. Weird combination, she knows but it was two of her favorite things combined and they helped her wake up in the morning with a nice caffeinated sugar rush. 
She knew he wouldn’t be able to distract her and neither would the girls from the medical team since they were too busy ogling at the shirtless soldiers. 
Yoo Ji sighed as she hit another plot hole, she was in a beautiful country that provided so much inspiration and creativity and yet she was hitting a writer’s block at every corner, it didn't help she wasn’t getting enough sleep either because of her nightmares. 
“You’ve been staring at the computer screen for 10 minutes” Gwang Nam’s voice pointed from behind her. Her eyes darted to the top right of the screen to check the time, 5:45, well damn, she thought she had more time. She cleared her throat and gave a small sarcastic smile. 
“I am meditating” Yoo Ji snapped
“Really?” he smiled squinting his eyes at her, her face looked more pale, her eyes had dark bags underneath them.
“No…but this is helping,” she said, taking a sip from her cup, rolling her eyes at his teasing.
“What is it?” he questioned. 
“Coffee with chocolate and sprinkled little marshmallows on top” she described her deliciously diabetic drink
“Sounds bizarre” he scrunched his nose, Yoo Ji shrugged and offered her cup to him.
“Try it,” she notices, he was really close to her, he was sitting next to her. He shook his head. Yoo Ji shrugged again, trying to seem nonchalant but inside she was very jittery, the drink doing its job and Gwang Nam’s proximity making her feel as if she just chugged a red bull with whiskey, which isn’t far from her mixed drink.
“Your loss” He raises an eyebrow at her and leans closer, lifting her chin with his index and brushing his lips against hers. Light, breezy. Calm, unlike her beating heart. He pulled back and licked his lips.
“Too sweet” he scrunches his nose. 
“Are you sure? Have another taste” Yoo Ji’s quiet voice cut through the silence. Gwang Nam thought she would hit him, to be honest, but he was glad she said that because he was going to do that anyway. 
She turned to face him and inched closer, he wasn't lying, the drink was too sweet but her lips were heavenly. 
Yoo Ji was so shocked her brain literally threw her rational part of the brain, she literally thought, ‘Nope you’re gone, this feels too good to keep denying it’. She saw Gwang Nam’s surprise and felt a pang of fear, but as soon as he smiled and leaned in again that feeling dissipated.
He tasted of mint, his hot breath fanned against her face. He was slightly sweaty from his morning run, but he didn't smell.
They made out for a few more minutes when they realixzed that they were still in the common room, where anyone could walk in on them. Yoo Ji chuckled nervously, not believing she just made out with Gwang Nam. She backed away and scurried back to her room, leaving Gwang Nam once again in shock.  She just ran away from him… again.
Yoo Ji scolded herself for not thinking this through and she knew she won’t be able to sleep at all that night, her nerves are all jumbled up and the headaches would start soon.
Time lapse to night 
The kiss between Mo Yeon and Si Jin happens
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ssportsnews · 3 years
Jeon So-min, why is she holding a sword?
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Jeon So-min in 'Show Window: The Queen's House' was caught holding a sword.
Channel A's Monday-Tuesday drama 'Show Window: The Queen's House' (directed by Kang Sol, Park Dae-hee, scripted by Han Bo-kyung, and Park Hye-young, produced by Kotop Media and Planning Channel A), which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 17th, is drawing a continuous increase in viewership based on word of mouth. . The last 14 episodes recorded 8.366% (national) based on pay TV households, breaking the record for the highest viewership rating on Channel A.
As a result, many viewers are showing great interest in episode 15, which will be aired today (17th). In particular, at the end of episode 14, which aired last week, Han Seon-joo (Song Yoon-ah) proposed to Yoon Mi-ra (Jeon So-min) to end Shin Myung-seop (Lee Sung-jae) together, and expectations for their collaboration are high.
In the midst of this, 'Show Window: The Queen's House' side released a still cut of the trembling meeting between Shin Myung-seop and Yoon Mira ahead of the 15th episode. It is said that this captures the scene where Yoon Mira invited her Shin Myung-seop to her house, which arouses her curiosity.
Above all, the figure of Mira Yoon holding her sword steals her gaze. Yoon Mi-ra, who was stabbed twice in the abdomen by Shin Myung-seop. Why did she take up her sword to meet her Shin Myung-seop? Yoon Mira's cool expression amplifies her bloody atmosphere.
On the other hand, Shin Myung-seop is sending her suspicious eyes towards Yoon Mira. Shin Myung-seop, who believes no one and has come to where he is today, is by no means a good match. The psychological warfare between the two people, which is more sparkly, forms a tense tension, making the back story even more curious.
In this regard, 'Show Window: The Queen's House' side said, "Yoon Mira, waking up from a coma, starts acting in earnest from episode 15, which is broadcast today (17th). someone who can do anything And such Yoon Mira is currently burning her revenge towards her Shin Myung-seop. She said she is Yoon Mi, so please look forward to how she will counterattack Shin Myung-seop.”
파워볼사이트,파워볼 전문 사이트,클릭계열,먹튀,먹튀검증,먹튀검증사이트,파워볼먹튀,토토먹튀검증,토토먹튀,토토사이트,먹튀제보,먹튀신고
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bapdaydreams · 6 years
Jongup: Bartender Headcanons
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A/N: Hello! I’m here again with a different format. I thought his might work better so I hope this is ok and Enjoy!
Always focused on the job
Is not there to flirt with the customer
Doesn’t talk
Makes some bomb drinks
Both girls and guys are intrigued by him
He has everyone’s attention when he is making drinks
Super smooth voice
“What can I get you?”
Everyone melts
Daehyun calls him the “emotionless bartender”
Junhong protests saying he has seen Jongup smile
Jongup only smiles at Junhong since Junhong is the only one who doesn’t bother him
The only other person he smiles at is Yongguk
He might have a small crush on Yongguk
Himchan teases
And that’s why he hits Himchan back
But it’s a silly crush and Youngjae can fuck right off if he opens his big mouth
But generally quiet
Himchan is constantly babying him
Daehyun is constantly touching him
HimDae are constantly trying to undress him during work
They just want the tips and Jongup just wants to work
The first time he messes up and breaks a glass is when he sees you
You caught his eyes instantly
The rest of the boys tease him about it for months
Every time you come to the bar, he scurries off leaving Junhong to get your drink
But he doesn’t realise that he caught your eye too
And every time he scurries off your heart drops
You want to talk to him
Junhong realises this
He comes up with a plan to get Jongup to see to you
Basically he runs away before Jongup can
He is a stuttering mess when he first talks to you
But ever so gently he gets your drink
And for the first time he hangs around to talk to you
Everyone is surprised
But Junhong has this wide smile
He is going to do everything in his power to get you and Jongup together
And everyone ships the two of you
Himchan moms him
Like, be a gentleman, hold your hand, get you flowers
Yongguk just smiles and watches the two of you awkwardly interact
He gives Jongup encouraging nods and advice on date ideas
Jongup is a little shy when talking to Yongguk cause of his previous crush (cough cough) who said that?
Lots of screaming from Daehyun
Youngjae slams his hand against Daehyun’s mouth and tells shim to shut up
But of course, Jae being Jae will be lowkey screaming too.
Junhong is just excitedly jumping around.
Finally, Jongup asks you out after coxing from BangLo
Yongguk’s all like
“What have you got to lose?
Junhong is all
“You have to ask! It’s an absolute must!”
So one night when you come around
He is a complete mess
He stutters all throughout the confession and his request for a date.
His face is redder than the stop sign
He is so cute
But he deflates once you tell him that yes, you would like a date
Loud cheering from the rest of the boys
Both of you are redder than the stop sign
Himchan hugs both of you tightly
He is so happy that it has finally happened for Jongup
A total embarrassing mom moment
And Yongguk has to pry Himchan off the both of you
Daehyun is pretend crying
Youngjae is pretend crying with Dae
Junhong is just jumping around in joy
The first date is sweet
He brings you flowers
And then takes you to the arcade
He wins you a little Pikachu keyring
He says he is embarrassed that he couldn’t get you a bigger prize
But you love your little Pikachu
He then takes you to this street tacos place
He says it’s the best
He is right
The day comes to an end and he walks you back home
The two of you awkwardly stand there at your doorstep
You tell him you had fun and that you would love to see him again
He stutters and says you can come by the bar anytime and he is looking forward to see you again
More blushing and stuttering
But he finally takes your hand and gently kisses your lips
The kiss is soft and sweet and you melt into the kiss
He pulls away and he cannot look at you
You have to be the brave one and cup his face and pull him for another kiss
It’s his turn to melt
But it’s a date neither of you can forget
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namjhyun · 5 years
He Is Psychometric Episode 10 Review
Finally the show is bringing Ahn and Jae-in into the mystery surrounding the night of the fire! We know they have been part of it all along but somehow they have been kept away from the investigation, either because Sung-mo wanted it that way or because Ji-soo was trying to protect their feelings. But they finding out the connection they have to each other and to that night was unavoidable.
We also got to spend some time seeing how adult Ahn feels about his parents’ death. Yes, we knew he was scarred by it -who wouldn’t?- but we never really knew at what extent thanks to his happy-go-lucky attitude. I don’t think Ahn has ever properly dealt with the trauma of that night and the consequences it left for him, whatever his psychometric powers or the way he relates to people.
For example, he always took at face value the results of Chief Eun’s investigation even when he was witness and living proof Officer Yoon was trying to save people the night of the fire; and I blame Hyung a little for this too. I understand Sung-mo protected him from the truth when he was younger but once he was old enough, Hyung should have told him something. That way Ahn would have work harder on his powers, be more alert about their own safety and even be more open to what Jae-in had to say about her father.
But this part of the truth caught him so off guard that all he could do was to instantly push her away, leaving Jae-in with yet another person who rejects her once they find out who her father is. Damn, that hurt... especially because Ahn has been talking big about taking responsibility for her feelings and her past for weeks now. He broke down all her walls and then BAM!
Watching Jae-in drag her feet was a terrible sight. I don’t think I have ever seen her so defeated and the girl has gone through some terrible experiences regarding people judging her father and her. At this time, I’m glad she has a friend in So-hyun,and that she is finally properly talking with Dae-bong! Who in turn goes to look for Ahn and tries to give him his support. This bromance <3
On the other hand, my girl Ji-soo is out there making all sorts of connections and solving this case, only one step behind Sung-mo. She has all the information, enough to finally confront her father and reopen the investigation he so quickly wrapped up. Ji-soo also has confirmation on Sung-mo’s mother being alive and now, I’m going to guess, is already suspecting she has to do apartment building’s fire but she still doesn't know why or how it’s connected to the person who is threatening the people Sung-mo cares about. These two really need to have a proper conversation. ASAP.
Speaking of which, that locket Ji-soo has on her rearview mirror better be from Sung-mo. If yes, is absolute confirmation of his feelings for her since in the language of the flowers, the sunflower means “I’m always looking at you”. Ji-soo kept on looking at it when chasing after Sung-mo, so I’m really hoping it’s a gift from him. What? You know I am going down with this ship! A Captain can dream.
Sung-mo. Sung-mo... watching him at his mother’s funeral, that empty room is another proof of how isolated he had been through out his life up until that point. How was he supposed to learn how to express himself when he was well into his teens before he had any real interaction with others? And I know this has wired him to try to solve things by himself and his own experience with a crazy person makes him keep people away but did he really have to leave without saying a word? Not even to Ahn? When he knew he had just found out the truth about Jae-in’s father? When he knows Officer Yoon is not the real culprit behind the crimes of the night of the fire? Not only that but, by leaving without some sort of explanation, he left the people he has been trying to protect in the dark and vulnerable, as proven by how this episode ended with Jae-in’s kidnap.
I do understand why he had to go alone to look for Mom. Like I mentioned before I think she’s mentally unstable, so he suddenly appearing with other people might set her off. If he meets her alone, he might be able to persuade her to go with him. I think he will try to make her confess what she did, this way Jae-in’s father can go free. That’s why he went to see her the morning before he left and explained (vaguely) that he knew the truth, that her father is innocent, and everything was going to be corrected soon.
I have been thinking for while that we are dealing with two culprits: Kang Geun-tae, the murderous man going after Sung-mo, and Kang Eun-Joo, his mother who set the fire and killed the women to fake her own death. Could it be? What do you think?
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