#jongup x reader
multifandomslxt · 1 year
Pairing: Mafia!Lee Jeno x Florist!Reader
Trope: Grumpy x sunshine
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Word count: 1.7k
Lee Jeno is a dangerous man. From going on k!lling sprees for fun to torturing and k!lling his own father. He does it all. In short Lee Jeno is the devil.
Y/N is a florist. She's as pure as they come. Nothing exciting ever happens in her life and she’s okay with that. In short Y/N is an angel.
He was bad and she was good. They were complete opposites.
…Or so they thought
Get your tissues for this one. It's gonna be one hell of a ride
Warnings for this chapter: mentions of blood, torture, bodily harm, scars etc. Jeno is obsessed.
*((((A/N: words in bold are her conscience and words spoken in Korean are in italics ))))*
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FLOWER OF THE DAY: The Tiger lily represents confidence and not arrogance or vanity, and this is why the flower was often associated with nobility in times past. In Buddhism, tiger lilies are symbolic of the virtues of mercy and compassion.
“Miss, it now time for dinner. Master Jeno will not be joining us again this evening” Jieun said as she peeked her head through my bedroom door.
I waved my hand at her in dismissal before looking over at the digital clock on the nightstand.
‘6:00 PM’ it said.
Of course. I had been eating dinner at 6pm for the past three weeks. Without Jeno.
This is his house, but he’s never here. The last time I saw him was when we had our argument in his office.
And he licked your tears.
Which led to me awkwardly running out the door with tears still streaming down my face.
I got lost not even five minutes after that and had to get another maid to help me back to my room.
Ever since then ‘Master Jeno’ was nowhere to be seen.
Sighing I got up off the bed, not bothering to change out of the oversized t-shirt I was given (with no shorts) and made my way downstairs for dinner.
The minute I stepped into the dining room, the smell of Beef practically assaulted my nose causing my mouth to salivate and my stomach rumble.
I made my way to the same chair I’ve been sitting on for these three weeks waiting on Jongup to bring the food.
Jeno not being here allowed me to get to know the staff a little better so we were on good terms. Ironically the only worker here who didn’t warm up to me was Jieun. Although, I kind of got the vibe that she didn’t like me from the get-go.
The dining room was probably the most beautiful place - next to the kitchen of course – in this hell hole.
With marble floors and an oval table surrounded by velvet chairs, I fell in love with it immediately.
The chandelier hanging directly over the table only added to the beauty of the room.
“Y/n, I made wagyu is that okay?” the sweet voice of Jongup spoke behind me.
Turning around, I smiled when I met his wide eyes. The poor guy was traumatized from Jeno’s temper. He was a few years younger than me and recently just graduated high school. He worked here because his family Has been working for Jeno’s for a while.
“That’s fine Jongup. Bring it here and come eat with me.” I spoke. Although it took some serious convincing, he had been eating with me for the past two weeks.
I watched as he walked to wards the table setting the platter of meet down before turning to me with apologetic eyes.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” I asked concerned.
“I’m afraid I can’t eat with you tonight. Master Jeno will be coming soon, and it would get me in trouble.” He said solemnly.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion “I thought Jeno wasn’t joining us today”.
“I changed my mind.” An all too familiar voice spoke.
Judging from the way Jongup stiffed and practically ran away, I knew Jeno was back.
From God knows where.
The sound of his shoes meeting the tiles echoed throughout the room.
Great, now because of him my second favourite room in this house has now been placed on the bottom of the list.
He came to a halt directly behind my chair and leaned down inhaling my scent.
” It’s good manners to greet other when you see them Y/n”. His hot breath touched my ear.
He smelt like cigarettes and aftershave. Ew.
“You saw me in here first, so you are the one who should greet me” I spat out.
He stood up straight and chuckled.
It happened all too quickly.
 One second I was facing the able and the next, I was facing him.
He fucking spun the chair around.
This fucking bitch.
He used his hands to cage me. One arm on each side of the chair.
He peered down at me with a dark look in his eyes “I’ve missed you and your fucking mouth.”
His eyes started to tail down my body before stopping at my legs.
His body jolted as if something shocked him. “Flower, is this how you’ve been coming downstairs foe the past weeks?”
I stared at him in a daze. I finally got a good look at him after these three weeks and he looked the same. Except for the very obvious blood stains on his white button up and black slacks.
Suddenly he grabbed my arms and pulled me up and into him. “Answer the question baby I hate repeating myself I’m only doing this because it’s you. Is this how you’ve been dressing since I left?”
 “Yes” the only word I could get out before I was being dragged up the stairs.
I tried to pull my hands out of his grip but to no avail.
“Jeno let me go”.
“Shut up. How fucking dare, you let anybody else see what I’ve only dreamt about. You’re going to change into proper clothes. Now.” He grumbled out.
When we made it to the top of the stairs, he dropped my hands and continued walking.
Stupidly, I followed him.
Eventually he stopped at a door I didn’t recognize.
“This is my room. Until I have time to take you shopping you will wear my clothes. This is how I’ll mark you. With my clothes my scent and soon my very being.”  He said with his back turned to me.
Not long after he opened the door and we stepped into his room.
It was bare of any pictures and colour.
Just a King-sized bed in the middle. A dresser in the far left pf the room a tv on the wall and two doors one of which must be his bathroom and the other his closet.
“How fitting” I mumbled
He turned to me and raised his eyebrows as if to ask me what I mean.
“You’re a soulless prick. So, it makes sense your room looks like none lives here.” I explained.
He let out a breathy chuckle and then smirked “That mouth of yours is going to get you in serious trouble Flower. Be careful.”
Shaking his head, he walked over to one of the doors I had seen earlier.
He opened it to reveal his closet.
“Go ch-“ before he could finish his sentence his phone started ringing,
He clenched his jaw in annoyance and mumbled “I told these fuckers not to call me”.
Taking his phone out his pocket he accepted the call and brought it to his ear.
“Speak.” He said into the phone.
He pointed at me then the closet and stepped out leaving no room for argument.
Signing I stepped into the huge closet (that I’m pretty sure could be used as a bedroom) and started to strip. Not before looking to see if Jeno was watching.
You would want him to.
Shaking my head at my silly thoughts I picked out a random shirt and sweatpants.
All was well until I caught the sight of my bare back in the mirror.
The marks bringing back painful memories I prayed to forget.
I hated looking at them.
They made me feel weak.
Nonetheless, I couldn’t help but stare at them.
They were cigarette burns.
‘You can’t ever leave me Dove; I’ll always find you.’
I sucked in a sharp breath trying to pry my mind away from such memories. I turned away from the mirror trying  to finish the task at hand.
I was about to unclasp my bra when I heard his voice.
“What is that?” Jeno barked out.
My body jolted in shock as he spoke.
Nervously I looked around the room avoiding his eye contact “W-what?”
He grunted and quickly stalked towards me.
He gripped my waist and pulled me into him, he was searching my face for something
“Someone hurt you flower, tell me who.”
I felt his hands running down the middle of my back
I tensed in response to his touch.
Suddenly, he turned me around so I was now facing the mirror and my back was turned to him.
I feel exposed.
I hate it.
I feel vulnerable.
I really, really hate it.
"Who did this to you?" He asked quietly, his eyes scanning my back.
"None of your goddamn business" I fumed. I was embarrassed. He shouldn't have seen that.
"Flower, I'm sure you've gathered by now that I have very little patience." He said sharply.
"Who did this to you?" he continued. His eyes were still scanning my back, now with a dangerous glint.
I shut my eyes tightly contemplating whether or not I should tell him something so painful.
Tell him. He'll protect you...he has to.
I swallowed thickly, still unsure if I was going to do this or not.
"It was..."
I breathed out. I felt nauseous.
“It was my brother”.
Words I never thought would fall out of my mouth eventually did.
His hands had moved from my back and were now gripping my shoulders tightly.
Through the reflection I the mirror I could see that his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were dripping with murderous intent.
“Why?” he asked, with a a slight rasp to his voice.
“I’m not ready to share that” I said shakily.
I felt too open now. It was uncomfortable.
He inhaled deeply and started to caress my shoulder with his thumbs.
“I can kill him for you flower. I don’t know what he has done but he put you in danger and for that ill carve his skin off his body and watch his raw flesh rot. Anything you want I’ll do it for you”.
I sucked in a breath at how dark Jeno sounded. Something n me told me he wasn’t bluffing.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. That would make me just as bad as him”
Abruptly, he turned me around to face him “Nothing could taint you, baby. I would kill him myself and If I got caught I would take the fall a thousand times over and over. I would kill for you. You deserve that.”
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
Smut Masterlist
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Solo x Reader
Bang Yongguk [1] [2]
Bob Morley
Christian Linke
Jack Gilinsky
Kian Lawley
Luke Hemmings [1/2]
Moon Jongup
Nash Grier
Sam Wilkinson
Shawn Mendes
Son Hyunwoo Don't Talk, Just Kiss
Tristan Evans
Multiple x Reader
Derek Hale x Isaac Lahey
Nate Maloley x Jacob Whitesides
Jo Halbig x Mäx Schlichter
Shawn Mendes x Christian Linke [II]
Timo Sonnenschein x David Bonk
Bang Yongguk x Jung Daehyung
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jongupfics · 1 year
Jongup x reader. Skydive AU
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daebakinc · 2 years
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Pairing: Zelo x Reader (G) Prompt: Cyborg/Android Word Count: 1.5K
~Admin V
             It had been over a week since you first woke up in the cyborg unit. Once you were stable, you learned that a truck ran a light while you were at the crosswalk. After running you over, your leg got stuck in an axel and you were dragged a bit before the truck stopped. The leg was obliterated. When they brought you to Dr. Choi, he was able to cleanly remove it and replace it with the robotic prosthetic.
             You sat in a wheelchair, looking out the window in the physical therapy room. Your therapist, Jongup, had moved two ballet bars for you to use as railings while you walked along them. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want to do it today, and you hadn’t wanted to do it the last three days. Despite Jongup’s encouragement and cheers, you ignored him and continued looking out the window.
             A sigh of relief escaped when he finally left you alone in the room. It was crazy to you that the doctors wouldn’t give you time to process and grieve your loss. They expected you to try and use your new “leg” right away.
             The reprieve was short lived as Dr. Choi came into the room. He walked toward your chair and knelt down in front of you. “Jongup tells me you won’t do the exercises again.”
             With a non-committal grunt, you continued to look out the window. He called your name but you refused to look at him. “You have to use your leg. You need to walk on it, and bend down with it. All the other things you would normally do before your accident.”
             “That’s just it, isn’t it?” Your glare was icy as you turned to him. “It’s not my leg. I could do all the things you want me to do before the accident. I don’t want to do them now. Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
             The fact that he smiled widely made you angrier. “I’m not gonna just let you wallow in self-pity. You’re absolutely right; what happened to you is unfair and you didn’t deserve to have it happen. But it did happen. I know that’s hard to accept, but it happened and you can’t change that.”
             Turning away from him, looking back out the window was easier than to admit he was right.
           “I know you want to be left alone in your pity party, but unfortunately, your new leg doesn’t have that kind of time.”
             “What makes you think I even want this stupid thing?”
             “So you would like to remain in a wheelchair the rest of your life instead of walking and being mobile on your own?”
             “I want to be fully human!” You gestured at your leg. “This makes me a freak! You don’t think people will just ignore a big robot leg, do you?”
             “It won’t always look like that. Once you complete therapy and it moves in sync with you, we’ll confirm there are no problems and cover it with a very realistic silicon. It will look just like your other leg. Soon you’ll forget it’s even metal.”
             “Like you’d know,” muttered from your lips.
             He stood up then and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. Looking up at him, he revealed a scar on his neck. Then he removed his lab coat and lifted the back of his shirt. There was a long scar from what you could see going alongside his spinal column. Dr. Choi turned back to you. “You’re not the only one who’s not fully human.”
             Your mouth dropped. There were no words. All you could do was stare.
             His smile this time was sheepish. “Before my accident, I used to be a B-boy.”
             Still in shock, you spoke without thinking. “But you’re so tall.”
             That made him chuckle. “Yeah, it was part of the problem. I tried to do a backflip I wasn’t prepared for and landed wrong. Technically, my neck was broken and my spine was damaged. I would be paralyzed without the robotic parts that I have now.”
             You were still at a loss for words. He bent down to your level again. “You can do this. I know, because I did. Your new leg is attached to your nerve endings. When you move it, it’s going to move just like your other one did. It will build muscle memory and act just like a normal human leg. But right now, by not moving it, it’s building the memory of a statue, and that’s how it will act.”
             His words were understood. The stubborn part of you still didn’t want to give in, but it did seem like this was your shot at having your life as normal as it had always been.
             Seeing your deliberation, Dr. Choi beamed once more. “I’ll make you a deal; you try walking, and I will show you some of my B-boy moves.”
             Your mouth dropped. “You still do them?”
             He wiggled his eyebrows. “I rap, too.”
             “Is Dr. Choi your stage name?”
             Chuckling, he shook his head. “That would be Zelo.”
             “Zelo. Dr. Zelo. I think if I’m doing this, I should get the full show of rapping and B-boying.”
             He rubbed his chin, pretending to consider the bargain. “I don’t know. You haven’t been a very good patient so far. Jongup is the cheeriest person in this place, and you made him frown.”
             “How cheerful were you after your accident? Do you want me to use the leg or not?”
             His smile was back. “Okay then. You walk down the bars; I’ll rap and dance for you. Deal?” His hand stretched out to you.
             You accepted it and shook. “Deal.”
             He was ready to help you to stand, but you motioned for him to stop. “Will it hurt?”
             Zelo knelt down again. “It won’t hurt, but it won’t feel comfortable. The leg is trying to learn how it’s supposed to function, so it’s going to be a little stiff and hard to move at first. Once it receives signals from the nerve endings, and you move it, it will get easier and feel more comfortable.”
             You nodded and mumbled an “okay.”
             His hand rested on top of yours as he looked into your eyes. “You can do this. I’m gonna be here all the way.”
             Nodding again, you allowed Zelo to help you up from the wheelchair and hobble over to the ballet bars. Once you were situated, he moved to the opposite end. “Whenever you’re ready. Take your time.”
             He wasn’t joking when he said it would be uncomfortable. The leg wasn’t any heavier than your human leg was, but because it was new, it felt like dead weight. Your nerve endings tingled as you attempted to move it. You could only move it an inch, and you were sweating from just that much.
             “You’re doing good! Don’t worry about how far it moves. Take as small of a step as you need. You can build up to longer strides.”
             Squeezing the bars for support, you moved your good leg then tried your robotic leg again. A gasp sounded when the nerve endings tingled again. It felt like electricity. It continued like this until you were out of breath and at the end of the bars. Zelo had grabbed your wheel chair and had it ready for you. You were thankful as he helped you into it.
            “That was good! You did really well.”
            Still breathless, you lifted your shirt to wipe sweat of your forehead.
            “So which do you want first, rapping or dancing?”
            Your eyebrow lifted. “You can’t do both at once?”
            A smug smirk appeared. “Oh, I can. But you’re only getting one now. I’ll do the other when you make it back down the bars.”
            “What?” Your mouth dropped.
            “Like I said, time is of the essence, and you didn’t want to use it the first few days. We can’t stop now.” Zelo chuckled as you groaned. “It will be easier this time. Your leg has some input from the nerve endings sending messages to move. It has a better idea of how to function.”
            You did nothing but glare at him. It only made him beam brighter.
            “I’m still here to help you. Us cyborgs gotta stick together.”
            If looks could kill . . . “I’m gonna use my cyborg leg to kick your cyborg ass.”
            His smile never faltered. “That’s the spirit! Gotta walk the row again if that’s ever gonna happen.” When you ignored him, he started shaking his shoulders and shimmying. “What’s it gonna be?”
            It was hard not to smile at this ridiculously tall doctor dancing like a fool before you. Pride still in tow, you gave him a solemn look. “I will walk it again, but I want both the rapping and dancing together when I make it to the end.”
            “Alright!” He raised his hand for a high-five. When you refused to meet him, he lifted your hand and slapped it against his, making you grin again. “Let’s get this robo-show on the road!”
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
[4:34am] “Jongup, this is silly,” you huff, frustrated at your own inability to follow the steps correctly, but happy to hold him close.
He shushes you gently, stroking your waist and helping you sway in time to the slow music. “It’s not. If you practice with me now, you’ll ace it on the day. I promise.”
“But I can’t get the steps right,” you mutter a little sadly.
Jongup leans in and kisses the crook of your neck ever so tenderly, lingering a little longer than he’d like to admit. “What if,” – another kiss, this time higher – “I kiss you,” – behind your ear – “to the tempo of the music? Would that help?”
You smile and nod as he nestles into your neck, peppering kisses all over your skin. “It would help a lot.”
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bapdaydreams · 6 years
Jongup: Dance
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Summary: You visit Jongup at the dance studio.
A/N: Hi! So this is really short and I hope you enjoy Anon.
You were getting ready to go visit Jongup at practice. You put up some comfy clothes before going to McDonalds to grab some drinks, burgers and fries for both you and Jongup. You knew he would be excited to see the food at least.
Before you know it you are at the dance studio. You slowly walk into the building and look through the glass door to find the one Jongup was in.
Just your luck, he was in the last practice room in the long corridor. You watch him through the glass door for a few minutes.
He was in a t-shirt and some comfortable pants, covered in a thin layer of sweat as he moved around the room in ease. He looked graceful as he danced without a care in the world.
He looked beautiful.
You snap out of your thoughts and then slowly enter the practice room, quietly so you don’t distract him. You then stand at the back of the room until he finishes the choreography he was doing and then he turns around to greet you with a bright smile.
“Hey!” he says happily and you smile back.
“Hey, yourself”, you say as you walk towards him.
The smile is still on his face as you walk towards him. His hands automatically wrap around your hips. He gives you a quick kiss and you cringe a little as he was still sweating.
He laughs as he sees you move away a little. Then he leans in and gives you more quick kisses on your cheek.
“Oh, stop it!” you say and wipe your face and Jongup continues to laugh at you.
You can’t help but laugh too.
“Stop now or no McDonalds”, you say and he stops.
You laugh again and push away from him and he lets you go. You then lift the bag of McDonalds bag and his smile gets wider.
“I knew that would get your attention”, you say and he just nods.
“I hope you are hungry”, you say.
“Always when it comes to McDonalds”, he says and you laugh.
The two of you walk towards the sofa at the back of the room and both of you get comfortable. He looks like an excited kid as you had him the food and you watch him eat just as excitedly.
“What?” he asks with a mouthful of food and you laugh again.
“Nothing, just eat”, you say and he just shrugs and continues to eat.
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topbap · 6 years
The Difference Between Love & Lust PT.2
A/N: Enjoy this cringe trash, sorry for not uploading in awhile
PART: 1 | 2 |
WARNINGS: Mentions of blood, and violence.
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Her phone buzzed on the seat next to her, continuously. It hadn't stopped since she had drove away from him and the house, he rang, sent messages and left plenty of voicemails. He attempted to get in contact with her in any way he could, using any social media or any other way he could think of. Eventually, she had drove far enough away to pull over to check her mobile, she squeezed her eyes shut before rubbing the tears away and unlocking her phone to look at the messages. 
Y/N, please stop, I'm begging you. I want to sort things out, just come back!
All she could think to herself was if she was making a mistake or not, in her despair she slammed her hands against the steering wheel and screamed out in frustration before resting her head in her hands. Y/N wanted to believe it was best for them to be apart but every cell in her body disagreed with her and she knew she wouldn't be able to just walk away from the man she loved more than life itself. 
"Can I have a room for one please?" she asked the man behind the desk while she fixed her hair slightly, combing it down with her fingers. 
"Yeah, sure thing! How many nights?" he joyfully questioned, not even looking up from the computer screen.
"Seven please". 
Her eyes found their way to an old, dusty clock on the wall, it was only 19:00 but it was already pitch black outside and to make it all more fitting it was pouring with rain. She sighed as she was passed the keys to her new home for the week, her feet dragged their way up some stairs as she struggled with the few bags thrown across her shoulder. Y/N unlocked the door and it swung open with a creak, her hand wrapped around the wall in search for a light switch as she walked into the room and let the bags slip from her arms and on to the floor. The light gradually brightened as it warmed up and she scanned the room, everything had a thin layer of dust across it which didn't surprised her. She didn't expect much more from a old, run down motel but Jongup may not think of looking somewhere like that for her so she would make do with what she had. After showering and getting changed into clean clothes she dropped down onto the worn down mattress and flicked on the TV, her phone had become silent which made her grow increasingly worried about Jongup but she couldn't bring herself to reply to any of the messages he had left. The news played away in the background to itself, something about a shooting in what looked like a factory, but she paid no attention to what was being said.  Y/N read through them all again and could tell he was upset but things like this happened all to often, she was getting to that point in her life where she wanted something more serious with someone, and not a childish relationship. No matter how much she loved Jongup she knew that she might have to move on from him to find someone else that would be better for her. Her hand moved almost by itself and clicked on one of the voicemails that was flashing at the top of the phone
"Y/N, please come home, I love you, I miss you. I swear I will come and find you if you don't message back. I'm worried sick about you! Please be safe and let me know you're okay....please"
She carefully placed her phone down on the bed as a few tears rolled down her cheek, her hand rubbed them away slowly, with barely any energy left to move. The room seemed to dull along with her mood, her eyes moved around the room to take a proper look at it and she could see just how bad it truly was. The walls were stained where the wallpaper was torn and peeling from the walls, the ceiling was covered in damp marks from the merciless rain leaking through the roof, the carpet was worn and old, with gum and other things stuck to it. It was a truly hideous place to sleep but she was grateful to have a roof over her head, she slipped off the bed and grabbed one of her bags, her hand dug inside of it before she pulled out a blanket and big hoodie, Jongup's hoodie. The blanket stretched out across the majority of the bed, enough to cover her and the mattress. She stretched and pulled the jumper over her head, quickly sorting out her hair that it had messed up. A quiet knock at the door caught her attention, Y/N furrowed her brows as she moved towards the door and looked through the peephole. She half expected to see Jongup stood at the door but instead she was greeted with a tall, muscular man that she had never saw before, she opened the door but left the chain attached as she spied through the gap
"Hello, are you Y/N?" his deep voice rang through her as he smiled at her.
"Depends who's asking?" she cautiously replied as he took a step forwards towards the door. 
"The boss." he continued to smile as his foot connected with the door.
"Hi, can I have the room number of, Y/N Y/L/N, please?" Jongup quickly asked, he had found her just like he said he would.
"Yep, just a sec" the man smiled as he clicked on a keyboard that was connected to an ancient looking computer "Room 29″. 
Jongup nodded and jogged towards the room, he slowed down once he was close by and looked, his eyes widened as he ran to the open door. He stared in, his eyes filled with tears as he clenched his fists shut. Jongup stepped forwards into the room, the sound of glass crunched under his feet, the room was completely destroyed, the TV was on the floor, an old lamp laid on its side, smashed, everything was smashed. Even worse as he squeezed his eyes tightly shut and looked again to still see everything covered in blood...her blood.
"What the fuck?" he stumbled forwards as he saw the screen of her phone light up on the floor.
His hands wiped the dirt off that covered the screen, he stared at the message on the screen in utter disbelief as he unlocked the phone to read it fully, his heart pounded in his ears as his eyes scanned along the words. The message was clearly left for him. In a state of shock he let out a loud yell and ran back down the stairs towards the male receptionist, as the man turned Jongup hopped across the desk and slammed him up against the wall and gripped his throat tightly. 
"Where the hell did she go?" his voice cracked with anger as he choked back any tears that tried to form. 
"I-I don't know what-"
"Answer me!" he screamed as he slammed him against the wall again but he could tell the other male was telling the truth.
His hands loosened from the shirt of the receptionist as he rested his head against his shoulder, he slowly broke down. The worker stood perfectly still in confusion to what just took place, he patted Jongup's back lightly before breathing in heavily. 
"If-if you want you could...ya know'... look at the- the CCTV or something" he pointed to some modern looking cameras at the ceiling when Jongup lifted his head, he could see that they had a clear view of the door and the stairs "Just don't let my boss know...please!" 
Jongup nodded and talked as he went into the office hidden in the back of the building, he quickly scanned through the days CCTV recordings.
"These look like pretty new cameras for a place that looks this damn old". 
"Yeah...well bad stuff can happen in places like this so...it's better to have good security...ya know?" 
Jongup just nodded and continued to look through the footage, he didn't allow anymore of his emotions to show but he couldn't bare the thought of anything happening to the only person left in his life. Eventually, after what seemed like forever, he saw a tall man enter the building when the receptionist was facing away but there was no footage of him coming back out, he instantly knew that this was the person that hurt Y/N. The suspect had managed to keep his face hidden from all cameras so it was clear that he knew the layout of the building well, something told Jongup that this wasn't a coincidence. Once he had checked through all of the video footage he left quickly and stood outside, his back leaned against the cold, damp wall under the street light and he let out a loud sigh. The rain poured around him and he closed his eyes to try and calm himself, he came to his senses and looked around for any clues or evidence that would have been left that wouldn't have been damaged or swept away by the weather. To his disappointment, nothing was there to help him, he would just have to do what the message told him to do.
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batbaplover-blog · 6 years
Summer adventures pt.1 (Jongup ft. bap)
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Please let me know if I should make this a series and request more adventurous for you and jongup to go on. I was planning on posting a new ep every week all summer let me know what you think.
Finally it was summer you and Jungup had 2 and a half months to do whatever you wanted together. You both had a lot of things planned and the first thing you decided to do was go hiking.
Although you and him were supposed to go alone the guys (the rest of B.A.P) wanted to come along as well. In the end You, Jongup, Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Junhong, Yongguk's gf, and Daehyun's gf all went together.
Seoraksan national Park was the place everyone agreed on going to. Because it was summer it was going to be hot so everyone was told to come prepared.
Of course when you got there someone was already complaining."It's so hot out here I think I'm gonna die" Himchan said in a voice that made you giggle.
"Youngjae you owe me $10!!" Daehyun said in very loud happy voice.
"You really made a bet, why didn't you include me?" You asked playfully
It took about 45 minutes to half way through the hiking trail. By then everyone was complaining about the heat including you. There was a little building there for people to take a break in so everyone went in for a quick rest.
After about 15-20 minutes of cooling off you all decided to have a race back to the start. A vote a casted on who would win and everyone voted for you, Yongguk's gf, and Daehyun's gf.
The race began but the two old men Yongguk and Himchan didn't join in. After running for a little you slowed down to walk with Jungup who had given up.
Because you knew Jungup wanted to go hiking with you and not the rest of them you grabbed his hand and went off trail with him. "Do you know where we're going?" He asked
"Nope, but it's ok we have GPS on our phones in case we get lost. I just wanted to go walking with you."
He didn't reply and just let you take him you stopped when you got to a flat tree stump thinking it was the perfect place to take a rest, talk, and just hang out with your boyfriend.
You told him to sit first and he did as told saying "yes ma'am" you then sat on his lap and layed your head on his chest. you enjoyed moments like these just sitting with each other and talking.
"I love you so much" he said out if no where. You looked at him as he smiled at you. You smiled back giving him a lingering kiss on the lips. Almost half a hour passed when jongup go a text from Yongguk saying "We're going for ice cream hurry back."
When you both made it to the start of the trail you were greeted by the rest if the gang. Dae and jae were giving you looks but you ignored them knowing you would attack then otherwise.
You all got into the car Daehyun's gf drive to the ice cream shop. There were so many different flavors you didn't know what to get so you got 5 scoops of randomness to share with jongup. As everyone finished you all went your separate ways, you and Jongup went home to watch a movie and wind down.
You were feeling nice so you let Jongup chose the anime. After about 2 eps you left him to cook dinner. After coming back with food for him and you and finishing another ep of the anime you and Jongup went to your shared bedroom and cuddled up in bed.
"Did you enjoy today? My legs kinda hurt from all that walking." You say starting one of your nightly conversations
"I had fun because I was with you. Which leg hurts."
"Both" you say. Then he grabs your legs starting to massage them. Ending the first day of your summer adventures with Jongup.
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changseobbing-blog · 7 years
Drabble game. 14 with Uppie.
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14.  “…or we could make out….”
B.A.P Fanfic
Moon Jongup X Reader
Word Count: 740
Happy Birthday Uppie!! and surprise drabble for you twinnie!!
You’re pouting in the middle of the arcade. You know you’re supposed to be a mature adult but you were just robbed of precious victory! Your glaring daggers at the perpetrator next to you who’s in the middle of performing his dumb celebratory dance.
“You dance like a squid” you huff, trying to be bitter and ignore how adorable he looks wiggling his body and waving his arms in delight. YOU MUST NOT LAUGH WITH THE ENEMY.
You cross your arms tighter to your chest and stalk away from the zombie shooting game, evidently the sore loser in this situation.
“Baby come back…” Jongup whines.
He easily catches you up and wraps an arm around your waist following you awkwardly as you practically pull him towards the food court. You know he is more than capable of stopping you in your tracks with the solid muscle hiding under his soft appearance and oversized sweater but he doesn’t. He’s always been the calmer one in your relationship.
You ignore him and stand in line to buy a soda.
“Are you really going to ignore me?” Jongup chuckles, stepping in front of you in the queue to force you to face him. He’s resting his hands on your shoulders and staring down at you with the puppy dog eyes he knows you can’t resist. The cute little mole on his nose scrunching up as he watches you amusedly.
“Ahh, you’re so cute when you pout” He concludes.
“I.am.not.cute” you sulk, puffing out your cheeks angrily which isn’t helping Jongup take you seriously so you try to step around him, but he’s quicker than you and steps back with the queue.
“It’s just a game, you beat me at racing and Dance Dance Revolution” He offers softly trying to win you round, but you see right through him.
“You let me win at Dance Dance Revolution, we both know you’re amazing at the game! but suddenly you ‘miss’ a few steps?” you narrow your eyes, wagging your fingers to emphasise your point “I’m on to you Moon!”
He sighs at you but he’s still smiling, he runs a hand through his hair and suddenly pulls you out of the line and into a corner behind an old Pac Man machine.
“So what if I let you win, it’s just a game. I have much more fun joking around with my dorky girlfriend than focusing on winning a silly game” he protests, pushing a strand of hair behind your ears and grasping your hands tightly as they rest in your lap.
You always end up speechless when he gets serious with you, so you nod in agreement, shocked by his sudden sincerity. The annoyance of the lost game dissipating and your heart fluttering at the sudden change of tone.
“Hey, did you know I can fit the entire world in my hands?”
You shake your head, about to ask him what he’s talking about so off topic. But. Then he reaches out and cups your face.
Oh. You swallow hard. Biting your lip to hold back the overwhelming feelings inside you as Jongup warm hands embrace your cheeks and eye smiles down at you. You feel loved. You also feel silly for overreacting.
“I’m sorry I took it so seriously…” you breathe, voice barely at a whisper, “…can we start over, soda my treat?”
Jongup nods grinning widely, he leans down to your eye level, face to face until your noses brush.
“We could do that…” he starts, and then he’s pressing his lips softly against yours. His kiss starts off tenderly as he cups your face, but then the mood changes and the kiss deepens. His tongue slipping past your lips forcing your arms to wrap around his waist as you hold onto him for dear life. He kisses you so hard that your head spins. When he finally pulls away you’re in a daze.
“…or we could make out….” He finishes. Pressing an affectionate peck on the top of your head.
Your still intoxicated from the taste of his lips and feel of his hands, you feel like your floating but the moment is quickly over when Jongup suddenly yells bursting your loved up bubble.
That shit.
Milestone Drabble Challenge
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fictivewriters · 7 years
new meat | jongup (m)
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Pairing: Jongup/Reader Genre: Smut AU: Sub!Jongup/Mistress!Reader Warnings: dom/sub themes, hand job, orgasm denial, mild dirty talk (slut shaming), unbetad’d Word Count: 853
Request: Can I have a sub! jongup fic with a female reader please? Any admin will do thank you so much !! 💕💕            
Summary: You are a fetish club worker and Moon Jongup is a brand new client.
Your heels clicked down the hallway as you found your way to your room. The name plate practically twinkled in the dim light, making you smirk. You thought about the little pet that was most likely waiting inside for you, he had been so shy and small when you first laid eyes on him. The heavy door clicked when you turned the knob, creaking open to allow you to step in.
Sitting right where you told him to, was your new client Moon Jongup. His blue hair was hanging in his eyes as he stared at you with wide eyes, looking so deliciously submissive to you already and you hadn’t even started anything fun yet.
“Hi, baby boy…” You cooed, walking up to him in his chair, cupping his sharp jaw to make him look right up at you. The smooth skin of his cheeks was dusted pink and his eyes appeared clouded and glassy, clearly this game of waiting you put him through was having an effect on him.
“H-Hi…Mistress…” He whimpered out, flinching slightly at the sound of his own debauched voice echoing around the room.
“Tell me, baby boy…you’re hard for me, aren’t you?” You nearly giggled at the way his eyes widened, shocked at your lewd question, but he wasted no time in nodding his response.
“I’m so hard, Mistress…” He whined. “It hurts.”
“Aw...my poor baby…” You cooed, stroking his still red cheek. “Go ahead and show me your cock then baby.”
His hands trembled as they fumbled with his belt, pulling his tight jeans open to fish inside to pull out his leaking cock.
You gasped, a fake put on sound. “No undies, you dirty boy!”
His face flushed, but his cock jumped at being called out on it. Being so exposed like this, to your greedy eyes, was such a rush. His cock leaked a drop of precum, the bead sliding down the flushed skin of his cock. He whimpered softly when you reached out, catching the drop on your finger and bringing it to your lips to taste. You didn’t hesitate in wrapping your hand around his cock, feeling the thick flesh throb in your hand as his head fell back to let out a broken moan.
“Look at you…I’ve barely begun and you’re already fucked out, such a little slut…” You muttered, watching his cock leak all over your hand.
“Y-Yes Mistress, I’m such a slut for you…please…please keep going.” He begged, clinging onto his own shirt since he knew he was not allowed to touch you.
“Since you sound so pretty, I’ll do as you ask. But next time…we’re going to teach you some manners.”
Before he could formulate a response, your hand sped up to jerk him at a rate that made his hips sputter into your hand. The noises he let out were ones of pure sin, his voice cracking from the strain of crying out in pleasure. His cock throbbed and pulsed in your hand, obviously growing close very fast from the sudden stimulation after being hard in his jeans for so long. His body trembled and sweat began to form at his temples. He stared up at you with wide eyes, his mouth held open as delicious moans poured from his pretty lips.
“I’m c-cum- “The helpless whine he let out had you flooding your panties as you pulled your hand away to deny his release. You smirked at the way his cock throbbed painfully, precum pooling down the side of his reddened cock.
“You look so cute when you’re about to cum…I wanted to see how cute you got when you were denied.” You smirked at him when he whimpered at your hand coiling around his sensitive member again. “And the answer is…you look delectable.”
Your hand resumed jerking him, making his already sensitive body jump and jerk. He began to fuck himself into your fist, letting out more delicious cries that you never wanted to stop. You knew he was close again, the way his eyes watered at the onslaught of pleasure but you weren’t going to stop this time. You were going to watch him explode and you knew it would be material to get you off for the next 6 years of your life.
“Cum slut, now.” You growled, squeezing his cock once before he exploded.
His back arched and he let out a long, drawn out moan as his cum leaked over your hand. His cock throbbed in your hand, as his body trembled and convulsed in the midst of his orgasm. He was honestly one of the most beautiful men you had ever seen in your life. You subconsciously squeezed your legs together to hopefully quell the growing heat in your center. Slowly, you pulled your hand off of his softening cock, looking at your soiled digits.
“Go ahead and taste yourself,” You cooed, offering up your messy fingers to him. The blushing boy leaned forward and slowly, ever so slowly, licked up a drop of his cum from your fingertip.
“This will be something to dabble in next week, won’t it baby?”
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danghyuk · 4 years
B.A.P reacting to their boyfriend’s tattoos
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As someone with tattoos himself, he doesn’t really care, or rather – he isn’t that surprised. Yongguk has a huge chest piece and his older sister is a tattoo artist, so he isn’t unfamiliar with ink and imagery on skin.
Of course, he is interested in your tattoos and would 100% support you whenever you’re considering getting a new one. Whenever you bring the topic up in a conversation, you can bet that Yongguk helps you brainstorm ideas and pulls up his phone to research various tattoo artists.
Yongguk will often find himself immersed in the pictures scattered all over your (s/c) skin and catch himself tracing the various colours on your exposed body whenever he wakes up before you. Tattoos for him is just another art form, and he loves the way they make your skin more vibrant.
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Having no tattoos at all, Himchan is a little shocked when he sees yours for the first time. However, that doesn’t mean he’s negative towards them. After the initial shock, Himchan’s curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t stop asking you questions. 
He secretly loves how badass they make you look and add to your overall ‘bad boy’ image, but he will constantly tease you for taking his bad boy role. Himchan also secretly loves the way other people look at you in public because you’re his gorgeous boyfriend! Though he will never admit it due to his pride. 
Since he has no tattoos, he knows very little about the process around getting one and that is the topic he will ask the most about. If you want to get a new one, Himchan would definitely ask you if he could come along, and if you got one for him, he will definitely cry. 
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He has some of his own and seeing yours would make him considering getting new ones. However, he cares the most about the messages they portray and the meaning behind them. Daehyun’s tattoos mean a lot to him and he loves to hear you talk about the stories behind your own.
Daehyun is the most likely out of B.A.P to get matching tattoos with you. Not your names necessarily, but maybe something dear to the both of you and your relationship. Your boyfriend is a sap after all.
A thing he likes to do is kissing them. Whenever you wear something that shows off the ink you got or wear nothing at all, there isn’t a single moment where his lips have been all over your skin.
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Another member who doesn’t have any tattoos and probably won’t get anyone either. Youngjae is also the member who’s the most shocked by your tattoos, but that quickly passes as you explain each of them to him and changes into understanding.
He grows rather fond of your tattoos and how they look on you. Youngjae has his favourites and he is not afraid to rank them and point out the ones he likes the least. Since he knows you are confident in them and in your own decisions, he knows that his own opinions won’t overrule your own. The ‘critiques’ often tend to make you laugh instead.
Even if he doesn’t want tattoos of his own and means they won’t fit his image and personality, he is quick to realise how good they look on you. That results in him becoming your own personal stylist some days, Youngjae is rather persuasive too because he won’t leave the flat if you’re not wearing what he wants you to wear.
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Jongup doesn’t have any either and he doesn’t really have any strong opinions regarding the topic. In fact, he doesn’t really register that you have tattoos until one of his fellow band members asks him about it or points it out.
He feels quite awkward for not noticing it earlier and it just makes him shyer to ask you about it. Because of his awkwardness and seemingly ‘disinterest’ in the topic, you ask him if they make him uncomfortable. Feeling guilty, he explains the situation really embarrassed to which you reassure him with long and loving kisses that he can ask whenever and whatever.
After getting attentive to your beautiful work, he feels a bit flustered whenever they are visible, not only for not noticing them before but also because he sees how handsome you look with them. Jongup is the least subtle being you know about, so it’s easy to spot whenever he has looked at them too long due to his red ears.
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Having looked up to Yongguk for years, it’s no surprise that Junhong has tattoos. He would be the most excited of the members when he finds out that his boyfriend has tattoos as well. There is no chance you will be able to explain them all without a lot of interruptions from him.
Junhong is the boyfriend who loves to take cool pictures, so a good chunk of the pictures on his camera roll would be the both of you wearing clothes to show your tattoos off and your bodies pressed and tangled together so the tattoos are included in the shot.
Seeing your skinned filled with them makes him smile and he will trace them whenever he has the chance, however, most of the times that result in a tickle fight. Junhong has no idea why,  but he feels extremely confident with you and by seeing you express yourself in the art covering your skin.
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textmybias · 7 years
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Surprise return texts W/ Jongup
Thanks for requesting 💕
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chemical--chaos · 7 years
Dark Necessity - Mafia AU (Himchan x Reader x Jongup) - Part 2
Word Count: 5882 
Request: Continuation of part 1 ~ 
Warnings: Alcohol, slight sexual content, mentions of violence and other mafia related things
“H-Himchan?” (Y/n) breathlessly whispered as her worse nightmare stood in front of her. “Miss me?” a delightful smile formed on his face upon hearing his name from her plum lips and he inched a step closer causing her to take one back. “How did you find us? And what do you want?” She boldly asked surprising herself with her courage after what he had put her and Jongup through. His smile widened upon hearing her question.
“Why do you think I’m here? 3 years ago, I said I’d make you mine. I’m just here to fufill my declaration. Moreover, do you honestly think it would be hard for a person like me to find you? Especially after my influence has experienced a tremendous increase?” He chuckled shaking his head and locked her under his intense gaze.
“Look at you, still as beautiful as ever” he gave a genuine smile which held no trace of cunningness or anything of the kind but seemed pure and innocent as a nostalgia danced in his orbs which disappeared as soon as it came.
“You wouldn’t come willingly I suppose?” That once gentle look was now replaced with a sly smirk.
“Never” (Y/n) instinctively backed away further, while on high alert knowing exactly what this man was capable of.
“Why must you make things so hard?” He gave a fake sigh of disappointment.
“But then again, I was expecting that. Tell you what? I’ve got a deal to propose” he gave a devious smile a (Y/n)’s ears perked up at the word ‘deal’.
“My urge to kill Jongup right now is really strong you know. Especially after the kind of stunts he pulled. Taking you away from me, destroying half of my empire. He did two things I dislike most, disobedience and betrayal. The penalty for both is death” Himchan’s gaze didn’t once waver from her form and her stiffening upon hearing his last sentence didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“Please. Just… Please don’t kill him” she pleaded feeling pathetic.
“Oh no. I won’t kill him for what he did” Himchan strolled over to her making her stumble back until her back made contact with the wall.
“I’ll torture him” he snarled with a dark look covering his sharp features. Placing his hands on both sides of her head he leaned down until he was breath away from her lips. (Y/n)’s eyes widened in terror and her breath got caught in her throat.
“Slow and painful” he finally mumbled with his gaze travelling down towards her lips which made her gulp.
“Unless of course” He suddenly backed away putting safe distance between the two, making her let go of the breath she was holding and look at him curiously. “Unless what?” She cautiously asked prepared to do anything for him. As much as Himchan loved having the upper hand, her attachment to Jongup made his blood boil.
“Unless, you come with me willingly. If you do that, I will not touch a single hair on his head. Also, if you do decide to come with me, you’ll have to break ties with him completely. You’ve got one day to think. I’ll text you the location and time tomorrow. If you make an appearance, it’ll be yes and if you don’t… Well, then you know how that goes” he smirked and turned around leaving the dumbfounded girl behind. Placing his hand on the door handle, he turned his head taking one last glimpse at her. ”And one more thing you should know. I’m a man of my word” was the last thing she heard before hearing the door click. Feeling her knees go weak, she fell on the floor, recalling the events of the fateful evening.
“What took you so long Jagi? I was starting to get worried” Jongup chuckled getting up from his seat. “Sorry.” She gave a weak smile. “Can we please get back home Jongup? I don’t feel good” She sighed looking down. “(Y/n)? Is everything alright?” He frowned titling her chin up. “Yes, just tired” she lied with a small smile.
The next day went fast and Jongup knew (Y/n) enough to figure out that something was wrong. He had asked her a few times throughout the day but he didn’t want to push her further so he let the topic slide for a bit and decided that if she needed to share something, she would do so when ready.
It was late at night and the couple was sitting on the couch together watching TV. (Y/n) was cuddled up at his side with Jongup’s arm securely around her waist.
(Y/n) had been thinking about the proposition made by Himchan all day, weighing her options. And now, she had made her decision. Peeking over at Jongup, she looked at his majestic features. The sharp cheekbones, beautiful blonde-black tresses that complimented him greatly. His pale skin, soft lips. He was absolutely majestic. Straightening up, she turned towards Jongup and straddled his waist catching him off guard as his eyes widened a fraction. “Is everything alright jagiya?” He questioned as she was rarely the one to initiate something.
She looked down at his face and traced her finger down his cheeks, trying to memorize each curve making him shudder as he closed his eyes. And then slowly, she leaned down placing her luscious lips where they truly belonged, against his and kissed him with burning passion blazing inside of her. He placed his hand on her thigh, slowly moving upwards, gripping her waist tightly and pulling her fully into him with their lips still attached. Breathlessly pulling away, their chest heaved up and down as they tried to intake as much oxygen as they possibly could.
(Y/n) moved towards his lips again for another kiss when he stopped her, placing a finger on her lips. “I am loving this Jagi, I really am. But first I need to know if you’re fine. You seem distracted lately” He asked caressing her cheek. “I just…” She stopped and leaned over his neck, placing tender kisses causing making his vision to get clouded with lust. His breath quickened and he pulled her flush against him. “I need you” she looked up at his hazy eyes and that was all it took for him to crash his lips against hers and lose control, taking her to their bed nearby.
Their night of intimacy was unlike any other for (Y/n) as she poured every ounce of her feelings into their kisses and tried to imprint every single detail of his body in her mind. This was indeed, their last night together. She would never feel his touch again, hear his voice or be near him and that shook her to the core.
Waking up to the sound of chirping birds, (Y/n) stirred in her sleep and felt her movement to be more constricted than usual, that is until memories of the previous night flashed in her mind and she allowed a small smile to grace her features. Opening her eyes completely, she looked at the peacefully sleeping Jongup who had a tight protective grip on her even in his sleep. She delicately ghosted her fingers above his chest, tracing it gently. Looking up at the clock, she read 7:56 and that’s when she remembered that Himchan was going to text her the details and so, she reached for her phone. Sure enough, she had received a message from a private number. ’11:30 AM at the New Year Venue.’ Biting her bottom lip, she begrudgingly left Jongup’s side to freshen up. During her shower, she couldn’t help the salty tears that escaped her eyes and travelled down her cheeks just like the water. Knowing Jongup had to get up for work at 8, she quickly got out of the shower and sure enough, he was awake waiting for her.
“Morning” (Y/n) smiled and went up to him, giving a light peck. “Hm, you’re able to walk after last night?” he groggy voice teasingly asked against her lips pulling her into his lap, making a dark crimson coat her cheeks.
“Shut up” she mumbled playfully punching his chest making laughter escape his lips as he buried his face in the crook of her neck “I love you” he sighed. “I love you too” She gave a sad unnoticeable smile. Jongup soon left for work and she was all alone, packing her belongings.
With her heart cracking at every single step she took towards the cab waiting for her, she gave one last fleeting glance at their house and allowed a tear to slip down as she sniffed. She knew she made the right choice no matter how badly it tore her apart. She needed to do this for him. And so, for the first time in her life, she was leaving him without a proper well deserved conversation just like he had done with her years ago. Maybe this is how our relationship was supposed to be all along she ironically chuckled sitting in the cab and bringing her bag along with her. Breaking each other’s hearts to protect one another. She only left a letter, knowing is she had done this face to face, he’d see right through her. At least through the letter, he wouldn’t see the countless tears she shed as her heart ached with each stroke. But little did she know, he’d rather die and have one lifetime with her than spending a hundred without her.
“(Y/n)! I’m home!” Jongup cheerfully called out as he entered their house and was greeted with an eerie silence instead of her cheerful voice. “
Jagiya?” he questioned in confusion and went towards the kitchen, only to find it empty. Frowning, he went towards the shared bedroom and saw no trace of her there either. But before he could leave and inspect the other rooms, a piece of paper which lay on the table caught his eyes. Knowing of (Y/n)’s tendency to keep the house spotless, he decided to inspect it. Getting ahold of the paper, he opened it and his confusion got even worse as he recognized her writing. But his heart sank with each word.
Dear Jongup,
I don’t know how to tell you this but… I guess the truth is always bitter. I love you and you know that. But not as much as I used to. I... I don’t know how to explain this. But I can’t keep living a lie. I just can’t. In other words, we’re done.
I’ve tried so hard to build back what we used to be but it’s gone you know. There isn’t that spark anymore. I gave it a lot of thought and tried to ignite the lost flame yesterday night. But it’s just not working I’m sorry. I didn’t know of any other way of giving you this information. I mean, I remember the fun we’ve had together. I remember our vows, I remember everything. But I don’t want anything to do with this or more specifically, you. I don’t want anything to do with you basically. So, we’re done. And oh, don’t worry. Nobody is holding a pistol above my head or I would’ve written our decided code word. This is all me. I was infatuated with you yes, but it wasn’t love. Just reckless infatuation. So, goodbye. And don’t try to contact me as I would’ve long changed my mobile by then. Even if I don’t I wouldn’t answer you so don’t bother wasting your precious time. And you’re not the one at fault. I was just sick and tired of our boring relationship. I need alone time. I guess it wasn’t meant to be. You’ll find someone else, someone better. Goodbye
Crushing the now wet paper in his hands, he clenched his jaw with tears rolling down his cheeks. His body shook violently as he grabbed the nearest object which happened to be a frame and threw it towards the wall with a loud scream, “NO!” shattering the glass into pieces. And just like that, he lost control as he wrecked the whole room throwing everything he saw and as soon as exhaustion consumed his body, he broke into a sob and fell on his knees, fisting his hands in his dishevelled locks.
“(Y/n)! I knew you’d be smart enough to make the right decision.” Himchan grinned as he saw her approaching body.
He was leaning against the wall in the parking lot close to the black SUV that awaited them both with two men standing next to it. He was wearing the same glasses and a proper suit. He looked over her condition and saw that she had bloodshot eyes. Then again, it was expected and he almost felt guilty making her go through pain. But the fact that Jongup was suffering cancelled the guilt. “Come now” he extended his hand with a smirk.
With a deep breath, she looked into his piercing pools and gently placed her hand in his which he gripped tightly. Going to the SUV, he opened the back door for her to enter like the gentleman he was and then, hopped into his side through the other door while taking his glasses off.
“I hope you know better than to break our deal. Because if you do that, not only Jongup will suffer the consequences but so will everyone else you ever cared about” He spoke after a while.
“We’re going to my hotel. After spending a night, tomorrow we would leave for South Korea again” he spoke more gently this time while placing his hand under her chin and bringing it to face him as he pecked her forehead. “I’ll treat you right I promise” he softly mumbled not wanting to scare the frightened girl any further and let go of her.
Himchan couldn’t help his gaze which travelled to the marks on her neck that she had tried hiding with makeup. “I’m guessing you had an interesting night” he spoke after a while, burning holes in her neck and unconsciously clenching his right hand. (Y/n) turned bright red as she awkwardly coughed pulling the collar up. After one look at her adorable embarrassed face his anger vanished away and he chuckled looking away again. The effect she had on him scared him completely.
3 weeks later
Jongup was a complete mess. He took a month off from his job, he was broken beyond repair and had frequent visits to the bar as he drunk his pain away every day, every night. He loved her with everything he had and he was sure she loved his just as much. Nothing was adding up but there was no mistaking the writing he didn’t know what to do anymore.
One usual day, ha sat drinking his poison hoping to die eventually when his ears perked up as he overheard some men talking “I’ve heard that Himchan got his girl back.” “Yeah! That’s right. What was her name again….? (Y-) (Y/n) right?” Jongup’s head snapped in the direction of those voices and he felt himself become fully sober again. With his thoughts running wild and having no clue what was going on, he screwed his eyes shut pondering over the events. It all made sense now. His eyes snapped open and an ominous aura surrounded him.  It was Himchan all along. That’s why she seemed distressed since the New Year’s Eve. That’s why she was being intimate the other day. Everything made sense He had no idea what Himchan had offered her or if he forced her but one thing that made him the happiest man alive was when he realized that what they had all along wasn’t a lie after all. She did love him, as much as he loved her.
Getting up, he got a closer look at the men and saw they had something in common, tattoos of dragon adorning their skin. Being sure he had seen the same kind of symbolic dragon before, he decided to do some research.
After 3 days of some solid research and less drinking as he had stopped poisoning his liver since he found out the truth, he got a lead. He also used his rusty skills to confirm his theory and the rumours he heard as he plunged himself into the criminal underworld yet again. As his uncle used to say ‘Once a mafia member, always a criminal’. He hacked into a security camera at the New Year’s Eve party and paid close attention to any suspicious people coming before or after (Y/n)’s visit to the ladies room and sure enough, he caught a whiff of odd dark red hair that exited the ladies room. Zooming in the picture, he’d recognize the face anywhere.
The men with the tattoos were a part of Dragon King mafia, the national level rival of Senhanjeo. And now, he had the perfect plan in mind as he waited for the leader to come and see him.
“So, you’re the backstabber Jongup?” Jongup heard a booming voice come from the corridor behind him and turned to see a man wearing a suit and black coat along with silver hair slicked back and a cigar between his lips.
“Yes” Jongup gave a simple reply as the boss named Chungeo Kazuma sat in front of him.
“Why do you want to join us? Give us a taste of your backstabbing as well?” he chuckled gazing at him intimidatingly. “I want revenge. And I’m going to get it whether you help me or not. Even if you do decide to help me, I’ll not only bring down your competitor, but you’ll become the talk of the year among the underworld with Himchan out of the picture” Jongup boldly stated, staring right at Chungeo.
At this, Chungeo’s grin widened “You have fire in you. I like that. Welcome to the family son” he grinned standing up and patting his shoulder as Jongup sat baffled having never guessed joining them would be so simple.
"Come on, I'm taking you out now." Himchan smiled, putting on his blue jacket on, turning around to see (y/n) dressed in sweatpants and a large t-shirt, which had previously belonged to Jongup - not that Himchan knew. It had been a month now, a month since she'd left Jongup and came back to South Korea with Himchan.
"I uh really don't, can I just cook for us-" She began, playing with her hands as she began but Himchan smiled, walking over to her and stopping her midway during her rant by placing a finger on her lips.
"Shhh, don't worry, you can come like this, let's go." He gave her a soft, genuine smile, before moving his hand down to gently grab hers, twining his long slender fingers with hers. (Y/n)'s eyes widened, she really didn't want to go with him, really but giving it a small thought, she agreed. After all, this was her new life and Himchan was her new partner.
"Sir, what would you like to have?' The waiter timidly asked the pair. (Y/n) looked up, her eyes meeting the poor terrified waiter who shook as he stood there. Himchan had brought her to the best restaurant in the city, which was all booked for them and scanning the area, (y/n) immediately felt embarrassed. The staff were all dressed in fancy black suits, even the security guard and yet here (y/n) was, dressed in Adidas sweatpants and hoodie with her hair pulled back into a high ponytail.
Himchan smiled at his beloved, she was indeed too adorable. He chuckled, taking his coat off and handing it to one of the waiters and sat down himself, taking off his thick black glasses and placing them on the table.
After ordering their meals, after much persistence as (y/n) refused to order such unnecessarily expensive food, the pair sat in silence until their food came. The black headed female placed the two glasses of wine on the table, only to jumble the second glass, spilling the red wine over Himchan's lap, causing (y/n) to look up when Himchan groaned and a familiar sound of footsteps came rumbling.
"I'm so sorry Sir! I'm so sorry! Oh dear god, please Sir, I'm really sorry-" And before Himchan could say a word, (y/n) burst out laughing, her beautiful features becoming even more prominent as her melodic laugh reached Himchan's ears. He paused, lifting his right hand to signal his bodyguards to stop as he watched in awe, everything around him getting blocked apart from the precious angel around him.
She laughed, ignoring everything, her hand moving to her chest as she laughed with all her heart, her eyes twinkling, the small strands of hair framing her face moving as she bobbed her head leaning back against the velvet cushioned chair. "I'm sorry, it's-" She began, trying to calm herself down but burst out laughing again, hiding her face with her hands. Himchan laughed, waving off the poor waitress that was scared to death and she hurried off. He reached over, removing her hands from shielding the beautiful view in front of him.
"Don't take my euphoria from me." He grinned at her, softly holding her hands.
"Hello?" Jongup asked into the phone, after all, it was a private number.
"It's been a while." A familiar voice came, causing him to unintentionally tense up as his grip on his phone tightened. It had been 6 months since this man had ruined his life and here he was again.
"What do you want?" Jongup growled back, running a hand through his again blue hair. After all, he needed to be intimidating, he was part of the second largest mafia in all of Asia.
"I mean no harm, just wanna have a chat, you know, about … (y/n)." Himchan's previous tone changed into a sly one as a smirk formed on his lips as he watched his beloved come out of their shared bathroom as he sat on the couch, talking to Jongup via an earpiece.
"You bastard, if you've damaged a single hair on her head, I swear I'll kill y-" Jongup began, shouting into the phone but Himchan cut him off, laughing.
"Relax, I'll have the address sent to you." He replied, and before Jongup had the chance to break into uncontrollable swearing, Himchan disconnected the phone, ripping the earpiece out of his ear and leaning his head back. (Y/n) looked over at him, her wet hair slightly dripping on to her grey sweatshirt and her black skinny jeans showing off fine legs.
"Baby girl, how was your shower?" Himchan smiled, getting up and moving closer to her small form. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his hard chest, tracing his nose against her neck as she shuddered in his arms, her hands tightly gripping his forearms.
"Mmmm, you smell delicious, absolutely delicious." He mumbled against her neck as she tightly clenched her eyes shut, leaning into his touch as her slightly wet and cold skin burned due to his touch. "My precious kitten, my precious." He continued, leaning down lower, moving her collar lower as he kissed her shoulder, the first time in the last 6 months. It was only last week that they began sleeping in the same bed and Himchan was more than ecstatic, he'd been prepared to give her all the time in the world.
"Hi-Him-Himch." She stuttered, his touch igniting a different kind of fire inside her. Himchan closed his eyes peacefully, before turning her around in his arms and falling backwards on to the bed, pulling her on top of him with her hands against his chest.
"Say my name baby girl, come on, say it." He whispered into her ear, gently nibbling on her earlobe, pulling her even closer to him if possible.
Jongup sighed as the blindfold fell of his eyes, his eyes adjusting to the brightness of the room. Looking around, not seeing a sign of his wife and his eyes stopped on a familiar figure sitting on the black leather chair. It was Himchan, dressed in a large black coat and jeans.
"Have a seat Jongup." He smirked, leaning back into the chair as Jongup sat down.
"I've heard you've joined forces with Kazuma himself?" Himchan asked, raising an eyebrow. Jongup glared at the older male, before reaching to his waist band, feeling his gun. "If I were you, I'd pull my hand back, after all, it's not my wife who'd have to see my dead body." Himchan taunted, causing Jongup to freeze temporarily before he looked back up.
"Now I know why you joined the Dragons, it's clear, you want her back but before doing something, I want to ask you one thing, are you going to take away her happiness?" Himchan asked, confusing Jongup who continued to glare at the older male.
Himchan chuckled, before reaching into the pocket of his black coat and pulling out several photographs and threw them on to the table in the middle of the pair. Jongup's eyes scanned the photos as he picked them up, his eyes refusing to believe what he saw.
It was Himchan and (y/n), his (y/n) but here she was, laughing and smiling with Himchan as the pair sat at a table eating dinner, he quickly flipped to the next one, seeing Himchan's hands on her cheeks, her face bright red, another of the pair cuddled against each other in bed and the next, which absolutely crushed his heart.
It was (y/n), lying against Himchan's bare upper body, her own body covered by the sheets but no sign of clothes on her as indicated by her bare shoulders. Tears threatened to fall, how had she given up on him so easily? Had it been that easy? To forgot him, his love, his touch in a mere 6 months that she'd given herself away to the man that had caused them both so much grief. He was completely unaware of the fact that the photo did not show what it did, after all, nothing had happened between the pair, the strap of her singlet had fallen off and Himchan had used the honest mistake to manipulate the situation perfectly.
Clenching his jaw tightly, his looked up at Himchan who taunted him with another sly smile. "She's happy with me, she's treated like a queen, and she loves it." Himchan continued, leaning back against his chair.
"She begs for my touch, shudders at my touch, moans my name, you should give up on her now, she has the perfect life here, unless you want to take that away from her and pull her back into your miserable relationship that is." He smirked, knowing he'd struck a nerve, a painful one.
"I'm giving you this chance, leave us to be, and I'll make sure you have the best life there is, the best job, house and car, find yourself a new girl, start over, (y/n) will soon become Mrs. Kim anyway." He finished, pulling out a large document from his other coat pocket and handing it to Jongup. Divorce papers.
If possible, his heart shattered even more. Everything around him becoming a blur as he tried to read the papers. Divorce of Moon Jongup and Moon (Y/n) due to martial conflict.
"It's the only thing stopping us so I'm asking you to sign and let us start our life together." Himchan said, watching Jongup carefully, noticing his knuckles turning white from his tight grip on the papers. Giving in to the wild storm of emotions, Jongup slammed the papers down on the table, grabbing the pen and furiously scratching his signature onto the blank line, before getting up and walking off out the door, not caring about a single thing.
"Please, no!" (Y/n) shouted, shuffling around in her sleep, tonight was a rare night when she was by herself, Himchan was over in a different city and she was plagued by nightmares. Her loud screams and sobs could be heard in the entire first floor and caused Daehyun to come rushing to her room, worried for her safety.
He knocked on the door but after hearing another loud scream, he made his way inside, unaware of the fact that Himchan had entered the mansion. He quickly scanned the room, his gun raised in a defensive position but after not finding anything, his eyes fell on the bed, where (y/n) lay, a sweaty mess.
"Hey, you're alright." Daehyun cooed, taking a seat on the bed and gently shaking (y/n)'s arm as Himchan made his way through to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water and some painkillers.
(Y/n) continued to sob and scream, still in deep sleep and Daehyun sighed, before pulling her closer to him, after all, he couldn't leave her like this, no way. Her loud scream caught Himchan's attention and fearing the worst, he ran towards his room, gun ready in his hand as he made his way down the corridor, being slightly shocked to not see Daehyun at his guard position at the end of the hallway and he colour from his face began to drain away as the image of Daehyun trying to do something to (y/n) crossed his mind. With new found speed, he reached his bedroom, expecting to find Daehyun forcing himself on to her but was shocked upon seeing (y/n) sobbing in Daehyun's embrace as he stroked her hair. "Shhhh, hyung will be back soon, you're ok." He continued, completely unaware of Himchan's presence at the door.
"Daehyun..." Himchan called out, catching the pair's attention as (y/n) was now fully awake and still crying, after all, she just had lived through the murder of her husband, Moon Jongup. Daehyun instantly looked up, sending Himchan an apologetic smile as he got off the bed and Himchan took his spot and Himchan smiled at him, appreciating the fact that his close friend and right hand had stepped in and helped (y/n).
"(Y/n)..." Himchan whispered as the terrified girl wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest as she cried. "Shh baby girl, you're alright." He cooed, stroking her hair and wrapping one arm around her waist, pulling her beside him. He could feel his heart drop as every little sob ripped through his chest, he couldn't see her in pain.
"Come on baby girl, you're fine, please stop crying." He cooed softly, using his free hand to raise her face so he could see her. (Y/n) looked up at him, her bloodshot eyes meeting his soft, concerned ones as she leaned forward and voluntarily pressed her lips against his, trying to seek comfort in her highly vulnerable emotional state.
Himchan instantly tensed up, feeling her soft, salty lips against his own, he froze, not knowing how to respond. His stomach exploded with butterflies as she desperately moved her lips against his, moving over into his lap with her legs on either side of his body.
(Y/n) kissed him with passion, her hands gripping the collar of his black shirt as she tried to get a response from him. "Jongup…" She softly moaned against his lips as she broke off a little, letting her clouded judgement get the best of her, puling Himchan back to reality as he pushed her off him, preventing her from connecting their lips again.
"I love you, so damn much but now isn't the time kitten, not now." He softly smiled, hiding the hurt feeling that his heart was experiencing as he cupped her face, leaning over to place a tender kiss on her forehead before pulling her against his chest and wrapping his arms around her, allowing her to break down in his arms again.
After all, he wasn't going to take advantage of his weeping angel. Himchan spent the entire night, whispering sweet nothings into her ears, stroking her hair, holding her close as she fell back asleep, breaking down the walls she'd built up to keep him out.
"You know alcohol is meant to be slow poison but at the rate you're going, you'll be dead very soon." A soft, feminine voice broke Jongup out of his thoughts as he chugged another glass of straight whiskey. This had been his daily routine for the past week or so, he'd moved to Australia back again, seeing that his current mafia group needed him there.
He looked up, his eyes meeting a pair of blue ones as he stared at the girl in front him, tall, brown hair, big luscious lips and sharp cheekbones inviting him in. "What say you and me leave this place?" She asked, having seen Jongup here for the past 7 days and finally working up the courage to talk to him.
"I'd be ecstatic." Jongup replied, paying for his drink and getting up, following her out of the bar, if (y/n) had forgotten him and moved on, it was time he do the same as well.
3 years later.
"Yah Jagi, stop!" (Y/n) laughed as Himchan attacked her neck with kisses as the pair sat outside on a dinner table at one of the finest restaurants in Australia. It was their first marriage anniversary and to celebrate, Himchan had taken her around the world, their final stop being Australia before they headed home. "I can't wait to get home tonight." He whispered in her ear, causing her to turn bright red, as he chuckled at her reaction.
The pair continued to goof around with each other, completely oblivious to the blue haired male and the brown headed girl that sat across the table from them, celebrating Jongup's birthday.
Almost incidentally, Jongup turned around, having heard a familiar laugh only to see (y/n) and Himchan seated across from his table, the pair were so engrossed in each other that they didn't even notice Jongup being there. Jongup's girlfriend noticed the odd shift in his beahviour and reached out to grab his hand, breaking him out of a train of old memories as he smiled at her, continuing his conversation with her, completely ignoring the two most prominent figures of his past.
(Y/n) on the other hand, finally managing to push her husband and his perverted thoughts away from her, laughed as she looked around, before her eyes stopped on familiar blue hair and her smile vanished. It was Jongup. Turning her head further, she saw the beautiful brown head with him and the pair laughed and Jongup leaned forward, pressing a kiss on to her forehead as they got up and got ready to leave. He's happy, he's found someone new, you should let go of him too Himchan's words rang through her mind, indeed he'd found someone else.
Himchan noticed the situation and before something else could happen, he tapped (y/n)'s shoulder, causing her to turn around and smashed his lips against his wife's as Jongup looked at the pair, only to see them with their lips against each other's and he growled, looking away and lead his girlfriend out of the restaurant, causing Himchan to smirk into the kiss as he bit down on (y/n)'s lip, claiming his dark necessity once and for all.
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
[9:30am] “how’s that?” He asks, a little smirk pulling the corners of his mouth as he watches you sip your strawberry tea.
The early morning sun rises behind you, framing your head like an angel’s halo. Jongup knows you’re not a morning person, but insists on grabbing breakfast at the local cafe every Saturday as part of his weekly ritual.
He knows the frown that has your face all screwed up will ease once your favourite pastries have been devoured.
“It’s fine,” you mutter, rubbing your eyes. “I just wish we were still in bed.”
A waiter steps out of the cafe and places a platter full of breakfast items – your favourite pastries included – on your table.
“Yeah?” Jongup smiles as he watches your face light up in delight. The sight is priceless and gets him every time. “How about now?”
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bapdaydreams · 6 years
Jongup: Remember Me?
Summary: It has been years since you broke up with Jongup and be just walks right back into your life again. Not that you mind at all. 
A/N: Just some slight angst and fluff for Jongup, requested months and months ago by @lightning-loving (I don’t even think you remember) but it’s finally here so I hope you enjoy.
You take a deep breath, as you get ready for a formal event for work. It would last a few days so you were staying at a hotel where the event was taking place. You were getting ready at your hotel room before putting the final touches to your look and then you take a look in the mirror. With a smile you nod to yourself before putting your shoes on and then walk out of your hotel room.
You meet one of your close friends and co-worker in the lobby and the two of you head into the reserved area for the company party. The two of you find your nametags and then enter the event. A waiter offering you and your friend both a glass of wine instantly meets you. You thank the waiter and he leaves before the two of you search the crowd for your other work friends.
You don’t see him but he sees you. He can’t believe his eyes when he sees you. He hadn’t seen you in years and you were just as beautiful as he remembers. He is unsure of what to do as a rush of feelings hits him like a tsunami. The way you smiled and talked to people around you, made his heart skip a beat.
You were still the one loved the most.
Still the one he wanted to be with the most.
Jongup wants to go to you and talk to you and get you back but Yongguk knows what is going through his head.
“Don’t even think about it”, Yongguk whispers in his ear.
“What?” Jongup asks in confusion.
“I know what you are thinking, I don’t think it is a clever idea so just wait for now”, Yongguk says calmly and Jongup can’t help but agree.
He doesn’t know how exactly you would react. Maybe you would react badly and tell him to go away and to get out of your sight. He had hurt you back then. Everything had been going really well until both of your heads clashed and the fights had sprung out.
He had a lot of happy memories with you like the first time the two of you met. You had been so shy and he had been awkward. It had somehow worked out though even with the extended silence and awkward exchanges. It was slow going after that since both of you had ben hurt badly from previous experience.
But getting to know you had been so wonderful and he felt like he had found somewhere he truly belonged to. Someone he could belong to.
He is reminiscing all the happy memories with you when he catches sight of you again. He smiles at the sight of you just chatting with friends.
You can feel someone’s eyes on the back of your head. You brush it off at first thinking it was just because of the large number of people in the party. After a while you finally look around the room and then catch the familiar tuff of brown hair, the sweet smile, the tan skin and the beautiful mole, which graced the bridge of his nose. He was still as handsome as you remember him to be.
He was laughing and talking to his friend, Yongguk. He laughed without a care in the world as he talked and suddenly you remembered all the things you loved about him and all the things you missed about him. You wanted to go back in time and be with him again, so badly.
But you knew that wouldn’t happen. He had broken up with you after telling you that he couldn’t do this anymore. You had been so heartbroken but you also didn’t say anything against how he felt. You had just put your head down and just left him. You didn’t want to fight. You were tired and he was tired too. The two of you had just dragged this on too far.
You aren’t sure how long you stare at him, as the next thing you know is that you are staring into his eyes. You are shocked at first, meeting his gaze. He smiles at you, the same sweet smile he used to smile at you, making his eyes turn into little cresent moons and his crooked teeth showing. Oh, you loved his crooked teeth even though he tried to hide them at time.
He excuses himself from Yongguk and then he is making his way towards you. You panic a little and tell your friend that you had to make a call and calmly leave. You try to get away as far as you can from Jongup.
You weren’t sure if your heart was ready for this.
You missed him so much and you really wanted to be with him again. Your heart yearned for his touch and for his comfort. You had missed him so badly.
You make your way through the crowd and try your hardest to put as much distance as you can between you and Jongup.
You are looking around to make sure you can see Jongup so you can avoid him. You take a few turns and then look behind you again just to see that Jongup is nowhere in the room anymore. You look around in panic and then look forward again just to be greeted by the familiar smile you loved so much.
“Remember me?”
You gasp in surprise and Jongup is just standing there. He runs his hand through his hair as he waits for your response.
“Jongup”, his name escapes your lips.
It is still so familiar to say out loud.
You look at him and he is still smiling. You are hesitant as you lift a hand up and slowly trace his cheek. He leans into your touch automatically, like an action, which is familiar to him, as if he never forgot. As if he never let go of you.
“Jongup”, you repeat. He says your name back and your heart skips a beat at the way he says your name.
“I missed you”, he whispers.
“I missed you too”, you say slowly your hand still cradling his face.
You bite you lip as he looks at you. He steps closer towards you and your other hands cradles his other cheek.
His own hands are a little hesitant as they rest on your hips. He pulls you closer. Your body is familiar yet so new to him. He remembers you so perfectly yet he known that both of you are very different from few years ago when the two of you were together.
Both of you had become different people but still somehow one thing which remained was the face that both of you loved each other and neither of you were ready to let go of the other.
“I’m gonna kiss you now”, he says.
“Well I hope so, you made me wait long enough”, you say and he laughs before he leans in and gently presses his lips against yours.
Your heart is pounding against your chest as his lips fit perfectly against yours. His lips are as soft as you remember and still feel as comforting as you remember. The two of you pull apart, your forehead resting on the other’s as the to of you just look into each other’s eyes, communicating a whole bunch of emotions which are better left unspoken because the two of you just know.
He gently brushes the stray strands of your hair away from your face and slowly cups your face. He then kisses your forehead.
“I love you”
“I love you too, Jongup”
The two of you share another kiss together and then finally pull apart from each other. He is still holding your hand and he squeezes your hand and you squeeze it back.
“I believe we have some catching up to do”, he says and you smile at him.
“But first, I am sorry for hurting you so much and I know I don’t deserve to have you back but I need you back in my life”, he says.
“It’s ok now Jongup…and I need you in my life too so don’t ever leave again”
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Here’s my first attempt at writing a BAP sceario! It’s in the Skydive AU and it’s a mix of reader x Jongup and reader x Yongguk. You’ll see as you read. :)
Wordcount:1336 Jongup x reader Angst MASTERLIST
Not an ounce of remorse shot through Jongup as he watched each of his members slowly get shot off, one by one. The boy felt a shot hit him in the upper chest, and stumbled back, into someone’s arms. By their build he could tell that it was Youngjae. Jongup’s legs gave out from under him and he fell down with the other boy.
“Jongup-ah!” Youngjae yelled out, shaking Jongup. The boy feigned death, letting his body go completely limp in the older one’s arms. Youngjae yelled out once more before he was silenced by a bullet. The dead weight from Yongjae caused the two to fall over.
From Jongup’s position, he watched through half open eyes as Junhong and Yongguk were shot down. Waiting a few moments for the echoes of gunfire to stop, Jongup stood up, smirking as he looked at each of the boys he had spent so much time with. Standing over Yongguk, he kneeled down and searched his pockets for his phone. Finding it, he opened it and stared at the picture of the girl on the lockscreen.
“You had this coming…” Jongup whispered, “Ever since you took her away from me.”
Jongup walked away from the body, making sure no one else was alive. His eyes fell on Daehyun, who sat against a concrete column and fighting to hang on to life. The boy’s hand shook as he tried to grab his gun off of the ground and point it.
Kicking the leg that Daehyun had bent up, Jongup kneeled down and almost straddling one of his legs. Daehyun’s shaking hand struggled to lift the gun up to Jongup’s abdomen. Chuckling, Jongup turned the gun in Daehyun’s hand so that it was pointing at the boy’s chest.
“Why…?” Daehyun attempted to say.
“Because I needed everyone here in one spot. I couldn’t have anyone around as competition anymore. You were just a pawn in that story to hold everyone’s attention.” Jongup smiled before pulling on the trigger and ending the boy’s life.
Standing, he ran a hand through his hair and made his way out of the building as he shed his ruined jacket and shirt to expose the bulletproof vest that was hidden. Taking it off, he replaced it with his tattered shirt.
Without a second glance, he left, leaving all of his old comrades to lay in the ruins of the fight.
Reader’s POV
You sat on your couch, a blanket tightly wrapped around you and waiting for your boyfriend to return. He was a member of a gang, and tonight they’d planned to raid another gang’s headquarters. Nights like these were anxiety filled as you didn’t know what would happen, or if your lover would even return.
Flipping through the TV channels you attempted to distract yourself by finding something to watch. All that was on, however, were sappy romantic movies. Rolling your eyes, you pulled out your laptop and began to rewatch Scarlet Heart Ryeo.
You were able to get about three episodes in before you were startled by a banging at your door. Shooting up, you pulled your gun out from under the couch cushion and cautiously approached the front door. If it was your boyfriend, he would have either called you before he was on his way or had knocked in a certain pattern to alert you that it was him. But, neither of those had occurred so you had no idea who was beyond the door.
Blood pumping in your ears, you turned the safety off and let your free hand hover over the lock. “Who’s there?” You called out.
“Y/N… It’s Jongup…”
Immediately you started to unlock your door, but still a little hesitant as you opened it. Jongup’s voice had sounded exhausted and husky. The fact that he sounded as though he was alone set a small alarm off in the back of your mind. Shouldn’t your boyfriend be with him? Or at least another member of the gang?
“Jongup oppa, where’s every-” You stopped talking as soon as you saw the state that Jongup was in. His shirt was tattered and bloodstained, hair disheveled and a mess, and his eyes were glossed over with pain and sadness.
“They… They didn’t make it.”
Your heart dropped at his words and you felt like you were going to be sick. “Y-Yongguk…?” Jongup shook his head and slowly walked into your apartment, closing the door behind him. Backing up, you dropped your gun and sank against the closest wall as tears burned your eyes. “Yongguk is… dead?”
“I’m so sorry Y/N…” Jongup took a few steps towards you.
Suddenly your sadness turned into anger as you locked eyes with Jongup. Sensing your change in demeanor he hesitated, freezing in place.
“You could have protected him…” You whispered. “Why are you here, when he’s not?”
Hurt flashed across Jongup’s face at your words. He closed the space between the two of you, taking you into his arms. That’s when the tears started to fall uncontrollably, blurring your vision as you attempted to pull out of the boy's grip. You tried to push him away, to bang on his chest and get him to release you, but he held on tight. He held you until your energy drained and you melted into a crying puddle.
“I’m so sorry.” Jongup whispered into your hair. “I wanted to protect him. Then I saw him go down. I ran to him and tried to pull him out of the line of fire, but he told me to leave him. To leave him and come here to you and make sure you stayed safe.” You looked up at the boy as he spoke, trying not to imagine Yongguk’s figure lying on the ground. “You were the last person in his thoughts Y/N.”
Nodding, you leaned into the boys comforting hold, letting the last of your tears flow. Jongup ran his fingers through your hair, attempting to calm you, and it worked. You felt your tears begin to stop, and exhaustion took hold of your body as your eyes became heavy.
Jongup’s POV
Jongup watched as Y/N’s eyes slowly closed. He knew she had to have been up for hours waiting on Yongguk to come back from the raid. She had had no idea that he would not return home that night. Jongup smiled, knowing that without Yongguk and the others in the way anymore, he finally didn’t have any competition when it came to Y/N.
Well before she started dating Yongguk, Jongup had fallen hard. Y/N was someone who had accidentally wandered into the gang life, and stayed despite the other member’s surprise. Everyone was attracted to her so Jongup knew that he had to make the first move.
The night he planned to do so was after a raid, when they returned to the bar they used as headquarters. From across the room Jongup locked eyes with Y/N and hesitated for a moment. His heart beat a little faster, and a flush came to his cheeks as a bit of nervousness set in.
However, it all changed when he saw her swept up into Yongguk’s arms. She giggled as the boy spun her around before pressing a passionate kiss against her lips.
Jongup’s blood ran cold as he realised he was too late. That she was someone else’s. But he was unable to accept that fact. Jongup would not allow her to be someone else’s while he stood back and just watched.
His plan started that night. To use one of the other members as a distraction for his ultimate plan. It took a while to set in action, but once Daehyun had fallen deep in love with a girl was when he knew what to do. Using Daehyun’s grl as the distraction, he planned the failed raid that would kill everyone else.
And now here he was, with you asleep in his arm. Jongup knew that he finally had you.
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