#daenerys targaryen: magic silver haired fire elf
daenerys-stormborn · 2 months
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"When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone."
"What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it."
"Her coming is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. From smoke and salt was she born to make the world anew. She is Azor Ahai returned... and her triumph over darkness will bring a summer that will never end... death itself will bend its knee, and all those who die fighting in her cause shall be reborn ..."
— George R. R. Martin, A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE
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Original Female Characters
These are all the Original Characters I have made for past, current, and coming soon stories.
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Story: Timeless Warrior (Fandom: Lord of The Rings)
Name: Phoenix Garcia (formerly Phoenix Nowak)
Alias: Khaleesi, Dragon Rider
Age: 40 (shortly after the story begins she turns this age)
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White. Mexican on her mother’s side, Polish on her father’s. Born and raised in Arizona, USA.
Hair: Dark brown before the war; silver due to stress of the war
Eyes: Blue-grey
Height: 5′5″
Species: human
Any Markings: A few tattoos: Valar Morghulis on the inside of her right wrist, Valar Dohaeris on the inside of her left wrist, the three-moon symbol for her pagan religion on her left shoulder, a skull with a chef’s hat and crossbones of a chef knife and whisk on the right shoulder, a red rose with one black pedal on the inside of her left bicep (a tribute to Rosa). Crisscross scars over her left eye from when she tried to save her wife’s life.
Powers: No known supernatural ones. Controls a mechanical dragon.
Relationship status: Widowed. Wife died saving her life
Spouse: Rosa Garcia. High school sweethearts. Built Meraxes to help win the war. Sacrificed herself to save Phoenix’s life.
Love Interest: Lord Elrond of Rivendell
Bio: Phoenix was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ as the oldest of two kids. Her mother was abusive and her father stayed married to keep the kids safe. Phoenix met Rosa in high school and the two became instant friends, starting a relationship their senior year. Rosa went off to get her degree and a job at NASA while Phoenix went to culinary school and opened a restaurant in Downtown Phoenix. The pair got married once it became legal in their country. They then sold the restaurant so the couple could move to Houston for Rosa’s job. Phoenix began teaching cooking classes that went virtual once a pandemic hit their country. Not even a year later, a war broke out and they found themselves leading a small group of survivors. With Rosa’s intelligence and connections, she got a group together to turn an old plane into a mechanical dragon. Unfortunately, Rosa was killed two years before the war ended and Phoenix blamed herself.
After the war, Phoenix accidentally flies through a portal into Middle Earth where more problems require her help.
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Story: Let Nature Take Her Course (Fandom: Marvel/MCU)
Name: Juna, Last name Everhart created during the advent of last names.
Alias: Mother Nature, Mother of Mutants
Age: 20,000 years, give or take a century
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Unknown
Hair: Black when undercover, green naturally
Eyes: Brown undercover, gold normally
Height: 5′4″
Species: First Man, First Mutant, External/Omega Mutant
Any Markings: None
Powers: Control of elements, weather, gravity, animals, use of lightning for teleportation, resistance to extreme heat and cold, faint connection to humans.
Relationship status: None. Finds it pointless as she never dies.
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Everett Ross, much to her annoyance.
Bio: Juna was one of the first species of humans to grace the earth. Born with a connection to the planet and humans, when they evolved, so did she so she would be able to blend in. She is responsible for the catastrophic events from the ice age ending to Pompeii, all in an effort to maintain the balance of earth and nature. She is not fond of humans and grows more and more annoyed with them as the years go by and the planet becomes more trashed. She’s not a villain, she just wants to save her home.
She doesn’t remember her parents, her family if she had one, or really anything of her past after the first one thousand years.
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Story: Mirror (Fandom: Marvel/MCU)
Name: Sonya, No Last Name
Alias: Mirror
Age: 50, though the project to begin her cloning was in the 1940s
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: None - clone of Steve Rogers
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6′2″
Species: Human clone
Any Markings: None
Powers: Super strength, speed, healing that comes with the super-soldier project.
Relationship status: Casually dating Bucky Barnes
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Bio: Created as a clone of Steve Rogers by Hydra, leading to the sharing of physical features. Trained by the best team Hydra has, she is very deadly.
Feared by Hydra, she was locked away until they felt they could have more control over her. But then she discovered her origins and snaps, breaking free and going on a rampage to destroy any and all Hydra facilities before focusing on her last target: Steve Rogers.
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Story: The Hidden Realm (Upcoming. Fandom: Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit)
Name: Rhyannon
Alias: Queen of Tir Na Nog, Fae Queen
Age: 34,000 years old (Born at the end of Years of the Lamps)
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Fae, Home: Tir Na Nog
Hair: Midnight Blue
Eyes: Midnight Blue
Height: 7′
Species: Fae
Any Markings: Has wings she keeps hidden until she uses her powers.
Powers: Spells, magic, flight, super strength, communication with animals, control the elements.
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Lord Elrond
Bio: Rhyannon is the Queen of the Fae and one of the first of her kind. Tir Na Nog is her kingdom and was one of the first realms established in Middle Earth. Contrary to what the Elves know, the Fae were actually the first beings of Arda. This realm borders both Mirkwood and Dol Guldur, causing tension between all three realms.
Thranduil has been engaged in a petty battle with Rhyannon since his father passed (who started the battle). The problem is, the realm is hidden so no other Elves believe it exists. Until Rhyannon decides to crash the Midsummer Festival in Mirkwood.
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Story: The Queen’s Guard (Upcoming. Fandom: Game of Thrones)
Name: Myria Storm
Alias: Storm Breaker
Age: 30
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Bastard child of Storm’s End
Hair: Ebony
Eyes: Black
Height: 5′6″
Species: Human
Any Markings: A tattoo of a black rose, to show her loyalty to Olenna Tyrell.
Powers: None
Relationship status: None
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Jorah Mormont
Bio: Myria Storm is a bastard child of Storm’s End. When she hears of the killing of Robert Baratheon’s bastard children and what they look like, she suspects she is one and flees her home. Myria had learned to fight from her older brother and soon becomes a sellsword. By the time she reaches High Garden, her reputation precedes her and Olenna requests an audience with the young woman. She is offered a job as Olenna’s personal guard.
When Varys brings word of Daenerys Targaryen’s return, Olenna sends Myria to have Dragonstone prepared for the future queen. And when all parties officially meet, Myria is noticed by the Dragon Queen’s right-hand man, Jorah Mormont.
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Story: Kings & Queens (Upcoming. Fandom: The Hobbit)
Name: Ladien Peredhel
Alias: Ladi
Age: 3,041
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Half-Elf, Noldor, The Grey Havens
Hair: Red
Eyes: Dark Grey
Height: 6′6″
Species: Half-Elf, Half-Human
Any Markings: Tattoos on the top half of her body. Flames that wrap around her shoulders like a shawl
Powers: None
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Thorin & Thranduil (Love Triangle)
Bio: Laddi was born in the Grey Havens to an Elf mother who sailed West shortly after Laddi reached maturity. Her father was a human who died of an illness. Because she is a Peredhel, she never felt she truly fit in with the other Elves in the Havens and left to travel Middle Earth.
She is resting in Rivendell when Thorin’s company arrives. Gandalf persuades her to join the cause in re-taking Erebor. Thorin begins to warm to her as they make their difficult journey north. When they get caught in Mirkwood, Legolas reports to his father, Thranduil, that there is an Elleth amongst the Dwarves. Confused and intrigued, he commands she be brought before him. And is shocked to see someone almost identical to the wife he lost long ago.
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Story: Battle of the Billionaires (TBW, maybe. Fandoms: Marvel/DC)
Name: Mya, No Last Name
Alias: Elemental
Age: 1,500 years old
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: Mexican & Mexico
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: 5′6″
Species: Mutant
Any Markings: None
Powers: Can control the four main elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water (hence her name), super strength & speed, super healing.
Relationship status: Currently single. Briefly dated Diana Prince back on Themyscira and Alfred back in the 1970s
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Bruce Wayne & Tony Stark are making their bids known.
Bio: Born a mutant with the ability to heal from any wound and control the elements, Mya goes around helping humanity when she can. She mostly lends a hand to the X-Men or the Avengers when asked, until two friends of hers, Alfred Pennyworth & Diana Prince, ask for her help against Dark Side. Bruce Wayne takes an interest in her, but to his dismay, she is close friends with Tony Stark.
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Story: If You Could Live Forever (Series. Fandom: MCU)
Name: Rose Fauna
Alias: Mother Nature
Age: Over 450 years (exact age unknown)
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White/Germany
Hair: Silver (Changes colors when powers are used)
Eyes: Grey (Changes colors when powers are used)
Height: 5'5"
Species: Mutant
Any Markings: An old scar on the front of her body from when she was tortured as a child.
Powers: Controls the elements, controls animals, minimum flight ability, control of weather, uses the earth to heal, immortal.
Relationship status: On and off relationships with both Wolverine and Everett Ross, eventually married Everett
Spouse: Everett Ross
Love Interest: Wolverine & Everett Ross
Bio: Born during the time of the witch trials in Europe, Rose was proclaimed a witch when her mutant powers manifested. She was tortured and barely escaped with her life thanks to Loki and Thor. The Earth healed her and it was then she was given the gift of immortality. Ever since the trials, she has tried to stay hidden to stay safe.
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Story: Against the Odds (Fandom: MCU/Olympus Has Fallen Crossover)
Name: Charlie Jones
Alias: Turbo
Age: 35
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White, United States
Hair: Silver normally, Blue when using her powers
Eyes: Grey normally, Blue when using her powers
Height: 5'2"
Species: Mutant, Omega Mutant
Any Markings: None
Powers: Telekinesis, Telepathy, ability to make force fields, Omega Level Mutant
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Mike Banning
Bio: Charolette (Charlie) is the youngest in her family. Her sister, Margaret, marries Ben Asher who eventually becomes the President of the United States. A family tragedy forces Charlie to go into hiding and for Margaret to lie and say she’s an only child to help Ben’s election. The return of Apocalypse brings everyone back together.
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Story: Peredhel (Upcoming. Fandom: LoTR)
Name: Samantha Johnson
Alias: Sam
Age: 30
Race/Ethnicity/Home Country: White/Biracial/United States
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 5'7"
Species: Human
Any Markings: None
Powers: None
Relationship status: Single
Spouse: None
Love Interest: Erestor Peredhel
Bio: Sam was a full-time chef and a part-time bartender when she accidentally finds herself in Middle Earth. Gandalf determines there is no way to send her home and so the Rohan take her in since it was their lands she appeared. After serving King Theoden for a few years, she travels all over Middle Earth learning different cooking techniques and even works at the Prancing Pony for a couple of years, where she meets and befriends Strider. Sam returns to Edoras just as a farewell party is being held for Elrond and Galadriel, where she meets Erestor.
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daenerys-stormborn · 2 months
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When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.
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daenerys-stormborn · 2 months
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"When the fire died at last and the ground became cool enough to walk upon, Ser Jorah Mormont found her amidst the ashes, surrounded by blackened logs and bits of glowing ember and the burnt bones of man and woman and stallion. She was naked, covered with soot, her clothes turned to ash, her beautiful hair all crisped away... yet she was unhurt.
The cream-and-gold dragon was suckling at her left breast, the green-and-bronze at the right. Her arms cradled them close. The black-and-scarlet beast was draped across her shoulders, its long sinuous neck coiled under her chin. When it saw Jorah, it raised its head and looked at him with eyes as red as coals.
As Daenerys Targaryen rose to her feet, her black hissed, pale smoke venting from its mouth and nostrils. The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons."
— A Game of Thrones, Daenerys X
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 Day 2 -> Mentions of Dany outside of her POV
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daenerys-stormborn · 6 months
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@pscentral event 26: minimalism - The fire is mine. I am Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of dragons, bride of dragons, mother of dragons, don't you see? Don't you SEE?
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daenerys-stormborn · 6 months
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EMILIA CLARKE as DAENERYS TARGARYEN in Game of Thrones | 8.06 "The Iron Throne"
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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DAENERYS TARGARYEN Game of Thrones - 7.04 "The Spoils of War"
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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Freya Allan as Daenerys Targaryen
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 Day 4 -> Character Parallels - Bran Stark & Daenerys Targaryen
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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@gameofthronesdaily event 01: favorite character  —  daenerys targaryen (insp)
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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Day 1 -> Favorite Book/Chapter; ADWD - DAENERYS X
Freya Allan as Daenerys Targaryen
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daenerys-stormborn · 2 years
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DAENERYS TARGARYEN Game of Thrones - 7.05 Eastwatch
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daenerys-stormborn · 1 year
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@usergif one year celebration: shuffle challenge day 3: color manipulation | ripped paper edges | your url @pscentral: event 14: your url
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