Sirius: What can I say? I’m charming and irresistible
Lily: I think you mean irresponsible
Sirius: Well, both apply to me
Remus (from far off): Heck yeah you are!
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I didn’t do that!
Oh that?...Yes, yes I did do that.
-Sirius Orion Black
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James: You need to shake it
Sirius *shimmies*: Ohhh yeeaaahhhhh
James: The bottle, Pads *insert face palm*
Remus: Well, you have to say, the view is not too bad
Sirius *still shimmying*: What do you mean bad? It looks e x c e l l e n t
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Ron: I miss him so much it’s been too long without him, I just wish I could give him one more hug
Hermione: Oh no Ron, are you alright, I’m here for you, honey
Ron: What Fred?! No, I haven’t seen Harry in three days! I can’t do this anymore
Hermione: Boys be like *insert face palm*
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James: Do that essay or you’ll hate yourself when it’s due
Remus: Oh, we both know, that I’ll hate myslef regardless.
James: Rem...no...
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Sirius: I wanna join a cricket team
Remus: Why? I didn’t even know you play
Sirius: Oh I can’t, but then I have access to a bat and I can wack whoever annoys me. Why else?
Remus: Why did I even expect any better?
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Sirius *confronting Wormtail in PoA*: Rem, whatever you do, rem remember there are children aroun-
Sirius: Remus! Language!
Remus: Yeah, sorry about that.
*a few milliseconds later*
Sirius: Rem...Remus...Honey
The Golden Trio: :0
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Sirius: Remus, look in that mirror. Do you know what I see? I see an amazing, strong, beautiful guy
Remus *smile*:
Sirius: Oh look, you’re here too
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Luna: Do authors cry when they kill the best character or do they smile, laugh and have a cup of tea with Satan
Hermione: Not a bad idea, I thought they would have cake instead
Luna: Oh yes. With little marshmallows!
Ron: Seriously?...Biscuits would have been better obviously *insert face palm*
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Remus: It’s better to have your nose in a book,than in someone else’s business
Sirius *to James*: True...
James *to Sirius*: ...and that’s why we’re going to read
Sirius: ... about the best way to disrupt someone’s life. There’d be a book about that right?
James: Good day reading, Rem :)
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Harry *after finishing a chapter* Don’t you hate it when you’re reading a chapter and then it’s coming to its climax, then whoops, your eyes dart to the last line and you spoil it for yourself and you hate youself for it
Remus: Every single book
James: Every. Single. Chapter
Hermione: Every. Single. Time
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