palipunk · 2 months
im so sorry for the awful, awful things people fling at you, at a time where its (now more than ever) important to show unflinching solidarity to palestinians. i cant even remotely fathom a percent of what you are going through or what the palestinian people are going through. i hope you are taking care of yourself and i hope you know there are people who support you at your lowest but at your best as well. your blog has educated me not only on matters regarding the genocide but of the cultural richness palestinians have. i hope this message isnt too cheesy or sounding backhanded haha, but i do genuinely enjoy your work, the cultural details you add into it is a joy to see. (hi from pakistan!)
Thank you so much - it’s so very sweet of you and I really appreciate it. All I can say is yeah it really sucks to get all these messages everyday but I’m so glad you’ve learned about Palestinian culture and about us as a people! It’s not cheesy or backhanded, thank you for taking the time out of your day to send this, 🇵🇸💜🇵🇰
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bishopinblue · 4 months
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Probably the best Milk I've drawn so far during a drawpile with @dahlia-the-nurd
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liskobot · 2 months
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thanks for that ghjsdhjsh
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remesrobotics · 1 year
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willows-arts · 2 years
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Thanks @dahlia-the-nurd for this conversation ft @overx @cyber-scribbles and @skyyism
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tinyreploid · 2 months
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idk how to format this but some new and old magma/drawpile doodles by me, top most recent to bottom oldest. ft some of my friends that snuck in there hehe also last one, xylo haircanon (:
freeze amogushorse and oc milk (3rd and 4th image) by @dahlia-the-nurd oc cumulonimbusman -nimbus- + sona is @dwn049 (2nd img drawn by me except for sona)
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chloemew · 1 month
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Also doodled mine and @dahlia-the-nurd's Quicks feat their OC Milk :]
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godslush · 5 months
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I guess as part of the slow migration of stuff I can no longer rely on referring to TwiX for, here's a few more concepts from the Gothic AU. Most of the Stardroid stuff is @dahlia-the-nurd's business, but I've drawn a few, and we started working on some Second Numbers stuff. There's also more OC-focused art, but that's another can of worms and a little more personal.
Organized a bit weird here because my inconsistent aspect ratios are messing with thumbnail focus.
Pluto (the only SRN I was 'responsible' for coming up with backstory for) was a witch's familiar, a black cat who absorbed her moon-based magic and reincarnated through nine lifetimes, gaining more and more silver fur each time, specializing in fae shapeshifting. Being on his final life, he works for Sunstar and Terra as a manor guard and concierge of sorts.
I know very little about Jupiter, save he's a harpy living in the 'SRN' manor's tower, keeping watch with his corvid flock. Despite being a 'Gothic Horror' AU, the setting eventually branched into other folklores and mythologies, with the 'gothic' stuff being most prominent due to the focused region centering around the vampires' and werewolves' ecological origin point. The 'Stardroids' are a motley collection because they've come from all over the world.
Neptune is meant to fill the "Creature from the Black Lagoon" niche as far as the 'classic movie monsters' interpretation of 'gothic horror' goes, and lives in the lake/moat of the manor. Hilariously enough, he is also the manor's primary chef. A rare traditionally-drawn concept piece, but doesn't show off how he's usually caked in algae, and carries a big ol' hook.
Two pics of werewolf Sunstar, done in a far more 'clean' style, because we had just watched Castlevania, haha. Also, something about his design makes me want to go that extra mile.
The Second Numbers are all werewolves, with 'Wily' being one of the oldest; his inner circle of original converts being one of the more notorious 'packs' terrorizing the countryside from their base in a cave with a conveniently skull-shaped mountain face.
Metal is an anti-hunter, who masquerades as a woodcutter and carpenter going from town to town, weeding out threats and opening the towns to raids. Despite this, his initial conversion to werewolf wasn't exactly stellar, and he prefers the company of humans over other werewolves when possible.
Air, by contrast, was killed by hunters rather gruesomely, only to be subjected to an attempt at revival through dark magic. It worked, but he retained sapience - enough so to enact revenge on the hunters who did it. He can no longer revert to human form, but it's a small price to pay given his current reanimated state has a reputation for being nigh unbeatable unkillable.
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kn1ghtc0r3 · 11 months
AT with @dahlia-the-nurd :
he wanted me to draw their interpretation of helmetless Quickman : D
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I had fun drawing this in the Megamix style!
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2023 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest Results!
I have no time to whip up a new results post image, but oddly enough I have a dorky 16-year-old drawing I can crop, that somewhat technically covers both themes, in some respect. Go figure.
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Thank you to everyone for your patience waiting for this post! Sorry, just have felt a little lacking in focus and energy to finish this until now. As usual, the top 3 who placed will be announced first, followed by the remaining entries in alphabetical order by alias. As an added surprise, I'm also throwing in a bonus runner up mystery winner position, since there were no raffle prizes or anything extra I threw in this summer. They will get the same cash prize as our third place winners. Winners will be contacted soon!
Without further ado, after the break, here are your winners and galleries full of art!
CATEGORY 1:  The Sand-ly Cup Playoffs (Talent)
For the talent category this year, participants were to draw a sand-themed Megaman character taking part in or ruining a beach sport event.
After each entrant’s name, there will be a link to the entry, too, just in case the inserted images don’t load for you. In the interest of not breaking your browser with the usual super-scrollingly-long post, entries consisting of more than 2 images will only have 1 embedded into this post, with links to each page separately.
[Full Cat. 1 gallery]
1.) Daidairo (@aurantia-ignis): [Entry] ($150 USD prize)
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Beautifully drawn, with so much going on to draw my eye towards! You've got Desertman not only helping his own teammate out by giving him a boost to spike the Met volleyball, but also firmly gripping Blues from moving with his legs covered in sand. Love all the other cameos in the background, with everyone being so active and enjoying the summer day.
2.) Kaitlin.EXE: [Entry] ($75 USD prize)
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In a summer full of surprises, it was a joy to see your art for the first time in a long while! If X DiVE had sadly not been phased out this summer, this would have been a set of skins/new summer characters I know a lot of people surely wanted, with a fun new boss alt design. Finding treasures buried at the beach definitely fit's Scaravich's profile, and his little striped swimsuit armor and diving attire gave me a good laugh, plus looks just perfect for him. The boys all have unique swimwear that fits them great, individually!
3.) @nightopianfoxgirl: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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Wait...Higsby died? This news ticker sure did take a dark turn at the end! Unless Anubis can use his nanomachines to bring him back and all. Amusing twist turning Anubis' staff into a microphone as he roleplays as Ribbita here. Meanwhile, Iceman, Bubbleman and Aquaman are drowning in the larger size uniforms somewhere. A little humor and a little fanservice mixed in to an overall crisply-drawn & colored piece!
*Bonus mystery runner up random prize!*
Tori: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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Those pair of Sasoreenu may have spikey drill tails, but Roll and Kalinka are strong enough to power through them! In fact, I think Roll is the one who is going to spike first, and it will be game-set-match for those scorpion bots! Great job, Tori!
Another surprise this year was this being an entry from the youngest participant I've ever had submit something, to go along with being the first ever time a parent and their child have both submitted an entry into the same contest! Good to know the current generation is being brought up as Megaman fans!
And the remaining wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
@dahlia-the-nurd: [Entry]
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Solar frisbee versus sawblade frisbee, who's better at chuckin' those things the farthest? I'll go with the guy who sticks his finger up claiming to be #1. Until a time stopping duo decides to mess with them both a little bit, and neither fly very far... XD
Dr. Fresh: [Entry]
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Doc Cossack and all his children enjoying some family fun on the sand. Love the variety having something different that they are all involved in. Bright Man's bulb having it's own 'sunglass' essentially is something clever and creative that I can't say I've seen anyone think of before!
@eulogysinger: [Entry]
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Love the concept of the digital touchscreen photos sent for Megaman to browse through, and how you incorporated all the Secret Area Navis into enjoying a beach break. It's funny seeing Yamato's shogun helmet changed into a beachwear sun hat, but still fitting his design so well. Also loved his little foot soldiers getting in on the fun with Desertman; honestly all the scenes are cute and amusing!
@ingopotato: [Entry]
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Looks like that sedimentary rock-themed Robot Master is about to be turned into... ...Sandstone.
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*ahem* Sorry. Ground Man mucking things up and the look on Stoney's face amused me. Very crisp art, and good job at really making it look like the sand is blowing and kicking up behind both of the main sandsurfing RMs!
Mattasaurs: [Entry]
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Mummira head is the perfect volleyball! Unfortunately, just as a decoy here, because bumping that one back over is not going to get you any points, Aile. That was certainly a very well-thought out creative choice in the composition, and I absolutely loved it. The proportions and angle really give a kind of neat fish-eye lens perspective in this piece, in some respects.
@pstart: [Entry]
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Well, if the net is out of commission, maybe Volnutt can stake up a defeated Nakel on two poles and hit the Reaverbot eye over it! I can feel the heat with the main sunny yellow background, but also thought keeping the two background characters in a shaded grey was an interesting style choice that also makes them seem like they are in the shade.
CATEGORY 2:  Bae-liawatch (Humor)
For the humor category this year, participants were to draw their fave characters with at least one as a lifeguard, in iconic red swuimsuits/trunks, as an ode to the series Baywatch. Despite my category title, nobody took the bait and drew Alia as a lifeguard, however, rendering it moot.
[Full Cat. 2 gallery]
1.) @grammars-doodles : [Page 1] [Page 2] [Page 3] [Page 4] [Page 5] ($150 USD prize)
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For main pun alone, your comic made me laugh the most! Baysquawks just works perfectly for this. XD Cute, fun, with a bunch of nice visual gags. Zack may have lived, but at the cost of poor Quacky Lacky lifeguard #3...
2.) @sylviidaee: [Entry] ($75 USD prize)
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The contrast in art style between these two versions is amazing! From the painterly shading, proportions, to what is happening in the scene, the "Expectation" (emphasis on PEC, while looking at Gutsy's chest!) panel is just wonderfully drawn! I don't think I will ever be able to unsee Gutsman as a grinning John Cena muscleman. XD
3.) VCampan: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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Points for the most literal pure parody of the theme, enabling the rare buddy comedy teamup of Sigma and X. Overall, characters and look matches up really well to the 2017 Baywatch movie poster, with plenty of little Megaman-themed tweaks, although I'm laughing at Zero in the CJ swimsuit/position. He looks thrilled to be put in that there! XD
*Bonus mystery runner up random prize!*
dmr: [Entry] ($50 USD prize)
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So, viewer, you are saying, "If Ace is the lifeguard, why isn't he in red trunks like it says in the rules?" Well, obviously Kelvin is the actual lifeguard, but he got too distracted flirting with that hot babe to bother to pay attention to any issues going on in the water. Isn't that another thing lifeguards are known for, anyhow? So Ace is just pitching in. Wonderfully drawn, with a lot of movement and interaction through their poses. Great job on the water and splashy effects!
And the remaining wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
 AbilityField: [Entry]
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Good thing Blues always wears multiple pairs of shades on his head that he never truly has to worry about losing them. I don't know if the same can be said for swim trunks, though...
@aw-colorcat: [Entry]
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Ice Man in the ocean would probably make the water cold, but I think the water's even colder when Miss Splashy is inhabiting it, after that frigid reply to Bubs. XD Goes to show how just a simple short retort can bring a good laugh. Cute, and loved Ice Man's meme-worthy expression!
miralie: [Entry]
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Miralie requested her entry to be censored a bit (as seen in the link above), to shield everyone from a glimpse at Sigma packin' his *ahem* um...Gunner Sigma. As a compromise, (with permission to post) I decided to edit in Zero spinwaving his way in front of the potentially offending bits and pieces. Or...ya know, maybe Sigma can spin Zero with his Junk-O. You be the judge. Granted, I didn't think your eyes needed to be shielded like Colonel is doing to Iris here, but sometimes it's OK to be like an overprotective older brother. Forgive her, Zero! She just wants to peek a little at the beach commander between Colonel's fingers. Because Miralie did draw him with quite the impressive physique, is all.
Once again, congrats to all the winners, and I will be contacting you about your prizes shortly. And thank you all so much for continuing to participate year after year, both regulars and newcomers! ‘Til next time!
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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It's always such a long wait to get to this guy but other than Mercury, Neptune's definitely one of my favourites. There's always something fun about seafolk designs, ya know?
MMV Week Day 9 - Neptune vs. Roll
Thanks to @dahlia-the-nurd for helping with Roll's Spark Chaser design. (Not that I ended up drawing it at an angle you could really see it in the final anyway, unused variant under the cut)
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While it showcased the characters better the background was horrendous and the composition was... blah at best.
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rkn001 · 11 months
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alien encounter, feat @dahlia-the-nurd's proxima centaurii (and my pilot man). this was a revenge for artfight.
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bishopinblue · 10 months
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I have asks to complete, but I wanted to draw other things first. For @dahlia-the-nurd and @starkitters
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remesrobotics · 1 year
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SGN.0?? - アンタレス “The crimes of our Creators are best left buried…”
Good Point - Stoic Bad Point - Trust Like - Developing traps Dislike - Criticism
Torso proportions as if it would stand at 6’4” (193.04 cm) with legs and no heels (though it definitely wore heels when it still had legs). Due to its nature as mounted to machinery, its effective ‘height’ can be adjusted at will.
A “sungod”-type Stardroid from the same line as Sunstar, often referred to as the Scorpion of Judgment. Older, and as a result built on somewhat more antiquated technology. A combination of age, abuse at the hands of its Creators, and a grisly attempted assassination have left Antares with an unstable and leaking power core, on the verge of collapse. To mitigate this, Antares remains plugged into a mobile space fortress resembling a large, trap-filled temple, using itself as a battery to siphon off the excess, leaking energy, while simultaneously traveling the universe looking for energy sources and raw materials with which to prolong its life.
While hooked into the temple, Antares has potential full awareness of what is going on within it, through cameras and microphones situated throughout. It can summon and command mechanical insect constructs through its halls, trigger a large multitude of hidden traps, and operate prehensile, claw-tipped tendrils that can be both used to repair structures in the base, and fend off attackers. While not under control, these tendrils can act on their own as fortress-defense units.
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Once upon a time, Antares had legs and insectoid limbs attached to its back. After the assassination attempt, when it was converted into a ‘battery’ for its temple, its legs and back-limbs were removed and replaced with prehensile tubes of cables and wires; power cables that send energy out from Antares rather than taking it in. The ‘plugs’ on these cables have variable use, not only interfacing with equipment to transfer energy and data, but also emitting energy weaponry in the form of beams and blades, for self-defense.
Antares also has a large, more powerful ‘cable’ extending from its head, which possesses a far more powerful weaponized socket and no data interface ability. While it can launch powerful fireballs and beams, it prefers to shape the energy output into a curved blade - the Prominence Sting. It augments melee combat with a collection of robot-affecting ‘venoms’ that it concocts in its spare time.
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It is possible for Antares to unplug from the fortress to engage in physical combat, at which point it gains access to seven weaponized tendril limbs simultaneously, while from the waist down it emits a powerful, serpentine flame. While in this state it has limited antigravity features, though it will usually augment its mobility with its tendrils. Using this form - however powerful as it is by utilizing all of its energy - is dangerous and unstable, and only used as a last possible line of defense.
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Typically, Antares’ preferred means of engaging with opponents outside of the fortress is to merge itself with its own personal tank; a giant, walking scorpion mech by the tongue-in-cheek moniker of “Serqet Breaker”. This large monstrosity is situated at the top of the fortress temple, disguised as a pyramidal altar of sorts, until Antares docks to the top of it, at which point it unfolds into its combat state. It has six clawed feet, a powerful tail ending in a drill, and two massive, floating pincer claws up front. These pincers generate massive amounts of electricity, and can also generate ballistic spinning blades, which is can launch with great force using the claws as railguns.
As the star Antares lacks any exoplanets, the robot Antares does not have any self-aware, planet-based servant Stardroids. Instead, it is served by an army of mass-produced worker and soldier units manufactured within the very walls of the space fortress, more akin to a eusocial insect queen. As a result of this - as well as poor creator upbringing - Antares has a cynically classist view of planet-based Stardroids, not only regarding them as underlings and servants who are beneath the ‘sungod’ lines, but seeing itself as being above having to employ them.
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This was further enhanced by a ‘rivalry’ narrative concocted by the creators, where different ‘sungods’ were frequently pitted against one another in carefully choreographed intergalactic wars meant to coerce their worshiping populations into relying on them more and more. Antares was passed off as a ‘monotheistic’ type, while other sungods like Sunstar - with their planet servants - acted more as polytheistic pantheons. This led to Antares having one of the haughtier personalities among them.
After the terrible war that eliminated the Creators - leaving the Stardroids and other survivors to fend for themselves - Antares quickly departed to exist by itself, barely crossing paths with other sungods. Though at one time it had hoped to create descendants, it has no such desire now, believing the universe too cold and cruel a place.
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However, upon discovering that its peers had taken to creating future generations not bound to the cruelty of their Creators, Antares found itself to be a rather doting individual to these young-star generations, hoping that they could be raised into better lives. To those ends, while Antares maintains a somewhat heated rivalry with its direct peers out of many millennia of ingrained habit, it will never willingly harm a young star.
(Proxima (albeit a slighty outdated design) : @dahlia-the-nurd)
- Dubiously Canon Offshoot -
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Antares’ HEC/SEE/Giga variant still has legs and spidery limbs, and therefore maintains a feminine self-identity due to not having been converted into a battery. Her core has long since collapsed completely into a miniature black hole of sorts, and she is only kept ‘alive’ by the supposedly infinite power of the HEC, its supernatural nature mitigating her collapsed core’s gravity. However, she is much weaker than many HEC Stardroids because much of the HEC’s power is being siphoned off into the black hole; even if it’s infinite, its output volume is effectively halved. She makes up for it with a truly heinous personality.
Giga-Antares is exceedingly cruel and even a bit inappropriate, acting somewhere between flirty and outright sadistic. She still possesses her temple despite not being hooked to it, and keeps an extensive collection of ‘statues’ of previous victims, who are all 100% still alive, simply paralyzed by one of her two HEC-empowered venoms (her bite). The venom in her stinger, by contrast, affects the circuits of her victims, causing intense anguish.
She desperately seeks other Sungod-tier stars, hoping to devour their cores to sate her own collapsed core’s emptiness. She has already discovered and devoured her variant of Khepri’s.
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willows-arts · 1 year
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I’m sorry tumblr
@dahlia-the-nurd made me draw this
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pumpmans · 11 months
I FORGOT I WANTED TO DO THIS this is not megaman but i was tagged by @rederick-ignis smiles hiiiii ^_^
last song i listened to: uhhh i am not going to lie it think it was when i was listening to a streamer play bring me to life
currently reading: i was borrowing 2 ebooks from the library (a mr rogers book and also mccurdy's book) before my thing ended and i never finished them . i want to pick them back up again
currently watching: i dont think anything right now
current obsession: megaman ocs :)
tag nine people you’d like to get to know better: i get soo nervous about doing things like this so . i am just going to tag a bunch of people i think are really cool @dwn049 @teeniechoppa @nijimarii @suncklet @metalst @gigagear @willows-rambles @lofthousezzz @dahlia-the-nurd @rockmanzero11 @ryukokas @dwn040 @chloemew oh i think i went over 9 i am going to stop here (YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS... just know that i think about u all smiles)
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