#dai maruyama
linagram · 1 month
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so that raincoat collab..
notes about the meanings of everyone's poses are under the cut!
akio: akio doesn't have an umbrella, he just has his hood on and he has this angry look on his face. back in season 1, akio just wanted to be voted innocent and truly believed he deserved to be forgiven and even though being voted guilty made him change as a person, he still doesn't care about the "moral side" of his verdicts, since now he just wants to be forgiven because being punished again can literally cost him his life. he still doesn't want to do anything with the guards or the verdict system, so he doesn't have an umbrella, but he still doesn't want to die, so at least he has his head covered.
shun: shun was very happy when the guards voted him innocent, since he believed his crime wasn't a crime at all and his thoughts were affirmed. however, he got "betrayed" by the guards since they decided to vote him guilty in season 2. this is why he has his umbrella lying on the ground: he really believed that the guards will still be on his side, but he was wrong.
kei: kei is holding his umbrella. he is accepting his verdicts. even though he was voted guilty by his own brother and brutally punished by him as well, he loves him too much to get mad at him. it also looks like he's offering his umbrella to shun which might look cute OR look like a reminder of how unhealthy their relationship is (kei was more than happy to flirt with shun back in season 1 and shun just acted shy and claimed to be taken, but in season 2, shun gladly joined eiko when she started to basically bully kei and shun got a new outfit to look more like kei) but also.. kei is winking here. the eye that he has closed here is the same eye that shun lost because of kei. think about the implications <3
asahi: he has his umbrella closed, but he's still holding it. asahi doesn't like eiji and he sure will not like hinode, but he likes miki. she's the only guard that he cares about, but he cares about her A LOT. so you can interpret his pose as him still being suspicious of the other guards, but wanting to be as close with miki as possible.
riku: my boy doesn't have an umbrella AND he doesn't have his hood on. sure, riku wants to be forgiven, but also.. he understands that even an innocent verdict won't make his pain go away. in fact, he will most likely just hurt himself even more to keep making the guards feel sorry for him and continue forgiving him. a little spoiler for his trial 3 vd, but there's a moment when he says that there is no verdict that will help him or make his situation better. so his head is not covered, he doesn't have an umbrella with him and he's also holding his hand out to feel the raindrops. riku kuroki why are you like this
aimi: her pose is similar to asahi's and the meaning is similar as well: she only cares about miki. however, i tried to make her pose look a bit more desperate, like she's even more dependent on her than miki's own brother. aimi doesn't care about her verdict. she only cares about finally having a friend.
naomi: naomi has claimed multiple times that she doesn't care about her verdict and she doesn't care about the other prisoners' verdicts as well (not counting asahi. the fuck them kids mindset is still there) so she doesn't have an umbrella with her and it also looks like she's taking her hood off. however, i like to think as this naomi in particular as t2 naomi: getting an innocent verdict and starting to become more confident. confident enough to feel like you don't have to protect yourself anymore. she still got a guilty verdict though so maybe an umbrella wouldn't hurt.
eiko: oh this girl is so happy about her umbrella! look at the way she's holding it! this totally doesn't have anything to do with her obsession with eiji at all! eiko really doesn't care about the verdicts, but she loves her poor little meow meow too much, so she still cares about milgram in some way. there's also her brother being the fourth guard that never got an opportunity to actually do his job and the possibility of her parents having something to do with it.. her pose is also kinda similar to kei's pose which is a nice bonus since they're a pair.
yurika: THE GIRL IS NOT HAPPY ABOUT HER TWO GUILTY VERDICTS. she's the only prisoner that's sitting on the ground. she doesn't have an umbrella with her, showing that she HATES the guards and she HATES her verdicts (and how verdicts work in general), but she still has her hood on. the girl doesn't want to die. she REALLY doesn't want to die. (and her t3 vd will show it well </3)
reina: reina doesn't have an umbrella with her, which was to be expected from miss "i'm actually a serial killer hehe >:D please vote me guilty please please guys i'm begging i would rather die than live with the knowledge of what i've done". she doesn't care about the guards' opinions anymore. she does have her hood on, but in her case it's not related to her life, i simply thought it would fit her vibe well, since she's a person who finds it hard to be honest with others and is very secretive.
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jellyfwish · 2 months
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for day 2 of @lavendergalactic's silly week [ two characters from different media you think should be siblings ] ♡ f2u with credit , rbs appreciated !
🫧 · · · pink haired sillies who love idols !! :3
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Being Tsubakihara’s Manager
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Tsubakihara x GN! Manager
Warnings: pure fluff
AN: sorry it’s been a while since I posted BUT 👀 I still have a dream to write at least 1 set of HC’s per team because I know each one of these bbys has a fan somewhere. It’s me, I am the fan.
You can’t tell me these aren’t some seriously blushie boys
They will simply perish the moment they find out they have a manager
Literally, they could have no clue who you are but once they find out, watch out
Instant protection squad!
They have like six second years so never fear Yn, you are secure
Coach Osado is actually the one who recruited you
He knew you were a good student and capable of managing a team
When he asked if you still needed a club and you responded “yes”, the deal was sealed 🤝🏻
The first person he’s gonna inform is our amazing third year setter, Echigo
That poor boy is exhausted
Literally carrying the teams moral on his back 😅
Needless to say, he’s stoked about having a manager!
However, Coach Osado and Echigo decide not to inform the rest of the team of you
Because there’s nothing better than a good surprise right?
Right : D
So on your first day, you walk into the gym and the boys are already warming up
They stop and look towards you 👀
Freaking so noisy istg-
They watch as your beauty lights up the space, and they all just stare at you
Literally 👁️👄👁️
Someone better make sure to get a mop because there is drool everywhere!
You smile at them and wave, walking over to Coach as Echigo stands and walks towards you both
Teradomari is super confused 🤨 and looks to his friend for answers
Too bad his friend is Maruyama, who is probably definitely simp #1 on Team YN
“Dude don’t stare at them! We don’t even know who they are!” Tera gritted out as Maru snapped from his thoughts
Literally just these goons all ogling you
Hope you don’t have social anxiety Yn 😅
All the second years, Tsukioka, Mikawa, Iwamuro, Atema, Maiko and Kaikake are silently thanking whomever sent you walking into the volleyball gym
Our precious Angel, Himekawa is just staring at you, face blush red as he watches you laugh at something Echigo says
Suddenly Echigo and you approach the team, a huge smile plastered on your face
“Guys this is Yn, our new manager,” he spoke as suddenly the gym went dead silent
Before ultimately erupting into chaos
“Our manager- as in our teams manager?!?” Maru shouts, standing up before running at you and Echigo for a group hug
“As in the collective groups manager?” Tera added
“Like YN’s gonna be at all the practices manager?” Maiko interjects
Echigo 👉🏻😐🙄 yes
“Wait wait- like YN’s gonna travel on a bus with us to tournaments and stuff?” Tsukioka promoted
You this whole time 👉🏻😅
Coach Osado 👉🏻 rethinking this entire decision
“YES- yes YN is our manager!” Echigo finally said, moving his hands in a circle to indicated that he was including everyone
“I’m really happy to be joining you! Thank you for this opportunity!” You smile as the boys instantly die on the spot from how adorable you are
“I think I’m gonna faint!” Maru shouted as you quickly ran over to him
“Do you need water or something?” You said, concerned as his eyes widened and locked with yours
Thankfully Tera became conscious during this process and quickly intervened
“Umm I think he’s ok Yn, here I’ll show you around,” he said, grabbing your arm as you waved to the boys and began about your first day as the teams manager
Now I wish I could say they chilled out, but they in fact, did not 😬
Sure they didn’t almost pass out every time they see you but man did they adore you
They all clamored to help you in anyway they can
There is no way coach has any issues getting these boys to practice
“YN come help me with spikes!” Mary shouts
You 👉🏻 ok 🥰
“No YN I need you to help me with my cross court shots!” Teru interrupts
You 👉🏻 sure 😃
“YN is going to be too busy helping me with serving!” Tsukioka interjects
You 👉🏻 okey dokey 😅
“I need the most help Yn!” Kaikake whines
You 👉🏻 on it 🫠
Good thing Echigo is there to straighten everything out
“Whoa whoa ok that’s enough fighting over Yn! You guys should learn how to practice on your own!”
You 👉🏻*instant relief* 😌
“Besides Yn is going to be too busy helping me with setting to help any of you,” Echigo adds 🙃
“YOU ALWAYS HOG YN!” Maru shouts as Tera and the entire team join in
You 👉🏻 🧍😀
Despite all their fighting, they do agree on one thing
And that’s protect Yn at all costs!
Seriously you probably have better security detail than most politicians YN
Especially at tournaments
Because these boys aren’t only nervous about the game
But now they have to worry about protecting their innocent Yn from boys 😱
At the qualifiers for nationals, these boys are already on edge
You’ve tried to calm them down by giving them words of encouragement by man are they tense
Coach suggests that maybe it would be beneficial for them to eat something to calm their nerves which you agree
But oops- it looks like you forgot the bentos on the bus
Darn it 😏
Oh well, nothing a short brisk walk won’t fix
Only they boys don’t know you have left them because they are too nervous to even function
And while you are on your adventure, there’s a few players who have been paying extra attention to you
High school hormones 🙄
So when they finally see that you’ve escape the guard and are now alone, they decide to pounce
“Hey there! I didn’t know Tsubakihara had such a pretty manager!” On of the boys said
You just blush and continue to walk, knowing you need to feed your boys
“Man I wish we had a cutie like you on our team,” another one of them says as to you
You continue to ignore them because you have a goal!
Back in the gym, it’s Himekawa who first notices your absence
He’s so nervous that his nervous are almost working for him and making him way more vigilant
He looks around confused before Atema finally says something
“What’s up dude?”
“Umm where did Yn go?” Himekawa asks as suddenly everyone looks up
It’s like the nerves just melt away as they all suddenly start to panic
“Omg YN’s lost! We lost our manager!” Maru shouts
“YN was just here a few minutes ago calm down!” Echigo says as coach interrupts
“I sent YN to get some bentos to calm you boys down,” he says as the boys eyes widen
“Like alone?!?” Teru questions
“There’s so many boys here! We have to find YN!” Iwamuro yells as the boys take off in search of you
By this time, you’ve made it to the bus and the now super annoying boys are still following you 🙄
Like please take a hint we have a job to do ok!
Just as you are about to say something, the doors slam open and your entire team comes running out
Literally it’s like that scene where Ukai runs to save Takeda from Inarizaki’s coach
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“LEAVE OUR YN ALONE!” Maru shouts as the boys and you just stare
The boys 👉🏻😐
You 👉🏻🙄
They block you from the other boys as they puff out their chests and assert their dominance
“YN are these hooligans causing you issues?” Tera asks as you stare at him
“I’m fine,” you say
“Why are you bothering OUR manager?” Maiko questions
You 👉🏻 really I’m ok 😅
“We were just making sure nobody hurt them. They were walking all by themselves,” one of the annoying boys said
Oof- that really hit a nerve
“We knew right where Yn was the entire time!” Maru shouted
The team 👉🏻 🤨 we did?
“Yeah we trust Yn to do things on their own!” Atema added
The team 👉🏻 we do?
“So why did you come running-” you started before being interrupted
“Well would you look at the time! Sorry we have to go warm up now!” Tera shouted, pushing you away as the other boys grabbed the lunch boxes and you headed back inside
Once inside the boys deflated, feeling relieved that they had found you safe
“You know, those guys are who we play first,” you smirked 😏
The team 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
Oh it’s on now!
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jumpscaregoose · 3 months
kentareo playing minecraft except their playstyles are completely different. like "hey look shibaken I caught an axolotl~♡" *cut to the world's most efficient iron farm slaughtering dozens every second*
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jalapenobee · 4 months
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kentareo kiss save me..........kentareo kiss..........save me kentareo kiss
couple bonuses under the cut
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(ignore the english lettering on a japanese phone ahahaha)
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ameraine · 11 months
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「 July 21, 2021 」
Happy birthday to my qt qt Reo~♡
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ghostorbz · 10 months
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withoutzeuzey · 2 years
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Reoshiki comic 
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fullmetalgirl98 · 24 days
30 days Paradox Live challenge
DAY 28: a song that you love but have listened to so much that you feel nauseous listening to it now
💿 「大火傷 - License To Kill -」 - 悪漢奴等
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This is absurd, I know. Mainly because this is one of the best AKYR song ever. But I swear, there was a period, soon after it was dropped, when I make an indigestion of this song for many reasons. First of all, I REALLY LOVED (and love still now, obviously) this song, because have you listened to it?? I mean...it slaps so hard! The vibes are immaculate! The best thing, imo, is that it shows a "fearsome" version of AKYR, compared to the most of the other songs. Plus, the beat is AHHHHHH so catchy!! Ok, but let's cut to the chase. I've been literally obsessed with this song from the very first moment I listened to it but... it happened that my little otaku cousin (who can be considered just a 12 years younger version of me) and her little brother always tailing her listened to it a day. Since it was summer and during that time of the year my family and my aunt's usually spend holidays in the same place...well, they became obessed as well and my cousin wanted to learn and rap this song with me, while her little brother simply wanted to go "ACCHICCHI ACCHICCHI AAAA!" (and he really went hard with it.) The result was that I ended up listening to License to kill way too many times per day for a very long time, last year. So once summer break ended, I developed a sort of nausea for that song lol. Every time it started playing on my playlist, after that period, I immediately changed song AHAHA... And I feel guilty for this, since I swear, this is literally one of my favorite AKYR songs ever! I've only recently started listening to it again with pleasure! Ahah
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lewanarta · 1 year
Yuki Ito wins for the first time in 6 years
Nozomi Maruyama gets her first podium ever
Sara Takanashi increases her Top 3 places record to 115
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linagram · 3 months
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all bday illustrations! i feel like something changed in my art style but it's probably just the lineart (+ shading and lighting)
#don't you think it's wild how riku was still 17 when he was first introduced and now he's gonna be 19 this year.#like it's crazy man aimi just turned 17 and akio is still 17 as well DUDE STOP GETTING OLDER!!!#and asahi is gonna be 13.. omg...#fun fact about how time works in linagram: idk how it works in canongram but here the prisoners actually do get older#but i also see it like this: to them it feels like literal months or even years have passed. they're getting older. they're celebrating-#their bdays or other holidays. but when it comes to the outside world its probably been like three days or more. like maybe a week#so when or if they manage to come back i think their bodies will go back to their pre-milgram age. sort of like they went to an alternate-#reality in some way??#if you're wondering the only reason why i decided it won't be as long in the outside world is not bc of their families or friends#SOME OF THEM HAVE PETS. AND THEIR PETS LOVE THEM A LOT. NAOMI LIVES ALONE WITH HER CAT AND THERE'S NO ONE WHO CAN TAKE CARE OF HER#(maybe some family members but do we trust naomi's family. especially her mother)#casually dropping some lore in the tags and leaving byeeeee#👑prisoner 001: miyagawa akio👑#🌸prisoner 002: hanasaki aimi🌸#💔prisoner 003: ishizu shun 💔#🌿prisoner 004: chiba naomi🌿#🍓prisoner 005: sanada kei 🍓#💎prisoner 006: yoshioka eiko💎#🍬prisoner 007: yano asahi 🍬#🎀prisoner 008: maruyama yurika 🎀#🎸prisoner 009: kuroki riku 🎸#🎭prisoner 010: himura reina🎭
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uruwashinonightingale · 5 months
throwing this poll out here into oblivion because! i have quite a few fic ideas for paralive to celebrate valentine’s day, but i don’t have time to complete them all and don’t know which ones to prioritize. so!
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crazyasianlove · 8 months
ONE DAY Ep. 3 (Sub. Esp)
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azul-marie · 2 years
for akyr's bbs!! I mean for hokusai, reo and satsuki ~ platonic hcs ✨ where mc is their teacher who is very dedicated to her students and does everything possible for them to learn, with love and kindness giving them encouragement to continue, creating a harmonious environment in the classroom making improve your studies 😊 and well, by platonic I mean when you have a crush on your teacher but something like admiration or affection doesn't go beyond that xd I'm sorry I extended ;")
hello! thanks for requesting. this was such a cute scenario! i definitely had my share of favorite teachers growing up, so this touched my heart bunches, haha. i hope you enjoy it too! be well. ❤️
note: fem. reader
genre: platonic/fluff.
characters: hokusai masaki. reo maruyama. satsuki ito.
seeing how often he’s labeled as an outcast in the public eye outside of his family’s grasp, hokusai greatly appreciates the kindness you show him day in, day out. as a part-time student his classes don’t last the typical school day, but finds your class in particular his favorite among his schedule. no matter what sort of day he’s had, hokusai knows his mood will go right up as soon as he takes his seat.
his admiration for you is sweet, even bordering closer to a friendship due to your similar age. this manifests in little gifts he drops off on your desk after class; snack bags and candy, cute cat erasers and sticker packs. hokusai tends to forget his student status when speaking with you, and pouts sadly when you remind him so. (especially when you tell him he can’t pat your head anymore.)
your encouragement inspires his studying more intently for all of his classes, not just yours. laidback as he is, hokusai takes his time to study when he feels like it, but your advice has helped him put forth more effort. (most of the time.) he likes when you praise him for doing a great job on an assignment, especially since he worked hard for you.
the type of student who naps during class, but is somehow able to pass pop quizzes with no problems. you’re not sure how he does it, but you congratulate him anyway.
why wouldn’t you like him? he’s so cute! reo is far too used to being doted on because of his sweet looks, so it’s no surprise that you’re so taken. although he does think you’re one of his favorite teachers now, and not just because you’re so nice — the kindness with which you treat him feels motherly in a way, a way he hasn’t felt in a long time. it makes him feel safe.
he admires you through acts of service, such as delivering paperwork to and from fellow teachers, or helping with in-classroom demonstrations. he definitely regals himself your favorite student, so the least he can do in return are itty bitty chores you shouldn’t be troubled with.
reo loves how gentle your classroom vibes flow. as much as he likes being the cutest of the party, it’s nice to have a place of quiet to relax in every once in a while. it’s made better if you’re the type of teacher who plays music during class or makes lessons feel more like games. he tends to slack off when it comes to grades, but finds himself improving exponentially in your class. he figures it’s his status as your favorite (and cutest) student, along with your genuine, compassionate soul.
the type of student who secretly plays his mobile games in class, but somehow avoids getting caught in the act. it’s become a running gag in class of you trying clever ways to catch him and confiscate his phone.
out of all your students in class, he’s proven the most devoted to your teachings thus far. bold and brash as he is, satsuki can’t help but melt around sweet, kindly souls, especially of the feminine variety. you’ve earned his trust as his favorite teacher in school, a rare feat considering how much of a delinquent his actions tend to go. but you see past his bark and bite, below the surface where his softer places lay low. for you to care for him despite all his trouble touches his heart greatly.
his admiration is through conversational banter and mischief he gets into during class. he’ll ask about your week, the name of your pets, whether you prefer curry or stew — literally anything just to get out of that day’s lesson. satsuki manages to get most of the class to go along with it too, and even if you smile and chide them, you’ll let it slide time after time. he likes this humanizing part of you; learning snippets about your personal life helps solidify the fondness he has.
although satsuki likes to believe himself a man who doesn’t need anyone’s help, he’d gladly go straight to you with loads of questions about assignments and tests he’s worried about. he always takes the advice you give him wholeheartedly, without a doubt, always at the back of his mind even in mundane situations at home. he values your thoughts nearly at the same level as zen and iori’s, a grand honor bestowed unbeknownst to you.
the type of student who zones out during class but doesn’t get away with it. he panics every time you teasingly call him up to the board, but plays it off and ends up cracking up the class with his obviously wrong answers. (he meant to do that.)
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
Daily Tsubakihara Headcanons :D (watch me forget tomorrow lol)
Tsukioka is like insanely strong, able to carry Iwamuro and Atema at the same time.
Maiko wears makeup to school, he doesn’t care at all (his sisters taught him how to do makeup)
Atema and his twin are identical and the team were shocked when Tomomi (his twin’s name) showed up at the gym (It’s like a Mabel and Dipper situation, but I’m considering making Tomomi trans because I can) [im pretty sure One of the Pines twins are trans]
The entire team will kill for Himekawa
Teradomari plans to confess to Maruyama since 1st year but chickens out everytime
Iwamuro is studying to be an orthodontist/dentist because his younger sisters never brush their teeth
Akifumi is taller than Himekawa by 0.01 cm and he doesn’t know how to feel about that
Mikawa collects shells for the other second years
Echigo and Teradomari’s siblings love Maruyama
Maiko has the same hairstyle as Hondo but flipped, and he’s extremely salty about that
Atema used to be part of the track team with his sister when they were younger (there were co-Ed teams)
Iwamuro was part of Basketball team
The former third years are pretty and that’s the reason they’re known as the pretty boy team!
fun fact: the reason I found you is because of your headcanons on Kakugawa and Johzenji! I loved that you liked the background characters and I always wanted to talk to you!
HSUDSOY AWW THAT'S SO SWEET!! i love a good ensemble cast so yeah i'm always down to talk about as many characters as possible!! these are all lovely hcs btw they are HILARIOUS
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melonkittii · 1 year
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this new aya card is going to singlehandedly put me back in the bandori hole . oh my god. everything ive ever wanted for her and more. my beloved
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