fleshwerks · 7 months
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@dragonbleps' boy.
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bolstertheranks · 1 year
“So, I guess I do not need to ask what you are doing here.”
An apologetic frown tugged at the corners of the Nord's mouth as he approached the mer, waving at a fellow Dawnguard associate to continue the planned path for their watch round.
"Aye, there was a vampire attack just outside the town a few days ago," he advised, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. "Nasty one, at that."
Thias moved so his back was facing the Dawnguard associate, so that even if they were to turn, they wouldn't see his face.
"I don't suppose vampires hold meetings, hm?" The Nord asked, his voice hushed and hopeful, though there was a hint of an attempt at humor in his tone.
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tortulja · 1 year
“If my mother saw me now, you know, what I have become, I do not think she would be very proud.”
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"I don't think that's true," Tort said softly, her brows and the corners of her lips dipped downwards in sadness. "Compared to when I first met you? There's a lot you've done to change, to be better - for yourself and for the people you love. You have a lot to be proud of, Dalamus."
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honortoprove · 2 years
“Oh. Looks like someone is back in a good mood.”
Shadrach shot the ‘mer a satisfied smile and rubbed at his sleep-filled eyes, stretching and giving a long yawn as he did.
“Turns out a good meal an’ a nap is really all I needed.”
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scoundrelsfolly · 1 year
❝ I feel the hunger inside you. Gnawing at you. ❞
Asher didn't typically let it get to this point, but the Dawnguard had been all over the city and the vampire hadn't been able to catch one drunken straggler alone at night. By the time the Imperial realized his hunger was nearing a dangerous level, it was too late for him to travel to another location for a meal.
"I'm feelin' it too," he grumbled, voice nearly a snarl. He had nearly gained a snack - just enough to keep the thirst at bay - before the scent of another vampire broke his focus. He was almost irritated that it was one he knew.
"Don't suppose yeh've got anything to whet the appetite with, ey, lad?"
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dragonbleps · 4 months
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Happy Fangs In Your Neck Friday to all who celebrate.
You can trust Dal with your blood ❤️
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dalamusrex · 3 months
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Happy pride, here's two elves cuddling <3 (x)
Sinbadaen (left) belongs to @lionofmara
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noamuth · 4 months
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Started a new game (didn't delete the old one yet though), so I could tweak the settings and just make it really easy for myself so i could enjoy story more than anything else and explore leisurely. hopefully
Promised myself i wouldn't take screenshots up to where my old save was, but of course i did anyway.
Here's Dal holding a brain and rethinking his life's choices
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moonlightpaladin · 7 months
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Varying images of Dal's face because I love him face ❤️
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dragonbleps-fr · 10 months
HE'S HERE!!!!!
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BOTH of my desired Dalamus dragons have hatched!!!! They've been sitting in a nest for almost the entire year, waiting until today (my OC's in-universe birthday)
It's been years in the making, with hundreds of hatchlings in between. Thank goodness the new genes which have come out in that time haven't made me question my gene/color choices (again) :'D The plans: Dalamus (Thirsty) and Dalamus (Sated)
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roquenxnar · 4 months
@noamuth || starter!
It had been years, of course, since he'd had to take stock after a battle— nearly a decade, really, when he'd still been hearty enough to personally lead raids on the surface; and now here he stood, in the chilly once-grand temple of Selǔne, digging through the documents of one of the goblin cult's leaders— 'Minthara', as the old drow had come to discover, from the letters and missives he'd found. An ear flicked as he heard footsteps behind him, and he glanced over his shoulder to meet the younger elf's gaze, before turning back to his work. "Have you been sent to help?" he asked, not looking back to Dalamus, flipping through another book. All old Drow; no wonder he'd been asked to take a look. "I assure you, I have got this part taken care of— unless you all have found something else that needs translation for the others."
With a sigh, he picked up a few more stacks of letters, and moved to a nearby fallen statue, rubbing his side as he sat. The goblin's club hadn't been sharp enough to draw blood, but by Eilistraee, it ached. Not that he was willing to openly complain in front of the younger drow, not yet. The lad was still adjusting to life on the surface— and might not bat an eye at dispatching an old, used-up warrior to save supplies. There was a time Belthan might have agreed.
Finally he looked up, frowning as he studied the golden ring in Dalamus's eyes. A troubling sign, at least to the older drow, but not an argument he wanted to have. "Have you at least found any deep wine? These little iblith served our people… in a manner of speaking; they've got to have some deepwine around here, somewhere."
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fxrest-bcrn · 10 months
@noamuth | Continued from here:
Dalamus glances at his bowl of alleged food with some suspicion and disgust, the chunks of unknown vegetables bobbing in the broth. He then regards the half-drow with the same expression. It crosses his mind to pour the bowl out, to add insult to injury, but it might splash back on himself. "You can have it. This slop better befits you, anyway." He sets the bowl aside and puts more space between himself and Tavrayn.
The half-drow had slurped down his own bowl of stew in an instant, his stomach rumbling for seconds as he dropped down next to the strange drow.
"Slop?" He quirked an eyebrow and a corner of his mouth up, elbowing Dalamus. "What, they don't have vegetables in the Underdark? Not enough worms or spores in it for your liking?" Still, he gave a chuckle, taking the other bowl... and using the space to turn more toward Dal.
"You'd better get used t' vegetables, friend. It's some of th' best food we've got up here."
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bolstertheranks · 1 year
"This is not what you think it is."
Seeing the vampire covered in blood was not exactly a reassuring encounter, however, Thias did take note that Dalamus seemed weakened - not invigorated - and that majority of the blood appeared to be at the mer's side, not his face and chest.
"Is everything okay?" Thias asked, more concerned for his friend than his own safety. "Can I assist?"
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tortulja · 1 year
"You can tell me, you know. That is the way the whole friends thing works.”
"I know, I just...." she allowed a sigh to escape as she closed her eyes, shaking her head. "I don't like being a burden."
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commission for @dragonbleps of her dunmer vampire, Dalamus Rex
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lionofmara · 7 months
A blisteringly hot huff of breath woke Dalamus with a start. His red eyes met odd-colored yellow and green, and plumes of strawberry blonde fur filled his vision as a soft, dry leather nose plunged itself into the open space between his chin and neck.
“Ah, Sinbadaen has shifted,” he thought to himself and a light chuckle escaped him as he lifted a sleepy hand to pet the enormous head intruding on his space. “Good morning, Sinbadaen,” he tried to coo, but it didn’t come out quite as playful as he wanted, with the sleep constricting his voice.
The Lion seemed to pick up on it though, and gave a breathy huff, indicative of a laugh, washing Dal in more of it’s hot breath. It’s equally hot tongue breached it’s huge jowls to physically wash Dal’s cheek, resulting in a more awake and hearty chuckle.
Dalamus freed his other hand from the beast’s weighty head and gave it scritches under the chin, which it replied with a content sigh and pressing its weight into his hand. The rest of the beast he could hardly see was sitting on the floor beside their bed, it’s collective enormous weight far too much to even try fitting into their bed lest it break it to splinters. He could hear it’s thick weapon of a tail beating against the floor every so often.
It didn’t take terribly long for Dalamus to register that it was still dark inside the room and his night vision was engaged, thus concluded that it had to still be nighttime. Before he could react to this information, the beast lifted its head from his chest. It didn’t go far though, just enough to nose at the vampire’s nightshirt, it’s huge shape ever so gingerly maneuvering to bury itself underneath.
It’s hot breath warmed the vampire’s core, though Dal couldn’t help but lightly giggle at the sensation. He reached for the beast’s muzzle and pet it for a moment before he realized that the Lion was not just burying its face under his shirt, but was lifting it, shoveling it upward with his huge frame and toward Dal’s arms as though to take it off.
Confusedly, groggily, the sensation pulled a pleased sound from the vampire. “Sinbadaen?” he muttered questioningly.
The call of it’s name prompted the huge creature’s tongue to emerge and ever so gently lick the vampire’s torso. It’s rough, barbed tongue danced across his skin, the sensation prompting a shiver from Dalamus. For some reason, it wanted his shirt off, so he sleepily obliged. The beast’s weight shifted and it got closer to the bed in response. Reflexively, his hands went back to the Lion’s muzzle, holding it gently as it moved across his body.
Tongue was replaced by the small front teeth of the beast’s maw, it moving with such delicate precision that just barely the tips of it’s teeth brushed, feather lightly, against Dalamus’ stomach. The sensation drew a fluttering breath into the vampire’s chest—that pulled him from his groggy state. Before he could say a word, the Lion’s teeth had traveled down across his sensitive stomach and had hooked themselves at the waistband of his sleeping trousers. He blinked, trying to form a coherent thought in his head at what in oblivion the Lion was on about. It grasped the fabric between it’s jaws and pulled delicately downward, eyes lifting to meet with Dal’s.
Blood, warmed by the Lion’s great heat of a presence, rushed to his cheekbones as he realized what the huge beast was actually after. He drew a shaky breath. “Sinbadaen…? Are you.. Wholly in control?”
It’s eyes danced as it’s nostrils flared and a great, rolling sound emerged from its chest, not terribly dissimilar to a dog who had learned to “whisper” but not bark. Sin had been practicing “verbal” communication with Dalamus while in Lion form, and Dalamus recognized the sound as an affirmatory one.
The resulting hot breath awashed his sensitive stomach, tensing Dalamus’ groin in anticipation. His thoughts swam in grogginess and apprehension; Sinbadaen had never shown sexual interest while shifted into Lion form, but if Dalamus was reading him correctly, the day had come that he’d been concerned about. After all, the Lion was well over eight feet tall, and it’s weight compared to that of Skyrim’s heaviest horses. He trusted his beloved partner, but so much apprehension swam in his head.
And yet… the Lion was so gentle.. and so patient—aside from the occasional slap of it’s tail against the floor as it emoted. It seemed Sin was wholly in control of himself, but Dal could only focus on how small of an error, how the slightest of lax of concentration, had to occur for the huge creature to hurt him. Not that he couldn’t heal it off, but it wasnt Dal’s favorite idea—he had seen what the Lion was capable of, and it wasnt a pretty sight.
But the creature, at the moment, was as placid and gentle as a kitten, watching him. Pleading with him. He could feel it in it’s great breaths.
He closed his eyes, drinking in the Lion’s hot breaths. He chose to trust his partner.
“Very well,” he drawled sleepily.
He felt the bed move as the Lion shifted it’s weight, heard the click of it’s claws as it grabbed into the floor for purchase as it stood on all fours. He lifted his hips so the Lion could freely remove his trousers, and that it did, gently pulling the fabric down his legs and off to unceremoniously drop them to the floor at the end of the bed. His eyes opened in time to watch the great beast’s head move back to his body, locking eyes with him as it’s soft, leathery nose hovered near his sensitive stomach.
Dalamus took inventory of himself as he watched the creature’s huge head in anticipation. He hadnt noticed before, but as the Lion’s great tongue gently washed his stomach and down onto his thighs, Dal caught sight of his own penis, half mast—was that just from Sin’s slight toying so far, or had he gotten that way in his sleep? The creature’s nose disappeared between his legs and there was a moment of tense apprehension before the Lion’s tongue ever so delicately touched down at his perineum, and dragged upward, taking his scrotum with it.
Now he was awake.
An involuntary, deep moan loosed itself from Dal’s chest. If he wasnt fully erect before, he certainly was as the Lion’s tongue moved in for another pass, this time engulfing his penis with it’s rough barbs. Dal’s back arched as he loosed another involuntary moan. His hands reflexively reached to grab the beast’s nose as it bathed him in the best oral he had ever had, it’s massive tongue the perfect size, temperature, and texture that made Dal’s head swim. He bared his fangs in a tiredless yawn of pleasure, his mouth open to freely allow moans to leave him unmuffled.
The Lion stopped before he could get too close to orgasming, leaving Dalamus grasping needily at the Lion’s face. He didn’t need to breathe, but the breaths came reflexively, gasping for air to fuel sounds that he swore made the Lion’s jowls pull into a smile. And get Sin’s face he did, as the Lion moved to nuzzle his chest for a moment. Fear that the Lion had simply teased him for fun, his hands frantically grabbed at the Lion’s mane. But, before Dalamus could whimper, “Please, don’t leave me like this—”, the creature’s nose pushed under his shoulder in the universal companion animal sign to “get up”.
Could he? He wasnt sure his legs would work like this, even to find out what the Lion had planned for him next. Grasping Sin’s mane for leverage, the Lion essentially pulled him up into a sitting position for him. Sitting up, he could see the Lion’s tail swishing in excitement and for balance, especially as the Lion stooped on it’s back legs to lift it’s huge, unnervingly human-like front paws from the floor. Those paws gently grasped Dalamus’ arms, prompting him to let go of it’s mane—so he did. He surely couldn’t do anything to fight against those incredibly strong paws, so he watched with need thinly veiled by curiosity. From the Lion’s new stance, Dal could see that it’s light pink penis was fully erect, standing at attention against it’s huge testicles. He hardly had a chance to internalize and blush at the realization of what he was truly in for. Especially as, in the darkness, he couldn’t pick out exact details of the penis’ shape—but from what he could tell, it wasnt much different size than Sin’s normally was as a mer, curiously enough. Perhaps slimmer, but were his eyes deceiving him—did it have barbs on the head?
In a motion too fast for even Dalamus’ enhanced vampiric reflexes to react to, the Lion had let go of his arms and had delicately grabbed him under the armpits, not dissimilar to how one would pick up a child. His senses caught back up to him after he’d been hoisted into the air like a naughty cat, back pressed against the Lion’s furred chest, leaving him baffled at how blisteringly fast the Lion’s movements were for how bulky it was. The Lion first digits prodded into his underarms, prompting him to lift them. He did so, curiously, looping his arms around the Lion’s mighty neck and lacing his fingers into it’s mane for purchase. The beast’s head came to rest over his shoulder and against his chest, tickling him with it’s long fur, and warming him with it’s exerted breaths.
Dalamus’ blush that had died down returned as the Lion adjusted it’s grip, moving one large paw to grasp under his left knee and pull it back against his chest, the other paw moving to his right thigh, cupping his buttcheek in it’s huge paw pads. He stuffed his face into the Lion’s mane as it’s digits poked and prodded around his groin, the tip of one tender, yet sharp claw unsheathing to hone in on his anus. The sensation pried a shaky moan from the vampire, muffled by the beast’s fur. He relaxed in anticipation of the sharp claw sliding inside, but it stayed where it was—instead, the Lion shifted it’s weight and used it’s purchase as a guide to press the head of it’s penis against his entrance.
He gritted his teeth against the beast’s intrusion, letting off a drawn out hiss of air as the claw retreated, and the Lion’s length pushed deeper into him. His estimation on the Lion’s size seemed correct as it bottomed out in him, fur tickling his stretched anus. That was no where near as scary as he’d been apprehending, and just when he’d brought himself into a sense of security at knowing that it was essentially the same as he was used to, the Lion pulled out.
An involuntary shriek of a gasp escaped him at the sensation, his estimation of the Lion’s penis having barbs also having been correct. It didn’t feel like they were doing any damage, but the sharp, dragging sensation definitely hurt. It wasnt a hurt he didn’t enjoy though.
His arms tensed around the Lion’s neck, holding on for what felt like dear life as the beast began to thrust regularly, the barbs grabbing delightfully painfully at his insides with each out-stroke. His breaths came rhythmically with the Lion’s movements, releasing each time with what was probably a beautiful symphony of moans to the Lion’s ear that was awfully close. It shifted it’s right paw’s grip, balancing his weight on it’s arm and gently grabbing his penis with it’s rough, calloused paw pads.
He orgasmed embarrassingly easily after that paw gripped him. The texture of the pads, the heat of it’s paw, and the strength of it’s grip, in concert with the delightful penis inside of him and the earlier oral sent him spilling over the edge, whether he wanted to hold it in or not.
And yet, the Lion continued.
Dalamus moaned Sin’s name, which only seemed to encourage the beast to speed up and lengthen the amount of it’s penis it used to stroke with. Dal’s chest heaved, and ejaculate unceremoniously spewed over the beast’s paw as it’s barbs stroked against his prostate. He choked on moans too thick to escape his chest at the sheer ecstasy of each stroke, his body a melted mess in the Lion’s hands, even his hands betraying him and releasing the Lion’s mane.
He was given reprieve when the Lion bottomed out in him once more, his body trembling as the muscled mass held him aloft. His penis twitched each time the Lion’s within him did. He was allowed to come back to his senses, the Lion’s green eye watching him from it’s head’s place over his shoulder. It didn’t seem done, didn’t feel as though it had finished, but he was thankful for the moment of blissful still, able to feel the tickle of fur against his overstretched hole, the beast’s heavy chest movements as it breathed, it’s paw still holding his penis in a grasp he didn’t think could ever be bested, it’s strong arms holding his limp body so delectably tightly close.
“Oh Sin…” he breathed, the only coherent thought he could get to coalesce in his pleasure-muddled brain.
The Lion’s lip drew back in a grin. It could grin? Ah, it was probably grinning because it had reduced him to using it’s shortened name, something Dalamus was usually beloathed to do. Now he couldn’t form words enough to use his beloved’s full name, and that was it’s doing. It was right to be proud of itself.
Then it shifted it’s grip—not that Dalamus could protest much against it, with his body little more than a jellyfish at the moment. The Lion released his penis and moved it’s paw back under his arm, then again with it’s other paw. With the beast still inside him, he found himself being laid on the bed, face down, legs hanging off the side of the bed, a whimper being drawn from his chest at the sensation of the beast’s penis jostling about inside him at the repositioning. Before he could form any semblance of strength to move at all, the Lion’s paws gently grasped his arms, and in no uncertain terms pinned him to the bed. Not with it’s full weight, but with a pressure enough that even fully capable Dalamus couldn’t escape. He whimpered once more as the Lion shifted it’s hind paw placement to change stance and jostled within him again.
Initially bewildered why he was laid down, one final coherent thought formed in his mind before the Lion began to thrust again: “Oh... He tired of this bipedal nonsense.”
And that it had. With an untamed fury indicative of the wild animal within him, the werelion relentlessly began to truly fuck his beloved vampire. Despite being more bipedal than a feral lion, the werelion’s legs were perfectly balanced to thrust with breeding intent.
And perfectly it did, each full stroke tantalizingly brushing Dalamus’ sweet spot, then bottoming out only to go again, never losing it’s fast and almost desperate pace. Each slap of it’s furred and heavy testicles against his, the brush of his prostate with the Lion’s barbed head, and its intense pace made him moan and ejaculate. He knew he was going to be so sore when Sin was done with him.
By the time the Lion buried itself in him the first time, Dal was already hoarse, his brain clouded and lost in the fog of intense pleasure. The beast’s pause was at first considered to be a final reprieve, as through the haze he could register the twitching of it’s barbed penis and the low, inaudible rumble releasing from it’s chest indicative of it orgasming. At least one thing didn’t change between his beloved’s shapes. The brain fog began to dissipate as he thought it was done, but he quickly realized it was just paused, soaking in his pleasurable insides after dumping it’s load. It’s heavy breathing warmed him pleasantly, but he finally knew it wasnt done with him when it’s breath hitched in preparation to begin again.
Dalamus lost count of how many times Sin had paused to orgasm within him. He counted up to three, but his brain was too mush after that to register anything but the pleasurable pain. At some point in the endless night, the incoherent curiosity occurred to him of, who would be wrung dry first: him, or his beloved?
Final reprieve eventually arrived with the Lion’s paws trembling from exertion on Dal’s arms. It had paused long enough after it’s last orgasm for some semblance of coherency to come back to Dal’s brain, even if that was just enough to register the beast pulling back one final time to leave the vampire’s wrecked body with a gentle tug. Semen followed the path of least resistance once the plug had been pulled, and unceremoniously waterfalled from Dal’s insides to trail down his testicles and the inside of his right thigh. With his voice already so hoarse, he could only release a ragged breath at the sensation.
Before the Lion stepped away, it gently, lovingly ran it’s tongue across Dalamus’ back and gently pressed its nose against the side of his head, buried as it was in the mattress, to affectionately snuffle briefly against his ear. After a brief cuddle of it’s enormous head against his back, it took it’s paws from Dal’s arms and stepped away. Too brain muddled to register where the beast had gone, Dal simply laid in place in the afterglow.
Shafts of sunlight indicating morning had come shone through the window as Dal’s senses finally came back to him. With new coherency and alertness, he took inventory of himself. He was well and truly embedded in the mattress; he ached, whole body, but in the most amazing of ways; as he shifted to prop himself up on his elbows, he registered an unusual sense of fullness in his abdomen—oh right.
Just how much ejaculate did the Lion have?? He wondered bewilderingly to himself as he managed to look around the room.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Lion, curled on the center of their bedroom floor, snoozing away. He didn’t even have the decency to retake mer form to join him afterward--
His shifting attracted the Lion’s attention, and it opened it’s yellow eye to watch him. Dalamus swallowed against his raw throat and managed to say, as playfully as he could manage: “You jerk.”
The beast seemed to grin, and slow blinked at him before lifting its head to yawn. It stretched full body before rolling cutely on it’s back, belly presented to it’s lover. It’s groin and testicles were still damp, making it hard to gauge how much time had passed.
Dalamus heaved himself off the bed, legs shaking as they still weren’t entirely back in working order after the punishment his lower half endured. The Lion reached out it’s front paws in a “hug” motion, like a kitten reaching for a favored toy. Dal resignedly, carefully stepped over to the huge creature and willingly fell onto it’s chest, using it as a giant body pillow. It wrapped both paws around him, cradling him in a comforting hug, supporting Dal’s body just as it had earlier that night. Lions couldn’t purr like cats, but it did its best closest approximation, as a low rumble that was pleasantly comfortable for the battered vampire vibrated it’s chest. It ever so delicately washed his face with it’s tongue, intermittently rubbing it’s head on Dal’s.
“I would love some forewarning next time, should you need to use me as breeding stock again, Sinbadaen,” Dalamus managed to croak, as teasingly as he could.
The Lion’s ears rolled back in apology, it’s feline face somehow taking on a sheepish look. It seemed to try to loose a pathetic mewl, but being such a huge creature it came out far more intimidating.
Dal couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m not angry, my love. That was beyond amazing. I would just like to know that I’m going to be absolutely destroyed for a few days, ahead of time.”
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