#dalim's route
duckyfann9871 · 2 months
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Dean is president of the “I hate men” club in cradle.
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ragyragd0ll · 28 days
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Amon honestly has such a nice colour pallet, especially in his clothes, like the purple and gold is so nice together, really gives a nobel feel, but the red crystals is the cherry on top since they give such good contrast, and just pulls it all together with a somewhat ominous vibe.
And using the gold at the edges of his cloak was a really smart choice on the artists end since it gave better contrast to his robe, and told us something about him, that he saw himself as higher than others.
Plus, the silver really looks nice with the gold, it's hard to mix metals and have it look good, but the artist did it, and it's muah.
And the white and gold at the top of his robe really pulls us to his face, and in his face, phew, where do I begin?
His eyes are literally so gorgeous, like the colouring of them are just... Yes! I just looove brown eyes, and his shine real good! I actually mistook them for yellow at first, but looking closer they are actually cobber, brown, and dark grey.
And his hair? I am in love with it's shading, I love the blue, I love everything about the blue, and it's just soooo nice that the artist used blue for the hair shading, really gave it life.
And his skin? I love the cool red-ish shading it had, it's scrumptious, I could just eat his flesh, in a canabalistic way, yes.
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corpiote · 8 months
ignore that I'm just now finishing his route I was busy rereading saved fenrir stories over and over
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⚠️ spoilers for dalim/dum's route below!
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Dalim "Dum" Tweedle route (romantic ending)
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chuuyastinysock · 1 year
I started Clavis' route in ikepri the other day and I may have fallen in love with the game this time around. I hadn't really given the game much of a chance but Clavis always appealed to me and his route is the first I've loved right from the start and not wanted to switch out of (I did this w Nokto and Jin, 2 characters I thought I'd love). Im about halfway thru Clavis' route and so so in love w that silly purple boy I've given the whole game another chance, if only for him. Wow the power of Clavis 😳
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Who could say no to that bloodstained face?!
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misty-moth · 9 months
Alright, so I might keep playing ikerev until ikevil comes out… 😒
Dalim intrigues me, and there’s a chance I do Lance’s…
But Alice is still on thin ice 😫
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natimiles · 7 months
I don't remember if we can change routes in ikerev and save it? Like ikevamp.
I'm really not having Dalim. He is hot? Yes. But he is boring and annoying.
And before I drop the whole game again, I just want to go back to my Queen Jonah arms for his other ending (main route) and his sequel. Or even play Luka's other ending (main route), even if I just played his sequel. I can never grow tired of my husband.
If someone assures me that Dalim will get really better, I might try a little more. But he has to be... REALLY BETTER. Right now he is the "get tf out of my sight" team with Seth and Oliver. And I finished both routes.
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ga-yuu · 2 years
This could be just me, but you can have your own opinion!
So we know that in every Ikemen game, it has become a trend of introducing three new characters to the initial roster.
For example, in Ikegen they released - Akihito, Ibuki, Sueharu
Ikepri - Gilbert, Silvio, Keith.
Ikevamp - Vlad, Faust, Charles, and two more characters.
Ikesen - Kicho, Kanetsugu, Keiji
Ikerev - Mousse, Dalim, Dean
Cybird initially teases us on Twitter by releasing their silhouette first and then releasing their short voice line where we have to guess the voice actor, and then after sometime officially reveals the characters and their voice actors and then reveals all their information, from their personality to their relationship with the old characters and what role they will play in the story. After all this, they officially show these new characters in a new prologue and them interacting with MC. They show it in a way as if they are scheming something, but it wouldn't be a surprise at this point because we already know who they are.
But don't you think it's much better if they don't reveal the faces of these characters at all? For example, let's take Ikepri (I know I always take ikegen as an example but for this time, let's take everyone's fav game, Ikepri). Imagine this, what if Cybird doesn't even reveal, the names of Gilbert, Silvio and Keith, their designs, or who they are. NOTHING. Imagine if they posted only their silhouettes on Twitter. After that, they straight up released the 2nd act prologue. While reading the 2nd act prologue, Emma a.k.a YOU meet Gilbert outside your room. Since cybird didn't reveal anything about this guy, you who are reading the prologue have no idea who this eyepatch guy is. He drags you to the ball and when the guard finally introduced the name 'Gilbert Von Obsidian, the First Prince of Obsidian' you will be surprised! Straight-up SHOCKED!! Don't you think that will enhance the player's experience even more?
Because Cybird released everything about Gilbert, Silvio and Keith, I'm pretty sure you guys weren't as surprised when their names were revealed.
Just think about it! Players will get more curious about these 3 new characters and will be willing to find out more about them. If Cybird released all their information beforehand, the only thing the player will look forward to is their routes.
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cloudcountry · 6 months
literally right after fenrir's route i RAN back to play edgar's route again. i think my roomie and i are going to play dalim's route together once she's done with loki :3
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shatcey · 6 months
Ikemen Revolution
I decided to say goodbye to this game and say a few farewell words. I wish I had more kind words… I still can't believe how long I've been torturing myself…
I started playing this game RIGHT after the developers stopped supporting it. Lucky me! I didn't participate in any event, I didn't buy anything with real money, and I hardly heard voices. So… my impression is based solely on the main stories and some routes through the looking glass (Sirius and Lancelot).
There will be some spoilers in it… just to explain my point, but no more than necessary.
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Lancelot, Sirius and Jonah. These guys are smart, dependable, with strong morals and a value system… And they ended up with a girl whose only value is to be absolutely and unreasonably optimistic. And she's pretty. That's all. I feel like they sold themselves too cheaply. Well, in Jonah's route, she's not that bad, but still…
Kyle you're perfect, just don't drink so much. Dalim you're perfect, just stop sacrificing yourself. No one has ever asked you to do it. Edgar, you're perfect, but stop listening to your uncle. You're not a kid anymore, you don't have to do this.
I just realized… These are all victims of the magic tower… Even Harr in a way. Zero and Levie's lives were almost ruined because of the tower. And without Harr, Loki's life would have been as well. I feel very sorry for them. Especially about Levie. Sweet kid.
I guess I'm a bit of a masochist. Dean is a typical teacher, and I would love to see his route. What could it be… She is not particually bright and naive, she definitely needs a teacher! Maybe at the end of his route, she would finally start behaving like an adult… Who knows. And Amon… He's terrible. He's not just want to cut Alice into pieces to figure out how her abilities work, but he's always angry, he's like a burning volcano. But who knows what's in his heart? He's just an abandoned, unloved child, and no one understands him. Something like that… But we never know for sure…
They're just kids. I know Luka is not a child, but he behaves like one. So he's a kid. And I know that Oliver is definitely not a kid. But he's a child for a half of the time. I can't bring myself to date kids. That's creepy.
The most difficult one… I really wanted to like Seth. He has long hair and it's very attractive. But I am not into girlish-boy friend/more than friend relationships. And his sudden switch from sweet and melodious behavior to something very adult and sultry was not convincing. I was expecting something like that because it wasn't my first route, but it still doesn't feel quite right. I don't know how to put it… he wasn't shown from the right angle to makes him shine. Shame. Fenrir… (exhales)… I deleted this game once because of him. It was so boring… I didn't find anything interesting in him and I didn't feel at least a little spark between the characters. A very strange couple. Blanc… He appears at the beginning of each route to say a couple of lines, and at the end of each route to say a couple more lines. And that's probably all. Yes, he flirts, knows a lot of things and is very old (he remembers how Levie was imprisoned in the looking glass)… There is potential in this, but… We'll never know. And Moss. I've seen him a couple of times at most. In Zero's route and maybe somewhere else, but I don't remember… So I have no idea what this character is like.
But the biggest problem of this game is not the characters. Yes, I don't like Alice, outside Jonah and Dalim's routes. But if the concept of the game was a little different, I would turn a blind eye to it.
From the very beginning, there is a feeling that this game is a bit childish. It is based on the plot of a fairy tale, most of the characters are overly positive and hyperactive. Story unfolds in the midst of a war, but they don't show any anxiety, fear, or any negative emotions… This is the behavior of children. But… some romantic scenes are shown too much… in an adult way. So at first I couldn't even figure out what age this game is aim for. Teenagers, probably…
But despite how much I dislike about this game, I don't consider it a complete failure. The developers managed to create very interesting and memorable characters. And used them as prototypes for other games. It was a good foundation. And I think they had outgrown the game. The latter routes seem to be written much better than the others, and bring up more complex and more questionable topics. So I think that was one of the reasons they stopped this project.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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ikeromantic · 10 months
Ikemen Revolution Masterlist
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Blanc Lapin
Nothing YET
Dalim Tweedle
Nothing YET
Dean Tweedle
Nothing YET
Edgar Bright
Masterlist of Edgar Fics
Fenrir Godspeed
Masterlist of Fenrir Fics
Harr Silver
Break-Up Kiss, Harr, Surprise Me
Jonah Clemence
Masterlist of Jonah Fics
Kyle Ash
Kyle and his first child
Not-So-Innocent Kyle - Edgar spies on Kyle with Jonah’s help
Lancelot Kingsley
Masterlist of Lance Fics
Loki Genetta
Luka Clemence
Mousse Atlas
Nothing YET
Oliver Knight
I Never - Oliver (spicy smut!)
Ray Blackwell
Masterlist of Ray Fics
Sirius Oswald
Old Dogs, New Tricks - Sirius and Lancelot find Harr as a dog
Seth Hyde
Tattoo - slightly spicy pre-route release vignette
Suit - fluff
Multiple Characters:
CinderAlice - Cinderella AU featuring the Black Army
Alice and the Beast - A Beauty and the Beast AU featuring the Red Army
Alice in College - A boarding school AU featuring the Central Quarter characters
Edgar, Lancelot, Ray, and Sirius react to a late term pregnant MC
Lancelot, Ray, Jonah, and Fenrir react to a pregnant MC
Both armies react to 21st century pop-star MC
Red and Black Armies react to MC with big breasts
Fenrir, Lance, Jonah, Sirius, and Ray react to a sleepy, cuddly MC
Both armies react to Alice when she forgets her bra
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ikerevedgar · 1 year
I'm not crying you are ><
But this concludes Dalim's route for me!! it was very intriguing and one of the only stories where the suitor actively tries to conceal his feelings/play the bad guy. Our MC here really is in stark contrast to others from diff routes because she's been straight up infatuated right from the start even to the point of identifying as a villain herself it's kinda amusing really but don't get me wrong I absolutely love this story though the forbidden love trope has always been go-to (but nothing can beat Edgar's route ahem)
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up next would be Luka's wonderland route because I realised I haven't unlocked any of his endings yet so TTLG would have to wait ;-;
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don't ask questions you're not prepared to hear the answers to, sir 🗣
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Moving right along with the same fandom prompt, onto the very pretty and loved by the admin, Ikemen Revolution! Also, just a reminder that while I am working at getting back into the swing of things, the ask box is open and I fully welcome any opinions you guy have on things I post or fandoms I'm a part of, requests you have, or just comments and chatter with all you lovely readers!
Send me a fandom and I will name a character:
Who I will protect at all costs: Kyle. I surprised myself with this answer a little, thinking right away it was going to be Luka but seriously considering it led me to this answer pretty solidly. Honestly, Kyle is genuinely one of the nicest, most generous, and good-hearted characters in this whole game and I would protect him at all costs.
Who deserves better: Harr. He really got the bad end of the stick, in a lot of ways and for very little reasons. I get it plot wise but my heart broke for him a little every time I saw him on my screen.
Who was killed off too early: Honestly, any and all deaths were pretty plot-centric and needed for backstories and the plot and motivations for each character to really come together so I really can’t think of any senseless deaths for IkeRev or ones that I feel personally shouldn’t have happened.
Who I used to hate but now I love: Edgar. I’ll go further into this further down in the responses, but it’s Edgar and I am pretty sure most people who have played the game can guess why.
Who I used to love but now I hate: Okay, I am going to get some comments here maybe, and please keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion. I don’t even hate him; he’s perfectly okay. But Ray’s was the route I did right away, the character who fascinated me the most and who I initially found the most attractive…and his route is my least favourite one, by a very wide margin.
Who needs to be killed off asap: Nobody. Just make everyone happy and healthy and in good places in their lives, lock people up in jail who need to be, and don’t kill anybody. Please! My heart loves most of these people and character deaths would hit me hard.
Who is unfairly hated: I think the player character can get a lot of flack from some people. While she’s not my favourite otome game protagonist, she’s definitely not the worst and I genuinely think the writers did the best job they could, having to use her as mostly a pilot for the story to get told.
Who is unfairly loved: As with all the other answers to this question for all fandoms, I will say nobody. Everybody has their different tastes and I think it’s fair to love whichever characters catch your fancy!
Who needs to sort out their priorities: Amon. I really almost wish there’d been a route for him as well because I do feel like I personally would have loved to have dug more into what made him the way he is, what his motivations and desires were and why.
Who needs a hug: Zero. Zero needs a lot of hugs, a veritable lifetime of hugs.
Who needs to get out of their current relationship: I feel like Dalim. I haven’t played his route through yet, but just from the spoilers I’ve read and such, I really do wonder what his life would be like or what it would have become had he become acquainted with the Magic Tower.
Who the writers love: I really feel like Ray is really treated as something special, and I’m not knocking anyone who has him as their favourite among the IkeRev men because different strokes for different folks, but I honestly found his route a little boring and his character got stale for me.
Who needs a better storyline: Well, let’s state the obvious here. It’s Blanc. I WANT A BLANC ROUTE SO BAD!!!
Who has an amazing redemption arc: Oh fuck, did Edgar’s route have my emotions on a roller coaster. I really hadn’t been interested at all in playing his route and did it just to get it out of the way, but it truly is one of my all time favourite routes of any otome game.
Who is hot as fuck: It’s honestly a tie between Harr and Sirius for me. I truly love both Kyle and Luka too, but they’re more cute than hot and I am okay with that.
Who belongs in jail: I mean, quite obviously, it’s Amon. I don’t think there’s too many disagreements as to that fact.
Who needs to be revived from the dead: Giving an unexpected answer here…Lancelot’s father. And it’s not so much that I want him revived but that I wish he had never died. The plot of the story would never have happened and I make no argument that Lancelot is not fantastic in the role, but think of how much happier so many of the characters would have been in that case, particularly Lancelot.
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solomons-poison · 1 year
I downloaded ikerev simply so I could read Oliver's route again (maybe Fenrir and finally do the second ending for Dalim). Oliver simping is strong rn
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misty-moth · 1 year
I go by Moth or Ellie 🦋 she/her 29yo
With this blog I am hoping to fuel my journey to learning digital art and writing more fanfics. I am fairly inexperienced with both, but I must start somewhere 🙌🏻
I am awkward online, but I swear I am stoked any time people chat with me. I take comments and place them proudly up on the fridge inside my heart.
Top favorite for each: 💙~☆Arthur☆~💙, Clavis🐆/Rio🐕, Mitsuhide🦊, Elbert💎/Victor 🖤
Routes completed/~working on:
Rev: Loki, Luka(2), Jonah, Seth, Edgar, Ray, Oliver, Zero, Harr, Luka(seq), ~Dalim, decided to quit (for now?) Ikerev: P2XH43FFD
Sen: Yuki, Nobu, Hideyoshi, Kenshin(2), Mitsunari, Sasuke, Mitsuhide(2), Shingen(2), Masamune, Yoshimoto, Ieyasu, Motonari, Kicho, Kanetsugu, Keiji, Kennyo, Hideyoshi(seq), Nobu(seq), ~Masamune(seq)
Vamp: Arthur(3), Isaac(2), Vincent, Vlad(2), Charles, Comte, Dazai, Theo, interlude, Mozart, Napo, Shakespeare, Jean, Leo, Napo(seq), Sebas, Faust, ~Arthur(seq)
Prince: Yves(2), Rio(2), Clavis(2), Chev(2), Nokto(2), Silvio(2), Licht(2), Leon(2), Luke(2), Keith(2), Sariel, Gil(2), Jin, Chev(seq2), ~Leon(seq)
Villains: William(2), Harri(2), Liam(2), ~Elbie
Ikepri: P9VCR4TPM~~~Ikevamp: P3VAHYB38
Ikesen: P3QG7KV59~~~Ikevil: P2ZJ7MSKX
Writing Masterlist
Ikemen Birthdays/Zodiacs in order
Tier list of favorite to least-favorite
My rooms, Icon
How I’m doing at any given moment
What I look like (‘cause it’s fun) current Moth, young Moth
18+ reblogs: @other-moth
My OC: @aureliacruorem
Non-fandom: @mistymoth
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