#damn gay ice skaters
todaysgenderispanda · 2 years
Today’s gender is the figure skating outfits from Yuri On Ice
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snakefoxcloud · 3 years
whats new scooby doo is definitely why i like pop punk and alt rock
#cheers to that soundtrack#and the sheer nonsense of the show#im watching it right now#daphne just melted a lock with face cream. lip balm. and sour candy#still convinced velma and daphne are in some kind of relationship. they live together and share clothes in a gay way but only sometimes#shaggy and fred have a bachelor pad and im here like.... headcanon norville roberts is absolutely a he/they nonbinary#the clothes. the dog. multiple weird awards where NOBODY BUT THE ANNOUNCER knows or uses his birth name. the food. the voice.#ALSO BUT IF I AINT GAY FOR DAPHNE HOLY SHIT#THEYRE GETTING CHASED BY AN ICE MONSTER ON A ZAMBINI AND THIS ISNT EVEN THE FIRST TIME THATS HAPPENED IN THE SHOW#i fucking love this show#shaggys in a pink ice skating tie#AND BILLOWY SLEEVES#bro the villain was a figure skater who just wanted diamonds#SHE SKATED INLINE ON STILTS OUTSIDE ON HILLS IN RUSSIA AND IN AN ICE MONSTER OUTFIT#she deserves it damn the fucking TALENT#also the opening scenes are almost always magic somehow. theres no other explanations#in the sand castle competition episode velma straight up accidentally hypnotizes the gang while explaining things#with a sumerian amulet the villain had and tried to use to build an underwater tunnel from australia to new guinea#fucking wild#tages erased my quotes should say norville shaggy roberts bc i highly doubt anyone who reads this will know who norville is its shaggy#thats their legal fucking name and i am absolutely convinced this boi is nonbinary nobody can take it from me
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hhow-queer · 3 years
“i want to skate infinitely with you” gave me “it’s almost like a marriage proposal” flashbacks so No I’m Not Okay
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charlie-minion · 7 years
Stay close to me, don’t go!
I have just realized something that has blown my mind! In Yuri on Ice episode 9, when Vicktor and Yuuri reunited at the airport, Yuuri asked Viktor to take care of him until he retires (there was a translation error in that scene; for more info read this post until the end). Yuuri didn’t ask Viktor to be his coach until retirement, he asked him to take care of him, in a personal relationship, not in a professional one. That’s why Viktor said it sounded like a marriage proposal –though both understood and reacted to the whole situation differently. These two need to seriously improve their communication skills because all their misunderstandings happened for not expressing openly what they really wanted. Everybody has thought that Viktor telling Yuuri that he wished he’d never retire was beautiful, but that was the exact moment Yuuri realized he had no choice but retire.
This is going to get really long, so read more after the cut. (Also, I had screenshots ready for this post, but Tumblr decided to be a jerk about it and didn’t let me upload ANY of them). 
At the end of episode 9, Yuuri decided he would retire after the Grand Prix Final, but he didn’t talk to Viktor about it. We saw Yuuri worry about what would happen after the GPF in episodes 8 and 9. In episode 8, it was when Yuri said that Yuuri would suffer a miserable defeat in Moscow. In that moment, Yuuri thought, “If I can’t rank higher than fourth in this event, I won’t make it to the GPF. And if I don’t, what will Viktor do?”
Some minutes earlier Viktor had said to the media that until the GPF was over, he wouldn’t comment on any future plans. Nobody knew what Viktor wanted to do after the GPF, not even Yuuri and that pushed him to make his own decision.
When Viktor had to return to Japan and Yuuri had to face the FS program on his own, Yuuri really believed Viktor would leave him after the GFP. He said so while skating, “If I fail here, everything is over”.
And what happened when he thought that? He flubbed his combination jump and remembered that Viktor told him that happened when something was on his mind (aka when he wasn’t focused on expressing his feelings through his skating).  He also remembered when he saw Viktor in the onsen telling him he would be his couch and he would make him win the GPF. The GPF is the first important event in a season. After that there come the Nationals, the Four Continents, and the World Championships. Viktor never talked about those events with Yuuri; hence why Yuuri believed after the GPF everything would be over. He had believed his time with Viktor was limited since the beginning (he said so in ep 4).
What was the next jump Yuuri flubbed in his FS? The one when he was thinking this: “I was able to come this far because Viktor believed in me. If I end here without making the GPF…”
He didin’t finish that idea and two-footed his landing. That’s when he decided to stop thinking about Viktor leaving. At this point Yuuri had to think what would happen to him once Viktor was gone. Would he continue skating or would he retire? During his program, Yuuri realized that he could continue skating with or without Viktor and was thankful for that. In fact, he didn’t want people to think that everything Viktor had taught him had been a waste. In episode 9 Yuuri realized that he’d always skated with the idea to win (even at last year’s GPF), and that he was NOT weak. Viktor just helped him realize that those things were true. In that episode Yuuri thought of Yuri as his rival and said Yuri was an idiot because Yuuri had more stamina than him and could therefore do more challenging jumps. In episode 9, Yuuri realized that skating would be tough with or without Viktor by his side, but he also understood his unique value as a skater. 
That’s why I believe that in that moment Yuuri decided NOT to retire.
That’s when he decided that he would be done when he got the gold with Viktor, that he WOULD get the gold in the GPF as a thank you to Viktor not just for coaching him, but for believing in him and making him stronger through love –a feeling he didn’t even think about until Viktor came to his life.  
At this point Yuuri was certain Viktor would go back to Russia soon. He thought about it while hugging Yakov in the kiss and cry, and he continued to think about it even when he knew that he was one of the 6 to compete in the GPF. While skating his FS, Yuuri was sure he wanted to get gold for Viktor, but after the Rostelecom Cup was over, he remembered he couldn’t count on having Viktor with him forever and there still was the possibility of him not winning gold. What would happen then?
Before Yuri interrupted him, Yuuri said to himself that he would have Viktor step down as his coach but he didn’t say what he was planning afterward. What was Yuuri thinking? Yuuri talked about his career being close to reaching its peak and about really wanting the gold medal. He said the GPF would be his last chance but he didn’t talk about retiring. He thought the GPF would be his last chance to give a gold medal to Viktor and that is confirmed when he said “even if I don’t win gold, I’ll have Viktor step down as coach”.  
The last time Yuuri thought about the possibility of this being his last season was in episode 4 and he wasn’t exactly stronger at that time yet. He said he’d become stronger in ep 5, at the conference when he presented the theme for his new season. In fact, it’s important to notice the way Yuuri talked about himself as “one of the top men’s figure skaters certified by JSF” in episode 6 and as “a figure skater representing Japan” in episode 7. Contrast that with what he said in episode 12, “I’m a dime-a-dozen Japanese figure skater”, repeating what he’d said about himself in episode 1 but with a different tone. He didn’t believe that anymore. He was just trying to convince himself because he’d decided to retire, just as he’d started considering after his defeat in last year’s GPF.
Now the airport scene: Yuuri had a lot to tell Viktor. He probably wanted to thank him for everything and end their coach/student relationship after the GPF, but I don’t think retiring was one of the things he had in mind. That’s why he told Viktor to take care of him until retirement. He didn’t want Viktor to be his coach; he wanted Viktor to stay close to him and not leave him. Yuuri was talking about his personal relationship with Viktor, not the professional one. That’s why he was so happy when Viktor seemed to easily understand and said Yuuri’s words sounded like a marriage proposal. That wasn’t professional; it was 100% personal. But then… Yuuri’s expression changed dramatically.
I suppose you have wondered why Yuuri looked so happy when Viktor mentioned the marriage proposal but started crying the moment Viktor said “I wish you’d never retire”. I have wondered about it too and my interpretation is the following:
To Yuuri, Viktor’s words sounded like the one talking was his coach. Yuuri was basically telling Viktor, ‘stay close to me, let’s grow old together’, and Viktor didn’t get it. (By the way, I’m sure Viktor totally got it, but Yuuri thought he didn’t). In Yuuri’s mind “I wish you’d never retire” suggested something unreal; the real thing was that Yuuri would retire some day and then everything would be over. 
Yuuri thought that Viktor was still talking about skating. He didn’t want Viktor Nikiforov, his coach, to stay with him; he wanted Viktor, the man he’d fallen in love with, and just that. If he continued skating, Viktor would stay but not out of love; he would stay to continue coaching him. That’s why Yuuri was crying when he said “let’s win gold together at the GPF”. Poor Yuuri! He totally misunderstood Viktor.
Yuuri had his imminent retirement in mind. That’s why he bought the rings in episode 10 as a thank-you gift to Viktor for all his help. He blushed every second when he gave the ring to Viktor because he wasn’t stupid; he knew what it meant to him, but he also thought that Viktor wasn’t going to take it that way. He was very wrong, of course, as Viktor himself called them engagement rings later on.
After that, we don’t know what else was going on in Yuuri’s mind. Next time we saw him, he was about to do his SP at the GPF. All his body language showed how down he was feeling. The fact that he thought his coach/student relationship with Viktor would be over and that Viktor would leave him might explain why Yuuri’s last Eros routine gave us a less than friendly face. 
Yuuri spent most of his SP thinking about jumps and scores. He didn’t think about Viktor anymore, probably because according to Yuuri, what was even the point? It was heartbreaking to see how devastated Yuuri felt when he finished his SP. In the meantime, we saw everything that Viktor was thinking and feeling, but Yuuri didn’t because Viktor wouldn’t say anything to him… because Viktor didn’t know what he should give Yuuri.
Then Yuuri saw Viktor watching the other skaters with a pensive or even excited expression at times. The way Viktor reacted to Otabek’s performance affected Yuuri even more because Viktor considered it exotic and fresh. Yuuri probably thought that he was just one skater more in Viktor’s eyes and that Viktor wanted to either return to skating or coach somebody else.
At least we got to see his character growth when he acknowledged that neither his defeat at last year’s GPF nor his performance at this year’s should make him feel any kind of regret because after all he managed to become one of the final six and that was a big deal. Bravo, Yuuri!
Then we got this bomb, “after the final, let’s end this.” Yuuri wanted to thank Viktor for everything and set him free as his coach. He DID NOT expect Viktor to cry. He didn’t think that Viktor cared so much about him outside of skating. That’s why he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Viktor’s tears. Viktor’s passionate “How can you tell me to return to the ice while saying you’re retiring?” surprised Yuuri enough to take a little longer before making a final decision regarding his future.  
Viktor was completely destroyed after that. His sadness was so obvious that it still breaks my heart. How could Yuuri not notice? Right before Yuuri went on the ice, we saw a flashback of the moment Yuuri decided to retire, the airport scene with Viktor, the moment when Yuuri completely misunderstood Viktor.
Before Yuuri started his FS, Viktor treated him as a student for a moment, and Yuuri noticed the difference. He told Viktor not to suddently start trying to sound like a coach. Then Viktor was Viktor again and stayed true to himself as Yuuri asked him. He had known since episode 2 that Yuuri was a sore loser, so he knew that the only way Yuuri might change his mind about retiring was if he didn’t win gold at the GPF. That’s why Viktor started teasing him with the gold medal he wanted to kiss. He made the medal a tribute to Viktor, a tribute Yuuri wanted to give him since episode 9 anyway, a tribute that in the end Yuuri wouldn’t be able to give him. Viktor knew Yuuri would not accept defeat and simply retire if Yuuri didn’t win gold.
People might say Viktor did something unhealthy and selfish, but I just think he did something very human and easy to relate to. Viktor is not perfect, but he knew Yuuri was making a big mistake and he probably understood that he was doing it so that he (Viktor) could return to skating. He understood Yuuri knew Viktor would stay with him as his coach for as long as he continued to be a competitive skater, but Yuuri didn’t want to hold him back the way figure skating had held him back for 20 years. He understood Yuuri wasn’t being selfish but selfless for Viktor’s sake.
The only thing is that Viktor didn’t want that sacrifice, so he acted accordingly. Yuuri had just turned 24, it was too soon for him to retire; he still had so much to offer and so much to grow as a skater and as a person who deals with anxiety. Viktor knew it and that probably motivated him to act: He hinted at his comeback to Yuuri in the kiss and cry, and he told Yakov he was coming back in front of Yuri. Since episode 10, we know Viktor knew that Yuuri was the one who motivated Yuri to do his best, so Viktor used that and it worked. Yuri actually did his best to win the gold and stop Yuuri from retiring. He won by 0.12, so if he hadn’t added a quad at the end of his program (doing something beyond his limits again), he wouldn’t have won. 
Episode 12 showed us that Viktor understood Yuuri better than Yuuri understood Viktor. Yuuri didn’t want his relationship with Viktor to end at the GPF, not even his coach/student one; he wanted to be in figure skating with Viktor forever, but he didn’t want to kill Viktor as a competitive skater. He wanted Viktor to stay with him and never leave him, but out of love, not out of responsibility as a coach. That’s why Yuuri decided to free him no matter how much it hurt. And Viktor understood that, so he had to find a way to stop it. 
In the end, two things convinced Yuuri not to retire 1) Yuri’s outstanding performance that prevented him from winning gold and 2) Viktor’s comeback to the ice. He offered his silver medal to Viktor, but Viktor still teased him about the gold medal so that Yuuri would finally make up his mind. Yuuri is a sore loser, remember? What was the result? 
He decided NOT to retire! However, and this is very important, Yuuri didn’t ask Viktor to be his coach; he asked him to stay with him in competitive figure skating for one more year. There’s a saying that goes like this: “If you love something, set it free; if it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.” Yuuri set Viktor free and, in the end, Viktor’s decision was to return to the ice AND TO STAY CLOSE TO YUURI AND NOT GO anywhere.
That was when Yuuri finally understood that Viktor would stay with him not because he had to, but because he wanted to. That’s why their pair skating was so perfect. They danced for each other the ultimate love song, the ultimate love wish: Stammi vicino non te ne andare… Stay close to me, don’t go.
This anime is going to be the death of me, I swear!
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annetteblog · 3 years
I spent January 1 watching YoI and it’s the best way to start a new year, I guess
So, yes, after all these years I finally watched Yuri on Ice. The biggest thanks to all people, who recommended me to do it, because it was amazing :) 
Now, beware of my incoherent rambling about the characters, the plot, figure skating, Victuri (Victuuri?), LGBTQ+ representation, and Russia, just because I need this 🙃
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First of all, I had never thought that one day I would end up having a crush on a Russian man, but here I am, having crush on a Russian 2D man. Victor Nikiforov, how dare you steal my heart like this! He’s some kind of a damn Russian Apollo... So I perfectly understand Yuri’s gay panic in the first couple of episodes 🤣 dude, I feel you.....
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What I specifically liked about the characters, it’s their growth. They were not frozen, but gradually developed to become more mature towards the end. Victor becoming less selfish, more compassionate and empathic; Yuri becoming mentally stronger and more confident. And Yurio... he’s such a lovely pirozhochek!!! :D Really, this “I-am-strong-and-independent-grown-up” kid with his love to pirozhki is just 🥰 But yes, he also mentally grew.
For me as a Russian, it was a pleasure to see normal Russian characters in a foreign show. They were talented and nice, wow, that really happened!!! Honestly, I’m so sick of this “bad-drinking-vodka-prison-tatoos-nucklear-weapon-terrible-accent” narrative (I watched Tenet the other day, and I was literally sitting like this 😐 the entire film; they forgot to add a bear for the full picture). And normal Cyrillic! Not perfect or 100% correct, but at least it was readable and understandable, not just a classic American movie with a Russian text, which looks like this - зжэщгардгрвъ шщыралойцы фвзпролдрппппп (yes, I just hit my keyboard). The same applies to the athletes from other countries. Kazakhstan!! Otabek!!!! 
I also needed to pause one of the episodes just to scream at this
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Aeroflot (rus - Аэрофлот) is a Russian airline. And yeah, it sucks 😄
But seriously, you can clearly see that they did their research, cared for details and payed attention to things, and I, as a foreign viewer, really appreciated this. I really hope, that one beautiful day shows’ producers start to make characters from different cultures, who are just... you know... ordinary normal people? and not just a bunch of stereotypes?? or necessarily devilish evil just because they are from another country??? 
And now, the ship! 
I’m not really familiar with a lot of anime, and definitely not familiar with genres like yaoi, although I’ve heard about its stereotypes and certain common patterns. Here, however, it was a pleasure to see a same-sex relationship, which was not just a cool fetish for some young straight girls (nothing against young straight girls), but like... an actual relationship? Plus the creators successfully embedded it into the main plot, without shifting the central focus of the show and abandoning the actual sport competitions. 
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I really enjoyed the delicate approach to the relationship’s development. Considering the characters’ own path of progress, the relationship they formed were equal and mature. Also their care and clear tenderness towards each other were speaking louder than words.
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Sidenote. I had never realized how much I needed a Russian non-straight character in my life until, well, yesterday. Thankfully, I had the Internet since I was around 11, so I spent my teenage years watching a lot of American/ West-European tv-series. LGBTQ+ representation was not something out of the ordinary, it was not a taboo; and it mattered to me, a young girl, who tried to figure out what the F was going on with my own self. But I had never seen a Russian LGBTQ+ fictional character on the screen. Ever. Honestly, I had never payed attention to this fact. Normally I don’t really care about a person’s nationality, so I couldn’t even think that having some queer character, who is Russian, would be somehow important to me. As it turned out yesterday, it was actually important. And, I guess, one of the deeply personal reasons why I liked YoI, was the fact of seeing someone from my own country and my own culture, who was non-straight and being just fine and perfect the way he was. Even though I’m not a struggling young girl anymore. 
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Okay, back to the tale, before I become a teary mess again. 
Their relationship was heartwarming to watch. Although there were clearly some sexual undertones, it didn’t end up being just some sexy gay boys. It was definitely about the growth of love, firstly fragile but becoming stronger and more affectionate with time. Their bond became psychologically equal; and they do complement each other, being codependent in the best sense. And it was beautiful. 
However, from what I quickly gathered while reading a few comments, some people still claimed that there was not enough clarity in terms of their relationship?? I have to disagree with this completely. Excuse me, but you don’t exchange matching golden rings in a church with your friend to wear it on your ring finger. You definitely don’t passionately kiss it seconds before an important performance. And you don’t cry your eyes out if your friend suggests you to end your partnership. If you do, I have some news for you, dear 🤡
I honestly can’t figure out what kind of a bigger clarity some people want. If the same plot was shown between a man and a woman, you would get the message from the episode 1. Or at least from that episode, where they were naked making out i mean...... practicing some moves?? wtf it was, honestly, I was too busy laughing 😆 However, seriously, what do you need? Is this really necessary to show an R-rated sex scene for some people just to get it? Lame. 
Sure, YoI was not perfect. Some bits with figure skating were off, and there was some obvious magic going on in terms of homophobia, more specifically - its absence. I mean, I’m not an expert in LGBTQ+ rights in Japan (although I know it’s not  that great), but if a Russian figure skater came out or just had some kind of (publicly known) unidentified close relationship with a same-sex partner, their successful career would be over. And not just Russian, I guess, any figure skater would face similar problems. It’s a very conservative sport. 
But, actually, I was grateful that they showed it the way they did. Fairytale-ish. A show doesn’t have to be realistic to be great. It’s enough if it warms our hearts and gives hope to the brighter future. The real world may be cruel and unjust, but we all need kind and reassuring stories to keep us going. And such story about caring relationship and love is the great example of this. 
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Lovely, funny, refreshing, and heartwarming. 
Or, just quoting Victor
vkusno!!! (c) 
I will definitely rewatch it at some points in my life.
and now excuse me, I need to fall into the rabbit hole of fanfiction, haha stupid me
This moment was 
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sancoeur · 3 years
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Hear me out, Diana is a world champion figure skater and Akko has a gay crush.
My @lwasanta gift for @kittykittycatcat01 !! Merry Christmas!
Bonus HCs because um ice gays My sister came up with all of these lmao
Diana's mom was an ice dancer
Akko couldn't skate for shit as a kid bc shitty balance but skated like. Every day and any moment possible in order to be somewhat good
Diana also had to practice A LOT. Ppl called her a prodigy but nope she's just persistent. Akko is just stubborn lol it's a little different
Chariot and Croix are skaters but Chariot always got gold during juniors and Croix got butthurt so she quit after Chariot went to seniors
Chariot retired bc she got old. Like yeah she set some records but she just decided to retire like a normal person?? Ends up as Akko's coach and listens to that girl fangirl every damn day except the girl soooo fucking dense lmao
Akko has high performance scores, Diana has high technical ones
Together they try and learn from each other! It doesn't go well but you know!!!!! Eventually!!!
Chariot/NowUrsula had high performance scores too, but also can jump without mcfreaking dying like Akko does
Akko has a gay celeb crush on Diana. 
Diana lowkey has one on Akko too but it isn't really celeb crush bc Akko isn't really a celeb LMAOUHHHH 
Akko is for Japan, Diana has UK, Lotte is Finland ig?? Wherever the heck they're all from
So. Diana wins all the euros, Akko gets a consistent bronze in the 4cc which is. The four continents. (Asia, Australia, North America/South America???? Africa too??? Basically just NOT Europe)
They met at Worlds (bc Akko never gets to gpf,,, like ever) or a gpf qualifier thing,,,, anyways 
They Will Pretend like they don't admire e/o as skaters bc they fucking STUPID and some sort of misunderstanding happens,,,
Diana thinks Akko thinks that she's another arrogant stuck up skater + hates her
Akko thinks Diana thinks that she's just a nobody skater and doesn't know her at all (haha what a commemorative photo???? Haha)
Screw just having it be YOI, that's boring
Hannah and Barbara are pair skaters that are Diana's rinkmates
Suzy and Lotte exist! They're decent skaters but,,, don't get gold often. 
Amanda is. Good. Probably. She's like,,, getting silver and fucking mad about it.
Did I mention Diana probs gets all golds??? Lmao. Akko WISHES. Says Diana is the next living legend like Chariot but haha no one knows where chariot fucked off too!! No one heard of Hair Dye or Baggy Clothing or Colored Contacts or even Moving Away. Lmao
Andrews dad hates ice skating. Except Andrew enjoys watching the sport. They're still business ppl
Andrew and Diana are neighbors
Let Andrew play piano. (Let him make the music for someone's FS. Yeah I just thought of this all randomly idk why) 
Akko is stubborn as hell and gets to a competitive league through pure spite only. She studied in the US and met Lotte there at the rink. Suzy can skate but doesn't care for competitions as much as others.
Akko and Diana do ballet,,, Akko is impatient tho lmao,, 
Diana is more graceful and flexible but she lacks emotion and heart into the sport (bc after her aunt realizes she got Famous the bitch sucked out all the joy of the sport, man)
Akko just loves skating. A bit competitive but realizes she won't really ever win??? Kinda defeatest outlook rip... But she tries!!! 
So much emotion and performance and tears!!! (She's good at pop/cheerful/upbeat and also SAD SAD TEARSSSS shit. You know.) But cannot jump for shit. She sticks with doubles but like,,,, it's not enough really. (Women can't do quads yet. I think.)
Diana has high combos and sticks with classical music/elegant shit. She doesn't pick her music but she does choreograph it.
Akko meanwhile doesn't have good taste. Literally doesn't know how to choose songs really.
In a fic setting: Akko accidentally somehow makes it into the gpf on a fluke/by accident one year (like... She gets two bronzes or smt) and then diana/akko accidentally offend each other after the comp. 
Wild misunderstandings. After that it's like. Pushing e/o to do better at worlds/ their respective comps of 4cc/euros. 
They both get progressively better as they send e/o passive aggressive critiques and shit. 
They happen to run into e/o at the rink/ballet studio at 4am at worlds and passive aggressively flirt before warming up and becoming friends
Akko actually lands a triple in her FS and Diana fucking gay heart dies
They end up chatting like. All off season/when you prep for the next season
Next season they happen to end up in the same qualifiers for the gpf and train at 4am together again. 
Go on coffee "not dates" lmao. 
Actually secretly dating but neither know it yet.
Pining? So much??? Pining???
 At some point like. Maybe they both got Andrew to make them music for their FS. And their themes and shit match. Bc they are In Tune with e/o and EVERYONE thinks they coordinated but they're just gay and stupid. 
So their themes are like. Love and life (except Diana has life and akko has love and it's the complete OPPOSITE of what they normally do and instead compliment e/o so much it's so gay)
Akko does a romantic gay love song that's like. Eros/violin shit with isn't what she normally does and chariot is just dying In The BG
Diana does more "pop"/ lively themes. It feels more alive ig??? It's more about the feelings,,,
Andrew, Frank, Lotte, + the others that are in the show are just. Trying so hard to wingman bc they're painful to watch. Like. So painful. So very painful.
Diana, jokingly: I only kiss gold Akko: I'll go buy some matching gold rings for good luck that we kiss before performances!! Diana, in gay crisis: sounds totally platonic!!! Haha yeah!!! Amanda, disgusted: that's gay you funky lesbians
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100gayicons · 3 years
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Roy Scherer, Jr. and Andrew Kelm had a lot in common. They had abusive fathers; their parents marriages ended in divorce; and they spent their formative years living with their mothers. After serving time in the military (Andrew in the Coast Guard, Roy in the Navy) they found their way to Hollywood.
They both became clients of Henry Willson, a talent agent who specialized in making young good looking men into movie stars. Willson always gave his male clients masculine and memorable stage names - Roy became Rock Hudson (and eventually a major star for Universal) and Andrew became Tab Hunter, a future Warner Brothers star. And Rock and Tab both had a secret that could destroy their careers - they were gay.
Tab’s mother was religious and she sent him and his brother to a catholic school. Athletic, Tab developed a love of figure skating, and competed in both singles and pairs. But it was his love of horses that eventually led to an acting career.
Tab was working at a Southern California stable when a crew arrived to take photos of actress Ann Blythe. Actor (later agent) Dick Clayton was on hand and noticed young Andrew and asked him if he ever considered being an actor. Boy, that sounds like a pickup line! A few years later, after Tab’s stint in the Coast Guard, Tab met Clayton again in New York and Clayton immediately began introducing him to people in show business.
That eventual led to a meeting with Henry Willson, an agent with a reputation for making young men into movie stars (among other things he made some of those men do).
Hunter progressed quickly at Warner. He had his first minor role in 1950 (The Lawless) and by 1954 he was the a leading man (Return to Treasure Island) with Linda Darnell as his love interest. Warner Brothers notice his potential in and offered him a contract. He had a hit with his next film too - “Battle Cry” about marines fighting in the Pacific.
But after 4 films with various studios, he became unhappy with Henry Willson and decided to change agents. That would have its consequences.
Meanwhile agent Henry Willson has a big problem. A scandal magazine threaten to publish an article revealing that his star client Rock Hudson was gay. Willson made a deal with the magazine - he would give them dirt on two other actors in exchange for burning the Hudson story. The first was Rory Calhoun who had an arrest record and spent time in a Juvenal prison. Calhoun’s on screen persona was that of a tough guy, so the article just help to prop up his image.
The other actor thrown under the bus was his former client Tab Hunter. In 1950 Hunter had attended a “pajama party for men only” that was raided by the police. Hunter was arrested (along with 20 other young men) and briefly detained. While this could have ended Hunter’s budding career - he was sparred. In fact, only a few months later he was named a promising young new comer in a national poll.
The studio would regularly send him on on public dates with his costars and fabricate sham resonances with rising young starlets.
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Over the next few years, while continuing to star in hit films, Hunter experimented with singing and had a #1 record with “Young Love” in 1957. Based on its success, Warner Brothers actually creates a new division (Warner Bros Records) for him to release more albums. They even bought the rights to the Broadway musical “Damn Yankee” for him to star in the film version (1958).
But what if his love life?
In the 1950s Hunter met Olympic figure skater Ronnie Roberts and they started a long term relationship. Hunter, who always loved skating, sponsored Roberts training (athletes then performed under strict amateur guideline).
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They spent spent as much time as possible together - once driving cross-country together so Robbiecould attend training in Lake Placid, NY. Hunter became friends with Roberts family too. But the skating world resented Hunter’s presence are events. And this began affecting Roberts scores. The two eventually parted but remain friends.
“I was infatuated with Ronnie.... To most folks, Ronnie and I were good buddies, sharing the ice. Few people considered what else we were sharing.”
Hunter next serious relationship was with fellow actor Anthony Perkins.
“I had a wonderful relationship with him,” Hunter said.
They met at the pool at the Chateau Marmont, and Hunter was immediately attracted to Perkins. The two went on double dates (the photos of which can easily be found on the internet). In them it’s clear the boys paid more attention to each other than the girls.
Venetia Stevenson, a young actress that the studio assigned as Hunter’s beard (fake girlfriend) thought Tab was more in love with Tony than Tony was with Tab. Hunter also felt betrayed when Perkins convinced his Paramount to buy a script for him, knowing that Hunter had already played the role on TV and working working to get Warner to buy the script as well. That was the beginning of the end of their relationship.
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“You never really knew Tony 100 percent. There was always a secret side, and he was a bit of a game-player with people’s minds,” said Hunter.
Hunter said of his life in Hollywood, “(it) was difficult for me, because I was living two lives at that time. A private life of my own, which I never discussed, never talked about to anyone. And then my Hollywood life, which was just trying to learn my (craft). There was a lot written about my sexuality, and the press was pretty cruel.”
At this point Hunter was feeling unfulfilled with the other roles the studio offered to him. So by 1959, he bought out his contract with Warner Brothers. The consequences of going out on his own was that he didn’t have the power of the studio promoting him. The quality of his films diminished during the 1960s and 1970s.
But in 1989, Tab Hunter had an unexpected career resurgence. Alt director John Waters asked him to star in “Polyester” opposite the ultimate Drag Queen Divine. Hunter’s his agent tried to convince him not to take the role but he decided, “What have I got to lose?”
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The film was such a hit that Hunter decided to produce another film himself, costarring Divine. That effort would proved another turning point in his life.
Waters could only afford Hunter for one week. “I’m sure it was the least Tab Hunter had ever been earned on a film, and it was the most I ever paid an actor,” said Waters. “Polyester” was a hit, reviving Hunter’s film career.
While meeting with studios to raise money for what would eventually be call “Lust in the Dust”, Hunter met Allan Glaser, young executive at Fox. Sparks flew and the two soon became partners. Glaser also took on the role as producer of the film.
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Hunter and Glaser settle on a ranch in Southern California when Tab regularly enjoyed horse back riding. Although out to friends, Tab was a private man. So he didn’t come out to the public until 2005 when he published his memoir. Hunter and Glaser married in 2013. The two were together for 35 years until Tab’s death in 2018.
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springstarwrites · 3 years
I've just had a very strange thought, and I felt compelled to ask you a prompt about it.
See, Desast from Saber and Yurio from Yuri on Ice have the same VA (Uchiyama Kouki). He also voiced Philip/Kamen Rider W in the Memory of Heroez video game. So what would happen if, by some strange twist of destiny, these three happen to cross paths?
Oh my God... Are you for real? Okay, now I want to write this!!!
"Hey, Shotaro, did you know that the reigning champion of men's singles figure skating was fifteen when he won his first gold medal in seniors?" Philip asked, holding out his phone to his husband.
"I have no idea what half of that means, but..." Shotaro's voice trailed off as his eyes found the phone screen. Pictured there was a young blond man, shoulder-length hair tied back in a ponytail, who was staring arrogantly at the camera. He was leaning on a dark-haired guy who was half a head taller and was, at the moment of the photo being taken, kissing the side of the blond's head. "Okay, who is that?"
Philip smiled as he took his phone back. "Kentaro found this compilation of the top ice skaters in the world, and wouldn't you guess, but two of them live just ten kilometers from Fuuto!"
"These two?"
"No. Surely you've heard of Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov?"
"The names do ring a bell." Shotaro frowned, trying to remember where he'd heard them. "Hang on, aren't they the first two officially married gay ice skaters?"
"Exactly!" Philip snapped his fingers. "Now, they'll be making an appearance at the NHK competition, because they're friends with the skater I just showed you and because they're training a junior skater competing there. I was thinking that maybe we could go and see them."
"What???" Shotaro's mouth dropped open. Then he thought better of himself. "Okay, but how do you expect to pay for it?"
Philip smirked, an expression that rarely showed up on his face and thus unnerved Shotaro every time. "You'll see."
Against all odds, Philip had managed to procure two two-day tickets for the NHK Trophy, so Shotaro had no choice but to admit defeat. They dropped Kentaro off at Shinnosuke's, apologizing for the inconvenience, and then drove off to Nagoya, where the competition was being held. They definitely were not expecting to be recognized.
"Hidari Shotaro-san?" A man in his thirties approached them cautiously, the expression in his eyes approaching awe.
"Yes?" Shotaro didn't mean to sound curt, but his surprise had overtaken him. "Yes, that's me."
"I live in Hasetsu. When I was fourteen, my poodle, Vicchan, disappeared, and you helped me find him. I remember you clearly." The man smiled a bit. "I never got the opportunity to say thank you."
"You're welcome-" Shotaro paused, not knowing the man's name.
"You can call me Yuuri. May I introduce my husband, Victor?" Yuuri patted the shoulder of the silver-blond man next to him before rising up to kiss his cheek, only to be startled away by Philip squealing.
"Yuuri Katsuki and Victor Nikiforov??? I can't believe it! It's you two!" Philip grinned, trying to contain his excitement.
"That would be us." Victor smiled, then glanced at his watch. "Oh, Yuuri, we're supposed to head in. Didn't Yurio want to meet us before he had to warm up?"
"Damn, that's right! I'm sorry, we have to go find our friends." Yuuri dragged Victor off before anybody could say a word.
Shotaro and Philip were left there, speechless. Then they both started talking at once.
"You know Yuuri Katsuki?"
"I know Japan's former leading ice skater?"
"When did that happen?"
"I don't know!"
This continued until they had to go in to get their seats. Then they shut up, watching as the skaters warmed up on the rink.
"Isn't that the guy you showed me?" Shotaro pointed out a blond on the ice, his sleek hair combed into an elaborate hairdo. He had left a red, white and blue striped jacket on the wall of the rink, and was now skating around in a red-orange outfit.
"I think so. I forgot his name, though, so I guess we'll have to find that out later."
All the skaters left the ice except the blond, who skated over to the wall to grab a drink. "First on the ice: Yuri Plisetsky, of Russia."
"I bet you ten thousand yen that that's the Yurio Victor Nikiforov mentioned," Shotaro whispered as Yuri skated out to the middle of the rink and struck a pose. The music started up just as Philip answered, a rushing, rising piece that reminded both of them of flames, so Shotaro couldn't hear him, though he had a feeling that the bet had not been taken.
Both of them were entranced by the skating, so when the music ended, they both felt like it had been far too short. But, as Philip pointed out, "Today is the day of the short programs. The free skates are tomorrow."
Just as Yuri stepped off the ice, screams erupted from the rinkside as a black figure jumped down from somewhere. It was not human by any means.
"Crap!" Shotaro cursed his bad luck as he and Philip scrambled through the screaming crowds to get to an aisle, any aisle, where they'd have a chance to transform.
Kamen Rider W, now transformed, floated down in front of the monster. Its features were twisted, red and black, and it was holding a sword to Yuri Plisetsky's throat. "Leave. Him. Alone."
"Oh? And who's going to stop me? You?" The monster's voice was eerily calm and snarky, and apparently Yuri didn't like it, as he started screaming obscenities in Russian. Just a few meters away, Victor was apparently translating for Yuuri, because both of them looked about as freaked out as the dark-haired guy next to them.
"Yes, I am. Now, count up your sins!"
"Desast!" someone yelled from behind W, and they whirled around to see a very familiar dragon-themed Rider. "Hang on, you guys are also here?"
"Yeah, we were watching the ice skating," Philip replied in Shotaro's place, wondering how Touma Kamiyama had known to come here. "Now, we should probably get that guy away from Desast."
"On it!" Touma tackled Desast away, and W held out a hand to Yuri.
"Are you okay there?" Philip asked in slow, careful English.
"No, not okay, why would you think that?" Yuri snapped in Russian-accented English that was still clearly legible. That voice made Shotaro freeze up.
"Uh, that's weird... You sound like him," Shotaro blurted out before he could think about what he was saying.
Yuri rolled his eyes. "Yeah, duh, that's why he targeted me. He said that he was looking for a human disguise, and that because I had a similar voice to his, nobody would suspect him. Not that that would work, given that that mudak attacked me in the middle of the khrenoten' competition."
"Well, you should go find out your score. We'll deal with the monster." W ran off, leaving a very confused Yuri Plisetsky behind. One of the figure's voices also sounded remarkably similar to his.
After chasing away Desast and watching what they hadn't missed of the rest of the short programs, Shotaro and Philip met up with Victor, Yuuri, Yuri and the dark-haired guy, a retired skater himself, and Yuri's boyfriend, by the name Otabek Altyn. The moment he spotted them, Yuuri bombarded Shotaro with questions.
"What the hell was that? Who were those? Why did that monster attack Yurio? Is it going to attack again?" Yuuri paused, breathless, and Philip took the opportunity to answer the questions.
"That was a monster attack. The two figures in suits were Kamen Riders, defenders of justice. As for why the monster attacked Plisetsky-san, and whether it will attack again, I simply don't know."
Yuri raised an eyebrow, but didn't question it. The young man's voice also sounded similar to his own, but the idea that he was one of the voices of the Kamen Rider who'd saved him? No way. He said something to Victor and Otabek in Russian, smiling slightly at the three Japanese men, who shrugged in confusion.
"Well, we'll be here tomorrow to watch the free skate. Which place did Plisetsky-san get?" Philip asked Yuuri, smiling to learn that the blond Russian skater was in first place.
"You flatter me." Yuri slapped Yuuri's hand away as the latter tried to give him a slap on the back, his dry, acidic tone reminding all those present of the monster.
"See you tomorrow!" Victor called as Philip and Shotaro walked off to their car, wide-eyed with joy. Victor Nikiforov, who still held several records around the globe and was currently one of the most elite skating coaches in the world, was looking forward to see them again. How awesome was that?
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Hey so I've recently been craving sport themed Johnlock (Excluding Rugby because it's kinda overused though 100% understandable). Either one could be doing the sport I just wanted something sporty. Preferably long and kinda angsty but just sporty will do-
Hi Nonny!
Sure! You’re in luck because I haven’t really read any Rugby John, LOL. You’re getting all the sports AUs I have :) I thought I did this list already but apparently not hahah :P Here you are!
See also: 
Alexx’s Sports AU List
YorkiePug’s Sports AU List
Summit Fever by J_Baillier (M, 78,802 w., 18 Ch. || Mountain Climber AU || POV John, Angst, Tragedy, Suicidal Ideation, The Himalayas, Mountain Guide / Doctor John, Mount Climber Sherlock, Loneliness, Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Injured Sherlock / Sherlock Whump, Pining John) – After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I—the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains—shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
Uphill by scullyseviltwin (E, 84,945 w., 18 Ch. || Olympics AU || Sherlock POV, Skier!Sherlock / Medic!John, Rivalry, 2014 Olympics, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is striving for gold in this, his fourth and final Olympics as a downhill Alpine racer.
Eyes Up, Heels Down by CodenameMeretricious (E, 107,845 w., 43 Ch. || Sports Equestrian AU || Fluff, Angst, Humour, Rider!Sherlock, Groomer!John, Show Jumping, Slow Burn, Happy Ending) – Sherlock is a top eventing rider currently training at Baker Farms. John is the new groom who's been told to steer clear of the surly rider and his horses. Part 1 of Baker Farms
A Study in Winning by Jupiter_Ash (E, 106,658 w., 11 Ch. || Tennis AU || John POV, Dirty Talk, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending, Sherlock Speaks French, Switchlock, Wimbledon) – John and Sherlock are professional tennis players and it’s Wimbledon. One is a broken almost was at the end of his career, the other an arrogant rising star tipped for greatness. It should have been a straightforward tournament. It really should have been. How were they to know that a chance encounter would change everything? Part 1 of Tennis
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
Gimme Shelter by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 159,368 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || 70′s Surfer AU || Period Typical Homophobia, Hawaii, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Professional Surfers, Gay John / Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, John was a Sailor, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining) – All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair. That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition. (PUBLISHED AS ‘The Sea Ain’t Mine Alone’)
Emblaze Our Hearts by antietamfalls (T, 7,970 w., 1 Ch. || Olympics AU || Skeleton Luger Sherlock, Biathlete John, Drunkenness, Texting, Memory Loss) – A night of celebratory drinking leads to a mystery in the Olympic village. Who is this "SH" person with whom John apparently spent the night, and why did they disappear with John's most prized possession?
On The Fence by BeautifulFiction (T, 13,770 w., 1 Ch. || Fencing, Case Fic, First Kiss) – The murder of the King's College fencing champion leads to revelations about Sherlock's past. Will it be the point that tips them from friends to lovers, or will they remain on the fence? (sorry, not an AU, but since this is a new story, I want to promote it, LOL.)
A Hooligans’ Game Played By Gentlemen by scullyseviltwin (E, 15,213 w., 1 Ch. || Rugby AU || First Time, Rugby as Foreplay, Porn with Lots of Plot) – In which John wants to get back in shape, does so, joins a rugby league and has sex with Sherlock Holmes. In that order.
Forces of Nature by Ewebie (E, 18,369 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock || Rugby Captain John, Hammock Sex, Bad Jokes) – Sherlock watched as the man pushed himself out of the water and onto the floating dock constantly anchored in the middle of the lake. Oh. He was… He was quite tanned. Broad shoulders sloped into a narrow, muscular waist and tapered hips that disappeared into the navy swim trunks. Somehow the breadth of the shoulders made the thighs and legs that appeared out of the bottom of the trunks look delicate. Tanned in their own right and powerful, but oddly proportionate to the shorter stature the man seemed to possess. Sherlock watched the water run off of him, down his back, tracing a path along his spine and through the pleasing fossae lumbales laterales and lumbar lordosis into the waistband of the trunks. Sherlock swallowed. Shit.
Sticking the Landing by SweetMandolins (M, 44,826 w. 17 Ch. || Olympics AU || Gymnast John, Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Falling in Love, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Bisexual John, Muscular John, Humour, Jealous John, Side Mystrade) – John Watson, Captain of Team GB’s gymnastics squad is confident and primed for his third and final Olympics. Disappointed in London with a shoulder injury putting paid to his Olympic dream, can he secure an Olympic gold finish before retirement? Meanwhile, Sherlock Holmes has other problems. Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics is the newest Olympic sport, but a series of peculiar accidents both on and off the floor have taken out some of the competitors. Does something more sinister lurk under the spangles and spandex? Can Sherlock solve the mystery in time to deliver a flawless ball routine? And does something more valuable than medals await the boys in Rio?
Fly Very High by yalublyutebya (E, 46,533 w., 31 Ch. || Formula One / Car Racing AU || Rivalry, Permanent Injury, Hate Sex, Angry Sex) – John Watson was born to be a racing driver, and even a crash isn't enough to keep him out of a car for long. But coming back is not that easy, especially when he meets his new teammate, Sherlock Holmes. Part 2 of the Formula One AU series
Working on the Edges by earlgreytea68 (M, 56,089 w., 16 Ch. || Olympics AU || Hockey Player John, Ice Skater Sherlock) – No matter where you put Sherlock and John, they click. Including the Winter Olympics.
Full Court Press by MissDavis (E, 126,123 w. || College Basketball AU || Unilock, Masturbation, Homophobia, First Kiss / Time, Oral/Anal, Coming Out, Switchlock, Blowjobs) – Sherlock Holmes has accepted a scholarship to play basketball at the College of St. Bartholomew's. He expects to be their star player and turn the team's losing record around. He does not expect to fall in love with the team's captain, a certain scrappy point guard named John Watson. Or: Sherlock is the team's best shooter. John is the team's best ball-handler.
Boyfriend Material by PoppyAlexander (E, 151,282 w., 58 Ch. || American Hockey AU || Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Closeted John, POV John, Pining, Casual Sex / Hook Ups, Rom-Com) – Boston Brawlers' team captain John Watson longs for two things: a championship before he retires, and a boyfriend. Assigned to room with goaltender Sherlock Holmes--known around the league as both a genius and a "weird dude"– on Brawlers' roadtrips, John discovers the things they have in common that lead to an easy friendship and a convenient arrangement.
Slipstream by khorazir (M, 173,186+ w., 14/25 Ch. || WIP || Tour de France / Sports Cycling AU || Room Sharing, Cycling Injuries, Discussions of Drugs/Doping, Awkward Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Bickering, Case Fic, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Internalized Homophobia, Mutual Pining, Bed Sharing, Jealousy) –It’s going to be the last Tour de France for professional cyclist John Watson. Despite the hardships of cycling more than 3000 kilometres in three weeks, in blistering heat and torrential rain, over dangerous cobblestones in northern France and the mountains of the Alps and the Pyrenees, battling thirst, hunger, injury and exhaustion, not to mention bitchy rivals, doping allegations, and the ever scoop-hungry press, he is going to enjoy the ride, damn it. That’s what John keeps telling himself – until he meets his new teammate, Sherlock Holmes, who adds a whole new list of problems as well as an extra dose of excitement to John’s life.
Red Lights Out by days_of_storm (E, 333,458 w., 103 Ch. || Formula One / Car Racing AU || Mechanic John, Driver Sherlock, UST, Friendship, Pre-Slash, Romance, Perfect Cooperation, Accidents, Manipulation, Slow Burn) – John Watson is an overqualified mechanic and former rally driver who works for McLaren. Silverstone GP is impending when he meets Sherlock Holmes, a prodigy driver whom nobody takes seriously, except for McLaren boss Greg Lestrade.
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jesuisnilunnilautre · 4 years
y!!! on ice hannibal AU and The Old Guard social media??? Your wips sound great i'd love to hear more about them
thanks so much babe!!! 💞💞💞
yoi hannibal au
ok so this sort of stemmed from me having Emotions TM about dumb distinguished gays hannibal lector/victor nikiforov getting completely swept off their feet by strange anti-social nerds will graham/yuuri katsuki
because like, in canon, before they met their beloved weirdos, they were bored, which for them meant death. for hannibal, because serial killers get careless and then are caught, and for vitya, because skaters get stuck, and then lose all joy from the ice.
plus there’s the physical similarities, with the grey haired eastern european rich ass suited up Very Important And Well Known men, and then their brown hair glasses soft faced loner husbands who love their dogs.
so i went hmmmmmuuushhem together
the result is true crime podcast host/investigative specialist yuuri katsuki hyperfixating on a serial killer who just-so-happens to be viktor nikiforov, the eccentric luthier (??? maybe??? i haven’t decided lol, something to do with music) who has been attemting to woo a blushing and only slightly oblivious yuuri. phichit and chris are clutching each other in the background. i haven’t decided if they’re in on it yet, whichever one has more comedic potential.
tog social media au
this was born from the various posts on this here hellsite about the immortal gang having social media accounts, and booker running a super pretentious booktube/commentary channel, and i couldn’t resist the urge to drabble.
plus, my mom is in various bookclubs, three of which are anti-racist/revolutionary in nature, and she likes to talk to me about who said what and how this one lady didn’t read this month but insisted on talking the whole time, or about how this one dude isn’t quite radicalized yet so he doesn’t know what a proletariat is, or how this one person said this stupid thing, and as a result i’ve taken to imagining with great pleasure how each member of the immortal squad would absolutely flame them.
they are, of course, still immortal vigilantes, so every once in a while they’ll say something that’s normal but slightly to the left, like “nicolo and i have been having this argument for centuries now but i am right and he knows it,” or they’ll make some comment about how oscar wilde was a prick who made terrible tea, or they’ll talk to each other in like a proto-indo-iranian language or something, and since they put subtitles on all their videos and they’re not like, Serious videos, most of their audience is like ‘haha jokes so funny’
but there’s a small group that are like, grad students and super nerds (lead, of course, by copley), who hear that stuff and go wait a damn minute, “there’s literally no record of that thing you said about mozart” or “THAT LANGUAGE HAS BEEN DEAD FOR CENTURIES??? WHAT THE FUCK?????” or “that is an honest to god rodin” or “those weapons sure are suspiciously accurate,” plus all the pictures and paintings of them dating back actual millenia
so they’ve been added to the list of immortals alongside john mulaney, anne hatheaway, hozier, florence welch, paul rudd, jeff goldblum, wang yibo, xiao zhan, keanu reeves, etc. (these people are, in fact, Actual Immortals. they get coffee sometimes and rant about how much english sucks.)
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soft-black-teabag · 4 years
💛🧡💛🧡 tag game!!!🧡💛🧡💛 you’ve been picked to ship some of your mutuals with i-land trainees you think they’d look good with or their personality’s would mix well! You can do as many or as little as you want!! 🧡💛🧡💛
Oh god, I'm so bad at this things, like, I have a "pick 12 of your mutuals as iland ot12" in my draft since the start of part 2 ajzbbshshhs
I think I'm going to do this not really caring about age, cause, like, I'm purely doing it in base of what we have seen until now about those chaotic boys (this is also why a lot of grounders wouldn't be here, I don't know that much about them so it would be actually hard-)
Anyway, shit, idk where to start?
@iland-debutation with Taki? Idk, they're two babies with a baby face and I think they would be just THAT babie vibes couple, like, they would be adorably deadly.
@svnghoonie with Sunghoon. Period. I know a fuck tons of my lovely mutuals sould want to date Sunghoon but, c'mon, let's be serious guys, THE ICE RING DATES!!!! THEY WOULD STAY HERE AND FUCKING HUMILIATE EVERYONE WITH THEIR GRACE AND BEAUTY. Also both of them are apparently calm but secretly clowns, made for each others.
@unbothered-alex probably with...Nicho? Okay, this might sound totally random but, other than the fact that apparently both of them intimidate people at first and then they're just big fluffballs, they kinda have this contrast in their personalities? Like, she's really direct and straightforward and has this aura of "serious girl" around here while he's the total chaos, I just think that they would fit so well together???.
@angelkevin this is also totally random since she doesn't stan them, but I would ship her with Taeyong. They're both soft puppies, too cute for the outside world, too kind and soft and I would see Taeyong a lot as a lovely, caring, soft and protective boyfriend and she needs it so yeah, that's it (yes I might have a small soft spot for that boy)
@bangchanseonyeondan probably too random but Kyungmin. Okay, listen here, I have a giant soft spot for Kyungmin and tHAT BOY IS SO HARDWORKING AND KIND AND SOFT AND HAPPY AND BEAUTIFUL AND I WANT ONLY THE BEST FOR MY BABY SO IF THIS IS NOT OKAY WITH SOMEONE THEN COME HERE AND CATCH MY HANDS.
@artzyyangel Daniel. No, I'm not saying this because that girl is totally whipped for him, but because, c'mon, imagine it. They would be sitting here, staring at each others, totally red, totally not knowing what to do, panicking while probably me and Sunoo stand in a corner watching them while eating popcorn. The iconic super cute and super funny-to-watch-but-almost-painfully-awkward couple. Two soft beans.
@gay-jesus-official Hanbin. Okay listen, when I think of both of them I think of a sunshine, they're both so positive and cute and sunny and if you stare at them for too long you'll get blinded. They are both with such a sweet personality but they're also hellish funny, I think they would just click
@heeseungsteeth Heeseung. C'mon, I don't have to even explain it, they just feel so similar. Like, you talk with them at first and they're like, normal human beings, really talented, really good, really nice. But then you get to know them...and for the love of god...how the hell did you thought they were NORMAL??? (But we exactly love them for that) and they're another couple that would just be SO awkward at first, like, they would just sit next to artzy and daniel and being panicked while Geonu stands with me and Sunoo and our popcorn.
@junkyuala now, she's the confident gay, so we need a panicked boy or a more confident one? But the only ship I have in mind is her with artzy so this is sbzbzhhzzb. I am going to take a risk and say Jake. Like, she's such a cute and soft girl but she's also motherly and ready to nag and bully you at any second, they would be so cute with her making fun and nagging at Jake to take off those damn snapbacks but then cuddling him saying that he shouldn't give a fuck about what others say about his clothes.
@incorrectilandquotes I know you wanted Sunghoon, I know, but I HAD TO PUT THE ICE SKATERS TOGETHER. So I'm gonna say...EJ? This also can look really random but Tara is such a crazy sweetie and I can just imagine her ranting about iland, burning Mnet and wanting to hug Daniel to boyfriend!EJ who just smile at her fondly and nods his head, only to cuddle and comfort her after because she's crying like a baby because she wants all of them to debut.
@prikicarat listen here, I want her with Geonu only to see her getting judging and disgusted faces when she does something dumb and crazy. Like, really, she's such a bitch and would put herself in crazy situations but Geonu will be there doing my job of containing that bitch craziness (but also join it when it's the right moment, maybe👀)
@moonxscribbles Sunoo. Sunoo. Sunoo. Sunoo. It will be so fucking funny, she's so easy to make flustered and that boy would be the end of her. Also, they both are energetic and funny and total brats so they would be funny to watch but also fucking dangerous
@1love1houseofcards can I put him with K just to have them both sitting in a sofa in the corner, warm blanket over them both, cuddling, food around them, cup of tea while they just watch the chaos go on in front of them?
@simpforwendy kinda random but...Jay? I can totally see him trying to look cool and serious and you just showing people how cute he was in his pikachu onesie while hiding under his rainbow blanket (@incorrectilandquotes I had to) because you guys were watching an horror movie and got too scared.
Bye I love you
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lesbianholster · 4 years
adil/toby but it’s a rivals to lovers figure skating au
adil is a solo skater with a wide variety of styles, like sometimes he does upbeat stuff to the tune of kylie minogue or mika, but other times he breaks out the years and years and everyone loses their shit; he’s managed by joe, who’s chill but helped him develop that eclectic style
toby himself is just there as a manager, probably tom bc his obliviousness when his manager develops a crush on his rival would be gold
also not necessarily adoby but emma’s there managing the entire uk team like the boss bitch she is, and also betsey/sonny are competing in the partner skate and their romantic chemistry on the ice is insane even though they swear up and down that they’re just friends (a post for another day, perhaps?)
so it’s the winter olympics and things are, ahem, heating up, bc while everyone here’s on team uk, there’s still that drive to be The One With The Gold, and damn it, toby’s not gonna let tom lose even if the rival skater has such nice fluid routines and the most soulful eyes--
their initial relationship is one of intense snark and banter but the chemistry becomes too strong to deny and whoops an affair
MEANWHILE, d’abberville’s also here on the coaching scene and he has a problem, bc while his style used to win grand accolades back in the day, the guy he’s training isn’t breaking any records and he’s kind of seen as this washed-up has-been, and it’s driving him mad, he’s gotta get that prestige back, but he doesn’t quite know how
until he catches adil and toby together and realizes he has a plan
see, neither of them are out yet: toby’s still Repressed, adil doesn’t want the stigma of being a gay figure skater (another gay figure skater), and also the conflict of interest with their relationship makes being public a bit risky
dabs knows this, and uses it as leverage against adil to throw his upcoming performances lest he get outed and dismissed for the ethics violations; this time, however, adil eventually works up the courage to tell toby
if adil flounders, it’ll be better for tom, but toby finds he would be devastated if that were to happen, and that’s when he realizes he’s in love
they end up formulating a plan to just. have adil and tom mysteriously switch coaches. and that way everything will be just fine
tom is a bit confused but hey joe is a lot more chill than toby and they end up working great together
adil ends up coming out on his own terms before killing it and winning the gold
dabs gets arrested on doping charges and is never heard from again
did i mix up coaching and management?
but hey. gay ice skaters, so who’s complaining
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maddiesup · 4 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @ohbabycupcakes thank u💖
RULES: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people + leave comments on all of them
This is gonna be hard, where do I even start?
1) Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Okay I'm- trying not to laugh too hard because oh boy, this show was a complete mess. BUT Keith still stays as one of my favorite characters ever just because no matter how badly I was hurt by vld he'll always be precious to me 💖 He's hotheaded, cool and a lone wolf, but needs affection more than anyone else on the team. He's easy for me to relate to as I am more likely to push someone away than to keep them close just to avoid being hurt as well. His development is amazing tho and I love love him so much 😭 also it might be just that I have a soft spot for emo characters lmao
2) Todoroki Shoto (Boku no Hero Academia)
This just reinforces my statement earlier since Todoroki is pretty emo too :') But in a different way than Keith. If you are a part of bnha fandom you know he's generally a little bit overrated, but I couldn't help falling in love with him at first sight anyway lol His backstory is tragic but he keeps pursuing his dream and damn is he good at it. Also the combo of fire and ice is aesthetic goals. However, what I admire the most about Shoto is probably his loyalty to his friends, his will to fight and sometimes his goofy attitude (even if he probably isn't aware that he's being goofy lol) In conclusion: I love him, let's move on.
3) Uenoyama Ritsuka (Given)
Can I just stop to say how much I love given for a moment? Like I've never seen a bl anime/manga that would portray gay characters so respectfully 😭❤️ Ue is basically me gay panicking, I feel the boy so much :') OH also what's up with gays & guitars bc first given, then why r u and now also 2gether :') (I might be falling in love with this trope help) okay so: Ue is panicking when he starts liking Mafuyu but he handles it so well in a way? He doesn't deny his crush even if he is slow to notice it lol He's straightforward and sometimes a little bit rough around the edges, but even if he's supposed to be "the cool guy" we see him in the most hilarious settings and that just makes me love him all the more 💖 he respects Mafuyu and his boundaries and I want more of that in bl anime please
4) Eiji & Ash (Banana Fish)
Uhhhh this anime,,, I CANNOT choose between Ash and Eiji, I'm gonna forever see them as a pair and that's simply it. Ash is another emo one I would like to say that but he's actually not. He's backstory is heartbreaking and the life he has to live is dangerous and scary. He gets used to this reality where he has no one to rely on and no one to trust but then Eiji appears tearing his walls down and making him finally be able to show his soft and sensitive side to someone. Eiji is like a salve for his wounds and yes, I'm still emotional about it bc their relationship is one of the best developped I've ever seen. Their bond is so strong it's beautiful, they would literally die for each other. It's so apparent that they love each other and care for each other so much (don't mind me crying in the corner)
5) Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
PJ technically got me into fantasy/sci-fi in elementary school and it stays at the top of my favorite book series list ever (big props to Uncle Rick 👏) The whole series is funny and I would say pretty light-hearted even tho you know,,, Percy saves the world several times, lol, usual demigod things™. He's lovable. Son of Poseidon so he has seaweeds instead of a brain (or so you thought, he is brilliant at strategic planning and has a charisma to be a great leader), has a very good sense of humor, is loyal and would risk everything for his friends. Also he loves his girlfriend very much and I was crying while reading the House of Hades but no one needed to know that oh well. I'm also gonna mention Nico de Angelo here, since he fell in love with Percy (didn't we all tho) and was the first gay character I saw portrayed in the book and oh do I love him 😭💖
6) 707 (Mystic Messenger)
Was I losing sleep over this game? I was. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not. I think my choices are pretty boring tho, since Seven is literally everyone's favorite but oh boy there's a reason for that. Apart from being a talented hacker who knows too much (and I think is cautious of us the most at the start) he has a lovely happy-go-lucky personality composed of all the lame jokes, questions "have you eaten already" and anxiety (another emo one). He's that type of a character who will always try to make you laugh but you never know what's going on inside his head. He's mysterious and we don't get to know him well till his route so pretty much till the end of the game lol. Also he loves his brother, phd pepper, honey buddha chips and Elizabeth 3rd the most in this entire world and I love him for that
7) Evan Hansen (Dear Evan Hansen)
ANOTHER EMO ONE okay but hear me out Evan has social anxiety and its portrayal is almost too real for me. He makes a big oopsie which at the start seems like a little innocent lie but then snowballs to enormous sizes. He gains everything in this bargain, a best (dead) friend, a caring mother, a father, a girlfriend even - and then everything falls apart since it all is built on one fat lie. He makes a lot of mistakes and then some more but you get it and you feel for him, and you cry with him and you're happy for him. And when all of this is over you're glad that he's still there trying his best, taking it one day at a time. And sidenote: Ben Platt's voice is angelic and I love him as Evan 💖💖💖
8) Isak (SKAM)
Another gay panicking one. I'm starting to realize there's a set of traits that I particularly like in fictional characters lol But ye, when I was watching skam ofc it was the third season which gripped me the most and kept me on the edge, bc yet again Isak taking an "are you gay" test was way too real for me. He makes a lot of mistakes along the way of figuring out his sexuality and sometimes stuff with Evan becomes really messy (for both of them) but he stays with him nevertheless ❤️ Skam is literally so good in its portrayal of the characters :') Anyways: alt er love 💖
9) Viktor & Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Em, another one that I absolutely can't break up to just one bc how could I? Yuri on ice got me into skating ❤️ I went to an ice rink for the first time bc of this anime and I almost died but now look at me actually finishing my first three months of ice skating training and watching real life figure skating competitions :') Little did I know then. But they're not only my favourites bc of that, I genuinely love the development of their relationship from fan - idol through skater - couch to lovers and history makers in the end. I love how Yuuri is a ball of insecurities and how Viktor manages to reassure him. I love how Viktor fell in love with drunk Yuuri clinging to him. I love how at first Yuuri wasn't able to get too close to Viktor without getting flustered and it changes so drastically to them basically always holding onto each other. I love how Viktor was stuck with no inspiration but then Yuuri came and turned his world upside down. I love how they support and respect each other. I could probably go on into eternity like that and Yuri on ice isn't even the best anime I've ever seen but it's certainly my favourite one ❤️
10) Tutor (WHY R U)
I can't believe I'm so obsessed with thai dramas rn and I'm only gonna include Tor on this list smh He's mental attitude inspires me. He's able to hold so much and appears totally unfazed even if he's barely holding on inside. He's hardworking and doesn't want others to pity him since he can manage it all just fine. He has a kind heart, he's a wonderful friend (especially to Hwa, he always listens to her, gives her pieces of advise, supports her and tries to cheer her up). He never forgets to say thank you when he genuinely feels grateful. But as we've seen he also is passionate and when he loves he LOVES. Also he's the biggest tease to Fighter and I love him for that :') I am so satisfied just by seeing him happy, please do not change that whyru gods 🙏
As it appears I'm done .-. I have no idea what have just happened and if my rambling even makes sense but not that I care at this point. If you read this far, please drink some water now, that was a lot of reading to go through ❤️
Tagging: @wir-ro, @saecookie and any other 8 people who might want to ksks (im too tired to tag lmao)
Don't be like me and go to bed at reasonable hours despite this whole quarantine thing .-. thank again Doreen for tagging since it was really fun 🥺❤️
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ruoyeming · 4 years
My Top Ten Anime, a chaotic list
This was so hecking difficult, I’m gonna have to do some ‘honourable mentions’ for ones I can’t bring myself to leave out. This list is based entirely on my personal feelings, not an objective assessment of what are logically the best anime. There also may be mild spoilers at points because I can’t control myself. Doing this in quarantine cause I looove ranting about things I like.
10) Attack On Titan
This was the first anime I ever watched, and it blew my mind a bit tbh. The music is iconic, and the animation is great as well. It might have been a bit harrowing for my first experience with anime, but I absolutely loved the story. It’s set in a world where titans (man eating giants) have driven the dregs of humanity to live within giant stone walls. There’s a group of humans trying to research titans, kill them, and protect humanity, and the main character decides to join them after a titan breaks through one of the walls and his mother is eaten. It’s one of those where you think you know everything and suddenly the world gets turned upside down by a new discovery. All the puzzle pieces start fitting together the longer you watch, and you find out that everything going on is much bigger than what it originally seemed (government conspiracy time lads). The plot twists are unpredictable (for me at least) and devastating, and the emotion this series evokes is awesome - you can FEEL the sheer desperation of the characters, their rage and despair as they fight again and again against a seemingly unending enemy. Despite almost every battle being a suicide mission and despite too many losses, the characters keep going out of the human need to survive and protect. 
10/10 for brutality and gore, but also theme of hope.
9) Naruto
A founding father of anime. Surprisingly not one of the first I watched, in fact it took me a few years to start. It’s set in a feudal Japan where ninjas are the defenders and servers of the people, and different villages have different ninja styles. Naruto is a young boy with a dangerous spirit sealed inside him which has caused him to be shunned by society (even though it’s not his fault??), and he wants to become a ninja. First off I’m a sucker for the Naruto archetype: dumbass, cocky, obnoxious, but kind and loyal too. Years of solitude and ostracisation as a child mean that Naruto desperately wants people to acknowledge him, and he intends to become the Hokage to prove himself. There’s a huge range of characters and villains, all with cool ninjutsus and different philosophies. Friendship, power, and determination are some of the main themes and it makes me so proud to see my son *COUGH* Naruto progressing and learning from his mistakes. It IS a long boi though and I haven’t even finished Shippuden yet, but I think Naruto captures the essence of shounen anime and is a great underdog story. Manga is lit too. 
10/10 for cool battles and great characters.
8) Psycho Pass
One of the earlier anime I watched, and it became an instant favourite for the way it makes you question morality. It’s set in a kinda dystopian future Japan, where a technology called the Sibyl System checks people’s mental state and determines their ‘crime coefficient’ - how likely they are to commit a crime. The main character is a young woman who joins the police and begins to realise that blindly following this system is perhaps not the best way to go about things. For example, they have special guns that automatically kill people whose crime coefficients are over a certain level, but she soon proves that you can easily lower someone’s coefficient by talking them down and negotiating instead of killing them off immediately. It’s got great drama, great government conspiracy, compelling villains, and some really badass characters. It pushes the question of what is right or wrong, and how far technology should go when it comes to justice. 
10/10 for sociological debate and horror elements.
7) One Punch Man
OPM is an anime that stands out for me, partially for mocking the tropes of battle anime, and partially for the uniqueness of the main character’s predicament. It’s set in Japan where heroes and villains exist, and the protagonist is a man called Saitama who gained superstrength after doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10K run every day. However he’s become so strong that he can defeat every enemy with a single punch. Nothing is a challenge for him anymore so he becomes depressed and unfulfilled; he’s still a good man who helps people, but he feels he’s missing something from his life. A cyborg called Genos makes Saitama his master, determined to learn his ways and they become friends. It’s one of the first anime that made me laugh out loud; it’s funny and entertaining, but also shows us that power is not equal to happiness. 
10/10 for moral lessons and good jokes.
6) Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
The only slice of life anime on this list and not very well known, however it has a special place in my heart. The main character Tanaka is a boy who dozes off constantly and acts exhausted when awake; he loves expending as little energy as possible. His best friend Ohta looks out for him and essentially makes sure he doesn’t get lost/ be late/die on a daily basis, including carrying him when he just falls asleep sometimes. Although Tanaka seems uncaring, it’s shown that friendship isn’t a bother to him, and he realises that he actually relies on his friends despite saying he likes being left in peace. His friends all have great personalities, my personal faves are a tough gangster girl who’s rude to everyone EXCEPT her adorable loli girlfriend, and a popular girl who’s trying too hard to fit in and starts to become more herself after befriending Tanaka. All the characters share one brain cell, and it’s genuinely a funny anime - I’ve burst out laughing watching it a few times. Also Tanaka and Ohta are extremely shippable if you want to go down that route; it’s said several times in the series that they’re like an old married couple. 
10/10 for wholesomeness and comedy.
5) Ouran High School Host Club
Another lighthearted show, probably the anime that’s made me laugh the most out of any. It’s set at an academy for rich-as-heck kids, and there’s a ‘Host Club’ where all the girls go to drink tea with a group of handsome boys. There’s the cunning Kyouka, prankster identical twins Hikaru and Kaoru, stoic Mori, adorable Honey, and princely but obnoxious Tamaki. Haruhi, a working-class scholarship student who is mistaken for a boy, accidentally breaks a precious vase and is forced by the host club to join them to pay off her debt. The group of boys realise fairly quickly that haruhi is a girl, but she becomes a popular host amongst the girls (LOVE the secret lesbian vibes) so they keep up the charade. I think I have a weakness for groups that share one brain cell because aside from Kyouka, they’re all idiots. I also love how flexible the show is with ideas of gender and sexuality despite being a slightly older anime. The daily antics of the host club combined with their personalities is a recipe for comedy, and they’re all lovable in their own ways. 
10/10 for characters, drama, and comedy; it’s well-paced too.
4) Bungou Stray Dogs
Set in an alternate modern Japan where some people have secret abilities that can be activated, this anime became an obsession when I first watched it. The cast of characters is amazing and the villains are awesome too. Atsushi is an orphan who discovers he can turn into a powerful tiger, and is hired by the Armed Detective Agency, a small organisation of powerful individuals who fight crime. NEED I SAY ANY MORE?? Many of the main characters share names with famous Japanese authors such as Osamu Dazai and Ryūnosuke Akutagawa which is really cool and something that might add to the story more if I had an understanding of Japanese literature. Anyways the main character Atsushi is kind of a wimp at first (understandably because the world of ability-users is actually terrifying), but he learns to stand up for himself and use his ability to save people. The show’s mixing of dark and comedic tones is perfect to me; one moment a character is off his head on mushrooms and the next Atsushi’s leg is brutally sliced off in a back alley fight (it regenerates later no worries). The plot is really cool and full of intrigue, and eventually you get the whole ‘Usually we’re sworn enemies but we’re forced to become allies in the face of a greater evil’ thing and it’s great! Turns out our main guy and our main bad guy are actually a pretty powerful and efficient team, hoho?? 
10/10 for supernatural detectives being super cool.
3) Yuri!!! on Ice
Y’all already know what’s going on. Ice skating, emotional breakthroughs, gay shit, HIT ME WITH IT. The story follows Yuri Katsuki, an insecure figure skater trying to regain his confidence, and his self-appointed coach Viktor Nikiforov. Viktor is enthusiastic in helping Yuri train, and Yuri has been a big fan of Viktor since his childhood *throws pillow across the room*. Yuri becomes determined to, quote, “surpass Viktor’s wildest imagination”, and they end up agreeing - through a series of convoluted events - to get married if Yuri wins gold at the olympics (I think it’s the olympics??). Either fuckin way this series has angst, humour, cuteness, and god DAMN did I get invested. When Yuri was doing his free skate my own heart was beating harder than it did when I finished a 10K. Love the vibes and also it’s the closest to full healthy gay representation that I’ve seen in anime for a while. Not much more I can say, but do I really need to say more???
10/10 for GAY and MY HEART
2) Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer)
Ok this one’s kind of a cheat cause I’ve read the manga as well which is way ahead of the anime, but FUCC. It takes place in the Taisho Era in Japan (begins 1912), where Demons exist who eat people. Tanjiro Kamado’s family is killed by a demon one night and his sister Nezuko is turned into a demon - but it is soon discovered she’s different to other demons, and can restrain herself. Tanjiro joins the Demon Slayer Corps to try and track down a cure for his sister, while proving that demons are not inherently evil. I LOVE Tanjiro as a main character because he values kindness over everything else, not forgiving demons for their sins but recognising they are tormented creatures, trying to give them peace before they die. All demons were once human - a fact that only Tanjiro seems to remember when fighting them. He’s patient, gentle, and determined - hotheaded and brash sometimes, but he has this vibe that just makes people become his friend/respect him even if they don’t intend to. He befriends two other slayers - Inosuke, an absolutely feral Best Boy who was raised by wild boars, and Zenitsu, a cowardly but ultimately loyal guy. This trio works really well together and Tanjiro is a great protagonist. Don’t even get me STARTED on the music and animation. Impeccable. Kamado Tanjiro No Uta makes me cry every time I hear it, and the water/fire effects used to show the metaphorical way the swords move like the elements takes my breath away.
10/10 for morals, music and animation.
1) Mob Psycho 100
Where the fuck do I start here. This anime is so unique in its style, story, and characters that I think it will always be my favourite. It follows Shigeo Kageyama (nicknamed Mob cause that’s what they call extras and background characters in Japan), a plain boy with incredible psychic powers that explode when his emotions are too high. Over time he’s learned to suppress his emotions, causing him to become socially inept and emotionally withdrawn. His (fake) psychic ‘master’, Reigen, uses him to make money exorcising spirits, making Mob believe that it’s for ‘training’. Mob appears naive at times, but he is so simply kind to people that it makes my heart hurt. Unlike many of the egomaniac psychics that Mob comes across, he recognises that without powers, he is just an ordinary boy. Mob’s greatest power isn’t his OP psychic abilities, but his power to show people they can change, that he can change. He forgives (and eventually befriends) people who have tried to kill him. Redemption and empathy are big themes here and they’re done really well.
The other characters are so well rounded and are also given time to grow, including Reigen - at first he’s a seemingly manipulative sleazebag, but later you see that he is a genuinely good man who has taught Mob many lessons and helped him grow up. This is a core message - Mob’s ability to change is due to support from his friends, not purely his own desire - people need other people!
This is also one of the true rarities in anime where the second season is absolutely just as good (if not better!) than the first one. The music is unique to the show, the ops for both seasons get me litty, the animation is incredible, the jokes are great and although it’s not all about big-ass fights, when we do get a big-ass fight it’s so fucking cool. The fight sequences are beautifully animated and visually stunning. MP100 makes me laugh, cry like an actual baby, and want to become a better person. Idk I could literally write pages on it like the big nerd I am but that’s all I’ll do for now.
10/10 for literally everything.
Given : about a boy who joins a band which helps him work through his trauma. Lovely healthy gay representation and themes of healing.
Samurai Champloo : ragtag trio consisting of two samurai - one lowkey feral and does breakdancing, the other lofty and withdrawn - and a bold young girl. Themes of friendship and journeys. I simp for the lofty samurai.
Cowboy Bebop: jazzy music, bounty hunters in space, 90s anime WHAT MORE COULD U WANT. Yet another group of characters that share a single brain cell. Love it.
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jfmesq · 6 years
Crack fics list
I have known that my wonderful new friend @n3rdlif343va is going through some hard times, and needs to smile ASAP!
That’s why I made a crack fics list, and I’m fully dedicating it to her!
First Night, by @saltycaramel1394.
An ancient law, made in a fit of jealousy by a tyrannous Keiser centuries ago, decrees as follows: in the case of a wedding taking place in his jurisdiction, the Ruler of the Land may take the newlywed to his own bed on the first night of their marriage, with no repercussions, if he so pleases.
Katsuki Yuuri is getting married today.
Don’t fool yourself thinking this is a drama fic. Take it and laugh out loud until the end with Yuuri’s despair!
So is spaghetti until it’s wet, by seventhstar
A dialogue-only fic with various skaters and people wondering if Yuuri is really gay.
Do I have to say more?
Clean up on ailse five, by @alipiee
Victor keeps creating excuses to keep coming back at the supermarket near the ice rink and see the cutest boy he’s ever met in his life.
Victor as extra as you can imagine, and the excuses he makes to call for Yuuri on the market... you have to read it! XD
Of kittens and trees, by vibidi
During a visit to the Hasetsu Botanical Gardens, Yuri Plisetsky gets stuck in a tree.
Featuring Yuurio’s sailor mouth, the two dorks in love, and Otabek “good at everything” Altin!
Career Day, by @yoyoplisetsky
Viktor Nikiforov accompanies his daughter Maria to her pre-school career day where he meets a girl who claims to want to be a figure skater. And her cute dad. He flirts, he gets a date. It doesn't actually go that smoothly, though.
Yuuri’s and Victor’s daughters made me laugh so much! but still... I don’t want to have a child to embarass me like children do...
Où sont les fesses d’antan? by sath
Christophe Giacometti's ass speaks.
Yes, exactly! And it is very upset with Yuuri taking all the spotlights to himself!
I can’t feel my face when I’m with you, by @bullsfish
Yuuri is the man of his dreams. Nice, funny, handsome and oh, so sexy. He is perfect. Except for one thing. He is a dentist. Victor is scared to death by dentists.
The surgery on the end though... hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Sillage, by La_Temperanza
Out of all the things Yuuri expects to find out in his garden during the middle of the night, a vigilante superhero is definitely not one of them.
Put together an extra dog-lover superhero, an adorable plant-psychotic guy and two fluffy poodles, and you have one of the most hilarious fics ever!
Twitter War, by @kasumi-chou
Victor wakes up one morning to find that he lovely, beautiful fiancé, Yuuri Katsuki, had gone on a twitter rant the night before. A twitter rant about how wonderful he was. God, he was head-over-heels for this man.
In which the skaters engage on the most funny and ridiculous discussions you’ll ever hear about! PS: 65 small chapters! ; )
Wanted: skating lessons, by @forovnix
Yuuri answers an ad he sees on Ice Castle's community board, asking for skating lessons so that he can learn how to skate before Saturday, when he will have to perform to Stammi Vicino on his parents’ wedding anniversary.
Just so that you have an idea: Victor is a marble bust seller in this fic, and doesn’t give a damn about ice skating. XD
Be my coach, Yuuri! series, by Koane (volleyball_crow)
Short one-shots centered about Yuuri being mortified Yuuri and Viktor picking up students like they’re stray kittens, Viktor being his Too Extra(TM) self, and Yuuri regretting everything.
I never read this one, but c’mon! It must be just fantastically funny!
The early, awkward years, by @nomanono
Victor Nikiforov wasn't always smooth and suave. His singular focus on skating created a pronounced inability to people, and Chris winds up bearing the brunt of his sexual incompetence.
A Nikifometti cracking fic! I didn’t read this one either, but Fairy laughed out loud with this one (the only time she did it, she said o.0). She was the one who recced when I asked XD
From now on, only recs Fairy made before on the blog (but this above is the most funny one!) and I unfortunately haven’t read yet!
For your eyes only, by opalish
Yuuri once told Victor that Phichit was the only foreign skater he considered a friend. Yuuri lied. He's been Seung-gil's dirty little secret for well over a year.
I read the first paragraphs, and was already giggling.
Master Plans, by Qwertzu
Who wouldn't want to date Yuuri and/or Viktor? Nobody is immune to their charm - including random strangers, who unfortunately have no idea the two are happily married and totally smitten with each other...
Honestly! I laughed out loud only by reading the fics’ summaries! XD
Five times Chris’s dating advice was were ignored by russian skaters, by liliths
Christophe Giacometti. Twenty-five. Cat lover, chocolate eater. Professional Swiss figure skater and confirmed Grand Prix finalist. Running an unofficial dating advice ring for Russian skaters who don't listen to him to begin with. How did his life come to this? Chris-centric, in which he is done with literally everyone. Except the dog.
I already loved this one just because it has a beloved and smart Makkachin!
Done! I hope you smile a lot N3rd! Like... the whole night laughing and waking up the neighbors!!! XD
~Your new friend : *
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