#damn hulu
drrav3nb · 1 year
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CARMY & SYDNEY + personal space? what's that?
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currymanganese · 8 months
What was Carmy gonna do
if Syd decided to eat the meal he brought her, sit and watch? 🥴
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tadpolebobatea · 6 months
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Happy Tatiana anime day!
Tatiana and billy are my very favourite father and child thing, they’re very important to me. They are so very dear to my heart and Tatiana is the sweetest kid to ever kid.
If you recognise the pose that would be because it’s a redraw of that adorable panel from chapter 122 (and the outfits are from that pair popularity poll from chapter 108)
Break since it’s a little spoilery
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Words can’t express how much i love this panel. Love all Tatianas plasters to show she’s been interacting with the world. It’s so sweet.
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I only have the cropped version of this one, apologies. It is very cute though (i did find out yesterday that billy and tella got 14th on this poll. Which made me very happy)
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hoshigray · 17 days
New theme is eating babes! Btw did you post that sugu fic you dropped the preview for ?? 👀👀💕
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KALI BABYYYY!!+ thank yewwww and I think so too, like I can't stop looking at it bc it's so pretty 🤧💚🖤💚🖤 and nuuuuu I didn't, BUT it's coming out this Thursday, I promise!! Also also!! Your The Nursery fic, when's it coming?? That little sneak peek you showed wasn't enough, I'm literally shaking to see how poor reader will deal with daddy Toji and babydaddy Sukuna 😣😣😣 but I shall wait for you, my love!!
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softestepilogue · 11 months
i was watching only murders in the building and honestly mabel’s friend wasn’t murdered. she was hitting theo and he grabbed her arm to get her to stop hitting him and she started yanking her hand away telling him to let go and then she tripped back and fell to her death. her death was an accident that could’ve been avoided if she just gave theo the ring and left lol.
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heardchef · 2 years
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THE BEAR | episode eight requested by @bartonbones
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
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Man, everybody need to go watch Black Cake on Hulu and support an amazing show with talented writers, cast, and crew.
This show has my whole heart 🥲
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cosmic-light-fics · 11 months
Squealing my head off because of season 1 episode 6 "Ceres." Starting off with Richie and Mikey telling the story about Richie's voicemail "Hi, you have reached the voicemail of Richie Jerimovich, the Goddess of Agriculture."
Ceres, the Roman Goddess of Agriculture is Demeter in Greek mythology, the mother of Persephone and the goddess of harvest. The mother of the goddess of seasonal change. The mother of hospitality. Hospitality, which is something that Richie now excels at. The writers planted that freaking seed in this episode! His "deep connection to agriculture" is the reason he chose to change his voicemail, something that was unknown to him because his purpose hadn't been cultivated yet.
This is also the episode that springboards Sydney's bid to Carmy for the braised ribs and risotto. Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, known for her deep connection with mankind and her service to them through her nurturing nature, nurturing with food and motherly love. Sydney, known for her deep love and connection to food, who derives a deep connection with people from the food she serves them, who stopped a fight from breaking out in front of The Beef with the connecting power of food. Providing nourishment to mankind, and motherly instincts as she clears up a childish dispute.
But wait! There's more!
Richie's hatred of Sydney stemming from his refusal to accept change, his naivete of the joys of hospitality. He hasn't yet accepted the change she brings. Sydney is the embodiment of Ceres, goddess of agriculture, mother to change. It isn't until he accepts change and embraces his role and purpose in hospitality that Richie finally accepts Sydney and essentially adopts her into the world of people he considers family.
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dinnerthyme · 2 years
okay but this episode's cliffhanger??? with the wholeass [presumably] nyc-wide blackout???? and the lucy's call dropping off?????? that one shot of the lights going out row by row?????? thats actually cinematic excellence, brilliance, absolutely amazing spiffing fantastic
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hot-bong-water · 6 months
Streaming services are just cable now. You're telling me...I have to pay to use your services with ads, or pay more for no ads....its just cable all over again.
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drrav3nb · 2 years
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He looked at her like she was the sun, magnificent and striking in her aura, a radiant light igniting his world a new. For she entered like all natural forces do, without introduction and no need for an invitation.
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citrlet · 11 months
anyone remember when the only streaming options were hulu and netflix and if one didn't have what you wanted the other one always had it
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ayoarticulate · 1 year
let’s get some discussion, i wanna know how y’all feeling on some shit post the bear season two
feel free to respond to all of them or none of them! just vibe and answer to urself if you want lol
spoilers below ofc
how we feeling about claire and carmy?? personally… not a fan. simply cause i’m a carmy x syd fan, but for those of you who aren’t how are y’all liking this romantic aspect being placed in carmy’s life??
syd x marcus?? possibly?? maybe?? personally, i don’t see it, but hey! i didn’t see syd x carmy at first either, so. how are we feeling about this little awkward intro of a maybe at them
i’m kinda upset we didn’t get more of ebra and tina in culinary school! i wish we could’ve seen ebra overcome his fears and persevere through school, but i’m also glad he found his place in the kitchen in the end
also SUPER excited to see my girl tina thriving in the kitchen!! she’s really stepping up and falling into her potential, and her confidence in her abilities is growing exponentially. love to see women winning
speaking of thriving, richie!! making something of himself, finding his purpose! his episode was definitely my favorite, not even gonna lie. loved his finding something to be happy about and realize he’s good at managing. slowly climbing my ranks of fav characters
once again, beautiful segue, on the topic of fav characters, syd the kid!! so happy to see her pushing forward in the face of SOMEONES absence, but also so terrified of what this new responsibility will do to her in the long run. kinda really mad at carm rn for pushing off onto her while simultaneously getting mad at her for handling shit?? idk… i felt really hopeful in the beginning cause they were talking about themselves and working on the menu together, then BOOM! claire 😒. how we feeling on the state of syd and carm rn??
SUGAR!!! OH SUGAR I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. i love how much of sugar we get this season, she’s so… everything. and i think that’s the problem will simultaneously being the solution? she’s always there to help, but she’s always there to help, yk? it can back fire on her and leave her seeming like the bad guy in some cases which really sucks, like in the ep with the family christmas, she just wanted to be a safe space but that ended up being the worst thing in the end. yet with the restaurant, i’m fairly confident they wouldn’t have gotten half the shit they got done had sugar been absent. how y’all feel about sugars involvement in this season??
speaking of the christmas ep, LOVED the chaos and just complete understanding of the ep, and by understanding i mean why carm and sugar are the way they are and why they thrive in the environment they thrive in. it’s what they know, they know how to operate in mayhem. it’s also terrifying that’s the best they’re in.
vv worried about carm and his belief that he doesn’t need and/or deserve happiness and entertainment. as PISSED as i am at him, he’s so much more than that i believe, and i wish we could get this man into some one on one therapy, IMMEDIATELY.
that’s all i got rn cause i’m sleepy as hell and i need to shower. don’t be afraid! pls respond i need conversation lol
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gothalligator · 9 months
everyone send “no one bought the box set of house dvd’s from my local used book store before I can get my first pay check and buy it” vibes this way
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lucius-omen · 6 months
Watching house is weird for me because I love the interpersonal relations but I despise looking at medical gore and needles so I end up coming away neutral but wanting to watch more.
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starscelly · 8 months
directly blaming the stars first period performance on my shit ass stream quality bc espn+ needs to explode and die. why do i pay for you if i can never watch games on you dot com
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