#damn it's snowing out
trainofcommand · 2 years
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No Major Lorne today, but this photo made @hero-in-waiting write 'rich man's holiday card' and that made me write the thing below. So, if you're looking for Dr. Rodney McKay getting pissy, and a snowstorm, some cookies, and holiday not-cheer, then this might be a story for you. Also, please enjoy the photo.
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nero-neptune · 7 months
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“Roy was the engineer, and anything related to engineering, in any specialism, would have to pass through his hands. This included assembling the plane’s radio, just like he’d fixed the small battery-operated Spika radio and made it work.
“Adolfo sat down beside him. He explained to Roy that it was not a matter of expertise in electronics but one of ignorance, and pointed out that Roy was the least ignorant of everybody in that department. Roy argued that he had never seen an airplane radio in his life, not even in a book. Adolfo put his hand over Roy’s. ‘I know that, Roy. We all know that. I only wanted to tell you that you were the best one at handling the wires and the terminals, that’s all. But right now that’s a lot, it makes a huge difference … you are the engineer.’
“Roy, almost breathless, added something that his older friend already knew: ‘I am barely in my first year in Engineering, I’m only twenty years old, and the only time I’ve ever been remotely close to anything like this was when I helped instal a damn audio system for my cousins.’
“‘And you fixed the Spika radio,’ Adolfo responded, as if it were a thermonuclear station and not a basic portable radio the size of a pack of cigarettes. Before Adolfo even said the next sentence he knew clearly that it was as painful for him to say as it was for his friend to hear it. ‘Roy, the group needs your abilities. All we’re asking is that you try.’ ”
– “Is Anybody Listening?” from Society of the Snow: The Definitive Account of the World’s Greatest Survival Story by Pablo Vierci
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random but it struck me that age is just another parallel/anti-parallel that Jon and Jaime will share. Jaime was 16/17(?) when he made the fateful choice to kill Aerys, which forever besmirched his honor and caused him to be “the Kingslayer” (deragatory). Jon was about the same age, 17/18, when he made the fateful decision to march south against the Boltons, something that will undoubtedly dent his already shaky reputation and could cause him to be “the deserter” (also deragatory).
We always talk about how Jaime stagnated and wallowed in his nihilism after Aerys’ death, never growing or maturing past that point; in a way, he was always mentally stuck at 17. Jon could very well die given the wounds he received during the mutiny, and though he will be revived, he will be always be physically stuck at 17, never maturing past that point. But I think Jon has been more successful in a way that Jaime never was in that he figured out quite early (when he was 15) that though he may lose his honor, he must keep pushing for the greater good. He understood the concept of “a bastard’s honor”, and is even more fortunate to receive Tyrion’s lesson of using one’s lowly position/lack of honor to his advantage, which he has been doing to enact what he considers to be the moral goods (ref “bastard” “guilty of that, at least”). P.S: I also think it’s funny given Aemon’s advice to kill the boy in order for the man to be born. Ironic that Jon will always be a boy physically.
Jaime grew physically but not so much mentally. Jon grows mentally (it’s actually his strong suit as a character how much he matures with each book) but he will have sacrificed the ability to age normally as a boy would. Jaime lost his honor at ~17 and is characterized but years of (mental) inaction. I think Jon, on the other hand, will lose his honor but will be more and more prone to making decisions, because to hell with it all.
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andaniellight · 2 days
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Meanwhile, later that night:
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plenaurum · 11 months
Even though I did not ship them, I will always be a little bit heartbroken over how the relationship between Gale and Katniss ends. They were like family to one another, so essential to the other’s survival, the only person Katniss could be herself around for a long time before the games. They were so close that the other’s family become their own, with Katniss taking care of Gale’s family and vice-versa. They knew each other so well, were so acquainted with one another’s ticks and heartbeats and quirks. I really enjoyed their friendship and it’s so so sad to me to watch them drift apart during the third book until they finally just cut contact with one another. I will always be an Everlarker, do not get me wrong, but Katniss and Gale’s friendship was so special and it sucks the way it ended. It just goes to show that war really does taint every relationship, every part of your life, everything that makes you the person you are.
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Books of 2024: NEVER WHISTLE AT NIGHT: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology, ed. by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
This has a bunch of authors I already love in it (Stephen Graham Jones, Darcie Little Badger, Waubgeshig Rice, and Rebecca Roanhorse!!), and several authors I've been meaning to try (like Tommy Orange, Nick Medina, and Kelli Jo Ford, to name a few), so I'm really hyped for them all to be together in one volume! Plus dark fiction is very much my jam (especially when it comes in a bright and colorful package).
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katnissandpeetamellark · 10 months
Idec if it’s movie invention that Snow could have heard Katniss sing The Hanging Tree
I just like to imagine him losing his ever loving mind while everyone in his cabinet or whatever is like “??”
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blueautumngrave · 7 months
I feel like if a fob song gives me the full confidence to just fuckin full send a gnarly jump then that song should also give me the protection from getting the wind knocked out of me for a good fuckin minute when I inevitably eat shit
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nokaru · 12 days
AnS OCs moodboards
I've stumbled upon this very cool OC aesthetic builder template (at the bottom!) and I knew what had to be done — Nokaru and Shovel aesthetics woohoo
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Nokaru︱Stranger︱Alenian/Clarinesian Underground
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Nora "Shovel" ???︱The Gravedigger︱Alenian Underground
the template!
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whore-tm · 2 years
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moodboard for…
‘Good winter, I’ll be with you’
by @yabakuboi
fandom: Game of Thrones
pairing: Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane
word count: ~ 30k
rating: Explicit
tags: Post Series Finale, Spoilers, canon compliant, hurt/comfort, slow burn, (domestic) fluff, falling in love, depression, explicit sexual content, sexual exploration, internalised homophobia, suicidal ideation, past Jon/Daenerys, past Jon/Ygritte
summary: Jon follows the wildlings past the wall and into winter, never expecting to find anything more than a snowy grave and the quiet death of the North.
Read here on ao3!
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therentyoupay · 1 year
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On July 1st, the lonely house at the top of the mountain was finally sold.
— In which Jack(son) Overland tries his best to befriend his neighbor, one woodworking project at a time. { neighbors-to-lovers!fic, modern-mountain-living!au }
Prompt from @aicosu: Three-word sentences: "Just say it."
ao3 ❆
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“What fire joins, none may put asunder,” came the echo, from queen’s men and Thenns and even a few of the black brothers.
Except for kings and uncles, thought Jon Snow.
“Will my lord be feasting with us?” Mully asked Jon Snow.
“Shortly.” Sigorn might take it as a slight if he did not appear. And this marriage is mine own work, after all.
- Jon X, ADWD
Something that makes me go absolutely feral about the whole Alys Karstark thing is the pure irony of it all. We know that marriages and inheritances are matters that need to be dealt with by the king. We see this play out in ACOK where Bran, in his capacity as Prince of Winterfell, has to deal with such matters: lands, succession, marriage, and justice.
Except now, there’s a terrible lack of kings up North. Robb’s dead, Bran fled, and Winterfell is now occupied by the Boltons who really aren’t the sort to mete out justice; in fact, they’re involved in the very acts of injustice that are presented to us.
So poor Alys Karstark needs to find a helper but the only person available is Ned Stark’s bastard son, Jon Snow. But big problem, he’s sworn to an order that prohibits him from wearing any crowns. Still she goes to him, kneels before him, and begs him to be her aid; she asks him to step in the place of the King in the North/Lord of Winterfell and do her justice. She even asks him to do so in his father’s name.
But here’s the kicker, Jon does have his father’s name: Stark. Jon can step in and be the King in the North. That’s because Robb legitimized him and named him heir. So Alys unknowingly sought her king, knelt before him, and asked him to help her. And he did! Her king gave her the justice she desired. Really, that’s what kings are for: justice. And Jon is already an old hand at that.
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andaniellight · 10 days
there's something about everything that's intensifying (if not just muddying) in Jung-woo's life somehow generated from (and circles back to) a mechanical object that moves and can go places. encourages whoever owns it to move and go places with it to live life to the fullest. a vehicle. a very valuable, facilitating birthday gift from his late father that he's endlessly grateful for; that ended up being used as the transportation to dispose his best friend's dead body. without him knowing of it.
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blazethecheeto · 5 months
hey hi this might just be my obsession with her but hey. what happened to caitlin's screentime. i miss her. i miss when she had relevant plot and the writers cared about her and didn't just show up to say some science exposition then disappear for another two episodes.
i thought she was one of the main characters. LIKE SHE IS. it just feels like they forgot almost every plot point they have with her until the next caitlin centric episode. whcih gets more and more sparse each season.
s6 was actually brutal, she had virtually no screentime or episodes, it was all about frost, which i get that they wanted to do something different, but caitlin shouldn't have been completely pushed aside. like, i feel like after s4, they didn't know what to do with caitlin. if she doesn't have a love interest or her storyline with frost, they have no idea what to do with her plot.
so they don't include her at all.
those brief, beautiful moments where she gets a chance to shine or have her angst, like when the flashbacks showed her getting fucking run over??? by her dad?? which she repressed for 20 years??? and that's not good plot material for the writers??
in 7x08, when caitlin just breaks down because she doesn't want to live a life without frost?? 2x22 when caitlin thinks she sees jay everywhere and is terrified?
they have an actual goldmine of a character with built-up plot and lore and angst and personality and she's literally my favourite flash character ever and they just. push her aside.
they have deleted scenes of really good caitlin stuff with danielle acting her ass off and they just scrap it because hey we actually wanna see more of another wells or cecile or allegra or whoever they decide to focus on today :3
guys i promised myself this wouldn't be an anti-flash rant, istg im just so sad. i love caitlin. i love frost. i love their storylines.
it just sucks the show doesn't seem to think they matter.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
NO ONE TALK TO ME i am still obsessed with winter's visions of the castle bleeding and "Out, damned spot;" macbeth my beloved <3
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snowflop · 8 months
Starting to think computers are actually the work of a dark and twisted demonic force.
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