#dan heng agere
twinypwupy · 2 months
Dan Heng paci edits !!
!hate will not be tolerated on doll's profile or posts!
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jelliefishhhh · 1 year
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Dan Heng Caregiver Headcannons
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
- Doesn’t really mind any names you call him but has a preference for being called Mama, not that he’ll ever admit that to anyone
- Will sit you in his room while he works and sometimes he’ll read the data bank entries to you
- He’s better with quiet littles, and prefers to keep and eye on them as he works, if you’re more energetic he’ll probably call in March to help him
- Made a data bank specifically with Agere info (It’s very detailed) so he knows how to best help you, and shares it with anyone who comes to babysit you when he isn’t available
- When he isn’t in the archives, he’ll take you to the parlor car and sit you on his lap to watche the stars. If you want he’ll tell you about the stars you see as well, and any planets that pass by
- Not strict with rules unless they’re in place to keep you safe
- He’ll have no specific bed time for you but if he sees you getting tired he’ll put you to bed immediately
- Calls you little one or Kid
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il-danheng · 8 months
random paci edits of hsr characters!
theyre such huge comforts rahhgdhsjui
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bunnyshy · 3 days
These two have an intense baby vibe
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To be honest, I don't play these games so I know very little about them, but, you know, just look at them.. they are just babies, like very very little...
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littleprincerianne · 1 month
Hi!! Can I ask for a cg board of Dan Heng from hsr :)?
suddenly i'm so tempted to try hsr this guy has such dad energy visually... (⁠>⁠0⁠<⁠;⁠)
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seething-angel · 2 months
Can I ask for Dan Heng caregiver headcanons? He’s a comfort character of mine and I can barely find any agree content for him.
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CG!Dan Heng Moodboard + HCS
hi anon!!! we were already making a dan heng agere moodboard thingy so we decided to throw it in here with the headcanons! hope thats okay! and i can never find cg!dan heng, only little heng.. i love that too though!!
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— Cuddles with you more than anything. His favorite thing to do his carry you, whether he's busy or not, Dan Heng always has you in his arms. Napping? Don't worry, he'll hold you. He's got something to do? Sure, he can make some room in his arms to carry you with him. Carries his little so gently and carefully, putting his chin on the top of their head while hugging them, holding them as close as can be. It's the only time he'll be super affectionate with someone, actually. But if you aren't too fond of being held or touched constantly, let him know, he'll understand.
— Safe for padded regressors too, he doesn't care how you regress, only that you're safe and happy
— Picks up cute little toys for you wherever he goes, or makes them himself. I headcanon that he knows how to sew, and that he's actually made some of March's stuffies, as well as yours/whoever he's looking after. Often rewards his little one with a tiny stuffed animal with a heart embroidered in teal thread on the back of it
— Speaking of March, he probably babysits her :)
— Prefers not to let others watch over you, only if he absolutely needs to. His go-to babysitters for emergencies are Himeko, Welt, March, and MAYBE Trailblazer.. but Dan Heng finds it easier to care for you by himself.
— Asks March to borrow some blankets from her room so he can make a blanket fort, or steals some sheets from a closet somewhere in the express. He isn't quite sure how to make the forts all that good, but March taught him a fun way to do it by pinning the sheets to the ceiling and letting them fall over where those rail things are. He puts tons of soft blankets and pillows and toys down there for you, filling up a sippy cup or bottle with some kind of juice for you to sip on while he goes through the data bank, showing you the photos collected from different planets he's been to!
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midnighmoonligh · 6 months
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Honaki Star Rail
Y/N ;; 20 ;; Gender Neutral ;; They/Them ;; CG
Dan Heng ;; 23 ;; He/They/It ;; Flip
⚠Content Warnings⚠
Impure regression, Anxiety, & Nightmares
Plot Summary
Y/N and Dan Heng never got along, always arguing at every moment. However, after Dan Heng has a nightmare, you find yourself taking a liking to him.
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Everyone knows how cold Dan Heng often was. He enjoyed being blunt and straight to the point, but it didn't stop him from caring for others. So much so he has often made himself ill, not that he's ever told anyone when he did become ill. It was hard to get along with someone that you always seemed to end up arguing with. Every little thing turned into an argument with Dan Heng and you. At least, that's how it was beginning to feel. It's been at least a year and he always seemed to start things with you.
After a long day of walking around March, Dan Heng, and you returned to the train. You all flopped onto the seating while Welt and Himeko spent way to long discussimg the activities that had happened that day. Debriefing, or whatever they had called it. You didn't really understand it. All you knew was you couldn't wait to get back to your room and pass the hell out. After a good half hour, you and Dan Heng get into yet another argument about what had taken place that day. You couldn't believe he twisted the truth of what had happened while you remembered so clearly. Was it really that hard for him to admit he didn't remember very clearly? Poor March had sunken herself more into the cushions while watching.
Eventually, Welt got tired of it and broke it off. However it resulted in Dan Heng storming off to his room. You couldn't really care less, however, if he was allowed to leave you felt it was only right you could too. So, yet another argument broke out between everyone but March. You just wanted to go to bed already. After five minutes March broke in, pointing out how you are all tired and clearly needed rest. You visibly agreed, which thankfully Welt didn't try to start the argument all over again. The two oldest in the crew finally let you go, which you gladly scrambled off straight to your room as a result. As soon as you hit the bed, not even bothering to change or take your shoes off, you were out cold.
It had to have been late at night when you woke from being uncomfortable in your clothing. Your comforter was wrapped around you, mostly your waist. You looked around to see that you probably needed to just change and get comfortable again. Carefully you got out of bed and changed into something much more comfortable. Once you had your shoes off you realized you needed to go to the bathroom. As much as you wanted to curl back up into the warmth of your bed now that you wore very comfortable clothes, you needed to give your poor body a break.
You gently pushed open your door, careful not to make too much noise, before shuffling down the hallway and making your past a few rooms. That's when you heard the loud crash come from Dan Heng's room. Sure, you knew he was a strong as hell Insomniac, but that was concerning even for him. He did drop things but it normally wasn't so loud. As much as he annoyed you, you did still care for him. You sighed heavily and knocked on the door. The silence was so loud it threatened to make your ears ring. So, you did it again.
" Dan Heng? " you called. Afterwards you began to chew on your bottom lip.
The door slid open after what felt like eternity. You were met with a, visibly, disheveled Dan Heng. He looked half asleep honestly. Though his messy bed head was oddly adorable. You huffed from his expression, of course nothing being readable on it even when he was barely awake.
" What? " he snapped, irritation becoming clear in his voice. Oh look, he's capable of emotions.
" I heard a loud crash, sorry for being concerned about you for once, " you grumbled back while rolling your eyes.
He huffed, which honestly made it hard not to snicker at him. He was behaving childishly, though definitely not on the level of March. That girl had the energy of a five year old...
" I'm fine. Knocked some books off my desk. "
" How did you manage to do that? "
" I feel asleep at my desk reading. "
You stared at him. Something seemed off. The more you stared at him the more anxious he looked, genuinely, he looked anxious. It was making you nervous. To see such a man who keeps so calm anxious, that is truly scary. You crossed your arms over your chest, huffing at him.
" I don't believe you, " you deadpanned.
" Okay well, I don't care, " he grumbled as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. " Bye, " he attempted to run away, but you stopped the door from sliding close with your foot. Honestly, wasn't the best decision with how it hurt but you'd worry about that later.
" Seriously Dan Heng, you look anxious. What's wrong? I would bite you, " you press.
This didn't seem to work either. He stared at your foot, sliding the door back and threatening to slam it harder. Though as he attempted to do so you grabbed the door with your hands.
" Don't avoid answering me, " you scolded him. " I know we fight a lot but it's genuinely you're fault most of the time. "
" My fault! " he shouted, only to take a deep breath and rub his face, backing away from the door. He clearly wasn't in the mood to talk. " I just want to go to bed, okay? "
You sighed in defeat, but nodded. There wasn't entirely anything you could do if he refused to speak to you. You tried to press, but it seemed to not have worked. Without another word you slid the door closed and beelined it for the bathroom. You had been so distracted that the moment you remembered why you were even in the hallway like this it was an emergency. Thankfully you made it to the bathroom. When you finished your business you simply went back to your room as quietly as you could, being light on your feet to not disturb others resting.
However you barely made it to your room when you spotted Dan Heng's door open. It was odd just because he never left the door open, it was more March's thing than anything. You carefully walk by, peeking in simply because the nosy urge took over. Inside was just the usual. He was sitting on a chair reading quietly. It was odd, you swore you had shut the door. So, quietly you shut it again. This made Dan Heng perk up. He lifted himself so fast it scared you half to death.
" Jesus! " you whispered yelled as you placed your hands on your racing heart.
" Y/N... you really won't yelled at me if I talked to you about serious stuff? " Dan questioned hesitantly.
You paused from it. Did this mean he finally was going to open up? Though he wasn't really sure why it wasn't someone like March... or rather Himeko. Everyone knew Himeko is the mother of the train. Even so, you nodded. The fact he was trying to reach out to someone at all was a lot. Even if you were anxious to be that person you knew you had to be. He genuinely needed someone. You stepped into the room, watching as he turned on a single lamp in the dark room. You made sure to shut the door so their voices didn't travel.
Dan Heng sat on his bed while you sat down in the chair he had been placed in. It felt odd, but you were pretty sure now that he had been waiting for you to walk down the hallway again. You fidgeted with your hoodie sleeves before moving to sit criss cross on the chair. It was more comfortable.
" So... " you awkwardly began. " Not trying to rush, but it's ass late, " you noted. The curse seemed to make him wince. This creeped you out since he was so unphaded by your cursing normally- unlike Welt.
" I've just, " Dan began, only to pause and take in a deep breath. He rubbed at his face while you patiently watched. Well, as patiently as you could muster. " Been having more nightmares than usual. I want to sleep so bad, but I can't, " he admitted.
You nodded, understanding to a point. You have gotten like this a few times, but clearly you couldn't entirely relate. Yours were just stress induced. You slowly slide off the chair, shifting to sit on the floor with him. You two have never been on good terms, so it felt almost wrong to try and be close to him like this.
" Is there anything you need me to do? " you offer before holding your hand out to him.
No matter how much March warned you, you always tried to show physical affection to poor Dan Heng. However, you were quickly taking by surprise when he took your hand. He tugged ur a bit closer, making you slide forward on the hardwood. Then you just sat in silence as he played with it. Something definitely seemed off, and not just meaning his shaking hands. He seemed to be spiraling into his anxiety. You didn't say anything more, just moved forward until both your knees pressed together. You both sat criss cross oddly enough.
" Dan, " you spoke softly, tilting your head to see if you could see his face.
" I don't know, " he mumbled in almost a childish tone. You furrowed your eyebrows towards this. Afterall, you have never seven seen him crack a joke on the same child level as March had. This was creeping you out a bit.
" What's going through that head of yours? " you asked with a small tease. His hands collapse around the one you had given him, gently squeezing before relaxing.
The room was sent into another long silence. While it felt awkward for you, it felt wrong to even think about leaving. Even if it would put you at peace of mind it was just wrong. You chewed on your cheek before feeling something wet drop onto your hand. You blinked a few times before a few more droplets were spotted falling onto your hand. This made your heart stop, or feel that way anyways. You frowned and gently took your hand from his. His grasped out for it instantly, as if he was scared of losing it. However you were now free, but not for long.
You tugged Dan Heng a bit closer before wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You could feel his breath hitch from the sign of affection. What broke you further was how he leaned into your chest. You hugged gin tighter, especially after hearing the sob that tore through him. Honestly you never thought the moment he finally expressed himself to go like this, but you weren't sure you were going to complain in the moment. As he cried into you, you gently rocked him back and forth. You reached one hand up to toy with his hair. These actions seemed to encourage him to vent it out.
After about an hour, give or take, he seemed to have calm down. He was silent, not that it's anything new. You kept holding him anyways. You rested your head on his, feeling him press closer into you.
" How's your head? " you asked gently while shifting to see if he would let you see his face. Of course, he didn't and moved to keep it that way. You sighed and just hugged him back close, rubbing his back.
" Hurts, " he whisperes after a few minutes. The childish tone was strong. It worried you, but you tried not to show it.
" It's okay, but you need to rest, " you gently scolding, only to feel his hands move to grip onto your clothing. It warmed your heart to see him so oddly clingy. You sighed and gently pulled him back so he no longer was leaning on you.
" Y/N, " he whined.
You chuckles lightly, then pulled him to lay down. He gently pulled the blanket over him and even tucked him in while he curled up on his side. Right after, he reached out to you and grabbed your sleeve. It was like a toddler grabbing their parents sleeve. You smiled in defeat, sitting down next to him and letting him have the arm he claimed. Your free hand gently played with his hair.
" Get some sleep. "
" 'm scared (I'm scared), " he whispered as he tugged himself closer to you.
You nod, though you barely understood even what came out of his mouth. You looked around before picking up a book that had been left on the floor, assuming that it's one that had fallen like he claimed earlier. You shifted to be closer, only to watch Dan Heng rest his head in your lap. You are more effectively trapped if he fall asleep. Then again, you didn't think you had it in you to leave when he fell asleep anyways. You flipped through the pages of the book, listening to the older man oddly babble like a baby. It truly confused you, but if it helped him sleep you didn't think you had the right to care at the moment.
Much to your surprise, it was a story book. It didn't really have pictures, but it did have stories. You hum to yourself before glancing to the barely awake Dan Heng. You needed a way to relax him and distract him long enough for his body to force him to sleep. You took a deep breath, then began to read the story you had landed on during your page flipping. You read ur aloud, making Dan Heng look at you with surprise for a little bit. By the time you reached halfway through the story, however, he was long asleep. You held a smile as you finished the story anyways, just in case he woke up.
You shifted to lean against the wall behind you, playing with his hair as you allowed yourself to relax. You tried to keep yourself awake, mostly because Dan Heng kept sucking his thumb and you kept stopping him for the sake of his poor jaw, but also because you were worried he'd wake up and need someone again. In the end you dozed off sitting against the wall peacefully.
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babiepupp · 9 months
Think we can get regressor!March 7th hcs w/ Trailblazer + Dan Heng as cgs?
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⋆୨୧˚ Regressor March 7th with CG Trailblazer and Dan Heng! ˚୨୧
♡ Absolutely adores playing outside with her big siblings! She loves to make them mud pies and picking flowers for them, she always tries to find the prettiest ones.
“Dan Heng, Trailblazer! Look at those pretty flowers, they’re so colourful- quick, gimme my camera please! I wanna take a picture!”
♡ When she’s regressed, Pom Pom becomes her new stuffie, she’s almost always holding onto him and cuddling him, she often falls asleep with him in her arms!
♡ Dan Heng keeps colourful bandaids on him at all times for whenever March falls over and bumps her knee, he’s very good at cheering her up afterwards, often ruffling her hair and giving her little hugs.
♡ March loves to play dress-up with both the Trailblazer and Dan Heng, the two of them always end up with a million colourful hairclips in their hair and a full face of makeup and glitter after a play session. March’s favourite games to play are ones that involve dress-up or hairstyling!
♡ After a looong game of pretend, they often fall asleep in a big pile, all cuddled up together with Pom Pom snuggled up in March 7ths arms!
♡ She has a lot of little gear in about every single pastel colour you can think of- she always goes shopping for little supplies every single planet the Astral Express goes to! She can never get enough stuffies or little gear!
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starrybibi · 6 months
can I please request some (general) headcanons for regressor IL Dan Heng from HSR? :3
Hi there and sorry for the late response :3
Sure thing ^_^
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Here we go
He’s a quiet little boy rarely making a peep unless he needs something
Has a dragon stuffie that he loves dearly
Enjoys quiet activities like reading story books and coloring
Always has a pacifier close by to comfort him
This is all I got for now since I need to look more on his lore, but I hope you enjoy these short headcanons
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anlemonadesystem · 5 months
We need more agere Honkai: Star Rail!
It is a crime that there isn't more! I mean little! Arlan, Cg !Himeko, Cg! Kafka, little! Dan Heng and so much more! There is hardly anything about hsr agere at all!
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March 7th agere moodboard and hcs
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Age range 2-13
Main age range 7-12
She regresses since she can't remember her childhood
She loves to experience everything she can
She still takes lots of pictures
She always has a stuffy with her
Here caregivers are all of the Astral Express crew
Dan Heng is usually the one stuck watching her
The trailblazer helps her get into more trouble
She loves amusement parks
She almost always has a juice box in hand
She likes to make friendship bracelets to give to everyone she meets
Sampo gets old toys from all planets and times for the crew to buy for her
Sampo sometimes gifts them to her
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jelliefishhhh · 11 months
Hi!! I saw your Cg headcanons for Dan Heng. Out of curiosity, do you have any agere headcanons for the Astral Express crew? (Who do you think would be a cg or a regressor?)
Oh yes!
I definitely feel like March would be a flip she loves caregiving but also regresses sometimes, although when she regresses, she probably regresses to an older age, like 6-8
I think Himeko would be a caregiver. I feel like she's looked into regression and considered it as a coping mechanism but doesn't see it as something that'll be helpful to her. But she loves to look after her babies.
Welt is a regressor, but he's very private about it he also regresses to an older age, around 13, but there are times when he will involuntarily regress to around 1-2, and when that happens, he'll lock himself in his room.
Speaking about Dan Heng again, obviously, I think he would be a caregiver, but I think sometimes when he's looking after a little he'll end up accidentally regressing. Specifically when he's looking after March.
Stelle and Caelus are both involuntary regressors, but their regression is very frequent. Their age range is pretty young, only regressing to the ages of 0-1.
I love all the little astral express babies <33
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toyaneko · 4 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ never let me go 𖹭
《 feel free to ask me anything 》
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𝄞𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈⭒♬ ゚. interests:
• project sekai
• bts
• genshin impact
• persona 5
• danganronpa
• honkai star rail
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𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ .ᐟ ᡣ𐭩 hard dni:
• basic dni criteria (proship, transphobic, anti-lgbtq+)
• dreamSMP fan
• toya x tsukasa & toya x saki shippers
• dan heng x jing yuan & trailblazer x kafka shippers
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. soft dni*:
• agere
• dan heng (both normal and imbibitor lunae) x blade shippers
• ruitoya and akirui shippers
• vtuber fan
*things that make me uncomfy/don't like but dont mind
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 my dc: pochatoya (lets be friends)
vent blog: @lostand-not-found (for when i am not feeling in a good mood)
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momoendori · 7 months
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Welcome To The Cozy Cavern
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Table of Contents
0I. -> Introduction
0II. -> Content Warnings
III. -> Characters I Will/Will Not Write For
0IV. -> Masterlists
0V. -> Tags
0VI. -> Outroduction
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01. -> Introduction
Hello Lovey Doveys! My name is Finley or Fynn, and this is my little cozy cavern!
Some things about me are that I have ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder/Autism, and I am currently a freshman in highschool.
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02 -> Content Warnings
My content can contain the following topics that may be triggering or disturbing for others :;:
Mentions of Death
Perceived/Implied Self-Harm or Suicide
Mentions of Mental Health Issues
Distorted Reality
Some Agere/Age Regression Content (I do not in any way, however, support Ageplay, or any kinks related to that, as my work is all about being a safe space for others)
If at any point do these topics trigger you, please feel free to scroll past my content.
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03. Characters I Will/Will Not Write For
Although I write for Honkai Star Rail, I will not write for the following characters :;:
Sampo Koski
Clara & Svarog
Huohuo (on most occasions | I will also never be writing for Tail)
Baiheng (I don't know much about her so I can't write for her)
Enemies that aren't humanoids (An example is the antimatter legion & Phantylia)
Characters I Will Write For :;:
Male/Female Trailblazer
Astral Express Crew
Stellaron Hunters
Herta (only on some occasions will I write for her)
Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae
Basically any of the characters not mentioned in my list of ones I won't write for
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04. Masterlists
Currently, I do not have any masterlists, but I will add some in the near future, keep that in mind!
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05. Tags
#sleep deprived moment - tag for when im posting in the middle of the night
#cozy updates - my tag for updates concerning my blog
#lovey doveys - my tag for anons, and my asks (only for asks not related to requests)
#ew it's fynn - my silly moments
#omg fynn irl era real??!! - my tag for irl things like face reveals, and stuff like that
#ring ring - important posts
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06. Outroduction
Thank you so much for reading this post!
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seething-angel · 2 months
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don't like? don't interact! all posts here are AGE REGRESSION oriented, and entirely SFW! see our pinned post! don't know what it is? educate yourself! don't wanna educate yourself? don't interact!
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— cg!dan heng headcanons + moodboard
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
nothing here yet..
— jing yuan dni banner
— cg!sunday headcanons + moodboard
— more cg!sunday headcanons
— another cg!sunday moodboard
— little!sunday headcanons
— cg!gallagher headcanons + moodboard
— flip!robin headcanons + moodboard
ᥫ᭡ IPC
— regressor!aventurine headcanons
— cg!boothill headcanons + moodboard
— cg!argenti headcanons + moodboard
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babiepupp · 10 months
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Decided to try and plan out my posts- just so I remember which ones I’m doing and so I don’t get burnt out! Because burnout sucks- ౨ৎ
♡ Caregiver Lyney hcs with a baby regressor (Askbox Request!) - complete!
♡ Caregiver Kaveh (Askbox Request!)
♡ Regressor March 7th with Dan Heng and Trailblazer caregiver hcs (Askbox Request!) - Complete!
♡ Gorou agere Mood board
♡ Ken (Barbie Movie) agere hcs
Posts might be a little bit slower since I am going back to college very soon and will be quite busy! But I’ll try to be here as frequently as I can!
~ Bear 🐶
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