#dan wriggins
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 years
Indigo De Souza Interview: Compassion for Different Modalities
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Photo by Charlie Boss
Calling from her home near Asheville, North Carolina earlier this month, singer-songwriter Indigo De Souza is getting ready to go on tour behind her terrific sophomore album Any Shape You Take (Saddle Creek). Like everyone, she’s anxious about navigating the current COVID-19 landscape, but how she and her band adapt to a live performance and play the multi-dimensional songs that make up the record seems to be of little concern. I guess if I was as talented as De Souza, I wouldn’t be worried, either. Released last month, Any Shape You Take is a stunning series of ruminations on love and relationships, platonic and romantic, that span a number of years in De Souza’s life. Raised in a conservative small town in North Carolina by a mom who was an artist, De Souza doesn’t shy away from the fact that her family did not fit in. At the encouragement of her mother, she leaned into her artistic visions, making music as early as 9 years old, releasing her first EP in 2016.
After self-releasing her (very appropriately titled) first album I Love My Mom in 2018, De Souza signed to indie stalwarts Saddle Creek, who rereleased her debut and supplied her with the means to craft a much larger-sounding follow-up. Working with prolific secret weapon co-producer Brad Cook, her first proper label release occupies an incredible amount of genre territory. “This is the way I’m going to bend,” announces De Souza on auto-tuned synth pop opener “17″ before, well, bending in a number of different directions. “Darker Than Death” and “Die/Cry”, nervous songs that were written years ago, sport fitting build-ups, the former’s slow hi hats and cymbals giving way to jolts of guitar noise, the latter’s jangly rock taking a back seat to yelped harmonies. Songs like “Pretty Pictures” and “Hold U” reenter the dance world, the latter an especially catchy neo soul and funk highlight, a simple earworm of a love song. In the end, whether playing scraped, slow-burning guitar or rubbery keyboard, De Souza’s thoughtful and honest meditations center the emotionally charged album, one of the very best of the year.
De Souza takes her live show to the Beat Kitchen tonight and tomorrow night (both sold out) with Dan Wriggins of Friendship opening. Read our interview with De Souza about the making of Any Shape You Take and her songwriting process.
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Since I Left You: On Any Shape You Take, there seems to be a good mix of folks you’ve worked with before and folks you’re working with for the first time. What did each group bring to the table?
Indigo De Souza: Brad Cook was co-producing. It was my first time working with a producer on something. That was crazy. He was very supportive of everything and very encouraging. It was nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of who wanted to encourage my vision. I also worked with Alex [Farrar] and Adam [McDaniel] from drop of sun studios in Asheville. They’re both just so sweet and talented. They were engineering but also helped with production as well. I ended up getting really close with Alex, and me and Alex finished out the album together doing vocal overdubs and random overdubs. It feels like he did a lot of production on the album and was a star for me in the process. They were all great to work with. It was interesting to me to have so many people working on the album.
What I realized after the fact, [though], was that it was kind of distracting for me to have so many brains working on it. It taught me I actually feel very confidently about my vision for songs, and I can trust myself to have ideas for my own songs. I think I was scared going in that I was going to come up blank in that scenario because it was such a high-pressure thing, getting on a label and making a high-production album. But I definitely thrived in the space. It was really fun.
SILY: It shows in the finished product. There are so many different styles and subgenres within the record. Do you listen to all the types of music that show up on this record?
IDS: Yeah, for sure. Mostly, I listen to pop music and dance music. That’s probably my most daily genre. I don’t listen to a lot of music daily, though. I listen to music probably a couple times a week when I’m in the car, but it’s so random, and the genres I listen to are pretty random. It depends on my mood. I think when I’m writing, it’s the same way, whether I’m writing a poppier or rock-based song. They’re different moods for me.
SILY: How do you generally approach juxtaposing lyrics with instrumentation?
IDS: With writing, it’s different every time the way they fall into place together. I do notice that one of the more common ways it happens is I’ll be going about my day and hear a melody in my head and start humming it and realize I’m making it up, that I have no record of it before. I’ll start attaching feeling to the melody, depending on what I’m feeling, and at first I’ll be singing gibberish with the melody, but I’ll usually get some headphones on and plug into the computer so I can sing into a microphone. I’ll mess around with the melody and sing random words until something true to me kind of sticks. That’s usually how it goes. Sometimes, I [do] sit down and it comes out in one breath, like the song is already written in my mind.
Honestly, it’s so normalized how songwriting is. It’s such a strange, magical thing that people can write songs that have never been written before. [laughs]
SILY: Thematically, there are a lot of songs on Any Shape You Take where you’re feeling doubts about a relationship, like on “Darker Than Death”. Someone’s feeling bad, and you’re wondering whether it’s you making them feel bad. And on “Die, Cry”, you sing, “I’d rather die than see you cry.” On the other hand, there are some songs like “Pretty Pictures” where you know your place more within the relationship, and you know what’s eventually gonna happen to it. How do you balance those feelings of doubt with knowing what’s gonna happen?
IDS: It’s funny, because the first two songs you mention were written a very long time ago when I was in the only very long-term relationship I’ve ever been in. I was very confused in that time and was having a hard time in general with my mental health. “Pretty Pictures” is the newest song on the album, a last minute addition because another song we had on there didn’t really fit. We looked through my demos folder and chose “Pretty Pictures”, the most recent song I had written at the time, and recorded it for the album. They’re totally different times in my life, and how you said it is definitely how I was. There’s a time I was more confused, and now, love is more simple in my life, and I can process things and see how they are, have compassion for different modalities.
SILY: I love the line on “Way Out”, “There are no monsters underneath your bed, and I’ll never be the only thing you love.” It’s a very logical statement in the face of unbridled emotion that can make you think illogically. Is that contrast something you think shows up throughout the record?
IDS: Within love, over time, I’ve realized that there’s not one person for anybody. There’s a lot of fluidity in the ways people can feel towards other people. That line is definitely a nod to allowing people to love many other people and not taking it personally.
SILY: From a singing perspective, you have a lot of different vocal stylings on the record. I found it interesting you led it off with a track where you’re super auto-tuned. Can you tell me about that decision?
IDS: “17” originally was this demo I made in 2016 or 2017. It was a very old demo. In 2018 or so, I brought the demo to my band at the time, and we created a live version of that song that was nothing like the recording that you hear. The recording was so weird and had a lot of auto-tune and higher-pitched and lower-pitched vocals. We had a live version we played for a while that’s on Audiotree. Whenever we were recording Any Shape You Take, we started to record it the live way and realized it wasn’t feeling right. We listened to the old demo, and it gave this wake up kick to everyone. We got excited by how the demo sounded because we hadn’t heard it in so long. We realized we wanted to record it based on the demo. So that song sounds very similar to the way the demo originally sounded.
SILY: What’s the story behind the album title?
IDS: There are so many layers to the album title. [laughs] It came to me mostly because the album takes so many musical shapes but also so many emotional shapes. It feels like a lot of the themes in the album are about change and acceptance of change and acceptance of a full spectrum of feelings of pain and grief and allowing people to take many forms. It was mainly inspired by the fact that I’ve taken so many forms in my life and am witness to the way changing forms yourself can either push people away or pull them in closer. I’ve always been so appreciative of the people in my life who allow me to take so many different forms and are still there to witness and care about me, whether we’re close to each other or far away. That’s the main reason I wanted to call the album Any Shape You Take. The most beautiful kind of love you can have is allowing someone to be themselves and shift in and out of things freely.
SILY: Is your live show faithful to the studio versions of the songs, or did you have to learn how to adapt the songs to the stage?
IDS: A lot of them sound very similar to the recording. We’ve been having so much fun practicing them and playing them live.
SILY: Is there one in particular you’re most looking forward to playing?
IDS: I love playing “Bad Dream”. That’s just a crazy song to play live because it’s so loud and rowdy. [laughs]
SILY: You have that falsetto in the middle of it, too.
IDS: Yeah. It’s so fun.
SILY: Anything you’ve been listening to, reading, or watching lately that’s caught your attention?
IDS: I’m excited that one of my favorite authors, Tao Lin, just put out a book I haven’t been able to get fully into. It’s called Leave Society. I just got it in the mail last week. Other than that, I’ve just been so, so busy with interviews and work on the computer and with my manager, staying on top of this crazy shift happening on top of my life. I haven’t taken in a lot of media. I was just watching Love Island recently because I wanted to shut my brain down. Somebody was telling me about Sexy Beasts last night, which sounds insane. I’m excited to watch that.
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nelirohmatulummah · 2 years
Nama : Neli Rohmatul Ummah (211420000549) Prodi : Perbankan Syariah R2 Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Wahidullah, S.H.I.,M.H Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara
Tugas UAS Essay Mata Kuliah Kewarganegaraan
A. Pengertian Integritas Integrasi berasal dari kata “Integration” yang berarti kesempurnaan atau keseluruhan. Integrasi sosial bermakna sebagai proses penyesuaian di antara unsur-unsur dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang memiliki keserasian fungsi. Integrasi sosial bisa terbentuk apabila sebagian besar masyarakat memiliki kesepakatan tentang batas teriorial, nilai, norma dan pranata sosial. Dalam KBI Edisi Ke-3 Tahun 2002, istilah integrasi merupakan “pembauran atau penyatuan hingga menjadi kesatuan yang utuh”. Sedangkan kata nasional memiliki pengertian 1) Bersifat kebangsaan 2) Berkenaan atau berasal dari bangsa sendiri 3) Mencakup suatu bangsa, contohnya cita-cita nasional, tarian nasional, dan perusahaan nasional. Menurut pada penjelasan kedua istilah di atas maka integrasi nasional identik dengan integrasi bangsa yang merupakan suatu proses penyatuan atau pembauran berbagai aspek sosial budaya dalam kesatuan wilayah dan pembentukan identitas bangsa yang dapat menjamin terwujudnya keselarasan, keserasian dan kesimbangan dalam mencapai tujuan bersama sebagai suatu bangsa. Myron Weiner dalam Juhardi (2014) memberikan lima definisi mengenai integrasi yaitu : 1. Integrasi mengacu pada proses penyatuan berbagai kelompok budaya dan sosial dalam satu wilayah dan proses penciptaan identitas nasional, membangun rasa kebangsaan dengan cara menghilangkan kesetiaan pada ikatan-ikatan yang lebih sempit. 2. Integrasi mengacu pada masalah pembentukan wewenang kekuasaan nasional pusat di atas unit-unit sosial yang lebih kecil yang beranggotakan kelompok-kelompok sosial budaya masyarakat. 3. Integrasi mengacu pada masalah menghubungkan antara pemerintah dengan yang diperintah. Pendekatan perbedaan-perbedaan mengenai aspirasi dan nilai pada kelompok elit dan massa. 4. Integrasi mengacu pada adanya konsensus terhadap nilai yang minimum yang diperlukan dalam memelihara tertib sosial. 5. Integrasi mengacu pada penciptaan tingkah laku yang terintegrasi dan yang diterima demi mencapai tujuan bersama.
B. Pengembangan Integrasi Indonesia Howard Wriggins dalam Muhaimin & Collin Max Andrews (1995) mengatakan ada lima pendekatan atau cara bagaimana para pemimpin politik mengembangkan integrasi bangsa di Indonesia . Kelima pendekatan ini kita sebut sebagai faktor yang menentukan tingkat integrasi suatu negara adalah : 1) Adanya ancaman eksternal, 2) Gaya kepemimpinan politik, 3) Kekuatan sistem politik, 4) ideologi nasional dan 5) Peluang pembangunan ekonomi. 1. Adanya ancaman eksternal Dapat mewujudkan integrasi masyarakat. Masyarakat akan bersatu, meskipun berbeda suku, agama dan rasa saat menghadapi musuh. Contoh, ketika penjajah Belanda ingin kembali ke Indonesia, masyarakat Indonesia bersatu untuk melawannya. Suatu bangsa yang sebelumnya berselisih dengan saudara sendiri, suatu saat dapat berintegrasi ketika musuh negara datang atau ancaman bersama datang dari luar negeri 2. Gaya kepemimpinan politik Gaya politik para pemimpin bangsa dapat mempersatukan atau mengintegrasikan masyarakat bangsa tersebut. Gaya politik yang digunakan kepemimpinan bisa dipakai untuk mengembangkan integrasi bangsanya. 3. Kekuatan sistem politik Birokrasi yang satu dan padu dapat menciptakan sistem pelayanan yang sama, baik dan diterima oleh masyarakat yang beragam. Pada hasilnya masyarakat bersatu dalam satu sistem pelayanan. 4. Adanya Integrasi nasional Meskipun masyarakat berbeda-beda tetapi menerima satu ideologi yang sama hingga memungkinkan masyarakat tersebut bersatu. Untuk bangsa Indonesia, nilai bersama yang bisa mempersatukan masyarakat Indonesia adalah Pancasila. Pancasila merupakan nilai social yang bisa diterima oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Menurut pendapat lain, integrasi nasional dapat dicapai dengan dua kebijakan yaitu “policy assimilasionis” dan “policy bhineka tunggal ika” (Sjamsudin, 1989). Strategi penghapusan sifat-sifat kultural utama dari komunitas kecil yang berbeda menjadi semacam kebudayaan nasional. Apabila asimilasi menjadi strategi bagi integrasi nasional, berarti negara mengintegrasikan masyarakatnya dengan mengupayakan agar unsur budaya yang ada dalam negara itu melebur menjadi satu dan tidak lagi menampakkan identitas budaya kelompok atau budaya setempat. Kebijakan strategi yang sebaiknya dilakukan di Indonesia : a) Memperkuat nilai bersama b) Menciptakan musuh bersama c) Memperkokoh forum politik d) Membuat organisasi untuk bersama e) Menciptakan ketergantungan ekonomi antar kelompok f) Mewujudkan kepemimpinan yang kuat g) Menghapuskan identitas-identitas local h) Membaurkan antar tradisi dan budaya local i) Menguatkan identitas nasional
C. Pentingnya Integritas Nasional Sebab integrasi masyarakat merupakan kondisi yang diperlukan bagi negara untuk membangun kejayaan nasional demi mencapai tujuan yang dihendaki. Ketika masyarakat suatu negara senantiasa diwarnai oleh pertentangan atau konflik, maka akan banyak kerugian yang diderita, baik kerugian berupa fisik materiil seperti rusaknya sarana dan prasarana yang sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat, serta kerugian psikis dan emosional seperti rasa khawatir, takut, cemas, dan stres psikologis jangka panjang. Integrasi masyarakat yang sepenuhnya memang sesuatu yang tidak mungkin diwujudkan, karena setiap masyarakat disamping membawakan potensi integrasi juga melingkupi potensi konflik atau perselisihan. Melainkan perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada dalam masyarakat seperti perbedaan suku, perbedaan agama, perbedaan budaya dan perbedaan kepentingan merupakan potensi konflik, terutama jika tidak dikelola dan ditangani dengan baik dan benar. Namun terlepas dari status integrasi, ini adalah kebutuhan untuk membangun kejayaan bangsa dan nasional dan oleh karena itu harus selalu diupayakan. Kegagalan dalam mewujudkan integrasi masyarakat berarti kegagalan untuk membangun kejayaan nasional, apalagi dapat mengancam kelangsungan hidup bangsa dan negara yang bersangkutan.
D. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Integritas Nasional Di dalam Integrasi Nasional terdapat beberapa faktor yang memengaruhinya, factor-faktor tersebut yaitu sebagai berikut : 1. Faktor Pendorong Integrasi Nasional faktor pendorong merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kemajuan suatu proses atautindakan tertentu yang dilakukan oleh seseorang maupun universal . Ada beberapa faktor yang mendorong terwujudnya integrasi nasional di Indonesia antara lain : a) Adanya rasa senasib seperjuangan Rasa senasib seperjuangan di masa lalu yang terbawa sampai dengan masa sekarang menjadisalah satu faktor pendorong, rasa senasib seperjuangan digunakan serta untuk memperkuat stabilitas nasional demi terwujudnya persatuan Indonesia. b) Adanya ideologi nasional Ideologi nasional negara kita Indonesia adalah Pancasila. Pancasila tidak dapat digantikan, walalupun Indonesia terdiri dari banyak kepercayaan, Melalui pemaknaan ideologi nasional yaitu Pancasila dan integrasi bangsa akan lebih mudah diwujudkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. c) Adanya sikap tekad kembali bersatu Perbedaan di Indonesia bukanlah alasan untuk dijadikan faktor penyebab konflik sosial. Perbedaan inilah yang membangkitkan keinginan bangsa Indonesia untuk menyatukan perbedaan dalam satu negara kesatuan. Dalam masyarakat tradisonal dan modern, keinginan untuk mempersatukan perbedaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tentunya ada. Dalam kehidupan berbangsa, keinginan untuk mempersatukan bangsa sebagai dasar negara merupakan salah satu perwujudan nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila. d) Adanya ancaman eksternal Ancaman di era globalisasi sekarang ini tidak dapat diartikan seperti pada masa kemerdekaan Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengantisipasi ancaman dari luar dalam kaitannya dengan bahaya globalisasi dan integrasi nasional perlu diwujudkan masyarakat yang tinggal di wilayah spesifik.
2. Faktor yang mendukung Integrasi Nasional a) Penggunaan bahasa Bahasa pemersatu bangsa adalah bahasa Indonesia. Pada Sumpah pemuda yang berbunyi “Kami putra dan putri Indonesia menjunjung tinggi bahasa persatuaan Bahasa Indonesia”. Bahwasanya Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa pemersatu tanpa memandang perbedaan di dalamnya. b) Semangat persatuan dan kesatuan Bangsa Semangat persatuan dan kesatuan perlu dimunculkan dalam kesadaran persatuan dan kesatuan, untuk menjalin rasa kekeluargaan, sikap saling tolong-menolong, sikap nasionalisme, serta menjalin rasa kemanusiaan. c) Adanya Kepribadian dan pandangan hidup kebangsaan Pancasila adalah landasan idiil bangsa yang kedudukannya berpengaruh bagi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Bagi mereka yang memiliki jiwa patriotisme yang tinggi, beliau selalu menerapkan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam setiap aspek kehidupannya. d) Adanya rasa semangat dalam bergotong royong Gotong royong berarti bekerja bersama-sama untuk mencapai suatu hasil yang diharapkan. Dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan menikmati hasil pekerjaan perlu adanya kerjasama. Serta pekerjaan yang dilakukan tanpa pamrih dan secara sukarela.
3. Faktor Penghambat Integrasi Nasional merupakan suatu penghalang untuk melakukan tindakan secara individu maupun kelompok. Beberapa faktor penghambat integrasi nasional diantaranya: a) Kurangnya penghargaan terhadap kemajemukan Indonesia memiliki jumlah suku dan kebudayaan terbanyak di dunia. Namun, ada beberapa pandangan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah tentang keberagaman. Kemajemukan yang terdapat dalam masyarakat yang kurang diperhatikan oleh pemerintah yaitu berkaitan dengan kebudayaan setempat. Kurangnya penghargaan kemajemukan dilakukan oleh pemerintah maupun masyarakat Indonesia menyebabkan kemajemukan terkikis secara perlahan.. b) Kurangnya toleransi antar kelompok Kurangnya toleransi terhadap keberagaman dan kemajemukan di masyarakat menjadi salah satu penyebab konflik sosial. Konflik sosial dalam masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan toleransi akan mengurangi rasa persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Kurangnya toleransi terhadap perbedaan yang terjadi secara terus-menerus menyebabkan bangsa hancur sehingga integrasi nasional tidak akan terwujud. c) Kurangnya kesadaran rakyat Indonesia Kurangnya kesadaran diri dalam diri masyarakat untuk menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan juga menjadi salah satu faktor. Rasa kesadaran diri yang berkurang sebagai dampak globalisasi akan makin mempersulit terwujudnya integrasi nasional, maka diperlukan cara untuk membangun karakter bangsa di era globalisasi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mewujudkan rasa persatuan dan kesatuan integrasi nasional bangsa. d) Adanya sikap ketidakpuasan terhadap ketimpangan dan ketidakmerataan pembangunan Dengan adanya otonomi, Sebagian wewenang dan tanggungjawab pemerintah pusat. Maka akan semakin nampak ketimpangan baik sosial maupun ekonomi antar daerah. Untuk menyeimbangkan diperlukan kesadaran diri akan rasa keadilan sosial yang merata di berbagai daerah di Indonesia.
E. Dinamika dan Tantangan Integritas Nasional Dinamika integrasi nasional di Indonesia sejak kita bernegara tahun 1945, upaya Di Indonesia banyak terjadi perkembangan dan dinamika integrasi. Dinamika integrasi berjalan sesuai tantangan zaman. Anda dapat menggunakan lima jenis integrasi berikut untuk menjelaskan dinamika peristiwa integrasi : 1. Integrasi Negara Pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2005, Pemerintah Indonesia secara damai mengundang Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan setia mendukung kedaulatan satu negara melalui MoU (Memorandum) di Vantaa, Helsinki, Finlandia. Negara Republik Indonesia. Jika itu terjadi di Aceh, proses ini menyelesaikan kasusnya. 2. Integrasi Daerah Melalui Deklarasi Juanda tanggal 13 Desember 1957, Pemerintah Indonesia menyatakan kedaulatan wilayah perairan Indonesia, lebarnya 12 mil wilayah perairan diukur dari garis yang menghubungkan batas pulau Indonesia. Deklarasi ini mengarah pada integrasi nenek moyang Indonesia. Wilayah Indonesia adalah substansi wilayah, dan laut bukan lagi batas antar pulau, melainkan penghubung antar pulau di Indonesia. 3. Integrasi nilai. Nilai bangsa Indonesia yang merupakan nilai integrasi adalah Pancasila. Pengalaman mengembangkan Pancasila sebagai nilai integrasi terus berlanjut, misalnya melalui kegiatan pendidikan Pancasila. Dalam kurikulum 1975, Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (PMP) diperkenalkan ke sekolah. Kurikulum 2013 saat ini memiliki PPKN. Dengan cara ini, Pancasila diturunkan kepada generasi muda sebagai nilai bersama dan sebagai dasar falsafah nasional. 4. Integrasi elit dan
massa Dinamika.Integrasi elit massa ditandai dengan seringnya terjadi hubungan pendekatan antara pemimpin dan rakyatnya melalui berbagai kegiatan. Kegiatan mendekatkan elite dan massa akan memperkuat aspek vertikal integrasi nasional.
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extremenonchalance · 7 years
An Interview with Dan Wriggins of Friendship
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On Friendship's latest album Shock Out Of Season (due November 3 via Orindal Records) Dan Wriggins observes love, career, inhabitance, and interest over a blend of classic folk instrumentation and contemporary electronic sounds. The result is an authentic and interesting record that captivates you immediately, wiping the world away with each spoken lyric. Droning synths brush against a reverie inducing pedal steel and combined percussion. While a thematic through line may not be concrete, we can unravel the nucleus of the album from its title. Luke spoke with Wriggins via phone to discuss the development of new elements of the band's sound, and what may come from feeling out of sync.
Read the full interview here.
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bellows4l · 6 years
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Hello world, something exciting is coming soon. But before that we've decided to do exactly ONE more tour on our beloved "Fist & Palm" -- did F&P mean something to you? did it resonate in a time of need? We'll be playing the album ONE more time this summer on a full U.S. tour dedicated to celebrating and honoring its existence before we move on to a new world of new things. I am calling this tour "Final Fist, Waving Palm" and we will play the palm songs and maybe some new things as well. This album meant a lot to me and it is sad to move on from it. Sad but needed. Here are the dates, and the tickets. Love you and see you out there: 6/29 - Brooklyn, NY - Rough Trade w/ Stolen Jars, Anna McClellan tix: https://tinyurl.com/ybv72kxs 6/30 - Philadelphia, PA - PhilaMOCA w/ Sitcom , Dan Wriggins (Friendship solo set) tix: https://tinyurl.com/y9ky5ty2 7/1 - Washington, DC - DC9 w/ Sitcom tix: https://tinyurl.com/y9q96dx4 7/2 - Raleigh, NC - Neptune's 7/3 - Atlanta, GA - Masquerade w/ floral print tix: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0E0054A398FBC5E7 7/5 - Nashville, TN - The East Room w/ Daddy Issues, Bleary 7/7 - Dallas, TX - TBA shortly... 7/8 - Austin, TX - The Mohawk w/ Sun June, Caroline Says 7/10 - Phoenix, AZ - TBD hopefully... help! 7/11 - San Diego, CA - Soda Bar w/ BIG UPS tix: https://tinyurl.com/ycnyytbm 7/12 - Los Angeles, CA - Bootleg Theater w/ Diners tix: https://tinyurl.com/ybarsto2 7/14 - San Francisco, CA - Hemlock Tavern w/ Boy Scouts, The Yellow Dress tix: https://tinyurl.com/yb3nrw8r 7/16 - Arcata, CA - Outer Space w/ BIG UPS 7/17 - Eugene, CA - TBD hopefully... help! 7/18 - Seattle, WA - Barboza w/ iji 7/19 - Missoula, MT - The Roxy Theater w/ Cairns 7/20 - Bozeman, MT - The Labor Temple 7/22 - Omaha, NE - TBD hopefully... help! 7/23 - Minneapolis, MN - Kitty Cat Klub 7/24 - Chicago, IL - Beat Kitchen w/ Richard Album tix: https://www.ticketweb.com/fb/8367925/kickstand 7/25 - Detroit, MI - Outer Limits w/ don't 7/26 - Toronto, ON - Monarch tix: https://tinyurl.com/y7ccg8hr 7/27 - Montreal, QC - La Vitrola tix: https://tinyurl.com/y7cnp98f 7/28 - Boston, MA - TBD hopefully!
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hoboonthetracks · 3 years
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We’ve said it before but it is always a good day when the latest Secret Meeting drops through the door. It’s an especially good day when you see that your new favourite band The Antlers are featured within. Well, I say new favourite band but, truthfully, a mate only told me about them this morning. But hey, ho they are rather lovely. All dreamy and atmospheric, quiet and melancholic, shadowy and sumptuous.
A bit like Secret Meeting, really.
The latest issue – all folded and A6-sized, on quality paper, yellow and grey, smelling beautifully and wonderfully written – also has features on Arab Strap, Johanna Samuels, Lightning Bug and Dan Wriggins while Skullcrusher’s Helen Ballentine is Summer 2021’s cover star.
Find them here
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shrimpkardashian · 4 years
There’s more pop punk/emo than ever and I find that troubling... I’ve heard more new middling indie rock than I can stomach this week! Not a great start to the year, musically. Step it up, kids. Anyway I think it’s a good thing that I’m get more prickly, more quick to hit the gong these days; saves my ass time, and that’s all I got/need Here’s some new hit music by my book (the good book):
to be continued...
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anotherdyingartform · 4 years
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Best Albums of the 2010s: #44
Friendship - Shock Out of Season (2017)
Also released in the 2010s: Dreamin’ (2019)
Upon first listen, this first offering from Dan Wriggins’ group Friendship has a lowkey, unassuming quality. With each new spin, Shock out of Season becomes all the more welcoming and intricate. The music across the album sets a comforting mood, featuring yearning pedal steel and atmospheric keys that drift with a weighty hum. Wriggins’ guileless vocals are artful in their simplicity, and each crack in his speech reveals a tenderness that only comes with sharing something deep within. Overall, Shock out of Season is the consummate “grower” that gives back with every fresh engagement.
Spotify | YouTube | Buy Shock Out of Season on Bandcamp via Orindal Records
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ricardosousalemos · 5 years
Friendship: Dreamin’
The third album from the Philadelphia-based quintet, led by Dan Wriggins’ spare and transparent songwriting, creates a warm and disorienting mood.
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extremenonchalance · 7 years
Friendship - “If You See My Beloved”
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"Does the flow come naturally here? Everything makes an impression." With instinctive cadence, Dan Wriggins of Friendship questions the surging nature of nearby water, while creating a subtext that considers the spontaneous quality of conversation.
Wriggins defies lyrical convention in favour of a narrative that blends the common talk of relationships with internal simplifications. Between earthy drum machines and sweeps of mild synths, each wandering acknowledgment lands with casual, luminous insight. Undone by the detachment of most things, Wriggins can't keep his mind where his body is. So he clings to the ground by the fleeting safety of passivity. "If it don't bother you, then it don't bother me."
Friendship will release Shock Out of Season November 3 via Orindal Records.
By: Luke C
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