jazumst · 3 months
Osiedlowy satelita cz.2
Żeby Was... Opowieść którą chciałyście. Posłuchajcie:
Po wielkiej, i wielokrotnie wspominanej, aferze z prywatą przestaliśmy całkowicie zamawiać na sklep kurczaka. Po prostu nie schodził.
Pewnego razu przyszła Danka, że chciałaby pieczeń z serem i kurczaka. Dziewczyny jej powiedziały, że już nie zamawiamy, bo to nie schodzi. Dana się upierała żeby jej zamówić, że weźmie i w ogóle. Jeżeli dobrze pamiętam to skończyło się na tym, że jej zamówią ale tylko pieczeń i na jutro, bo na dziś zamówienie już poszło.
To jest mała społeczność i wszyscy się znają. Tak też Dana zna kierowcę z hurtowni. Zadzwoniła do niego i nagadała, że się zgodziliśmy jej zamówić, ale na jutro... Czy on by tego nie przywiózł dziś, bo tak bardzo jej zależy. No i przywiózł.
Na sklepie zdziwko, bo czemu dwie faktury? Czemu kurczak? Ani teraz tego oddać, ani nic. Wprowadziliśmy i Dana ma to kupić. Zadeklarowała się w końcu. - Kierowca zjeby, że jak on tak mógł, że z nami to trzeba, jak Dana nie kupi to nasz Szef mu życie umili.
Przyszła Danka. Jak to zwykle ona - Czy jest "coś" dla mnie? Przywiózł? - Dana dostała zjebki, że co ona sobie myśli, że tak nie wolno, że typ może z roboty polecieć, że jak to ma być że sobie każdy będzie zamawiał. Ta w ryk, że nie chciała żeby to tak wyszło...
I teraz najciekawsza część opowieści. Ceny Dana znała hurtowe. Po [wprowadzeniu faktury i doliczeniu marży prywaciarza cena kurczaka już nie była taka okazyjna. Dokładnie już nie pamiętam ale długo się wykręcała, coś tam bąkała, że musi iść po pieniądze bo tyle nie miała. Że może wystawimy i ktoś jednak kupi, a jak nie to ona weźmie resztę. No kręciła. Koniec końców wzięła całego kurczaka i te cholerną pieczeń, i długo jej potem nie widzieliśmy. Kierowcę i tak wywalili, ale za co nie wiem. Wiem, że nagle się zmienił, wtedy przyszedł Daro i nam powiedział, że tamten już nie pracuje.
No to tak w skrócie by było.
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stargatelov3r · 11 months
9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by the wonderful @mathgirl24 <3
Three Ships: Teylabeth (Stargate Atlantis), Saru/T'Rina (Star Trek Discovery), Aragorn/Éowyn/Faramir (Lord of the Rings)
First Ship: Sam/Jack (Stargate Sg-1)
Last song: Once I finished this probably "Pastime Paradie" by Patti Smith
Last movie: Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King <3<3 (hence why aragorn/éowyn/faramir made it into the three ships up there)
Currently Reading: juuust started "Survival of the fittest" by Sabine C. Bauer, it's an SG-1 novel, also i started "Rationality" by Steven Pinker (don't ask). But I'll probably put "Survival" aside bc i saw that my book for the book club (Fragile by Alexa Weik) arrived
Currently Watching: Deep Space Nine (and others but that's the most prominent atm)
Currently Consuming: a discussion about the scientific methods to access the past and the difficulties we encounter in regards to gender roles and ethnography in antiquity (not that yummy)
Currently Craving: a new obsession
no pressure tagging: @sga-owns-my-soul @stuckonaglacierwithmacgyver @logicgunn @dana-cz
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wolfbart · 2 years
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Ich habe 1.512 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
41 Einträge erstellt (3%)
1.471 Einträge gerebloggt (97%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 1.066 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 29% meiner Einträge hatten keine Tags
#resident evil village – 229 Einträge
#resident evil – 170 Einträge
#alcina dimitrescu – 138 Einträge
#lady dimitrescu – 133 Einträge
#ethan winters – 98 Einträge
#primal – 56 Einträge
#lmao – 49 Einträge
#spear – 44 Einträge
#genndy tartakovsky's primal – 43 Einträge
#berserk – 42 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 126 characters
#i'm one of those people who go out in winter with a shirt and hoodie and take the hoodie off again because they start to sweat
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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51 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Juli 2022
Hellsing's seem to like to tease vampires with their blood
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78 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 16. Mai 2022
Does anyone else get ''Conan the Barbarian'' vibes from Spear ?
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90 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 3. September 2022
Primal S2E8 Spoiler's !
Holy Moly, Episode 8 was a blast ! I had a couple of absolute favorite scenes.
Cute kitty
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This father/daughter moment
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285 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 3. September 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
Primal 2x10
Of course Spear pulled the ''I sacrifice myself heroically number'' and sacrificed himself, part of me suspected something like that, but didn't want to accept it. I won't lie, there was screaming and a few tears flowed. Btw, this was not the way I imagined Spear's and Mira's physical union, but it was still pretty darn touching (The episode, the whole season, not this weird sex scene) and our hero had a (relatively) worthy end. He protected the ones he loved.
And that moment when you see how the two little dinos have grown and Spear's and Mira's daughter, look at her, like her father.
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Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
360 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 16. September 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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babytaleinternet · 4 months
Dom marzeń – jak go zbudować? Porady architekta
Czy kiedykolwiek marzyłeś o posiadaniu własnego domu? Dom, który spełnia wszystkie Twoje marzenia i potrzeby? Budowa domu marzeń to dla wielu osób jedno z największych osiągnięć w życiu. Jednak proces ten może być skomplikowany i wymagać odpowiedniego planowania oraz wiedzy. W tym artykule dowiesz się, jak zbudować dom marzeń, korzystając z porad doświadczonego architekta.
Dlaczego warto skorzystać z usług architekta? 1. Doświadczenie i wiedza
Budowa domu jednorodzinnego to inwestycja na lata, dlatego ważne jest, aby mieć pewność, że projekt będzie odpowiednio wykonany. Architekt posiada nie tylko wiedzę teoretyczną na temat budownictwa, ale również doświadczenie praktyczne, które pozwoli mu sprostać wszelkim wyzwaniom.
2. Indywidualne podejście
Każdy dom jest inny i powinien odzwierciedlać osobowość właściciela. Architekt zapewni Ci indywidualne podejście do projektu, uwzględniając Twoje preferencje i potrzeby. Będzie on pracował z Tobą na każdym etapie procesu budowy, aby zapewnić Ci dom marzeń.
3. Zarządzanie projektem
Budowa domu to skomplikowany proces, który wymaga koordynacji wielu różnych elementów. Architekt pełni rolę kierownika budowy, nadzorując cały projekt od początku do końca. Dzięki temu masz pewność, że prace zostaną wykonane zgodnie z planem i w ustalonym budżecie.
Budowa domu jednorodzinnego – porady architekta 1. Określenie celów i potrzeb
Zanim rozpoczniesz budowę domu marzeń, ważne jest określenie swoich celów i potrzeb. Czy chcesz mieć duży ogród? Czy potrzebujesz przestronnej kuchni? Czy chcesz mieć miejsce do pracy? Te pytania pomogą Ci zdefiniować priorytety i stworzyć projekt, który spełni Twoje oczekiwania.
2. Wybór działki
Wybór odpowiedniej działki to kluczowy element budowy domu jednorodzinnego. Zwróć uwagę na lokalizację, dostęp do infrastruktury oraz warunki zabudowy. Skonsultuj się z architektem, aby dowiedzieć się, jakie możliwości oferuje dana działka i czy spełnia Twoje wymagania.
3. Projektowanie domu
Architekt pomoże Ci zaprojektować dom marzeń, uwzględniając zarówno estetykę, jak i funkcjonalność. Zaproponuje Ci różne rozwiązania, takie jak układ pomieszczeń, materiały budowlane czy wykończenie wnętrz. Wspólnie stworzycie projekt, który będzie idealnie dopasowany do Twoich potrzeb.
4. Pozwolenia i dokumentacja
Budowa domu jednorodzinnego wiąże się z koniecznością uzyskania odpowiednich pozwoleń i dokumentacji. Architekt pomoże Ci w tym procesie, przygotowując niezbędne dokumenty i współpracując z urzędami. Dzięki temu unikniesz niepotrzebnych komplikacji i opóźnień.
5. Wybór ekipy budowlanej
Dobrze dobrana ekipa budowlana ma https://canvas.instructure.com/eportfolios/2816403/budowadomu/Budowa_domu_jednorodzinnego_ze_struktur_betonow__trwao_i_bezpieczestwo ogromne znaczenie dla sukcesu projektu budowy domu. Skonsultuj się z architektem, który może polecić Ci sprawdzonych specjalistów, takich jak kierownik budowy czy wykonawcy poszczególnych prac. Współpraca z doświadczonymi profesjonalistami zapewni Ci spokojną i bezproblemową budowę.
6. Nadzór nad budową
Architekt pełni rolę kierownika budowy, nadzorując cały proces budowy domu marzeń. Będzie sprawdzał postępy prac, dbał o jakość wykonania oraz koordynował działania różnych specjalistów. Dzięki temu masz pewność, że budowa przebiegnie zgodnie z planem i spełni Twoje oczekiwania.
Najczęściej zadawane pytania Jak długo trwa budowa domu jednorodzinnego? Cz
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Dvě slova jako klíč Online (2023) Film CZ Dabing a Zdarma
Koukat na film Dvě slova jako klíč (2023), online ke zhlédnutí česky v hd, CZ dabing. Sledovat celý online film zdarma a bez omezení.
Filmy Dvě slova jako klíč online zdarma sledujte kdykoliv a kdekoliv, Bez reklam a na 7 dní zdarma FULL HD.
Kde Sledovat Filmy Dvě slova jako klíč Online Zdarma :
► Filmu Dvě slova jako klíč Online CZ Dabing Zdarma
Nyní můžete sledovat Dvě slova jako klíč své oblíbené české i zahraniční filmy bez přerušení!
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Sledovat celý film Dvě slova jako klíč (2023) je aktuálně nejoblíbenějším filmem na vyhledávacím webu Google.
Sledujte Dvě slova jako klíč nerušeně a legálně české i zahraniční filmy a Všechny mají český dabing nebo titulky ·
Kde sledovat Dvě slova jako klíča?
několik způsobů, jak sledovat film Dvě slova jako klíč online v USA Můžete použít streamovací službu, jako je Netflix, Hulu nebo Amazon Prime Video. Film si také můžete vypůjčit nebo zakoupit na iTunes nebo Google Play. sledujte jej na vyžádání nebo ve streamovací aplikaci dostupné na vašem televizoru nebo streamovacím zařízení, pokud máte kabel.
Co je to film Dvě slova jako klíč?
Dvě slova jako klíč Obsah
Dvě slova jako klíč (2023) je český celovečerní film režiséra Dana Svátka natočený jako volné pokračování úspěšného snímku Úsměvy smutných mužů z roku 2018. Literární předlohou dramatu o rodinných vztazích, životních hodnotách, osudu a neznámých silách, které řídí naše kroky, je stejnojmenná kniha Josefa Formánka vydaná v roce 2016. Film vstoupí do kin 27. července 2023.
Na několika kontinentech se odehrávají příběhy o vztahu rodičů a dětí, o osudu a o neznámých silách, které řídí naše kroky. Japonský byznysman se chce smířit s dcerou, kterou jako malou opustil, a vydává se s ní na cestu do Himalájí. Stejně jako on, i svobodná matka v Česku dostane záhadný dopis se zásadní zprávou. Malíř a vyléčený alkoholik potkává krásnou ženu a s ní i nečekanou možnost rodinného života. Spisovatel bere svého kamaráda a jejich vnitřní démony na výpravu do indonéské džungle. Kněz v New Yorku se musí vypořádat se zvláštními sny a na samotě kdesi na břehu Baltského moře čeká starý muž na návštěvu syna. Každý z hrdinů stojí před zásadní změnou ve svém životě a jejich kroky mohou ovlivnit příběh toho druhého. Jejich samostatné cesty se začnou prolínat, a nakonec se spojí do jednoho velkého příběhu života.
Kdy vyjde film Dvě slova jako klíč?
Film měl premiéru 28. června roku 2023.
Kompletní údaje o filmu Dvě slova jako klíč ČSFD.cz
Drama Česko, 2023, 100 min Režie: Dan Svátek Předloha: Josef Formánek (kniha) Scénář: Dan Svátek Kamera: Jakub Šimůnek Hudba: Norbi Kovács Hrají: David Švehlík, Ivan Franěk, Diana Dulínková, Daniel Olbrychski, Pierre Richard, Gen Seto, Jana Nagyová Pulm, Jaroslav Dušek, Marika Šoposká, Jiří Šimek, Juki Iwasaki, Terezie Vraspírová, Adam Šrámek
Dvě slova jako klíč na Disney Plus?
Na Disney+ nejsou žádné stopy po Dvě slova jako klíč Trail, důkaz, že House of Mouse nemá žádnou kontrolu nad celou franšízou! Disney+, domov pro tituly jako ‘Star Wars’, 'Marvel’, 'Pixar’, National GDvě slova jako klíč graphic’, ESPN, STAR a další, je k dispozici za roční předplatné 79,99 $ nebo měsíční poplatek 0,99 $. Pokud jste jen fanouškem některé z těchto značek, stojí za to se přihlásit do Disney+ a nemá ani reklamy.
Dvě slova jako klíč na HBO Max?
Je nám líto, ale Dvě slova jako klíč Way není na HBO Max k dispozici. Je tu spousta obsahu HBO Max za 14,99 $ měsíčně, toto předplatné je bez reklam a umožňuje vám přístup ke každému titulu v knihovně HBO Max. Streamovací platforma oznámila verzi podporovanou reklamou, která stojí mnohem méně za 9,99 $ měsíčně.
Dvě slova jako klíč na Amazon VidDvě slova jako klíč?
Bohužel, Dvě slova jako klíč Path by Water není k dispozici ke streamování zdarma na Amazon Prime VidDvě slova jako klíč. Můžete si však vybrat i jiné pořady a filmy, které budete odtud sledovat, protože má širokou škálu pořadů a filmů, ze kterých si můžete vybrat za 14,99 $ měsíčně.
Dvě slova jako klíč na Peacockovi?
Dvě slova jako klíč Way nelze na Peacock v době psaní tohoto článku sledovat. Peacock nabízí předplatné, které stojí 4,99 $ měsíčně nebo 49,99 $ ročně u prémiového účtu. Stejně jako její jmenovec si streamovací platforma může hrát s venkovním obsahem zdarma, i když omezeně.
Dvě slova jako klíč na Paramount Plus?
Dvě slova jako klíč The Road to Water není na Paramount Plus. Paramount Plus nabízí správnou možnost předplatného: základní verze služby Paramount + Essential podporuje reklamu za 4,99 $ měsíčně a prémiový plán bez reklam za 9,99 $ měsíčně.
Kde mohu sledovat film Dvě slova jako klíč zdarma?
Cinego.lat je webová stránka, která nabízí zdarma více než 20 000 streamovaných filmů všech žánrů zdarma. Když se přihlásíte, najdete neomezené množství HD filmů, obrovský katalog k procházení a vyhledávací panel, který vám umožní vyhledat všechny filmy, které chcete vidět.
Zajímá vás, jak legálně sledovat bezplatný streaming filmu Dvě slova jako klíč? Pokud ano, budete rádi, že je to skutečně možné, protože v současnosti existuje v Itálii několik webových stránek, kde můžete zdarma sledovat filmy všech žánrů a dob. V některých případech se možná budete muset zaregistrovat prostřednictvím e-mailu nebo použít svůj online účet k přihlášení.
Řeknu vám podrobně, jak můžete pomocí nejpopulárnějších internetových stránek, online služeb a aplikací pro chytré telefony/tablety streamovat filmy zdarma. Cinego.lat je jedna z nejlepších stránek. Nabídka filmů sahá od nejnovějších filmů po klasiky z historie kinematografie, od amerických filmů po italské filmy, od hororů po komedie… zkrátka svoboda výběru, počet filmů je působivý. Samozřejmě to nenajdete, když půjdete do kina.
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SLEDUJTE~ Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část (2023) Celý Film Online [CZ-SK] a Zdarma
Sledovat celý film Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část (2023) Online je aktuálně nejoblíbenějším filmem na vyhledávacím webu Google. Filmy, které jsou dnes velmi vyhledávané milovníky filmů, filmy, které je zábavné sledovat o víkendech s rodinou, přáteli a přítelkyněmi. Chcete-li se zbavit nudy, která se vám stane po únavě z práce.
Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část (2023) — Film Online Sledujte Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část (2023) filmy online. Můžete sledovat Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část film online v HD Quality!
: ► Klikněte zde pro shlédnutí filmu Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část- Online zdarma v HD
| DVD (Blu-ray) | 4K UHD | HD-2080p | HD-720p | SD-480p | MP4 |
Sledovat online : Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část (2023)
Stažení : Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část (2023)
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Další název: Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Thriller, Země: Spojené státy americké Premiéra v ČR: 2023-07-08 Délka: 163 min. hraje: Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby, Henry Czerny, Esai Morales, Pom Klementieff, Cary Elwes, Shea Whigham, Mariela Garriga, Greg Tarzan Davis, Charles Parnell, Rob Delaney, Indira Varma, Mark Gatiss, Frederick Schmidt, Jean Kartal, Marcello Walton, Brian Law, Lincoln Conway, Alex James-Phelps, Marcin Dorociński, Ivan Ivashkin, Zahari Baharov, Adrian Bouchet, Sam Barrett, Louis Vaughan, Os Leanse, Luke Smith, Nikolaos Brahimllari, Matt Malecki, Damian Rozanek, Ioachim Ciobanu, Antonio Bustorff, Michael Kosterin, Sergej Lopouchanski, Robert Luckay, Jadran Malkovich, Mikhail Safronov, Christopher Sciueref, Andrea Scarduzio, Barnaby Kay, Gloria Obianyo, Alex Brock, Kaye Dinauto, Dana Blacklake, Arevinth V Sarma, Doroteya Toleva, Lucia Tong, Hersha Verity, Yennis Cheung, Laura Vortler, Faycal Attougui, Gaetano Bruno, Marco Sincini, Evita Ciri, Melissa Anna Bartolini, John Akanmu, Marco Lascari, Simon Rizzoni, Nicolas Wang, Lee Bridgman, Daniella Carraturo, Katie Collins, Joanna Dyce, Taylor Goodridge, Jessica Holland, Philip Hulford, Grace Jabbari, Ira Mandela Siobhan, Nicholas Tredrea, Megan Westpfel, Marc Wesley DeHaney, Rocky Taylor, Obsah filmu Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část: Sedmé pokračování kultovní špionážní série s agentem Ethanem Huntem. Srdcová série Toma Cruise se vzestupnou tendencí opět představí rozmanitý fikční svět, ve kterém se Impossible Mission Force parta vydá po stopách likvidační zbraně, která má potenciál zničit lidskou existenci. Hunt tentokrát stojí proti osobnímu nepříteli, jenž ho znal v době před agentskou dráhou. Ví o každé jeho slabině a vyzbrojen komplexní znalostí představuje dosud nejtěžšího protivníka, který před Hunta klade morální otázku, zda hodlá riskovat život svých nejbližších. Řemeslně vytříbená značka přinese tradičně řadu praktických efektů a poctivých kaskadérských kousků, stejně jako variaci sebe samé. Kroky ke stažení filmů * Můžete navštívit webové stránky prostřednictvím odkazů, které jsme poskytli následovně: povodeň * Navštivte stránky, které již doporučujeme a vyhledejte film, který chcete sledovat a stahovat. Pro zjednodušení můžete použít funkci vyhledávání. * Po nalezení filmu, který se vám líbí, klikněte na kartu Hry. Pokračujte v stahování hrozby „Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část“ a stáhněte film do požadované kvality. Viz obrázek, aby bylo jasnější. Klíčová slova Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Filmy Česky a Zdarma, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online ke shlednuti, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Informace o filmu, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online cely film, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Sleduju Online, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online bombuj, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část online film cz, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část Bombuj, Mission: Impossible Odplata – První část bombuj cz,
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Preminula i deseta žrtva masakra u beogradskoj osnovnoj školi
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Djevojčica koja je ranjena u pucnjavi u Osnovnoj školi Vladislav Ribnikar u Beogradu 3. svibnja podlegla je ozljedama     Djevojčica ranjena u pucnjavi u Osnovnoj školi Vladislav Ribnikar u Beogradu 3. svibnja podlegla je ozljedama u ponedjeljak ujutro, objavio je srpski Blic. Podsjetimo, 3. svibnja u Beogradu je 13-godišnji učenik sedmog razreda K. K. ušetao u školu 'Vladislav Ribnikar' i iz pištolja ubio devet osoba, osam učenika i zaštitara te ranio još šest učenika i profesoricu povijesti. Djevojčica, koja je u napadu teško ranjena u glavu, od tada se nalazila u Sveučilišnoj dječjoj klinici u Beogradu te su se liječnici borili da joj spase život. 'Pacijentica koja je s teškim i opasnim po život ozljedama glave, zadobivenim prilikom pucnjave u OŠ 'Vladislav Ribnikar', bila zbrinuta u Sveučilišnoj dječjoj klinici u Tiršovoj, preminula je jutros i pored hitne kirurške intervencije i svih poduzetih mjera intenzivnog liječenja. Ministrica zdravlja Danica Grujičić, u svoje ime i u ime ministarstva, izjavljuje iskrenu sućut obitelji stradale djevojčice', prenosi Blic priopćenje ministarstva. Kako je prethodno objavljeno, trinaestogodišnji napadač poslije ubojstava je uhićen i smješten u dječju psihijatrijsku ustanovu jer nije kazneno odgovoran, ali je njegovom ocu V. K. (47), koji ga je vodio u streljanu i na igre sa simuliranjem pucanja, određen pritvor do 30 dana. Prema ranijim navodima policije, tijekom očevida nakon pucnjave u školi nađeno je 57 čahura te još šest metaka. Dječak je uspio doći u posjed pištolja CZ Shadow kalibra 9x19 milimetara i pištolja Ruger MK kalibra 22 milimetra LR, za koje V. K. posjeduje dozvole, ali koji nisu bili pravilno osigurani i nedostupni drugim osobama. Tportal.hr Read the full article
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oh-no-a-whovian · 2 years
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#bruno madrigal - 23 posts
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#disney's encanto - 16 posts
#reader insert - 13 posts
#bruno my beloved - 11 posts
#werewolf reader - 10 posts
#we dont talk about bruno - 8 posts
#asks and replies - 8 posts
#encanto bruno - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#when forced to play footy or basketball i avoided the ball completely cause i was scared of it and i hated everyone
My Top Posts in 2022:
Two more lonely people Part 6
NSFW 18+
Summary: “should we fight this?” “Si.” “I don’t know if I can” “neither do I”
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x fem werewolf! reader
Warnings: age gap (Y/N is 24 and Bruno is 50) swearing, any others let me know please.
Word count: 3598
Masterlist PT1 Next
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The chirp of crickets and your mother’s snoring echoes in your ears as you lie in your plush bed, staring at the ceiling since sleep refuses to take you. The curtains wave slowly like an oceans tide as the wind flows into your room, cooling your skin and the soft blankets around you.
Your mind keeps replaying it over and over, stirring the feeling in your gut without remorse, making you wet for a man not even here. He wants you too. He was in you, holding you up as you rode him in the clear flowing water, his eyes hazy with lust and moans filling the air. You doubt it’s love but you’re fine with that. You resigned yourself to never having that a long time ago. As long as you can have his body, you don’t need his heart.
You were worried about him as you walked with him back to casita. His mind was a mess the whole walk and once you were close enough the construction area he ran off, saying he needed some time. A couple of your neighbours that were working on casita nearby had watched him race off into his tent and looked at you quizzically. You just shrugged at them and walked away, it’s none of their business.
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day, even though you sought him out with your eyes among the others working on the build. He clearly found a spot nowhere near you. You understand why. He was freaking out, doing every little superstition he could to try ward away misfortune. You had to watch as he freaked out about every little bad thing that could happen as a result of what happened.
You just couldn’t bring yourself to worry. You love that family like they’re your own, each one a member of your pack that you would die for, even Alma. You especially care about Dolores and Isabela, and you care what they’d think about it. But don’t you have the right to have what you want if it’s in your reach? Is it really so wrong?
Leaves rustle outside your window as the curtains billow into the room again, revealing the waning moon hiding in the clouds to your wide eyes. You thought the sound outside to be just the wind, until the movement of the curtain stops and the noise of the bushes below your window continues.
You hop out of your bed and pad silently to the window, your head tilted at the sound as you pull on a thin robe. Nobody commits crime in Encanto, they know better, especially after the fucker who killed his wife a few years ago. You were told to escort him to the mountains and make sure he climbed and left Encanto forever. Well… for a brick he flew pretty good.
You doubt it’s a criminal outside your window, probably just a curious kinkajou or… Bruno falling on his ass… you huff out a laugh at the sight of him, staring up at you with wide eyes cause you scared him as you pulled open the light fabric curtain.
“For someone who spent ten years in living in walls you’re not very stealthy.” You whisper, hiding your smirk with one hand as you offer the other out the window, helping him up and in.
“Well, uh heh there’s no bushes inside walls.” He says quietly as he stumbles through the window into your room, nearly falling onto his face.
“mmmm well you’re not wrong” you plant your hand on your hip, watching him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, though you’re sure he can’t see much in the dark. You can see him clearly though. The warmth on his cheeks, his flustered fidgeting, the silver strands in his hair catching the moon light, you can see it all. “To what do I owe this midnight visit?”
“Well, heh funny thing… I was in my cot trying to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about um earlier, at the river, with you. I keep going back and forth about all the reasons I know this is wrong and all the things you said, telling me that it shouldn’t matter…” as Bruno rambles you smile at him, taking his hand to guide him to your bed so he can sit. You listen to every word as you play with his curly locks of hair, watching as he finds far too many words for his thoughts. “I really don’t know what side is winning but I can’t stop thinking about it and then I think about what it actually is. Is it lust, my loneliness from being in the walls for so long or is it something more? Then it just repeats, and I don’t know what to do. So, I thought a walk might help clear my mind, but then I just ended up here…”
“Trying to put a label on it this soon huh?” you joke, regretting it immediately as you watch new insecurities flow in behind his eyes. Shit “look, Bruno.” You start. “What do you want this to be?”
“I don’t know” he mumbles. He looks so lost as he stares into your eyes through the darkness of the room.
“Then don’t try to name it yet.” You tell him, tucking a lock of his hair away from his face. You aren’t sure if you want to tell him that it can’t be more. You’re a monster, it can’t be more. This could never lead to marriage or children. No one would approve because of the ages difference, let alone no one would ever want what you have in their blood line anyway. It’s like a disease and one wrong move could spread it. like a teething child biting someone at the wrong time. Probably should have thought of that before letting him paint your insides with his seed.
“Okay” he breathes. You listen to his heart race, echoing into your ears, and watch as his hands fidget together. You can sense every little change in his body as he gets excited by your proximity. You can feel the heat radiating off of him, and the tiny shifts he makes to ease the sensation in his pants. Fuck you want him so badly.
“Can I kiss you again?” you ask as his warmth beside you stirs your body to life.
“Yes! I mean yes” he says a bit too loud, toning his voice down to mask his excitement.
“you’re adorable” you huff with a massive smile, leaning into him, and pressing your lips to his. Your right hand sits high up his thigh, your thumb rubbing small circles at the inseam of his pants. He moans delightfully into your mouth as you deepen the kiss, but you pull back, shushing him by pressing your finger to his chapped lips. You’re sure your smile is practically predatory as you push him back onto the bed, swinging your leg over his to straddle him, pinning him to the plush surface with his hands above his head. “Are you able to be quiet for me?” you hum in his ear as you grind your heat against his hardening length, teasing him with the tiniest bit of friction.
He nods fervently, his mouth falling open with a silent moan as he moves his hips up to meet yours.
“good” you kiss him roughly, the hairs on his chin scratching yours, leaving little red marks in their wake. You release your grip on his hands and trail the soft pads of your fingers down his sleeve covered arms. You can tell he’s trying hard to not make a sound as he watches you slide down his body in the darkness, the moon light barely illuminating the room.
You lift his ruana and shirt away, exposing his tummy and the waist band of his pants. A thin layer of soft dark hairs trails down from his chest and disappears into his pants, tiny silver hairs present even there. Pressing your lips to his hip bones, you work on removing his pants, tugging at his belt.
Once you got him free you dive in, teasing and licking and sucking, leaving him a desperate mess for half an hour. Taking him to the brink then pulling back just a little, testing the waters. His hard cock delicious in your mouth as you lave your tongue along the length. He fucking loved every second of it, silently begging for more when you pinned his hips to the bed.
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220 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Two more lonely people Part 5
NSFW 18+
Summary: “should we fight this?” “Si.” “I don’t know if I can” “neither do I”
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x fem werewolf! reader
Warnings: age gap (Y/N is 24 and Bruno is 50) Hope yall are ready for those lemons. PinV. Wrap it up! Some self-hate. Any others let me know please.
Word count: 5030
Masterlist PT1 Next
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You feel refreshed and lively as you wake in the grass near casa Madrigal, not far from Bruno’s tent. You couldn’t exactly have exactly gone home still in wolf form. You couldn’t risk being spotted, not when the gift from casita excuse won’t hold while the others don’t have theirs.
You stretch your arms above your head, arching your back so only your head and butt are touching the ground, moaning in pleasure at the stretch. The early morning birds fly above as you stare at the blue sky as the sun starts to rise. Good thing no one from town has come up to casita for another day of building yet. God knows what they would have said if they caught you napping in the grass, especially if you were still in wolf form.
It felt amazing to run again after two weeks of barely leaving your bed. The feeling of wind in your fur and dirt under your paws again was amazing. And the fact that shifting seemed to fix what was broken is a bonus, you can actually help rebuild now. You had to fight yourself though, when the urge came to just howl into the jungle.
“Not sure lying in the grass is the best idea.” Bruno’s voice rings out, drawing your attention back to the ground, making you sit up to look at him, a big smile on your lips. “Fire ants aren’t pleasant.”
“I got a face full of them a couple years ago, so I’ll have to agree with you.” You laugh, taking his offered hand to stand.
“Oh heh… how’d you manage that?”
“let’s just say running recklessly through a jungle isn’t the smartest thing.” You tell him brushing a few leaves from your hair and skirts.
“are you… feeling better?” he asks, his little chuckle at your words making you smile.
“yeah. It almost feels like nothing was broken in the first place.” You explain. “should have shifted two weeks ago.” You yawn as you rub the sleep from your eyes.
“W-why are you here so early?” he asks, squinting as he realises no one else working yet. To be honest, you’re surprised he’s even awake, most won’t wake for another hour. The only reason you are is because your body had shifted back into human form. Dios you’re glad you keep your clothes unlike in some werewolf stories, otherwise this encounter would have been awkward.
“didn’t leave.” You shrug, wandering off toward the construction, spotting the rat that seems obsessed with you, cleaning itself on some rubble. It’s not the first time you’ve slept under the stars.
“Wait you slept here?”
“couldn’t risk being spotted by anyone in town. They think it’s a part of the gift after all.” You roll your eyes, lifting the rat to put on your shoulder and turning to the man. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t fond of the rat that keeps climbing onto your head. “It was either here, or somewhere among the trees.”
“oh” he replies as he fiddles with his fingers.
You stand together in silence for a moment. Would it be weird if you asked him if wants to get breakfast together? What way would he take it? what way would you mean it?
“I was gonna go and get something for breakfast…” you start “would you… maybe like to join me?”
“Uh mmm. I think it’d be better if I just get started for the day.” He tells you, pointing to the structure with his thumbs as he starts to back away. “Y-you know, there’s still a lot of work to be done and it isn’t going to do itself.” He laughs nervously.
“ok” you try to ignore the disappointment as he rambles on about why he can’t. “Maybe I’ll bring something back.” You nod, your smile disappearing once he turns the corner.
You’re really starting to hate this pull you have toward him, especially when you think he might feel it too just to literally run away.
You breathe out a sigh, squeezing your eyes shut as you try to push away the feeling welling inside. Your mind keeps telling you that you’re being too much. That he doesn’t actually want the attention you’ve been giving. You get it though, you’ve been told many times that you show affection like a dog, jumping on and cuddling your friends like you hadn’t seen them in years. Doll and Isa have been perfectly happy with adopting it, but others have simply told you to calm down.
The rat on your squeaks in your ear, watching you curiously as it sniffs at the air. “Looks like it’s just you and me huh?” you say to the rat as you start your trek home.
Bruno POV
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303 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
I’d rather be yours
Summary: captured and kept as an elite’s plaything for months after the fall of Master chief and the UNSC Infinity, you’re finally saved.
Pairing: Master chief x fem reader
Warnings: swears, implications of imprisonment, implications of perverted alien. Please say if there’s others!!!
Word count: 1751
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You’re trying so hard not to look miserable, you refuse to give these fuckers the pleasure.
You watched as Master chief was thrown into the icy depths of space and declared dead to all. An elite had grabbed you from your lab aboard the Infinity and taken you away on his ship, declaring you, his pet. You wonder if Chief would have saved you if he was still alive. You definitely wouldn’t have been a pet for six months if he was, you are sure of that.
You wish he was still alive. He was powerful, a hero to humanity and you’d developed a massive crush on him over time and fuck, watching him die hurt.
The elite as he goes about his business, ensuring everything in his hidden stronghold is up to par as you sit on the plush surface he’d placed for you, watching his move closely. You don’t remember his name, though you don’t really care to. you’re pretty sure it’s written on the damn collar around your neck so he can settle with that. He’s never gonna hear you say it.
The bastard is definitely a pervert though, going by the barely there outfit he decided to keep you in, reminiscent of an outfit from an old earth movie. You hate being what’s basically a whore for his eyes only, but what else could you do?
He rarely leaves you alone, too concerned that you’ll try something to escape. At least you think that’s why. He refuses to speak any English even though you know he knows it. You’ve told him many times that you are a scientist and not a soldier, but he doesn’t care, instead treating you like a big cat in captivity, nice to look at but best not to let it out of your sight or it’ll tear you apart.
After the first two months of being stuck in the stronghold, kept on a tight lease, you stopped fighting. You’d fought every day and fuck you were tired by that point. You’d bitten him, shouted at him until your throat was sore and all you gained from it was an electric shock. You had to try something else. Gain his trust until you could free yourself. No one else was gonna save you.
Alarms start blaring through the speakers and the alien looks up, glaring at the screens to spot the cause. Last time you’d heard the alarms, some soldiers were trying to take the outpost and were brutally slain.
“Lock down the strong hold! We cannot let them gain this location!” he shouts over the comms before rising to his feet, grabbing your arm and dragging you to your cage. Shouting things in his own language you could only dream of understanding. “stay” he growls at you.
“Like I have a choice.” You say as the lock clicks shut.
You try desperately to get a glimpse of what he’d spotted on the screen. Hoping someone has finally come to save you. You’d honestly started thinking there were no more humans left on the ring. Too many reports of captured troops and bases making your heart sink. You really thought that everyone was dead and that you were the last.
You huff and sit down on your cot, unable to see anything on the screens from your cage, resigning yourself to waiting. You’d try asking who has come to kick their asses, but you know your ‘owner’ would never answer. No one has full conversations with their pet after all.
You lie down on the uncomfortable surface, staring at the ceiling as you listen to the explosions outside the facility and the screams of distress from grunts over the radio. They’re getting what they deserve, each one of those bastard aliens out there. You just hope whoever it is will find their way in here and give that bastard elite what’s coming to him.
Each minute of gunfire drones on painfully slow but eventually it all goes silent. The screams, the explosions, the gunfire, even the sound of machinery seems to die out. The silence is almost painful, making your ears ring as you wait in hope.
Please save me. Please save me. Please save me!
A massive explosion rocks the building and the door to the room flies through the air past you with a grinding screech, as sparks shoot out from the force. The elite jumps from his chair, shouting what you’re sure is foul language as he raises his gun toward the smoke.
“Show yourself demon” he demands, stepping toward the smoke, ready to fire. You glance between the smoke and the alien with a furrowed brow, your hands now gripping the bars of your cage as you watch with bated breath.
You’ve only ever heard Chief referred to as demon. As far as you’ve heard he’s the only one they did. Is it too much to hope he survived the destruction of the infinity?
A noise echoes through the hallway as a sliver cord zips through the air, latching onto the alien’s chest. Before your eyes the armor you were so hoping to see appears from the smoke, his fist smashing into the elite’s jaws. They stagger together and the sound of plasma rounds fills the air, leaving burn marks upon the walls and narrowly missing your cage. the last six months will be for nothing if this encounter kills you first!
You don’t say a word as they fight, not wanting to distract your savior and be the cause of his death. The elite gets the upper hand though, as his four fingered fist collides with Chief’s green helmet, knocking him to the ground. Instead of taking advantage of his downed state, the alien races to your cage, ripping open the door and pulling you into his arms. Bastard must have realized there’s no way to kill the Master Chief. After all you just realized that too.
He holds you to his chest with one arm as he aims a plasma pistol to your head with the other. He drags you toward the exit, keeping you between him and the spartan as the man pulls himself to his feet.
You see the moment Chief finally realizes you’re there, his whole body freezing as his eyes lock on you, held tight in the grasp of your ‘owner’.
“you’re going to let us go demon.” The alien holding you demands, pressing the pistol to your head hard, making you hiss. “don’t move, or she’s dead.” He growls. You ribs hurt at the force the alien holds you and you try desperately to find a way to get free, clear the path for Chief to annihilate the fucker.
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333 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
Two more lonely people Part 4
NSFW 18+
Summary: “should we fight this?” “Si.” “I don’t know if I can” “neither do I”
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x fem werewolf! reader
Warnings: age gap (Y/N is 24 and Bruno is 50) tiny bit of smut but nothing graphic. Any others let me know please.
Word count: 3252
Masterlist PT1 Next
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Breathy moans and whispered praise, the way he begs shooting butterflies throughout your stomach. His curly salt and pepper hair spread out through the grass like a halo. The feeling of his hands gripping your hips tight as you slowly ride him, the feeling of him filling you, driving you wild. Ecstasy at its finest.
Evening air cools your skin and the tall waving grass tickles your legs, sending shivers up your spine and covering your skin in goose bumps. The feeling of him beneath you, moving inside you, keeps you warm to the core. You whisper dirty words in his ear and he moans your name in return, desperate to touch every part of you. So close. So very close.
A knocking startles you awake making you hiss in pain at the jolting movement. The sun shines bright through the blinds, a lot higher than when you usually wake up. It’s been a week since everything happened and most of the town is at the Madrigal’s casita, rebuilding what was destroyed, making the markets a lot quieter than usual, just light murmurs when normally there’s shouting and bartering all around.
“You better not be moving! I’ll get it!” your mother calls out to you, making you pause in your movements with a huff. The first few times that someone knocked on the door you had tried to get up and answer it, much to the annoyance of your mother. You’re not used to sitting for so long, usually helping in one way or another. And most of the visitors were for you anyway so you don’t see why you couldn’t just answer the door. Dolores, Isabela, Mirabel and Camilo, all visiting you multiple times with flowers or treats, anything they felt might help you heal and be back by their sides. Dolores even had your favourites made and Camilo tagged along to pretend he had helped. “Bruno! I heard you’d returned… what are you doing here?” you hear your mother say in a curious tone, your face flushing red at the mention of his name.
“I umm… I hadn’t had a chance to visit…” he says. “She uh saved my life and I w-wanted to thank her. Oh! I brought flowers!” you smile as you picture his face, holding the flowers out like they’re the most amazing things and that’s the reason your mother should let him in.
That man has been plaguing your dreams for the past week, a mixture of the moment you’d saved him and your minds own fantasies. Making you weak and desperate only to wake with moisture between your legs, unsatisfied. You’ve been wishing he would visit, secretly wanting to know he’s ok, though you’re not sure what to do now that he has. Especially since you just woke up from one of those dreams.
“[Y/N], sweetie, are you awake?” your mother asks knocking on your door.
“Yeah mama” you call out, coughing and swearing from the strain, wrapping your arm around your torso. You look up as your door creaks open, revealing your mother and Bruno with a bouquet in his hands, his eyes wide and shy. “Hey!” you smile wide at the sight of him and try to sit up, growling when they both race to stop you, concern plastered on their faces as you wince in pain.
“You don’t need to sit up on my account” Bruno tells you with a shy smile, staring down at the flowers he brought as he takes a step back.
“I’ll be out here” your mother announces, leaving you and Bruno alone in your room.
“Are those for me?” you tilt your head, looking at the bouquet in his hands.
“Oh! Ye-yes! I didn’t know what type you liked so I asked Isabela and she said that you prefer ones with not much pollen and that she’d have made some up if she had her gift, but she doesn’t so she couldn’t. so, I went to one of the artists in town and they made these ones out of silk and scented them with an oil, and I hope you like them!” he rambles, gesturing wildly as his thoughts run wild. You try not to smile to widely at the flustered man, but as he continues to hold the flowers instead of giving them to you, you can’t help the curve of your lips. He’s adorable.
“Can I have them?” you huff with a smirk.
“Oh yes! sorry” he flushes, handing them to you and backing up to a respectable distance again.
“they’re beautiful. Thank you.” You tell him, sniffing the oils upon the cloth petals, all your favourite scents soaked into the stunning arrangement. “You can sit if you’d like.” You offer, tapping the space beside you on the bed. He fiddles with ruana as he glances between the space you offered and the direction your mother had gone. “Come on” you tap again, watching as his resolve to keep the distance crumbles.
Trying not to jostle you, he sits gently beside you, knocking on the wood of your bed frame beside his leg and holding his breath for a moment. he’s trying to be such a gentle man, keeping a respectable distance from you, sitting by your knee instead of by your hip where you wanted him to.
“I’m happy to see you didn’t go back into hiding.” You tell him, nudging him with your knee and immediately regretting it as your ribs shift. Fuck it sucks that they all lost their gifts, just when you could use Julieta’s.
“Can’t hide in the walls when there’s no walls.” He shrugs, watching your face with concern as you breathe away the pain. “I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t of landed on you, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.” he sighs, planting his face shamefully in his hands, pulling on his own hair in stress.
“Hey!” you sit up, ignoring his panicked look as you take his hands in your own. “Those chunks of building would have fallen that way no matter what. If I wasn’t there, then a lot worse could have happened to you, ok? I’m a lot more ok with being injured over you being dead.” You admit. You’d be devastated if any of them had been lost in the ruins of their home. “Besides, I quite like all the attention I’ve been getting.” Your smirk switching to a grimace as you scoot back to lean against the headboard. Breathe in and out, the pain will fade, just have to breathe. “All my favourite food and a tonne of gifts brought straight to my door; I’m living the life right now.” You joke as you rub your thumb over the back of his hand, trying to lighten his mood, though the guilt doesn’t leave his face.
“Still… I cannot help but feel it is my fault. I am bad luck after all.” He admits, looking down at his hands in yours.
“Come here I want to tell you something.” You say, curling your finger to make him come closer. “Little more.” He moves even closer, his green eyes wide and unsure but also curious. Gently you place your finger under his chin like you had in his hidden room, pressing a little with your thumb holding him in place. “don’t you ever think that. You are not bad luck no matter how much you’ve been told so.” You demand, firm on your views, smiling at the blush that spread across his cheeks. Making a decision that you hope you won’t regret, you lean in, pressing your lips to his cheek, far closer to his lips that you probably should have.
His face flushes red as you release him and he backs up, stuttering gibberish and knocking on the wood of the bed once more. You can’t help but feel dejected as he unceremoniously says bye before practically running out of the house.
Is what you’ve been feeling really wrong? Are you just really that far off of your understanding? You’re not exactly inexperienced when it comes to men. A few one-night stands that you didn’t let get any further than that. But perhaps you were right… his reaction was just from being alone for so long. He doesn’t want you too, it was just in your dreams.
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342 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Two more lonely people Part 3
Lemon 18+
Summary: “should we fight this?” “Si.” “I don’t know if I can” “neither do I”
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x fem werewolf! reader
Warnings: age gap (Y/N is 24 and Bruno is 50) thinking nsfw later on, idk yet but imma tag it as such. Any others let me know please. Because of the recent ios bs I will be using the old citrus system.
Word count: 4219
Masterlist PT1 Next
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Herbs and spices waft through the air around the casita as you approach, the strong scents making you sneeze a few times as you adjust. Every damn time! Dolores tries to hide her amusement at your predicament, covering her mouth as she stifles a laugh.
“Laugh it up Doll.” You say as you rub at your nose furiously. “You’ve had to hear half the babies being made in this town. We both have downsides to our ‘abilities’”
“Yeah, yeah.” she rolls her eyes. “Try not to get caught. I’ll see if anyone needs help.” Your friend tells you as she wanders off toward the kitchen.
Breathing deeply, you make your way up to the painting that you’re sure hides the way to Bruno. You make sure no one will see you as you enter the wall, listening and looking out for any sign of movement in your direction. You’re not willing to be the reason he’s revealed to his family before he’s ready.
Gently you pull at the side of the painting, surprised at how it swings open so easily. The hole behind it is dark and barely looks big enough to even allow a person in but you can see a floor in the narrow space so you squeeze in. Dust floats through the air and spider webs hang above you as your eyes adjust to the dim light of the narrow corridor inside the wall.
You take your first steps hesitantly, noticing the bare boards and cracks in the walls and floor, threatening to break at any time. A musky smell floats through the air as you make your way through the path in the wall, the scent overpowering the smell of food that floats through the cracks from just the other side of the boards. Pipes and wires run through the space and loose nails stick out at precarious angles, more than one trying to tear at your skirt or impale your hand. It almost seems like a maze as you make your way through, curving in different directions.
The house looks normal and stable in any one of the rooms, so why does this space look so damaged? Doesn’t the magic maintain it? Shouldn’t it be perfect inside and out? Does this have something to do with the cracks that Mirabel said nearly tore the house down after Antonio’s gift ceremony? You feel uneasy as you run your fingers along a crack, your brow furrowed at the attempts to fix it, each part filled with spackle. Should you tell someone?
You stagger to a halt at the edge of a massive pit, so dark it seems almost bottomless and filled with an eery mist. God knows what would have happened if you hadn’t been paying attention to each and every step you took. You sniff at the air, checking if you should go down or try to make your way across the pit, the scent of the man you’re seeking floating across the gap, locked into the wooden beams from years of him passing through, telling you exactly how he crosses each time.
You breathe deep as you back up, hoping that you don’t lose anything in the basket when you make the jump across the gap. With three big leaps you cross the pit, stumbling as you land but steadying yourself, so you don’t fall and lose everything.
Eventually you come across a makeshift door, ropes holding the board in place so it can swing open and shut. Tiny squeaks sound out on the other side of the board, silencing when you knock upon the old wood. You can hear shuffling in the room, but you can tell he’s not approaching the door. Probably hiding instead or thinking that if he’s quiet whoever has found the door will think the room empty.
“Bruno” you call out as you push the door open a little. “it’s me.”
You cast your eyes across the room as the door swings open. Many eyes are locked on you, including a pair of green ones, their owner holding onto the armchair as he hides behind it.
“hi” you smile as you slowly step fully into the room, holding the basket in front of your legs. “Quite the place you’ve made for yourself here”
“Hmm yeah, it’s uh a fixer upper” Bruno says, pretending that he wasn’t hiding by leaning nonchalantly over the back of the chair. “Which you should probably…” he gestures to the door, his hand falling as one of the rats climbs onto your head again. Probably realised it’s not gonna be that easy. You smile.
“I brought you something” you tell him before he tries to kick you out, holding the basket up for him. “it’s not much, some food, a few shirts, a nice blanket I saw in the markets, and a glass bottle of water.”
“Why?” he asks with furrowed brows as he slowly approaches, glancing at the weaved basket in your hands. He flinches as he takes the basket from you, his fingers brushing against yours.
“Why not?” you counter.
You watch him as he hesitantly carries the basket to his chair, placing it down and glancing back at you as he looks through it. You’re surprised that he didn’t try to reject your gifts, telling you it isn’t necessary and that you should just leave. Going by how people have spoken about him over the years he probably doesn’t want to add rude to the list.
As you look around Bruno’s space you notice something on the table by the wall. Just a little spot of colour on the plain wooden surface and as you approach it to get a better look your heart breaks. A little design like the plates the Madrigals use, with his name on is drawn crudely onto the table in chalk. Your fingers hover over it, not touching as you admire it. Your heart hurts at the sight of it and shatters when you notice the crack in the wall looking over the dining table of casita. He just wants to be with his family. He must feel so incredibly alone.
You hear his heart race a little and you turn to see him staring at you, one of the shirts you got him clasped in his hands. His eyes look so tired and sad, large dark circles making them look sunken. He probably hasn’t seen the sun in ages and god knows if he’s getting enough food. Is it wrong to want to just hug him right now?
“I uh hope you like the stuff… I brought some food, and that bag of oats and dried berries is for your rats, though I notice you have a lot more than the four from last night.” You ramble, lifting the rat from your head, sighing as it holds onto your hair, pulling as you remove it. “I should probably get going… someone probably noticed me arrive and they might start questioning where I’ve gone.” You smile, handing him the rat and moving toward the door.
As you open the door to leave, he takes your hand in his, a small smile on his lips. “Umm thanks… for… thanks” he says shyly, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand without thinking. You glance down at his hand holding yours with a tilt of your head and parted lips. Your heart races at the feeling and you don’t want to pull away from him. “Oh! S-so-sorry!” he gasps, pulling his hand from yours when he realises that he was holding onto you too long. Rubbing his hand on the back of his head as he looks away from you, casting his eyes to the ground.
Gently though, you place your finger under his chin, making him look up at you as you smile at him. “It’s ok. I’ll see about coming back in a couple days with some more hmmm? If you don’t mind the company?” you see his eyes darken and notice as his whole body seems to react to the touch, is lips parting as his heart race. You hadn’t thought that he would react like that, and the realisation goes straight to the space between your legs, though you’re not sure why. “I should get going” you tell him, dropping your hand from his chin. Part of you wants to keep it there, to feel the scratch of the stubble on his chin.
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377 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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noisycyclepolice · 2 years
prawo pracy rzeszów
adwokat sprawy spadkowe rzeszów
Nie zawsze łatwo jest zatrudnić dobrego adwokata. Możliwe jest jednak utrzymanie dobrych relacji z dobrym adwokatem obrony karnej.
Trudno znaleźć dobrego adwokata, jeśli sprawa jest skomplikowana. Lepiej znaleźć dobrego prawnika, który oferuje przyjąć zamówienia klientów za swoje usługi. Adwokaci są bardzo poszukiwani ze względu na liczne sprawy, które są wnoszone przeciwko nim. Trudno więc znaleźć adwokata, który potrafi udzielić dobrej porady prawnej. Czasami trudno jest znaleźć dobrego adwokata z wielu powodów. Jeśli ktoś został oskarżony o popełnienie przestępstwa karnego lub wkrótce zostanie wszczęte śledztwo policji, może się wydawać, że zatrudnienie adwokata nie jest konieczne dla wyniku sprawy. Może być wygodne, aby znaleźć prawnika, który będzie w stanie pomóc w każdej sprawie, która jest trudna lub który będzie pracował z bardzo ograniczonymi wysiłkami z strony klienta. Jeśli zarzuty wobec adwokata nie są poważne, spróbuj znaleźć bezpłatnego adwokata tak szybko, jak to możliwe.
# Jeśli przestępstwo jest badane, często nie jest możliwe, aby adwokat obrony karnej pomóc. Wybór adwokata jest często tak samo ważny, jak sama sprawa.
Po pierwsze, zastanów się, czy konieczne jest zatrudnienie prawnika. Zazwyczaj, jeśli dana osoba ma dobrego prawnika, dobry prawnik może dać najlepszą radę adwokat z urzedu rzeszów na temat tego, co powinno się wydarzyć cennik adwokat rzeszów w sprawie. Istnieje wiele sytuacji, w których niekoniecznie jest właściwe zatrudnienie prawnika. Podczas rozpatrywania sprawy karnej może nie być konieczne zatrudnienie specjalistycznego prawnika. Jeśli nie jest to konieczne, spróbuj znaleźć renomowaną firmę, która zaakceptuje skierowanie od przyjaciela lub krewnego.
# Adwokaci często świadczą swoje usługi za bardzo niską opłatą, w zależności od złożoności sprawy. Czasami adwokat nawet odpowie na wezwanie awaryjne, które ktoś zrobił dla nich.
Jeśli dana osoba została oskarżona o popełnienie przestępstwa, istnieje duża szansa, że adwokat pomoże reprezentować tę osobę. Czasami o wiele łatwiej jest zatrudnić prawnika, który jest gotowy pracować za niską opłatą. Wielu zwykłych ludzi nie zdaje sobie sprawy, że wielu prawników jest gotowych pomóc ludziom za niewielką opłatę lub w obniżonej cenie. Specjaliści często pracują nad sprawami, które są ścigane za darmo lub za obniżoną cenę, takie jak przypadki pijanych kierowców lub przypadki związane z brutalnością policji. Jeżeli nie jest możliwe, aby adwokat udzielał bezpłatnej pomocy, sąd może zażądać, aby adwokat otrzymał wynagrodzenie za obronę swojego klienta. W niektórych przypadkach konieczne jest, aby adwokat obrony karnej pojawił się w sądzie w celu obrony osoby oskarżonej. Ważne jest jednak, że jeśli sprawa jest zbyt skomplikowana, adwokat będzie mógł zarządzać kosztami sprawy. Adwokaci mogą zaoferować pomoc osobom, które potrzebują ich pomocy w konkretnej sprawie. Koszt pomagania komuś w udowodnieniu sprawy różni się w zależności od tego, jak skomplikowana jest sprawa.
# Znajdź renomowanych prawników, którzy są gotowi wysłuchać wszelkich dokumentów złożonych w imieniu klientów.
Prawnicy, którzy biorą sprawy na swoich warunkach często proszą klientów o zapłacenie opłaty za wniosek przed rozpoczęciem sprawy. Niektórzy adwokaci będą prosić o pewną kwotę pieniędzy, aby im pomóc, na przykład $ 500 lub $ 1000. Niektórzy prawnicy pobierają opłatę za reprezentowanie ludzi, która może wynosić ponad 50 USD. Jednak posiadanie dobrego adwokata pomoże bardzo.
# Prawnicy mogą zacząć pracować za określoną sumę pieniędzy lub, jeśli to konieczne, wprowadzić zmiany w ich opłatach.
Niektórzy prawnicy są droższe niż inni prawnicy, w oparciu o ich doświadczenie, ponieważ zależy to od ich umiejętności. Niektórzy sędziowie są bardziej wykwalifikowani lub bardziej wykwalifikowani w określonych dziedzinach prawa. Niektórzy doświadczeni prawnicy mogą pobierać więcej, aby pomóc klientom ze względu na dodatkowe doświadczenie, które ci prawnicy mają. Czasami adwokaci będą pobierać więcej za swoje doświadczenie, zwłaszcza jeśli ich doświadczenie polega na próbie uzyskania sędziego, aby nałożyć wyrok na kogoś, kto został oskarżony o przestępstwo. Bardzo kosztowne jest zatrudnienie prawnika do obrony kogoś, kto ma duże doświadczenie w tej dziedzinie prawa.
Systemy prawne nie są doskonałe, co utrudnia klientowi zrozumienie, co powinien zrobić dobry prawnik.
Niektórzy uważają, że bardzo trudno jest zrozumieć, w jaki sposób funkcjonuje system sądowy. Ponieważ prawo jest niedoskonałe, ryzykowne jest zatrudnienie prawnika. Wybierając adwokata, wiele osób nie ma odpowiedniej wiedzy o systemie prawnym. Jeśli policja błędnie oskarża kogoś o popełnienie przestępstwa, bardzo prawdopodobne jest, że adwokat, który reprezentuje tę osobę, może nie być dobrym obrońcą dla tej osoby. Trudno powiedzieć, o czym myśleć, gdy szukamy nowego prawnika do reprezentacji. Adwokaci muszą wiedzieć wiele rzeczy na tym adwokat rzeszów cennik spotkaniu, aby bronić się w sądzie. Będzie bardzo trudno powiedzieć, co zrobić na spotkaniu. Jeśli to nie jest jasne, zadaj konkretne pytania adwokatowi, aby zrozumieć, co będzie trzeba zrobić, aby mógł pomóc chronić to, co go interesuje.
# Ważne jest, aby posiadać podstawową wiedzę o prawie, aby stać się kompetentnym prawnikiem.
Niektórzy ludzie nie sądzą, że niektórzy prawnicy posiadają wystarczającą wiedzę, aby ich bronić, jednak wielu doświadczonych prawników jest w stanie zapewnić kompetentną poradę prawną. # Czasami może zająć trochę czasu, aby rzeszów adwokaci dobry prawnik pojawił się w sądzie w imieniu kogoś, kto reprezentuje oskarżonego o przestępstwo, aby udzielić porady prawnej. Ważne jest, aby adwokat, którego osoba zatrudnia, zrozumiał, co klient musi zrobić. # Może być trudno odnieść sukces jako prawnik, jeśli wszystko, co prawnik wie, jest to, co prawo twierdzi, że jest prawdą. Czasami posiadanie dobrego wykształcenia nie gwarantuje, że ktoś odniesie sukces jako prawnik. Niektórzy ludzie są lepsi w komunikacji niż inni, więc ważne jest, aby prawnicy byli w stanie skutecznie komunikować się z innymi.
Może się wydawać, że jest to łatwiejszy sposób na pozbycie się płacenia adwokata, ponieważ robienie rzeczy w Internecie może pomóc ułatwić proces. Najlepszym sposobem na znalezienie dobrego prawnika dla sprawy jest ustalenie, czy jest to konieczne, aby taka sytuacja się wydarzyła. Jeśli na przykład jedno z pytań nie jest jasne, prawdopodobnie dobrym pomysłem jest zatrudnienie prawnika. Jednak czy rzeczywiście jest to warte pieniędzy? Dlatego dobrze jest spróbować znaleźć lokalną renomowaną firmę, która oferuje, aby zapewnić usługę, która nie jest związana z problemem prawnym. Jeśli konieczne jest zatrudnienie adwokata, spójrz na opłaty, które adwokaci pobierają za robienie pewnych rzeczy. Mogą występować różnice między adwokatami pod względem opłaty pobieranej, w oparciu o doświadczenie, które zapewniają adwokaci. Jeśli trzeba wybrać dobrego adwokata, upewnij się, że adwokat, który jest zalecany do reprezentowania jest właściwą osobą. Zazwyczaj nie jest konieczne, aby prawnicy wiedzieli dużo o prawie, aby móc wykonać dobrą pracę, więc pamiętaj o tym, a także kancelarie adwokackie adwokaci rzeszów o innych rzeczach, które są ważne jako dobry prawnik.
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femsff · 4 years
dana-cz reblogged your post:oflanteandesign replied to your post: ...
I’m gonna be a little off topic but… Jack’s kitchen is yellow. ����
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danadumaurier · 6 years
*This is a Continuum pseudo AU written for @Dana-cz - all scenes fit within the film to a point then diverge. @dana-cz indicated that she likes the idea that Jack and Sam married during the time Sam was at Area 51 in season 9, so this story assumes that is the case. Merry, merry and holly, jolly.*
“Go.” With a struggling breath he was gone. She couldn’t believe it. Her mind couldn’t process what was happening. Training kicked in and she turned to see Ba’al vanish, as so many others in the room had moments before. The threat gone, she turned back to Jack. He was too still. Was this really? Was this really happening? This couldn’t be happening. Time slowed as she took in his quiet features. She needed him to open his eyes. To smile and crack a joke about the wound, or his track record for escaping just this situation, Ba’al being asshole. Something.
Cameron grabbed her pack and forced her back into action as they raced to the gate and safety. She was surviving on her training and her fear for her friends. Everything else she forced down.
Then they gated into cold darkness, and her mind slipped back to Jack. He was gone, and she was numb. Numb with shock, disbelief. Her mind played the moments over. She’d just watched him die. He was gone. She swallowed ragged breaths, then Cam needed her, and she was forced back to their reality, to her training, yet again.
“Wait!” She stumbled at the voice and turned to Cam. Did he hear Jack too? Was she hallucinating? Had she actually passed out and dreamed him back to her? Cam responded to the mirage. Maybe she wasn’t dreaming. She pulled at the scarf over her face so she could communicate better. It was really Jack, she could have kissed him, but years of pretending kept her in check.
Jack squinted his eyes at the woman before him. What the hell was Samantha Carter doing, standing in front of him, in the god damned arctic? The woman was supposed to be dead for Christ’s sake. She’d perked up when he admitted he recognized her, but then looked shocked when he’d cracked the line about her being a dead astronaut. Something was not right about these two. He should have heard of Mitchell, if he really was a Colonel.
She was prettier than on tv though. Despite the sun and wind burn. “Training exercises on the ice, sir.” He mumbled under his breath. “It’ll be like Christmas, sir.” He shook his head and led them to the sub.
It wasn’t really Jack. This man hadn’t been softened around the edges by Daniel’s compassion. He’d never learned to trust her despite not fully understanding the science behind her reasoned ramblings. This Jack was still bent to the rules and the reality of a steady, normal, earth bound military life. Her Jack would have made her go back and explain the bit about alternate timelines instead of calling them freaks. She sighed. They’d been sent to a base and were separated into private quarters. She had nothing to do but sit and contemplate their situation. Her situation. The looming unimaginable reality of being Jack’s widow in a timeline where she didn’t belong.
They’d been questioning the trio for hours. He’d observed the Daniel guy for a while on the monitors, hoping to catch him out for that crack about Charlie. Currently he was observing ‘Colonel’ Carter. The troubling thing was, they had their stories straight. He watched as the woman sighed in frustration as she tried to explain again that she wasn’t an astronaut, but yes, she was Samantha Carter. She ran her hands through her hair and stared at the table. “I’d like to talk to Jack O’Neill.”
The woman questioning her stopped her scribbling. “That’s not possible ma’am.”
He glanced at his watch. He could stay for a couple of more hours, but then he had orders to begin his delayed training exercises. He tossed the headphones on the table and headed to the improvised interrogation room. He tapped on the door and entered. He’d watched her grimace when that Daniel guy had mentioned Charlie. He wanted to know how she knew about his son. Why and how she’d anticipated his negative reaction to that tactic to gain trust.
“Major. Colonel?” He nodded to the two women, but focused on Samantha Carter. She looked shocked that he would use the honorific.
“I understand you wanted to talk to me. I have to leave soon. Talk.” He pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the table, between the two women.
Sam weighed her options. He’d completely dismissed them earlier, but something had changed. She decided to start with science.
“Sir, scientists theorize that there are an infinite number of dimensions each of them containing a different possible version of reality.”
“The theory is that there are an infinite number of alternate realities, some of them very different and some of them almost identical. These realities diverge at every choice we make like, forks in the road.”
“In my reality, I joined the airforce instead of pursuing a career at NASA, and we’ve worked together, known each other for over ten years. We’ve also encountered multiple alternate universes, traveled to hundreds of planets, and even gone back in time.” She paused and sheepishly added, “Accidentally.” His face remained stoic and hard throughout her ramble, so far removed from her Jack that defeat started to sink into her bones. He wouldn’t believe her.
“Assuming I believed you, how does one encounter an alternate universe and travel through time?”
“In my timeline, the US Air Force is in possession of an ancient artifact, called a Stargate,that enables the creation of stable wormholes, through which teams of airmen explore the universe. In these explorations we’ve found other artifacts that allow for travel between realities, and discovered that if one traveled through a wormhole while there was a solar flare it was possible to travel through time. Once we ended up in 1969, sir.” Jack has begun to pace the room, but didn’t ask anything further so she continued.
“We’ve made quiet a few enemies in the universe. Beings that would enslave humans, called the go’uald. One of these go’auld learned about the possibility of time travel using solar flares, and went back in time to hide the Stargate so the US wouldn’t find it. After he changed the timeline, the next time we tried to use the gate to come home, we ended up here. Back on earth, but an earth with a timeline that didn’t include the US Airforce using the Stargate, a timeline where I joined NASA apparently, and you and I never met.” She didn’t have the courage to outline their real relationship.
“Ba’al has something planned, sir. He will take over the earth and enslave humanity if given the chance. They have powerful weapons, like nothing the US military has ever seen. In my timeline, we had made powerful alien allies that were much more compassionate and technologically advanced than the go’auld. Without their help...” exhausted she let the sentence hang.
“Okay, so you’re saying we should be on high alert for little green men.” Sam couldn’t stop her smile, finally something resembling a joke.
“Actually, Ba’al looks quite human. The go’auld live inside human hosts. They are parasites that claim bodies and suppress the human from communicating and even controling their bodies.”
Jack sighed. “Parasites like ticks that are sentient enough to attack worlds? Really Colonel?”
Sam just stared back at him refusing to allow even a glimmer of hesitation to show in her features. She knew the truth. He had to accept it.
When she didn’t respond, he continued to watch her. Even exhausted and clearly unstable there was something in her strength and resolution that impressed him. She had the bearing of a Colonel, despite her apparent exhaustion and the sadness that pooled just behind her blue eyes.
“I have to go.” And with that he was gone, and the questions began again.
It had been a month. She’d settled into her new house, but hadn’t decorated or really bothered to make it home. She had the essentials, but nothing special. She’d bought rather utilitarian clothing, again nothing special. She couldn’t afford to be recognized as the dead astronaut. After the first two weeks of stares, she’d dyed her hair dark brown, but she was having a hard time adjusting to the new look. She’d been making notes and trying to plan a way to fix the timeline and had some Orlin inspired thoughts. If she could build a mini-gate similar to the one he had made in her old basement, they could at least contact the Asguard. She was still trying to figure out how to reach Cam and Daniel. That might be harder. As it was she was working to gain the trust of some local teenage hoodlums to help her order materials without raising her handler’s suspicions. As she was going over her list of supplies for the third time that morning, the doorbell rang.
She wasn’t expecting a delivery, but she hurried to the front of the house more out of habit than curiosity. She opened the door and stood shocked. “Jack?”
He stood, one brow raised at the familiarity, and took in her casual dress and the dark hair. “Colonel.”
“Um. Come in, Sir.”
Jack walked in and glanced about the sparse apartment. Noting the bare walls and absence of Knick knacks or art. “I like what you’ve done with the space.”
That earned him a chuckle. “I’ll grab you a drink.” She returned with his favorite brand of beer.
“Ah, thanks Carter.” They settled in the living room, and she nervously picked at the label on her own bottle of Diet Coke.
“What did you need, Sir? Can I help you with something?”
“Your friend, Daniel was it, mentioned something about my son, when we first met. It made you flinch if I recall.”
“Yes, Sir. He.” She paused and squirmed just slightly in her seat. “Charlie. In my timeline, Charlie died before we ever met. He’d found your gun at home and accidentally shot himself.”
“So if we fix the timeline, ‘save the world,’ my son is dead?”
She had the good sense to be flustered by that eventuality. “Yes, Sir.”
He looked at her, a grim set to his mouth.
“They found your Stargate Carter. Tested it. The Joint Chiefs now believe you.” She sighed and closed her eyes in relief. When she opened them back up he was gone, a second later she heard the front door click shut.
TBC...part 2 will be a New Years surprise.
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samcaarter · 5 years
Questions for gif-makers: 12, 4, 36 😊
thank you :)
4 A set that flopped but deserved better
Idk, really. Well, there was a Firefly set that barely got any notes. And it was a funny scene. But w/e :D
12 What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever giffed
I can’t think of anything tbh
36 Do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it
I always gif something specific. Unless it’s like a rewatch set, then I just gif whatever scene I like
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I'm slowly but surely rewatching the first season of txf and I just wanna share a few thoughts
1) this show fucking slaps since the very beginning omg
2) there's so many scenes from every episode living rent free in my mind that I don't remember most of them so I'm always pleasantly surprised
3) MULDER HAD NO RIGHT BEING THAT FUCKING CUTE my gay brain is very confused
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agron-rebel-general · 7 years
dana-cz replied to your post“Writing my letter for Dan and even though my friend is the one meeting...”
I'm sure if your friend asks nicely for a short video message for you, he'll do it. He's such a sweetheart :)
AHHHH I WOULD DIE @dana-cz!! hahahh! I hear such great things about him!! I just feel bad asking my friend to ask!! I’m just excited enough to hear all the details about my friend meeting him!! I completely agree with you!! He seems like SUCHH a sweet heart and so appreciate of fans!!  
highspeedsamurai replied to your post“Writing my letter for Dan and even though my friend is the one meeting...”
He sure to ask about his lasagna neighbors and how he feels about pubic sex!!!
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pistachiozombie · 3 years
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[Commission] Lady Dimitrescu and Ethan Winters from RE: Village for @dana-cz ♥♥
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wolfbart · 3 years
Me: I'm going to draw something for Halloween.
Also Me: Leaves the sketches for weeks, and takes care of anything but the drawings.
Post three days later when it's all over again.
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(I have to thank @dana-cz . Actually, I don't draw chibis. But Dana inspired me so much with her cute drawings that I tried my hand at it, too).
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