#sg1 secret santa
trainofcommand · 9 months
A couple of fics written for the sga_secretsanta exchange!
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The Obliviousness Before the Storm (Lorne/Parrish, T-rated, ~4800 words), written for @melagan
Summary: Evan resists the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose, although Cadman mutters, "Parrish, what the fuck," while keeping her eyes on the trees.
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All This (Sheppard/Mitchell, T-rated, ~4300 words), a pinch-hit written for @dorothyoz39
Summary: Cam lets himself smile back, and yeah, he's wary about looking at John in a more-than-friendly way, but things are different here, now. Seems like he can look, if he wants to.
(thanks to @popkin16 for organizing the exchange and to both @melagan and @dorothyoz39 for giving me great prompts/pairings to work with!)
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dorothyoz39 · 8 months
Title: Christmas’ Confessions
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate: SG1
Summary: Cam visits John in Atlantis, an Ancient artifact intervenes and... Spoilers!!!
Genre: friendship, romance, holiday fic, SGA Secret Santa
Season/episode: SG: Atlantis, season 4 (Sam is the boss)
Spoilers: Stargate movie, Stargate: SG1 (all seasons and movies), and SG: Atlantis (season 1 to 4)
Pairing: John Sheppard/Cam Mitchell, team friendship, the Atlantis expedition is one big happy family.
Rating: G
Warnings: No warning needed.
Comments: This story was written for 2021 SGA Secret Santa Exchange in LJ for ShippenStand.
Prompt: Take John and Cam for a walk. Dress them in other costumes. Are they competing war photographers? Chefs in the same kitchen? Commercial Pilots? Or their regular Stargate selves? Are they settled and domestic? In a love-hate relationship? Just meeting and figuring out what they think about each other?
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our-stars-graveside · 2 years
will include individual fandom lists when this one gets too long :)
fandoms on this list thus far (in no particular order): The Mentalist, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Lie to Me, BBC Merlin, Stargate: Atlantis, BBC Sherlock, Stargate SG1, Leverage
fic-by-fic (oldest to newest) ~
• A Kingdom Beyond the Horizon (ao3 wattpad or fanfiction.net only, wip) - 5k+ words, Merlin/Stargate: Atlantis | It was always only a matter of time before the King of Camelot went on another sorcery-expelling rampage, but no one saw this one coming. No one except for Merlin, the serving boy to the King's son, Prince Arthur.
Among those sorcerers Merlin warns is a woman by the name of Forridel, who lives in the Lower Town. Forridel spreads the message and takes with her a few fellow fugitives as she hastily escapes the kingdom.
If there was but one hideout in which the sorcerers should never have taken refuge, it was the cave in the outskirts of the nearby forest. But what other choice did they have?
• jenny on eternal vacay bc that’s how she is (wattpad only) - 1k+ words, Doctor Who | Jenny aka Generated Anomaly gets the spotlight. Also a Groske, and they’re in London.
- for Writing Workshop 2020
• Johnlock One-Shot* ao3 - 1k+ words, Sherlock | John writes a heartfelt letter to his flatmate, not that he’ll ever send it...
• A Very Jisbon Holiday* | link to post (ao3) - 5k+ words, The Mentalist | A holiday-themed Jisbon one-shot I made for randomfandomtrashblog (Tumblr) for Secret Santa 2022.
If you would like to mostly ignore Red John, then maybe this is for you.
• would you be my little quarantine?* | link to post (ao3) - 5k+ words, Supernatural | To celebrate Dean Winchester's 44th birthday, here is a fic in which Cas is a little sick, Dean ends up a lot sick, and they have difficulty actually communicating with each other. Blatantly Destiel.
#deansbirthdaybash (epilogue wip)
• Sad, sad demise of the Team: Sam and Destiel - about 800 words, Supernatural/Stargate SG1 | Sam and Destiel meet alternate Destiel, then get gate-napped. Can read with no Stargate knowledge.
from challenges ~
• Lie to Me October Challenge (still wip because I had priorities. sorry)
• Merthur Glompfest 2023* ✨
• Febuwhump 2023 (mostly to be added, i’m editing) > Feb 5, Leverage
• Merlin Bingo 2023 ~ to be added
• Leverage Gift Exchange ~ to be added
• FTH | Stargate SG1 & Leverage ~ to be added
• (Merlin) Tournament of Champions ~ to be added
• Librarians Prompt Month ~ to be added
• Merlin Tarot Fest ~ to be added
hopefully you found something to your liking & thanks for readin <3 feel free to message me about fandom anything :):)
* fic is only on ao3
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danadumaurier · 6 years
*This is a Continuum pseudo AU written for @Dana-cz - all scenes fit within the film to a point then diverge. @dana-cz indicated that she likes the idea that Jack and Sam married during the time Sam was at Area 51 in season 9, so this story assumes that is the case. Merry, merry and holly, jolly.*
“Go.” With a struggling breath he was gone. She couldn’t believe it. Her mind couldn’t process what was happening. Training kicked in and she turned to see Ba’al vanish, as so many others in the room had moments before. The threat gone, she turned back to Jack. He was too still. Was this really? Was this really happening? This couldn’t be happening. Time slowed as she took in his quiet features. She needed him to open his eyes. To smile and crack a joke about the wound, or his track record for escaping just this situation, Ba’al being asshole. Something.
Cameron grabbed her pack and forced her back into action as they raced to the gate and safety. She was surviving on her training and her fear for her friends. Everything else she forced down.
Then they gated into cold darkness, and her mind slipped back to Jack. He was gone, and she was numb. Numb with shock, disbelief. Her mind played the moments over. She’d just watched him die. He was gone. She swallowed ragged breaths, then Cam needed her, and she was forced back to their reality, to her training, yet again.
“Wait!” She stumbled at the voice and turned to Cam. Did he hear Jack too? Was she hallucinating? Had she actually passed out and dreamed him back to her? Cam responded to the mirage. Maybe she wasn’t dreaming. She pulled at the scarf over her face so she could communicate better. It was really Jack, she could have kissed him, but years of pretending kept her in check.
Jack squinted his eyes at the woman before him. What the hell was Samantha Carter doing, standing in front of him, in the god damned arctic? The woman was supposed to be dead for Christ’s sake. She’d perked up when he admitted he recognized her, but then looked shocked when he’d cracked the line about her being a dead astronaut. Something was not right about these two. He should have heard of Mitchell, if he really was a Colonel.
She was prettier than on tv though. Despite the sun and wind burn. “Training exercises on the ice, sir.” He mumbled under his breath. “It’ll be like Christmas, sir.” He shook his head and led them to the sub.
It wasn’t really Jack. This man hadn’t been softened around the edges by Daniel’s compassion. He’d never learned to trust her despite not fully understanding the science behind her reasoned ramblings. This Jack was still bent to the rules and the reality of a steady, normal, earth bound military life. Her Jack would have made her go back and explain the bit about alternate timelines instead of calling them freaks. She sighed. They’d been sent to a base and were separated into private quarters. She had nothing to do but sit and contemplate their situation. Her situation. The looming unimaginable reality of being Jack’s widow in a timeline where she didn’t belong.
They’d been questioning the trio for hours. He’d observed the Daniel guy for a while on the monitors, hoping to catch him out for that crack about Charlie. Currently he was observing ‘Colonel’ Carter. The troubling thing was, they had their stories straight. He watched as the woman sighed in frustration as she tried to explain again that she wasn’t an astronaut, but yes, she was Samantha Carter. She ran her hands through her hair and stared at the table. “I’d like to talk to Jack O’Neill.”
The woman questioning her stopped her scribbling. “That’s not possible ma’am.”
He glanced at his watch. He could stay for a couple of more hours, but then he had orders to begin his delayed training exercises. He tossed the headphones on the table and headed to the improvised interrogation room. He tapped on the door and entered. He’d watched her grimace when that Daniel guy had mentioned Charlie. He wanted to know how she knew about his son. Why and how she’d anticipated his negative reaction to that tactic to gain trust.
“Major. Colonel?” He nodded to the two women, but focused on Samantha Carter. She looked shocked that he would use the honorific.
“I understand you wanted to talk to me. I have to leave soon. Talk.” He pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the table, between the two women.
Sam weighed her options. He’d completely dismissed them earlier, but something had changed. She decided to start with science.
“Sir, scientists theorize that there are an infinite number of dimensions each of them containing a different possible version of reality.”
“The theory is that there are an infinite number of alternate realities, some of them very different and some of them almost identical. These realities diverge at every choice we make like, forks in the road.”
“In my reality, I joined the airforce instead of pursuing a career at NASA, and we’ve worked together, known each other for over ten years. We’ve also encountered multiple alternate universes, traveled to hundreds of planets, and even gone back in time.” She paused and sheepishly added, “Accidentally.” His face remained stoic and hard throughout her ramble, so far removed from her Jack that defeat started to sink into her bones. He wouldn’t believe her.
“Assuming I believed you, how does one encounter an alternate universe and travel through time?”
“In my timeline, the US Air Force is in possession of an ancient artifact, called a Stargate,that enables the creation of stable wormholes, through which teams of airmen explore the universe. In these explorations we’ve found other artifacts that allow for travel between realities, and discovered that if one traveled through a wormhole while there was a solar flare it was possible to travel through time. Once we ended up in 1969, sir.” Jack has begun to pace the room, but didn’t ask anything further so she continued.
“We’ve made quiet a few enemies in the universe. Beings that would enslave humans, called the go’uald. One of these go’auld learned about the possibility of time travel using solar flares, and went back in time to hide the Stargate so the US wouldn’t find it. After he changed the timeline, the next time we tried to use the gate to come home, we ended up here. Back on earth, but an earth with a timeline that didn’t include the US Airforce using the Stargate, a timeline where I joined NASA apparently, and you and I never met.” She didn’t have the courage to outline their real relationship.
“Ba’al has something planned, sir. He will take over the earth and enslave humanity if given the chance. They have powerful weapons, like nothing the US military has ever seen. In my timeline, we had made powerful alien allies that were much more compassionate and technologically advanced than the go’auld. Without their help...” exhausted she let the sentence hang.
“Okay, so you’re saying we should be on high alert for little green men.” Sam couldn’t stop her smile, finally something resembling a joke.
“Actually, Ba’al looks quite human. The go’auld live inside human hosts. They are parasites that claim bodies and suppress the human from communicating and even controling their bodies.”
Jack sighed. “Parasites like ticks that are sentient enough to attack worlds? Really Colonel?”
Sam just stared back at him refusing to allow even a glimmer of hesitation to show in her features. She knew the truth. He had to accept it.
When she didn’t respond, he continued to watch her. Even exhausted and clearly unstable there was something in her strength and resolution that impressed him. She had the bearing of a Colonel, despite her apparent exhaustion and the sadness that pooled just behind her blue eyes.
“I have to go.” And with that he was gone, and the questions began again.
It had been a month. She’d settled into her new house, but hadn’t decorated or really bothered to make it home. She had the essentials, but nothing special. She’d bought rather utilitarian clothing, again nothing special. She couldn’t afford to be recognized as the dead astronaut. After the first two weeks of stares, she’d dyed her hair dark brown, but she was having a hard time adjusting to the new look. She’d been making notes and trying to plan a way to fix the timeline and had some Orlin inspired thoughts. If she could build a mini-gate similar to the one he had made in her old basement, they could at least contact the Asguard. She was still trying to figure out how to reach Cam and Daniel. That might be harder. As it was she was working to gain the trust of some local teenage hoodlums to help her order materials without raising her handler’s suspicions. As she was going over her list of supplies for the third time that morning, the doorbell rang.
She wasn’t expecting a delivery, but she hurried to the front of the house more out of habit than curiosity. She opened the door and stood shocked. “Jack?”
He stood, one brow raised at the familiarity, and took in her casual dress and the dark hair. “Colonel.”
“Um. Come in, Sir.”
Jack walked in and glanced about the sparse apartment. Noting the bare walls and absence of Knick knacks or art. “I like what you’ve done with the space.”
That earned him a chuckle. “I’ll grab you a drink.” She returned with his favorite brand of beer.
“Ah, thanks Carter.” They settled in the living room, and she nervously picked at the label on her own bottle of Diet Coke.
“What did you need, Sir? Can I help you with something?”
“Your friend, Daniel was it, mentioned something about my son, when we first met. It made you flinch if I recall.”
“Yes, Sir. He.” She paused and squirmed just slightly in her seat. “Charlie. In my timeline, Charlie died before we ever met. He’d found your gun at home and accidentally shot himself.”
“So if we fix the timeline, ‘save the world,’ my son is dead?”
She had the good sense to be flustered by that eventuality. “Yes, Sir.”
He looked at her, a grim set to his mouth.
“They found your Stargate Carter. Tested it. The Joint Chiefs now believe you.” She sighed and closed her eyes in relief. When she opened them back up he was gone, a second later she heard the front door click shut.
TBC...part 2 will be a New Years surprise.
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This is my Secret Santa gift for  @mrsgenderfluidwpoindexterirl​
The original drawing I did was of Sam SG1 era and realised a week before closing my mistake. So this was the 2nd attempt. 
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doctorjameswatson · 4 years
Chapters: 13/15 Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Characters: Sam Carter, Jack O'Neill Additional Tags: Stranded, Sexual Tension, icalledhimsir, Smut, Romance Series: Part 1 of I Called Him Sir Summary:
Sam and Jack are stranded on a planet and have to work together to find a way home. Certain tensions come to the surface and they face them. Rating is for future chapters. Chapters 1-3 are for general audiences.
Next chapter of my multi-chapter Stargate SG1 fic is up in case any of my followers fancies a read.
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professortennant · 5 years
hey hey! any fic updates coming soon? love your writing xx
hi! thank you for asking! probably nothing coming until after christmas from me! I have been baking tho! so, that’s something! Hahahaha kill me I still have so much more
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littlevala · 6 years
S/J Secret Santa Gift
Dear @elle-vee-bee I was your secret Santa for the S/J secret Santa. I really enjoyed your prompt and might have gotten a little carried away. I went back and read your prompt again after writing and I really hope this fulfills it. It’s a series of 4 one shots about Sam and Jack being secretive about their relationship. General cuteness and some mentions of naughty things. The last one shot isn’t posted yet but it’ll be set after continuum. I ran out of time at work but I’ll have it updated tonight! 
For everyone else to know the prompt was, “Secret relationship on baser something post Atlantis”
I really hope you like it! Also I’m sorry if either one seems out of character I haven’t written S/J in awhile but it was so nice to settle back in to these two characters that first got me in to writing fan fiction. It was like coming home.
Also forgive me because I don’t know how to link things nicely...
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captainstressed · 4 years
━MASTERLIST 11|07|24
decided to finally make a master list for all the fics i have written so far, this list includes all of my works currently up on ao3.
fandoms currently listed; criminal minds / evolution - doctor who - stargate sg1 - torchwood
will be updated as and when I have more stories to share -
|criminal minds|
misc one shots
Endgame - hurt/comfort/romance - 2399 words - post 16x06 true conviction [penelope garcia/luke alvez]
Begin Again - hurt/comfort/romance - 2200 words - during 16x01 just getting started [penelope garcia/luke alvez]
Champagne Problems - romance - 740 words - [penelope garcia/luke alvez]
Evermore - hurt/comfort - 440 words - [penelope garcia/luke alvez]
Lavender Haze - romance - 526 words - [penelope garcia/luke alvez]
Spin the Bottle - romance - 1066 words - [emily prentiss/jennifer jareau]
|doctor who|
season 12 thasmin one shots 
Safe - hurt/comfort - 2083 words - during 12x01 spyfall part 1
Not Alone - angst/hurt/comfort - 2762 words - post 12x03 orphan 55
Giving In - friendship/hurt/comfort - 1344 words - post 12x04 ntnot
Something More - friendship/romance - 2290 words - post 12x06 praxeus
Trust - angst/hurt/comfort - 1200 words - post 12x08 thovd
Final Goodbye - angst/hurt/comfort - 1292 words - during 12x10 ttc ‘missing scene’
misc thasmin one shots
Wake up - angst/hurt/comfort - 1651 words - 
Forget - romance/hurt/comfort - 1412 words - post 12x02 spyfall part 2
Hope - angst/hurt/comfort - 1117 words - post revolution of the daleks
Till forever falls apart - hurt/comfort - 609 words - post rotd
Another love - angst/hurt/comfort - 1617 words - written for whumptober 2021
misc thirteenth doctor&/? one shots
Guilt - angst/hurt/comfort - 2618 words - post 12x07 can you hear me - [&graham]
Unwritten - friendship/romance - 2013 words - post 12x04 ntnot - [/nikola tesla]
Don’t Say Goodbye - friendship/hurt/comfort - 3984 words - ‘When the fam wants a break The Doctor decides to pay an old friend a visit’ - [&rose tyler]
Sixty Years - hurt/comfort - 1506 words - during revolution of the daleks ‘missing scene’ - [/jack harkness]
The Choice - suspense/angst - 1776 words - ‘The Doctor is given a choice, but who will she choose?’ - [&rose tyler & yasmin khan & the master (dhawan)] - written for whumptober2020 - tw mention of a gun
Alone - angst/hurt/comfort - 900 words - post 12x10 ttc - [&rose Tyler] - written for whumptober2020
Ten months - angst - 1289 words - post revolution of the daleks - [&yasmin khan] - written for febuwhump2021
Jealousy - romance - 732 words - post revolution of the daleks - [/jack harkness]
She - romance - 2401 words - [/reader] - written for the thirsting for thirteen server secret santa
Peace - hurt/comfort - 2607 words - [&reader] - written for whumptober2023
misc one shots
Comfort - friendship/romance - 884 words - post 1x11 boom town - [rose tyler/jack harkness]
Partners in Crime - friendship/romance - 1348 words - ‘One of these days they'll listen when The Doctor tells them not to wonder off’ - [rose tyler/jack harkness]
Nightmares - angst/hurt/comfort - 767 words - post 1x06 dalek - [ninth doctor & rose Tyler] - written for whumptober2020
Together - romance - 2300 words - [whittaker!master/yasmin khan] - written for the thirsting for thirteen server secret santa
A Promise - hurt/comfort/romance - 1109 words - post 1x08 fathers day - [whittaker!nine/rose tyler] - written for febuwhump2021
Holding on, letting go - angst - 1064 words - post 12x10 the timeless children - [yasmin khan & ryan sinclair]
multi chapter
A Chance Encounter - friendship/hurt/comfort - 7884 words - chapters 4/4 - ‘Rose comes across the TARDIS whilst looking for The Doctor, how will she react when she finds a new face waiting for her?’ - [thirteenth doctor/rose tyler]
That funny feeling - angst - 1364 words - chapters 1/? - [thirteenth doctor/yasmin khan] - written for febuwhump 2022
/torchwood crossover
Home - friendship/romance - 54878 words - chapters 24/? - ‘It's taken three years, but Rose Tyler is finally back in her own world. It wasn't the friend she was initially looking for, but how will she fit in when she lands in Cardiff and decides to stick around and join Jack and his team at Torchwood?’ - [rose tyler/jack harkness]
|stargate sg1|
misc one shots
By Your Side - friendship/romance - 1808 words - post 1x15 singularity - [samantha carter/daniel jackson]
Home - hurt/comfort - 768 words - post 2x04 gamekeeper - [samantha carter/daniel Jackson] - written for whumptober2020
Comfort - angst/hurt/comfort - 1314 words - post 1x13 fire and water - [samantha carter/daniel jackson] - written for whumptober2020
Team - angst - 1538 words - post 1x04 emancipation - [samantha carter & jack o’neill] - - written for whumptober2020 - tw very brief mention of self harm thoughts
Grief - angst/hurt/comfort - 1516 words - post 5x21 meridian - [samantha carter/jack o’neill/daniel jackson] - written for whumptober2020
Regrets - hurt comfort - 897 words - during 1x18 solitudes - [samantha carter/jack o’neill] - written for whumptober2020
Invisible String - hurt/comfort/romance - 4219 words - set during 7x13 grace slight au - [samantha carter/jack o’neill] - written for the stargate winter fic exchange 
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rebelmeg · 3 years
Tag Game
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better or catch up with.
I was tagged by the lovely @hylianengineer​!  Thanks, bumble bee!
1 - three ships: The Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
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Ok, yeah, sassy!me clearly has control of the body right now.  Ahem.
For reals this time.... Pepperony (MCU), Sam x Jack (Stargate SG1), Harry x Ginny (Harry Potter).  
Yes, I am frequently a slut for canon pairings.
2 - last song: Currently listening to an album of piano music and rain sounds, because I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and it’s one of my comfort music things.
3 - last movie: I watched Lion King with Thing2 yesterday.
4 - currently watching: I’m in between TV shows right now, but I did just finish watching Secrets of the Zoo again earlier this week.
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dorothyoz39 · 2 years
Title: The Set Up
Fandom: Stargate
Summary: Cameron is pinning for John and John is pinning for Cameron. SG1 and AR1 are NOT dealing with 8 years of UST… again!
Genre: friendship, romance, holiday fic, SGA Secret Santa 2022
Season/episode: SG: Atlantis, season 4 (Sam is the boss)
Spoilers: Stargate movie, Stargate: SG1 (all seasons and movies), and SG: Atlantis (season 1 to 4)
Pairing: John Sheppard/Cam Mitchell, team friendship, the Atlantis expedition is one big happy family.
Rating: E
Warnings: Sexual situations, sex.
Disclaimer: Read profile
Acknowledgements: Big thanks to Amycat8733 for beta-reading the story for me, and being awesome.
Comments: This story was written for 2022 SGA Secret Santa Exchange.
Prompt: itstartedwithalex gave a multitude of pairing options of which I chose John/Cam.
I have, of course, avoided all dislikes (graphic blood and gore, pain or self-loathing, A/B/O, Mpreg, kids, and character bashing).
Let’s see how many likes I can fit in one story:
Horny and soft established somewhat established ✔
Pining John + first time. ✔
PWP is fine. ✔
As are sad endings and dub/con.
I also enjoy John as a bratty sub. ✔
I’ve done my best to give you something you like, and I sincerely hope you do enjoy it.
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iamfanofall · 6 years
Hello! Santa here... Ho Ho Ho! I’m thinking your prompt fits best as a fic... was this what you were thinking too? If you have any other ideas or preferences then just let me know! I know you’ve been good this year (I am Santa after all!) and I’d like you to get the best possible present that fits your prompt!
I do think a fic works best, but I’m also a ficcer, so I always think fic works best. And I suppose the only other thing I’d like for the fic is a happy ending.
I’m baking your cookies as we speak.
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sharim28 · 6 years
Chapter One: She Looks good in Blue
Rating: Teen
Summary: “Well,” says the Colonel. “This is a Cliche.”
Notes: A sneaky second response to @nellie-oleson‘s sg1 secret santa challenge prompt “Anything Cliche”. Thanks to @delicatelie89 for the wonderful beta. 
Extra note: I am still working on Chrysalis, I just have to do a fairly major rewrite of chapter 6, so this fic was a bit of a fun breather to gain fresh perspective. Definitely still in the works and progressing, just a lot slower than I was hoping sorry! 
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ao3feed-samjack · 6 years
White Christmas
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SgGBuL
by MW01
SG1 Secret Santa 2018 Prompt: Christmas at the Cabin.
Words: 1493, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Stargate SG-1
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Samantha "Sam" Carter, Jack O'Neill
Relationships: Samantha "Sam" Carter/Jack O'Neill
Additional Tags: sg1secretsanta
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SgGBuL
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doctorjameswatson · 4 years
Tagged by: @pers-books
Sanctitatem (AO3 and fanfiction dot net)
doctorjameswatson (my main tumblr blog which includes some RPing of James Watson)
bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire (my Serena RP blog which is really only of any interest if you want to read my RP writing or are interested in the gif/photo sets I reblog there). 
I have other RP blogs, most of which are inactive, but the ones listed are the current important names/blogs.
Otherwise just call me Vicky :)
Fandom(s): Mainly Berena, Sanctuary, and Stargate, right now. A life long Star Trek fan. I generally dip in and out of anything science fiction or fantasy based. Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Firefly, Warehouse 13, and Highlander, are some of my past and present interests. Plus almost anything that has a wlw theme.
Where you post: For fanfic - mainly AO3 although my Sanctuary and Stargate fics are also on fanfiction dot net. RPing and general ramblings on tumblr.
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) this year: 
Autumn Leaves (Berena/Holby City)
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) overall: 
Autumn Leaves (Berena/Holby City)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) this year: 
Perhaps, Love (Berena/Holby City)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) overall: 
Bonding (Stargate SG1)
Favourite story you’ve written so far: Probably one of my multi-chapter fics from this year. I enjoyed working on them both. So that’s Perhaps, love or Finding a way home (Berena/Holby City)
Fic you were nervous to post: Probably ‘Perhaps, love’ as it was my first fic for the Berena fandom and I could see how protective people are of these characters and I really wanted to do them justice. Plus it was the first time I’d written for a f/f ship. It took me out of what I’m used to writing so I just hope I got it right.
How do you choose your titles?: Generally whatever seems to work for the context of the story but this year some of them have been song titles. 
Do you outline?: Usually I do a bullet point list of things I’d like to happen in the story, mostly so I don’t forget. Plus I’ve taken to noting down any lines of dialogue that come into my head that I think would be good to use later on. It really depends on how long I plan on working on a fic. Autumn Leaves, for example, took me 3 hours to write so I didn’t plan any of that. But my multi-chapter fics, and Secret Santa one, I have planned because I want to make sure I pace them correctly and get them right.
Complete: Currently I have 14 complete works on AO3. Plus one that is complete but has yet to be posted.
In-Progress: I have 2 incomplete works on AO3. I am working on two Christmassy fics and have possible ideas for more depending on time. So, four in-progress for now.
Coming soon/not yet started: Possibly more Christmassy fics depending on time. I also have a vague idea for a Carnival Row AU but that is still very much up in the air.
Prompts?: I love prompts. Once I have an idea and a start then I find coming up with the rest of the story relatively easy. It’s coming up with the initial idea that I struggle with more often than not. If anyone ever wants to send me prompts then I’m more than happy to take suggestions! XD
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’m actually really happy with my Secret Santa fic. I hope people will like it as much as I have enjoyed coming up with it :)
Tagging: I won’t tag anyone this time as I’m late to the party and most have probably already been tagged. If you’d like to do this then consider yourself tagged!
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amilynh · 6 years
Happy (almost) Tuesday! S/J Secret Santa here again with a couple questions for you: Do you enjoy/mind a bit of angst? Also, you mentioned that you preferred fiction when possible.What did you mean by that and would you prefer a fic w/ an SG1 mission that wasn't included on the show or one that piggybacks off a mission from the show/series?
I LOVE angst!  And when I say I prefer fiction...I mean “as opposed to artwork;” my primary fannish interactions are in reading text fiction.  And re: Angst...it’s...Sam and Jack.  When ISN’T there angst????
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