#dance teacher!mingi
stayteezdreams · 29 days
Dance Of Hearts
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Plot: Returning for your yearly job at the Dance Camp, you prepare yourself for the nuisance that is Song Mingi. Will you be able to survive his games again? Or will you finally fall victim to his charms?
Pairing: Dance Teacher!Mingi x Dance Teacher!Reader (Gn!Reader)
Request: What about enemies to lovers with mingi, they’re both dance teachers at sleep away summer camp and he’s the menace I think he will be around the reader while reader tries to deny all the rumors the kids come up with about them both < sort of started out like this then went off the rails Requested By: Anon
Warnings: Mingi gives off sort of annoying fratboy vibes in the beginning and then becomes a KDrama level simp. So enjoy that whiplash I guess.
A/n: More like frenemies to lovers. This is my first time writing an au like this so I hope you like it! It turned out really long but I really enjoyed writing it!
Words: 5.9k
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As the landscape grew more and more familiar, nervous and excited butterflies filled your stomach. As happy as you were to return to the camp, you had a few reasons to dread it as well. Lack of sleep, mosquitoes, sunburns.
But the main reason being, Song Mingi.
Mingi was another dance teacher around your age who had joined the camp about four years ago. You truly believed he made it his mission every season to irritate you as much as he could in the two weeks he had. Whether it be through challenging you, teasing you, or flirting with you, it was constant.
You and Mingi had an unusual relationship. The other staff and students called it a love-hate relationship, while many made bets on how long it would be before you either fought or started dating.
You challenged each other, teased and bullied, and you insulted yet joked with one another. He annoyed you, but you had to admit, you kind of missed him sometimes, often finding your mind drifting to him throughout the rest of the year.
But, you could never admit that out loud, especially not to him. You would never hear the end of it.
Your thoughts began to drift from Mingi as you pulled into the campsite. You noted a few familiar faces as you parked, your eyes landing on a tall man as he climbed out of his car. His hair was a different color for the fourth year in a row, but you could still recognize him from a mile away.
You took in a deep breath as you refused to acknowledge the tightness filling your chest as your heart beat quickly.
Turning off your car you let out the deep breath, "Here we go."
Mingi's eyes scanned the area as he smiled at the other teachers and staff. The students would be arriving soon, but they weren't who he was looking for.
He started to frown as he saw no sight of you, fear creeping in that you wouldn't be here this year, but upon hearing another teacher call your name, his head snapped at the direction of the sound. His eyes finally landed on you as you smiled and waved to the girl.
Mingi scanned your figure as a smile spread across his face. Determination and confidence filled his chest as he clenched his fist around the strap of his bag.
As you spoke to the other teacher you looked around, your eyes eventually landing on Mingi. He held eye contact with you as his smile turned into a smirk. You let out a soft sigh as you looked away from him and left with the girl.
"This time." He muttered to himself, as he grabbed his bag and headed towards the cabins.
As the campers arrived and things started rolling over the next few days, you only thought about Mingi when he was around you. Which was only about a hundred times a day. He seemed to be seeking you out more often than he used to, which you found unusual and frustrating. Not just because he was annoying you purposefully every time, but because you seemed more nervous around him that years before.
Poking at the noodles on your plate, you felt your breath catch as a familiar scent filled your nose as someone sat beside you.
'He always wears the same scent.'
Feeling a shoulder press into yours you glanced to your left to see Mingi smiling pointedly at you.
"What?" You asked bluntly, making him chuckle.
"Just wondering how this years competition is gonna go."
You looked back at your food as you thought back on previous years.
The first year Mingi joined you two worked together to train the same group and won the end of summer competition. The next two years you were against each other, you won and then he won.
Mingi leaned a little closer, "Gonna try harder this time?"
You glared at him and he only smiled bigger. You knew he was just trying to rile you up to make you competitive.
You looked away from him with a soft scoff. "Why would I? You only won last year because the guest judges had crushes on you"
He opened his mouth in sarcastic offense before he smiled and leaned a little closer toward you, "Was that an insult or jealousy?"
You locked your eyes with his and he smirked. "I'm not jealous of you winning a swayed competition."
He leaned a little bit closer and you swear you saw his eyes flick to your lips, "I wasn't talking about the competition."
As you realize he was insinuating you were jealous because of the judges crushes, you felt your heart skip a beat. Before you could respond, you ears caught onto the amused and whispered comments of a nearby table of students.
"I told you they were dating!"
"I don't think they are, they look like they hate each other!"
"No they are totally dating, look at how they are looking at each other."
Realizing just how close Mingi was to you, you swallowed before scoffing in reply to Mingi's comment as you leaned away from him.
"You wish." You muttered as you rose, throwing out your scraps and heading back to our cabin.
Mingi watched you leave with a soft smile as his heart pounded, the students comments replaying in his mind.
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Your body was tired as the day came to an end, you always struggled getting used to this amount of work the first week of camp. You began packing away your supplies as you heard the door slide open. Looking up, you smiled as one of the younger girls hired for a training program approached you.
"Hey what's up?"
She scratched the back of her neck nervously, "Hey. I was just wondering if I could ask you something."
"Sure what is it?"
"Well... it's about Mingi."
You felt your chest clench as you stared at her for a second. Was she going to ask if you were dating him? They always ask that. She was obviously crushing on him, as many of the teachers and student's did. You weren't sure why it annoyed you so much. No, that was a lie, you did, but you refused to acknowledge the reason.
"Uhm...are you dating him?"
'Knew it.'
You cleared your throat as you stacked a couple chairs. "No, I'm not dating him. And I never have, if that was your next question."
"Oh, cool. Well...just in case, cause I feel like it might be obvious I sort of have a thing for him-" she giggled nervously and you forced a smile. "Do you uhm- have feelings for him then?"
You paused as you felt you breath catch. That was always the question that followed. And as much as you convinced yourself you answered truthfully each time, you knew deep down it was only ever a lie.
"No, I don't."
"Huh? Really?" She asked in surprise, "Why not?"
You let out a soft scoff, "He's not my type."
Another lie.
The girl thought silently to herself for a moment before nodding, "Okay, sorry to bother you!" She waved before leaving and you let out a sigh.
Mingi's chest clenched tightly as he furrowed his brow. He watched the girl leave as your words echoed in his mind. After a few more moments you walked out as well, not noticing him as you closed the door and began to leave.
"What is your type then?"
You jumped in surprise as your hands flew up to your chest, "Oh my God!" You let out a groan, "You scared me!"
He smiled in amusement at you as he pushed himself away from the wall and approached you.
You let out an exasperated breath as you realized what he had asked, "Eavesdropping? Really?"
He shrugged his shoulders, "What? I was just walking past and heard my name. I think I have the right to know who's talking about me."
You sighed again, "Fair enough, but that doesn't mean I have to answer your question."
Turning, you began walking away from him, aware that he was going to follow you.
Catching up to you he walked practically pressed up against you as he pestered you. "Come on, just a hint. What's your type?"
You rolled your eyes as you stopped, causing him to stagger away to stop himself from colliding with you.
"Not you. That's all you need to know, now stop following me." You warned as you headed towards the bathrooms.
Mingi put his hands in his pockets as he watched you leave with a soft smile. His heart was pounding as his chest seemed to ache. Did you really not like him? Was he really not your type?
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Your eyes were shut as you danced to the music playing. The movements were as natural as breathing even though you hadn't danced ballet in quite a while. Various thoughts ran through your mind as you moved around the room unaware you had a one-man audience.
When the song came to an end your heart jolted as clapping echoed throughout the room. You looked towards the door to see Mingi leaning against the wall with a smile on his face as he let out a soft laugh at your startled reaction.
Rolling your eyes you walked over to your phone to stop the next song from playing. As you sat on the ground to switch your shoes, Mingi walked over, crouching down in front of you.
"I always forget you can dance like that."
Glancing up at him a jolt ran up your spine at the intense stare he was giving you. You couldn't quite place the emotion in his gaze but you knew it made you heart race.
Breaking the eye contact you seemed to get stuck in, you continued switching your shoes, "What, does it intimidate you?"
He grinned and let out a soft airy chuckle and you couldn't help but smile too, knowing ballet was not intimidating in the slightest to someone like Mingi.
As you stood, you missed the way Mingi's eyes followed your every move. His heart fluttered at the sight of your smile, something that was rarely aimed at him, much to his dismay.
As you grabbed your bag, Mingi spoke again, the tone of his voice catching you off guard.
"Do you really hate me?"
You halted as you looked down at him with bewilderment, "What?"
"I always thought we had this sort of love-hate relationship, but I've been wondering recently if the love is all on my side."
Mingi almost laughed as he watched your brain seem to shut off and reboot as you blinked a few times in confused silence.
Shaking your head softly you met his gaze again with a soft frown and Mingi felt his chest clench. "I don't hate you."
He raised his brow a bit in pleasant surprise.
"You're annoying, and a menace and you drive me crazy. But, I've never hated you."
Mingi stared at you with a blank stare for a moment before suddenly standing and stepping towards you. You froze as he slowly rose his hand and wiped a strand of hair from your forehead where it was stuck. The sudden realization that you were probably sweaty and gross from dancing hit you and you suddenly felt shy.
'Why do I care?'
As Mingi continued to stare at you in silence, you swallowed before stepping back. Mingi quickly reached out and grabbed your wrist, stopping you, fearing you were going to walk away from him before he could do what he came to.
You looked between his hand and face as you quirked your brow at him.
"Do you know why I keep coming back to this camp every year?"
You frowned at him before slowly shaking your head no.
"Because of you."
Your heart seemed to skip a beat at his words. "What?"
"Because I want to see you." He swallowed nervously but continued, knowing this might be his only chance to have you alone like this. "You've never told me your number, or where you live, or how else to reach you. So I only get to see you here. So I come back."
Your heart was pounding heavy as you struggled to find you words before finally stuttered out. "That's a stupid reason."
He shook his head, "It's not, not to me."
"You want to tease and torment me that badly?"
He shook his head as he let out an exasperated sigh, "No, I just want to see you. And be around you. Do you really not get it?"
From the way you swallowed nervously and messed with the strap of your bag he knew you understood his words, but you didn't believe them. Did you think he was just messing with you? His chest clenched painfully as he took a small step closer to you.
"I like you. So much that every year I count the days till I can come back here and see you again."
You seemed to forget how to breath as you stared at him. His eyes burned into yours as he stared at you intensely.
"Don't you like me too?" His voice was soft, almost scared.
You hesitantly opened your mouth, uncertain of what to say as your thoughts and emotions that had been repressed all this time tried to escape, but the fear rejection and heartbreak tried to force them away.
Your eyes darted to the studio door as it slid open with a loud clang, revealing one of the other dance teachers. Mingi's face showed his clear disappointment and annoyance at the interruption, but the somewhat tipsy girl didn't notice as she grinned at the two of you.
"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere! All the instructors and staff are down at the lake why are you guys up here?"
'You guys' You rolled your eyes at the attempt at including you, when her eyes were strictly glued to Mingi.
As she approached, you saw the way she glanced between the two of you, her obvious crush and jealousy showing.
She grabbed Mingi's arm as she grinned at him, "It's no fun without you there."
You felt your chest clench as you cleared your throat, "I don't feel like drinking so I'm just gonna head to bed."
Your eyes locked with Mingi's as you began to leave. He was clearly going to try and follow you, but the girl tightened her grip, stumbling a little, clearly on purpose, as she started gigging.
As you made it out of the studio, you let out a shaky breath as Mingi's words repeated in your mind.
'Don't you like me too?'
As you stared up at your ceiling that night, his question repeating over and over in your mind, you let out a soft sigh. Finally giving in to the thought you had pushed away for years.
'Yes, I do.'
The next week seemed to pass by in a blur. You had gotten so busy with your group you hadn't seen Mingi as often. You feared seeing him around every corner. Afraid he might find you again and force you to reveal your true feelings, something you weren't sure you were ready for.
Though, at the same time, you felt panic creeping up on you at the realization that the camp was almost over. Then he would be gone again for a whole year.
Coming to a decision you grabbed a piece of paper and a pen as your students prepared for the final competition at the end of camp.
You smiled brightly at your group as they cheered happily after being announced the winners. Your eyes scanned the crowd of students before landing on Mingi. Your heart jolted and your breath caught. He was clapping with a genuine smile on his face as he stared at you.
A smile spread across your own face before you quickly looked away, turning your attention to the students, your heart hammering nervously from the brief moment.
Mingi's eyes had been glued to your every movement as he tried to make his way through the crowd. Students and teachers were rushing around as everyone boarded busses and cars to return home. He didn't care to say goodbye to anyone but you, but everyone and their mother's seemed to need to speak to him, something he had found amusing in previous years, but now it only frustrated him.
He desperately needed to see you before the end of the camp. He couldn't let another year pass without being around you, not again.
His anxiety grew as you disappeared from his sight, lost in the crowds around him. His eyes darted to every face he passed by, but you were gone.
He turned at the sound of his name, but felt disappointment rush over him when another teacher approached him.
"Hey, where's Y/n?"
"That's why I'm here, they left already." Mingi's face fell as his heart dropped, "They were running late for their flight, but, they told me to give you this."
Mingi took the note, quickly opening it. His eyes scanned over the city name and phone number listed on the paper and he smiled letting out a soft breath. He nodded to himself as his mind already began turning, determination stronger than before.
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You seemed to be constantly on edge after you left the note for Mingi. You read the text one more time as you walked towards your dance studio.
'See you soon ;)'
You knew it was from Mingi, but hadn't replied. Nor had he sent another message.
A week had already passed since the camp ended, and you consistently stopped yourself from sending him a message asking what he meant. You told him the city where you lived, but why did the message make it seem like he was gonna show up? It's not like you gave him your home address.
Entering the studio you smiled and greeted the front desk clerk before entering the studio. Spotting one of your coworkers she grinned and ran up to you.
"Hey, have you heard about the new dance teacher they hired?"
You shook your head "I knew they were hiring but I didn't know they found someone."
She nodded her head fervently, "They did and he's so attractive!"
You rolled your eyes with a soft laugh as you started setting your stuff down. "I want to ask him if he's single but that might be too forward right?"
You eyed her, "A bit."
She sighed, as she leaned against the wall. Hearing someone walk into the room your coworker gasped lightly before tapping your arm aggressively. You met her eyes as she motioned her eyes behind you.
'Must be the new guy'
Turning around, your eyes met with a pair of striking and familiar eyes, only a couple feet away from you. Mingi grinned knowingly at your shocked expression as he approached you.
You were stuck in stunned silence as Mingi let out a soft chuckle before taking another step closer and leaning in, "Miss me?"
Your coworker looked between the two of you, "You two know each other?"
Mingi nodded as he explained, your coworker nodding along in interest. Mingi's eyes never left your face, and you could hardly find the strength to breath as your thoughts raced.
'So, this is what he meant. But how did he find me? And why did he get a job here? He's not secretly some weird stalker serial killer right?'
As one of the lead dancers came in looking for Mingi, you made your escape to the locker room, aware he watched you leave. Disappointment was obvious on his face at missing the opportunity to talk to you properly.
You were on your toes the entire day, aware Mingi was in a nearby room as you wondered when you would see him next. You would have to talk to him. Before, you were too shocked to think properly, but now you needed to know what was going on with him.
When the day finally ended after seeming to drag on a lot longer than normal, you didn't see Mingi around the studio.
'Did he leave already?'
Frowning, you exited the studio, heading towards your car, slowing down as you saw Mingi leaning against the door.
As he spotted you he grinned, straightening up as you approached.
Before he could speak you broke in, "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I had been looking for a new job anyways and after you left me that note I was surprised to learn we really didn't live that far away from each other. Twenty minutes to be exactly."
As shocked as you were to hear this, you continued your own line of questioning. "So you applied for a job here?"
He nodded in reply.
"How did you know I worked here?"
"One of the few things I knew about you was that you worked in a dance studio. So once I knew you lived here, I asked around."
You squinted at him and he furrowed his brow. "You do realize this is stalker-like behavior right?"
He let out a laugh and nodded, "Yeah I realized that too but..."
"But, you didn't answer my question."
You furrowed your brow, "What question?"
Stepping closer to you, he leaned down, looking into your eyes, a habit he seemed to be developing recently. You breath caught as he scanned your face.
"If you like me too."
Remembering back at the camp in the studio room, you swallowed nervously as you stared silently at him.
A small smile played at his lips as he let out a soft breath. "So, I'll be hanging around until you tell me. " Standing back up to his full height, he reached up and ruffled your hair, "See ya."
As he walked away, he left you in stunned silence beside your car as your heart and mind raced.
'Is he really going to stay here until I answer him?'
Looking back, you saw him at his own car. He met your eyes and paused with a smile as he winked at you before getting into the car.
You swallowed again before quickly getting into your own car, breathing heavy as your mind raced with what you should do as you laid your head against the steering wheel in exhaustion.
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The following week was a new form of torture you had not been expecting. Mingi spent every moment at work he could teasing and openly flirting with you. Clearly tired of holding back his affection and not caring who else knew.
You poked at your food during lunch as your friend drilled you for information on Mingi.
"So you've known each other for a few years?"
You shrugged your shoulders. "Sort of, we only ever saw each other during the dance camp."
She hummed as he looked around, a smile forming on her face. "Well he's clearly obsessed with you. "
You scoffed softly, though your heart skipped a beat. "Don't be ridiculous."
She caught your eye before motioning her head behind you. Looking back curiously towards the table the other's were sitting at, your eyes locked with Mingi's as he had been staring at you.
His lip quirked up as you quickly looked away, your friends smile widening, "Do you still think I'm being ridiculous?"
You cleared your throat as you tried to steady your hammering heart, "Yes, now be quiet."
She chuckled as you messed anxiously with your food, now aware of his eyes on the back of your head.
By the end of the day, you had forgotten about lunch, and even Mingi. Up until you found him waiting for you at your car after work.
He had the same smile plastered on his face as you approached, but you saw the way his eyes scanned over you, an almost worried gaze on his face as your leg bent stiffly as you walked.
"What now?"
He chuckled, "I just wanted to see how you were, I heard you twisted your leg earlier. Does it hurt?"
So it was worry on his face. Your heart fluttered but you tried to ignore it.
You looked down at your leg as you kind of shook it around. "It's a bit stiff but fine, nothing serious."
He nodded his head as he let out a soft sigh of relief. "Good." He cleared his throat as he glanced around, "Wanna get dinner?"
You felt your chest tighten as your stomach flipped. "Dinner?"
He nodded and you realized just how hungry you were.
Thinking about how little food you had at home, and how much you dreaded cooking anything you nodded, "Sure."
As you saw the brief surprise cross Mingi's face you realized this might not be the best idea. As his face was quickly covered in a happy grin you held back, guilty at the thought of changing your mind now.
You stared into your drink as you played with the straw, too afraid to look up as you could feel Mingi's gaze burning into your skin.
Finally giving in and glancing up, you saw a soft sparkle behind his gaze at he looked at you, making your heart seem to flutter.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" You couldn't help but ask, mostly to break the growing tension.
He smiled softly, "Because I like you."
You swallowed hard, butterflies filling your stomach. You began fiddling with your hands nervously, something Mingi noticed immediately.
Giving into your curiosity you spoke softly, "Since when?"
He rose his brow, "Huh?"
"Since when have you liked me?"
He looked down at the table as he thought for a moment before looking back up with you with an almost shy smile. "Since the day we met."
You leaned forward in surprise, "What?" You glanced around, a bit embarrassed at the volume of your own voice. Lowering your tone you looked at him, "Four years ago?"
He chuckled, "Yeah. The first time we met you were bright and bubbly but fierce, and you challenged me on my first day. You told me I was replacing one of your past teaches so I had big shoes to fill." He smiled as he stared at you, "Ever since then, I was intrigued by you, and before I knew it, I was always thinking about you. And I guess I wanted you to notice me, and since you only ever acknowledged me when I was annoying..."
"You decided to make it your entire personality?"
He laughed as he nodded, embarrassed by his own behavior. You couldn't help but laugh along as you thought back on that first summer you met him. He always seemed really nice and caring, yet was always so different around you.
"I always wondered why you were like that around me and no one else."
"You noticed?"
"It was kind of obvious." You chuckled, "I just thought you didn't like me very much. And as the years passed I just figured you enjoyed annoying me for your own fun I guess."
He frowned as he let out a sigh and shook his head in annoyance at himself. "I'm sorry. When I finally realized I had been like that for too long, it was too late."
Mingi looked back up at you, and you seemed to get lost in each others eyes for a moment, the tension began to build before you broke eye contact and looked away. You heart was hammering heavily in your chest as your mind raced about the decision you needed to make.
As Mingi walked you back to your car, you looked over at him almost shyly, "Thanks for dinner. I'll buy next time." You hesitated at your own words as his brow rose before he grinned.
"Did you just ask me on a date?" He teased making you roll your eyes.
"Don't be cheeky."
He chuckled as you climbed into your car. He remained by your car as you started it, raising his brow in curiosity as you rolled down your window and looked up at him.
"The answer to your question is yes by the way."
He frowned in confusion as you smiled almost teasingly at him.
"I do like you."
His eyes shot open wider as realization formed on his face. Before he could reply you rolled up your window and pulled away, leaving him to watch after your car in stunned silence.
As your car disappeared, he started grinning to himself as he pumped his fists and jumped around in excitement and celebration at his requited feelings. Letting out a loud sigh of relief, he got into his car, cheeks aching from grinning as he thought about what to do now.
Your own smile tugged painfully at your face as you drove home. Your heart seemed to never slow down as the adrenaline of confessing your feelings remained throughout the night, eventually leaving you exhausted in bed as you slept restlessly, waiting for the next day to come.
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Arriving at the studio earlier than normal since it was your turn to set up, you felt nervous in your own skin. Part of you wanted to avoid Mingi strictly out of shyness, while the rest of you wanted to see him as soon as possible.
You shook your head with a soft sigh as your own flip-flopping feelings. As you set up the studio, waiting for the other's to arrive, you wondered if he was feeling and thinking the same things. Would he be his normal self? More forward? Would he avoid you?
Your question was answered as a voice suddenly spoke right next to your ear, "Morning."
You jumped away out of surprise, seeing a grinning and chuckling Mingi beside you.
"Mingi!" You gasped out with a breathy chuckle.
The doors opened as a few of the others showed up with bright smiles and greetings. You and Mingi met eyes as he smiled knowingly at you.
Suddenly grabbing the equipment in your hands he smiled at you, "How's your leg?"
You nodded with a shy smile, "It's fine, no pain."
He nodded in relief as he helped you finish setting up, the tension between you more casual than anxious.
Mingi couldn't stop looking over at you, hoping to catch your eye each time. He could barely sleep last night, his thoughts full of you and where today might lead. You may have confessed you liked him too, but it was just that. Now he was determined to make you his.
As one of he studio managers called Mingi to help him, he looked over at you before stepping closer, leaning down so he was close to your ear.
"I'll see you later."
As quick as he was there, he was gone, leaving your cheeks burning as you realized he had pressed a swift kiss to your cheek before walking away. So fast you barely had time to process it. You looked around, seeing no one had seen anything, you let out a shaky breath, your heart hammering as you smiled giddily to yourself.
Mingi, being the new guy, ended up running errands all day for an upcoming charity event. You had barely seen him, even as the day came to an end.
As you did at the end of each work week, you spent a couple hours after work practicing alone once everyone else had gone home. As you moved to the music, your thoughts bounced from the event, to Mingi, to your work schedule, but mostly to Mingi though.
Eyes closed, you spun around, gasping as you collided with something. When your eyes shot open, you saw Mingi holding you against his chest, arms wrapped around you as he had caught you when you staggered away.
"Mingi." You muttered out in surprise.
He smiled softly as he looked at you, "Sorry, I got so caught up in watching you I didn't realize you were coming towards me." He smiled sheepishly and you giggled softly.
"It's okay."
His eyes trailed down your body and you felt a shiver run up your spine.
"Are you sure you should be dancing?"
You smiled, knowing he was worried about your leg.
"It's fine, I promise."
He pressed his lips together tightly but nodded. Realizing you were still pressed up against him, hands on his chest, you started to push yourself away, only for him to pull you back.
You questioned him with your eyes and he smiled softly as he slowly leaned his face closer to yours. You froze in anticipation, his eyes almost burning into yours.
"Are you going to avoid me?"
You furrowed your brow and shook your head, "Why would I?"
"It's become your motive every time we get closer."
Realizing this was true you looked down, gently squeezing the cloth of his shirt in your hands. He tightened his grip on your arms just enough to get you to look back into his eyes.
Bringing his hands from your arms to your face, he gently cupped your cheeks as he smiled at you.
Your breath caught as his eyes slowly wandered around your face, lingering on your lips before he met your eyes again.
"I've waited four years for you. I can wait as long as you need. But, to be honest, I don't want to,. So..."
Your voice came out as a whisper as our heart pounded in your ears. "So?"
"So be with me now."
You stared at him in silence for a moment, your eyes gazing into each others before you gently nodded your head.
A grin slowly spread across his face, causing you to smile in return.
He began caressing your cheek with his thumb as he slowly leaned forward, closing the already narrow gap between you. His lips pressed softly against yous, motionless for a second before he leaned in more, gently deepening the kiss for a brief moment before pulling away.
You were stunned by the kiss, and Mingi gazed into your eyes, almost worried about how you would react. As you smiled shyly at him, his smile widened before he pulled your face close again.
He paused briefly just before your lips met, your eyes locked before you both leaned in, kissing each other. His hands caressed your cheeks before he moved them to wrap around your waist, pulling you close to his body. As your lips melted together, you wrapped your arms around his neck allowing yourself to be lost in the kiss.
You weren't sure how long you had been kissing, but when you finally pulled away you were both out of breath. He pressed his forehead against yours as he gently swayed you back and forth.
"Does this mean we're officially together now?"
You chuckled softly as you nodded, "Yes."
He grinned as he leaned his head back almost dramatically. "Finally!"
You laughed as you gently smacked his chest. He pulled you closer and you laid your head against his chest. Thinking for a moment you chuckled.
Mingi looked down at you in curiosity, "What?"
"I wonder how everyone at the camp is gonna react next year."
He grinned. "I doubt anyone will be surprised."
You smiled, "I might become enemy number one to all of the other teachers."
He chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
He nodded happily as he held you closer, resting his head against yours, "I promise."
xx End xx
Not sure how I feel about the ending but I didn't have a plan for it lol so it is what it is.
General Taglist: @otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669, @tinyelfperson, @pinievsev, @teenyfinds
Ateez Taglist: @soso59love-blog, @dlmlufics, @hongjoongsprincess, @tunaasan, @thedistractedwriter, @dear-dreamie, @thunderous-wolf, @briqnne,@hyukssunflower, @dinossaurz, @dancelikebutterflywings, @skz1-4-3, @staytiny2000, @crazyformfics, @demonlineslut, 
Mingi Taglist: @ye0nvibezzn
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yourfatherlucifer · 2 months
Our Aurora : Chapter 1
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Ot8!Ateez x afab/female!reader
Summary: Attending university with your eight boyfriends wasn’t easy, neither was sharing a mansion with them.
Warnings: MDNI, this mini series includes tons of smut, slight violence, protective ateez, poly relationship, established relationship, mentions of mxm, choking, other smut themes.
WC: 2K
AU: University
Genre: Smut/Fluff
Nets: @newworldnet
Taglist: (open)
Note: GUESS WHOS BACK BITCHES!!!!! Btw please reblog 🤭
Series Masterlist
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The greatest benefit of being rich and going to a very prestigious university meant owning your own mansion with your eight boyfriends. That was a lot of lovers but you didn’t mind and neither did they. Of course, there was always someone who’d called you a whore for having so many men to yourself. You would ignore them because you knew your boyfriends loved you, they took care of your every need.
Each man was different, Hongjoong is an art major. Seonghwa is a mathematics major, he’s the nerd of the school. Yunho is an English major, he wants to be a teacher. Yeosang is a cheerleader for the football team. San is a quarterback for the football team. Mingi is a music major but is part of the basketball team. Wooyoung is a dance major. Jongho is part of the soccer team on a scholarship.
One time, Jongho punched one of his teammates in the face for flirting with you in the middle of practice. You had just come from supporting San at his practice, wearing his letter jacket and one of the boys favorite skirts. You had looked so cute cheering on Jongho, he was always so happy to see you there. Though his face had turned sour when he saw his captain walking up to you, a pervy grin on his face.
Oh this infuriated Jongho. Everyone knew at this school that you were taken, yes the relationship was polyamorous but you guys weren’t welcoming anyone else into the relationship. You were happy with just the nine of you.
So to see this vile man reach out to touch you brought pure anger to him. Jongho had charged him, tackling him to the dirt ground. Jongho had broken the man's nose, his knuckles were bleeding. You had to jump the fence to stop your lover. He was nearly kicked off the team until you paid off the school to keep quiet about it. Which he wasn’t very happy about but he got to keep his scholarship so he couldn’t complain. But you rewarded his protective behavior with a blowjob when the two of you got home. Safe to say he got over what you did.
After that, you’d spend time alone in the university’s art room, alone with Hongjoong. You’d sit in his lap while he painted. This was his practice for his future designer line. He wanted his own fashion line but decided on being an art major to help with his goal. His free hand would dance along the inside of your skirt, around the plush of your thighs while his paint brush stroked the canvas in front of him. You’d have to work so hard not to squirm in his lap, else you wanted to be punished for screwing up his artwork. Today was no different.
“Beautiful, you really need to stop moving. You’re gonna mess me up.” He tutted, “You don’t want that, now do you?”
You lightly whined, trying to get off his lap only for him to pull you back down.
Hongjoong didn’t like that you tried to leave him, “You already want to leave me? I thought it was my day?”
“It is your day, Joongie, but, I..” You couldn’t even finish your sentence.
“What is it? Why can’t you stay?”
To answer his question, you dug your ass into his pelvis, “Because, Joongie, I can feel your cock against me.”
Hongjoong set down his paintbrush with a groan, “I really wish you didn’t notice.”
He pushed his wet canvas to the side and bent you over the table, flipping up your skirt, “You’ll let me fuck this pretty cunt, won’t you?”
His words made you quiver, legs threatening to give out beneath you, “Please.”
“Please what, baby? You want me to fuck you so hard that I’ll have to get one of the boys to come pick you up? Cause your brain can only think of my cock?” Hongjoong’s decorated fingers pushed the soaked panties to the side. Your cunt glistening in the light. Just for him.
The moment you felt his lips to your cunt, you let out a loud cry. This man ate out cunt like it was his last meal. He was one of the few of your boyfriends who would even do such a thing.
Your fingers dug into the edge of the table as Hongjoong’s tongue slithered inside of your dripping hole.
Your body lurched forward with his movements. His hands gripped your thighs to let you know he wasn’t letting you go anytime soon. Two of his digits pushed inside alongside his tongue, pushing and prodding against your walls. He had to free one of his hands to massage his bulge, the growing discomfort in his shorts.
Once his cock was freed from its confines, he moaned a sigh of relief. His lips peeled away from your cunt, just to rub his cockhead against your folds, “Baby, you’re so soaked, and it's all for me.”
Ah yes, Hongjoong was very cocky, he knew your cunt belonged to your other boyfriends as well.
As he slowly pushed in, your mouth fell open and your eyes widened, still not used to him, “Ah, Joongie, careful. Stretching me so much.”
Hongjoong dipped his fingers in his paint palette and marked your ass cheeks with color. The cold liquid gave shivers down your spine. The red and yellow contrasted beautifully in his eyes, he couldn’t wait for the day for you to let him paint your body like a canvas. His perverted mind thought it would be a great idea to paint your breasts someday.
He watched as his cock pushed into your cunt, the squelching could be heard quite greatly.
Your body laid limp on the table, Hongjoong’s cum flowing out of your cunt, “Well, as much as I wanna go for round two, you’re all spent. I’ll call Yunho to pick you up.”
When your tallest boyfriend arrived, he chuckled at the sight of your exhausted body, “Again, Hongjoong? How rough did you go this time?”
As he stepped closer he could see the paint streaks along your body, your eyes were barely staying open, “Yuyu?” You could hardly call out.
“Hi, my sunshine, I’m here to take you home.” Yunho fixed your clothes and lifted your body onto his back, “Mingi is gonna take good care of you because I can’t. I have students I still need to tutor.”
You whined at his words, “But..want you to be home, all of you to be home.”
He couldn’t help but frown as he walked the two of you out the door, “I know, sunshine, but you know how busy we are. Seonghwa and Mingi are at home. You know the rest have their sports practice, I’m not sure if Wooyoung is home or not, but if he is, you know he’ll cook you a nice meal.” He could feel your ruined panties against his back, he’d have to tell Mingi to change you.
Yunho gently sat you in the passenger seat, reaching in the back to grab a blanket, covering your shaking legs, “Oh, sunshine, he really put you through it.” He chuckled to himself.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“Shut up.”
Yunho looked offended before he went around the car to get in the passenger seat, “You know, as rich as you are, you seem to love to be spoiled only by your eight boyfriends.”
“Yeah well, the money doesn’t matter to me, all that matters is I have you guys. It would be very lonely in that mansion without you boys.” You sighed, fiddling with your fingers.
As the car rumbled to life, Yunho reached over the console to grip your blanket covered leg, “Sunshine, don’t worry, we won’t be going anywhere. We wouldn’t dream of it. You’re stuck with us and us with you.”
Yunho honked the horn a couple times and a very rough looking Mingi wobbled out of the front door. He must’ve been sleeping. His white hair was a mess, his black rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. His shirt was wrinkled and his basketball shorts hung low on his waist. He wore his cute little flip flops too. You did spoil them with designer clothes but sometimes they liked to dress normal, and so did you.
His face brightened up when he saw you in the front seat. He was like an excited puppy as he opened the passenger seat, “Hi Yunho, hello my princess.” Mingi’s plush lips pressed against yours as he leaned into the car, his huge hand practically swallowed your cheek.
Yunho leaned over the console and smacked Mingi’s shoulder, “Come on, lover boy, take her inside and do what I told you, I gotta get back to lessons. I cannot be late.”
“Be nice, Yuyu, he’s just excited to see me.” You unbuckled your seat belt and tossed the blanket in the back. You tried to step out of the car but your wobbly legs nearly gave out on you, luckily Mingi caught you.
“Goodbye Yunho.” You both waved your goodbyes as he drove away.
He carried you inside, already dismissing your butler and cleaning servants earlier. He knew he was about to make you scream in the bathroom, of course he had to be careful, knowing you just had the daylight fucked out of you by one your shared older boyfriends.
He took you up the giant staircase, took a left and brought you into the main bathroom. The massive tub sat in the middle, it was a square marble tub. The inner lining itself was white and had jets hooked in.
After he sat you on the side of the tub, he slowly pulled off your shoes, your socks. His cheeks reddened when he saw the state of your underwear but continued on, removing your clothes.
“Just sit here and look pretty, I’m gonna let the bath run.” He leaned over to turn the hot water on, “Did you need anything else?”
“Do you mind staying with me, Mingi? I’m really sore and don’t want to be alone..I’ll let you clean me?”
Mingi grinned at that, anything for his princess, “Of course I can.” He threw his wrinkled tank top to the side, his glasses falling to the ground but he didn’t care. He was stripped within seconds, proudly standing bare before you.
You slowly sunk yourself into the water and Mingi sat behind you, his chest pressed against your back, “The warm water feel good, princess?”
You let out a moan in contentment, the water already doing wonders on your sore cunt, “Yes, Mingi, it’s amazing, thank you, big boy.”
Minutes after just relaxing in the water, the tall man’s hand slinked around your shoulder to wrap around your throat, “it’s okay, princess.”
You let out a whimper as you could feel his hardening cock from behind.
“I won’t fuck you with my cock because I know you’re hurting, but you can handle my fingers, right?” His husky voice reverberated in your ear. If it wasn’t for the water, you just knew you’d be wet right now.
“Mingi, please, don’t tease me and just touch me.” Your ass pressed against his cock and his grip on your neck tightened in response.
“I’ll touch you but you just can’t move, got it?”
You couldn’t even get out a word before his fingers went for your cunt, still stretched out from Hongjoong.
Your lips curled inward and your head fell back to his chest, “Mingi!” His fingers were already doing wonders.
His heavy breathing was so hard to focus on as his eyes were glued to the way your cunt sucked in his fingers.
Mingi’s fingers were so long they could easily touch your cervix, “I can feel Hongjoong’s cum inside of you, princess, seems like you need a good cleaning, yeah?”
You whined, “He’s your boyfriend just as much as he is mine, ah Mingi!”
His fingers squeezed your throat, “Doesn’t mean I can’t get jealous, this cunt is heavenly.”
His teeth latched onto your shoulder as he quickened his pace, the water was splashing everywhere. His fingers never slowed down. You could feel his calloused fingertips touching your walls. Those guitar playing fingers.
“Come on, princess, cum for me, cleanse that delicious cunt for me.” He let out a growl.
With your cunt still overstimulated, your orgasm came quick and flooded around his fingers.
He pulled out his fingers with a smile, watching as the water washed the cum from his fingers, “Oh, princess, seems you came a lot..” Mingi kissed along the crevice of your neck while you whined in exhaustion.
“Mingi, please, need..bed.” You could barely keep your eyes open.
“Sure, princess, let’s go get some rest in.”
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justaaveragereader · 8 months
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Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Dom!Wooyoung, Sex Machine, Restraints, Toys, BDSM, Sub!Reader, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Control, Voyeurism, Wooyoung Has Cameras In The Readers Home, Masterbating, If I Missed Anything👀….Lemme Know!
Slashtober Masterlist
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The second to last to arrive was none other than Jung Wooyoung. The absolute bane of your existence. With the laugh of a hyena, and the mockery of a clown, he was the one person you couldn’t break no matter what. It didn’t matter how many times you greeted him, how nice you were to him, he was just a constant arrogant jerk. You would’ve thought he was in highschool with the way he acted. He was so obnoxious, he knew how to get under your skin and poke at you. He always greeted you with that fake smile, waving his hand wildly so you couldn’t miss him. He reminded you of that one kid in class that you just wanted to hit with a pencil box due to his constant need to piss off not only the teacher but the entire class. Living right next door to you, he went out of his way to irk you. The most irritating part about it? He knew he was hot shit. He was the one person who knew the effect he had on people. His ego was constantly inflated.
“Hey! Hey!” You yelled out, trying your best to get Wooyoungs attention over the loud leaf blower, it was well past 9:30 pm, why he decided to leaf blow so late? One reason, because he’s Jung Wooyoung.
With his headphones over his ears, he danced slightly as he blew the leaves, the street lights being the only form of lighting for him. Deciding you were fed up, you march right over to him. Tapping him on his back, with a slight jump he turns, cutting the leaf blower off. Throwing you his signature smile.
“Why good evening neighbor!”
“Cut the shit Wooyoung, it’s literally night time. Can’t this wait til the morning?!” You semi yell, loud enough so it would annoy him, but low enough to where it wouldn’t awaken any of your neighbors.
“Princess if you wanted to spend some time with me that’s all you had to say.” He says lowering his leaf blower, taking his headphones off, and letting them pool around his veiny neck. Making sure to smile at you through hooded eyes. Ooh he knew what he was doing. Letting a hand run over your face, you let out a groan, clearly annoyed by his antics. Jabbing his chest with your finger you cut your eyes at him..
“Spend time with you my ass. Save the leaf blowing for the a.m. Jung Wooyoung.” Taking your finger off his very firm chest you turn around, marching back to your home. With a stupid grin on his face he calls out your name, you stop half way, turning around to look at him.
“If you want me that’s all you gotta say, Princess!”
Flipping him off you angrily march into your home. Clearly annoyed at his stupid handsome face, that matches horribly with his dumb actions. You decide the best way to blow off some steam is to pull out your hand dandy rose toy. Maybe that was your problem, it had been 3 weeks since Mingi had basically thrown you on display for the neighbors to see. With Wooyoung trotting around at all hours of the night you couldn’t have that slip up, you didn’t want ammo for Wooyoung to use against you.
Throwing the toy on your bed, you make yourself comfortable against your pillows, searching on your phone for some porn to get you in the mood, yet all you can think about is Wooyoung, his eyes, the way his veins bulge from his arm, how his eyes crinkle in the corner when he laughs, how his hands have the perfect amount of bulging veins, the image of his bulging hands choking you makes you drop your phone. Oh no, no, no, you completely want to fuck your annoying neighbor. Letting out a whine you lock your phone, kicking your pants off, letting your panties pool around your ankles. You have one person and one person only on your mind right now. Letting the images run through your head, you are going to make sure you put your rose toy to perfect use. Little did you know while you were bringing yourself to complete bliss, orgasm, after orgasm, you had given your annoying neighbor a front row seat to your pleasure cruise, fueling that blood lust within him, all he wanted to do was play with you.
As your eyes cracked open, you tried to move your arms, the realization of not being able to, takes a minute to load into your brain. As you open your eyes further. You wince at the bright red led lights in the room. Since when did you get these lights in your home? Trying your best to move, bringing your hand up to wipe the sleep out of your eyes, suddenly you are blocked. You are not able to move even your wrist. Eyes shooting open, taking in your full surroundings. You are strapped to a cool table, your warm skin immediately warming the table up, with your wrists tied to each side of you, with your feet up on the table with your ankles being strapped down. You quickly turn your head trying to soak in what is all around you.
“Oh my god. Oh My God!” You slightly yell out, not believing where you are. The red led lights are almost blinding to you. Trying to find any way out, even suddenly a deep voice fills the room.
“Rise and shine Princess.” Voice clearly being distorted, that nickname runs a chill down your spine. Trying to shut your legs, you close your eyes so hard the corners of them crinkle.
“Where the fuck am I?” You semi yell out, trailing off at the end of your sentence due to a door opening, all you see is a pitch black hallway, you can make out a figure of someone standing there. Was this person going to watch you? You see their pearly white teeth in the dark hallway, causing a chill of fear to shoot through you, turning your head away, you try to find something else to focus on.
“You know we always enjoy the show you put on for us.” The disfigured voice says. You can hear a chipper undertone to their tone despite it being distorted.
Your eyes shoot to the figure with its teeth still on display, you can’t see their eyes but you know they are there.
“Wh-what show?” You stutter out, trying to sound as brave as possible. Just when you thought the smile on the figure's face couldn’t grow any bigger. You watch as their eyes trail to the right of your body, a white screen with static comes to, you are shocked by what you see. On four different small screens there you were. One screened showed when you were getting your spine rearranged by Mingi, another screen when you were getting fucked by God knows what in your bedroom, the other when you were getting fucked by the three masked men, and the other when you were playing with your rose toy, silently moaning Wooyoungs name. Heat rises to your neck. You are embarrassed, yet turned on. To see your face in such bliss numerous times. Remembering each way one of them fucked you, remembering the way Woos veins bulged when he was holding the leaf blower. Your eyes continue to grow wide with each movement in the videos. The figure in the hallway soaks you in, watching you feverishly. Drifting his eyes down to your pussy, he watches the way it clenches around nothing, the way your arousal beads, dripping down slowly.
“What a slut.” He mutters out, clearly amused by what he sees. Stepping back, he leaves the door open. Your eyes are still never leaving the screens. It never dawns on you that there are cameras in your home, taken back by the fact that you can see a 4k version of you getting your shit railed by various people. You try your best to shut your legs, trying to get any sense of stimulation on your neglected cunt just as you are getting fed up, the figure walks back in with his head low so you can’t make out his face, you can see bits of his face, his nose is so sharp, you can’t make out much due to the red lights distorting his face. You do catch a beautiful side profile of him. You can see streaks of makeup on him though. Making his way around the table you see his hands rise, he is blind folding you. Trying your best to shimmy out of the restraints, you want to feel whoever is above you, their hands, their hands could choke you and you’d be grateful for it. Keeping your head straight you don’t even try to put up a fight because you know you want this. You wanna see how far this person is going to take you, are they going to bring you past the tipping point like Mingi? Are they going to rough house you like the masked men?
“Such an obedient girl, princess.” Putting the blind fold over your eyes, it was lace, while it disfigured a lot of things in your view, you could still make out certain things. You could see the person above you, hovering over you. You could still see the red lights.
“Such an obedient girl, I might just reward you.” Wooyoung whispers out, voice laced with need yet you can still hear a playful hue to his tone despite it being disfigured. The thought of you being rewarded made your heart beat fast, how would you be rewarded? With the options being endless, you gulp, nodding your head to the person above you.
Stepping away Wooyoung leaves the room, you can hear his steps fade away, your nerves are eating you up. You aren’t sure if he is even going to come back. When you hear a loud boom, like he’s moving heavy equipment. You hear the wheels to something moving at a fast pace down to the room you are in. Craning your neck you try to make out what you see, all you can make out is that the figure is right by your spread legs, hooking something up in the room. Biting your lip you lay back down, trying your best to calm your nerves. While excitement and anxiety can often be mistaken for the same feeling, you know the feeling in your body is something that you need itched.
While you are lost in your mind, you feel something cool brush against your folds. The sudden intrusion makes your body jump slightly. Looking down you squint your eyes behind the blind fold trying to piece together what is sitting below your feet, he leaves the room once more, grabbing more things before he returns. Standing on the side of you, his hard cock by the side of your face he lets out a small groan looking at your body, your breast out with your nipples hardened, your glistening cunt spread open, with your mouth slightly gaping ready for whatever Woo was going to give you.
“Are you always this cock hungry?” The sudden sound of the distorted voice takes you by surprise, making your body slightly jump, you have no shame, it had been weeks since you last saw Mingi and you needed a release, the rose only could do so much.
“Y-Yes.” You whisper out, shivers riddling your body, yet the fire that ignited in your core was fully in a blaze. Letting out a chuckle, Wooyoung presses his hardened cock to the side of your face, your mouth dropping open further. He grabs the side of your face pressing his hard length into your warm cheek. When your ears hear a loud click, a loud moan leaves your throat immediately. You feel something fill your warm cunt. Clicking the remote twice more the speed picks up, the pace going steady. Grabbing your face once more he unzips his pants, pulling his hard cock out.
“Be a good girl and open your mouth.”
Removing your teeth from your lip, the thrusting of the dildo between your legs has your body slightly moving up and down on the table with each thrust. Trying your best to open your mouth as wide as you can so you can take Wooyoungs cock in your mouth. Rubbing the tip around your lips, your tongue hungrily looking for his cock, licking up as much pre cum as you can, you kiss his length before he taps the head of his cock on your tongue. Pulling back he tucks himself back in his pants. Clicking the remote once more. The machine moves faster in and out of you. It dawns on you that he’s not going to actually give you what you want. This is a reward for him, not for you. Pulling away from you, he pockets the remote to the sex machine, stepping back.
He places nipple clamps on your hard nubs, hitting another small remote, sending a small electric current to your nipples making your back arch. You let out the loudest moan yet, the sound not even daring to bounce off of the walls. Grabbing the side of your face he rubs your cheek against his hard length again. Cocking his head back, the heat of your skin, mixing with the sweet sounds you were making, had his cock throb with need. Hitting the remote once again another shock gets sent to your nipples. Your jaw dropping at the feeling. Pulling back your pussy lips, he wedges a vibrator between them, positioning it so it’s right on your clit, testing the remote he hits a button, the vibration startling you, making your legs tense at the feeling. Your mouth drops open once again, taking in this new sensation.
“God, you are such a slut truly. Always so cock hungry. If I had knew you were like this I could’ve fucked you sooner.”
Letting out a small laugh, he pushes away once more, hitting his remote so it shocks your nipples again. As he pulls back you hear the sound of his shoes exiting the room.
“Please, please!” You quickly shout, you aren’t even sure what you are asking for. Maybe it was for a harsher grip on reality? Or maybe it was for permission to cum?
“Keep begging baby, it does something to me everytime.” He groans out, continuing to exit the room. Gripping his cock harshly, right before he exits the room he speaks to you one final time.
“Scream as loud as you want, baby, no one can hear you but me.”
Making his way to his office, with various screens, one watching all the various rooms in your home, the other with views to all the others neighbors homes, and then biggest screen of all the one with your naked body on it, while the sex machine fucks a dildo in and out of you. Hitting the remote the clamps shock your nipples again, your body jolting at the feeling once more. Letting out a loud moan you clench your fists. He teeters you on the edge of an orgasm each time, just as he gets any sign that you are going to cum he cuts it, or changes the pace.
Your body is riddled with sweat, and arousal drips down your ass, the sex machine continuously thrusts a dildo in and out of you, a squelching noise fills your ears each time. Clenching your toes, you feel the vibration of the vibrator between your legs with the timed shocks to your nipples. Your body feels a billion things at once. Just as you think you are about to cum he stops everything all together, giving your body a couple minutes to cool down before he starts having the equipment pick up pace once more.
Taking his cock out of his pants, he spits on his hand, wrapping his hand tightly around his hard cock, giving it two quick pumps, letting out a small moan of his own, he tries to match the pace of the sex machine that’s thrusting in and out of you. He can see your slick covering the piece of rubber, taking him to an even higher feeling he pauses his hand. Not trying to blow his load already, he can hear the sounds of your moaning dancing in his ears. It fills a void in him that he never knew he needed, ever since he moved in you had always been a brat to him so to see you so submissive and so willingly giving yourself to him it sparked the match in him.
Deciding enough was enough, he wanted to reach an orgasm just as bad as you did, constantly bringing himself to the edge just to stop and halt the activities, he cuts on everything at once, at high speed. The sex machine fucking you at a inhumane pace, turning the shock levels up on the nipple clamps, and cutting the vibrator on a high pulse pattern he cuts the microphone on so you can hear him jacking off to you. Biting his lip he lets out a small groan which you completely miss due to your loud screaming. Tears are soaking the lace blindfold, your mouth constantly in an O formation, while your throat feels so dry from all the moaning you’ve been doing.
His hand tightly wrapped around his spit soaked cock, he cuts the microphone back on, you can hear the sounds of him stroking himself once more. A tingling sensation spreads out through your body, whoever this was, was enjoying himself just as much as you had been.
“You can count how many restraints are holding down your body. Every time you cum, that’ll be one restraint I remove from your body.”
Letting out a loud moan, you bite your lip trying your best to focus on an orgasm before he slows down the machine once more, sending a slight shock to your nipples. Your body is dripping with sweat now, the cool room is now heated.
“Ho-How am I su-supposed to cum, wh-when you keep teasing m-me.” You huff out.
Letting a sadistic smile grace his face, you can still hear the wet noises of him pumping his cock.
“We are playing my game, princess.”
Your legs shook, as they are held up and open, you couldn’t help but let out a loud groan, toes continuously curling. The warm air in the room hitting your warm dripping cunt, as the sex machine slid the dildo rapidly in and out of you. The leg restraints from the table made it impossible to close your legs. As your body writhed in pleasure, Wooyoung sat behind the large screen watching you be denied of an orgasm over and over again. The sheer look of pleasure and desperation coursing through your body was enough to bring him to his own pleasure.
You blink yourself awake, in your own bed. Looking around your…. bedroom? Sitting up slowly, you blink the sleep out of your eyes. Was it all a dream? Were you truly losing your mind? Gathering yourself you slowly rise out of bed, wincing at the aching between your legs, your limbs feel so sore. Rolling your shoulder out, you make your way to the bathroom, getting a good look at yourself in the mirror. Cutting the sink on you splash some water in your face trying to gather your thoughts, trying to gather yourself. You bend down to splash more water when you see a piece of paper taped to the wall behind you. Turning around quickly you peek your head out of the bathroom, trying to see if someone besides you was there.
Quickly snatching the paper down, you open the inside of it, written in red ink you read out loud…
“How about we play another game soon?”
Tossing the paper on the floor, you quickly look around your home, trying to find if there is any sign of anyone else here. As you walk in a disarray of panic, trying to find who or what put that paper in your home. Wooyoung watches you with a huge smile on his face. Your state of panic makes him giggle. Cutting the screen to different angles of you in your own home freaking out, he walks out of the room grabbing his leaf blower, making his way towards his lawn. You are still running around filled with worry. As you hear the annoying sound of Wooyoungs leaf blower. Quickly making a beeline for outside. Bare foot, completely in your pajamas you run straight into Wooyoung, catching him “off guard” cutting his leaf blower off, his eyes take in your frightened state you are out of breath trying to explain to Wooyoung what happened in your home.
“And, and this paper Woo! It came out of nowhere! I swear Woo you gotta believe me, it wasn’t there when I walked into the bathroom. Please, please believe me.”
The sound of you begging makes his body do a slight shiver, biting his lip and nodding his head listening closely to you. Putting his hands on your shoulders, you feel your body heat up, his hands on your body feels so familiar, looking up at him with tears in your eyes.
“How about I go see this paper and scope out your home to see if anyone is in there. Does that sound okay?”
As he finishes his sentence out of his peripheral vision he sees the window to your bedroom slide open, he knows it’s Hongjoong making his way out of your home with the paper. Nodding your head just as you are about to turn around,Wooyoung grabs you back trying to buy Hongjoong more time to make his way down from your window. Shrugging off his long sleeve button up he pulls it over your shoulders. Pulling it tightly around you.
“You are out here in your pajamas, no socks, and no shoes, despite our Tom and Jerry feud I don’t want you to get cold.
Just then it dawns on you that you are in your pajamas, the cool breeze nips at your skin. Pulling his long sleeve closer you nod, smiling at him, you both turn around and make your way towards your home. Letting you walk in first, Wooyoung insists on wiping his feet saying he will be with you in a second.
“What the fuck took you so long?” Wooyoungs whisper yells at Hongjoong.
“Oh fuck off, like you could’ve did any better.” He whispers harshly to Woo. Rolling his eyes, he and Hongjoong start to bicker, when your voice calls out to Wooyoung, he can hear your footsteps coming close to him.
“S-Sorry! These pesky bugs! Didn’t want any coming into your home.” Wooyoung says loudly, loud enough so Hongjoong can hear, letting out an annoyed huff. Hongjoong begins to make his way back to his home.
Walking behind you, before Wooyoung closes the door, he flips off Hongjoong.
“Alright Princess, where do you want me to look first?” His deep voice rings out, a smile sketched on his face. Your body shivers at the way he calls you princess, like you’ve heard it before.
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Taglist: @araknoid @atinytinaa @k-hotchoisan @darkdayelixer @abby-grace @aurorasjoongie @tunaasan @jkookiejiminlvr @luckyblue98 @notevenheretbh1 @moonlightsora @raindropsondragons @park-simphwa @ro-written @hwajoongsang @certifiedmoa @pearltinyy @minniebinnie @solarstoy @frobin4ever @gvnwks @ethelia @jin-neck-shaft @nitarolls @jenthehobbityelf @gg-trini @tearfulsparks78 @10nantscompanion @moonm1st @oreoqueen @leehopehocarat @scuzmunkie @bangtan4everr @acetruepunk @s-unflowxr @rxnexxi @tenpesos @mixling-blog @sammylvr @helsnik @mrspettersen @mixtape-racha @realviviboss @mikaelless @queenoftrash97 @boomfrogg
Divider and Gif @justaaveragereader
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velvetydream · 23 days
꒰ :🥀 [ Trainee days ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Technically you and San were as close as friends can be, but he started to withdraw from you. Which not only you noticed, but also a few others. The question in your mind was : Why?
Pairing : Trainee! San x Trainee! Fem! Reader
Word count : 1.8K Words
Genre : Fluff
Warnings ➵ None?
a/n : While writing I got the idea of maybe also doing a Idol x Trainee! Reader, might do one too!
┌───────────────────────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
The fan in the practice room was humming loudly, but the music coming from the speakers toning it out. Your breathing was hard as you try to follow the steps shown by the instructor. The room was full of other trainess, the air was stuffy and hot. The peak of summer was finally reached, yet everyone in this room with a dream had to push through, push to their limits.
"We'll take a ten minute break, drink something." Rushing over to your bag, you quickly grab your water bottle, the slightly warm water running down your throat, a single drop running down your chin. Despite the water already turning slightly warm, it refreshed you, so you closed the cap and put it back into your bag before turning around. Your eyes scan over the room, stopping on a group of for three guys. Smiling softly as you make your way over to them, Wooyoung being the first to notice you, waving to you happily. San and Mingi turning soon to greet you too.
"We were just discussing to go grab something to eat tonight, do you have another practice afterwards? Want to come along?" Wooyoung was the one to adress you, thinking for a second before telling you'd be free after the dance lessons, agreeing to join them.
You were rather close to them, along with the other ones of their group. They were already selected to become a group, which made you happy and proud of them, but also a bit self concious, were you still training without being planned for a group, making you ponder if you would ever debut at all. Yet you of course supported them as best as you could, there weren't a lot of people in your company, so it was a rather close realation between the trainees from the start. Closest you were probably with Wooyoung and San, though recently you noticed you relationship with San shift. While you two were usually super close with skinship, cuddling and hugging when hanging out, you recently noticed how San stiffened up when you hugged him or how he even avoided your touch more often now, opting for cuddling with one of the boys than you. It hurt you, but you could not blame him, you were only friends after all, so this made you grow closer with Wooyoung and Mingi too.
The teacher announced the beginning again, having everyone get into position for anouther good two hours of dance practice. It was hard but you pushed through, breaking down onto the floor when it finally ended. Rubbing your legs softly, they were burning and hurting all over, your whole body was in pain. Happy that you only had singing and rap lessons the next two days, before dancing again.
"I'm so exhausted~" Wooyoung cried from behind you, when he sat down behind you on his knees, draping his arms around your shoulders and leaning his weight onto you. "Wooyoung you're to heavy!" Groaning now as you try to push your friend off of your shoulders to no avail, simply letting yourself fall to the side pulling Wooyoung with you. A sigh leaving your lips upon making contact with the cold floor, Wooyoung also relaxing upon feeling the coolness of the floor, his arms still around your shoulders.
"Are you guys finished? Our table is reserved for in half an hour." Seonghwas head popping into the room through the door, looking at you four, smiling when he sees you and Wooyoung cuddling on the floor. Getting up now, helping Wooyoung up before grabbing your bag and making your way to Seonghwa. "You're coming with us?" Nodding, he softly pats your head, making his way down the corridor to the exit with you guys. Not once noticing the slight glare that was send your way when you cuddled with Wooyoung or when Seonghwa patted you head.
The trip to the restaurant was rather quick, sitting beside San and Wooyoung soon, Jongho is grilling the meat, while Seonghwa grills some vegetables. Of course you noticed how San stiffened up again a bit beside you, making you glance over at him, he was avoiding your gaze as good as he could. Breathing out a bit harder, before turning to Wooyoung who asked you a question, leaning your head softly on his shoulders. Your thoughts were running wild, why was San suddenly so distant? Did you do something to offend him? You weren't the only one to have noticed Sans changed of behavior, Hongjoong and Seonghwa also noticed, seeing how San withdrew from you, stopped initiating skin contact with you and even stopped talking so much to you.
Wooyoung was slowly but surely noticing too, his hand softly resting on your knee right now to give you some sort of support. An idea coming into his head as his softly pushes you off of him. "San let her lean on you, she's exhausted and I gotta use the bathroom." Giving you a soft push soft your head lands on Sans stiff shoulder. You wanted to complain to Wooyoung, but he was already up and gone. Wanting to sit up again to not make San anymore uncomfortable, he softly grabs your arm to keep you close beside him, keep you resting your head on his shoulder. "It's fine, please stay." This was the first time in weeks that he initiated anything, making you smile softly. Despite trying to push the feeling away, you missed San and his touch dearly. It was so normal by now to hug and cuddle San all the time, so to day you felt touch deprived of him was and underestimatement.
Wooyoung soon coming back to the table, smiling triumphantly upon seeing you still resting on Sans shoulder, his hand holding yours softly with your fingers intertwined. The meal went on with you and San slightly going back to normal, when you sat up straight to eat, it was his turn to rest his head on your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to your neck, while holding your hand. Eyes watching you lovingly, but that was only noticed by Seonghwa, finally dawning on him why San had withdrawn himself from you, quickly whispering over to Hongjoong whos gaze snapped over to the two of you.
"How about you sleep over at the dorm? It's late already." Hongjoong speaks up now to you, making Wooyoung and Mingi cheer and agree before even giving you the chance of choosing, making you giggle.
So you soon found yourself cramped together on their dorms couche, Wooyoung and Mingi claiming their spot beside you, making San pout who just joined with Seonghwa from the kitchen with popcorn. Since the couch is to small eitherway, you pat the spot in front of you, blankets and pillows were scattered on the floor, motioning for San to sit in front of you, which ha happily did. It was Jonghos turn to choose the movie and like the little devil he is, he choose a horror movie. Through the movie San at some point pulled your legs over his shoulders so he can lean his head on your thigh and hide his face if he gets to scared. Your hands meanwhile softly pushing through his fluffy hair, trying to help the boy in front of you calm down. Most of the boys were rather scared of horror or jumpscares, the only really immune ones being Yunho and Jongho himself. San was probably along with Mingi one of the worst ones to take horror, knowing it would result in San waking you up from the couch to pull you to his room to cuddle. At least you hoped it would happen and stay like usual, despite his change of behavior.
The movie ended, everyone gets up to go to their rooms and just San and you stay back. "You okay?" Leaning over to him, you softly pat his hair to make him look at you, only now noticing the soft pink blush on his cheeks. "Yeah.. I just.. Can you sleep in my room tonight?" His eyes not meeting yours, while the side of his face stays pressed to your thighs. "Of course, let's go." Pulling your legs from his shoulders, San gets up before pulling you up from the couch, luckily everyone changed into pyjamas before starting the movie. Not letting go of your hand, San pulls you along the dark hallway to his room, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake one of the other members in his room.
Letting you lay down first, San get's in after you, pulling the blanket above the both of you. Looking into your face, his eyes held a soft gaze, the moonlight being the only source of light, yet San looked ethereal as ever. "I'm sorry for distancing myself recently I.." He stopped, his eyes going away from your own, reaching his hand up to softly grab yours, interwining his fingers with yours. Giving him his time to find his words, your softly squeez his hand assuring you that you're listening. "I think I got scared.. I've recently been noticing how I grow jealous seeing you with others, how my heart starts beating faster.." His voice barely a whisper as he said these words, not to wake his members up but also because he probably was scared if he talked louder you would go. "I've been acting like a fool and what I'm trying to say is.. I think I love you.." Eyes meeting yours finally, you can definitely see the anxiety in his eyes which slowly vanish upon seeing your soft and loving smile.
"Oh Sannie.. Why didn't you talk to me from the start? Do you know how long I've had feelings for you?" Your hand reaches up to softly push hair out of his face, before rubbing your knuckles over his cheek. His eyes were wide while staring at you, before he slides his arms around your waist and he pulls you close against himself, hiding his big smile in your neck. "Are you serious? You're not playing with me right?" His hopefull big eyes look up to you know, chuckling softly you press as soft kiss to his nose. "I would never play with you Sannie, yes I'm serious." San can't help it but a little tear runs down his cheek from how relieved he is that you didn't push him away.
Falling asleep together now, both with a soft smile on your lips. Not noticing the head that soon poke in, one watching you two with a smirk, the other with a soft smile, while Hongjoong hands Seonghwa money. "Told you he would confess tonight." Closing the door again, of course not mentioning that he had a little talk with San in the kitchen and pushed him to finally confess. That would be his little secret.
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newworldwritings · 4 months
NewWorldWritings Recs! (ATEEZ)
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gif by @graphicstorage
these are some writings that i have read that i would love to share with the rest of atiny/readers. some of these quite literally made me cry, laugh, and relate.
let me know if any of the links don’t work!
more will be added too #newworldwritingsreblogs !
some of these do contain smut, dark themes, & lots more. so please remember to read the warnings that each author put in their works.
OT8 x reader
❕player 1117 @peachesyeo
(series -> ongoing) obessive!gamecharacters!ateez x villainess!reader
❕morning mist @mint-yooxgi
(series -> ongoing) Yandere!Dragon!Ateez X Chubby!Reader
❕The Library of Illusion @kwanisms
(series -> completed) ateez ot8 × fem!reader
Want You Back @whimsicalwritingsandmore
(series -> ongoing) werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
❕Circus @lani-heart
(series -> ongoing) ateez ot8 x reader
❕trope @bro-atz
(series -> completed) ateez member/gn!reader or ateez member/afab!reader
❕Black Ocean @bvidzsoo
(ongoing) Ateez members x female readers
❕room for three @honeyhotteoks
(56k series -> completed) nonidol!yunho x nonidol!seonghwa x reader
❕splish splash @atozfic
(20k) nonidol!san x nonidol!seonghwa x nonidol!wooyoung x nonidol!yunho x fem!reader
undying bonds @edenesth
(series -> completed) Hongjoong x fem!reader, Seonghwa x fem!reader
❕whichever way @igbylicious
(series -> ongoing) woosan x fem!reader
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you’re hongjoongs bias @jnginlov
(8.6k) idol!hongjoong x idol!reader
captains favorite @edenesth
(1.1k) captain!Hongjoong x doctor!reader
Black and White @atinystraynstay
(2k) Kim Hongjoong x fem!reader
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❕The Way to His Heart @edenesth
(series -> ongoing) general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
Cold Snap @ennysbookstore
(4 part series -> completed) nonidol!Seonghwa x Reader
❕Dancing With the Devil pt.2 @bro-atz
(2 part series -> completed) assassin!seonghwa x afab!reader
❕the trouble with hating you. @baekhvuns
(33k) badboy!seonghwa x reader.
Bingo @gummygowon
(1.8k) single dad!seonghwa x reader
❕you’re the one that i want @ateezmakemeweep
(series -> completed) bad boy!seonghwa x fem!reader
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❕Guerrilla @sorryimananti-romantic
(27k) serialkiller!dr.yunho x writer!reader
What Builds a Home @cosmicdumpling
(7.2k) husband!yunho x fem!reader
❕Memoir @baekhvuns
(16k) nonidol!yunho x reader
all i want for christmas is you @starrysvn
(11k) yunho x gn!reader
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❕lessons in intimacy @honeyhotteoks
(14.5k) camboy!yeosang/barista!yeosang x fem!reader
Siren. @sorryimananti-romantic
(27.8k) siren!yeosang x sirenhunter!reader
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❕ceilings pt.2 @yoongiseesawmp3
(2 part series -> completed) pe teacher!san x single mom!reader
❕The Art of Climbing the Corporate Tower @ennysbookstore
(2 part series -> completed) nonidol!san x reader
Love Poem @frenchkisstheabyss
(3.5k) dad!choi san x pregnant!chubby!fem!reader
❕Crafting Christmas @yoonguurt
(15.2k) single dad!San × reader
destiny @tainsan
(25k) idol!San x nonidol!reader
❕ch_i san @atzfilm (this one made me cry my eyes out)
(19k) android!san × reader
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❕nightmare, daydream @mingigoo
(11.1k) tutor!femreader x popularboy!Mingi
❕Shower Ecstasy @myhimbomingi
(1.6k) song mingi x afab!reader
❕Grease and oil @bvidzsoo
(5.6k) mechanic!mingi x fem!reader
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instagram @roomsofangel
(series -> ongoing) nonidol!wooyoung x fem!reader
❕Home for the Holidays @highvern
(24k) nonidol!Wooyoung x fem!reader
❕Midnight Kisses @mingigoo
(5 part series -> completed) bff!Wooyoung x single parent!femreader
Still You @edenesth
(15k) exbf!Wooyoung x fem!reader
Change of Heart @hotteoki
(5k) suitor!wooyoung x princess!reader
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to yours, jongho @halaboyz
(1.8k) busker!jongho x gn! reader
when strangers kiss @starlitmark
(5.4k) nonidol!Jongho x fem!reader
Guarding Hearts @edenesth
(15k) bodyguard!Jongho x actress!reader
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380 notes · View notes
sorryimananti-romantic · 11 months
Ateez Masterlist - Discography Ver.
Basically ateez's tracklist but with the ffs linked! click on the song and you'll be led to the content which will have a detailed description + warnings of its own. enjoy <3 and special thanks to @eightmakesonebraincell for helping me out with the formatting! (PLAYS = word count, CREDITS = description). P.S: for reactions, requests and headcanons, pls refer to the masterlist here <3
TREASURE EP.1: All to Zero
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# Title
1 Intro: Long Journey
2 해적왕 (Pirate King)
3 Treasure
4 Twilight
5 Stay
YEOSANG (ft. princess!reader) 18,692 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where yeosang is an archer and he replaces your tutor and keeps your secret, joins you in finding some adventure in life and eventually, helps you find true love.
6 My Way
MINGI (ft. princess!reader) 18,619 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where mingi is your bodyguard and you, the princess, travel to the enemy nation to expose the schemes of your betrothed, risking your life when you can't hold back your feelings for your guard anymore.
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# Title
1 HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened, Live Alive)
MINGI (ft. human!reader) 26,976 PLAYS CREDITS: fantasy au where the shadow demon is cursed to share a body with mingi. mingi encounters you when you run away from home and you decide to stick with him. you start falling for both the demon and mingi but tragic consequences await you as you learn more about the curse.
2 Say My Name
3 Desire
4 Light
5 Promise
YUNHO (ft. princess!reader) 23,068 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where you, princess of eden, find yourself in an arranged marriage with prince yunho of wonderland and find your homelands at war with each other, making you wonder what will become of your marriage esp when you fall for him.
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# Title
1 Utopia
2 Illusion
3 Crescent
SAN (ft. bodyguard/assassin!reader) 17,274 PLAYS CREDITS: royal/fantasy au where san is the prince and you are hired to be his bodyguard and personal assassin as he travels to eden to uncover secrets and a possible betrayal.
4 Wave
MINGI (ft. teacher!reader) 7,881 PLAYS CREDITS: high school-ish au where you both are teachers and accompany students to a one week trip as per your suggestion, experiencing your own high school romance
5 Aurora
YUNHO (ft. spy!reader) 26,543 PLAYS CREDITS war au where you are a spy/cryptographer in the enemy nation and meet yunho, skilled strategist and cryptographer, win his favour to get on his team so you can eventually get to the medical research department to expose their plans, but fall in love with him in the process, fearing the day he'll learn your true identity.
6 Dancing Like Butterfly Wings
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# Title
1 Wonderland
2 Dazzling Light
YEOSANG (ft. human!reader) 26,709 PLAYS CREDITS: fantasy au where yeosang is an angel on his last mission and you, a mere human, messes his mission making him stay for longer than he'd like... until he starts actually liking it (and you) and finds himself in a life-threatening situation.
3 안개 (Mist)
SAN (ft. mediator!oc) 53,807 PLAYS CREDITS: supernatural au where the oc, seohyun, is a mediator- someone who can see and interact with the dead and helps them move on. she befriends san and together, they navigate through a journey of danger and thrill, heartbreak and love, and tragedy that drives them worlds apart.
4 Win
WOOYOUNG (ft. princess/assassin reader) 42,555 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where wooyoung is an envoy from utopia, also undercover, and finds out your identity. a secret shared, you try to prevent utopia from taking your homeland while he helps though you can't help but question his loyalty multiple times- even when you're falling for each other.
5 If Without You
WOOYOUNG (ft. reader) 14,449 PLAYS CREDITS: best friends to lovers au where your childhood friend wooyoung moves in with you as he adjusts to the city and you try to get used to his presence without revealing your romantic feelings for him.
6 친구 (THANK U)
7 Sunrise
SAN (ft. soldier!reader) 29,895 PLAYS CREDITS: you and san are majors in the special forces. you think the idea of romance while being in the military is stupid for a number of reasons, but san thinks otherwise and decides to prove his point, making you question your beliefs.
8 걸어가고 있어 (WITH U)
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# Title
1 Answer
2 지평선 (Horizon)
SAN (ft. oc) 100,725 PLAYS CREDITS: royal/fantasy au where san, faerie prince of earth, finds gaeul who came back from the dead as a part of a darkling's evil schemes, her magic now unnatural and dark. san realises he might be connected to gaeul in unimaginable ways, the bond they share serving as both their salvation and demise. SPINOFF (TAKE ME HOME)
3 Star 1117
4 Precious
5 Outro: Long Journey
TREASURE EP. Map To Answer
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# Title
1 Declaration
2 Better
YEOSANG (ft. reader) 9,302 PLAYS CREDITS: enemies to lovers au where you belong to rival gangs but find yourselves at the mercy of a common enemy and have no choice but to rely on each other and address your confusing feelings for each other.
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# Title
1 Dear Diary: 2016.07.29
4 지평선춤을 춰 (TO THE BEAT)
6 Good Lil Boy
WOOYOUNG (ft. princess!reader) 23,785 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where you meet prince wooyoung, your best friend and your worst enemy, at a retreat in another kingdom and you start to cross personal boundaries with each other in the name of bets, unable to keep your hands off each other.
7 One Day At A Time
YUNHO, SEONGHWA (ft. reader) 18,565 PLAYS CREDITS: royal/war? au where seonghwa and yunho are both the king's trusted guards and best friends. you fell for seonghwa, married and had a daughter with him before losing him forever. later, you fall for yunho- a loving father to your daughter and a husband who gave you enough space and time to grieve and fall for him.
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# Title
1 불놀이야 Fireworks (I’m the One)
HONGJOONG (ft. reader) 25,903 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where prince hongjoong holds a selection- 30 eligible candidates from the kingdom competing against each other, one of which would be his wife and the future princess. you're only a translator to one of the candidates but you catch his eye.
2 선도부 (The Leaders)
3 Time of Love
JONGHO (ft. reader) 19,800 PLAYS CREDITS: friends to lovers au where jongho is your brother's best friend (yeosang) and the three of you share a living space. you catch up with jongho and your feelings for him resurface with all their might.
4 Take Me Home
SEONGHWA (ft. oc) 155,416 PLAYS CREDITS: royal/fantasy au where yena (oc) with a magical block on her memories goes on a journey to uncover her past, encountering the eight faerie princes and learning her identity and fighting against an evil scheme as she falls for prince seonghwa of dark, a love that transcends the boundaries of time, space and magic.
5 Celebrate
Into the A to Z
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# Title
1 Still Here
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# Title
1 Dreamers
2 Blue Summer
Season Songs
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# Title
1 바다 보러 갈래? (Be My Lover)
2 여름날의 겨울동화 (White Love)
HONGJOONG (ft. fireprincess!reader) 24,832 PLAYS CREDITS: fantasy au where hongjoong is the ice prince and sets a neverending winter in the land and you, the fire princess, find him trapped. as you team up against the threats on your lives, you make unexpected friends and find love.
3 검은 고양이 네로 (The Black Cat Nero)
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# Title
1 Eternal Sunshine
HONGJOONG (ft. reader) 23,393 PLAYS CREDITS: you and hongjoong meet on the train and instantly connect, becoming friends and more, but you're both plagued by a past that you can't remember, and when you start digging into it you realise that your pasts may be connected and the situation might be graver than you thought.
2 Feeling Like I Do
YUNHO (ft. reader) 4,671 PLAYS CREDITS: you and yunho have been best friends since forever and neighbours for a while, and you find it harder with each passing day to hide your feelings for him.
3 Deja Vu
SEONGHWA (ft. reader) 22,281 PLAYS CREDITS: past life/reincarnation au where seonghwa was hades and you were persephone and in the present, seonghwa is a detective and you are a florist and you meet during his case investigation, your encounters making you relive your memories from your past life.
5 All About You
6 Not Too Late (밤하늘)
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# Title
1 야간비행 (Turbulence)
2 Be With You
SEONGHWA (ft. spy/defector!reader) 23,593 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where you're a spy for the king but he tainted your name and imprisoned you in the enemy nation as a defector, imprisoning your sister as leverage. once you run, you encounter seonghwa- the king's right hand- save his life and use him to get to the castle, wondering if he'll still love you when he learns the truth.
3 The Letter
4 멋 (The Real) (흥 : 興 Heung Ver.)
5 Outro : Over the Horizon
Don't Stop
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# Title
1 Don't Stop
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# Title
1 The King
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# Title
1 Propaganda
2 Sector 1
3 Cyberpunk
JONGHO (ft. programmer!reader) 23,750 PLAYS CREDITS: you're a programmer in the eden droid project and you find your boyfriend jongho as the droid assigned for you to 'fix'- you wonder if it was just an awful conincidence. you run away with him so you can turn him back to human but it starts going wrong and you find yourself learning shocking truths as you make plans for the downfall of the project.
4 Guerrilla
YUNHO (ft. writer!reader) 27,902 PLAYS CREDITS: he's a doctor, part time serial killer/vigilante. you're a gore crime fiction writer. you move in with him despite the strict and strange rules and somehow, you both end up falling for each other amidst lies, secrets, past traumas and a detective who suspects you.
5 The Ring
6 WDIG (Where Do I Go)
JONGHO (ft. reader) 23,701 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where jongho is hired as your bodyguard under your father's order bc you are a gossip-dealer who owns hotel crescent. with your father as your opposition when you support two different princes of two different nations at war, you wonder where jongho's loyalty lie.
7 New World
HONGJOONG (ft. royalphysician!reader) 27,397 PLAYS CREDITS: royal au where hongjoong is the crown prince and you're the royal physician to the king and you strike a deal with him- you'd kill the king for him to speed up his coronation while he grant you some benefits. you start getting greedy with each other though and things take a dark turn.
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# Title
1 Intro: Siren
YEOSANG (ft. sirenhunter!reader) 27,894 PLAYS CREDITS: enemies to lovers au where yeosang is a siren and you're immune to a siren's call. while you help each other get your respective revenge and overcome a curse that starts turning you into a siren, you find that yeosang isn't the monster you thought all sirens to be.
2 Paradigm
3 Outro: Liberty
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# Title
1 Halazia
2 Outro: Blue Bird
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# Title
1 Limitless
SAN (ft. queen!reader) 28,912 PLAYS CREDITS: you're the princess of utopia, queen of eden by marriage to the king. for a whole year of marriage, you've taken his abuse but you're planning his downfall and you find an unexpected ally in the king's right hand choi san. he not only helps you plan but also shows you how it is like to be truly loved and wanted.
2 Diamond
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starlitmark · 1 year
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Summary: just ateez being the cutest dads ever Pairing: ateez x fem!reader (individually) Tropes: parent au, established relationship au Genre: fluff Rating: G Warnings: none Word Count: n/a Note: I watched return of superman and the hello 82 episode and here we are... (yes I will take requests in this au)
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Gender-neutral clothing designer
His wife is a model for his brand
One daughter and one son
His daughter is older
His son is his mini-me
He and his son do literally everything together while his daughter laughs about how much they are alike
Kindergarten teacher
His wife teaches high school literature
Twin boys and a younger daughter
Absolutely adores his baby girl more than anything
Always ready to play with his sons
Spoils his babies when he can
His wife is an accountant
Has one son and another on the way
Super protective of his wife when she’s pregnant
His son is always talking to her belly (a habit he’s developed from his dad)
Always brings home gorgeous bouquets for his wife every night
Photographer specializing in children’s photography
His wife is an event coordinator
Has one daughter
Will do absolutely anything for his daughter (yes, even the photoshoot after she was born)
Playing princesses and nail salon >>>
He wants another kid, but it’s not the right time quite yet
Trust fund baby but is still very serious about the monopoly he’s found himself the CEO of
His wife is a stay-at-home mom (was an arranged marriage at first for business things, but they caught feelings)
Fraternal twin daughters
One is his mini-me, and the other is his wife’s
Will leave business meetings if his daughters want or need him
Just cause they live comfortably doesn’t mean they spoil their kids rotten
Dance professor
His wife is a biological chemistry professor
Two sons who are close in age
The boys have his personality (chaos in a bottle)
Sometimes his sons will come to uni with him and try to learn the dance for that lecture
If the boys are quiet, they’re up to something (Mingi included)
Gourmet chef
His wife is a patissier
Identical twin girls
Very sweet, affectionate, and mild-mannered girls
Both of them teach the girls how to bake and cook anything they want to learn
Would set the world on fire for his girls if they asked
Record shop/ cafe owner
His wife is an indie artist
One daughter (his baby bear)
Lets his daughter help around the shop
He and his wife make up little songs to help her learn things
She wants things to be bear/forest themed at all times
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld​ @k-vanity​
Tag List: @sanjoongie​ @jaehunnyy​ @ericssmile​ @anyamaris​
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alxtiny · 8 months
Game Night | Song Mingi x Reader
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Synopsis: where mingi teaches you how to play valorant
Pairing: Song Mingi x gn!reader, domestic au
Genre: fluff, crack
Word count: 0.9k
Warnings: none
Notes: this one’s a little rushed but I hope y’all like it
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You glanced at the computer screen, a mixture of excitement and confusion swirling in your eyes as you stared at the colorful characters and fast-paced action of Valorant. Your boyfriend, Mingi, had been talking about this game for weeks, practically bubbling over with excitement every time a new update was released. Today, you had finally agreed to give it a try, even though you were more of a casual gamer yourself.
"Okay, so first things first," Mingi said, his deep voice full of enthusiasm as he scooted his chair closer to yours. "These are the different characters, or agents, you can choose from. Each has unique abilities."
You nodded, trying to absorb the information as he explained the basics of the game. But truth be told, you were feeling a little overwhelmed. The controls, the abilities, the maps – it was a lot to take in.
"Here, let's start with something simple," Mingi suggested, leaning over to adjust your hand on the mouse. "Move your character using the W, A, S, and D keys. Good. Now, try aiming your crosshair at that target over there. Left-click to shoot."
You followed his instructions, your shots going wide and missing the target completely. Mingi let out a chuckle, a warm sound that made you smile despite your embarrassment.
"I... I think at this rate I might end up shooting at our own teammates," you confessed, a sheepish smile tugging at your lips.
"Don't worry, it's totally normal to struggle at first," he reassured you. "Let me show you something."
Mingi's arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you gently into his lap. Your heart skipped a beat at the sudden proximity, feeling his warmth radiating against your back. He positioned his hands over yours on the mouse and keyboard, guiding your movements with a patience that amazed you.
"See? You're getting the hang of it," he said, his breath tickling your ear as he leaned in to offer guidance. "Now, let's try using one of your agent's abilities."
As he explained the unique abilities of your chosen agent, his deft fingers danced over the keyboard, demonstrating the combinations you needed to use. With each passing moment, you felt your confidence growing. Maybe this game wasn't so intimidating after all.
Time flew by as the two of you played round after round, the evening melted into the night, stars coming out and lighting the sky. You went from struggling to shoot a target to actually getting kills in the game. Mingi's encouragement and guidance were instrumental in your progress, and you were having a blast despite the occasional frustration.
Surprisingly, after a few more rounds, something incredible happened – you managed to beat Mingi in a one-on-one duel. Your character's shot hit him right on target, and the announcer declared you the winner.
You let out a triumphant cheer, unable to contain your excitement. Mingi sat there with a stunned expression, a mix of disbelief and a playful pout gracing his lips. He looked like a kicked puppy, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter at his reaction.
"Hey, no fair!" he protested, his pout deepening as he crossed his arms mockingly. "I've been playing this game for months, and you beat me in one night?"
You leaned over, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "It's just beginner's luck, Mingi. Plus, I had an amazing teacher."
He let out a dramatic sigh, still maintaining the pout. "It took me so long to learn and be good at this game, and you just come along and steal my victory."
You grinned, cupping his cheeks and turning his face toward you. "Well, you know what they say about student surpassing the master, right?"
He huffed, but his pout was slowly turning into a smile. "Is that so?"
You leaned in, your lips brushing against his in a sweet, tender kiss. "Don't worry, Mingi. I might have beaten you in a game, but you're still the best teacher and the most amazing boyfriend."
His pout finally gave way to a smile, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm hug. "You're too good for me, you know that?"
You laughed, nuzzling into his chest. "And you're too silly for words."
His smile widened, and a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes. "Oh, is that so? Well, if I'm so silly…"
Before you could react, he started to tickle you mercilessly, his fingers floating over your sides and under your arms. Laughter erupted from your lips as you squirmed in his lap, trying to escape his playful onslaught.
"Okay, okay, I give up!" you gasped between giggles, breathless from the tickling.
Mingi finally relented, a triumphant grin on his face. "That's what I thought. No one can out-silly me."
You rolled your eyes affectionately, your heart full of warmth and love for this playful and wonderful man, as you snuggled deeper into his embrace.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
Send an ask or a message to be added to taglist
Taglist: @sushi0517
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starillusion13 · 4 months
Hi! are u still accepting requests?
i love your badboy wooyoung fic <3, by any chance could you write a Mingi x reader? where they're both dance teachers at summer camp and every one teases them but kinda enemies to lovers thats the main idea, you can add anything u want <3, but i i'm tired of the shy innocent reader i want tension >:(
I’m in love…
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Pairing: dance teacher! Mingi x dance teacher! reader (ft. Heesung my love)
Genre: Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, summer camp au
W.C: 4.8k
Warnings: nothing major, just a story of two person oblivion to each other’s feelings and falling in love after a dance.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: Thanks for reading and reblogging. I appreciate all of your reviews and feel free to text me if you want. Spread love to others, not hate. ngl but my next fic in queue was again angst but I am posting this on @mymoodwriting her suggestion and as I love my bestie too much so I have posted this first.
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“Cheers for the winning team ‘Blockbusters’!”
The winner team cheered with the trophy in their leader’s hand and their dance teacher smiling widely with the students surrounding you in a cheering circle. All filling you with thankful and funny words making your smile wider. Afterall, the win they got was only because of you. You were the one who worked hard for the ideas and choreographies to be on the point so that your students could win the competition and then there was the result of the first week dance competition of your team being the winner.
Your youngest student hugged your side and some awed at you as if you were his older sister. You patted his head and urged everyone else to have their snacks provided at the counter as they already were so tired and hungry. The youngest one ran fast with his friend and you laughed looking at them all cheering and joking in their way towards the food counter.
The leader had already handed you the trophy and you stared at it in your hold. Their every achievement always felt like your own and it really feels good every time. Your dream to become a dance trainer at a big training company was slowly being achieved step by step. Small steps from these summer camps to state challenges and then country recognition and then one day, you will be a part of the dance trainer crew of your dream company.
You smiled to yourself and shook your head to dismiss the thoughts. Placing the trophy on the table as you turned around, only to come face to face with the man with folded hands above his buff chest, sleeves of white shirt folded till elbow and a denim bottom and striking the appearance with a black sunglass.
Always extra…but always perfect.
“Aren’t you too happy just for a win in a summer camp competition?” he asked you and walked towards you.
You glanced towards the cafeteria and smiled, “of course, every small thing matters to me. It’s not like if I want to do something big, it can possibly be achieved out of nowhere.”
He scoffed, “it was just a little competition. You haven’t won the state or country ones. Just among the few schools who gathered in this camp.”
“if it’s really nothing then why are you so pissed, Mingi. Work harder. Maybe next time, you gotta smiling in my position.” You smirked in the end.
He swiftly moved the sunglass from the eyes to place it on the head, revealing his droopy eyes and his intimidating aura shining under the fading sunlight. However, he pisses you off every time but still he is always the most handsome dance teacher among the five schools. No wait, Heesung is there too but that one is a one bid flirty player and you can’t act like Ms. Sana who would give a blind eye to his flirty talks and still appreciating his visual and dance moves. Mingi and Heesung’s group always comes the finale ones to compete against each other but this time, your group beat the second group and was the one to compete with Mingi’s.
“Don’t be proud so much. I will surely win next time.” he stated and inserted his thumbs inside the jean’s pockets on both the side. His every moment was being getting noticed by you.
“Let’s see.” You winked at him before turning back to pick up the water bottle. Before you could even get a slight tip of it, someone took the bottle and held it up. You rolled your eyes before going for another but he did the same thing again. You glared and turned to your side.
“What’s your problem?” you exhaled and licked your lips.
“what’s with that attitude, y/n? You know I’m already a part of training agency so as well as Heesung so don’t even think yourself greater than either of us.” His droopy eyes piercing down on you.
You crossed your hands above your chest and huffed in annoyance. You looked over in a distant place, keeping your gaze away from him. He was almost towering over you. You could feel his perfume directly and he was close enough than other times. But to your oblivion, his gaze was fixed on you, eyes scanning every little texture of your face. The tiny details of your make-up less features. Sweats lining your face and he felt an urge to wipe them off. He placed one bottle on the table to his side and offered the other one to you.
“drink it. You’re sweating and maybe thirsty.” He said in a monotonous way.
You squinted your eyes to judge his intention to which he just rolled his eyes, “are you somehow being a kind one, now? It’s very unusual of you.”
“Look y/n. don’t always get on my nerves. I was offering you this because you look like you can fall unconscious of exhaustion anytime. I don’t want to carry this weak body to the infirmary.” He almost rapped the words.
A frown appeared on your face, “weak? Me? Excuse me! but don’t think of me like Sana. I’m not that porcelain doll to break with a little push.” You snatched the bottle from his grip.
“then are you a dancing doll, y/n?” he laughed and smirked.
You hissed, “Mingi…”
“At this point, I must believe you both just find a reason to argue so that you can meet with each other. I am not surprised that I could find you guys here when everyone else is inside the main building.” Heesung’s voice coming from the way leading from the ground for physical activities. He was having a cheerful and flirty glint in his eyes.
He popped a chips inside his mouth and offered you one. You raised your hand to take it but the piece got taken away by Mingi and Heesung laughed loudly. You forcedly opened the sealed cap of the bottle and glared at both of them before gulping down the bottle, almost choking on it. The grip on the bottle was too tight, the victim of your anger.
“look, tell your friend Mingi not to piss me off everytime he sees me alone anywhere.” you said and started collecting your belongings from the table.
“my friend? Aren’t both of you friend as well?” Heesung asked and chuckled.
“Never!” “What?”
“oh Geez! Calm down. Don’t shout like teenagers. You both really hate each other. Anyways, y/n congratulations for the win. The dance moves and the centre choice were really nice. Your brain is sexy.”
Mingi scoffed and giving him a side eye, you replied to Heesung with a smile, “Thank you so much, Heesung. I’m glad you pointed out the main changes this year unlike someone who couldn’t even utter a simple congratulations to someone. Always a competitive one.”
“come on, Mingi. Kiss her and tell her that you really did love her dance moves. “
“yeah! It will be so nice to see a new couple in this camp.” Sana’s soft and cheerful voice neared you all. You looked over to her direction. She was already staring at Heesung who was glancing in her way. She pout and you shook your head in disbelief.
Them. not only them but other teachers present in the camp, even some older students urge you both every day to get together because according to them,
‘the people who fight on silly things are the real couples.’
How you despise this thought!
you grabbed your things and left the scenario with their eyes following your way. Heesung and Sana laughed but Mingi’s expression was serious, watching your figure intently getting away from the spot. He stepped forward when the other one stopped him and asked him to go with him towards the ground. He glanced towards your way but nodded to him and walked away.
He might be the one pissed you today but generally that was not his intention.
Usually, the camps last for eight weeks for your school and same goes for the other schools present there as well but this time, it would be more than just eight weeks and you had to meet him more than usual. You groaned at the thought before plopping on the bed. The dance competition held was in the first week of the camp and there would be many other activities and competitions everyday and even if there’s respective teachers but you can’t just be free from any schedules as you need to be the assistant in some activities.
Every year after you joined this school, you always looked forward to this summer camps because in your childhood, you loved spending your days in summer camp and after joining this school as dance teacher, you got the chance to relive your childhood days again.
But the second year, you came across this particular person while you were cheering for few students who were competing with each other in a particular water activity. Someone stood beside you and boring hole onto your side, you previously brushed off the weird feeling but then when you looked at the person, you caught him staring at you. You furrowed your eyebrows and scanned his face because you never saw him earlier during any other activities and there was no new school or maybe you had forgot the person. Afterall, you were new and still learning many things. You licked your lips and tugged your hairs behind your ear, before sending him a small smile.
“Are you new here?” his voice was heavy and his look was so intimidating that you felt so small in front of him but you stood strong on your spot.
You nodded and replied, “yeah…I joined last year. And you?” you raised your hand for a shake but well he just stared at it. You waited for few seconds but when he didn’t raise his hand, you curled your fingers and retreated your hand by your side, suppressing your annoyance in the fist.
“are you the new dance teacher?” he asked again.
“yes. And you are?” you asked in an unsure tone, didn’t actually feel like he would reply you but surprisingly he did.
“I am the dance teacher from St. Joseph’s ‘Sparkling’ Team. Myself, Mingi.”
Oh great. So this man is a dance teacher like you. Well, his physique and appearance really did give off an idol image and you wont be surprise if he is secretly an idol or a trainee.
 You nodded, “y/n, from St. Mary’s ‘Blockbuster’ Team.”
And that’s it. There was an awkward silence between you both followed by the cheers of the students who were splashing water in the enjoyment of their win.
You smiled towards them and clapped your hands, similarly Mingi smiled a bit too but he was staring at you.
The first meeting was usually a friendly one, maybe a not-so-friendly one but you were pretty much sure that the following events occurred after the meet was not in your checklist.
With passing of days, you noticed him more. He was a secretive person and even though he wanted something or wanted to express something, he would rather stay neutral in his expression but will encourage his students with warm and comforting words. Of course, him being the teacher of the opponent team sparked a curiosity inside you to know him better. Oh girl! How wrong you were that it was only you! But something similar thoughts came across his mind as well. Oblivion to each other, both of you started to get to know each other.
Starting from asking your colleagues or the close ones in the camps about each other then staring too long than usual and getting caught by each other. Bumping into each other and him blaming you for crossing his path. Well, it was all pretty much okay until you started noticing him around you more. And, people be enjoying such dramas a lot. They even started teasing you that both of you were attracted to each other but oblivion to your feelings.
“what are you doing here?” he asked you and with the tip of his boot, he played with a stone.
“I didn’t know you don’t have eyes to see. Maybe, you don’t have a brain to understand it.” You stifled your laugh and turned around with the mat in your hand.
He picked up the stone and threw in your direction. It hit your calve but it was too small to actually hit you painfully, but when you turned around to glare at him, irritated with his obvious daily mischievous acts, you found him smirking at you.
“I have my eyes on useful things not on these useless stuffs.”
“and, that is?” you raised a brow.
“why will I answer your questions, dancing doll?”
Dancing doll. Gosh, you hate this name the most. Yeah, your friends and colleagues sometimes love to call each other with few nicknames but his nickname, oh wait no no that’s not a nickname. He was literally mocking at you.
“I will turn you into a doll if you don’t stop calling me that name.” you glared and bumped his side before leaving him there.
He smiled to your act and whispered, “my eyes are always on you, doll.”
Whenever you both got to hear those teasing, your first move was to glare at him only to get a bored look from him. But are you really angry or just pretending to be?
Your pretending is not accurate then.
Same thing repeated in every summer. At this point, you were sure to throw him into water if next time, he irritates you again. You previously thought that meeting him was only limited to summer camps. But never expected out of nowhere, he will be in a common friend’s group. Yunho and Wooyoung both were your friends from the dance training club and when Mingi got to know that you are friends with his childhood friends, oh he got a damn excuse to meet you every weekend whenever you all made plans.
You were being caught staring at him a lot. Yunho even once tried to convince you to date his best friend because you were the right one for him and you threatened him that if he ever tried to convince you again then you will beat his ass. Or your usual sentence.
“Yunho, if you are so worried then bestfriends should help each other. Go and marry him.”
But actually deep down, you were freaking out with the thought of you and him together. You were sure on one thing that you did have a crush on him. Maybe not a huge one but almost like that. What about him though?
Oh about him? he might can kidnap you any day to keep you for himself. The way he glares at Heesung whenever he tries to flirt with you or tease you with sweet talks. The intrusive thoughts coming to his minds are dangerous but what can he even do? You are never his. But soon he will make it possible, not maybe apply those thoughts but to make you his.
Next dance competition was in the end of the month and you had already taught them some of it but still some more practices were needed. Meanwhile, the students had some other stuffs to keep them engaged as well, like water activities, group projects, social activities and so on. Your love for water activities led you to have some fun with them as well. You were enjoying with the students in the pool activities when someone splashed into the water. You shielded your eyes with one hand and watched the person. And it reminded you of the first day, you met him.
“wow! The dive was so cool.” A student beside you cheered.
When the person raised his head from the water surface and pushed back his wet hairs. Oh you were losing yourself with the view. His white shirt with top three buttons undone and the water making it teasingly see through and sticking to his tanned skin with the broad chest view. The whistle sound made every student to run out of water and the sudden push made you slip your leg and there was nothing to hold to make you still but to your relief, you didn’t fall. A strong hand around your waist, pulling your side to his front.
“are you okay?”
You nodded and tried to push him away but he pulled you closer with your back pressed to the marble edges of the pool with him too close to your front.
“why are you running away?” he asked you slowly and brushed your hairs out of your face. His every touch hitching your breath and you caught his wrist when it stopped on your cheek.
“why are you doing this?” you asked him in return,
He chuckled, “doing what? Tell me you are not liking this.”
“and if I tell you no, then will your ego be hurt?” you raised a brow.
He smirked, “my ego won’t be hurt because no is not coming out of your pretty lips. It’s either stupid things or fake threats.”
“I swear, Mingi.”
He laughed at your response. But your moment soon got interrupted by Heesung.
“look, I should feel jealous of you to get her like this but as I’m already being aware of your relationship so I will let you have your fun but atleast come out of the water and go to your room. Children might see these unholy things.”
Mingi helped you out of the water and laughed. Why is he suddenly laughing? There was nothing to laugh about his speech.
“look, Heesung. Stop day dreaming about your online stories every time. There is no relationship between us.” You said and glared at them. Heesung snickered and suddenly got a call, before walking away he winked at you. You raised a fist towards him and he shook his head before turning back.
“go and get changed.” You turned your face when you felt his voice too close. He was close, towering over you with his big frame, shielding you from the direct sunlight. You stepped backward and he placed his palm on your lower back and pulled you. You could almost hear your heartbeat in your ears and before you could react to it, his cold lips touched your warm forehead. His slow breaths sent a chill shiver from top of your head to your toe, curling them tightly. His lips murmured to your skin, “I don’t want the dancing doll to fall sick.”
 He quickly stepped back and walked away to the ground, leaving you standing there too stunned to even move. You hugged yourself with your towel and went towards your room.
It was already late for your arrival because you were practicing the steps to students on repeat and soon, you all were sitting around the fireplace. That was a free time for everyone and each one was having fun with some jokes or showing off their individual talents. You were so indulged in your thoughts about the afternoon kiss that you didn’t notice someone sat beside you and staring at your side.
He pinched your cheek and pulled you out of your thoughts. Rubbing the stinging area, you looked at him with a frown, “what?”
“Let’s dance.”
“are you serious right now?”
“more than you.”
You chuckled and shook your head, “why? Do you want to show others that even if your team lost last week but you are still the best dancer?”
“maybe something else.”
He replied you too fast and your heart beat increasing with each of his words. The more you were staring at him, the more intense the effect of the kiss was tingling on your forehead. His eyes were hiding a desire, a passion behind those dark orbs, his hooded eyes curtaining away the feelings for you just for a while. Heesung’s voice broke your eye contact with him. Mingi was craving to see your shining eyes looking back at him. He was feeling loved just by your eyes on him.
You swear you would make Heesung mute one day.
“Well Attention everyone. Why don’t we have something interesting?”
Everyone cheered to his announcement. You rolled your eyes already knowing some stupid words coming out of his mouth.
That man be really playing the cupid everytime.
“Let’s welcome our two best dancers Miss Y/N and Dancing king Mingi. Cheers everyone.” He clapped his hand and welcomed you both to the middle. You parted your lips to protest only to see an extended hand in front of you, your eyes followed the hand to his face.
“Come on, dancing doll.”
You hesitatingly grabbed his hand and stood up and went to the centre. You were never shy in public but today somehow every stare was making you anxious. Your grip tightened in his hold and his thumb caressed over your palm.
“let’s begin…”
Inception started playing and he was standing to your side but he was facing back to the crowd and you in front. He placed one hand above your chest, hovering over the collar bones and slowly whispered with the song, “I’m in love….” His eyes were on you.
Your wide eyes stared back at him in shock but still managed to change your position to the next step. Now you both were in exact opposite posture. You mouthed the lyrics, “I’m in love…” and looked towards him. He smiled in return. He quickly sat on one of his on the ground and you sat on the raised knee for mimicking the exact steps from the choreography. You swiftly moved to the side and he raised his hand in air and stood up and bringing it back to brush the fingers against his jaw and your breath hitched with the next step. As soon as you both faced each other, his fingers softly leaving feather touches on your cheek before retreating away.
The dance continued with you both doing the exact dance moves from the choreography but in each chorus, you were sure you lip synced the line, ‘I’m in love…’ but he lightly sang the part, ‘I’m gonna chase you..’
In the end when you both ended the dance with staring at each other. Everybody cheered for the strong and clean dance moves. Every one was sure that day that you both are the dancing king and queen of the camp.
But you both were sure with your feelings.
That you both were in love.
“wait, I need to talk to you.” Mingi grabbed your wrist and you were surprised with his sudden move. After the duet dance last week, you ignored him as much as you could but being in the same building it was not much possible and also, when a cupid is roaming around you.
“What?” you glanced at your watch. It was already past ten o’clock and you were heading towards your room.
A group of three teachers laughing and heading towards your direction made him quickly pull you towards the corner and pushed himself along with you inside the room. He signalled you to keep quiet and as soon as the group passed by the door. He sighed in relief.
“was that pull really necessary?”
“No. but to get away from their eyes was.”
“where are we? Whose room is this?” you looked around and was panicking how you entered a stranger’s room until he walked towards the edge of the bed and sat down.
“this is my room. Welcome to my room, dancing doll.”
“Can you please stop calling me that?”
“Maybe…yes…no. Never.”
You folded your hands in front and glared at him, “and can I know why are we here?”
He didn’t reply but ducked his head down and fiddling with his fingers. You waited for him to say something but nothing. He was acting as if you were not even standing just in front of him.
“If you don’t have anything to say, then I’m leaving.” You said and turned back. But his next words made you halted in your steps.
“I’m in love…with you, y/n.”
Did he just confess? You didn’t turn around because even if you wanted to give some savage reply to him, you felt yourself on the verge of lose of words. Nothing came across your mind to reject his confession. Your mind didn’t even think twice to realise if he was joking or teasing you or testing your reaction to it. You gulped and clenched your sweaty palm.
It was because you were in love with him too.
Someone engulfed you in a back hug and you leaned to the touch. You held his hand in front and closed your eyes. You didn’t know how to react, what to say, what to believe and what to feel. But somewhere you felt happy. Happy because the person you love has confessed his love for you.
He inhaled the scent of your shampoo and whispered into your hair, “please say something. Please talk to me, y/n.”
“what do you want to hear?” you said in a low and slow voice.
“anything. Whatever you want to say but please don’t be silent. I want to hear you.”
You gripped his wrist tighter, “Mingi…”
“hmmm” he closed his eyes, his nose intoxicated with your scent and natural smell and your presence in his hold making his heart beat faster than usual and lips murmuring something into your hairs which you couldn’t even decipher.
“I love you, Mingi.”
The words he wanted to listen and he got to listen. He swiftly turned you around and smiled down at you. You never saw him smiling genuinely at you. Well, maybe he smiled like this before but you didn’t notice before. You didn’t think of it like this, the way you were getting lost into the smile.
“Do you really love me?”
You whispered, “more than you can even think of.”
“I love you, Y/n. you cant even imagine how badly I want to have this moment with you. I didn’t even realise this until the dance that day that I was madly in love with you for last two years. It was all about my love for you.”
He kissed your eyes, your nose, your cheeks, your forehead and stared at your lips. You nodded but still he hesitated. You placed your hands around his neck and pulled him into the most awaited kiss, raising yourself on your toe to match his level. The kiss of initiating a bond, the blooming of a young love. The lips danced with the swift rhythm matching with each other, the way your body moved accordingly and blending with each other’s move to the song. There was a passionate love in the kiss, like the way you both had passion for dance.
Slowly retreating from the kiss, your heels touched the ground. He again softly pecked on your lips, surprising you. He was drunk with your kiss. You smiled at him, he cupped your cheeks in his warm hands, your fingers wrapped around his wrist.
“Mingi…I didn’t realise my love before that dance as well. Maybe the dance and the song has awakened the feelings inside us.”
“we both have a passion for dance and dance only made us realise our inner thoughts. You don’t know but I am so happy right now that I finally get to call you mine.”
“who said you can call me yours?”
“I said and that’s final. also y/n…congratulations.”
“ for what?” you asked in surprise.
“for the win. It was your first step to join your dream company and I promise you, I will make it happen for you.”
“We will make it happen. Together.” You smiled and he nodded and bend down to peck you again.
You slowly removed his hand from your cheeks and took out your phone to click open your playlist.
“what are you doing?”
You didn’t reply and played a song ‘white love’.
The room filled with the intro of the song and swinging your hands, you knelt down in front of him, “will you have a dance with me, my dancing king?”
“of course, my dancing doll.”
“you were supposed to say queen not that stupid doll.”you whined.
“well you are a doll. My dancing doll.” He grabbed your waist and you both laughed with your bodies swaying with the flow of the music.
Afterall it was both of your dream, every day and every night to be in love with each other.
[Thanks for loving the Wooyoung fic...I hope you liked this one.]
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn [open!]
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outro-jo · 11 months
ateez and silly moments
pairing: ateez members x reader
type: scenario
warnings: none
request: yes
please read info before requesting!
masterlist | info
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hongjoong- your boyfriend makes the silliest noises. give him a quiet moment with you and he’s gotta use his voice somehow. whether it’s cute little hums of a melody he’s working out or an imitation of a cartoon character or just random nonsensical noises. his favorite is when you repeat them back to him, it’s like you two have a little language.
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seonghwa- most of the time seonghwa loves having you around to built lego sets with him… most of the time. it’s sweet when you two are sitting together building a set, a taylor swift record softly filling the room, but every once in a while you get a silly streak to be destructive and knock the small stack of blocks down. your giggles overlap with the music as seonghwa gives you a death glare. of course, it’s never a completed build because you aren’t a monster and it’s all in good fun but that doesn’t mean you aren’t getting a playful, light smack in return.
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yunho- he is ALWAYS doing some kind of goofy, physical gag especially if he can get his hands on a prop. it’s really fun going somewhere that has a statue because he’s gonna pretend to have a conversation with them. he always just dancing around or miming something out just to be silly and make you laugh.
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yeosang- this man is so fun when he’s drunk. you love your boyfriend dearly but it does take quite a bit to get him out of his shell and the quickest way to do that it with alcohol. it starts with spinning the soju bottle to get the little tornado in the bottle then next thing you know he’s screaming psy in a karaoke microphone. the two of you are always in the corner of the booth laughing over literally nothing, falling into each other.
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san- one thing about san is he’s gonna make things a competition. not in a negative, stressful way because he really doesn’t even care about winning, but he just loves making simple, mundane things exciting. he loves to race you when walking to places and “kissing the winner” when he slows up right before you reach the entrance. or entering “taekwondo teacher” mode and trying to see if you can do the high kicks. but everything he does is in good spirits and to get a smile on your face.
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mingi- one of mingi’s favorite things to do is play dinosaurs. he stomps around with his hands tucked up to his torso, growling as he slowly chases you around the apartment. the best is when he finally catches up with you and attacks you… with cuddles.
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wooyoung- wooyoung is the definition of silly but he’s peak silly when teasing you. he’s always poking you or purposefully bumping into you and often joking that you’re the one hitting him. he pokes his lip out in a pout and asks why you’re doing it while continuing to jab you lightly with his shoulder or hip.
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jongho- flirt! jongho is one of the biggest flirts and he loves to fluster you. he comes up with the silliest, cheesiest pick up lines and does them so sincerely, following it up with a cheeky wink. you’re not quite sure if you should blush or laugh. coming from anyone else it would be awful and cringe-worthy but from him it just works so well.
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mindlesshark · 1 year
“ The Day We Met ”
Chapter one - the introduction ꒰ next ꒱ 
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“The way you treat people is a statement of who you are. Just because they’re rude doesn’t mean you have to be.”
Story Tags/Warnings : ot8/reader, male reader, polymerous pack, possessive hints, mature series, strangers to lovers/mates, fantasy, courting, fluff, angst, mc is just a sweetie pie, male omega reader, pack alpha!yunho, alpha!mingi, alpha!seonghwa, beta!hongjoong, beta!yeosang, omega!wooyoung, alpha!san, alpha!jongho, mean wooyoung, wooyoung hates reader
Chapter warnings : mention of past bullying, fluff, this first chapter will be slow paced :p
Length : 6.5k (might be more), medium long
a/n : this is my first series on here i hope you enjoy! heart divider by @cafekitsune
Series masterlist Here!
Tag-list : theres is no one here yet :(
No one really likes waking up early in the morning. Y/n particularly hates them. The way everything seems to be ten times louder, and the sun seems to want to burn him alive by one thin beam through the curtains. Not to mention having to leave his nest he nicknamed heaven. Today is one of the many days the Rose pack had to prepare for the yearly Wolf Moon festival, the day they celebrate the moon goddess. At this festival the pack invites everyone to the middle of pack to dance in their status themed outfits, and to hopefully even find a mate or a mate-pack to join. Each pack member has their own role in the pack; like being a farmer who knows what grows in each season and a gardener who helps grow the herbs which become our medicines and teas, or even a warrior who helps keep the outside dangers from sneaking in and causing hell.
The Rose pack is one of the many packs who chose to stay secluded in the woods like their past ancestors while everyone around stayed in big cities. Of course they had some technology, in order to keep updated with what was going on over the years etc. They just preferred to stay more the traditional way, unlike the city.
Y/n is a teacher for the packs pups ages one through two. Being an omega with his soft chocolate scent made it easier for the pups to leave their parents in the mornings and come to daycare. Not to mention he was naturally great with babies so working at the daycare came in no question to him. It made his mornings calmer, watching them learn, singing lullabies and rhythms. His job made his life less lonely, along with his best friend who was also an omega who went by the name Felix. Sure the other omega surprised him with how deep his voice was when they first met at the daycare, but that just made him love him even more. Y/n twenty-one years of age had yet to find his mate. Sure he dated once or twice but the relationships were never serious nor did they last long.
During his school years, he made a few friends but quickly found out they were using him for his looks to be popular which from then went downhill. They soon began to bully him and make up false rumors just to make people hate him so they could be liked more. They could care less about what the omega was doing as long as they got the attention from others for just being so called ‘friends’ with him. There was no doubt about it he was an angelic omega, never causing problems, always avoiding violence, and overall just trying to be kind to anyone who came across him. His father always told him, “The way you treat people is a statement of who you are. Just because they’re rude doesn’t mean you have to be.” As if Y/n even had the heart to try and be mean to someone without a purpose. His heart was far too sensitive to do that, which was another reason he was perfect at his job.
“Hey y/n, you know how i was talking about applying to the omega helper program for idols? well im coming over tonight and we’re apply out together, at the same time!” Felix spoke out excitedly while feeding one of the pups a sly smile on his face.
“Lixie what- no i cant you know i’ve never been in any big city we talked about this..” y/n sighed out picking up the youngest pup that was clinging to his leg. “i doubt ill even get paired because of that-” he spoke before being cut off.
“Nope none of that, you and me both know they favor those who came from secluded packs like ours” Felix stated calmly while cleaning up the pups who were being fed to be put down for a nap. Y/n knew there was no use going back and forth with his best-friend. They were both stubborn but when it came to going against one another Felix always won. “well just bring a set of clothes ooo and those candies you brought yesterday” the omega said with a small smile before getting back to work at rocking the pups to sleep while softly purring.
Carefully handing over the last pup who felt back asleep on Y/n’s chest to there parents with a gentle smile, he sighed in relief before gathering up his belongings and went to Felix who was waiting by the door already. “Someone’s excited it seems” he mumbled out with sass and locked the door.
“Well one of us has to be, it all gonna go fine trust me?” felix hummed out while holding y/n’s hand.
After stopping by Felix’s house so he could he a few things like cloths, his laptop, and the candies per Y/n’s request, the two omegas made their way to Y/n’s home. Stepping into the home they kicked off their shoes and immediately went into the bathroom together to shower. Both omegas were comfortable doing this as it came to no surprise to anyone as the had always been stuck together like glue ever sense they met. This also allowed them to unwind and groom one another, during this they would talk about anything they had on their chest no matter the subject. Once they were done washing and putting on one another’s clothes they made their way into Y/n’s nest with Felix’s laptop. Y/n let his bestfriend pull up the website while he sat in felix’s lap snacking on the sweet candies, “i mean i’m excited..but-”
“hey you’re perfect fine stop thinking so much okay? we are both gonna be okay!” felix stated as he could tell what the omega was thinking, while y/n watched the screen until it was his turn to apply.
Going through the application process was long but y/n didn’t expect it to go into so much detail meaning how it was promoted to be a ‘short and easy’. He was thankful his best-friend’s company otherwise he most likely wouldn’t even have completed it. Don’t get him wrong the beginning was simple and easy with questions such as entering his height, age, and personality.“Would you like to be paired with a possessive pack?..yes” he began reading the last five questions in his head as they were getting more..interesting. Meanwhile felix hugged his waist with a smirk as he watched the other omega fill out the last few questions, he knew what the omega would pick as they’d been friends ever since they presented. It was safe to say that the omega knew almost everything about y/n. “..remember once you submit this document you will be paired as soon as the same or next day, once again thank you for your time.”
Glancing back at Felix, Y/n took a deep breath knowing they could be leaving in the morning on a flight to South Korea from Australia to meet their paired pack. Being a helper omega their scents had to be compatible with the pack, this would make the helper be able to ease into the pack and do their job. They’re job is to make the packs life easier from the stress of being an idol. For instance cleaning the house, making breakfast, and scenting when needed ect. They would even be helping with upcoming ruts or heats any of the members had, but only if the pack included that aspect in their application when searching for a omega helper.
pov - at the jeong’s den
After finally finishing their performance it was safe to say the pack was exhausted, even when they were unwinding at their penthouse it was a mess. It had been months since they applied for a omega helper, they loved their only omega wooyoung dearly but being an idol made things harder on everyone. Not to mention how getting a helper who could deal with their rather interesting requests and requirements made getting one even harder. Research had proven that having a helper around eased the idol industry, there was less fighting between alphas which lead to a calmer beta. Beta’s were important they kept the peace but they couldn’t do it all.
This was why they came to the conclusion that having a helper wasn’t so bad. Although wooyoung was an omega he wasn’t the docile type. He loved taking care of others but he also loved the feeling of being incontrol, of being needed but being in a pack of alphas and betas made that hard. This is where the problem started, with a dominant filled pack there was bound to be unsatisfied needs. However it was the pack alpha, yunho who decided that they were going to finally apply. The aggressiveness between the alphas and omega was wearing the betas hongjoong and jongho out, so of course they took a vote six against two.
Which brings us to the present. The packs head beta was cooking breakfast when his phone started ringing, “hello, is there something you need?” hongjoong spoke calmly as it was the group’s manager. Their manager’s voiced loudly rang through the phone as he excitedly spoke. He had finally got the call from the company that was for omega helpers. “…you’re joking if you are this isn’t funny. do they speak korean? oh my god!”
Hongjoong’s scent had began to lightly flood the kitchen as he ran from the kitchen to the pack alpha’s room alarming the rest of the pack. “Yunho they found one, i really think this is the one! they already sent us the omegas file to look through were gonna meet them tomorrow!”
Sitting up the alpha just stared at the frantic beta before rushing to go through his emails, as he pulled up the file the rest of the pack started filling in one by one all excited while san and wooyoung stood by the door. “They won’t tell us their gender but everything else is here..” the beta said while grinning ear to ear as he began listing off facts about the mystery omega, “based off their height i think it might be a girl” yunho hummed out.
This news was big for them, ever since the BTS pack was able to find their omega they had doubted they’d ever find one fitted for them. After a long night of chatting and some smart remarks from their omega they planned out how to prepare for the initial meeting. Wooyoung and San had always been against the idea of getting a helper as they didn’t see the need for one, they didn’t want one. They didn’t want some random omega stinking up their place and ruining their pack.
The pack alpha would of course have to introduce a piece of his clothing before even meeting the omega face to face. This was to make sure they liked his scent before even introducing themselves in person so the omega had time to decide whether they wanted to continue or not. The process would be tedious but worth it in the end if they had really found their match.
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Ateez Masterlist
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*everything is gn!reader insert unless stated otherwise
If you notice any missing or incorrect links, please let me now~
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→ Ateez x Petnames (x reader)
→ First Dates - Hyung Line (x reader/fluff/cute) ↳ First Dates - Maknae Line (x reader/fluff/cute)
→ Ateez comforting s/o after messing up while being an MC (fluff/comfort)
→ 'Finding out BF!Ateez are Supernatural Creatures' (angst/comfort)
→ Spending Valentines Day Together - Hyung Line (cute/fluff) → Spending Valentines Day Together - Maknae Line (cute/fluff)
Fake Texts:
→ Contact Names - Hyung Line (crack/fun) ↳ Contact Names - Maknae Line (crack/fun)
→ Accidental Confessions - Hyung Line (fluff/cute) ↳ Accidental Confessions - Maknae Line (fluff/cute)
→ Meet-Cute Series (masterlist/complete)
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Camera Rolls/Moodboards:
→ Camera Roll while dating Hongjoong
→ 'Change of Plans: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Change of Plans: Part Two' (cute/romantic)
→ 'Haunted' (spooky/gen/bit of fluff)
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→ Taking care of each other when sick (comfort/whump/cute)
→ 'Lost In You: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Lost In You: Part Two' (cute/fluff)
→ 'Favor' (fake dating/fluff/romance)
→ 'And His Name Was Death' (Death!Seonghwa) *In Progress ↳ Part One ★ Part Two
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→ 'Special To Me: Part One' (cute/comfort/meet cute) ↳ 'Special To Me: Part Two' (cute/fluff)
→ 'I'll Keep You Safe' (spooky/fun/fluff)
→ 'Mistletoe Mischief' (cute/fluff)
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→ 'Room With A View: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Room With A View: Part Two' (gen/cute)
→ 'Cozy' (fluff/comfort/Christmas)
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→ 'A Better Ending: Part One' (cute/romantic/meet cute) ↳ 'A Better Ending: Part Two' (fluff/romantic)
→ 'Stranded Together' (fluff/spooky)
→ 'Eggnog Confession' (fluff/little angst)
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→ 'At First Sight: Part One' (fluff/meet-cute) ↳ 'At First Sight: Part Two' (cute/fun/fluff)
→ 'Until I Met You' (jealous!mingi; fluff/cute)
→ 'Dance of Hearts' (dance teachers Mingi & Reader; fluff/romance)
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→ 'Hooked On You:Part One' (meet-cute/fluff) ↳ 'Hooked on You: Part Two' (fluff)
→ 'Hold Still' (fun/fluff)
→ 'Let Me Love You' (angst/romance)
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→ 'Apple of My Eye' (fluff/crack/drabble)
→ 'Boy Next Door: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Boy Next Door: Part Two' (fluff/cute)
→ 'Hotel For Ghosts' (fun/spooky/light crack & fluff)
231 notes · View notes
cjsoleil · 2 months
We Can Tiptoe To The Moon (Yunho x Mingi)
Summary: With years of shared lunches, Mingi finds himself in love with his best friend. Now he just has to admit it.
Heart racing in his chest, breathing somewhat heavily, Yunho runs down the sidewalk. He’s running behind, so he has to practically sprint to get to the school on time. Thankfully, dancing has boosted his stamina and endurance, so the run isn’t as bad as it would have been years ago. Finally, when the school comes into sight he stops running. But he soon realizes something is off.
Everyday, Yunho goes to Mingi’s school and picks him up for lunch. Mingi is a slow eater and when Yunho learned that this led to the younger eating by himself a lot, he made it his purpose to ensure Mingi isn’t alone. Usually, Mingi waits for him at the same spot everyday. Near the front doors and next to a small flower garden. He’s impossible to miss, especially with his tall stature. Today though, the boy is nowhere in sight. He sends him a text message asking where he is but receives no response. It’s odd, usually Mingi will tell him if he wasn’t going to be at school. Yunho is a little late today, he had to help a teacher with an errand. So he had to run to Mingi’s school. Even so, being a little late wouldn’t cause Mingi to leave.
After going around the whole school, Yunho still couldn't find him. So he decides to go up to a few boys he knows Mingi is friendly with.
“Excuse me.” He announced his presence to the small group, “Hello, I was wondering if you knew if Mingi was here today?”
“Nope, didn’t see him.” One of the boy’s answers, and Yunho gets a sense of anxiety in his stomach. He nods before thanking them, leaving them to do whatever it is they were doing. Logically, Mingi is probably fine, but Yunho doesn’t really care about logic. He can’t help but worry.
‘Is he sick? Why wouldn't he tell me?’ When he sees Mingi still hasn’t answered him, it’s clear that only one thing will settle Yunho. That being seeing the younger alive and well with his own eyes.
There are no cars in Mingi’s driveway, indicating that he’s home alone. Luckily for Yunho, his house isn’t too far from his school. He already texted Mingi that he was on his way, but still didn’t get any answer. Not that he really expected one. First, he knocks on the door and after a few minutes decides to try his luck at opening it. To his surprise, the door is unlocked. Yunho doesn’t want to intrude, but he knows that nobody would mind. Mingi’s parents trust him.
He locks the door behind him and takes his time going upstairs, making sure to be quiet to avoid disturbing Mingi if he is asleep. The way to the younger’s bedroom is a familiar path, and he knows just where to step to avoid the squeaking floorboards. The door to his room is slightly open and peaking inside, Yunho sees Mingi laying peacefully on his bed. He looks so cute and younger than he already is, just like the day they first met. Yunho cringes at the sound the door makes when he opens it.
Mingi sometimes gets like this. When he feels like shit for seemingly no reason. It doesn’t happen too often, but when it does he is left with barely any will to really do anything. It’s the afternoon on a school and he’s only gotten out of his bed once. Suddenly he jerks upwards when he hears his door open, a harsh interruption of the cold silence in his bedroom.
“It’s just me Min.” He looks at his friend standing near the bedroom door. Of course it’s Yunho, who else would it be.
“What the fuck Hyung.” He sighs and makes some room for the other to sit on his bed beside him, completely unbothered by the fact he was only wearing a pair of boxers, “Why are you here? Wait, how are you here?”
“Your door was unlocked.” Mingi stares at him, bewildered,
“Do you realize how creepy that is?” Yunho shrugs, “Why are you here again?”
“I called and texted, you didn’t answer. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” Yunho leaves out the part where he wouldn’t be able to properly function if he didn’t make sure Mingi was okay. That the worry would eat up at him all day. Placing the back of his hand in Mingi’s forehead, he frowns.
“Are you sick? I’m sorry for waking you.”
“No.” Mingi shakes his head, looking towards the ceiling, “I’m not sick. I just… I don’t know. I didn’t feel like getting up. I already slept through my alarm so I didn’t see the point. Thanks for checking in though.” Yunho is always so attentive to Mingi. Ever since they first met, and it always makes his heart flutter in his chest in a way it shouldn’t around his best friend.
Yunho smiles sweetly and runs a hand through Mingi’s hair. He doesn’t resist the urge to lean into the touch,
“Do you want me to leave?” Mingi grabs his arm when he tries to pull away.
“No.” He tells him. Never. And Yunho doesn’t linger on the question, because it’s not like he wants to leave either.
“You haven’t gotten up today?” A nod, “Are you feeling better now at least?” It’s a stupid question, Yunho’s presence always makes him feel better. Just seeing his smile brings him happiness. He’s never admitted it though.
“Yeah.” The older boy pats Mingi’s thigh, and he can feel blood rush to his face at the feeling of Yunho’s hand on his bare thigh. Standing up, Yunho moves in front of a drawer. Mingi watches as her rifles through his clothes and only reacts when he feels a shirt hit his head.
“Get dressed, we’re going out.” He tilts his head, confused and Yunho elaborates as he grabs a pair of jeans, “As we always do Mingi. We’re going to go eat.”
“Stop throwing things at me.” The younger complains as more clothes are thrown at him,
“I can dress myself. Also, do you even have time? You will probably be late for your next class.” Yunho looks to Mingi with a grin, and Mingi tries to ignore the way his chest tightens at the sight,
“Hyung always has time for you, Mingi.”
Mingi got dressed, and the two walked to a barbecue restaurant with Yunho still clad in his school uniform.
“Did you remember your phone?”
“Yes hyung.” Mingi taps his jean pocket. The question is not surprising, Yunho asks him nearly every time they leave his house or the school if he remembered his phone or wallet. More often than not, the answer is no, “Which restaurant are we going to?”
“The new one that opened up.”
“Wait.” Mingi turns to Yunho, frowning slightly, “Isn’t that place supposed to be expensive?”
“Don’t worry about that. The meat is very high quality.” Mingi sighs but doesn’t argue more, Yunho has never been one to care about how much he spends on food.
They sit across from each other at a table, and as familiar it is, it feels different today. More intimate, as if they are a couple in a movie scene on a date. Maybe it’s the lighting of the room or the fact that not many people are there. Or maybe it’s Yunho’s hand holding his own resting on the table, thumb rubbing the back of Mingi’s hand.
“Mingi.” Yunho starts after they order, staring seriously at the younger, “Are you really okay?”
“Yeah hyung.” He reassures unconvincingly, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Mingi.” Yunho repeats, “Be honest with me. You don’t have to tell me anything more, but do not lie to me.” Sighing, he shifts his focus to not be under the older’s gaze.
“I’m nervous for my audition.” It’s partially the truth. Mingi is naturally nervous for his audition with KQ, but that’s not the real issue.
He can’t really tell Yunho his actual problem. How does one tell his best friend that he’s in love with him? Especially when both are trying to take a career path where they would never be allowed to date without ruining their image. Mingi doesn’t know when the playful flirting started to be more to him, or when he first wished that Yunho would linger his lips on his forehead a little longer. What he does know is that he’s tired of tiptoeing around his feelings.
“Hey, I’m nervous too.” Yunho says, sympathy dripping from his voice as he reaches over and Mingi’s hand on the table. “But if it’s meant to be, it will happen. Everything will be fine.” Not the mentality Mingi would normally have on such a life altering thing, but he trusts Yunho.
Their food comes, and Mingi wonders how lost in thought he could have been because he did not recall Yunho ordering this much food.
“Hyung!” He exclaims, seeing the plates of meat and side dishes, “This is so much!”
“I know.” Yunho laughs, “But it looks good right.”
It does. The smell alone is making his mouth water and his sudden hunger reminds him he hasn’t eaten all day. Yunho pushes his glass of coke towards the younger and despite not even liking the drink, Mingi takes a sip anyways. Because it’s Yunho. And it’s the best Mingi has felt in weeks. When the bill comes, Yunho takes it before Mingi can even reach to grab it.
“I got it.” Mingi doesn’t fight, knowing Yunho is stubborn about things like this. By now, Yunho is definitely very late for his class, but he doesn’t seem to care.
He walks with Mingi back to his house. During which, Mingi can’t help but feel a sense of guilt for lying to his friend. Right after he was told not to lie. Mingi loves Yunho, he isn’t complete without him. As if they share one soul. So he obviously doesn’t want to make things between them weird or worst case, ruin their friendship entirely, for a relationship that would be nearly impossible to maintain if they do end up becoming idols.
But at the same time, he can’t continue keeping such a secret from his closest friend.
They reach Mingi’s house, but Mingi doesn’t make a move to go inside.
“Yunho.” He hums in acknowledgment, looking over at the younger, “Something else is bothering me.” He doesn’t speak, waiting for Mingi to say more, “I’m worried about the audition, but I’m also worried about you. Us.”
“What do you mean?”
“I- you’re my best friend hyung. I don’t want things to change or be messed up-“
“Hey hey.” Yunho moves forward and wraps Mingi up in a hug, pushing his head to rest on his shoulder, “You’re not making sense Mingi. You’re my closest friend, there’s nothing you can do to mess things up.” Mingi doesn’t feel that reassured, even after Yunho places a gentle kiss on his temple.
‘Just be honest.’ He thinks as he pulls away.
“Yunho I think I- no I do-“ The gears in Mingi’s brain try to find the words to say but fail. A simple ‘I love you’ will not do it, not when they already say those words to each other all the time.
“What?” Yunho questions again, and Mingi moves without any thought.
When Mingi fantasized about his first kiss, he always pictured it with Yunho. It would be in a private setting, maybe one of their rooms. They would take their time and it would be like everything stopped, just for a moment. Yunho would hold his waist and he would hold his face. More than anything, Mingi would be in love with Yunho and Yunho would be in love with him. This is nothing like that. It’s rushed, just long enough to be considered more than a peck. Yunho is frozen still with his eyes wide open and Mingi’s hands are grasping the collar of his blazer. Mingi pulls away after a few seconds to see Yunho staring wide eyed at him, lips parted.
“I’m- I’m sorry.” He takes a few steps back, “Forget that happened.” He runs inside his house without giving a proper goodbye, missing the way Yunho brings the tips of his fingers to his lips and smiles.
The next day when they go to lunch, Yunho doesn’t mention the kiss so Mingi doesn’t either. Everything is normal, which is exactly what Mingi wanted. He doesn’t understand why he’s upset about Yunho’s lack of acknowledgement. The night before both their auditions comes up, and they were on a call where they simply wished each other good luck. That’s all it was supposed to be, but Mingi needs more than luck. He needs relief.
“”Hyung.” Mingi starts as he leans back on his bed. He can feel his breath start to get faster and he swallows.
“Mingi.” He can hear the smile in Yunho’s voice.
“I love you.”
“I love you too-“
“No.” Mingi takes a deep breath in. Yunho probably ignored their kiss for a reason, but he has to get this off his chest properly. Kissing Yunho and literally running away was cowardly,
“No Hyung. You’re my best friend, my destined partner and so much more.” A shaky inhale, “I kissed you because I am in love with you.” He talks quick, refusing to hear any response from Yunho, “I should have brought it up at a better time, but I had to tell you. Don’t give me a response, we can talk about it later if you want and otherwise, we won’t at all. Good luck at your audition hyung. You will do great.” He waits a second before hanging up, dropping his phone on the bed and burying his face in his pillow. If he didn’t fuck up their friendship before, he certainly has now.
Mingi is prepared for his audition. He’s practiced a lot the night before, his one sided conversation with Yunho left him unable to go to sleep for a while. He’s already at the company, just waiting for his turn as he plays a mindless game on his phone. He hopes Yunho is doing well, and that he didn’t cause any additional stress to him. It was stupid to admit his feelings over a phone call, the night before an extremely important audition at that.
“Oh my god, Mingi?” A voice cuts through the air like a knife, making him deaf to all background noise.
“Hyung?” He utters with shock laced in his voice and he watches Yunho smile, pulling him into a quick hug, “I didn’t know you were auditioning here too!” Yunho laughs as they break apart, keeping his arm thrown over Mingi’s shoulder.
“Neither did I! You never mentioned it.”
“You didn’t either.” The two laugh and talk for a while, and Mingi realizes he hasn’t ruined anything. Suddenly Yunho grabs his shoulder, smile still present but with a more serious air around him.
“Let’s head outside for a minute.”
“What if we miss-“
“It’ll be quick.” Yunho urges Mingi to leave the room with him and leads them to the closest bathroom. The older boy locks the door behind them.
“What are you-“ Yunho pulls Mingi to him by the waist, tilts his head and kisses Mingi properly. Mingi instinctively cups Yunho’s face and melts into his hold. Its completely different from their first quick, better, properly reciprocated and romantic. Again though, the setting could be better.
When they separate, Yunho rests his forehead on Mingi’s.
“I’m in love with you too.” He whispers to the younger, a sincere expression on his face, “I’m sorry I let you think otherwise for so long.” Mingi grins, tears filling his eyes but they don’t fall,
“I didn’t mention our first kiss because I was waiting for you to open up first. I thought you didn’t want to talk about it and considered it a mistake.” Thinking back, Mingi did tell Yunho to forget about it.
“Don’t apologize.” Mingi takes a small step away, still in Yunho’s arms, “I’m the one who didn’t let you talk. Twice.” He feels Yunho laugh a little, and Mingi pecks his lips.
“So you’re my boyfriend now.” Yunho states, amusement in his voice. His smile falters though, when he sees the uncertainty in Mingi’s eyes, “What is it? Do you not want-“
“No!” Mingi exclaims, “I want to be yours. More than anything. I’m just a little worried.”
“About us?”
“How can we have a relationship if we become idols?” The older boy smiles, grabbing Mingi’s hand.
“We’ll make it work.” And Mingi is overcome with the feeling that Yunho must be right.
“Hyung, Mingi and Yunho are being gross again!”
“Stop yelling Wooyoung!” Seonghwa’s voice shuts the other boy up. Yunho and Mingi break apart their kiss when they see their oldest band member walk in from the kitchen.
“Okay, who did I tell to get groceries and who forgot to get them?” Hongjoong, who’s sitting on the floor, raises his hand slowly, and Seonghwa hits him on the head, “Great. You can pay for dinner since I don’t have anything to cook with.” The captain groans as the younger members cheer. Most of the members go to their rooms to get ready to leave, but Yunho and Mingi stay at their spot.
“Are you guys coming?” Yeosang questions them with a knowing smile.
“We’re good.” Mingi responds, feeling Yunho caress his thigh.
“Don’t defile our couch.” San comments as he walks into the room, Jongho trailing behind him.
“Not everyone is like you Hyung.” The maknae snarks, pretending to shiver.
“Just go.” Yunho laughs, a faint hint of blush on his cheeks.
“I think we might have a few ramen packets in the cupboard if you get hungry.”
“Thanks Seonghwa Hyung.” Yunho says and waves goodbye to the group as they walk out the door.
The door shuts and Yunho’s smile becomes mischievous and Mingi is barely caught the dangerous glint in his eye before he is pushed and pinned on the couch by Yunho’s hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t want ramen.” The younger teases. Yunho cups the back of his head before kissing him, biting his lower lip and forcing the kiss to be deeper. When Yunho pulls away, he licks his lips. As if savoring Mingi’s taste. Humming, he presses his lips against his partner’s jaw.
“I want you instead.” He harshly presses his mouth to Mingi’s, making the younger squeal.
It’s safe to say they made it work.
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bethelighthalazia · 2 months
9 makes 1 team!
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Chapter I - Promise
Summary:  What if ATEEZ had debuted with one more member? What if they had debuted with a young woman? Her name is Choi Hwa Young, younger sister of Choi Jongho.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: ot8 & fem!OC Choi Hwa Young
Word Count:  570
Warnings: none
networks: @newworldnet
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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Chapter I - Promise
It had been a promise to her older brother Jongho. He had always been her favorite person, the one who she always told her secrets and thoughts to. One evening, when she was younger and couldn't sleep, she snuck into his room to cuddle. They had talked and Hwa told him about her wish to make music when she grows up, but that she also knew that girls have other interests and tasks to fulfill. That night, Jongho made her promise him something.
“Work hard and follow your dreams, then you can be like your idols, or even better!” He said and he and Hwa made a pinky promise to each other.
Hwa was only ten at that time, but she was determined to follow through with this promise she made to her brother. She and Jongho soon attended different schools and found different friend groups. It didn´t stop Hwa from pursuing her dreams. She went to a dance school and practiced singing every day. Her vocal teachers were impressed and not long after, she became a trainee in a small company. 
Around five years after that, she switched companies when she heard about an audition at KQ, at that time, not aware that they were not particularly looking for a girl. Yet, she auditioned and got accepted. Hwa didn´t know why, especially after she heard that KQ was forming a boy group, so there actually shouldn't be a place for her anyway. The day of her audition, Hongjoong, the captain of that group, had watched and he wanted her in the group.
However, Jongho was more than surprised, when one day Hongjoong showed up in the practice room, followed by none other than his baby sister. “Hwa? Why are you here?” He had asked, eyes wide and the others were quite surprised about this. They weren't aware that Jongho had a younger sister, nor were they aware that apparently KQ Fellaz were to debut with a girl in their lineup.
“You know her, Jongho?” Hongjoong had asked, head tilted and his surprise was written all over his face when Jongho introduced Hwa as his little sister. San wasn´t very happy with this development, he was concerned that having a girl in the group could lead to rumors and not only be harmful to them as a group, but also to the girl personally. He was soon convinced, when Hongjoong asked Hwa to show the others why she was chosen to join and she did. Her vocal strength wasn´t less than Jongho´s and her range was incredible. Hwa´s dance skills did lack a bit, yet she was able to impress most of the boys with them. 
Wooyoung didn't like the idea of her joining either, not because she wasn't good, no, but he was convinced that she couldn't keep up with the boys and their choreographies. The other boys were smitten by her, so when Wooyoung proposed a little dance battle to convince him, Yunho ‘accidentally’ distracted the main dancer of the group and this influenced the outcome of the battle, making Hwa emerge victorious.
The only thing that had changed since then was that she now was part of one of the most known k-pop groups: ATEEZ. Everytime she was about to give up, she remembered her promise to her big brother and this kept her going until she could fulfill the dream she had as a little girl.
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taglist: @mingis-mizu,@tinyelfperson
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noonaishere · 3 months
Music of the Heart [J.YH] - thirty | maybe
You stood on the bus, holding onto the hand strap, music playing in your headphones as you watched the lights flick past the train windows.
Did you make the best decision, telling Hongjoong about Yunho and your parents? You were pretty sure you did. He didn’t tell you you were stupid or make fun of you in any way, and he genuinely seemed to care for your mental state, otherwise he wouldn’t have asked if you wanted him to get rid of Yunho. Fortunately that was a non-issue, since you wouldn’t be seeing him again now that June was back.
You felt weird though and you weren’t sure why. Maybe it was because, even though the two of you got off on the wrong foot, Hongjoong showed you more compassion in the few weeks you’ve known him than your parents did in all of the seventeen years you lived with them. He and Maddox were so encouraging and helpful since you started working at Wonderland. Mingi and Dei were too; you wouldn’t even have been working there if it wasn’t for randomly happening upon the first To The Beat busking event and Mingi telling you about the audition. You wondered what it would have been like to grow up with people like them instead of your own family.
Anyway, you might run into Yunho once or twice in the lobby in the future, but you didn’t have to worry about being in such close quarters with him anymore. That was a relief.
Were you still mad at him? In principle, yes, you couldn’t forget how much he had wronged you, especially now that you had told Hongjoong the whole story and it was so fresh in your mind again. In principle though, you had to stick to your guns. You told him that you were no longer friends and it had to stay that way, you didn’t care how much of an accident it was, he should have known better. But really? Were you still mad at him? From an emotional standpoint? You weren’t sure. You hadn’t even thought about him in the past few years before seeing him at the dance studio and jetting out the door. You supposed you had moved on; not even having a reason to think about him anymore is part of moving on, right? You hadn’t even felt the anger from that initial moment in years… you supposed had done it. You had moved on.
You sighed as you looked out a different window.
When you got home you put your bass down, happy the one Hongjoong had ordered for you was supposed to come in tomorrow. You took off your coat and hung it up and stood for a moment, hands on your hips in your quiet apartment.
You went to your bedroom closet and dug through it, finding your old gig bag.
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It was the day after graduation. Your parents were both at work and your brother was out. This was your last chance and you were taking it.
You had packed up what little you had into one of your parent’s large suitcases, the kind people with a lot of clothes used for going on vacation. You put in everything you might need, while still leaving a sizable spot for a large item. You had also stolen the rest of your birthday money out of your parent’s closet, since your mom had moved it after finding out about your bass: you rediscovered it easily. She wasn’t even trying. Internally you thanked your violin teacher for doing the only helpful thing he’s ever done in the many years you had been his student: calling in sick two minutes after you had gotten to the music school. Your parents and brother had already left to wherever they we were going after dropping you off and you rushed home for the rare opportunity of being able to find the rest of your money.
But that was weeks ago. Now, you were standing with your suitcase and violin case in front of the pawn shop your mom sold your bass to, looking at it through the window, propped up against the amp with the gig bag nearby and the cable plugged in, arranged tastefully. Somehow, no one had bought it in the time between her selling it and now, but someone was about to.
You walked in and put the violin on the counter. The owner looked up from his newspaper.
“Hi. That bass in the window is mine, I want it back. I want to trade this violin for it.”
He looked at you queerly. “I remember you. Your mom came in and sold it while you cried for her not to.”
“Um… I remember being too shocked to cry, but yeah, she made me watch her sell it. I want it back.”
He raised an eyebrow as he opened the violin case. He took it out and inspected it. He looked at the receipt you brought in the case, you had it all these years because your mom made you keep it as a reminder of how much money she spent on it.
He whistled as he read it. “That much, huh?”
You didn’t know how to respond so you just waited for his verdict.
He checked the violin again. “Well, it shows some wear, I assume you’ve been playing it for a while.”
He nodded. “Why buy the bass back if you have this nice violin? This is worth way more.”
“I won’t tell your mom if I ever see her.”
You laughed awkwardly. “I never wanted to play this stupid violin. I love playing bass.”
He nodded slowly, watching you as you scowled at the thorn that had finally been pulled from your side as it sat in its case on his counter. He nodded again.
“Alright. I’ll give you the bass for the violin.”
“Really? Thank you!”
Taken aback by your sudden enthusiasm, he laughed. “I’ll give you the remainder of the money for the violin as well. Unless you want something else in the store.”
“No, the money would be great, actually.”
He nodded and closed the violin in its case and started to take money out of the register drawer. “So uh, what’s with the suitcase? You leaving?”
“Yeah. I graduated yesterday so I’m getting as far away from my family as I can.”
“Where you going?”
You froze.
He pretended to zip his lips shut and throw away the key. “I won’t tell.”
He nodded, paused, and took out more money. He took a small envelope from a stack next to the register and put the money inside and handed it to you. “I’ll get the bass out of the window for you.”
You nodded.
Ten minutes later you had said goodbye and thanked him for selling your bass back to you. You stood outside the pawn shop and inhaled deeply; you might have had two years until you were legally an adult, but this was your first breath as a free woman and you wanted to savor it. You pulled your suitcase behind you, the amp inside and your bass on your shoulder, and turned to take one last look at the pawn shop before you walked all the way to the train. The owner was in the window setting up the violin in the bass’ place. You watched him for a few moments as he arranged the bow nicely so as to attract a buyer, before he looked up and noticed you and waved.
You waved back before starting your trek. What a nice guy.
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You stood in the darkness of your bedroom, looking for your old bass was more important than turning on the lights. You unzipped the gig bag and let it fall away, putting the bass on. You pulled the small amp you kept next to your desk over and sat against the side of your bed. You plugged it in and put on the headphones that sat atop it, ready for use.
You checked its tuning for a moment, finding it hadn’t really fallen out of tune. It was just like that for some reason; trustworthy. You played something slow, calm, something that was more meditative droning and experimental exploration of sound waves than it was melodic music.
You hadn’t thought of that moment for a while; getting your bass back, standing outside the pawn shop and breathing what felt like your very first breath and then being wished a safe journey by a man you didn’t even know. You were starting a life that was all yours to do with whatever you wanted to… It was overwhelming. It was terrifying. But it was all yours. Though your eyes were closed as you played, tears managed to leak through. You couldn't believe you were crying over that moment now. Over everything.
You were a teeager again, sitting in her best friend’s room practicing a new instrument for the first time. You were an adult sitting on the floor next to their bed playing an instrument they’ve played for years. You were trapped, caged by the people who gave birth to you. You were free, in a city where your family wasn’t.  You were hated by your family and only had one source of comfort. You were appreciated by coworkers and had more than one friend. Your existence was known by only a handful of people and you were functionally alone. You had fans in the hundreds of thousands who waited to see what new thing you would make.
You opened your eyes.
Maybe you hadn’t totally gotten over it. Maybe, even though you had physically and temporally moved further away from your parents and your childhood, you had ignored your emotions. Maybe thinking about it now, in this way, having told someone - the only person you’d ever told - maybe it was a good thing. Maybe feeling what you were feeling now was the first real step to moving on.
And maybe, just maybe.
Seeing Yunho again had reminded you of all the time you spent together. All the love you had for each other before he betrayed you.
And maybe, just maybe.
You found yourself missing him.
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mingissunglasses · 1 month
Wanteez Ep. 9 reaction
-being a new atiny I'm still learning the relationships they have with each other and I'm learning that San and Wooyoung love to mess with each other and I'm here for it. Like they remind me of me and my sister haha
-Wooyoung: "did the doctor say you're ugly?"
San: *just stares in silence while wooyoung dies laughing*
-Mingi's "don't fool around in the hospital" and Yunho's immediate glare at him like you the biggest fool here
-ok but i love how Wooyoung just laughs at everything. he's such a ball of joy
-"i have bad eyes!" Mingi says that like he is discovering it for the first time like you wear glasses babe
-everyone saying they want a fancy and short life and Mingi immediately turning and saying "ya you need a long and bland life!"
-Wooyoung saying his life motto was what his middle school teacher told him "when everyone eats jjajangmyun and you eat jjampong it doesnt mean youre special". I also remember my middle school teachers words because he would say them everyday: "life is easy people make it hard".
-San being so logical about it though like yes people have different beliefs and that doesn't make them wrong
-Yunho saying they should ask Wooyoung when he's half asleep if he wants jjajangmyun or jjampong
-San singing 24k magic by Bruno Mars and Yunho dancing to it
-Jongho talking about how good in math he did and then sticking his tongue out at San. Like I did not expect him to do that haha
-"did the nurse call anyone handsome?" *silence* I swear you never know what they are gonna say next
-Them saying it hurts less when you watch while getting a shot I feel has some merit to it because I watch right up until they are going to put the needle in and then I look away and knowing the exact moment really seems to help
-"you can go in when you say ding dong" Mingi taking the answer seriously "ah really?"
-SWAG! yes Jongho pretending to be sick is so swag haha
-the blood pressure, eye sight, and hearing results at the end haha
Honestly I think this has been my favorite episode so far!
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