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Springsteen dances in the dark. I play in it.
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HOWDY!!!!!! If you listen to this song (Put It All Down) there is a chance my friend Tony may call a friend of his cousin’s who may consider calling his brother to ask to send you $500 to you at a point in the future!!!!
But you have yo listen to qualify!!!
-DANtastica Boonalicious
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#music producers
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Hi fellow songwriters, I invite you to participate in a new thing that I am doing for songwriters. I’m still in the process of creating just how it will work, but basically right now, it’s “Thursday night music club.”
Each Thursday night we would meet on zoom or Google meet and everyone will be tasked to bring a new song to the table. We will cover about three songs each Thursday night for an hour. The writer will play the song, and everyone else will critique it constructively. Other help, too, including collaborations, ideas, anything goes. What do you think? Would anyone out there be interested in this? If so I will lead the charge.. I think this could be both fun and helpful. Let me know your thoughts.
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It’s small and round and under-rated;  Why is it even there? Was found in a deer and the hunter ate it; Just as he saw the bear. He ran real hard but the bear was king; Grabbed him by the hair. He also wanted that small round thing; Ripped ‘em up and ate it there. You may think is occurrence is rare; Cause you do not have respect. And even though you do not care; You still ask, “What the heck!?”
If you haven’t guessed by now; I’ll shout it out, loud and proud! It’s a SPLEEN!  It’s a SPLEEN! And it always feels alone. Read in a magazine; There’s more interest in bones. But never forget, the spleen is your friend; You’d be smart to put it first. If you give no shit, and make no amends; That spleen of yours will BURST! (Choir sings “Oh No!  Oh No!) [Glockenspeil Solo} Still finishing the song. -DanDebris
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To New Guitarists - Fingertime
You decided to learn to play the guitar.   Yayyyy!!!  You’ve begun putting in regular practice.  Yayyyyy!   But DARN!  You never knew it would cause the tips of your fingers to hurt so much, blister and bleed.   This SUCKS! Don’t Quit!  Don’t throw in the towel!  That’s exactly what needs to be happening!   The good news?   It doesn’t take long for them to heal, and once they DO heal, your fingertips will get less and less sensitive quickly!  More quickly than you think!  I used to teach and this was one of the reasons most people quit.  Little did they know it doesn’t take long at all for the pain (which is necessary) to go away.   KEEP AT IT!   WELCOME TO THE MANGLED FINGERTIP CLUB!!!!
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Heat & Humidity!
I used to write, play and perform song's with my fiance', Sari. SHE has the voice in the family by far. Her voice can take my fast food songs and turn them into 5-star meals. I INVITE you to go to the Heat & Humidity SoundCloud page. Much appreciated and feel free to comment and like! My best, -DanDebris https://soundcloud.com/heatandhumidity
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That short period of time when I was in The Beatles.  They let me go after I recommend Paul put down the base and learn to shred the accordion.  And seriously, let me tell you.  George was NOT the quiet Beatle.   He was the Salty Beatle.  Seriously.   Like even today (well not today, because he’s dead), but in the 1980s he would complain all the time in interviews about his time in the band and said it was a nightmare and that he rejoiced when he “escaped” The Beatles.  But George had no problem writing songs about how wonderful it was with songs like “All Those Years Ago” and “FAB’” He did not get along with or have many nice things to say about Paul either, and Paul is the one that gave him his career and opp of a lifetime. Never and I mean NEVER rip on Paul.  The man is a walking world treasure. Not ragging on him though.  I love George and The Beatles.  Just have to laugh when people express that George was all shy and quiet and so peaceful and spiritual.   -DanDebris, who is not trying to be mean to George.   Just sharing info.   He damn near snapped Yoko Ono’s head off in the studio one day when Yoko stole one of his “biscuits” off an amp.   He went ballistic.  Actually, can’t blame him there.   Damn, at least have the courtesy to ask before you swipe The Beatles’ biscuits right off of their VOX amps and start shoving it down your piehole right in front of their faces.  Biscuits are important in a band.
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