#daniel epilouge
miryum · 11 months
Foundling Villa- Epilogue
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Tag list: @notleclerc @sunsumonner @saturnsrinqs @livster @chonkybonky @eau-rougee @champomiel @justyouraverageeverydaysimp @multifandom-loser @atlanticowe
We’re here!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who was so sweet and supportive and I love you all so much!! Finally have time to work on all the requests y’all sent in!
Warnings: perfect fluff
ao3 link  
“Are you kidding me?”
“No, cherié,” Charles grinned cheekily. “I’m not.”
“But didn’t we already do that?” Your hands were pressed to your chest in surprise. 
Charles laughed from his place on one knee. He held a ring box with a beautiful stone surrounded by tiny, intricate diamonds. The stone glimmered in the light and you recognized it as your favourite. “I know, but I want to do it properly this time. I want it to be a happy time, now that war has come and gone from our doorstep. I want the vows to be meaningful. I want to kiss you well. I want to dance with you for the first time again and spin you around and look at you with love. I want people to toast us and not talk about treaties and prosperity. I want them to talk of love and happiness. I want to redo our wedding night.” You laughed softly at that, melting at his words. “I want to marry you again. What do you say?”
“Of course, Charlie.”
Charles leaped up and spun you around. He pressed a messy kiss to your lips. “Really?”
“Charles Leclerc,” he set you down and you cupped his face, saying, “I love you. I will marry you a thousand times over if it means I prove it to you.” Charles grinned, kissing you again, and slid the ring on your finger. “It’s beautiful, Charlie,” you gasped.
“Only the best for my cherié.”
“I promise to stay by your side, hold you close, and never leave you. I will be with you in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, in pain and in pleasure,” the guests chuckled at that and you're pretty sure you heard Pierre’s loud groan. Daniel’s laugh echoed above the crowd. Max rolled his eyes. Charles smirked and continued, “Y/n L/n, I grew to love you and every day, my love for you grows. By the end of our long, love-filled lives, I’m sure my heart will give out from how much I love you. You may be Enza’s beloved princess, but you’ll always be my queen.” He ended his vows with a kiss on the forehead. 
You huffed playfully and rolled your eyes. “I don’t know how to follow that.” You rested your forehead on his and Charles’ smirk fell away into a deep, loving smile. “But our journey has had many ups and downs but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Cause it led me to you.” 
Ralph yelled out, “Cheesy!” You stuck out your tongue in his direction. The crowd laughed.
“I think I’ve already proved to you that I love you and will stay by your side no matter what plagues the land or our relationship. But I promise to stay by your side for the future as well. I have so much love for you that it’s hard to express. I love your compassion and your humour. I love your intelligence and your empathy. I love your family,” Arthur let out a whoop at that. “And you’re not bad-looking, either.” Charles raised a brow and pouted and you didn’t think you could smile any wider. “You have stood by me even when I didn’t want anyone in the same room. You’ve listened when no one else did and gave me confidence when I doubted myself. Charles Leclerc, you are the best man I could’ve asked to spend my life with and I’m so glad you are bound to me by law so you can’t run away.” 
“I would never,” Charles snorted quietly.
“Mmhm. Sure.” You look at him sceptically. Charles dove in for a kiss but the priest muttered something and pushed him back. 
“Can we just say ‘I do’?” Charles whined. “I want to kiss my wife.”
The priest, having had to put up with the Leclerc brothers for a long time, sighed and continued the ceremony that was happening in the Foundling Villa gardens. After hurried ‘I do’s, Charles dipped you low and whispered a, “Hi,” before kissing you passionately. The guests clapped and cheered at the display and you wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. 
“Get a room!” Brenda shouted out and Charles broke away to shout back, “Later, we will!” The L/n and Leclerc siblings groaned, disgusted at the thought.
“I love you,” you whispered against his lips.
“Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure I love you more.”
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stitchwraith-stingers · 3 months
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whatever, made a mini cassie family tree thing, names arent "official" or whatever just a general idea of what i have in mind, takes place after her birthday
*yes i know about the jeremy theory no i dont care, he dies during her birthday despite someone making a whole theory on how thats impossible but listen its for the ""drama"" or something
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lovearne · 1 year
Hi, hello. Welcome to my blog. My name is Arne, and I will be your host. The first thing is first
You need to be 18 and over in order to follow, interact or view my stuff. It's a safety for everyone, myself and everyone else. Please respect this rule, or you will be blocked.
Next, I'm always open to requests. I'm working on prompt lists right now. I'm also always open to asks in my inbox. Or dm me!! I like to think myself as friendly jsjsksn.
Masterlist link
What I write for:
- fluff
- angst
- smut (if requested, please be specific in what you wanna see)
- abo
- soulmate au
- platonic fics
Who I write for:
Helmut zemo
Logan Howlett
Tony Stark
Frank Castle
Chris Smith
Adrian Chase
Emilia Harcourt
Rick Flag (also any other Joel Kinnaman character)
Bruce Wayne (I can try jdjdjs)
Dick Grayson (I can also try)
Call of duty:
Simon "ghost" Riley
Johnny "soap" Mactavish
John Price
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Ladies in lavender:
Rodolfo Parra
Robert Zussman
Red Daniels
Star wars:
Andrea Marowski
Din Djaren
Boba Fett
The Cloverfield Paradox:
Ernest Schimdt
Javier Peña
The crew (netflix):
- Jake Martin
Escape/Cargo (2006) :
- Chris
Basically any Pedro Pascal, or Daniel bruhl, or Freddie Stroma chatacter. Run wild.
Red dead redemtpion:
John Marsten (both first and second game)
Arthur Morgan
Charles Smith
Jack marsten (exclusively the adult version we see in the epilouge of the first game)
Hosea Matthews
Lenny summers
Sean Macgurie
Walking dead:
Daryl dixon
Rick Grimes
Shane walsh
Dean Winchester
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simscapades · 4 years
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Gretchen Kwon by @hookareh
After being sent home Gretchen tried her hand at stand up comedy.  She had some minor success but soon grew tired of the limelight. And she instead switched lanes to the corporate world by starting her own company, manufacturing and selling clothing to pets. It’s currently in the top 10 of Sim Nation’s most successful companies in that business.
The experience of stand up gave her a boyfriend in club bouncer Ulysses and she has since meeting him finally experienced her first kiss( and then some). The couple currently live with their “baby”, the pug, Princess Kiki of Puppington - Kiki for short, in a small but fancy villa in New Crest.
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minjeiem-blog · 7 years
Written by: Navida, K. M., Pepito, J. M. & Reble, P.
Lasallian competency has been versatile at all times. Senior high school department of La Salle Academy conducted an event that will diverse the skills, talents and competency of the Lasallian student body.
Animolympics 2016, the last year’s event have been interesting, knowing that all strands have been competitive to win the first ever Animolympics Over-all Champion. Maroon, Green, Gray, and Blue colors flashed in every corners of the LSA Gymnasium. Representing with their own mascots:
Wolves for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
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Lions for Accountancy, Business and Management
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Eagles for Humanities and Social Sciences
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Ravens for Technical Vocational and Livelihood
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Photo by: LSA Executive Council - SHS (Facebook page)
The over-all results of the first Anomilympics was very tight that everyone was very tense about it. But in the end the Technical Vocational and Livelihood took the place atop of all. Followed by the group of Accountancy, Business and Management. Earning the third place, are the Humanities and Social Sciences. Last but not the least came from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Now the long wait is over, the new era of Animolympics has arise!
Back with its new and more empowered guild and united members.
Animolympics 2017 has been intense and electrifying than the last year’s event. So, the question here, would the Champion will defend there title or a new group will rise there power to gain the top? Find out here!
Let’s start!
The starting day of the Animolympics 2017 lifted the spirits of each individuals in there tribes. First it all starts with the lighting of Torch, lead and performed by the LSA SHS Executive Council, which symbolizes fidelity and sportsmanship to one another.
The first event started of with the representation of Tribe Leaders. FIERCER, BOLDER, and WISER leaders sprung out there confidence and coolness throughout the gymnasium. Starting with the tribe leader of the Pack of Wolves: STEM. Next in line is the tribe leader of the defending champion, Gam of Sharks: TVL (Previously, Ravens). Alternately with the tribe of the Convocation of Eagles: HUMMS. Lastly, roaring on the ground the tribe leader of the Pride of Lions: ABM. Each tribe leaders show off there best on how there tribes are power over another.
Next event is the Bench Cheering, which shows the full motivation and the eagerness to win the aimed title.
Watch the performance by clicking the link below. (Video by: Ryan Gallego)
STEM: THE EAGLES  https://www.facebook.com/ryann.gallego/videos/10210886460697873/?hc_ref=ARQPqLi-ZfvoIm--hzcP0pHRXFWubzW0yiTAzm_15jAJ3bTdWcS-ql1kM8Bgh0LC2j4
TVL: THE SHARKS  https://www.facebook.com/ryann.gallego/videos/10210886505258987/?hc_ref=ARQPqLi-ZfvoIm--hzcP0pHRXFWubzW0yiTAzm_15jAJ3bTdWcS-ql1kM8Bgh0LC2j4
HUMMS: THE EAGLES  https://www.facebook.com/ryann.gallego/videos/10210886530259612/?hc_ref=ARQPqLi-ZfvoIm--hzcP0pHRXFWubzW0yiTAzm_15jAJ3bTdWcS-ql1kM8Bgh0LC2j4
ABM: THE LIONS  https://www.facebook.com/ryann.gallego/videos/10210886586581020/?hc_ref=ARQPqLi-ZfvoIm--hzcP0pHRXFWubzW0yiTAzm_15jAJ3bTdWcS-ql1kM8Bgh0LC2j4
After those biggest events sports games then followed. From Major to Minor, everyone done there best to claim and be the champ.
Major events:
Basketball (Men & Women)
Volleyball (Men & Women)
Badminton Singles (Men & Women) and Doubles
Ultimate Frisbee
Amazing Race
Vlog Competition
Photo Contest
Minor events:
Canvass Painting
“TUGKANYAW” means tugtog, kanta, sayaw which we translates as music, sing and dance. The second day event of Animolympics 2017 show off the talents of each individuals. This event consists with Vocal Trio, Pop dance, Wanna Be and Spoken Poetry. The Lasallian students undoubtedly are talented whether in singing, dancing or mimicking. At the least they presented all their best and entertained everyone.
Also added on that day is the film showing for the Short Film. This has just proves also that Lasallian has a pure talent in acting and producing their own films in the future.
The very highlight of the Animolympics Cup is what we called the Lasallian Ambassadress. Which the glitz and glamour of each candidates were loved by everyone. Showing of there sexy moves in their Production number and of course their beauty in their Uniform attire, Sports attire and Evening Gown. And last but not the least is their wittiness in enthusiastically answering the questions.
And so in the reign queen of Lasallian Ambassadress was Ms. Mariecar Badelles from STEM, followed by the First Runner-up, Ms. Shaina Sabac of STEM and last but not the least the Second Runner-up, Ms. Zhadel Ursolino of ABM.
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From left to right: Judge, Shaina, Mariecar, Zhadel, Judge, Judge
Photo by: LSA Executive Council - SHS (Facebook page)
Latter at the event also was the Acoustic Jam, which every performer will mash-up and sing an OPM song, an international song and lastly their own composed song.
The whole three-day event of the Animolympics Cup was so fun. Each one of us participated heartedly and show off sportsmanship to another.
At last the Animolympics Cup had already done! The scores are in, the results are out!
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THE EAGLES Humanities and Social Sciences Over-all Ranking | 4th Place
Lasallian Ambassadress: 2ND RUNNER-UP Zhamaigne Zabate, Finalist Alyssa Joyce Deloy Baruc, Finalist Karyl Carzo Dulawan, Finalist -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Tugkanyaw, etc Bench Cheering - 3rd Runner-up Tribe Leader - CHAMPION Pop Dance - 1st Runner-up Wanna Be - 3rd Runner-up Vocal Trio - 3rd Runner-up Acoustic Jam - CHAMPION Spoken Poetry - CHAMPION     Photo Contest - First Runner-up   Short Film - First Runner-up Vlog Competition - 3rd Runner-up -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Sports Basketball (Girls) - 2nd Runner-up Basketball (Boys) - 3rd Runner-up Volleyball (Girls) - 3rd Runner-up Volleyball (Boys) - 2nd Runner-up   Badminton Singles (Girls) - 2nd Runner-up Badminton Singles (Boys) - CHAMPION   Badminton Mixed (Doubles) - CHAMPION Ultimate Frisbee - 3rd Runner-up Amazing Race - 3rd Runner-up -------------------------------------------- MINOR EVENTS Sungka - 2nd Runner-up Scrabble - 2nd Runner-up Chess - 3rd Runner-up Boggle - CHAMPION   Canvass Painting - 3rd Runner-up
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THE SHARKS Technical Vocational and Livelihood Over-all Ranking | 3rd Place
Lasallian Ambassadress: 3RD RUNNER-UP Kim Danielle Lapisigue, Finalist Hannie Lou Barolo, Finalist Angel Orong, Finalist -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Tugkanyaw, etc Bench Cheering - CHAMPION Tribe Leader - 2nd Runner-up Pop Dance - 3rd Runner-up Wanna Be - 1st Runner-up Vocal Trio - 1st Runner-up Acoustic Jam - 2nd Runner-up   Spoken Poetry - 1st Runner-up   Photo Contest - 2nd Runner-up Short Film - 2nd Runner-up Vlog Competition - 1st Runner-up   -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Sports Basketball (Girls) - CHAMPION Basketball (Boys) - First Runner-up Volleyball (Girls) - CHAMPION Volleyball (Boys) - 3rd Runner-up   Badminton Singles (Girls) - 1st Runner-up Badminton Singles (Boys) - 2nd Runner-up   Badminton Mixed (Doubles) - 3rd Runner-up   Ultimate Frisbee - 1st Runner-up Amazing Race - 1st Runner-up -------------------------------------------- MINOR EVENTS Sungka - 1st Runner-up Scrabble - 3rd Runner-up Chess - 1st Runner-up Boggle - 3rd Runner-up   Canvass Painting - CHAMPION
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THE LIONS Accountancy and Business Management Over-all Ranking | 2nd Place
Lasallian Ambassadress: 1ST RUNNER-UP 2nd Runner-up, Zhadel Ursolino Top 5, Daezelle Eloisa Jariol Top 5, Clarfondel Garces -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Tugkanyaw, etc Bench Cheering - 2nd Runner-up Tribe Leader - 1st Runner-up Pop Dance - 2nd Runner-up Wanna Be - CHAMPION Vocal Trio - 2nd Runner-up Acoustic Jam - 3rd Runner-up   Spoken Poetry - 2nd Runner-up   Photo Contest - 3rd Runner-up Short Film - 3rd Runner-up Vlog Competition - 2nd Runner-up -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Sports Basketball (Girls) - 3rd Runner-up Basketball (Boys) - CHAMPION   Volleyball (Girls) - 2nd Runner-up   Volleyball (Boys) - CHAMPION Badminton Singles (Girls) - 3rd Runner-up Badminton Singles (Boys) - 1st Runner-up Badminton Mixed (Doubles) - 1st Runner-up   Ultimate Frisbee - CHAMPION   Amazing Race - CHAMPION -------------------------------------------- MINOR EVENTS Sungka - 3rd Runner-up Scrabble - CHAMPION Chess - CHAMPION   Boggle - 2nd Runner-up Canvass Painting - 2nd Runner-up
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THE WOLVES Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Over-all Ranking | 1st Place
Lasallian Ambassadress: CHAMPION Winner, Mariecar Badelles 1st Runner-up, Shaina Sabac Abby Bravo, Finalist -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Tugkanyaw, etc Bench Cheering - 1st Runner-up Tribe Leader - 3rd Runner-up Pop Dance - CHAMPION Wanna Be - 2nd Runner-up Vocal Trio - CHAMPION Acoustic Jam - 1st Runner-up Spoken Poetry - 3rd Runner-up Photo Contest - CHAMPION Short Film - CHAMPION Vlog Competition - CHAMPION -------------------------------------------- MAJOR EVENTS | Sports Basketball (Girls) - 1st Runner-up Basketball (Boys) - 2nd Runner-up Volleyball (Girls) - 1st Runner-up Volleyball (Boys) - 1st Runner-up Badminton Singles (Girls) - CHAMPION Badminton Singles (Boys) - 3rd Runner-up Badminton Mixed (Doubles) - 2nd Runner-up Ultimate Frisbee - 2nd Runner-up Amazing Race - 2nd Runner-up -------------------------------------------- MINOR EVENTS Sungka - CHAMPION Scrabble - First Runner-up Chess - Second Runner-up Boggle - 1st Runner-up Canvass Painting - 1st Runner-up
Photo and results by: LSA Executive Council - SHS (Facebook page)
So here we go! A new Champ take the crown. Congratulations to the all Lasallian students who made Animolympics Cup successful. You are winners for all the best that you made through.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Aniyah Samuels by @desira-sims
After appearing on the bachelor Aniyah went home to Del Sol Valley to focus on her career. She eventually landed a few guest spots on a variety of tv shows before getting the lead role on a prime time hit tv drama about a vampire detective who solves crimes in Midnight Hollow and falls in love with a human cat burglar. Her face has appeared on magazine covers and has also done a lot of work in off- broadway musicals on stage in San Myshuno.
She recently married her fiance ( who’s also her love interest on the show) ,Marco Pirelli, the couple have been living together in a well decorated condo apartment since a few years back. 
Putting off having children, for a few years, she instead focuses on having a lead role on broadway. She’s set to star as the lead role in a new adaptation of Diamonds are for Sims and is already nominated for an award as “This years Newcomer”.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Penny Hyatt by @fataleromeo​ (& Daniel Ross)
Daniel and Penny are still together - AND STRONG!                                            It didn’t take long until they found an apartment, making it their own , and moved in together. They were best man and bridesmaid respectively at Jazz and Lowell’s wedding.
Daniel still works as a free lancer, his latest assignment was environmental concepts for the videogame [REDACTED] while Penny works as a designer at a clothing - retail company. She’s thinking of maybe trying out being an art consultant in the future.
In the future they’ve talked about eventually getting married and possibly having a few little ones but for now they are just happy being together.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Amélie Julian by @someone-elsa (yun-sims)
After a sad departure Amélie went back home to Oasis Springs. Heartbroken she instead focused her time on being with her mom, Noella and little brother, Zac. She eventually got a degree in floral design and started working in the local flower shop.
She met her boyfriend Oliver “Ollie” Darcy, a high school English professor, in a bookstore. The couple have been together for a while now and are planning on moving in together. Ollie also helped her fulfill her dream of traveling to Selvadorada.
In the future Amélie wants to travel and experience more and have dreams of maybe even moving and living abroad for a few years. Either way she wants back to Selvadorada.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Serenity Stanfield by @utamuse
Serenity moved to StrangerVille after being eliminated from the bachelor challenge. She got her veterinary license and has her own practice in town, specializing in  canine prenatal care.
By chance, after moving to StrangerVille, she met her highschool sweetheart, Stanley Park, at a mutual friend’s Halloween party. Three months later they were wed at a wedding chapel in Lucky Palms.      
Today she lives and works in a large rancher home in StrangerVille with her husband, twin sons; Ellis(blonde) and Fletcher(dark hair) and fur babies; Pickles( female collie) and Franklin( male pomeranian) while expecting baby number three.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Cee Hinkle by @whimsyalien  (abysims)
Cee went back to college after the bachelor and graduated with a distinguished Art History degree with honors, making her grandparents extra proud of her . She’s currently working at a company designing greeting cards while running an web comic in her free time.
She’s still very much best friends with Penny Hyatt and the two make sure to hang out as often as they can, speaking on the phone to each other at least once a day. 
She had two relationships during college but none lasted for very long. She moved into Penny’s old apartment with Penny’s siblings, Willie(or William as he these days insists on being called by his sisters) and Leah after college. She and William have been dating for a while now.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Rosie Allen by @cloudberrysims ​
After an emotional departure from the bachelor, Rosie went home to her little apartment in San Myshuno. She decided to follow her dream of becoming a chef and enrolled at a culinary school in San My. She now has her own cooking show “Rosie”  on a local network and is in the process of writing her first cookbook.
She met her fiance, the 10 year older restaurateur Beckett Holden, at an event. They now share a large and well decorated apartment in Uptown, San My were Rosie often hosts cocktail parties and dinners for their friends.
After two years together, Beckett proposed to her on New Years eve and they have been busy planning their wedding which they plan on having next summer. Rosie wants a big wedding and a dress that gives her the proper princess moment she’s dreaming off. With no plans on starting a family just yet they did however just adopt a golden retriever they’ve decided to name George.
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simscapades · 4 years
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“A Little Ways Down The Road...” Coming Tomorrow.
Hey! Remember that one bc challenge I did? Well I’m happy to finally(!) be able to say “Here’s what happend after it ended”. I’ll begin postings tomorrow with one post per day (Mon- Sun). 
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