#daniel huma
halfghostwriter · 2 years
(Saw a few posts about Giant!Danny, as well as this post by @blackfoxsposts , thought it’d be fun to create a disaster)
Danny, for the most part, thought he was handling being kidnapped by assassins (ninjas? Ninja assassins?) pretty well. Not sure why they took him, but hey, it’s not like it’s much worse than being kidnapped by Vlad. Maybe Vlad or one of his rogues decided to outsource for a change. The only thing he was really worried about was upsetting his new friend Damian, since they had agreed to meet today, but Danny missed the meeting time one account of being. Y’know. Kidnapped.
In his thoughts, he didn’t notice the fact he was being dragged towards a mysteriously ectoplasm-like pool until he was already eyebrow deep in it. In his panic, he wound up swallowing a massive amount of the liquid. As he was pulled back out, he started to feel… weird… a kinda nice weird, though… he licked his lips, savoring the delicious flavor of the pools… and flung himself backwards, out of the hands of the people pulling him out, and straight back into the flavor pit.
He got about three massive gulps in before he was pulled out again.
There were people talking around him, or maybe they were yelling— it was hard to hear over the sound of his own bubbly laughter. When he caught his breath, he did hear something that sounded like “why would you do that,” to which he responded
“Cuz it’s tashtyyy! And makesh me feel… makesh me feel weird… like good weird… kinda hot though… oh, wait, I can fiksh that!”
And Danny did just that, by turning into Phantom. Sure, his ghost half’s a little bit bigger, but this place is so open and airy, they must have people of this size all the time.
“Ta- *hic* -daaaaaaa!”
Oh wow, he never noticed how cute and small people look when he’s like this! Though, he probably wouldn’t have had the chance to notice. Lately he had only been transforming in the ghost zone, since he could use his powers just fine in his huma— oh. Right. Haha whoops, forgot about that. Ah well, he already transformed, and he liked how humans looked like this, he’s having too much fun to stop now. Wait, why are they running away?
“Hm? Wheresh you goin?”
He reached towards the one who had been taking the most earlier, only to have him slice Danny’s finger with something pointy, while screeching “STAY BACK, PIT DEMON!”
“Owwww…. why’d’ya do that for…? Thatsh was sho rude…” He poked the man in the chest with his claw, accidentally pushing him to the ground. Before he could retract his hand, he felt something small and sharp hit his cheek.
“Stand down. We don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
Danny turned to his right, and saw… some sort of black blob… man, his vision was loopy…
“Well yeah, but he’sh, he’sh the one, who who shtabbed me, I wash jusht ashkin… a queshtion.” Danny leaned towards the black blob, squinting his eyes while trying to get a better look… he could sort of make out two pointy ears on top of it… maybe some sort of cape…? Just a bit closer….
Something stabbed his hand!
“Keep those fangs away from my father, demon!”
How rude! Sure, his teeth were big and razor sharp, and his skin was a blueish-green, and his claws were the length of an average person’s forearm, but that didn’t mean he was a demon!
“Thash sho meannnn—”
“Quiet! Where has Daniel been taken? What did you do with him?!”
“Huh..? Whad’ya mean, ‘m right…”
Wait a minute… that voice is… incredibly familiar….
“… oh! I geddit now!”
Danny reached for his blurry looking friend with his non-stabbed hand, gripping a little tighter than he meant to.
“Shorry f’r not comin, got ki’napped, we c’n hang now though! Not tied up an’more.”
He used his free hand to open up a portal to his room in the castle, and floated through, his friend safely in his hand. He thinks his friend said something to him, but…
“Shorry, wha wazzat? Ish kinda hard to… to…”
Danny’s jaw unhinged as he yawned, and his body began to feel heavy.
“Shorry, I’m… kinda shleepy…”
He managed to get his upper half fully onto the bed before passing out.
A few hours later, he woke up with a migraine, a strong sense of debilitating shape, and a shockingly composed Robin standing a few feet from his face.
“So. Daniel. Care to explain?”
… yeah Danny fucked up.
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starlightscarsyt · 10 months
DRDT 'A Christmas Carol' AU - The Names To Fit The Era! (After all, they're only be used to represent in the story, and aren't the actual people in the story book!)
Here are the names reminescent of the 1840s!
•David Chiem - Daniel Christopher •Charles Cuevas - Charister Cecil (Huma name prior to being a ghost.) •Eden Tobisa - Edaline Tabitha (Human name prior to being a ghost.) •Teruko Tawaki - Teresa Tamar (Human name prior to being a ghost.) •Levi Fontana - Leonard Francis •Hu Jing - Helen Francis •Arturo Giles - Arthur Francis •Min Jeung - Miriam Francis •Nico Hakobyan - Nicholis Francis •Xander Matthews - Anthony Morris •Arei Nageishi - Amelia Naomi •Veronika Grebenshchikova - Violet Gertrude •Whit Young - Walter Yorus
All of them are still adults, by the way! I'm basing it more around the Disney movie :]
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5conspiracy-rule · 1 year
● Hillary Clinton
● Bill Clinton
● George Nader (Geschäftsmann)
● Huma Aberdin
● Laura Silsby
● Rachel Chandler
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● John Podesta
● Michael Podesta
● James Alefantis
● Anthony Wiener
● Leslie Wexner (limited Inc-Vorsitzender)
● Herbert Strauss
● Isidor Strauss
● Martin A. Nowak
● Steven Spielberg
● Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram-Vorsitzender)
● Charles Bronfman (Seagram Co)
● Michael Steinhardt (ehemaliger Hedgefonds-Manager)
● Sara Bronfman
● Clare Bronfman
● Niles Lehman (Professor an der Portland State University)
● Seth Roger
● Ruth Ginsberg
● Alison Mack
● Robert Maxwell
● Wendi Murdoch
● Jonathan Tscheban
● Naomi Campbell
● Maxime Chow
● Val Kilmer
● Marina Abramovic
● Steven Spielberg
● Kevin Spacey
● Alison Mac
● Marc Collins-Rector (Gründer von Den)
● Chad Shackley
● Brock Pierce
● David Geffen
● Tom Hanks
● Dustin Hoffman
● Andrew Kreisberg (US-amerikanischer Fernsehschreiber, Produzent)
● Bryan Singer
● Harvey Weinstein
● Bob Weinstein
● Roman Polanski
● Ruma Hazard
● Charlie Sheen
● Madonna
● Kate Perry
● Miley Cyrus
● Errol Flynn
● Billy Graham
● Walt Disney
● Michael Laney (ehemaliger Walt Disney Vizepräsident)
● James Gunn (Disney)
● Heidi Fleiss
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Alison Mack
● Stormy Daniels
● Rachel Chandler
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Ghislaine Maxwell
● Chris Tucker
● Larry Summer
● Lisa Summer
● Bill Murray
● Bill Hammond
● Ehud Barak
● Andrés Pastrana (ehemaliger Präsident Kolumbien 1998-2002)
● Jean Luc Brunel
● Doug Band
● Ron Burkle
● Woody Allen
● Sarah Kellen
● Ray Barzanna
● Sandy Burger
● Andrea Mitrovitch
● Peter Marino
● Shelley Lewis
● Paul Hala (t) (d) a
● Richardo Legoretta
● Tom Pritzker
● Kelly Spamm
● Tiffany Gramza
● Claire Hazel
● Paula Epstein
● Mark Epstein
● Ralph Elison
● Sophie Biddle
● Audrey Raimbault
● Shelley Harrison
● Melinda Luntz
● Gwendolyn Beck
● Albert Pinto
● Richard "Handsome Dick" Manitoba
● Gary Roxburgh
● Mandy Elison
● Jean Michelle Gathy
● Virginia Roberts
● Kristy Rodgers (Kristina Real Rodgers)
● Greg Holbert
● Alyssa Rodgers
● Juliette Bryant
● Heather Mann
● Ed Tuttle
● Glen Dubin
● Ellen Spencer
● Chris Wagner
● Casey Wasserman
● Laura Wasserman
● Paul Mellon
● Oliver Sachs
● Henry Rosovsky
● Lynn Forster (de Rothschild)
● Joe Pagano
● Naomi Campbell
● Nicole Junkermann
● Rodney Slater
● Magali Blachon (Deperrier)
● Svetlana Griaznova
● Emmy Tayler
● Larry Visoski
● Carrie Davies
● Johannes (Paul) Molyneux
● Freya Willemoes Wissing
● Adam Perry Lang
● Fleur Perry Lang
● Caren Casey
● Hank Coller
● Cindy Lopez
● Mark Lloyd
● Alan Dershowitz
● Seth Green
● James Gunn
● Steven Spielberg
● Tom Hanks
● Steven Colbert
● Jimmy Kimmel
● Barack Obama
● Kevin Spacey
● Kathy Griffin
● Oprah Winfrey
● Shawn Carter
● Beyoncé Knowles
● Anthony Kiedis
● John Legend
● Chrissy Tiegen
● Jim Carrey
● Steven Tyler
● Ben Affleck
● Stephen Collins
● Will Ferrell
● Marshall Counts
● Jeffrey Jones
● Victor Safe
● Mark Collins Rector
● Charlie Sheen
● Tyler Grasham
● Madonna Ciccone
● Katheryn Hudson
● Gwen Stefani
● Stefani Germanotta
● James Franco
● Will Smith
● Justin Roland
● John Cusack
● Anderson Cooper
● Demi Moore
● Brian Affleck
● Meryl Streep
● Wanda Sykes
● Chelsea-Handler
● Michelle Wolf
● David Jarovesky
● Pharrell Williams
● Quentin Tarantino
● Courtney Love
● Alec Baldwin
● Robert Downey Jr.
● Disney Corporation (Biete Kinder "Tauchen" Reisen, auf die Insel Epstein)
● Andre Balazs (Besitzer der Standard Hotels und mit den Rockefellers verbunden)
● Jay Z
● Beyoncé Knowles
● John Belushi
● Britney Spears
● Errol Flynn
● Dennis Hopper
● Helmut Newton
● Jim Morrison
● James Dean
● Billy Idol
● Victoria Beckham
● Heath Ledger
● Sienna Miller
● Balthazar Getty
● Scarlet Johansen
● Elon Musk
● Mark Zuckrberg
● Lawrence M. Krauss
● Steven Pinker
● Mick Jagger
● Courtney Love
● Joan Rivers (verstorben)
● Kevin Spacey
● Chris Rock
● Eli Weisel (Nobelpreis gewinnt Holocaust-Profiteur)
● Lauren Hutton (Top-Mode-Modell)
● Herzog & Herzogin von York
● Earl Spencer (der Bruder von verstorbenen Diana)
● Richard Bronson (englischer Geschäftsmann)
● Tony Blair (ehemaliger britischer Premierminister)
● David Koch (1/2 eines Bruders-Teams)
● David Rockefeller
● Evelyn de Rothschild
● Eduouard de Rothschild
● Jake Tapper (CNN)
● Jennifer Tapper (Frau von Jake Tapper)
● Ahorn Inc
● Barbara Walters
● Mort Zuckerman
● Eric Margolis
● Rupert Murdock
● Conrad & Barbara Black; Baron Black von Cross Harbour
● Bill Clinton (ehemaliger Präsident von Amerika)
● Jon & Mary Kaye Huntsman
● Gouverneur Charles Turnbull (US-Jungferninseln)
● Henry Kissinger
● Ethel Kennedy
● Bobby & Mary Kennedy
● Senator Edward Kennedy (verstorben)
● Ted Kennedy Jr.
● Andrew & Kerry Kennedy Cuomo
● Maria Shriver (Kennedy-Verwandte / Schwarznegger Ex)
(Freie 1992-2002)
● Keck Family (Standard-Öl / Gründer des Standard Hotels)
● Perry Mason
● Bank of California
● JP Morgan - Standard Oil
● Jeffrey Epstein
● Bear Stearns Group
● Standard companies
● Colombia Developement
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dark9896 · 2 years
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Day 13 [Daniel/ Raju/ Aligula]
Prompt: "...Always something more important"
This ate at Daniel, always having to run off. And in the middle of dates no less. So when he saw you gathering things in your shared apartment, he couldn't blame you for what you were doing.
"Pie, listen." Daniel wasn't trying to get in your way at all, "I know this has been a lot. And that you deserve someone who can give you more of their time. But-"
"I don't want to hear it, Danny." You were fighting back tears, "If it was just work I'd understand. But this seems to be everything. It isn't just that work is more important, I knew what dating a police officer would mean, what it would be like. This is everything else."
Daniel stopped, still holding onto one of your scarves, "What do you mean?"
"It seems that everything from spots games, to whatever you're doing on the computer, to even your brother's problems... no matter how big or small an issue. It just seems like there's always something more important than me."
"Pie..." Daniel tried to grab your hand, "C'mon Pie, you know that's not true..."
"No, I kinda don't." You started walking for the door with your suitcase in hand, "And its a little too late for explanations now."
This was strange, to say the least. Raju was certain he knew where your apartment was. And yet, the window was closed and there was no sign that you were even still in this apartment building.
Had something happened? Were you evicted? Was it just getting too loud at night?
Raju managed to find you by some miracle, unsure why you wouldn't tell him if something was going wrong. He wanted to help after all, as much as he could.
"[Name], what happened?" Raju floated down beside your car, "I tried to return home but the window was closed, and it looked as if you moved."
You let out a deep sigh, "Raju, I just... I can't handle the long stretches of alone time. I understand why, I just. It comes off as you always having something more important to do. So I closed the window myself. And... packed away most of the knick knacks."
Raju reached out to touch your shoulder, upset when you drew back.
"[Name], I don't know what to tell you. My work has always been dangerous and learning to share my life with someone else is... its not something I've done before."
You looked at him, this had to be the first time he's ever shared anything about his past. At least, anything concrete that wasn't training or the past... 20-something years. Though, you didn't even know how old Raju was so who knows what counts as recent history for him.
"My kind aren't exactly known for creating familial units the way humas do. We only ever spend time together for sexual interactions and the occasional feast. But if you're telling me that you need me to be around more often, then I can attempt to do so. It won't be easy, but I believe it will be worth it."
Raju still didn't have a filter when it came to speaking his mind, but there was a kind of sweetness to his words. It was still difficult to justify him being gone for 8 months at a time, though if you used that summoning method as a reminder...
Aligula was hunched over a large paper, plans for another pass at Deldro and Hummer. Her thoughts had flown right out the window when she noticed Klaus on the television a couple of days ago. And no matter what you said or did, she wasn't budging in the slightest.
"Lily, tell me something I don't know." You propped up on your elbows, "What's so special about this guy? Like why are you going after him when you have me right here?"
"Becaaaause!" She whined, "I was dating Deldro first. And then the million and one chances of finding Hummer, with his perfect face to just die for fell right in my lap. I neeeed them back in my life."
You sighed, straightening up, "They're always gonna be more important huh?"
Aligula didn't even register what you said. Nor did she know that you'd left until after her defeat. She spent a good three hours looking everywhere for you, but all she found was a small note.
"Always gonna be second best, aren't I? You'll always have something more important to do..."
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Kapolda Bali Hadiri Pengukuhan Paskibraka Provinsi Bali Tahun 2024
Bali – Didampingi Kabid Propam Polda Bali dan Kabid Humas Polda Bali, Kapolda Bali, Irjen. Pol. Daniel Adityajaya, S.H., S.IK., M.Si. menghadiri upacara Pengukuhan Pasukan Pengibar Bendera Pusaka (Paskibraka) Provinsi Bali Tahun 2024, Kamis (15/8). Pengukuhan Pasukan Pengibar Bendera Pusaka (Paskibraka) Provinsi Bali tahun 2024 juga dihadiri oleh Pj. Gubernur Bali, Pangdam IX/ Udayana, Danrem…
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thechannellist · 6 months
"The Top 10 Web Series of 2024: What You Shouldn't Miss"
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Here is a complete article with markdown formatting for "The Top 10 Web Series of 2024: What You Shouldn't Miss":
The Top 10 Web Series of 2024: What You Shouldn't Miss
The year 2024 has been a remarkable one for web series, with a diverse range of captivating stories and exceptional performances gracing our screens. From gripping dramas to side-splitting comedies, the world of streaming has delivered an array of must-watch series that have left audiences craving for more. Here, we'll take a closer look at the top 10 web series of 2024 that have captured the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide.
1. Shōgun (FX)
Adapted from James Clavell's epic novel, "Shōgun" is a historical drama that transports viewers to 17th-century feudal Japan. With a stellar cast led by Hiroyuki Sanada and Cosmo Jarvis, this series immerses audiences in a world of political intrigue, samurai honor, and cultural clashes. The stunning visuals and meticulous attention to detail make "Shōgun" a true masterpiece.
2. The Gentlemen (Netflix)
From the mind of Guy Ritchie comes "The Gentlemen," a crime comedy-drama series that follows the exploits of Eddie (Theo James), an aristocrat who inherits a massive weed empire. With a stellar ensemble cast, including Kaya Scodelario and Daniel Ings, this series delivers a perfect blend of dark humor, twists, and thrilling action. Ritchie's signature style shines through, making "The Gentlemen" a must-watch for fans of his work.
3. Griselda (Netflix)
Inspired by the life of the notorious Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco, this biographical crime drama series stars Sofía Vergara in a captivating performance. "Griselda" chronicles Blanco's rise to power as she builds one of the most ruthless cartels in history, offering a gritty and unflinching portrayal of the drug trade's dark underbelly.
4. 3 Body Problem (Netflix)
Based on the acclaimed science fiction novel by Cixin Liu, "3 Body Problem" is a mind-bending series that spans countries and decades. Featuring an ensemble cast led by Jovan Adepo and Jess Hong, this epic saga explores the consequences of a mysterious program that grants extraordinary powers to a select few individuals, setting the stage for a cosmic conflict that threatens the very existence of humanity.
5. X-Men '97 (Disney+)
Fans of the beloved 1990s "X-Men" animated series rejoice! "X-Men '97" picks up where the original left off, continuing the adventures of the iconic mutant team. With a stellar voice cast and stunning animation, this series promises to deliver the same action-packed thrills and compelling character dynamics that made the original a classic.
6. Manhunt (Apple TV+)
Based on the true story of the Atlanta child murders, "Manhunt" is a gripping crime drama that follows the investigation into the horrific killings that shook the city in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Starring Tobias Menzies and Anthony Boyle, this series delves into the complexities of the case, exploring themes of racial tension, police corruption, and the relentless pursuit of justice.
7. Showtime (Disney+ Hotstar)
"Showtime" offers a captivating glimpse into the world of Bollywood, where power struggles and off-camera fights are as intense as the on-screen drama. Led by Emraan Hashmi and Naseeruddin Shah, this series explores the cutthroat nature of the Indian film industry, delivering a compelling blend of intrigue, ambition, and entertainment.
8. Maharani Season 3 (SonyLIV)
The critically acclaimed political drama "Maharani" returns for its third season, continuing the story of Rani Bharti (Huma Qureshi), a powerful and ambitious woman navigating the treacherous waters of Indian politics. With its gripping storylines and stellar performances, "Maharani" remains a must-watch for fans of the series and those seeking a compelling exploration of power dynamics.
9. Lootere (Disney+ Hotstar)
From the creators of "Scam 1992" comes "Lootere," a tense and high-stakes hostage drama set on the high seas. Starring Rajat Kapoor and Vivek Gomber, this series follows the hijacking of a cargo ship by Somali pirates, leading to a gripping standoff between the crew, the pirates, and various interested parties. With its intense action and compelling characters, "Lootere" is a thrilling ride from start to finish.
10. Maamla Legal Hai (ZEE5)
Rounding out the top 10 is "Maamla Legal Hai," a courtroom drama that delves into the complexities of the Indian legal system. With a talented ensemble cast led by Anjum Batra and Nidhi Bisht, this series explores the personal and professional lives of lawyers as they navigate high-stakes cases and the challenges of balancing their careers with their personal lives.
These top 10 web series of 2024 have captivated audiences with their compelling narratives, exceptional performances, and stunning production values. Whether you're a fan of historical dramas, crime thrillers, or legal dramas, there's something for everyone in this diverse lineup. So, grab your favorite snacks, settle in, and get ready to be transported to worlds of intrigue, suspense, and entertainment like never before.
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wawanrohid · 1 year
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Masyarakat Ramai Ramai Menolak HTI di Bangkalan , Tokoh Ulama Madura Belum Angkat Bicara ?
Madura,Kita Semua mengetahui bahwa Madura merupakan Pulau yang memiliki budaya yang sangat erat dengan Islam, mulai dari NU, Muhamadiyah dan organisasi Islam lainya mendapat respon baik dari Masyarakat Madura, karena memang Masyarakat Madura sangat menjunjung Ghiroh Izzatul Islam yaitu semangat menjunjung kemuliaan Islam, namun dengan semangat yang sangat besar tersebut seperti pedang bermata dua yang juga menyuburkan Ideologi khilafah yang diam-diam berusaha mengambil kesempatan pada taatnya Masyarakat Madura kepada Agama Islam. Selasa (19/09/23)
Ideologi khilafah yang dibangun kelompok HTI berkamuflase dengan banyak nama dan salah satu nama yang mereka pakai yaitu Majelis Al-Buhuts Al Islamiyah, kelompok tersebut akan mengadakan kegiatan yang menggunakan nama Multaqo Ulama Aswaja, di Ponpes Al-Muntaha Ds. Keleyan, Kec. Socah Kab. Bangkalan yang akan diadakan pada hari Minggu, tanggal 24 September 2023.
Kegiatan tersebut akan disiarkan secara live pada chanel youtube sebagai berikut:
1. Pusat Kajian dan Analisis Data (PKAD)
2. Multaqo Ulama Aswaja TV
Dari penelusuran dan sumber terpercaya bahwa kegiatan tersebut dipelopori oleh KH. Toha Kholili, selaku Pengasuh Ponpes Al-Muntaha Al-Kholiliyah yang kita ketahui bahwa banyak kita temukan jejak digital pada tanggal 22 November 2019 melakukan deklarasi Khilafah di kediamannya, kegiatan tersebut akan dihadiri undangan dengan jumlah sekitar 2.000 orang serta banyak tokoh-tokoh HTI yang akan ikut serta dalam kegiatan tesebut.
Rencana kegiatan ini akan menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh jebolan HTI yang salah satunya adalah Ahmad Khozinudin dari LBH Pelita Umat/Lajnah Pelita Umat yang sudah kita ketahui Bersama bahwa LBH tersebut sangat senang mengkritik pemerintah dengan cara menggiring Masyarakat untuk mempercayai gagasan mereka untuk membentuk Pemerintahan Khilafah, KH. Toha Cholili,  PP. Al Muntaha Bangkalan Madura, Kyai Asrofi  PP. Darunnajah Banyuwangi, Kyai Asrori Muzakki 
PP. Kayyisul Ummah Mojokerto, KH. Misbah Halimi FKU Aswaja Jombang, Kyai Sepuh Zainullah Muslim Pondok Tahfidz Al Itqon Pasuruan, KH. dr. Muhammad Ali Syafiudin FKU Aswaja Tulungagung, KH. Aslam Mudhoffir FKU Aswaja Lamongan, Kyai Muhammad Alwan FKU Aswaja Malang, Kyai Abdurrahman Salam, 
PP. Al Anwar Mojokerto, Kyai Luqman Haris, PP. Darussalikin Sumenep, KH. Ali Fadhil, PP. At Taufiq Pamekasan, Kyai Ali Salim, PP. Al Ishlah Bringin Pamekasan, KH. Abdul Halim, FKU Aswaja Tuban, KH. Ahmad Rifa’i, PP. Rahmatal Lil Alamin Tuban, KH. Achmad Musta’in Syafi’i, Sekjen PUI Kediri, KH. Muhammad Nizar Ma’ruf, FKU Aswaja Jombang, KH. Abdul Kholiq, FUIB Surabaya, KH. Ahmad Djauhari, MT. Al Hikam, Kediri, Kyai Abdul Fattah, MT. Al Fattah, Nganjuk, Kyai Joko Santoso, PP. Al Muhlisin, Mojokerto, Kyai Suprayogi, MT. An Nasr Surabaya, KH. Kamil Sulastita, PP. Al Kamil Surabaya, KH. Jufri Ali, MT Al Hikmah Blitar, KH. Luqman Hakim, MT. Qolbun Salim Malang, KH. Muhammad Yasin, PP. Al Fattah Jember, KH. Masduqi, Kab. Malang, Kyai Ngaturi, MT. Al Hamzah Kab. Malang, Ust. Heru Ilyasya'Dari Mojokerto, Ust. Fajar Kurniawan Ketua HTI Jawa Timur, Ust. Fajar Afifuddin alias Ust. Abu Ulya Dari Blitar, Ust. Azizi Fathoni Dari Batu, Habib Abdul Qodir Bin Muhammad bin Baa gil, Gus Tuhu Dari Kraksaan Probolinggo, Prof. Daniel M. Rosyid M. Phil., Ph. D, Kh. Masrukhan, Ust. Harun Musa
Humas HTI Jawa Timur, Kyai Sukirno Dari Purwosari Pasuruan, Ust. Fatahillah Dari Surabaya Selatan, Ust. Jabir Dari Surabaya Barat, Ust. M Sugiono
Dari Surabaya Timur tentu negara kita sangat menjamin adanya berkumpul dan menyampaikan aspirasi, akan tetapi yang perlu kita pahami bahwa kebebasan yang kita rasakan disalahgunakan untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan yang sah.
Keputusan Pemerintah melalui Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 27 K/TUN/2019 terkait pembubaran kelompok HTI yang menganut paham Khilafah sudah sangat tepat, karena memang Ideologi khilafah tidak bisa diterapkan di Indonesia serta kegiatan makar terhadap Pemerintahan yang sah dilarang oleh Agama Islam.
Sebagai umat Islam yang baik bukankah kita sewajibnya untuk menjaga perdamaian antar umat beragama, tidak ada yang salah dengan konstitusi yang dibuat oleh leluhur kita, karena memang Negara Indonesia merupakan kesepakatan semua golongan termasuk Kyai dan Ulama Indonesia yang merupakan golongan Islam, dan perlu kita Ingat bahwa kelompok HTI tidak ikut dalam merebut kemerdekaan Indonesia, jadi sungguh kurang ajar sekali bila kelompok HTI yang tidak ikut berjuang tapi berusaha membohongi Masyarakat Islam dengan janji-janji khilafah.
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bayeksiwo · 1 year
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Masyarakat Ramai Ramai Menolak HTI di Bangkalan , Tokoh Ulama Madura Belum Angkat Bicara ?
Madura,Kita Semua mengetahui bahwa Madura merupakan Pulau yang memiliki budaya yang sangat erat dengan Islam, mulai dari NU, Muhamadiyah dan organisasi Islam lainya mendapat respon baik dari Masyarakat Madura, karena memang Masyarakat Madura sangat menjunjung Ghiroh Izzatul Islam yaitu semangat menjunjung kemuliaan Islam, namun dengan semangat yang sangat besar tersebut seperti pedang bermata dua yang juga menyuburkan Ideologi khilafah yang diam-diam berusaha mengambil kesempatan pada taatnya Masyarakat Madura kepada Agama Islam. Selasa (19/09/23)
Ideologi khilafah yang dibangun kelompok HTI berkamuflase dengan banyak nama dan salah satu nama yang mereka pakai yaitu Majelis Al-Buhuts Al Islamiyah, kelompok tersebut akan mengadakan kegiatan yang menggunakan nama Multaqo Ulama Aswaja, di Ponpes Al-Muntaha Ds. Keleyan, Kec. Socah Kab. Bangkalan yang akan diadakan pada hari Minggu, tanggal 24 September 2023.
Kegiatan tersebut akan disiarkan secara live pada chanel youtube sebagai berikut:
1. Pusat Kajian dan Analisis Data (PKAD)
2. Multaqo Ulama Aswaja TV
Dari penelusuran dan sumber terpercaya bahwa kegiatan tersebut dipelopori oleh KH. Toha Kholili, selaku Pengasuh Ponpes Al-Muntaha Al-Kholiliyah yang kita ketahui bahwa banyak kita temukan jejak digital pada tanggal 22 November 2019 melakukan deklarasi Khilafah di kediamannya, kegiatan tersebut akan dihadiri undangan dengan jumlah sekitar 2.000 orang serta banyak tokoh-tokoh HTI yang akan ikut serta dalam kegiatan tesebut.
Rencana kegiatan ini akan menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh jebolan HTI yang salah satunya adalah Ahmad Khozinudin dari LBH Pelita Umat/Lajnah Pelita Umat yang sudah kita ketahui Bersama bahwa LBH tersebut sangat senang mengkritik pemerintah dengan cara menggiring Masyarakat untuk mempercayai gagasan mereka untuk membentuk Pemerintahan Khilafah, KH. Toha Cholili,  PP. Al Muntaha Bangkalan Madura, Kyai Asrofi  PP. Darunnajah Banyuwangi, Kyai Asrori Muzakki 
PP. Kayyisul Ummah Mojokerto, KH. Misbah Halimi FKU Aswaja Jombang, Kyai Sepuh Zainullah Muslim Pondok Tahfidz Al Itqon Pasuruan, KH. dr. Muhammad Ali Syafiudin FKU Aswaja Tulungagung, KH. Aslam Mudhoffir FKU Aswaja Lamongan, Kyai Muhammad Alwan FKU Aswaja Malang, Kyai Abdurrahman Salam, 
PP. Al Anwar Mojokerto, Kyai Luqman Haris, PP. Darussalikin Sumenep, KH. Ali Fadhil, PP. At Taufiq Pamekasan, Kyai Ali Salim, PP. Al Ishlah Bringin Pamekasan, KH. Abdul Halim, FKU Aswaja Tuban, KH. Ahmad Rifa’i, PP. Rahmatal Lil Alamin Tuban, KH. Achmad Musta’in Syafi’i, Sekjen PUI Kediri, KH. Muhammad Nizar Ma’ruf, FKU Aswaja Jombang, KH. Abdul Kholiq, FUIB Surabaya, KH. Ahmad Djauhari, MT. Al Hikam, Kediri, Kyai Abdul Fattah, MT. Al Fattah, Nganjuk, Kyai Joko Santoso, PP. Al Muhlisin, Mojokerto, Kyai Suprayogi, MT. An Nasr Surabaya, KH. Kamil Sulastita, PP. Al Kamil Surabaya, KH. Jufri Ali, MT Al Hikmah Blitar, KH. Luqman Hakim, MT. Qolbun Salim Malang, KH. Muhammad Yasin, PP. Al Fattah Jember, KH. Masduqi, Kab. Malang, Kyai Ngaturi, MT. Al Hamzah Kab. Malang, Ust. Heru Ilyasya'Dari Mojokerto, Ust. Fajar Kurniawan Ketua HTI Jawa Timur, Ust. Fajar Afifuddin alias Ust. Abu Ulya Dari Blitar, Ust. Azizi Fathoni Dari Batu, Habib Abdul Qodir Bin Muhammad bin Baa gil, Gus Tuhu Dari Kraksaan Probolinggo, Prof. Daniel M. Rosyid M. Phil., Ph. D, Kh. Masrukhan, Ust. Harun Musa
Humas HTI Jawa Timur, Kyai Sukirno Dari Purwosari Pasuruan, Ust. Fatahillah Dari Surabaya Selatan, Ust. Jabir Dari Surabaya Barat, Ust. M Sugiono
Dari Surabaya Timur tentu negara kita sangat menjamin adanya berkumpul dan menyampaikan aspirasi, akan tetapi yang perlu kita pahami bahwa kebebasan yang kita rasakan disalahgunakan untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan yang sah.
Keputusan Pemerintah melalui Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 27 K/TUN/2019 terkait pembubaran kelompok HTI yang menganut paham Khilafah sudah sangat tepat, karena memang Ideologi khilafah tidak bisa diterapkan di Indonesia serta kegiatan makar terhadap Pemerintahan yang sah dilarang oleh Agama Islam.
Sebagai umat Islam yang baik bukankah kita sewajibnya untuk menjaga perdamaian antar umat beragama, tidak ada yang salah dengan konstitusi yang dibuat oleh leluhur kita, karena memang Negara Indonesia merupakan kesepakatan semua golongan termasuk Kyai dan Ulama Indonesia yang merupakan golongan Islam, dan perlu kita Ingat bahwa kelompok HTI tidak ikut dalam merebut kemerdekaan Indonesia, jadi sungguh kurang ajar sekali bila kelompok HTI yang tidak ikut berjuang tapi berusaha membohongi Masyarakat Islam dengan janji-janji khilafah.
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tomsamchong · 1 year
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Masyarakat Ramai Ramai Menolak HTI di Bangkalan , Tokoh Ulama Madura Belum Angkat Bicara ?
Madura,Kita Semua mengetahui bahwa Madura merupakan Pulau yang memiliki budaya yang sangat erat dengan Islam, mulai dari NU, Muhamadiyah dan organisasi Islam lainya mendapat respon baik dari Masyarakat Madura, karena memang Masyarakat Madura sangat menjunjung Ghiroh Izzatul Islam yaitu semangat menjunjung kemuliaan Islam, namun dengan semangat yang sangat besar tersebut seperti pedang bermata dua yang juga menyuburkan Ideologi khilafah yang diam-diam berusaha mengambil kesempatan pada taatnya Masyarakat Madura kepada Agama Islam. Selasa (19/09/23)
Ideologi khilafah yang dibangun kelompok HTI berkamuflase dengan banyak nama dan salah satu nama yang mereka pakai yaitu Majelis Al-Buhuts Al Islamiyah, kelompok tersebut akan mengadakan kegiatan yang menggunakan nama Multaqo Ulama Aswaja, di Ponpes Al-Muntaha Ds. Keleyan, Kec. Socah Kab. Bangkalan yang akan diadakan pada hari Minggu, tanggal 24 September 2023.
Kegiatan tersebut akan disiarkan secara live pada chanel youtube sebagai berikut:
1. Pusat Kajian dan Analisis Data (PKAD)
2. Multaqo Ulama Aswaja TV
Dari penelusuran dan sumber terpercaya bahwa kegiatan tersebut dipelopori oleh KH. Toha Kholili, selaku Pengasuh Ponpes Al-Muntaha Al-Kholiliyah yang kita ketahui bahwa banyak kita temukan jejak digital pada tanggal 22 November 2019 melakukan deklarasi Khilafah di kediamannya, kegiatan tersebut akan dihadiri undangan dengan jumlah sekitar 2.000 orang serta banyak tokoh-tokoh HTI yang akan ikut serta dalam kegiatan tesebut.
Rencana kegiatan ini akan menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh jebolan HTI yang salah satunya adalah Ahmad Khozinudin dari LBH Pelita Umat/Lajnah Pelita Umat yang sudah kita ketahui Bersama bahwa LBH tersebut sangat senang mengkritik pemerintah dengan cara menggiring Masyarakat untuk mempercayai gagasan mereka untuk membentuk Pemerintahan Khilafah, KH. Toha Cholili,  PP. Al Muntaha Bangkalan Madura, Kyai Asrofi  PP. Darunnajah Banyuwangi, Kyai Asrori Muzakki 
PP. Kayyisul Ummah Mojokerto, KH. Misbah Halimi FKU Aswaja Jombang, Kyai Sepuh Zainullah Muslim Pondok Tahfidz Al Itqon Pasuruan, KH. dr. Muhammad Ali Syafiudin FKU Aswaja Tulungagung, KH. Aslam Mudhoffir FKU Aswaja Lamongan, Kyai Muhammad Alwan FKU Aswaja Malang, Kyai Abdurrahman Salam, 
PP. Al Anwar Mojokerto, Kyai Luqman Haris, PP. Darussalikin Sumenep, KH. Ali Fadhil, PP. At Taufiq Pamekasan, Kyai Ali Salim, PP. Al Ishlah Bringin Pamekasan, KH. Abdul Halim, FKU Aswaja Tuban, KH. Ahmad Rifa’i, PP. Rahmatal Lil Alamin Tuban, KH. Achmad Musta’in Syafi’i, Sekjen PUI Kediri, KH. Muhammad Nizar Ma’ruf, FKU Aswaja Jombang, KH. Abdul Kholiq, FUIB Surabaya, KH. Ahmad Djauhari, MT. Al Hikam, Kediri, Kyai Abdul Fattah, MT. Al Fattah, Nganjuk, Kyai Joko Santoso, PP. Al Muhlisin, Mojokerto, Kyai Suprayogi, MT. An Nasr Surabaya, KH. Kamil Sulastita, PP. Al Kamil Surabaya, KH. Jufri Ali, MT Al Hikmah Blitar, KH. Luqman Hakim, MT. Qolbun Salim Malang, KH. Muhammad Yasin, PP. Al Fattah Jember, KH. Masduqi, Kab. Malang, Kyai Ngaturi, MT. Al Hamzah Kab. Malang, Ust. Heru Ilyasya'Dari Mojokerto, Ust. Fajar Kurniawan Ketua HTI Jawa Timur, Ust. Fajar Afifuddin alias Ust. Abu Ulya Dari Blitar, Ust. Azizi Fathoni Dari Batu, Habib Abdul Qodir Bin Muhammad bin Baa gil, Gus Tuhu Dari Kraksaan Probolinggo, Prof. Daniel M. Rosyid M. Phil., Ph. D, Kh. Masrukhan, Ust. Harun Musa
Humas HTI Jawa Timur, Kyai Sukirno Dari Purwosari Pasuruan, Ust. Fatahillah Dari Surabaya Selatan, Ust. Jabir Dari Surabaya Barat, Ust. M Sugiono
Dari Surabaya Timur tentu negara kita sangat menjamin adanya berkumpul dan menyampaikan aspirasi, akan tetapi yang perlu kita pahami bahwa kebebasan yang kita rasakan disalahgunakan untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan yang sah.
Keputusan Pemerintah melalui Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 27 K/TUN/2019 terkait pembubaran kelompok HTI yang menganut paham Khilafah sudah sangat tepat, karena memang Ideologi khilafah tidak bisa diterapkan di Indonesia serta kegiatan makar terhadap Pemerintahan yang sah dilarang oleh Agama Islam.
Sebagai umat Islam yang baik bukankah kita sewajibnya untuk menjaga perdamaian antar umat beragama, tidak ada yang salah dengan konstitusi yang dibuat oleh leluhur kita, karena memang Negara Indonesia merupakan kesepakatan semua golongan termasuk Kyai dan Ulama Indonesia yang merupakan golongan Islam, dan perlu kita Ingat bahwa kelompok HTI tidak ikut dalam merebut kemerdekaan Indonesia, jadi sungguh kurang ajar sekali bila kelompok HTI yang tidak ikut berjuang tapi berusaha membohongi Masyarakat Islam dengan janji-janji khilafah.
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bams1990 · 1 year
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Masyarakat Ramai Ramai Menolak HTI di Bangkalan , Tokoh Ulama Madura Belum Angkat Bicara ?
Madura,Kita Semua mengetahui bahwa Madura merupakan Pulau yang memiliki budaya yang sangat erat dengan Islam, mulai dari NU, Muhamadiyah dan organisasi Islam lainya mendapat respon baik dari Masyarakat Madura, karena memang Masyarakat Madura sangat menjunjung Ghiroh Izzatul Islam yaitu semangat menjunjung kemuliaan Islam, namun dengan semangat yang sangat besar tersebut seperti pedang bermata dua yang juga menyuburkan Ideologi khilafah yang diam-diam berusaha mengambil kesempatan pada taatnya Masyarakat Madura kepada Agama Islam. Selasa (19/09/23)
Ideologi khilafah yang dibangun kelompok HTI berkamuflase dengan banyak nama dan salah satu nama yang mereka pakai yaitu Majelis Al-Buhuts Al Islamiyah, kelompok tersebut akan mengadakan kegiatan yang menggunakan nama Multaqo Ulama Aswaja, di Ponpes Al-Muntaha Ds. Keleyan, Kec. Socah Kab. Bangkalan yang akan diadakan pada hari Minggu, tanggal 24 September 2023.
Kegiatan tersebut akan disiarkan secara live pada chanel youtube sebagai berikut:
1. Pusat Kajian dan Analisis Data (PKAD)
2. Multaqo Ulama Aswaja TV
Dari penelusuran dan sumber terpercaya bahwa kegiatan tersebut dipelopori oleh KH. Toha Kholili, selaku Pengasuh Ponpes Al-Muntaha Al-Kholiliyah yang kita ketahui bahwa banyak kita temukan jejak digital pada tanggal 22 November 2019 melakukan deklarasi Khilafah di kediamannya, kegiatan tersebut akan dihadiri undangan dengan jumlah sekitar 2.000 orang serta banyak tokoh-tokoh HTI yang akan ikut serta dalam kegiatan tesebut.
Rencana kegiatan ini akan menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh jebolan HTI yang salah satunya adalah Ahmad Khozinudin dari LBH Pelita Umat/Lajnah Pelita Umat yang sudah kita ketahui Bersama bahwa LBH tersebut sangat senang mengkritik pemerintah dengan cara menggiring Masyarakat untuk mempercayai gagasan mereka untuk membentuk Pemerintahan Khilafah, KH. Toha Cholili,  PP. Al Muntaha Bangkalan Madura, Kyai Asrofi  PP. Darunnajah Banyuwangi, Kyai Asrori Muzakki 
PP. Kayyisul Ummah Mojokerto, KH. Misbah Halimi FKU Aswaja Jombang, Kyai Sepuh Zainullah Muslim Pondok Tahfidz Al Itqon Pasuruan, KH. dr. Muhammad Ali Syafiudin FKU Aswaja Tulungagung, KH. Aslam Mudhoffir FKU Aswaja Lamongan, Kyai Muhammad Alwan FKU Aswaja Malang, Kyai Abdurrahman Salam, 
PP. Al Anwar Mojokerto, Kyai Luqman Haris, PP. Darussalikin Sumenep, KH. Ali Fadhil, PP. At Taufiq Pamekasan, Kyai Ali Salim, PP. Al Ishlah Bringin Pamekasan, KH. Abdul Halim, FKU Aswaja Tuban, KH. Ahmad Rifa’i, PP. Rahmatal Lil Alamin Tuban, KH. Achmad Musta’in Syafi’i, Sekjen PUI Kediri, KH. Muhammad Nizar Ma’ruf, FKU Aswaja Jombang, KH. Abdul Kholiq, FUIB Surabaya, KH. Ahmad Djauhari, MT. Al Hikam, Kediri, Kyai Abdul Fattah, MT. Al Fattah, Nganjuk, Kyai Joko Santoso, PP. Al Muhlisin, Mojokerto, Kyai Suprayogi, MT. An Nasr Surabaya, KH. Kamil Sulastita, PP. Al Kamil Surabaya, KH. Jufri Ali, MT Al Hikmah Blitar, KH. Luqman Hakim, MT. Qolbun Salim Malang, KH. Muhammad Yasin, PP. Al Fattah Jember, KH. Masduqi, Kab. Malang, Kyai Ngaturi, MT. Al Hamzah Kab. Malang, Ust. Heru Ilyasya'Dari Mojokerto, Ust. Fajar Kurniawan Ketua HTI Jawa Timur, Ust. Fajar Afifuddin alias Ust. Abu Ulya Dari Blitar, Ust. Azizi Fathoni Dari Batu, Habib Abdul Qodir Bin Muhammad bin Baa gil, Gus Tuhu Dari Kraksaan Probolinggo, Prof. Daniel M. Rosyid M. Phil., Ph. D, Kh. Masrukhan, Ust. Harun Musa
Humas HTI Jawa Timur, Kyai Sukirno Dari Purwosari Pasuruan, Ust. Fatahillah Dari Surabaya Selatan, Ust. Jabir Dari Surabaya Barat, Ust. M Sugiono
Dari Surabaya Timur tentu negara kita sangat menjamin adanya berkumpul dan menyampaikan aspirasi, akan tetapi yang perlu kita pahami bahwa kebebasan yang kita rasakan disalahgunakan untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan yang sah.
Keputusan Pemerintah melalui Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 27 K/TUN/2019 terkait pembubaran kelompok HTI yang menganut paham Khilafah sudah sangat tepat, karena memang Ideologi khilafah tidak bisa diterapkan di Indonesia serta kegiatan makar terhadap Pemerintahan yang sah dilarang oleh Agama Islam.
Sebagai umat Islam yang baik bukankah kita sewajibnya untuk menjaga perdamaian antar umat beragama, tidak ada yang salah dengan konstitusi yang dibuat oleh leluhur kita, karena memang Negara Indonesia merupakan kesepakatan semua golongan termasuk Kyai dan Ulama Indonesia yang merupakan golongan Islam, dan perlu kita Ingat bahwa kelompok HTI tidak ikut dalam merebut kemerdekaan Indonesia, jadi sungguh kurang ajar sekali bila kelompok HTI yang tidak ikut berjuang tapi berusaha membohongi Masyarakat Islam dengan janji-janji khilafah.
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Irjen Pol Putu Jayan Danu Dimutasi dari Polda Bali
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) melakukan penyegaran organisasi dengan merotasi sejumlah pejaba setingkat Perwira Menengah (Pamen) hingga Periwira Tinggi (Pati), menurut informasi Irjen Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra juga termasuk dalam daftar pejabat mutasi yang dimutasi oleh Polri, pada Senin (26/6/2023) kemarin. Berdasarkan keterangan, Kepala Bidang Hubungan Masyarakat (Kabid Humas) Polda Bali, Kombes Pol Satake Bayu menjelaskan, berdasarkan surat telegram mutasi Polri disebutkan ada sebanyak 539 Pamen dan Pati dari seluruh Indonesia yang dimutasi. Diantaranya ada Kapolda Bali, Irjen Pol Putu Jayan Danu Putra dan Wakapolda Bali, Brigjen Pol Ketut Suardana, yang dipercayakan Kapolri untuk dipromosikan menempati jabatan baru. "Mutasi merupakan hal yang biasa dan bertujuan untuk menjaga kedinamisan dan penyegaran didalam tubuh Polri, serta memberikan kesempatan kepada anggota Polri untuk mengembangkan kemampuan diri dalam promosi tugas yang baru," ucapnya. Dalam surat telegram tersebut, adapun Mutasi Kapolri untuk Pejabat di Polda Bali yaitu: Irjen Pol. Drs. Putu Jayan Danu Putra, S.H., M.Si., Kapolda Bali dimutasikan sebagai Pati Baintelkam Polri (Persiapan penugasan diluar struktur). Digantikan Brigjen Pol. Ida Bagus Kd Putra Narendra, S.I.K., M.Si., yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Karoada B/J Slog Polri. Brigjen Pol Drs. I Ketut Suardana, M.Si., Wakapolda Bali dimutasikan sebagai Pati Bareskrim Polri (Persiapan penugasan diluar struktur). Digantikan Brigjen Pol Dr. I Gusti Kade Budhi Harryarsana, S.I.K., S.H., M.Hum., sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Dirprogsarjana STIK Lemdiklat Polri. Kombes Pol Nuryanto, S.I.K., M.Si., Karoops Polda Bali diangkat dalam jabatan baru sebagai Kabagpakatkerma Rokerma KL Sops Polri. Digantikan Kombes Pol Soelistijono, S.I.K., M.H., yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Dirpolairud Polda Bali. Sedangkan jabatan Dirpolairud Polda Bali digantikan Kombes Pol Ponadi, S.I.K., yang selumnya menjabata sebagai Kabagselbangyar Korpolairud Baharkam Polri. Untuk Jabatan Karo Log Kombes Pol Nelsoj Pardamean Purba, S.I.K., S.H., yang kini dipercaya sebagai Kabagada B/J Slog Polri. Digantikan oleh Kombes Pol Drs. I Gede Mega Suparwitha, M.Si. yang sebelumnya sebagai Karolog Polda Sumut. Kombes Pol Ketut Onik Suirawan, S.H., Karorena Polda Bali dimutasikan sbg Pamen Polda Bali (dalam rangka Pensiun). Digantikan Kombes Pol Daniel Widya Mucharam, S.I.K., M.A.P. yang sebelumnya sebagai Akreditor Utama Divpropam Polri. Kombes Pol Surawan, S.I.K., Dirreskrimum Polda Bali mendapat kepercayaan pimpinan sebagai Dirreskrimum Polda Jabar. Digantikan Kombes Pol Yanri Paran Simarmata, S.I.K., yang sebelumnya bertugas di Bareskrim Polri. Kombes Pol Stefanus Satake Bayu Setiyanto, S.I.K., M.Si., Kabidhumas Polda Bali dipercaya sebagai Kabidhumas Polda Jateng. Digantikan Kombes Pol Jansen Avitus Panjaitan, S.I.K., M.H., yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Kabidhumas Polda Kepri. AKBP Dewa Ngakan Nyoman Arinata, S.I.K., M.H., Kapolres Merangin Polda Jambi, diangkat dalam jabatan baru sebagai Irbid Itwasda Polda Bali. Kombes Pol Dody Pribadi, S.I.K., M.Si., Kabidbinsis Diklat Reserse Lemdiklat Polri dimutasikan sebagai Pamen Polda Bali. (aar/bpn) Read the full article
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Kapolri Pimpin Sertijab Kadiv Humas, Kabaharkam dan 7 Kapolda
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JAKARTA - Kapolri Jenderal Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, pada hari Jum'at (31/3/2023), memimpin serah terima jabatan sejumlah pejabat utama Polri mulai dari Kadiv Humas Polri, Kabaharkam, serta tujuh kepala kepolisian daerah (Kapolda). Jabatan Kadiv Humas Polri yang sebelumnya dipimpin oleh Irjen Pol. Dedi Prasetyo diestafetkan kepada Irjen Pol. Sandi Nugroho, yang memiliki latar belakang penyidik Polri. Irjen Pol. Dedi Prasetyo yang telah memimpin Divisi Humas selama satu tahun lebih dimutasi sebagai Asisten Kapolri Bidang SDM (As SDM). Kemudian jabatan Kabaharkam Polri yang tadinya dipimpin Komjen Pol. Arief Sulistyanto digantikan oleh Komjen Pol. Fadil Imran. Selanjutnya serah terima jabatan Wadankor Brimob kepada Brigjen Pol. Imam Widodo yang menggantikan dan Irjen Pol. Setyo Boedi Moempoeni Harso, kemudian Kalemdiklat Polri Komjen Pol. Purwadi Arianto menggantikan Komjen Pol. Rycko Amelza Daniel yang dimutasi di luar struktur yang disiapkan sebagai Kepala BNPT menggantikan Komjen Pol. Boy Rafli Amar yang memasuki masa pensiun. Bersamaan dengan itu, Kapolri memimpin serah terima jabatan sejumlah kapolda, yakni Kapolda Metro Jaya dipimpin Irjen Pol. Karyoto, Kapolda Sulawesi Tengah Irjen Pol. Agus Nugroho, Kapolda Jawa Barat Irjen Pol. Akhmad Wiyagus, Kapolda Lampung Irjen Pol. Helmy Santika, Kapolda Gorontalo Irjen Pol. Angnesta Romano Yoyol, Kapolda Kalimantan Barat Irjen Pol. Pipit Rismanto dan Kapolda Sulawesi Selatan Irjen Pol. Irjen Pol. Setyo Boedi Moempoeni Harso. "Upacara serah terima jabatan hari ini dipimpin oleh Kapolri langsung," kata Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat (Karopenmas) Divisi Humas Polri Brigjen Pol. Ahmad Ramadhan. Upacara serah terima jabatan dilaksanakan di Ruang Rapat Utama (Rupatama) Mabes Polri pukul 10.00 WIB. (*) Sumber: antaranews Read the full article
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abcnewspr · 2 years
The Political View With Rep. Cori Bush, Oct. 4
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ABC/Jeff Lipsky*
Called “the most important political TV show in America” by The New York Times, “The View” is a priority destination for our guests and must-see viewing for our loyal fans with up-to-the-minute Hot Topics and invaluable conversations with live broadcasts five days a week. The Daytime Emmy® Award-winning talk show concluded season 25 as the most-watched daytime talk show, ranking No. 1 in Households and Total Viewers among the daytime network and syndicated talk shows and news programs for the second consecutive year. “The View” is executive produced by Brian Teta and is directed by Sarah de la O. For breaking news and updated videos, follow “The View” (@theview) and Whoopi Goldberg (@whoopigoldberg), Joy Behar (@joyvbehar), Sunny Hostin (@sunny), Sara Haines (@sarahaines), Alyssa Farah Griffin (@alyssafarah) and Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) on Twitter.
Scheduled guests for the week of Oct. 3-7 are as follows (subject to change):
Monday, Oct. 3 – Maggie Haberman (author, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America”); “View Your Deal”
Tuesday, Oct. 4 – The Political View with Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) (author, “The Forerunner”); Constance Wu (author, “Making a Scene”)
Wednesday, Oct. 5 – Reese Witherspoon (author, “Busy Betty”)
Thursday, Oct. 6 – Tamron Hall (“Tamron Hall”); Huma Abedin (author, “Both/And”)
Friday, Oct. 7 – Kathy Najimy (“Hocus Pocus 2”); Danielle Brooks (“The Piano Lesson”); “View Your Deal”
COPYRIGHT ©2022 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed. Photos posted for Web use must be at the low resolution of 72dpi, no larger than 2x3 in size.
Follow “The View” (#theview) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
“The View” is now available on a podcast. Listen to the full show for free on Apple Podcasts or on your favorite podcast app every weekday afternoon.  
“The View” can be streamed on ABC News Live weekdays at 5 p.m. EDT.
For more information, follow ABC News PR on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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crescentmoonrider · 5 years
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Steven can’t do romance [1/?] : The man who cried date
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lintasbatasindonesia · 2 months
Kapolda Bali Irjen Pol Daniel Adityajaya Pernah Jabat Kapolsek Sukawati
Kombes Pol Jansen Avitus Panjaitan S.I.K., M.H., Kabid Humas Polda Bali membenarkan Kapolda Bali Irjen Pol Daniel Adityajaya S.H., S.I.K., M.Si., pernah menjabat sebagai Kapolsek Sukawati Polres Gianyar, selasa 30/7/2024   Jabatan Kapolsek Sukawati tersebut di emban beliau waktu berpangkat Perwira pertama, selain itu beliau juga sempat menjabat di Tipiter Ditserse Polda Bali pada tahun 1997…
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melroesplace · 6 years
Gonna steal your question and ask for your top 10 ships of all time for Valentine's Day :D
Ok this is super late (and also super fucking long) because it took forever to narrow down my top 100 ships to only 10, but here we go:
1. Ron & Hermione (Harry Potter)
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My very first OTP and still my favorite.  Their slow burn development from enemies to friends to lovers makes this the best relationship of the entire HP franchise.  Haters can deny it all they want, but these 2 have always and will always belong together.  Harry & Hermione would be together if Ron wasn’t around?  Nope, Hermione and Harry was pining for Ron when he was away in Deathly Hollows.  Ron & Hermione will get divorced because of their arguments?  Lol you thought, they are planning to renew their vows after 20 years of marriage.  I’m sort of gloating now, but Idc because this is one of the very few endgame ships I have.
2. Zuko & Katara (A:TLA)
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In the exact opposite of what happened with Romione, this was my first ship that wasn’t canon and the first one to make me cry angry tears over the fact.   Zutara introduced me to the dark side of my fangirl, engaging in shipping wars, hating on Bryke for not getting them together even tho I should’ve known it was never gonna happen.  I’m not proud of everything my preteen self did in the Avatar fandom, but *tune of God Bless the USA* I’m proud to be a Zutarian, where at least there’s fans like me  They are twin flames, 2 sides of the same coin, and forever friends.  Plus, Dante Basco and Mae Whitman shipped them, so neener neener neener.  (Sorry, my 12 yr old fangirl came out a bit)
3. Katniss & Peeta (The Hunger Games)
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#RelationshipGoals  That is all.  Ok, not really.  I love seeing a hardened badass fighter like Katniss with such a gentle soul like Peeta.  He is her anchor, she is his passion, and I am their bitch.  No matter how many times I read the books or watch the movies, I fall to pieces over them in the best way.  And to think when I first started reading the books, I was convinced Peeta would end up dead because all the signs seemed to be pointing that way.  I’ve never been so glad to be wrong in my life.
4. Magnus & Alec (Shadowhunters)
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Let me start this off with #SaveShadowhunters.  I will miss Malec, I will miss the Malec fandom and I will especially miss the showrunners being so lovely to the fans.  After being disappointed by JKR, Bryke, Plec, and Shonda, it is such a relief to feel validated by a creator.  Todd, Darren, and Matt Hastings are real supporters of the LGBT community who actually listen to fans’ concerns and fight to include as much diversity as they can get away with.  I’ve never watched a show that treated an interracial same sex couple the same (or imo better) as all the other couples.  Magnus & Alec had me at “Who are you?” with their amazing chemistry.  I love one badass shadowhunter/warlock team who are also adorable boyfriends.
5. Jackie & Hyde (That 70s Show)
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Sigh…..what could have been.  I will never understand how the writers could throw out such an amazing relationship after so many years together.  Jackie & Hyde are the epitome of the Opposites Attract trope.  Hyde is a sarcastic little shit and Jackie is a materialistic snob and they love each other exactly as they are.  He keeps her grounded and she makes him open up.  Since I don’t consider season 8 canon, I like to imagine Hyde opening up his own record shop in Chicago so that Jackie could pursue her dream.  They’re still together.
6. Isak & Even (Skam)
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Just look at these pure babies!  You should really watch this show if you haven’t already.  I think you would love them and I don’t mind spoiling that they’re endgame so you don’t have to worry about that.  Evak probably have the hottest chemistry of everyone on this list, but they’re also 100% soft boyfriends.
7. Bonnie & Jeremy (Vampire Diaries)
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TVD is responsible for at least a quarter of my ships, but Beremy was my first OTP from the show.  After watching everyone treat Bonnie like little more than a magic wand for over a year, it was nice to see someone want her simply for her.  Jeremy didn’t care about what Bonnie could do for him, he genuinely admired her strength and morals.  Bonnie stopped seeing him as her best friend’s kid brother and saw him for the hot, strong protector he is.  I will never forgive the writers for ruining their relationship twice, but I still head canon that Bonnie & Jeremy reunited as adults.
8. Harry & Uma (Descendants)
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My favorite thing about Huma is that Harry is a hook wielding maniac who is also completely head over heels in love with Uma, a beautiful black girl who is Captain of their pirate crew.  He is unapologetic in how utterly devoted he is to her and even tho she keeps her feelings close to the vest, it is obvious Uma has a soft spot for her First Mate.  My least favorite thing about Huma is that despite the overwhelming evidence, I still don’t know if they’re an actual couple.  I hope D3 clears that up.
9. Dante & Ari (Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe)
*There are plenty of amazing fan art of them, I just couldn’t decide which one to post*
You should read this book if you haven’t already, it classic coming-of-age queer literature.  Ari is an introverted smart ass kid with no friends until he meets cinnamon roll Dante.  These are my favorite type of relationships to see/read, especially when its a slow burn like this.  Idk what else to say other than how much I love these two makes my heart ache in a good way.  Right after finishing the book, I went back and reread my favorite parts.
10. Kelly/Yorkie (Black Mirror)
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My favorite wlw ship only appears on 1 episode of a tv anthology, that’s how amazing they are.  I relate so much to Yorkie, uncomfortable in my own skin and socially awkward.  All I want is someone like Kelly who can bring me out of my shell, but still love me for who I am.  Their relationship honestly gives me hope that even someone like me (with little relationship experience) can maybe find love.  You know, if I ever leave my damn house for anything other than work.
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