#danielle witwicky
reverintherevery · 11 months
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Commission for @pluralsword !
It was an absolute delight to draw their version of Danielle and Arcee! Check out their RP blog!
I still have commissions open! My patreon, Ko-fi if you are interested in seeing how this art work was made, or want a high res version of this drawing!
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askarcanamagnus · 6 months
Lady Arcana Magnus, and the collective that she's associated with therein, which forms of aesthetic variation do you personally find the most appealing or fascinating? Furthermore, which kind of ideal expression do you advise to a queer demimale who has been feeling some feminine aesthetic alignment for some time now, and would thus like to dress or style themselves accordingly? I was told once that I had a certain feminine quality about myself, though back to the core of the question, I suppose I'd love to learn more about your aesthetic experiences in order to learn more about my own potential.
Additionally, in terms of the outer multiverse that you may be aware of, have you ever encountered any variations of Shockwave that were trans, where perhaps learning about themselves and their own internalized biases led them to realize that their present external expression didn't align with what was truly themselves? I suppose I think it would be interesting if a Shockwave was able to better apply her potential in the service of aesthetic liberation :3
 The query:
Lady Arcana Magnus, and the collective that she's associated with therein, which forms of aesthetic variation do you personally find the most appealing or fascinating? Furthermore, which kind of ideal expression do you advise to a queer demimale who has been feeling some feminine aesthetic alignment for some time now, and would thus like to dress or style themselves accordingly? I was told once that I had a certain feminine quality about myself, though back to the core of the question, I suppose I'd love to learn more about your aesthetic experiences in order to learn more about my own potential.
Additionally, in terms of the outer multiverse that you may be aware of, have you ever encountered any variations of Shockwave that were trans, where perhaps learning about themselves and their own internalized biases led them to realize that their present external expression didn't align with what was truly themselves? I suppose I think it would be interesting if a Shockwave was able to better apply her potential in the service of aesthetic liberation :3
“Zoomy” Arcana Magnus: Dear Expansive Quester,
I am deeply honored, we all are, that you reached out to us about this. We will answer in three parts, first, regarding the various aesthetics we enjoy for ourselves and in others. Second, giving you tools to navigate your own iteration and desires on your journey for euphoria. As it sounds dress is a part of this, we will advise in that regard overlaid with our own experiences whether binary bond or otherwise, and some questions to consider. We are more than happy for this to be a blog conversation if you wish! 
Lastly, we will tell you about some the Shockwaves across variation we’ve met, for we do know some. I myself was close with an Autobot Shockwave, they was an instrumental strategic advisor on Nautica’s command staff in the Great War, and a proud single mentor to the stoic fun-loving Wrecker and Torchbearer errant in love with Windblade, Strongarm. We do know some she pronoun Shockwaves though. <3
On my part, as you may know, I am a trans torquey zoomdare and a gal, the latter from contact with humanity and my trans gal binary bond partner. For those unfamiliar with compound noun aesthetic assemblage terms originating from bots like us under the umbrella systems of sparktion (Cybertronian origin), hearth (Camien origin), voyage (Velocitronian origin),  sedneemet (Eukarisian origin) etc. terminology, some of which we first introduced to this world back in early 2022, we will define in brief in this regard:
Cybertron -sparktion - literal meaning: sparklike assemblage, assemblage of sparks, the seeing of trying to understand one's aesthetic singularity as getting to know one's spark.
Caminus – hearth - an aesthetic understanding from the fire of the person and community, of passion, of forging, of dedication, and the universe.
Velocitron – voyage - the love of the journey itself taken very deeply, considered more important than a long resting point of conclusions.
Eukaris - sedneemet - rock affinity based, specifically the intergenerational formation and changing of shape and composure from many different sources.
In regards to specific aesthetics to me zoomdare reflects a sense of a graceful rush in body and mind, it is somewhat comparable to the sensory re-acquaintance euphoria human bodied people experience particularly from doing hormone replacement therapy for aesthetic reasons, however it is also comparable to the reknowing of oneself and the world in other senses, whether meditation, dance, martial arts, whatever one feels at home and in tempo with, what makes one happy. That is more the zoom side typically, however these definitions are self ascribed, not prescriptive. People such as myself speak to the entwining with the other end of the dare portion reflecting an intrepidness in existing and building on that, and also to carry on and care for ourselves and one another, to protect, create, and deescalate all we can.
As such, for people like me, there is also a bodily component- while a zoomdare can be any shape, say a telescope or microscope bot in the zoom and/or daring of their magnification, or a building bot one with their surroundings and denizens- for many of us it is the altmode shape to soar or flit about or charge or outmaneuver or race or flow that affirms us- for me, being a robust high speed car with some torque and reflecting that in my bot mode shape and my fields of study makes me very happy. Windblade, Anode, Velocity, Aileron, Hot Shot, Trans-Mutate and many more also know themselves with their frames in a similar manner. As a mutualist in attraction, that is to more similar aesthetic assemblages while still reveling in symbiosis of our differences- I find that attractive, and there is a tank Shockwave who fits that profile for me, but we won't talk about her until the end of this post (my understanding is that the feeling is mutual, but we've decided not to act on it. sometimes attraction is just that).
But the truth is most bots of my world feel some affinity to zooming and daring, just as I do to holding, wooshing, booming, clawing, flapping, chords, spinning, flares, seeking, forging, the torque, blazing, plunging, the absences thereof, the whys, the hows, the whens, and where’s and on and on. We do after all have hundreds of thousands of years to have built up an assemblage viewpoint, to know ourselves as compounds of so much. In this way. My realizations of myself created a new kinship with my symbiotic launch tank-alt torquey wooshhow twin sibling Galvatron, for he could see and embrace through me what taking on mutualistic trans zoomdareness would have been like for him. 
Regarding torque- it's a way of referring to the rapid build-up and force of momentum of persona and/or euphoria of such in the frame and the ensuing results in contact with the world. It is somewhat comparable to your term “butch” from lesbian and sapphic terminology as one butch lesbian Spacewarp realized dating torquedare Perihelion, however as you can tell from the fact symbiotist Galvatron uses it the term torque, like the rest of our aesthetics, are not mere analogs for gender. They are our own parallel and vastly differing iteration that has some amusing overlaps. Some examples of primarily torque folks include Elita One, Pyra Magna, and Optimus Prime (all torqwhy), Road Rage (torqdare), Cliffjumper, Arr-Cee (a motorcycle bot I am close to), and Catapult (zoomtorqdares), whereason the holding or being held and knowing when to let go ranges from as small as Lug (holddare), to Titans like Lodestar (zoomholddare).
There will always be aesthetic contextualization and iteration, there has been as long as there has been life to experience of it, so at the very least as long as there has been sapient life- and in that sense, will always be around no matter how hard people try to erase it, and even should all life perish, we carry on in love’s memory forevermore beyond the question of physics or gods. 
“Prof” Arcee: while my world and that of Arcees you are familiar with use gender, the situation is similar. Our genders are linked to one another, and inform and are informed by alt mode and relation to it. I am a mutualist trans alt modus iterexper gal, so I am polygender in that way, and even in how harsh and tragic my world’s history was, we did still have many beautiful understandings, and though I would not know the word zoomdare until I was very old, we were building towards that framework, for example I did know I liked some torque to me, and this was actually a point of grief since Jhiaxus’s transmedicalist reformat of me in his rigid ideal of a woman and not what I wanted for gender affirmation as a gal, did not take that into account or more accurately ignored it. I would take millions of years to be brave enough to take on robustness again within the shapes I actually wanted. 
Regarding your question- I would encourage you to reflect from yourself and the world around you. What kind of gals or femme-spectrum folks do you look up to or aspire to be like? What clothing makes you happy? That will help answer your question. While clothing is not really my thing…
“Arcblade” Danielle Witwicky: if its not tough color schemed armor that allows maneuverability, I like a-skirts and dresses, because I can move easily in them, more easily than pants (not that I’ve worn pants for along time, hard to do as an exosuit cyborg), and I tend towards a stately appearance if I am bothering with clothes. Anything can be feminine if you want it to be, it's just a question of what resonates with you.
“Zoomy” Arcana Magnus: regarding Shockwaves, yes, we know of some who are trans, and some who even though they are not had their own epiphanic cycles entangled with the journeys of other people. The Shockwave I know from my life uses they/them, a zoomdare, is aconjunxic and asensual, and struggles with emotions. They however were raised in a loving community of my world’s Golden Age, that showed them to observe and understand that there is wisdom and reason for a society of mutual aid, consensus, care, and solidarity, and while they may struggle with being compassionate and loving emotionally, the concepts themselves make sense to them, and they know that we love them. There is one entity in the universe they do love dearly, can hug close most easily- their mentee, the brave and sweet gamer Torchbearer errant Strongarm, who they raised on Caminus in the late Golden Age, since they foresaw that world would play such a particular role in the aesthetic Autobot Revolution. Shockwave was a scientist of astronomy, physics, and engineering, but they also intently studied civilian and military strategy, and would go on to serve as one of the strategic command advisors to stratelect Nautica, who advised and coformed much of the strategic planning with Supreme Commander Optimus Prime on behalf of our pluralistic democratic government at the galactic level of the war. It was Shockwave who was the chief architect of the system by system, sector by sector randomized strategem algorithm offensive late in the war that made us unpredictable in our offensive late in the war against the remaining Decepticon sectors, before Nautica led the  command of a unified consolidation of special forces interdiction, fleet-scale peaceful penetration, and wave based planetary deployment with direct tactical ground support and in tandem with Decepticon defectors. 
It was my personal honor as a Prime and as elected Director of the Anchor special forces and thus one of the joint chiefs to present Shockwave with the Medal of Cosmic Survival, for their algorithm that they monitored and edited with real-time sapient input until conventional command resumed to have so thoroughly mitigated civilian casualties and maintained as primary priority the safeguarding of them above all else in a chaotic situation where we retreated from some regions and made full frontal assaults in others.
I won’t lie. Even with our pacifist military (which we in the brass knew was an oxymoron and were always looking for the day when we could build peace instead of fight to survive) considerations of not engaging in strategic bombing or bombardment of any targets that was not confirmed to be solely a conventional military base or holding with a confirmed lack of civilian presence in or close enough to be collateral, that even with maintaining only use of tactical direct support otherwise and de-escalatory doctrine always looking to find grounds for mutual reparation, restitution, restoration, and reconciliation, people were caught in the crossfire throughout the war even on the infantry scale. Even when the killing usually reached only the target in mind that itself is still a sadness and atrocity. It weighs on my conscience, on all of us. We cried a lot about it, and it’s the whole damn reason Anode and Lug made a plea to both sides to stop because of the sheer amount of trans people, and people generally, who had died on both sides over 500,000 years of war. But that’s a story for another time. Suffice it to say that at least we did not try to declare our cause just, to excuse what we did, and that even though it was the Decepticons who had seceded and tried to coup us with their stratocracy that eventually became neo-Functionist genocidal reactionary totalitarianism and as such eventually had a civil war with those who didn’t agree, that we did not annex them, that we helped to reconstruct democracy with them when all was said and done, and that we repaid all we could for the hurt we caused, just as they did for us. 
Shockwave helped with that. They, like me, gave up their rank, helped to rebuild damaged polities by hand, to ensure the traumatized received care, to step in the way of conflict and not return violence in turn, like the peaceful intercessions of old in cycles of violence during the Golden Age. To risk their life as someone working for the dream with their integrated cannon deactivated and stuffed with cyberflowers, working with their one arm, and hauling supplies on their treads. They told me they were happy when, years afterwards, they were instead tugging youngsters along on field trips to the observatory. 
"Prof" Arcee: I could talk about the Shockwave of my world
It is my understanding that some Shockwaves do know themselves as trans gals. One such example is a Shockwave from the Tyran Cluster who found her way onto Axiom Nexus after a Spacebridge accident while helping AllSpark bearer Multivalia Prime (Chromia) take down the Fallen in order to save the new forged population of Cybertron from being forced into an army and dying. But because of her pushing for offworlder equality simply because it made more sense than the extractive jus sanguinis  hierarchy, she was pushed by bruisers affiliated with the Freelance Police Legion into the Heap, where she joined up with the Unified Anarchists League in trying to make the best of scarce resources through caring for one another and finding joy in resistance- it was in learning to dance and the way of the sword that she realized herself as a gal, and as the bots of her universe could do, simply changed her shape to reflect what that personally meant for her. She rationalized having armored skirt halves like Anode’s that in this case form part of Shockwave’s tank armor because the skirts have pockets, but she did later admit that the moment to moment life and emotive expression her t4t partner Anode had through them is why she took them on for herself. After the post-Shroud revolution that brought a new consensus of equality to Axiom Nexus, I met her via a Multiverse Drive ship that ‘Backpack” Arcee was on, and we shared stories with each other. Shockwave seemed very happy.
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kairukitsuneo · 2 months
Hot Rod got in trouble again
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meme-meupthotty · 10 months
Season 3 dialogue takes deadpan humor to a whole new level
Transformers: Generation 1 — Season 3, Episode 8 — Dark Awakening
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tossawary · 10 months
I really can't remember everything from the 1986 movie or G1 S3, but... I don't really remember Rodimus talking much about his life prior to becoming the Prime. If we're taking lore SOLELY from the show and movie, given how often G1 just had the Autobots or Decepticons just Build New Guys, I don't think it's too unreasonable for some casual (or forgetful, idk) fan to assume that Hot Rod was built on Earth in the time skip period between S2 and the movie. You could totally do an AU interpretation where Rodimus and Daniel are the same age or close to it.
Some Autobot back on Cybertron: "When was this new Prime constructed? I don't recall meeting him before."
Rodimus: "I'm ten."
Some Autobot: "Ten what? Ten million? You wear your years extremely well, then. You can't possibly be only ten thousand, that's much too young for a Prime-"
Rodimus: "Just ten years old, buddy."
Some Autobot: "..."
Rodimus: "And trust me, every single one of them has sucked ass enough for a million. Are we doing these super important galactic politics today or what?"
Some Autobot: "I have energon stones in my filtration tanks that are older than you."
Rodimus: "Yeah, and I have to go beat the shit out of some Quintessons with my bare hands later, AND I still need to squeeze my daily crisis of depression, guilt, and self-loathing in somewhere because Ultra Magnus says I'm not allowed to put it on the official schedule anymore. Are we having this meeting or not? I'm a busy guy."
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soothedcerberus · 2 years
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Parents just can’t help putting their babies in pumpkin costumes 🎃
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ojamayellow · 1 year
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Transformers Funnies [G1 Style]
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / ?
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guttercoop · 2 months
could you draw headmasters fortress maximus and daniel :3 they're one of my fav father figure and son duos hehe
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transformers-mosaic · 9 months
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Transformers: Mosaic - "Gone Fishin’"
Originally posted on November 2nd, 2009
Story - Jon Rist Art - James Cox Colours - Josh Burcham Letters - HdE
deviantART | TFW2005 | BotTalk
wada sez: The vignettes in this one all set up scenes from the beginning of The Transformers: The Movie, with Kup directing the other Autobots in setting up a roadblock, Blaster chilling in the communications tower, and Wheeljack and Windcharger hanging out before they’re both brutally killed side-by-side by the Decepticons. Hot Rod’s line opens his first scene with Daniel. Josh Burcham had already coloured an official adaptation of the film for IDW and a tie-in story by Simon Furman for Australian home-media company Madman Entertainment, so this fits nicely in that vein; he’d go on to colour the pack-in comic for the Reveal the Shield Rodimus vs. Cyclonus two-pack.
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thischristianguy · 4 months
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Transformers #5 (2024)
Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Spencer, Rus Wooton
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wwprice1 · 7 months
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Nice scenes from this week’s Transformers #2. I love how kind-hearted and heroic Optimus is so far.
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askarcanamagnus · 9 months
Do you still meet some of the members of the sheild of solus from time to time like elita, moonracer and firestar?
"Zoomy" Arcana Magnus: We do. Danielle and I adore hanging out with them when we can. We stayed together as a unit for much of the War, combining frequently all the way through to our deployment alongside the Wreckers and Autobot Intelligence to defeat the Decepticon Justice Division's last major fortress and liberate the prisoners there- including the prototype Primus/Unicron planetoid form who took on the name Gaea and Cybertronian she pronouns after our attached Cityspeakers and Greenlight helped cut through the Funcronist* code impeding her processes.
*(Funcronism is an amalgam of Functionist and Unicronist ideologies, and Funcronist infiltration of the Decepticons and running their judicial faction while gaslighting Megatron was instrumental to the Decepticon's descent from autocratic stratocracy into totalitarianism which was eventually responded to with the Decepticon Civil War, a story for another time)
And we stayed together after that. Those who didn't already live there moved to Caminus with me, dear neighbors and extended family besides darlings Greenlight and Lancer and Chromia (Chromia's more Windblade, Nautica, Road Rage, and Strongarm's partner but my end of the polycule does enjoy tangling with her from time to time, sparring and dancing in particular something we enjoy among other aspects of intimate trust that we smooch over occasionally). Though Cybertron is currently the political capital of the Autobot Alliance once more, there is much talk about moving the gathering of our highest delegations and councils back to Caminus, which was the de facto capital for a significant portion of the war. Elita, Galebreach Convoy (Windblade's formal Prime name) and I and many other Primes have already set up a secondary Primal Expanse here, no easy feat with how much Matrix cyberform architecture we had to do, exhausting. Anode (also a Matrix bearer, she elected not to change her name), had an innovative approach of having blacksmiths aid us in the shaping, so it at least took less time than it did in ancient days for Solus and her early colleagues.
Lifeline and I tend to chat over a boardgame or meditate together. Moonracer and I love to go racing, Firestar of course I see frequently since she is amicably enamored with Nautica and her Amica Endura polycule (consisting of four previously named alongside Rung, Nightbeat, Brainstorm, Velocity, and Skids), and Elita, Greenlight, Lancer, and I have spent quite a bit of time learning Cityspeaking in order to stay in touch with Gaea.
"Arcsword" Danielle Witwicky: the Shield of Solus has also grown as an organization in peacetime. Given my position in it continuing the now ancient transformer society iteration of multispecies membership in nearly every intergalactic group transformers have had a major part in forming- we have had more from the galaxy join us in this capacity and have become teachers of a sort about the War, and about peace. I'll never forget the look on Solus's face when she told us thank you, for transforming her name into something far beyond her status as a Prime. A delta vector of change, an amusing parallel to the Delta League of Prof that instead reclaimed a monarch Solus's Forge of Solus Prime as gender expansive symbology and because of the history of her federation closely entwined with affirmation practices and gender affirmation across Cybertron before the First Cybertronian Civil War (this name of a conflict we've mentioned here is a canonical conflict in IDW1, where "Prof" Arcee is from but nothing else we have said in regards to that continuity in this post is canonical).
"Prof" Arcee: though I worked with a Novastar (no, not the Camien Firestar, a different gal, the military civil guard commander of Uraya early on during Nova Prime's rule) and Lifeline in the Delta League, what I would have given to have Greenlight, Chromia, Lancer, and Moonracer of my world beside me in the often armed liberation movement against Functionism and Nova Prime- save for the fact that I would never have wished that upon them. The way conflict went on and on and how most of us left was so sad... I would chalk it up to how equivalently annoying it would be to live for 4 million years as guerrillas against a Shockwave whose first response to discovering the Shield of Solus was to yell "FEMALES!?"
"Pistoleer" Arcee: yeah your Shockwave and mine were real pieces of work when it came to gender huh. I'm glad to still be in touch with my Shield of Solus team, they did vital work for the liberation and defense of Cybertron and Earth during my more well known adventures (this is also not canonical per se, if only). Being away from Greenlight and Lancer often was excruciating even though duty demanded we attended to our posts, I thankfully no longer have to worry about that. We still hang out together, actually currently we are looking for colonies we lost contact with or that fell, in particular to keep be able to respond in places where er 'Female Autobots didn't go extinct' which is impossible without destroying the two entwined ideas and all sapient life...
Prof & Pistoleer: *laughter*
"Pistoleer" Arcee: that said directly experiencing Danielle's two adolescences through our binary bond was maybe one of the largest challenges I myself have faced, and I was certainly amused by the second one, and did all I could to help her with both. No wonder organic bodied people have a hard time with hormones, with all the stuff they do! Truly admirable how you all live in your flesh.
"Flanker" Danielle Witwicky: right back at you. A Cybertronian staying in good health means a lot of mechanical upkeep, and I feel it every time Lifeline has to give you a tune-up. The fact you don't heal the same way I do makes things complicated.
"Pistoleer" Arcee: touche kiddo.
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fcotdextra · 1 month
He's so cute
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Transformers #8
Written by Daniel Warren Johnson
Art by Jorge Corona
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zyanova · 10 months
This frame has been rotating in my head for several months, and I don't think I've shared it with anyone.
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khakilike · 5 months
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Transformers #4, Daniel Warren Johnson
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roadimusprime · 2 years
Have you seen Rodimus cradling Daniel?
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Now you have!
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