#danish summer camp
garbage-connoisseur · 11 months
Skyggen aka Webmaster
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Unlike the US, Denmark has a fairly small film industry, which mostly produces cinema aimed at a local Danish market. There's not a whole lot of Danish horror or sci-fi movies, and the ones that get made tend to be godawful, with very few exceptions. For some reason I am not entirely aware of, I have decided to collect all of these Danish genre movies, since that seemed to be an achievable goal. Hence my collection of almost all of the terrible Danish horror movies:
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I'm going to slowly work my way through these and write about them. First up is one of the more interesting titles: Skyggen, or as it's known internationally: "Webmaster". The front cover compares it to Blade Runner, but it is in fact significantly closer to Johnny Mnemonic.
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Our story starts by introducing us to a central character of "Technopolis residential zone 4", an autistic super hacker that goes by "J.B." - After being caught inside a system that he shouldn't have access to, he's been made into a White Hat InfoSec type working to make the internet more secure. Sorry, did I say internet? I of course meant Cyberworld. Oh, and InfoSec was also wrong, he's a "Webmaster". Cyberworld is mostly your typical William Gibson metaverse as seen through the VR glasses and voice control used to interact with the virtual world.
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To be a bit more specific, your level of access is dependent on three things. First is the transfer speed of the cable you're connecting with. To be able to access all parts of the network you need to be connected through a Tera Bit Connection, which is only available to a select few important users in the residential zone. Secondly you must be a member of Usenet type groups, which are based in a hierarchy that decides what you can and cannot do.
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Lastly your access is granted using an ID optical disc, which serves as your credentials showing you are who you say you are, and gives you access to your "Cyber Ego", i.e. your virtual avatar. For a super hacker in charge of digital security, a single factor login system seems incredibly ill-adviced... But I'm no expert on InfoSec, and don't know enough to dispute it.
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J.B. has a semi-platonic relationship with a private investigator known as Miauw, who is seemingly one of the only reasons he ever leaves his room and Cyberworld to interact with meat space. His own time is spent on routines and playing with his rich fantasy universe in the form of Cyber Egos that he trains.
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I honestly don't want to spoil the story. It's a neo-noir crime story with your usual femme fatales and a ticking clock, as well as a few twists and turns. The writing isn't great and the acting is generally pretty bad - but it's all so very charming.
Content warnings for the movie though. It features a kink nightclub, several sex scenes, people getting brutally murdered and hints of previous pedophilia, so I completely understand if that's not your thing.
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On the other hand it features a wonderful drag character, some very 90s ideas of the future, a protagonist who surfs the internet in just his undies while hanging upside down and wearing cool VR shades and of course a nightclub full of bargain bin Cyberdog ravers.
I had a lot of fun with this one.
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baby-brunette · 2 months
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a spontaneous review of my perfume collection 🌹
i was about 14-15 when i picked up a bottle of Japanese cherry blossom from bath & body works. i practically wore it all the time & my fav thing about it was the way the glitter shimmered on my skin throughout the day. i haven't been to b&bw in a while so idk if they're even still making glittery perfumes. there's of course the floral notes but i remember it being kinda soapy too? like it kinda smelled like u just took a bubble bath with flower pedals lol. the memories aren't very clear but i get glimpses of summer camp, field trips, & when i & other girls wore wire cat ears, flower crowns & we popped the lenses out of shades cuz we liked to wear just the frame, y'all remember that right?
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as for sweet cotton candy ( bodycology ) i don't remember buying it but i know for a fact i got it from walmart years ago. if japanese cherry blossom was in one hand, sweet cotton candy was in the other. idk why i took the sticker off tho. scc is almost sticky sweet, but not very overwhelming. i was stuck on these two for a good while as u can see i'm almost out. i refuse to use them now cuz jcb holds so many repressed memories & i scc has been discontinued by bodycology, they're very sentimental pieces to me.
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i happened to find this one day & bought it on impulse. big mistake. it smells similar to the one i got from b&bw AT FIRST, but when it dries down its sweeter ( like splenda sweet, i hate splenda ) & the floral note fades quicker. also there's no glitter.. which is no fun. pretty bottle tho but i don't see myself wearing this anytime soon, it's not terrible just very bland & it's just not the same as the one from b&bw like i hoped it would be
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i've made a post about this one already when i found it. i absolutely adore this scent, smells exactly like the one from bodycology. 🩷 it smells like pink sugar crystsls & it's not too sweet either. it's more like cotton candy ice cream rather than actually COTTON candy which is fine with me. btw i think this is perfect for bubblegum coquettes.
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i got these years ago & i remember loving cupcake swirl at the time but it's just wayyy too sweet for me now. it's like disgustingly sweet which i guess is good if u like that kinda thing but i only wear it from time to time just to try to like it again lol. i tried giving it away to my friend but she didn't want it either. i think someone gave me cookie butter & it's also kinda strong but i like it.. it's slightly buttery like those Danish cookies. if i had to choose between the two i'd choose cookie butter, that's the one i used the most out of the two. unfortunately i haven't seen cookie butter anywhere since then. if i happen to come across more i'll definitely get s'more, i'm practically out. for some reason it reminds me of cool sunday mornings
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ngl i saw my mutual post about this one in a mini haul & i went & got it. it smells lovely, sweet, floral, powdery. kinda reminds me of a night at the beach during a full moon, perhaps even a date night. this scent has an androgynous feel to it, i think it can be appreciated by coquettes & faunlets alike. now that i think about, maybe i'll get my bf to wear this... i think maybe dark or grunge coquettes would like this one
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if u were around for Melanie Martinez's crybaby era but was never able to get her milk perfume ( i feel ur pain :ccc ), i think this a good replacement. i know i know, the notes are mainly powdery, not lactonic, but i think she'd wear this especially during that time, don't u agree? even the reputation this perfume has reminds me of melanie to a degree, not sm the slogan but the advertising & the way the models were dressed up ( also if there's anyone out there that has/had the crybaby milk perfume & u know of a perfume that's very similar PLEASE let me know.. ty :* )
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i think this is the most recent one i got? i don't remember, but this is lovely. it's a fresh bouquet of lilies & jasmine & vanilla/syrup mix, i'm thinking more ethereal coquette with this one. this reminds me of marc jacobs commercials, it's what angels smell like. this is great if u want something sweet & simple.
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strawberry pound cake is the scent i reach for the most as of right now, partly because my bf really likes it. you'll be walking around smelling like a strawberry pound cake of course, & who doesn't want that? while for me, strawberry pound cake is an everyday perfume, pretty as a peach is usually for occasions or when i'm dressed more mature/androgynous than usual. it's not everyday that i go around smelling like fresh fruits, but when i do, this is what i'll be wearing
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this one isn't only the most eye catching of the bunch, it's also a classic coquette perfume that i'm so glad to have finally gotten my hands on. this is the most complex perfume i have so far. top notes are very sweet, fruity, mostly cherry, & at times can be nutty & smell of almond extract. needless to say, if u love the classic coquette look, this is a great finishing touch
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last but not least, pink sugar! this one i find lasts the longest, i wore it to sleep last night & i woke up smelling just as good. this too is great for bubblegum coquettes & is great if u want a perfume that lasts all day. i swear i've used this exact same perfume even before japanese cherry blossom & sweet cotton candy. it was in one of those small roll on fragrance oil bottles. my mom bought it for me & i was so sad when i ran out. so glad i've finally reunited with this scent <3
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Not me out here realizing I went to summer camp with one of the dancers from Cyprus (all Cyprus' dancers this year are Danish). Go Seb!
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chelseafcwmemes · 1 year
“When you travel around the world, you are often reminded of how lovely Denmark really is” Part 2
At one point I demanded to have my hair cut short so I could look like the players on the screen. It continued like this for a few years, until one day my older sister told me that there was also a national team for women. Then I let the hair grow back.''
If you were to move to another place in Denmark? "When my sports career ends and I have to return to Denmark, I would like to live in Aarhus or Copenhagen. Sometimes people ask why I bother to come forward, but I'm so screwed up that if there's something I want to change, I'll do it myself. If nobody does anything, nothing happens either.''
What do you miss when you are abroad?
"Rye bread. My partner is from Sweden, and she cannot understand that you can be full from a few slices of rye bread in the middle of the day. She wants hot food for lunch. But I love a rye bread meal with a good curry herring or a fish fillet with remoulade.'
'Which season do you enjoy the most?
"Summer. I grew up in the middle of Jutland, so I always had an hour and a half drive to the sea, but my parents liked to drive that trip to get to the water. Not least in the summer months, when you could swim. During the summer holidays we always went camping in Italy, and as an adult I also love to travel. Every summer I make sure to spend at least a week in Denmark, because I love the Danish summer light, but I also make sure to go abroad, so I'm sure to get some sun and warmth.
'Where in the country would you like to go? like to be buried?
"I don't think much about death. In fact, I try to avoid thinking about it. I'm not the type to believe that anything happens afterwards. Unfortunately. Otherwise, it could be nice if you went to a nice place and saw all the people you've cared about again. My mother's family was quite religious, and so is my mother actually, but I did not inherit that faith. Therefore, I also have the opinion that you should enjoy and get the most out of life while you have it. You do that by being in the moment and being grateful for the things you have, and trying not to be upset about all the things you don't have. There will always be something you wish was better or different, but if you get stuck in those thoughts, it will be difficult to be satisfied with the life you live. But of course you have to seek out the dreams you have. That's what life is all about. And when I have to leave here, I want to be buried in Ikast. My grandparents also lie there, and my parents will probably lie there too, so somehow there is a sense of security in knowing that is where I am going. Then the ring is just like over.'
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mcgnagallsarmy · 1 year
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #23: Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge #2
1st month - Crown, Girl, Whisper, Black, Heart, Guide, All, Ever:
Shot Through the Heart by bookishy [PG-13]
When Buffy finds out an assassin is gunning for her, there's only one place to hide. Unfortunately, the amenities are a little lacking. And her new cryptmate is a little surly, because she may have kind of sort of just gotten him shot. Pay him enough, though, and he won't mind too much, right? Set in the summer between Seasons 4 and 5
2nd month - Please, Might, Return, Shy, Vanish, Book, Ash, Come:
These Miles That Come Between Us by Eurydice [PG-13]
When Buffy intercepts a call from Angel, the last thing she expects is to hear that surprise guests are about to end up on her doorstep.
3rd month - Crimson, Beyond, Friend, Cry, Wait, Six, Run, Woods:
Cry Havoc, and Let Slip Your Heart by Touchstoneaf [Adult Only]
Part 1 of the Something Wicked series.  (S4, between "Something Blue" and "Hush") The Hellions have visited Sunnydale before. Here and there, in twos and threes, looking for a good time. Any hellmouth is a good time, after all. Usually they don’t stay long, since the new Slayer started to get a reputation for making good times go bad. No one wants to play when there’s a sheriff in town. But then word gets around that a vamp with a reputation of his own has joined the Slayer’s camp. That pisses off more than a few boys in the demon world; especially demons with a score to settle and a serious dislike of vamps in general, that one in particular. What’s interesting is… Once the score gets settled, the sheriff gets distracted dealing with the fallout. And all of a sudden, the town’s wide open. Or is it?
4th month - Vicious, Ask, Wind, Found, Circle, Broken, Beneath, Drown:
Beneath the Surface by The Danish Bird [NC-17]
Spike returns a little earlier to find his gem. The mayor decides that shooting Angel with a poison, which only Slayer blood can cure, is simply too risky for his Faith. And suddenly, Buffy finds herself locked up in a strange underground room in the company of her mortal enemy and the vampire who just broke her heart. But maybe it isn’t all bad. Maybe, this way, Angel will see that this idea about leaving for her own good is bad. Right? Spike, he just wants to get out, but if that’s out of the question, well then at least he’s going to try to have some fun! Starts out right after The Prom and before Graduation Day pt.I.
5th month - Dragon, Day, Chain, Another, Thousand, Begin, Stolen, And:
World Dracula Day (That Poncy Bugger) by honeygirl51885 [PG-13]
That bleeding ponce already has a book and a movie, does he really need a sodding holiday?
6th month - Bridge, Everything, Blue, Why, First, Wild, Luck, Tomorrow:
Lucky in Love by honeygirl51885 [PG-13]
Spike and Buffy get to play a game, but they have to cooperate with each other. If they win, they get a wish. If they lose, they die.
7th month - Final, Clock, This, Way, Poison, Summer, Future, Kiss:
and i count the days till the end of summer by othellia [PG-13]
Set Post-S5, Willow never resurrects Buffy from the dead. Spike carries out his promise to watch over Dawn till the end of the world.
8th month - Dangerous, Again, Best, Chase, How, Flower, Date, Together:
Again by MillennialCryBaby [G]
The world was ending and Spike was on her porch ready to fight—again.
9th month - Sign, With, Just, Lies, Grace, Enough, Sleep, Name:
Calling My Name by MillennialCryBaby [PG-13]
Spike's been called a lot of things since he met Buffy.
10th month - Old, After, Take, Shadow, Monster, Haunt, Darkness, Of:
Take Care of the Rest by Cosmic Tuesdays [PG]
Following Never Kill a Boy on the First Date and realizing that funeral homes are a hotbed of vampire activity, Buffy decides to find herself a job at the Sunnydale Cemetery Funeral Home.
11th month - Paris, Hidden, Sparrow, Realm, Two, Fair, Street, Say:
The Hidden Side of Me by MaggieLaFey [NC-17]
It’s been nineteen days since Spike’s sacrifice has saved the world, and Buffy’s trying to keep her emotions at bay while on a mission in the crater of the former Sunnydale, trying to retrieve a certain amulet for Willow. Nothing strange could happen there, since the Hellmouth is closed, right?
12th month - Silver, Wish, Forgotten, Dance, Also, My, Fate, Dream:
Silver and Gold by cawthraven [G]
“It’s our anniversary,” he says with a soft smile that lights him up from within. He never gets mad that she doesn’t remember these little moments. Says that’s what he’s for, to make sure she stops to smell the roses. Which he buys for her, often.
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mosraev · 10 months
Congratulations Cha Cha Cha for hitting 100 million streams on spotify!!
Incidentally, I made a cover of the song last month as a part of my yearly summer camp. I had three working days (let's be honest tho, I mostly worked at night so I was pretty sleep deprieved at the end) to finish the cover and only one shot of getting the performance right so in that regard I'm just happy I got through it unscathed.
Sorry to all my finnish friends for the horrid pronounciation (and to the rest of you for my questionable stage presence)
There'll not be lyrics under the line this time but a translation of my little speech (since it is danish)
Stay creative, my fellow foxes 🦊💚 - and Cha Cha Cha all day 🤘💚
And of course it is a bit hot [up here] so we also have *shows "bolero"*
Well, we'll see how it goes.
If you accidentally have watched Eurovision or learn the song really quickly, then you are welcome to sing and dance along.
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mcgnussen · 2 years
every day i come to this site and find new bullshit about haas. while i love being on here, it’s also extremely draining to see all these half truths and rumours being spread around as fact. this is going to be the last post i make about mick and haas. i am so done with this subject.
the new thing is that apparently mick found out in a hotel lobby that he would no longer be driving for haas. we can all agree that is not the optimal setting if this is true. however, what was mentioned in the same article that people purposefully ignore is that there apparently was never any negotiation between haas and mick at all. if there were no negotiations, mick has known for a long time that he would not get the seat. 
funnily enough, i can actually use my own life as an example for once. the contract i have with my workplace is up november 30th and they have not approached me about extending said contract. i have used my common sense to figure out that the contract is not going to get extended and my last day at work will be november 30th. i am not getting fired, the contract is just up. imagine how deluded i would be if i came into work december 1st and then claimed “well, you never technically fired me, so i still work here, right?” you cannot get a seat without negotiating with the team. f1 does not work like that, ordinary life does not work like that.
the whole haas-mick timeline makes no sense if you believe all the rumours. apparently at first it was claimed that haas stopped mick from negotiating with williams because they kept dangling the haas seat in front of him, but now we are all told that mick and haas never negotiated at all, but also somehow guenther mercilessly told him in a hotel lobby... despite the fact mick has never been promised anything at all since they did not negotiate? it makes absolutely no sense.
luna christofi, the danish reporter who has followed haas closely for a long time because of kevin, has said that the reason the announcement came late was because guenther hoped mick would find another seat somewhere, so mick could announce being part of a new team before haas announced nico. he was basically waiting to sign officially with nico for that reason. and it’s pretty shitty if he did that to help mick out while all the stans have been going around and claiming he did not care.
in my opinion, based on all these rumours and half truths flying around, i think mick engaged in a game of chicken with haas. he saw that every other seat available was given to someone else. i think he definitely did try and get them, but ultimately lost out to other drivers. haas did not negotiate with him. so instead, mick kept on and hoped for the best. but he saw the writing on the wall a long time ago, his management must have done so too. guenther tried to protect mick’s reputation by pretending haas did consider keeping him to the media, but then had a hard time officially telling mick, so it ended up becoming this rushed end-of-season announcement.
should guenther just have bitten the bullet and told everyone that mick was out during the summer break? yeah, i think so. it would have been some awkward months, but at least we all would have known and there would be no room for misunderstandings and spin. however, don’t forget that guenther did actually tell us that no negotiating was taking place. he said months ago that the two camps were not talking about a new contract and haas really wanted to know what mick’s plans were. all of this line up with the timeline and reasons luna provided. and should mick have done more to not get himself in this situation? absolutely. i think it was a strategic move from mick’s management to have played it like they have. i am also very aware all these rumours and half truths all come from german media, which i do not think is a coincidence at all. don’t forget that getting dropped from a team is bad for your career. mick and his management have good reasons for wishing to control the narrative of mick’s departure from haas.
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sohannabarberaesque · 8 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
And what a surprise guest hath we!
"Y'all rather surprised ...?"
It was none other than a certain Penelope Pitstop as passed through the Wisconsin Dells region ... in the middle of the night ... and a rain-slicked night at that, even! And was our party surprised, getting up from sleep in such a groggy-looking manner until Crazy Claws, Your Genial Host for the most part, got some coffee going.
"And I'd be somewhat stunned how a gal with a name like Penelope Pitstop could make an owl-shift pit stop in the middle of the colour season in Wisconsin Dells!" was how Crazy Claws explained it. "After all, I once had a date named Penelope ... only I lost interest when I realised--"
"Try not to get any crazy ideas," Penelope Pitstop remarked in her oh-so-sugarcane-syrup-sweet Southern tone of vocals, adding "After all, I try not to overdo it as a sexpot, unlike that Barbie. Though I sometimes prefer the adventurous sort of life."
Which had Huckleberry asking what such included beyond rally car driving in the Wacky Races, prompting this response: "Interesting name there, Huckleberry Hound, I have to say ... and I do admit to having the fondness for hiking, surfing, diving underwater, tent camping--"
"You mean to tell me," asked I, "you've been diving?!!"
"On a few occasions," Penelope remarked. "And I do admit that the feeling of diving underwater is a fascinating thing ... especially when you're able to just wear yourself more than anything."
"Might it have been with Peter Potamus?" asked Huck.
"The prospect does seem a little amusing there ... yet what's interesting is that Peter Potamus has a niece of his named Penelope. Who can't help but be stoked for the dive experience for a gal her age."
Which had Hair Bear guessing "Maybe 12 or 13?"
"However did you guess that, uh--"
"Hair Bear. Our little company decided to spend some time here before heading back to Muddahbu to our Secret Surf and Dive Enclave where we spend much of the winter."
Penelope, you could guess, chuckled slightly at the remark as the coffee and some orange danish rolls were served, even to the point of noting that Peter Potamus' niece Penelope (otherwise affectionately named "Penny") happens to be a dive instructress herself. "And an especially gentle and patient sort," Penelope Pitstop added, "which has earned her something of a reputation among summer camps as want to use her services for dive coaching and instruction!"
You could guess our whole company ... right down to Pixie and Dixie, even ... was fascinated to hear such a detail. Even if it was like 2:45 in the morning, the streets noticeably wet with the Wisconsin autumnal rain, which had taken a short pause there.
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @jellystone-enjoyer @archive-archives @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @princessgalaxy505 @thebigdingle @thylordshipofbutts @warnerbros-blog1 @theweekenddigest @groovybribri @a-gang-of-silly-bananas @warnerbrosent-blog
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theartofdreaming1 · 2 years
Oh my god I really gotta know what ‘I Drove All Night’ is!!!!
Oh, it's the most self-indulgent fluffy one-shot my brain's concocted yet! Basically it's post-Summer Camp (but without the werewolf-twist; I don't think they'd even consider being apart from each other in any capacity after that terrifying experience, let's be real) and Laura & Max have decided to do longish-distance at different colleges, since he got that rejection letter from that one university I assume was Laura's first choice. Laura just finished her final exam of the semester and upon leaving the university building she gets surprised by Max, who himself had just had his final test the evening before and decided to hop into his car and drive through the entire night to come see his favorite girl <3
Finally! After weeks of intensive preparation, filled with study groups, index cards, the throwing of highlighters and minor freakouts, Laura had just handed in her last exam of the semester. Still mulling over whether she had sufficiently answered that tricky question on enzymatic processes, she found herself navigating the hallways to the exit of the university building on auto-pilot, mindlessly swerving around the occasional slow-paced student in the process. She had just reached the door leading out to freedom, seriously deliberating whether she should grab some proper breakfast first or head straight to the apartment that she shared with two other girls of her year so that she could collapse onto her bed and sleep for the next hundred years, when a voice pulled her out of her reverie. “You look like you need a Danish, stat.”
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jorvikcity · 2 years
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well i just did the saving anne quests and. :)
in my version of canon, the story takes place over several years. vivien tennfjord (toadhome) is a danish freelance photographer and journalist who travels to jorvik on a summer vacation and ends up getting ensnared with druid business and finding out she's the fifth soul rider/some kind of reincarnation of aideen (is the theory at least)
she ends up staying on the island for way longer than originally planned, however due to the pandoric energy gathered on jorvik she only thinks it's been a year or so when it's actually been three. she eventually stops returning her family's calls.
vivien (she/they) is in her mid-late 20s and had never ridden a horse before she came to jorvik. she's laid back, responsible, easily distracted and a little old fashioned. she doesn't have a specific place in jorvik she stays at, instead she hops around camping sites and motels all over, she finds it more convenient that way - she doesn't have much to her name.
she feels kinda bad about farting around with a bunch of 18 y/os but its like her cosmic destiny or whatever so its not exactly like she can do much about it. she feels very bound to her duty as a soul rider, but they're also a naturally flighty and non-commital person. she just hates feeling out of her element
they're often the one bailing the others out of trouble, or providing a shoulder to cry on. she feels like it's become her job as of late, and that she can't let anyone down at this point
her starbreed autumnbreeze, autumn for short, is her voice of reason and probably what keeps her grounded. he's the only one who can really tell when she's upset, and is there for her when she needs it. he's a bit of a bombastic ego-maniac when things aren't as serious, and they play off eachother that way, with viv being too flighty and autumn being too vain
some quick fire stuff:
she becomes a more relaxed older sister figure to alex and mainly sympathizes with her
pandoria and all that comes with it scares her, she likes order
she wants to beat up ydris soooo bad
her and anne often end up at odds with one another, their attitudes tend to clash
her favorite places to be are goldenleaf forest and valedale
i have absolutely no clue about what her love life is like
girlie just wants to take a nap honestly
also she blames herself for being unable to save elizabeth from her death, but pushes past her own grief to be there for alex. she has very little patience with herself
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baltictraveluk · 2 months
Scandinavian Travel Checklist: Designing a Bespoke Tour across Northern Europe
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Scandinavia is an astonishing part of the world, with cities and landscapes across Denmark, Sweden and Norway Holidays that range from vast open wildernesses to eclectic towns, tiny villages and islands perched in the ocean to sophisticated spa hotels and luxury wellness centres.
If you’re keen to travel to Scandinavia and want to see as much as possible, a tour package is the perfect option. We offer a range of Scandinavian holidays, from winter wonderland trips to relaxing summer adventures and self-guided fly/drive packages.
Let us share some of the best places to go and the most popular things to do in the region, alongside recommendations for activities and excursions you will love.
Creating a Customised Tour of the Scandinavian Countries
One of the brilliant aspects of travelling around Scandinavia is the contrast between the seasons – the region transforms throughout the year with the changing weather, and even if you’ve visited countless times there is always something new to see.
We’d recommend beginning with a checklist of your must-see places or the type of holiday you’d most love to experience – for example:
Would you prefer to travel in the warmest summer months, during the snowy winter, or during spring and autumn when most cities are quieter?
Are there activities you’ve always wanted to try? Perhaps you’d like to hike up a mountain, relax in an authentic outdoor spa, snowmobile across a glacier, or camp in a rural area overnight to watch the Northern lights holiday.
Do you have a particular type of accommodation in mind? We offer a huge selection, including treehouses, ice hotels, glass igloos, rustic summer cabins, ultra-modern hotels and lodges.
Organising a tour means you don’t need to make any compromises – you can incorporate all of your bucket list items into one trip, often starting in one of the major capital cities to soak up some culture and entertainment before you head further out.
Exploring Scandinavia’s Capital Cities
The architecture and history of Scandinavian cities are a big draw for guests. There is a variety of experiences to pick and choose from, such as fine dining, visiting world-famous palaces and museums, walking tours and self-guided tours where you can see the sites via bike or book a boat trip around the local harbour.
Oslo is Norway’s capital, with an urban, contemporary feel, yet surrounded by mountains and greenery. The nightlife is lively and welcoming, and we recommend a stop at one of the superb museums, including the Munch Museum and the Kon-Tiki Museum.
Our next stop is Stockholm, Sweden – a captivating and beautiful city characterised by cobbled streets winding through Gamla Stan, the 13th-century old town, with attractions like the Royal Palace and Nobel Museum.
If your Scandinavian tour includes a visit to Copenhagen, you’ll see colourful houses lining the harbour and canals. You can also visit the stunning Amalienborg Palace, home of the Danish royal family, and the world’s second-oldest amusement park at Tivoli Gardens.
Booking a Winter Tour of Scandinavia
Several Scandinavia tour packages are designed around festive themes, including the Polar Express Train Journey, which takes you on an incredible tour through the Arctic Circle, crossing Norwegian and Swedish Lapland. The eco-friendly transport runs from Kiruna in Sweden to Narvik in western Norway, with opportunities to try a dog sledding safari in the snow and visit the Abisko National Park.
Another great option for a Scandinavian tour holiday in the winter is our Swedish Ice Hotel Adventure. It begins in Stockholm, which is made up of fourteen islands that form the archipelago. Once you’ve finished exploring the city, you’ll head to Swedish Lapland and dive into a truly magical experience.
Scandinavian Travel During the Summer
If your ideal holiday is a summer visit, we can suggest an equally broad array of options, tours and packages. The Castles and Jutland package is a popular fly-drive holiday where you can explore Denmark at your leisure and stay as long as you wish at each landmark or city.
This holiday is suited to visitors of all ages and takes you through the Danish countryside. You will learn about the Viking heritage of this fascinating country, visit pristine beaches along the wild coastline, sample Nordic cuisine, and see historic ruins and museums at each stop.
Highlights include a stop-off at the original Legoland in Billund, which opened in 1968 and is adjacent to the Lego factory, and a visit to the beaches in Skagen – Skagen Sønderstrand and Gammel Skagen Strand are both great places to visit.
Recommended Places to Visit During Scandinavia Tours
Scandinavia offers such diversity that it’s impossible to curate a list of everything we’d recommend. Still, below, we’ve highlighted some amazing views and structures you’ll not see anywhere else in the world.
Denmark and Sweden: Oresund Bridge
This bridge connects Sweden and Denmark and sweeps for five miles above the Oresund Strait. There is an underwater tunnel, an above-ground bridge and even an artificial island called Peberholmen. As a feat of engineering, the bridge is the longest road or railway in the world and can be seen from the air as you land in Copenhagen.
Norway: Preikestolen Cliffs
At 2,000 feet high, these cliffs are far above the Lysefjord below. They are a granite plateau accessible via a short, steep hiking path that takes roughly three hours to climb. This is another unique Scandinavian landscape that keen hikers should never miss—the view is breathtaking.
Sweden: The Stockholm Archipelago By Boat
We’ve mentioned Stockholm, but a tour of the archipelago by boat is a great day out in itself. There are numerous islands to explore, with the chance to stop off and cycle along the nature trails or see the ancient Viking graves, with seabirds, eagles and seals often spotted along the cliffs and coastlines.
Booking Travel and Transport throughout a Scandinavian Holiday
Travel is part of the excitement of Scandinavian tours, where you can experience an overnight train ride across borders, hire a car for a once-in-a-lifetime road trip, or navigate the Norwegian fjords aboard a ferry – spotting rare wildlife and even the Aurora Borealis in the right winter weather conditions.
There are plenty of sustainable, eco-friendly travel options throughout the region, especially in Norway – examples include emissions-free public transport networks across Oslo and electric ferries and trams.
Please review our comprehensive range of tours and packages online. You’ll find full itineraries, flight details, and lists of the attractions, excursions, and accommodations included.
If you need any assistance tailoring your Scandinavian tour or can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to contact the expert travel consultants at the Baltic Travel Company.
Information Source: - https://www.baltictravelcompany.com/blog/index.php/scandanavia/scandinavian-travel-checklist-designing-a-bespoke-tour-across-northern-europe/
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allovertheworldblog · 3 months
Sweden to ...???
Back in Stockholm I was trying to figure out where I’d go to next.
Finland was first in my mind.
Ferries to Finland were either incredibly early in the morning or late at night with the requirement that you take a cabin, making them pretty expensive for the relatively short distance.
I looked at another option, Denmark, the home of the Danish pastries and butter cookies, and the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen.
I can’t think of anything else that Denmark is known for.
A train ticket from Stockholm to Copenhagen was incredibly reasonable at 320 Swedish Krona so I decided on Denmark.
The people in the hostel had all changed since I was there the week previously.
I was back in the same 12 bed dorm, but this time it seemed to be full of Australians.
There were what seemed like 15 hip skinny snow crazed kids who were skiiers and snow board addicts, they’d been all over over Europe.
Everything good with them was ‘sick’, the breakfast in such and such a hostel that they were recommending to someone was 'sick’; such and such a hostel was also 'sick’.
There was also an older Australian woman in the dorm who wasn’t travelling with them.
She was colour of an orange from all the sun she’d soaked up on the slopes.
In the kitchen there were two English bikers talking to a Germany-based skinhead American Army lieutenant who was of Swedish heritage and spoke fluent Swedish.
The English guys were complaining that Britain should never have handed back Hong Kong to the Chinese.
I thought about telling them that the market for opium isn’t what it was but think better of it.
I have to move dorm after a night or two because it’s all booked up, a welcome break from the 'sick’ Australians.
In the new dorm there’s a different Australian guy who’s travelling on his own.
His Hungarian-born father went to a conference in Austria in the time of Communism in Hungary, claimed asylum, for which was tried and convicted in his absence in Hungary.
He then moved to Australia to start a new life.
You hear some great stories from people that you meet, some of them are embellished but some are just the stories of life.
Before I leave Stockholm for the second time I find some more free things to do.
I visit the Storkyrkan church which is in effect the cathedral for the city and see the 15th century statue of St. George Slaying The Dragon,
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which includes a figure which is weirdly similar to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
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The church charges entrance fee in Summer but not in Winter.
Then I visit the (free on Monday’s) Royal Coin Cabinet, which has way too many similar coins.
It’s a big collection of old coins from Sweden and all sorts of banknotes from around the world.
They have some notes that I’ve used on my travels.
They have notes that are a thing of the past, just like the countries that printed them.
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They even have Concentration Camp banknotes, a concept I find hard to believe.
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The following day I get going to Denmark.
The train sets off for Malmo.
The land is pretty flat.
The closer we get to Malmo the more there are brick built houses, farm buildings and buildings associated with the train, stations etc. This is farming country.
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walnutcookie · 3 months
what's your favorite season???? :3
I love the spring but fucking DANISH WEATHER GGAGAGSGHSHBBBSB. ...
AUUU THATS A TOUGH ONE . I like summer because i get to visit my mom but also graaahhh california weather sucks ass and band camp is living hell </3 i like winter most i think weather wise. I like having cool air come into my room when i have my window open
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tvrundownusa · 9 months
tvrundown USA 2023.09.14
Thursday, September 14th:
(exclusive): "Dragons: The Nine Realms" (hulu|Peacock, season 7 available, all 7 eps), Thursday's Widows (netflix, Mexican thriller limited series, all 6 eps), Thursday Night Football (amazon, regular season opener, live)
(movies): "Theater Camp" (hulu, comedy), "What Happens in the Dark" (TUBI, thriller, 85mins), "Once Upon A Crime" (netflix, Japanese fairytale mystery comedy, ~110mins), "Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction" (netflix, Danish period rom-com, ~95mins)
(streaming weekly): Harley Quinn (MAX, season 4 finale), Adventure Time: "Fionna & Cake" (MAX, next 2 eps), Star Trek: Lower Decks (Para+), À La Carte (AllBlk, dramedy season 2 opener), Zatima (BET+, next 2 eps), The Pact (AMC+|SundanceNow), The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (AMC+), Ride with Norman Reedus (AMC+), Destined With You (netflix)
(original made-for-TV movies): As Luck Would Have It: "Murder for Sale" (LMN, 2hrs, mini-series finale), "Giving Hope: The Ni'Cola Mitchell Story" (LMN, later, 2hrs)
(hour 1): Fight To Survive (theCW), Big Brother (CBS, new timeslot), Generation Gap (ABC)
(hour 2): Fboy Island (theCW), Buddy Games (CBS, summer camp games competition premiere), The Prank Panel (ABC), Nick Cannon presents: Wild 'n Out (VH1)
(hour 3): Tacoma FD (truTV), "The Challenge: USA" (CBS)
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mansipatel5 · 1 year
Why Is Scandinavia Considered to be the most amazing destination of all times?
Though Scandinavia is popular for enthralling activities in winter, the summers are no less than any fun. With nature performing to its best and man made adventures its sure that there won't be any dull moment when you sign up for Scandinavia tour packages.
The places that ornate different charm and appeal during summers and worth to add in Scandinavia summer vacation Packages from India are as follows:
Hike the Foroe Islands: The great part here is summers are not that harsh. These islands bearing the natural serene place are the great option for hikers. The morning mist here looks more pleasing and appealing.
Say Goodbye to your sleep in Lapland: watch the sun not getting set for two months. It is amazing to be in the company of nature and thick dense forests.
Feel the time stopped at Danish Coast: If you want to relax and time moving at its own pace then this coast is worth a visit. Due to this spot being the lesser known you won't have a claustrophobic feeling. This location is ideal for carrying out activities like hiking, cycling and unleashing the real kid in you by flying kites. This spot is ideal for perfect family vacation. The reputed tour operators of Scandinavia Summer Travel packages from India do all the prior bookings according to the itinerary needs thus it save us from last minute hassle.
Try out Island Hopping in Lofoten: It was myth that northern hemisphere lacks the beauty of island. This place just shuns away all the beliefs.The healthy Coral feel and beauty of archipelago is hard to find anywhere else. The Norwegian fishing villages are a perfect spot on things that will keep the interest hooked of every traveler visiting here. The photography lovers could capture the amazing beauty of dramatic landscapes.
Ring Road: No where in the world the road trips could sound that exciting. The road circling around the island is great thing to do. It is also ideal base for photographers who love to do some scenic photography. Scandinavia Tour packages are beyond amazing for people who just love to do more of holidays. This location is ideal even for the solo travelers who have will to do much more in holidays. This place openly permits to set up base camp.
Enjoy the Traditions and Festivals of Norwegians: Summers are the time where maximum festivals do take place.Many of the events like musical shows, theaters are less expensive. If it high time to steal a deal, a few of them are free too.The color fun race has no charges. Many of these events do happen in Copenhagen. Scandinavia Summer Vacation Packages from India cover all the prominent spots and thus serve in the right purpose of perfect holidays.
Spend your time at Gotland: If you are die hard fan of ancient architecture then this is a place to be. A planned medieval architecture makes this spot a perfect place to be. The traveller's could fetch here short to long trails.
Trying out Adventure activities at Copenhagen: If you have that adventure bone and spirit to try there are multiple activities that will surely excite your holiday mood. Being the climate most favorable in the month of summer trying out Adventure activities is the unique option. You could try out activities like wind surfing, Kayaking, Snorkeling and Swimming. As Copenhagen has many things to do, the reputed tour operators of Scandinavia Summer Travel Packages from India will arrange accommodation too as per your needs of stay.
Bornholm Islands: There are numerous beaches here that do attract attention. The key attraction is the 30 km uninterrupted beach. The small less visited beaches offer various outdoor activities and generally less crowded to save you from elbow fights as well. When you book for Scandinavia Summer Travel packages from India the reputed tour operators do all the prior travel arrangements. The seamless itineraries here will allow you to enjoy stress free vacations.
Take a picture on troll tunga: It is just hard to compete the beauty of this spot. Throughout the world, this place stands to be one of the most popular thing for its scenic beauty. Many photography lovers visit this spot to take the photo of a tongue that's made from stone. There is a lot of historical prominence of this spot. When you sign up for Scandinavia Summer Vacation Packages from India the reputed tour guides do see to it that everything is well explained.
Copenhagen Canal Tour: Though visiting this spot for the first time or coming again to witness the joy of boat passing through the canals of Copenhagen. While you visit here don't forget to witness the beauty of beautiful mermaid statue. It is interesting to know the past of the city, the reputed tour guides will arrange onboard guides who can speak in English and they know the whereabouts of the city.
Grand walking tour of Copenhagen: Not just the fancy shops and boutiques, it makes it totally worth to look for the local art and culture. The decorated streets give you immense reasons to collect stuff made by local civilians. This place also serves out to be excellent destination for trying out the secret home guarded recipes. The favorable climate of summer makes this place even more interesting. Copenhagen is an amazing destination to check out hidden attractions. Scandinavia Summer Travel packages from India are perfect to mark the glory of best vacations ever.
Right from experiencing the midnight sun in Lapland to taking a stroll to unspoiled beaches, summers in Scandinavia are ideal for solo travelers or people who love spending time with family. The huge plethora of activities in Scandinavia has kept up to the expectations of every traveler visiting here. When you sign up with the experienced and reputed tour operators they do match up to your expectations and plan a perfect itinerary as per your travel needs.
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mosraev · 10 months
Vil du tage imod mit livstunge hjerte,
så smertefrit jeg flyder på himlens hav?//
Would you accept my lifeburdened heart
So I can float painlessly around in the sky sea? - Diana (Mosræv, 2019)
This is a lot of firsts on this blog: it is the first live recording and the first danish song! This is an evening song that mixes artistic language with imagery of the roman goddess of the moon, Diana. Also it is one of the videos in my 'try to be ultra feminine to supress the gender dysphoria' era (the video after this is even worse).
Recorded on my yearly summer camp on 07/26/19 - Pre-T - Lyrics (original and translated) under the line
Stay creative, my fellow foxes 🦊💚
Diana - danish lyrics:
Svalernes gang løber over min køje.
[De] genfinder klang i aftnens rytmik.
Dit gavmilde smil genspejles i himlets øje.
Jeg tager endnu en tår af tusmørkets drink.
Venlige blink fra fjerne planeter.
Pletter af pink som penselstrøg.
Jeg breder sindet ud på stærke vinger,
de bringer mig hjem i en media res [mens jeg] ser dagen på repeat.
Åh woah, Diana.
Månejomfru, vogt over mig i min søvn.
Åh woah, Diana,
du rider mareridtets hest til den lyse dag.
Dit sølvhvide barn lyser op i det fjerne.
Nu uglen tuder med på dit navn.
Vil du tage imod mit livstunge hjerte,
så smertefrit jeg flyder på himlens hav?
Åh woah, Diana.
Månejomfru, vogt over mig i min søvn.
Åh woah, Diana,
du rider mareridtets hest til den lyse dag
Åh woah, Diana.
Månejomfru, vogt over jordens børn.
Åh woah, Diana.
Du stjernernes elskerinde, Orion.
Du er åh woah Diana.
Diana - english (translated) lyrics:
The march of the swallows runs across my hammock.
[They] find their place in with the rhytmn of the evening.
Your generous smile is reflecting in the eye of the sky.
I take another sip of the drink of twilight.
Distant planets sends friendly winks [our way].
[Like] Spots of pink like brushstrokes [in the sky].
I spread out my mind like it was strong wings
that brings me home in an in medias res
[while I] watch the day on repeat.
Oh woah, Diana.
Moon virgin, guard me while I sleep.
Oh woah, Diana,
you'll ride the nightmare horse until night turns to day.
Your silverwhite child is shining from afar.
Now the owl is howling and calling your name.
Would you accept my lifeburdened heart
So I can float painlessly around in the sky sea?
Oh woah, Diana.
Moon virgin, guard me while I sleep.
Oh woah, Diana,
you'll ride the nightmare horse until night turns to day.
Oh woah, Diana.
Moon virgin, guard the children of Earth.
Oh woah, Diana You are the lover of the stars, Orion.
You are oh woah Diana.
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