How did Apollo and Dapne’s react to Sun and Moon? And the other way around? Because I can’t imagine it not being some level of uncomfortable to find out the very different nature of the relationships that they had despite being the same models made by the same company.
Apollo was mostly passive to Sun and Moon at first, he didn’t care much about anything but having his wife back after a decade of being separated by Fazbear corporate. Apollo is kind to them, he respects them and all but he’s very focused in on finally getting to see his wife again.
Daphne is much more open, she’s very social and she comes to see Sun and Moon as her cousins. She’s very kind and helpful to them and is very supportive with them adjusting to her and Apollo being there, since she knows them having more people and more help also means they have to put them somewhere and get used to them.
Sun is quite upset thinking that Fazbear is replacing them at first but eventually, once the managers explain, he’s much more accepting and trusting of Daphne and Apollo.
Moon hangs out with Daphne, she’s social and he isn’t, so Daphne does a lot of the talking while Moon is just working on projects and chiming in occasionally. He also hangs out with Apollo sometimes once Apollo warms up to them.
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New OCs/AU based off the comments of this post.
The Season Moons! They’re best friends and come from the same PizzaPlex and are all celestials, but are not siblings, as they were assigned to different areas and never saw each other as siblings.
Apollo (Sun) and Daphne (Moon) aren’t related in this PizzaPlex. They were made separate and instead made as a couple rather than siblings and eventually they get married. Apollo protected Daphne during the fire and got the majority of the injuries of the two daycare attendants. Daphne had to get Apollo out of the daycare and the PizzaPlex before they got hurt more.
Daphne lost her right arm in this process but she does manage to get them to Spring Moon, who gets them out of the PizzaPlex. Daphne gets sent to a PizzaPlex in Florida, Apollo in a PizzaPlex in California, and Spring Moon gets sent to a Texas PizzaPlex
Spring Moon, the only girl, is a big buff tough lady. She’s a fighter and she has a protection code. She was the daycare security of her own daycare before the fire happened and the PizzaPlex got shut down. Her daycare coworkers, Apollo and Daphne, are her best friends. Unfortunately, they both got moved to different PizzaPlexes across the country from each other and Spring.
Summer Moon is a little fraidy cat. He used to work on the maintenance team before the fire destroyed the PizzaPlex. He was unfortunately still in Parts and Service during the fire and was unable to escape. He got major damage from this and had to be fixed before being relocated to a different PizzaPlex in New York.
Autumn Moon is a quiet bot. They’re quite a tired person and they used to work in the West Arcade with DJ Music Man as his assistant. Autumn was protected by DJ Music Man during the fire and DJ got him out and took all the damage for them in the process of getting them out, which unfortunately ended up killing DJ by the time he got Autumn out of the PizzaPlex. Autumn got relocated to the Colorado PizzaPlex after the fire.
Winter Moon is a little gremlin. He loves causing chaos and pulling pranks. Winter worked with the Glamrocks, who all unfortunately didn’t make it out of the fire, as the lead vocalist in place of Freddy, who is their guitarist. Winter made it out by sheer force of the Glamrocks, who all were trying to get to the exit.
His Monty died after getting Winter out of his room, Freddy died trying to find everyone, Chica had gone back for Summer Moon and died on the way, Roxy shoved him out of the fire escape just seconds before the building collapsed, which ended up saving him but killing her. Winter gets moved to Sun and Moon’s PizzaPlex.
Blood Moon finds Winter and is immediately a simp for Winter and his pretty voice and eventually comes to date him. Once Summer Moon is fixed, he gets relocated again to Sun and Moon’s PizzaPlex, who needed a competent maintenance person. Blood Moon absolutely adores him and simps over Summer as well, which eventually leads to him and Winter dating Summer once they get to know him better.
Harvest Moon simps over Spring and Autumn once they get relocated to Sun and Moon’s PizzaPlex, once the managers put in to transfer all the destroyed PizzaPlex’s surviving bots to their own location. Apollo and Daphne finally get reunited and work with Sun and Moon in the daycare. Harvest eventually ends up dating both Spring and Autumn, who he loves very much.
Harvest’s big buff girlfriend regularly picks him up and just carries him around, which he loves. He also loves picking up Autumn and carrying him around. The twins gush to each other about their pretty partners, Blood Moon mostly over Winter’s pretty voice and Summer’s cute little happy hands (he has ADHD) and Harvest over Spring’s muscles and Autumn’s pretty purple eyes.
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