#dapper toad
tired-birb-nerd · 6 months
I put some new patterns on my Etsy shop!!
I’m also running a holiday sale of 50% off with code HOLIDAYGOOSE
A Dapper Toad:
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One of my fav scenes from the movie Nimona:
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Link to shop: https://chaoticstitchedgoose.etsy.com?coupon=HOLIDAYGOOSE
Check out the other patterns I have as well! A lot of them are niche and self indulgent tbh
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katoriart · 8 months
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Inktober Day 8; Toad
Him friend shaped
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bigboobyhalo · 7 months
I hope that they get to keep the items they got in purgatory so that bad can bring his warped toads hoppy and floppy home for dapper ... and also so bad can keep his elytra LOL
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digitaldoeslmk · 7 months
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@poison-toad-witch uuuuh sorry not sorry? they are just your Golden Girls-coded gaggle of siblings having a fun time and catching up, i dunno what else to tell you xDD
that said, they'd appreciate the hand kisses, it's very dapper and sweet of you!
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
Refined Bloodlust Amongst The Bourgeoisie
"Come with me! All frogs, join me! Come along, are any of you government officials? If you are, raise a hand!"
A bullywug woman sets down her quill and peers out of her window. "Why, Ribbert, it looks as though there's some sort of parade going on outside!"
"Really, Flyletta? Let me see- oh my! And what a strange creature leading the way!"
"And calling out for government officials as well, oh do you think it's finally time for the execution- I-I mean, trial by combat?"
"Surely so! Let us grab our coats and hurry out, with a being like that leading the procession we're sure to have a very exciting combat in store for us!"
"Oooooh, marvelous! I'll grab my finest doily in case we get a seat in the splash zone!"
It's not too long a walk, though Ribbert and Flyletta do hustle along. They're not able to grab splash-zone seats, much to their disappointment, but they get a good enough view with their tiny binoculars on sticks from where they sit.
"Oh, goodness, what is that?" Flyletta croaks out in disgust. "Did they put a few rabbitfolk corpses together and stick them in a referee shirt?"
Ribbert leans forward and narrows his eyes as he peers through the binoculars. "No, no I believe that must be a... a clump of old dead swamp grass that was tossed into the water for a few days. Oh, jebus, it moved!"
"It looks in pain! Do you think it's a cursed creature?"
"Oh, of course it is. But someone's given it enough Witchlight to last us a week."
"Oh. ... Oh, dear, Ribbert, do you see the combatants?! One is on fire! My, Gullup may have the most exciting reign yet!"
"But look at the other. It's just a clown! This will over in moments, do you see the size of that very red man?"
"But won't it be fun to see the clown squished into jelly beneath such a handsome man's boots?"
"Mmm... he is quite handsome. But we won't be able to see the blood on him other than his clothes."
"Oh, you and your bloody men thing. There will be plenty, I'm sure."
"Oh, they're huddling, they're huddling. It's starting soon, Flyletta wave one of the vendors over before it truly begins!"
"Oh, swamp gas. We'll grab something during the show I suppose."
"Let's wait until the intermission, Ribbert, you choked last time after laughing at one of the maimings."
"Ah, good point. What would I do without you, my dear?"
Ribbert and Flyletta cheer with the rest of the uproarious crowd. "KILL THEM!" Flyletta calls out!
The dapper alligatorfolk nods and raises the shell to his mouth again. "ARE YOU READY TO SEE SOMETHIN' YOU AIN'T NEVER SEEN BEFORE?"
The crowd cheers again, and again Flyette calls out "KILL THEM!"
The alligator announcer nods again, and raises the shell once more. "DO YOU ALL COUNT AS WITNESS? IF SO, CHEER!"
Flyletta and Ribbert think for a moment. They hear another party doing the same, and-
"I think so."
With that one conclusion, the entire crowd erupts!
The announcer seems pleased with this and shouts, "THAT'S LEGALLY BINDING!"
"What a strange way of announcing a combat," Ribbert mutters. "... They must be from Yon."
"Oh, Ribbert, oh no." Flyletta puts her hand to her forehead and leans onto her husband. "Do you think he's asking because these two shall fight in place of Morgo?"
"What?! But that would mean only one combat! I've been awaiting Morgo's bloody execution for ages!"
"Oh, the event is ruined, Ribbert!"
"Don't worry, darling, we'll stick around until the end and protest this to whoever arranged it."
"I think the alligator must have."
The whistle blows, and it, theoretically, begins. Ribbert and Flyletta are too far away to hear everything the combatants are saying, so they just watch as the clown holds out a strange gun-like object, but made of a material neither of them have ever seen before.
"Must be from Yon."
"What do you have against Yon, darling?"
"It doesn't even rhyme, that's what."
Just as Ribbert finishes talking, a great beam of multicolored light blasts out from the clown's device! Flyletta's jaw drops as the red man easily dodges out of the way, an incredible smooth rhythm to his movements as he drops his shoulder and ducks to the side! The beam shoots out into the audience to Flyletta and Ribbert's right-
"Hot dogs, getcher hot do-!"
-disintegrating the poor sap they'd failed to purchase food from earlier.
"Oh!" Flyletta almost applauds, but Ribbert stops her.
Below, they can hear some chattering of confusion about names, but Flyletta really couldn't care less, and Ribbert is just busy checking his notebook of contacts to see if the pile of ash that was one a bullywug was anyone important.
They hear the clown cackling down on the field, and see the announcer speak briefly to the referee before tossing the announcing shell to... him? It? Still unclear if it's a real creature or some horrific amalgamation of swamp trash and dark magics and witchlight.
The shell lets out a horrific screeching sound as the referee holds it up to speak! Ribbert claps his hands over Flyletta's ear holes and uses his tongue to wrap around his head and cover his own.
"ERR, Sorry! Ribble got too close to the conch!"
"SHUT UP!" Flyletta screams. "LET THEM FIGHT! SHUT UP!"
"Wait real I ha-"
"Ribble just has to a-"
"That's Mundlemud versus Sploop-"
He finally relinquishes the shell to the alligator, and Ribbert relinquishes Flyletta's head as well as his own as they both breathe a sigh of relief. They watch with satisfaction as the referee seems to be panicking and cowering a bit on the field after that awful interruption of ruckus.
"Getcher vuvuzelas!" another vendor calls out to Ribbert and Flyletta's left.
"Oh not those horn things," Ribbert groans. "Those ruin every eve-"
Another blast of multicolored light shoots out from the field, disintegrating the vendor and his horns.
"Oh! Good show, chap!" Ribbert calls down to the combatants, They clearly don't hear him, but it's alright.
Sploop throws his gun behind him, and as it shatters there are faint little spirits to be seen floating up from it. Flyletta applauds the macabre flavoring to this clown's weapon.
Mundlemud charges at Sploop now, lifting his giant arms and whipping the chains falling from them to restrain Sploop! It works, the clown wailing as he's captured! Mundlemud holds out his fist without even cocking it back, yanking Sploop right into the readied fist! Sploop's face quite literally sinks into the blow, his face contorting around the blow unnaturally, and he crowd roars!
Sploop vomits after, colorful circus peanuts erupting from his mouth as his head spins around like a top. Ribbert cheers loudest of all as Flyletta swoons a bit over Mundlemud's arms.
Another vendor comes down the stairs. "Bud Light, getcher Bud Light here, only sixteen gold pieces!"
"Oh, my." Flyletta frowns at the vendor. "What a rip-off!"
They hear, called out from the field in the rough, rocks-gargling voice of the referee, "That's outrageous!"
"Even that thing down there can see you're charging too much, Slimeithy!" Ribbert calls out.
Sploop vomits his circus peanuts all over Mundlemud, making the much larger and handsomer and all-around better man flinch and shield himself. Once the vomit ends there's a moment of speaking between the contestants, and suddenly Sploop pops into a mass of balloon animal pigs! But the chains are visibly red-hot, and they metl and writhe against the chains before coming back together into an also melting Sploop!
He pulls his tiny hat down over his whole body, and when it pops back up he's no longer melting. Flyletta groans in disappointment. "Oh, just when it finally getting interesting!"
"Pretzels, getcher pretzels, unsalted pretzels with avocado-based mayo! Only twenty-three gold pieces!"
"Oh, now if the clown doesn't kill that man, I will," Ribbert says, scrunching his face in disgust. "Avocado instead of beetle oil as a base? Despicable."
The clown holds his hand up, pulls another gun device from his hip, and fires one blast off before throwing it away as well. The vendor goes up in smoke, and Ribbert laughs. "As you deserved!"
The act seems to spark a small conversation, quickly turned argument, between the combatants. Mundlemud rears back his fist and punches, then spins him out and pulls him back out to punch again, over and over.
"DON'T WORRY BUDDY, I'M GONNA BEAT'CHU RIGHT BACK!" they hear Mundlemud shout.
"Is that some kind of intimidation tactic?" Flyletta wonders, leaning forward a bit. "Perhaps the clown was his friend before becoming a horrible magic clown?"
"That's nonsense, dear, 'buddy' must be an insult where they're from."
"Oh, yes, that makes much more sense, darling."
Suddenly a large barrel sits in the hands of Sploop, dark in color, and he tries to smash it over Mundlemud's head. While he succeeds, the strange small monkey's within rain down without even touching the larger man and instead begin to go after Sploop himself! A few even make their way into the stands, bullywugs screamign and hopping out of the line of fire until-
"Bloody Marys, getcher Bloody Marys here! Bloody marys with one'a those deep-fried cheeseburgers on top because WHY THE FUCK NOT?! Only forty-two gold pi- AHHHH! OH, IT HURTS! OH, I'M SCREAMING AND IT HURTS!"
The monkeys rage and screech as they kill the vendor.
"Clearly, they know how terrible the pricing has gotten as of late," Ribbert says. Flyletta nods approvingly as they watch the vendor be torn and melted.
When they look back, it seems to be the big finish. Mundlemud whips a wave through the chains, launching Sploop high up into the air! The clown laughs, even in the face of this certain doom, as Mundlemud leaps up to the same incredible heights with such air that the bullywugs themselves are awed! Mundlemud wraps his giant arms around Sploop from behind, spinning Sploop so that his head will hit the ground first, Sploop holding up a sign that even from the farthest rows clearly reads "Uh-oh!", it's all over-!
The fall seems to last forever, Mundlemud's form obscuring view of Sploop's, but the CRACK! that resounds through the arena is enough.
The whistle blows, and it's done! Mundlemud stands victorious! Flyletta and Ribbert leap to their feet, giving Mundlemud a standing applause!
"I didn't know clowns eat goblins. My, this was educational and entertaining!" Flyletta exclaims, jumping a bit in place as she applauds some more.
"It's over?!"
Flyletta and Ribbert look over. "Oh, another vendor. Let's see if something happens again," Ribbert says excitedly.
"THANKS FOR COMIN'!" the announcer calls out.
The vendor looks down at his wares in a bit of panic. "Aw shit, did anyone want full cooked chicken piccata? On dinner plates?"
"What a foolish venture, those plates aren't even fine china," Flyletta sniffs in disapproval. "Who would pay even a copper?"
"Shut up, we're listening!" A bullywug in an isle seat shouts. He stands and stabs the vendor right in the back, perfectly severing the spine. Flyletta and Ribbert and many others in the area give the stabber a respectful round of applause for such a fine blow as the vendor goes down with a scream.
"Lemony... capers..."
"Well, time to head home." Flyletta takes Ribbert's hand as he helps her up. "I have to put on a new dress for Electrum Chef!"
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tagged by @rabbitmotifs for a song game!
the goal is to spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters so here goes
Cry by Carly Rae Jepsen
Oxford Bloody by Autoheart
Left Alone by Fiona Apple
Lights Out by FKA twigs
Eknee1 by Hemlocke Springs
Clean by Adia Victoria
Trophy by Charli XCX
October by The Crane Wives
Rascal by Tinashe
Otta Time by Natalia Kills
Flicker by Rina Sawayama
Love You So Bad by Ezra Furman
Old Soul by Saint Motel
Veins by Jazmine Sullivan
Everybody Wants to Love You by Japenese Breakfast
Little Flaws by Lady Lamb
Townie by Mitski
Harbor by Vienna Teng
I'm Not Calling You a Liar by F+tm
Never Forgive the Angels by Bat for Lashes
Gone Girl by SZA
Suspended in Gaffa by Kate Bush
im not tagging that many people uh @dapper-nahrwhale @gorgugplushie @butchmechanism @dani-the-toad and whoever else in the world wants to do this
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fivebrights · 1 year
“I watched a toad eat an asura! Whole! UNBLINKING!”
Highlights from World 2 of Super Adventure Box with the [DAPR] Dapper Dragon Adventuring Company ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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theblackcat5679 · 8 months
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Day 12 of @mabgraves Drawlloween Club- Toad🖤🖤🖤
All hail the Toad Prince...he is quite dapper.
#mabsdrawlloweenclub #drawtober #drawtober2023 #inktober #inktober2023 #draw #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #prismacolor #spooky #halloween #spookyseason #prince #queerartist #darkart #mabsdrawlloween2023 #toad #drawlloween2023 #mdwc23 #mdwc23d12
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the-bluerecluse · 2 years
Sooooo, our town is currently majorly flooded and we're like, being asked not to leave so could I maybe have either a dapper lil frog or a cottagecore lil mouse in a leaf boat/teacup boat? Borrowers style? Please? 👉👈👉👈👉👈
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How's this? My backgrounds need a lot of work but I think the toad looks cute. also idk what borrowers style is but i hope this suffices
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tired-birb-nerd · 7 months
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Look at my dapper little man
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dearaliceliddel · 2 years
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“I’ve met speaking reptiles, lizards, toads, and the like- but a prehistoric Dinosaur is a new one. Looking quite dapper as well...” 
Honestly, the woman was no longer surprised by meeting such odd creatures or entities. ever the curious one and simply going with the flow. But seeing such things outside of Wonderland? Now that was different.
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bigboobyhalo · 7 months
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transwitcher · 2 years
no clue what this means but purely based on instinct i think youre the "- the charming venusian king / queen of hearts playing card in blogger form" mutual
i don't know what this means either but i love the vibes !
i diagnose you with "pleasant dude who is dapper like frog and toad" mutual but with a smidge of extra chaotic energy
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44gamez · 3 months
Princess Peach: Showtime! demo: first impressions
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Princess Peach: Showtime! is simply a short while away, debuting on the Nintendo Swap on March 22. Demos appear to be fashionable currently: Mario vs. Donkey Kong had one forward of launch final month; so did Unicorn Overlord extra not too long ago. Now we’re aware about a small style of what to anticipate with our favourite pink princess forward of her newest solo outing. The Princess Peach: Showtime! demo is respectable in size, giving us the prospect to expertise two of Peach’s transformation powers: Swordfighter Peach and Patissiere Peach. The complete recreation will boast ten such transformations, so the demo presents us with 20% of Peach’s powers. We’ll nonetheless should depend on trailers to see how the likes of Mermaid Peach, Detective Peach, and Mighty Peach fare. For now, let’s break down the 2 transformations throughout the demo. The demo begins at, properly, the start. We journey with Peach and her loyal Toads to Sparkle theater for an evening in town. This units the scene for the sport’s plotline, which we’ve seen in earlier trailers. Whereas the Toads are buying tickets to tonight’s present, occasions are disrupted by the depraved witch often known as Grape, alongside together with her Bitter Bunch of minions.  Stella – the theater’s guardian – appeals to Peach for assist, gifting the princess with a magical ribbon. From there, it’s into the primary stage to check out Peach’s new spin assault! 
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The very first thing I really like about this recreation is the way in which Peach’s spin assault is used to not essentially defeat foes, however to make folks comfortable. There are small Toad-like creatures who work on the theater, and these poor saps have misplaced motivation as a consequence of Grapes’ actions. Peach’s particular ribbon appears to elevate their spirits, remodeling them into varied roles required for the present stage. It’s just like the way in which Peach will quickly remodel. After this temporary introduction, it’s time to remodel for the primary time! Peach stands in a particular area to change into Swordfighter Peach, wielding a sharp sword and searching fairly dapper in her blue jacket and hat. And her swordplay? Merely unbelievable. The Three Musketeers don't have anything on Peach, it appears.
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The demo offers only one degree of sword combating, which serves as a tutorial of kinds. It’s an honest size, although, taking Peach by way of varied areas together with a boss struggle. Peach’s sword makes quick work of some nasty-looking vines that entangle the levels, however don’t get too shut – I discovered myself by accident touching them and shedding a coronary heart a couple of instances. There are many enemies to beat, and various gadgets to gather. In truth, there are a collection of silver star-like objects to gather to finish the extent. Will these unlock additional transformations or ranges? We received’t know till we get our palms on the complete model. After brandishing your sword on the ultimate tentacle-laden boss, it’s time to return to the lobby. Right here we discover a new stage has opened, this time introducing us to a sweets pageant. Naturally, this offers Peach an opportunity to don a brand new outfit, remodeling her into Patissiere Peach. I’ll admit, I discovered this to be the oddest of the transformations offered within the trailers. Now, after spending a while in Peach’s cute chef’s boots, I’m fully circled on the entire topic.
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On this degree, your duties embrace baking and adorning truffles. This can be a very totally different format to the earlier sword-fighting sections, giving Peach an opportunity to check her expertise in a recent manner. And it’s really tough! The duties are time-based, so it's essential to accomplish your baking duties in a well timed trend. Mixing bowls is a part of it, however the actual enjoyable is available in cake adorning. We noticed Peach’s adorning skills in an earlier trailer. She sits dangling on a rope from the rafters as she provides icing to massive truffles. Once more, time is of the essence, and the purpose is to match the image behind the cake as carefully as potential. It’s quick and livid, and a variety of enjoyable. One of many issues I really like about Showtime is the little issues, like Peach’s abovementioned boots. When she’s idle, she does this lovable little dance, transferring from shoe to shoe like a little bit elf. It’s exhausting to elucidate, nevertheless it appears so candy, and I stay up for seeing what else Peach would possibly do when in costume. Nintendo additionally dropped a brand new trailer to coincide with the Princess Peach: Showtime! demo, which you'll be able to take a look at under. Total, I had a enjoyable time with the Princess Peach: Showtime! demo. It’s secure to say that we’re tremendous enthusiastic about Peach’s upcoming outing. Have you ever performed the demo but? Tell us for those who loved it as a lot as we did. Source link Read the full article
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mazthemeh22 · 11 months
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Over the next few days/weeks, i'll be reposting art from Twitter over here, starting from the beginning of 2023! First up, this dapper gentleman froggy. :)
All older art will be under the tag #MazOldArt - I made 2 huge posts which includes everything from before 2022 under that same tag - take a look if you fancy.
(Original Tweet:) 1:01 AM · Jan 10, 2023 //First drawing of the New Year… woooo! I drew a lil' guy. Yes he looks nothing like an actually cane toad, lol. But he's a cutie. Just a little gentleman. :) #frogs #digitalart #fancy//
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Eight shows to get to know me tagged by @dapper-nahrwhale
(Including podcasts)
Wooden Overcoats
Wolf 359
The Adventure Zone
The Muppet Show
The Owl House
Crazy Ex Girlfriend
Mythic Quest
Tagging @petrosapian @ladytemplar @daisybrien @monstressmasc @dani-the-toad @whats-a-terrarium
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