#dark beast paarl
miquella-everywhere · 4 months
Darkbeast Paarl appreciation post
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zeartpit · 4 months
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Kingbeast Paarl
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criticalglitch · 5 months
My Cats And Their Namesakes
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The Blood Starved Beast and Darkbeast Paarl were lovers. Both were born in Old Yharnam and continue to guard the burnt ruin as beasts. One became a Healing Church doctor and searched endlessly for a way to cure the Scourge, experimenting with various chemicals and poisons. She hoped to concoct a formula that would slow the spread of the disease. The other was a paranoid student of Irreverent Izzy. He did not put much faith in the Great Ones: In fact he hated them. Thus he trained under Yharnam’s resident madman to combat the Great Ones, when the day came that they would strike. When Old Yharnam burned, they joined Djura, together in love. It was their love for each other, and for the city, that saved them from the Hunters Nightmare. But beasthood cares not for love. The doctor treated the beastly patients until she too went mad for blood. Her lover stayed on guard on the outskirts until beasthood claimed him as well. Even in the throes of beasthood, they still remember each other, if only vaguely, which is why they are only so far apart in life… and in death.
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Hey anyone here willing to help me fight Darkbeast Paarl? I keep getting my ass kicked and the Old Hunter summon is not helping.
My username is SylverShardz on the PS Network and the hunter I’m playing as is named Athena
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dexter-diesel · 5 months
Bloodborne: Dark Beast Paarl 4K 60 FPS Boss Fight | Pure Skills, Solo Ru...
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robborne · 2 years
kinda random but paarl’s name makes me think of ‘speak’ (parler/parla in Italian and French?) and ‘pearl’ of course lol
shiny creature that can/could speak ig /j
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jarognieva · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Archibald working for School of Mensis? This is implied quite strongly! Did Archibald have no choice, or School of Mensis simply offered more opportunities and freedom for his "weird" research, or he genuinely thought Micolash was better leader in general? Or was it Micolash himself that bribed Archibald to work with him instead, since his research provided weapons extremely effective against those blue Choir toddlers? Or maybe School of Mensis simply vulture'd his weapons and inventions for themselves after Archibald was gone?
I just think that he is the underrated Mensis Squad's fourth girl fsdfdds
These are more my thoughts and headcanons than serious theories:
1. My first thoughts were that Archie was imprisoned from start to finish, was there and had to create weapons against his will. He finally dug a tunnel to escape from prison. He encountered the closed gate of Old Yharnam, and there was no one to open it for it was already a dead city. Archie transformed into Dark Beast.
This theory also assumes that Archie and Paarl are the same person. But on the other hand, if Archie and Paarl are the same person, why are they two different names? Even if he didn't turn into this particular beast, it's still possible that he ended up as a beast, because that's what the cut dialogue suggests.
2. It is possible that he came to Yahar'gul because Mico encouraged him with his freedom of action. And everything was fine until some conflict occurred between them. That's why he was imprisoned.
3. I like to think that Archie is the evil version of Nikola Tesla :D After all, he is described as "infamous". Btw, Tonitrus is similar to a Tesla transformer! And fun fact, tonitrus means lightning in Latin. Archie was a foreigner (according to the cut dialogue) and of course a madman doing crazy and dangerous experiments with electricity. First he experimented on darkbeasts, then he learned to generate electricity himself. Both were extremely dangerous.
In this version of my theories, Archibald was never imprisoned, but Paarl, the escaped experiment subject, was imprisoned and eventually escaped.
The hunters were afraid of both electricity and Archie. He was madman and eccentric and they were never sure if he was going to do something dangerous around them. He even looked strange and suspicious. He looked as if he had just been electrocuted. All his hair was sticking out in a different direction and on top of that his strange, creepy smile made people around him (except Mico xD) feel uncomfortable.
Mico allowed him to work without restrictions in exchange for weapons. I like to think they worked very well together. They understood each other well as madmen :D Although they argued sometimes. Archie had some ideas that seemed useless to the School. He wanted to create certain inventions, such as an engine or a radio, but in such a rotten city as Yharnam, only blood and religious fanaticism mattered (and cosmic shit if we're talking about School of Mensis and Choir), not civilization progress (in the technical sense). Mico was only interested in weapons that could effectively harm the Choir. To be honest, Archibald didn't care about civilization progress either. He was simply very curious which of his ideas and inventions would work. That's why Mico had to remind him every now and then "hey, you were supposed to do something else!"
I like to think that Archie died in some pathetic way, e.g. he was eaten by some beast or electrocuted to death xD Or some experimental subject escaped and mortally wounded him as revenge. Anyway, I imagine how the scholars found Archie's corpse:
Micolash: Yeah, that's sad. Anyway...
Damian: Heaven gained another angel today 😭💔
Archibald in hell: WHERE'S LAURENCE
So yes, I can say he's Mensis Squad fourth girl xD
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neomedievalist · 1 year
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Time to count Bloodborne characters!
(Some might be slightly debatable, as depending on the interpretation two could be the same character or one character could be two separate or not exist, so headcanons warning!)
1,2) Maria, Doll
3) Gehrman
4) Eileen
5) Djura
6) Laurence
7) Willem
8) Micolash
9) Ludwig
10) Simon
11) Brador
12) Valtr
13) Gascoigne
14) Viola
16) Henryk
17) Younger daughter
18) Older daughter
19) Younger Madaras twin
20) Older Madaras twin
21) Yamamura
22) Gratia
23) Amelia/Emilia
24) Doctor Iosefka
25) Imposter Iosefka
26) Yurie/Julie
27) Archibald
28) Izzy/Jiří
29) Caryll/Karel
30) Queen Annalise
31) Logarius
32) Alfred
33) Queen Yharnam
34) Edgar
35) Patches
36) Damian
37) King of Cainhurst
38) Rom
39) Ebrietas
40) Kos
41) Orphan of Kos
42) Mergo
43) Brain of Mensis (counting as one)
44) One Reborn (counting as one)
45) Flora (Moon Presence)
46) Oedon
47) Mergo’s Wet Nurse
48) Arianna
49) Adella
50) Chapel Dweller
51) Lonely old woman
52) Narrow-minded man
53) Suspicious beggar
54) Adeline
55) Arianna’s baby
56) The paleblood hunter
57) Cleric beast of the bridge
58) Paarl
59, 60) Yahar’gul hunters at the gate to the chapel
60, 61, 62) Yahar’gul hunters that ambush you after crashing lantern
63) Antal
64) Josef
65) Vitus
66) Olek
67) Gremia
68) Wallar
69) Queen Killer
70, 71) The girls at the Surgery Altar
72, 73) Hunters of Despair (I think Yharnam one is the same guy dead on the chair in Hemwick, so I will not count that one separately)
74) That black church guy in Research Hall
75-83) Nine non-hostile patients with the dialogue
84) Blood Minister at the starting cutscene
85) Forgotten Madman
86) Madman’s escort
87) Crow of Cainhurst
88) Djura’s ally
89) Djura’s apprentice
90) Bestial hunter (possibly former Oto Workshop owner???)
91) Gilbert
92, 93) Witches of Hemwick
94) Fishing Hamlet priest
95) Henriett
96) Yahar’gul hunter in underground cell
97) Evelyn (I think she is Annalise’s mother, aka redhead woman in the crown on one of the Cainhurst portraits)
98) First Hunter of Hunters
99) Door NPC that says ‘yayyy night of celebration!’ in low alley
100) Door NPC in Hemwick
101) Door NPC in the woods that complains about loud noise (lost in translation that she is more likely to listen to Mergo’s cry than us)
102) The ‘oh, you poor thing’ snobby NPC in central Yharnam
103) The ‘depths of depravity’ door NPC
104,105) Two door NPCs in the alley you find Arianna and boomer guy ay
106,107, 108) Two door NPCs in main street in Central Yharnam + whoever one of them says ‘not an inch closer’ to after nightfall
109,110,111) Remember the door close to the Grand Cathedral in which a woman screams ‘my precious baby’ and then at someone to stay away? Possibly her husband or whoever the third person was turned into beast and killed the baby
112, 113) Two remaining door NPCs that say ‘bless us with blood’
114) Lonely old woman’s husband; she starts mistaking us for her child, and if killed says ‘just like your father’. Also in cut content her son was Patches, so I did not count actual baby because I like the idea!
115, 116) Two Knights on Cainhurst portraits
117) Cainhurst portrait in red with a gold pendant and a necklace Church Servants wear (hc him as Laurence’s father)
118) Cainhurst portrait in heavy armour (this armour is often found in dungeons)
119) Old lady from Cainhurst portraits
* I did not count portraits of Bellringer and a noble woman in grey dress as I think they’re just Fauxsefka and Iosefka, but keep in mind they could be their own characters
120) Annalise’s aborted baby / cord from workshop
121, 122) Two bloodletting beasts
123, 124, 125) The family you find afflicted beggar eating
126) Dead Choir member in Yahar’gul
127) The petrified person you learn Make Contact from
128) Adella’s mentioned ‘friend’ (I hc they are the person you pick black church garb from)
129) Big Celestial emissary who is a boss and drops the Communion rune
130) Specific Amygdala that Patches was favouring
131) Chester (he is in Dark Souls but his dialogue, design and even style of fighting EASILY mean Miyazaki put reference for his incoming project that Bloodborne was and written him as someone who got there from Yharnam)
132) Fauxsefka’s baby
133) A celestial emissary corpse with a still-human arm
134, 135, 136) Choir members you pick the: choir set, blindfold cap, cosmic watcher eye badge from
137) Dead person in the woods you pick white church set from
138, 139) Two dead guys you pick Hunter sets from
140) A person you pick Blacksky Eye from
141) An actually one-eyed person that owned Iron Helmet before Valtr
142) Izzy’s admirer
143) Hostile Isz tomb prospector NPC in preset dungeons
144) The guy statue in Oedon Tomb is after (I believe he was a vessel for Oedon rather than that Oedon WAS this human before)
145) Cain (As in, ancient guy the name of Cainhurst roots from! As in how Yharnam is named after old Pthumerian queen.)
146) Ludwig’s horse (whereas I do not hc that he directly fused with it, I think he still had one, I will explain some time later)
147) A unique beast-possessed soul that doesn’t respawn, before the door in the lower alley
* I did not count a few corpses you pick full sets from, as I didn’t consider them ‘unique’ enough
Cut content:
148) Leo (his data is still in the files btw!)
149) Carla (a unique Keeper of the Old Lords)
150) Ashton (he was in Laurence’s place when Laurence was in Willem’s place during game’s development)
151) And old lady that would be in Iosefka’s clinic instead
152) Fauna the Great One Beast
153) Aragon (a name mentioned by huntsmen)
155) Brandon (Eileen’s set used to be called Brandon’s set, so I use this name for a Hunter of Hunters that came just before her)
156) Norbert
157) A Cainhurst knight with scythe and peg leg (stealing Gehrman’s style?)
* I did not count mentioned name Idola, as I think that’s Wet Nurse’s real name
* I did not count mentioned names Fort and Laura, as I think they’re names of the Bloodletting beasts we find
* I did not count mentioned name Louvan, as I think this is the guy from Oedon’s Tomb statue real name
* I did not count slug princess, as I think that was Kos when she was a mortal
Sooooo I counted 157 characters! Could be less or MORE depending on the headcanons and interpretations!
(UPDATE 11/13/22)
158) Specific Amygdala in Yahar'gul chapel
159) Madaras snake
160, 161, 162) Other constables, three corpses that you find pieces of set on
163) The beast Valtr and his friends chased
* I did not count the beast Yamamura chased, as I believe it was Izzy after he turned into a dragon-like beast and ended up devastating his homeland on his way
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chadillacboseman · 11 months
Gaymer asks!
4. Best game soundtrack?
5. Most memorable gaming moment?
13. Coolest enemy/boss design?
20. A game that made you cry
4. Best game soundtrack?
Okay. Damn. I will say that the Bloodborne soundtrack goes UNSPEAKABLY hard, especially the Old Hunters DLC. But also? So does the Skyrim ost.
5. Most memorable gaming moment?
This is both corny and controversial, but taking down the thresher maw in Mass Effect 3. What a fucking moment!
13. Coolest enemy/boss design?
For some reason, I was absolutely enamored with Dark Beast Paarl from Bloodborne. A close second being literally every boss from Majora's Mask.
20. A game that made you cry?
Mass Effect 3. I know that everyone hated it, but god damn did it make me bawl my eyes out. It was, in my opinion, an excellent closer to the series as well as a full blown heartbreak.
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miquella-everywhere · 4 months
Canon DarkBeast Paarl Lore
>is a beast
>has cool electric powers
>has a hunter who simps for them
>nothing more is explained whatsoever
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zeartpit · 4 months
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jspidey5 · 2 days
Bloodborne experience after playing again:
Currently I’m on new game plus. So I wanna talk about my different experiences fighting these bosses again:
Cleric beast: I took a break from playing so I don’t really remember fighting him. But it wasn’t too bad.
Father Gascoine (I still don’t know how to spell his name): He was easier because I remembered what my partner said and was to parry parry parry parry and that’s what I did.
Blood starved beast: Ok so this one wasn’t bad. They had a run for my money for a bit. I kept getting hella close to defeating them, but I remembered to save my antidotes.
Dark beast Paarl: ok so I’ve never ever had any problems fighting him and I’ve always one shot him.
Vicar Amelia: Ok so she took me a bit to fight because she was so hard. Also talk about her healing herself towards the end of the fight. I remembered to just stay close and look at my stamina. Plus I realized when she does that tornado thing there’s a limited distance.
Ludwig: Ok so that motherfucker was hard as shit. I was having such a hard time with him. But I did it!
Off to Laurence! He’s such a hard bitch
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nightcoremoon · 5 months
Bloodborne levels & bosses ranked from shittiest to least:
BAD: the chalice dungeons. yes all of them.
(they’re just procedurally generated mazes with throwaway enemies thrown in as failed bosses)
(“just run past everything idiot” is BAD level design, frenzied berserk several hit combo enemies are BAD enemy design, teleport grab one hit kill moves are BAD enemy design, and you’re high as fuck if you think orphan is reasonable)
Nightmare of Mensis & Micolash / Mergo
(mico sucks, and mergo’s wet nurse is very underwhelming)
Byrgenwerth & Rom the Dumbass Spider
(there’s one room & the boss is underwhelming as fuck)
Upper Cathedral Ward & Celestial Emmissary / Ebrietas
(there’s one room & the bosses are underwhelming as fuck)
Nightmare Frontier & Amygdala
(complicated confusing annoying bullshit with an instakill enemy at the end of the longest stretch of level in the entire game followed by an underwhelmingly easy boss? what?)
Forbidden Woods & Shadows of Yharnam
(uninspired mazelike same-y level design chock full of ganks by way too many badly designed spongey enemies followed by a boss more obnoxious and irritating than challenging)
NEUTRAL: Lecture Building & Iosefka’s Clinic
(equally meh, they’re square rooms full of nothing useful)
Forsaken Castle Cainhurst & Martyr Logarius
(beautiful level… with the worst fucking enemies you’ll ever hear, and a boss that can just oneshot you if you’re unlucky)
Old Yharnam & Blood Starved Beast
(the gatling gun is amusing… the first time. then it gets real annoying. especially with the stupid fucking broken hunter. fuck the church rafters. fuck the slums. the boss runback sucks. the boss itself is underwhelming. and! it’s still better than everything I’ve mentioned so far somehow)
Cathedral Ward & Vicar Amelia
(finally a level that’s actually pretty okay aside from the stupid fucking dark souls giants, TOO BAD IT’S WAY TOO FUCKING SHORT and sucks if you do it in the wrong order)
Hemwick Charnal Lane & The Witch(es)
(finally a level that’s actually pretty okay DURING THE DAY. but IT’S TOO BAD THE BOSS IS A FUCKING GIMMICK)
Central Yharnam & Cleric Beast / Father Gascoigne
(it’s kind of hard for fromsoft to fuck up the first level, the balance and tuning is a terrible tutorial but a pretty fun level, navigation is incredibly confusing and obtuse but it still makes the most geographical sense out of everything else in the game, plus both(!) bosses are solid if stupidly easy)
Yahar’gul & The One Reborn
(fuck this level… but in the best possible way. it’s totally a reasonable strategy to take it slow and steady, and it’s also satisfying to just say fuck it and sprint through everything. the boss is plot-relevant
BEST: Hypogean Gaol & Darkbeast Paarl
(wow the horror level is the best one that’s crazy)
if you could insert everything about this game into better levels then I’d give it a 10 but for now? 9. an easy 9. not a bad rating by any means. but. if you want a 10 and you get a 9 it isn’t fun.
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miripirim · 3 years
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(2020) Still quite proud of this one!
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