#dark brown calfskin
aldenarmy · 6 months
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aethelredism · 1 year
22 and ingilmundr
When Ingilmundr is five, his father loses a battle against the Saxons. The price he must pay is a hostage. A son.
His only son.
Ingilmundr weeps when they take him away, even though his mother told him not to. “You will bring shame to your father,” she warned him.
He weeps, and watches through his tears as his father’s neck stiffens, his head turning away from the sight of the crying boy. When Ingilmundr remembers his father in the years to come, he will think of this wretched moment; of him, crying, and his father, turning away in shame.
The Saxons bring him to a place called a monastery, where men in coarse brown robes and wooden crosses try to teach him about the Christ-God. He shuts his ears against their stories, because his father has told him everything he needs to know about the Christ-God. There are many gods, not just one, and Ingilmundr will never trade Thor’s hammer for a flimsy wooden cross.
He does not shut his eyes, though, when they teach him how to read. Ingilmundr buries himself in the calfskin pages, stories of kings and battles and miracles from the Christ-God unfolding before his hungry eyes.
“Your eagerness to learn will take you far, Ingilmundr,” the abbott tells him.
His eagerness to learn takes him into minsters and monasteries all across England, where they forget he is the hostage Ingilmundr Anlafson and know him only as a Brother in Christ. Monks aren’t always peaceable book-readers, he soon learns; some of them are as hard as the land they till, made harder still by having to defend their flocks against Scottish and Welsh raiders. Someone, at some point, forgets who he is and puts a sword in his hand, and as with his books, Ingilmundr is a quick study.
He is good with a sword; better than most, even. Somehow, over the years, he finds himself given more and more chances to use it.
He knows he should be gratified. He is a Dane, and the son of one of the greatest sword Danes in the world.
And yet.
And yet, Ingilmundr prefers his books. He loves the letters carefully and lovingly shaped by monks in their quiet scriptoriums, he loves the stories they tell, he loves the gilded pages and imagines this is what the bridge Bifrost is made of.
But no one wants to talk to a Dane about his books.
Until one day, someone does.
He meets Aethelstan by chance. If he truly believed in God, he would say it was His will. As it is, he cannot help but feel that the gods might have thrown Aethelstan in his path. They talk all day and into the night: about faith, about books, about swords, about fathers. Ingilmundr has lived amongst the Saxons longer than he has not, but he has always viewed them as separate from himself until now. Now, when he looks at Aethelstan, he sees himself mirrored in those dark eyes.
When Aethelstan kisses him, Ingilmundr does not hesitate to kiss back.
In the morning, he sets out on trembling legs, telling his brothers he is journeying to find a rare book. They smile and shake their heads.
“Ingilmundr and his books,” they say fondly, but they do not stop him. It does not occur to any of them that he could be lying, that he might yearn for anything that lies beyond the turn of a page.
His trembling legs somehow carry him all the way to Dyflin, where his father now rules as king. The Danes almost do not let him into the high hall, plucking at his short hair and the cross around his neck, but he shouts his name over and over, Ingilmundr Anlafson, I am Ingilmundr Anlafson, until a woman with sharp teeth says, “It’s him; he has his mother’s look.”
She brings him into the high hall, where a man he remembers turning away in shame sits on a carved throne.
“Father,” he says, his legs trembling so hard he can barely stand.
“You will call me ‘lord’ as long as you wear that cross around your neck,” Anlaf Guthfrithson growls.
Ingilmundr pulls off the cross. “I never forgot who I was. Who my real gods are.”
Anlaf takes in his Saxon clothes, his Saxon hair, and turns away in shame.
Ingilmundr swallows. “I have lived amongst the Saxon and learned their ways, it’s true. But I never forgot who my people are. And I have come here because I know how to win England for our people once and for all.”
Anlaf drums his fingers against the arm of his throne. “How?”
Ingilmundr takes a step forward. In the shadows, a dog growls in warning. Ingilmundr takes a step back. “Their king, Edward, sickens. His son and heir, Aethelstan…he is fond of me. I can make him bend to my will.”
Anlaf snorts. “You think so?”
“I know so,” Ingilmundr says with cold certainty.
Anlaf is quiet for a long moment. When he stands, Ingilmundr realizes that they are almost the same height; even so, the other man still seems to tower over him. “It will not work. The Christian kingdoms have always united against us.”
“Aethelstan will offend them until they have no choice but to join with us. I will make it so.”
Anlaf considers him…and then he smiles, an ugly, sharp smile, but a smile nonetheless. “I believe you will.”
Ingilmundr doesn’t know what he’s expecting; an embrace, perhaps, an invitation, some sign that his father is proud. Instead, Anlaf says, “Go back to England, and await my instructions. I will send your sister Astrid to you.”
“Yes, lord.” Astrid. His sister by his father’s other woman, little more than a squalling brat the last time he’d seen her. Ingilmundr does not yet realize that the squalling brat is now a warrior, and their father’s chosen heir. He will learn this when it is too late to change his mind.
“And Ingilmundr.”
He cannot read the look on his father’s face. “Do not throw my name around like that again. You might get shit on it.”
Ingilmundr turns away in shame.
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camillerowep · 7 months
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March 1, 2024 — Camille wears:
• Loewe – screen square-frame tortoiseshell acetate sunglasses
• Loewe – mini flamenco clutch in nappa calfskin in dark burgundy
• Loewe – jacket in shearling in navy/ brown
• Loewe – high waisted trousers in mohair and wool
• Loewe – comic pump in soft calfskin in cherry
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praetorqueenreyna · 9 months
Concession Strategy, Chapter 2
The next chapter of this fic was written by bennylavasbuns, who asked me to post it on tumblr!
Click here to read on AO3, or continue reading below!
Steam blew from Lucien’s nostrils as he furiously stalked away from the fountain. He kept his head down, avoiding the watchful eyes of servants and stablemen, letting his legs carry him far away from Eris. The audacity his eldest brother had to approach him, especially under the ruse of good tidings. Lucien balled his hands into fists and shoved them into the pockets of his wool coat. It was the color of newly sprouted grass, inadequate against the Autumn chill, and standing out like a beacon against the melancholy of russet brown, burnt orange, and deep reds the hue of blood. He shrugged his ears closer to his collar searching for a warmth he’d never find inside the Forest House walls.
The rough granite stones that built the House had been carved from the very rock on which it sat: monotonous, craggy, and gray. In the darkness, Lucien misstepped on the uneven surface, slipping on the mossy rocks. Square stone slabs were wet and worn from the milenia of mist that rained from the cascading waterfalls surrounding the castle. The tread on his new boots was designed for riding horses and tramping through meadows, smooth and heeled. They would serve no purpose in the forests of the Autumn court. They were no good for running through decaying leaves and mud, scaling towering trees, or hiking slick hills. He caught himself on a damp wall and swore as his skin scraped away from his palm, feeling foolish at how easily he’d already forgotten the long halls and murky nooks where he’d lived the first century and a half of his life. 
His near-tumble shifted the weight of his notebooks inside of the calfskin satchel slung over his shoulder. It wasn’t his, not yet anyway, though he playfully debated returning it to his friend. He’d swiped it off Tamlin as he hurriedly packed for the Autumn Court, shoving stacks of papers inside the soft leather. After begging Tamlin to let him go in his stead, Lucien meticulously studied the dossiers of the Laurellon family,  formal complaints from neighboring residents, land surveys, calculations of damage, and finally Tamlin’s drafted treaty (that Lucien knew needed plenty of revision before Beron would consider it). He was ready.
It wasn’t his first duty as Emissary to the Spring Court, but it was the first official time he would face down his father in a game of political wits. It was the first time he’d returned to the Autumn Court since Jesminda had been murdered. There was nothing he could ever do to bring her back, but to best Beron at his games–something as trivial as ancient family feuds–it would be a start. Lucien needed a small victory. 
The pale moon blanched the descending leaves as they drifted on chestnut scented wind. Long, bare branches arced over the shingles, twigs scraping against the roof like a witch’s spindly fingers. When the wind picked up, the thinner branches would whip against the turrets, signaling war like a drum. The House never rested. Sentries snaked about the larger trees, balancing against the thick trunks, with throwing knives tucked into their boots. Some lurked below in the rings surrounding the mountain; fathomless trenches were carved out of the rock. Soldiers waited within, carrying bows to unleash ash arrows on anyone who dared to scale the steep switchbacks zagging the rockface. Others were stationed in the tall turrets, manning massive crossbows that were mounted to the walls. Lucien turned to the highest tower, noting a set of whimsically swaying legs dangling over the parapet. The cheery guard nodded, his rosy cheeks stuffed full of apple. Lucien only glared. 
Whichever High Lord had built this palace was ingenious. The Forest House was impenetrable and a tyrant like Beron could sleep like a babe despite all the wicked deeds he’d done. Though Lucien lusted for revenge, he would be a fool to try it in the High Lord’s home. 
He bristled against another chilly gust of wind, listening to its ghostly howl barrel down the hallway, before taking a left and pulling open a door. It was even darker inside the stairwell, spiraling deep into the mountain. Lucien knew there were sconces lining the walls, usually lit by servants, but they remained lifeless as he took his first step. He paused a moment, his eyes adjusting to the pitch black, and took a breath. On the exhale, a tiny red flame fizzled into existence in his palm, the first he’d summoned in nearly a year after refusing to use the magic his father’s blood bore him. 
Taking careful steps, he recalled Eris’ warning and bitterly chuckled. Beron already didn’t take him seriously. As if the High Lord of the Autumn Court hadn’t had enough time for negotiation today, Lucien lamented. He knew the tactic well. After all, Beron had taught it to him. It sparked fear and doubt in less confident courtiers. They’d rack their brains with panic, overanalyze and search for any mishaps, making it simple for Beron to spot their weaknesses and lay waste to their hopes of diplomacy. He’d witnessed it plenty before while growing up. After all of the mind-fuckery, anyone would give Beron what he wanted just to get away from him. There were other ways the High Lord ensured he got what he wanted, too. When he was feeling extra cheeky, it wasn’t uncommon for Courts to be left wondering why their emissaries never returned home, their bodies rotting on a pike in the courtyard. One wrong move and it would be Lucien. 
He snuffed the little flame out with a curl of his slim fingers. He didn’t need it anymore, finally reaching the interior of the House. Gilded candelabra lined the corridor, illuminating and heating the space that was blanketed by a plush, crimson carpet. His wet boots left stains on the expensive carpet as he circled the rotunda exiting into another candescent hall on the right. Mucking up the palace gave him a little satisfaction, though he’d find more joy in upending all the candles and watching the place burn. Deciding against the mayhem in hopes of a peaceful evening, Lucien eyed the dancing flames. He swore they burned brighter as he passed them as if greeting an old friend. He walked until he reached the end, noting the aging paint on the portrait of his grandfather on the wall, before instinctively entering the last room. 
Lucien hadn’t gone to the guest quarters as Beron requested. He’d gone to his old room. Lucien wasn’t sure what he had expected, but it certainly wasn’t the pristinely preserved space in front of him. The walnut bed frame gleamed against the bobbing faelight, smelling of fresh citrus and beeswax. The linens were clean, comfortable, and inviting. The entire room was free of dirt and dust, the unused chest of drawers, writing desk and various other pieces of furniture scattered around the room. In fact, the knitted throw blanket he used when reading was carefully folded and draped over his chair placed right next to the fire. Even the olive damask wallpaper was untouched, spotless and reflecting faelight from the accents of silver foil. A lone bottle of wine waited for him atop the mantle, accompanied by a simple, cream-colored card that had been leaned against the label. He already knew who had left it for him, though the scent of crackling flames and roasted chestnuts wafted from the parchment. It was his favorite wine and only his mother paid close enough attention to him to know that. Gingerly, he plucked the card up from the mantle. A lonesome hole in his chest ached at the sight of his mother’s delicate scrawl. 
“As customary with all visitors, I have left you a welcome gift,” the card read. “You will find everything as you left it, waiting for your return. The servants delivered your trunk to this room since I figured you would prefer to sleep here. I hope this means you will stay. ”
Lucien swallowed, massaging at the ache with his knuckles. He hadn’t thought of staying. His indecisiveness was the reason for the large trunk, engraved with Tamlin’s initials and embossed with rose petals and crawling vines. Wanting to strike an intimidating figure, he’d stuffed it full of all the colorful fashion of the Spring Court, most of it new and impeccably tailored to fit his growing frame. But the colors…he glimpsed himself in the gaudy chartreuse coat; the starched, white collar of his tunic peeked out from the lapels and his pants were the color of pine needles. The color worked for him, brightening the copper and ruby tones in his hair, but it was so at odds with what he was used to wearing.  He remembered reading once that the most venomous fauna and poisonous flora were vividly colored, draped in fantastic patterns and vibrant shades of blues, oranges, greens, and reds. Let his clothing serve as a symbol of his intent. The more flamboyant, the better.
Wine forgotten, he stalked over to the trunk and fished out the key from his trouser pocket. With a click, the lid sprang open and he removed his wardrobe, promptly hanging the pieces next to his dull, old clothes in the armoire. A floorboard creaked in protest as he shifted his weight forward. Lucien cocked a brow, kneeling down and spotting a divot in the corner of the hickory wood. Hooking his fingers into the loose space, he yanked, not getting a good enough grip to free it. Lucien unsheathed the sword at his hip and wedged the slim blade between the boards. The board popped free revealing a hole that had been chiseled out of the rock beneath. Inside the hole had been tucked a velvet box, tied with lace. He certainly hadn’t left it there.
Rising, he brushed his knees though not a speck of grime was to be found. It was a habit he’d formed crouching down by bonfires listening while his brothers drank and told stories. To his mother’s dismay, he’d ruined many good pairs of trousers to peat and soot, following his older brothers into dark caves and dangerous woods. That, of course, was decades before he’d learned his brothers were far more dangerous. Lucien shuddered at the memories, all the fondness of them obliterated. 
Lucien fled the Autumn Court with nearly nothing. Only the modest clothes on his back and a short sword he’d stolen from some poor villager. He spent the last year forgetting everything he missed: hundreds of books painstakingly arranged by topic, expertly crafted and embellished weapons, the silly gifts his mother would give him for Equinox every year when he otherwise had every material thing he could want. He supposed he could take those things now, assuming he could fit anything else in the trunk.
Sitting in his chair by the fire, he unwrapped the bow of Chantilly lace that held the lid tight on the little box. His fingers trembled, a breath catching in his throat, wondering how it could have got there and what it could hold.  Eagerly, he discarded the lid to the floor, taking in the items preciously packed inside. A length of ribbon the color of wisteria and a dried flower crown made from hibiscus and baby’s breath. His muscles went slack, the box nearly slipping from his grasp. A tiny rose gold ring, barely large enough to fit on the second joint of his pinky finger, knocked against the side of the box. The sound strengthened his grip, preventing him from dropping its contents. That damn ring that he’d spent months to find. He wanted it to be perfect. The oval diamond was the color of champagne, the size of a coin, and   was surrounded by smaller chocolate diamonds that had been set into a thick band. It was far older than he was, once an heirloom of some unknown Dawn Court family the merchant told him, and he had known when he first saw it that it had been made for Jesminda. A stinging tear slipped down his cheek. She never even got to see it. 
He stroked a hibiscus petal between his thumb and forefinger but it had long since lost its velvety softness and scent. The flowers sprouted from Jesminda’s iridescent skin, a signature of her wood-nymph heritage, beautifully blooming up and down her thin arms and legs. They were fragile as she was, falling loose nearly as quickly as they grew. Lucien remembered what it was like to wake up next to her, on a soft bed of petals and his nose nestled into her chocolatey hair the same color as the diamonds. Another tear grazed his heated cheek, searing as hotly as a fireplace poker. 
Carefully, Lucien arranged the items into the box, replacing the lace ribbon, and exchanged it for the dossier on the Laurellons and the treaty. Snatching the bottle of wine from atop the mantle, he relocated to his writing desk, spreading the documents before him on the lacquered surface. Tamlin’s cramped handwriting melted together, and Lucien scrubbed a hand over his face, into his hair, and secured it back with a bit of leather. Concentrating fire between two fingers aimed at the bottleneck, the heat blasted the cork to the ceiling (a fancy party trick one of his brothers had shown him), and Lucien slugged straight from the bottle. He would never let Beron win again.
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wordpimp · 1 year
Who let it be dark
Driving in the jeep but it had a bad belt, kept slipping the radio and lights going in and out. Needed to stop my passenger had to pee, in a dick's sporting goods totally rearrranged, my tennis racket in my hand but stepping down through shoes, benches with people trying them on, got chastised, wanted to run away instead remembered more, was away at camp for adults, left my shoes somewhere during the day, it got so hot, needed two showers, was putting on brown lace up men's mary janes but in soft brown, supple like calfskin, knee high socks to match my cute shorts, yellow and black seated next to friends sharing an awful story, compassion for those we just met, my friend and I running to catch a train, everything where it would take us had a car, a plane a boat waiting. Every dream is part of this now. Every time I look out over the edge, everything I see is what I've known about, what we've speculated on. Old man in the sky but really on a cliff behind some clouds. I feel nostalgia just for sitting with you.
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
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Royal Fashion → U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C. (31 January 2023)
Gabriela Hearst “Cruz” Shirt in Dark Cognac ($1090)
Gabriela Hearst “Maura” Pant in Dark Cognac ($1490)
Jennifer Chamandi “Lorenzo” 105 Bespoke Pumps in Brown Suede (£660)
Loewe “Flamenco” Nappa Calfskin Clutch in Dark Rust ($1739)
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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US Vogue July 1962
(from left to right) Caramel-coloured calfskin pump with a small medium heel, by I. Miller. Pump in dark brown calfskin, grooved leather heel. By Mademoiselle.
Surprisingly light Spanish leather low-heel pump. Imported from Spain. Sleek pump in two shades of brown, suede print of Spanish leather. Leather by Fleming-Joffe.
(de gauche à droite) Escarpin en cuir de veau couleur caramel avec un petit talon moyen, par I. Miller. Escarpin en cuir de veau marron foncé, talon rainuré en cuir. Par Mademoiselle. Escarpin à petit talon en cuir espagnol, étonnamment légère. Importé d'Espagne. Escarpin épuré en deux tons de marron, imprimé suède de cuir espagnol. Cuir par Fleming-Joffe.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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Thank you for the ask @professorbunbun!
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Dark Knight:
— Shadowbringer — Head Bandage (Soot Black) — YoRHa Type-53 Coat Of Fending (Undyed) — Strife Gloves (Undyed) — YoRHa Type-53 Breeches Of Fending (Undyed) — Rebel Boots (Undyed)
I’m putting the rest under a Read More because it’s (a bit) long.
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— Halcyon Rod — Peacelover’s Hat (Ochu Green) — Ala Mhigan Gown (Ochu Green) — Quan (Undyed) — Endless Summer Sandals (Undyed)
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All DoH:
— Calfskin Rider’s Cap (Wine Red) — Craftsman’s Coverall Top (Wine Red) — Strife Gloves (Undyed) — Southern Seas Trousers (Ink Blue) — Craftsman’s Leather Shoes (Kobold Brown)
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Monk — Antiquated Pacifist’s Set + The Emperor’s New Fists
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nurselaurenatl · 18 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ALDEN 686 Full Strap Slip On Dark Brown Loafers.
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juicyhammburger · 27 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: On Hold Don’t Buy -Vintage Lancel Paris large brown leather shoulder bag 15x11.
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qualitylifexpress · 2 months
BR Discovery Magazine: Bris INSTRUMENTS series BR0393-BLU-ST/SCA watch, bronze case with dark brown Italian imported calfskin strap, one-way rotating bezel with 60-minute scale alumina ring, silver opal surface, time scale coated with Super-L umiNova® luminous material. Metal hollow hour hand, minute hand and hour hand filled with Super-LumiNova® luminous material, equipped with 2824-2 automatic machinery, 42mm.
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doughstore · 2 months
Dough  Store Surveys | Have a Tasteful Look with Men's Stylish Proper Shoes
These days, most men are design cognizant. However, not by any stretch of them care about the shoes they wear, rather they just focus on their suits and hairdo. Nonetheless, all the difficulty required to dress well and look respectable is only to no end except if you have shoes that match your clothing. There are in a real sense huge number of various style of top of the line shoes explicitly took special care of the requirements and preferences of men that are good for all events, right from formal to easygoing wear. In light of the tasteful scope of agreeable shoes accessible an ever increasing number of men are turning another leaf and picking originator footwear all things being equal.Dough Store Reviews
Men's conventional shoes can be worn on events and assembling, for example, business parties, corporate capabilities, wedding and commitment capabilities. These shoes are accessible in different varieties and styles. There are varieties like dark, brown and sauce. Brown is accessible in many shades.
Shoes styles vary in styles of toe. There are online shoes for men with pointed toes, albeit these shoes look limited from the front yet they have been planned so that the toe stays OK with the width inside. Round toe shoes for men are famous and can be found usually. These shoes look snappy and rich. The following are a few instances of various looks that are very appropriate to brogues:
The first is for the laid-back, boss sort of individual. Straight-legged denim pants, realistic shirt, and armed force style dark coat. The straight leg suits entirely this sort of shoe, supplementing the state of the plan with a touch of idea.
A booted assortment of this style of shoe is ideal for those men who to embrace the nerd stylish look-a look that is incredibly famous and current. Boots are perfect for wearing with thin pants, these can be wrapped up or essentially laid on top, however try not to wear pants over the boots. The flimsy pants with a shirt and sweatshirt to ideal this look-you can add a weighty sewed beanie cap to make a genuinely in vogue look.Dough store
Formal shoes In Australia are accessible in different materials. There are shoes of cowhide like patent and dull calfskin. There are others made of softened cowhide and even texture. The shoes are planned in, for example, a way that they offer total solace for men. The explanation you would find them accessible in a great many sizes is, that the ideal size ought to be picked by all men to give them the best fit these are searching for.
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stylesbeyou · 3 months
BeYouStyles Leather Belts for Men: A definitive Manual for Full Grain Leather Belts
Greetings from BeYouStyles, your one-stop shop for premium Men's Leather Belts and Full-Grain Leather Belts. We'll look into the benefits and features of our Full Grain Lather Belts, why they're a key frill, and styling tips for various occasions.
Why Pick Full Grain Calfskin Belts?
The greatest leather available is Full Grain Lather, which combines durability, fashion, and timeless appeal. The following are some explanations for Full Grain Lather Belts. Stand out:
Durability: Full-grain leather belts are incredibly dependable in this regard. Because they are made from the top layer of the stow away, which contains all the grain, they are resistant to mileage.
Distinctive Appearance: Every Full Grain Lather Belt has a distinct appearance, enhanced by regular stamps and instances that give it personality. The cowhide improves in quality over time as a deep patina develops on it.
Comfort: Wearing Full Grain Lather Belts is pleasant. The leather fits perfectly since it breathes and molds to your body.
Investment: Although Full Grain Lather Belts initially may cost more, their long lifespan and timeless beauty make them an excellent choice for your closet.
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Elements of BeYouStyles Full Grain Lather Belts
Premium Materials: The best full grain leather is used to make our belts, ensuring exceptional quality and longevity.
Superior Craftsmanship: Skilled artisans meticulously hand-tailor each belt, paying close attention to every detail.
Exemplary Designs: Our belts are available in timeless styles that are suitable for both casual and dressy attire.
Adjustable Fit: Our belts come in several sizes with adjustable openings to ensure a perfect fit for every midsection size.
Styling Tips for Leather Belts
Casual style: For a laid-back, everyday style, pair your full-grain leather belt with jeans and a loose-fitting blouse. Choose a belt that is brown or tan to give your ensemble a touch of warmth.
Company Relaxed: Put on a modest shirt and chinos with a leather belt in a dark or drab earthy colour. This combination strikes a balance between being skilful and laid back.
Dress Code: Choose a smooth, dark, full-grain leather belt to go with your formal wear for a polished, contemporary effect. Make sure the belt complements the colour of your dress shoes for a well-made look.
Smart-Relaxed: Wear a coat and tailored pants with a full-grain leather belt. This type of event is ideal for when you need to seem sophisticated without going overboard with formal attire.
Really focusing on Your Full Grain Leather Belt
To keep your BeYouStyles Leather belt in top condition, follow these consideration tips:
Routine Cleaning: To remove soil and residue, wipe the belt with a soft, moist cloth. Avoid applying harsh synthetic materials or soaking the leather.
Molding: To maintain the leather's elegance and prevent it from drying out and breaking, apply a leather conditioner on a regular basis.
Legitimate Capacity: Keep your belt out of direct sunlight in a cool, dry location. To maintain its shape, hang or roll it up.
BeYouStyles' full grain leather belt is more than just a gimmick; it's a statement of quality, artistry, and timeless elegance. Our belts are a great addition to any ensemble, whether you're dressing up for a formal occasion or going casual. Invest in a full grain cowhide belt from BeYouStyles today to appreciate the unique qualities of fine leather craftsmanship.
Connect with us on our virtual entertainment channels for more design advice and the latest developments. Uplifting style!
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2022nursejessie · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pikolinos LeMans 838-9233 Moto Biker Mid-Calf Leather Boots Women US 9.5 EUR 41.
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shopnzsneaketrs · 4 months
Mens Brown Dress Shoes: A Stylish and Versatile Choice
When it comes to men’s footwear, brown dress shoes staMens Brown Dress Shoes: A Stylish and Versatile Choicend out as a versatile and stylish choice that can complement a wide array of outfits. From formal business attire to semi-casual ensembles, these shoes offer a balance of elegance and practicality. This article delves into the reasons why mens brown dress shoes should be a staple in every man’s wardrobe, exploring their history, versatility, and tips for choosing the perfect pair.
A Brief History of Brown Dress Shoes
Historically, brown shoes were considered less formal than their black counterparts. In the early 20th century, strict dress codes dictated that black shoes were appropriate for formal occasions and business environments, while brown shoes were relegated to the countryside and casual settings. However, as fashion evolved and societal norms relaxed, brown shoes began to gain acceptance in more formal contexts.
Today, brown dress shoes are embraced for their rich hues and ability to add a touch of warmth and sophistication to an outfit. Their rise in popularity can be attributed to a shift towards more flexible and personalized fashion choices, allowing individuals to express their style without adhering to rigid rules.
Versatility and Style
One of the most significant advantages of brown dress shoes is their versatility. They are available in a variety of shades, from light tan to deep chocolate, making it easy to find a pair that suits different occasions and personal preferences. Here are a few ways brown dress shoes can enhance your wardrobe:
Business Attire
Brown dress shoes can be a refreshing alternative to black shoes in a business setting. Pairing them with a navy or grey suit creates a sophisticated look that exudes confidence and style. For a more conservative office environment, opt for darker shades of brown such as mahogany or espresso.
Casual and Semi-Formal Wear
For smart-casual or semi-formal events, brown dress shoes can effortlessly elevate your outfit. They pair well with chinos, khakis, and even jeans. A classic combination is brown loafers or brogues with a pair of dark denim and a crisp white shirt, striking the perfect balance between relaxed and refined.
Formal Occasions
While black is often the go-to choice for formal occasions, brown dress shoes can add a unique twist to your ensemble. A pair of well-polished, dark brown oxfords or derbies can complement a dark suit, offering a distinguished look that sets you apart from the crowd.
Choosing the Perfect Pair
Selecting the right pair of brown dress shoes involves considering factors such as material, style, and fit. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:
High-quality leather is the preferred material for dress shoes due to its durability and ability to develop a beautiful patina over time. Full-grain leather is the best choice for longevity and appearance, while calfskin offers a smooth finish that’s ideal for formal styles.
The style of the shoe should match the occasion and your personal taste. Popular styles of brown dress shoes include:
Oxfords: Known for their closed lacing system, oxfords are ideal for formal and business wear.
Derbies: With an open lacing system, derbies offer a slightly more casual look that’s still suitable for professional settings.
Loafers: Slip-on loafers are perfect for smart-casual attire and provide a comfortable yet polished appearance.
Brogues: Characterized by decorative perforations, brogues add a touch of flair to both formal and casual outfits.
A proper fit is crucial for comfort and appearance. Ensure that the shoes fit snugly without being too tight, allowing for natural movement of your feet. Consider getting your feet measured by a professional to find the perfect size.
Caring for Your Brown Dress Shoes
To maintain the appearance and longevity of your brown dress shoes, regular care is essential. Here are some tips for keeping them in top condition:
Clean Regularly: Wipe off dirt and dust with a soft cloth after each wear.
Condition and Polish: Use a leather conditioner to keep the leather supple, and polish the shoes regularly to maintain their shine.
Store Properly: Use shoe trees to help maintain the shape of the shoes and absorb moisture.
In conclusion, mens brown dress shoes are a stylish and versatile addition to any wardrobe. Their adaptability to various outfits and occasions, combined with the elegance they bring, make them an essential footwear choice. By choosing the right pair and taking proper care of them, you can enjoy the timeless appeal of brown dress shoes for years to come.
Source: Mens Brown Dress Shoes: A Stylish and Versatile Choice
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godcountrys · 7 months
AP x Cactus Jack
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The Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar "Cactus Jack" Limited Edition displays a brown aesthetic, a nod to one of Cactus Jack's signature colours. Its case and bracelet studs are fully crafted in brown ceramic, a very first for the Manufacture, and are meticulously finished with the trademark alternation of satin-brushing and polished chamfers.
The watch incorporates numerous design elements that reference Cactus Jack's aesthetic codes, be it on the case, the sapphire dial, or the brown textured calfskin leather strap.
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Highlights include the typography of the calendar and week indications, which is based on a hand-drawn model by Travis Scott. Even the hand of the day subdial at 9 o'clock takes on the shape of the Cactus Jack logo. The most visible reference, however, is the design of the moon phase at 6 o’clock that is represented by Cactus Jack's emblematic smiley face with its mouth sewn shut, whose luminescent coating glows blue in the dark. In contrast, other calendar indications feature a luminescent material that turns green at night to create a distinctive luminous effect.
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The brown ceramic and sapphire caseback reveals the refined decoration of selfwinding Calibre 5135, which powers the watch, as well as the dedicated stamped openworked 22-carat pink gold oscillating weight engraved with the double signature of "Audemars Piguet" and "Cactus Jack". The Cactus Jack logo at its centre adds the finishing touch to this collaboration at the crossroads of different universes.
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