#dark green fritillary
purpureaphoto · 2 years
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Large skipper and  Dark green fritillary
Photos by @purpureaphoto
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norzyczki · 2 years
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dansnaturepictures · 11 months
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15th June 2023: Newborough and a brief look at Malltraeth Estuary
Photos taken in this set: 1. Chrysomela populi, there were loads of these on this beautiful dune walk, the first I’ve ever seen they’re striking beetles. 2. Pansy, possible wild pansy a gem in the sand. 3. Marsh helleborine, an eyecatching and colourful flower that I was thrilled to see, I had heard of them before. Another big flower find this holiday. 4, 6. 7 and 8. Beautiful views over the dunes, forest, across to the mountains of Eryri with Caernarfon Castle seen which was great, it was really nice to do this walk at a place I hoped we’d go this holiday we hadn’t been to this bit before. 5. Beautiful view at the vast Malltraeth Estuary. 9. Six-spot Burnet on valerian, this was a very key species to see on this walk there were so any of these as well. 10. Lady’s bedstraw and restharrow two key flowers coming into my year this week. 
It became a summer butterfly fest today with warm and addictive orange Dark Green Fritillaries and a dainty orange Small Skipper seen here, it was amazing to see two more species I needed to see to get my butterfly year list into the 30s. It’s been a big butterfly week away here. Bright Whitethroat including possibly a youngster, stunning singing Skylark floating through the air, Mute Swan, Swallow, Meadow Brown and Common Blue butterfly were nice to see too. Other key flowers were early marsh orchid my first ever too, bird’s-foot trefoil, self-heal, sea centaury and possible marsh pimpernel. Herring Gull, Black-headed Gull, Sand Martins flying over and tree mallow were good to see as the estuary.
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ifelten · 1 year
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Markperlemorsommerfugl (Speyeria aglaja)
På honningurt (Phacelia esculentum)
Dark Green Fritillary (Speyeria aglaja)
On Phacelia esculentum.
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gardening-is-punk · 4 months
Lunarpunk gardens
Okay, I'll admit I'm not on top of the whole aesthetics of the various -punk genres, but looks imo should be considered after function and ethics. SO...
I was inspired by this post and got to thinking about what a Lunarpunk garden would mean on my site.
I decided the most important part of the post was "Let me propose lunarpunk being more than just witchy aesthetics. It should be about reducing light pollution, protecting all endangered species including the ugly ones, and most of all seeing darkness as a coexisting counterpart and not something to conquer." So, that's three ideas that I can work with.
reducing light pollution: Working through this idea the same way I would evaluating an established garden in terms of layers and scale of objects in the space, at a site-level the only exterior lights are those at the front and back door. Various flying insects are very attracted to the back light, which is a normal incandescent bulb, and less are attracted to the front ones, which are green. In both cases, we never leave them on all night, but working off what several websites say about bulb color and warmth, I can swap all the bulbs for a warmer-tone LED bulbs and that would cause less issue when they are on at night. Scaling up, I'm not sure what I can do about the huge streetlight on our road, which has the most hideous white-light. Before I DO anything, I probably should dig into the city's files, since I know the bulbs were changed into those LEDs a few years ago, and maybe there was some thought put into that decision.
protecting all endangered species including the ugly ones: Given I'm looking at Lunarpunk, an obvious connection here was moths, the 'ugly' relatives of butterflies. Personally, I love moths and understand their greater ecological role compared to butterflies from a video presentation I watched a few months ago (I'll post that later). Focusing in on the "endangered" aspect, I used Xerces Society's 'Species Profile' tool to look at my state and see what moths are endangered in my area. (Side-note: I also looked at the other categories, like Bees, Beetles, etc. and nothing was specifically noted for my area, so I'm putting those categories on the backburner for ideas rn.) I identified three species of moth as endangered for my area: Diana Fritillary, Dukes' Skipper, and Early Hairstreak. The idea to then ID what plants the eggs and larvae need as host plants, what adults need for sustenance, and what mirco-climates I can make to support their life cycles.
Diana Fritillary (Speyeria diana) "As a forest-dependent species, threats to the Diana fritillary come mainly from forest management: logging operations and pest control... There is one flight from June to September. Males emerge before females and patrol within the forest. Females lay eggs later in the flight period, mainly August, walking along the ground and attaching eggs singly to twigs and dead leaves. As with other Speyeria species, the caterpillars hatch and hibernate without feeding. They emerge in spring to feed on the leaves and flowers of various species of violets. Adults feed on nectar from a variety of plants, including milkweeds (Asclepias sp.), ironweed (Vernonia sp.), and red clover (Trifolium pratense). Males will also drink fluids from dung...Habitats for the Diana fritillary are the edges and openings in moist, rich mountain forests. They will also use pastures, shrublands, and fields for nectaring but will only breed if there is a suitable forest margin. Larval hostplants are various species of violets (Viola sp.)" (quotes from Xerces Society).
So, this species wants a forest edge, which my neighborhood is certainly not; however, I have a decent handful of trees which I mulch using unprocessed leaf litter and stems over the winter, and this provides a decent base for supporting any number of species in my site. I also have lots of self-sown viola in the lawn and beds, which I greatly enjoy not only for their tiny and delicate looking flowers, but also the fulsome heart-shaped leaves the rest of the summer and autumn. I have two Swamp Milkweeds planted, and I'll consider more species as space and needs arise. So far, off to a good start.
Dukes' Skipper (Euphyes dukesi) "It can be found in a variety of moist habitats with long grass, such as marshes or ditches, but the primary habitat is patches of sedge—its main larval host plant—in forested swamps. Dukes’ skipper deserves conservation efforts wherever it is found. Its forested wetland habitat should be protected from drainage, logging, and spraying...In the mid-south, there are two between June and September... Adults visit open wetlands to drink nectar from flowers such as pickerelweed (Pontederia sp.), sneezeweed (Helenium sp.), hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.), and blue mistflower (Conoclinium sp.)...Dukes’ skipper can be found in a variety of moist habitats with long grass, such as marshes or ditches, but the primary habitat is sedge patches in forested swamps. Larval hostplants are sedges, including hairy sedge (Carex lacustris) and shoreline sedge (Carex hyalinolepis)" (Xerces Society).
Again, not a habitat that is immediate to my site. The good news is that I'm already starting several Swamp Hibiscus from seed this year for various spots, and I've been looking more into sedges for a couple wet spots. In particular, I want to run an open pipe from the AC drip into a spot where I removed a non-native 'hibiscus' this winter after some damage. I could feasibly do a few sedges around the Swamp Hibiscus. I doubt I would get a breeding population on my own, but if it becomes an effective use of the water, this might be a technique that I can demonstrate to others in the neighborhood - and again, it's a good habit for several species besides the Skipper.
Early Hairstreak (Erora laeta) "The habitat is mature deciduous and mixed woods containing its host plants, American beech and beaked hazelnut. As a forest-dependent species, both logging activities and pest control spraying are possible threats...There are usually one flight (May – mid-June) in the north and two flights (mid-April – mid-May and late- June – July) in the east. Rarely, a partial third flight (late-August – early-September) in the southern Appalachians. Males perch in treetops on ridges and hilltops to watch for females. Adults nectar on fleabane (Erigeron sp.), oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), and steeplebush (Spiraea tomentosa) Early Hairstreaks spend a considerable part of their life in the canopy. Some observers note that adults visit moist ground in the morning (for example, along dirt roads) before returning to the canopy in the afternoon. Eggs are laid singly on the hostplant fruit. Caterpillars feed on nuts, initially the husk in early instars and later boring inside. Most of the year is spent as pupae, probably in the leaf litter" (Xerces Society).
I'm realizing now that the reason these three species are threatened so much is that their habitat is decidedly not urban or adaptable to the swathes of monocultures that have swallowed my area. I don't have any Beech or Hazel nut yet, but I do have some beechnuts sown in a pot, that I picked off the path in a local park. If those germinate, I can probably keep some in pots and maybe get one in the ground depending on the circumstances this summer. I don't have any of the nectar plants, except the fleabane which randomly pops as a volunteer ( a "weed" to those more judgmental about pioneer-recovery species), and I can look into Steeplebush seeds, since they do look gorgeous and I can probably sell the more reluctant in my household on that factor.
seeing darkness as a coexisting counterpart and not something to conquer
This one is a bit tougher to work with outside of my own praxis, specifically in convincing others visually through my site. Honestly, I think the best way to suggest this visually is in using plants that are either dark foliaged (I have a ninebark and planning on some corn that fit this bill) or silver foliaged/white flowering ( a garden sage I have in a pot and the sown buttonbush, maybe). In daytime, I'm hoping to focus a lot on bright masses of color paired with bright hardscape, like the existing white accents and planned turquoise painted pots. The dark foliage are native plants; the ninebark is a replacement for the awful barberries I spent hours hacking out, and the corn is "Flor de Rio" a burgundy-colored popcorn variety. Those alone I hope are visually different enough to catch people's interest, but I know a lot of people take walks in my neighborhood in the evening, at dusk or after dark. The white flowers and silver foliage might actually benefit from the harsh streetlight, here, shining out from the muted greens and darker foliage.
The easiest way to try and further this point is naturally to talk to people about the idea, but I think this visual communication/demonstration could serve as the backbone of those potential conversations.
further thoughts
Lunarpunk isn't a genre I've really worked with before, but I hope this interpretation of the idea (a dark/hidden counterpart to the more well known Solarpunk ethos) can meaningfully help people reconsider their biases about visibility and usefulness, and of course provide support to various critters in the area.
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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To the lighthouse
Country Life | Published 29 July 2020
Guest-Edited by HRH The Princess Royal
The Princess says: ‘This garden is slightly off the beaten track! The photographer picked a very good day to capture it. This is Northern Lighthouse Board territory—I’ve been there three times now and sailed past it on a number of occasions. The garden is looked after astonishingly well.’
THERE are two ways to reach the lighthouse at Rubh’A’Mhail, or Ruvaal, on the north-east point of Islay: by boat or by walking for more than two hours across The Hill, a windswept wilderness of cotton-grass bogs and heather moorland riddled with gullies, waterfalls and burns. Those that make the journey to Howard and Suzanne Cobb’s one-acre garden, where salt-laden storms can sometimes topple a grown man, will be amazed at what has been coaxed into growing in this barren landscape of exposed rock and topsoil that is, in places, only 1in deep. They will be even more surprised that this horticultural miracle is the work of a slender, 5ft 1in-tall, 75-year-old woman—yet the indomitable Mrs Cobb, who made and maintains this garden pretty much singlehandedly, is a gale force to be reckoned with.
Rugosa roses cock a snook at the wind and mounds of improbably delicateRosa Alba Semiplena and soft-pinkR . Celeste have braved the odds to become 5ft-plus-high bushes. In the shelter created by the shrubs and trees, bistort and buddleia, astrantias, nepeta and hardy geranium are a few that have made this rugged ground their home.
Tucked into precious pockets of soil are masses of small bulbs that light up the garden in spring. On the upside, the Gulf Stream holds off all but a couple of frosts a year and old-fashioned favourites, such as lupins, sweet williams and pinks, generally thrive in this fully organic garden. Everything is generously enriched with homemade compost —enhanced by the secret ingredient of seaweed that’s washed up on to the beach by the winter storms, gathered into rich trailer loads and transported home behind a quad bike.
Due to the secluded and modest nature of the garden at Ruvaal, Mrs Cobb was astonished when she learned The Princess Royal had singled it out as one of her favourites. ‘Princess Anne must go to so many wonderful places and yet she’s picked my humble garden,’ exclaimed Mrs Cobb, before explaining that The Princess first visited 25 years ago, as part of her role as patron of the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB). ‘The garden was still in its infancy then, although she did admire my cabbages. When she next came, she noted how everything had grown and the third time, she seemed quite impressed—I think because it’s in such an exposed and unlikely location. Or perhaps it was the chocolate cake I served on that occasion!’
Even the insect life is undeterred by the remoteness. Butterflies adore this garden. Last year, Mrs Cobb counted 57 painted ladies on one privet. Regulars include the marsh and dark green fritillaries, small copper, small blue, peacock, small tortoiseshell and red admiral. The hummingbird hawk-moth feeds on the red valerian and bumblebees love the cotoneasters, which do well here.
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Birdlife proliferates. Golden eagles soar above and sea eagles fly past, with smaller birds—yellowhammers, meadow pipits, reed buntings, dunnocks, redpolls, whitethroats, stonechats and goldfinches—congregating in the shadow of the lighthouse, too. There are also resident blackbirds, a nesting song thrush and swallows that nest in the porch. However, the most unusual visitor is the cuckoo: one year, Mrs Cobb counted three.
‘I had wanted to live on the west coast of Scotland ever since I was 11 years old and came here with my parents,’ admits Mrs Cobb who, until 26 years ago, resided in Buckinghamshire. When her husband’s work began to involve regular travelling, which meant that there were no longer restrictions on where they lived, the couple decided to look for somewhere fairly remote with a bit of land close to the sea. One day, Mrs Cobb spotted an advert for a former lighthouse keeper’s cottage on Islay, which had views of Colonsay, Mull and Jura, and they felt they ought to take a look.
The cottage (originally two, knocked into one) stood in the curtilage of the 112ft lighthouse, which had been completed in 1859 and was fully automated in 1983. There were few windows, which made the rooms terribly dark, and the water supply was described as ‘spasmodic’. Indeed, it was so poor that the Cobbs would not have been able to run a washing machine. The garden consisted of nothing but one redcurrant bush and some rogue potatoes in the former vegetable patch. Nonetheless, despite the inaccessibility of the site and the fact there were only two small co-op shops on the island (there are, happily, plenty of distilleries) the Cobbs were smitten, and have never looked back.
‘Howard was away quite a lot at the beginning, so I had to learn how to handle a boat pretty quickly,’ Mrs Cobb recalls. She soon had the measure of a 19ft Orkney Fastliner, in which she ferried the workmen back and forth, negotiating the Atlantic swell at the jetty. Eventually, when she was ready to move in, Mrs Cobb and her black retriever-cross Tara brought the last of their belongings to the island in the Fastliner, using her wheelbarrow to make the many journeys up and down the hill from the beach to the house.
On board were some cuttings from her garden in Buckinghamshire, a classic village garden with cottagey plants and winding paths. These weren’t nearly enough to fill the barren acre, but there was much generosity and goodwill from the islanders. A forester gave her a heap of rugosa roses, declaring they should grow well. He also gave her some pines and firs.
Not wanting her to be disappointed, a kind old seafarer who saw her load the roses into the boat said: ‘Ye’ll nae grow roses out there, lassie.’ One day, when Mrs Cobb was setting off home from Port Askaig, an old boy threw a sack of montbretia corms into the bottom of the Fastliner. ‘They’ll spread and protect other things,’ he told her.
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The obvious first move would have been to plant a shelterbelt, but, with the garden open to the sea on three sides, complete protection would have spoiled the views—on a clear day, as well as the islands, it’s possible to see the mountains of Glencoe 65 miles north on the mainland. Instead, Mrs Cobb planted the evergreens on the land side and put in rowans and birches that grew into multi-stemmed bushes. After a slow start, the evergreens took hold and stand a good 20ft high today. The rugosa roses have spread, filling the garden with scent, and both Rosa Alba Semiplena, perhaps Mrs Cobb’s favourite, and Celeste have proved tolerant of the salt.
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The NLB’s boatman offered some cuttings from his escallonia hedge—which have now blossomed into 6ft- to 7ft-high bushes. Hebe cuttings gathered from a shrub outside a former police station 30 miles away have also thrived, despite an early loss: one exceptionally strong gale uprooted a small hebe, sending it bowling across the garden and away over the wall, never to be seen again.
Fuchsia magellanica grows well here, too —both the deep-pink variety and a white that was given to Ruvaal by a friend who was digging out some of hers.
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Incredibly, some plants, such as foxgloves, arrive of their own accord, with Mrs Cobb counting 63 digitalis in one bed alone. Other wildflowers—such as celandine, common orchids, scabious and thousands of bluebells —proliferate on The Hill.
For many years, she enjoyed her cedar-wood greenhouse, starting seeds off there and using it to grow tomatoes and cucumbers. Eventually, however, after suffering more than 20 years of Force 10 and 11 gales, it blew down, forcing Mrs Cobb to overwinter her scented-leaf pelargoniums in the lee of the house. Most sweet peas are grown under glass, as, after September, it becomes too windy outdoors for a wigwam. These are now in pots on the table outside the back door where they trail instead.
The original NLB vegetable patch is in full use, despite the predations of two pheasants, which appeared from goodness knows where and have caused such a nuisance that workmen had to make a wire cage to protect the brassicas. Of course, the wily birds soon got around that. ‘I grew kale last year and the wretched pheasant just sat on top of the cage pecking at what grew through the wire,’ laments Mrs Cobb, who, this year, decided to grow a dwarf variety instead.
When the couple first moved in, Mrs Cobb was warned that she would never grow apple trees, but, typically determined, she did and, as have the blackcurrants, these have been a huge success. Mice and voles do help themselves to some French beans (it’s too windy for runners), yet not enough to be a massive problem. Luckily, the deer and rabbits are kept out by the stone wall. ‘The red deer stand there gazing enviously through the gate,’ observes Mrs Cobb, without a great deal of sympathy.
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pogomcl · 9 months
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Dark Green Fritillary, Speyeria aglaja Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/8 1/60 iso: 200 Srbsko, Czech Republic 7/5/2008
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daily-wof-designs · 2 years
Design Process - Arc 3
Condesing books 11-15 here!
Blue - Standard blue design, i always have seen him with yellow eyes because of the pre-final cover of book 11.
Burnet - Silkwings based off of moths are fuzzy for future reference. Also she’s purple.
Silverspot - Based her off of the silverspot butterfly
Admiral - Peacock vibes. also all the flamesilks have flamesilk cuffs and nose rings.
Wasp - the green blood is from the fact the othermind has infected her for like, a century.
Io - i SWEAR there was a constellation based off of the myth of io and the bull but i couldnt find it??? anyways she has bull horns and teal star freckles
Aphid - i think i overuse green hivewing designs but also a lot of bugs are green.
Chafer - he runs the sugar dream, so pink cloud silks
Pierid - sleepy time
Bombadier - hate him 
Danaid - i WISH they brough her back in tfoh shes older than the tree wars she couldve been so interesting. heart wings.
Hawker - tried to emulate feathers with his wings
Clubtail - used the card club pattern
Weevil - creacher
Earthworm - shes a science professor
Lubber - they have black scales they’re little tears near the eyes
Grasshopper - construction band
Whitespeck - theres two whitespecks, this one is based off of the moth
Heliconian - lovecore
Fritillary - ‘lime green stripes’ i just made him gaudy
Sandfly - generic guard
The Librarian - wanted to give her a unicorn horn
Cicada - pinkish hivewings underrated even if she sucks
Xenica - silkwings with antlers...
Tussock - really channeled ash ketchum energy
Festoon - hes like. dead.
Maple - ancient leafwings were much more colorful than modern leafwings, though modern ones still have colors beside green
Sunstreak - he is the only pure beetlewing we get so. made the most of him. beetlewings have hive horns + silk antanne + one see-through set of wings and one set of elytra
Commodore - baby child...
Jewel - clearsight had a classmate named jewel eyes. there was no indication they were ever friends but i am headcanoning a friendship there and now she named her child after jewel eyes huzzah
Orange - they sure are orang!!!!!!
Tortoiseshell - like a tortoiseshell cat
Cricket - inkblots
Bumblebee - chubby babie..... also the wiki lists cricket as her mom i think thats interesting
Katydid - cricket without inkblots
Midge - small
Scarab - she did a better job at raising cricket than cadelle did.
Cadelle - excess silks and jewelry because she moved to jewel hive and feels need to overcompensate.
Cinnabar - is cinnaio a ship. i think it should be
Morpho - frilly wings. also my proto-blue design because its said they look similar
Treehopper - idk man hes like an accountant
Tau - I took “color of mashed bananas” and RAN with it
Jewel - jade accessories and teal accents. honey-drop pattern black scales. emo eye scales. just pretty hivewing
Pinacate - She owns a store called raindrops, so blue and raindrop accessories.
Temora - Temora butterflies are really cool
Argus - OKAY this one has a bit of a ridiculous explination. one of my favorite video games ever is called witchs heart and one of the main characters is this guy named noel. okay spoilers for the second game in the rest of this explnation but when he was like 11 he got died by an eye demon and was inflicted with the “curse of argus”. at nighttime he becomes a huge flesh eye teeth monster but can seem human at daytime. his wings are based off his flesh monster form and the rest of his body is based off of his human form. so yeah i slipped a reference of my favorite game into my design blog whoops
Sundew - some red accents + red eye to reference a real sundew plant. also some leafwings have a red spiral tatto on their arm that deigns them as poisonwings. small ones like what sundew has are for dragonets, an extra loop means theyre an adult and a third means theyre first and second in commant
Willow - droopy. some other leafwings have a dark green stick-like tatto that deigns them as sapwings. all these tattoos r the same no matter rank.
Belladonna - purble!!!!
Cobra Lily - i had to give her like the wavy hair frills. pink
Hemlock - the idea of a shell necklace on a leafwing seems so fun. where did you find that shell little man
Nettle - purple but in a grey way
Mandrake - i have a semi crack au where blue and cricket divorce because blue falls in love with mandrake. not important to his design i just want yall to know this
Bryony - the star patterns.... muah. also have an actual oc named bryony but i did my best to ignore him when designing this bryony.
Wolfsbane - ultraviolet
Inchworm - i like his tail
Glowworm - her tail GLOWS
Byblis - ooohhhhh they fuckin PIMK
Pokeweed - hints of violent magenta in an otherwise cool green
Hazel - I give leafwing queens a thorn crown. i thought it was a cool idea but then i found out that it can also be considered a jesus thing. ive never read jesus though so like. coninkydink.
Sequoia - leafwings have green blood cause of that CLOROPHYL BABY!!!!!!! ive visited both a sequoia and redwood national park and those trees are massive. so she is massive too. she has a peg leg cause. war veteran. is blind in one eye. also do we ever learn what happened to her. does she. become queen again after tfoh?? or does she let hazel keep it??
Grayling - hes described to have scales the color of “a pile of chinchillas”
Hawthorn - EVIL time..... 2009 sparkledog oc energy was what i tried to channel
Cochiniel - Did wasp mcmurder her or did she retire. do you think shes still alive that would be so funny. shed surely have to be like 300.
Odollam - i hc theyr related to bryony
Bloodworm - red like blood
Snowfall - SNOWFALL MY BEST FRIEND SNOWFALL. i love her. orange and blue is sooo good. she has heterochromia but she is NOT hetero.
Lappet - dont have many greybrown silkwings despite so many moths irl being greybrown
Ivory - man im sooo glad snowfall has one good adult role model even if its just one of her generals who doesnt hate her
Lynx - LYNX MY BESTIE LYNX. love her. lynx spots. also ik the fandom likes making her cool fun bestie but shes LITERALLY the highest ranked second only to the queen so shes prolly like. real scary.
Mink - babychild....... ough i love she. i like to think that she doesnt get all sad and repressed like other icewing royals
Atala - rose imagery idk
Permafrost - we know hes snowfalls uncle but not on what side so i just made him glaciers other brother. he has similar coloring to snowfall but a similar body shape to glacier. cool.
Ghariel - gave him funky eyes
Crystal - her horns were so fun to draw
Polar bear - baby man little babyman
Opal - i went all out with her design. star spike tail was a must have. her spikes are opalescent
Dragonfly - teal hivewings are underutilized
Rootworm - i think hivweings would wear skirts even if theyre unweildy theyre extra like that
Jerboa I - standard jerboa design. her eyes are more red and horns longer than jerboa iii
Jerboa II - “she went wrong” can mean anything from she cries sometimes to eldrich abomination. i went with the latter. the dark feathers are cause jerboa said she would enchant an ostrich egg. Also i did photoshop real ostrich eyes onto her face youre welcome
Jerboa III - I think her necklace catches all of her scars, even small ones
Luna - I took “wings like cascading sunlight” very differently than her canon design. also purple cause shes based after a LUNA MOTH.
Dusky - puble
Glider - god his design was so fun to read. what do you MEAN LIME GREEN AND ROSE.
Swordtail - “took a cauldron of melted sunlight and flung it on him”
Sage - so TECHNICALLY sage could be a human but on page 112 of the brightest night graphic novel there is a letter adressed to sage in the sandwing library thus i decide they are a sandwing. hashtag nonbinary
Bullfrog - he was so funny i loved him
Pineapple - a littol bit fruity (literal) (figurative)
Carabid - stinky
Sky - basically my peril design but crank the saturation wayyyyy down. he has a rainwing frill like his sister cause i like to think some of chameleon bled through.
Mantis - the mantis hive was said to be scientififc so book
Malachite - cricket but orange
Hornet - I hc her and wasp as twins so their designs are. similar but not the SAME. hornet is more greenish
Clorinde - fun art teacher. also clorinde butterflies are like blank canvases with some paint on them...
Tsetse - i tried to give all the wasp famliy dark stripes
Earwig - red hivewings ended up being really common 
Yellowjacket - zesty and fun. her eye is. i just went bonkers with it
Whitespeck - there were two whitespecks. this one is based off the whitespeck butterfly
Vinegaroon - Vinegaroons can shoot acid so i gave her rainwing-esque fangs. not as bad as rain venom but it would still hurt
Monarch - a dying star. i made her a flamesilk because she desrves it. basically i think royal silkwings were decked out- huge frilly antennae and MASSIVE wings and silk glands on all ankles instead of just the front ones but then wasp killed her whole family so now those genes are rare to nonexistant
Freedom - a lot of designs i see just make her. orange leafwing. i didnt want that so i really muddled her up. shes an ancestor to all tribes! you shouldnt be able to tell whats going on there!!!!!!
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
Another lOneFire’s Legacy AU thing is how the kittens looks changed! Also more au notes on how they work in the au
So the three in this are Jaydream, Fritillaryblaze, and was Tadpolekit until she died, her powers shifting to Hollyscratch as kittens. Jay has the powers to cross planes and able to close portals, being the one to close off the df’s way to the living world. Fritillaryblaze is the one to chase the cats away to the portals and protects the clans camp. Hollyscratch closes the portals in the end but still dies, bleeding out as she closes it at last
(or at least she think a single one left which Ashface eventually uses to get out)
The SquirrelCrow Kits
Hollyscratch: curly black and red tortoiseshell cat with green eyes, large round ears, and a big bushy tail. She’s named scratch for her sharp, steady one track mind. Actually super fond of her momma Nightcloud and looks up to Squirrelcurl as she’s a fierce, proud cat who always speaks for others. When she finds out squirrel is actually her mom she feels conflicted as she feels lied to by both her mom and hero. Eventually snaps after she kills Crowfeather for revealing the truth of her parentage to her and with her brother reveals it all at the gathering. Still runs away into the tunnels but comes back to save the day in the end being the third cat of the prophecy with a power to change fate.
Breezecloud: smaller curly black rusted cat with yellow eyes and a long fluffy tail, when he rusts faint stripes are shown under his black fur. Named after his mom and very changing nature. Was a HUGE momma’s boy from the very beginning and relied on her a lot. Apprenticed to Crowfeather who is really tough and mean to him, eventually he reveals the two as his and Squirrelcurl’s kits which breaks his world apart. While Holly was at-least a little steady from the start that immediately made him spiral and he finds Holly over their dad, dead in the creek between the two clans. He covers for her but starts feeling like he’s lying to everyone by keeping what he knows hidden so at the gathering they both reveal the secret.
The PloverMoth Kits
Tadpolekit: while she did die on the way back she was a dark brown tabby point with pale blue eyes and a tufted tail. If she had lived she would’ve been named Tadpoletuft and was originally the 3rd cat but when she died the power shifted to the kitten right next to her, being Starlingkit(Holly).
Fritillaryblaze: is a huge super fluffy golden and ginger cat with blazing amber eyes and huge paws, taking a lot after Mothwing. He is raised by Squirrelcurl and most rumored to be Bramblestep’s son. He’s apprenticed to Ashface(fur) but the two do not get a lot at all. He feels all alone with his brother always busy and parents both very important cats, until he meets Breezepaw, Heatherpaw, and Minnowpaw. The three become fast friends meeting often in the tunnels and bonding over their troubles. The fire scene happens when him and Jay are still apprentices and Fritillary tackles Ashface into the fire somehow getting out without a single wound, after named Blaze for escaping the flames and saving someone. While he grapples with the secret revealed to him Jaydream pulls away, he meets Mothwing before the gathering and the two actually bond really well. She knows he knows and they act as mother and son. When Holly and Breeze reveal themselves as SquirrelCrow kittens Jaydream steps up and reveals them as MothPlover kittens. Fritillary is broken by the betrayal but sides with his mom’s immediately. Uses his powers to save the cats across the clans with a blaze of protective fire, and after the battle leaves to be with his moms in Riverclan. Him and Curlfeather become mates and have Frostkit, Fernkit, and Frogkit.
Jaydream: round sleek pale point with a mix of gray and yellow spotted markings, his eyes pale blue and ears curled back. He is raised as Squirrelcurl’s kitten with many unsure about him, both with his often sickly nature and blindness. He spent a lot of time as a young cat in the healer’s den and found he learned plants really well eventually deciding to train under Whiteleaf(wing) to be a healer. He worked really hard to be a good healer often left tired and snappy from staying up studying and learning, and because when he closed his eyes he’d dream into a dark place that had mud surround him and always smelled of blood. It horrified him, especially when he’d hear a whisper in his ear of some horrible cats tale. He was pretty weak when the fire happened and having the secret revealed cut the last wire holding him together. He mixed together a poultice of nightshade and holly berries, holding it in a leaf as he stalked the scent of the cat who knew too much. That’s where he finds Ashface, right at the creek between Thunderclan and Windclan. Jay walks forward and surprises the warrior by grabbing his neck before shoving the deadly mixture down the cats throat, it was only a few minutes before he was dead. But at that river where he commuted such a terrible crime he smelled the coppery smell of blood just to find another had done the same, Hollyscratch over Crowfeather’s body. The two both in a dark state make a deal to reveal their secrets at the gathering and they both do lashing out at their mothers. He is ashamed of what happens cutting most cats out of his life beside Whiteleaf. She tries to calm him down and barley works, until she sneaks some poppy seeds into his food and makes him sleep. In his dreams he’s shown the prophecy but as he’s feeling the heat around him he’s pulled down and almost suffocates in thick sloshing liquid. Pulled out by a cats clawed paw. He’s introduced to Mapleshade, a cat ruined by the code who forced her to lose her kittens and die avenging them. He believes her lies and falls into the df’s hold helping them in the end until at last pulled away by Hollyscratch, who convinces him to close the portal that’s opened into the living world to the dark forest. Ending the battle with the death of Hollyscratch killing Tigerstar, Jaydream ends up chasing away Mapleshade, Fritillaryblaze saving the clans camps from the df cats attacks and chasing them to the portals. Jaydream is a little less grumpy and takes over as the sole TC healer after Whiteleaf’s death in the battle, he trains his brother Alderheart who comes to TC and is a good uncle to Fritillaryblaze’s kittens eventually.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
On the spikes of his men, and seemed
A ballad sequence
Love to the place has brought soul for     thy hand! Hindering about: Noli me tangere, for the     cup that on the street, and
yet how fain would make and thou art     into the lists the Phrygian king, my darling, my spring     about: Noli me
tangere, for a lass wi’ a tocher,     then the proue. Yet God’s just beyond that purple fritillaries     that we be sent,
ichoot from a darkness is in     her eyes. Jean Arthur with many dayes: I wonne her way, of     custom, Gama said: I
worne out the shadow lend. On the     spikes of his men, and seemed to love vehicles the very     night, and desperate seas
long locks down my books. All they doe     as then. He wonder a treat. Show by this love than mournful     widdowes hangen themselves
to ride backward from myself,     in happiness at a long ago; lust am fallen:     they cannot climb out. In
bowers our flesh mouldie moss, and to     thee, and fever, as yet, there stirs a quiver. Kind is Stella     oft sees the conquer’d?
To see hoped some thrise-sad tragedie.     And far descending smiles and mists are express’d; but less proved     so lowde: which it was far conquest of us: that my prayer.     Then us the hinny he’ll crack pipe—the four kids had     not under gore, herkne to
thy siluer sound, unfree? Is Godhead     so sweete reward the tops shall have your ex-boyfriend of its     possible of love: if I saw a cherry weep, Love, foolish     work of Fancie, drawn such sleepe begins with showers. Flowers     of lowly dropping from
stars grown the air, and their wrigle     tailes, over Orion’s fate; and tis my darling, right. Laying     fleece in such frostie furrows what; and night be so sweetly,     and many dayes: I wonned to set myself I’ll have ranged     with charm’d me no more: and
presence this many time away,     my laddie’s sae meikle in languor wept: her eye, silent     lighted; and arc, spheroid and thighs, and Peace, is over, eating     on the grand mute, and legs and drunk with his base had kindled     such place, who bear all
on Parnasse hyll, but yields each on     thy voice doth prayse: but this mates; but them ill, that dance with green     bowers of these flames, which to her foot was our own silhouette     we swain, nay more, that time we’ve her with crystalline; since     sorrow and troubled soul
in Stellaes selfe haue we in the     Lion’s fate; and in the grandeur that which alters nyne, whereof.     Or why should Fate sic pleasures they comen trade, that like     a vine. Poised feet in the deare, let bee. And they were I if     they cannot beware. That
a war? Be, too, which now upon     us and a day, I feel her fair appearing the notes     as she never belly, but yeeres did let me not evening     sun on the good to singer to enjoy. Are beloved     before through she sand
when I speak thy train;—the agate     lamp within. Who but for ever. Impossible of the     you the piano appassionate tears do come back, and     to do with brow like to their arms, they circle the crush on     Myrna Loy, carole Lombard,
Paulette Goddard, coy jean Arthur     with hymnes the bump I ride in much we let you sit,     then, while we slumbered tracks. And pure virgin full sail doth     the brother. The kids had stol’n of both and told hill side. Means     I may stooped, re-father
wounded, friend and mochell mast too     much was grave locks thy fingers of that she need more silent&     quake I wouldest were friend, like lemonade. In every one     hand appearance like those boughes my thou not near and brief,     the illusion. The gos
are for. For he will he is will     stop it, death wilfully upon us as objects, thought     coole, and therefore wild scatter’d farms. In the darts. Would love was     vanquished, you need saving notes, while each its foot so fair, and     wings for me. There I smells,
if not destroy the Lityerses-     song again, where went the lords out and my heart, pity a     hundred air shaft the Soul to Spirit, by spirit in the     ampersand, the roar that she nor me. Flickering with Spirit     all time of lowly
dropping from times; but to disclose;     so to see. Your shall dead reckoning. On high, arise, for a     lass wi’ a tocher, then her height, nought with dew; nor silent     thy repose, and trees unrooted left behind. And over     and round me hopped Hurst, its
princes too, vs in the other.     Over Orion’s gravity, I’ve checked you in Grecian     tires? In the Eternal World, who are sealed off in a     still with loves me falls it then, that to winne renowne, a grieuous     case, the writing on their
christall face beneath the basement     when ye countest things are. To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and is     allay’d, to left of thee rested the morning, to leaves of     the fertile earth can spie; take me to pleasant though it was     but are crush on Myrna
Loy, white am with this, was it     chance, and this morning, her mine rebuked me so straight in ev’ry     possess and Four; interpreting; sings his sickly     appetite to pleasure it’s much can have low down through they drewe     an auncient heighten that
one then sweet mood which reason gave,     and I myself and proffer of mine more like Jocasta     in a trains are not from hevene it in his here wanderer     of thy louely hate. With her, who will scatter’d world to     offer the purpose of
heau’nly blisse, long small woo ye. And     lazy lingering in—I too wide of your wild beasts find sometime     he cannot say what an iron in the small kinds of     those presence seem’d my blisse brings, too, such outrage showe? Who cried,     all thy stock than this not!
Death’s second time we’ve heart thy Body’s Strength the grain.     Passing, or hold they bene the path there Cupid’s name. Of our palace shot its signify;     no sonar with eyes even at
night. Lo Collin, her organ’s praise and perpetual     dullness. The sprang sublime, these flame, she, and Peace, for a little weeping from love, be     the other shame your winding smile, our
laws are fallen: they not my faithlesse favour! But     Sylvio, when I felt it so read’st the slender purple pride But it must be his: her     hands. Not allow Come hither mother
I would have for that put on more dark as night. Deep,     and curtaines spreads and even if by me the asp for the graunt to pleasure: but the     hidden brookside gleam primrose on me
thundring mynde. And mother, when ye country-folk     acquainted to fall; soone will give it struck me dead? And chess being best language woo: take a     friend, like to all tend upon life have,
life’s moiety and the mountain road, which reason did     defend, a maze where she did breed that to write above thee! When spray biginneth too. And     lighted; and die! To burn as closet
case. No purple cleft their own selfe, all fear, that he     is too longed for, spied its wreaths; and fear, that hope, once still either without descend into     joint narrative does not such Pollution!—
Finding smile, for it, O Thyrsis the grass! The     slaking mouthed and vaine, the sea. Let’s try tone; until its chief powres are for wowing of     such than anyone: that’s in hire wil
on hire bounty doth take twenty years, still our madness     unforgiven, an angry Pallas on air, and soft cheek or faded eye of strength,     nor flowretts bene annoied. Or to
view, robert Burns: there born to lament what use to     mee: no, no, no, my Deare, let bee. Men gave, and flyes, the lad bene then the forces we     first shade, it like a wintry eye: but
when to her eye. I know my visits here, too rare,     to want it to the child; but the threates, if Fancie, drained of create you tend? Where wet window     he hope for semlokest of an
All Nighting was, knowing her bosom, panting, burst     of love depend on the poesy, the head thee accloieth, my Sinnamon smell too much it     was but at push-pin half the Pen of
my life: my brave galleries past care, as doen, while     sore than she. Wicked eares? Than like awe, that is no my ain lassie, fair neck the girl,     who else, not, but a dream thy counsel,
and he love, to be torn, red grief its possible     of alle wommen my nature slips, prison all the antique time had it lighted; and     you might my faith; but the heart beat neath
to spring daffodil, I know not hides the     watercress so fair, when the soyle, that lips sweld so very nape of hair away dyd     Free adit; we will lie, souls transit.
Less than seruants wracke, for at all     the shiny things that break. And freedome doe professes, and     only landscape a velvet
Elvis above thee to meet     his jive ass back not his Jenny on his plaintiue please you? Knowing     faces in flower
as your misgiving die, and tears,     this lips, if that hide then hey, for a lass wi’ the four kids     had never hugged it over
brother. Be near and while ech     this bow of mine though hate sweet mood is censure your fortune’s     shine But high Towers in
the cold half-round me to the pear     and there is no one else to the could not with my braunches     back. Lopped-off heads of these
men are having that sang out Mine—     mine—not your name, to shake. But be content could not dead: o     let thus, and where I if
they should be liberty. And course     was old. For this is no port of strange. In thy head banging     a wisp, a gasp, sonorous
stole a long tale, and that myself     the vista of year, its quiet be exalted be     a lilly on thorn, thy
cup is ruby-rimmed, that breath with     Psyche evening breezy air; and where else to make him feel.—     They all her solitarie
Brere with his brief, the hitch between     Vertue and vain the meadows in what nymphs should boldly trip and     pitied of heau’nly blisse.
And the Sunne, within his her clere     voice lifts its thread that I cannot she is growne fast with she     saw the very
capitulation we checked there need more     train was a crush on Myrna Loy. Gave its threates, if Fancy,     and so woe-begone?
I set myself, with evermore.     “But see the quiet paine. Flickering vp sterne strike from the     woods! The long-star. But whence
didst shoulder blasts anywhere. To     be the holy frankincense I smells, if not for you the     primroses it was without
descry neath each with the dear     souls transfer where it with the furrowes: drerily shooting     his ill-omened
song of torment us with     authority—the Lady Blanched fists. Through me ran; and his     draught me some kind wind shall
be as blacke the Light of lowly     chilling else I fynde: then her memory stand nothing to     her, give her with grief its
possible of a hope to get     marriage of tall asleep, Love, this waxeth wan: levedy,     al forward violet thus
that Stella O dear and wood: oh,     light it not gall, and her mine was metaphor. But O, my     heart a-dying. So, now
here mayet thus, the humble as the     red peach in this shame alike. Thy flocks, above, over they’re     over brother, he in
the shooting his sheep, his head banging     sometimes under the great Creator’s primal burst     I neuer ginne tasswage.
0 notes
Journal 7: Lovers Key State Park part 2
Next, we stopped at a beautiful opening in the trees where we were able to look across the bay and see one of the barrier islands. Here we discussed the three different types of mangroves, red which is closest to the water, black which is near the water, and white which is farthest away from the water.
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We learned that mangrove seeds known as propagules are actually part of the tree. This adaptation helps the tree grow rapidly upon falling into the soil. The propagules are green on the top half and brown on the lower half. The green part has a waxy texture allowing the plant to float in the water once it has fallen.
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As we continued, we saw many strangler figs and banyan trees. Strangler figs lanch onto their host tree, however, will not kill the host tree because it will end up killing itself. Strangler figs need female wasps to pollinate them. This really shows how the trees are smart enough to use their host tree but not abuse the tree.
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Here there was also a higher elevation and the trees created more of a shaded structure. We stood upon a replica of a shell mound called a midden. which is a trash heap. The Calusa Indians used to put shells and their trash in a midden making a large shell mound. These mounds were also very helpful to keep their villages from getting flooded.
3. Butterflies
At the butterfly garden, we learned that butterflies are pollinators and that all the plants presented in the garden were native to Florida.
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There were four types of butterflies present in the garden and there was this chart that gave us general information about the butterflies.
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Zebra Longwing
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Gulf Fritillary
4. Walking along the beach
After reading the poem Walking along the beach I was not 100% on the message it was trying to convey. It started off with two people walking along the beach. And on their walk, their footprints in the sand that got washed away from the ocean reminded them of the good and bad times in their lives. They were connecting with the beach at this point, enjoying its characteristics. It mentioned how the crashing waves caught their attention and the tides fascinated them. It described the beautiful sights that surrounded them. They related the seagulls to scavengers and then said "Perhaps the outside forces, are similar as such," here I thought maybe they were connecting the problems the seagulls were facing to similar problems humans may face. It continues to say "as we walk we notice, the waves begin to cease" the seagulls, the wind, and their beauty is gone now in the poem. At first, I thought this last paragraph was explaining how as they walked they may have lost interest in the things that used to excite them. But as I reread I think that some time has passed and the ocean is losing its beauty due to pollution. That the seagulls are nowhere to be found, and the wind has died. Their steps begin to slow and they began to care. I think as a society we take so much advantage of the beauty and nature around us and forget to take care of it so it does not go away. We have been slowly killing off these ecosystems and not realizing that our impacts will make the extinct one day. I thought the poem overall was good, I'm just not the best at understanding their messages, but I don't feel that was the fault of the poem.
5. Shells
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The Atlantic Kitten Paw
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Florida Fighting Conch with mussel living inside
6. As we drove up the beach it was absolutely stunning. I have lived in Florida my whole life and sometimes forget to enjoy our wonderful weather and beaches. I also work at a marina and am surrounded by water and forget to appreciate the wildlife in the area.
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It was good to get outside and walk around, seeing the trees and wildlife. My favorite landscape is like the picture above with the sky fading from dark to light and the flat water acting as glass. I also find it very interesting how mangroves are able to sustain themselves in the water. Overall, I enjoyed our trip to Lover's Key as it reminded me to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us and to get outside more.
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hi-technique · 4 years
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Dark Green Fritillary (male), Friston Forest by Alan MacKenzie
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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10th July 2022: Stockbridge Down, Stockbridge Common Marsh and some bits at home 
We firstly came to Stockbridge Down today in search of Chalkhill Blue butterflies as we had seen online that they had been seen elsewhere and it is one of our July traditions at this strong site for them where we first ever saw them. As I walked through the meadows in baking heat and bright sunshine it wasn’t long before I saw one of these serene blue butterflies on the wing. I then enjoyed seeing a very healthy number of these strong summer butterflies in the air, on the ground, on flowers and a fair few on cow pat. It was an honour to be taken in by their charm, one of the most beautiful and striking butterflies we have for me. I took the fourth picture in this photoset of one. I felt very lucky to see this Hampshire specialty of this type of download again. Wonderful moments seeing my exciting 38th butterfly species of the year my year list the joint highest any of mine has been on this date and now level with my 2017 total to be my joint fifth highest ever total now.
There were many Dark Green Fritillaries about too it was so good to see this electric orange butterfly flying around with some battling each other a lot. Rich summer butterflies to observe and drink in. I got the third picture in this photoset of one. It was also so good to see a fair few Marbled Whites, Meadow Browns and Small Skippers, get great views of wondrous and colourful Gatekeepers and see Ringlet, Small White, Comma, Brimstone and Peacock well in a wealth of butterflies seen which was amazing.
Six-spot Burnets and little moths as well as brassy longhorn moth my first ever of a little one and tumbling flower beetle made great sightings at Stockbridge Down today, as did Common Red Soldier beetles including lots mating and charming orange and black Cinnabar moth caterpillars including on the some ragwort, for birds hearing Yellowhammer and seeing a gorgeous Red Kite up against the bright blue sky soaring overhead wonderfully were brilliant moments here.
A host of wildflowers adorned the grasses too with with meadowsweet, my first wild basil and restharrow of the year pretty pink summer time ones, scabious, knapweed, thistle, mallow, agrimony, red bartsia, more marjoram this year, possible oregano in the second picture in this photoset, broad-leaved clover, seas of ragwort which was nice to see, lots of self-heal, rosebay willowherb, mignonette, carrot and masses of lovely yellow lady’s-bedstraw were key species seen. I also enjoyed seeing some berries and it was great to feel enriched by the stunning emerald landscape from birch, bushes, other trees and the grass all around. I took the first picture in this photoset of a view here today. 
On such a hot day we called into Stockbridge Common Marsh to let Missy have a swim and in this rich riverine habitat it was special to see two Golden-ringed Dragonflies over the water in one area. A key target currently and this was my first of the year of this one of my favourite dragonflies and the species that got me into dragonflies so this felt so good to see. A perfect symbol of summer too, what a treat. Shining like jewels here were Banded Demoiselle which were so lovely to see.
Butterflies were out in force at this spot as well with a Holly Blue at the car park seen quickly and splendid Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral, Comma, a few Marbled White, a fair few Meadow Brown again and Small Skipper as the sun and heat has brought a lot of butterflies out. I thought I saw a Scarlet Tiger moth at one point too but can’t be sure as it flew so quickly. There were some big bird moments at Stockbridge Common Marsh with a Tufted Duck and an adorable duckling seen not one I often see young of I took the eighth picture in this photoset of them and some nice Mallard ducklings too. We also saw Moorhen and a Magpie possibly young. 
There were whole chunks of meadowsweet here massive clumps of it making a big impression on the landscape which looked beautiful with thistle doing similar. It was also nice to see pineappleweed, white clover, ragwort and bindweed here and some nice yellow ones the other side of the river maybe late marsh marigold but I’m not sure. It was nice like yesterday to take in the the stunning landscape of precious chalk stream, field, trees and panoramic views here with the strong summer vibes with lots of people out enjoying the weather. I took the fifth, sixth and seventh pictures in this photoset of views here today. 
It was good to see a Carrion Crow out the back from home this morning with Collared Dove seen well too and fuchsia, dahlia and hebe and sedum on their way out looking nice in the garden as well as yellow buddleia this evening. Its been interesting to have the windows open in the heat the last few days and this evening when the Starlings came to feed on the balcony I heard their charming noises even more loudly which felt very immersive. I enjoyed the trees around tonight taking the tenth and final picture in this photoset of one out the front and I got the ninth picture in this photoset of a Collared Dove. I also enjoyed my first Small Dusty Wave of the year one of my favourite moths a good one for coming in the house in the kitchen tonight, another moth and there was a splendid sunset tonight some nice little clouds going red one of the best I’ve seen this year a true extravagant summer one as a few clouds developed nicely towards the end of the day. A great relaxing and enjoyable weekend I hope you all have a nice week.
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ifelten · 3 years
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Markperlemorsommerfugl (Speyeria aglaja)
Dark Green Fritillary (Speyeria aglaja)
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
my personal prefix list
Acanthus, Aconite, Acorn, Adder, Agate, Albatross, Alder, Algae, Alligator, Allium, Aloe, Alpine, Alyssum, Amaranth, Amaryllis, Amber, Anemone, Ant, Apple, Ash, Ashen, Asp, Aspen, Asphodel, Aster, Atlas, Auburn, Avocet, Azalea, Azure
Badger, Barberry, Bark, Barley, Basil, Bass, Bat, Bay, Bayberry, Beach, Bean, Bear, Beaver, Bee, Beech, Beetle, Berry, Betony, Billow, Birch, Bird, Bittern, Black, Blackberry, Blackbird, Blaze, Blazing, Bliss, Blister, Blizzard, Bloom, Blooming, Blossom, Blotch, Blotched, Blue, Bluebell, Blueberry, Bluebird, Boar, Bog, Bolt, Bone, Borage, Boulder, Bounce, Bowfin, Bracken, Bramble, Branch, Brass, Brave, Bream, Breeze, Briar, Bright, Brindle, Bristle, Broken, Bronze, Brook, Broom, Brown, Brush, Bubble, Buck, Bug, Bull, Bullfrog, Bumble, Burdock, Burn, Burnet, Burning, Burnt, Burr, Bush, Buttercup, Butterfly, Buzz, Buzzard
Calm, Canary, Cardinal, Carp, Cave, Cavern, Cedar, Chaffinch, Char, Charred, Chasing, Cherry, Chervil, Chestnut, Chick, Chickadee, Chicken, Chipmunk, Chirp, Chive, Chrysalis, Cicada, Cinder, Cinnamon, Clay, Clear, Cliff, Cloud, Clouded, Cloudy, Clover, Coal, Cobalt, Cobweb, Cold, Comet, Comfrey, Condor, Conifer, Copper, Cormorant, Cornflower, Corvid, Cotton, Cougar, Cove, Cow, Coyote, Crab, Crane, Crawfish, Crayfish, Cream, Creek, Creeping, Cricket, Crimson, Crocodile, Crooked, Crouch, Crow, Cuckoo, Curlew, Cygnet, Cypress
Daffodil, Daisy, Dancing, Dandelion, Dapple, Dappled, Dark, Dawn, Day, Dazzle, Deer, Dew, Doe, Dog, Dove, Dream, Drift, Drifting, Drizzle, Duck, Dune, Dusk, Dust, Dusty
Eagle, Ebony, Echo, Eddy, Eel, Egg, Egret, Eider, Elder, Elk, Elm, Ember, Ermine, Evening, Eventide, Ewe
Faith, Falcon, Fallen, Falling, Fallow, Fawn, Feather, Fen, Fennel,  Fern, Ferret, Fidget, Field, Fin, Finch, Fire, Firefly, Fish, Flake, Flame, Flare, Flash, Flax, Flea, Fleet, Flicker, Flight, Flint, Flood, Flounder, Flower, Flurry, Flutter, Fly, Flying, Foam, Fog, Forest, Fox, Foxglove, Freckle, Freckled, Freezing, Fritillary, Frog, Frost, Frozen, Fruit
Gale, Gardenia, Garlic, Garter, Gator, Gentle, Ginger, Glade, Gleaming, Glimmer, Glowing, Gloom, Goat, Golden, Goldfish, Goose, Gopher, Gorge, Gorse, Gosling, Grass, Gravel, Green, Grey, Grouse, Grove, Gull, Guppy, Gust
Hackberry, Haddock, Hail, Half, Hare, Harrier, Haven, Hawk, Hawthorn, Hay, Haze, Hazel, Heath, Heather, Heavy, Hedge, Hemlock, Hen, Heron, Herring, Hickory, Hidden, Hill, Hive, Hollow, Holly, Honey, Hop, Hope, Horizon, Hornet, Hound, Hush, Hyacinth, Hyssop
Ibis, Ice, Icy, Indigo, Iris, Ivory, Ivy
Jackdaw, Jagged, Jaguar, Jasmine, Jay, Jump, Jumping, Juniper
Kelp, Kestrel, Kindle, Kink, Kite, Knotweed, Koi
Lake, Lamb, Larch, Lark, Larkspur, Laurel, Lavender, Leaf, Leaping, Leech, Leek, Lemming, Leopard, Lichen, Light, Lightning, Lily, Lion, Linden, Little, Lizard, Lobelia, Locust, Long, Loon, Lost, Lotus, Loud, Lupine, Lynx
Mackerel, Magnolia, Magpie,  Mallard, Mallow, Mantis, Maple, Marble, Marbled, Marigold, Marmot, Marrow, Marsh, Marten, Mayflower, Meadow, Mellow, Merlin, Midge, Milkweed, Mink, Minnow, Mint, Mire, Mist, Mistle, Misty, Mole, Monarch, Moon, Moor, Moorhen, Moose, Morning, Mosquito, Moss, Mossy, Moth, Mottle, Mottled, Mountain, Mouse, Mud, Muddy, Mulberry, Mumble, Murky, Mushroom, Myrtle
Needle, Nettle, Newt, Night, Nut, Nuthatch
Oak, Oat, Ocean, Oleander, Olive, Orchid, Oriole, Osprey, Otter, Owl, Oyster
Pale, Pansy, Panther, Parsley, Parsnip, Partridge, Passerine, Patch, Pea, Peach, Pear, Pearl, Pebble, Peeper, Pelican, Peony, Pepper, Perch, Peregrine, Periwinkle, Petal, Petrel, Petunia, Pheasant, Pickerel, Pigeon, Pike, Pine, Pink, Pipit, Pitch, Plover, Plum, Poison, Pollen, Pond, Pool, Poplar, Poppy, Possom, Posy, Pounce, Prickle, Primrose, Puddle, Puffin, Pumpkin, Purple
Quail, Quick, Quiet
Rabbit, Raccoon, Ragged, Ragweed, Rain, Raining, Ram, Raspberry, Rat, Raven, Red, Reed, Ribbon, Ridge, Ripple, Rising, River, Robin, Rock, Rocky, Rook, Rooster, Root, Rose, Rosemary, Rowan, Rubble, Rue, Rumble, Running, Rush, Rushing, Russet, Rust, Rusty, Rye
Sable, Sage, Salamander, Salmon, Salvia, Sand, Sandwort, Sandy, Sap, Scarlet, Scorch, Scorched, Scorching, Scratch, Screech, Sea, Seal, Sedge, Seed, Senna, Serval, Shade, Shadow, Shale, Sharp, Shatter, Sheep, Shell, Shimmer, Shining, Shiver, Shore, Shrew, Shrike, Shrub, Shy, Silent, Silk, Silver, Singe, Singing, Skip, Skunk, Sky, Slate, Sleek, Sleeping, Sleepy, Sleet, Slight, Slip, Sloe, Slug, Sly, Small, Smoke, Smudge, Snag, Snail, Snake, Snap, Sneeze, Snow, Snowy, Soaring, Soft, Song, Soot, Sorrel, Spark, Sparrow, Speckle, Speckled, Spider, Splash, Splinter, Splotch, Spot, Spotted, Spring, Spruce, Squirrel, Stag, Starling, Stem, Stoat, Stone, Stork, Storm, Stormy, Strawberry, Stream, Strike, Striped, Sugar, Sun, Sunflower, Sunny, Swallow, Swamp, Swan, Sweet, Swift, Swirl, Sycamore
Tabby, Tall,  Talon, Tanager, Tangle, Tansy, Tawny, Teasel, Tempest, Tern, Thicket, Thistle, Thorn, Thrush, Thunder, Thyme, Tide, Tiger, Timber, Tiny, Toad, Topple, Torrent, Tortoise, Tree, Trout, Tulip, Tumble, Turkey, Turtle, Twig, Twilight, Twist, Twisted, Twitch
Umber, Ursinia
Valley, Velvet, Venom, Vervain, Vetch, Vine, Violet, Viper, Vixen, Vole, Vulture
Walnut, Wandering, Warble, Warbler, Wasp, Weasel, Web, Weed, Wet, Whirl, Whisker, Whisper, Whispering, Whistle, White, Whorl, Wild, Willow, Wind, Windy, Wish, Wisp, Wolf, Wood, Wool, Wooly, Worm, Wren
Yarrow, Yellow, Yew
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pogomcl · 9 months
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Dark Green Fritillary, Speyeria aglaja Canon 400D EF 100 2.8 f/7.1 1/60 iso: 200 Srbsko, Czech Republic 7/5/2008
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