#dark knight wol
"I love all of you. Even the parts that you believe are too dark and too shameful. Every scar. Every flaw. Every imperfection. I love you."
Lvl 80 DRK Quest, probably
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headcanons-n-shit · 2 years
Zenos doesn’t know why it comes as such a surprise to him.
He himself wears such heavy armor, people expect him to move slowly. It is on one hand purposeful invokement of such understatement, on the other hand his own preference. He likes this style of armor. He likes the look in his enemy’s eye when he proves his mastery over this style of armor. 
Perhaps it is because the last time he faced the Warrior of Light it was on sands, with a staff in their hands and magic tinging the air around them. And it still does, here, on the fine hills of Doma, but here is not the clean, heavy scent of air and stone, not the delicate, brilliant glow of healing.
Here is ozone, is iron and hot wood smoke. Here is magic that does not rise so much as it drips, Aether that slinks from a blade bigger than the Warrior themself, from a weathered steel edge chipped and blunted and so terribly, beautifully deadly in its brutality.
Zenos parries it again with a quick, sweeping motion, but even the bulk of his strength does not stop the Warrior of Light from following the momentum, spinning on the ball of their foot to bring that greatsword up from another angle with impossible speed. That Aether lunges ahead of the contact, scraping and clawing and hungry, and when he knocks the blow aside Zenos is forced to release a burst of Aether of his own to keep it from consuming his skin, and perhaps even the muscle and bone beneath.
It was a mistake, Zenos thinks sourly, to be focused too heavily on the blade, and to dismiss the strength it must take to move so much metal at such speeds. But the thought comes to him only after the Warrior of Light’s shin connects with his midsection with the rest of the momentum denied. A blow that must bruise the skin terribly against the layered plates of Zenos’s armor, if not crack the bone, but it serves the purpose of tossing Zenos many yalms back. Zenos forces himself to gather his center in preparation for another terribly powerful blow.
One that doesn’t come.
The Warrior of Light watches him with a wariness that is beyond animal. It’s Primal in its intensity, eyes glowing with a glow closer to crimson, and Zenos yae Galvus comes to that clear, vital understanding that has insofar escaped him:
the only difference between himself and the Warrior of Light is which side they stand on.
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shera-dnd · 1 year
Fuck it I'm gonna write a self indulgent DRK WoL x Yotsuyu drabble, because I can't get that sad bitch out of my head!
Swords clattered to the ground, one light, one dark. Tsukuyomi's form lost focus as the aether that comprised her began to wane, leaving behind only the form of Yotsuyu.
"No," she croaked, trying to cling to the fading form of her primal incarnation, "no!"
She felt the darkness approach her, the imposing presence fueled by untold suffering and hate. It was almost bitterly amusing to see the Warrior of Light, cloaked in the very thing she was sworn to destroy.
"Are you well?" the shape in the dark asked, her damned voice coated in the same worry and care she had used for "Tsuyu"
"Save your worry," Yotsuyu spat, dragging herself away from the other woman, "I'm not that poor pathetic thing you so loved to coddle."
The Warrior of Light seemed undeterred. She closed the gap between her and Yotsuyu and began to examine her up close.
"Your aether is fading fast," she stated, looking unflinchingly into Yotsuyu's eyes, "I'll give you some of mine. It should keep you stable until Alphinaud arrives."
She reached out with one hand, but Yotsuyu was quick to slap it away.
"Didn't you hear me?" Yotsuyu shouted, shoving off her would be savior, "I am not Tsuyu!"
"I don't care!" the Warrior of Light shouted back, grabbing Yotsuyu's hand, "you're hurting! You've been hurting your entire life, and I'm not letting this go a moment longer! So let me help you!"
That shocked her. It wasn't like Yotsuyu was physically capable of stopping her in this state, but that declaration left her too stunned to even try.
When the Warrior laced their fingers together she didn't stop her, simply accepting the gesture as what felt like a tidal wave of aether washed over her.
They sat there in silence for a while, simply allowing the aether to flow between them, slowly stabilizing Yotsuyu's strange new form. Though there was still something bothering her, something that kept her from meeting the Warrior of Light's gaze.
"Not enough," she spoke.
"I didn't suffer enough," Yotsuyu stated, "even after everything that happened my pain and spite still couldn't hold a candle to yours."
What else could this be? The darkness they both drew on was so much stronger in the Warrior's heart. How else could she gain such power if not through unspeakable pain?
"Do you really believe that?" she asked, her presence growing unbearably close to Yotsuyu's, "that this is all about hate and spite?"
As Tsuyu she had yearned for this closeness. Gosetsu had been a father to her, but the Warrior... she had been a friend, her first real friend, and maybe... maybe even more than that.
Now it felt overwhelming, like the Warrior's presence would consume her entirely.
And once more she felt the need to step away, pulling her hand away from her savior's.
"What else could fuel you so?" Yotsuyu asked, arms crossing defensively.
But the Warrior of Light was undeterred. If Tsukuyomi's might could not push her away, then Yotsuyu's feeble attempts were doomed to fail.
The Warrior of Light cupped Yotsuyu's cheek and turned her face so they'd be looking each other eye to eye.
"Love, Yotsuyu," she declared without hesitation, "the darkness in our hearts, it feeds on Love."
Yeah that's all I got. That was like all a stream of consciousness I had just as I woke up, because this woman has apparently caused irreversible damage to my brain chemistry.
Also I'm not editing this, because I guess that's kinda the point of drabbles, so uh now I guess you guys know why I need @greyvs to look over my things constantly
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altanirynsi · 1 year
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Embrace | Altan Irynsi | FFXIV Gpose & Photoshop
"I will always catch you."
Companions to Chronicles of Light over on AO3
How many atrocities could I have stopped?
He's maybe fifteen fulms from the Dark, his armor shifting and rattling with his movement.
The weight is not heavy. It's comforting.
How many lives could I have saved?
He crouches down, facing the drop into nothing. Fray smiles.
He takes off running. His foot curling around the edge as he leaps into nothing.
How many lives will I save?
[Read the Rest]
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okolnir · 2 years
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One of my favourite questlines from ff14 :D I started this draft almost a year ago, and it took a while to convince myself to take out some time and finish it. 
his big chest scar isn’t from battle, but from this inner turmoil being empowered by the DRK job stone ripping itself out of him. most of his big injuries eventually disappear from his skin somehow, but this one doesn’t, as if hoping not to be forgotten.
Amongst Us | Carciphona | Instagram | Twitter
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krintou-squids · 9 days
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// slight body horror
heart of dark knight
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hybbart · 3 months
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yhane · 1 year
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“I love you more than you’ll ever know, be well.”
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ghastlyfantasy · 1 year
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That DRK opener, huh..
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blackbirdffxiv · 2 months
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lucien-aventine · 9 months
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Tank + Healer
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 months
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"In your darkest hour, in your blackest night... think of me... and I will be with you. Always. For where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?"
Dark Knight my beloved <3 Never thought I'd play a tank in this game but man DRK got me...
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sealostsoul · 4 days
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I haven’t drawn in a long time :´)
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altanirynsi · 1 year
Whumpril Day 20 - Disoriented
Stormblood Patch 4.3: Under the Moonlight
(New chapter - Chapters are published chronologically and this one takes place before the others)
As Tsukuyomi lands nearby, a quick stock of the situation shows that everyone got out with minor injuries that the white mage quickly mends as the sage shields Altan again. Tsukuyomi shrieks in rage at their survival and Altan immediately moves back into position to draw her away once more. She unleashes a flurry of attacks, Altan weaving around them in the tight space he has for himself and sees the party moving around each other to avoid someone getting hit with multiple strikes. She knows she's almost done for.
Altan looks back to the woman made Primal and sees her windup for a brutal attack. He strings the dark aether into a shield once more--
A split second too slow.
[Read the Rest]
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picaroroboto · 6 months
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maybe someday you'll understand
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ruderubicante · 4 months
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Dark Knight Sketch
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