#dark wintersoldier x reader
darkwritingsnshit · 1 month
Ancient History 8/Final
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Warnings: This is going to be a dark fic. Please do not read if you’re under 18, or are uncomfortable with dark characters, noncon, kidnapping, alchol mention, drug mention, death threats, asshole characters.
The hum of the jet made it easy to doze, slipping in and out of consciousness was easier than facing the situation head on. Blinking when the jet touched down, you saw Bucky hadn’t brought you back to the tower, you recognized it as the larger compound Tony had renovated for his team years prior. You let Bucky pull you along behind him, stumbling and blinking in the daylight.
You didn’t know the layout of the compound, had only given it a walkthrough once with Natasha. Bucky pulled you down hallways you didn’t recognize, around bends and up some stairs. Coming to a stop before a door, Bucky leaned down to kiss you, pulling you in seconds later. You heard the door being locked behind you, then fingers plucking at your wrist to free you from the handcuffs you had nearly forgotten about.
“You’re home, you’re safe.” Bucky wrapped his hands around your waist, pulled your back to his chest, leaning in close to your ear, letting you survey the room.
Naturally it was gorgeous, a huge room with a sitting area, a place to eat and mix drinks, a fireplace in the corner by the bed and a wall of large sliding glass doors; they opened to a beautifully kept lawn and garden area, surrounded by a lush forest. Everything in the room was pale blue and white, couches and chairs matched the bedspread, pillows, and dust ruffle. The whole thing was so pretty you knew Bucky had nothing to do with the design.
“What is this place?” You finally wondered aloud, breaking your silence from the jet.
“It’s our home, your home for a while.” Bucky turned you in his arms, face far too close for your liking.
“My home?” Did he mean to have you live here at the compound?
“Yes, your home. It’s perfect for you here,” gesturing at the room with an arm. “Once you get settled in, we can talk about moving someplace else, just the two of us.”
Stepping away from him you pulled your hand loose and wrapped it around yourself.
“You want me to live in the Avengers compound with you? Are you nuts?” Glancing around you could see several exit points, already thinking of how easy it would be to sneak out.
“Actually,” Bucky looked stern, “you’re going to have to stay in this room until I know you’re not a flight risk.” Locking eyes, he gave you the slightest smirk and it was hard to keep from hitting him. Bucky quickly held his hands up.
“You’re free to go outside too! Look you have your own lawn and garden; it really is beautiful out here.” Rolling his eyes at the look on your face, Bucky once again looked amused. “Stark’s security system is smarter than you are doll, I actually think it might be entertaining to watch you try to run away, that is if you’re down for a chase.”
Eyes flashing you crossed your arms. He always made you angry, smugness and cockiness radiated off him. He knew he was stronger, faster, more brutal, he always had been, and you were sure he enjoyed it.
“You need to eat,” Bucky’s tone suddenly became stern, he turned and looked you up and down.
You knew you were a mess; Bucky had dragged you through the snow, brutally fucked you multiple times and brought you thousands of miles over the course of the last ten hours.
“I need a shower,” arms still crossed, not moving.
Bucky nodded his head and gestured for you to follow him. Opening a door at the far end of the room, a lovely bathroom, clearly built for two, was a sight for your weary eyes. Bucky pulled out towels as you followed him. You were not surprised to find your favorite soap, shampoo, and conditioner already in the shower, pink razor sitting next to them. You were surprised to see Bucky place clothes for you on the bathroom counter, a thin tank top and soft pajama pants.
“I’m going to get us some food, okay?” Bucky put his hands on your shoulders and kissed your forehead before closing the door to leave you in private.
Immediately you jumped up to check the vents, but they were bolted in place, the window not giving even a little as you tried to slide it open. It was too small for you to fit through anyway but worth a try. Once you decided there wasn’t a way out of the bathroom you began to strip, cranking the water to hot, standing below the spray trying to clean away the previous night. Try as you might, the black and purple bruises wouldn’t let you forget.
Warmed up and clean, you pulled on clothes, hung the towels, and turned the knob on the door only to find it locked. Frustrated, you banged on the door with your fist, wondering if it was too thick to kick down.
With a scratch and a click, Bucky opened the door from the other side with a smile at your wet hair and clean clothes.
“Sorry,” he said, “can’t be too careful with an escape artist in here.” Pulling by the wrists, he brought you to the table where there were two plates of food. “I know it’s been too long since you’ve eaten,” he reminded you, pulling out the chair for you.
Sunlight slanted across the room, blue sky peeking through the swaying branches of the trees. The way it hit Bucky’s face almost made him look beautiful. It almost made you see who he really was; a broken doll holding onto dead promises. Maybe you two were the same.
“You need to eat.” His voice breaking the silence ended the moment of peace. He stared at the food you were picking at.
“I don’t have much of an appetite,” you mumbled, pushing your fork around.
“Eat it. All of it.” Bucky’s tone made you look up at him, it was commanding, didn’t leave any room for argument. It was an order. He crossed his arms and stared at you until you began to eat at a pace he approved of. You heard him hum in approval.
“And what if I don’t?” You put your fork down, the numbness had begun to wear off after the shower.
“What did you say?” His tone was still icy, darker than it had been.
“I asked you,” you cleared your throat, “what if I don’t? What if I fucking don’t do what you want, asshole?” There was fire in your chest, you weren’t the same girl from Hydra years before.
Undeterred, there was amusement and malice in Bucky’s eyes.
“Sweetheart, you know exactly what I’ll do to you. Don’t encourage me.” He laughed lightly into his napkin, enraging you more.
Jumping to your feet had you yelling.
“You’re an Avenger, aren’t you? You’re supposed to be the good guys now, what the hell do you think your friends are going to say when they come visit?”
“Sit down.” Bucky’s tone was calm but deadly. “I’m only going to repeat myself once doll, sit down.” The look on his face had you in your seat in a second.
“Steve knows about our history, at least parts of it,” Bucky continued, “as does Sam, and even Nick Fury. I’m not going to say that they fully understand the nuances of our personal relationship but they hardly object to you staying here with me for a while. In fact, Steve and Tony helped me provide this home for you. I don’t think we’re going to have those kinds of problems doll.”
“So, this is it?” You couldn’t believe for a second that anyone approved of what he was doing. “I’m here so you can fuck me until I give you a baby?” Tears you hadn’t noticed now dripped off your chin, voice shaking in anger.
“No sweetheart, of course not.” Bucky looked so concerned, his hand covered yours on the table, not letting you pull away. “You’re here so we can have a second chance. A second chance at our family, at us.”
“Us? Bucky you’re brainwashed. Hydra fucking brainwashed you to make you think all of this, you can shake it off! This isn’t real!” Bucky squeezed your hand so hard it hurt, a cry escaping your lips.
“This is real,” Bucky wouldn’t let go of your hand. “You are real, I am real, we are real, we’re here, and we’re together. You can’t tell me that doesn’t mean something.” His eyes were hypnotizing, it was hard to look away.
“All that means is that I never really escaped.” It was a defeated sigh, closing your eyes and admitting you had lost, took everything you had left.
You let Bucky take your plate away, cleared of food under his watchful eye. You had never really escaped. The thought weighed heavy on your brain. How long had you deluded yourself? How many years had passed thinking you were free of Hydra and their schemes, when in the end their sadistic tortures had become your destiny?
“Hey, you in there?” Bucky waved his hand in front of you. “Come to bed.” He took your hand and pulled you to your feet, walking you back towards the bed. “You’re not going to make me handcuff you this time, are you?” There was a smile in his voice, but you weren’t looking. You felt a finger under your chin, lifting it to look in Bucky’s eyes, not fighting anything anymore. His smile faded when he saw your tears, pressed a soft kiss to your salty lips, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Let me make you feel better, okay?” His voice was soft, another sweet kiss placed on your lips. This was different, it was new. Who was this softer side of such a violent man? Bucky lifted you up onto the bed, hands never leaving your hips, laying you down against the pillows.
Almost lazily he kissed you, soft and slow, hands gently roaming your body. It wasn’t until he began to leave wetkisses down your neck that you remembered who he was. Tensing immediately, Bucky came back to your lips, hands running down your body to soothe you. Try as you might, it wasn’t possible to relax when Bucky peeled your tank top off, your breathing becoming shallow.
“Just let me take care of you.” Bucky kissed into the skin on your stomach, pulling down the soft pajama pants you had put on an hour earlier.
Leaving wet kisses along your thighs, Bucky buried his head between your legs making you gasp and pull at his hair. Tongue circling your clit, he had you bucking your hips and moaning, your body tingling. Not letting up, Bucky continued to lap you up, sliding a finger into your cunt, making you gasp and moan at once. Eyes rolling back, you tried to shake this off, it wasn’t supposed to feel good, you weren’t supposed to enjoy this. But the things Bucky was doing to your body had those thoughts running out of your head as soon as they entered.
Kissing his way back up your body, Bucky grabbed your hair and pulled you into a sloppy kiss.
“I told you I can make you feel good.” He was panting in your ear. You wanted to shake your head, tell him no but when his cock bottomed out in your pussy the noise you made was hardly a disagreement.
He knew how to fuck you, how to make you scream, to cry out, to make you beg for more. It was humiliating, you wished he didn’t know your body so well. Truthfully it was amazing. Every inch of you on fire, the orgasms he brought you to were unmatched, time was a blur, everything felt good. Even the feeling of Bucky cumming deep inside you felt good, it felt right. Even though it shouldn’t.
Still sweaty and wrapped up in each other, Bucky held you close, not about to let you go anywhere.
“I told you princess.” He breathed in your ear, “We were made for each other.”
“She’s so beautiful,” you had never seen him look so happy, “she’s the most precious thing in the world.” There were tears shining in his eyes, his show of emotion almost scared you.
Your daughter was clasped so securely, so tenderly in Bucky’s arms. You didn’t even know he was capable of such tender, gentle touches. You were so scared he would bruise her, hurt her with his rough hands, but he touched her in a way you had never seen, never experienced. How could he ever be so gentle? All he did was leave you littered in bruises at each touch, your heart at rest once you saw how gently he held her, how sweet he was, how fragile he treated her.
“Are you okay?” Steve’s hand was on your shoulder, watching you carefully.
“Yeah,” you said, tilting your head at Bucky and your daughter, “yeah, I think we’re going to be just fine.”
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whitexwolfxx310 · 1 year
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Time Goes On
Pairing: Bucky x female reader
Summary: Bucky gets called to go on a Hydra mission
Warnings: Y/N, 18+, Cursing, Light sexual content, super fluff, and angst.
Word Count: 5304
A/Ns: I'm starting to have a bit of writers block. If anyone has ideas please let me know! I would love to incorporate them into the storyline.
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Previous Part
Master List
Life with Bucky has become the new norm. It’s easy for him to slip into his typical routine, but every once in a while you like to stir things up. Although you live together you’re still able to each have ‘me’ time when missions come up. He has his job and you have your own. He spends his time doing what he does best and using it as his outlet to get rid of rising feelings and emotions that he can’t always talk or think through.
The morning sun shines through the window, warming your skin and the surrounding sheets; Making it nearly impossible to find the motivation to get out of bed. But the sweet breakfast aroma you’ve become accustomed to fills the air, beckoning your empty stomach. Your eyes fixate on the 8x10 frame on the nightstand that holds a picture of the two of you from your friend Elena's wedding a few months ago. Bucky holding you closely to himself, looking down at you-only you, smiling while you're laughing. The most perfect candid, and accurate, depiction of your relationship; The simplicity of love.
Sauntering out to the kitchen, your stomach rumbles-eager to see what he has prepared to start your day together.
"Morning, Sunshine" Bucky says, standing at the stove with his back to you; Not even having to turn around to know you're there.
"Morning, babe." You say in return as your arms wrap around him from behind.
"Babe?" He mimics, sounding slightly repulsed.
"What? It's not fair that you get to call me Sunshine and yet you hate every single nickname I try to come up with for you-"
You're interrupted by the suddenness of Bucky turning around and lifting you up from behind your thighs. Both laughing he takes a few steps forward and sets you down on the counter. Instinctively your legs wrap around his waist bringing him closer into your body. Bucky leans into your face just so that the very tips of your noses barely touch.
“What’s wrong with my name?” He asks softly.
Hooking his index finger under your chin, he coaxes you to tilt your face up just a little more; Lips barely touching.
“I like when you say my name.” His voice deep and low. His lips barely brushing against yours as he speaks.
It feels as though all the air is sucked out of the room. The more than welcomed waves of arousal erupt from your core, simultaneously spreading out through your body like fireworks exploding. Biting down on your own tongue in hopes the sting of pain would suppress the instantaneous neediness you feel; It doesn’t. His hips press into yours just a little more- and all bets are off. Your chest arches into his as your lips touch.
“Mmm…” The small sound emerges from your throat as you breathe into the kiss. There’s a sudden coolness on your right cheek from his hand. But something else catches your attention.
“Bucky…” You say between kisses.
“Yes?” He replies, feeding into the moment.
“You’re going to burn your French toast.”
Lips still locked, his eyes flash open. It takes him a second but he breaks away.
“Fuck-“ Spinning around back to the stove you can’t help but laugh as you bring your legs up against your chest and wrap your arms around them.
“These were about to burn…” He gives you a sarcastic side eye. “How did you know?”
“I think it’s time that you just accepted the fact that I’m a better cook than you.” You reply sarcastically, reaching into the bowl on the kitchen island you're sitting on and take out a red plum.
“First of all, I’m a hard man to break. I’ll never admit that. And secondly-“ Bucky snatches the plum from your hand and takes a bite, smiling. “These are mine.”
“They just looked especially tasty today!” You lean forward and take a quick bite of his plum also and laugh. “Delicious…” You taunt. Bucky’s nose scrunches up as he laughs, showing his perfect white teeth. At ease, relaxed, playful Bucky. My favorite. He plants a soft, wet, plum juice kiss on your lips.
“You better start getting ready for work, Sunshine.”
Looking past Bucky you see the time on the stove.
“Shit!” You jump off the counter and dart in the bedroom, still hearing his laughter behind you.
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In record breaking time, you’re hopping out of the bedroom on one foot back into the kitchen trying to get your other flat on. All aboard the hot mess express. Completely unphased, Bucky is sitting at the table top; French toast hot and ready with powdered sugar, whip cream, and freshly cut strawberries. If the whole Avenger thing doesn’t work out for him, he could always go into culinary.
Chef Bucky? Baker Bucky? Butcher Bucky? The options are endless…
Stumbling one last time, you finally make it to the bar stool which is being stabilized by Bucky’s right arm as he takes a sip from his coffee mug with the left. Even he has become accustomed to your clumsiness.
“Wow…” You say in amazement after your first bite. “Did you do something different?”
“No, same recipe as always.”
“Really? You didn’t add extra cinnamon or vanilla…?”
The conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door. Looking over at the digital clock on the stove, you quickly shove a few more bites of breakfast in before giving Bucky a small kiss on his cheek.
“Love you!” You say, heading for the door.
“Love you too. Oh and y/n?”
“Yeah?” You call, stopping at the apartment door before opening it.
“I have a few missions coming up, routine stuff. When I get back would you want to go further upstate and rent a cabin? Just the two of us?”
“That sounds amazing… we can talk about it later when I’m done with work.” Smiling at the thought you open the door to find Natasha.
“Oh hey Nat! I’m just on my way out but-“
“Hey, is Bucky home?” She’s quick to cut you off, barely making any eye contact as she looks into the apartment passed you.
“Um.. yeah he’s in the-“
“Thanks. We have some… training to do.” She pushes past and walks into the apartment.
You’re left standing there, confused as Nat walks over and starts talking with Bucky in a hushed voice.
A little bit later you’re sitting at your desk, breakfast sitting heavily in your stomach. I knew he did something different.
There’s a polite knock on the open door and you look up to see Steve standing in the doorway.
“Morning y/n.”
“Hey Steve! I’m sorry, did I forget we had an appointment today or…?”
“Oh, no.” He shakes his head and laughs lightly. “I’m here on my own free will. Mind if I come in?”
“Of course! Come on in and make yourself comfortable!”
Steve walks in and sits on the couch opposite of your desk. He’s so timid and light footed always. The complete contrast to Bucky. They’re the yin to each others yang.
“So…” Steve starts, seeming slightly nervous as his hands rub in circular motions on his jeans.
“So…” You reiterate. What is the reason he’s here?
“How are things?”
“Things are good…” You laugh nervously.
“Ok!” He says more to himself for motivation than to you.
“There are some pretty important missions coming up and I’m going to need Bucky by my side.”
You’re confused. They go on missions pretty frequently so this isn’t out of the unusual.
“Well,” he starts, sitting up further to the edge of the couch cushion. “We think Hydra is trying to make a come back, underground.”
“The Soviet Union is the last place I’d want to bring him but… we need him. I need him.”
“Oh.” Was all you could manage to say.
We’ve made so much progress, what if going back to its place of origin sets him back?
“It will be fine,” Steve tries to reassure. “We’ll be back before you know it. And you know I'll always have Buck’s back, no matter what.”
You ever feel like you’re being delivered bad news but it’s done in such a way that feeling upset is...wrong?
"Well..." You start, knowing what you got into when you took this position; knew what a life with Bucky meant. Danger, long periods of not seeing or being able to talk with one another. To the world he was just one person, but to you he was your world. "I guess that explains all of the extra training he's been doing with Nat." You try justifying the some-what dodgy behavior he's shown.
"Extra training?" Now Steve is the one who is confused. He is quiet for a moment as his brain attempts to process what the secrecy is about. "Well, in these situations that could never hurt." He brushes it off. "Anyway, thanks for your time, y/n. We'll be heading out soon."
"Bye, Steve..." It came out so low that you aren't even sure he heard you as he made his way out of your office.
Now you're left even more confused, with more questions and more worried about this particular mission.
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The work day seemed to drag. Constantly looking at the clock thinking hours had gone by when in reality only 20 minutes had passed.
How do I go about bringing up the topic of Hydra? Would it be selfish to beg Bucky to stay behind? For yourself? For him? Will this bring him closure? Will this do more harm than good?
The questions are endless and there is no certain answer until he’s already there. Long periods of time with no contact is something you grew up with and accustomed to. But this? It could destroy everything. Bucky, your relationship, your career, even you.
Passing by the common area, you see Bucky with Natasha again.
He’s been spending a lot of time with her recently…
This time they’re accompanied by Nick Fury, Tony, and Steve. Seeing them all together makes you feel insecure all of a sudden, although it never has before. It makes you feel like an outsider, an intruder of some kind. It’s hard to feel anything but ordinary around so many people who are extraordinary.
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Bucky came home late tonight, again. He's been doing it more and more. It's hard to try and enjoy what time you actually have together when in the back of your mind you're already building the wall. Emotionally distancing yourself in fear of getting hurt. Something can't hurt you if you don't care, right? Wrong. It actually makes it worse.
Already changed into comfy clothes, you're sitting curled up at the end of the couch, Alpine keeping your lap warm. The release of the additional serotonin from petting her is helping your anxiety from turning into a full blown panic attack.
"Hey, Sunshine!" Bucky calls from the hallway, the front door closing behind him rather loudly.
"Sorry I'm late, I was just tr-"
"Training with Nat. Yeah... I know." You cut him off. The words come out sour, draped in jealousy. It takes him by surprise. He stops in his tracks, a confused look on his face.
"Are you...okay?" Bucky asks, cautiously.
"Yeah...I'm great." You shift your body slightly on the couch which causes Alpine to jump off and scamper over to Bucky. He reaches down, picking her up gently and petting her with his free hand.
"Really? Doesn't sound like it. "
"I don't know, Bucky. I'm just-" You sigh in frustration, get off the couch and fold your arms across your chest- still unintentionally keeping distance. "Worried... I guess."
Here we go with the reverse psychology. He gets short with his speech, trying to get you to open up. It's something he's all to familiar with in his experience.
"When were you going to tell me about the Hydra mission?" You ask, exasperated.
“That’s what this is about?” He answers your question with a question. Classic Bucky.
“Well…” When he puts it like that. You leave it open ended, feeling uneasy.
Bucky gently places Alpine down on the floor, taking a few short steps forward.
“You’ve always known what kind of work I was in.” His response is monotone. Why is he being like this?
“Yeah, but Buck this is different-“
“It’s not. Hydra has been the root of everything; War, killing so many innocent people, dipping their dirty hands in and getting involved with the infinity stones which lead to the blip!”
He’s enraged, and who could blame him?
“And me.” Bucky admits, looking down at the floor in shame. “I cannot truly atone myself until they’re gone- All gone and have no chance of coming back.”
“But what if making sure Hydra doesn’t resurface means… losing you?” It’s hard to keep your voice from cracking and even more difficult to focus on him through watery eyes.
“I would do it. Without thinking twice.” Again, he admits. Ouch. Keeping his posture, Bucky looks up through hooded eyes.
“Bucky… no.” Your arms grip around yourself tighter, wishing that you were holding onto him instead.
But it’s hard to move and even breathe, at the realization that he is going on this mission and there is nothing that will prevent that.
“What about… me?” You offer, feeling like a child willing to barter anything you have. It’s a last ditch effort, knowing full well it won’t change his mind but praying it will be enough for him to make it back home.
“Y/n…” Bucky’s voice now remains soft. In two strides he is now standing in front of you, hands placed delicately on your elbows- Closing the distance. “I will do everything within my super soldier serum power to get back here…to you.” He says half serious and half joking to try and lighten the mood. It doesn't work.
Your jaw clenches down as you solely focus on trying not to blink. Such a simplistic, mundane action like blinking your eyes, will be your undoing. Blinking is the only thing standing between you and a breakdown. Both are inevitable.
Making the mistake of looking up slightly, you're met with Bucky’s ice blue eyes- already searching yours. He has mastered the art of conveying his thoughts and feelings through looks, being a man of few words that he is.
What is he showing now? There, in his eyes, is sympathy- an understanding how difficult this is going to be for you. And him.
“It’s going to be okay…” he says gently.
So much for avoiding the whole blinking thing as it turns into a full on, uncontrollable sob. If Bucky hadn't already been there you would have collapsed, due to the feeling of the floor being swept out from beneath you. Here you are in this situation, yet again. Showcasing your heart as though it is breaking into pieces like glass, heavily collecting in your stomach. Piece after piece, layer on top of layer, making it impossible to breathe in fear that it would be too painful.
Not a word is spoken.
It doesn't have to be. Am I overreacting? Maybe. But you can't help feeling as though this mission is unalike from the others. This mission is going to have an impact.
Bucky's shirt is tear stained, sticking to his chest in the more dampened areas. He shifts his weight ever so lightly causing you to press into his body more, as if trying to pull apart two strong magnets. Grabbing a fistful of the fabric, you hang on for dear life. For now, it is just you and a few threads being the only thing between you.
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You know when you're excited for something, like a concert or trip, so you start a countdown? Marking off the days with a bold black marker on a calendar as time seems to move at a snails pace to said event? Waiting for Bucky to go on this particular mission was the same. Except time seemed to be flying by at lightspeed and instead of enthusiasm, you felt dread.
Over the next week, kissing became a temporary lock and key. The sleepless nights were filled with intense, intimate sex. Followed by cuddles that kept your bodies so close to one another, that only being able to somehow crawl underneath his skin would suffice. Even then, that might not be enough. Not a moment went by wasted. After all, you can sleep when you're dead.
The darkness of the bedroom gradually started to lighten. Moment by moment, the twilight hue of the room became brighter; Acting as a wire cable slowly being reeled in, each second closer to him leaving and away from you.
“Y/n…” His voice startles you, although he spoke softly into your ear. The Combination of the break in silence and his warm breath meant you were about to hear the words you have feared over the last few days.
“I… have to go.”
You could tell that he waited until the very last millisecond to get out of the bed. Just a small nod of your head against the pillow is your response.
There’s a sudden chill the length of your entire body as he gets up. Something I need to get used to. His usual morning routine is eerily quiet. It feels impossible to try and peel yourself out of the comfortable, sinking imprint in the bed.
If I get up out of this bed, it’s one step closer to him leaving.
If I get up out of this bed, I don’t know if I’d be able to let him walk out the door.
If I get up out of this bed, I’ll try to be a stowaway.
If I get up out of this bed, I might resort to getting on my hands and knees, begging him not to go.
If I get up out of this bed, he won’t choose me over this mission.
If I get up out of this bed… I might lose him.
While the thoughts are irrational, you’re about to be forced to accept the fact that your heart is going to walk out the front door and may not return as the same person. Or if at all. The greatest fear for you both.
For the time spent with your mind racing with trying to find the reason he should stay, Bucky was ready. The weight of him sitting down on the bed is what brings you back to the here and now.
“I’ll make it back, Sunshine. I promise.”
“You can’t make that promise, Bucky.”
There’s no rebuttal, no usual playful banter back and forth. It’s impossible to look at him; To think that this short goodbye could be everything.
Not pushing, he gives a reassuring squeeze on your thigh.
“I love you… so much.”
He pauses waiting for your reply that doesn’t come. His head falls down in slight disappointment, feeling defeated as he goes to stand up. Without even being able to think about it, you throw the sheets off of yourself, jumping into his lap and wrapping all limbs around the trunk of his body. In return, he wraps his arms around you- keeping you as close as possible. Even if only for a moment.
To get through these times, you remember the saying: “It’s not goodbye, it’s seen you soon.” Using this mantra to tell yourself that this won’t be the last time you see Bucky. There is still so much undiscovered territory in the world that is him and yet you can’t shake the awful feeling of something being wrong.
And then it was time for him to go.
Cupping your face gently, he brings your lips to his. Bucky holds the kiss steadily, taking in the last bit of the warmth and softness he’s become accustomed to before he slips away. That’s one thing about him that you can appreciate, he never lets anything drag out for too long. Just like that, he’s gone.
All the weeks worth of worry, anxiety, and fear were front and center; Teasing to make its physical appearance. It takes every ounce of what little energy you barely even have to choke down the acidic bile climbing it’s way up your throat.
A low rumble throughout The Compound is a giveaway that their jet has taken off and on its way to the Soviet Union.
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The days turn into weeks. There is limited contact as everyone has gone completely off the grid. An occasional update from FRIDAY is all the information you're given (and it's not much). The living quarters are quiet, spookily quiet. The silence is almost worse than the typical chaos surrounding this place the majority of the time.
And still, there is this uneasy feeling. Deep within the corners of your mind where you keep pushing it further and further down in hopes to ignore it completely... Which only makes it worse. Escalating all your fears to the extent of making you physically ill.
Then, on a random week day, you hear commotion. Arguing voices, multiple footsteps running through the halls.
He's home.
It takes everything in you, and some more, to show some restraint and not to run out of the apartment, rush to the main entrance and jump into Bucky's arms- A scene straight from The Notebook.
Forcing yourself to do an incredibly fast walk instead of a full on sprint, you make your way to the medical bay. It's always the first stop coming home from a mission; To take care of any injuries, even the internal ones that might have gone unnoticed.
It's busy, like bees buzzing around a hive. Bruce is triaging each individual, some with minor cuts and bruises, others with broken bones. And thankfully that's the worst, physically extent. Quickly dodging between people, standing on your tippy toes trying to look over heads, you still haven't found Bucky. Instead you're met with Sam blocking you from going any further down the hallway.
"Y/N..." He starts, his tone calm.
"Hey Sam..." You respond, barely taking notice to him as you continue to frantically look for Bucky behind him. But being pointed in the right direction wouldn't hurt. "Have you seen Bucky?" You ask, hopeful he knows the answer.
His lack of response causes you to become tense, your vision quickly changing from rapid movement among the herd of people to solely focusing on Sam. His face. It’s a look I’ve never seen before. At least, not with him.
"Sam...? Sam! Where's Bucky? Is...he okay?"
“Well technically yeah-“
“What do you mean by ‘technically’?”
Steve appeared next to Sam at some point, which wasn’t even noticed due to your tunnel vision on Sam.
“Hey y/n…” Steve says in a sort of stoic manner, having a hard time but forcing himself to look at you.
“What the fuck is going on?” Your patience is as thin as a strand of hair.
The two men exchange a worried glance between one another after Steve had a small moment to process the profanity.
“What is it?!” In any other situation, a 5’3 woman yelling up to Captain America himself might be funny. But not here. Not in this case.
They're still looking amongst one another searching for words. With an annoyed sigh, you push passed between Steve and Sam like an old western bar door with no sort of hinderance from them.
Looking in each clinical room as you lightly jog down the hallway, it's becoming harder to ignore the distressing looks on each persons face as you progress further. There is only one more place to look; the quarantine room.
Quarantine? Why is he secluded from everyone else?
Narrowing vision takes hold as your pulse starts to race faster the closer you get to the bright white room. It's clearly under intense surveillance but see through what looks like thick, clear glass. You let out a sigh of relief once Bucky comes into view. But he seems...different.
Bruce is also in the room with him, having what seemed a firm, yet concerned conversation that you cannot hear. Bucky is sitting completely upright on the exam table. While he is covered in purple bruises, some of them are already turning a dense yellow as a sign of healing. It seems as though he is barely listening to Dr. Banner, staring at the wall and straight through him. Bucky is wearing an expressionless face as he continues to not talk, his chest barely expanding as he breathes and hardly blinks.
You're taken aback; This is not the Bucky you know. Not the playful, kind and loving man that you have become accustomed to. Your jaw ever so slightly drops open at the sight and pure shock.
Without realizing, Natasha is standing at your side looking into the room as well.
"What happened out there, Natasha?" You ask softly. She takes a deep breath, her eyes not being taken off of Bucky for a millisecond.
"Hydra." She says plainly.
Turning your body to now face the Black Widow herself.
"Care to elaborate on that... I don't know, just a little?"
The sarcastic tone normally causes an overwhelming anxiety to be stored in the back compartment of your mind; Until you've had time to reflect. But when it comes to Bucky? Defense mode is instantly activated.
"They..." She sighs, still not looking away from him.
"They were somehow able to manipulate his mind. He's waiting...for orders."
Your brow furrows with worry and confusion as your eyes bounce between Bucky and Natasha.
"So... you're saying that..."
The words were impossible to form. There is no way. No way after years of working on redemption, and using every method possibly known to man to reverse anything and everything that Hydra instilled in his mind is still...there?
"I'm saying, Barnes is compromised. He has to stay in quarantine until we can be sure he's not a danger to anyone."
"That's it? That's all that you'll tell me?"
"That's all that we really know, y/n."
For the first time, Natasha looks at you with her traditional, unemotional gaze. There are many ways a person can react to such news. But this is hard, too hard, to accept.
Your blood starts boiling within your body. The heat congregates and pools in your cheeks as your hands tense into fists at your side.
Her eyebrows raise and her eyes widen from your shout, but she doesn't move.
"Excuse me? What, you think that I am keeping something from you?" She responds, seeming the slightest bit annoyed.
"Yeah, Nat! What the actual fuck?! You two have been spending all this time together and have gotten so close and yet you know nothing about what actually happened?!"
The loudness and cracking of your voice catches the attention of some people in the hallway but they're polite enough to pretend as though they didn't. Behind your eyes starts to sting from the suppressed tears; refusing to once again blink in fear of letting them out.
Blame. Someone has to be held liable for this. And unfortunately, that's Natasha. She was the bearer of bad news and there has been this underlying, embarrassing tinge of jealousy. Although it's completely unwarranted.
"Finished?" She asks, flatly. Nat sighs as she crosses her arms as her shoulder leans against the glass, her attention solely on you.
"Are you that naive?"
Naive? The word itself feels like a slap across the face. You're left standing there, breathless for the first time in the conversation.
"I-..." You try to mumble, but it came out more like a sound than any attempt of a word.
"There's nothing going on between Barnes and I."
That's a relief and yet... kind of not really?
"You really have no idea, do you y/n?"
Nat unfolds her arms and pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. She exhales deeply, maintaining composure as she falls back into her relaxed position against the window.
"Don't ask me why he would come to me of all people-"
You're finally getting an explanation and yet your eyes are drawn to Bucky as he sits on the exam table. His lips moving gently as he speaks with Bruce, his body stiff, his face emotionless, and his eyes seemingly....dead.
"The trip?" Natasha asks. "Upstate? Camping?"
She's spelling it out, but for some reason dot A is not connecting to dot B. Reluctantly, you look away from Bucky and back to Nat, almost becoming numb to the situation at hand. Annoyed, she blurts out;
"He was planning on proposing to you..."
Your world feels as though it is crashing down harder, faster. How is that even possible? The life that we planned, dreamed, and fought so hard for, is just gone? It's not fair. Life isn't always fair, but Bucky had his second chance. He completely turned his life around and chose you, loves you. Loved? The thought that his love for you is in the past is almost too much to bare.
Nat seemed to still be talking, but at this point it just sounds muffled; like being outside of a concert venue. Your vision wasn't focused on anything in particular, just out into the abyss of Bucky's new temporary home.
Bruce walking passed the window where you're standing brought you back to the moment. He and Bucky continued conversing as he was getting ready to exit the quarantine room when the two of you make eye contact. You felt stuck, as if your legs had been cemented to the floor.
Holding your breath, you wait to see what his reaction is. Will all his memories come flooding back? Is he that lost? Can he be pulled back from this corruption again?
Bruce opened the exam room door to leave; Bucky had a frantic look on his face although he did not get off the table.
"Banner!" He yelled out, his eyes staying locked on you.
Bucky jumps off of the exam table to be met with quick and strong Hulk hands holding him back as he struggles. Kicking, yelling, punching; it is his once abandoned darkness that is coming out.
There was no hiding the evident panic on your face. It's like a train wreck that you want nothing more than to look away from but can't.
This is too much.
Without realizing, there is a sudden warmness wrapped around your shoulder. Steve is now standing with you, watching along at your side as Bucky becomes undone.
In his swiftness to contain Bucky, Bruce had left the door open. You can hear the agony in his voice, the confusion, the rage. Looking down in defeat, Steve coaxes you to turn around.
"Let's get you upstairs, y/n." He says in a sorrowful tone.
You allow Steve to lead you, unable to form a coherent thought or even begin comprehending the situation. There are no words, no preparation in the world for something like this.
"Bruce!" Bucky yells as he continues to struggle. "Who is she?! Tell me! I know her! I KNOW HER!" His voice echoes down the hall and swarms around in your ears.
You aren't sure how you got home but honestly didn't care. The mind tends to just go through regular motions when something traumatic happens. It's your body's way of protecting itself. But laying in bed, you cannot help but fixate on the 8x10 frame with the picture of Bucky and yourself from your friend Elena's wedding from just a few months ago. Laughing happily and the camera happening to catch the moment. You're safely tucked into Bucky's arms as he smiles, looking down at you as if you were the only person in the world. In his world.
The most perfect candid...
The accurate depiction of your relationship...
The simplicity of love.
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@peaches1958 @aquabrie @elsie-bells @pono-pura-vida @redbloodedgurl @almosttoopizza @beware-my-thorns @prettylittlepluviophile @annoyinglythoughtfuldestiny @calwitch @ozwriterchick @roofwitty779 @lessersole @lil-darhk @agoddoesnotplead
Next part
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metalbuckaroo · 9 months
The Chase
Summary// "we had a deal, my dove. You promised."
AU// WinterSoldier!Bucky x F!Reader
Warnings// chasing kink, unprotected sex, smut, a yank to the hair, cursing, use of petnames- dove, dovey
Note// I think I'm a little rusty, but I'm also beyond tired rn so it could also be that ehsudienaua. This is a part two to the Black Mail fic I did for kinktober many moons ago
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"Who is he?" He was everywhere. His gruff voice echoing through the trees, surrounding you as you frantically looked around. Trying to find a way out of this situation. "I don't share, dove."
He was right behind you, your legs working before your mind to carry you in the opposite direction. Lungs burning from the cold night air as his dark chuckle faded in the distance.
But, he was quick and quiet. Moving just as fast as you could look over your shoulder before slamming into what could only be described as a wall of pure muscle, sending you falling back onto the leaf covered ground.
"Please- James, please. I'm sorry." You pleaded, tears stinging your eyes as he stood over you. The same mask Hydra forced him to wear covering the lower portion of his face.
He kneeled down, denim blues dark with something you couldn't place. "I won't ask again. Who. Is. He."
"Your way out! Please, just let me go. I still have a week!" The metal of his left hand gleamed in the moonlight as he reached his hand out to grasp your chin. Pupils blown and touch gentle.
"I'll give you a headstart. You have three minutes, dovey." You just stared at him wide eyed, chest heaving and heart hammering against your ribcage. "Run."
As if on instinct, you scrambled to your feet, trying to find your footing to dart back into the darkness the trees provided.
You knew you couldn't go much longer, your aching muscles sending pains through your legs each time your feet would hit the ground. There was no use in running anyways, he'd always win.
"We had a deal, my dove. You promised." You swore you could hear the grit of his teeth when you'd stopped, so close to giving in as you leaned your forehead against the rough bark of a nearby tree. Fingers curving against the wood. "You're just like them."
"No, I'm not." You heaved, trying to take a moment to catch your breath.
"I saw you with him at that diner. You're suppose to be mine."
His voice was getting closer, making you bite down on the inside of your cheeks to take some of the attention away from the burning in your legs before taking off again.
Though, you didn't make it far before fingers curled in the back of your hair. Crying out when he barely yanked to make you stop.
"I was doing what I was told. You want out, I have to find someone who can do that." You tried to reason, words not coming easy from the way he had your head craned back. His warm right arm snaking around your waist to pull you against him.
"Lies." He seethed, calloused fingers slipping under your shirt. "I've dreamt of you. Craved you. Now I finally have you again. I've been so cold without you my sweet dove."
Your body gave in the moment nimble fingers flicked the button of your pants open.
There was something twisted inside of you that liked the chase, the constant looming feeling you'd had over the weeks since you'd last seen him- like he was just lying in wait for the right moment.
It was hard to think of much else than the last time you'd saw him. The drag of his fingers against your skin, the way his lips seared kisses to your throat- much like now, cold and warm hands dragging against your sides as your fingers worked at the tactical belt that kept you from what you were truly after.
The ground freezing against your bare back not slowing you from getting what you craved.
It seemed to take ages for James to notice your struggle, his hands replacing your own to easily pull open the buckle as yours went to unclip the mask. Carelessly tossing it into the leaves to pull his lips to yours.
The hunger behind his kiss fueled you, your fingers weaving through his long locks and legs going around his waist to pull him closer. Swallowing breaths and quiet grunts as his hand fumbled to grasp his shaft.
The shudder that rolled through your body as he pressed into you was enough to send your mind reeling, everything else around you fading away and your senses overwhelmed by only him as he found his pace. Short, hard thrusts rocking your body- sending shocks of pure pleasure shooting down your legs.
You'd missed how full he made you feel. An emptiness left behind in his absence, his touch electric as he groped at your chest and left sloppy kisses along your throat. Deep moans vibrating against the skin, mixing with your whines in the cold night air.
"Can feel you milking me, dovey. Make a mess, show me who I belong to." James panted, drinking in the pleasure drunk scrunch of your face as your legs tightened around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer.
Wedging his arm under you for a better angle, he didn't change his pace. Taking the opportunity to slot his lips over yours when you cried out in bliss, swallowing the sultry sound as your cunt clamped around him. His hips jerked forward at the feeling, the swirling sensation at his base building until he couldn't take it anymore- spilling into you with a huffed grunt.
The warmth of his body was quickly replaced with the night air, goosebumps prickling your skin as you whined in response. The dull ring in your ears making it hard to focus as you found your jeans to redress.
"One more week, dove. Better hurry."
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about insomniac!reader and Bucky with nightmares that keep him up at all hours of the night— Bucky coming into the kitchen to get a warm glass of milk, but instead finding reader just pulling out a fresh batch of cookies from stress-baking. Maybe they have a nice little conversation and wind up falling asleep and snuggling together?
No pressure to write anything, I totally understand either way 🩵🩵
Cookies, Conversations, and Cuddles » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female Reader
Summary: You and Bucky stay up and eat cookies and have a nice conversation when the two of you can’t sleep.
Warnings: Fluff, language, Insomniac!Reader, nightmares, cuddles, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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Bucky gasps loudly and sat up, leaning his back against the headboard of his bed. He sat there panting and covered in a thin layer of sweat, trying to gather his surroundings in his dark bedroom. Once he regained his breath, he got out of bed and went to the kitchen, not bothering to put on a shirt.
He stopped a few feet from the entrance to the kitchen. The kitchen lights are on and he heard noises in there. He cautiously walked in the kitchen, only to see you taking out the second tray of cookies out of the oven.
“Y/N?” Bucky approached the counter. “What are you doing?” He asks.
“I’m baking.” You answered. “I couldn’t sleep.” You tell him. “What are you doing?” You asked.
“Nightmares.” He answers.
Your heart broke for Bucky. He has told you about the nightmares he has from when he was the Winter Soldier.
“Here…” You pushed a plate of cookies towards him. “These might help.” You say.
“What flavor are they?” He asks, picking up a cookie.
“Chocolate chip.” You answered.
“My favorite.” He smiles and took a bite. “These are amazing!” He compliments.
“Thank you.” You say with a smile.
Bucky watched as you put more cookies onto another plate as he ate some from a different plate.
“Let’s go sit down.” Bucky suggests. “We can watch TV or talk.” He says.
You stared at the cookies on the plates in front of you, wanting to make more, but you do want to have a nice conversation with Bucky. You washed your hands before following Bucky to the lounge room with a plate of cookies.
“What else can you bake besides cookies?” Bucky asks curiously.
“Anything.” You answered. “Cake, brownies, muffins.” You listed off.
“I love muffins!” He tells you excitedly. “I remember when I was a kid, my mom made me and my sister muffins every weekend for breakfast. I wanted chocolate chips and Rebecca wanted blueberry so my mom combined the two and made chocolate chip blueberry muffins.” He says.
“Those sound good.” You took a bite of a cookie. “I can make those for you sometime if you want.” You suggested.
“Yes please!” He says happily.
You made sure to keep that noted in your head. It gave you an idea.
You and Bucky continued to have a nice conversation till you felt yourself getting sleepy.
“You getting tried, doll?” Bucky asks.
“A little.” You yawned. “But I don’t want that to ruin our conversation.” You say with a pout.
Bucky readjusts himself on the couch and laid down.
“C’mere.” He motions for you to lay on top of him. “You can lay on top of me and we can keep talking.” He says.
You smile at him before crawling on top of him and got comfortable.
“Are you sure I’m not crushing you?” You asked to be sure you’re not hurting him.
“I’m sure.” He smiles. “I like you on top of me.” He pauses when he realizes what he said. “Sorry.” He apologizes. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He says with a small chuckle.
You could help but giggle when he said that. You and Bucky continued talking. You eventually laid your head on his chest with your face facing the TV. Bucky stopped mid sentence and looked down at you, thinking you were watching TV. It didn’t take him long to hear your even breathing pattern. He looked over at the back of the couch and found a blanket draped over it. He grabbed it and covered the two of you up with it. He then wrapped his arms around you protectively.
“Goodnight, doll.” Bucky whispers and kissed the top of your head.
Bucky fell asleep after a few minutes. The next morning, Steve heard the sound of the TV. He went to the lounge room to turn it off, only to find you and Bucky cuddled up on the couch and sleeping peacefully. Steve knows you and Bucky get little to no sleep so he didn’t bother waking you guys up. He put the TV on a low volume and adjusted the blanket on the two of you before letting you two get more sleep.
Steve walks in the kitchen to see a couple plates of cookies on the kitchen counter and dirty dishes in the skin from when you were baking last night. He also knows you stress bake so he didn’t mind it. He loves it when you bake. Steve couldn’t help himself but take a couple cookies.
“I smell cookies!” Sam says as he walked in the kitchen.
“I’m guessing Y/N stressed baked again.” Natasha says.
“Yes she did and shh.” Steve quietly shushing them. “Y/N and Bucky are sleeping in the lounge room. Don’t wake them.” He tells them.
Sam and Natasha nodded and got some cookies. The rest of the Avengers came in the kitchen and got some cookies too.
A few hours later, you were still on top of Bucky when you woke up. You rubbed your eyes and looked up to see Bucky looking at you with a smile on his face.
“How’d you sleep, doll face?” Bucky asks, his voice raspy from waking up.
“Good.” You answered. “How about you?” You asked.
“Good.” He answers. “I feel like I sleep better when we’re cuddling.” He says, smiling.
“Me too.” You say with a smile.
You got off of Bucky so the two of you could stretch. You looked up at the clock on the wall and read 12:15pm.
“Wow, we really slept in.” You told Bucky. “I think we missed the meeting.” You say.
“It’s ok. Steve will fill us in later.” Bucky says.
You two then went to your bedrooms and got dressed. You went back to the kitchen to clean up your mess from last night. Bucky walked in the kitchen and grabbed a couple cookies before sitting down at the table, watching you do the dishes.
“Do you have any plans for today?” Bucky asks.
“Nope.” You answered. “I do know what I want to bake next though.” You say.
“What is it?” He asks excitedly.
“A true baker never reveals her secrets.” You jokingly say.
Little does Bucky know that you’re going to the store to get the ingredients to make the chocolate chip blueberry muffins he was telling you about last night. You made sure Bucky was busy doing something so you can bake them and surprise him. You knocked his bedroom door and he gave you permission to come in.
“Are you busy?” You asked.
“I’m never busy for you, doll.” Bucky says with a smile.
You couldn’t help but blush and smile when Bucky called you doll. You love it when he calls you that. It makes you feel special.
“I have a surprise for you.” You tell him.
“Ooh, what is it?” He asks curiously.
You held the container of muffins out for him. Bucky took the container from your hands and sat down on his bed. You sat down next to him. He was speechless when he opened the container.
“Chocolate Chip Blueberry Muffins.” Is all he said.
He picked up one and took a bit of it, humming at the taste and savored it.
“I know it’s not like how your mom made it for you and your sister, but I tried.” You say.
“Are you kidding? These are amazing!” Bucky exclaims.
“Oh… thank-” Bucky kissed you before you could finish thanking him. “You.” You finally said.
“Sorry.” He mumbles softly. “I didn’t mean to do that. I haven’t had these in years and-” You kissed him before he could finish his sentence.
“It’s ok.” You tell him. “If this is what I get for baking you something, I look forward to your kisses.” You say with a smile.
Bucky kissed you once more before sharing the muffins with you. Let’s just say yours and Bucky’s love story started with chocolate chip blueberry muffins.
-Bucky’s Doll
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bucks-babe · 10 months
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
All fics are with a female reader unless stated otherwise. All fics will be posted on my side blog as well @bucks-babesideblog
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Banner by the amazing @buckys-wintersoldier
Updated: 7/24/24
Requests/asks are always welcome
I don’t have a tag list but I post all fics to my side blog @bucks-babesideblog
Smut - 🔥
Fluff - 🌸
Angst - 🌧️
Dark - 😈
One shots
Friends Don't Lie 🔥🌸- Wanting to know if your crush likes you, you go to Bucky for help, the only problem is, Bucky is your crush
Not One of Us 🌸🌧️- Being new to the compound isn't easy, good thing there is a supersoldier on your side
Be Mean To Me 🔥 - After a long day at work, you just want to lose all control and have your boyfriend fuck you into oblivion
More to Love🔥🌸🌧️ - Bucky wants to take care of his girl in every sense of the term; so what if she gains a little bit of fat because of it?
My Guardian, My Angel, My Love 🔥🌸🌧️- For the first time, Bucky gets to experience peace with his sweet angel
Heated Punishment 🔥 - Omega Bucky goes into heat, but his alpha isn’t too happy with him when he tries to hide from her
Change My Ways For You🔥🌸🌧️- One of the only girls in school that didn’t want Bucky Barnes was somehow the one he fell in love with
Fuckboy!Bucky NSFW Alphabet 🔥
Let Me Be of Service🌸- With your growing belly, it's a lot harder to take care of yourself. Luckily your husband is willing to do it for you
See What I See🔥🌸- Duckie shows you how much he loves your body after giving birth to little Bug - Part two of Let Me Be of Service
Plastic🔥 - Bucky uses a fleshlight for the first time
Let Them Hear🔥🌸 - Secret relationships are only fun for so long, so why don't you show everyone who you belong to cumming soon
How Can I Forget You🔥🌸🌧️ - Steve needs to get his best girl and best guy back Stucky x reader
Not Like This 🔥🌧️ - A night at the bar doesn’t go the way Bucky or you expected
When At First You Don't Succeed🔥🌸- Sometimes getting to the finish line is hard, but luckily you have the perfect partner to help you get through it cumming soon
Take It Off, Baby🔥- You made Bucky the happiest man alive when he finds out you started birth control cumming soon
Virgin Bucky Gets His First Blowjob 🔥- You give your boyfriend his first blowjob
More Virgin Bucky 🔥 - Bucky thinks about your movie night
Munch 🔥 - Virgin Bucky gets his first taste
This Magic Moment 🔥 - Vigin Bucky is no longer a virgin
Slip Up🔥 - While having fun with your boyfriend, an accident occurs, leading to another first for Bucky
Virgin Bucky NSFW Alphabet🔥
Bucky Loves his Girl's Tummy 🔥🌸
Glazed 🔥
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jiyascepter · 4 months
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───── May
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So I decided that I should be making my monthly reading lists to promote some fellow writers even more, even if one person reads a fic from here it would change something, wouldn't it?
(idk if tumblr would let me tag so many writers at once, but the links to fics work so pls check out their profiles too!)
And also if I ever want to reread them it would be easier to find 👀 I'll try my best to make these lists every month ✨️
So here are some lovely fanfics I've read this month, please make sure to give them some love by commenting or reblogging, it means a lot to us writers 🤍
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Fluff: 🥰 | Angst: 💔 | Hurt/Comfort: ❤️‍🩹 | Smut: 🔥 | Dark: 🖤 | Humor: 😆
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Loki's Island Fever [Avengers!Loki x reader] | ongoing 🔥😆
Talk to Me [Loki x f!reader] Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 is wip | ❤️‍🩹🥰
From The Horny Misadventures of Nomad Steve:
Disciplinary Action [Nomad!Steve Rogers x Agent!reader] 🔥
Positive Reinforcement [Nomad!Steve Rogers x Agent!reader] 🔥😆
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Distractions [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Like a Queen [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Also check out her upcoming series : The Rite
His name, his property [Dark!Steve Kemp x f!reader] 🖤🔥
Glazed (donut) Holes [Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x girlfriend!reader] 🔥
Teasing [Dom Bf!Bucky x Sub gf!reader] 🔥
Little Perv co-written with @lanabuckybarnes [Stepbrother!Bucky Barnes x Stepsister!Reader x BestFriend!Steve Rogers] 🔥
Bucky Offers You a Better Job [CEO!Bucky x Assistant f!reader] 🔥
Domination [SoftDom!Bucky x Sub!reader] 🔥
How Love Works [Ransom Drysdale x reader] 🥰
Loki imagine (based off The Avengers) [Loki x reader] 🥰
Help you bear it [Loki x f!reader] ❤️‍🩹
You Can't Hurt Me [Loki x f!reader] ❤️‍🩹
What Prank? [Bucky x f!reader] 🥰😆
Running Into Trouble [Loki x f!reader] 🥰
Whatever It Takes [Loki x f!reader] 🥰 slight🔥
The Dress [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Don't Forget [Loki x Disabled Female reader] 🥰❤️‍🩹
Keeping Score [TVA!Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Vanilla and Honeycomb [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
How Long Could We Be a Sad Song? [Chris Evans x Secret Girlfriend!Reader] 💔
Curiosities [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
Feral [Frost Giant!Loki x f!reader] 🖤🔥
Give Up [Alpha!Bucky x Fem Omega!reader] 🔥
The Interview [Rockstar!Bucky x f!reader] 🔥
Truly Desperate [Loki x f!reader] 🔥😆
The Accident and the Misunderstanding [Tom Hiddleston x Reader] 💔🥰
You Stayed [Steve Kemp x reader] 🥰
If You Wanna Come, Give My Brother Some [Steve x reader x Bucky] 🔥
No Sacrifice Without Blood [Vampire!Loki x reader] 🖤🔥
A Show Of Temptation [Loki x f!reader] 🔥
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So yeah these were all the amazing stories I read this month, make sure to give these a read ! Also if you have any fic recs please let me know ;)
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witchywithwhiskey · 21 days
slasher summer masterlist
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summerween is over, and so is my slasher summer writing challenge. as promised, here's the masterlist of all entries in the challenge (if yours is missing, please DM me!)
thank you to everyone who participated, as well as all readers who liked, reblogged and commented on the fics!! i loved getting to read everyone's stories and see what y'all did with the prompts. you're all so creative and lovely—thank you again!!!
for readers, please heed the warnings on each individual post below, your media consumption is your responsibility. and please make sure to show your support of the writers by reblogging their work!!!
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When He First Got Me by @buckets-and-trees
pairing: soft!dark and rough Nomad!Steve Rogers x Female!Reader summary: Prequel in the Exiled Nomad Series. July 3, 2017. Steve sees you at a city festival for the Fourth of July, but he's not content with only seeing…
Dirty Little Secret by @buckys-wintersoldier
pairing: Professor!Ari Levinson x Student!Female!Reader summary: You share a dirty little secret with your professor.
In the Woods by @thezombieprostitute
pairing: James Mace x Female!Reader x Chris Beck summary: Using the prompts: Summer Camp; Sex in the Woods; You know how girls love to scream
Not A Common Storm by @nekoannie-chan
pairing: Steve Rogers x Agent of HYDRA!Reader summary: You and Steve are trapped in a storm, what would happen?
Once Upon A Friendship by @steviebbboi
pairing: Childhood Bestie!Steve Rogers x Female!Reader summary: Growing up together, you and Steve were inseparable. Where did it all go wrong?
Rosa by @perdidosbucky-yyo
pairing: Best Friend!Steve Rogers x Plus Size! Female!Reader summary: Trapped in a prison of your husband and your mother’s expectations, your only comfort is the ghost in your garden, haunted by the memory of your best friend. You thought you would never see him again but when he unexpectedly returns home from the war after 12 years, you’re not prepared for what’s to come.
A Night of Frights & Delights by @elixirfromthestars
pairing: Athlete!Bucky Barnes x Artist!Reader summary: It’s Friday the 13th and the college kids in town decided to host a weekend camping trip on the outskirts of town. Your best friend convinced you to go much to your reluctance. What could go wrong when the one guy you can’t stand is also there?
Sweet and Slashy Summer Saturdays by @buckets-and-trees
pairing: Bucky Barnes x Curvy!Female Reader summary: A first date with your neighbor Bucky Barnes.
Fool Me Once… by @dc418writes
pairing: Ari Levinson x BlackReader, Pete Brenner x BlackReader summary: Who knew grudges could be so deadly?
Slasher by @witchywithwhiskey
pairing: DARK Horror Movie Villain!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader summary: Somehow, you end up in your favorite old horror movie, and you decide to take the opportunity to fulfill one of your fantasies—you're gonna fuck the villain, Bucky Barnes.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
Fluffcember Day 4 | The softest pillow
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Sebastian Stan x Girlfriend!Fem!Reader
Word count | 4.1K
Summary | You've been dating Sebastian for over five months, and he has invited you to spend the night at his house for the first time. He has planned a comfortable and romantic night for you both, and you've never had more fun staying at home than you did with him.
Warning(s) | Established relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend), use of pet name (Sweetheart), small age gap (~ 7-8 years).
Smut | Oral ~ M receiving, throat fucking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), creampie, lots of praise, hair pulling, dirty talk, Daddy kink, cockwarming.
Rating Explicit (E)
Request | @buckys-wintersoldier Hey, my lovely big me💞 Listen to me, I'm sure you will love that or I hope you will. You can decide the character you want to use for this one, but could you write a fluffy oneshot that includes these sentences: 1. "No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today." (I'm so in love with this one, I found this and now I'm in love) 2. "I remember practising how to ask you out in a mirror." I know they don't fit that well, but I'm pretty sure you will make a wonderful oneshot out of it. Hehe. Thank you in advance, and I love you, big me. 💞
A/n | This one-shot it written for day 4 of my Fluffcember 2023 Challenge. Thank you so much for this sweet request, and I am glad I found the perfect prompt for your challenge! 😉 I want to give a big thank you to @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading this as always 🎄
Events Masterlist | ''You're my new pillow'' | @buckys-wintersoldier Masterlist | Holding hands | @anyfandomkinkbingo
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Banners by @vase-of-lilies | Divider by @firefly-graphics | GIF credit to the owner
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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Dating Sebastian has been a true rollercoaster of emotions for you, but only in the best way possible. From you meeting him during an interview a little over a year ago to him asking you to be his girlfriend, it was like a fairytale.
Today is the day you're about to interview the cast of a new movie called The Martian - and today, of all days, will be the moment that you're going to be interviewing Sebastian Stan, your celebrity crush for the last few years.
It will be an absolute dream come true, and you've been endlessly preparing so you can conduct the interview of your life. And not just to impress Sebastian.
The black dress you've wanted to wear is hanging in your closet, ready to be put on, but you pick out some black lingerie before you can do that. It's not like anyone will see it, but the confidence boost it gives you is indescribable.
When you have the lacey fabric on, you admire yourself in the mirror for a few minutes before getting dressed and doing your hair and makeup.
Your hair is in loose curls and up in a ponytail, with a few loose pieces framing your face, and your eye makeup is simple, but the dark lipstick you put on gives your look an exciting edge.
Now, all that's left is to read over your interview questions a few more times and make a few last adjustments before it's officially time to go to your interview.
It's good that you've gotten into the habit of arriving early everywhere you go, and you've arrived about 20 minutes early so you take the time to freshen up in the bathroom.
You don't anticipate anyone walking by when you walk out, and you accidentally bump into a broad chest. You let out a squeal when a pair of strong arms envelop you.
"Woah! Careful there, Sweetheart," the man says with a chuckle, and your eyes snap up to see who the voice belongs to. It is just your luck that you bump into none other than Sebastian, and you're glad he caught you before you could fall.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you!" You tell him as he lets you go, but he gives you a reassuring smile.
"It's okay, Sweetheart. It's not every day that someone as beautiful as you bumps into me," he tells you with a dashing smile, making the butterflies you feel in your stomach wild.
When it's time for the interview, Sebastian recognizes you and lets his gaze wander over your body and long, exposed legs a few times. He can't get enough of looking at you.
The interview is over far too soon for the both of you and just when you're about to pack up your stuff and go home to work out the interview, Sebastian stops you.
"I hope I'm not overstepping here, but would you mind grabbing a coffee sometime? If you're from around here, that is," he says, suddenly getting a little shy.
"Well, I'm out here for work until tomorrow morning, but once you're back in New York, I'd love to take you up on your offer since I live there," you tell him, and you can't help but smile.
The thought of Sebastian asking you out makes the butterflies go crazy, and when you see the relief washing over him, you know you made the right choice by saying yes.
"Let me give you my number, and you can text me when you're back in New York if you still want to grab a coffee, of course," you tell him, and he nods furiously before grabbing his phone and letting you put your phone number in it.
"I have to go now, but it was lovely to meet you, and I can't wait to grab a coffee with you when we're home," he says, and he bends down to place a soft kiss on your cheek, his stubble tickling you a little bit.
Little did you know it would be the start of a great friendship and one of the most loving relationships you've ever built with someone. It was your first Christmas together that would change the dynamic, however.
"Do you want to spend Christmas together this year? If you don't plan to go home, of course," Sebastian asks you during your weekly video call.
He's away to film another Marvel movie, but Christmas will be spent back in New York, which is perfect timing for both of you. You haven't seen him for the last three months, and even though it's nice to video call, you miss his hugs, smiles, and touches. You miss him.
"I would love to, but only if you're cooking dinner for me because the lord knows if I do it, there won't be anything to eat for us that evening!" you joke, and Sebastian laughs wholeheartedly, which makes your heart skip a beat or two.
Your crush on him has only intensified over the last year, and he has developed feelings for you as well, but with his busy shooting schedule, you don't see each other as much as you'd like.
Sebastian plans to make it extra special this Christmas and wants to spend the holiday with you. He's been planning on telling you how he feels for a while, and it will be the perfect opportunity to do just that.
"Of course, I'll cook; I'd rather not starve on Christmas, thank you very much!" he quips back, and you shake your head, chuckling at his comment.
It promises to be the most memorable Christmas you have ever spent, and you're glad you don't have to celebrate it alone this year. With your parents living on the other side of the world, seeing them over Christmas is not an option, so you usually take some time off, read a book or two, and relax.
"In that case, I'll gladly celebrate Christmas with you, Sebastian. I can't wait," you tell him, and the weeks leading up to it felt like they flew by.
It is the day before Christmas when Sebastian arrives in New York, and you've offered to pick him up from the airport, which he gladly accepted.
"Hi, Sweetheart," he says as he walks out the doors after baggage claim, hauling a suitcase behind him and a backpack over his shoulders. He's been filming in California for a while, so he has a healthy glow all over his face, making him look stunning.
"I can't believe we're spending Christmas together; it's a big step from having to spend it alone," you tell him softly, getting a little embarrassed that you just admitted to him that you're usually alone on the happiest time of the year.
"Wait, you're always alone on Christmas?! I'm glad I offered to spend it together! Can't have my best girl being alone during the holidays now, can I?" Sebastian asks, and you nod in agreement.
You didn't miss how he called you his best girl, and it made your cheeks heat up, which didn't go unnoticed by Sebastian. You both have this effect on one another, and you wouldn't change it for anything.
The next day, Sebastian rings your doorbell a little after noon, and you've opted to wear a Christmas-themed sweater. When you open the door, you find Sebastian with a Christmas sweater and a present under his arm.
"You look gorgeous today, Sweetheart," Sebastian tells you as he pulls you into his side and kisses your cheek softly. It has yours heating up instantly, and you're feeling very fortunate to have someone as sweet as him by your side today.
The afternoon is spent preparing dinner, drinking hot cocoa, and watching Home Alone, an absolute Christmas classic. When you think this day couldn't be any more perfect, Sebastian whips out an envelope and hands it to you.
I wrote this for you, and I'm sorry if it's a little cheesy, but I figured I go big or go home, and I'd rather not go home, so..." he says, a deep red blush taking over his cheeks and neck as he hands you the envelope.
It's a light pink envelope with your name in his handwriting, and you pull open the envelope to find a small letter inside.
The past year, you have shown me what it is like to live life to the fullest, no matter what life throws your way. Meeting you has also brought me immense joy; because of that, I want to ask you something.
Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest guy on earth and be my girlfriend?
~ Sebastian
When you finish reading the little note, you slap your hand over your mouth out of excitement and practically fling yourself into his arms as you pull him close.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Sebastian."
His hand cups your cheek before he pulls you in for a soft, sweet kiss. Even though it's not the first you've shared with him, it is by far the most special one, and it is the cherry on top of the Christmas cake.
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Today will be your first time staying at Sebastian's house; honestly, the nerves are starting to kick in. He's seen your place a few times and slept there, but this is quite a step outside your comfort zone.
In your home, it's precisely how you like it and where you feel most comfortable, and you've discussed this with Sebastian. He is a true sweetheart because he has repeatedly reassured you that it's okay and you can sleep at home if you don't feel comfortable.
Your outfit has been laid out and ready to go for the last two days, and you can't wait to put it on and officially make your way to see Sebastian because you've missed him a lot.
Between his filming schedule and you flying all over the country to do more interviews, you have little time to see one another, but now that the universe is finally letting you be together, you want to look your absolute best.
After a shower and a thorough grooming session, you're putting your hair into two space buns with a few loose strands framing your face, and your makeup is very natural.
When your outfit is on, and your overnight bag is packed, you text Sebastian to tell him you're about to leave since it's still a 45-minute drive to his house, especially with the New York traffic.
Your work bag is also coming since you'll head straight to work the following day. It's a good thing he lives close to your office because that gives you more time to cuddle up to him, which is one of your favorite things to do in the morning.
What you didn't know, however, is that Sebastian has been preparing for your arrival. Not just by making sure his house is spotless but also by putting a little ''welcome home'' package together for you.
When he's about to step into the shower, he hears his phone go off, and when your name appears on his screen, he gets a wide grin, and his mood is instantly lifted.
''Can't wait to see you soon, Sweetheart,'' he says to no one, and he hops into the shower to prepare for your arrival. His place is spotless, there are clean sheets on the bed, and the care package is waiting on the kitchen island, ready to be unpacked by you.
He went above and beyond by choosing out a pair of the fuzziest socks he could find, as well as a big box of your favorite tea and a cute mug with it, a book from your wishlist you can leave at his place, and a bag of your favorite sweet treats to finish it.
He also has a small black box waiting for later, but that would have to wait until you two are comfortable on the couch because he wants to save it for a special moment.
When he's done in the shower, he quickly dries his hair and puts on a simple outfit before spraying his cologne. Now, he's ready to welcome you at his house and getting nervous because he's unsure if you will like it.
He grabbed the little box he was planning on giving you later and flipped open the top one last time as he looked at its contents. It shines beautifully in the sunlight, illuminating the room through the large windows.
With a small sigh, he shuts the box and puts it in one of the side table drawers next to his couch. It's all he can think about now, but before he can think about it too long, his doorbell rings, notifying him of your arrival.
He jogs to the door, and when he's there, he straightens out his long, dark brown locks and clothing one last time before swinging open the door and welcoming you inside.
''Sweetheart, I'm so glad you made it,'' he tells you as he pulls you in for a hug, and you instantly melt into his embrace.
''Missed you,'' you tell him, though it's muffled by the jacket he's wearing, and it only makes Sebastian chuckle.
''What did you say, Sweetheart? I don't think I got what you said just now,'' he tells you, and you reluctantly pull out of his hold so you can tell him again how much you've missed him.
''I missed you, but I'm thrilled to see you again,'' you tell him, pulling him closer so you can kiss him properly. Your lips fit perfectly with his, and it lights a fire inside of you that instantly makes you want more.
He takes your bottom lip between his teeth and nibbles softly before letting go with a soft moan. It was all just a plan to tease you a little so he could make the rest of the night unforgettable.
Your eyes are half-lidded as you look at him in anticipation, but instead of giving you what you're looking for, he pulls you into his house, closing the door behind you.
''I got you something to welcome you into my home and hopefully make it our home,'' he tells you as he interlaces his fingers with yours. He steps to the side to reveal the little basket on the kitchen island when you're in the kitchen.
''I-Is this for me? You didn't have to do that!'' you tell him, though your curiosity takes over, and you can't resist a peek inside the basket.
You take out everything and look at it, especially the mug he bought for you that leaves you chuckling. When you pick up the book and read the back, Sebastian walks closer to you and pulls you into his chest, his arms wrapped around you and his chin leaning on your shoulder.
''I figured you could leave this here, so you will always have a few things around here that are all yours for the next time you come over,'' he tells you, and you close your eyes as a huge smile escapes.
''I'm glad I'm allowed to come back after today,'' you say as you put the book on the counter and turn into his hold, kissing him softly and slowly until Sebastian bends down and lifts you onto the kitchen island.
''Well, there's one more surprise for you, and you need to close your eyes and stay seated, alright?'' Sebastian asks, and you hum in response, so he walks to the living room and gets the small black box he was holding earlier, unable to wait any longer.
''Alright, you can open them,'' Sebastian says, and he's standing in front of you with the black box open, and your eyes are immediately pulled to the contents of it.
''I want you to have this, Sweetheart, because you already have the key to my heart, and now I want you to have the key to my house as well. I want you to be able to come and go whenever you want to since there's no one else I trust more than you.''
You take the key out of the box and look at it before closing your hand around it and stretching the other one out to take Sebastian's and pull him between your legs.
''In that case, it's only fair if I give you the key to my house as well, but only if you promise not to sneak up on me in the middle of the night because I will knock you out if you do it!'' you tell him between chuckles.
You seal your promises to one another with a kiss, and you put the key beside you on the counter before your hands slide into his hair, pulling softly, earning yourself a groan from Sebastian.
''Let's move this to the bedroom, Sweetheart, and I'll give you a tour of the house later. Right now, I need you,'' he tells you between open-mouthed kisses along your neck and collarbone, your head thrown back to give him access.
He pulls you off the counter, and once you're sturdy on the floor, he whispers something in your ear that has your knees buckling underneath you.
''You'd better enjoy the walk while you still can, Sweetheart, because I'm going to make sure you won't be able to walk for the rest of the day.''
He grabs your hand and leads the way to his bedroom, and he kicks the door shut before he attaches his mouth to yours again, the kiss a clash of tongues, a fight over dominance which Sebastian wins.
You are both undressing one another and when your dress has found its way onto the floor, you're standing in front of Sebastian in your white lingerie with red hearts on it. His breath hitches as he takes it in, his large hands gliding over the soft fabric adorning your body.
''Hmm, it's too bad you're not as innocent as this fucking lingerie makes you look right now, Sweetheart. Luckily, it'll be on the floor soon anyway,'' he purrs in your ear, making you unbelievably wet.
Your long fingernails drag from his chest, over his abdomen, down to his belt, unbuckling it quickly before pulling the fabric of his jeans down. You crouch down with it before sitting on your knees, and you palm his now hard cock through his underwear.
''How about I show you just how not-so-innocent I can be with my mouth?'' you tease him, and you feel him throb in your hand. He throws his head back with a loud groan as he's getting painfully hard now.
You pull his boxers down and throw them to the side, allowing his long, veiny cock to spring free right in front of your face, the red tip already leaking a bead of precum that you happily lick off.
''Tastes so good, Daddy,'' you whine softly, and the grin on Sebastian's face is unmistakable; he's about to ruin you in every single way you can think of.
After a few more small kitten licks on his tip, you take it into your mouth and you suckle softly. And Sebastian removes both hair ties from your hair, letting it fall around your head.
''Much better, Sweetheart, that way Daddy can fuck your beautiful throat like he wants to,'' he says, and your nails dig into his thighs at the idea, making Sebastian hiss at the feeling.
While you're looking up at him with big, glassy eyes, you slowly take more of him into your mouth until your nose is pressed to his pubic bone, and you're choking around his length.
When you pull back, you take in a few deep breaths of the oxygen you have just deprived yourself of, and you smile wickedly at Sebastian, who grabs some of your hair and pushes his cock back into your mouth, needing to cum down your throat.
''Want me to fuck this throat, Sweetheart? Want me to fuck this tight, perfect throat and cum in it, make you swallow it like my perfect cumslut?'' he asks you in a slightly degrading tone, but it only serves to make you even hornier, and your cunt clenches around nothing.
You moan around him, and he takes that as confirmation he needs to start fucking your throat and chasing his high in the process. The gagging sounds you make only spur him on, and his hips are snapping at a rapid pace until he shoots his cum down your throat and over your tongue, ensuring you get every last drop.
''Fuck, you're so good for me, Sweetheart, such a good girl for Daddy.''
With your eyes half-lidded and your panties soaked, Sebastian helps you up and walks you backward to the bed until you're lying down. When you're comfortable, he takes off your bra and panties so you're entirely bare for him, and he crawls over your body.
''Let me make you feel good, Sweetheart. You deserve it after making me feel so fucking amazing; my soul left my body through my cock,'' he whispers between kisses from your stomach and your breasts up to your neck and jaw.
''Please, Daddy,'' you beg, and Sebastian's too impatient to make you wait any longer, as he needs to be buried inside you right this moment.
He lines himself up with your entrance before pushing in slowly, letting you adjust to his length before pushing in further. When he's fully sheathed inside of you, he lets out a groan, and a moan escapes your lips.
His hands find yours, and he interlaces his fingers with yours before slowly pumping in and out of you, making sure you feel every single inch, ridge, and vein inside of you.
''Hmm, I remember practicing how to ask you out in a mirror after that interview. You bumping into me that day is truly the best thing that has ever happened to me, Sweetheart,'' Sebastian confesses as he keeps his slow, almost unbearable pace the same.
''Couldn't live with the fact that I might not see you again, so I practiced, and I'm so glad it worked out, Sweetheart. I can't imagine being anywhere other than inside of your perfect, tight, soaked pussy right now. She's clenching around me, baby. Are you about to cum for Daddy?'' he asks you, and you nod; all that's leaving your mouth are moans and whines because you're so close.
''Hmm, you better cum around my cock, Sweetheart, want to cum inside this perfect pussy,'' he groans in your ear, and he lets go of your hand to rub your clit while simultaneously picking up the pace, and you lock your ankles behind around his hips.
''D-Daddy! Please, need to cum,'' you plea, and he listens because before you know it, you fall apart from the combination of his fingers and cock inside you, and Sebastian closely follows you.
Long ropes of his cum shoot into your puffy, overstimulated cunt, but he doesn't want to pull out since you're so warm and comfortable. He turns over with you in his arms, and he pulls the comforter over both of you as you snuggle into him, still buried deep inside you.
You take a short nap in his arms as you cockwarm him, and when you wake up, you feel Sebastian tracing soft, slow patterns on your back.
''Hi, Daddy,'' you whisper against his neck, and he turns to look at you.
''Hi, Sweetheart. How was your nap?'' he asks you, and you can confirm it was the best nap you've had in a long time. After you've woken up entirely, you're both taking a bath together before moving your cuddle session to the couch, and you're ordering dinner so you don't have to leave each other's sides.
Later in the evening, you're attempting to get up from the couch, but you're not allowed because Sebastian pulls you back onto the sofa, making you squeal.
''No, you can't get up! You're my prisoner for today!'' he tells you and pulls you onto his lap to attack you with many tickles, making you laugh and squirm uncontrollably.
''N-No! Please, sto-o-o-p!'' you tell him, and eventually, he does. But not after a few more surprise ones when you've caught your breath again.
When it's finally time to go to bed, you lay your head on Sebastian's chest with a soft sigh, and before you drift off to sleep, you mutter a few more words to him that have him chuckling softly.
''You're my new pillow, so I will never let you go.''
This was when he officially knew he would marry you one day because he could not live without you for another second. He wants your love and happiness around him for the rest of his life.
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espinosaurusrexex · 11 months
Refuge - a small town crime/love story
BuckyBarnes/WinterSoldier x Detective!Female!Reader
summary: You had a track record of cracking tough cases, but this one proved to be your breaking point. The Winter Soldier was out there, thirsting for blood, operating in total anonymity, and leaving a trail of bodies in the cold Colorado snow. Then, just as a snowstorm was about to paralyse the town, Bucky Barnes appeared on your doorstep – lost, sweet, and in dire need of help. It all seems too good to be true, but what happens when his secrets come to haunt him and Bucky’s blurred past reveals a predicament neither of you saw coming?
a/n: yeah I've been a sad bitch these days...
word count: 7k
warnings: mentions of blood, violence, killing and dying (as well as vague descriptions), probable misuse of police ranks (I don’t know how it works), little use of “Y/N” (like two times), language, a lot of angst and fluff, soft!Bucky, a hint of touch starved!Bucky, no happy ending, smut (unprotected p in v, soft!smut) !MINORS DNI!
・゚✫* 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 。✭・゚✶ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑 ✧*・゚
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I recommend playing the songs linked in the text - I listened to them a lot while writing 🧡
Long streaks of crimson soaked the innocent snow beneath your feet.
Whatever happened, it had done so quick. The streaks turned into clumsy blotches and soon there would be evidence of a tired body dragging itself through the inches of snow in vain. 
It was too late. You were too late yet again. 
Sam threw his hat in the snow with a frustrated groan, his fist clenching so tight you actually heard it pop. 
“He’s doing it again,” the officer pressed past his stiff lip, “he’s messing with us.”
“Maybe this time he’s actually gotten sloppy.” Your eyes trained on the dark red contrasting the white.
Something was different about this one. But The Winter Soldier never left his victims capable of running away more than 10ft - it wasn’t his style. So why did this one make it past the tree line?
“Don’t try to sweet talk it, Y/L/N, he knows that we’re on his tracks. And he’s doing this to prevent us from finding him out once and for all.”
Sam’s pessimism could really annoy you sometimes, but it did help solve most of your cases in the past - it turned out that considering the worst-case scenario almost always brought you to the truth. Nevertheless, there was still something off. And you were determined to find out what it was this time. 
You turned around and made your way back to the car where blue and red lights silently snook through the woods before you finally turned them off. 
“I’m tired of this shit. What are we going to tell Sheriff Rogers? I’m pretty sure he’s about to kick us off the case anyway.” Sam gruffly entered the passenger seat with a frown. He was pissed, and you couldn’t blame him. 
“We’re not telling him anything.”
“And how would that work?”
“Just let me talk.” The tires screeched on the tar before you sped out of the woods. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Cold. So, so fucking cold.
Bucky’s teeth were cluttering. He didn't know where he was. Nor did he know how he had gotten there. There was barely anything he remembered, really. The past two hours were how far his memory reached and after that? Everything blank. Not blank entirely though. There was fear and darkness but no images, no faces, just unease. 
He stumbled past the trees and over roots hiding beneath the thick layer of snow that had accumulated even in the forest. His surroundings looked familiar, but he didn’t know why. His feet, however, seemed to guide him exactly where he needed to be. He didn’t think, just let them be. His hands were aching from the cold, he couldn’t feel them anymore, and his lungs hurt with every icy cold breath. Dusk was already breaking past the horizon, and when the darkness would take over completely, Bucky would be done for.
After another ten or twenty minutes - he really couldn’t tell - Bucky could make out a house sitting at the edge of the woods. There was smoke coming out of the chimney and rising past the threes. The sight alone warmed him a little bit, but his legs were quick to remind him how frozen he really was. He stumbled the distance until he landed on the doorstep.
This was a really bad idea. But then again: he was going to die out here. 
His knuckles jammed against the wooden door, and it made pain shoot up his entire arm. But his left one was hurting even more. His whole body was - well... the parts he could still feel.
❁ ❁ ❁
You opened the door, but nothing could have prepared you for what you found. There was a man kneeling on your doorstep. His fingertips peeking out of cut cloves trembling from the cold, his lips broken with blood by the harsh winter wind now nipping on your bare toes as well. The warm light from inside your house illuminated his face and what you saw could have only been described as distress. Eyes laced with fear and helplessness, the man looked up at you. There were snowflakes clinging to his lashes, face pale and lifeless. 
“Please,” was the only thing he whispered, but his voice was weak and it made your heart plummet. 
“What... what happened?” You stood frozen at the door, bewilderment seeping through your body. 
“I-“ But his teeth were cluttering so much you could barely make out his words. You looked past him into the woods and then down the lonely street leading to your house. Nobody there. Another look to the little table by the door, where your gun was hidden. He seemed to be unarmed, too weak to fight, anyways. 
God, you hated how your instincts made you check through the whole situation, making the poor man die in the cold outside. But when you were done, and your eyes swayed back to his frame, you exhaled slowly and opened the door a little wider. 
“Come in.”
“Th- Thank you- u.” He dragged his tired body over the threshold and crawled to the fireplace crackling in the living room. 
You just stood still, closing the door after swiping the woods and the road one more time, and watched him tremble by the fire. After a while - he had stopped shaking - you approached him and he looked at you like a deer in headlights. When he noticed you weren’t doing anything but standing there, he faced the fire again and - that’s when you saw it: dark red staining the back of his head and sticking to his shoulder-long hair. It was hard to make out in the dim light, but he had definitely gotten a good hit.
“Sir, you need a doctor.” Your hand reached for the phone but he was quick to stop it. His ice-cold touch made you shiver.
“No, no doctor.” His eyes looked at you intently, switching left and right. “Please... I just need to warm up. And then I’ll be out of your hair. I’ll leave and you never have to see me again.”
You were staring again. Shocked, confused? Something like that. This man wouldn’t be leaving soon, there was a blizzard already hitting the state lines, and it would be here by midnight.
“Please... no doctor.” His voice was only a whisper now but it pushed through to you more than before.
“...no doctor.” He nodded slowly, relaxing a bit. “But... you are bleeding.”
“I’m okay.” He wasn’t. This man was anything but. Though, somehow, he had this weird aura about him that made you want to stay close to him. You weren’t scared or creeped out - you were... intrigued.
Your head dipped to the side. “Who are you?”
He hesitated. “Bucky.”
“What’s your last name?”
“I... I don’t know.” He looked defeated - stressed - but you deserved answers.
“What happened?”
“I-” he looked up again, pain evident in his stare before he closed his eyes. “…don’t know.”
A nod of your head in understanding. He must be tired, exhausted. You’d leave it for now.
“Would you at least let me clean your wounds?” If they were really as bad as they looked you wanted to get him to a hospital before the blizzard hit. Bucky nodded hesitantly but he didn’t move when you inched closer to take a look at his head. 
The wounds weren’t that bad. All the blood in his hair made it look a lot worse, but he still needed stitches. He sat quietly as you carefully threaded the needle through his scalp. It wasn’t perfect but it would do. 
Bucky didn’t make a sound, not even when you accidentally slipped and poked him, he was quiet. 
“You can take a shower if you like - get all that blood off and warm up completely,” you finally whispered when you cut the last thread. All the other cuts on his face merely needed cleaning and the bruises were already forming, so there was really nothing you could do. 
“It’s okay. I won’t be staying any longer.”
But when he moved to get up, it was your turn to stop him. “Do you have somewhere else to go?”
“I’ll manage.”
“You’ll die. Blizzard’s already hit north.”
“I couldn’t stay.”
“You can.” Your hand sank when you noticed he wasn’t making a run for it. “At least until the storm passes.” He just nodded again but a hint of relief flushed through his orbs.
“Clean up, change. I have some clothes that will fit you. The bathroom is the first door on the left.”
Bucky followed your orders and disappeared into the bathroom without another word. You headed to your dresser to get the sweatpants and Hoodie Steve had always stored in there. He wouldn’t miss them, he didn’t stay the night anymore. But now it would serve another purpose.
You made your way back to the bathroom and gave Bucky the clothes, though the door wasn’t closed all the way and you could see the sliver of skin peeking through the crack. His back was littered with red streaks, most likely whip marks, and his left shoulder was scattered in bumpy scarring. He had a metal arm and that was about all you could see before willing your eyes away.  
Your gaze wandered to his jacket hanging over the chair and your fingers itched to know more. He was a stranger in your house, after all. A stranger you had chosen to trust, though. But your hands were searching through the pockets before that thought was finished. They were all empty. No wallet, nothing. All you found was a black mask and several compartments for weapons - all empty as well, though.
You exhaled. Who are you, Bucky?
❁ ❁ ❁
Bucky let the hot water run down his body. He looked at his left arm, the water hitting with drumming sounds and then repelling from its surface. Despite his lack of memory, he didn’t think it strange that an entire limb of his was missing, well kind of. It was okay - as if he had already coped with it somewhere in the past. The scars didn’t scare him either, or the red lines on his back. They were just there - accepted or not - unbothered. 
He closed his eyes and let the water fall on his face. Flashes of a fight lighting before his eyes. Torn between intrigue and horror, it was as if he had opened them.
Please! I’m begging you, please! God, please!
He was back. And the shampoo washed from his face in white bubbles. It smelled good. Like you.  
Bucky spent another minute under the water before stepping out and looking into the mirror again. What was he even doing? Dragging an innocent woman into this mess - whatever it was. 
His hand ran down his face and the towel hung low on his hips when he reached for the clothes you gave him. They were soft and fit him perfectly. 
It wasn’t long until he stepped out into your warm living room again. There was a pillow and blanket on the sofa now, and it looked more inviting than Bucky had seen in a while - at least it felt that way. He didn’t say much when he sat down carefully, feeling the soft comforter under his skin, and watched as you handed him a glass of water. 
“I’m right down the hall if you need anything.”
He just nodded.
“Will you be okay?”
He nodded again. But Bucky didn’t know if he was going to be okay. He was confused and scared and surprised you offered him shelter even though you knew nothing but his name. What a kind woman you were. 
You smiled sadly as you shut off the light, leaving Bucky to sink his head into the fluffy pillow. The flickers of flames in the fireplace danced on his skin when he closed his eyes, falling into a well-needed and dreamless slumber.
❁ ❁ ❁
He woke to the sound of dishes clinking the next morning, stretching and catching a new fire with his eyes before he peeked over the backrest of your sofa to your kitchen. He was more rested than he’d felt in a long time. And he didn’t know if it was the sheer exhaustion that had him fall asleep so quickly yesterday, or if, maybe, it had been the faint smell of lavender your sheets hosted. Either way, he smiled when he got up, and it felt a little strange to do so. 
“Good morning, Bucky.” You beamed over the stove where some eggs were sizzling, making his stomach grumble. 
“Good morning,...” He still didn’t know your name. But it was strange to ask now that he had already slept in your home. 
You chuckled as your name passed your lips and Bucky’s lips lifted into another small smile. 
You ate in silence then. There wasn’t much Bucky had to say and you didn’t seem to be chatty. Bucky didn’t mind. This, your house, had a certain serenity to it. The faint crackling of the fireplace, the homey smell of breakfast in the air, and the rioting storm pouring in soft flakes around it. It felt peaceful and calm and safe - even if he didn’t know who you were... even if he didn’t know who he was.
The day went by peacefully. At one point, Bucky explored your house. It wasn’t big, but full of memories, he could tell. There were pictures everywhere - some of people, some of places. Souvenirs, crafted things. Smiling faces stared at him as he carefully inspected the mantel pieces and something akin to sadness pulled on his heart. Bucky wished he had memories - ones like you did. Ones with happy people and gifted bookmarks. He was sure he did... somewhere. He was someone, right? He just didn't know how to pull that someone back. 
It was strange because he had memories. Faint ones. Some that didn’t feel right. His childhood was completely blocked out. He had tried to remember, and things came back to him in tiny pieces. This night he remembered his last name. Barnes. But then his mind associated it with strange callings of his name - urgent, demanding, unfriendly. It didn’t feel nice - none of his memories did. 
His finger drove over the small picture of a dog and then he smiled. 
❁ ❁ ❁
You sensed Bucky standing at the door as your head hung low above the desk scattered with pictures and leads. You didn’t bother hiding it from him though. Your house was small - it was almost impossible to hide things properly, especially if the days you spent snowed in kept being as quiet and boring as this one. Bucky was curious. He didn’t show it much but you notice the way his eyes scanned the room, how his brows twitched upon your frame above the files. He would catch a glimpse sooner or later. 
“Hi.” Bucky wrung his hands. “Am I interrupting?” 
He watched as you shook your head, tracing the rim of your empty beer bottle. Careful steps approached you and then he stood behind you, a tense breath resealing when he most certainly took read through the reports. Except, he didn’t. When you turned, you watched him scan the decor on the walls. 
And he didn’t stop until you called his name.
“Yes?” His eyes were piercing even in the dim lamplight - they were pretty. 
“Is there something you need?”
He looked a little started at your question, his hands still kneading beneath him. It was hard to believe someone as tall and built as him could be shy - but here he was.
“I just wanted to... uh...” He avoided your eyes. “I remembered my last name.”
You smiled, a small jump in your heartbeat sneaking past you. “Oh, that’s great.”
“So what is it?”
“Your name.”
“Oh, Barnes, Bucky Barnes.” He smiled. “And I also wanted to thank you... for being so kind.” He got shy again. 
But you stood and smoothed your hands over his shoulder, feeling him relax a little. “I’m just glad you are okay.” 
“Still, it’s not a given and I won’t take it for granted. So, thank you.”
There was a short silence in which he just looked at you and you wondered what else there was to discover about this extraordinary man before you. You could tell there was so much history and depth behind the ocean blue orbs focusing on you, so much more not even Bucky Barnes could access yet, and that made it all the more intriguing. 
Bucky shifted again, and then suddenly yet carefully, leaned in to encase you in an awkward hug. It warmed your heart from the inside out, but It didn’t last long before you could feel the tension return to his back. 
He pulled back, disturbed. “Everything okay?”
“I’m fine.” His eyes were everywhere but on you. “I’ll let you work.” And then he stumbled past you and out the door as you stood and watched him leave, turning back to your desk to see the array of crime-scene photographs littered on its surface. 
❁ ❁ ❁
The hallway was spinning when Bucky made his way back to the living room. 
A heavy body fell to the snow, hands shielding features, scrambling backward on the harsh white ground.
“Please! I’m begging you, please! God, please!”
Bucky’s metal hand collided with a face, releasing a loud cracking sound. There was so much blood. So much fucking blood. 
The room seemed to cave in. His chest rapidly rising and falling, Bucky made his way to the kitchen where he fell through the backdoor into feet of snow. The cool on his face calmed him down immediately, hitting him like the memory of it had done. He stayed there for a while, just enjoying the silence of the storm and letting the weather tie him to the ground.
That’s what he needed. A reminder, something to ground him, tell him how vulnerable he was, that there was still something human left in him.
His jaw clenched when he scrambled up again, skin burning from the ice piercing through the air. He was okay, he told himself, he was fine.
He shook his head and made his way to the little hut in the backyard, where he took your axe and began chopping firewood. A little distraction would do him good.
❁ ❁ ❁
After a simple dinner, you retreated to the sofa. Bucky hadn’t talked to you a lot and he felt a little bad you were stuck with him for another day due to the storm. But you never lost a word about it. In fact, you acted so naturally about it, as if he were a frequent visitor in your cozy retreat, one he had grown to associate with comfort and warmth in the short time being. 
“What’s your favorite movie?” You crossed your legs next to him. 
“I don’t know.” Bucky didn’t even remember watching movies ever. And it made him sad.
“Favorite genre?” You tried again. But Bucky just shrugged with a tight-lipped smile. 
“I like rom-coms.” You smiled and Bucky noticed yet again how easy it was to spend time with you. 
The TV began to play a generic song, but Bucky was too occupied looking at you. He couldn’t remember but he felt as though he had not experienced this sort of kindness in a long time, and it warmed his heart. But in the back of his mind, there was always that feeling of betrayal lurking in the dark. Because he began to remember things - things that lay not too far in the past and that were horrible, unspeakable really. 
He had not pieced them together just yet. Just snippets of memories, pieces of conversations rushing through his mind when he was triggered. And it scared him a little bit. But he didn’t want to lay his burden on you. 
“You’re not even paying attention.”
“Are you tired? We can stop the movie if you-“
Bucky shook his head. “No.” He smiled, not wanting you to leave yet.
“Okay.” You whispered before turning to the TV with a smile. As did Bucky. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Bucky woke with an unusual amount of peace. He felt warm and comfortable - well-rested too. The fire was lazily puffing in the chimney and the TV was off. But there was something, or rather someone else he noticed. He looked down, his eyes landing on your frame, tightly tugged to his body. You weren’t cold, even though the room had cooled significantly since last night, and your face looked so peaceful - unbothered. The sight did weird things to his heart. But his response to it was to sling his arms around you tighter, and for the first time in a while, Bucky felt as though he was protecting something rather than threatening it. 
A smile snuck on his lips unawares. You stirred, but neither of you loosened their grip. 
“Good morning.” Your head disappeared into his chest again.
“Mornin’” he could feel your frown through his shirt.
For some reason, it just felt natural to stay like this. Neither Bucky nor you moved for a while. You just lay there - not talking, not sleeping - enjoying the calm morning, even though Bucky could see the snowflakes rioting outside the living room window. 
His hand dragged up and down your back and you sighed. 
“What are you doing today?”
You pulled back a little, watching him, contemplating something - he could see it. 
“I...” You trailed off, but Bucky stayed silent. 
“You know what?” His eyebrows raised as you scrambled off the sofa and extended your hand toward him. “Come with me.”
And he did. You lead him to your office and Bucky was reluctant at first. The last time he was here he had a panic attack. But your hand was still in his, and it calmed him. 
“I’ve been working on a case for some time now... but I’m stuck.” You moved to the desk and Bucky followed. “There’s been a murderer tormenting the town for weeks, driving the whole department crazy. I’ve been looking at these files for days. Maybe a fresh set of eyes can help.”
“You... you want me to help you?” This was new. 
“Bucky,” your hand landed on his arm and his eyes were glued to the interaction, “we’re stuck in here for at least another day. Why not be productive? And who knows? Maybe you’re able to help me solve this case.” You smiled.
But he was still hesitant.
“That guy killed my partner’s sister. Anyone that can help us even in the slightest is welcome”
He gulped. “Okay, alright...”
You sat down at the desk, spreading out pictures, handing him files, and explaining what you had gathered so far. Bucky listened attentively. And even though he was a little scared to look at the pictures again, he warmed up to the process you guided him through. Everything was labeled and put to memos. 
The process and the document brought him a weirdly familiar feeling but Bucky shoved it off to the side - after a while, even enjoying the puzzle you laid before him. 
“This one is unusual... why did this victim get so far?” He mumbled. 
“Maybe he’s messing with us...”
“Or he was interrupted,” he stated plainly as he grabbed another picture. 
You were silent then, and Bucky looked up at you to find you smiling across the files littered on the floor. “You must have some sort of experience, those are some good observations.”
Bucky shrugged. Whoever he had been in the past was yet to be revealed to him, but he did admit that tactical thinking came easy to him.
“Also this,” he pointed at the latest crime scene photo, “these tracks are inconsistent. Normally, he attacks from the left. But here it’s all over the place. Something must have happened to make him stop and change tactics.”
“Something like...?”
“Maybe he got a hit himself. You said the forensic scientist approximated quick deaths. The Winter soldier always kills precisely.”
You nodded. “One hit and they're done for.”
“That takes a high amount of skill. There are not a lot of things that can interrupt these tactics. Except, if he wasn’t capable anymore.”
“There were no indications of the victims defending themselves. They never had a chance.”
“Were there no indications or was it just not tested anymore?”
“The blood.” Bucky watched as you sprung up. “There was too much blood. Some of it must be his!”
Attagirl. Bucky couldn’t help it, a proud smile painted his features. He watched as you pressed the telephone to your ear, a faint beeping caught by his ears, and then you frowned. 
“The lines are dead,” you sighed. 
“What are we gonna do now?”
“We have to wait out the storm... There’s no way we’re getting anywhere out there.”
His eyes swayed to the window, where a wall of white soft snow fell unrelenting. He nodded. 
❁ ❁ ❁
You were on the sofa again, there was nothing to do. The fire was crackling, and you sat next to Bucky with a cup of tea in hand. 
The case didn’t stop swarming your mind though. You finally had a new lead, a small hint that could lead to a suspect and you had no way of contacting Sam or the Sheriff’s department. There was likely nobody working, anyway. Maybe Steve, he was crazy like that - he’d gone out in unholy weather when you had a fight once, just to give you space. 
Your eyes wandered around the room as your mind went through the case files again, and then, when they landed on Bucky again, a little shiver ran over your skin. 
“Have you... Do you think it’s possible you were the thing interrupting the Winter Soldier?”
He looked at you blankly. 
“You were pretty banged up when you found me.” You didn’t try to insinuate anything, you were just a little worried... and curious. 
“There were no other tracks in the snow, though.” His shoulders slumped. 
“Oh, I don’t know. I just want to-“
His hand found your knee. “I understand.”
And your eyes locked. “Do you not want to know what happened to you?”
“I’ll remember it eventually,” he smiled reluctantly, “right now, I’m actually glad not having to worry about it too much.”
“Why’s that?”
“I don't know... I just prefer your company instead.”
You nodded and bit your lip to stop your smile from spreading. “I’m glad I’m not alone here, too.”
Bucky looked down, hiding his smile in vain.
❁ ❁ ❁
Icy wind whipped around Bucky when he noticed the man lying in the snow in front of him. He was begging, crying, screaming words he couldn’t make out in the storming winds.
And that’s when Bucky realized he was bleeding. Not Bucky, no, the man. He was lying in a pool of his own blood, drawing a growing circle in the snow - growing darker with every drop seeping deeper into the thick white.
So much blood. 
Bucky was confused, and worried, and scared. He didn’t know how he had gotten here, and when he moved to help the man, he scrambled away towards the treeline.
Bucky didn’t follow him. The look of utter fear had shaken him to the bone. What had the man been so scared of? Bucky looked down his body, past the heavy vest to a sleek silver knife wedged between gloved fingers.
He stumbled backward. Almost losing his balance as he sped in the other direction. Away from the man, the blood, the sheer horror of the scene in front of him. What had he done? What was going on?
“You need to wake up!” Bucky’s shoulder shook with your touch. 
Suddenly he shot up, shrugging you off until you landed on your butt next to the sofa. 
He was sweating, heaving, eyes searching the room until he realized that there was no danger and gore around anymore. Just your cozy living room and you. You.
“You’re okay, Bucky. It was just a bad dream.” Your hands were on him again, his covering yours. 
“I’m okay,” he reiterated.
“We’re safe here.” You weren’t. Because Bucky was the Winter Soldier. 
The realization hit him like a truck, his hands immediately retracting from your skin. His heart began to pick up its pace again. The memories flooding his brain overwhelmed him to the point of dizziness. But he couldn’t be close to you. Not after he had done the unspeakable. Not after he had killed your partner’s sister. This had become too personal.
“I need to leave.” He stood up too quickly, swaying dangerously before scrambling past you. 
“You can’t leave yet. It’s horrible outside.” You reached out to him again.
But he shook you off again. “I can’t stay either.”
“Why? What’s the problem?” 
Bucky halted, his shoulders sagging. There was no point in keeping it from you. You would find out anyway. And he would leave either way. It was just fair, you deserved the truth, to know you had sheltered an assassin for days. 
He turned to you with afflicted eyes. “It’s me,” he whispered shamefully, feeling his eyes fill with tears. 
You didn’t ask - just looked at him and swallowed hard. It was crazy how well you had gotten to know each other in the three days you were snowed in. But what was even more unfathomable to Bucky was that you understood. That you knew and didn’t flinch, or scream, or threaten him. 
“I... the... my weapons, they’re buried in the woods. It was me, I did it. They made me do it. They–“ A sob broke through his speech. 
You stood up to touch him but Bucky stepped back with the shake of his head. 
“They can control me,” he uttered and the statement heard out loud made him shiver all over. 
You reached out a third time and this time, Bucky didn’t move. He let it happen when your hands encased his cheeks and your lips laid a soft kiss on his jaw. “It’s fine.” Another kiss. “You’re fine.”
“I’m a monster.”
You shook your head with a teary smile.
“They’ll kill me when they find out.” There was no panic in his tone, he had already accepted his fate. The hard part was saying goodbye to you. 
“I won't let that happen.” Your forehead pressed to his.
“Because you’re not him anymore. You’re Bucky Barnes.”
Bucky’s heart picked up its pace. Somehow, hearing his name from your lips meant so much more than anything else ever could. And with a taste of hope on his tongue, his hands grabbed your face and pressed your lips to his eagerly. 
❁ ❁ ❁
You stumbled back but Bucky held you firmly in his grasp. He sighed into the kiss when you began to move your lips in sync with his, a lonely tear rolling over his cheek and stopping at your thumb. 
He was warm and soft, rough around the edges but so sweet. His chapped lips left your mouth; his arms wandered around your body as he held you tightly, face disappearing in the crook of your neck. 
Bucky was so full of affection, and passion, you could feel it in every touch he gifted you. You didn’t know how long he had gone without a kind word, without a reassuring smile, but you knew that you would give it all to him in this moment. 
“Come here.” His puppy eyes squeezed between your hands, he let you guide his face back to yours where you stole another deep kiss from him. 
But you wanted more. Needed to feel him all over - wanted to step into his skin if you could, just to be closer to him. 
You guided him back to the sofa until he fell backward with you pressed against his chest. There was not an inch of space between your bodies as your legs tangled slowly. Bucky groaned when his hand tangled in your hair, a soft nudge pushing you to the side until he was almost hovering over you. 
“You’re cold,” he stated upon feeling over your goosebumps. And then he, somehow elegantly, rolled the both of you off the sofa and to the carpet in front of the fire. 
Your skin was burning deliciously when he removed your shirt carefully, a cool metal hand soothing over the side facing the fire. His hard bulge nudged against your core when his mouth placed soft kisses over your clavicle. Little did he know you weren’t shivering from the temperature in the room, but you wouldn’t protest. 
Your heartbeat quickened with every piece of clothing left discarded around you. Bucky was all over you. Lips, hands, legs - a wild entanglement of limbs surrounded every content moan he gifted you and you loved it. 
Soft warm kisses placed a firm trail down his body as you worked your way to the hemline of his boxers. You removed them with ease, his hands not once leaving your body no matter how grand your movements. He seemed assured when he could feel you beneath his fingertips. 
“Will you stay?” You kissed his hip, hooded eyes looking at him through lashes. 
“Anything for you.” His breath was shaky. You moved to kiss his tip, but as soon as your lips touched his red flesh, “But-“ he pulled you up again. “I need you closer.” He smiled. 
“Okay.” And then your lips were back on his. His fingers danced around your body until they pulled your underwear off as well. 
You parted just to watch as your warm hands guided his tip along your slick folds, his cock witching when he touched your wetness, another shaky exhale escaping his chest. 
His eyes held yours when you lowered yourself until he was fully sheathed by you, a heavenly feeling consuming you with the delicious stretch he gave you.
You moaned in unison when you rolled your hips for the first time. Then another, and another. Until you found a comfortable rhythm that had Bucky bury his strong fingers in your hips, guiding you to meet every thrust of his own. 
Your name rolled over his tongue as his eyes closed and it never sounded as good as this. He stuttered when you squeezed his cock with your walls, chasing your own high as Bucky fought to hold on. 
There was so little talking in this passionate moment but so much felt said at the same time. Every touch of Bucky’s held stories in its wake, every kiss of his lips whispered soft promises to your body. You never wanted to let go again. 
Your hand guided his eyes to yours when you felt your insides squeeze unrelenting. Moans being swallowed by another heated kiss, you rode each other through ecstasy. The overwhelming heat of his body and the fire seemed to swallow you whole when your sticky body collided with his only to have Bucky sling his arms around you again. 
He kissed your head, whispering sweet nothing to your ear before the aftershocks of pleasure fully subsided. 
❁ ❁ ❁
Harsh knocks on the front door ripped you from your desk. You stumbled down the hallway as you tried to get to the intruder faster. 
“Y/L/N open the damn door!” You stopped. It was Sam. What was Sam doing here? The storm had begun to soften, but it was still not totally safe out.
A look to your left showed Bucky standing in the living room looking at you with unease written all over him. He scrambled to the wall on the floor when your hand moved to the doorknob. Sam didn’t know. Nobody knew that there had been a man hiding in your house for three days and it would stay that way... for now. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Hello to you, too.” Sam tried to step forward but you blocked his way. He frowned. “The lines went dead and I needed to show you this.”
Sam pulled a crumbled piece of paper from his jacket pocket, the silver star shining in the white landscape around him. It had stopped snowing this morning, and his truck was probably the only one making it through the streets.
Suddenly, Bucky’s face stared back at you between creased paper. He was wearing an army uniform, a proud smile decorating his features as he held his hat in his hands. “What’s that?” You swallowed hard.
“It’s him.” Sam showed the picture further. “His blood sample DNA is all over the victim.”
“The blood,” you whispered upon stealing a glance at your living room. “What... what are you gonna do?”
“That motherfucker killed my sister. And I am not going to rest until I’ve ended his life just as he did Sarah’s.” Sam tried to hide the raspiness in his voice at his sister’s name, but he failed. 
You couldn’t blame him. Sarah had been a wonderful person. Her death had come unexpectedly for everyone. Nobody could fathom that anybody wished her harm. 
I have his last known location. So are you coming or not?”
“It’s dangerous. The roads are closed off.”
“I don’t care.” You snuck another look to Bucky who was just blankly staring ahead now. He looked tense - frightened. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “Sam-”
“Don’t even try. This is ending, now.” He stepped back. “So are you coming?” His eyes were piercing. “...or not?”
You nodded with tight lips, gifting one last reassuring smile to Bucky as you reached around the door to grab your jacket and gun. Sam was already starting the car. 
“I’ll be back as soon as possible,” you whispered only to watch Bucky’s chest heave with panic. “I’m so sorry. I won’t let him hurt you.”
The car honked before you could hear Bucky’s answer, shoulders jerking as your head pulled from behind the door. 
“I’m coming!”
❁ ❁ ❁
“I’m gonna find him, and I’m gonna kill him.” Sam was gripping the steering wheel so tight, you thought it would break. “I’m gonna shoot him in the head, and I’ll watch him die just like he did–“
His head snapped to you with fiery eyes. But you were just as upset. The thought of Bucky being killed made you want to throw up. You obviously wouldn’t let that happen. Killing Bucky would do nothing when the actual bad guys were still out there, possibly manipulating a dozen other people into doing their dirty work. Bucky had told you the details he remembered, and it was enough to know that none of it was his fault - and most importantly - that there was a much bigger fish to catch. 
Sam clenched his jaw before looking back to the road. The mist had cleared slightly now. 
“I don’t think killing the Winter Soldier will solve the problem.” You instantly regretted saying that, because Sam slammed the brakes, making the truck slide on the icy road until it came to a stop. He was looking at you again. 
“He killed Sarah. He’s a criminal. A ruthless, cold-hearted serial killer.” There was so much betrayal in his eyes but he averted them again. “Even if I did not have personal reasons... he belongs behind bars at least. But the world would be so much better off if he was just gone.”
“You don’t understand.”
“Oh, really? Then please enlighten me. Because I would really like to know what made you change your morals.”
“You know, you’re not the only one that found out some things while snowed in,” you snapped and watched your partner look down contritely.
“It’s not just him. And it’s not him we need to stop.” You were careful about your next words - you needed to say them but you had no idea how to explain them. “There’s a whole criminal organization behind- ...behind the Winter Soldier program.”
“How?” His teeth were grinding. “How do you know?”
“I can’t tell you that” yet, you added in thought. Though you weren’t sure Sam would ever understand why you sheltered his sister's murderer in your home.
The car fell silent for a moment. But you swore you could hear Sam’s mind working overtime to decide how he would go about this. And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, he reached for the ignition. 
“You’re lucky I trust you,” He muttered before starting the car again, shoulders still tense, and an ever-growing frown on his face. 
❁ ❁ ❁
It had taken a good portion of your energy to explain the situation to Sam without revealing your secret. It was hard and tiring, but you had planned a new strategy to approach the case with your partner. And now, several coffees and hours later, when the sun had already set beyond the woods behind your house, you found yourself on your doorstep with a smile. Because you knew that all of it would be forgotten as soon as you had Bucky back in your arms.
“Bucky, I’m home!” You called out before the door fell shut behind you. But there was something different about the place. 
Your eyes scanned the living room - no fire, lights out, and Bucky’s makeshift Bed was neatly stacked by the end of the Sofa. 
You smiled, still, he had probably finally decided to accept your offer to sleep in your bed. 
“Bucky?” You pushed past the bedroom door just to find the room empty as well. 
You frowned. You could have sworn he’d be lying there, waiting for you. But the domestic haze your fantasy cooked up in the few days of isolation the storm had brought you seemed to have clouded your brain. 
You tried the hut in the yard last - without luck. But it wasn’t until you came back into your house, sitting on the neatly made sofa that hosted a journey of emotions through the past days that the revelation hit you like a truck. 
A tear rolled down your cheek as your hands folded in your lap.
Bucky had come into your life like tragedy - sudden and with the force of an avalanche. He had brought you joy, and confusion, and pleasure, and warmth. Bucky had packed a lifetime of experiences and emotions in the span of three days, and then - just like he had appeared - and much like your initial excitement about coming back to him, he had vanished without a trace.
wow... here we are. I've had this in the drafts for a long time and tinkered on it throughout until it turned out this way. I hope you liked it. Please consider showing this post some love (reblog or comment) if you did - it really helps creators on this plattform! Love ya loads ~ℳ❁
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darkwritingsnshit · 21 hours
Gone but not Forgotten 6
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This is a dark fic, . Please do not read if you’re under 18, or are uncomfortable with dark characters, mentions of death, descriptions of death, kidnapping, drug mention, noncon, asshole characters
What could you possibly fill all your time with? It was the question that you fell asleep and woke up asking yourself. Your life didn’t revolve around your job but most of your day was spent at work or talking to people at work. Your days were predictable and orderly, and you liked that. To suddenly have no structure or direction for your day felt wrong.
            You started the coffee and laid across the couch, willing yourself to think of anything to do but chores. You decided to humor Sam and call your old therapist later that day, maybe talking to someone would be a good idea. Maybe it wouldn’t. You poured yourself some coffee and started breakfast contemplating the rest of your day.
            Deciding it was best to leave the house, you wandered through the library for a few hours before heading to the store for groceries. You had enough food, but it was something that would eat away at the day, the hours before you were hours you dreaded. There was little to distract you from your own thoughts. Around noon you returned home and were met with an unwelcome guest.
“Are you kidding me? I haven’t caused any problems, I’m always early with the rent, I don’t have people over, we’ve never, ever had a problem. Is there nothing you can do?”
This was bullshit. Apparently, you had forgotten to get your landlord’s permission about changing the locks and putting up cameras, so when you got home you found them standing at your front door looking pissed off.
            “Sure, I could, but I wanted to raise the rent anyway, and you won’t pay it. It’s easier to just get you out this way. You’ve got until the end of the month.” Your landlord didn’t seem to care about your upended life, or that you had a week to find a new place to live before being homeless. He threw a new key in your direction before he got in his car and left you to your apartment.
            This was great. You now had no job, no place to live, few friends, and everyone you knew thought you were losing your mind. This is how you found yourself on the curb in front of Stark Towers days later.
            “Hey, are you moving in?” Steve cracked a grin. Little did he know it wasn’t a joke.
            “For a little while.” You huffed in anger.
            “Really?” Sam popped up behind Steve, he was never far away.
            “Yes, really. Not for long though.” When you walked in, Bucky greeted the three of you by the elevator.
            “Let me get that for you,” Bucky offered, but you shrugged his polite offer away. It was only a backpack. The rest of your things Natasha had helped you move into her basement until you found a new home. Bucky hit button for the seventh floor, where Tony had extra rooms for guests that stayed, or longer-term team members who didn’t feel like renting their own place while they were in town. You weren’t sure which category you fit under.
            Instead of leaving, the three men followed you through the floor, Steve and Sam pointed out rooms that were empty. You set your backpack down in one of the rooms that had its own bathroom attached and waited for them to leave. Only Bucky seemed to understand that you wanted space, Steve and Sam seemed happy to camp out in your new room for hours.
            “So, what made you change your mind and decide to stay here with us? Besides our charming personalities?” Steve wandered around your new room, looking at the sparse decoration.
            “I got evicted.” You weren’t looking at any of them, putting your clothes in drawers, avoiding eye contact.
            “What? Why?” It was Sam that questioned you next, surprised.
            “Remember how you guys helped me change the locks and put up cameras?” The three of them nodded. “Apparently that was a lease violation, so I have to find a new place to stay.” There was quiet in the room for a beat, guilt in the air.
            “I’m sorry,” Bucky spoke up from the doorframe, “I wouldn’t have done that if I knew it would get you into trouble.” He seemed to mean it.
            “It’s not your fault, you didn’t know.” You assured him. Steve and Bucky showed themselves out, but Sam lingered.
            “How are you feeling?” He asked, concern on his face.
            “Pretty shitty Sam, I’m homeless, jobless until you let me come back to work, and I don’t have a clue what to do with myself. How are you?” You let venom seep into the question.
            “Have you talked to your therapist?” Sam asked, clearly continuing to worry.
            “Yeah, I’m seeing them next week.” You fibbed, not wanting to let Sam know you hadn’t even reached out to them.
            “Do you want to talk to them today?” He looked at you with a knowing glance.
            “You called them, didn’t you?” You dropped the shirt you were holding onto the bed.
            “They might be in the lobby waiting to talk to you.” Sam was many things, but stupid was not one of them.
            “They might be?” You glared again.
            “Would it hurt you to spend an hour talking to them?” He was almost pleading with you. This was why you hadn’t wanted to move into the tower, people were still treating you like a glass that would shatter at any moment.
            “Are you really giving me a choice in the matter?” You sighed.
            “Go see them, it might help.” Sam gave your shoulder a squeeze before leaving you to your thoughts.
            Half an hour later you were cursing Sam for calling your therapist but were nonetheless on your way to see them. If they came all the way downtown, you’d humor them. You greeted them with an apology which they insisted wasn’t needed, then followed them to a quiet room down the hall. You didn’t want to talk to them, you didn’t want another person to tell you that you lost your mind. The two of you sat opposite each other in comfortable chairs, each waiting for the other to begin.
            “It’s been a while; I was wondering how you’ve been doing.” The therapist spoke up.
            “Almost a year.” You nodded.
            “Do you want to fill me in?” They asked, looking interested. You let out a long sigh.
            “Where do you want me to start?” You asked.
            “Wherever you feel comfortable.” They wouldn’t push, which was almost worse.
            “Let’s see, we can start with being evicted, being taken off my job, the fact that I haven’t seen my family in over a year or that I’ve been seeing things apparently. What sounds most fun to tackle in an hour?” Your voice dripped with sarcasm. Your therapist was a professional, they never responded to your sarcasm or goading.
            “What’s bothering you the most right now?” They asked.
You took a few minutes to collect your thoughts. You had been putting off talking about anything for too long, it was easier not to acknowledge things that ate at you. You had seen a therapist after your friend died, and after some traumatic missions eight months ago, but that had been out of necessity and a court order. Therapy made you feel vulnerable, exposed, both things you didn’t like. Collecting yourself turned out to be impossible. You felt a tear slip down your cheek before you could stop it. You tried to speak clearly but your voice broke.
“I think I’m going crazy.” You knew it was a very vague statement that you would have to elaborate on, but just saying it out loud to a mental health professional was a different kind of hurt. “I think I’m seeing things.” You couldn’t make eye contact.
“When did this start?” There wasn’t judgment in their voice, pity either. Finally, someone who heard you without assuming the worst. It made it easier to deal with.
“A couple months ago.” You sniffed, regaining composure. “Someone left my dead friend’s necklace on my door and broke into my home.”
“That sounds terrifying, what happened?” They questioned, understanding on their face. It was the lack of pity, or the understanding tone that made the dam break, everything that you faced the last two months came spilling out. The break-ins, the necklace, the journal, the cameras, eviction, everything. The tears that managed to flow were brushed away as you continued to talk. Eventually there was no more to say, so you fell quiet.
“I’m glad you’re here.” Your therapist leaned forward. “Whatever happens, you know you’re safe here, right? Your friends are all concerned about you and want to help. Will you let them?”
You nodded, unsure of what else to say or do.
“Can you contract for safety with me?” Fuck. They thought you were a self-harm risk.
“Yes, I’m not going to hurt myself or anyone else. I’m just confused and tired.” You rolled your eyes.
“Okay, thank you for that. Will you sign your safety plan? I want you to follow it if you get to a lower place.” You looked at the paper your therapist pushed in front of you. It was the safety plan you were required to make after your friend’s death, when you were in a really low point in your life. The therapist had put you on watch, regardless of how many times you told them you weren’t at risk of harm.
“Fine.” You reached forward and signed on the dotted line, putting the date next to your signature. “Is that all?” You asked, no longer willing to be in the room with them.
“I want you to meet with me tomorrow, same time?” They looked at you expectantly.
“Do I have to?” You asked, suspicious.
“I’ve been asked to do regular sessions with you due to the circumstances.” Was all they told you.
“What circumstances are those?” You asked.
It was your therapist’s turn to take a second to respond and think about how to answer your question.
“It seems like you’re dealing with a lot of stress right now. Not only is moving one of the most stressful things, but I don’t think that you’ve been able to properly process the death of your friend.”
You had been waiting for this to come up, some kind of cue that made it seem like you were seeing things or acting crazy about your friend’s death.
“How am I supposed to process their death when they won’t stay dead?” You asked, genuinely curious, what their thoughts were.
“Can you tell me who else saw the items from your friend?” They leaned forward with concern.
“Natasha saw the necklace, so did Steve and Bucky and Bruce.” You knew you had eyewitnesses for that, it could be corroborated.
“And their journal?” They continued to push. You hadn’t had a chance to show anyone the journal that appeared on your nightstand before it had gone missing as mysteriously as it appeared.
You just shook your head. They wrote something down on the paper in front of them as you watched with unease.
“I’m going to come over here and we can meet twice a week, just for a few weeks. Does that sound okay?” They asked as if you had a choice, as if you were allowed to say no. You could only nod.
“Can I go?” You didn’t want to be there in the first place, much less now.
“You can, and I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.” Your therapist stood to shake your hand, which you avoided, ducking out the door without a goodbye.
You took the stairs back to your room, wanting time to swear under your breath and say every nasty word you wanted to say to your therapist. You were still mumbling to yourself and cursing when you pushed open your door. When you flopped down on your bed, content to rot in bed for the rest of the day, you felt something underneath you. You rolled to your stomach, reaching behind you to see what you landed on.
This time when you held it up you laughed. The absurdity, the truly haunting aura that came with this object was too much of a coincidence to warrant anything besides unhinged giggles.
You could recognize it, even though it was a decade old and small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Years ago, you bought your friend a tiny ship in a bottle as a joke, and now it was in your hand, in your room. You inspected the tiny sails, the crafted bow, it looked the same as when you bought it. So why were you holding it now, and what was wrong with you?
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highonmarvel · 3 months
girl- i'd do ANYTHING for a very dark!Thor x f!reader where reader is kidnapped and enslaved by him. Noncon, violence will be great.
Love ya! And ty, no pressure :))
no it did not take me five months to answer this, who said that. i do apologise for the nearly half a year wait, i’m not sure what’s wrong with me, but i appreciate the ask, and your patience! love you to the moon and to saturn 🪐 alright, here we go:
No Words, Just Screams
Thor Odinson: A quiet and dignified rejection leads to consequences that are the exact opposite of it.
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Thank you to the absolutely incredible @buckys-wintersoldier for helping me with this. You are seriously, seriously the best person ever, I love you so much.
additional content warnings here!
CONTENT WARNING, PLEASE READ: This piece includes graphic depictions of violence. Seriously, this is really dark; do not proceed if you are uncomfortable with explicit descriptions of physical abuse and rape. This is your warning. This is fucking dark. I am going to hell.
Non Con Warning
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For only the second time in your life you reject a man. He seems nice enough—Thor, is his name—and you’ve seen him around a few times at a mutual friend’s parties, but you’ve hardly spoken to him; he’s gregarious and outgoing and he gets along well with everyone, including you. Though you hardly know him, he’s never given you a reason to dislike him; very short pleasantries have always been comfortable and even humorous, and everyone around you says he’s cool, you’ve just never had the opportunity to really learn anything about him, especially considering he never sticks with one group during a party, making his way through the crowd so everyone gets a piece of him, although it’s never been too much for you.
That’s why you’re so taken aback when he finds you outside and confesses his attraction to you. You had slipped out to the backyard to take a smoke break and try to relieve yourself of the pounding headache caused by the constant yelling and booming music inside.
“I really, really like you. And I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime.”
“Oh!” you startle, really not having expected this. “I… I’m sorry but no… I just don’t know you too well.”
For a moment you wonder if that was the right call—you haven’t really been on too many dates but you know the general idea of them is to get to know someone, and who knows, maybe you’d actually find yourself attracted to him; he’s not bad looking at all—strong arms, blue eyes, blond hair, the works—but you can’t say anything on him as a person. Nearly as immediately as that thought crosses your mind, it’s swept away when his expression changes.
The usually lighthearted and easygoing demeanour he carries vanishes into thin air, and the somewhat bashful nature he had around you as he asked you the question turns into something a little darker, and more serious.
You really can’t tell what’s wrong with this guy. You try to tell yourself he’s just feeling embarrassed and maybe even a little sad right now, but for some reason you suddenly notice the extreme height difference and avert your eyes.
Deciding it’s best to head back inside, you try to push past him on the narrow veranda where he stands blocking your path to the door. He’s still as you move and for a second you don’t think he’ll do anything until suddenly a calloused hand clasps around your wrist and you yelp in fright jumping back at the touch.
“Sorry!” he apologises nearly immediately with a breathy half-laugh.
You look up from his hand restraining you to find his eyes have softened and his popular but not douchey energy is back, as if that earlier spell was just a trick of light.
“I’ve just… never been rejected before,” he laughs again and shakes his head. His words sound lightheartedly incredulous, innocently surprised, but his grip on you is so strong you’re starting to lose feeling in the tips of your fingers.
“Uh— yeah, alright,” he lets your hand fall free and you gasp as the blood comes rushing back, cradling your wrist in the palm of your other. “Just know that you’re incredible, and any guy would be lucky to have you.”
You want to thank him for the compliment and for his interest, but you’re sort of frozen in bewilderment at his weird juxtaposition; his words are soft and sweet, but he won’t meet your eyes, staring into the distance as if focused on something; his reaction to your rejection wasn’t extreme, but it was so unsettling you’d rather he have yelled at you.
You give him a quick, tight-lipped smile before rushing inside and shutting the door behind you, not really caring that you left him out there. For 15 minutes you half-dance lingering by the backdoor, but it never opens again and he never steps in. Oh, God, you really hope no one saw that, you’d rather not be bombarded with questions about why Thor ditched the party after seeing you, but you also don’t want to leave immediately and be interrogated on why you and Thor left at the same time. Eventually you stop hanging at the back of the house and dance your way to the main area where Nat is swaying happily.
“Nat!” you yell her name over the music, moving into her sight line to try to get her attention.
“Oh, hey!” she says in an excited and high pitched voice, “Where’d you go?”
“I just went out for a breather and spoke to Thor.”
“You did?” she replies, closing her eyes as she moves to the music, “That’s great, he’s great!” She’s clearly drunk and you doubt that even if you got her alone for a bit she’d be able to understand what you’re trying to tell her. And what even are you trying to tell her? He didn’t hurt you (intentionally), he didn’t do anything wrong at all, in fact, he was overwhelmingly nice, but the way he switched was spine chilling.
You just nod and continue dancing until your legs are tired. You pour yourself a glass of water at the drink table, looking out through the window it’s pushed against into the street where parked cars are lined up and down the road. But one car is in the middle with the engine running, and you swear it’s Thor’s, but it’s just sitting there, and it’s too dark to tell if it’s him inside. If it is him, what’s he doing? Is he waiting for someone? He came here alone, but he stayed sober tonight, maybe so he could drive a few friends home because he was just that thoughtful, but… maybe that’s not the reason he’s sober while everyone else—including you—is drunk as fuck or high as shit.
Your mind swirls in confusion—worsened by the alcohol—as you try to get your bearings, trying to decide if maybe you really are just being unnecessarily skeptical and harsh on him. Whatever his intentions, you still felt weirdly uncomfortable, and you’re not really able to enjoy the rest of the night feeling slightly unnerved by his earlier presence.
You give Nat a quick goodbye and she waves, but you’re not sure if she heard you say you’re leaving or if she was just swaying to the music. The cool night air calms you down as you step through the front door, but you’re not at peace for long before you stumble and nearly fall face first into the concrete with a shriek. But you don’t feel the impact, instead, you feel steady arms catch you, and hold you a little tighter than necessary.
“Are you okay?” a familiar voice asks: Thor. Maybe he just went to drop someone off at home and he’s back now, there’s no reason to think he’s watching you or following you or anything like that; for Christ’s sake, you barely even spoke to him a few hours ago, you can’t even classify the interactions you’ve had with him as a conversation, and he’s known around here to be the nicest guy you’ll ever meet, so why does this feel so odd?
You grab onto his biceps to steady yourself, mumbling a thanks as you straighten to full height. You can’t really focus on his features considering you’re much drunker than you initially thought, but his cadence just doesn’t seem right.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Or, alternatively, what’s wrong with you?
“That’s not an answer, baby.” Baby? “You can’t even walk, let me take you home.”
The last thing you want to do is spend any time alone with him, even though you have to admit his offer seems better than sitting on the couch of a hot living room while people grind on each other all around you. What can you do? You’re feeling a little too out of it to reject his offer, but you know he can tell you don’t want this, and you know he can come up with a dozen reasons as to why you should get home, and why he should be the one to take you; you only really know Nat here and she’s in no condition to drive or even just walk you home, and you don’t live close, so walking alone isn’t just unfeasible based on distance, but after midnight is way too dangerous, and you might even hit the ground on your way.
His hand is light on your bicep, gently catching your attention as he gestures to his car with his other, like he’s laid a treat down to lure an animal into his cage. When you don’t move for a few moments, he guides you forwards; initially you try to resist him, planting your feet in the ground as he walks just a little ahead of you, but even his lightest tug is stronger than you can fight in this state, and you soon find yourself slowly walking with him, carefully eyeing the car.
He opens the back door and you slide in, head pounding and vision slightly blurred, but at least relieved you don’t have to sit next to him. You don’t realise you hadn’t given him your address until the car slows after ten minutes, and you groggily turn your now-heavy head towards the windows and peer at the unfamiliar yard the car is parked in.
Before you have time to question it, Thor gets out and slams the door behind him, the car rocks on its wheels and you try to clasp onto the car door but it’s flung open before you can latch onto it. A shrill squeal leaves your throat before your arm is caught in a death grip between a rough palm with fingers digging so hard into your arm you worry he’ll snap right through your bone.
“Shut the fuck up!” he yells in your face, causing you to cringe back into the car but he harshly tugs you out and you fall to your hands and knees on the rocky pavement with a grunt, the stones splitting the relatively thin skin of your knees leaving abrasions dirty with sand and small rocks.
Thor’s hand tangles itself into your hair and you yelp as you grip onto his wrist and hastily stumble to your feet lest you risk him ripping your scalp off. If he feels your nails digging into his skin so hard trickles of blood run down your fingers, he doesn’t show it.
You let one hand go and attempt to swipe at him but he’s just far enough out of reach, and you’re not really able to land any hits on target given on your disorientation.
The door to what you assume is his house slams open and you’re flung so far in your slide across the floor for a few metres before hitting your head against the hardwood. You groan as you lift a hand to your temple to feel for a warm trickle of blood racing down the side of your face, but before you can bring your fingertips to your line of vision, a heavy and muddy boot presses onto your head, pushing your cheek into floor and clotting leaves and twigs into your hair. You gasp and try to reach back to pry his ankle off of you but he swats the hand away with one of his own and you let it fall to the floor with a whimper. He leans forward on his leg and lets out a disappointed sigh, crushing your face so your lips purse and you can’t even ask for him to stop.
“This could have been a lot easier, you know,” he says casually, as if saying yes to him was the definition of a no-brainer, and in his mind, it might have been; he’s never been rejected before, and by the way he’s behaving, you can tell he doesn’t know how to handle it.
Saliva drips out of your mouth and forms a small pool on the floor as he presses down harder, before he finally releases you and you’re able to place your hands underneath your shoulders and push your head up, and the room spins so fast you nearly regret doing so. You don’t have time for relief before you’re kicked so you have to roll over onto your back and stare up at this beastly man who seems to be becoming less human and more animal-like by the second, breathing heavily as if he’s the one who was practically thrown across the room and crushed under the weight of a tall man. His pupils have definitely dilated, making the anger in his eyes that much more intense.
Again he presses his foot down, this time to your stomach, knocking the wind right out of you. You try to squirm upwards from under him but he leans down and effortlessly wraps a large hand around your throat, stopping you in your tracks as you pivot your attention to prying him off of you and trying to get some air into your lungs again, ignoring the black spots that dot the corners of your vision.
He does finally let go of your neck but not before slamming your head into the floor, making you gurgle and sending a near-deafening ringing sound bouncing through your skull. You try to prop yourself up on your forearms but you can’t lift your head a few inches off the ground before it slams back down.
“I try… to be nice,” he growls as he steps over you, putting one foot on either side of your body, “And you… just wanna be difficult.” He brings his boot up and slams it down hard against your wrist, and your scream is so loud you nearly miss the unmistakable bone-crunching sound the stomp makes as your left wrist breaks under the impact.
“Please—” you begin, but are forced to let out a cry of pain as he presses down harder.
“I told you to shut the fuck up!” he bellows, but he finally frees your mangled hand and you gasp as you push over to your left side, wanting to grasp your wrist in your right palm but stopping short when noticing the hypersensitivity even as you brush your fingers lightly over your jagged skin is enough to make you want to pass out. “No words,” he continues, clearly trying hard to keep his voice level, though you can still hear the twinge of sadistic enjoyment at the edges of his words, “Just screams.”
He nudges you over until you’re lying on your belly again and makes quick work of kicking your legs apart. In anticipation of what’s coming, you try to kick at his crotch but he catches your ankle and crashes your leg back down to the cold, hard floor. The sound of him unbuckling his belt makes your heart rate pick up, drumming against your ribs is such harsh hits you’re scared it’ll break through. You try to claw forward but choke on a sob as you’re reminded of your broken wrist when the slightest movement causes blood to start painfully pumping through the site of injury.
When he spits in his hand, you break down and let out a wail, and based on the grunt he lets out as he strokes himself, it seems to only spur him on further. You don’t even know when he’s pushed your underwear to the side but when he feel his tip rest for a moment on your entrance, it makes you cry out a plea, using your right hand to claw at his thigh while hopelessly trying to thrash your legs with your thighs trapped under his knees that are painfully digging into your flesh, “No, no, no, please, please—”
He interlocks his fingers through yours making sure his palm presses down on your injured hand and his other hand pulls roughly at your hair to bring your head up. He spits in your face then slams your head back down so hard your teeth chatter and you taste warm blood filling your mouth.
He pushes into you with a frustrated grunt at how painfully dry you are, but that doesn’t stop him for long. He spits on his hand and reaches down to add a few wet fingers to his length, causing you to cry out at the painful and unnatural stretch. With a low growl in the back of his throat, he slowly pulls himself nearly entirely out of you before slamming his hips so far into you that you jerk forward and feel your walls tear around him. The sight of blood has him nearly drooling and makes his task of rocking into you a little easier, and you’re sick with the thought. You can’t even cry out for help, all your oxygen being used to actually keep yourself breathing despite your tortured cries and the fear you might actually split apart because of how relentlessly his massive length is pounding into you, literally tearing your cunt apart.
You feel his thrusts start to get sloppy as he loses his rhythm and his muscles tense up. With one final slam he releases himself and lets his heavy body fall on top of you, nearly suffocating you as you heave for enough air to cry. When he pulls out, you hear the disgusting sound of your blood mixed with his come before it drips onto the floor, and you hear him hum in delight as he shoves two fingers inside you earning a yelp before popping them into his mouth and moaning at the taste.
When his breathing calms down, he finally crawls up to look at you, your face stained with tears and snot and spit pooling underneath your flushed cheeks.
“Better get used to it, babe.”
💛 [taglist: @pr300877, @cowboysnbugs]
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imtryingbuck · 4 months
The red means I love you
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Human!fem!Reader
Summary: you’re a human who fell in love with a vampire named Bucky
Word count: 1,811
Warnings: angst? fluff. an injured fox. brief mention of mercy killing an animal. mentions of blood. swearing.
A/N: thankyou for the request @loki-laufeyson68, I hope you like it❤️ and thank you @buckys-wintersoldier for proofreading for me❤️
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When Bucky told you that he was a vampire you burst out laughing. There was no such thing as vampires or werewolves. Witches, yes, but vampires absolutely not. He sat there with an amused expression on his face, his left eyebrow raised waiting for you to stop laughing, once your laughter died down he showed you his fangs, you watched as his eyes turned black and that convinced you, honestly.
He promised he wasn’t going to hurt you, told you that he couldn’t bring himself to do that to you and that he only told you the truth because he couldn’t keep lying to you about who he really was. “I understand if you want to leave Y/n.”
That was nine years ago, and here you were still by his side.
Bucky never pressured you into doing anything you didn’t want to do, you never helped him find food nor did you ever watch him feed, he protected you from the other vampires. Bucky was always so sweet and kind to you, always driving you to work and was always there ten minutes before your shift ended to take you home, when the weather was nice you’d both take a long walk arm in arm and he’d tell you what buildings use to be what when he was young and human. Every Monday you’d wake up to find a huge bouquet of your favourite flowers on your bedside table, date night every Friday - he made forced your manger to give you the day off. He was always so caring, loving and generous when it came to you.
He had lived such a long life and within that life he had loved before but none of them compared to the love he had for you, not even in the slightest. He loved absolutely everything about you, even when you were on your period and you was being a grouchy monster - as he so affectionately called you. Bucky knew that he would happily move heaven and earth if you asked, he would move mountains just to see you smile, he would take the biggest brightest star from the dark sky and give it to you.
Despite him being so madly in love with you and knowing you felt the same for him there was always a painful tug in his heart every year on your birthday. You were human. Humans die. Which meant you were going to leave him one day. Bucky wouldn’t turn you into what he was because you never expressed an interest, you never asked him to turn you, so he didn’t even though he knew he’d lose you one day, and he knew that when that day comes his soul would be broken.
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“Doll?” He had just got back from dealing with some rogue vampires who were causing chaos in the city with Steve by his side. A fresh bouquet of flowers in his hand as he searched the house for you.
“Buck? I’m in the garden!” His tired face lit up at hearing your voice.
Making his way to where you were he couldn’t help but laugh at seeing you on your hands and knees with your face pressed up to the hole in the side of the wooden shed. “What are you doing pretty girl?”
“I think there’s a fox in there but I don’t want to open the door just yet incase it runs out.”
“There’s definitely something in there, I can hear its heartbeat.”
“Do you think it’s a fox? Is it nice?”
“I can’t tell baby” he puts the flowers down on the table and moves over to where you were and gets down on his knees. “I know it’s scared though.”
“No, no little fox don’t be afraid I’m not going to hurt you.” Bucky had to bite his lip when you put your face back to the hole and spoke to the creature inside.
“Baby I… I don’t think it understands you.”
“It will, it will know I’m friendly.” Leaning on your knees you use Bucky’s shoulder to help you stand. “I’m going in. If I scream, well… I love you.”
-Always so dramatic- he thought to himself but nodded and winked at you. “You’ve got this doll, I love you too.”
Unlocking the shed you took a deep breath in and opened the door, eyes instantly locking eyes with a terrified little fox. Moving so slowly with your hands up you spoke to the little thing, telling it that you wasn’t going to hurt it. The little creature let you stroke it and eventually let you pick it up.
“Buck, it’s got an injured leg.” You whispered knowing that he could hear you due to his enhanced hearing. “We need to take it to the vet.”
“Baby, they would just put him down.” He could hear the sob that tried to suppress. “B-but we can look after it ourselves.”
“C-can we?”
“Of course my doll, bring the little one out and we’ll get it into the house.”
Bucky couldn’t actually believe that he was holding a fox in his hands as you wrapped a bandage around its leg after cleaning up the wound, before you if he ever came across a badly injured animal he would kill it out of mercy, he hated seeing an animal suffer. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it to this poor little one not with the way you were looking and treating it.
“Buck, Bushy’s fell asleep in your arms.”
“Have you named it?”
“Yeah, everyone needs a name.” The smile you had on your face had him smiling too.
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A week later Bushys leg was healing nicely and would follow you and Bucky around where ever you’d go around the house. Bucky couldn’t lie if asked if he had grown attached to Bushy, he was going to be sad when it was time to release him back outside.
Bucky gave you a long passionate kiss and stroked Bushys head before he left the house, rogue vampires were back and it was Steve and his job to get rid of them.
“It’s just me and you now kiddo, wanna watch a film?”
Curled up on the couch with a fluffy blanket and Bushy you put on your favourite show, obviously telling the little fox all about the characters and which ones were your favourites - not like the little guy understood a single word you were saying. You were startled awake when a bang came from the panty, not seeing the young fox near by you assumed it was him getting into the snacks, stopping in your tracks when you heard a groan.
“Bushy?” You called out breathing a breath of relief when he came running towards you.
You screamed when you went around the corner, seeing Bucky leaning heavily against the fridge he kept in the pantry - where he stored blood bags. He was covered in blood. “B-Bucky?”
“D-didn’t mean t-to wake you doll.”
“What happened?”
“N-no blood left.”
“Okay? But what happened to you?” You tried to move forward towards him but he held his hand up.
“I-I… baby I need blood an-and I don’t have-“
“Have mine.” Gulping when he snapped his head up, looking you in the eyes. His own turning darker. “Y-you can drink some of my blood Bucky.”
You could see the struggle he was having, on one hand he really needed to feed so he could heal but on the other hand he couldn’t do that to you regardless of how many times he wondered how you tasted. Shaking his head he knew he couldn’t do it.
“It’s okay, I trust you Buck. You need to eat and there’s no-“
“I can’t doll. I-I won’t.” He stutters, shaking his head even more.
“You can and you will. Please Buck!”
It took nearly half an hour to convince Bucky to drink from you, leading him into the living room and onto the couch you tried to get your heart rate to slow down knowing he could hear it. He kept asking if you were sure, you silenced him by raising your arm for him to take it in his mouth.
Now you know why people always screamed in the movies when they get bit by a vampire, because fuck it hurts so badly!
The longer he had his fangs dug into your flesh the more it hurt, and it didn’t help that you started to feel lightheaded. You looked towards Bushy who was watching the scene infront of him looking nervously between you and Bucky, then everything went black.
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Every part of your body ached as you came around, before you opened your eyes you felt his fingers run through your hair, and all you could hear is Bucky’s soft voice singing.
‘Cause my insides are red
And yours are too
And the red on my face
Is matching you
And goodness you're bleeding
What a wonderful feeling
You're down and you're pleading
My head is just reeling
The red means I love you
“Doll? Oh thank goodness, just take it slow baby.” He helps you sit up and that’s when you realise that you’re in bed.
“Wh-what happened?”
“I- baby I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t mean to b-but you were-I killed you an-and you nearly died because I didn’t stop-“
“It’s okay Buck, it’s okay I promise.” You cut his ramble off and hold his hand.
“No doll you don’t understand, you-you’re a vampire now.”
You sighed and nodded, it wasn’t what you wanted but at least you could be with Bucky forever now, just like he always promised you. “I know Buck and that’s okay.”
“I just couldn’t let you die, I’m sorry, I know it’s selfish but I don’t want to be without you doll.”
Bucky couldn’t get the image of you slumping over, your skin going paler than your usual complexion, you not responding. He could hear your once lively heart beat fade and he panicked, he apologised over and over before piercing your neck with his fangs. For the first time since he was turned into a vampire he prayed, praying that you would forgive him but most importantly that you would wake up.
“Buck?” You say his name as you watch as he twists the ring on your finger, the same one he brought you a year into your relationship - he was just walking down the street when a shiny silver ring caught his eye, he paid for it instantly and when you asked why, he told you that he saw it and thought of you so he brought it.
“Yes doll.”
“Was you singing to me?”
“No…” He scoffed shaking his head.
“Yes you was.” You sing to him, Bucky smiled shyly nodding.
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 5 months
I have a small idea and I think your writing is always amazing. So y/n has a crush on Bucky but he doesn't know. He opens up about having nightmares one time in conversation and she says she has lots of ideas (yoga, meditation, music, dancing, massage, reading the hobbit to bucky, doing skin care etc) and begins this whole ordeal of trying to get rid of buckys nightmares. She places a huge teddy bear outside his door one night as she knows he sometimes leaves his room after having nightmares. Sometimes she'll leave her perfume on things and he begins to get attached. Eventually it's suggested they cuddle and bucky confesses his feelings?? I don't know.. It's just a thought.
Ways To Help » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female Reader
Summary: You come up with ways to help Bucky with his nightmares.
Warnings: Fluff, language, cuddling, kissing, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you for requesting @teddybearbucky 🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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“Good morning, Sarge!” You chirped with a smile.
“Morning.” Bucky mumbles loud enough for you to hear.
He sat down at the table in the kitchen in the Avengers Compound and put his head in his hands, sighing loudly. You looked at him and frowned.
“Are you ok?” You asked with concern in your voice.
“I didn’t sleep well last night.” He says.
“This might help.” You say, putting a cup of coffee in front of him.
“Thanks.” He sighs, taking a sip of it.
You sat down next to him with your own cup of coffee. You could see the dark circles under Bucky’s eyes.
“Did you have a bad dream last night?” You asked.
“That’s one way to put it.” Bucky looks down at the coffee in the cup. “I don’t want to unload my problems onto you.” He says.
“I know I’m new here, but you’re more than welcome to tell me anything. I’m a good listener.” You say.
Bucky thought about it for a moment before looking at you.
“I have nightmares.” He starts. “Nightmares from what I done as the Winter Soldier. The blood, the screams, it’s still there.” He says.
“That wasn’t you, Bucky.” You put a comforting hand on his arm. “Nothing was in your control then. You don’t need to feel guilty for something you didn’t do.” You say softly.
“I know, but it’s still there and it won’t go away.” He says.
“If you want, I can come up with ways to help you.” You suggested.
“You’d do that for me?” He asks.
“Of course I would!” You smiled. “I consider us friends. Friends help each other out, don’t they?” You say.
“I suppose they do.” He says with a smile.
You smiled and kissed his stubbly cheek before going to the gym and train. Bucky sat at the table in curiosity, curious to know what you’re going to come up with to help him with his nightmares. Later that day at night, you knocked on Bucky’s bedroom door and he opened it, stepping aside to let you in.
“What’d you come up with?” Bucky asks curiously as he closed the door.
“I thought we’d start off with something easy. Like reading. Do you have any books?” You asked.
Bucky went in his closet and dug around in a box, finding what he was looking for. He walked out of the closet and handed you the book.
“Feel free to call me a nerd, but this is all I have.” He says, handing you the book.
You read the title of the book, The Hobbit. You continued to look at the book, admiring how old it is.
“I read it in 1937 when it first came out.” He says.
His cheeks turned red in embarrassment, thinking that you would think he’s a nerd for reading something like that.
“I don’t think you’re a nerd.” You looked at him. “I think it’s cute.” You say, smiling at him.
You and Bucky got on his bed and got under the blanket. Bucky listened to every word you read, loving the sound of your voice. It soothed him. About halfway through the book, he fell asleep. You bookmarked the page you left off on and put it on his nightstand. You kissed his forehead and carefully got out of bed, trying your best to not wake him up and went to your own bedroom and went to sleep. Around 3am, you woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door. You got out of bed and opened it to see Bucky on the other side. You stepped aside to let him in your room.
“Bucky, are you ok?” You asked.
Bucky shook his head no. You took in his appearance and noticed that he was shirtless, sweaty, his hair was messy, and his breathing was heavy.
“Breath.” You say softly.
Bucky watched as you took a deep breath in and exhaled. He copied your breathing pattern till his breathing was back to normal.
“Nightmare?” You asked, sitting down on your bed.
“Yea.” Bucky sighs, sitting down next to you. “Reading didn’t work.” He says, his voice laced with disappointment.
You two sat in silence for a moment when something came to your mind. Something that helped you when you were a kid.
“Come with me.” You say, standing up.
“Where are we going?” Bucky asks, following you down the hall.
“To the kitchen.” You say, pushing the button.
The elevator dinged and you two got on it. You pushed the button to the kitchen. The elevator dinged again and you two got off of it. Bucky watched curiously as you rummaged through the cabinets for something.
“What are you looking for?” He asks.
“Hot chocolate.” You say.
“Why?” He asks.
“It’s something that my mom you give me when I was a kid when I had bad dreams.” You explained.
You found the hot chocolate and grabbed two packets, along with two mugs. You made the hot chocolate and gave Bucky one of them and sat down at the kitchen table.
“Ok, so reading didn’t work…” You start, taking a sip of your hot chocolate. “How do you feel about yoga?” You asked, looking at him.
“It’s too girly to me.” He says.
“Ok. Umm…” You continued to think. “What about meditation?” You asked.
“Not my thing.” He says, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
“Alright. What about…” You thought harder. “Music?” You asked.
“Sounds interesting to me. Let’s do it.” He says.
You and Bucky drank your hot chocolates before going back to his bedroom.
“I don’t have anything for music.” He says.
“That’s ok. We can use my phone.” You went to the music app on your phone. “What kind of music do you like?” You asked.
“I like 40s music.” He tells you.
You looked up 40s music and played the first song that popped up. You placed your phone on Bucky’s nightstand and sat down on his bed. You looked up to see Bucky holding his right hand out to you.
“Let’s dance.” Bucky says.
“I don’t know how to dance.” You say, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“That’s ok. I’ll teach you.” He says with a smile.
You smiled and put your hand in his and stood up. Bucky wrapped his vibranium arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, making your breath hitch in your throat. Your heart fluttered in your chest.
“Just move with me and you’ll be fine.” Bucky says softly.
You and Bucky swayed to the music. Your stomach erupted with butterflies when you felt Bucky’s vibranium hand gently rub up and down your back.
“You know…” Bucky breaks the silence. “You’re a really amazing friend.” He tells you. “You’re definitely my most gorgeous friend.” He says in a flirty tone.
“Y-You think I’m gorgeous?” You asked, stuttering.
“Yes.” He says with a smile.
You couldn’t help but blush uncontrollably. Your eyes began to droop and you laid your head on his chest. Bucky sensed it and shut off the music.
“Let’s get you to bed, doll.” He says softly.
Bucky picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bedroom, gently laying you down on your bed.
“Shouldn’t I be the one helping you sleep, not the other way around?” You asked, giggling.
“I’m just returning the favor.” He says with a smile.
Bucky shut your bedroom light off before walking out of your room and went back to his own room. Over the next few weeks, you and Bucky have gotten closer. You two know each other better than you guys did a few weeks ago. Saying you two are best friends now is a statement. Plus, Bucky hasn’t been having nightmares as much as he used to.
You placed a big teddy bear in front of Bucky’s closed bedroom door and sprayed your perfume on it. The elevator dinged and you quickly were to your bedroom and closed the door before he seen you. Bucky stopped in his tracks when he seen the teddy bear. He slowly approached it, slightly suspicious. He dropped his suspicions when he got a whiff of perfume. He automatically knew the scent of perfume. It’s the scent you wear on a daily. He picked the teddy bear up and opened his bedroom door, placing it on the floor against the wall.
“Hey, Bucky!” You say, smiling widely.
“Hey, doll.” Bucky says, not as enthusiastic as you.
You frowned as you watched his vibranium hand rub his right shoulder.
“Did something happen to your shoulder?” You asked with concern in your voice.
“I think I pulled a muscle or something while training earlier.” He says, slightly wincing in pain.
“I can give you a massage if you want.” You suggested.
“Would you?” He asks.
“Of course I would!” You smiled. “Like I said, friends help friends out.” You say.
“You really are a doll.” Bucky kisses your cheek. “I’m going to take a shower before that massage.” He says before walking away.
You stood there frozen with butterflies fluttering in your stomach and blush creeping up on your cheeks. After a few seconds, you closed your eyes and shook your head before going to your room. A little bit later, Bucky knocked on your bedroom door and you gave him permission to come in.
“Take a seat.” You say, patting the bed in front of you.
Bucky sat down on your bed while you sat on your knees behind him. You rubbed his right shoulder, applying pressure. Bucky quickly relaxed with your touch.
“You give amazing massages.” Bucky sighs. “You have really soft hands.” He compliments.
“Thank you.” You say, smiling.
Bucky couldn’t see your face, but you’re blushing uncontrollably behind him. The compliments he gives you and the kisses on the cheeks he been giving you lately has been making you blush more than you normally do.
“You know…” He speaks up. “I know you’re the one who put that teddy bear outside of my bedroom.” He says.
“How- How do you know it’s me and not Natasha or Wanda?” You asked, stuttering.
“Natasha and Wanda don’t wear floral scented perfume.” He says.
You went quiet and felt your cheeks heat up. Bucky turned around to face you, seeing that your face is red.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you have a crush on me, doll?” He asks, looking deep in your eyes.
“We were getting to know each other so well that I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” You say, looking down at your lap.
His vibranium hand caressed your cheek, his thumb gently rubbing against your skin, making you shiver. What Bucky did next surprised you. He leaned in, placing his lips on yours and kissed you passionately and sweetly. His lips felt soft against yours. It felt like everything around you guys was in slow motion and sparks were flying. It was everything you imagined. When Bucky pulled away, you were left breathless.
“Holy shit…” You say breathlessly.
Bucky couldn’t help but lightly laugh at your cuteness.
“How about we cuddle for the rest of the night.” Bucky suggests.
“I like the sound of that.” You say softly, smiling at him.
You and Bucky laid back on your bed and covered yourselves up with a blanket. You turned your TV on and put a movie on. You laid your head on Bucky’s chest. Your fingers played with Bucky’s dog tags while his vibranium hand rubbed your back soothingly.
“Just so you know…” Bucky breaks the silence. “I have a crush on you.” He says.
“You like me?” You asked, looking up at him.
“I thought I was making it pretty obvious for you when I complimented you and gave you cheek kisses.” He says.
“I thought you were just being friendly.” You say.
“Do friends do this?” He asks, kissing you again.
“No.” You giggled against his lips.
“Then that makes us more than friends.” He says.
“I’m completely fine with that.” You say.
“Me too.” He says, softly pecking your lips.
-Bucky’s Doll
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steviebbboi · 1 month
Hey, I'm trying to grow my list of blogs to follow since I feel like a lost grandmother here - so I'm going around asking recommendations from people whose fics I really enjoy!
So, any chance you'd have the time and energy to recommend me some of your favorite Steve x Reader or Steve x OFC authors here on tumblr? Bucky or Tony as the male lead is also fine.
Looking for authors who especially do romance and fluff, or the torture-cinnamon-roll-before-a-happy-ending kind of fic! Smut is fine, but full dark/dark!Steve isn't my personal cup of tea.
Thank you for the time, and I hope you're having a good week!
Hi Stellar! I'm so honored that you would ask me for them reccs -- if i could add you onto this recc list i so would btw, your work is amazinggg ✨ (ya'll check out @stellar-solar-flare over here and on AO3 - the good goodz)!
@bigtreefest knows that i, too, am a lil bit of a grandmother on here (i couldn't even find this section [Inbox] until I had Essie's help LOL 😂).
a couple of blogs that come to mind are definitely these lovely peeps! (they all have a wide range of CE character fics so its varieties of Steve tropes, smut and fluff, and ofc, any tropes of any other CE or SS characters that you may like).
***although, i do follow mostly smut blogs, theres also great fluffs in these masterlists here too! but read the ind. warnings of each fics ofc -- just in case i may have tagged some folx who may write some darker fics in the mix of writing all smut/fluff/dark!
if anyone tagged has more reccs, i'd also be happy to check 'em out alongside, (my fellow Grandma) Stellar-- as you can see, stevie is indeed my bb boi, and i can never really get enough of him.
@mercurial-chuckles @stargazingfangirl18 @nekoannie-chan @bigtreefest @sinner-as-saint
@navybrat817 @ronearoundblindly @the-iceni-bitch @americas-ass-writing @biteofcherry
@onsunnyside @holylulusworld @anika-ann @syntheticavenger @buckys-wintersoldier
@universitypenguin @thezombieprostitute @darsynia @ussgallifrey @buckyalpine
@buckets-and-trees @jamneuromain @rodrikstark @rogerswifesblog
happy reading and connecting, Stellar! :) i'm hoping you enjoy and that this is helpful xx
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nekoannie-chan · 8 months
Week 4 Reblog Masterlist
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Welcome to Week 4 2024 or Week 212, as always, fics would be listed in the order I read them.
I hope you enjoy it!
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♥ You can check my reading guidelines here.
♥ You can check my masterlist here.
♥ You can check my main reblog masterlist 2024 here.
♥ You can check my January reblog masterlist 2024 here.
♥ You can check Week 3 2024 here.
♥ You can check Week 5 2024 here.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜: 💛 ᵒʳᶤᵍᶤᶰᵃˡ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ
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This is the list of the fics I read and recommend in Week 4 2024:
A snowflake melts part 2 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @georgiapeach30513 💚
Can I kiss you? (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sergeantbarnessdoll 💚
Dark concepts (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @hansensgirl 🖤❤️
In secret (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @stevenssacrab 💚 💙
Where to begin (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @intrepidacious❤️
Stay with me (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @lives-in-midgard 💚
Kissed by death (Brock Rumlow X Reader) by @itwasthereaminuteago❤️
I know where I belong part 7 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sosa2imagines 💚 💙
Officially confused (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sam24 💚
Steve fic (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @chxrryhansen❤️
I cannot give you (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @hannibals-favourite-meal 💙❤️
His inheritance chapter 33: Under pressure (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @jtargaryen18 💙❤️
Entwined (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @biteofcherry❤️
In the before (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @queen-of-the-avengers 💙
Resolutions (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @bucky-fricking-barnes 💚
Daisy chain (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @sunshinebuckybarnes 💚
Happy now (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @mrs-illyrian-baby ❤️
I can’t sleep because my bed is on fire (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @krirebr 🖤❤️
Clean this up (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @hollyseb 🖤❤️
Morning kisses (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @worksby-d 💚
Like a prayer (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @brandycranby❤️
Sometimes your soul family is the only family you need part 1 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @ mrs-illyrian-baby 💙
Adoption part 2 (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @buckys-wintersoldier 💚
Champ (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @ashdreams2023 💚
Long distance boyfriend (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @angelltheninth❤️
Pretty tied up (Otis Driftwood X Reader) by @venus-haze 🖤❤️
Till the end of the line (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @twinklecrazymind 🖤❤️
By the fireplace (Steve Rogers X Reader) by @navybrat817 💚
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ergle-barnes · 10 months
Prologue|My Enemy, My Love.
Paring ~ Bucky Barnes x Female! Reader
Warnings ~ Bucky's past with Hydra, insults (bitch) , translated Russia, reader has past with Hydra. (Let me know if I missed any :) enjoy)
Wordcount 》》 5.9k
A/N》 Thank you! To @buckys-wintersoldier for asking me to write with her. I am looking forward to writing more with you. Love ya bestie. ❤️
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
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As every night, you sit on the roof of the base and look up at the sky. You adore all the stars, painting their own little pictures and stories into the dark sky. Brighten the night and give the moon company. They are like you and him, the ones you love to have sitting next to you on the roof, enjoying each other's company.
You two are the moon and the stars; you are bright together, and you feel like you’re so close even when the two of you are miles away from each other. It doesn’t matter; your hearts and your thoughts are almost the same as the others, except a few times when he has to work and isn’t able to be the one he used to be with you.
Slow and quiet footsteps are somewhere behind you, and you know it’s him. You know he will give you the company he wasn’t able to give you in a week. But now he is finally able to be on the roof with you again, no matter if you’re going to sit there and talk or just sit there and enjoy the comfortable silence.
Just the two of you, in the middle of the night. Just the stars and the moon. It doesn’t matter what was going on during the day; it doesn’t matter what you’re forced to do the next day; it just counts you and him.
He loves it, at least as much as you do. Someone who doesn’t mind who he is - someone who isn’t judging him for everything he is doing even when he has no choice. With you, he is comfortable, he can relax, and even when it’s just for an hour, he enjoys it more than he will admit to you or himself.
Not even the silence is uncomfortable; there are nights when the two of you just sit next to each other, looking at each other or into the sky. You can sit there for hours and you wouldn’t say a word; it’s like you know what he is thinking and he knows the same about you.
But there are also nights when you two are talking, complaining, crying, and being angry. Not about one another, never about the other one. Just because of the place you are and the things you do, even when they look so right and you two learned they are right, sometimes there is a bit of a feeling that some things aren’t as right as the others say.
But no matter if you talk or just sit in silence, it’s your favorite part of the day. You almost wait for it. When everyone is sleeping, you go on the roof, enjoying the time there, waiting for him to give you some company, and you’re able to forget about everything for a moment, not thinking about the right and wrong things. Just being with him, like the stars are with the moon.
You can hear the steps coming closer, and then the door opens before it closes. The smile you always have when you think about him appears on your lips. “Hey, doll,” he says softly, even when his voice is rough. You feel the warmth immediately run through your body, and you turn your head to look at him.
There he is, your best friend. His long brown hair on the sides of his head and his blue eyes look so softly at you that you can’t believe what his job here is. And his muscular body, the metal arm, and his scent - you can’t get enough of him. A slight mint, which makes you almost melt when he sits next to you.
“Hello, soldier,” you joke and giggle softly. He shakes his head, softly laughing about your silliness, while he walks closer to you and lets himself take a seat next to you.
“Haven’t been here for a while,” he mumbles, looking into the sky, his one hand raised so he can draw a picture with the help of the stars. And you already know it’s a night you will talk about his mission, about your mission, about your feelings, and you are grateful for that.
You nod softly, looking at him and studying the features of his face. He is handsome; his jaw is clearly visible, and the stubbles on his cheek give you the urge to touch them. But if you don’t do it, it would be a step further to be a normal human and to have a relationship and a family together.
A soft sigh escapes your mouth, and he smiles without looking at you. He knows you look at him; you always do, and he doesn’t mind; he loves to look at you as well. “How was your mission?” You ask softly, and he lets his hand fall down on his leg.
He turns his head to you; his smile is sad, and the way he looks at you - a broken man. You know it’s always hard for him to remember all the things he does, but he doesn’t know about the time before he came to Hydra. But this time it’s different; he looks broken in a way he never has. Dark shades under his eyes, and even when he often comes back with bruises, scratches, and cuts, this time they look deeper, probably showing the ones on his soul.
“I don’t know how you can accept not knowing about your family or about your friends,” he says, looking away from you to hide the tears in his eyes. You sigh softly, understanding why he says that, but at the same time, you don’t know anything other than Hydra, and it turns into your family.
“It’s not that I don’t want to know. But I've been here since I was a little kid. They give me everything I need; they give me a room with a bed, a bathroom, and all I need. They give me food and drinks, as well as company. I can play games with a few sometimes, or I can watch television. They give me my job, and I do it; it’s right,” he explains, and he nods, but he doesn’t really believe you.
James doesn’t want to understand that you don’t think about the family you could have, the friends, and the work you could have when you wouldn't be here. “Sometimes I see someone in my dreams. A boy with blond hair and blue eyes; he is smaller than I, and he likes to get into trouble; it looks like that at least,” James tells you with a small smile on his lips when he thinks about the dreams he has.
“Are you doing something there?” You are curious about his dreams and the unknown small boy. The brown-haired man next to you chuckles, and you smile when you hear his rough chuckle. You love to see him happy. “There are a lot of things, but something I remember is that he used to wear newspapers in his shoes,” he says, and his lips turn into a wider smile. For a moment, he feels like he can remember something, even when it’s just a dream of his with the blond boy.
But as fast as the smile was there, it faded away. His gaze is the same broken one as before, and he swallows hard. “On the mission, I saw someone who looked really similar, and he said a word, but I don’t know what it means,” the brown-haired man sighs, and you look as well as James up to see the moon shining bright.
“Do you remember the word?” You ask, and you get a nod as an answer. “Which one is it?"
“Bucky… I’ve seen him before. His name is Steve. He was a friend of mine, I think," he says, his eyebrows narrowing, and he thinks about it. “I feel like I heard it before,seen him before,” he adds and sighs before he shrugs and leans back in his forearms. You think about it as well, but you have never heard that word before. “Maybe it’s a memory,” you say, and he nods.
Yes, maybe it is. Maybe it is more than just another language, but he doesn’t know; he just can’t remember where he heard that word before.
You two look at the sky, being quiet for a moment, and it’s what the two of you need. Looking at the stories the stars tell you before you tell each other more. Especially James, who thinks about telling you something he isn’t sure if you want to hear.
He doesn’t want to upset you or, worse, make you hate him. James knows Hydra has been your family since you were a little kid, but the things he found out about Hydra are definitely not the things you two learned about it. He thought he just heard it wrong, but when he heard the people talking about it, he knew he didn’t hear it wrong.
Not even trying to brainwash him helps, not when he feels like he can remember those things. They may be dreams, but they feel so real that he sometimes thinks they are. Maybe he remembers when he dreams, or maybe he finds out who he is.
“Кукла? Мне нужно рассказать тебе кое-что о Гидре,” (Doll? I need to tell you something about Hydra.) He says it in Russian, and you look confused at him. “Why are you talking in Russian?" You ask, looking at him, and he smirks softly.
“Мне нравится слышать, как ты говоришь по-русски. И не всем обязательно знать то, что я вам говорю,” (I like to hear you speak Russian. And not everyone needs to know what I'm telling you.) he says, and you chuckle about his flirty side.
"Что ты хочешь мне сказать, солдат?" (What is it you need to tell me, soldier?) You smile to ease the tension that has been rising. You've felt it as soon as he said the word Hydra. Something about this isn't good, and you know it.
He takes a deep breath to prepare for what your response will be. He doesn’t want you to hate him, but you need to know. "Гидра не то, чем кажется, я знаю, ты думаешь о них как о семье, но они не делают того, что правильно." (Hydra's not what they seem; I know you think of them as family, but they are not doing what's right.) You turn to look at him with a serious face. Waiting for him to continue. He takes another deep breath. "Я могу вспомнить некоторые вещи. Ты сказал мне, что мои сны могут быть вещами из моего прошлого, и что я их помню. Я не был уверен, что знаю человека на мосту, и не знал, что он сказал, но он, похоже, знал меня. И он так похож на маленького мальчика из моей мечты. Куколка, кажется, я могу вспомнить кое-что до Гидры. Гидра знает, что ко мне возвращается память, и она меня убьет, куколка. Мне нужно, чтобы ты знал." (I can remember some things. You told me that my dreams could be things from my past and that I remember them. I wasn't sure I knew the man on the bridge, and I didn't know what he said, but he seemed to know me. And he looks so much like the little boy from my dreams. Doll, I think I can remember something before Hydra. Hydra knows I'm gaining my memory back; they're gonna kill me, doll. I need you to know.)
Your eyes go wide, and concern fills your face. You drop the Russian completely. "What.. No. We, you. No! I'll figure something out, please. You can't die." You didn't notice the tear streaming down your face. You were taught emotions are a weakness, but at this moment, you didn't care. A million thoughts go through your brain, anyway, to keep him alive, and you land on one.
His hand wipes the tear and stops your thoughts. You look at him, and you see sadness in his eyes. "It's okay, doll; you'll be fine without me." You stand up and look at him. "So will you." You say it in a stern voice and walk off, not saying another word. He knew you wouldn’t have the best reaction, but he didn't expect that one. He watched you walk away and didn't go after you. You needed a minute to calm down.
You were hoping he'd follow after you, but he didn't. Of course he didn't. He wasn't going to, so you kept walking. He wasn't dying. Not today, not on your watch. You went to find Pierce so you could sort this out. You burst into his office, not caring who or what was going on. He was alone, except for his guards. "Don't kill him! Leave him be! Turn me into one of your little experiments, whatever the fuck you want! Just don't kill him! Leave him be!" He knew exactly who you were talking about but decided to play dumb.
"Who? Who are we not killing?" He said it in a sarcastic tone. You got more angry by the second. "Soldier, Barnes, whatever you want to call him. Let him live!" Pierce laughs and shakes his head. "Now, why would I do that?"
You're furious at this point. "You know why! Don't play stupid! Just turn me into anything you want. Leave. Him. Alone." He nods. "Sure, but first you need to send him into the blender. You need to be the one to make the call; you do that. We'll do the rest." He has a sly smile on his face. He gets so much out of this. You and Barnes split up, and you became his new most powerful weapon. He’s wanted her to do this for a while now! She was always intended to be an experiment. This was always the plan.
You nod with a knot in your throat. "Well, go get him." He's being sarcastic for a reason. He knows what he's doing. He doesn’t care; he'll have the world in his hands soon.
You return with him as guards grab him. Rumlow smiled at him. "Little Birdy told us you got memory. Tsk-tsk-tsk. No good." James looks at you. Yelling in Russian, “Ты сука! Ты им сказал! Как ты мог!” (You bitch! How could you!) You couldn’t look him in the face.
You hate yourself for that, but you know it’s the best. So they let him live, but he would never let you do the experiments, and you know Pierce is doing that for you when you help him get James under his control.
They place him in the chair, talking to him in Russian. The only thing that caught your attention is when they say, “Она хочет уйти, как и все остальные. Я же говорил тебе, солдат. Она была просто отвлечением.” (She wants to leave, just like the rest. I told you, soldier. She was just a distraction.)
James gave you a cold gaze as they put the mouthpiece in his mouth. Pierce looks at you and just nods as they cut on the machine. You grab the book and hand it to Pierce as Bucky starts screaming, your least favorite sound.
Желани (longing)...
They lead you into a room; it's dark and cold, and you don’t need long to recognize it; it’s a cell. When you slowly look around, you need a moment to let your eyes adapt to the darkness of the room.
They did it again. Hydra brings you into a room, sometimes with someone, sometimes just you. You don’t know why exactly, but they just say it’s for your own good. To make sure that you appreciate the things they give you, even when you do, they always do that with some of the people in that base. No matter how often you're in the cell, you can’t get used to it, but you know it’s for the best. Hydra just wants your best.
With a shiver along your spine, you feel like someone is looking at you. A man who looks like a robot with no emotion and is just quiet. You try to say something to talk to him, but you feel like you could talk to a wall. He doesn’t even blink; you’re not sure if he is a statue or not, but it’s kinda scary.
So you think about an option, and when you think about the way you always calmed down, your first thought is singing. You decide to sing your favorite song, and you see the man relaxing slightly.
His expression changes into a softer one, and he lets his shoulders fall down so he doesn’t stand as straight as before. “You have a beautiful voice. How long have you been singing for?” He asks you, and you feel another shiver along your spine, but this time it was a comfortable one. His voice is rough, but he still sounds so soft, and when he walks a step closer, you can see his steel blue eyes.
The conversation you two had was the best you had for years, and you immediately knew he would be your best friend, and he knew he finally had someone who didn’t judge him and who talked to him like he was just like all the other people. And this wasn’t just the first meeting; it was the first conversation between the two of you, and it was even more the start of your friendship and so much more.
Ржавый (rusted)...
It’s the day before he has to go to war, Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. He will fight in the 107th, and even though he would love to be there with his best friend, he is kinda happy his best friend didn’t pass the tests.
For Steve, it looks like Bucky doesn’t think he could do it, but it’s more a way to tell him he loves his best friend and doesn't want him to get hurt in the war.
So after the presentation of Howard Stark and the flying car, the small blond-haired boy from Brooklyn was suddenly not there anymore, and Bucky excused them two by the girls they had taken out before he looked around to find Steve.
He doesn’t need long for the sergeant to find his best friend. The big shield with some soldiers on the wall of the house tells him where Steve is. The small boy wants to be a soldier, but he risks getting imprisoned by going to the army with different identities. But it’s his dream, and Bucky knows about it, so he is looking there for his best friend.
When he finds him, he talks to him, trying to convince him that the army isn’t the only job for Steve and that he will find something that can fit better. But the small boy is stubborn; he gives Bucky a lot of disappointed looks and explains why he doesn’t want to do something else.
Bucky nods, knowing he can’t change his best friend, and he doesn't want to, so he just smiles softly and walks a few steps away. He turns around and smirks at Steve. “Don’t do anything stupid till I get back.”
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” Bucky chuckles and shakes his head while he walks back to his best friend. Wrapping his arm tight around the small body and feeling Steve’s arms around him.
“You're a punk.”
“Careful,” Bucky says softly but still with a smile on his lips. Then he walks backwards and looks at Steve, who looks at him with a soft but sad smile. They were always together almost every minute, and letting his best friend go to the army isn't easy for him. Especially because he can’t go there yet.
“Don't win the war 'til I get there,” Steve shouts, and Bucky laughs, saluting and walking away.
Семнадцать (seventeen)...
You are sitting on the roof for some fresh air. That mission was hell, and you just need a minute. The sky is a beautiful, clear sky tonight, perfect for some time to clear your head. You are sitting there in silence, just staring at the night sky. When you hear the door behind, you swing open. You stand up quickly, hands up, ready to fight guards, but instead, you find Barnes. “Oh, hello, soldier. Sorry, I thought I was the only one that came up here.” You get ready to leave, but he puts his hands up in a defensive position. “No need to leave. I just came to clear my head.” He says this, motioning to the edge of the roof. He walks over, sits down, and sighs.
“Beautiful night, hell of a mission.” He says this as he looks out into the night sky. You walk over and sit beside him, saying, “Do you want to talk about it?” He nods but doesn't say anything; he just stares. He finally says, “Do you think this is the right thing? All this killing and fighting is making the world better.” You don’t say anything, but just think. “If they say it is. Then maybe it is. The best thing to do is to listen; don’t get hurt, and we’ll be fine.” Bucky just nods, knowing you’re right, but he still doesn’t feel right about all this. You two just stay silent after that. Looking out into the stars, it's peaceful. Nothing is disturbing you two. Just perfect silence to clear the mind.
Рассвет (daybreak)...
Steve looks around while he runs through the corridor. Somewhere in that base is his best friend, but he doesn’t know where. The other soldier told him about the isolation station, and now he is on his way to find exactly this one.
When he looks into another dark room, he sees the form of a person laying there. “Bucky?” He asks, but there is no response; the man just mumbles a number and something, which doesn’t make much sense to Steve. He walks into the room, and when he stands next to him, he recognizes the man. His best friend, Bucky Barnes.
“Bucky?” Steve asks again, but the brown-haired man doesn’t respond. “Sergeant… Three… Two… Five… Five… Seven… Barnes… Zero… Three… Eight…”, Bucky says and stares at the ceiling. Steve places his hand on each of Bucky’s shoulders and shakes him softly.
Then he tries again to get a response from Bucky: “Bucky?”
“Steve?” Bucky mumbles and looks at Steve. “Steve?” He asks again and smiles softly when he realizes his best friend is in front of him. Then he looks up and down at Steve, or at least as much as he can do it.
The blond-haired man is the complete opposite of the small boy from Brooklyn Bucky used to know. He is muscular and as big as the brown-haired man. Bucky admires his body for a moment before he hears Steve's voice again.
“I thought you were dead,” he says, helping Bucky sit up.
“I thought you were smaller,” Bucky whispers with a rough but low voice. His throat feels sore, but he can’t stop himself from commenting on things because of the new size of Steve. “What happened to you?” He asks, and Steve smiles before he gives Bucky an answer.
“I joined the army,” he says with a laugh, helping Bucky get out of the room. The brown-haired man shakes his head and chuckles softly.
Печь (furnace)...
You are just coming back from a mission, ready to meet Bucky on the roof, but stop in your tracks when you hear your least favorite sound. Bucky’s screams! You run towards the screams and stop as Rumlow stands in your way. "Rumlow! Move! What's going on?!” He doesn’t move; he just laughs. As you hear Pierce’s voice, the puzzle pieces start to connect. You immediately shove Rumlow and the other guard out of your way as the screaming stops.
Once you get past them, you see Bucky gasping for breath while muttering something in Russian. “Куколка, иди отсюда.” (Doll, get out of here.) You shook your head. “Ничего не происходит, ты уходишь оттуда.” (Not happening; you're getting out of there.) Pierce walks over to you and yells, “ENGLISH! NOW!" You flinch, but look at Pierce. “Let him out. Let me take care of the problem.” Pierce smiles with a manic smile. “He better be punished! Understood?" You nod, and you help Bucky get out of the torture chair.
Девять (nine)...
After finding a way through the Hydra base, Bucky and Steve are in front of the bridge to get to the other side and out of the building. The red Skull stands on the other side, laughing sarcastically about their attempts to talk to him. Under them are some explosions, and Bucky looks down to see the fire underneath them.
The red Skulls face looks slightly falling down after the punch he got. With another chuckle that is at least as dark as the one before, he takes something like a mask off his face. Now he has no human face anymore; he has a red face where you can see his bones but without a nose, and it looks something between disgusting and scary.
“You don’t have one of those, do you?” Bucky asks and looks at the red Skull. Steve shakes his head. They try to talk to Arnim Zola and the red Skull, but they get out of the building and let Bucky and Steve in the middle of the explosions.
Both are looking for a way to get out of the building, but the only way is the one over the flames and explosions. Between both sides is a lot of space after the red Skull retracted the bridge.
“We need to jump,” Steve says, and Bucky nods, the serum and the torture of Hydra still hurting. He looks to the other side; the next explosion is underneath them, and he looks at Steve. Then he walks a few steps back to run and jump to the other side.
When Bucky comes down on the other side, the next thing explodes and destroys the parts of the bridge. Now the space between both sides is even bigger, and Bucky leans over the railing, looking at Steve, who looks down and then at Bucky.
“Go, get out of here!" he shouts to his best friend, and Bucky looks with wide eyes. He shakes his head immediately and leans a bit more over the railing.
“No, not without you,” he shouts back, and Steve smiles softly before he sighs. He nods, and then he runs to the edge before jumping to the other side. His eyes are focused on the railing so he can grip it, and he does, climbing over it and standing next to Bucky with a soft smile.
Доброкачественный (benign)…
You’re helping Bucky walk to the training room. It feels more like dragging him. You have to be harsh to sell the act. You arrive in the training room and see too many guards. Throwing Bucky on the floor, you yell in Russian, “УБИРАЙСЯ! МОЙ ОЧЕРЕДЬ С НИМ!” (GET OUT! MY TURN WITH HIM!) As soon as you yell, all the guards scramble, and you turn on the privacy screens. You double-check to make sure the coast is clear. As soon as you know everything’s good, you run over to an unconscious Bucky, waking him up. "Solider! Soldier! Soldier, get up!” Fear starts to creep in before he wakes up with a slight chuckle. “Still stuck on calling me that?"
After he speaks, you sit him up and go to examine him for major injuries. He seemed fine physically, but what about mentally, you thought. “Barnes, Tell me who I am!” He speaks in Russian for safety with a smile. “Ты моя кукла.” (You’re my doll.) “Oke, where are you?” Your face is full of concern. He sighs, the smile on his face dropping immediately. He sighs, “Hydra.” You finish off with, “Name?” He answers with, “Don’t know; all I know is that my doll calls me soldier." He gives you a small smile. You stand up and help him stand up. “Are you oke? Seriously?" He nods. “Don’t you have a punishment to do?” You laugh and shake your head. Looking at him, you say, “На русском. Я не собираюсь тебя наказывать. Но тебе нужно выглядеть измученным.” (In Russian. I'm not going to actually punish you. But you do need to look banged up.) He nods and speaks, “Ты ударил меня несколько раз, сильно. Тогда я сделаю все остальное. Звучит неплохо?” (You hit me a few times, hard. Then I'll do the rest. Sound good?) You nod, doing what you have to, then drag him out the same way you came in.
Возвращение на Родину (homecoming)…
You and Bucky get thrown in your shared cell, with a guard yelling something in Russian. Bucky slings his metal arm around. You stare at him with confusion in your eyes. You know his arm is a touchy subject, but curiosity gets the best of you, and you blurt out, “How did it happen?” He turns around with a confused face. “What?” He says it in a rough voice. "Um, Sorry. How did you get the metal arm? How did it happen?” You don't want to push him to hate you or hurt him. He looks down at it, grimaces, and looks back at you. “Y-you don’t have to tell me.” He chuckles. “No, don’t do that. You’re curious. I’ll tell you what I can remember.” You nod and sit on the floor, ready to listen.
He sits across from you, takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes to try and remember. He opens his eyes a few moments later, and he starts to speak. “I was on a train with a blonde-haired boy, blue eyes like the sky. We mention something about Coney Island? Then we get on this train. I can’t remember much, just that I got on the train. I was really scared, like sweating. We fought some guy, and the train broke. Then, the next thing I knew, I fell off the train and lost my left arm. I woke up to Zola telling me, “You are the new face of Hydra." And now we’re here.” He sighs and gets up, walking to the other side of the small cell.
You look at him with an empathetic look. “I’m sorry, Bucky; I shouldn't have asked. I know it’s hard, not remembering.” You walk over to where he is and go to place a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs it off. "No, you don't!" He says in a harsh voice, so you take a step back, knowing you pushed too far. You give him the space he needs.
Один (one)…
You got the sats for this mission. Go undercover at... “CONEY ISLAND, REALLY?!” You yell at Pierce. “A fair, Really?!” The anger is rising to his face, and you can see it, so he yells back. "UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE STUCK IN A CELL FOR THE NEXT DECADE, DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD, NO COMPLAINTS!” You nod and walk off, pissed. Grabbing your things, you get in the helicopter, and you sit there reading the assignment, preparing for it, and such.
When you arrive, you want to puke. A bunch of couples walk around, giggling in each other's arms. You look for the target, but someone taps your shoulder, distracting you. “Hi, my name is James, but you can call me Bucky. You're here alone?” You look him up and down to see if he’s a threat; he doesn’t seem like one. You give him a tight-lipped smile. “Names Y/N, nice to meet you, Bucky.” As you were talking to Bucky, you noticed a pair of blue eyes glaring at you. You look at Bucky, then back at the blonde-haired boy, then back at Bucky. “Does he always stare like that?” He laughs, “You get used to it.” You walk over to the blonde-haired boy and hold your hand out. “Nice to meet you; I'm Y/N, and you are?” He huffs and rolls his eyes, taking your hand. “Steve.” You huff and turn back to Bucky, who is holding his stomach and laughing. His laugh is contagious; it makes your cold heart smile. You smile and look at him. “Whatcha laughing at?” He continues to laugh, and once he’s finished laughing, he stands back up and smiles, saying, "Sorry, was laughing at him.“ Steve walks over to Bucky, “Can I talk to you? Alone?” You watch as they both walk off, focusing on the task at hand. You look around a little more and find your target. "Man, does he know how to stand out?" You think to yourself as you go to make your way over to him, but a hand on your arm stops you. It's Bucky. “Sorry for him; he’s a bit paranoid. How about a teddy, huh?” You smile and nod. He leads you to one of those cheap games. Your face turns into a grimace, but you quickly retake your smile.
Steve stands back with you as you two watch Bucky make multiple attempts at the little game. Steve looks at you and says in a serious tone, “Who are you? Why are you in Brooklyn? I noticed the slight accent. Are you a spy or some shit?” You chuckle and roll your eyes. "Inquisitive, are we? I moved here about 3 years ago. I’m here to have fun, and the accent just hasn’t faded completely yet.” You two start talking, but it's more about Steve interrogating you. You try your best not to snap his neck, and just when you're about to snap, Bucky comes forward with a teddy. “Here you go.” He smiles, and you look at the teddy and smile back. “Thank you; I really need to go. But thank you; hopefully I'll see you around.” He nods and says, “We do too; I blew all our money.” He laughs as Steve huffs and walks off.
Bucky remembers that teddy bear being in your shared cell. He doesn’t remember how you got it, but he knows you love it.
Товарный вагон (freight car)…
Bucky walks behind Steve in front of the apartment complex before they reach the door of Steve’s apartment. Bucky waits a few steps behind him and leans against the railing. Steve tries to find the key, but his thoughts are somewhere else, while Bucky looks at him with a slight smile.
Then he leans down to look for the keys under a brick. Bucky takes them and holds his hand with the key in front of him. His best friend nods gratefully and takes it. Bucky smiles at him and follows Steve’s movements.
“Thank you, Buck, but I can get by on my own,” Steve says, looking up at Bucky. The brown-haired man nods softly.
“The thing is, you don’t have to,” Bucky says, placing his hand on the small shoulder of Steve and squeezing it softly before he looks him in the eyes and leans a bit forward. “Cause I’m with you ‘til the end of the line, pal,” he adds.
After that, the guards grabbed you and threw you in a cold, dark cell to never see him again, or so you thought…
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