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The Darklurker is the Lord of Hollows, displaced within fractured time.
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marina-the-witch · 8 months
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Dark Souls 2 was such a genuine mindfuck of an experience that every time I see this stupid gif of this random ass fortnite character hitting the gritty i start tweaking and think it's Darklurker like
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littlebambdraws · 2 years
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FromSoftober 2022
Day 11: Darklurker
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ladygwyndolin · 2 years
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#30: Darklurker (Dark Souls 2)
“The remnant of some ancient, dissipated being.”
Man, this guy is a pain in the ass when it comes to runback. Having to pay a human effigy every time you want to make an attempt is wack as hell. It would be even more aggravating if not for the fact that the boss is very, very good. Great design, great attack variety, well telegraphed moves with small but achievable punish windows, and a decent mix of ranged and melee attacks provide a consistently enjoyable experience. The music is solid if lacking any major standout pieces and the arena is extremely bland but the visuals of the boss more than make up for it. My only real issue is it splitting into two bosses for its second phase rather than adding new attacks or buffing itself, as turning it into a duo fight hurts that solid one-on-one design and drags it down a few spots in this ranking. Still, it's consistently a fun experience…unless you're playing a hexer, in which case, good fucking luck.
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oh god high lord wolnir is getting blasted. i dont know hikm but my thoughts and prayers to him for going up against darklurker
he’s not been forgiven for this
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balteus · 1 year
me thinking about how I've never even done ds2 ng+ and there are so many surprises waiting for me bc the devs went out of their way to make new game cycles different and memorable
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furnacegolem · 4 months
i honestly don't get why people hate dark souls 2 so virulently. it definitely has its issues but i feel like people wanted it to be dark souls 1 part 2 (which i guess they got with dark souls 3) and so they just write it off because it's not
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val-of-the-north · 10 months
Also while on the topic of Dark Souls 2... I will never forget you DTSB.
You invaded me in Shulva, explained a puzzle that helped me get to the bonfire and gifted me with 31 human effigies (right after I was running short because Darklurker kept kicking my ass)
Whoever you are, you have joined my pantheon of random nice invaders that made my day, right up there with Forgy. I hope Dark Souls 3 keeps up the trend so I have a holy trinity by then.
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omelevateart · 2 years
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Day 16: Lurk
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gaast · 1 year
You ever just think about how Pontiff Sulyvahn is easily the best boss fight in base DS3
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Darkdiver Grandahl is senile and Darklurker is his caregiver.
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kcrossvine-art · 2 years
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submitting this old picture for your practice
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Subject C0D3N4M3: Torbo Darklurk Subject POWER: Night Jaw
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marina-the-witch · 4 months
My Souls Hot Takes
Decided to write up a couple of my less popular opinions for souls games. Please don't get upset over any of these, if you disagree that's totally valid
Dark Souls 1:
Bell Gargoyles is my favorite base game boss
I don't like Ornstein and Smough that much
Gwyn's theme is nowhere near as sad or dramatic as its made out to be in my opinion
Painted World isnt fun to me at all
Tomb of the Giants isnt that bad
I miss the whimiscal 80s fantasy aesthetic the series lost in the following entries even if i understand it narratively
Dark Souls 2:
I'm not just a hater or fail to appreciate an underrated gem, I simply dont enjoy this game
I think Darklurker is mid and the runback gimmick is stupid
The world and lore arent that much better to me than any other souls games and dont save the game
Life Gems are actually pretty okay
Old Dragonslayer is really not that big of a deal
Royal Rat Vanguard is the single worst boss in souls to me
Fume Knight is just kinda alright to me, I enjoy Sir Alonne much more
The health cap loss fucking sucks i hate it
Its perfectly fine to both love and hate this game please calm tf down
Dark Souls 3:
Soul of Cinder isnt that exciting, I might just be biased though bc i started the DS games with 3
Jailers arent that bad, Thralls are way worse
Ancient Wyvern kinda funny tbh
I really really dislike Sister Friede
The random wolf guy in ariandel is the wost boss in 3
Corvian Knights are the coolest enemy in the trilogy
The game isnt actually as ugly and monotone as people say
Pontiff Sulyvahn is sooooo mid to me I could not care less for his parry bait jojo stand ass goofy fight
Yhorm is such a nothing boss without the siegward narrative to me
Demon Prince solos literally any other duo boss and its not even close
R1 and O spam is a dark souls staple to me, not DS3 exclusive at all
Dragonslayer Armor and Oceiros are insanely underrated
Demon of Hatred actually slaps
Corrupted Monk actually slaps
Great Shinobi Owl is really mid to me, too gimmicky
Guardian Ape has the same issues as DoH just to a lesser extend
The 2 giant beast (serpent and carp) area hazards are so good
Souls should give underwater another shot imo
Most of the minibosses are kinda bad to me
Laurence is actually peak
Not really a fan of Maria's fight, gonna replay the game soon to see if it'll finally click
Winter Lanters are pretty cool
Micolash fans are weird why are there so many
Yharnam Sunrise is the most boring ending of any souls game
As much as i would love it, I cant feasibly see a logical contuination of the Bloodborne universe
Saw Spear mid idc
Chalice Dungeons are both infinitely better and worse than people say I really dont know how to feel about them
Simon's Bowblade is one of the coolest weapons in fiction
Elden Ring:
Morgott is underrated
Dragons are underrated
Placidusax's theme is kinda eh to me
Radahn and Malenia are equal, both fandoms can stfu, it said fought to a standstill for a reason
Rykard is genuinely a good fight even with the gimmick in mind
I don't care for vyke, frenzy, shabriri or any other madness hoobla
I hate using great spears so much
Summons are VALID. If they were cheating they wouldnt be in the game. Get over yourself
Idc how much you can counter it I dont like malenia's waterfowl dance and health regain
Godskin Duo isn't that bad, the REAL enemy is valiant gargoyles
Royal Revenants, Birds and Runebears at least have the decency to be rare... Imps and Lobsters though
Volcano Manor is underrated as fuck, such a unique level for a souls game with so much cool lore and visual flare
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sarahgoosegal · 1 month
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So I've now finished my dark souls 2 sl1 run, and it was definitely far more challenging than dark souls 1. It's definitely helped me gain a new perspective on it, and helped me appreciate some bosses more (and made me dislike others).
I didn't kill every boss, for example, I didn't do the chariot, rats, darklurker, gargoyles, or any of the optional dlc bosses, though I might go back and do so. I think fume knight, ivory king and velstadt are my favourite fights, though ivory king loses some points for the intro.
Dark souls 2 is by no means a perfect game, but it's still one of my favourites, hell, at the moment I might even say it's my favourite out of the trilogy, (but that changes all the time and depends on how recently I've played each one). Maybe I'll do a bigger write up at some point, but I suck at articulating myself, so I'll let smarter people do that.
Next up, (but not for a while) dark souls 3 at sl1.
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huntinghornenjoyer · 6 months
uh oh, more insane theories from the local Lucatiel Simp
Y'all know the drill by now.
So relating to my last post, the second theory I have concerning the Darklurker is that it is the last fragment of Manus' being, similar to the queens within the game.
First, an explanation of the queens within ds2 in case you're one of those poor fucks who follows me but doesn't play ds2:
Within Dark Souls, one of the most important entities lorewise is Manus, the Father of the Abyss. His soul, contrary to those of the other Lords, was dark, borne from the shadows that linger on the edge of a fire's light (in my opinion. He did possess the Dark Soul, but it's not really specified what made it different, apart from its name and apparent power).
However, Manus wasn't manus when he found it. He was the Furtive Pygmy, and actually split the Dark Soul into fragments prior to his first death, which led to the creation of humankind.
Later on, people from Oolacile, a land of Golden Sorcery that (ironically) manipulated light, dug his corpse up and at the behest of the Darkstalker Kaathe (one of the Abyssal serpents who manipulate the world from shadow) performed terrible and cruel experiments upon it.
These experiments, coupled with the theft of the Pygmy's amulet, drove its lingering soul mad, causing the birth of Manus and the complete devastation of Oolacile, and the creation of the place that would become known as the Abyss.
The main character of Dark Souls 1, the Chosen Undead, eventually destroys Manus, and that's the end. Or so we thought.
As it turns out, parts of manus persisted within the Abyss, emerging thousands of years later as four (or five, if you think Mytha is one) women, each borne from one of his Negative emotions. Alsanna from his Fears, Elana from his Wrath, Nashandra from his Want, and while Nadalia isn't specified, a lot of people think she is his Loneliness.
Now, something you may have noticed is that none of these are particularly good things, which makes sense. The birth of Manus was not a happy event, and I think that most goodness was driven from his Soul upon his birth.
My main theory for the Darklurker (took long enough, eh?) is that it is the virtues of Manus. Those better aspects of him that were nearly lost during the transformation into the progenitor of the boundless dark within men. The Darklurker's lack of a voice at all, its ability to wield magic, and its pseudo-angelic appearance reminds me of a fallen angel, which is notably different from the appearance of the Abyssal Daughters. They, for the most part, resemble darker beings such as Demons, Grim Reapers, or horribly twisted human forms. The otherwordly appearance of the Darklurker makes me feel like its nature is much less grounded, and more abstract. Hence, the virtues of Manus.
anyway sorry for the rambling, I just realized i have a semi-captive audience. Love y'all moots.
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