colourofthekites · 12 days
What do you mean by "this is the guy who fucks the popcorn buckets"... And is it hot
in short: dune 2 popcorn bucket was a sandworm that looked... suspect and he got one and fucked it, and now that's his reputation now. It's not like watching a guy fuck a fleshlight, it's literally him sticking his (rather big) dick in a popcorn bucket
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angelinthefire · 6 days
Mentally, I sometimes refer to Jensen as "Jackie" due to the "Jackles" moniker. I've never found a good derivative for "Jarpad" though that's some kind of actual real life name and also funny due to the juxtaposition. Suggestions?
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silenthillmutual · 9 months
watch the new doctor whomst episodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
long time no see!!!!!
believe me i will, but i am so far behind. fox & i are on our s2 rewatch rn. i'm looking forward to finally getting to watch martha's run in her entirety!
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dragqueenpentheus · 1 year
discuss: juno steel
my thoughts are. i love him. show stopping gender
and mommy issues on that lady
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paleodictyoptera · 7 months
I briefly datamined and found what might be every enemy name in the files
"Moon", "Hands", "Star", "Ariman", "Butterfly", "Roots", "ElementalIce", "Seraph", "ElementalFire", "ElementalWind", "Fairy", "HolyBat", "Metamorphosis", "Bipolar", "Acid", "Assassin", "ShadowLegs", "DarkPaladin", "Adaptation", "Break", "BlackRose", "LUCA", "ElementalLightning", "Angel", "Shell", "Quimera"
I'll try pinning names to faces later, rn I'm trying to do what I did again to double check if I missed anything.
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ghostsgerard · 2 years
wait what is happening regarding jackles lack-of-butt. has it been spotted in the wild?
yeah jensen showed jole
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princessnijireiki · 3 years
Oh shit, you can use EBT for hot food this month? Is that an emergency measure limited by state?
Yeah, it's regulated state by state, usually as a response to natural disaster or widespread power outages (so, pretty commonly in hurricane season), because there's no way for most people to cook. So in Louisiana at least, EBT is good for hot foods through the end of September. Not sure if other affected states are going the same route, but they ought to.
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t0bey · 4 years
Consider the following: Sakura likes being the little spoon to Hina
HELL YES hina likes to hug her koala style
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what's the status of everything?
Hello! That’s an awesome question. We’re putting out an update tomorrow in all likelihood so please check back then! We know it’s been a while but unfortunately our communication with Indiegogo has been exceedingly slow as of late and it took us some time to get the latest news ourselves!
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mattoyaki · 4 years
As someone who's a caretaker for a loved one - not the same situation but I completely understand how hard it is, and especially how much of a toll it takes on everybody when it's time to poop. Power to ya for powering through it!
Well thank you, I appreciate that! It was most definitely stressful on both of us but tbh I mostly just felt so bad for him and I wanted to help in anyway I could. After the first week or so I wasn’t even phased at the sight of blood and poo lol.
It put a lot strain on the relationship to be sure, but we managed to pull through it and we’re closer now than ever before because of it. We’re also very fortunate his situation didn’t last forever!
I wish you the best of luck with you and your loved one! :)
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falling-apart-zine · 4 years
I see, could you reblog the artist previews of the miniprints then? I want an idea of what they look like to determine if I want to buy the bundle with them or not, as I'm sure is true for others as well. I went looking on a few of the artists' pages but there's so many!
all current previews have been reblogged previously! They shouldn’t be too far back, if you go to the blog and click back a page or two!
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pcktknife · 4 years
Thank you for giving Kyoko pants. She deserves them, you have made such a valid choice
i think shes def more of a skirt girl but during business the pants go on !
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wweassets · 4 years
missed opportunity for The Boogyman to spit worms on the 24/7 champ to the point that they scream and pass out, then he pins them and wins the belt
PLEASE my king was robbed
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dragqueenpentheus · 3 years
your post about juno jender stuff fascinated me and I'm about to listen to Penumbra. anything I need to know before starting? :)
WOOF WELL i cant give a full list of triggers bc i tapped out during season two bc the mommy issues were hitting me too fucking hard. Id suggest looking up common trigger list bc it really doesnt soft ball, but i would say its all handled really respectfully and thoughtfully.
Its a really good series but it does take a while to get off the ground— they redid the first two episodes more recently so the quality drop after that is a little jarring. Also its a compilation of different stories! Coyote of the painted plains is really fucking good!! I relisten to angel of brahama and train from nowhere SO often bc they really reached into my soul and twisted it around.
Also i have a tag here you can check out if you dont mind spoilers!! My warning is basically i have tried to introduce many friends to the podcast but they are. Not. Fans. So it isnt for everyone but i think its wonderful! And i hope u enjoy it
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silenthillmutual · 4 years
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handwriting meme!
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shinondraws · 5 years
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@darkpaladin forgot to reply but I love both. I love the themes both bands are going for in their new albums and I love how they are reshaping their mysical styles to fit them. Noise gives me chills every time, Floor Jansen is a goddess. Delain keeps reminding me why I love them so much. Their album hits home once again. Apocalypse & Chill one big mood. I have been listening to the album on repeat since the release.
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