abbyfmc · 21 days
Yandere Yandere (Fatherly) Emperor and Empress (Maternal) x Daughter! Reader:
Think about it.
I imagine that after a long line of princes, the yandere empress finally has a princess, and both parents are delighted with her, since she was the first daughter after many years of trying. Your father, the emperor, agrees that you be raised under the care of the empress (your mother).
From the moment you were born, you were never left alone for a single minute. When the Empress wasn't with you, the Emperor himself was. Your mother always made you follow her everywhere she went, as well as sharing her tastes and hobbies, since having only had princes prevented her from doing that. You had a close mother-daughter relationship, and with your father it was something more or less similar.
As you grow up, your parents become more overprotective of you, so much so that they even limit your contact with your older brothers, the princes. Not only would they give you nice gifts, but the best teachers, doctors and servants would be at your disposal (even better than those of your older brothers), although your brothers would probably be jealous of you.
They wouldn't let you walk alone for even a second.
If your father has a harem of consorts and concubines (like other emperors), then the empress will be more paranoid about you, since even though princesses do not inherit the throne, she knows that her enemies can harm you.
Once, when you were five years old, a maid broke a porcelain doll that your father had given you after returning from one of his trips. Unfortunately for that maid, the emperor was returning with you just when the doll broke, so he saw it and got SO angry that he asked his butler to take you out to the garden for a walk, so that you wouldn't see your father the emperor whip the poor maid to death. All this because he considered that maid to be reckless in daring to do that to your things, even if it had been an accident.
Even if more princesses were born, you were the object of your parents' overprotection and adoration.
Even your older brothers didn't dare to do anything bad to you. Once a new maid spoke ill of you (even though you hadn't done anything), and the empress herself slapped her in the face.
They hired servants who document your EVERY move.
The Emperor adores you so much that he will delay any kind of engagement or marriage alliance. He will reject any proposal, and silence anyone who mentions the subject. He does not want you away from him.
If it were up to them, you would stay locked in your room all the time so that nothing would hurt you, and they would tell you that they do everything for your own good.
You were punished by being locked up for an indefinite period of time, followed by the classic punishment of writing the same sentence repeatedly for a long time.
No trying to escape from the palace. The emperor would have experienced guards and servants around you to prevent that.
And if you do get married, then your parents will make sure that you have no choice but to live near the palace, no matter what.
They would be capable of killing if something happens to you.
If you fall ill, they will make sure you rest and eat well, even if it is against your will. If you were to die, they would both go mad with grief, especially the empress.
If you were to die, they would use your chambers as a sanctuary to you, where they would go to pray for you, and in the process force EVERYONE to mourn you.
Your emperor father would not let you have any contact with his family, as there is a power struggle going on where even his own brothers, cousins ​​and uncles could be his enemies and would do ANYTHING to get the throne; even if that includes kidnapping or killing you just because you are the emperor's daughter. Your mother would know this, and every time her brothers-in-law come, she will make you stay with her in the central palace.
With the Empress's family it's a different story, since there are no problems of inheritance of the throne, things are easier unless there is someone who tries to hurt you or pressure you like they do with your mother.
-The End.
What do you think?
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theinnerunderrain · 5 months
"Venus, planet of love was destroyed by global warming" [Yandere! Emperor x Fem! Princess Reader x Yandere! Empress]
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Warnings/tags : Yandere themes, mentions of war and violence, minor character death, historical, coercion, suggestive themes.
Notes: I might write a part 2 for this but it'll be a lot darker and have more suggestive (adult) themes!
The Empress of the Solis Imperium was renowned as the most noble woman on the entire continent.
As a mere princess from a neighboring region, you had the privilege of catching sight of the empress at a few royal occasions. A single meeting was all it took for you to deem her the most noble woman you had ever encountered. Every step she took, every breath she drew, every movement she made exuded nothing but elegance. She was a true epitome of beauty. You were a mere whisper of a presence from a distant land, with no power or wealth to rival hers. So, it was almost inevitable when the Solis Imperium chose to seize your country, the invasion heralded by the clash of swords and gunfire under the dreary cover of a rainy dawn. Startled from sleep, your mother hastily draped an overcoat over your nightgown, her urgent gestures propelling you down the dimly lit hallway.
As you followed closely behind your mother, shouts echoed around you, growing louder with each step. Suddenly, a deafening gunshot pierced the air, and you watched in horror as blood began to seep from your mother's back.
Her startled scream filled the hallway as she crumpled to the floor. Dropping to her side, you tried desperately to help, but before you could do anything, imperial knights caught up to you. Their strong grip tore you away from your wailing mother. You couldn't remember what happened next, only seeing another soldier approach her before darkness enveloped you, the last sound echoing in your mind being your mother's cries.
Upon waking, expecting to find yourself in a dark dungeon surrounded by eerie creatures and chains weighing down your wrists, you were instead greeted by the comfort of a soft bed and the sensation of clean, new clothes against your skin. A maid stood beside your bed, busily preparing a warm cup of tea. As she noticed you were awake, she turned to you with a gentle smile, her expression tender and welcoming.
"Ah, you're awake," she exclaimed softly, a look of relief crossing her face. "I was worried, as the young miss has been asleep for a few days now."
You tried to reply but only managed a soft cough, prompting the maid to hand you the cup of tea. You hesitated, staring at the warm liquid, its bright orange hue inviting yet unfamiliar. Taking a cautious sip, you were pleasantly surprised by its flavor—a delightful blend of grapefruit with a hint of honey.
"It must be delicious! It was recommended by the empress, after all," the maid remarked with a smile, her eyes bright with anticipation of your reaction. You nodded in response, taking another sip and feeling the warmth of the tea soothing your sore throat.
The maid continued speaking, her voice gentle yet urgent. "Ah, perhaps I shouldn't be distracting you so much. Please wait here; I must inform the empress." With that, she hurried out of the room, leaving you alone once more with your thoughts and the weight of the news you had just received.
Before you could stop her to ask more questions, the maid hurriedly left the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You stared at the now empty cup of tea, trying to process everything that had just occurred. A war had broken out, your kingdom invaded, your mother attacked, and an imperial knight had apprehended you. Your family, your people, your knights—all gone. They were gone, gone, gone. Your stomach twisted at the thoughts, a wave of nausea rising as if you were about to vomit. Dropping the empty cup of tea into your lap, you buried your head in your hands, overwhelmed by the realization that you might be the only one left alive. The weight of survivor's guilt bore down on you as you thought, "I should have died too."
As the door creaked open, you were startled from your reverie, looking up to behold the empress entering the room. Your eyes widened in awe, but you swiftly composed yourself, offering a slight bow despite your bedridden state.
"Ah, you're awake. I was quite worried for you," the empress remarked, gracefully making her way to sit beside your bed. Her smile was soft yet elegant, accentuating her features. Her mahogany blonde hair was artfully pinned behind her ears, and she was dressed in a flowing pastel gown that emphasized her regal presence. Her piercing blue eyes, filled with concern yet there was an oddness of madness behind them, met yours, and you felt a wave of reassurance wash over you in her presence.
"It must have been shocking to awaken to such violence. I offer my sincere apologies for the loss of your kingdom and family," the empress continued, her voice filled with genuine sympathy.
You couldn't help but feel a wave of sickness wash over you, knowing that she was partially responsible for the decision to invade your land. Despite this, you remained silent, listening to her words. She reached out and gently took hold of your hands, her fingers adorned with a silky white glove.
"Yet, you are still a princess, and we cannot simply discard you like an expendable commoner," the empress said, her tone laced with a mixture of sympathy and detachment.
You wanted to scoff at the irony of her words, to scream and claw at her flawless facade. Her excuses and lies flowed effortlessly, masking the truth with each elegant syllable. If her words held any weight, they would have spared your elder brother, who possessed far more knowledge and capability than you. Yet, they chose to spare you, knowing you lacked the charm, power, or influence to pose any threat.
"Given your tender age, my husband—or the emperor, in this case—has decided to position you as a concubine. Doesn't that sound wonderful?" she asked, her voice laced with a deceptive sweetness. As her thumb tenderly stroked against your palm, the scent of roses invaded your senses.
"Your only responsibility is to produce an heir. Many do not know this, but it is difficult for the emperor and me to conceive."
Your mouth instantly went dry at her words, and you stared at her with wide eyes, your lips parting slightly in disbelief. Yet, her expression remained sweet and unchanging, despite your obvious discomfort.
"Haha, don't stare at me like that. You're acting as if we're sending you to war," she teased, reaching to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear. A wave of heat washed over you, beads of sweat forming on your forehead, contrasting with the empress's cold hand against your skin. Your head began to throb, and your limbs felt heavy and weak.
"Ah, the tea must be setting in now," the empress commented, her tone nonchalant as she observed your discomfort.
The tea? The tea that the maid had served you earlier. You realized, with a sinking feeling, that it must have been laced with something to induce this sudden weakness and disorientation. Panic began to rise within you as you struggled to maintain consciousness, your thoughts racing as you tried to make sense of the situation. The empress gently pushed you back onto the bed until your head rested against the pillow. As she stood up, her beautiful face left a lasting impression in your blurry vision.
"Rest up now, my dear. You have many long days ahead of you," she said, her voice fading as darkness overtook your senses, and you slipped into unconsciousness.
Upon awakening, the gravity of the empress's words became apparent. You were swiftly ushered into a bath, attended by servants who scrubbed your skin and combed your hair with oils. Their ministrations were firm yet gentle, leaving no marks but providing a discomfort that hinted at the magnitude of your new reality. After the bath, you were clothed in a dress of beige hue, its fabric exquisite and embellished with intricate floral patterns and delicate frills. It was a garment of elegance and refinement, a stark contrast to the simple attire of your past, serving as a poignant symbol of the profound changes in your life.
After the servants had prepared you, you were ushered into a grand dining hall to have breakfast with the empress and emperor. You were seated directly across from the empress, her forever sweet smile lighting up the room, while the emperor sat at the head of the table. A lavish spread awaited you, with stacks of food including soup, bread, chicken, and vibrant fruits laid out before you. However, your attention was drawn to the two rulers. It was your first time being in such close proximity to the emperor. In contrast to the empress, his hair was as dark as the night, and his eyes were a soft shade of teal, giving him a more reserved and colder aura compared to the warm presence of the empress. He appeared to be five or six years older than the empress, meaning he was approximately ten years older than you, nearing his forties.
"Princess [First Name]."
The resonant timbre of the emperor's voice momentarily broke your reverie, prompting you to look up at him, your hands instinctively fidgeting with your dress beneath the table.
"I apologize for the delayed greeting, as my duties have demanded much of my time," he began, his tone measured and formal. "Allow me to express my deepest condolences for the tragedy that befell your land. May your family rest in peace."
His words, though seemingly sincere, lacked the warmth and empathy that would have provided true solace. It was evident that his expression of sympathy was more a matter of protocol than genuine compassion for the plight of your small nation. You forced a smile, though it failed to reach the corners of your eyes.
"Ah, thank you so much for your kindness and sincerity," you replied, the words tasting bitter on your tongue.
You thanked them, though it was for nothing. Certainly not for the loss of your family and people. Not for the seizure of your land and the imposition of a life that felt like being a doll in the hands of a capricious child. The emperor nodded at your words before continuing, delicately cutting into a piece of chicken with a silver fork that appeared to be worth a small fortune.
"You are most welcome. I trust that the empress has explained your duties here within our nation?"
You replied with a hint of hesitation, savoring a sip of the soup before you. Its delightful flavors and comforting warmth brought to mind the soups your mother used to lovingly prepare for you during times of illness. The emperor appeared pleased with your response, his gaze thoughtful as he studied your face. A small, knowing smile graced his lips before he nodded in acknowledgment.
"Excellent. Then you'll be well prepared for what lies ahead," he remarked, his tone carrying a sense of reassurance or you had hope for it to be reassurance. As he reclined in his chair, the empress's smile remained fixed upon you. Despite your efforts, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of worry seep down your spine as you tried to decipher their expressions, hoping to unveil the true emotions hidden behind their masks. However, their faces revealed no clues, leaving you with a sense of uncertainty.
"We are excited to welcome you. Your duties will officially begin today."
Perhaps this new chapter wouldn't be as dreadful as you had imagined. Maybe, if you were to make a mistake, it would hasten your reunion with your family. On the other hand, serving the emperor and empress might not be so terrible.
At least, that's what you hoped.
However, a strange feeling began to form at the pit of your stomach, planting seeds of doubt within you.
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viric-dreams · 3 months
Tamara could have easily gone the way of the Bohemians, with her interest in painting and later photography (she's not particularly artistically talented, but learned to make sure to immortalise as much of Varchas in paint and canvas as she can before the memories become too blurred and distorted), but she'd accidentally found a new calling.
At present she's involved in a scheme with one Margaret Hawes, Society Lady, ensnaring rich society types in scandal. One well-timed photograph and a tip to the press, and the scandal is enough to get any respectable society type sent to the Tomb Colonies!
Said marks would often try to bribe their way out of these compromising photos reaching the newspapers, however whatever they can offer does not compare to the cut that she (and now Tamara) get from the Venderbight business owners, whose entire economy has been absolutely booming due to the influx of rich exiled Londoners.
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y’all the last half of Ep 3 of Tide and Bone was like, the most comforting horror I’ve ever seen?
like, full on sobbing for the last hour or so
and the dread and despair and not being able to change the big things that is a necessary part of eldritch horror
but they did it in such a warm way
and the tears were of grief
for what could have been and what was
but they flowed because of that loving embrace
a sense of home
from what should be one of the most terrifying figures in the universe
it was a fuckin masterpiece
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imbouttasue · 2 months
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Happy birthday Rashta, you will always be famous.
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
"When the thunder clouds start pouring down,
light a fire they can't put out.
Carve your name into those shining stars.."
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He said, "Go venture far beyond the shores,
Don't forsake this life of yours.
I'll guide you home no matter where you are..."
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cerine0357 · 1 year
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seaxdevil · 6 months
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Tag Dump: Relationships
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sbnkalny · 1 year
Do you want to shoot with water // so that you don't need powder // and stronger and further // you shoot than the very // best powder somebody might have had ever // and was made ever // so take salpetre and distill it with water // and also take oleo benedicto (the oil of Benedicus) // and ignite it with the intention that you may get off ... with this water you will shoot three thousand foot // it is so delicious
I just realized you american fuckholes have no intention of endangering any of your lives. Have to go get a it is so sad Kalny deliver hummus
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hoshigray · 1 year
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Hi 🖐️😖
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Oh 😳😳😳 hi there!
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abbyfmc · 4 months
Yandere Empress! x Emperor! Reader Headcanons:
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well in the midst of all this unusual heat (especially those of you who are in tropical areas and countries, like me).
There is a whole section on Tumblr and other pages regarding yandere kings and emperors, and although there are things about yandere queens and empresses, I don't see that they are usually given so much prominence, so that's what I'm here to try today.
Topics to be covered: Gender roles, murder, manipulation, obsessive behaviors and everything that entails. Maybe a little masochism.
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Most likely, first of all, the old gender roles are VERY marked and prominent, but that is no excuse for an empress not to be a yandere. On the contrary, she will discreetly open the doors to many possibilities.
Most likely, you met in childhood or when you were a prince. You didn't even choose her, but they chose her for you.
Maybe she didn't like you at first either, because she was forced to marry with you.
Whatever the case, she will have slowly developed obsessive feelings for you.
He will always address you with respect and affection.
If you loved her from the beginning, she will be very happy and everything will be fine.
She will clearly gladly help you govern. She would control the court and internal palaces, while you would only be in charge of political and state affairs.
And speaking of the internal court, there would probably be the imperial harem where the concubines, consorts, noble consorts, noble ladies and the first and second class assistants would be; while she is the main wife. All of them would be obliged to obey the yandere empress and would address her as "your/her highness".
Perhaps at first she does not attack the concubines or their children, and may even get along with them or at least be neutral towards them; But if she sees that they are trying to get closer to you to escalate power, overtake her or try to get your attention more than she considers safe, then she will start to act.
If she gets pregnant, she will be really very happy because she feels like she will finally have a little piece of you.
If the baby is a boy: He will internally want and beg you to make him the crown prince. She will treat him very well, with a lot of love, discipline and responsibility. *If the baby is a girl: He will take care of her with love, the same discipline and fill her with gifts and talents.
In any case, she would be a loving and responsible mother to your children.
If for some reason you prefer any other woman in the harem and her said son over the yandere empress herself and your legitimate son, then that will make her feel pressured and she will begin to act against that woman.
She will be able to pressure her children to stand out (especially if it is a prince); she would make the harem women attack each other; or, she would engineer situations in which she would cause tragedies to the consorts and concubines such as: "spontaneous" abortions, murders of women and princes, poisonings, "light" punishments, etc.; and she would do them in such a way that she would indirectly manipulate others into committing the crimes for her, and so she would never be guilty of the murders of her rivals and her son's rivals.
Maybe and just maybe she could have been a victim of palace intrigue, so she would discreetly kill people to not only have your love, but also to defend herself.
She will pretend to you that she cares about the problems of consorts and concubines.
She will appreciate ALL the gifts you give her.
She will punish all the servants who she considers do not treat you well, do not do their job well, or who simply discover their crimes for your love.
She loves when you visit her, but hates when you visit other concubines. She loves when you hug, praise and kiss her but HATES it when you do the same with others.
Does she see that a servant is VERY close to you and wants to seduce you? She will punish her with beatings to death; burning her alive or with more than thirty or forty lashes on that servant and her family.
If you notice her obsessive and strange attitudes towards you and become suspicious of her, she will feel paranoid.
If your mother, the Empress Dowager, is still alive, the Yandere Empress will take good care of her so don't worry.
When you get sick, she will take care of you personally.
If you die, even if she is the empress dowager, she will be extremely sad.
She will make beautiful birthday gifts with a lot of love just for you.
She will do ANYTHING for and for you, such as singing, dancing, accompanying you on trips, sewing clothes for you, eating with you, taking walks, etc…
If you discover her crimes and punish her, she will accept it. She will accept house arrest, kneeling for hours, slaps and even whipping; but the ONLY thing that would make her lose her sanity would be for you to demote and depose her, taking away her imperial position to put another consort of hers in her place. She would see it as a betrayal and it would drive her crazy.
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readingcircletemple · 2 years
First of all, thanks for the podcast. It's great to hear someone discuss my favorite books!!!
Going by how you were discussing chapter 4 of The Will of the Empress, I think you never came across the movie "Little Darlings" from 1980 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081060/)?
It explores the topic of teenage girls and sex in a funny, emphatic and layered way. What's making me confused and sad is how it seems the backlash between then and the time you were in your teens was so bad you are not even aware stuff like this ever existed (and was part of mainstream culture at that time, Kristy McNichol also starred in the popular show Family, which, from the dub I remember, was about as American you could get in the 1980s).
I put this on anonymous bc I don't want to out myself as 50+ to the tumblr world.
You are correct. None of us have seen Little Darlings, though Molly thinks the title sounds vaguely familiar. That counts, right?
It is always sad when progress is cut down by a backlash (which we're unfortunately seeing a lot of today), though it seems we're reading the perfect book to talk about it! This kind of backlash seems to occur due to people being afraid of change and refusing to communicate with one another--the two main problems our characters in The Will of the Empress are facing. Though their backlash is a microcosm, this can be seen in lots of real world settings (Molly always likes to talk about 1920s Afghanistan), including our political climate today.
In regards to sex positivity in particular, it seems there is not only a generational backlash, but other cultural elements at play. As she says on the podcast, Britni grew up in a purity culture, but Molly grew up in a pretty sex-positive household. In fact, since she had a literal picture book called Where Did I Come From? she never needed "the talk." On the other hand, aside from learning about puberty, she had no form of sex education in school. There seems to be just as much (if not more) backlash these days toward sex-positive thinking, but we hope the pendulum swings back again because even if we fear our bodies (or those of our children) changing, it's going to happen. And if we don't communicate with them about it, we'll leave them as angry and frustrated as the circle kids are without their siblings.
Thanks for writing in! One of our favorite parts of podcasting is getting to converse with other people, no matter what age they may be. (And thanks for the movie recommendation. Looks like we have a movie night ahead of us.)
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prosciuttulipa · 7 months
Period Pain, Go Away
how the JJK men help you through your period
content: afab reader x jjk men, just fluff this time! brief dirty joke in Toji's one (because he's Toji), but every one of them is a good boi in their own way <33
a/n: on my period and am in much pain v_v i can't decide who i want to comfort me, so i'm writing for all of the men i want
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Gojo Satoru who isn't just your boyfriend during your period, but a "girl's girl". He wants to spoil you with desserts and eat the leftovers that you can't finish, do face masks with those cute cucumber slices over the eyes. You want a bath? He's already drawing one, dunking in bath bombs till the water looks like a small galaxy, putting on your comfort show so you can watch it while you soak.
Dealing with pain through fun and smiles has always been his way of coping. So, yes—maybe he does look a bit silly, gossiping with you while you paint sparkles onto his nails, his hair tied up with a pink scrunchie. But what's a boyfriend for, if not to be your Ken doll during your time of need?
It hurts him more than he likes to admit, to see you wince at a bad cramp, or come out of the bathroom with the colour drained from your cheeks. When you can't manage anything more than lying in your bed, he'll rest his head against your stomach, peppering kisses wherever it hurts. "Be good to my girl," he'll jokingly threaten your uterus, poking your tummy gently, "she deserves the world."
Geto Suguru who knows your period is coming before you do. Your irritable mood and food cravings clue him in, and he takes action without saying a single word.
The day your period starts, you realise that the feminine products you usually use have been fully restocked without your notice. The fridge is filled with your period cravings, enough to last a week. Before you can even say anything, a large hand wraps around your waist and presses a hot water bottle against your abdomen. "Good morning, princess," he greets you like he hasn't just pulled off what can only be described as a small miracle, "is everything to your liking?"
You don't know whether to laugh or cry at how perfectly he's predicted you. He's a step ahead of you throughout your entire period, knowing which snack or act of affection you want just by your expression. Some might call his behaviour unreasonable; frankly, he thinks it's bullshit. "Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer," is what he quotes, when you ask him why he's so observant. "What makes you think I do not absolutely and utterly worship you?"
Nanami Kento who is obviously written by a woman, and so does not flinch when he sees the blood on the bedsheets when he wakes up earlier than you. Instead, he kisses you good morning till you're giggling, distracting you so you don't get a chance to see the stains. He changes the sheets while you're in the bathroom, throwing them in with the rest of the laundry. When you come back out, worrying you dirtied the bed, he merely shrugs. "I didn't see anything, darling."
He treats you like a queen on the daily, but during your period, you're his empress. Each word is law, each action his cue to immediately come to your aid. He'll cook every meal, and won't let you hold the spoon to feed yourself if he can help it. As far as he can see, your only responsibility this week is to lounge around, and let him spoil you rotten.
He thinks it's a crime that you still have to go to work, when you have to pop painkillers with your breakfast just to make it through the day. "I can take care of you, you know," he'll inevitably murmur, kissing the shell of your ear, "I make enough money to support us both. Take the day off, dearest. They don't need you more than I do."
Toji Fushiguro who manages to piss you off on the first day of your period. "What size pussy you wear?" he calls to ask, when he's picking up your feminine products at the corner store, "gotta make sure I take care of that kitty for all the squeezin' she does on me."
When he gets back home and finishes getting an earful on how you're more than just his pocket pussy, he apologises by scooping you up in his arms. "You know you're more than just a good fuck, doll," his words carry a rare sort of honesty, coming from him. "You're a good woman. My woman. Gun's in the second drawer, sweetheart—shoot me if I ever do wrong by you."
His touches turn softer, the smack to your ass replaced with a squeeze on the hip, kisses on your shoulders. He's got a hand on you at all times, just rubbing idle circles against your stomach or lower back to soothe your cramps. When bedtime comes, he makes you lay on your tummy, massaging away the tension in your muscles until you're all nice and pliant. He may not always know what to say, but he'll be damned if his actions make you feel like he doesn't love you.
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rie-092 · 7 months
❥. yandere! emperor x advisor! reader
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• liam luwelton was one of the most famous emperor on the history of lobelia empire. while he was praised for being a good and powerful ruler. he was also famous for being a womanizer who hook up with so many girls yet, he didn't even chosen any of them to be his empress.
• don't blame him, he likes having fun. but he hates when he got attached or tied to something that will hinder him. he was only doing this for his own entertainment after all. no one stayed on his side for so long anyways, well maybe except to the captain of his imperial knights, warren, his childhood friend.
• that was the main reason why he became surprised when warren's younger sister, you, became his advisor. the most amusing part was warren is the one who recommended you. hmm, it seemed like your brother doesn't even care about the fact that liam's mother, the previous empress, fired all the female servants after knowing her son's tendencies to, uhm... seduce them.
• that was the main reason why he was excited to finally meet you. the famous sister of his friend. he wanted to know how long will it take for you to became smitten and obsessed with him? ahh, just thinking about it makes liam so excited.
• but you were fucking different that he expected. who in the hell is in the right mind to greet the emperor for the first time while wearing a damn pyjamas? what the fuck? as far as he knew, you were the damn daughter of a duke. so, what in the hell was wrong with your fashion sense?
• well, keeping your fuvked up fashion aside. you were indeed good at your job. even though you can be pretty hard headed sometimes, you were able to carry yourself with so much confidence and boy, oh boy. he likes it so much.
• maybe, that time when he basically threaten you to wear an appropriate dress to attend a certain banquet with him. was the time when he realized that he fucked up. yeah, his motto that 'no string attached' crumbled down as he saw your annoyed face when the maids' dressed you up with the most elegant dress that he gifted for you. and the fact that you got drunk that night and mumbled some cute nonsense didn't helped either. fuck. the main reason why he got you drunk anyways is to fuck you. but damn, he can't bring himself to do it since you looked so cute while clinging to him for support!
• as a yandere, liam was overbearing and posessive. gosh, this guy is unhinged and practically crazy. he's an emperor for the petesake! he killed his siblings to ascend to the throne. so don't expect that he's a nice guy!
• those times that he escaped the palace just to go outside and hook up with girls? yup, he stopped doing that for you. expect that while working, his eyes were focused on your every move. you talk to other guy other than him and warren? expect that he will be fired the next day. and why is that? well, it's your fault.
• he was now fine with you working in your pyjamas, you're so cute wearing that after all! but, in exchange he will increase your workload 10x because he knew that you always goes home after finishing your work, he just wants to spend the whole day with you!
• don't even think of quiting, darling. because liam will not let you to do so. unfortunately, he was able to wrap his pretty fingers around you with you being unaware of it. ahh, he just loves how clueless you are when liam fired all the male servants on his palace and replaced it with the female ones to make sure they you won't be able to flirt with them while working.
• all in all, liam is head over heels for you. he wants you for himself to the point that he spread the rumour about you being the next empress of the prestigious lobelia empire. just to shackle you by his side.
• but of course, your usual playful older brother doesn't like it at all. so be ready, because just like a prince on the fantasy stories that the two of you read before. he will do anything to save you, his precious little sister even if it means he needs to burn down the whole empire and kill liam for you. i mean, when you were a kid, you mentioned that you wanted to be a ruler. so just sit back and let your big brother, warren do the work <3.
“ our love comes first, everything is secondary.”
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kajibunny · 1 month
⋆🌷🫧⋆。° intrusive thoughts 💭₊˚ෆ (hayato suo x reader)
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collab piece for amor's event, ORQUÍDEAS
PENSAMIENTOS INTRUSIVOS - yesterday, today, tomorrow; unwanted thoughts oftentimes linger through your mind. after rough experiences with love, he's more than ready to show you how much he loves you to make those intrusive thoughts fly away.
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✿ contains: very suggestive content (towards the end), mentions of previous toxic relationships, slight angst (with comfort), f!reader, suo being a hopeless romantic (fluff) ✿ a/n: first time joining an event (so honored to join, thank you amor!) and writing a full piece dedicated for suo ♡ for my suo girlies out there, ya'll are among the sweetest and nicest people! you deserve suo's unconditional love~ ✿ wc: 1.1k
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yesterday ── ✧
you've never known a guy as mature as suo. in fact, all you've ever known are rowdy immature guys who have no plans, no vision for the future, and no idea how to treat a woman right. 
however, suo is a pure contrast to all of them. at first glance, one would say he's an absolute gentleman. disciplined, extremely intelligent, perceptive, and not to mention handsome. truly the perfect package.
the only catch? he is too good to be true. suo is the most mysterious and enigmatic person you've ever met. it also didn't help that he has a reputation for being a tease and a bit of a liar. 
it's true that he has lied quite a lot, but never about his feelings for you. 
suo professed his love for you months ago, and had started courting you for quite some time now. he knew you wanted him as well, even though you refused to give in to him out of your own personal trust issues with men in the past, which made it difficult for you to believe him.
you didn't believe suo when he told you he could treat you right, like the empress that you are. 
you didn't believe suo when he said he'd give you the world, make you feel special like you deserve.  
you didn't believe suo when he said that things would be different with him. he says that he would love you with his whole heart, and take you up the staircase to adulthood, whatever that meant.
"prove it to me." you challenged, with no expectations in your thoughts, as flowery words only meant so little to you. 
his reply was steady, full of confidence. 
"of course, darling. for you, i'll do whatever it takes." 
he calls you his 'darling' like he means it, and looks at you like you were the most precious rare jewel in the world.
suo’s words were promising, but you knew better than to fall for mere promises. you had been let down one too many times before. if he wanted your trust, he would have to earn it.
actions spoke louder than words, so he would have to find a way to convince you. you've been through so much heartbreak and toxicity that you just found yourself so hesitant to let anyone else in. 
today ── ✧
they definitely didn't call suo a "master of negotiation" for nothing. 
he showed up to your home with a large bouquet of flowers, a mix of reds and purples, which perfectly complemented his burgundy toned hair.
"what's this for?" you ask, perplexed at him suddenly gifting you with such an eloquent set of flowers. they seemed like they cost a fortune too. the bouquet was wrapped in embossed paper and high quality silk ribbons, because suo wanted only the best for you.
"these orchids are a symbol of your elegance and beauty, these roses are a symbol of my passion and desire for you, and the heliotropes represent my everlasting devotion." suo explains, handing the flowers over to you.
he is obviously well-versed in flower language. could this man be any more perfect? 
a mixture of wonder and disbelief were reflected in your eyes. "for me?" you admire each beautiful fresh flower, softly running your fingertips through the petals. 
none of your past lovers had ever gotten you flowers before, and one of them even once forgot your birthday. so this was something totally new to you. 
"you told me to convince you, so here i am, trying to convince you." he smiled, his charming, captivating, signature suo smile. 
you blush at his gesture. "thank you suo, you really didn't have to, but that's very thoughtful of you." 
"do i get a kiss as a token of gratitude?" suo asks, a playful grin spreading across his face as he leans in slightly.
you roll your eyes, trying to suppress the smile tugging at your lips. "don’t push it, hayato." you reply.
suo’s eyes widen slightly, taken aback not only by the way you casually used his first name but also by the unexpected moment when you tiptoed and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
maybe suo really is a better negotiator than you thought. well, he certainly had his way of convincing you, that's for sure. 
tomorrow ── ✧
you weren't certain when you started to notice it, but the pain of heartache that had once felt so overwhelming now seemed like a fading shadow. gradually replaced by a quiet sense of peace, as if your heart was finally learning to heal and make room for something new, something better.
something like hayato suo. 
both of you were definitely ready to take the next step, imagining a future together. (maybe this was what he meant by the 'staircase to adulthood' that he kept talking about so much.)
he cherished you dearly, his kisses always so soft and gentle. he held you with tender fingers, like you were fine china. night after night, he lapped at you hungrily, like you were the sweetest tea he'd ever drank. in suo's bed the both of you lay, him basking in your beautiful afterglow. 
"you're so cute." he said, stroking your hair. "but you know what would make you even cuter? if i kiss you right now." 
"is kissing all you ever think about, hayato?" you sigh.
suo shrugs. "ever since i fell in love with you, yes, i believe it's all i ever think about."
"how did you end up falling for me, hm?" you nuzzle against his chest, hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat.
"i'm not sure, either. maybe you put some type of love potion in my tea?" he replies to you, his hand reaching for yours, intertwining your fingers with his. 
"stop, i did not, that seems more like something you would do, hayato!" you giggle, playfully giving him a light shove on the shoulder. 
he chuckles in response and leans in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "the ancient spirit in my eye says we should kiss now."
curious, you tilted your head and ask, "did it now? tell me, what's really under your eyepatch, anyway?" 
"darling, you already saw what's under my clothes and now you want to see what's under my eyepatch, too?" his gaze locks in with yours, a teasing glint present in suo's eye. 
before you could respond, he presses his lips against yours. afterwards, suo proceeded to place a kiss on your ring finger that is adorned with an antique promise ring. a matching set to his antique earrings, which he slid around your finger the moment you told him you were ready to accept his affections. 
you have suo totally and irrevocably wrapped around your finger, literally and figuratively. he has always promised himself to you since yesterday, today, tomorrow, and always.
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© kajibunny 2024 / all rights reserved
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