#daryl dixon supremacy
archerwithangelwings · 9 months
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Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
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liv1ngdeadgrrrl · 9 months
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i want his vest 😓😓.. it's so cool
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theteasetwrites · 1 year
Auld Lang Syne
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader ❧ Era: Season 11 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: language ❧ Word Count: 2.7k
❧ Summary: It's New Year's Eve at the Commonwealth, and the festivities are in full swing, but you're not so sure you belong at this party, until someone makes you feel more welcome.
❧ A/N: Here is the last oneshot of 2022! It's been such a wild year. I will probably make a separate post thanking everyone for such a great year, but in the meantime, here's this little guy. I wanted to give 2022 the proper sendoff, and what better way than with a little NYE fic? Just some mutual pining kind of stuff. Two shy bbies dancing around their obvious attraction for each other. Also Daryl being a little bit of a dork. Oh, and I tried to kind of hint at a tragic backstory for the reader without going too in-depth because I wanted this to be a happy, simple oneshot, but I hope I got across the fact that there's actually more going on there. Anyway, happy new year!
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The small apartment was roaring with the intermingling sounds of raucous laughter and the discordant choir of voices from twenty or so different conversations overlapping each other. Music blared from some unknown corner of the room, and though the voices and laughter mostly drowned it out, you could faintly hear the tune of some radio friendly pop song that you recalled being played mercilessly on repeat just a few months before the world ended.
Funny how music and films and clothing had all stayed the same, frozen in time. All the glamorous singers and pretty, smooth-skinned actors had either been killed and turned into flesh-eating monsters, or were now just trying to get by like everyone else, somewhere in some part of the world where humans hadn’t been eradicated by the walking dead. 
The end had often been called the “great equalizer,” destroying the idea of any supremacy or hierarchy that had once existed among humans, but that wasn’t the case here, in the Commonwealth. Even you knew that, and you didn’t know much, except that you could trust the greedy politicians who ran this place about as far as you could throw them. 
At least they weren’t here, you supposed. At least they were in their lofty homes, unburdened by the rabble as they partook in their own New Year’s festivities. Here in a new woman’s apartment, you stood in the corner, taking small sips of the cranberry and ginger ale punch you’d served yourself. It kept you occupied, swirling the ruby red concoction in your glass as people seemed to partner up, talking and laughing without a care in the world, for the moment.
You still were unsure why you’d been invited. After all, the woman, Carol, didn’t know you very well—you only worked together at the bakery, you having been the person in charge of training her. Still, she’d shown more, dare you say, kindness, towards you than anyone else here had. 
You’d engaged in brief conversation with her, receiving introductions to several of the new people who’d arrived from the settlement in Virginia called Alexandria. Some of them you knew vaguely—the priest called Gabriel was already well-known for his inspiring sermons; Rosita, one of the new soldiers, was always present at any big event put on by the Miltons; Eugene was an odd one, but he’d struck up awkward conversation with you when you were both in line for an ice cream cone. 
Aaron you knew best, as he’d asked you to babysit his daughter, Gracie, a handful of times when he went outside the walls. All of them were nice people, as far as you could tell, though you knew not to trust too easily, even in the Commonwealth. Especially in the Commonwealth. 
There was one man you’d yet to officially meet, however. 
He arrived later than you did, sidestepping around the crowd to get to Carol, who greeted him with open arms and a kiss upon his cheek. His hand cupped her cheek as he smiled bashfully, then stepped away to shake hands with Aaron and Gabriel. 
You’d seen him before, coming to visit Carol in the bakery. He seemed close to her, as they spoke like they knew each and every aspect of each other’s lives. You hadn’t known anyone to that extent in years. You kept it like that on purpose, of course. Opening up to people like that could be dangerous. Bad things had happened before. 
But Daryl, the man with gentle waves of chestnut hair that reached to his shoulders, and eyes of blue that were only occasionally visible between loose strands of those unruly locks, seemed kind. Brusque, but kind. 
She was lucky to have a man like that, you thought. Every time that thought came to mind, though, you shook yourself out of it. 
Daryl caught your curious eyes for just a moment, until he averted them, as did you. Still, he raised them slowly, getting a glimpse of your dress. It covered you to just above your knees, with a turtleneck collar and long sleeves. The soft, velveteen fabric shifted between dark blue and black, with a smattering of tiny sparkles embedded to catch reflections of the various colored lights that hung loosely on the walls. The small black heels strapped delicately around your ankles made your legs look longer, and he’d never seen them before, exposed in this way. It didn’t help him. He was already fond of you, from a distance. A great distance. 
Pretty, sweet, cute, nice smile, nice legs… 
Shut the fuck up. 
He’d hardly spoken a word to you, of course. He was shy, and you were perhaps even shyer. Still, he’d catch glimpses of you out of the corner of his eye, hear your voice when you’d say something to Carol during his visits… He had to admit, at first he did come to the bakery to see Carol, but after a while, it wasn’t really her he was there to see.
“You should talk to her,” Carol said, nudging his shoulder to break his trance. “She looks lonely.”
“Pfft,” he scoffed before taking a deep sip of his wine. He’d need it if he was going to get through this party. “M’sure she don’t wanna talk to me.”
Carol narrowed her eyes at the frustratingly self-deprecating man. It was so maddening to think that such a good person could think so little of himself. “But you like her, don’t you?” she prodded.
“I, uh… I don’t know ‘er.”
“Well, New Year’s Eve is about new beginnings,” she said. “You should get to know her tonight.”
“Talking about (Y/N)?” Aaron’s voice came from behind Daryl as he inserted himself into the conversation. “She’s nice. Shy, but nice. You should make a move.”
“Make a move?” Daryl repeated in confusion. 
“I mean, just… You know, talk to her.”
It suddenly occurred to Daryl that his feelings must’ve been more obvious to his friends than he’d thought. 
“Here,” said Carol, turning to grab one of the sheets of paper she’d lovingly written out by hand. “Hand her one of these. Strike up a conversation, yeah?”
He squinted his eyes at the painstakingly neat writing. The biggest three words at the top of the sheet were almost unintelligible, though, as they seemed like gibberish to him. 
“What the hell is this?”
Carol rolled her eyes. “It’s the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne.” He stared at her in confusion. “You know, the song people used to sing at New Year’s Eve, when the clock strikes twelve?”
He still had no idea what she was talking about. He’d never even been to a New Year’s Eve party, let alone cared enough to familiarize himself with the traditions.
“Just give it to her,” added Aaron, gently pushing Daryl in your direction via the hand on his shoulder. “It’s almost midnight. Fireworks are gonna start soon.”
He gently pushed his way through the small crowds that separated you from him, and when you eyed the figure of the broad-shouldered man coming your way, you quickly looked away, terrified of making eye contact, in case he hadn’t really set his eyes on you. It was hard to believe anyone would want anything to do with you here, and yet, he stopped right in front of you, holding out a white sheet of paper that caught your attention.
“H-here,” he stuttered, clearing his throat at the end of the one-word sentence. He cursed himself for being so abrupt, and not nearly as smooth and debonair as he’d hoped.
You tilted your head as you looked at him, eyes a little wide. “What?”
“Uh, here,” he repeated. “This is for you.”
“Oh.” You took the paper hesitantly, examining it cautiously. “Auld Lang Syne. Right.”
“You know what that is?”
“Yeah, just because… I was in choir for a while. We sang it at winter shows.”
He shuffled his feet nervously, chewing on his lip as he nodded his head. “What’s, uh… What’s that mean, anyway?” There was a slight chuckle to his voice. You were surprised that you caught it amidst the cacophony of noise all around you. That made you notice that, strangely, his voice reverberated above the rest. How was that possible? He was soft-spoken, despite the gruff, gravelly texture. That voice was quiet, but strong to you. 
“It means ‘times gone by,’ or something. It’s like… It’s about not forgetting the past, but looking forward to the future. That’s why they sing it at New Year’s Eve parties, you know?”
You could’ve sworn that was the most you’d spoken all night, and a part of you was terrified you’d spoken too much.
And then, it occurred to him that he hadn’t introduced himself. “I’m Daryl.” He cleared his throat again. “Seen ya at the bakery.”
“I’m (Y/N)... You always come in to see Carol.” You weren’t sure where you were going with this conversation. 
“Yeah, uh… Yeah.”
“So… you two been together long?” Wow, that’s a stupid question. You weren’t even sure why you asked that, knowing that the answer would just make the sinking feeling in your stomach that you had when you saw them together reach new lows. 
His eyes widened. “We ain’t… Nah, we’re friends.”
The relief you felt was almost shameful. The sinking feeling in your stomach was gone. “Oh,” you laughed under your breath, trying to ease the tension. “Sorry, I thought…”
Damn, he thought. Gotta stop spendin’ so much time with Carol. 
“S’fine. Anyway, I, uh, I like your dress.” He cursed himself for his conversational skills, but you smiled as a blush blossomed onto your cheeks. 
“Thanks. I like your… hair.” You shook your head immediately, letting out a deep sigh of embarrassment. “Wow, I suck at this.”
“Suck at what?” he asked, himself now blushing a little. You liked his hair, the careless mop of deep caramel locks that sprouted unceremoniously from his scalp. He’d spent a whole thirty lackluster seconds grooming his hair. Now he’d think about that all night, how you’d found his low effort hairstyle to be, dare he assume, attractive. Perhaps even… handsome?
“Conversations. Especially at parties. I’ve never been to a New Year’s Eve party before.”
“Me neither.”
You smiled again. You almost hated how easily he elicited that expression out of you. “Do you think it means anything?”
You continued to surprise yourself. Just the man’s presence seemed to make you want to talk, to open your mouth and just let whatever words were floating around in your head pour out. It was dangerous to be around him, you concluded, but it was a good kind of dangerous. It felt good.
“What?” he asked.
“The new year. Do you believe in new beginnings, stuff like that? I’m not sure if I do. That’s why I ask.”
He looked around for a moment, examining the empty air as if the answer would be there. “Well, I dunno if it all… happens at once. Just ‘cause it’s a new year don’t mean everything is gonna be different all of a sudden.” Hell, he barely even cared about what year it was going to be in a few minutes. “But I guess they can happen, if ya want it to. If ya make it happen.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “I think so, too.” 
He seemed to open his mouth for a moment, as if to speak, but Carol’s voice interrupted. She had calmed down the party, announcing, “We’re going to start the countdown! Everyone get ready to sing!”
You exchanged a look with Daryl, somewhere between slight annoyance and amusement. “You ready?” he asked, slightly fixated on your eyes. He simply couldn’t look away, so much so that he hadn’t noticed the countdown had already begun. 
For your part, you held his gaze, mouth slightly agape as the others chanted eight… seven… six… 
“Five,” you finally started chanting along, still entranced by the stranger beside you. “Four…”
“Three,” Daryl joined in. 
Two, one… 
“Happy new year!”
A raucous cheer erupted from the party, with glasses clinking and couples exchanging kisses and the sound of fireworks exploding in the midnight sky. You turned excitedly, always entranced by the firework display the Commonwealth put on. 
“Look!” you said, turning to Daryl with the most enthusiasm he’d ever seen on your usually demure face. “I love the fireworks.”
He nodded. “I ain’t seen fireworks in… ten years,” he said, speaking loudly over the roar of the crowd as they celebrated the first few seconds of the new year. 
You turned to look at him, wide-eyed. “Really?” 
The vibrant colors played like stained glass over his face. Shades of red and blue danced harmoniously to form a pinkish purple, each new color that came with each new firework launched into the sky adding another layer to the painting on his face. 
You smiled so wide your cheeks began to ache, and you had no idea why. What was there to smile about? Another year in a cruel world, in a place where wealth and power and prestige reigned over all else? Whatever was beyond that wasn’t much better, you would know. You’d seen the world out there, too. You’d lived in it, done things you wished you hadn’t, seen things that still haunted your dreams and replayed in your mind every time you had to face the quiet of your life all on your own. 
But Daryl made you smile. Just feeling him beside you, knowing he thought that anyone could start over. Maybe you could, too. 
You were both lost in the air between you, heavy with anticipation and excitement. You were smiling, and he smiled, too, happy to have finally known why New Year’s Eve was such a joyous occasion, for once in his life. It never meant anything before, but now it did. He couldn’t explain it, it just did. Something good was going to happen this year, he could feel it. 
“All right, all right,” Carol’s laughing voice called out over the celebration. “Let’s sing!”
You panicked for a moment, looking between Daryl and the paper you still shakily held in your hands. “Do you have one?” you asked. 
His eyes widened, and he realized that Carol hadn’t given him a sheet of paper. Now, Carol was known for her meddling, and he wouldn’t have been surprised if maybe, just maybe, she’d purposefully given Daryl just one paper, so you and he would have no choice but to share it. 
“Uh, nah.”
You sidestepped awkwardly, clearing your throat as your shoulder touched his. You held the lyrics out before the both of you, and he caught a whiff of your perfume. Floral and woody notes combined to drown him in a momentary lapse of bliss. He hadn’t even noticed the singing had begun, and your voice triumphed over the rest. 
Should auld acquaintance be forgot? 
And never brought to mind?
He followed your finger as you guided him along the words, your laugh rolling under your singing voice, as you found his confusion quite amusing. 
Should auld acquaintance be forgot?
And the days of auld lang syne?
Voices clashed as he attempted to sing, quietly and with hardly any idea of how he was to match the melody. You could hear his voice, despite how quiet he was. Again, to you it was the loudest thing, only competing with the fireworks. 
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
Still, he tried to concentrate, while you knew the words by heart, so you could take the opportunity to glimpse over at the clueless man, clumsily trying to get the words right, and stumbling over them with his endearingly off-key singing.
We'll drink a cup of kindness yet
For the sake of auld lang syne
Between the spaces of people crammed into the tiny apartment, there was a sense of hope. It was small, and uncertain, but it was hopeful, nevertheless. Whatever the new year would bring, it would be a chance to start over, to think fondly of the past while welcoming the future. 
In that moment, you felt at peace, and happier than you’d been in a very long time. When the night was over, you knew that it wasn’t really over. It was just the beginning. 
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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dulldeads · 2 years
❛ i’m real sorry for what i put you all through..
that’s going to haunt me forever ❜ — anthony clarke !
. ˚◞♡ angie — she/her — xvii — cancer !
°.• writer && editor | videogame enthusiast !
. ˚◞♡ will poulter supremacy !
°.• the walking dead , marvel cinematic universe , the maze runner , z nation , any movies with will poulter is in , horror && comedy movies !
. ˚◞♡ the walking dead game (all seasons) , resident evil (all games) , fallout four , the dark prodigies | little hope , the last of us i && two !
©.• i normally edit and write small fanfics for certain fandoms. i’m only in a few fandoms at the moment since i have phases in each fandom. i’m currently in the fandom of the dark prodigies | little hope , the walking dead && will poulter !
— i make oneshots more often than i make fanfics ! i could also take requests about any characters that i only know but i could try to write oneshots for some characters i don’t know about — it might not be good but i’ll try !
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little hope | anthony clarke , andrew , abraham , dennis clarke , daniel , david milton , vincent , john , joseph , james clarke , amy , anne clarke , angela , megan clarke , mary , taylor && tanya clarke !
the walking dead game | clementine , lee everett , kenny , louis , violet , alvin junior , luke && javier garcia !
the last of us i && ii | ellie williams , joel miller , tommy miller , dina && jesse !
resident evil | leon kennedy , chris redfield , jill valentine , carlos oliveira , piers nivans && claire redfield !
fallout four | dogmeat , codsworth , piper , porter gage , danse , deacon && nick valentine !
marvel cinematic universe | steve rogers , loki laufeyson , thor odinson , tony stark , wanda maximoff , pietro maximoff , stephen strange && peter parker !
the walking dead | negan smith , tara chambler , rosita espinosa, daryl dixon , rick grimes , maggie rhee , glenn rhee , enid , alden , paul rovia , abraham ford , beth greene , hershel greene , dale harvath , gage && carl grimes !
the maze runner | newt , thomas , gally , minho && sonya !
z nation | tenk (tommy) , addison carver , charles garnett , doc (steven beck) && alvin murphy !
noelle pike (nyx) | little hope , love interest: anthony clarke (andrew) , childhood bestfriends to lovers (soulmates) !
hedy | the maze runner , love interest: newt , bestfriends to lovers (soulmates) !
matilda baros | marvel cinematic universe , love interest: loki laufeyson , soulmates !
©. ˚◞♡ dulldeads — do not , under any circumstance , repost , plagiarize , modify or translate my work. reblogs are always welcome. no hate or homophobia on my account , or you will be blocked. pleaee be kind to my writing , i’m kind of still an amateur i just don’t want to be judged for it !
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bamslover · 2 years
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i don’t know what’s prettier, Daryl or the view? 🪬
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auxsentiers · 2 years
It blows my mind trying to understand how the antis manage to see in beth ( a young woman who was forced to mother a newborn baby + orphaned children and later mourn their deaths) an "innocent child" instead of... a woman?
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jay-grimes · 2 years
Am I a Negan fan??
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castielss · 3 years
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags I was tagged by @sourpatchdean thank you sm maria!!!
Supernatural: Dean Winchester my man
MCU: Wanda Maximoff because SHE!!!
Gilmore Girls: Luke Patterson, yall know why
911: Eddie Diaz supremacy pls 
MacGyver: Riley is the best and you can’t fight meee
NCIS LA: Densi, they are a package deal so yeah
Brooklyn 99: Jake Peralta my chaotic beloved man
Game of Thrones: Daenerys Targeryen
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, best decision to stan with him
Friends: Chandler Bing
tagging: @mishha @starlightcastiel @iheartcas @eddiediaz @castyel @herowilson @bluefirecas and anyone who wants to do it
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sodopopmachine · 14 years
Rating Ships in AMC’s TWD
SPOILER warning.
(Rick Grimes x Lori Grimes)
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trash, glad it ended. They probably could’ve patched things up, but too late LOL (1.2/5)
(Glenn Rhee x Maggie Greene)
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I wouldn’t really ship them with anyone else in the show, so yeah. They do have weird moments and can be kind of selfish, but their relationship pushed the boundaries of love in the apocalypse and inspired everyone to have babies. (3/5)
(Rick Grimes x Michonne Hawthorne)
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BEST ship. IDGAF. They’ve been helping each other since Day 1 and respected each other, since Day 3-4. Chocolate and vanilla supremacy. (5/5)
(Daryl Dixon x Carol Peletier)
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I don’t really ship them. BEST friendship though. (Romance: 0.1/5) (Friendship: 4.3/5)
(Carl Grimes x Sophia)
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I would’ve LIKED if they had a cute budding relationship if we got to see Sophia grow up, but at the same time, don’t think two people of opposite gender don’t always have to be shipped because I’m preeeeetty sure that’s heteronormative. (1/5)
(Enid Rhee x Carl Grimes)
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They were cute together, now they’re both in a better place. (3.2/5)
(Michonne x Andrea)
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As much as I hated Andrea, she did help Michonne get passed her trauma, and Michonne did take care of Andrea for nearly a whole year. They could’ve been really cool together, but then the Governor got in the way, and Andrea fell for his porky-pig ass. (2/5)
(Daryl Dixon x Beth Greene)
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A teenage girl and a middle-aged man? No thanks, but their friendship was indeed powerful and underrated. I see them more as a niece/uncle relationship. (Friendship: 3/5)
(Beth Greene x Tara Chambler)
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WTF. Lowkey the idea sounds cool but Beth was underage and they never met so merp. (0.1/5)
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archerwithangelwings · 11 months
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Daryl Dixon + black long sleeved shirt = yes.
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imetyouonljpodcast · 3 years
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I MET YOU ON LJ: A Fandom Podcast
Episode #019: When the World Changes with Sherell Williams
Bamm, join the zombie jam! This week, Maggie and V are joined by their LJ friend Sherell Williams to talk about the undead--and thank god, because V can’t do The Walking Dead and Maggie had a hard time with the DCOM Z•O•M•B•I•E•S beyond appreciating the politics. Plus, a discussion of the benefits of LiveJournal-era fandom and a mourning for times past.
This Episode Covers…
fandom • livejournal • internet friends • the walking dead • rick grimes • glenn rhee • daryl and merle dixon • copaganda • white supremacy • normalcy and pandemics and apocalypses • carol peletier • morgan jones • michonne • richonne • carl grimes • the governor sucks • negan sucks • the wolf that looks like dave grohl • 7x12 say yes • let’s get michonne a cat! • the shirelles • maybe by the chantels • z•o•m•b•i•e•s • milo manheim • meg donnelly • zeddison • zed nekrodopoulous • addison wells • antisemitism • antiblackness • interfaith kid problems™ • disney channel original movies • high school musical • the color of friendship • bucky buchanan • eliza zambi • kylee russell • the mighty shrimp • the thirteenth year • the luck of the irish • windows & mirrors theory • bree • bonzo • diversity in children’s media • lime green and baby pink • methods of resistance and assimilation • a new normal • surviving the zombie apocalypse
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LISTEN and SUBSCRIBE wherever you get your podcasts!
Make sure to follow I Met You On LJ on your favorite social media:
PATREON: patreon (dot) com/imetyouonljpodcast   FACEBOOK: facebook (dot) com/imetyouonljpodcast   TUMBLR: @imetyouonljpodcast​​   INSTAGRAM: @imetyouonljpodcast   TWITTER: @imetyouonljpod
Show Resources Under the Cut.
Owen on The Walking Dead and Nirvana-era Dave Grohl. 
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Milo Manheim and Witney Carson dancing to “Toxic” on Dancing with the Stars
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“Someday” from Z•O•M•B•I•E•S
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walkingdeadrewatch · 3 years
1x04 Vatos
Very interesting to watch this episode after season up to season 10.
Love the opening scene with Andrea and Amy. Honestly I just love sister bonding scenes.
Jim seems pretty spychic to me. It’s never really brought up again but He knew something.
Yes, I too would collect my brothers hand. Totally normal. (Daryl Dixon supremacy)
Amy and Andrea are just amazing and I love them your honour. 
The Dixon brothers are extremely resourceful, I know we see more of this throughout the series but this is a great example.
The tension between Rick and Daryl is so funny. They’re besties down the road but this little rivalry is adorable.
Don’t really understand why they wouldn’t just let Jim continue digging if he wants. The only person he was harming was himself, they could have just made sure he stayed hydrated.
Also, why on earth did the ENTIRE camp seem to go talk to him? 
My sweet cinnamon roll, GLenn is very smart and has good ideas. 
I honestly forgot that this ‘ambush’ even happened. 
Daryl already seems so protective of his new little brother Glenn. Same.
Honestly, dude just wants to dig holes in the ground, he wasn’t doing it in camp, and only lashed out when provoked. Shane is just a dictator and thinks it’s cool to tie obviously dehydrated people to a tree.
But for real, Jim seems like a psychic.
Imagine being in a situation where it makes sense for you to throw your brothers decapitated hand at someone.
Men and their pissing matches.  🙄
But in reality they’re a bunch of sweethearts than respect their elders and don’t leave anyone behind. 
I love the sister bond here! even in the apocalypse Andrea still wants to make sure her sister celebrates her birthday.
Ed looks so good here.
When Amy calls Dale wierd it feels really domestic.
I am a person that loves chaos, but panic and chaos are not fun.
Carol is hella strong, carrying a 12 year old child whiel running? Not easy.
Why does Shane waste time saying ‘Winnebago’ why not just say ‘RV’. Just felt like a really bad time for product placement.
These people have gotten really good with getting headshots.
Jim is definately pshycic.
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archerwithangelwings · 6 months
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archerwithangelwings · 5 months
Daryl in this scene >>>>
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archerwithangelwings · 7 months
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Pretty boy <3
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