#dat tattoo tho
hallokatzchen · 1 year
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Some back practice with Miguel O'Hara
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
A token of my appreciation
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can i have a ghoul in my actual bed now plsssss world let me have this
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vnearthly · 5 months
*wants tattoo of Eva mech*
*doesn't want anyone to know I fw Evangelion*
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wonderlandoffanfics · 7 months
Manifest Fantasies (pt 1)
My first ever posted fan fic! I decided I'm not great with smut but I tried my best, and will continue to try in other things. This fic is Bartolomeo inspired - I'm really sorry if I didn't write him properly, I kinda got self indulgent to certain degrees. Most degrees.
This first bit is pretty tame, but the second bit I'll be posting has the smut, so I'm keeping the warnings on the whole thing.
Part 2 swimsuit addition dat dress tho
WC: 3480
CW: fem reader, MDNI, bit o’ fluff turned smutty, vaginal penetration, no protection mentioned, cockwarming, Barto’s fangs doing as they do, praise kink (for him, of course), aftercare with brief non-sexual urination
You had never really been interested in pirate life. Pirates seem to be everywhere but you enjoyed your quiet island life. Sometimes their stories would take you to a daydream of adventure and lead you to believe your way of living was dull. But you always snapped out of the daze when the danger came into play. It’s safer here at home on the island you grew up on. Why ever leave and live in uncertain fear?
Working in a bar is enough for you, you hear all the stories from pirates that come in to port and they take their dangers with them when they go. Fantasies are worth a lot to you, as someone who likes to write. Every night you go home and jot down what you’ve heard that day, the vibrant stories giving you joy each time you reread them and dream of the places you would never see and things you would never experience for yourself.
Most of the townsfolk are too afraid to come to the bar; in fear the pirates may do something to them. You’ve never had much trouble, but you have heard the few brave local patrons get things stolen, or worse, they’ve been physically injured to a point where they don’t return to your bar.
You’re always kept on your toes because of this. Pirates are unpredictable. Tonight’s visitors are no exception. A bunch of new faces have come in and sat in the room looking for a good time, a few new groups, you believe, since they don’t appear to be interested in each other. They all appear more menacing than you’ve dealt with recently. It’s time to play extra nice and obedient.
There’s one you think is a captain, at the bar with a few others; he has the most intimidating aura. He’s got to be over 7ft tall, with vibrant green hair standing tall upon his head, piercings and tattoos, and teeth like you’ve never seen; fangs really, is a better description. He’s muscular, lean, and keeps some type of weapon, a dagger you think, in the front of his pants. Not someone you have interest in making upset.
You get behind the bar and take their drink orders, serving them promptly before going to tend to other patrons. You notice him watching you; he’s not being subtle by any means. It makes you weary and unable to focus on your tasks.
You’re snapped out of it when another pirate, in the back corner calls to you rudely asking for more drinks for his table. You smile and indicate to them you are coming and go get them their next round.
Placing the drinks on the table you try to walk away when one of them grabs you firmly by the waist, knocking the tray from your hands. “Where are you going sweetheart? We want drinks and company over here.” The man says with a rough voice. “That’s not a service we provide here.” You state trying to wriggle your way free. “This isn’t a request you can turn down, this is our bar until we leave, so we own you now.” He grunts out as he starts to fondle you.
As you’re about to try fighting back harder, something breezes past you and slams the man back through his chair and to the ground. Then you’re grabbed again, pulled towards a large body, but not held there against your will. “I don’t think ya wanna be doin’ that ta someone nice enough to serve such ugly assholes with a beautiful smile.” The tall man with fangs spits out at the men.
He’s standing with you between him and the other group of pirates, grinning at them, and crosses his pointer and middle fingers on each hand. The three men, all standing at the table alert now, try to all run at you at once but slam into something and fall back, confused. You had flinched at their abrupt movement toward you and held onto your savior, now equally as confused at what happened; you let go and step back.
“What….?” Is all you are able to breathe out; “You idiots better leave this bar before ya embarrass yourselves anymore.” He says while making faces at them from behind the wall he seems to have created between you all. The men grumble and stand up, looking like they are ready to try again, angrier now that they are being mocked.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” He says and moves you behind him. With one hand twisting his fingers together and one ready to punch, he knocks the one who had grabbed you through the table this time. You can tell he’s out cold in an instant and the other two men look stunned. They quickly pick up the man and rush him out of the bar, cursing you both as they leave.
“Sorry ‘bout the mess, miss!” the fanged man turns to you with a silly grin and blushes. “N-No, thank you so much for saving me from them!” you don’t even care about the table and chair, hell, he could have popped that guy through the wall and you’d still be grateful. “Please stay as long as you like, your drinks will be on the house.” You smile and go back to get him another pint.
After a bit of talking you learn his name is Bartolomeo, and you were correct in thinking he was the captain of a pirate ship. He’s on a grand adventure to help an infamous pirate become king, and he talks of him like you’ve never seen. Stars in his eyes and tears streaming down his face. How is this the same man that just saved you?
You close the bar early and just tend to him and his few crewmates that are with him, talking about his life on the seas. He says everything with such passion, it’s hard not to hang off his every word. You can’t wait to write his stories down later.
He asks you about yourself and if you’ve ever been off the island. “I’ve been content to live here my whole life, meeting new people through this line of work and writing down tales that are told in this bar. I don’t think I’m fit to have my own adventures, I prefer being safe, here on the island.” Just when you say it, you realize how unsafe the island was for you just hours ago.
“Well, if ya wanted, miss y/n, you could join my crew and write about your own stories. I’d keep ya safe, promise!” Bartolomeo chimes at you with the same wistful face he’s made while talking about his own life. He grabs your hands in his and gives you starry eyes, “There’s no safer place than behind my barrier powers, and on the side of the future King of the Pirates!”
“I woudn’t be much help on a ship, I’m not a fighter and I don’t know anything about sailing.” You’ve never had an offer like this before. “That’s okay, we can teach ya things and take care of ya. We would really love to have a woman on the ship.” He starts to panic after saying that, “not for anything weird or nothin’! Ya know, we’re just a rowdy bunch o’ guys that need a ladies help on the ship sometimes, like a big sister or somethin’. I promise, nothing bad would happen to ya!”
You’re shocked by the invitation and feel his honest sincerity. “Would I have time to think about this? I appreciate the offer, but this is my home and I need to think about if I would be able to leave it behind.”
“Of course, miss y/n! We plan ta leave in 2 days, you just let me know if I can do anything for ya in the meantime while ya think on it.” you smile at each other as he leaves that offer with you for the evening and takes his men back out into town.
After writing Bartolomeo’s stories out last night you started thinking about what it would be like to live the adventures you’ve heard about over the years. Strangely, you trust that you would be kept safe. With a ship of 50+ men, you were bound to be protected well against most things. Especially with Bartolomeo around to watch out for you.
But then you also think; a ship of 50+ men. That in itself seems dangerous for you to be a part of, after last night having just three men try to keep you for themselves, maybe this is just a nice way of keeping you like that. How could you be sure that nothing bad would occur once you’re out at sea?
You walk along the beach in the early afternoon and see Bartolomeo up ahead so you wave and he comes running toward you smiling wide. “Miss y/n!” he calls to you. “Hello, Bartolomeo, do you have time to chat?” you ask and smile back. His energy does give you more comfort about the decision you have to make. “My time is all yours, miss y/n!” he beams excitedly.
You talk for a while about your concerns and he reassures you that you would get your own room on the ship (near his in case you need him), a lock on your door, and if any of his crew dares to make you uncomfortable than he would deal with them personally. He offers for you to meet the whole crew if that would bring you additional comfort in making the decision and you agree to that.
He decides you should see them at their rowdiest to make sure you understand the worst of what you may be around. Still comforting you in that you can stay near him the whole time and he will be sure you stay safe, not that he doubts his crew in the least. By evening you are on the ship with all his men, in the largest, loudest party you have ever been a part of.
Everyone is drinking and laughing, some are playing table top games, and a few are singing shanties as well. Bartolomeo introduces you to the crew, not that you would learn all their names in one night, but it was nice to see their reactions to you possibly joining them. They were all so excited and had each had ideas of things they could teach you about pirate life and being on a ship. He was right; it would appear they just want a female presence, like a sister, to enjoy time with. You imagine the amount of testosterone flowing around here was enough to make them go crazy sometimes.
As the evening progresses, Bartolomeo guides you through the inside of the ship, giving you an excited tour of his home. He shows you the room nearest his that has been cleaned and readied for your possible arrival, and seeing it makes you think how you could really make a home with this rowdy bunch of jokesters.
He begins to walk down the hall a bit more to continue the tour, but you stop him by tugging on his wrist. “Bartolomeo….. But, why me?” you ask, still not 100% sure of your answer to his invitation.
He turns and leans down at the waist to be face to face with you, “Because I can tell ya care.” He says plainly like you should already know. “Ya care about people, and have this look on your face when ya hear stories like ya wish you could be a part of them in the best of ways. I go with my gut and my gut says I need ta be the one to show ya the world…. Your world, if ya want it.” He says while standing back up at full height, slightly blushing and grinning with a hand on the back of his neck.
You sit in the moment quietly while a smile creeps on to your own face, “Well, how am I supposed to say no to that?” He looks at you, gleaming. “I’d be delighted to join your crew, Bartolomeo, thank you!” With that, he picks you up and sits you on one of his forearms; you wrap your arms around his neck to hold on due to the surprising lift. He takes you back out on deck to where the crew is still partying; carrying you like a prize he just won.
“We have a new crew member!!” He yells excitedly at the men and they all yell back with the same enthusiasm. Bartolomeo sets you back down on your feet after the party goes back to the standard loudness it was before the announcement. 
“If we’re leaving tomorrow, I should go home and pack my things. I’ll meet you all back here in the morning, sound good, captain?” You ask Bartolomeo and he quickly stammers out, “ya don’t have to be as formal as the rest of them; Barto is fine, miss y/n. We’ll be here waiting for ya!” you giggle back “If I don’t, neither do you, just y/n is fine, Barto. I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you again.” You lightly squeeze his hand with yours as you turn to walk away from the festivities on the ship deck.
It’s been a handful of months since you started your pirate life but you’re still shocked every morning you wake up at sea surrounded by men. This was never the life you envisioned for yourself but you’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Barto had kept his promise of an atmosphere of safety and keeping you as such when there was any danger nearby. He made sure you were his first priority if the ship was under attack, looking for you and once located, taking you to a safe place on the ship or creating a barrier around you (or the ship itself if needed).
You have settled well, being a den mother/older sister figure to the men. You cook (some of the men help since cooking for 50+ multiple times a day is a large feat.) and clean, and your favorite thing to do is talk to Gambia’s grandmother on the transponder snail every day. You’d be lying if you were to say she hadn’t made you feel even more comfortable living on this ship, even though she was back in her own home, she told you from the start how wonderful this crew is and how you were safe with them.
Today the ship was scheduled to dock on an island you were excited for. It was much like your home town but larger and with more shops. You had been meaning to pick up some things to decorate your room with a bit more; a change in scenery can help when you are at sea for long periods of time.
Barto instructed the men to find certain things and off they went into town. You were always impressed that someone with such a soft heart was able to command with such strength. You found yourself watching him more and more as he did his captain-ly duties. Knowing how your initial impression of him was one of concern and intimidation, you were now realizing that you’re fond of every aspect of his being, even the side that made people in town nervous. You knew that walking next to him, you would continue to be safe, no one would bother you after seeing him glare and bare fangs if they even looked in your direction.
Barto would accompany you anywhere you wanted to go. Since there are so many crew members to do other tasks, he was free with you to do as you both pleased. You took him into store after store looking for new and interesting things and he never complained or seemed to be bored of watching you shop.
After finding just the right things to put out in your room, you see a clothing store across the street that has things of your taste in it. “Would you be willing to help me pick out some new outfits too?” you ask, knowing any man would probably hate this. You see Barto blush and turn his face away but still answers that he “would be honored to be your side no matter what the task.”
Running around the store while Barto sits near the dressing area and waits for you, you grab numerous things that you would love to try on. You don’t want to make him do this all day, even though you probably could, so you hurry back to him with an arm full of pieces. “Okay, I won’t grab anything more than this, but we have to go through the whole pile.” You grin excitedly, popping into the dressing room to get changed into the first set.
The main bundle of outfits was for everyday on the ship; different patterned pants and shorts, with crop tops and t-shirts that matched each bottom. All very cute and fit nicely as you walked around and showed off like a runway was in front of Barto. Next you had a couple of sleepwear items; a cute nightgown and a set of boy shorts with a button up top. Each time you came out he was quietly looking just past you and gave you a thumbs up with a weird smile.
You decided to test a theory and tried on the one swim suit you picked out next. The bikini top was solid red on the right breast, and yellow on the left, and the bottoms were black and tied on the sides. You peek out from behind the curtain, “I need you to be honest with this one…” you step out and reveal the suit, “is it too much?” you turn slowly and watch his reaction.
Bartolomeo’s mouth hangs open for a moment before he stands up quickly and takes off his long coat to cover you, you see him red faced and looking around the store. “Are ya trying ta attract a crowd?!” you giggle and slip away from his coat, going back behind the curtain, “okay, any other thoughts?” you ask and he goes quiet, uncharacteristic of him, you look out again to see what he’s doing.
His face is that of pure bliss but he’s staring at the ceiling, tears dripping down his face. You hide back behind the curtain and try on the last outfit, hoping to tease him a bit more. You’re not even sure where or when you would wear this but it was too pretty not to at least try on. It’s a red dress; the top of it secured around your neck like a collar and has an open diamond shape down the front to show your cleavage. No sleeves, backless, and a high slit on the left leg as it drapes down to the floor but hugs your curves. You smile at yourself in the mirror, proud of this before you even show him.
“This is the last one, promise! Are you ready?” you ask while you twirl once in front of the mirror. “R-ready!” he calls back to you after making sure no one else was around, just in case. You draw back the curtain and pose; one hand up on the curtain still and the other gracing your hip and accentuating the slit down the leg.
Barto stands up and again and walks towards you, putting his hands up on the curtain rod and boxing you into the space, blocking any on lookers from seeing you with his large frame. He’s inches from you and in a quiet voice says “Ya know this makes keeping my promises more of a challenge, right?” You sense your body heat up and take a step back; he takes the chance and draws the curtain back to a close.
You see him eye the dressing room and go to grab the dress you just had on. You look at him a little stunned and questioning. “It suits ya too well ta let anyone else have it… it’ll be for special occasions.” He mutters as he grabs everything else from your hands and goes to pay. You guess you pushed just far enough, and smiled seeing him motion to you to follow him out the door.
That was not the reaction you thought you would get. Did you push it too far?
You get dressed again in your own clothes and pick up the stack you wish to keep, leaving the dress hanging up and thinking maybe it was too much. You step back out of the dressing room with your pile in hand and have a hard time looking him in the face. “Ready to go back to the ship?” you ask.
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seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
hi! i have a question that i think you might have fun answering! how much rizz on a scale of 0-10 do you think the tannies got?
joonie: 10/10 rizz off the charts mans could quite literally charm you up and over a balcony if he wanted to he break out them dimples and hit u wit dat "what's poppin girl 또 만났네" and it's OVER and if u don't believe me go rewatch that video of him talking to kelela
seokjin: 5/10 only bc half the time he not tryna associate with anyone if he in the mood tho... he could have anyone tripping over themselves tryna kiss his ring
yoongi: 7/10 really all i have to say for this one is suchwita like leave every episode with a new lifelong friend and mans is well prepared he know exactly how to strike each audience really the only thing keeping him from being higher up the rizz list is his tendency to turn into a blushing mess whenever someone throws a compliment his way
hobi: 11/10 have you been on tiktok or ig recently he's collecting the kpop industry like infinity stones had he been the one to carry out thanos' plan it would have succeeded and no one would've been mad about it either and outside of that one look at any performance he does has the locals the gp in shambles i can't tell you the amount of black men that love them some j hope like he come up with that smile and say one sentence and the world is his fr
jimin: 8/10 literally the only thing stopping jimin from becoming the sole benevolent dictator of the universe is his own awkwardness like i just think about that one clip from hope in the box when it was hobi talking to becky g and jimin was in the corner wit his shades on crooked standing like a botched superhero like mans is a total goober but them 5 seconds when he looks people in the eyes with that menacing glare and the subtle smirk... it's more than enough he's more than enough
tae: 9/10 tbh he has mad rizz like you can't look like that and not have rizz like he just gotta stand there and he's got you hook line and sinker and i think about when he's on stage and feeling himself like when he's in V mode craaaazy but it's his babyness that keeps him from topping the charts like he got that way about him but breaks character immediately when things go off script goes from tiger to baby bear wit da boxy smile giggling so quick
jk: 12/10 it's the quiet ones that you gotta look out for fr like there's no one safe from him or his charms he be over there singing with them tattoos and that hair and just flirting all over the place working out it's insane he's unstoppable he's living michael scott's dream like he has people afraid of how much they love him but what can you do 🤷‍♀️
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mangoposts · 8 months
are you a chris girl? if so join the matt girlieees plss we got tattoos, happy trails. and drivers licenses!!!
(cough cough road head? wait whaaaa who said dat?)
no hate to chriss!!! (yall chris girls scare me😭)
can i plss be👽or👻
Aye Chris girls got a winning team, a fine ass man and a whole brand IM GOOD WHERE IM ATT Thank you tho 😘
Chris girls aren’t scary Grrrrrrrrrr
Yes u canannnnnn
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loveloudcryquiet · 3 months
does the tattoo on ur chest mean aim here LMFOAOAOOAOAOA
no dats cool tho
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
TWDG Ericssons kids first thoughts on you when you showed up (after apocalypse)
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when you first rocked up to what was left of Ericsson's school, Violet was just unbothered
Tbh I doubt she actually cares
as long as you don't upset Tenn or get in the way of her being an emo she's ok with you
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He didn't like you.
can you blame him tho? You could be some thief or killer!
he doesn't trust you at all
just stay out of his way and try and prove yourself of use and not a threat
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my guy is so buzzed
if your a fun loving person he's all over you if your the opposite he just wants to make you smile
as soon as you arrive he will make you feel like part of the group <<33
will also be one nosy fucker during the card game (which he would force you to play)
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defo low key stress but hides it
your both another mouth to feed and another worker
just pull your weight and your fine I think that's all he would care about for now
he's a bit scared of you at first but only because he's a pretty shy kid
though if u asked him to draw you he'd be over the moon :))
also if you pay your respects to his sisters graves he'd be grateful for that and warm up to you quicker
he's just in shock like straight up "😮"
again he'd be a bit shy at first and will stick by Mitch whenever your around
it's just been years since he's seen a new person and he just doesn't know how to respond
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again a bit unbothered
as long as you pull your weight he's ok with you
you get bonus points if you’re very understanding about him wanting privacy and are more of a quiet, responsible person
he's only really bothered about the food situation and whether or not Marlon pulls back the safe zone anymore
he doesn't mind you
another person to try his amazing cooking
speaking of which I bet if you give him a little bit of gratitude for food he would be dead pleased with you :)
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happy to have a new person around!
as long as you have good manners she's thrilled to have you on the team
though if you are a bit eccentric (e.g. colourful hair, crazy piercings, loads of tattoos, and unruly sense of style) she'd dislike it and would probably say something bad about it
very anxious
she knows all about the raiders, Marlon, the twins, the food, and the safe zone!
poor girls having panic attacks here, there, and everywhere
she tries to push it out of her mind though and is very friendly when she's around you
as long as your nice she won't mind :)
bonus if you love road trips, travelling, and beaches <<33
I bet she’d be always down to talk about traveling and that, it gets her out of her mind yk? Escapism n dat Xx
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zengroove · 2 years
[FREE] '' Keep It Lit ''| HARD Trap Beat 2023 Free|Trap Rap Instrumental...
Wanna know real tho? I'm real as using the tp roll for a pillow and a toothbrush shank I rubbed against a cell wall to make it's shape the 1 white boy n dat cell dey allowed to rap called me white magic that's a fact dey taught me how to flow better when I sounded wac someTimes, bacc then I was younger, learning how to grind n if u keep grinding 1 day u will shine. I never thought I'd feel this woman's nails n me spine, keep trying may u find what u seek obliterate self doubt strengthen ya self help the weak in your community a chain is only strong as the weak link depth for power, power for depth flowing up Chaotic steps, outta breath, need a drink, Germany push over the edge over the brink til I can't think body shaking I don't wanna blink keep it lit like infinite tattoos and mosh pits Basslines so low n quicc she flic me bic n we keep it lit 🍃
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neonstatic · 2 years
they're rly fun tattoos tho! and i'm proud of how they turned out despite, again, my continuous refusal to use pencils. i'm a straight to ink guy and i will never learn. but ye i got a melting firefly, a teddy bear quartet, clouds and stars, cartoony and trippy flowers... i could withstand the chest tat fairly well, and i was told by a customer with a neck tattoo (it looked absolutely Sick! and she was beautiful) that if i could do a chest as a first then i will be able to do just abt Eveyrthing else. pretty sure she was dramatising for the sake of humour but she rly seemed to mean it too? i'll only truly know my pain tolerance by the third tat and then i might explore with some fill-in (one of my ideas do involve a lot of black, as opposed to the others which are all lines and little to no shading). like initially my chest tat was supposed to be filled in but with how painful it was i didn't wanna deal w more. i wanted to go home and have a damn NAP. technically could get it shaded eventually... 2-session tat. ye i might do dat for the inkiest one ooo i am excited yaaall
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linyahdraws · 5 years
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It’s not halloween, but have a hot serving of angsty undead boys anyway. 
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beefysmorgasbord · 4 years
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Whoa! Dang.
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peppini · 3 years
ayo why dat glukkon kinda hot doe 😳🥵
I guess Mickey does have a charm to him now that I think about it 😂 as much as a drug lord can be capable of having. It’s probably the Mike Tyson looking face tattoos tho tbh lol.
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sealkitty · 7 years
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tried to redraw some overwatch concept art in photoshop for practice and as you can see... I got lazy 
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