shoparenang · 2 years
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This statement is often attributed to Napoleon Hill. Patience is important because success rarely happens overnight. It takes time to achieve your goals, and you need to be patient while you work towards them. Persistence is important because you will face obstacles and setbacks along the way, but if you keep going and don't give up, you increase your chances of success. Finally, perspiration, or hard work, is crucial because it takes effort to achieve your goals. You need to be willing to put in the time and effort necessary to succeed. Together, patience, persistence, and perspiration create a powerful combination that can help you achieve success in any area of your life. Whether you are pursuing a career, starting a business, or working towards a personal goal, these three qualities can help you stay focused and motivated, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. Wish you a successful week ahead. Top up your data subscription from @shoparenaconnect to get all your work done at ease with no hassle. Click on the link on our bio to order now!!! #shoparenaconnect #smedatabusiness #iyavisibiltypro #glodata #databundles #airteldata #veronicasdaughter #womeninbusinessng #womeninbwari #ʀᴀᴍᴀᴅᴀɴ2023 #datadeals #datavendor #vendorssquarebiz #mimilahot_blog #ramadandatang #datadeal #datadealsng #datatopup #ramadanupdate #ramadan1444ah #9mobiledata #ramadangiveaways #bestdatadeals #egretgirls #naijabrandchick #shoparenaconnect_ #mtndata #naijasalesqueen #buyerskonnect #mtnng (at Ibadan, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSN9IFDGj1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kristealberts · 4 months
Riding the Career Rollercoaster: The Twists of Fate
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Ever felt like plotting your future is like designing a rollercoaster ride? 🎢 From dreaming of becoming a neurosurgeon as a kid to my current gig as a research assistant diving into data analysis and global surgery, my career path has been anything but predictable! Along the way, I've embraced every twist and turn, from thrilling brain surgeries to life-saving friendships. Here's to the wild, exhilarating ride of career exploration—where each turn might be as unexpected as a steep drop but just as thrilling. What's been your most unexpected career twist? Share your stories below! 🚀
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jjbizconsult · 9 months
Data Dive: Dive Deep into Marketing Measurement for Powerful Decisions
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mia-nina-lilly · 8 months
Do not go after the High King just because Bephen and Fala bothered you with the matter, but because Jude herself was feeling uneasy about his prolonged absence.
Alarm struck her when no one, courtiers, servants, or guards, could tell her the whereabouts of her husband. Not even the members of the Court of Shadows had any idea at that point.
It was with a heart pounding like a war drum that the mortal finally managed to piece things together. Contrary to what she had been thinking up until that moment, Cardan had not wallowed in his own vomit in some dark corner of the Palace after overindulging, nor was his corpse strewn about because of this or that enemy desperate to end their lives.
The disappearance of a specific book from their personal shelf was a significant clue, one she had only noticed after becoming somewhat hysterical and beginning a thorough inspection of their shared room. Jude let out a sigh of relief straight from her deepest core when she realized.
At the top of that same hill, there was an ancient, archaic elm tree, dating back to Mab's time, and whose view ahead was so beautiful that, after the final measures regarding Madoc, Cardan did not hesitate to show it to her. His childlike enthusiasm captivated her enough to kiss him right there, just a few meters from the cliff right after the centennial tree.
There he was, not at all regal in a simple shirt and trousers, leaning his back against the thick trunk of the elm, a copy of "Through the Looking-Glass" – a gift from Heather after they had talked about Lewis Carroll's imagined plot – open in his lap.
The last rays of a setting sun crossed his handsome face as a faint smile emerged on his rosy lips, directed at Jude as she approached close enough for him to notice her presence. His arm reached out towards her, but for a reason she preferred not to understand right now, Jude only accepted it when a gentle breeze tousled her rebellious black curls.
Approaching Cardan, his familiar warmth and scent, forced her to examine the feeling that had been growing in her chest since she noticed the absence of dust in front of where the second volume of Alice was kept, so she only stopped when her husband's pointed chin rested on the top of her head.
Leave it for later… Said a voice in her head, a voice that was hers, entirely hers, she knew. However, it was one that had no interest in maintaining the stern tone of everyday life. No. On the contrary. Melodious and calm, that voice almost sounded like her mother's when she wanted to put her and Taryn and Vivi to sleep.
Yes, yes… Leave it for later. Just enjoy.
Jude turned and wrapped her arms around him, close enough to hear and feel the steady pulse beneath the fair skin, to reach his charming mouth was only a matter of inches, to whisper how much she loved him without the words being carried away by the wind.
Não fora atrás do Grande Rei apenas porque Bephen e Fala lhe aborreceram com o assunto, mas porque a própria Jude estava se sentindo incomodada com sua ausência prolongada.
O alarde a assaltou quando ninguém, cortesão, serviçais ou guardas, soube lhe dizer o paradeiro de seu marido. Nem mesmo os membros da Corte das Sombras tinham alguma ideia àquela altura.
Foi com o coração rufando feito um tambor de guerra que a mortal enfim conseguiu juntar as peças. Ao contrário do que vinha pensando até aquele instante, Cardan não xafurdara no próprio vômito em algum canto obscuro do Palácio após exagerar um pouco, tampouco seu cadáver via-se estirado por aí por causa deste ou daquele inimigo desesperado para encerrar suas vidas.
O sumiço de um livro específico na estante pessoal deles fora um indício significativo, um que ela notara apenas depois de ficar um tanto histérica e dar início a uma minuciosa inspeção de seu quarto conjunto. Jude soltou um suspiro de alívio direto de seu mais profundo âmago quando se deu conta.
No topo daquela mesma colina, havia um olmo antigo, arcaico, datado da época de Mab, e cuja vista adiante era tão bela que, passadas as últimas medidas em relação a Madoc, Cardan não hesitou em mostrar a ela. Seu entusiasmo infantil deixou-a cativada o bastante para beijá-lo bem ali, a somente alguns metros da falésia logo após a árvore centenária.
Lá estava ele, nem um pouco régio vestido em uma camisa e calças simples, descansando as costas contra o tronco grosso do olmo, uma cópia de Alice Através do Espelho – um presente de Heather depois de eles terem falado a respeito da trama imaginada por Lewis Carroll – aberta em seu colo.
Os últimos raios de um sol poente cruzavam seu rosto venusto enquanto um sorriso vago emergia nos lábios róseos, dirigido a Jude quando esta aproximou-se o bastante para que ele percebesse sua presença. Seu braço se estendeu em direção a ela, mas, por uma razão a qual não preferia não compreender por agora, Jude só o aceitou quando uma brisa suave remexeu os cachos negros rebeldes.
Achegar-se a Cardan, a seu calor e cheiro familiares, obrigou-a a estudar o sentimento que vinha germinando em seu peito desde que notara a falta da poeira em frente ao lugar onde ficava o segundo volume de Alice, de modo que ela só parou ao sentir o queixo pontiagudo do marido apoiado sobre o topo de sua cabeça.
Deixe para depois…
Disse uma voz em sua cabeça, uma voz que era sua, inteiramente sua, sabia. Porém, era uma que não possuía interesse em manter a entonação severa do dia a dia. Não. Pelo contrário. Maviosa e tranquila, aquela voz quase parecia a de sua mãe quando queria colocar ela e Taryn e Vivi para dormir.
Sim, sim… Deixe para depois. Apenas desfrute.
Jude virou-se e passou os braços ao redor dele, perto o suficiente para ouvir e sentir a pulsação firme abaixo da pele alva, para alcançar sua boca charmosa fosse somente uma questão de centímetros, para sussurrar o quanto o amava sem que as palavras fossem levadas pelo vento.
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ankitas · 28 days
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karaokulta · 3 months
✨🔮 Hablemos de futurología digital: El comercio electrónico se transforma, ¿estás listo para el cambio? 🔮✨ El mundillo del comercio electrónico nos guarda una sorpresita 🎁, que según mis cábalas digito-económicas, va a agitar las aguas del mercado online. No necesitas una bola de cristal para ver que el panorama está a punto de bailar un nuevo ritmo techno-comercial 💃🕺, pero sí te comparto estas predicciones al ritmo de mi comentario general: - 💡 Se avecina una integración aún más profunda entre la inteligencia artificial y las plataformas de venta online. Espera ver chatbots tan empáticos, que querrás invitarlos a cenar 🤖🍽️. - 🛍️ La personalización en las compras llegará a niveles estratosféricos. Tendrás la sensación de que cada tienda fue hecha sólo para ti, ¡adivinando hasta tu antojo secreto de media noche! 🍫🕛 - 📊 Análisis de datos en tiempo real tan preciso que parecerá que pueden leer tus pensamientos. Una mezcla perfecta entre magia y matemáticas 🌟📈. Entonces, ¿qué podemos esperar? Que esto no es ciencia ficción: el e-commerce se está poniendo aún más listo y personalizado. 🤔 Piénsalo: aparte de facilitarnos la vida, nos enfrentamos a un mar de oportunidades y también a posibles desafíos éticos y de privacidad. Aquí hay carne para el asador de la innovación y también para un BBQ de dilemas morales 🍖🤭. Recuerden, estamos en una era donde los avances no nos dan un respiro – o nos adaptamos o nos convertimos en los dinosaurios de la nueva era digital. 🦕🦖 Y tú, ¿cómo crees que va a evolucionar el arte de comprar y vender en la red? ¿Listo para convertirte en un Jedi del e-commerce o vas a dejar que tu negocio sea tragado por la Estrella de la Muerte de la irrelevancia? 🌟🚀 ¡Déjame tus comentarios y que la fuerza de las ventas en línea esté contigo! 🛒💫 Ah, y no seas tímido, etiqueta al compañero de aventuras de comercio electrónico que necesite leer estas líneas 👀👇 #eCommerce #TendenciasDigitales #InteligenciaArtificial #Personalización #FuturoDelComercio #Innovación #DataDance
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socialjourneys-blog · 4 months
Top Social Media Management Tools to Use in 2024
Welcome, social media maestros, to the wild ride that is 2024! If you've been swimming in the ever-changing currents of social media, you know it’s like trying to catch a cat with mittens. Fear not! We’ve scoured the digital cosmos to bring you the shiniest tools that will make your social media management smoother than a penguin on ice.
BuzzBlitz – The Hype Machine
BuzzBlitz doesn’t just schedule your posts; it whispers sweet nothings to the algorithm gods. With predictive analytics that make Nostradamus look like an amateur, BuzzBlitz tells you exactly when your audience is lurking online.
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ContentCaffeine – Your Creative Cup of Joe
Ever felt like your creative juice tank is emptier than your fridge after a weekend binge? ContentCaffeine jolts your content calendar awake with AI-driven inspiration and a meme generator that’s funnier than your dad’s dad jokes.
TrendTango – The Dance Floor of Data
TrendTango tracks trends so fast you’ll feel like you’re cheating. It’s like having a backstage pass to the internet’s trendiest party, minus the awkward small talk.
HashtagHustle – The Tag Team Titan
HashtagHustle doesn’t just suggest hashtags; it gives you a PhD in hashtagology. With real-time analytics, it ensures you’re always part of the conversation.
VisualVortex – The Picasso of Posts
VisualVortex is your all-in-one design studio. With drag-and-drop templates and AR filters, your visuals will pop harder than bubble wrap.
SocialScribe – The Wordsmith Wizard
SocialScribe crafts captions that are catchier than a pop song. It analyzes your brand voice and suggests posts that would make even Shakespeare jealous.
EngageGenius – The Interaction Architect
EngageGenius manages your interactions with the finesse of a social butterfly. It suggests witty replies and flags negative sentiment faster than you can hit “delete.”
PostPal – The Scheduler Supreme
PostPal optimizes your scheduled posts for peak times and suggests content tweaks for maximum engagement. Plus, it tells you when to take a break—because social media burnout is real.
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DataDive – The Analytics Guru
DataDive turns raw data into a visual symphony. Track KPIs, measure ROI, and understand your audience better than they understand themselves—all without needing a PhD in data science.
FollowerFountain – The Growth Gardener
FollowerFountain speeds up follower growth with targeted strategies that are more organic than your Whole Foods haul. Watch your community blossom!
And remember, the only thing constant in social media is change (and the occasional cat meme). Happy posting!
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In the chaotic circus that is social media management in 2024, having the right tools can make you the ringmaster. Whether you’re looking to boost engagement, streamline scheduling, or add creativity to your content, these tools are your golden ticket. So, gear up, dive in, and may your likes be ever in your favor!
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chellelawplc · 5 months
Does MGMA Data Include Benefits?
Does MGMA Data Include Benefits? The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) is a pivotal entity in the realm of healthcare, providing critical data that shapes the understanding and management of compensation within the medical field. Their comprehensive MGMA DataDive Provider Compensation report is an indispensable tool for healthcare professionals, offering detailed insights into physician…
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castellsipalaus · 6 months
Dunnottar Castle
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El castell de Dunnottar és situat a sobre d’un penya-segat a la costa nordest d’Escòcia, entre Stonehaven i Aberdeen. Les seves ruïnes són datades al segle XV, però els seus orígens es remunten als anomenats “segles foscos”, una època prou àmplia per fer que les llegendes envoltin el seu emplaçament.
El protagonisme de Dunnottar sorgeix en el moment en que Escòcia es debatia per mantenir la seva independència envers Anglaterra, el poder de la qual s’havia estès per les illes britàniques des de la invasió normanda del segle XI, amb l’excepció de les terres de l’antiga Caledònia.
El segle XVI fou crucial en la imminent l’annexió d’Escòcia a Anglaterra, doncs va servir com a refugi per a les Regalia of Scotland, les joies de la Corona escocesa, símbol de la seva independència.
Les guerres religioses van coincidir en el temps amb la coronació de Jaume VI com a rei d’Anglaterra a principis del segle XVII. En aquella època, els anomenats covenanters, seguidors de la fe presbiteriana molt arrelada a Escòcia, s’hi van refugiar i van resistir els setges dels exèrcits del rei.
El 1651, durant les Guerres Civils angleses, les joies de la Corona escocesa van ser treslladades de nou al castell de Dunnottar. Quan les forces de lord Oliver Cromwell s’apropaven, un grup de dones va aconseguir treure-les del castell, que finalment va ser ocupat, i amagar-les.
Més tard, al 1685, una nova rebelió fallida va portar un munt de presoners al castell, on van morir en condicions inhumanes. El lloc on eren tancats, l’anomenada Whig’s Vault, era una dependència que, després de complir amb la seva funció com a masmorra, va rebre el malnom de "Presó Negra”.
Al segle XVIII, el castell va ser abandonat quan els seu senyor, l’Earl Marischal of Scotland, del clan Keith, va canviar la seva residència. El càrrec era un dels principals d’Escòcia. Fou creat el 1160, va adquirir la dignitat d’earl al segle XV i va ser suprimit degut a la participació en l’aixecament jacobita del 1715 per part del darrer de la nissaga en ostentar el càrrec.
Des de llavors, les pedres que queden han estat escenari de llegendes autòctones, com la de la Dama Verda, que es remunta als temps dels pictes, els antics habitants de les Terres Altes d’Escòcia, i foranes, doncs ha estat escenari de películes com Victor Frankenstein o Hamlet, personatges que poc ténen a veure amb Escòcia.
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dininimapentrumine · 6 months
Suntem încântați să vă anuntăm că pe datade 16 aprilie 2024, la ora 19:00, avem privilegiul de a gazdui in cadrul bisericii noastre un eveniment special. Invitatul nostru deosebit este Prorocul Puiu de la Hunedoara, însotit de doi frați Proroci.  Vă invităm cu căldur să vă alăturați nouăpentru o seara de binecuvântare si incurajare spirituală. Veniti sa ascultați cuvântul Lui Dumnezue și să…
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shoparenang · 2 years
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Hello it's Monday! Stay amazing and remember to ✅ Prioritize your task for the day. ✅ Set specific goals for what you want to accomplish during the day. ✅ Take regular breaks throughout the day to give your mind and body a rest ✅ Stay organized by keeping your workspace tidy and clutter-free. ✅ Stay positive and maintain a can-do attitude. Have a positive and successful day ahead We are here to provide you dependable online platform for efficient information, communications and entertainment subscription services at best rates. Patronise us and invite others to enjoy our unparallel customer delight oriented services Click on the link on our bio to register, activate your account and start earning 👍. #dataislife #dataseller #databusiness #glodataplans #mtndatabundles #mondaydeals #phdataseller #smedata #smedatabusiness #airteldataplans #cheapdata #mtndataplans #mtndatadeals #airteldataplan #hellomonday #shoparenaconnect #newweekgoodness #airteldataislife #datadeals #airtelnigeria #domorewithdata #shoparenaconnect #glong #mtnng #databusiness #egretgirls #mimilahot_blog #9mobiledata #mondaymotivation❤️ #mondayhereicome (at Ibadan, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAbNaejUQ_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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southjerseyweb · 8 months
1-out-of-5 New Jersey bridges need repairs with hundreds rated 'structurally deficient'
To see a detailed listing of all the bridges in New Jersey, visit NorthJersey's DataDive page of bridge inspections.
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trend-q · 9 months
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鉄塔の美女 神戸ポートタワー
2023年12月28日 神戸ポートタワーは、日本の兵庫県神戸市に位置する観光名所であり、1963年に建設された高さ108メートルの観光タワーです。以下は神戸ポートタワーに関する詳細情報です。 - 神戸ポートタワーは、神戸港を象徴するランドマークとして知られており、その美しいデザインから「鉄塔の美女」と称されています。 - 1995年の阪神・淡路大震災後、神戸市民の「心のともしび」として位置付けられ、震災から28日後のバレンタインデーに神戸を元気づけるためにライトアップが再開されました。 - 神戸ポートタワーの展望室からは、神戸空港や六甲山、淡路島などの景色を一望することができます。 - 2023年には、神戸ポートタワーが生まれ変わるプロジェクト「Brilliance Kobe」が始動し、展望室や屋上フロアなどがリニューアルされました。 December 28, 2023 Kobe Port Tower is a tourist attraction located in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, and is a 108 meter tall tourist tower built in 1963. Below is detailed information about Kobe Port Tower. - Kobe Port Tower is known as a landmark that symbolizes the Port of Kobe, and is known as the "Beauty of Steel Towers" due to its beautiful design. - After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, it was positioned as a ``light for the hearts'' of the citizens of Kobe, and the illumination was restarted on Valentine's Day, 28 days after the earthquake, to cheer up Kobe. - From the observation deck of Kobe Port Tower, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Kobe Airport, Mt. Rokko, Awaji Island, and more. - In 2023, the ``Brilliance Kobe'' project will begin to renovate Kobe Port Tower, and the observation room and rooftop floor will be renovated. Citations: [1] https://www6.nhk.or.jp/nhkpr/post/original.html?i=33870 [2] https://www.kobe-port-tower.com [3] https://www.hyogo-tourism.jp/spot/result/42 [4] https://txbiz.tv-tokyo.co.jp/datade [5] https://www.japantowers.jp/kobe_port_tower/
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bpaeducators · 9 months
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Are you struggling with a forgotten Tally password on Tally Prime? Don't worry, you're not alone! 😅🔒 Check out this handy tip of the day to learn how to reset your password efficiently and get back to managing your accounts seamlessly. #TallyTips #PasswordRecovery #EfficientSolution
#ExcelWorld #bpa #bpaeducators
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negreabsolut · 11 months
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Una variació del motiu grealenc de les pintures romàniques del Pireneu català del segle XII; amb una Mare de Déu sostenint un grial amb la mà esquerra. En aquest cas, però, el grial no és pas un gresal sinó una corona i, com en les altres pintures amb la mateixa narrativa grealenca, la Mare de Déu no toc el grial amb la mà nua, sinó protegint-se amb el seu mantell. Les pintures són datades del segle XII (dels anys 1100s), i l'autor n'és el Mestre d'Urgell. Actualment són conservades al MNAC.
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mortagesbycheryl · 1 year
Taking a Deep Dive into Current Labor Data and Home Prices
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📊 Taking a Deep Dive into Current Labor Data and Home Prices! 🏠💼 Let's talk about two critical pillars of our economy: labor data and home prices. 💹🏡 💼 Labor Data: The heartbeat of our workforce. The latest reports show trends in employment rates, job creation, and wage growth. 📈 It's fascinating to see how various industries are evolving, impacting our job choices and career paths. Let's decode what these numbers mean for our professional journeys! 🏠 Home Prices: The foundation of our dreams. 🏡🌟 Whether you're a homeowner, renter, or aspiring buyer, understanding the dynamics behind current home prices is crucial. Are they soaring due to demand, supply shortages, or other factors? Let's uncover the insights that shape our housing decisions! 🔍 Here is a dive deep into the data, exploring how labor trends intersect with the real estate market. August 7, 2023 Mortgage Market News - Deep Dive on Labor Data and Home Prices (mbshighway.com) Let's unravel the stories hidden within the numbers and discuss their potential implications on our lives. 💬 Share your thoughts and opinions! Have you noticed any shifts in job opportunities? How have home prices in your area evolved? Let's spark a conversation and gain a better grasp of these economic currents. Together, we can navigate these trends and make informed choices for a brighter future! ✨🌐 #EconomicInsights #LaborMarketTrends #HousingMarketUpdate #DataDive #InformedDecisions #newhome #homeloans #homebuyer Read the full article
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